Hamilton – Milton Natural Gas Pipeline Project
Hamilton – Milton Natural Gas Pipeline Project
Hamilton – Milton Natural Gas Pipeline Project WELCOME! THANK YOU FOR JOINING US TODAY WE ARE HERE TO: • Inform on the pipeline construction project that is beginning in early May 2016 • Answer any questions you may have about the construction process • Provide information on who to contact with questions throughout the construction project • Demonstrate our commitment to safety and the environment Please sign-in at the front desk to receive future updates. TO LEARN MORE VISIT UNIONGAS.COM/HAMILTON-MILTON EXISTING NATURAL GAS PIPELINE CORRIDOR Today we have three operating natural gas pipelines installed along the Hamilton – Milton route: One One One 26 " pipeline Installed in 1957-58 34 " pipeline Installed in 1970 48 NEW 48 " pipeline " pipeline Installed in 2006 Currently in progress 2016 X-Ray This new 48" pipeline will run approx. 20 kilometres in length through the existing Union Gas pipeline corridor. ABOUT THE HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT MILTON GATE STATION TO Tr em W CI ai N ne TY OF Ro OF ad M Ap IL BU pl eb TO RL yL N in I NG e TO N wa Ce TO W N d OF oa 25 wa y4 gh Hi da HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT Burlington et hW ay pr CI in gs TY Ro ad OF CI TY BU RL OF IN HA GT M ON IL TO N Pipeline Existing Union Gas Station ee nE Co nc es sio n 8 Ea HAMILTON VALVE SITE rS liz ab y6 Brock ad o R i r Safa lR Road TO LEARN MORE VISIT UNIONGAS.COM/HAMILTON-MILTON Qu gh REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON st Hi na 07 TO W CI N TY OF OF M IL HA TO M N IL TO N Re TO W N De rry Ro ad Milton gi o OA M KV IL TO IL N LE So ut h Br ita n De rry St re et OF Hi gh wa y 40 1 Union Gas’ Hamilton – Milton Project will help meet growing demand to provide affordable, safe and reliable natural gas to homes and business throughout Ontario and beyond. Br on te nia R Ro oa d ad Starting early May 2016, with planned completion at the end of October 2016 and clean-up concluding in Summer 2017, Union gas is constructing a 20 kilometre, 48 inch diameter steel natural gas pipeline between the existing Union Gas Hamilton Valve Site (located near Highway 6 and Carlisle Road) and the existing Union Gas Milton Gate Station (located south of Derry Road between Ontario Street and Third Line). This project will be constructed in accordance with the Ontario Energy Board approval issued in 2015. Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor WHY IS UNION GAS UNDERTAKING THIS PROJECT? The demands on our existing natural gas system are increasing. It is currently operating near capacity and there is a need to move greater volumes of natural gas to help provide affordable, safe and reliable supply to 1.4 million homes and businesses across Ontario and beyond. PROJECT TIMELINE Serving more than 400 communities in Ontario, we consider ourselves strong community partners who believe in and are committed to public consultation. During the planning stages for this project, we have consulted with affected landowners, municipalities, First Nations and Métis Nations, permitting authorities and the local community. Your voices have been heard through community information sessions, one-on-one meetings, the Ontario Energy Board and the Niagara Escarpment Commission public review process. KEY MILESTONES: OCT. 2016 – SUMMER 2017 APR. 2014 SEPT. 2014 APR. 2015 MAY 2016 OCT. 2016 Union Gas held community information sessions in Carlisle and Milton Union Gas filed an application for the proposed pipeline with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) OEB issued its approval of the project Construction to begin Project completion Clean up and Restoration 3 4 5 6 Union Gas submitted its Environmental Study and Environmental Report 1 2 HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT (PIPELINE ROUTE) (BOARD 1) N Highway 6 Concession 10 East Co nc ess ion Hamilton 8E ast Highway 6 HAMILTON VALVE SITE COURTCLIFFE PARK OPEN SPACE COURTCLIFFE COMMUNITY PARK Carlisle Road 0 LEGEND: Pipeline Route Existing Union Gas Station Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor 200 400 m HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT (PIPELINE ROUTE) (BOARD 2) N Centre Road Concession 10 East Hamilton Hamilton Blackberry Place Olden LEGEND: Pipeline Route Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Residential Area Carlisle Kentmere Grove Carlisle Road Flamborough Hills Drive CENTRE Olden burg R oad Palomino Drive Bannisdale Way Carlisle RoCOMMUNITY aCARLISLE d CARLISLE MEDICAL CENTRE Gwyneth Drive Acredale Drive Carlisle oad Blackberry Place Flamborough Hills Drive Kentmere Grove William Street CARLISLE MEDICAL CENTRE Woodend Drive Appaloosa Trail CARLISLE COMMUNITY CENTRE Gwyneth Drive burg R Bannisdale Way Wildberry Way Wildberry Way William Street Acredale Drive Palomino Drive Woodend Drive Appaloosa Trail Centre Road Concession 10 East 0 200 400 m HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT (PIPELINE ROUTE) (BOARD 3) N Concession 10 East TOWN OF MILTON Hamilton N O T L I M TOWN OF Derry Road N O T G N I L R U B F O Y CIT Blackberry Place Olden Wildberry Way LEGEND: Pipeline Route Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor CARLISLE MEDICAL CENTRE Residential Area Burlington Bannisdale Way CARLISLE COMMUNITY CENTRE Carlisle Municipal Boundary Kentmere Grove Carlisle Road Gwyneth Drive Carlisle Road burg R Flamborough Hills Drive William Street Acredale Drive t e re oad Kilbride Street 0 t S e n a J Palomino Drive Woodend Drive Appaloosa Trail Milburough Line CARLISLE GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB McNilven Road Concession 10 East Centre Road Hamilton CITY OF HAMILTON Milton 200 400 m HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT (PIPELINE ROUTE) (BOARD 4) N Milton BRUCE TRAIL Blackberry Place Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Residential Area CARLISLE COMMUNITY CENTRE Carlisle Bruce Trail Kentmere Grove Carlisle Road Municipal Boundary burg R oad Palomino Drive Gwyneth Drive Bannisdale Way Olden Appaloosa Trail CARLISLE MEDICAL CENTRE Burlington Flamborough Hills Drive d i r b l Ki t e e r e St William Street Acredale Drive Wildberry Way Panton S t ISLAY LAKE Woodend Drive Carriage Trail et re LEGEND: Pipeline Route Hamilton LOWER POND Kilbride KILBRIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL N O T G N I L R U B F O Y T CI Centre Road Twiss Road Derry Road Guelph Line Concession 10 East N O T L I M TOWN OF 0 200 400 m HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT (PIPELINE ROUTE) (BOARD 5) N Sideroad 12 Milton Appleby Line Walkers Line Derry Road N O T L I M F O N TOW N O T G N I L R U B CITY OF Burlington CROSSWINDS GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB 0 LEGEND: Pipeline Route Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Municipal Boundary 200 400 m HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT (PIPELINE ROUTE) (BOARD 6) N Milton Derry Road Tremaine Road N O T L I M F O N W TO Bell School Line N O T G N I L R U B CITY OF Centre Road Concession 10 East Hamilton Burlington Blackberry Place Olden LEGEND: Pipeline Route Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor CARLISLE MEDICAL CENTRE Residential Area Bannisdale Way CARLISLE COMMUNITY CENTRE Carlisle Municipal Boundary Kentmere Grove Carlisle Road oad Palomino Drive Gwyneth Drive burg R Flamborough Hills Drive Wildberry Way William Street Acredale Drive Appaloosa Trail Woodend Drive 0 200 400 m HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT (PIPELINE ROUTE) (BOARD 7) CNR N t n e c s e r C Holmes Derry Road Scott Boulevard McLaughlin Avenue ANNE J. MACARTHUR PUBLIC SCHOOL Hamilton Drive Blackberry Place e v i r D n a m r e t i e L Olden Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Residential Area burg R Gwyneth Drive William Street Bannisdale Way CARLISLE COMMUNITY CENTRELouis Carlisle CN Rail e u n e v A t n e r u a L St Kentmere Grove Carlisle Road Flamborough Hills Drive Wildberry Way CNR Urell Way Acredale Drive CARLISLE MEDICAL CENTRE d 25 Woodend Drive oad 0 Regional R oa Dy Street t o m Appaloosa Trail e v tA Defenbaker Palomino Drive Bronte Street Sou e u n MILTON COMMUNITY PARK Farmstead Drive Ruhl th PL ROBERTSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEGEND: Pipeline Route MILTON SPORTS CENTRE ST. BENEDICT CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY Concession 10 ESCHOOL ast CNR OPTIMIST PARK MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Milton Centre Road Savoline Boulevard McDougall Crossing Farmstead Drive Bronte Street Sou th Derry Road Santa Maria Boulevard Derry Road 200 400 m HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT (PIPELINE ROUTE) (BOARD 8) N MILTON GATE STATION Armstrong Boulevard GUARDIAN BEATY ANGELS NEIGHBOURHOOD CATHOLIC PARK - NORTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Hamilton HAWTHORNE VILLAGE PUBLIC SCHOOL Hepburn Road Hearst Boulevard e riv kD S BRISTOL DISTRICT PARK Existing Union Gas Station Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Blackberry Place Olden Acredale Drive Residential Area Gwyneth Drive Louis St Laurent Avenue Bannisdale Way CARLISLE COMMUNITY CENTRE Carlisle Kentmere Grove Carlisle Road Flamborough Hills Drive CARLISLE MEDICAL CENTRE burg R 0 200 oad Palomino Drive Woodend Drive Wildberry Way LEGEND: Pipeline Route e v i r D torey Kennedy Circle William Street Vickerman Way Yate s Drive Meighen Way Appaloosa Trail Bolingbroke Drive Fer gus Clark Boulevard o ro ilb Ph OUR LADY OF FATIMA CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL on D Concession 10 East COATES NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK - SOUTH Menefy Place rive Yates Drive Bennett Boulevard BURLING PARK Milton Centre Road TIGER JEET SINGH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Thompson Ro ad Holly Avenue South Derry Road 400 m OUR COMMITMENT TO CONSULTATION In the planning stages for the project we have consulted with: FIRST NATIONS CITY OF HAMILTON MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS SCHOOL BOARDS MINISTRY OF TOURISM, CULTURE & SPORT LOCAL COMMUNITIES NIAGARA ESCARPMENT COMMISSION MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION TOWN OF MILTON HALTON REGION INFRASTRUCTURE ONTARIO LANDOWNERS CITY OF BURLINGTON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT MÉTIS NATION CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CONSERVATION HALTON UNION GAS – WHO WE ARE & WHAT WE DO We deliver affordable, safe and reliable natural gas to 1.4 million homes and businesses across Ontario. Proven safety record with over 100 years of experience Highly trained, committed and knowledgeable experts Chatham-based natural gas company providing natural gas service to 400 communities across Ontario Safely installed over 69,000 km of pipeline Employs 2300 people across Ontario One of Canada’s Top 100 Employers for 6 years in a row SAFETY IS OUR #1 PRIORITY We are dedicated to the safe operation of our facilities and to the protection of our employees and the public. Over 100 years of proven safety experience Pipeline and facilities are: onstructed using well-established •C best practices esigned and maintained to strict •D safety standards • Monitored 24/7 by 2 gas control centres Highly trained industry experts Ongoing public safety awareness programs Support for community based safety programs such as school programs and children’s safety villages Past winner of the prestigious American Gas Association Safety Achievement Awards in fleet safety WE CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT “ This is reflected in our company culture, whether we are building a pipeline, constructing a new energy efficient office building, designing energy conservation programs for customers or supporting important ecological programs in the communities where we live and work. — STEVE BAKER, PRESIDENT, UNION GAS ” OUR WORKPLACES AND OPERATIONS Introduced conservation measures in 60 company buildings across Ontario: etrofitted lighting reducing electricity •R consumption by up to 58% • I nstalled water saving devices that use 40% less water OUR PEOPLE Over 330 employee-led, company-funded volunteer projects help to enrich communities we serve every year Most have an environmental focus including: • Local park clean ups • Seed collection events 5 LEED ® Gold Standard (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) district offices • Tree plantings Anti-idling program for company vehicles • Community gardens 2-to-1 tree replacement program 3-to-1 replacement in sensitive areas Comprehensive Environmental Assessments for our construction projects • River clean ups About 20,000 volunteer hours are provided every year OUR CUSTOMERS A comprehensive suite of energy efficiency programs: • Help reduce annual household bills by about $225 a year upport households with up to $2,500 •S back with our Home Reno Rebate liminate CO² emissions equal to •E taking 2.9 million cars off Ontario roads for a year Households can save up to 30% without spending a cent with our Home Weatherization Program Paperless billing option for customers OUR COMMITMENT TO PROTECT & ENHANCE THE ENVIRONMENT FOR THE HAMILTON – MILTON PROJECT: Environmental Inspectors full time on site Installing bat houses to assist in their nesting habitat Provided funding to install a span bridge at Courtcliffe Park Soil management best practices on agricultural land Archaeological surveys to protect our heritage Every effort to minimize the construction footprint No work on agricultural lands when soils are too wet Post construction restoration of wetlands, watercourses and agricultural land Replanting at least twice the area of woodlot cut Enhancements to Limestone Creek and Sixteen Mile Creek and so much more… OUR TREE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM For those projects where it is necessary to remove trees from an established woodlot, we will plant at least twice the number of trees removed by area. $ Our Tree Replacement Program offers landowners a choice of native species that we will plant on another area of their own property, or donate to a local conservation group. If a landowner does not wish to participate in the program or can only use some of the allotted trees, the remainder will be donated to the local conservation authority or area interest group to ensure the trees are planted within the same geographic area. BEING A GOOD NEIGHBOUR IS IMPORTANT TO US We live and work in over 400 communities across Ontario and it’s our goal to be a good neighbour in each one. Consult with landowners, stakeholders and First Nation and Métis communities to learn what is important when determining new facilities locations Conduct municipal meetings, as well as public information sessions about our projects Involve communities in decision making to help address environmental, social or cultural sensitivities Invest in relationships and training with emergency first responders Develop community safety and emergency preparedness programs Support community initiatives through donations for charitable organizations, sponsorships, in-kind contributions and volunteerism “ Our partnership with Union Gas and the financial support we receive sends a strong message to under-represented groups in communities across Ontario that they believe creating a diverse and talented workforce is imperative to the economic viability of this province. — GAIL SMYTH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF SKILLS ONTARIO ” HOW WE BUILD NATURAL GAS PIPELINES Union Gas builds our network of pipelines with great care, thoughtful planning, environmental stewardship and safe, well-established best practices. We carefully plan every step of the project so we can install the pipeline and restore the area to its previous state as quickly as possible. CONSTRUCTING A UNION GAS PIPELINE 1. Pre-construction Tiling 6. Stringing Pipe 11. Field Coating 15. Lowering Pipe 2. Surveying & Staking 7. Field Bending Pipe 12. Digging the Trench 16. Backfilling 3. Clearing 8. Lining-Up Pipe 13. Padding Trench Bottom 17. Hydrostatic Testing 4. Right-of-Way Topsoil Stripping 9. Welding Process 14. Final Inspection & Coating Repair 18. Site Restoration and Post-construction Tiling 5. Front-end Grading 1 2 10. X-Ray or Ultrasonic Inspection, Weld Repair 3 4 5 7 8 6 9 10 11 12 X-Ray 15 14 X-Ray 16 17 18 13 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW DURING CONSTRUCTION We are committed to minimizing the disruption to the local community during construction. ROAD AND SIDEWALK CLOSURES: Union Gas will be making every effort to minimize road closures through the use of underground construction whenever possible. When road closures are required you will see both road signage and notices in the local paper 2 weeks prior. Sidewalks will follow an identical process for roads. Every effort will be made to have minimal impact on sidewalk closures through the use of underground construction. HIKING TRAILS: SCHOOLS: Environmental sustainability is ingrained in our corporate culture. We’re working closely with your municipality to maintain maximum access to trails in your neighborhoods and where possible will avoid interfering with trails. Union Gas is working closely with all four school boards. If your family attends a school adjacent to the construction you will receive regular Union Gas Project information and communications directly through your school board. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW DURING CONSTRUCTION We are committed to minimizing the disruption to the local community during construction. WORK-SITE LIGHTING: TRENCHING: Safety is our #1 priority. For the safety of our workers any work during evening hours will be well lit. Our teams will make every effort to avoid direct lighting into adjacent residences. The depth of the trench may exceed 3 metres and the width of the trench is 2 metres. There will be no blasting required for the route although extensive rock removal is required. SECURITY: COMMUNITY LIAISON: From Tremaine eastward the entire construction Right-of-Way will be fenced. West of Tremaine fencing will be used as required to ensure the highest level of safety. In addition there will be security provided on site 24/7. Keeping you informed and updated is our priority. Our Community Liaison is available as your one-stop point of contact on any questions you may have throughout the construction process. RESTORING THE LAND Our restoration teams work hard to ensure the land is restored as closely as possible to its original state. THANK YOU! On behalf of the Union Gas team, thank you for attending the Hamilton – Milton Project Community Information Session. We appreciate your attendance and would like to hear from you. COMMUNITY LIAISON: Susan Cudahy 289-649-2038 (office) 289-237-0068 (cell) scudahy@uniongas.com UNIONGAS.COM/HAMILTON-MILTON