LourdesNews - Amazon Web Services
LourdesNews - Amazon Web Services
Lourdes News 36 12 November 2014 I m p o rt a nt D at e s November 14 Foundation Stone Day 9am 21 Full Assembly Menegon Centre School Fees Due 22 P&F/Board Break Up 24 Town v Country Swim Carnival 25 Christmas Concert 26 School Mass 9am 27 Frank Fraser Lecturettes ISS Board Meeting 5.30pm December 1 Year 6 & 7 Trip to Townsville 3 Year 6 & 7 Liturgy & Dinner 5 School Ends at 11.30am From the Principal ... Dear Families, This week both our staff and our students attended workshops run by one of Australia’s cybersafety experts, Susan McLean. Parents also had the opportunity to hear Susan speak on Monday night. Susan was a wealth of information and outlined the many cyber dangers and safety issues our students face when online - including the internet’s social apps and games. Susan highlighted how many of the apps like kik and Facebook have age restrictions. Facebook users are to be 13+ to sign on to them, while apps like kik are in fact 17+. She highlighted to both staff and students that this was for their protection and encouraged all parents to become more aware of their child’s online activity. Many thanks to Johnathon Greer for making it possible for Susan to visit our schools. Last night I attend the second First Reconciliation evening. This is always a very special occasion for our students. While some were excited, others were a little apprehensive and nervous—our many blessings and prayers for these children and their families. Many thanks to Fr Damian, Chella Cantatore from the Parish Office for her organisation, to the NET team for their beautiful voices and music, and to the parents and instructors. We look forward to continuing their Sacramental journey next year with Confirmation and Communion. It has been a delight to welcome some of our 2015 Preppies to school this week for orientation and look forward to welcoming others next week. This Friday we will be commemorate 100 years since the laying of the Foundation Stone for our school with a Prayer Liturgy on the lawn of the Presbytery at 9 o’clock, followed by morning tea under the school - families are more than welcome to join us. Lastly, we would like to say our final farewell to the NET Team: Jess, Dan, Lauren, Caleb and Celene. It has been wonderful having them in our parish and school community during 2014! We wish them all the very best for the future. Have a great week. Paula Martin - Acting Principal From the APRE ... Farewell NET Team! The count down has truly begun as we approach our end of year events such as reporting, last assemblies, Year 6 and 7 farewell Mass and thanksgiving Mass, Advent and Christmas. This morning we celebrated Mass for the truly last time with our NET team who fly out this Saturday. Thank you to everyone who contributes to our fortnightly Masses by reading, setting up, serving, singing and presiding. This morning was a beautiful Mass particularly because of the children's wholehearted singing and responding. We do have a few more to go yet, our next Mass as a school will be Wednesday 26th November. Welcome! Congratulations to all our young children who this week received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday and Tuesday evening. You all were well prepared and received the Sacrament with great reverence. Many blessings, Melissa Pavin - Acting APRE 18 Abbott Street / P.O. Box 1553, Ingham Qld 4850 Ph: (07) 4776 2719 Fax: (07) 4776 3882 Email: ighm@tsv.catholic.edu.au Web: www.olltsv.catholic.edu.au Page 2 Lour des News Congratulations to last Friday’s Award Winners ... Achievement Awards School Spirit Awards … Fair Go Prep VV Bayden Robino … for working hard to keep his work neat. Prep AG Molly McShea … for working diligently to produce well written sentences with fantastic spelling. Well done Molly! 1DM Charlotte Lewis … for producing outstanding rhyming combinations from the story book “Rhyming Dust Bunnies”. Great job Charlotte! 1MB Brooke Bourke … for reading at a very high level with great comprehension skills. Well done Brooke! 2PC Kai Hodgson … for improvement in his reading using his strategies well. 2/3CA Lily Hobbs … for showing an excellent understanding of subtraction and division concepts 3PB Katie Spina … for overcoming her fears and achieving great results in the swimming carnival. 4ED Zoe Kemp … for excellent number fact and spelling skills 4/5MG Lachlan Giuffrida … for his excellent effort with reading and for working hard to complete his maths activities. 5SK Bianca Marano … for a great imagination when writing your “Ben and Holly” playscript. 6CT Lachlan Waldon … for the exceptional standard of work he produces across all areas of the curriculum and the leadership he showed during the swimming carnival by participating in every event. 6MQ Rachel Henney … for displaying maturity in all set tasks attaining pleasing results. 7MB Kymmy Stifanic … for working hard to achieve very pleasing results on literacy tasks in class. Well done Kymmy. Prep VV Ayden Torrisi … by being a kind friend who is always willing to include others. Prep AG Rocco Corsaro … by working hard to use selfcontrol and let others have a ‘fair go’ in the classroom. Keep up the great work Rocco! 1DM Sharief Kabay … by using kinds words and manners in and out of class, to make sure everyone is getting a fair go. Keep up the good work Sharief! 1MB Tristan Vezzaro ... by displaying a good work ethic to complete his work on time and to a good standard. 2PC Brayden Spina … by always treating his classmates fairly in classroom activities. 2/3CA Trinity Cottell-Handley … by showing appreciation and acceptance to all of her classmates. 3PB Kasey Roati … by acting justly and fairly in groups and for being a good listener in class activities. 4ED Nicholas DiBella … by always including others in tasks and making sure the game is fair. 4/5MG Mia Gofton … by treating your classmates with kindness and respect, providing a good example to all. 5SK Brendan Bogotto … by being a good listener and allowing your fellow classmates the opportunity to speak in group situations. 6CT Emily Firth … by being a kind friend who listens to others and sets a good example to her peers. 6MQ Beau Lepinath … by reading clearly and respectfully at our school mass. 7MB Christopher Aquilini … by always giving his classmates a ‘fair go’ in group activities. Great work Christopher. Netball Carnival Last Friday, Lourdes fielded five teams in the District School Netball Carnival at the Association Courts. All teams played extremely well: two teams in the junior division and three teams in the senior division. Our Lourdes Firebirds team were the ultimate victors of the senior division. Well done! Congratulations to all girls and thank you to Mrs Groundwater for organising the carnival and all staff and parents who assisted on the day. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 2 Lour des News Outside School Hours Care All families will have received a letter seeking an indication of their potential use of Outside School Hours Care (including Vacation Care) here at Lourdes in 2015. In order to proceed, we need to ascertain the numbers of families that will use this service, before and after school, and during school holidays. If you plan to use this service, it is imperative that you respond by returning the form to the school office no later than this Friday (extended from 12 November.) If you require another copy, please contact the office. Working Bee Thanks Thank you to the small group of parents, students and staff who mulched our gardens and spit-npolished our school grounds on Saturday morning. We all appreciate you giving up some of your weekend to make our school look beautiful! Proposed Class Teachers for 2015 Prep ......................... Andrea Groundwater Prep/Year 1 ........... Sonya Kemp/Melissa Inunciaga (1day) Year 1 ..................... Mori Gori Year 2 ..................... Melissa Pavin Year 2 ..................... Charmaine Ali Year 3 ..................... Mari Quabba Year 4 ..................... Paul Cavallaro Year 4/5 ................. Elizabeth Davis Year 5/6 ................. Alison Greer Year 6 ..................... Michael Mendiolea School Fees: What happens when you have two or more children at Catholic Schools? As of 2015, families that have children attending Gilroy Santa Maria College with siblings at Our Lady of Lourdes or St Peters, Halifax, will be entitled to a significant discount. Full fees apply to the first child, then discounts apply to further children. More information will be appear in the newsletter soon. Congratulations! Congratulations to our teacher, Danielle Mastrippolito and husband, Adrian Scovazzi on the recent safe arrival of their little baby girl, Matisse Luella. May God shower you all with blessings. The last day of school is Friday 5 December 2014. Please note that school ends at 11.30am on this day. Parents will need to make arrangements to collect their children no later than 11.45am as supervision ends at this time. Please note that NO BUSES will depart Lourdes this afternoon. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Lour des News Page 4 Father of Heaven and earth, hear my prayer and show me the way to peace. Guide each effort of my life so that my faults and my sins may not keep me from the peace You promised. May the new life of grace You give me through the Eucharist and prayer make my love for You grow and keep me in the joy of Your Kingdom. Amen f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 5 Lour des News Senior Firebirds and Senior Swifts ended up on same points at the end of the carnival, however Firebirds made it into the Final using count-back of For and Against points....very complicated- thank goodness Pete was there to help me!! Firebirds originally lost to Macknade in Round 1 and then went on to beat them in the Finals with a score of: ???? Will need to ask Michelle B. Senior Phoenix...don't think they won any games, but the girls had a lovely afternoon and all played with tremendous spirit and great sportsmanship. My little juniors- don't think they won any games either?? Will ask Katie in the morning.....I hated that I didn't get to see even one game of theirs!! f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 6 Lour des News f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 7 Lour des News Year 2 & 3 Excursion Last Thursday 6th November, students from year 2 and 3 ventured out to discover more about some of our community's everyday heroes as part of this term's English unit. We visited the Police Station, Fire Station and Tropical Vet Services and were wowed at how these wonderful people serve our community. We learned that our firemen and women don't just fight fires anymore. They also perform swift-water rescues, scale cliffs to rescue people and assist at car crashes. We got to see the big yellow suit that they wear when they deal with chemical spills, too! We all experienced being 'locked up' and fingerprinted at the Police Station with our adopt-a-cop, Constable Kirsty and we even got to see their guns and tasers!!!!!! We had to be very quiet as we also learned that our police friends also have to do a LOT of paperwork and we didn't want to disturb them! Dr Don at the vet showed us all his special equipment and told us all about his typical day, which includes checking on any animal patients, doing many different types of surgeries and even being called out to people's farms. Dr Don froze some weeds with liquid nitrogen and smashed them! That was awesome! We learned how he uses the liquid nitrogen to help animals with diseases. We asked lots of questions on our excursion, which will help us when we write our persuasive text about “everyday heroes”. We thank our “everyday heroes” for all that they do for us! f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 8 Lour des News Look what’s happening in our Classrooms ... Prep AG ... We have really enjoyed learning about different services in our community over the past few weeks, and have especially enjoyed being able to role play in our own play town in the classroom. We have continued to learn sight words and new reading strategies each week and are writing awesome sentences using fantastic attempts at spelling. This week we are welcoming our new prep friends for next year. They are coming to join us in small groups everyday for the next two weeks. It has been great to catch up with some of our old friends from Kindy last year and we are looking forward to helping them settle in to Prep when we are big Year 1 students next year! Prep VV ... There has been a huge debate going in in Prep VV… is Mrs Venturato’s baby a boy or girl? Did you know they were our sight words that week? Some Preps are sure it is going to be a girl and others are convinced it has to be a boy (who likes to play football). So we made a graph together to find out which one was most popular. We wrote our chosen sight word on a sticky note and arranged them in a graph. Can you see what was the most popular guess? Now all we have to do is wait and see! Since our last update we have started our swimming lessons which have been a blast! In literacy we looked at the sound th and decided the Classroom Cafe should have a special for thick cut toast for the week. The NET team also came to visit to help us learn more about Jesus and his family! They told us the story of the Nativity and we all acted it out together which is always fun. We have also need to give a big congratulations to Mrs Bernice as she became a grandmother again to a beautiful baby boy named Freddie! We have certainly missed her over the last few weeks and will be welcoming her back soon. 1DM ... We have started looking at letter writing these past two week. We have written letters to “The Crayons that Quit”, a multitude of Monsters and will start our letters to Santa very soon. We have also started Christmas spotting this week. All of a sudden a Christmas tree popped into the classroom!! Students have started their assessment pieces for The Arts and have been practicing our Shape Dance routines. They are going to be fabulous! On Tuesday was Remembrance Day. Students celebrated the lives of our Soldiers by making Peace Doves and writing what peace is to them. They are gorgeous and very well written. We have learned so much about Our Mother Mary and her Assumption and this week will start Advent. What an exciting lead up to Christmas and the much anticipated Christmas Craft! 1MB ... Our class has thoroughly enjoyed the Monster books we have been reading for literacy. The students have written some wonderful diary entries about these books every week and why they would recommend these books to their friends. We have been doing a lot of revision through our numeracy groups and the students have enjoyed working together on various problems and activities. Even though Mrs Brown can’t sing (!), we have learnt a new song about ADVENT and sung it to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We have been dancing and learning how to form our bodies into different shapes and we even made letters with our bodies which was a lot of fun! 2PC ... As part of our English unit on Everyday Heroes, Year 2PC had an excursion to the Ingham Fire and Police Stations as well as to Ingham’s Tropical Vet Services. The purpose of the excursion was to learn more about the roles these wonderful heroes play in the community, what skills they need to be a firefighter, police officer or vet and why they chose those roles. In mathematics we have been learning about solving addition and subtraction algorithms using a variety of methods, revisiting money concept and using it in shopping situations and exploring area and properties of 3D shapes. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 9 Lour des News 2/3CA ... We have been working very hard on our Everyday Heroes unit. We have been reading and writing about the special skills that firemen, policemen, paramedics and surf lifesavers have to have so they can help and keep members of the community safe. We had an excursion to visit our Adopt-a-Cop, Constable Kirsty and Dr Don, the Vet, as well as some of the Ingham Firefighters last Thursday. In Maths we are learning about fractions and area. In Geography, Year 3 have been looking at the different climates around the world and Year 2 have been examining the way our first inhabitants’ connection to country. 3PB ... We are beginning to persuade Mrs Barbagallo and Mrs Pavin that pets belong at school!! It must be the opinions disguised as facts or the causes and effects that have made us think it would be a good idea to bring our dogs and cats into the classroom! Along with becoming master persuaders, 3PB have been busy including visiting our everyday community heroes at the fire station, police station and Tropical Vet Services last week. We have starting our technology assessment which is designing our own Turtle Excluder Device (TED), and we have been powering on with our geography, religion, maths and science units. 4ED ... We are enjoying writing play scripts. So far we have visited with the Three Little Pigs, Cinderella and her ugly Stepsisters, Ben and Holly and Splat the Cat. We also enjoy performing them. We have also been learning about Mary, the Mother of God. It is wonderful that we can talk to someone so kind and caring. 4/5MG ... In Year 4/5 MG we are writing play scripts from a variety of media including animated video clips and texts. The children have enjoyed these activities and are working well in groups. In Science, the Year 4 children have been learning about different types of materials that are used in our world and why, whilethe Year 5 children have been learning about the devastating floods that occur in our world. Over the coming weeks the children will be busy working on their assessments. Not long to go now to the finish of another busy and fantastic term. 5SK ... Grade 5 are working hard this term learning about floods. We have talked about the destruction and devastation caused by them, including floods in our local area. Last week we looked at Venezuela, December 1999. The destruction caused by this flood was enormous. 6CT ... Year 6 have been exploring the ways in which Catholic Education has changed since Federation. Students have created timelines displaying changes in school and student numbers, lay teaching education and loads more. Most of the fun has been interviewing family members about how different their schooling was to today’s schools. Cyber-safety has become a very important part of our lives and curriculum at Lourdes and the students are currently writing persuasive texts telling other students the reasons why we need to keep ourselves safe of the internet. 6MQ ... Year 6 have been studying ways to keep safe while using the internet as well as surveying the class to collect and collate data about what places we like to visit in Australia. We have also investigated what favourite pastimes people had whilst on holidays as part of our Geography unit. During Science lessons we have been observing change, both physical and chemical. As an example, we combined sodium bicarbonate and tartaric acid, which resulted in a fizzing reaction. We then decided that aeration had occurred. Our last term is flying by so quickly………………….. soon we will ready to fly the coop! 7MB ... Year 7 students have been busily finalising end of year assessments in most subject areas. They have also been studying Australian Artists in Visual Arts, ‘Force and Motion’ in Science, Multiculturalism in English and ‘Place and Livability’ in Geography. Assignment tasks have included speech writing, writing a ‘persuasive’ argument and Web tasks. As a culminating activity, the students are bringing in personal photos to create a presentation for the Rite of Passage ceremony. HPE ... All classes have had a three week block working with Miss Laurinda from Ingham Gymnastics Club participating in some fun gymnastics lessons. Students have also been working hard on their catching and throwing skills to help prepare for lessons with Simon Edge, the Queensland Cricket Development Officer. We have also had a busy time of late with many students participating in cricket, swimming, netball and tennis carnivals which are great way of displaying skills learnt in class lessons and training times. Italian ... Students have been busy writing and creating ibooks about “Chi Sono” (Who Am I) on the chrome books. These stories feature a guessing game about animals. The students have cleverly narrated their own stories in Italian adding verbal clues and images so that the reader is able to guess what animal is being described. Ben Fatto!!!! f aith … mer cy … education … hope Lour des News Page 10 Get to know your Staff … Alison Greer Math and Literacy Extension Teacher Tell us a little about your work history? How long have you been teaching? How long have you been at Lourdes? I started teaching at St Joseph’s Mount Isa in 2007. I spent four years in Mount Isa and during this time I married the Grade Seven teacher, Johnathon Greer. While I was pregnant with our son Oliver, we decided to move to Townsville and I was transferred to Holy Spirit, Cranbrook, although I took some time off to look after our son instead. It was here where we thought we would settle down and raise our family. However, a wonderful opportunity then came up for my husband to become the Principal of St Peter’s Halifax, so we moved here at the beginning of last year, where I took up a part time Year Two position at Lourdes. This year I have been working at both Lourdes and St Peter’s, while getting ready for another move as Johnathon becomes APRE of Gilroy next year. Tell us a little about you personally? Your family? Where did you grow up & go to school? I was born in Washington DC, USA, and am the only American (now a dual citizen) in my family. My parents and younger brother, Shaun, are all born and bred in Australia. Here I am receiving an Arkansas Ambassador award issued by Bill Clinton, the Governor of Arkansas, USA at the time. I was in Grade Four. I spent some time in the states before moving back to Perth (where my parents are from) and went to school as well as university in beautiful, sunny Perth (except for Grade Four and Five, which I went back to America for). Once I completed my Bachelor of Education, I decided to go straight onto getting a Masters in Learning Support, and moved to Brisbane to complete this at the University of Queensland. As soon as I gained my Masters, I moved to Mount Isa, where I met and married my husband and we now have a gorgeous son, Oliver. What do you like to do in your spare time/on weekends? Health, fitness and clean eating are big passions of mine, and when I am not playing sport or working out, I am often in the kitchen cooking! I am also a big fan of continued education and am always studying something. Most nights this is what I spend my time doing – completing assignments. On weekends I love to get outdoors and see or do something new. I love day trips exploring the area or overnight camping also. However, I also value spending time with friends and will often have BBQ lunches in the park with a group of families, or leave my husband and son at home for a ladies’ lunch or dinner. However, most importantly, I love spending time with my husband and son, doing the simple things that make them smile! What is your favourite TV show? I don’t have a whole lot of time to watch much tv. I do follow Revenge, Grey’s Anatomy, Time of Our Lives and The Good Wife, but usually this is via catch up episodes on the holidays. However, I will watch Friends or Seinfeld while doing the housework, folding clothes or cooking dinner etc – I am a huge fan of both of these programs! What is your dream holiday destination? My husband and I are great music lovers and try to get to as many concerts as we can – most of our holiday trips have been centred around which act is visiting Australia at the time and we are very fortunate to have seen some amazing bands! I love to travel and experience anywhere new, but I would love to do an extensive trip around f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 11 Lour des News Europe, as well as go back to America and visit some of my oldest and dearest friends – watching their families grow up via photos and email just isn’t the same! This is me sky diving when I was 16. What do you like the most about being a teacher? For me, teaching is about discovering and fostering passion in students. I love to see a student passionate about something they are learning, whether it is a new math strategy that helps them solve a problem solving activity, to a science concept that helps them to complete a science experiment, or a new understanding of language to complete a poem or story. I love the hands-on, discovering side of education, as I have found that it is often these situations that help students to discover new passions. However, I also love the fact that I can go outside and play sport with my students. Do you have any pets? We currently only have one dog, our Great Dane, Nahla. However, for many, many years we had three dogs; Chewbacca – a Sausage Dog x Terrier, Muttley – a bit of everything but predominantly dingo, and Nahla. Chewbacca and Muttley passed away before we moved to Ingham and are still greatly missed members of our family! What/who inspires you? Personally, I am inspired by my three year old son, Oliver. Oliver has faced more challenged in his short three years than most do in a life time, and continues to face these on a daily basis. Not only does he fight hard to conquer each challenge, but he then gets on with life with a huge smile on his face. He never complains, gets down about his situation, feels sorry for himself or seeks special attention or treatment. He is also extremely compassionate and thoughtful of others and continues to teach me valuable life lessons every day. I am so very blessed to be his Mum! Professionally, I am inspired by my husband – the most amazing teacher I have ever met. I have had the pleasure of working with Johnathon for many years now and have been able to watch the positive life-changing impact he has on the students he teaches. Many past families of students Johnathon has worked with actively keep in touch with him and even though these students are now at university or in the workforce, they still talk about their most profound year of schooling – their year with Johnathon. He inspires me every day and has made me the teacher I am. If you could invite ANY 3 people to dinner, who would they be? My first person would definitely be Danny Bhoy (born Danny Chaudhry), a stand-up comedian from Scotland and without doubt the funniest man alive. No one can make me laugh the way he does and I have been a big fan of his for many years now. My second person would be Jon Bon Jovi (with Bruce Springsteen just missing out). Again, I have been a fan of his music since I can remember, but I also admire the way he shares his good fortune with others – often without recognition. My husband and I once flew from Mount Isa to Perth (via Brisbane) on a Saturday morning, to see Bon Jovi in concert Saturday night, then few back Sunday with enough time to then teach on Monday – exhausting but well worth the trip! The last person I would invite is the late Paul Walker. Apart from being a huge fan of the Fast and the Furious movies, he is another person who quietly went about helping those around him without needing to tell the world about it. Most people only learned about much of his generosity after he was killed in a car accident late last year and this is a trait of his I very much admire. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Lour des News Page 12 DATE CLAIMER Lourdes School’s Christmas Concert 6.30pm on Tuesday, 25 November in our Menegon Centre PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE WILL NOT BE A BBQ DINNER AVAILABLE THIS NIGHT. 2015 TERM DATES You are welcome to bring a picnic-style dinner and eat it under the school before the concert. Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4: Tuesday 27 January - Thursday 2 April (10 weeks) Monday 20 April - Friday 26 June (10 weeks) Monday 13 July - Friday 18 September (10 weeks) Tuesday 6 October - Friday 4 December (9 weeks) Pupil Free Days Monday 19 October Public Holidays New Year's Day Australia Day Good Friday Easter Saturday Easter Monday Anzac Day Queen's Birthday Labour Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Thursday, 1 January Monday, 26 January Friday, 3 April Saturday, 4 April Monday, 6 April Saturday, 25 April Monday, 8 June Monday, 5 October Friday, 25 December Saturday, 26 December & Monday, 28 December f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 13 Lour des News 10 December f aith … mer cy … education … hope Lour des News Page 14 LUNCHTIME ACTIVITY STUFF! LOURDESINGHAM 2015 School Year f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 15 Lour des News f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 16 Lour des News f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 17 Lour des Noti cebo ard Weekly Tuckshop Specials Tuckshop Roster Thursday, 13 November A Pappin, N Jorgensen Thursday, 13 October Steak Sandwich (w onion & slaw).................$5.50 Friday, 14 November J Butler Friday, 14 November Chicken Parma Burger ...................................$6.00 Roast of the Day: Beef Wednesday, 19 November RED DAY J Copley, L Torrisi, HELP NEEDED! Monday, 17 November Chilli Chicken Melts ................................ $6.00 full (chicken, capsicum, onion in tortilla) ..... $3.00 half Friday, 21 November M Glindermann, M Watts RED DAY—Wednesday, 19 November—HELP WANTED! Fish n Chips ...................................................$6.00 Puff Dogs (3) .................................................$4.00 Hot Chips .......................................................$3.00 Nuggets & Chips ............................................$5.00 Gnocchi ..........................................................$5.00 Toasties, sandwiches and salads as per usual Packets of Chips $2 Icecream/Softdrink Spider $2, Ice-cream Cup $2 P&F and Board Break-Up 22nd November 78 Bruce Parade, Lucinda 4:30pm Samples in the school office BYO drinks and chairs. Please bring nibblies, sweet or salad to share. RSVP needed for catering—please contact office. Children invited. Monday, 17 November T Merker Thursday, 20 November S Marano, L Whittington Monday, 24 November K Venturato Wednesday, 26 November A Brescianini LOURDES PLAYGROUP Each Tuesday 9.00am to 10.30am At Lourdes School in Prep Outside Area $3.00 per family BYO Morning Tea All children under 5 and their parents welcome!! Ingham Catholic Parishes Weekend Mass Times St. Patrick’s, Ingham Sat. Vigil 6pm Sunday 8.30am, 7pm St. Peter’s, Halifax Sunday, 7am Canossa Chapel, Trebonne Sunday, 10am St Teresa’s, Abergowrie Sunday, 10am f aith … mer cy … education … hope
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