Jul - Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce


Jul - Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce
Southern New Jersey’s
Volume 19
Serving Cumberland, Salem,
Atlantic, Cape May and Gloucester Counties
News & Views
July 2006
Number 7
At monthly luncheon
Mayor Barse describes ‘marathon’ of city progress and growth
t’s a marathon, not a
sprint,” emphasized
Vineland Mayor Perry
Barse in the annual “State of
the City” address at the
Chamber luncheon last month,
referring to the slow but steady
progress and growth throughout
the city over the past year.
The mayor pointed to
improvements in public works,
economic development, public
safety and education as proof
of his administration’s ongoing
plan for progress. Specifically,
he described:
Public Works: Roads
have significantly improved, he
said, with more designated for
repaving––South Spring Road,
Genoa Avenue, North East
Avenue and Vine Road. These
projects are important, he noted,
because “We need to have safe
access for families and for health
A study concerning the Vineland
Electric Utility generating plant also is
being completed to determine whether a
new generator would be feasible for the
city, he said.
Economic Development: “I’m
excited about the growth, the new businesses in the Industrial Park,” the mayor
noted, pointing to the recently completed Bennigan’s Restaurant on West
Prestige Publications photos
Mayor Barse addressing the Chamber luncheon crowd.
Landis Avenue. He also praised a “$7
to $8 million investment by the
Vineland-Millville Urban Enterprise
Zone” for a new façade program in
downtown Vineland.
A lawsuit protesting the Wal-Mart
building project at Landis Avenue and
Delsea Drive will soon be resolved, he
said. Approval from the state has been
received for the Off-Track Betting facility planned for South Delsea Drive,
which should be “an attraction for the
city, and a job creator.”
Public Safety: The Vineland
Police Academy is training 13 new officers, the mayor reported. The
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
division also will be expanded to have
three personnel on duty at all times and
fourth added as necessary.
Education: “The Community
SBI visits Achieve Physical Therapy and hears
timely advice for upcoming Chamber golf tournament
warm up for the Chamber’s annual golf tournament July 20 was a
special benefit for members of
the Services to Business & Industry
Committee at the May meeting held at
Achieve Physical Therapy, located at
1940 South West Blvd. in Vineland.
Dennis Palmer and Gary Galloway,
the Chamber’s immediate past and current presidents respectively, were willing subjects in a demonstration of
stretching and techniques to improve
your golf swing, given by Achieve
physical therapist and owner/operator
Richard Maung.
Maung and Paul Heim, also a physical therapist, founded the facility,
which combines physical therapy with
a fitness center, in 2003. Other staff
members are Tamara Cosme, office
manager and personal trainer and
Leslie Durham, Director of Public
Relations and Marketing.
There are 175 active members currently enrolled, with about 70 percent
for therapy and the remaining 30 percent for fitness. Clients receive rehabilitation for orthopedic injuries or sur-
bership to make
the benefits of
exercise a permanent part of
their new
“Any physical activity done
for a minimum
of three to four
times a week for
a half hour is
nothing but positive,” said
Heim, adding
that weight loss
and exercise can
sometimes elimChamber of Commerce photo/Debbie Perkins
inate the need
medication to
Paul Heim of Achieve Physical Therapy demonstrates some of
the exercise equipment available in the facility’s weight room.
health problems
gery and work-related muscoskeletal
such as diabetes and high cholesterol.
disorders as well as conditioning, Heim
The therapists will be on hand at
Buena Vista Country Club for the
The owners encourage those recoverChamber’s golf tournament July 20 to
ing from an injury to follow their physilead golfers in stretching exercises and
cal therapy routine with a fitness memoffer golfing tips.
New member Brooke Hoffman, of
MacDonald Communications, enjoys her
first Chamber event.
School (in center city) is going full
steam, ” he said, adding that local contractors are being hired to do the construction.
The mayor gave the local UEZ his
endorsement, saying “It’s one of the best
in the state” although currently under
scrutiny because of statewide budget
issues. Also on shaky grounds for the
same reason is Vineland’s status as an
Abbott district, which he called “an
unfunded mandate.” But maintaining an
optimistic outlook, he said, “We’ll have
to deal with it and work with the legislators. We have to stick together.”
The luncheon was held at the
Ramada Inn, Vineland. The next general membership luncheon will be in
Calendar of Events
Annual Golf Classic
Thursday, July 20
Buena Vista Country Club
Shotgun Start: 12 Noon
Annual Fishing Trip
August 17
Fortescue. NJ
On the “Bonanza II”
Registration: 7 a.m.
Trip: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Greater Vineland
Chamber of Commerce
2115 S. Delsea Drive
Vineland, NJ 08360
Phone: (856) 691-7400
Fax: (856) 691-2113
Web Page:
E-mail: info@vinelandchamber.org
Executive Director
Paige Desiere
President of the Board
Gary Galloway, Rental Country
First Vice President
Gina Biagi, Eye Associates
Second Vice President
Robert DeSanto, Gruccio, Pepper,
DeSanto & Ruth, P.A.
Third Vice President
Wayne Triantos, Triantos,
Deon & Delp
Immediate Past President
Dennis Palmer, Landis Sewerage
Board of Directors
Tony Asselta, Asselta Mechanical
Pete Capizola, Newfield Bank
Diana Caraballo, AFLAC
Jeannine Cavagnaro, Cumberland
Empowerment Zone
Dennis DeMatte Jr., Cumberland
County Improvement Authority
Kathy Farinaccio, Comcast
Jeff George, Cold Stone Creamery
Russell Kadlac, Stanker & Galetto
Lilly Kejzman, Ramada Inn
Kevin Kleiner, Dondero’s Jewelry
Victor LaTorre, LaTorre Hardware
Glenn Lillie, Allen Associates
Tammy Maciocha, South Jersey Gas
John McClain, Century 21
Graham Realty
Ron Rossi, Rossi Honda
Diane Sacco, Sun Bank
Lou Tramontana, Torchio Bros.
Sandi Zapolski, Urban Enterprise Zone
Treasurer: Harry Hearing, Romano,
Hearing, Testa & Knorr, C.P.A.
Solicitor: Michael Benson,
Buonadonna, Benson & Parenti, P.C.
NEWS & VIEWS Publisher:
Cohansey Cove Publishing
Editor: Paige Desiere
From the Director’s Desk
Check out new Chamber website’s exciting features
ne of the most exciting projects we have worked on
recently is the design and development of a new website. I have listed below some of the key features on our
new site, but I would encourage you to see for yourself by visiting www.vinelandchamber.org.
The “Members Only” section contains a preferred business
directory — complete with company name, classification, and
contact information, an online archive of past newsletter editions, and dozens of Member-2-Member discount coupons. This
section is password protected, so you will need to contact our
office to receive a sign-on.
A Community Events calendar serves multiple purposes.
Online events registration through Pay Pal makes registering for
Chamber events fast and easy. Most major credit cards are
accepted, and you will receive a receipt for your records.
Because there is no end date, you can look as far ahead on
the calendar as you’d like to learn the details of an upcoming
event. This feature also allows event planners to verify that there
are no other community events scheduled for a certain day or
time. Organizations can suggest that an event be added to the
calendar by submitting the online form.
Out-of-town visitors, new residents, and business owners
looking to expand or relocate here should be sure to view the
“Services” page. Information on area hotels, restaurants, and
local shopping along with links to real estate companies and
recreational activities are provided. City, county, and state
resources complete this section
and can be found under
community links.
The Chamber and the City of
Vineland are featured on the
“About Us” page and, for those
wishing to join the Chamber,
information on the benefits and
dues structure is now available
online by visiting the “Join” page.
Paige Desiere
I hope this brief overview sparks
your interest to go online to www.vinelandchamber.org. We will
be continuing to add features over the next few months so be
sure to save it in
your favorites and
‘No Smoking’ signs required
visit us often!
Paige Desiere
Chamber members tour Statehouse
ine representatives from the
Greater Vineland Chamber of
Commerce took part in a tour of
the New Jersey Statehouse in Trenton on
June 22 as part of the “2006 Day Under
the Dome” sponsored by the New Jersey
Chamber of Commerce.
Attending from Vineland were Dennis
Palmer of the Landis Sewerage
Authority, along with his student intern,
Andrea Browne, who plans to attend
Brown University in the fall as a freshman biology major; Dennis DeMatte of
the Cumberland County Improvement
Authority; Jeff George, Cold Stone
Creamery; Kathy Farinaccio, Comcast;
Pat McGrory, Ameriprise Financial; Rick
Pollock, A. Corky Linardo Fire & Safety
Equipment, Inc.; Bob Smith,
Cumberland County Improvement
Authority; and Debbie Perkins of the
Vineland Chamber.
Local legislators Sen. Nick Asselta
(R-1st district) and Assemblymen Jeff
Van Drew and Nelson Albano (D-1)
spoke with the group during the tour,
which included morning presentations
on “Priorities of the New Jersey General
Assembly,” “Legislative Overview” and
“Priorities of the Corzine Administration.”
During the afternoon, guests observed
voting sessions of both the Assembly and
the State Senate.
Aug. 17 in Fortescue
Catch some rays at
Chamber’s fishing
ook your space now for the annual
Chamber Fishing Tournament on
Thursday, Aug. 17 on the
Bonanza II, which sets sail
from Fortescue.
Registration is at 7 a.m.,
and the boat embarks at 7:30,
returning at 3 p.m. Reservations are
$45 per person, limited to the first
40 registrants.
for places prohibiting smoking
ew Jersey banned smoking in
virtually all public and private
workplaces on April 15, including office buildings, state or local
offices, theaters and concert halls, public libraries, museums, bars, restaurants,
parking facilities, break rooms, waiting
rooms, sports venues, shopping malls,
retail stores, hotels and apartment
building lobbies.
Exempt are casino floors, cigar bars,
tobacco retail stores, private homes and
automobiles. Also, a hotel may permit
smoking in up to 20 percent of its guest
Businesses are required to post signs
at all public entrances to their buildings
indicating that smoking is prohibited.
Signs also must be posted in any area
where smoking may be allowed.
Someone who smokes in violation of
the act is subject to a fine of not less
than $250 for the first offense, $500 for
the second offense and $1,000 for each
subsequent offense. A person who fails
to comply with an order from the N.J.
Department of Health (DOH) or the
local board of health concerning a violation is subject to the same fines.
For questions and to obtain “No
Smoking” signs, visit the DOH web site
at www.smokefree.nj.gov.
Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: First fish caught, strangest catch,
largest flounder, largest weakfish,
and largest bluefish. So get your
rod and reel skills working and
come out for a fun time in the
summer sun.
Denise Jackson of the Vineland/Millville Urban Enterprise Zone is again
serving as this year’s chairperson.
Leaders build with the leading builder.
The Butler Builder Difference
317 W. Elmer Rd. • Vineland, NJ 08360 ■ (856) 692-8098 • Fax: (856) 692-3058
Page 2
News & Views• July 2006
Business Spotlight of the Month
Bay-Atlantic Symphony thrives on bringing powerful music to community
he “power of classical music” and
the excitement it can bring to the
listener is what intrigued Paul
Herron to accept the post of Executive
Director of the Bay-Atlantic Symphony,
the region’s premier professional symphony orchestra.
“Hearing classical music, an art form
that seems to be receding, is a powerful
experience,” he said at the organization’s small office at 59 Commerce St.,
Bridgeton. “In classical music you can
hear passion, rage, pleadings to
God––there’s a whole vocabulary
unique to the musical experience.”
The director of the orchestra, Jed
Gaylin, adds, “After one of my classes
that I give before a concert, a young
person came up to me and said he
thought the music would be boring––
but he found it exciting. He thought it
was remarkable that the volume is created naturally, not mechanically,
through electronics. In a live concert,
the volume is the muscle power of the
The Bay-Atlantic Symphony began
life in 1983 as the Bridgeton
Symphony. Its first musical director was
Russell Meyer, and performances were
held at the Old Broad Street Church in
Bridgeton. The name was changed in
1998 to reflect a more regional scope
(the orchestra performs in Atlantic,
Cape May, Ocean and Salem Counties
as well as Cumberland and presents
educational programs for school children as well as its main concerts) and
Gaylin came on as director in 1997.
“Although it was always a professional
orchestra, we brought the playing to a
higher level,” he said.
The 50-plus members of the full
orchestra are all hired on a freelance
basis, Gaylin explained. “They come
from South Jersey and some from
Philadelphia. All are the finest freelance
musicians in the region.”
The orchestra has attained greater
stature in recent years through the hiring of new musicians such as concert
master Ruotao Mao, an accomplished
violinist originally from Bejing, China,
and by bringing in well-known soloists,
such as the renown violinist Hilary
Hahn, who performed with the orchestra in June at the Cape May Music
Although Bay-Atlantic takes up
most of Gaylin’s time, he does have
other responsibilities.
He is also conductor
of the Hopkins
Symphony Orchestra
at Johns Hopkins
University in
Baltimore and is the
principal guest conductor of the Sibiu
State Philharmonic in
Herron has been
with Bay-Atlantic
since May and has a
unique background as
healthcare administrator and little theater
developer. He was
Administrator at the
University of
California at San
Francisco for 10 years
Prestige Publications photo
and has served in simiPaul Herron, Executive Director of the Bay Atlantic Symphony, reviews promotional material with
lar positions at the
Romy Burkus, Operations Director, in the symphony’s office at 59 Commerce St., Bridgeton.
Healthcare Center in
(Continued on page 4)
SERVICES...Provided by Fellow Chamber Members!
Auto/Truck Service
Custom Framing
Bros., Inc.
Complete Tire & Auto Service Center
Gallery & Frame Shoppe
3rd & Wood Sts., Vineland, NJ 08360
• Tires & Wheels • Alignment • Oil, Lube & Filter
• Air Conditioning Service • Tune-up • Brakes & Shocks
• Jasper Engines & Transmissions • Airborn Coatings
Betty Testa, President (856) 691-3600
Emergency Services
46 East Commerce St.
Bridgeton, NJ
782 S. Brewster Road, Suite A-5
Madison Square Complex
Vineland, NJ 08361
Conservation framing, needlework & object
framing. Corporate services a specialty
Are You in a Fix?
Trust the Cleanup to Servpro of Cumberland County!
We Specialize in Duct & HVAC Cleaning,
Mold Removal, Water Intrusions, & Sewage Backups.
William Consalo & Sons Farms, Inc.
Consalo Farms, Inc.
WCS Trucking, Inc.
24 Hour Emergency Service Available
Servpro of Cumberlannd County
2871 S. Main Road Vineland, NJ 08360
The Premier Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration™
Independently Owned and Operated
SINCE 1927
Vineland, NJ
Tel: 856-691-3377
Fax: 856-691-0164
Health Care
Nogales, Arizona
Tel: 520-281-4855
Fax: 520-281-4214
Sherrington, Quebec
Tel: 450-454-5075
Fax: 450-454-3709
“Cour tesy First”
An affiliate of South Jersey Healthcare
70 Cohansey Street
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
(856) 451-4700
(856) 455-3144 (fax)
Plumbing Supplies
“se habla espanol”
(856) 692-6017 • 1721 North West Ave, Vineland, NJ 08360
Graphic Design
Digital Network
Radiant Flooring
News & Views • July 2006
22 W. Landis Avenue
Unit Q
Vineland, NJ 08360
(856) 691-0741
Fax: (856) 691-4655
Waste Management
Page 3
What’s new in business?
The Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
branch, which recently opened at 601 E.
Landis Ave., follows a new store concept
featuring special services for ethnic
minority neighborhoods. The décor and
art work in the building follows the same
“Wells Fargo realizes that our customers in traditionally underserved communities may need tailored mortgage
solutions to help them achieve the dream
of home ownership,” said Vilma Levy,
Regional Merging Markets Manager.
Prestige Publications photo
Cutting the ribbon to signify the grand opening of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage at
601 Landis Ave., Vineland, are, from left: Brian Costanzo, mortgage consultant;
Evelyn Colon; Patrick Bready, mortgage consultant; Vilma Lorenzini, Regional
Program Manager; Vineland Mayor Perry Barse; Hector Ramos, Branch Manager;
James Astacio, mortgage consultant; and Michael R. Johnston, Area Manager.
ree computer courses for businesses
are being offered at Cumberland
County College for employees of
private companies who work at least 30
hours per week. The classes are provided
by a training grant from the N.J.
Department of Labor.
Courses scheduled are: Introduction
to Windows, Introduction to Word,
Introduction to the Internet and Basic
Math: Excel. For information on dates
and times, call Cindy Phillips at 856691-8600, extension 377 or write her at
cphillips@cccnj.edu. Attendance is by
reservation only. All classes will be held
in the Wheaton Building on campus.
We l c o m e , Ne w Me m b e r s !
Claire A. Nuyannes
Individual Member
Above & Beyond Expectations
Cleaning Service/
Janitorial & Maintenance
1371 N. Orchard Rd.
Vineland, NJ 08360
Ph: 856-692-9997
Tammy Rivera
Metro Public Adjustment, Inc.
727 Elmer St.
Vineland, NJ 08360
Ph: 856-692-9997
Tammy Rivera
Before you make
your next move, call us for a
no-obligation overview of your
property’s value.
Boardwalk Bank
201 Shore Rd.
Linwood, NJ 08221
Ph: 609-601-0600
Jeffrey Taylor
Call us. You’ll be glad you did!
Real Estate, Inc.
M & M Music
Music instruments & services
2006 S. Delsea Drive
Vineland, NJ 08360
Ph: 856-691-6611 Fax: 856-691-7552
Jim Marone
1071 E. Landis Ave.
Vineland, NJ 08360
Office: (856) 696-4500
Fax: (856) 691-1668
Are you missing out on the professional,
courteous service YOU deserve?
Bay-Atlantic is region’s premier symphony orchestra
(Continued from page 3)
Bridgeton, for four years, and the N.J.
University of Medicine and Dentistry
School of Osteopathic Medicine at
Stratford in the Pediatrics Department,
for eight years. He was born in
Wildwood and lives in Egg Harbor, married with two children, a daughter, 17,
and son, 21.
Herron says he has been fascinated by
the theater since his high school days and
recently formed a Margate little theater
group called the “Fool Moon.” The comedy “The Fantasticks” was one of its
recent productions, performed in May. So
it seemed a “perfect fit,” he said, when
he was offered the job of the symphony
Executive Director, combining as it does
the duties of an administrator with a
focus on the arts.
The symphony’s small staff also consists of Operations Director Romy
Burkus, Personnel Director Chris
DiSanto and part-time bookkeeper Karen
Wibowo. The organization keeps the
overhead low so it can meet expenses
and maintain financial solvency. “We’ve
been in the black for the past three
years,” said Herron, smiling. He obviously hopes to keep it that way.
AFLAC – Diana Caraballo
B & B Poultry Co. Inc.
Bay-Atlantic Symphony
BJ Roasters
BJ’S Wholesale Club
Brewin Flooring LLC
Cavalier Business
Cold Stone Creamery
Computers & Networks Unlimited
Cumberland Advisors, Inc.
Dog Guard Out of Sight
Frank Guaracini Transportation
Garden State Hwy. Products, Inc.
J.C. Ehrlich Co., Inc.
Kennedy Concrete, Inc.
Kimble Glass Inc.
Larry’s II Restaurant
Stanker & Galetto, Inc.
T&F Camera Shop
Urban Enterprise Zone
Vineland Check Cashing
Vineland Syrup, Inc.
Wood Technologies, Inc.
Do you live, work, worship or go to school
in Vineland, Millville or Bridgeton?*
*Prospective members MUST meet strict eligibility
requirements as outlined by NCUA charter. Consult a
member service representative for more information.
No more why’s.No more sighs.No more worries.Just turn to Susquehanna, and we’ll shoulder all of your financial woes.From basic checking to sophisticated cash management solutions that put your every dollar to work. And everything in between: Internet banking with bill payment; debit and credit
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Deposit Accounts Insured to $350,000
Page 4
Tickets for the annual Sports Car
Raffle to benefit Big Brothers/Big
Sisters are on sale now. This year the
winner will have a choice of a 2006
Porsche Boxster, Mercedes Benz SKL or
Mercedes Benz ML. Each car is valued
at more than $47,000.
Tickets sell for $100 each with only
999 offered for sale. To purchase tickets,
contact the organization at P.O. Box
2188, 1944 E. Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ
08362-2188 or call 856-692-0916.
Do you want competitive products and
services that meet YOUR needs?
...then join South Jersey
Federal Credit Union TODAY!
Dutch Neck Village will present its
annual Peach Festival on Aug. 5 from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Peach temptations of all
sorts will be on sale, in addition to goods
from various vendors. Dutch Neck is on
Trench Road, Bridgeton.
Are you looking for a financial institution
that puts YOU first?
’ RE
South Jersey
Federal Credit Union
Vineland Regional Transportation Center
106 W. Landis Avenue, Vineland
Wheaton Village, Glasstown Road,
Millville, will celebrate its new name
with a free open house on July 15 from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The new name is the
Rental City, LLC
1297 W. Landis Ave.
Vineland, NJ 08360
Ph: 856-696-1666 • Fax: 856-696-1668
Lisa Van Meter
Market Analysis
Texas Roadhouse, a popular area
restaurant at 2299 No. Second St.,
Millville, is celebrating its second
anniversary with a ribbon cutting
on Aug. 9 at 3:30 p.m. Joe and Kineta
Russo are owners.
Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center.
Also upcoming is its annual Antiques
and Collectibles show on July 29 and 30
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
susquehanna.net / 856.794.7947
News & Views • July 2006