Charolais Association of Texas - American International Charolais
Charolais Association of Texas - American International Charolais
L O R A N CHAROLAIS Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET Dam: Skymont Flash 5030 x LT Western Spur 2061 Sire: Eatons Royal Dynasty 6164 Dam: CJC Trademark H45 x Skymont Flash 5030 Call and Stop by for a Visit MICHAEL & CATHY LORAN 518 Kinder Road Scotland, TX 76379 940.541.2476 “ It is our goal to produce good cattle.” TR Mr Wrangle UP 2502Z WR Wrangler X Fire Water X Wyoming Wind M819085 BW: 72 lbs. Adj 205/R: 940 lbs./142 EPDs: CE: 8.9 Top: BW: -0.9 8% SEMEN/$20 Adj 365/R: 1337 lbs./110 REA: 15.77 WW: 41 YW: 61 MTNL: 28 4% 15% 15% SIGNING/$35 SC: 40 cm Bulls and Females Available Exportable semen available Dennis Charolais Farm Eric, Angie, Haley & Brayden Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 995-2161 • (940) 841-2792 For Semen, Contact: Cody White 3955 County St 2840 Rush Springs, OK 73082 (580) 450-7572 Letter from the President... ld like to as (CAT), I wou ex T of n io at ci r o ible to sell in ou e Charolais Ass ig Th el e of t om en d ec b si d re P in CAT an Charolais As current enthusiasts. The tion for you to jo s ta ai vi ol in ar h en C op er h an extend ays. ship of ot breed in many w as join the fellow e l th el w of n as s io le ot sa m e stat with pro with the exas is involved in conjunction le Association of T Sa ve ri D e e put tl at ose cattle that ar lo ual Cowtown C n d an an e d th re s te st al o h h T CAT Show. It offers the country. CA ck t o St ou th gh u or ro W th t or m men from legendary F lots of momentu number of stock g a in of in t ga on n fr ee in b y as on displa ho share Sale that h d meet others w ng Spectacular an ri in Sp Jo e . th d s an st o and h em also through awards e been in high d th av u h yo es e lv th ca to ss k o ais-cr AT gives bac bulls and Charol membership, C s it h it W . since Charolais le tt yself for Charolais ca free to contact m el fe the same passion s, le sa to to consign ation of Texas is ci member or how o a scholarships. ss e A s om ai ec ol b ar h to t C bership, suppor questions. The estion about how y em qu m an a r u er as h yo sw e d an n ee yo to n If an ion. We ld be glad ith this the state and nat ember. We wou ss m ro d ac ar o d Texas to join. W b ee y br om an s fr ai or e b ol ar to h e C ship list av e promote th d you do not h s. The member an ge le ar vi ye ri p er g p 0 in working hard to is $5 rt is ecial adve n. Membership ry and given sp to ec ir d and participatio r for any support. ou ce in n va ed d ad u cl in in ks e u ar sites. Than membership, yo A and CAT web IC A on Best Regards, so al e and directory ar Eric Dennis MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION and RENEWAL CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 309 Bois D Arc • Lockhart, TX 78644 Ranch Name__________________________________________________________________ Owner______________________________________________________________________ Ranch Address_________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) _________________ E-mail:________________________________________ Website_____________________________________________________________________ New Member Renewal Membership Dues: $50 ENCLOSE $50, payable to CAT and return with completed application to CAT at the above address or pay online at Your Link to Performance #325 EM846443 #350 EM846805 #340 EM846444 LT Long Distance x Dam of LT Bridger Grid Maker x EC Lady Duke - Full sib to EC No Doubt LT Long Distance x Dam of LT Bridger EPDs: -1.3 21 38 22 32 0.3 EPDs: 0.7 29 61 11 25 0.6 EPDs: -1.4 26 47 20 33 0.3 Top: 20% 1% 4% Top: 15% • Low Birth Weight Performance Driven Genetics • Bulls Available Private Treaty and in Select Sales Call Today to Select Your Next Herd Sire Top: 15% 1% 3% Link Charolais CHRIS LINK (936) 590-2949 3082 State Hwy. 87 N • Center, TX 75935 Classic Cows... Modern Look. M6 Ms 761 Nancy 6101 P ET Ms Cooley Suspect 863U5 F1082319 Suspect 0109 x Jackpot 863S3 EF1061248 Duke 761 x Nancy 382 (Trademark x Tradition) Top 5% WW • Top 5% YW • Top 20% Milk • Top 5% MTL (Prime Cut x Smart Choice) Top 20% CE • Top 4% BW • Top 4% REA LC Ms Lady Wind 4144 P ET F1019672 Schurrtop 5672 x Chap’s Lady 2170 P LC Ms Maker 6018 P F1042017 Grid Maker 104 x Easy Dawn 921 (Unlimited Chaps x Duke 611) A Full Sib to LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld Fall AI Sires — Wrangle Up Keys Ten-acious LT Bluegrass Spring AI Sires — Wrangle Up Bells & Whistles LT Ledger LT Bluegrass DR Revelation 467 (Unlimited Ease x Magnum 3155) Top 30% CE • Top 30% BW • Top 20% REA • Top 20% Marb Skeans Cattle Co. Bulls, show heifers and embryo’s available 1216 Walter St • Gainesville, TX 76240 David Skeans 985-870-4113 Larry Skeans 940-768-8841 email: Website: Sons of... Long Shot, Long Rifle, Easy Rio, Rhythm N Blues, Ledger and Long Distance will sell. A total of 37 Spring 2013 born bulls posted these averages: BW: 79.6; AWW: 622.0; AYW: 1146.6; ASC: 36.8; AREA: 13.37; AFT: .26; AIMF: 3.84 JGS Mr Ledger A318 - LT Ledger x LT Thunderbolt 7128. Calving ease, structure and disposition. Add Thundering Wind, Cigar, Schurshot--definite prospect! BW: 60; AWW: 620/98%; AYW: 1097/97%; ASC: 37.2 cm AREA: 14.12/103%; AFT: .23; AIMF: 2.75 CE: 13.3/1%; BW: -4.6/2%; WW: 20; YW: 41; Milk: 9; SC: 1.0/9%; CWT: 15; REA: 0.23; MARB: 0.13/20% JGS Mr ER Hulk A370 - LT Easy Rio x JGS Mr Hulk P541. May calf with explosive growth, top shelf EPD’s. Growth & carcass prospect! BW: 90; AWW: 752/127%; AYW: 1165/99%; ASC: 33.8 cm. AREA: 16.01/120%; AFT: .26/100%; AIMF: 4.10/115% CE: 2.2; BW: 1.7; WW: 36/15%; YW: 42; Milk: 10; SC: 0.5; CWT: 30/5%; REA: 0.69/1%; MARB: 0.11/20% JGS Mr Distance A328 - LT Long Distance x LT Pro-Vantage. Dam is a 1st calf heifer going back to 914 and Pride breeding. Length of side, structure, performance. A very nice package! BW: 93; AWW: 735/117%; AYW: 1258/110%; ASC: 35.5 cm AREA: 13.79/107%; AFT: .18; AIMF: 3.53/92% CE: 1.8; BW: 1.8; WW: 36/10%; YW: 61/15%; Milk: 13/20%; SC: 0.2; CWT: 4; REA: -.02; MARB: .08/30% JGS Mr LR Blues A352 LT Long Rifle x LT Rhythm N Blues Growth, Milk, EPD’s, Carcass...don’t overlook this one. Combines a ton of good traits! BW: 80; AWW: 701/111% AYW: 1200/106%; ASC: 39.6 cm AREA: 16.06/117%; AFT: .18 AIMF: 4.02/97% CE: -1.8; BW: 3.0; WW: 37/7%; YW: 67/9%; Milk: 15/10%; SC: 1.2/3%; CWT: 16; REA: 0.22 MARB: .08/30% To request a catalog, please contact: Mary McBryar - (903) 343-9009 Jerry & Gwynette Sturgess 11160 FM 2588 LaRue, TX 75770 (903) 343-9009 Jay & Lori Sturgess (903)681-0725 Michael & Lauren Sturgess (210)867-6863 Sons of... Fire Water, Wrangler, Ledger, New Standard, Fresh Grid, Cooley Waco & others will sell. A total of 29 Spring 2013 born bulls posted these averages: AWW: 648.3; AYW: 1195; ASC: 38.0; AREA: 13.44; AFT: .21; AIMF: 3.51 12 Fall 2013 born yearlings will sell. CR New Standard 7220A - M6 New Standard x LT Wyoming Wind. Powerful growth & carcass wrapped in a long side correct prospect. Ranks in the top 1% for YW & SC, the top 5% for REA, and in the top 6% for WW. Don’t miss him! BW: 98; AWW: 646; AYW: 1323/108%; ASC: 37.4 cm AREA: 13.69/102%; AFT: .19 ; AIMF: 3.46/102% CE: -1.0; BW: 3.9; WW: 48/1%; YW: 97/1%; Milk: 6; SC: 1.5/1%; CWT: 39/1%; REA: .62/2%; MARB: 0.09/25% CR Mr Turton 488A2 - TR PZC Turton x VCR Sir Duke 914. Combines superior structure and length with moderate birth and excellent maternal traits. Donor dam 488 ranks in top 2% for CE, Milk and top 4% for SC. BW: 78; AWW: 601; AYW: 1131; ASC: 37.8 cm AREA: 12.62; AFT: .15 ; AIMF: 2.93 CE: 7.9/15%; BW: -0.1; WW: 28; YW: 48; Milk: 13/15%; SC: 1.0/9%; CWT: 19/30%; REA: .36/25%; MARB: 0.00 Fulls Sibs 632A2 & 632A3 - TR PZC Turton x M6 Gridmaker 104. Combining power with carcass and maternal, donor dam 632 ranks in top 30% or greater for 11 of 12 traits. CE: 4.2; BW: 0.2; WW: 31/25%; YW:56/20%; Milk: 12/25%; SC: 0.8/25%; CWT: 23/20%; REA: 0.49/8%; MARB: .03 632A2: BW: 108; AWW: 679; AYW: 1180; ASC: 37.7 AREA: 13.58; AFT: .21; AIMF: 4.68 632A3: BW: 106; AWW: 690; AYW: 1298; ASC: 39.4 cm AREA: 14.55; AFT: .28 ; AIMF: 3.65 Joe Cavender, Owner 23179 CR 181 Bullard, TX 75757 (903) 571-1209 Justin Matejka, Manager Neches River Ranch (903) 521-1070 Cows to Build a Herd Around RLL GOIN’ PLACES 1329PET F950190 A former national reserve champion, this 2244 daughter has been admired throughout her life for her stylish combination of femininity, width and depth. The daughters of Goin’ Places are fantastic. We need more of them! We have enhanced her impact on our herd through the use of sons by Wyoming Wind, M6 Density (Big Top x 248), BPC BottomLine (914 x 2244) and M6 Fresh Air (Three Trees Wind x 914). The daughters of these bulls are exemplifying the same characteristics that made Goin’ Places so desirable. MS COOLEY S DUKE 1107N60 F991119 This dam of Cooley Royce has been called a “freak” because of her enormous width and spring of rib. The kind of power that N60 transmits makes breeding easy! She has worked with every bull we’ve tried. Her sons are stout, growthy and easy to sell, while her daughters and granddaughters are maternal and productive. Have you seen the Royce daughters? They will work in anyone’s herd. We expect N60‘s influence to permeate our herd for many years to come. M6 MS E46’S DUKE 248 PET F967918 With over 135 registered progeny, few females have had a greater impact on the breed than 248. We purchased an interest in 248 from M6 as a first calf heifer because we thought she was the most feminine Cigar daughter we had ever seen. Upon selling her, we produced nine clones to 248, ensuring that her genetics will continue to proliferate in our herd. Since the clones are just as productive as the original, the possibilities are endless. Bruner Polled Charolais 4 miles east of I35W 12320 E. FM 916 • Grandview, TX 76050 Home: 817-866-2839 Gene: 817-202-7680 • Brian: 512-797-3711 The At the ranch • Alvarado, TX FALL SALE M6 COOL ET CH BA ELOR 383 Saturday • 1 pm OCTOBER 11, 2014 SPRING SALE M6 Cool Rep 8108 x M6 Ms New Jewel 0155 Pld • 8-24-13 BW 82, WW 806 • EPDs BW 0.6, WW 44, YW 75, Milk 10, MTL 32, SC 1.5, CW 30, REA 0.66, Marb 0.03 Saturday • 1 pm MARCH 21, 2015 View Videos Two Weeks Prior To The Sale At WEL M6 MS NEW JE 0155 PLD Donor! She sells with Polled Cool Rep Heifer at side. M6 New Standard 842 x M6 Mark 7136 Pld EPDs BW 0.5, WW 37, YW 72, Milk 11, MTL 30, SC 1.6, CW 36, REA 0.59, Marb 0.07 M6 NEW REP 333 ET M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET x M6 Ms Bravo Grid 831 ET BW 86, WW 860, YW 1350 • EPDs BW 0.9, WW 46, YW 78, Milk 15, MTL 38, SC 1.5, REA 0.70, Marb 0.03 Over 40 Years In The Business! Call Today For A Sale Booklet! 817-822-7109 M6 MS GAIN & GRADE 552 P Donor! She sells with full brother to M6 Bells & Whistles at side. M6 Grid Maker 104 x HCR Mac 9157 Polled EPDs BW 1.4, WW 32, YW 62, Milk 15, MTL 31, SC 0.8 RANCH Hereford & Charolais Kevin & Jessica Moore 2929 Oak Hill Rd • Alvarado, TX 76009 E-mail: Website: Kevin Moore (817) 822-7109 Where Performance and Carcass LOOK GOOD! Vanna 4589ET Wyoming Wind x Cigar x Vanessa D029 The Genetics of Our Herd is Based Around – Field Rep, Relentless, Grid Maker, Wyoming Wind, Cigar and Duke 914 Pasture Proven Genetics that work for the Commercial Cowman We provide Miss Roseale 0884 P Field Rep x Cigar x D040 x Tradition 066 NKR Charolais TOM KNICKER 2239 Doc Sanders Road Aubrey, TX 76227 Tel: 214-662-6602 Email: Show Ring Looks & Commercial Cowman Function Owens Charolais & Show Cattle JOSH OWENS 171 CR 4709 • Troup, TX 75789 (903) 258-3670 Purebred Charolais Breeding Stock & Show Cattle C immons harolai s The Present 2014 AIJCA Junior National Champion Female SC Cool Water 121 Fire Water x BLB Miss Cool Rush 913 P The Future EPDs: 1.7 31 58 15 30 Come see us for your next show heifer prospect! Joseph Simmons 24003 CR 441 Rising Star, TX 76471 325.642.3135 SC Sophie 141 Full Sib born February 15, 2014 POWER of Proven Genetics D&D Ms Windy 2816 P ET A Full Sib to Three Trees Wind 0383 JDJ Ms Cigar S288 Cigar x Cobb AI Sires — CJC MR PRESIDENT T122 BHD REALITY T3136 P JDJ RESOURCE Z365 P JDJ EQUITY Z370 P M6 COOL REP 8108 ET M6 BELLS & WHISTLES 258 P 1A MR SANDMAN BY ACE 809 P D R REVELATION 467 Cigar x 914 Bulls Available Private Treaty or at Rancher’s Choice Sale December 6, 2014 Charolais For Profit Bull Sale February 14, 2015 Kojack x Wind 0383 x Grid Maker Buddy’s charolais Gary & Christel Biggs 9224 CR 915 • Godley, TX 76044 (817) 320-3535 Front Pasture Females Produce Bulls that Perform JDJ Ms Dynasty L428 LHD Dynasty C584 x LHD Ms Franz E147 RE Ms Duke 34 ET LHD Cigar E46 x CR Miss Duke 172 RE Mystery 829 ET EM796477 Illusion son out of RE Ms Duke 34 ET Watch for daughters and sons of these great Donors in sales throughout the country! F988929 RE Mrs Cigar 908 ET F924892 EF1107729 VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld x Hales Mrs Cigar 622 ET RE Cigar Dynasty 333 ET EM847218 Cigar son out of JDJ Ms Dynasty L428 RE Mr President Son 241 M832158 President son out of RE Mrs Cigar 908 ET R EVANS CHAROLAIS E Look for our bulls on Rick & Cindy Evans 2601 Austin Ave. Brownwood, Texas 76801 (325) 647-9039 December 6, 2014 at the Rancher’s Choice Sale, Nixon, TX! FH WIND 311 P ET EM832195 (Wyoming Wind x JWK RUBY E205) This Quality Herd Sire Prospect sells Nov. 8th, in Checotah OK., at the Oklahoma Charolais Bull Sale THREE TREES NANCY 2446 ET FH MISS SPLENDOR 208 P ET M6 MS 104 QUALITY 481 P ET Daughter of Three Trees Nancy 2446 ET Over 40 registered progeny. 481 is another example of proven cow power with longevity. Full sib to 0383, pictured at 12 years old. Form, function, and longevity. STEPHEN AND MICHAL MELLOTT (918) 409-6068 PO Box 56, Catoosa, Oklahoma 74105 Give us a call and stop by to select your next Herd Sire. With calves sired by Iron Man, All State, New Standard, Grid Maker, Rio Blanco, and 0383, there are plenty to choose from! Michal, Stephen, Lilly, and Maddie Where Style...Meets Performance Bulls sired by these breed leading AI sires — LT Ledger 0332 P • Cooley Royce 1107T39 • LT Long Distance 9001 Pld CML Encore 4Y • TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET • LT Bluegrass 4017 P DR Stealth 574 • Cooley Carbine 1410P14 ET Look for M&M Bulls in these Upcoming Sales — November 8, 2014 Oklahoma Bull Sale, Checotah, OK February 21, 2015 M&M Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Perry, OK Don’t hesitate to call and stop by the ranch! 805 N. 25th • Perry, OK 73077 Kevin Wiley, Ranch Manager (580) 572-2555 Barn or Office (580) 370-1483 Cell Charolais Association of Texas Membership The Charolais Association of Texas was formed to provide breeders with the ability to sell their product to the commercial sector as well as seedstock producers at a fair market value. This Organization exists so that our membership can stay informed with the latest industry standards and remain consistent in producing beef to meet the consumers’ needs. The Charolais Association of Texas is made up of members who have a strong desire to provide the beef industry with a product that will consistently be profitable from the producer to the consumer. We are dedicated to the need to provide our customers with high quality bulls and replacement females that will meet the ever changing market demands. CAT Officers and Directors President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Eric Dennis Chris Link David Skeans Michael Loran Directors: Gary Biggs Hardy Coffman Heath Hyde Norberto Lopez Meghan Elder Junior Advisor: Bradley Bracewell Rick Evans Tom Levens Larry Ludeke 309 Bois D Arc Lockhart, TX 78644 (830) 708-6709 AICA Representatives AICA President: Larry Lehman Area 5 Director: Larry Ludeke Area 6 Director: Bradley Bracewell Field Representative: Wes Chism CMR Charolais Arturo Guzman 1802 Meadow Ct Killeen, TX 76542 (254) 681-4454 Bracewell Cattle Bradley, Laci, Ryli & Brody Bracewell 737 Hill Road Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 230-3265 Dr. Gary & Glenda Cooper 4216 El Rancho Ct. Granbury, TX 76048 (817) 279-2542 CAT Office Manager: Katelyn Ebrom Bar J Charolais Larry Ludeke PO Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666 (281) 761-5952 Bruner Polled Charolais E.E. “Gene” & Glenda Bruner 12320 E FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050 (817) 202-7680 Buddy’s Charolais Gary & Christel Biggs 9224 CR 915 Godley, TX 76044 (817) 320-3535 C & E Cattle Craig, Elyse & Danielle Schill PO Box 216 Donie, TX 75838 (254) 359-4654 007 Charolais Cody White 3955 County St 2840 Rush Springs, OK 73082 (580) 450-7572 Achee Charolais Curt Achee PO Box 429 Pass Christian, MS 39571 (228) 697-1818 3A Charolais Byron & Cindy Aultman 2829 FM 1010 Cleveland, TX 77327 (713) 252-1828 Bill & Raye Arlitt PO Box 998 Poteet, TX 78065 (800) 772-3604 A1 Charolais Melvin Allen 26006 Apache Creek Rd. San Antonio, TX 78260 (210) 481-9088 Atkinson Charolais Mike & Cindy Atkinson 600 CR 228 Lampasas, TX 76550 (254) 290-7023 Cavender Ranches Joe Cavender 1530 CR 3313 Jacksonville, TX 75762 (903) 876-3360 Justin Matejka, Manager (903) 521-1070 C Bar G Cattle Co. Clifton Audilot 5610 Washington Blvd Beaumont, TX 77707 (409) 842-1547 Chris D Hess Charolais Chris Hess 608 N Main Muenster, TX 76252 (940) 736-3504 Jerry & Ann Crews 8001 Old Chappell Hill Rd Brenham, TX 77833 (713) 882-7397 Crooked Fork Land & Cattle, LLC Joe Tutt 6737 Glenbrook Lane Fort Worth, TX 76133 (817) 880-3425 Crosstimber Cattle Co. Ed Brunson PO Box 298 Canton, TX 75103 (214) 843-6740 CT Jones Land And Cattle CT Jones 106 Skyview Livingston, TX 77351 (936) 327-4440 Dennis Charolais Farm Eric, Angie, Haley & Brayden Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Rd Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 841-2792 Dismukes Ranch Jim & Jennifer Dismukes 107800 S 4240 Rd Checotah, OK 74426 (916) 995-3549 Dove Estate Partners Howard Harris PO Box 92775 Southlake, TX 76092 (817) 371-9389 Caden Lane Eary 1 North 29th Street Temple, TX 76504 (254) 217-0878 Hudspeth Farms Greg Hudspeth PO Box 88 St. Joe, AR 72675 (870) 365-8969 Vince & Meghan Elder 663 HCR 1300 Blum, TX 76627 (254) 580-9601 Hannah Hunter 1922 Golden Bay Whitehouse, TX 75791 (903) 839-7733 Evans Charolais Rick & Cindy Evans 2601 Austin Ave Brownwood, TX 76801 (325) 647-9039 Idle Time Charolais Donald & Dee McAdams 1420 Lilley-Yeager Loop N Cleveland, TX 77328 (281) 622 9461 Fox Hollow Farms Stephen & Michal Mellott PO Box 56 Catoosa, OK 74015 (918) 409-6068 Dave Johnson RR 2 Box 96 Beaver, OK 73932 (580) 552-1914 G & J Flores Gustavo A Flores 675 Tomblin Rd Bigfoot, TX 78005 (210) 748-1411 Gerner Charolais Ben Gerner 2675 State Hwy 7 East Nacogdoches, TX 75965 (817) 729-7162 Greer Charolais James & Becky Greer 129 CR 3765 Center, TX 75935 (936) 591-1395 Hann Spring Valley Ranch Dr. Roy Hann, Jr 9995 CR 353 Gause,TX 77857 (979) 279-2587 Happy 11 Charolais Norberto Lopez 302 Fresno St Zapata, TX 78076 (956) 765-5979 Heath Hyde Cattle Co. Heath & Kristi Hyde 1303 County Road 1444 Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 (214) 356-1000 Howell Ranch T.D. Howell PO Box 1288 Marshall, TX 75671-1228 (903) 926-9260 JVS Cattle Co. Evelyn Gay Duhon 5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA 70665 (337) 764-1040 K & K Charolais Kenneth Kuykendall PO Box 95 Cherokee, TX 76832 (325) 248-4121 K & K Ranch Steve Killion 2228 CR 1301 Rusk, TX 75785 (903) 683-6297 Lucy Kuntz 106 Skyview Drive Livingston, TX 77357 (936) 328-9568 L4 Ranch Andy and Sandy Lobmeyer 9937 Macaway Road Adkins, TX 78101 (210) 649-2845 Lazy J Ranch, LLC Tim L Jeter 807 CR 3, Suite 107 Douglass, TX 75943 (936) 371-1898 Lehman Charolais Larry & Robbie Lehman PO Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (972) 529-8723 Link Charolais Chris Link 3082 State Hwy 87 N Center, TX 75935 (936) 590-2949 Loran Charolais Michael & Cathy Loran 518 Kinder Rd Scotland, TX 76379 (940) 514-2476 Los Pinos Cattle Co. Salvador Ortega 18148 FM 359 Hempstead, TX 77445 (713) 384-0126 Adam Olsen 69 Mt. Zion Rd New Waverly, TX 77358 (936) 662-7853 Owens Charolais & Show Cattle Josh Owens 171 CR 4709 Troup, TX 75789 (903) 258-3670 Catherine Luft PO Box 593 Justin, TX 76247 (940) 735-1578 P5 Charolais Chris, Laura, Cassidy, Trinity & Shianne Pedersen PO Box 796 Terrell, TX 75160 (972) 672-2138 M6 Ranch Kevin & Jessica Moore 2929 Oak Hill Rd Alvarado, TX 76009 (817) 822-7109 Pat Griswold Cattle Co. Pat Griswold PO Box 670648 Dallas, TX 75367 (817) 946-8320 M & M Charolais Kevin Wiley, Manager 805 N 25th Perry, OK 73077 (580) 370-1483 Clint Miller & Lauren Hochheim 6364 FM 747 S Jacksonville, TX 75766 (817) 726-5296 Milligan Cattle Co. Scott, Britta, Madison & Kreese Milligan PO Box 1446 Navasota, TX 77868 (806) 683-6435 Mountain View Charolais Scott Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd Clarkesville, GA 30523 (706) 200-6655 Jim Nix PO Box 903 Garrison, TX 75946 (936) 569-3684 NKR Charolais Tom Knicker 2239 Doc Sanders Road Aubrey, TX 76227 (214) 662-6602 Noble Charolais and Show Cattle Brad or Tracy Noble 1932 FM 2991 Burkeville, TX 75932 (409) 565-9223 Plyler & Son Caleb, Briana & Huck Plyler 1748 Hempstead 7 Hope, AR 71801 (870) 703-1394 Polzin Cattle Co. Chris & Leslie Polzin 26450 665th Ave Darwin, MN 55324 (612) 916-0105 Price Charolais Larry Price 6744 Campbell Hill Road Belton, TX 76513 (254) 760-8727 Rio Ranch Rafael Ortega, Owner 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 Scott Milligan, Manager (806) 683-6435 Rocking S Ranch, LLC Butch & Betty Smith 32101 West 256th St S Bristow, OK 74010 (918) 633-9594 Roy Charolais Bruce & Charlene Roy PO Box 191 Mansura, LA 71350 (318) 359-1548 Simmons Charolais Joseph Simmons 24003 CR 441 Rising Star, TX 76471 (325) 642-3135 Skeans Cattle Co. David and Larry Skeans 1216 Walter St Gainesville, TX 76240 (985) 870-4113 Sullivan Ranch Dan Sullivan 2576 Old Brandon Hillsboro, TX 76645 (254) 707-0814 TML Charolais Thomas M. Levens 6015 Laurel Oaks Drive Dallas, TX 75248 (214) 202-6722 Tom Ben Williams PO Box 890 Carthage, TX 75633 (903) 693-2505 Sparkman Cattle Company Daniel Sparkman PO Box 8289 Ennis, TX 75120 (214) 676-2706 Jeremy Swierc 2379 CR 215 Hobson, TX 78117 (830) 583-4396 Trinity Valley Community College Marc Robinson, Manager 100 Cardinal Drive Athens, TX 75751 (903) 676-6069 Champion Genetics 18035 FM 17 Canton, TX 75103 (903) 567-4044 Stiles Land & Cattle Dixon Baird 15000 CR 1311 Malakoff, TX 75148 (903) 286-0590 Mark Stiles 15000 CR 1311 Malakoff, TX 75148 (903) 286-0590 Sturgess Double S Cattle Jerry & Gwynette Sturgess 11160 FM 2588 LaRue, TX 75770 (903) 343-9009 Thistle Hill Ranch Glen and Jennifer Horowitz 608 Old Center Church Rd Whitesboro, TX 76273 (817) 734-8929 Thomas Ranch Troy & VeaBea Thomas 18441 Capri Place Harrold, SD 57536 (605) 973-2448 John Tinkle 19003 Timberlake Oaks Dr Tomball, TX 77027 (713) 292-7020 Wagstaff Charolais Randy, Jana, Blake & Macie Wagstaff 144 CR 4107 South Henderson, TX 75654 (903) 646-5040 Wells Charolais Ranch Richard & Heather Wells Jason & Nina Jo Wells 15446 419th Ave Conde, SD 57434 (605) 881-7824 Janet Wilburn 4094 State Hwy NW Center, TX 75935 (936) 591-2587 Services Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation 3436 Whitney Way Hurst, TX 76054 Greg Clifton, Auctioneer 7221 Eden Road North Richland Hills, TX 76182 (817) 313-5250 Outfront Cattle Service Dennis Adams PO Box 10590 College Station, TX 77842 (979) 229-4472 Trans Ova Genetics 1233 State Hwy 7 Centerville, TX 75833 (866) 924-4586 Ranch Management & University Transfer Agriculture Programs In the Registered Charolais Business for over 35 Years Selling Bulls and Heifers Scholarships available for the Beef Cattle Show Team and Rodeo Team TRINITY VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Agriculture and Ranch Management 100 Cardinal Drive • Athens, Texas 75751 903.675.6354 or 903.675.6285 • 1.866.882.2937 Marc Robinson, Ranch Manager Calves Sired by these Leading Sires: M6 Grid Maker 104 PET LT Ledger 0332 P TR Mr Fire Water 5972RET TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 P ET WR Wrangler W601 GREER CHAROLAIS Bulls, Cows and Show Heifers — Call us for your cattle needs! James & Becky Greer 129 CR 3765 - Center, TX 75935 Home: 936-598-8533 - Cell: 936-591-1395 Collin & Courtney Greer Cell: 936-591-2142 GREG CLIFTON Auctioneer 817/313-5250 7221 Eden Road North Richland Hills, TX 76182 Clifton Marketing Company Specializing in purebred livestock marketing, auctioneering and commercial female placement. Congratulations to the first recipients of the Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation Scholarship! Jaid Runft, Scandia, Kan. Nick Williams, Bremen, Ala. Nine scholarships were awarded in 2013-14 and more will come in the upcoming year. The Foundation has been set up to provide educational scholarships for graduating seniors and financial assistance to families suffering from tragic loss. l to r: Larry Lehman, American-International Junior Charolais Foundation (AIJCF) Chairman; Greg Clifton; Jaid Runft; Nick Williams; Neil Orth, AICA Executive Vice President and AIJCF Board of Trustee. Go to and make contributions to this 501(c)3 foundation. e s a C d e s o l C The Facts Speak for Themselves EPDs BW2.3 WW 32 YW52 Milk14 TM30 RF-DEP Smokin Gun 972 SC1.2 Semen Available: Smokester x Wyoming Wind $35/straw; $15 Signing D A U G H T E R S DEP Pamela Gun DE10 DEP Throttle Gun DE11 DEP Miss President Gun DE15 DEP Miss President Gun DE13 Dove Estate Partners, LLC Howard W Harris PO Box 92775 v Southlake, TX 76092 (817) 371-9389 v WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN VITRO FERTILIZATION • EMBRYO TRANSFER • SEXED SEMEN RECIPIENT OPTIONS • VIAGEN CLONING TECHNOLOGY FRESH SHIP PROGRAM • LIVE CALF PROGRAM When you equip yourself with tools from Trans Ova Genetics’ industryleading reproductive toolbox, the possibilities to multiply your success are endless. Tailor our services to your needs and you’ll understand why multiplying the success of your herd only requires the right tools. HEADQUARTERS Sioux Center, Iowa 800.999.3586 Chillicothe, Missouri 800.372.3586 Centerville, Texas 866.924.4586 Boonsboro, Maryland 866.774.3162 SATELLITE CENTERS Arkansas•California•Illinois•Indiana•Iowa•Kentucky•Minnesota•Nebraska New York • Ohio • Oklahoma • Oregon • South Dakota • Texas • Wisconsin T I P LY C E S S C E S S C E S S C E S S multiply success C E S S ® The Next Generation Of Our Program Starts Here... ITC Cutter 003D P DOB: 1/15/13 M840747 LHD Cigar E46 x NF Agatha 9581 Polled x VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld x JWK Impressive D040 ET EPDs: BW: -0.1 WW: 30 YW: 52 M: 11 TM: 26 SC: 0.9 HC MS CALI 1397 F1166931 SC MISS BARBRA 3223 P F1183040 ITC AIBILEEN 093D P F1179634 Cooley Royce 1107T39 X Three Trees Wind 0383 ET LT Bridger 9191 Pld X HCR Super Duty 4033 Pld Bara Mr Cigar 54R ET X VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld IDLE TIME CHAROLAIS Bulls Available Private Treaty Stop In or Give Us A Call Donald and Dee McAdams 1420 Lilley-Yeager Loop North Cleveland, Texas 77328 (H) 281-592-4516 (C) 281-622-9461 WWW. Innovation With Quality Performance Red Factor Genetics She Sells November 15! South Dakota Charolais Classic EPDs: +30 WW +55 YW First time shown – Senior Calf Champion, Clay County Iowa Fair Visit our website and click on the Sale Consignment tab for information on our lots. • Also selling heifers bred to Just-In! Wells Ms Autumn 308 pld F1185812 9/9/2013 Sire: Sparrows Reliance Dam: Wells Ms Red Hot Mama Just-In Offers — .COM • Low Birth • High Growth • Great Look • Solid Red Color Owned with Reed Basher, Utah. Australian Rights owned by Travis Worth. Wells Mr Just-In 3861 Pld Give us a call or visit our website for semen on our herd sires. QM200583 BW: 65 AWW: 793 AYW: 1,354 Top 4% CE • 3% BW • 10% MCE Sire: Cracker Jack Dam: Cigar 33rd Annual Bull Sale • April 4, 2015 W ELL S CHAROLAIS 15446 419th Ave. • Conde, SD 57434 Richard & Heather Wells (605) 784-3409 • (605) 881-3601 Jason & Nina Jo Wells (605) 784-7824 (605) 881-7824 • (605) 881-5324 “Of ficial Home of the Bling Tags” “My grandpa bought his first Charolais in the 1950s. My dad started raising Charolais in the ‘70s. I have been raising commercial cows that I run Charolais bulls with. This past year my sons and I decided in memory of my father and my grandfather we were going to build the best Charolais herd in the country. All of the cows we have bought are polled, good calving ease and low birth weight that still have good performance.” – Chris Hess Cows Sired By – VPI Free Lunch Double-H Big Money M6 Fresh Air Three Trees Wind 0383 WR Wrangler SR/NC Field Rep M6 Profit TR Mr Fire Water Spring ET Calves in our Commercial Cattle are Sired By – BPC Tess FR BT25/248 Flushed to Wrangler-Produced 19 #1 Embryos VCR Duke 914, Keys All State & LT Easy Blend Donor Cows – BPC Tess FR BT25/248 EF1163518 All Charolais Cows have been bred AI to LT Ledger, TR Mr Wrangle Up and WR Wrangler Field Rep x BPC Miss Ditto 248 Top 5% WW, 8% YW, 20% MTL Chris D Hess Charolais 608 N Main 940.736.3504 DCF Lady Holywater EF1136392 Fire Water x DCF AJ’S Doll 001K Top 6% Milk, 15% MTL Muenster, TX 76252 CHAMPION GENETICS 18035 FM 17 * CANTON, TX 75103 OFFICE 903-567-4044 CRAIG BARTON 903-920-3223 For many years, we have had the Semen Collection & Processing privilege of working with some of the biggest and best breeders all over the South…we would welcome the opportunity to assist YOU in any of your collection/genetic needs! CSS Available Facility Storage ** Shipping ** Supplies AI ** Embryo Collections AI Training Schools At our facilities or on-farm collecting — COME SEE US! Best Kept Secret in the Charolais Breed BJR UNLIMITED DUKE 964 ET P 3/25/2009 WCR SIR DUKE 761 VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLD M297007 WCR MISS MAC IV 534 LT UNLIMITED DUKE 1172 P LT UNLIMITED MAID 7184 P F793032 LT UNLIMITED LASS2156P Roy Charolais Bruce & Charlene Roy PO Box 191 • Mansura, LA 71350 Cell: (318) 359-1548 Home: (318) 964-5129 EM777356 BR DUKE 261 WCR MISS TRADITION 8335 WCR SIR FA MAC 2244 MISS DOC 509 4-L UNLIMITED YL06 PLD LT PRAIRIE MAIDEN 8050 SILVER CREEK HIGH STAKES LCR MISS LINDSKOV 7109 EPDs Top % POLLED CE BW WW YW M MCE TM SC 5.8 1.0 41 74 20 5.4 41 1.3 8% 7% 4% 1% 5% CW REA FAT MARB Carcass EPDs 28 0.30 -0.004 -0.04 Top % 7% Pedigree & Performance Quality Bulls in Volume COOLEY ROYCE 1107T39 EPDs — Top 2% Milk, 3% TM, 7% MARB, 8% YW, 15% CW AICA Reg: M745957 BW: 2.1 WW: 30 YW: 73 Milk: 22 TM: 37 SC: 1.2 CW: 23 REA: 0.25 FAT: 0.003 MARB: 0.18 Happy 11 Charolais Norberto Lopez 302 Fresno St. Zapata, TX 78076 O (956) 765-5979 C (956) 286-3724 We Just Can’t Keep Royce Daughters in Zapata! FINK MISS 8919 5651 PRO EF1104720 EPDs: BW: -1.7 WW: 26 YW: 45 M: 19 TM: 32 SC: 0.2 Top: 10% 4% 5% Carcass: CW: 16 REA: -0.08 FAT: -0.008 MARB: 0.37 Top: 1% Due this fall to LT Reward Pedigree — LT EASY PRO 1158 PLD M620348 M6 GAIN & GRADE 927 PLD FINKS MISS 5651 1806 GG F1038911 FINKS MISS 1806 3575 FET Gerner Charolais Ben Gerner 2675 State Hwy 7 East Nacogdoches, TX 75965 817-729-7162 HCR FLASH 5074 POLLED 1A Mr Sandman by ACE 809 P Semen Available! Sire: Baldridge Kojack 29K • Dam: Wind 0383 x Grid Maker x Mac 2244 BPC Beth CR BX13 Pld Sire: Cooley Royce 1107T39 Dam: Wyoming Wind x Duke 914 x Budsmydad EPDs: CE: 15.4 BW: -4.8 WW: 36 YW: 59 M: 12 MCE: 8.2 TM: 30 SC: 0.3 1% Sandman Son Top: 2% 10% 15% Lazy J Ranch, LLC Tim L Jeter 807 CR 3, Suite 107 Douglass, TX 75943 936-371-1898 Clint Miller & Lauren Hochheim 6364 FM 747 S Jacksonville, TX 75766 817-726-5296 Your success in the cattle business is our ultimate goal. High quality, performance driven bulls, bred for the Gulf Coast. LOS PINOS CATTLE CO. 18148 FM 359 Hempstead, TX 77445 (713) 384-0126 At Los Pinos Cattle, we progressively work on improving our breeding and management program to produce high quality, and superior livestock in our selective breeds. Achieving success in the cattle business is not only a goal for our company, but it’s also an achievement we want for our customers. “To have good bulls, you need good cows.” BUCK MISS BRAVE VAL 1117 F1140992 LT Rio Bravo 3181 P x LT Easy Blend 5125 Pld x LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld MISS HCR DENISE 9073 PLD Bulls Available Private Treaty F1101712 RLL-HCR Denali G173 ET x LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld x HCR Flash 5074 Polled Thank you to Bubba McKay Show Steers for purchasing a flush in 9073. Show Heifers and Club Calves WFR 6112 P “BLONDIE” F1061614 MR NF Riata P 2 x BRUSH MTN Windrider 855 x RKS Cumac Pld 5411 Plyler & Son Caleb, BRIANA and HUCK Plyler 1748 Hempstead 7 • Hope, AR 71801 (870) 703-1394 CPLYLER2014@ICLOUD.COM Like Us! Quality in Volume We invite you to stop by the ranch or give us a call when selecting your next commercial herd sire. Rafael Ortega • Owner Scott Milligan • Manager 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (806) 683-6435 Proven Genetics for... Style Performance Our cattle are bred and acclimated for the Gulf Coast. Muscle It all starts with a powerful, balanced and athletic bull! With an emphasis on fertility, calving ease and heavy weaning weights, we’re meeting the demands of our commercial bull customers. the Commercial Cattleman. 5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell Full French & Purebred Genetics P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail:
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