Sylvans Minis


Sylvans Minis
Sylvans Minis
2016/17 Season
August 2016
Minis will return
Saturday 10 th
Kick Off (all groups) 10 am !
Welcome again from all at Sylvans Minis to another
new football season, we hope you can join us again
for another fun season of football.
All old and new players, boys and girls are welcome;
we especially welcome new players at Reception,
Year 1 and Year 2 age groups. Please extend this
invitation to friends or relatives at all age groups
who may wish to join.
New players are free to come along and have a go
on a trial basis to see if they like it.
There is no obligation to sign up
immediately until children are settled
in. Please spread the word, the more
the merrier!
Dream, Bel
ieve Achiev
Follow Us
Don’t forget to follow us on
Twitter for all of the latest
news about mini football at
Sylvans. From score updates
to weather updates.
@Sylvans Minis
What’s New?
W e’ll co n tin ue to fo llow the blu eprint s et
o ut by th e G uer nsey FA fo r M in i Foo tba ll,
with reg ula r m in i fo otba ll festiva ls ta kin g
plac e fo r Y ea rs 2 thr ou g h to 5 , reg u la r 9- aside frien dlies fo o tba ll fo r Y ea r 6 while o ur
Yea r 7’s w ill a ga in c o mpete in the C or bet
Cu p.
BWCI 2016
This seas on we ha ve a sked o ur co a ch es to
plac e mo r e emph a sis o n develo pmen t of
the ch ildre n a s yo u ng fo o tba lle rs th ro ug h
stru ctu red tr ainin g sessio ns ta rg eting
spec ific ar eas as they go th ro ug h they a g e
g ro ups.
W e h o pe this w ill ra ise n o t on ly the
sta nda rd o f fo o tball but also th e enjoym ent
fa cto r fo r the ch ildren .
Fo r m or e deta ils abo ut w ha t yo u c a n
expec t plea se visit o ur website a nd bro wse
the ‘Ho w W e W o rk’ in th e min is sec tio n.
Many congratulations to Anna
Robert and her Year 5 (now Y6 !)
team for their performances in the
BWCI Football Festival. Drawn in an
ultra-competitive group with
Everton, Bristol City, Southampton
FC and some very good Jersey
sides the youngsters acquitted
themselves very well and although
not qualifying from the group they
can be very proud of the way they
played and the manner in which
they represented the club. An
excellent weekend of football and
development for the players and
coaches – not forgetting the BBQ
pool party to round it off !
Can you help?
We are all volunteers and always on the lookout for
people to join the Mini's team. In particular, additional
help away from the pitch we would welcome people to
help in the canteen both on Saturdays and on
tournament days. Alternately, could you help with various
administration duties or to help organise and run social
events or the sale of kit? Are you able to help, we’d love
to hear from you? Please contact Di or Natalie, in the
canteen or give them a ring on 07781 127825 or 07781
126262 or a Mini Coordinator/coach.
New 3 year sponsorship !!
We are really pleased to announce
that Collenette Jones have kindly
offered to sponsor Sylvans Minis again
for the next 3 seasons.
Subscriptions for the coming season
remain at £80 per player. All
subscriptions should be paid for via
PayPal on the clubs website :
New kit & equi pment has
ordered for the new season.
Many thanks to Jon and all at
Collenette Jones for their continued
Log on to the club
website at
Select the Membership
menu and the
Membership &
Training & Match Kit
As always we will have a range of mini
match kit, training kit & leisurewear
available to purchase at the Club
House duri ng the season on Saturday
Select Mini Football
Subscriptions &
Membership and enter
the details required.
All players will be expected to wear
Sylvans kit when taking part in in
inter-club friendly matches or when
festivals during the season and i deal ly
each Saturday morning.
Checkout using PayPal
The above steps will need to be
repeated for each child being
registered. The beginning of the season
is a very expensive time of the year for
the club, therefore it is important all
players are registered and signed up as
soon as possible.
Please ensure subscriptions are paid no
later than 30th September 2016.
New players are free to wear their own
suitable clothing until settled in,
however this must include shin pads
and appropriate footwear.
Please ask at the club for more detai ls.
Clubhouse & Social Events
As always we’ll be organising a small number of social events throughout the season
for both players and parents to raise money for minis. These funds help with the
general running of the Club and upkeep of the facilities and your support will be very
much appreciated. Look out for the
posters in the clubhouse, updates on
Twitter, Facebook, the club website
and email for details.
Please join us in the clubhouse to
socialise after every training for a drink,
a hot dog or one of our sumptuous Egg
& Bacon baps – see you all there!
Training times & Head Coaches
All groups take place on Saturday's starting at 10am.
Reception & Year 1 (Under 5)
Sam Simon
07781 458594
Year 5 (Under 10)
Joe Collenette
07781 465650
Year 2 (Under 7)
Katie Watson
07781 413487
Year 6 (Under 11)
Anna Robert
07781 111721
Year 3 (Under 8)
Lee Forshaw
07911 732178
Year 4 (Under 9)
John Nobes
07781 168258
Corbet Cup (Under 12)
Euan Melrose
07781 431231
Mini Coordinators
Dave Gilman
07781 106422
Anna Robert
07781 111721