Eanes ISD Profile


Eanes ISD Profile
Eanes ISD Profile
Enrollment: 8,000 (approx)
Location: 31.2 square miles covering parts of
Austin as well as the municipalities of Rollingwood and
Westlake Hills.
Number of schools: Nine (six elementary schools, two
middle schools, one high school)
Drop-Out Rate: < 0.1%
Attendance Rate: 96.3%
Ethnic Distribution:
African American
0.8% Hispanic 12.7% White 71.6% Asian/Pacific Islander 10.9% American Indian 0.3% 2 or more
Teacher Experience:
Average Years of Experience: 14.3
11 or More Years Experience: 55.3%
Advanced Degrees: 38.1%
2013-14 TEA Accountability Ratings:
District = Met Standard (Highest Rating)
All 9 campuses = Met Standard
Advanced Placement Program
Tests administered through spring of 2013: 3,112
Tests receiving a score of 3 or above: 77%
Test receiving a score of 4 or above: 45%
2013-14 National Merit Competition
19 Finalists
50 Commended
12 National Hispanic Scholars
2014 Senior Class Follow-Up
99% direct to college enrollment rate
84% planned to attend institution of higher learning
15% planned to attend a two-year community college or technical school
1% went into the military or employment
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
(STAAR) Results, Grades 3-8
% Met Satisfactory
% Advanced
Reading EISDState EISD State
96 76
95 74 42
98 76 52
98 77 42
97 75 53
98 82 65
EISDState EISD State
93 73 22
96 70 29
EISDState EISD State
92 70
92 70 37
92 79 15** 22
97 79 41
95 67 24
99 79 31
Social Studies EISDState EISD State
93 62 39
EISDState EISD State
93 73 24
94 71 47
** Eanes ISD chose to test students in the math courses in
which they are enrolled. Approximately 60% of 5th graders in Eanes ISD are advanced to 6th grade math; therefore
their numbers are not reflected in the 5th grade math results.
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
(STAAR) End of Course Results 2014
% Met Satisfactory
% Advanced
EISDState EISD State
Algebra I
98 86
English I
97 72
English II 98 73 35
U.S. History 100 92 43
2013-14 Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Crit. Read Math Writing
Westlake HS 596 626
Texas 576
National 497 513 487
2013-14 American College Test (ACT)
Westlake HS 27.3 Texas 20.9
National 21.0 www.eanesisd.net
as of 11/10/2014
1314 Patterson Lane, Austin, 78733
(512) 732-9180
Grades: K-5
Enrollment: 512
School Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Principal: Bryan Shippey
Principal’s Secretary: Kathy Kutscherousky
U.S. Blue Ribbon School (2001)
TEA Met Standard School
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding Performance
Texas Business and Education Coalition Honor Roll
National Center for Educational Achievement Higher Performing School
Top Austin Area Elementary Schools, Children at Risk Organization
The mission at Barton Creek Elementary is to
nurture the whole child in a safe, supportive and
academically challenging atmosphere, recognizing
and celebrating the uniqueness of each individual.
Barton Creek promotes a respect for self, others and
the environment.
There are a variety of campus and community education extracurricular activities available for students
including a school choir, library council, 3rd and 5th
grade math clubs, Destination Imagination and many
more. Barton Creek has two playgrounds and a nature trail that leads to several outdoor classrooms.
Barton Creek provides a broad continuum of services for students, including Gifted and Talented for
identified students, Intervention programs provided
by campus math and reading specialists and ongoing differentiated instruction for students at all
academic levels in all classrooms.
In addition, a comprehensive special education
program for students identified with special needs
is provided. An extensive literacy library supports
reading instruction in all grades. The Science Lab allows teachers, with the support of parent-volunteers,
to offer hands-on science instruction. Students enjoy
the benefits of certified P.E., Music and Art teachers
in addition to a certified librarian, a certified school
counselor and a registered nurse.
Bryan Shippey
Education: Bachelor’s Degree Psychology, Texas Tech
University; Master of Education,
University of Texas at Arlington
Joined EISD: 2010
Previous School Districts:
Arlington ISD (2000-10), Lubbock ISD (1997-2000)
6401 Cedar Street, Austin, 78746
(512) 732-9200
TEA Met Standard School
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding
Bridge Point Elementary School has served the
elementary students in the northern sections of
Eanes ISD for more than a decade. Bridge Point is
the largest EISD elementary school with an enrollment of more than 700 students.
Point secures the highest-quality educators, encourages high levels of parent involvement, and continuously pursues the best instructional methods. The
result is a school that enthusiastically adjusts to the
needs of individual students and has maintained
Exemplary status from TEA for several years.
Grades: K-5
Enrollment: 757
School Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Principal: Brad Wirht
Assistant Principal: Shannon McClure
Principal’s Secretary: Lisa Thomas
Bridge Point provides a comprehensive instructional
program for all students, including core instruction, Art, Music and PE, and daily fitness period. A
spacious library, two computer labs and technology infrastructure also are available for students.
A pervasive “Lifeskills” program is supported by a
whole-school assembly that begins each day. For
qualifying students, Bridge Point provides programs
to support reading development, Special Education
needs, advanced and enriched programs and classes
for identified Gifted and Talented students.
Supporting a mission statement that commits to
“creating a dynamic learning environment dedicated
to preparing all students to meet today’s challenges
and embrace tomorrow’s opportunities,” Bridge
Brad Wirht
Education: Bachelor of Arts,
University of Redlands;
Master of Arts, Fresno State
Joined EISD: 1993
Previous School Districts:
Exeter Union School
District (California), Department of Defense
Dependents School (Germany), Austin ISD
Honors and Awards: Spirit of Education recipient,
Cedar Creek Elementary, Eanes ISD You Make a
Difference Award
3301 Pinnacle Street, Austin, 78746
(512) 732-9120
TEA Met Standard School
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding
Cedar Creek Elementary serves the children of a
highly-educated community that has high expectations for its schools and generously supports them.
Cedar Creek provides a comprehensive instructional
classrooms that spoke off the heart of the building,
known as the Commons area. A new library/media
center and computer lab constructed in 1997 and
the building infrastructure were enhanced to connect all computers to local- and wide-area networks.
A new playground was constructed using May 2011
bond funds.
Grades: K-5
Enrollment: 486
School Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Principal: Jessica Brown
Principal’s Secretary: Linda Hopkins
Students in Grades K-5 receive Music, Art and PE
instruction on a three-day rotation. All students are
supported with a librarian, counselor, nurse, and a
Content Mastery Center. The campus has a Gifted
and Talented teacher who works with identified students as well as regular classes.
Cedar Creek provides extensive services for special
needs students. Resource teachers, Special Education homeroom teachers, Speech Therapy, and OT/
PT programs meet a broad spectrum of needs. Title I
services and a multi-sensory language arts program
are offered. Cedar Creek provides English as a Second Language instruction for the diverse language
needs of the campus population.
Built in 1978 and expanded twice, CCE provides
special purpose rooms to supplement pods of
Jessica Brown
Education: Bachelor of Science,
University of San Francisco;
Master of Education, Concordia
University Texas; Education
certificate, Texas A&M-Corpus
Joined EISD: 2003
Awards/Honors: Bridge Point Teacher of the Year,
4101 Bee Cave Road, Austin, 78746
(512) 732-9100
U.S. Blue Ribbon School (1996, 2005)
TEA Met Standard School
Promising Practices for Early Childhood
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding
Eanes Elementary is a “Lend a Hand” school. This
school-wide theme was inspired by two previous EE
students who wrote a song about students supporting each other to end bullying. Eanes Elementary
focuses on teaching students five expectations for
“Lending a Hand” (representing the 5 fingers on the
hand). These expectations are: Respect, Safety, Responsibility, Integrity and Acceptance. Our mission
is to develop the whole child. Focusing on more than
just academics, we hope to grow children that have a
strong sense of character and social responsibility.
ing and math instruction occurs at all grade levels.
The comprehensive instructional program includes
music, art and physical education classes. The use
of technology is integrated into as many aspects of
learning as possible. The Gifted and Talented program serves students in grades K-5 who qualify in
the area of creativity and our Special Education program serves all children with special needs starting
at age three. Grades: K-5
Enrollment: 606
School Hours: 7:35 a.m.-2:35 p.m.
Principal: Jodie Villemaire
Assistant Principal: Lesley Ryan
Principal’s Secretary: Charlotte Burke
Eanes is the most unique campus of the six elementary schools in Eanes ISD. The school was established on this site about 130 years ago with some
of those early buildings still in use. It is said that
coming to school at Eanes is like coming to school
in a park; the outdoor campus promotes a healthy
learning environment.
Eanes Elementary has more than 600 students who
benefit from a rich experience for children at all
developmental levels. Differentiated reading, writ-
Jodie Villemaire
Education: Bachelor of Arts,
University of Texas at
Arlington; Master of Education,
University of Texas at
Arlington; Gifted and Talented
Endorsement, University of
Texas at Arlington
Joined EISD: 2010
Previous School Districts: Mansfield ISD, Lake
Travis ISD
1203 Loop 360, Austin, 78746
(512) 732-9160
U. S. Blue Ribbon School
TEA Met Standard School
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding
Texas Business and Education Coalition Honor Roll
(2011, 2012)
Forest Trail is a K-5 campus that strives to promote
a healthy sense of self worth and a desire to help
oth¬ers while providing a strong academic foundation. At Forest Trail, the mission in working with
children is guided by 12 belief statements that address learning, children’s needs, staff development
and coopera¬tion. Forest Trail has been recognized
at both national and state levels. The school’s comprehensive instructional program includes Music,
Art and Physical Education in addition to core instruction. Special Education and Gifted and Talented
classes as well as reading and math intervention are
available to qualifying students.
computer labs. One to one iPad distribution is scheduled to occur during the 2012-2013 school year.
Grades: K-5
Enrollment: 610
School Hours: 8:25 a.m.-3:25 p.m.
Principal: Charles McCasland
Assistant Principal: Amanda O’Daniel
Principal’s Secretary: Cheryl Pratt
The Library Media Center is an integral part of the
instructional program, promoting life long learning
and information literacy. Programs bring notable
authors of children’s books and performers of children’s plays to visit FTE students. Students also are
encouraged to participate in both reading and writing pro¬grams at the state and national levels. Instructional technology also serves as an integral tool
to the Forest Trail curriculum. LCD projectors with
sound amplification systems and Smart Boards are
located in every classroom along with two complete
FTE serves approximately 600 students residing in
the central part of the district. The school was built in
1985 and received upgrades in 2001, 2008, and 2012.
Charles McCasland
Education: Bachelor of Science, University of Texas; Master of
Education, Texas Women’s
University; College of the Virgin
Islands; University of North Texas
Joined EISD: 1994
Previous School Districts: Plano ISD, Waxahachie
ISD, Austin ISD
Honors and Awards: Special Education Educator
of the Year; Texas School Public Relations Association
Star Award; Spirit of Education Award; President, Plano
Principals Assocation; University of Texas Mentor
Elementary Principal of the Year
1201 Loop 360, Austin, 78746
(512) 732-9120
TEA Met Standard School
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding
The mission of Valley View Elementary is to develop
successful learners and responsible citizens through
a team effort between the school, the parents, and
the community, in a positive learning environment. A
two-story, red-brick school, VVE serves kindergartners through fifth-graders in its convenient Westlake
location off Loop 360.
programs, and has a school nurse and counselor
available to help students.
Grades: K-5
Enrollment: 501
School Hours: 7:50 a.m.-2:50 p.m.
Principal: Jennifer Dusek
Principal’s Secretary: Teri Mansfield
Valley View is a child-centered, family-friendly and
academically challenging school. Upon entering
Valley View one can expect to find highly qualified
professionals dedicated to children and their families. Beyond the state of Texas assessment status of
an Exemplary school, VVE is dedicated to children
and their social and emotional development.
Differentiated instruction is practiced in all classrooms and children are viewed as individuals with
unique gifts and abilities. VVE students enjoy Music,
Art, Physical Education, Science laboratories, Gifted
and Talented services and more. The school offers
full library services, Special Education, Title I, reading intervention and English as a Second Language
Valley View is proud to host the largest Child Development Center in Eanes ISD. Childcare services are
available to employees and the community, enrolling
children from infancy through kindergarten.
Jennifer Dusek
Education: Bachelor of Education, Texas State University;
Master of Education, Texas
State University
Joined EISD: 2003
Previous School Districts: Hays CISD, Comal ISD
Honors and Awards: Westlake Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year
1300 Walsh Tarlton Drive, Austin, 78746
(512) 732-9220
TEA Met Standard School
U. S. Blue Ribbon School
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding Performance
Texas Business and Education Coalition Honor Roll
Hill Country Middle School is a positive, secure community committed to fostering intellectual curiosity,
critical thinking skills, and acceptance of differences
while promoting social development and emphasizing independent and cooperative learning skills so
that students achieve an enthusiasm for learning.
Originally built in 1974, Hill Country MS has been
renovated and expanded several times, including
major upgrades to the track and field, both gyms,
and increased technology available to students with
funds from the May 2011 bond program. The library
saw improvements as well, creating a quiet learning
space for students.
Grades: 6-8
Enrollment: 940
School Hours: 8:25 a.m.-3:52 p.m.
Principal: Kathleen Sullivan
Assistant Principals: Felix Grimmett, Staci
Principal’s Secretary: Shellie Foster
Hill Country MS recognizes and celebrates student
excellence and offers many opportunities for students to get involved in a wide array of activities.
In recent years HCMS choirs, bands, orchestra and
yearbook have received regional and state honors.
“Hill Country TV” is a unique school broadcast system that offers students a chance to develop production and presentation skills.
Gifted and Talented, pre-AP (Advanced Placement),
special education and ESL (English as Second Language) programs support the needs of students. It
is also possible for students in some courses to earn
high school credit.
Kathleen Sullivan
Education: Bachelor of Arts,
University of Texas; Master of
Educational Administration,
Texas State University
Joined EISD: 2000
Previous School Districts: Austin ISD, San Marcos
Honors and Awards: Capitol of Texas Counseling
Association Administrator of the Year
9201 Scenic Bluff Drive, Austin, 78733
(512) 732-9220
TEA Met Standard School
U. S. Blue Ribbon School
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding
Presidential Medal of Service
Texas Business and Education Coalition Honor Roll
West Ridge Middle School, serving Eanes ISD’s western half, is divided into smaller learning communities or “teams” of innovative and caring teachers in
each grade level to teach the “whole child” rather
than simply addressing subject areas. An emphasis
is placed on development of research skills, writing,
and interdisciplinary projects across the curriculum.
West Ridge Middle School was built in 1987 and has
been renovated and expanded several times, including major upgrades to the track and field, both gyms,
and increased technology available to students with
funds from the May 2011 bond program.
Grades: 6-8
Enrollment: 867
School Hours: 8:25 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Principal: Steve Ramsey
Assistant Principals: Erika Bacon, Abby Bridges
Principal’s Secretary: Diane Dealy
The school recognizes and celebrates student excellence and offers opportunities for students to be
involved in a wide array of activities. In recent years
WRMS choirs, bands, orchestra and academic UIL
teams have received regional and state honors. The
West Ridge WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) program uses a mentorship environment to help ensure
that all students feel connected with their school.
Gifted and Talented, pre-AP (Advanced Placement),
and Special Education programs support the needs
of students. A variety of stimulating electives and
state-of the-art technology, including four computer
labs, also supports learning.
Steve Ramsey
Education: Bachelor of Science,
University of Texas; Master of
Education in Educational Administration, Texas State University;
Joined EISD: 2002
Previous School Districts: Austin ISD, Duncanville
ISD, Kingwood ISD
4100 Westbank Drive, Austin, 78746
(512) 732-9280
Grades: 9-12
Enrollment: 2,585
School Hours: 8:40 a.m.-4:05 p.m.
Principal: Dr. John Carter
Assistant Principals: Jaime Clark, Michel Froneberger,
Donna Jackson, Michael McKelvy, Stephen Shands
Principal’s Secretary: Laurie Ackerman
Westlake High School is a comprehensive, four-year
public high school where the curriculum is primarily college preparatory. The school’s average total
enrollment, grades 9-12, is 2,550. Westlake HS consistently receives recognition at all levels, including
its rank among the best high schools in the country
by “Newsweek” and “U.S. News” magazines. It is one
of just a few large, comprehensive high schools in
the state to be rated Met Standard and exceeds both
regional and state standardized test score averages
in all categories.
Westlake HS students excel academically, as well as
in music, arts and athletics. WHS consistently boasts
impressive numbers in the National Merit competition, and traditionally, about 99 percent of students
continue their education after graduation. Westlake
High School offers a 33 Advanced Placement courses,
a Career and Technical Education program, an acclaimed Performing Arts department, as well as special support programs such as The Learning Center
and Adult Transition Services.
TEA Met Standard School
U. S. Blue Ribbon School
Texas Successful Schools Award for Outstanding
Newsweek Magazine and U.S. News and World
Report Top High Schools Lists
Dr. John Carter
Degrees Held, Universities
Attended: Bachelor of Science,
Mathematics with Highest
Departmental Distinction,
University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign; Masters of Education, Educational Administration and Secondary Education, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ph.D in Mathematics
Education, Illinois State University
Joined EISD: 2012
Previous Work: Adjunct Professor of Education
at Lake Forest College (Ill.); Assistant Principal,
Adlai Stevenson High School, Lincolnshire, Ill.
Honors and Awards: National Presidential
Award for Mathematics in Teaching; Award for
Innovation in Mathematics and Science Teaching
from “Business Week” Magazine; Lee E. Yunker
Mathematics Leadership Award