here - HIPPY USA


here - HIPPY USA
HIPPY USA wishes to extend sincere appreciation and deep gratitude to the
following individuals and organizations for their valuable contribution to our
National Conference:
All of the FLORIDA HIPPY programs, volunteers, state advisory committee
members, coordinators, funders, home visitors, parents and children
Our National Conference Committee that includes the Florida HIPPY T&TA
Center staff and all the Florida HIPPY programs
Leroy Butler, Jewel Johnson and Keynote Speaker Ethan Long for providing
their time and talents for the Avima D. Lombard Award Dinner
Ellen Galinsky, Ralph Smith, Adam Shapiro, Kathleen Havey and Thomas
Moore for serving as Keynote Speakers during event.
The outstanding presenters that include HIPPY USA Staff, National Trainers
and State Leaders, Coordinators, and Guests
Alice Greenwood, our beloved “Quilt Lady,” who is the creator of the HIPPY
Our Avima D. Lombard Award Committee: Beth Francis, Tyra Greenwood
Shonyell Johnson, Natha Jolly, Marjorie Margolies, Linda McNulty, Olayinka
Ojo, Tina Watson, Gwen Welch and Paul Wirtz
Our authors and book signing guests: Mary Doyle, Lorrel Esterbrook, M.
Gayle Hart, Ethan Long and Carla Mowell
Our sponsors: Adam Shapiro Public Relations, Connelly 3 Publishing Group,
Council for Professional Recognition, GHP Media, Inc., IBERIABANK and Weil,
Gotshal & Manges LLP.
Thank You for Your Support
in Shaping Our Event!
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Adam Shapiro Public Relations, LLC
New Home Visitor CDA Assessment Process
Coming Summer 2016
2460 16th Street, NW • Washington, DC 20009-3547 | 202.427.3603
Thank You
& Contacts
Leads &
For All You Do to Shape the Future
of Children & Families
From the HIPPY USA National Board of Trustees
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Table of Contents
GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 5
CONFERENCE AGENDA AT-A-GLANCE ................................................................. 6
HOTEL MAP ................................................................................................................ 8
SUNDAY'S AGENDA .................................................................................................. 9
National Board of Trustees Meeting ....................................................................... 9
Avima D. Lombard Award Dinner ........................................................................... 9
National Trainer Meeting/Workshop ....................................................................... 9
MONDAY'S AGENDA ...............................................................................................10
Opening Session ..................................................................................................10
Morning Workshops .............................................................................................11
Luncheon Session ................................................................................................12
Afternoon Workshops ...........................................................................................13
State and Regional Meetings ...............................................................................14
TUESDAY'S AGENDA ..............................................................................................15
Morning Workshops .............................................................................................15
Afternoon Workshops ...........................................................................................17
State Director and National Trainer Meeting/Workshop.......................................18
WEDNESDAY'S AGENDA ........................................................................................18
Plenary Session ...................................................................................................18
Closing Lunch Session .........................................................................................18
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE .................................................21
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Designed for
HIPPY staff to
gain more
about the HIPPY
curriculum and
the essence of
HIPPY, this is a
required training
for new
and supervisors
looking to fulfill
Standard 7.
July 10th –14th
Little Rock, AR
Watch for more
information in the weekly
emails from HIPPY USA.
Questions? Contact Tina
Watson at 501.537.7732 or
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
General Information
The registration area will be open for the convenience of attendees, presenters and volunteers from Sunday
through Wednesday and is located at Registration Desk A/B on the Rosen Plaza Ground Floor (see Hotel Map –
page 8).
HIPPY USA will provide the Avima Gala dinner on Sunday night and lunch each day. Breakfast and dinner will be
on your own the remaining days and the hotel offers a variety of in-house dining options at various prices.
Exhibitors will be located in Alcoves A, B, & C and will feature highlights from the host programs, items from
Young Living Essential Oils, and resources from our partners at Adam Shapiro Public Relations, the Council for
Professional Recognition, Connelly 3 Publishing Group and the HIPPY Store. Don’t forget to stop by the HIPPY
Store for your end of year celebrations and to purchase our newest items.
Your feedback is important to us! Please complete your workshop evaluation at the conclusion of each session.
Overall conference evaluations will be emailed. Please be sure to check your inbox when you return. Your
comments help us make improvements to future conferences.
Professional Development Hours
The conference will provide at least 14 professional development hours. Participants’ completed Professional
Development Worksheet (page 21) will serve as certification. Workshop participants will receive certification
stickers, categorized by Professional Development Area, from the presenters at the conclusion of each session.
This is proof of training hours. HUSA cannot replace a lost certificate.
Social Media
We will utilize social media to engage attendees and the early childhood education community with real-time
updates via Twitter and Facebook! Whether you’ve got an iPad, smartphone or laptop, we want you to post
periodic updates, share information about your conference session and more! (Don’t forget to “Like” the HUSA
Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @HIPPYUSA.) Use the following hashtags with your posts and
tweets: #HUSAconf2016, #HIPPYworks, #HIPPYLeadership2016.
Presenter List and Attendee List
At the conclusion of the national conference, the complete list of presenters and participants will be emailed to all
conference participants, and also placed on the HIPPY USA web site. Presenter bios will be available as well.
Workshop Materials
At the conclusion of the national conference, workshop materials shared by conference presenters will be placed
on the HIPPY USA web site.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Agenda At-a-Glance
Sunday (4/3)
HIPPY USA National Board of Trustees Meeting – 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
HIPPY USA National Trainers’ Meeting – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Registration – Noon to 6 p.m.
Home Visitor Rally – 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Avima D. Lombard Award Dinner – 6 p.m. Reception & Book Signing, Dinner & Program at 7 p.m.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Agenda At-a-Glance
Wednesday (4/6)
Plenary Session – 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Break – 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. (allows for check out)
Closing Lunch Session – 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
o Featuring Keynote Speaker, Dr. Thomas Moore
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Rosen Plaza Hotel
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Sunday, April 3
8:30 a.m.− 5 p.m.
HIPPY USA National Board of Trustees Meeting
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
National Trainers’ Meeting
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Home Visitor Rally (designed specifically for home visitors)
Noon − 6 p.m.
HIPPY USA National Conference Registration
All conference participants are asked to check in at the HIPPY USA registration area,
where you will receive your conference booklet, meal tickets and hospitality bag. This is
also the perfect opportunity to greet old friends and meet new ones!
Avima D. Lombard
Award Dinner
Sunday, April 3 ⏐ 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ⏐ Ballroom B
Reception and Book Signing begin at 6:00 p.m.
Keynote Speaker
Ethan Long
award-winning and internationally
recognized illustrator
Join us for this event honoring our own outstanding HIPPY professionals whose services have made a
significant contribution to improving the lives of children and families. Previous recipients include: Nan
Rich, Miriam Westheimer, Scott Gordon, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jeffrey Tabak, Carol Rasco, M. Gayle
Hart, Mary Doyle and Judy Gibson.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Opening General Session
April 4, 2016 │9:00 a.m. │Ballroom A
Mary Lindsey, Ph.D.
State Director
Florida HIPPY T&TA Center
University of South Florida
Lia Lent
National Executive Director, HIPPY USA
Marjorie Margolies
Chair, HIPPY USA National Board of Trustees
Keynote Speaker
Ellen Galinsky
President and Co-Founder
Families and Work Institute (FWI)
Donna Kirkwood
National Program Director, HIPPY USA
Conference Announcements
Teri Todd
Director of Operations, HIPPY USA
Door Prizes
Florida Host Programs
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Monday Professional Development Sessions
April 4, 2016 │10:30 a.m. to noon
The session descriptions that follow will assist you in selecting from an array of topics. Some presenters have
established participant limits and the doors will be closed when the maximum number is reached. Please select a
second workshop in case your first choice is full. The seating is on a first-come, first served basis.
Reflective Supervision
Salon 9
Presenter: Michelle Mackin-Brown – Family and Community Services Team Lead at the Educare Denver School at Clayton
Early Learning
Support the staff you supervise to answer their own questions and guide them towards decision-making. Work together with your
staff to explore emotions and feelings related to issues that may arise in the work they do with families. Learn how to support your
staff members in an empathetic, non-judgmental way and cultivate a supervisor/supervisee relationship focused on honesty and
trust. Recommended for supervisors and coordinators. Limited to 60.
Simplify! Simplify! Simplify!
Salon 10
Presenter: Ethan Long – Award-Winning Children’s Book Author & Illustrator
In this exciting, interactive and hands-on session, attendees will learn the importance of simplifying in writing and drawing and how
it can be translated into everyday tasks and activities. Drawing pads and pencils will be provided.
Recommended for all. Limited to 60.
Spice Up Your Role Play
Salon 11
Presenters: Letty Aleman & Heather McQueen – Coastal Bend HIPPY Coordinators, Corpus Christi, TX
If you want role play to be fun and interactive, this is the workshop for you! Come and learn fun tips and tricks to spice up your
weekly role play/staff meetings. We will demonstrate easy activities and ice breakers to include in your role play so that home
visitors will be engaged and enthusiastic. Recommended for coordinators and home visitors. Limited to 60.
Strategies to Support Family Engagement in Home Visiting
Salon 12
Presenter: Kathy Pillow-Price, Ph.D. Director – Arkansas Home Visiting Network
Effective home visitors engage families by focusing their child’s development, interacting positively to support child development,
using family activities for learning, and engaging in collaborative planning. This session will assist home visitors in engaging family’s
efforts to promote their children’s healthy development and learning through actively participating in home visits. Recommended for
coordinators and home visitors. Limited to 60.
The Impact of Collaborative Programming: Serving Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Salon 13
Presenters: Karen Berkman, Ph.D. – Executive Director, Center for Autism and Related Disabilities and the Learning
Academy at the University of South Florida | Mary Lindsey, Ph.D. – Florida HIPPY State Director and HIPPY USA National
Trainer | Brenda Brinson – HIPPY Coordinator, Bible-Based Fellowship Church of Temple Terrace, Tampa, FL
This session will describe an innovative application of the HIPPY curriculum to a new population; specifically, children diagnosed
with autism spectrum disorder. Recommended for administrators, coordinators and supervisors. Limited to 60.
Using ETO Reports to Tell Your Story
Salon 14
Presenters: Donna Kirkwood, Ph.D. – HIPPY USA National Program Director | Natha Jolly – Data Management Specialist,
You’ve put in your data, now what? ETO is more than just a place to input data. ETO can tell you how families, home visitors and
your program are performing.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Campaign for Grade Level Reading
Networking Luncheon
April 4, 2014 │12:15 to 1:15 p.m. │Ballroom B
Lia Lent
National Executive Director, HIPPY USA
Keynote Speaker
Ralph Smith
Managing Director
Campaign for Grade Level Reading
The Campaign is a collaborative effort by foundations, nonprofit partners, business
leaders, government agencies, states and communities across the nation to
ensure that more children in low-income families succeed in school and graduate
prepared for college, a career, and active citizenship.
HIPPY USA is extremely proud to be a partner
with the Campaign for Grade Level Reading.
Donna Kirkwood, Ph.D.
National Program Director, HIPPY USA
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Monday Professional Development Sessions
April 4, 2016 │1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
The session descriptions that follow will assist you in selecting from an array of topics. Some presenters have
established participant limits and the doors will be closed when the maximum number is reached. Please select a
second workshop in case your first choice is full. The seating is on a first-come, first served basis.
Reflective Supervision
Salon 9
Presenter: Michelle Mackin-Brown – Family and Community Services Team Lead at the Educare Denver School at Clayton
Early Learning
Support the staff you supervise to answer their own questions and guide them towards decision-making. Work together with your
staff to explore emotions and feelings related to issues that may arise in the work they do with families. Learn how to support your
staff members in an empathetic, non-judgmental way and cultivate a supervisor/supervisee relationship focused on honesty and
trust. Recommended for supervisors and coordinators. Limited to 60.
Working with Families During Times of Crisis: What Home Visitors Can Do to Help
Salon 10
Presenter: Nicholas Long, Ph.D. – Director of the Arkansas Home Visiting Network Training Institute, Professor of Pediatrics &
Director of Pediatric Psychology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences & Arkansas Children’s Hospital
This workshop will focus on strategies that home visitors can use to help the families they serve during times of crisis. Both general
crisis intervention strategies as well as strategies for specific types of crises (e.g., domestic violence, parental separation/divorce,
family death, mental health issues, substance abuse problems, and natural disasters) will be covered. Recommended for Home
Visitors, Coordinators, Educators and Supervisors. Limited to 60.
Shaping a Better Future with CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement)
Salon 11
Presenters: Alice Story – Arkansas Department of Health CQI Lead | Kathy Pillow-Price, Ph.D. Director, Arkansas Home
Visiting Network
In this interactive session, participants will learn about the benefits of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and how this process
can help them achieve personal and professional goals that will positively impact their work with families. Join us as we learn more
about how to identify the purpose of a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, write an AIM statement, write a CQI Plan and hopefully
laugh a little too. Limited to 60.
The Strengths Based Plan for Professional Development
Salon 12
Presenter: Gwen Welch – Coordinator, Jeffco HIPPY and HIPPY USA National Trainer | Linda McNulty – HIPPY USA
National Trainer
Tired of Mickey Mousing around with your team to create a professional development plan? Attendees will identify strategies to
support their team in creating a professional development plan that encourages the use of each individual’s strengths to support
their growth. A variety of strength finder assessments will be discussed along with strategies in how to utilize your home visitor’s
strengths to develop intrinsic strategies for their success. Recommended for coordinators. Limited to 60.
HIPPY Hacks: You Already Work Hard, Work Smart Too
Salon 13
Presenters: Carla Mowell, Texas HIPPY State Director and HIPPY USA National Trainer | Lorrel Esterbrook, Clayton Early
Learning and HIPPY USA National Trainer
We already know that coordinators work hard, this session will help them identify how to work even smarter. Practical tips and tricks
will be shared to maximize time, money and how to use resources to the fullest. Come ready to share your HIPPY Hacks and learn
from others. Recommended for administrators, coordinators and home visitors. Limited to 60.
Leadership Influence on Team Effectiveness
Salon 14
Presenter: Jennifer Capeheart-Meningall, Ph.D. – Founder and Senior Executive Consultant for EpiphanyLeads, Inc.
This workshop session will address the leadership skills and approaches necessary for impacting positive staff engagement, team
performance, and organizational outcomes. Participants will learn the leadership qualities that influence team achievement.
Specifically, they will learn to understand and create functional teams; to understand organizational culture and leadership style and
the impact on team performance; and to build staff and team engagement. Recommended for administrators, supervisors and
coordinators. Limited to 60.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
State and Regional Meetings
April 4, 2016 │3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
State and regional meetings will be held in the rooms listed below:
Salon 9
Salon 10
Ballroom B
Salon 14
Ballroom A
Salon 11
Salon 12
Salon 13
Independent Sites – Ballroom A
The HIPPY Store is OPEN
Browse for ideas
and check out
the newer items!
Shop between workshops and during breaks!
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Tuesday Plenary Session
April 5, 2016 │9:00 to 10:00 a.m. │Ballroom A
Lia Lent
National Executive Director, HIPPY USA
Harris Rosen
President and COO of Rosen Hotels & Resorts
HIPPY Research, Evaluations, Assessments & Measurements
Tuesday Professional Development Sessions
April 5, 2016 │10:30 a.m. to noon
The session descriptions that follow will assist you in selecting from an array of topics. Some presenters have
established participant limits and the doors will be closed when the maximum number is reached. Please select a
second workshop in case your first choice is full. The seating is on a first come, first serve basis.
Making Good Great: A Practical Guide to Reflective Supervision
Salon 9
Presenter: Lidia Clarke – Director of Quality Programming, Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe
This interactive workshop will explore reflective supervision techniques that turn good programs into GREAT programs. Participants
will discuss adult learning principles, and practical methods to engage, empower, and effectively communicate expectations with
families and colleagues. Bring your questions, challenges and success stories to this community of practice format. Recommended
for all. Limited to 60.
Working with Families During Times of Crisis: What Home Visitors Can Do to Help
Salon 10
Presenter: Nicholas Long, Ph.D. – Director of the Arkansas Home Visiting Network Training Institute, Professor of Pediatrics &
Director of Pediatric Psychology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences & Arkansas Children’s Hospital
This workshop will focus on strategies that home visitors can use to help the families they serve during times of crisis. Both general
crisis intervention strategies as well as strategies for specific types of crises (e.g., domestic violence, parental separation/divorce,
family death, mental health issues, substance abuse problems, and natural disasters) will be covered. Recommended for Home
Visitors, Coordinators, Educators and Supervisors. Limited to 60.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Tuesday Professional Development Sessions
April 5, 2016 │10:30 a.m. to noon
The session descriptions that follow will assist you in selecting from an array of topics. Some presenters have
established participant limits and the doors will be closed when the maximum number is reached. Please select a
second workshop in case your first choice is full. The seating is on a first come, first serve basis.
Using the Bracken School Readiness Assessment to Monitor the Educational Progress of HIPPY Children
Salon 11
Presenter: Ruby Joseph – Assistant-in-Research Faculty, University of South Florida Department of Child and Family
The Bracken School Readiness Assessment measures children's understanding of five early learning concepts relating to colors,
shapes, letters, numbers/counting and sizes/comparisons. This session will teach participants how to conduct and score pre and
post Bracken School Readiness Assessments and demonstrate how common assessment challenges can be addressed.
Participants will also learn how HIPPY programs can use the results from the Bracken School Readiness Assessments to monitor
the educational progress of HIPPY children. Recommended for coordinators and home visitors. Limited to 60.
Recruiting and Retention: HIPPY’s Best Practices
Salon 12
Presenter: Tina Watson, National Program Assistant Director, HIPPY USA
Featured Panelists:
Kelly Moore – Benton, AR
Wendy Prewett – El Centro, CA
Grace Reese – Mobile, AL
Dee Parson – Quitman, AR
Shonyell Johnson – St. Petersburg, FL
Are you having trouble recruiting your HIPPY families and/or staff? Is your goal to have a higher retention rate next program year?
If so, this workshop is exactly what you need! This session will shed light on positive “best practices” on how to recruit and retain
your HIPPY families and home visitors. Come to this unique workshop that will have a small panel of your HIPPY peers, sharing
techniques that have worked well for their programs – techniques that you can take back and utilize at your HIPPY program.
Recommended for all. Limited to 60.
Partnering with Family Child Care
Salon 13
Presenter: Maria Meinking –YWCA of Greater Cincinnati HIPPY Coordinator and HIPPY USA National Trainer
Learn how to partner with family childcare providers by providing the HIPPY curriculum. (Please note that this is an adaptation to
the model and would need prior approval by HIPPY USA). Recommended for coordinators. Limited to 60.
Parent Assessment: Using the Updated HIPPY USA Parent Involvement Interview
Salon 14
Presenter: Donna Kirkwood, Ph.D. – HIPPY USA National Program Director
The HIPPY USA Parent Involvement Interview can be used to evaluate program effectiveness and the impact that your HIPPY
program has on parenting behavior. Join us to learn how to use this assessment to meet accreditation requirements and use your
data to provide program effectiveness. Recommended for all. Limited to 60.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Tuesday Professional Development Sessions
April 5, 2016 │2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
The session descriptions that follow will assist you in selecting from an array of topics. Some presenters have
established participant limits and the doors will be closed when the maximum number is reached. Please select a
second workshop in case your first choice is full. The seating is on a first come, first serve basis.
The Magic of Supervision and Coaching
Salon 9
Presenter: Dellisa Ford-Edwards – Director of Early Childhood Education & Parenting Services at Brighton Center, Inc.
In the spirit of Walt Disney, this session will help current or potential supervisors understand the purpose and principles of
supervision and coaching as an essential part of teaching, mentoring and empowering staff in an effort to achieve objectives and
develop staff. Recommended for all. Limited to 60.
Using the HIPPY USA Training Academy for Professional Development
Salon 10
Presenter: Donna Kirkwood, Ph.D. – National Program Director, HIPPY USA
It’s here! The HIPPY USA Training Academy is open and ready to provide you with the professional development you need. Join us
to learn about setting up an account, taking classes and getting credit for professional development. All Training Academy courses
may be used for CDA credit (if desired). Recommended for all. Limited to 60.
Unlocking the HIPPY Secret Vault (The HIPPY Library)
Salon 11
Presenter: Olayinka Ojo – Education Consultant for Region 10 Education Service Center and HIPPY USA National Trainer
During this session, participants will learn how to navigate through the HIPPY library to find documents on daily operations of a
HIPPY program, information on ETO, supervision, and accreditation. Whether you are a new coordinator or very experienced, this
session will give you insight on documents that you can use to make your job easier and run a more effective program, including
use of online resources to maximize training time during weekly role play. Practical hands on activities will be included, so please
BOYD (Bring Your Own Device). Recommended for coordinators, assistant coordinators, supervisors and lead home visitors.
Limited to 60.
Engagement for Success
Salon 12
Presenter: Robert Garcia – Dallas Independent School District HIPPY Coordinator
This session will provide research based information of the six-types of parent involvement. You will formulate an action plan to
involve and engage parents by putting into practice what was learned during the session and collaborate with colleagues who have
experienced home visits and understand the parents where they are. Recommended for coordinators and home visitors. Limited to
HIPPY Hacks: You Already Work Hard, Work Smart Too
Salon 13
Presenters: Carla Mowell, Texas HIPPY State Director and HIPPY USA National Trainer | Lorrel Esterbrook, Clayton Early
Learning and HIPPY USA National Trainer
We already know that coordinators work hard, this session will help them identify how to work even smarter. Practical tips and tricks
will be shared to maximize time, money and how to use resources to the fullest. Come ready to share your HIPPY Hacks and learn
from others. Recommended for administrators, coordinators and home visitors. Limited to 60.
Why the Achievement Gap for African Americans
Salon 14
Presenter: Burnette Scarboro – Family Engagement Region Representative and African Heritage Outreach and Early
Literacy Project Leader, Fairfax County Public Schools
This session is designed for parents, child care providers and instructors who work with African-American children and desire to
learn strategies that support the rich history of our culture. Recommended for all. Limited to 60.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Wednesday Plenary Session
April 6, 2016 │8:30 to 10:30 a.m. │Ballroom A
Shaping Our Future: HIPPY Strategies and Innovations
Lia Lent
National Executive Director, HIPPY USA
Wednesday Closing Lunch Session
April 6, 2016 │11:00 to 12:30 p.m. │Ballroom B
Mary Lindsey, Ph.D.
State Director
Florida HIPPY
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Thomas Moore
Early Childhood Consultant and Benedict College
Associate Professor of Child and Family Studies
Mary Lindsey, Ph.D.
State Director
Florida HIPPY
Closing Remarks
Lia Lent
National Executive Director, HIPPY USA
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
HIPPY USA National Board of Trustees
Marjorie Margolies
Mayer Brown LLP
HIPPY Milwaukee
Joe Ross
Vested Finance, Schoold App
Anita Stoller
Apple, Inc.
Mary Beth Salomone Testa
MBST Solutions, LLC
Verelyn Gibbs Watson
Watson Works, LLC
Immediate Past Chair and
Strategic Outreach Advisor
Linda Frank
Vicky Kern
San Diego State University Research Foundation
Susan Storer
Macy’s, Inc.
Adam S. Kohler
Welsco, Inc.
Robin Frank
Advocate and Volunteer
Sue Plastrik
National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW)
John Gonzalez
JDG Associates, Inc.
Michelle Mackin-Brown
Field Representative
Mark Gross, Ph.D.
Family Central, Inc.
Miriam Westheimer, Ed.D.
Director, HIPPY International
Jeffrey Keilson
Advocates, Inc.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
New York, NY
Susan Nasca
Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Honorable Nan Rich
Weston, FL
Laura Peracchio, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Brooklyn, NY
HIPPY USA National Office Staff
Lia Lent
Shaqwunna Hancock
National Executive Director
Office Assistant
Jill Tate
Natha Jolly
Fund Development &
Executive Support Coordinator
Data Management Specialist
Donna Kirkwood, Ph.D.
National Program Director
Tina Watson
National Program Assistant Director
Teri Todd
Director of Operations
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
HIPPY State Directors and Contacts
Lucy Cohen
Alabama Department of
Early Childhood Education
Gail Jones
HIPPY USA National Trainer
Barbara Scherr
Maryland State Department of Education
Tyra Greenwood
Arkansas Children’s Hospital
Angela Triche
Sunrise Children’s Foundation
Carla Mowell
Texas HIPPY Center, UNT
Heather Tritten
The Colorado Parent and Child Foundation
Mary Lindsey, Ph.D.
Florida HIPPY T&TA Center
HIPPY USA National Trainers
Theresa Booker
Prince Frederick, MD
Gail Vavasseur Jones
Baton Rouge, LA
Olayinka Ojo
Irving, TX
Sylvia Bougacha
Dallas, TX
Mary Lindsey
Tampa, FL
Dabaram Rampersad
Tampa, FL
Michelle Mackin-Brown
Lakewood, CO
Susan Lynch
Russellville, AR
Jacqueline Richardson
Little Rock, AR
Lorrel Esterbrook
Commerce City, CO
Linda McNulty
Pine Bluff, AR
Joanne Shum
Montgomery, AL
M. Gayle Hart
Little Rock, AR
Maria Meinking
Cincinnati, OH
Adriana Trevino
Dallas, TX
Peggy Herrera
Alamosa, CO
Nancy Monroe
Forest Grove, OR
Gwen Welch
Lakewood, CO
Carla Mowell
Denton, TX
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Put your name
on this form as
soon as you
receive your
This is proof of
training hours.
HUSA cannot
replace a lost
Certificate of Attendance
Print Your Name Here
Participated in the 2016 HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference – “Shaping Our Future”
April 3 – 6, 2016 | Orlando, Florida
Opening General Session – Monday, April 4
Ellen Galinksy – 1 hour
Supporting Social/Emotional Development &
Providing Positive Guidance
Lunch – Monday, April 4
Campaign for Grade Level Reading
Ralph Smith – 1 hour
Advancing Children’s Physical/Intellectual
State & Regional Meetings – Monday, April 4
State Directors/Leaders – 1.5 hours
Managing an Effective Program
ETO & Data Management
Technical Assistance
Natha Jolly
(30 minute & 1 hour appointments available)
Managing an Effective Program
Plenary Session – Tuesday, April 5
Research Team – 1 hour
Home Visiting and HIPPY Specific Training
Lunch – Tuesday, April 5
Shaping Our HIPPY Story
Public Relations & Advocacy Presentation
Adam Shapiro & Kathleen Havey – 1 hour
Home Visiting and HIPPY Specific Training
Monday morning workshop – April 4
10:30 a.m. to Noon
1.5 hours
Monday afternoon workshop – April 4
1:30 to 3 p.m.
1.5 hours
Tuesday morning workshop – April 5
10:30 a.m. to Noon
1.5 hours
Tuesday afternoon workshop – April 5
2 to 3:30 p.m.
1.5 hours
General Session & Closing Lunch
Wednesday, April 6
Dr. Thomas Moore – 1.5 hours
Advancing Children’s Physical/Intellectual
the end of each session to document your
training hours. HUSA will not provide you with
a replacement label if you forget!
Shaded boxes indicate automatic credit and do not need a label.
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
Lia Lent, HIPPY USA National Executive Director
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HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
HIPPY USA National Leadership Conference ● April 3-6, 2016
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475 Heffernan Drive
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envisions a
world with all
entering school
engaging in
their children’s
education and
promise into