2015-2016 Membership Directory
2015-2016 Membership Directory
s i a l o r a h C 2015-2016 Membership Directory L O R A N CHAROLAIS MCL’S MARKIES FLASHER F1205275 Skymont Flash x MCL Trademarks Nala Heifer calf by WR Good Stuff T641 MCL TRADEMARKS NALA F1195369 CJC Trademark x Sunflower Wallstreet Bulls and Females Available Private Treaty Contact us for your Charolais needs in West Texas! Call and Stop by for a Visit MICHAEL & CATHY LORAN 518 Kinder Road Scotland, TX 76379 940.541.2476 cola_polarbear@live.com “ It is our goal to produce good cattle.” TUFFY IKE 4103 M849904 SCR Tuffy x Grid Maker x Montana Marbler BW: 0.4 WW: 28 YW: 61 M: 14 TM: 28 TR Mr Wrangle UP 2502Z M819085 WR Wrangler x Fire Water x Wyoming Wind BW: 1.5 WW: 44 YW: 74 M: 8 TM: 30 Reserve Champion & Third Overall Charolais Heifers 2014 Tulsa State Fair Junior Heifer Show Raile T077 x Three Trees Wind 2638 x Prime Cut BW: 1.0 WW: 40 YW: 77 M: 9 TM: 29 Dennis Charolais Farm Eric, Angie, Haley & Brayden Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 841-2792 edennis591@yahoo.com DCF, 007 & Guests BeefGene Bull Sale January 30, 2016 1 p.m. Sulphur Springs, TX Fall Edition DCF, 007 & Guests BeefGene Bull Sale October 1, 2016 1 p.m. Sulphur Springs, TX Bulls and Females Available Cody White 3955 County St 2840 Rush Springs, OK 73082 (580) 450-7572 007charolais@gmail.com SKEANS Cattle Co. David 985-870-4113 • Larry 940-768-8841 • David_Skeans@hotmail.com 1216 Walter St • Gainesville, TX 76240 • www.skeanscattle.com BPC Miss Charlot BU42 P Easy Pro x Cooley Charlie 8953R2 F1115264 New Standard son sold to Sparkman Charolais. Bells & Whistles son sells in Bracewell Spring Bull Buyout, April 6, 2016! Classic Cows... Modern Look. LC Ms Maker 6018 P F1042017 Grid Maker 104 x Easy Dawn 921 Wrangle Up son sells in Dennis Charolais Farm BeefGene Bull Sale, January 30, 2016. M6 Ms 761 Nancy 6106 P ET EF1061248 Duke 761 x Nancy 382 ET calves by Ledger and Wrangle Up on the ground. Your Link to Performance #427 EM855221 #420 M855037 LT Easy Blend x M6 Grid Maker Full Sib to LT Bridger LT Reward x Schurrtop HCR Rancher EPDs: 1.8 38 80 14 33 1.4 Top: 6% 2% EPDs: 1.3 31 56 8 23 0.7 4% 3% #454 M855061 LT Reward x M6 Shock & Awe EPDs: 1.7 38 88 15 34 1.3 Top: 6% 1% 4% 4% LT Reward 2348 Pld M820244 EPDs: 0.9 47 106 16 39 1.7 Top: 3% 1% 2% 2% • Low Birth Weight, Performance Driven Genetics • Bulls Available Private Treaty and in Select Sales Call Today to Select Your Next Herd Sire Link Charolais CHRIS LINK (936) 590-2949 3082 State Hwy. 87 N • Center, TX 75935 chris.link@sbcglobal.net JGS Royal Order B481 JGS Long Shot B411 LT Royalist 2350 PLD x JGS MS Tradition Schur U818 BW: 94; AWW: 783; AYW: 1394; SC: 37.4 CE BW WW -2.6 3.1 55 1 CW 40 1 YW Milk 96 15 1 15 REA FAT 0.57 .018 15 MCE MTL SC 2.5 43 0.7 1 Marb 0.09 35 LT Long Shot 1045 PLD x HDR MS Hi Dollar 864 PLD TW BW: 92; AWW: 628; AYW: 1458; SC: 40 TSI: 1% TSI: 1% JGS MARKSMAN B406 TSI: 5% TSI: 1% JGS Valued Asset B410 JGS Long Shot B434 YW Milk 80 13 2 25 REA FAT 0.25 .006 YW Milk 87 17 1 7 REA FAT 0.38 .027 35 MCE MTL SC -2.7 40 0.6 1 Marb 0.18 15 LT Long Rifle 1068 PLD x JGS Sabrina Y165 BW: 86; AWW: 601; AYW: 1121; SC: 39 CE BW WW YW Milk 3.0 0.7 21 32 16 10 CW REA FAT 6 0.24 .029 TSI: 30% MCE MTL SC 1.5 26 0.7 25 35 Marb 0.10 35 JGS True Blue B468 LT Long Shot 1045 PLD x JGS RB Natalie Y163 BW: 88; AWW: 593; AYW: 1327; SC: 38.1 CE BW WW 1.9 2.3 31 25 CW 23 20 CE BW WW 1.5 2.7 46 1 CW 23 20 JGS Long Rifle B470 LT Blue Value 7903 ET x JGS MS Countess M527 ET BW: 70; AWW: 605; AYW: 1288; SC: 38.3 MCE MTL SC 9.4 24 0.8 4 30 25 Marb 0.15 20 MCE MTL SC 3.4 33 0.4 4 Marb -0.01 LT Long Distance 9001 PLD x JGS MS Rio Y196 BW: 88; AWW: 716; AYW: 1500; SC: 42 YW Milk MCE MTL SC 75 19 2.7 37 0.4 3 4 1 REA FAT Marb 0.02 .044 0.01 CE BW WW YW Milk 5.3 0.4 29 54 10 30 35 30 CW REA FAT 18 0.11 .018 YW Milk 100 12 1 25 REA FAT 0.43 .03 30 JGS LD Bravado B430 LT Long Shot 1045 PLD x JGS MS Patsy P517 BW: 88; AWW: 713; AYW: 1329; SC: 36.5 CE BW WW 1.4 2.2 37 8 CW 30 3 CE BW WW 2.1 2.4 41 3 CW 34 3 LT Blue Value 7903 ET x HDR MS Hi Dollar 721 PLD BW: 89; AWW: 644; AYW: 1185; SC: 40.3 MCE MTL SC 2.3 28 0.4 15 Marb -0.06 CE BW WW 6.3 0.3 27 25 CW 13 TSI: 2% Jerry & Gwynette Sturgess 11160 FM 2588 LaRue, TX 75770 (903) 343-9009 Jay & Lori Sturgess (903)681-0725 Michael & Lauren Sturgess (210)867-6863 msturgess@southernlivestock.com YW Milk MCE MTL SC 38 13 7.7 26 1.0 25 15 25 15 REA FAT Marb 0.16 .008 0.30 2 Check Out the Updat ed Fall EPD’s & New TSI Rankings! CR Ledger 488B10 CR Turton 488B5 LT Ledger 0332 P x OHF Vanessa 488 ET BW: 97; AWW: 738; AYW: 1496; SC: 43.6 CE BW WW YW Milk 10.8 -1.1 28 53 15 3 20 35 30 15 CW REA FAT 23 0.56 .027 20 15 MCE MTL SC 7.4 29 1.4 15 15 2 Marb 0.26 4 CR Turton 488B7 TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET x OHF Vanessa 488 ET BW: 88; AWW: 686; AYW: 1232; SC: 40.6 CE BW WW 7.2 -0.4 25 20 30 CW 16 TSI: 15% CR Turton 488B12 TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET x OHF Vanessa 488 ET BW: 105; AWW: 599; AYW: 1482; SC: 42.1 CE BW WW 7.2 -0.4 25 20 30 CW 16 TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET x OHF Vanessa 488 ET BW: 98; AWW: 644; AYW: 1350; SC: 41.2 YW Milk MCE MTL SC 43 14 5.2 26 0.9 20 20 20 REA FAT Marb 0.40 .006 0.06 35 CE BW WW 7.2 -0.4 25 20 30 CW 16 CR Smokester 488B YW Milk MCE MTL SC 43 14 5.2 26 0.9 20 20 20 REA FAT Marb 0.40 .006 0.06 35 CR Turton 632B4 JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET x OHF Vanessa 488 ET BW: 80; AWW: 638; AYW: 1368; SC: 40.9 CE BW WW YW Milk 4.3 0.8 25 38 24 1 CW REA FAT 14 0.67 -.021 7 3 YW Milk MCE MTL SC 43 14 5.2 26 0.9 20 20 20 REA FAT Marb 0.40 .006 0.06 35 TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET x M6 MS Grid Maker 652 P ET BW: 100; AWW: 620; AYW: 1308; SC: 40.1 MCE MTL SC 2.9 37 1.2 2 7 Marb -.21 CE BW WW 4.2 -0.1 28 35 35 CW 18 TSI: 25% To request a catalog, please contact: Mary McBryar - (903) 343-9009 cavenderranches@yahoo.com Joe Cavender, Owner 1530 CR 3313 Jacksonville, TX 75766 (903) 571-1209 joe@cavenders.com Justin Matejka, Manager Neches River Ranch (903) 521-1070 justinwmatejka@aol.com YW Milk 52 10 30 35 REA FAT 0.57 -.006 15 25 MCE MTL SC 3.3 24 0.7 30 35 Marb 0.09 35 Cows to Build a Herd Around RLL GOIN’ PLACES 1329PET F950190 A former national reserve champion, this 2244 daughter has been admired throughout her life for her stylish combination of femininity, width and depth. The daughters of Goin’ Places are fantastic. We need more of them! We have enhanced her impact on our herd through the use of sons by Wyoming Wind, M6 Density (Big Top x 248), BPC BottomLine (914 x 2244) and M6 Fresh Air (Three Trees Wind x 914). The daughters of these bulls are exemplifying the same characteristics that made Goin’ Places so desirable. MS COOLEY S DUKE 1107N60 F991119 This dam of Cooley Royce has been called a “freak” because of her enormous width and spring of rib. The kind of power that N60 transmits makes breeding easy! She has worked with every bull we’ve tried. Her sons are stout, growthy and easy to sell, while her daughters and granddaughters are maternal and productive. Have you seen the Royce daughters? They will work in anyone’s herd. We expect N60‘s influence to permeate our herd for many years to come. M6 MS E46’S DUKE 248 PET F967918 With over 135 registered progeny, few females have had a greater impact on the breed than 248. We purchased an interest in 248 from M6 as a first calf heifer because we thought she was the most feminine Cigar daughter we had ever seen. Upon selling her, we produced nine clones to 248, ensuring that her genetics will continue to proliferate in our herd. Since the clones are just as productive as the original, the possibilities are endless. Bruner Polled Charolais 4 miles east of I35W 12320 E. FM 916 • Grandview, TX 76050 Home: 817-866-2839 Gene: 817-202-7680 • Brian: 512-797-3711 bbruner14@yahoo.com M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET EM770701 BW 0.2, WW 53, YW 86, Milk 12, MTL 39, SC 1.4, CW 29, REA 0.91, Marb 0.00. Semen available at $30 unit/$40 signing. Contact Bovine Elite, LLC M6 New Standard 842 P ET EM756753 BW -0.5, WW 50, YW 102, Milk 32, MTL 39, SC 2.6, CW 56, REA 1.44, Marb 0.22. Semen available at $40 unit/$40 signing. Contact Bovine Elite, LLC Add Value, Aesthetics, Science and Performance to your Charolais offspring! Over 400 Head Sell! 250 Breeding Age Charolais Bulls! 150 Female Lots including Donors, Pairs, Breds and Show Heifers. M6 SPRING EVENT Sat. MARCH 26, 2016 M6 FALL EVENT Sat. OCTOBER 8, 2016 M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P M829092 BW -1.0, WW 49, YW 86, Milk 11, MTL 35, SC 1.2, CW 35, REA 1.07, Marb 0.07. Semen available at $30 unit/$40 signing. Contact Bovine Elite, LLC RANCH Kevin & Jessica Moore 2929 Oak Hill Rd Alvarado, TX 76009 E-mail: office@m6ranch.com Website: www.M6Ranch.com Kevin Moore (817) 822-7109 Where Performance and Carcass LOOK GOOD! POWER of Proven Genetics D&D Ms Windy 2816 P ET Full Sib to Three Trees Wind 0383 BC Ms Turton C03 PET BC E46 Duke B01 PET Jr. National Class Winner shown by Bella Parker! ET sib to M6 Ms E46’s Duke 248 PET He and a full brother sell December 5! Bulls Available Private Treaty or at Rancher’s Choice Sale December 5, 2015 Charolais For Profit Bull Sale February 13, 2016 JDJ Ms Cigar S288 Cigar x Cobb BC Ms E46 Bonanza 821 PET Full sib to Zsa Zsa BUDDY’S CHAROLAIS Gary & Christel Biggs 9224 CR 915 • Godley, TX 76044 (817) 320-3535 Many years of selective breeding produces cattle with a Future! If you want success in your program, consider using these quality genetics to produce results like the 3 daughters below. Breeding Performance Charolais RE Ms Duke 34 ET F988929 LHD Cigar E46 x CR Miss Duke 172 RE Ms Dynasty 170 ET High Selling lot in 2014 The ONE Sale LHD Cigar x JDJ Ms Dynasty L428 Watch for our consignments to leading Charolais sales throughout the U.S. You can buy with Confidence! JDJ Ms Dynasty L428 F924892 LHD Dynasty C584 x LHD Ms Franz E147 RE Mrs Cigar 908 ET EF1107729 VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld x Hales Mrs Cigar 622 ET RE Ms Duke 745 ET High Selling lot in 2014 Sale of Excellence VCR Sir Duke 914 x RE Ms Duke 34 ET R EVANS CHAROLAIS E Rick & Cindy Evans 2601 Austin Ave. Brownwood, Texas 76801 (325) 647-9039 rickevans6464@gmail.com RE Cigar Resource 404 ET A High Selling lot in 2014 Sale of Excellence JDJ Resource Z365 x RE Mrs Cigar 908 Selling an Elite set of ET Herd Sires (several out of Donor cows above) in the Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale December 5, 2015 • Nixon, Texas FH Wind 311 P ET EM832195 Wyoming Wind x JWK Ruby E205 Semen: $25/straw; $25 signing Contact: David Skeans (985) 870-4113 Three Trees Nancy 2446ET Full sib to 0383, pictured at 12 years old. Form, function and longevity. M6 Ms 104 Quality 481PET Over 40 registered progeny. 481 is another example of proven cow power with longevity. Fox Hollow Farms STEPHEN & MICHAL MELLOTT (918) 409-6068 PO Box 56 Catoosa, OK 74105 www.FHCharolais.com JWK Ruby E205 ET The dam of FH Wind 311. One of the breed’s highly proven cows with power numbers. Focused on Sound, Functional Seedstock. Find us on Facebook facebook.com/fhcharolais Where Style...Meets Performance Bulls Sired by these Breed Leading Sires — LT Long Distance 9001 Pld • LT Ledger 0332 P M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET • WC Benelli 2134 P ET • LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld BJCF Watt Z36 • DR Stealth 574 • LT Wind Storm 8223 Pld M&M Grid Maker 2578 Pld ET • M&M Royce 2569 Pld ET Look for M&M Bulls in these Upcoming Sales— November 14, 2015 Oklahoma Bull Sale, Checotah, OK March 5, 2016 M&M Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Perry, OK Don’t hesitate to call and stop by the ranch! 805 N. 25th • Perry, OK 73077 Kevin Wiley, Ranch Manager (580) 572-2555 Barn or Office (580) 370-1483 Cell mmcharolais@sbcglobal.net www.mmcharolais.com Charolais Association of Texas Membership www.charolaisassociation.com Our Mission The Charolais Association of Texas was formed to provide breeders with the ability to sell their product to the commercial sector as well as seedstock producers at a fair market value. This Organization exists so that our membership can stay informed with the latest industry standards and remain consistent in producing beef to meet the consumers’ needs. The Charolais Association of Texas is made up of members who have a strong desire to provide the beef industry with a product that will consistently be profitable from the producer to the consumer. We are dedicated to the need to provide our customers with high quality bulls and replacement females that will meet the ever changing market demands. C.A.T. is also dedicated in the effort to establish good land management skills and environment friendly programs. The need for strong family and friends is certainly not a forgotten mission within our organization and that is why we support the Texas Junior Charolais Association as our Junior Affiliate Organization. Letter from the President... iation The current Charolais Assoc are hip of Texas (CAT) members g the tin making progress in promo year more Charolais breed. The past in sales, breeders have participated nt than can be remembered. donations and advertiseme for king to use new fresh ideas CAT is progressing and loo uld wo T CA . in the near future sales and breed promotion re mo en r association and op like to invite you to join ou nt through sales, advertiseme avenues for marketing cattle mbers. and fellowship with other me are on the AICA website and Current membership lists for isassociation.com. Thanks CAT website, www.charola as rt po sup ure fut r and any the support over the last yea well. Best Regards, Eric Dennis CAT Officers and Directors President: Eric Dennis Vice President: Chris Link Secretary: David Skeans Treasurer: Michael Loran Directors: Gary Biggs Bradley Bracewell Hardy Coffman Rick Evans Heath Hyde Tom Levens Norberto Lopez Larry Ludeke Junior Advisor: Meghan Elder CAT Office Manager: Katelyn Ebrom PO Box 1103 Poth, TX 78147 (830) 708-6709 info@charolaisassociation.com AICA Representatives Area 5 Director: Larry Ludeke Area 6 Director: Bradley Bracewell Field Representative: Contact AICA (816) 464-5977 www.charolaisusa.com Join Us! To become a member of CAT, please send your membership listing (Name, Ranch Name, Address, Phone, E-mail and Website) and payment to the CAT Office Manager, Katelyn Ebrom. Membership dues are $50 annually and can be paid online at www.charolaisassociation.com. CAT Membership 007 Charolais Cody White 3955 County St 2840 Rush Springs, OK 73082 (580) 450-7572 Bill Tipton Ranch Bill Tipton 218 Vanderpool Lane Houston, TX 77024 (713) 705-6880 C Bar G Cattle Co. Clifton Audilet 5610 Washington Blvd Beaumont, TX 77707 (409) 842-1547 Dove Estate Partners Howard Harris PO Box 92775 Southlake, TX 76092 (817) 371-9389 3A Charolais Byron & Cindy Aultman 2829 FM 1010 Cleveland, TX 77327 (713) 252-1828 Blue Line Charolais – Sewell Cattle Co. Tyler Sewell PO Box 2153 Decatur, TX 76234 (817) 480-1377 Cedar Hill Cattle Co. Alice Wahrmund 115 Travis St Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 377-8544 Evans Charolais Rick & Cindy Evans 2601 Austin Ave Brownwood, TX 76801 (325) 647-9039 4CK Cattle PO Box 412 Neches, TX 75779 (903) 391-7209 Birnbaum Charolais Allen G. Birnbaum 3953 FM 2440 Giddings, TX 78942 (979) 540-8623 Five Wells Ranch Bob Ross HC2 Box 430 Squires, MO 65755 (956) 893-2285 4G Ranch Nathan Gaskins PO Box 92 Slick, OK 74071 Birnbaum, Randy 3426 FM 2440 Giddings, TX 78942 979-716-8259 (979) 716-8259 Chris D Hess Charolais Chris Hess 608 N Main Muenster, TX 76252 (940) 736-3504 007charolais@gmail.com crystalcreekqh@sbcglobal.net snider4ck@yahoo.com A1 Charolais Melvin Allen 26006 Apache Creek Rd. San Antonio, TX 78260 (210) 481-9088 btipton@sbcglobal.net birnbaum26@yahoo.com Bracewell Cattle Bradley, Laci, Ryli & Brody Bracewell 737 Hill Road Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 437-5516 service@audilettractor.com alicew@cedarhillcattle.com chrisdhess@yahoo.com Clear Water Cattle LLC Jimmy Ray & Jane Parish 506 Holly Hills Road #92 Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 312-8372 jrparish@clearwatercattle.com Achee Charolais Curt Achee PO Box 429 Pass Christian, MS 39571 (228) 697-1818 bradley@bracewellcattle.com Coleman, Mac 1939 Mooretown Rd Morgantown, KY 42261 (270) 999-1482 Bruner Polled Charolais E.E. “Gene” & Glenda Bruner 12320 E FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050 (817) 202-7680 Ainsworth, Christian 8100 SH 171 Hillsboro, TX 76645 bbruner14@yahoo.com Crosstimber Cattle Co. Ed Brunson PO Box 298 Canton, TX 75103 (214) 843-6740 melvinallen@satx.rr.com curt.achee@yahoo.com Anderson, Jr., Daniel PO Box 196 Bandera, TX 78003 (830) 796-1455 mr.ag75@gmail.com Buddy’s Charolais Gary & Christel Biggs 9224 CR 915 Godley, TX 76044 (817) 320-3535 buddyscharolais@gmail.com Arlitt, Bill & Raye PO Box 998 Poteet, TX 78065 (800) 772-3604 Bumpurs Ranch Donald Bumpurs 7803 FM 937 Marquez, TX 77865 (903) 644-5805 barlitt@wildblue.net donaldbumpurs@yahoo.com Arnold Barfield Ranch Arnold Barfield 205 McCoy Blvd New Boston, TX 75570 (903) 276-2635 C & E Cattle Craig, Elyse & Danielle Schill PO Box 216 Donie, TX 75838 (903) 388-0992 bcdc2311@aol.com Atkinson Charolais Mike & Cindy Atkinson 600 CR 228 Lampasas, TX 76550 (254) 290-7023 mikeatkinson57@gmail.com Bar J Charolais Larry Ludeke PO Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666 larryl@qiminc.com cecattle@aciglobal.com www.candecattle.com Cavender Ranches Joe Cavender 1530 CR 3313 Jacksonville, TX 75762 (903) 876-3360 Justin Matejka, Manager (903) 521-1070 cavenderranches@yahoo.com Cutoff Mountain Ranch H. Douglas Coe, Jr. 4113 Polstar Drive Plano, TX 75093 (972) 867-3357 heimplatz@aol.com Deen Charolais Ranch Cody & Annalynn 4775 CR 292 Early, TX 76802 Dennis Charolais Farm Eric, Angie, Haley & Brayden Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Rd Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 841-2792 edennis591@yahoo.com Dismukes Ranch Jim & Jennifer Dismukes 107800 S 4240 Rd Checotah, OK 74426 (916) 995-3549 jimdismukes@yahoo.com Doonan Cattle Company Kevin Doonan PO Box 965 Midlothian, TX 76065 (979) 820-4388 doonancattleco@yahoo.com www.doonancattleco.com www.charolaisassociation.com hwharris1@verizon.net rickevans6464@gmail.com Flores, Jr., Sixto 4083 Embassy St Rio Grande City, TX 78582 (956) 534-1003 Fox Hollow Farms Stephen & Michal Mellott PO Box 56 Catoosa, OK 74015 (918) 409-6068 smellott@primenergy.com Garcia’s Ranch Rogerio Garcia 1202 Connell Drive Killeen, TX 76543 (254) 634-7974 Gerner Charolais Ben Gerner 2675 State Hwy 7 East Nacogdoches, TX 75965 (817) 729-7162 btgintex@hotmail.com Goodnight Ranch Nancy Goodnight PO Box 276 Killeen, TX 76540 Greer Charolais James & Becky Greer 129 CR 3765 Center, TX 75935 (936) 591-1395 greercharolais@hotmail.com H & H Farms Merle Hutchings 288 RS CO Road 2235 Emory, TX 75440 (903) 243-4852 Hann Farms – Spring Valley Ranch Dr. Roy Hann, Jr 9995 CR 353 Gause,TX 77857 (979) 279-2587 Happy 11 Charolais Norberto Lopez 302 Fresno St Zapata, TX 78076 (956) 765-5979 lopezn3d@sbcglobal.net CAT Membership Hatfield Charolais James Hatfield PO Box 1266 Terrell, TX 75160 Heath Hyde Cattle Co. Heath & Kristi Hyde 1303 County Road 1444 Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 (214) 356-1000 heathhyde@sbcglobal.net Idle Time Charolais Donald & Dee McAdams 1420 Lilley-Yeager Loop N Cleveland, TX 77328 (281) 622 9461 Misang54dee@yahoo.com JV Cattle Jeremy Swierc 2379 CR 215 Hobson, TX 78117 (830) 583-4396 jeremy.swierc@icloud.com JVS Cattle Co. Evelyn Gay Duhon 5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA 70665 (337) 764-1040 Titou6262@yahoo.com K & K Charolais, Inc. Kenneth & Maude Ann Kuykendall PO Box 95 Cherokee, TX 76832 (325) 248-4121 kandkcharolais@aol.com K & K Ranch Steve Killion 2228 CR 1301 Rusk, TX 75785 (936) 366-1876 skillion@campbellglobal.com Knight Land & Cattle/Rafter K Ranch Allison & Tucker Knight 2144 Swift Blvd Houston, TX 77030 (713) 249-6463 knightlandandcattle@gmail.com L4 Ranch Andy and Sandy Lobmeyer 9937 Macaway Road Adkins, TX 78101 (210) 827-4920 alobmeyer@live.com Lehman Charolais Larry & Robbie Lehman PO Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (972) 529-8723 lehmancharolais@aol.com www.lehmancharolais.com Link Charolais Chris Link 3082 State Hwy 87 N Center, TX 75935 (936) 590-2949 chris.link@sbcglobal.net Loran Charolais Michael & Cathy Loran 518 Kinder Rd Scotland, TX 76379 (940) 514-2476 Oak Hill Farms Wayne & Lois Bennett 1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 (770) 893-2674 Los Pinos Cattle Co. Salvador Ortega 18148 FM 359 Hempstead, TX 77445 (713) 384-0126 OBBCO Ranch Brad & Lorie Koonce 2701 Hwy 16 Deleon, TX 764114 (254) 631-8849 obbco@cctc.net clarkbehrends@gmail.com www.shadyoaksfarms.com M6 Ranch Kevin & Jessica Moore 2929 Oak Hill Rd Alvarado, TX 76009 (817) 822-7109 Owens Charolais & Show Cattle Josh Owens 171 CR 4709 Troup, TX 75789 (903) 258-3670 Shallow Creek Charolais Dennis Adams PO Box 10590 College Station, TX 77842 (979) 229-4472 M & K Land & Cattle Co., LLC John & Margaret Zimmerman PO Box 1579 Shiner, TX 77984 (713) 703-9301 P5 Charolais Chris, Laura, Cassidy, Trinity & Shianne Pedersen PO Box 796 Terrell, TX 75160 (972) 672-2138 cola_polarbear@live.com info@lospinoscattle.com kevin@m6ranch.com jw09@aol.com oakhillfarmga@tds.net owenscharolais@gmail.com M & M Charolais Kevin Wiley, Manager 805 N 25th Perry, OK 73077 (580) 370-1483 lpedersen@stcutility.com Martinez, Jose 737 Hill Road Tioga, TX 76271 Plyler & Son Caleb, Briana & Huck Plyler 1748 Hempstead 7 Hope, AR 71801 (870) 703-1394 mmcharolais@sbcglobal.net McCarver Farm Addis McCarver 4609 S St Nacogdoches, TX 75961 (936) 645-5559 addismccarver@yahoo.com MJL Cattle Larry Vititow PO Box 351 Sulphur Springs, TX 75483 (903) 885-7251 wvititow@verizon.net Mossleigh Farm, Inc. Betty Showers Brown PO Box 578 Brookshire, TX 77423 brownllc@outlook.com MW Charolais Janet Wilburn 4094 State Hwy NW Center, TX 75935 (936) 591-2587 mwchar@att.net NKR Charolais Tom Knicker 2239 Doc Sanders Road Aubrey, TX 76227 (214) 662-6602 nkrfarm@gmail.com Pat Griswold Cattle Co. Pat & Jane Griswold PO Box 1499 Dallas, TX 75367 (817) 946-8320 cplyler2014@icloud.com Ramro LLC - RU Cattle Co. Rosemary J. Harrison 2975 Lazy Lane Houston, TX 77019 ramro@comcast.net Rio Ranch Rafael Ortega, Owner 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 Scott Milligan, Manager (806) 683-6435 scottm@rioranchtx.com Rocking S Ranch, LLC Butch & Betty Smith 32101 West 256th St S Bristow, OK 74010 (918) 633-9594 rockingsranch@cox.net Roellen Ranch Jane Joslin 2860 FM 2495 Athens, TX 75751 (903) 286-2349 janejoslin@hotmail.com Rothe Charolais Ranch Walter Rothe PO Box 218 D’Hanis, TX 78850 www.charolaisassociation.com Roy Charolais Bruce & Charlene Roy PO Box 191 Mansura, LA 71350 (318) 359-1548 Shady Oaks Farms Clark & Amy Behrends 4896 Ranch Rd 2721 Fredericksburg, TX 78624 (830) 456-3693 Silver Creek Farm Rick & Kathy Kellison PO Box 369 Lockney, TX 79241 (806) 292-5982 silvercreekfarm@amaonline.com Simmons Charolais Joseph Simmons 24003 CR 441 Rising Star, TX 76471 (325) 642-3135 simmonscharolais@windstream.net Skeans Cattle Co. David and Larry Skeans 1216 Walter St Gainesville, TX 76240 (985) 870-4113 david_skeans@hotmail.com Sparkman Cattle Company Daniel Sparkman PO Box 8289 Ennis, TX 75120 (214) 676-2706 sparkmaninc@gmail.com Stephens, Colter 7417 Eden Rd North Richland Hills, TX 76182 Sturgess Double S Cattle Jerry & Gwynette Sturgess 11160 FM 2588 LaRue, TX 75770 (903) 343-9009 caddohillsranch@centurylink.net www.sturgessdoubles.com Sullivan Ranch Dan Sullivan 2576 Old Brandon Hillsboro, TX 76645 (254) 707-0814 dsullivan@hillsboro.net www.sullivanranch.net Thomas Charolais, Inc. Claudette Thomas PO Box 595 Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 thomasra@gte.net CAT Membership Thomas, Robin 1650 CR 133 Gatesville, TX 76528 robinythomas@gmail.com Timmber Farms Tim Lee 51 Brooks Road Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 466-2136 TML Charolais Thomas M. Levens 6015 Laurel Oaks Drive Dallas, TX 75248 (214) 202-6722 thmlevens@sbcglobal.net Tom Lewis Ranch Tom Lewis 8101 E US Hwy 90 Seguin, TX 78155 (830) 481-3751 telewic@gvtc.com Tomlinson Farm Mark Tomlinson 414 CR 618 Rosharon, TX 77583 (713) 249-4951 ricefarmer1@hotmail.com Trinity Valley Community College Marc Robinson, Manager 100 Cardinal Drive Athens, TX 75751 (903) 676-6069 Windmill Ranch Marlene Waak 1629 W Hwy 290 Carmine, TX 78932 (979) 451-1507 Twin Oaks Farm Vince & Meghan Elder 663 HCR 1300 Blum, TX 76627 (254) 580-9601 Services Vestal Farms – TV Cattle Co. LLC Tom A. “Andy” & Susan Vestal 2905 Coronado Drive College Station, TX 77845 www.championgenetics.com mrobinson@tvcc.edu velder@hughes.net t-vestal@tamu.edu Wells Charolais Ranch Richard & Heather Wells Jason & Nina Jo Wells 15446 419th Ave Conde, SD 57434 (605) 881-7824 Circle W Tom B. Williams PO Box 890 Carthage, TX 75633 (979) 324-7875 williamsjoan1932@gmail.com Trans Ova Genetics 1233 State Hwy 7 Centerville, TX 75833 (866) 924-4586 www.transova.com mwaak@earthlink.net Champion Genetics 18035 FM 17 Canton, TX 75103 (903) 567-4044 Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation 7221 Eden Road North Richland Hills, TX 76182 www.livebigfoundation.com Greg Clifton, Auctioneer 7221 Eden Road North Richland Hills, TX 76182 (817) 313-5250 Outfront Cattle Service Dennis Adams PO Box 10590 College Station, TX 77842 (979) 229-4472 www.outfrontcattle.com Ranch Management & University Transfer Agriculture Programs In the Registered Charolais Business for over 35 Years Selling Bulls and Heifers Scholarships available for the Beef Cattle Show Team and Rodeo Team www.tvcc.edu/agriculture TRINITY VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Agriculture and Ranch Management 100 Cardinal Drive • Athens, Texas 75751 903.675.6354 or 903.675.6285 • 1.866.882.2937 Marc Robinson, Ranch Manager mrobinson@tvcc.edu Selling 80-100 Private Treaty Bulls Annually GREER CHAROLAIS James & Becky Greer Bulls, Cows and Show Heifers — Call us for your cattle needs! 129 CR 3765 - Center, TX 75935 Home: 936-598-8533 - Cell: 936-591-1395 Collin & Courtney Greer Cell: 936-591-2142 greercharolais@hotmail.com IDLE TIME CHAROLAIS Donald and Dee McAdams 1420 Lilley-Yeager Loop North • Cleveland, Texas 77328 (H) 281-592-4516 • (C) 281-622-9461 • Misang54dee@yahoo.com Bulls & Females Available • Stop in or a Give us a Call! CHAMPION GENETICS 18035 FM 17 * CANTON, TX 75103 OFFICE 903-567-4044 CRAIG BARTON 903-920-3223 For many years, we have had the Semen Collection & Processing privilege of working with some of the biggest and best breeders all over the South…we would welcome the opportunity to assist YOU in any of your collection/genetic needs! CSS Available Facility Storage ** Shipping ** Supplies AI ** Embryo Collections AI Training Schools At our facilities or on-farm collecting — COME SEE US! GREG CLIFTON Auctioneer 817/313-5250 7221 Eden Road North Richland Hills, TX 76182 Clifton Marketing Company Specializing in purebred livestock marketing, auctioneering and commercial female placement. Congratulations to this year’s AIJCF recipients of Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation Scholarships! Dillon Elder, Blum, Texas Kiera Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo. Fifteen scholarships were awarded in 2015 and more will come in the upcoming year. The Foundation has been set up to provide educational scholarships for graduating seniors and financial assistance to families suffering from tragic loss. l to r: Neil Orth, AICA Executive Vice President and American-International Junior Charolais Foundation (AIJCF) Board of Trustee; Teanna Simpson; Dillon Elder; Greg Clifton; Larry Lehman, AIJCF Chairman. Go to www.livebigfoundation.com and make contributions to this 501(c)3 foundation. m a r g o r P l l a m S s t l u s e R G BI DEP Ms Smokin Pamela DP17 DEP Ms Smokin Class DP16 DEP Pamela Gun DE10 DEP Miss President Gun DE15 DEP Throttle Gun DE11 DEP Miss President Gun DE13 Dove Estate Partners, LLC Howard W Harris v PO Box 92775 v Southlake, TX 76092 (817) 371-9389 v hwharris1@verizon.net Donors make the difference... ET calves this fall by Man Among Boys DS Prime Silver 6212 M6 Full Throttle 2138 PET x WCR Prime Time 908 P by Bells & Whistles 3A Smokin’ Hot Cigar 48B P ET Cigar x 6212 Donor Owned with Idle Time Charolais by Smokester 3A Charolais Byron, Cindy & Sara Aultman Cleveland, Texas 713-252-1828 crystalcreekqh@sbcglobal.net by a Cigar son Sane, Sound Charolais Show Prospects for all levels! ET calves this fall by – VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld Monopoly Heat Wave EJS Ms Cigar 8612 PET LHD Cigar E46 x DS Perfect Bell 851ETPld by M6 Gravity by Man Among Boys – pictured at 690 lbs. by Monopoly Congratulations Ross Blackmon! We wish you a successful Texas Major show season in 2016. 3A Charolais by Man Among Boys Byron, Cindy & Sara Aultman Cleveland, Texas 713-252-1828 crystalcreekqh@sbcglobal.net we believe in the P O W E R of the NEXT GENERATION U LT I P LY IN VITRO FERTILIZATION • EMBRYO TRANSFER • SEXED SEMEN • RECIPIENT OPTIONS VIAGEN CLONING TECHNOLOGY • FRESH SHIP PROGRAM • LIVE CALF PROGRAM U C C E S S Whether it’s your cow family or your own family, we are committed to the next U C C E S S generation of cattle, and our continued support of youth programs. You can trust Trans Ova Genetics to combine HEADQUARTERS the art of reproductive technologies with the Chillicothe, Missouri industry’s most dedicated and experienced team of Sioux Center, Iowa 800.999.3586 professionals to help achieve your unique breeding Centerville, Texas program goals. 866.924.4586 Boonsboro, Maryland 866.774.3162 U C C E S S U C C E S S multiply success U C C E S S ® 800.372.3586 www.transova.com Selling 70 Bulls and Select Heifers Private Treaty Year-round Owens Charolais & Show Cattle 171 CR 4709 • Troup, TX 75789 JOSH OWENS JOHN & DEE OWENS (903) 258-3670 (903) 842-2326 Making Charolais Look Like Charolais For The Last Twenty years Purebred Charolais Breeding Stock & Show Cattle olais br ahman har brangus c l o s p i n o s c a t t l e c o. It All Starts... with a Good Cow. BUCK MISS BRAVE VAL 1117 F1140992 Rio Bravo x Easy Blend wr miss institute u616 F1093626 Institute x Unlimited Ease RLL Ms Riverdale j234 F1093781 Smokester x Unlimited Ease SC Miss Pro Line 0914 P F1120837 Pro-Line x Infinite Justice Bulls & Show Heifers Available Private Treaty Plyler & Son Caleb, BRIANA and HUCK Plyler 1748 Hempstead 7 • Hope, AR 71801 (870) 703-1394 calebplyler@hotmail.com Like Us! SVR Toto’s Ms Duke 6112S Pld F1068686 WCR Duke 17J x SVR Toto 161M SVR Dutchess 9068W P SVR Lady Rancher X039 P F1128207 SVR Drexlers Leader Z011 F1154182 SVR Tex Rancher U887 x M6 Impressive 918 F1118939 WCR Duke 17J x M6 Function 169 Bull calf sired by M6 New Standard 842 P ET Eatons Leader 2233 x Cooley Drexler 1107R101 Look for our Female Consignments this Fall and next Spring! Bulls Available Private Treaty M&M Stealth 8501 ET CE EM772225 Fall 2015 #4 Multiple Trait Leader BW WW YW Milk MTL SC REA MARB TSI EPDs: 8.4-1.6527413391.3 0.67 0.08 213.28 Top Rank: 15% 15% 1% 8% 3% 7% 6% 15% Hann Family • 9995 CR 353 • Gause, TX 77857 Dr. Roy W Hann Jr., Owner • (979) 255-5709 Tyson Hann, Owner • (979) 324-6659 Bryce Renfro, Manager • (512) 466-4009 RIO RANCH Quality in Volume Contact us today for your Charolais or Brangus bull needs. We understand that to have Quality Bulls you have to start with Quality Cows! Rafael Ortega • Owner Scott Milligan • Manager 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (806) 683-6435 scottm@rioranchtx.com Proven Genetics for... Performance It all starts with a powerful, balanced and athletic bull! With an emphasis on fertility, calving ease and heavy weaning weights, we’re meeting the demands of our commercial bull customers. Balance 5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell Titou6262@yahoo.com Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell E5rodsmith@yahoo.com Your Source For Outcross Genetics... Style Our cattle are bred and acclimated for the Gulf Coast. Calving Ease the Commercial Cattleman. Full French & Purebred Genetics Full French & Purebred Bulls & Females P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail: larryl@qiminc.com www.barjcharolaisfarm.com
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