tenebrionidae and zopheridae of the chamela biological station and


tenebrionidae and zopheridae of the chamela biological station and
nae !Buprestidae):
tt~d Byttneria Borer). In:
Jmverstty of Chicago Press,
cryptocents (Hymenoptera:
la: Ecology and History of
S. Hartshom and H. A.
;, Chr)·soboth1'is and Para-
G. H. :'liELsor-;. 1989. New
'leoptera). lnsecta lvlundi,
University of California
201 Wellman Hall
Berkelcy, California, 94 720
llitana de i\Ion..........
Folia Entomoligica Mexicana No. 77: 211-276 (1988)
Received: :\ovcmbcr 4, 1988.
Acccptcd: Deccmbcr 23, 1988.
FouA E:"'Tü:\IOL.
~IFX. 77
En este trabajo se presenta una relación de bs RS especies y los 50 gé·nclTlS de
C:olenptera Tcnebrionidac Y Zophcritlac hasta ahora conocidos de la Estación de llio·
logia Chamela. U.J\'.i\.11. .Jalisco. l\Jc':\.ico v sus alrededores. Se ilustran 28 de ella' ,. se
incluye una cl;ne para la identificación de géneros v especies locales incluidos t·n las
suhfamilias Zopherinae, Lagriinae. Pimcliinae. Tenehrioninae, Alleculinae, Diapcrin~¡c ~
Se describe un nue\o g<',ncro: Triplw/ojJsoidc.l, v once nue\as especies de los gc·ncJos
Phoi>elius, 'f'richiasida, TyjJÍI/zneclzus, B!ajJ.I/inw, H!'/oj>s, A/lecula, TrijJlw!ojJ.IOidr' ..,ito·
j1hagus, 11fentcs y Otorrrus.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Coleoptera, Tcncbrionidae, '.bxonomía, Fauna, Bosque Tropical
Caducifolio, Costa Pacifico, México.
In this papcr an accoum o[ ¡;¡; species and 50 genera of Colcoptcra Tcneilrionida.., aiH!
Zopheridac known to date for thc Riological Station Charnela, U:'\A,\1, Jalisco. :\Icxico
and its emirons, is presented. T\\·entv eight specics are illustrated, and a key is included
for thc idcntification of local genera antl species belonging lo the subfamilies Zopherinae, Lagriinac, Pimeliinae, Tcnebrioninae. Allccu!inae, Diapcrinac and Coclomctupinac,
.\ ncw genus: Triphalojm>ides, and clncn nc11· species bclonging to the g<·nera
Plzoúelius, TTichiasida, Typhlusechus, Blaf>.llinus, 1-Ielops, .11/eru/a, TrijJlwloJ>.widn. SiloJJ/wgus, ¡1Jentes and Otoccrus are dc"Tibcd.
'KEY \\'ORDS: Colcoptera, Tcneilrionidat', Taxonomv. Fauna, Tropical dt'(itiLIOil' (nrcst,
l'acific Coast, l\Iexico.
Relativcly little systematic research ha'i bcen done on most familib of
C:oleoptcr:t in :;\lc~oamérica -;ince thc Biología Ccntrali-Americana, publi,hecl near the encl of thc Jast century. For thc family Tencbrionidae mmt aclditional information is in the form of piecemeal dcscriptions of ncw o,pecies
or, for a fcw genera, rcvisionary treatments. The reports (Blaisclell, E1~3;
J 943) of thc California Academy of Scicnccs expeditions to Baja Cal i fornia are the most definitivc which cxist for that rcgion, but the fauna ¡,
derivcd from thc southwcstern descrts, with rclatively few neotropical tlements. The Rockefeller expedition to north central ~fexico in 19.í 7 rcsulted in significant adclitions to thc :\fexican tcnebrionid fauna (Pallister,
I9S-1), but again th<
the north. Accumul
Gebien (1937; 1938
tional information
~13; 1889-93) fauna!
been made for any
pecially low for tl
unsampled at the t
around the Gulf <
highway bctwcen 1
1960 and that betv
for ~everal more y
many specimens ci
1972: Campbell 191
100 ycars prcvious
of tÍ1e Tencbrion
Biología Chamela
ción is located ne
north\1·est of riJan
from t he seacoast
vcgetation is prirr
semideciduous vegt
are notable for th
Rainfall is primal
hctween February
of the Estación ar
in this volume).
The classificatic
(1989). This arra!
includes Lagriida<
and Lawrence, 19
Yiations from pre
(ollowing text. O
particularly for a
work may procee'
panied by illustr:
the commonly en
cies, with yery 1
:cics y los 50 gém·ros de
os de la Estación de Bioe ilustran 28 de dbs \" ,e
eli locales incluido' en' bs
Alleculinac, Diaperincte ~
vas especies lle los .~<·nc 1 os
cu/a, Tripha!ojJsoide,, Sito-
, Fauna, Bosque Tropical
Tmcbrionidae ami
UNA:\!, Jalisco. Mcxico
ted, ami a kcv is included
:~ the subfar~ilies í'nphe:mac ancl Coclometopiuac.
belonging to the genl'ra
·cula, Triphalopsoid; '· Si-
Tropical dcci<luou' lnn·st,
: on most familic-, of
i-Amcricana, publi,hnebrionidae mo~t adiptions of new >pecies
orts (Blaisdell, El~3;
ions to Baja Califoron, but the buna i~
' few ncotropical eleMcxico in 195 7 remiel fauna (Pallister,
105-±), but again the re1ationships were primarily with arid land faunas to
the north. Accumulated information was recompiled in the catalogues by
Gebien (1937; 1938-42; 1942-44) and Blackwelder (1945), but the distributional information in these is scarcely changed from the Champion (188!~3; 1889-93) fauna! work. In general, no local fauna! lists seem to haYe
been made for any region in ::\Iesoamerica. The leYel of knowledge is especially low for the Pacific Coast of 1\Iexico, which had been largely
unsamplcd at the time the Biología was written, except for limited areas
around the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Acapulco and Mazatlan. The paYed
highway betwcen Guaymas ancl Tepic was not completed until almost
1960 and that between Puerto Vallarta and Acapulco remained unpavcd
for ~everal more years. Consequcntly, revisionary papers seldom contain
many specimens citations for pacific coastal localities (e.g., Triplehorn.
197~: Campbell 1966; Doyen, 1984a), often referring to specimens collectecl
lOO years prcvious. For these rcasom it is appropriate to present a list
of the Tenebrionidae which have been collected at the Estación de
Biología Chamela of the Universidad Autónoma ele México. The Estación is located near the settlement of Chamela, approximate1y 125 km
north\\·est of ::\Ianzanillo (Bullock, 1987). It is situated less than ~ km
from the seacoast and has an elevationa1 range from 10 to 584 m. The
vcgetation is primari1y dense cleciclous forest, covering the slopes and
semicleciduous vegetation along the larger arroyos. The forests at Chamela
are notable for the diversity and abnndance of epiphytes and of vines.
Rainfall is primarily betwecn July ancl October, with practically non e
hctwcen February and 1\fay. The general sctting, vegetation aml climate
of the Estación are cliscused in some detail by Bnllock (1986; 1987; ancl
in this volume).
The classification follows that uscd by Doyen, ct al. (1989) and Doycn
(1989). This arrangement excludes Zophcridae from Tenebrionidae and
includes Lagriidae and Allcculidac as suhfamilics (Doycn, 1972; Doyen
and Lawrence, 1979; Doyen ancl Tschinkel, 1982; \Vatt, 1971). Other deYiations from previous classifications are notecl wherc appropriate in the
following tcxt. One o[ the prim~try rcasom for compiling a fauna! list,
particularly for a local area, is to cnable identifications so that ecological
work may proceed. vVith this in mind thc list presentecl here i-; accompanied by illustrations intended to represent the general body form of
the commonly encountered genera, and hy a kcy to the genera and species, with yery brief diagnoses to the latter. Dates and localities are
El'\Tmror. :\Ir:x. 77 (1988)
presented for essentially all material examined, since most species haYe
been collected on1y a few times. Holotypes of newly described spccies are
held on loan at the California Academy of Sciences. Paratypes are deposited
in the Essig Museum of Entomology ancl in the collection of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, D. F. and a reprcsentative collection
containing most of the known specics is deposited at the Estación de
Biología Chamela. The remainder of the material is housed in thc Essig
.l'VIuseum of Entomology, University of California, Berkeley.
The following tabulation is based on more than 1000 specimens. About
one-third of these were collected during a two week period in late July and
carly August, 1984. The remaining specimens rcpresent nearly CYery
month, but the great majority were collected during the period from July
to Dccember (e.gr., during the rainy season or shortly thereaftcr). This
distribution reflects both uneven seasonal distribution (most specic> are
active during the wet period) and unequal collecting activity. Thc only
concerted field effort made in December resulted in the only collections
of Trichiasida lutulenta and in largc collections of Eusattus mexicanus,
which previously had hardly been recorded from coastal Jalisco. At thc
present level of systematic knowledge of the Mesoamerican fauna it
is not possible to reliably determine all specimens of Tenebrionidae to
species. The type spccimens are scattered in many collections, and, evcn
if these could all be examined, for severa] large genera that havc never
bcen revised determination would still be very difficult without lcngthy
study. Genera which present special problems of this sort include BlajJstinus, Platydema, Strongylium, Statim and all Alleculini except Lobopoda. For these taxa specimens which do not clearly represent a described
cntity are listed as incertae sedis at the end of the list. Question marks
following a species name indicate that comparisons have not bcen madc
with the type specimens, or that the specimens from the Estación differ
slightly from those representing the type. References to papers publishcd
since the Blackwelder checklist (19,15) are listed under references cited.
Older papers are citcd fully in Blackwelder.
11 odulosus Yar. se
ha/demam1i 'ar.
·Material examined
VII-12/J:¡-87 (l):
Range. Chiapas to
zophcrus adults
ches, in which the
Anaedus punctati~
Anaedus punctatis.
Material examinCl
N El Tuito, X-2<
Range. Brasil to 1
Anaedus apicicon
Anacdus apicicortl
Material examint
Range. Panama te
Goniadera repan
Subfamily Zopherinae
Zophcrus nodulosus nodulusus Soldier, 1811.
Z. nodulosus Solicr 18·H :43; Champion, 1884:42; Triplchorn, 1972:8.
Z. variolos¡¡s Sturm. 18·1J:349.
¡'Helandrya repan
Goniadera repan1
Material examin
87, at lights (1).
Range. Brasil to
Don~:-:. Tr:>:EBRIO:>:IDAE A:>:D ZoPHFRIDAE FRo:o-r CHA:\1FLA
ace most species have
~ described species are
,aratypes are deposited
lection of the U ni verpresenta ti ve collection
d at the Estación de
is housed in the Essio~erkeley.
lOOO specimens. About
,eriod in late July and
:present nearly every
the period from July
>rtly thereafter). Thi<>
ion (most specie~ are
ng activity. The only
1 the only collections
: Eusattus mexicanus,
oastal Jalisco. At thc
:soamerican fauna it
of Tenebrionidae to
collections, and, even
nera that have never
icult without lengthv
.is sort include Blaj;eculini except Loburepresent a described
list. Question marks
have not been madc
n the Estación differ
to papers publishccl
tder references cited.
Z. norlulosw nr. wllaei Champion, 1884:42.
Z. haldemanni 'ar. <>errucosus Champion, 1884:43.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, III-27 -85 ( 1); IV -12-83 ( l );
VII-12/EJ-87 (1): Vll-8-8fi (2). Charnela, II-10-86 (1).
Range. Chiapas to ~lichoacan and Tamaulipas.
Zopherus adults are usually found around old fallen trunks and branches, in which the larvae tunnel. The genus was revised by Triplehorn,
Subfami1y Lagriinae
Tribe Goniaderini
Anaedus punctatissimus Blanchard (Fig. 1).
Anaedus punctatissimus Blanchard, 1843:198.
Material examined. Estación de Biología VII-8 f 16-85, at light ( 1). 8 km
N El Tuito, X-20-1987, at black light (9).
Range. Brasil to Mexico.
Anaedus apicicornis Champion
Anaedus apicicornis Champion, 1886:236.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20 jXII-2-84, at lights (2).
Range. Panama to Jalisco.
Goniadera repanda (Fabricius) (Fig. 2).
Melandrya repanda Fabricius, 1801:165.
Goniadera repanda, Bates, 1868:326; Champion, 1886:229.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20/XII-2-84 (2); VII-2687, at lights (1 ).
Range. Brasil to Jalisco and Vera cruz.
FoLIA El'\Tü:\roL.
Mr:x. 77 (1988)
Weakly shining b
brown elytra. Head
cye facets in diamet1
puncture diameters
parated by one pun
cate medially, impu
cpi~tomal suture; Cf
cmarginate; dorsal
diameter of one loh
~egment ratios: l.'
oYoicl, apically acun
Pronotum with al
anterior corncrs rig
~ligthl y befo re mide
ners: posterior corn1
anterior; posterior
onc-half times eye f;
or less, bccoming de
paralateral impressi
prü'.ternurn punctat,
Elytra alrnost twi
toward apex; strial
of cyc facets on dis
onc puncture diam1
minutely setiferous 1
diameters; alternate
ing prominent hum
9) --i- R)
carina very fincly
elytron; bearing sÍI
facets. Metasternum
punctures about on
by about onc punct
semicircular, about
about as large as e·
becoming finer, clo~
Figs. l-4. LagTiinae: l) A11aedus jnmctatissimus; 2) Goniadna rc¡,auda: 3¡ Phobelius
mexicanus; 4) Statira hirsuta.
Phobelius mexicanus, new species
(Fig. 3)
\\'eakly shining beetles with black prothorax much narrower than dark
brown elytra. Head with punctures about one to one and one-fourth times
cye facets in diametcr; irregular, separated by less than one to about threc
puncture diameters on vcrtex and frons; more regular, a little finer, separatcd by one puncture diameter or less on epistomum Epistomum truncate medially, impunctate; arcuately emarginate laterally, not indented at
cpistomal suture; epistomal suture impressed, complete. EYe oval, scarcely
cmarginate; dorsal lohes separated by about three and one-half times
diamcter of one lobe. Antenna submoniliform, gradually clavate; antennal
~cgment ratios: I.7:I.O:l.9:l.l:l.l:l.O:I.O:l.O:l.5:I.5:2.5; apical segment
oYoid, apically acuminate, slightly asymmetrical.
Pronotum with all borders unmargined; anterior border nearly straight:
anterior corners right angled; lateral borders angulate at widest point
~ligthly before middle, then nearly straight to anterior ancl posterior corners: posterior corners obtusely angulate; posterior width a little less than
anterior; posterior border arcuate. Disk with punctures about one and
onc-half times eye facets in diameter, separated by one puncture diameter
or less, bccoming denser, ~ometimes punctatorugosc, laterally; pair of weak
paralateral impressions about two-thirds toward base. Hypomeron ancl
prosternum punctatorugose; prosternal process delivous, truncate.
Elytra almost twice as wide at base as prothorax, broadest three-fifths
toward apex; strial punctures minutely setiferous, about twice diameter
of cye facets on disk, becoming smaller on declivity; separated by about
one puncture diameter. Interstriae weakly convcx, with exceedingly fine,
minutely setiferous punctures separatcd by about four to six times puncture
diameters; alternate interstriae slightly wider; interstriae six to eigth forming prominent humerus. Following striae conflucnt posteriorly: ( ( ((lO
9) --1- R)
l; confluent anteriorly: l
2. Epipleural
carina very finely serrate, terminating anteriorly well before base o(
elytron; bcaring single row of punctures about twice diameter of eye
facets. Metasternum about one and one-half times length of mesocoxa with
puncturcs about one and one-half times eye facets in diameter, scparated
by about onc puncturc diameter or a little less. Intercoxal process nearly
">emicircular, about as broad as coxa; abdominal stcrnites with punctures
about as brge as cye facets, separated by about one puncture cliameter,
becoming finer, closer on sternite five.
rcf,anda; 3) Phobelius
+ +
:\IEx. 77 (1988)
Measurements. Pronotal length, l.l to 1.4 mm; Pronotal width, 1.6 to 1.8
mm; elytral length, 4.4 to L1.8 mm; elytral width, 3.1 to 3.5 mm.
:\laterial examinec
IG-85, at lights (
Ho1otypc female (?) (California Academy of Sciences) from l\Iexico, Jalisco, Careyes, VI-15-1987, F. A. Noguera. Paratype male (?) from Guatemala, II-23-1967, Lindsay, Gillogly # San Pedro, 17764, Lot # 67-5336.
Phobelius mexicanus is similar to P. nevermanni Kulzer (1961) (Costa
Rica) and regularis Fairmaire (Brasil). In nevermanni the anterior pronotal corners are rounded and the elytra are tan. In mexicanus the anterior
pronotal corners are angulate and the elytra are dark brown, only slightly
paler than the prothorax. The lateral pronotal margins of nevermanni
are more distinctly angulate and the disk more finely punctate than in
mexicanus. In regularis the anterior pronotal corners are acute and laterally exserted. Other species of Phobelius are differentiated from mexicanus
by having tubercles on the e1ytral interstriae, at 1east on the declivity.
Rangc. "\Iorelos, .
The spccimens
by Champion. Th
reddish humeri, t
Tribe Statirini
Adelonia .1ulcatul
Rhaciw wlcatulu.
Adelonia wlcatult
:VIaterial examine
21-8·1, under bark
13 j23-86, at light!
Statira evanescens Champion
Statira evanescens Champion. 1889:34.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20/27-1984, at lights (2).
Range. Oaxaca to Durango.
Statira hirsuta Champion (Fig. 4).
Steriphanus glabr
Emmenastus glab1
Steriphanus glabr,
Statira hirsuta Champion, 1889:50.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-7 /15-87, at lights (1); VII-8/
16-85, at lights (l); VII-28 1 VIII-2-8·1, at Iights (l); X-16/22-87, at black
light (3).
Material examine
VII-8/16-1985 (7)
This brachypte
beneath lights. Tl
Rangc. Nicaragua to Jalisco and Vcracruz.
Range. Puebla, O
Statira nigripennis Maklin
Hylocrinus parall
nigrifJennis Maklin, 1875:641; Champion, 1888:40.
affinis Maklin, 1875:642: Champion, 1888:40.
humeralis Maklin, 1875:642; Champion, 1888:40.
chamjúoni Pie, 1912:20; Blackwehlcr, 1945:·199.
Emmenastus para,
Hylocrinus parall<
)tal width, 1.6 to 1.8
to 3.5 mm.
s) from :Mexico, Jamale (?) from Gua7764, Lot # 67-5356.
(ulzer (1961) (Costa
i the anterior prono~xicanus the anterior
brown, only slightly
rgins of nevermanni
~ly punctate than in
are acute and lateral:tted from mexicanus
on the declivity.
984, at lights (2).
at lights (1); VII-8(
X-16/22-87, at black
;\laterial examined. Estación ele Biología, VII-7/15-87, at lights (1); \'IJ-8/
16-85, at lights (1); VII-20/27-81, at lights (2).
Range. ;\Iorelos, Jalisco. ;\fost preYious recorcls specify ":\Icxico".
The specimens from Charnela are slightly smaller than those discussed
by Champion. The coloration of the elytra varíes from black to black with
n:ddish humeri, to entirely reddish black in one individual.
Tribe Belopini
Adclonia sulcatulus (Champion) (Fig. 5)
Rhariu; sulcatulus Champion. 1885:121; Blackwelder, 1945:536.
Adelonia wlcatulus, Spilman, 1961:51; Do yen, 1988:285 (larva).
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-7 /15-87, at lights (2); VII21-84, under bark dead Spondius purpureus (7 adults, severa! larvae); X13j23-86, at lights (1); X-16j19-87, at black light (1).
Subfamily Pimeliinae (= Tentyriinae of authors)
Tribe Eurymetopini
Steriphanus glabratus (Champion) (Fig. 6)
Emmenastus glabratus Champion, 1884:16.
Steriphanus glabratus, Blackwelder, 1945:512.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, I-21-86 (1); VII-7/15-1987 (1);
VII-8/16-1985 (7); VII-28/VIII-2-1984 (8).
This brachypterous species has mostly been collected from the ground
beneath lights. The specimen collected in J anuary was extracted from leaf
lit ter.
Range. Puebla, Oaxaca, Coastal Jalisco.
Hylncrinus parallelus (Champion)
Emmenastus j;arallelus Champion, 1884:12; 1892:481.
Hylocrinus parallelus, Gebien, 1937-41 :585; Blackwelder, 19·15:512.
Don:;.¡, T
MEx. 77 (1988)
.\Iaterial examine<
K !l6-H5, at lights
14); ~1 km::\! ;\Iel;;
Range. Oaxara an
This is a comm
light,, hut the be
Bot /¡rotes angustie
Epitragus a11gustic,
Butluotes angustie,
:\Iaterial examine<
Range. Jalisco to
!Jothrotes adults
in flowcrs, especia
IJotftroli:s littorali:
F Jli tragus littoralis
Bothrotes littoralis
:'\Iaterial examinec
S '16-8:) (1); X-18
Chamela, III-14-8!
lighr-; (1). Playa C
6:! km ~ _\lelaqm
Rangc. Oaxaca (S<
:< male from Salir
Cntomius freyi Fr
lig. 5-8. Lagriinae and Pimeliinae: !'í) Adelonia sulcatulus; 6) Ste!·iphanus glabratus;
;, Brothrotes littoralis; S) Trichiasida lutulenta.
Crytomius freyi h
2\Iaterial examined. Estación de Biología, VII-7 jl5-R7, at lights (5); VIIx/I6-R5, at lights (1); La ~Ianzanilla, VII-31-84, under bark fence posts
(-l); 21 km~ ~felaque, VII-II-87, at lights (9); Teuacatitla, X-14-86 (1).
Range. Oaxaca and Puebla north to Sinaloa.
This is a common thorn forest species. ~Iost specimcn~ are collected at
ligllt-;, hut the beetles are common in dry arcas beneath hark of dcacl
Tribe Epitragini
But!notes angusticollis (Champion)
Epitmgus ungusticollis Champion, 18!H:26; 1985:·185.
Bothrotes angustirollis, Gcbicn, 1937-41 :568; Fremlc, 1907:270.
:\Iaterial examined. lO km N El Tuito, X-28-85 (l male).
Range. Jalisco to Sinaloa. Previously rcconled only from vicinity of .\Iazatlan.
líothrotcs aclults, like most other Epitragini, are frcquently encountercd
in flowcrs, especially of leguminous shru bs ami trees.
IJutltrolr:s litturalis (Charnpion) (Fig. 7).
EjJitragus littmalis C:hampion, 1881:27; 1892:-!S.'J.
Bothrotes littoralis. Gebien, 1937-41 :568; l'reudc. 1967:27:).
2\Iaterial examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20/27-8'1, at lights (1); VIJ(!); X-18-86 (1); XIJ-:1-SS (l). A.rroyo Chamela, XI-l:)-85 (1).
Chamcla, III-14-85 (1); X-11-85 (1). 21 km N l\Ielaque, VII-12-87, at
!ighb (1). Playa Careyitos, 52 km N l\Ielaque, XI-S-85 (l). La Virgencita,
62 km ?\ l\Ic!aque, XI -8-85 (8).
8 116-85
Range. Oaxaca (Salina Cruz) to Sinaloa. Frcude (1967) doubtfully assigned
;¡ maJe irom Salina Cruz to littoralis.
Cyrtornius frcyi Freucle
Steriphanus glabratus;
Crytomius frcyi Freude, 1967:229.
FoLIA E:--;To~wL :\IJ.:x. ii (l9~H)
Material examined. 8 km N El Tuito, Xll-9-1968 ( 1). Range. Puebla,
Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoadtn.
Cyrtomius grandis (Champion)
Epitragus grandis Champion, 1884:31; 1892:486.
Polemiotus grandis, Gebien, 1937-41:565; B1ackwelder, 1945:510.
Cwtomius (Grandir)•rtomius) g,·andis, Freude, 1967:226.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, X-23-1985 (1). 21 km N. Melaque, VII-11-1987, at light (1).
Range. Thorn forests lrom Chiapas north to Veracruz and Sonora.
Phegonius viridus (Champion)
Schoenicus viridus Champion, 1884:19; 1892:481.
Phegonius viridus, Gebien, 1937-41:570; Blackwelder, 1945:51!;
gin oblique. i\Ientu
Pronotum with a1
margins of eyes in r'
posterior border na1
as coxa, declivous irr
pronotum, with na1
margins evenly are
narrowed from base
as pronotal base, r:
flat, narrowing to
broadly closed by s
without medial sutu
process. Intercoxal F
rounded. Legs stout.
Plantar surfaces of
claws about as long
Material examined. Estación de Biología: 28 spccimem collected between
August ancl December.
Range. '\Vcstern Mexico from Chiapas to Sinaloa and Durango.
Tribe Triorophini
Triphalopsoides, new genus
Strongly convex, waisted beetles with dorsal vestiturc of ercct sctae.
Head porrect, epistomum strongly three lobed; lateral lobes broadly round·
ed, medial lobe slightly more prominent, obtusely angulate with apex
rounded. Lateral epistomal sutures very faintly incised but black and
contrasting with cranium; frons shallowly, broadly deprcsscd on each side
just bchind sutures; medial epistomal suture absent. Eyes sligthly comex,
less prominent than lateral lobcs of epistomum, strongly cmarginate anterimly; nearly vertical and overhung dorsally by frons, which appear::,
about ten times as wide as eye when viewcd from above. Antenna extcnding slightly beyond base of elytra, subfiliform through segment nine: segments ten and eleven rather abruptly enlarged. ?üamlibles with dorsal
tecth wry prominent almost meeting o\'er Lthrum when dmcd. :\ faxillary
palp with apical segment about l.!í times longer than hroad, apical mar-
Triphalopsoides 1
península of Baja C
he a synapomorphy J
configuration and e
lobe is much more
90°) and lateral ma
in Triphalopsuides).
cpistomal lobes, ba1
ctrina (less promim
c:trina in Triphalop
ly margined (unma1
the apex angulate (
a bout twice as long
Triphalopsoides i
guration, but Somú
minent com'ex eyes
not at all prominent
tion between Trion
upon thc relative
intennediate in gen
I t is beyond the seo¡
two tribes, aml Trip
( 1). Range. Puebla,
(1). 21 km N. l\Iela-
and Sonora.
gin oblique. l\Ientum ~ubhexagonal, anterior margin very slightly emarginate.
Pronotum with anterior angles acute, prominent, extending to anterior
margins of eyes in retracted head. Lateral carinae sharp but not margined;
posterior border narrowly margined. Prosternal process about half as wide
as coxa, declivous immediately behind coxae. Elytral base slightly wider than
pronotum, with narrow raised margin from humeri to scutellum; lateral
margins evenly arcuate, widest at about middle; epipleuron gradually
narrowed from base to elytral apex. Scutellum about one twelfth as wide
as pronotal base, raised to match anterior elytral margin. :'\Iesosternum
flat, narrowing to acutely angulate apex posteriorly. :\llesocoxal cavities
hroadly closed by sterna. Metasternum about half as long as mesocoxa,
without medial suture but with deep medial pit just in front of intercoxal
process. Intercoxal process with apex truncate, very weakly arcuate, corners
rounded. Legs stout, femora barely extending beyond lateral body margins.
Plantar surfaces of tarsi with covering of dense, stiff, long setae. Tarsal
claws about as long as penultimate tarsomere.
ns co!Iected between
d Durango.
:ture of erect setae.
Iobes broadly roundangulate with apex
ised but black and
pressed on each side
Eyes sligthly convex:,
ngly emarginate anmns, which appears
ve. Antenna extend:1 segment nine: seg.ndibles with dorsal
en closed. :\faxillary
1 broad, apical mar-
Triphalopsoides resemb1es Triphalopsis B1aisdell, which occurs on the
península of Baja California. The raised anterior margin of the elytra may
he a synapomorphy for these two genera, which also share a similar antennal
configuration and dorsal vestiture. In Triplzalopsis the medial epistomal
lobe is much more prominent with the apex angulate (acute or about
90°) and lateral margins crenulate (apex rounded, lateral hordcrs simple
in TTiphalopsvidrs). The eyes are slightly more prominent than the lateral
epistomal lohes, barely emarginate anteriorly and supertended by a fine
carina (less prominent than epistomal lobe, deeply emarginate and lacking
carina in Triplzalopsoides). The pronotum has the lateral borders narrowly margined (unmargined in Triphalopsoides). The intercoxal process ha~
the apex angulate (truncate in Triphalopsoidcs) ancl the tarsal claws are
about twice as long as in TTijJhalopsoides.
TriphalojJsoúles is similar to Somias Champion in general bocly configuration, but Sornias does not have the elytral base margined, has prominent co1wex eyes, and has obtuse anterior pronotal angles which are
not at al! prominent. However, it may be pointed out here that the clistinction between Triorophini and Trimytini (sensu Casey) is based mainl;:
upon thc relative breath of the mentum (Casey, 1907:~78), which i-,
intermediare in genera such as Trimytis LeConte and Tlascalinus Casey .
It is beyond the scope of this paper to investigate the relationship of these
two tribes, ancl TriphalojJwidcs is comiderecl to belong to Triorophini.
FouA ENTO;\IOL. J\h:x. 77 ( 1988)
phalojJsis the dorsal
mere, whereas in Tr
Triphalopsoidcs lasiodorsa, ncw speoes
Dark reddi>h black beetles with vestiture of apically decumbent setae.
Head with confluent punctures about same size as eye facets, round on
epistomum, becoming longitudinally elongate on frons ancl vertex, giYing
aheolate appearance; each puncture bearing anteriorly declined seta about
as long as 'econd antcnnal segment and with dcflexed apex. :\ntennal
~egment length ratios: 1.3:0.7:1.1:0.8:0.7:0.6:0.7:0.7:0.7:0.8:1.4; apex of segment ten about as wide as Iength; segment eleven symmetrically m·oicl.
Pronotal disk with confluent punctures about one to one and one-half
times cliameter of eye facets, becoming com·ser laterally; each puncture
with single seta slightly longer than those on head, erect and with posterior
!y clecumbent apex. Hypomeron sculpted as di'k antcriorly, becoming
shallowly, obscurely punctate posteriorly and striolate over coxae: "·ithout setae. Prosternum sculpted like disk but with few setae medially.
Elytra "·ith ten striae marked by regular rows of punctures about one
and one-half to two times diameter of eye facets, separatecl by about their
0\\'11 diameter or a little less ancl bearing only exceedingly small '>Ct:te.
Interstriae slightly convex, with shallow, obscure punctures less than eye
facets in cliameter, separated by their own diameter or a little more, aml
each bearing an eren seta aligned as on pronotal disk; following striae
joining pmteriorly: 1
lO; 2
~l; 3
'1; 5
8; (i
7. Epipleuron
with few obscure punctures anteriorly, asetose; mesosternum ami pleuron
with asetose punctures about one and one-half times eye facets in diametcr,
contiguous on pleuron, sparser on stcrnum; rnctasternum ancl metepi'iternum \Vith subcontiguous asetose punctures about twice diameter of
eye facets. Abdominal sternites with punctures about one ancl one-half
to two times eye facet cliameter, separated by about one-half to one puncture cliameter anteriorly, becoming coarser posteriorly ancl subcontiguous
on ~tcrnite fiYc: each puncture with posteriorly declined seta slightly
!onger than those on elytra.
'Ieasurements. Pronotal length, 1.0 mm; greatest pronotal 'ridth, 1.8 to
!.9 mm; elytrallength, :3.3 to 3..1 mm; greate-,t elytral width, 2.:3 to 2.4 mm.
Holotype female and one female paratype from :\Jexico, Jalisco, Estación
de Biología Chamela, Vll-28/Vlll-2-1984. J. T. Doycn; ex leaf litter berlesate.
This '>pecies would only be confused with specie<; of Triphalopsis Blaisdell, but differs <l'; indicatccl in the generic diagnosis. In addition, in Tri-
Dark reddish brm
stiff, inclined setae
fine particles of s<
shallowly, evenly e1
pressed in medial ti
gin; dorsally with
about one punctun
each puncture bear
second antennal s1
suture absent. An
1.8:1.8:1.7:1.9: 1.2. '
one-half its length
Pronotal disk wit
by about one punc1
laterally, each with
terior angles sharp
gins of eyes in reu
to near midpoint, t
upturned. Posterio
arcuate. Hypomerc
than eye facets, ea(
rim. Prosternum v
puncture diameter:
Elytra with disk
two very faint cost:
ridge running fro
sharp in posterior 1
very obscurely, sh<
inclined setae, var
and metasternum :
terally; pleura sp
punctate with pm
eye facet in diarr:
:ally decumbent setac.
: eye facets, round on
ons and vertcx, giYing
rly declined seta about
]exed apcx. Antcnnal
1.7:0.8: 1.4; apex of segt symmetrically m·oicl.
: to one and onc-half
:erally; each puncturc
rect and with posterior
anteriorly, bccoming
late over coxae: 'rithew setae medially.
[ punctures about one
)arated by abmrt thcir
~ceedingly small 'etae.
unctures less than eyc
: or a little more, ancl
disk; following striac
8; 6
7. Epipleuron
osternum and pleuron
eye facets in diameter,
.sternum and metepismt twice diameter of
'out one ancl one-half
one-half to onc puncrly and subcontiguous
declined seta slightl;
pronotal 'ridth, 1.8 to
1 width, 2.3 to 2.4 mm.
exico, Jalisco, Estación
yen; ex leaf litter her-
of TriphalojJsis Bb.isis. In addition, in Tri-
phalojJsis the donal setae are much longer than the apical metatarsomere, whereas in Triphalopsoides they are shorter than the tarsomere.
Tribe :\sidini
Trichiasida lutulenta, new species
(Fig. 8)
Dark reddish brown to black beetles with the integument covered with
stiff, inclined setae of variable length; dorsum covered with accretion of
fine particles of soil, producing a tan color. Head with epistomum
shallowly, evenly emarginate in middle; frons broadly, transversely depressed in medial three-fourths, midway between eyes and epistomal margin; dorsally with punctures about as large as eye facets, separated by
about one puncture diameter on frons, becoming denser on epistomum;
each puncture bearing a single, yellow seta about three-fourths lcngth of
second antennal segment; lateral epistomal sutures very fine, medial
suture absent. Antennal scgment length ratios: 1.9:1.1:3.6:2.1:2.1:1.9:
1.8:1.8:1.7:1.9: 1.2. Terminal segment subrhomboidal, amplected to almost
one-half its length into deeply notched preterminal segment.
Pronotal disk with deep punctures about as large as eye facets, separated
by about one puncture diameter medially, becoming larger, subcontiguous
laterally, each with posteriorly inclined seta arising on anterior rim. Anterior angles sharply acute, prominent, reaching almost to anterior margins of eyes in retracted head. Lateral margins nearly straight, diverging
to near midpoint, then arcuately converging to base; strongly and broadly
upturned. Posterior angles broadly obtuse, scarcely defined. Base evenly
arcuate. Hypomeron with deep subcontiguous punctures slightly larger
than eye facets, each with anterodorsally directed seta arising on posterior
rim. Prosternum with similar punctures separated by about one to two
puncture diameters, setae directed posteromedially.
Elytra with disk almost evenly convex transversely, interrupted only by
two very faint costae; sharply defined laterally by carinate pseudepipleural
ridge running from humerus almost to elytral apex. Epipleural carina
sharp in posterior third, disappearing anteriorly. Disk and pseudepipleuron
very obscurely, shallowly and sparsely punctate; covercd with posteriorly
inclined setae, varying in length from about 0.2 to 1.0 mm. ::\1esosternum
and metasternum punctatorugose medially, becoming sparsely punctate laterally; pleura sparsely punctate, setae recumbent. Abdominal sternites
punctate with posteriorly recumbent setae; punctures shallow, less than
eye facct in diameter and separated by several puncture diameters on
FoLIA E!'\TO"-IOL. ~IEx.
77 (1988)
sternite one; becoming deeper, coarser and denser posteriorly, separated
by less than puncture diameter on sternite five; integument between
punctures alutaceous on anterior sternites, becoming wry finely, densely
punctate on posterior two sternites. Fore and middle tarsi with terminal
segment subequal to three preceding combined; hind tarsus with terminal
segment subequal to basal; tarsal claws stout, about as long as third tarsomere on each leg.
Measurements. Pronotal length, 2.5 to 3.2 mm; greatest pronotal width,
3.7 to 5.2 mm; elytral length, 7.9 to 10.5 mm; greatest elytral width, 4.5
to 7.0 mm.
Holotype ma1e (California Academy of Sciences) and ll mal e, 1O female
paratypes from ~Iexico, Jalisco, Estación de Biología Charnela, XII-1-1988.
J. A. Chemsak; l female paratype, XII-5-1988, J. A. Chemsak; 8 male and
9 female paratypes from Mexico, Jalisco, Charnela, XI-30-1988, J. D. ~Ic­
TTichiasida lutulenta is similar in size and shape to T. acerba (Horn)
and T. hispidula (LeConte). It is distinguished by its carinate pseudepipleural ridge (broadly rounded in aceTba, very weakly costate in hispidula); by its hroadly upturned pronotal margins (much more narrowly
upturned in hipidula, barely upturned in acerba); by its punctatc abdominal sternites (finely, sparsely papillate in acerba, more densely so in
hispidula); by having its apical metatarsomere equal to the basal (longer
in aceTba and hispidula); by having the tarsal claws no longer than the
third tarsal segment (distinctly longer in acerba and hispidula); and by the
deeply notched apex of the tenth antennal segment (moderately emarginate in acerba and hispidula.
As with many other Asidini, T. lutulenta adults are active during
daylight hours. Most Asidini have very restricted seasonal activity. Trichiasida acerba, hispidula and hirsuta (LeConte) are all active during
winter and early spring. T. lutulenta has been found only in December,
suggesting activity centered in the dry season at Charnela.
Tribe Coniontini
Eusattus mes1canus Champion (Fig. 9)
Eusattus n:exicamts Champion, 1892:510; Doyen, l984a:'íG.
Material examincd. Estación de Biología, V-16-86 ( l ); VII-28/VIII-2-8,1
(1): VIII-22-85 (1); )
XII-H-85 (1). Charo
(1). Río San Nicola5
55 km N Melaque, :
Range. Guerrero to
from Durango, prob:
Fusattus mexicanu
vel to at lcast 2 500
ing the summer prec
Slendcr, elongate,
,·ate to receive pron
ginate in front, witl
epistomal rim slight
epi~tomal suture abs,
and vertex evenly sE
about three-fourths
subcarinate margim
0.5:0.8:0.8: 1.2; segm
ven about one and'
slightly longer than
Pronotum widest
cuate in anterior ti
anteriorly, becomin¡
angles evenly round
posterior border ob
truncate, noncarina
uniform punctures '
riorly. and producE
diYom on lateral n
more sparsely, obsc
cavate between sub
rected tubercle on
prominences; disk
appressed setae; ep:
punctures; scutellu
· posteriorly, separated
; integument between
ng very finely, densely
:lle tarsi with terminal
td tarsus with terminal
as long as third tarso-
·eatest pronotal width,
ttest elytral width, 4.5
1d 11 mal e, 1O female
t Chamela, XII-1-1988.
Chemsak; 8 male and
XI-30-1988, J. D. "fe-
: to T. acerba (Horn)
its carinate pseudepí~akly costate in hispi(much more narrowly
by its punctate abdo1, more densely so in
l to the basal (longer
rs no Ionger than the
hispidula); and by the
nt (moderately emar-
lts are
are all
1d only
active during
activity. Triactive during
in December,
( l ); VII-28/VIII-2-84
(1): VIII-22-85 (l); X-26-85 (2); XI-3-85 (l); XI-6-85 (1); XII-l/3-88 ('1);
XII-H-85 (1). Chamela, II-3-86 (1); II-16-88 (1); III-31-88 (1); X-19-85
(1). Río San l\'icolas, 84 km N Melaque, XII-9-85 (1). Arroyo Tcpeixtes,
55 km N Melaque, Xll-8-85 (1). La Huerta, IX-24-1986 (1).
Range. Guerrero to Jalisco. Champion's material includcd
from Durango, probably labe1ed erroneous1y.
Fusattus mexicanus occurs in many habitats, ranging from
ve! to at least 2 500 m elevation. Adults are active during
ing the summer precipitation. Eusattus was revised by Doyen
one syntype
near sea leand follow(1984a).
Tribe Stenosini
Typh1usechus ignotus, new species
Slendcr, elongate, reddísh brown beetles with base of e1ytra deep1y excavate to rcceive pronotum. Head with epistomum evenly, arcuately emargínate in front, with labrum less prominent than lateral epistomal lobes;
epistomal rim slightly indented at faint lateral epistomal sutures; medial
epi~tomal suture absent. Postgenal angles sharp1y obtuse. Epistomum, frons
and vertex evenly set with well defined elliptical punctures, separated by
about three-fourths to one puncture diameter. Antennal fossa deep with
subcarinate margins; antennal segment ratio: 0.9:0.7:0.9:0.5:0.5:0.5;0.5:
0.5:0.8:0.8:1.2; segments three to eight moniliform; segments nine to eleven about one and one-half times as wide as eight. Segment eleven ovoicl,
slightly longer than broad.
Pronotum widest just behind apical angles, lateral margins weakly arcuate in anterior thircl, then nearly straight to base, broadly explanate
anteriorly, becoming narrowly so posteriorly, narrowly margined; anterior
angles evenly rounded; posterior angles sharply obtuse, minutely exserted;
posterior border oblique, carinate, narrowly margined in lateral quarters;
trnncate, noncarinate medially between discal prominences. Disk with
uniform puncturcs on head, but slightly sparser; gradually elevated posteriorly. and produccd as bluntly tuberculiform prominences, sharply declívoth on lateral margins, slightly depressed medially. Hypomeron much
more sparsely, obscurely punctate than disk. Elytra with base deeply excavate between subcarinate humeri, with prominent, anteriomedially dirccted tubercle on middle of cxcavation on each side opposing pronotal
prominences; disk impunctate, with four longitudinal rows of minute,
appressed setae; epipleural ridge supertended by row of about ten coarse
punctures; scutellum deltoid, concealed in basal excavation in elytra.
FOLlA ENT0:\10L.
::\1EX. 77 ( l ~)88)
DoYEN. TE:-:
Thoracic and abdor
finely, sparsely setosf
:\feasurements. Pronc
0.+1 to 0.46 mm; elyt
0.5·1 mm.
Holotype female (C:
:\Iexico, ] alisco, Est<
yen. Ex leaf litter bt
T\-phlusechus ignot1
(198:"¡). It differs ir
prominent anterior
posterior pronotal 1
exc;n ate with a m
In T. ignotus the p
liform posterior pro
rel;· defined medial
dually elevated late
longitudinal ridges
ignot us the anteric
'rhereas in spilman¡
The scant bioloÉ
mari1ed by Aalbu
recorcls suggest an '
phological characte
collected from leaf
the headquarters l
hculc' probably re
Zuplw/Jas atratus (
Pirneliinae ancl Tencbrioninae: 9) Eusattus mexicrnws; 10) lophobas atratus;
H)'jJOgcna tricornis; 12) U loma re tusa.
Jlclops atrata Fab1
Zophobas maria, a
Zophobas concolor
Zophobas rugipes
Zophobas atratus, e
anus; 10) Zophobas atratus;
Thoracic and abdominal sterna obscurely, sparsely punctate; abdomen
finely, sparsely setose.
~leasurements. Pronotal length, 0.49 to 0.53 mm; greatest pronotal width,
O.H to 0.46 mm; elytrallength, 0.88-0.91 mm; greatest elytral \vidth 0.49 to
0.54 111111.
Holotype female (California Academy of Sciences) and 7 paratypes from
Mexico, Jalisco, Estación de Biología Charnela, VII-28/VIII-2-1984. J. Doyen. Ex leaf litter berlesate.
Typhlusechus ignotus is most similar to T. sjJilmani Aalbu and Andrews
(198:'J). It differs in the much more deeply excavate elytral base \Úth
prominent anterior facing tubercles opposing the prominences on the
posterior pronotal margin. In T. spilmani the elytral base is shallowly
excantc with a narrow emargination just above the epipleural ridge.
In T. ignotus the pronotal disk is barely depressed between the tuberculiform posterior prominences, which are sharply declivous laterally but barely defined medially. In T. spilmani the posterior prominences are gradually elevated laterally, but sharply dcclivous medially forming short,
longitudinal riclges (Aalbu and Andrews, 1985, Figs. 5, 8). Finally, in
ignotus thc anterior pronotal angles are broadly ancl evenly roumled,
whereas in spilmani they are angulate with on1y the apices rounded.
The scant biological information concerning Typhlusechus was summariLed by Aalbu and Andrews (1985). Nearly all available collection
records suggest an endogean or cavernicolous style of life, as do the morphological characteristics of the beetles. Thc species described here was
collected from leaf litter on north east facing slopes lcss than 500 m from
the heaclquartcrs facilities of the Estación. During the clry season the
heerle> probably retrcat into fissures ancl crevices in thc >oil.
Subfamily Tenebriouinae
Tribe Tenebrionini
Zoplwúas atratus (Fabricius) (Fig. 10)
Hclops atrata F'abricius, 1775:256.
Zophobas morio, authors, not Fabricius.
Zoplwbas concolor Wollaston, 1870:33.
Zophobas rugipes Kirsch, 1866:197.
Zophobas atrattts, Gebien, 1937-41 :630; Tschinkel, 1984:325 (Synonymy).
l<'ouA E:-.~TmiOL. 1\IEX. 77 (1988)
Don:-.~. TE:\
Material examincd. Estación de Biología, VII-20/27-84, at light (1).
Range. Northern south America to central Mexico and Antilles.
Larvae feed on bat guano, sometimcs in attics, wherc agreggatiolh of
adults occur. Single adults are occasionally encountercd at lights.
Tribc Ccntronopini, sensu Doyen, 1989
Centronopus úcardslyi Spilman
Uloma retusa (Fabr
Tenelnio retusus Fab:
L'loma bicolor Kirscl
Uloma retusa nr. d,
·Material examined.
Range. South .-\.meri
Centrmwpus beardslvi Spilman, 1962:11.
Material examined. Estación de Biología Vll-22-1985 (1); -1 km \\' La
Huerta, VII-24-84 (1).
Adults and larva(
beneath bark or tur
Rangc. Colima ami Jalisco; previously known only from the type ~eries.
Tribe Triholiini
Hypogena biimpressa (Latreille)
Tenebrio biimjnesstts, Latreille. 11'13:17.
Hypogena biimprcsa, Dejean, 1834:199; Spilman. 1973:42.
Ulosonia biimpTessa, Laporte. 1840:220; Champion, IR86:165 Blackweldcr, 194'i:533.
Ammodonus trojJiC1
.4sida trojJica Kirscl
Scaptes squamulatu.
Sraptes tmpiws, Ya
Ammodonus tropict
:\Iaterial examined. Las Jarillas, 62 km S Puerto Vallarta, VJIT-22-81 (1).
Rangc. Colombia to Sinaloa ami Tamaulipas.
:\Iatcrial examined
lights (5).
Found under loose bark of dead standing or fallen trees. Although not
vet collected at thc Estación, this spccies almost certainly occurs thcrc.
Range. Colombia 1
Blapstinus cgenus
Hypogena tricornis Dalman (Fig. Il)
Blap;timts egemts 1
Phaleria tricomis Dalman, 1823:59.
Ulo.wnia tricornis, Laportc, 1840:220; Champion, 1886;163; Blackwclder, 1945:33:J.
Hypogena tricomis, Duval, 1856:63; 1857:148; Spilman, 1973:42.
l\Iaterial examined. Estación de Biología, X-21}22-87, at black light (1).
Las Jarillas, 62 km S Puerto Vallarta, VII-22-81, under bark (1). La :\fanzanilla, VII-31-84, under bark fencc posts (1).
:\Iaterial examined
following dates: I86. 21 km ::\" ~Iela<
(1). Six specimens
remainder were ce
Range. Costa Rica to Texas and Baja California.
Range. Colombia 1
Do\ 1:-..-.
7-84, at light ( l ).
and Antilles.
where agreggatiom of
:ered at lights.
Tribe Ulomini
Clama retwa (Fabricius) (Fig. 12)
Tcne/Jrio retwus Fahricius, 1801:149.
L'/oma bicolor Kirsch. 1873:403.
Uloma retusa Yar. dimidiata Champion, 1886:154.
:\Iaterial examined. Estación de Biología, X-16/19-1987, at black 1ight (1).
Range. South .-\mcrica to Vcracruz and Sinaloa .
}85 (l); ·l km \r La
.-\dults an<l larvae of this species, like other Uloma, are usually found
beneath bark or tunneling in punky rotten wood.
from the type series.
Tribe Opatrini
(Sensu Aalbu and Triplehom, 1985)
Ammodonus trojJicus (Kirsch) (Fig. 13).
65 Blackll·eider, l9!'í: 533.
Asida tropica Kirsch, 1866:190.
Scaptes squamulatus Champion, 1886:223.
ScajJtcs tropicus, Yarious authors .
.1mmodomls tropicus, Fall, 1912:48; Black1,·eJdcr, 1945:526.
tllarta, VIII-22-8-l (·1).
n trees. Although not
tainly occurs therc.
Blackwelder, 1945:33:J.
r, at black light ( 1).
~r bar k (1 ). La :\fan-
:\Iatcrial examincd. Estación de Biología, VIII-4-86, (l ); X-13 /23-86, at
lights (5).
Range. Colombia to Sinaloa.
Blapstinus egenus (?) Champion
Blapstinus egenus Champion, 1885:524.
:\lateria1 examined. Estación de Biología: About 60 specimens from the
following dates: I-29-86, IV-22-86; VII-l2J15-87; VII-27 /VIII-2-84; VIII-886. 21 km N ::\Ielaque, VII-12-87 (25). Quemaro, Rio San Nicolás, IV-26-86
(1). Six specimens \rerc extracted from leaf 1itter at the Estación. The
remainder were collected at lights or in light traps.
Rangc. Colombia to Sinaloa and Veracruz.
FoLIA E:\Tü:\IOL. ~LEx.
77 (1988)
DoYE::-<. TE
Blapstinus fortis LeConte (Fig. ll ).
Blapstinus furtis LeConte, 1878:420.
Blapstinw interstitialis Champion. 1885:125; 1892:526; Casev, 1890:4:29 (Smonymy).
Blapstinus punctulatus DuVal 1857:141 (Synonymy: Casev, 1890:429).
Material cxamined. Estación de Biología, VII-i¡I5-8i', at lig-ht (1); IX-2185, light trap (2); X-13/23-86, at light (11): X-16i19-8i, black light (1).
21 km N Melaque, VII-13-87, at light (5).
Range. Panama to southern Texas, Florida.
Blapstinus grandis Champion
Blapstinus grandis Champion, 1885:12:).
Material examined. Estación de Biología, X-21/22-87, black light (l); X-13/
28-86, at light (4). Melaque, VII-21-84, under old palm trunk (1 ). La
Manzanilla, VII-31-St! (6).
Range. Nicaragua to Sinaloa.
Blapstinus cylindriformis, new speoes
Reddish black beetles with conspicuous vestiture of cinerous or yellowish,
rccumbent setae. Head with epistomum shallowly to moderately emarginate,
slightly indented at lateral epistomal sutures, which are faint; medial epistomal suture absent. Eyes separated dorsally by about six time<> eye diameter. Epistomum, frons and vertex with punctures one to almmt t\\"0 times
diamcter of eye facets, separated by no more than one puncture diameter on
frons, becoming smallcr and dcnscr on epistomum and punctatorugulose
along epistomal margin; each puncture giving rise to seta about as long a'i
secoml antennal segment; setae directed anteriorly on genae in front o[ eyes,
directed medially on epistomum, frons and vertex, posteriorly along midline.
Antennal segmcnt ratio: l.6:0.8:1.8:1.4:I.O:l.O:I.O:l.O:l.0:0.9:l.3; segments
ten and eleven about 1.4-1.5 times broader than long; segment eleven
nearly spheroidal.
Pronotum with lateral carinae evenly arcuate, narrmdy margined, slightly narrower anteriorly than posteriorly, widcst near middle; anterior corners
right angled, projecting to middle of eyes, apices very briefly rounded;
anterior border emarginate, narrowly margined near angles; posterior
Figs. 13-!6. Tencln
( rea vil/osa; 16) Tri¡
1sev, 1890:4:?9 (Smonymy).
' 1890:429).
li, at light (1); IX-2!-
19-87, black light (1).
black light (!); X-13/
palm trunk (1). La
cinerous or yellowish,
toderately emarginate,
tre faint; medial epist six times eye diame~ to almost two times
puncture diameter on
md punctatorugulose
seta about as long a'
~enae in front of eyes,
eriorly along midline.
:1.0:0.9: 1.3; segments
ong; segment eleven
wly marginecl, slightddle; anterior corncrs
ery briefly rounded:
:ar angles; posterior
Figs. 13-16. Tenebrioninac: 13) Ammodonus tropicus; H) Blaf>stinus [o1tis; 15) By·
( rea vi llosa; 16) Trichoton sonlidum.
77 (1988)
Dou:-.:. TE:
border strong1y bisinuate, more broadly margined than lateral bordct·s.
Disk with setiferous punctures about one and one-half times eye facets
in diameter, separated by one puncture diameter or less; setae posteriorly
recumbent. Hypomeron punctatorugulose, becoming alutaceous near lateral carina; sparsely sctose, setae directed antcroclorsad. Prosternum "·ith
setiferous punctures about twice diameter of eye facets, denser laterally:
setae directed medially or posteriorly; prosternal process declivom immediately behind procoxae.
Elytra with lateral margins m·cuate, widest near micldle; strial punctures
about three to four times diameter of eye facets, coarser laterally, irregularly separated by about one-half puncture diameter or less. lnterstriae
~lightly convex, with sparse setiferous punctures about one-half diameter of
eye facets; setae posteriorly recumbent. Following striae confluent posteriorly: 1
9; 2
7; 3
5. 1Ietasternum about half as long as
mesocoxal diameter, with punctures about one ancl one-half times diameter of eye facets, separatecl by about one puncture diameter. Abdomen
with anterior three sternites punctured as metasternum, concave medially,
much more strongly so in male; posterior two sternites more finely, densely punctate.
Bycrca vi/losa Pase<
'Ieasurements. Pronotal length, 1.8 to 2.0 mm; greatest pronotal 'ridth,
'.!..7 to 2.8 mm; elytral length, 4.5 to 1.8 mm; greatest elytral width, 3.2 to
3.1 mm.
Triclwton sordidw
Holotype male (California Academy of Sciences) from ~[exico, Jalisco,
Estación ele Biología Chamela, VII-28-JVIII-2-1984. J. T. Doyen. Paratype
male from ~lexico, Guerrero, Chilpancingo de los Bravos, 1 380 m, IX-17/
2;}-1982. J. A. Powell and J. A. Chemsak.
Blapc1tinus cylindriformis is similar to grandis Champion and fortis
LeConte, but is flightlcss, with the mesosternum less than half the length
of the mesocoxa (about equal to mesocoxal diameter in grandis and
fortis). The apical antennomere of cylindTiformis is subspheroidal, the
eyes are separated by a distance about six times the diameter of one
eye, and the lateral pronotal margins are evenly arcuate to the base. In
grandis and fortis the apical antennomere is ovoid, about one and one
half times as long as broad, the eycs are separated by about three to four
times an eye diameter, and the pronotal margins are almost straight or
slighlly refclxecl in the posterior third.
Hycrea vi/losa Pasee
::\laterial examined.
f-:5, light trap (2).
Range. Cost::1. Rica
Found beneath s1
C OI?Í biliS brunnipe¿
Conibius brumlipes
Material examined.
Range. Guatemala
.Found beneath
BlajJstim1s sordid11s
Trichoton sord id un
:\albu and Triplch
;\[ateria1 examined
Jight (3); VII-23-85
Range. Jalisco nor
_\dults of this s¡
re~t leaf litter duri
probably the same
['/us liinutus Char
Clu1 hirsutus Char
;\[ateria1 examine<
:::2-87, at black ligh
than lateral borders.
-half times eye facets
less; setae posteriorly
g alutaceous near la·sad. Prosternum ,1·ith
tcets, denser laterally:
process declivom im-
iddle; strial punctures
arser laterally, irreguer or less. Interstriae
t one-half diameter of
striae confluent posabout half as long as
one-half times diame: diameter. .\bdomen
1m, concave medially,
ites more finely, den-
atest pronotal width,
: elytral width, 3.2 to
rom l\fexico, Jalisco,
T. Doyen. Paratypc
avos, 1 380m, IX-li/
:hampion and fortis
than half the length
.eter in grandis and
is subspheroidal, the
the diameter of one
:uate to the base. In
about one and one
r about thrce to four
re almost straight or
Bycrca villosa Pascoe (Fig. 15)
Hycrea villo1a Pascoe. 1868:12; Champion, 1886:222.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, X-13 /23-86, at lights ( 1O); X-2-J85, light trap (2).
Rangc. Cost;~ Rica to Sonora and Nuevo Leon.
Found hencath stone'i or othcr objects on the gronud, or at lights.
Cmúbius brunnipes Champion
Coni /Jius brwmi pes Champion, 1885:133.
l\Iaterial cxamined. Estación de Biología, Vll-20/27-84 (1).
Rangc. Guatemala to Puebla and Sinaloa.
Found beneath stone-; or other objects on thc ground.
Triclwton sordidum (LeConte) (Fig. 16)
BlajJsli>ms sordidus I~eConte, 1851:146.
Trichoton sordidum, Champion, 1885:136; Cascy, 1R90:410; Blackwcldcr, 1945:523:
Aalbu and Triplchom. 1985:278.
:Material examined. Estación de Biología, IV-22-86 (9); VII-8 jl6-85, at
light (3); VII-23-85 (1).
Range. Jalisco north to Sonora, southern Arizona and southeastern California.
_\dults of this species are sometimes extremely abundant in thorn forest leaf litter during the dry season. Trichoton lapidicolus Champion is
probahly the same species.
Clus hirsutus Champion
C/u¡ hirsutus Champion, 1885:133.
~Iaterial examined. Estación de Biología, VII-28JVIII-2-8·1 (1); X-l6j
2~·8i, at black light (2); X-24-85, light trap (1); XII-14-85, light trap (8) .
:\fn. 17 (1988)
Ejido Benito Juárez, 134 km !\ J\Ielaque V-19-86 (1);
km 1'\ :\!claque,
Rangc. Panama to Sinaloa and Veracruz.
This specics may be synonymom with L'lus crassus LeConte. lt is found
beneath objects on the ground and is often extremely common at lights.
L'lus lineatulus Champion
Ulus lincatultts Champion 1885:134.
Material examined. La Manzanilla, VII-31-84 (7).
Range. Guatemala to Jalisco.
Thís species is readily distinguished from hirsutus by having the outcr
margin of thc anterior tibia almost straight (strongly concave in hirsutus).
Tribe Helopini
Helops noguerai, new species
(Fig. 17)
Shining. clark recldish brown, obesc beetles with sulcate elytra. Heacl
with subcontiguous, longitudinally elongatc puncturcs about two to two
and one-half times as long as eye facet cliameter on vertex, frons and
epístomum. Epistomum truncate; epistomal sutures visible only near margin. Eye oval, protuberant, non-emarginatc; dorsal lobes separated by
about eight to ten times their cliameter. Antenna filiform, extcncling to
about midclle of elytra (female) or to scconcl abdominal sternitc (male):
:mtennal segmcnt ration: 1.5:0.8:2.6:2.0:2.0:2.2:2.3:2.8:2.6:2/1:3.2 (female):
l.3:0.7:2.0:I.5:l.5:l.8:I.8:2.0:2.1:1.9:2.9 (malc); apical segmcnt asymmetrically elongatc oval, with outcr margin much more strongly cun·cd than
Prouotum with borders narrowly marginecl exccpl antcromedially; anterior corners nearly ríght angled, briefly rounded at apcx; pmterior corners obtuse, angulate; lateral margins prominently suhangulate at point
about one-third posterad; strongly convergent, cone<tve or nearly straight
anteriorly; more gradually convergent posteriorly, weakly rcflexed just
before corners; posterior borcler com·exly arcuatc. Discal puncturcs u1·ice
as long as wide, abo1
contiguous, appearir
with rounded subcc
cets; prosternal pn
acutely produced as
Elytra as wide as
about one to one <
finely impressed lir
diameter. Interstria
sparse punctation. l
6; 7
8; confl
Epipleuron gradual:
of fifth abdominal s
xa with subcontigm
coxal process trunc::
weakly margined lli
to that of metaster
cially near posterio
Measurements. Pro
1.7 to 2.6 mm; elyt
3.8 mm.
Holotype male (Ca
paratype from Me>
male, one female I
male paratypes fro1
male paratype fror
Helops noguerai
In noguerai the a¡
arcuate (arcuate i
in scintillatus), th
tubercle (declivou
has the lateral bor
l/atus). In noguen
elytral interstriae
1); 24 km K J\Ielaque.
s LeConte. It is found
y common at Iights.
> by having the outer
' concave in hirsutus).
sulcate elytra. Heacl
·es about two to two
)n vertex, frons and
•isible only near marIobes separated b,·
iliform, extcnclinoo t~
1inal sternitc (male):
1:2.6:2.4:3.2 (female):
1 segment asymmetristrongly curvecl than
,' anapex; posterior cor;ubangulate at point
~·e or nearly straight
~·eakly reflexed just
:sea! punctures L\rice
as long as wide, about three times as long as eye facet diameter, practically
contiguous, appearing reticulate. Hypomeron sculpted as disk prosternum
with rounded subcontiguous punctures about twice diameter of eye facets; prosternal process gradually declivous behind coxae, with apex
acutcly produced as a prominent, ventrally directed tubercle.
Elytra as wide as thorax at base, broadest at middle; strial punctures
about one to one and one-half times diameter of eye facets, joined by
finely impressed lines and separated by about one to three times their
diameter. Interstriae strongly convex, polished, with exceedingly fine,
'parse punctation. Following striae confluent anteriorly: l
2; 3
6; 7
8; confluent posteriorly: l
2; 3
4; 5
6; others unclear.
Epipleuron gradually narrowing posteriorly, terminating at anterior border
of fifth abdominal sternite. J\Ietasternum about one-third length of mesocoxa with subcontiguous punctures about twice diameter of eye facets. Intercoxal process truncate or obtusely arcuate or angulate. Abdominal sternites
weakly margined laterally; sternites one to three with punctation similar
w that of metasternum, becoming finer on sternites four and five, especially near posterior margin of latter.
\leasurements. Pronotal length, 1.2 to 2.0 mm; greatest pronotal width,
I. i to 2.6 mm; elytral length, 3.0 to 4.6 mm; greatest elytral width, 2.5 to
3.8 mm.
Holotype male (California Academy of Sciences) and two male, one female
paratype from Mexico, Jalisco, El Tuito, IX-10-1987, F. A. Noguera. Two
male, one female paratypes, same locality, VIII-27-1986, M. Sánchez. Two
male paratypes from 5 km N El Tuito, IX-10-1987, F. A. Noguera. One female paratype from Jalisco, 8 km ~ Chamela, IX-12-1986. F. A. Nog-uera.
Helops noguerai is similar in size and shape to H. scintillatus Doyen.
In noguerai the apical antennal segment is asymmetrically ovoid but not
arcuatc (arcuate in scintillatus), the epistomum is truncate (emarginatc
in scintillatus), the prosternal process is produced apically as an acute
tubercle (declivous, broadly rounded in scintillatus) and the pronotum
has the lateral borclers produced and subangulate (evenly arcuate in scintillatus). In noguerai the punctation is coarser than in scintillatus and the
elytral interstriae are more convex.
l\In:. 77 (1988)
Shining black or d
prem reflections. Hea
half to two times eye
Epistomum, slightly t
cept near margin. Eyc
shallow excavation ai
by about four times
to metacoxa (female)
ment ratio: 2.5:1.1:3
Pronotum with aii l
nearly right angled; I
middle; lateral borde:
posterior angles. Disc:
as eye facet diameter,
meron with similar
punctures two to th1
obliquely declivous, t
Elytra as broad as
eye facets, joined by
times their diameter.
punctate. Following :
8; confluent ant
graduaily narrowing
abdominal sternite. l\J
tures about one and
one to two puncture
apex. Abdominal ste
punctation as on met
:\Icasurcments. Prono
2.5 to 3.4 mm; elytn
to 4.8 mm.
rigs. 17-20. Tencbrioninae: 17) I-IelojJs nogucrai;
pela socia; 20) A l!ecttla mgosa.
18) Terpela depres<a;
Holotype male (Cali
Estación de Biología
female paratype from
J'\oguera. One maJe p
Helops scintillatus new species
Shining black or dark brown, obese, flightlcss beetles with faintly cuprem reflections. Head with subcontiguous punctures about one and onchalf to two times eye facets in diameter on vertex, frons and epistomum.
Epistomum, slightly truncately emarginate; epistomal sutures obscured except near margin. Eye oval to weakly reniform, scarcely emarginate, with
shallow excavation around margin of dorsal lobe; dorsal lobes separated
by about four times the width of one lobe. Antenna filifonu, extending
to mctacoxa (female) or third abdominal sternite (male). Antennal segment ratio: 2.5:1.1:3.7:3.0:2.9:3.2:3.4:4.0:,1.0:3.6:4.2 (female); 2.7:1.3:5.0:
3.8:3.7:4.5:4.5:4.9:4.5:1.0:5.3 (male); apical segment weakly arcuate in both
Pronotum with all borders narrowly margined; anterior corners rounded,
nearly right angled; posterior corners rounded, obtuse; disk widest before
middle; lateral borders arcuate, usually reflexed weakly near anterior and
posterior angles. Discal punctures longitudinally oval, about twice as long
as eye facet diameter, separated by one puncture diameter or Iess. Hypomeron with similar punctation. Prosternum with round, subcontiguous
punctures two to three times eye facets in diameter; prosternal process
obliquely declivous, extending short distance behind coxae, rounded.
Elytra as broad as thorax at base; strial punctures about diameter of
eye facets, joined by finely impressed lines and separated by four to six
times their diameter. Interstriae convex, sparsely, minutely and obscurely
punctate. Following striae confluent posteriorly 1
2; 3
4; 5
8; confluent anteriorly: l
9; 2
7; others irregular. Epipleuron
gradually narrowing posteriorly, terminating at anterior border of fifth
abdominal sternite. Metasternum about half length of mesocoxa, with punctures about one and one-half times eye facets in diameter, separated by
one to two puncture diameters. Intercoxal process deltoid with rounded
apex. Abdominal sternites finely margined bterally; one to three with
punctation as on metasternum, finer on sternites four and five.
:\Ieasurcments. Pronotal length, 2.6 to 3.:3 mm; greatest pronotal width,
2.5 to 3.4 mm; elytral length, 4.2 to GA mm; greatest elytral ,1·idth, 3.2
to '1.8 mm.
pela depressa;
Ho1otypc male (California Academy of Sciences) from ~fexico, Jalisco,
Estación de Biología Chamela, X-20-1985, ::\f. S:ínchez. Two male, one
female paratype from Mexico, Jalisco, 5 km N El Tuito, IX-10-1987. F. A.
Noguera. One male paratype, same locality, VIII-27-1986. ~I. Sánchez. One
77 (1988)
female (not paratype) from Mexico, Nayarit, 7.3 mi E San Blas, X-17-1973.
S. C. Williams, K. B. Blair and C. L. Mullinex.
forest (9), at Iights (1)
light (14).
Range. Yucatán to Jalis
Helops scintillatus is similar in shape and size to Nautes nitidissimus
Champion. In scintillatus the head and prothorax are much more coarsely
punctured. The prosternal process is briefly produced beyond the procoxae and declivous; the mesosternum is scarcely excavate and without
the lateral margins raised. In nitidissimus the prosternal process is strongly produced and the mesosternal fossa deeply excavate with strong margins. In scintillatus the elytral intervals are convex; in nitidissimus they
are flat. Helops suavis Champion has the general body form of N. scintillatus, but is much more finely punctate, has the elytral interstriae almost
flat (convex in scintillatus), the hypomeron strigose or smooth (coarsely
punctate in scintillatus) and the abdominal sternites very shallowly ancl
finely punctate (more coarsely, cleeply punctate in scintillatus).
Thc indications given by Champion (1887:276) are inadequate for
defining genera of new world Helopini. The species described here are
placed in Helops because of their combination of: lack of metathoracic
wings; more or less declivous prosternal process; non-excavate mesosternum; epipleura terminating well before elytral apex. However, all of
these characteristics also occur in sorne species which are presently included in Nautes (e.g., N. nitidissimus).
Tarpela socia Champior
Tarpela socia Champion,
Material examined. Est
lected at lights from' ·e<
Huerta, IX-24-86 (1); J
20-85 (1 ).
Range. Guerrero to' J a
This is the most abu
ción during the month
in collections have bec
from about 7 to 15 mrr
ihg black.
Cymatothes tristis (La¡
Pyanisia tristis Laporte,
Tarpela costata Champion
Tarpela costata Champion, 1887:293.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, X-16/22-87, at black light (2).
El Tuito, VIII-27-86 (1).
Range. Guerrero to Jalisco.
c,·matothes unicolor So
Cymatothes tristis, Spiln
::\faterial examined. E5
Range. Costa Rica to
Adults and larvae li
aYer Pyanisa is explai1
This species is easily recognizable by the prominent, swollen anterior
corncrs of the prothorax.
Tarpela depressa Champion (Fig. 18)
Tarpela dejJressa Champion, 1887:306.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20j27-81, on grouncl m
"\:Veakly shining, bto
mal length. Head with
241 '
i E San Bias, X-17-1973.
forest (9), at lights (1); X-l$/~3-86, at lights (5); X-16j22-87, at black
light (14).
to Nautes nitidissimus
are much more coarse1y
duced beyond the pro, excavate and without
terna] process is strong:avate with strong mar:x; in nitidissimus they
body form of N. scinti~lytral interstriae almost
lse or smooth (coarsely
ites very shallowly and
1 scintillatus).
'6) are inadequate for
cies described here are
f: lack of metathoracic
non-excavate mesosterapex. However, all of
vhich are presently in-
Range. Yucatán to Jalisco.
Tm·pela socia Champion (Fig. 19)
Tarpela socia Champion, 1887:299.
Material examined. Estación de 'Biología: more than 100 specimens col-·
lected at lights froni 'early July until early December, 1984 to 1988, La
Huerta, IX-24-86 (l ); Jose :\laria :.\laderas, VIII-H-85 (3); Quemaro, IX20-85 (1).
Range. Guerrero tú J ~lisco, th'orn forests.
This is the most abundant tem!brionid in the forests around the Estación during the months of summer precipitation. Almost all individuals ·
in collections have been taken at lights. These beetles vary in length
from about 7 to 15 mm and in color from bronzy reddish brown to shinihg b1ack.
Cymatothes tristis (Laporte)
Pyanisia tristis Laporte, 1840:236; Champion, 1887:330; Blackwelder, 1945:543.
Cymatothes unicolor Solier, 1848:180.
Cymatothes tristis, Spiln¡.an, 1973:41.
-87, at black light (2).
1inent, swollen anterior
)j27-84, on ground m
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VI-8-87
(1); VII-28jVIII-2-84
Range. Costa Rica to southeastern United States.
Adults and larvae live in punky, rotten wood. Priority of Cymatothes
over Pyanisa is explained by Spilman (1973).
Tribe Alleculini
Allecu1a brachyptera, new species
Weakly shining, bl'own beetles with hind wings less than one-half normal length. Head \\'ith punctur10s about twice diameter of eye facets, con-
77 ( 1988)
tiguous or subcontiguous on vertcx and frons, becoming slightly larger
and sparser on epistomum. Epistomum with anterior margin truncate:
lateral corners rounded; indented at lateral epistomal sutures; broadly,
shallowly, transversely depressed just posterad of antennal bases; epistomal
suture scarcely discernible. Eye with anterior border moderately emarginate; dorsal Iobes separated by about three and one-half times the width
of one lobe. Antenna filiform extending to region of metacoxa; antennal
segment ratio: 2.0:0.9:2.5:2.4:2.3:2.3:2.3:2.3:2.3:2.2:2.3; apical segment oYate, narrower than preapical.
Pronotum with all borders narrowly margined; anterior corners ver;·
broadly rounded; widest at about anterior third, then arcuately converging
to obtusely rounded posterior angles; posterior border wry weakly bisinuate with shallow foveae two-thirds from midline to corners. Disk with
contiguous punctures about one and one-half to two times eye facets in
diameter, becoming more sparsely punctate in corners and impunctate
about foveae. Hypomeron with contiguous punctures about t"·ice the size
of eye facets, becoming impunctate over coxae. Prosternum ·with punctures
somewhat sparser, finer than on hypomeron; prosternal process strongly
declivous immediately behind coxae, with apex forming a very small
Elytra about one and one-fourth times broader at base than pronotum.
Strial punctures deep, about one and one-half to two times as long as
eye facet diameter, two to three times as long as ,\·ide; separated by no
more than one puncture diameter and connected by fine lines. Interstriae
weakly convex, each with longitudinal band or row of punctures about
as large as eye facets, separated by three to four times puncture diametcr.
Following striae confluent posteriorly: 1
9; 2
7; 3
6; 4
5. Epipleuron gradually narrowing, terminating just before el;·tt·al apices. :\Ietasternum slightly shorter than length of mcsocoxa, "·ith sparse setiferous
punctures about as large as eye facets; setae no longer than second antennal
segment, reclined. Abdominal sternites like metasternum, punctures becoming slightly denser on sternites four and five. Intercoxal process acute
with apex rounded. Claws with seven to nine teeth.
A /iccula brachypte1
genm in being flightl1
It is ~imilar in gem
which it will run in 1
notum widest much 1
has much finer stria:
paratiYe studies will
Allccula or Alethia 1
differences between l\
mon ancestor.
Allecula rugicollis (i
Al/aula rugicollis Ch
Material examined.
X-16-;.:;6 (1).
Range. Guerrero, Ja
Hy m en o rus colono id
H\ menorus colonoidt
Material examined.
23-86, at lights (1).
Measurements. Pronotal length, 1.6 mm; greatest pronotal "·idth.
greatest elytral length, 5.0-5.1 mm; elytral width 3.~-3.3 mm.
0 0
Range. Guatemala t'
Hymcnorus laticolli:
Material examined.
16-85, at lights (2);
Holotype female from Mexico, Jalisco, Carr. Barra ::\;widad-Pto. \'allana
km 54 (54 km N. Melaque), 2-1-VIII-1986, F. A. ::\oguera. One female
paratype from Jalisco, Estación de Biologia Chamela, \'II-20 ~7-1984. J. T.
Doy en.
Hymcnorus villosus
IIyc: 'norus ;·illosus
1ecoming slightly larger
terior margin truncate;
tomal sutures; broadly,
:ttennal bases; epistomal
lrder moderately emarme-half times the width
. of metacoxa; antennal
2.3; apical segment OY-
; anterior corners very
.en arcuately converging
order very weakly bisie to corners. Disk with
two times eye facets in
orners and impunctate
res about t11·ice the size
sternum ·with punctures
sternal process strongly
forming a very small
base than pronotum.
• two times as long as
wide; separated by no
lY fine lines. Interstriae
ow of punctures about
mes puncture diameter.
7; 3
6; 4
5. Epifore elytral apices. :\IcL, with sparse setiferous
~r than second antennal
·num, punctures becomltercoxal process acute
ronotal ,1-idth, 2.2 mm;
L2-3.3 mm.
' :'\avidad-Pto. Vallarta
i\oguera. One female
a, VII-20 '27-1984. J. T.
Allecula brachyptera differs from all other described members of the
genm in being flightless, with the metasternum shorter than the mesocoxa.
It is ~imilar in general appearance to Narses subalatus Champion, to
which it will run in his (1888) key. However, A. brachyptera has the pronotum widest much before the middle (widest at middle in Narses) and
has much finer strial punctures and coarser interstrial punctures. Comparati.-e studies will probably show that Narses has been derived from
Allccula or Alethia by loss of the hind wings. However, the numerous
differences between N. subalatus andA. brachyptera do not suggest a common ancestor.
Allecula rugicollis (?) Champion, (Fig. 20)
A 1/ ecu/a rugicollis Champion, 1888:412.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20JVIII-2-8·1, at lights (4);
X-16-86 (1).
Range. Guerrero, Jalisco.
Hymcnorus colonoides Champion
Hymenorus colonoides Champion, 1888:435.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, \'II-20/27-84, at lights (!); X-13 ·
23-86, at lights (1).
Range. Guatemala to Jalisco, Guanajuato and Veracruz.
Hymenorus laticollis (?) Champion
11Yinenoms lalicollis Champion, 1888:429.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-7 jl5-87, at lights (2); VII-8!
16-85, at lights (2); VII-28JVIII-2-84, at lights (4).
Rangc. No previous exact locality rccords.
Hymenorus villosus (?) Champion
lly!ncnorus c•iliosus Champion, 1888:440.
foLIA ENTOMOL. .MEX. /7 (1988)
:!\faterial examined. Estación de Biología, XII-2-88
Range. More los, Jalisco.
:.\1 aterial examined.
XI-l-85 (2). Arroyo
llas, 62 km S. Puert<
Lobopoda parvula (?) Champion
Range. Guerrero to
Lobopoda parvula Champion, 1888:403; Campbell, 1966:102.
:.\Iaterial examined. Estación de Biología, X-16jl9-87, at black light (1).
.\dults are occasio
Range. Lobopoda parvula is prescntly recorded only from Veracruz.
The specimen from Charnela matches well the description of parvula,
including male genitalia, but has small asperities rather than punctures on
the elytral interstices.
Lobopoda socia (LeConte)
Allecula socia LeConte, 1854:84.
Lobopoda socia, Casey, 1891:84.
Lobopoda (Mesolobopoda) socia, Campbell, 1966:42.
Lobopoda mexicana Champion, 1888:392.
Lystron;'chus pilifer
Lystronychtts piliferu
:.\Iaterial examined.
Range. Colombia te
~faterial examined. Estación de B;ología, VII-l2jl5-87 (1); X-13/23-86, at
lights (2); X-16/22-87, at black light (2).
Plw feria debilis Le(
Rangc. Nicaragua to Jalisco and in thc east to southern Texas.
Lobopoda was revised by Campbell (1966)
.Uenoeceus crassicomis Champion
Menoeceus crassicornis Champion, 1888:443.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20/27-84 (1).
Range. Guatemala to Jalisco, Morelos and Puebla. Collected by beating
Pseudocistela ovipennis (Champion)
Giste/a ovipennis Champion, 1892:569.
P;eudocistela ovipemú~, Borchmann, 1910:30; Blackweldér, 1945:508.
Phaleria debilis LeO
Phaleria insularis Ch
Phaleria neotropicall
Material examined.
84 (17).
Range. Pacific coas
Baja California.
Palcria occur abe
congregate around
Larvae as well as a
The elytral color e
large, dark, coalescc
longitudinal band
The neo tropical· sp1
8 (1).
:\faterial examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20j27-84 (2); X-18-85 (1);
XI-I-85 (2). Arroyo Tepeixtes, 55 Km N Melaque, X-16-85 (1). Las Jarillas, 62 km S. Puerto Vallarta (1).
Range. Guerrero to Jalisco.
at black light (1).
.\dults are occasionally encountered in flowers.
ly from Veracruz.
Tribe Lystronychini
lescription of parvula,
her than punctures on
h;stronychus piliferus Champion
Lystronychus piliferus Champion, 1888:462.
Material examined. 4 km S Playa Careyes, VII-9j11-87 (1).
Range. Colombia to Texas.
Subfamily Diaperinae
Tribe Phaleriini
87 (1); X-13j23-86, at
thern Texas.
Plulleria debilis LeConte
Phaleria debilis LeConte, 1866:125.
Phaleria insularis Champion, 1886:221; Triplehorn and Watrous, 1979:288 (synonymy).
Phaleria neotropicalis Champion, 1886:220; Triplehoro 1989.
Material examined. Charnela, VII-20/27-84 (37). La Manzanilla, VII-3184 (17).
Range. Pacific coast from Panama to northern Sonora and gulf coast of
Baja California.
Collected by beating
PaTeria occur above the high tide line on beaches, where the beetles
congregate around dead fish, rotting seaweed and other organic debris.
Larvae as well as adults may be found in the sand beneath such objects.
The elytral color of debilis is tan with a pair of small, faint spots or
large, dark, coalescent spots: A few individuals have an irregular medial
longitudinal band of black along the anterior two thirds of the elytra.
The neotropical species are treated by Trip1ehorn (1989).
DoYE:\. TE;.;
:\lrx. 77 (1988)
Phaleria guatamalensis Champion
Phaleria guatamalensis Champion, 1886:218; Triplehorn and Watrous, 1980:60.
Material examined. La Manzanilla, VII-31-1984 (19).
Range. Guatemala to Jalisco, same habitat as P. debilis. The ranges of P.
guatamalensis and P. championi Triplehorn and Watrous (1980) appear
to abut or perhaps overlap in Jalisco, but the two species have not yet
been collected sympatrically.
Phaleria panamensis Champion (Fig. 21).
panamensis Champion, 1886:218; Triplehorn, 1989 (in
dystiscoides Champion, 1886:218; Triplehorn, 1989 (in
marginijJennis Champion, 1886:219; Triplehorn, 1989
opacicollis Champion, 1886:219; Triplchorn, 1989 (in
(in press)
Material examined. Charnela, VII-20j27-8L1 (73). La Manzanilla, VII-3184 (16).
Phaleria panamensis varies in color from dark brown to black The
elytra often have pale tan margins. In sorne individuals the pale margin
extends a short distance along the midline from the e1ytral apex. The
beetles are found in the same situation as P. debilis and guatamalensis. The
synonymy of this extremely variable species is documented by Triplehorn
(1989); personal communication and in press).
Tribe Crypticini
Gondwanocrypticus ovatus Champion
Crypticus ovatus Champion, 1886:137.
Gondwanocrypticus ova tus, Kulzer, 1961:522.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20/27-84 (1).
Range. Guatemala to Jalisco.
Tribe Diaperini
Neomida aeneipennis Triplehorn
,'\'comida aeneipennis Triplehorn, 1965:382.
Figs. 21·24. Diaperi~
23) Adelina bifurcata;
d Watrous, 1980:60.
'Jilis. The ranges of P.
(1980) appear
species have not yet
19 (in press).
19 (in press).
1989 (in press)
9 (in press)
.a Manzanilla, VII-31-
brown to black The
duals the pale margin
the elytra1 apex. The
nd guatamalensis. The
mented by Trip1ehorn
·84 (1).
Figs. 21-24. Diaperinae: 21) Phaleria panamensis; 22) Platydema sobrinum group;
23) Adelina bifurcata; 24) Sitophagus uniformis.
Material examined. Estación de Biología,
Platydema sexnot,
Platydema sexnotata
Range. Nicaragua to Jalisco and Tamaulipas.
Adults and Iarvae live in fruiting bodies of wood rotting polypore fungi.
Platydema excavatum (Say).
Material examined.
km S Puerto Vallar
Range. Costa Rica.
Diaperis excavata Say, 1824:267.
Platydema tuberculata La porte and Brullé, 1831:352.
Platydema nigritum Motschoulsky, 1873:470.
Platydema fraternum Chevrolat, 1878:210.
Platydema parvulu.m Casey, 1884:50.
Platydema excavaturn, Horn, 1870:381; Champion, 1886:184; Triplehorn, 1965:395.
Material examined. Las Jarillas, 62 km$ Puerto Vallarta, VII-22-81 (3).
. Platydema silphoid,
Platyderna silphoide~
Platydeiria agilis Che
Platyderna agile, Ch
, Material exami,ned.
Range. Costa Rica
Range. Costa Rica to eastern United States; Antilles.
Adelina bifurcata
This species, like other Platydema, is found associated 11·ith fruiting bodies of polypore fungi, and may also be found beneath loose bark near
fungi. Males have a pair of slender horns between the eyes: female have
micans Zimmerman
Platydema rnicans Zimrncrman; Horn, 18i0:383 (scc Triplchom, 1965:430 for proper
Doliema bifurcata
Adelina bifurcata,
Material examined.
62 km S Puerto Va
Range. Costa Rica
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-28 1\'III-2-84, ex leaf litter
(1); X-13/23-86, at lights (1).
The beetles usm
than a few years. ~
was revised by Are
Range. Brazil to southeastern United States, m polypore fungi:
Adelina plana (O'
Platydema mtundatum Chevrolat
Platydema rotunda/a Chevrolat, 187i:l86; Champion. 1886:191.
Material examined. Estación de Biología,
Range. Costa Rica to central Mexico, in polypore fungi.
Tenebrio planus O
Adelina depressa 1
Sitophagus leconte1
Schedarosis scidari1
J)oliewa diabolica
Doliema plana Ar
Adelina plana Spi
Material examine1
Platydema· sexnotatum' Chevrolat
Platydema sexnotata. Che\Tolat, 1878:194.
·otting polypore fungi.
Material examined. 4 km W· La Huerta, VI'I-24-1984 (6). Las Jarillas, 62
km S Puerto Vallarta, VII-22-1984 (l).
Range. Costa Rica, to Jalisco f!nd Veracruz, in polypore fungi.
Platydema silphoides Laporte and Brullé .
184; Triplehorn, 1965:395.
rallarta, VII-22-8'1 (3).
Platydema siljJhoide~ La porte and Brullé, 1831 :369; Blackweldcr, 1945:529.
Plat'ydeiria agilis Chevrolat, 1877:178.
Platydema agile, Champion, 1886:187.
, Material examined. Estación de Biología, X~I7-1986 (l).
Range. Costa Rica to Jalisco, and Veracn~z, in polypore fungi.
ated with fruiting bon.eath loose bark near
the eyes: female have
Adelina bifurcata (Champion) (Fig. 23).
Doliema. bifurcata Champion, 1892:535; Ardoin, 1979:~.
Adelina bifurcata, Spi1man, 1973:41; Doyen. 1984:786.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20jVIII-2-84 (4). Las Jarillas,
62 km S Puerto Vallarta, VII-22-84 (3).
1965:430 for proper
Range. Costa Rica to Baja California, Arizo~a and V7racruz.
III-2-84, ex leaf litter
The beetles usually occur beneath dehiscent bark of trees dead no more
than a few years. The larva has been described by Doyen (1988). Adelina
was revised by Ardoin (1979).
rpore fungi:
A delina plana (Olivier)
7-1984 (2).
Tenebrio planus Olivier, 1795:14.
Adelina depressa Erichson, 1847:119.
Sitophagus lecontei Horn, 1870:346.
Schedarosis scidarius Reitter; 1876:44.
Poliqr¡a diabolica fjc,l923:24.
Doliema plana Ardoin, 1977:3.
Adelina plana Spilman, 1973:41; Doycn, 1984b:786.
:Material examined. Las J arillas, 62 km S Puerto Vallarta, VII-22-84 (13).
77 (1988)
La :\fanzanilla, VII-31-84 (2). Río San Nicolás, 84 km N :\felaque, 1-19-86
Range. Brasil to southwestern United States and Antilles, in same habitat as A. bifurcata.
Adelina quadridentata (Champion)
Doliema r¡uadridentata Champion, 1892:535; Ardoin, 1977:17.
.4delina quadridentata Spilman, 1973:431; Doyen, 1984b:786.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VIII-30-85 (1). 21 km N l\Ielaque, VII-11-87 (1). Rio San Nicolás, 1-19-86 (6).
Rangc. Costa Rica to Jalisco same habitat as other Adelina.
Gnatocerus curvicornis (Champion)
Echocerus wrvicornis Champion, 1892:533.
Echocerus recurvatus Chittcnden, 1895:80.
Gnathocerus curvicornis, various authors.
Gnatocerus cun<icornis Spilman, 1972:33; Doyen, 1984:787.
Material examined. Quemaro, Rio San Nicolás, IX-19-85 (4).
Range. Brasil to Baja California and southern Unitcd States.
Gnatocerus occurs beneath dehiscent bark of dead trees, often in association with Adelina. The spelling Gnathocerus in recent catalogs is an unjustified emendation (Spilman, 1972).
DoYE:--i. TE!\T
segments enlarged as
to base of thorax. Ant'
0.8:1.2; segments seve
cuate; apical segment
Pronotum with ant
except medially; anH
Disk broadest just b
than apex; lateral be
obtuse; base very we:
ures about one-half
puncture diameters;
midline and posteri'
prosternum more co:
!aterally expanded b~
Elytra slightly bro:
before curving to aF
a little smaller, sep2
yery slightly convex
separated by about e
fluent posteriorly: 2
sternites with punctu
by about one to tw<
on middle of hind
Measurements. Pron
2.3 to 2.7 mm; elitr
to 3.1 mm.
Sitophagus uniformis, new species
(Fig. 24)
Holotype male and 5
NW Tehuantepec, v
taquillas, IX-19-198~
45 mi ~ Acatlan, \
de Biología Chamel
Flattened, oval, reddish brown, glabrous and shining beetles with finely
punctate dorsum. Head with punctures about one half diameter of eye facets, separated by about one to two puncture diameters on vertex, frons
and epistomum. Epistomum shallowly, arcuately emarginate, very weakly
indented at lateral epistomal sutures, slightly arched over antennal fossae.
Epistomal suture fine, complete. Eye strongly emarginate; dorsal lobes
separated by about twice diameter of one lobe. Antenna with apical eight
Sitophagus unifor
leptoides antennal s
margins almost stra
domina! sternites ar
segments seven to 1
arcuate. The punct
are about half as 1:
Antilles, in same ha-
) (1). 21 km N l\Iela-
r Adelina.
19-85 (4).
:ed States.
:1 trees, often in asso-
cent catalogs is an un-
t1g beetles with finelv
Jf diameter of eye f;_
~ters on vertex, frons
arginate, very weakly
over antennal fossae.
rginate; dorsal lobes
ma with apical eight
segments enlarged as a submoliniform club, extending two-thirds distance
to base of thorax. Antennal segment ratio: 1.3:0.6:1.3:0.7:0.8:0.8:0.8:0.8:0.8:
0.8: 1.2; segments seven through ten subglobular with lateral margins arcuate; apical segment ovoid, about as broad as long.
Pronotum with anterior border deeply emarginate, narrowly margined
except medially; anterior corners nearly ninety degrees, apices rounded.
Disk broadest just behind middlc; base about 1.3 to 1.5 times broader
than apex; lateral borders arcuate, narrowly margined; posterior corners
obtuse; base very weakly bisinuate, narrowly margined. Disk with punctures about one-half size of eye facets, separated ·by about one to two
puncture diameters; with shallow fovea on each side midway between
midline and posterior corner. Hypomeron very finely punctatorugose,
prosternum more coarsely so; prosternal process gradually declivous and
laterally expanded behind coxae with apex broadly rounded.
Elytra slightly broader than thorax at base; lateral margins subparallel
before curving to apex; strial punctures about as large as eye facets or
a little smaller, separated by one puncture diameter or less; interstriae
,·ery slightly convex with punctures about one-fourth size of eye faceb,
separated by about one to three puncture diameters. Following striae confluent posteriorly: 2
7; 3
6; 4
5. Metasternum and abdominal
sternites with punctures about half diameter of eye facets or less, separated
by about one to two puncture diameters. Male with very small tubercle
on middle of hind margin of metafemur.
Measurements. Pronotal length, 1.3 to 1.6 mm; greatest pronotal width,
2.3 to 2.7 mm; elitral length, 4.2 to 4.8 mm; greatest elytral width, 2.6
to 3.1 mm.
Holotype male and 5 male, 13 female paratypes from Mexico, Oaxaca, 56 mi
NW Tehuantepec, VII-27-1963, J. Doyen; l male from Guerrero, 6 km S Petaquillas, IX-19-1987, 1 730 m, J. Powel, J. Chemsak; 1 male from Puebla,
45 mi N Acatlan, VII-30-1963, J. Doyen; 1 female from Jalisco, Estación
de Biología Charnela, VII-28jVIII-2-1984, J. Chemsak, J. Doyen, at light5.
Sitophagus uniformis is similar to female S. hololeptoides Lap. In ho/oleptoides antennal segments seven to ten are subtriangular with the lateral
margins almost straight. The punctures in the lateral quarters of the abdominal sternites are about as large as the eye facets. In uniformis antennal
segments seven to ten are subglobular with the lateral margins strongly
arcuate. The punctures in the lateral quarters of the abomina! sternites
are about half as Jarge as the eye facets.
DoYE:\. TE:\1
FoLIA ENTO~mL. :\!Ex. 77 (1988)
Mophis marginicollis Champion and Sitophagus cyanoides (Champion)
(originally described in Mophis) are similar to uniformis in lacking sexual
dimorphism of the head. In both of these species the pronotal base is
distinctly bisinuate (almost straight in uniformis) and the punctation of
the head and pronotal disk is much coarser than that of the elytral interstriae (subequal in uniformis). In all other described Sitophagus the epistomum of males is modified, usually as dosally produced projections, but
as a deep medial emargination in alveolatus Doyen. In uniformis there is
no sexual dimorphism of head structures, but the posterior femur of males
bears a small tubercle on the posterior (inner) margin near the middle.
The aedeagus of uniformis is similar to that of hololeptoides. The specimen from the Estación was attracted to lights; the series from Oaxaca
·was found beneath bark of a dead tree.
Subfamily Coelometopinae
Tribe Coelometopini, sensu Doyen, 1989
Epicalla lata Champion (Fig. 25)
Epicalla lata Champion, 1886:250.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20/27-84, at lights (1). Chamela, VI-23-88, at lights (1).
Range. Jalisco to Sinaloa.
Isicerdes vicina Champion
Isicerdes vicinus Champion, 1892:524.
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20/27-84, at Iights (3); VIISjl6-85, at lights (1); IX-2-85 (1); X-16(22-87, at black light (4). 21 km
N Melaque, X-16/22-87, at lights (2).
Rangc. Costa Rica to Yucatán and Jalisco.
These bectles may be found on tree trunks at night, as well as about
.Vuptis inquinata Champion (Fig. 26)
l\'uptis inr¡uinatus Champion, 1885:109.
Figs. 25-28. Coelome
"i gm maculata; 28) Stn
~s cyanoides (Champion)
iformis in lacking sexual
ies the pronota1 base is
) and the punctation of
that of the e1ytra1 interbed Sitophagus the episroduced projections, but
~n. In uniformis there is
posterior femur of males
nargin near the middle.
wloleptoides. The specithe series from Oaxaca
:m :Wff%:
::: : : . 1 : : : :: :_
·:: :::1: ·: :,:·
:n, 1989
7-84, at lights (1). Cha-
7-84, at 1ights (3): VIIblack 1ight (4). 21 km
1ight, as 1rell as about
figs. 25-28. Coelometopinae: 25) Epical/a lata; 26) Nuptis inquinata; 27) Cuplwtes
¡¡ig,.omaculata; 28) Strongylium impressicolle.
Mn. 77 (1988)
:Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20 j27 -84, at lights ( 1).
Range. Nicaragua to Jalisco.
.\dults frequent olcl dead trunks ancl branches, m which the larvae
Tribe Strongyliini, sensu Doyen, 1989
Cuphotes nigromaculata Thomson (Fig. 27)
Spheniscus nigromaculattts Thomson, 1859:110.
Cnphotes nigromaculata, Champion, 1887:333; Blackweldcr, 19 Li:_·,u.
l\fáterial examined. Estación de Biología, VIII-11-86 ( J ).
Range. Panama to Jalisco and Veracruz.
Found on vegetation or dead wood or at lights.
Mentes cisteloides, new species
Elongate, flattened beetle with dark brown head and pronotum, dark
reddish brown elytra and venter. Head with punctures about as large
as eye facets, separated by less than one puncture diameter with impunetate longitudinal strip between eyes; punctures on epistomum bearing
procumbent setae about as long as second antennal segment. Epistomum
truncate with corners briefly rounded, approxirnately ninety degrees; laterally emarginate and scarcely covering antennal insertions; epistomal suture obscured. Eye prominent, nearly quadrispherical, deeply ernarginate
anteriorly; dorsal lobes separated by lcss than width of single lobe. Antenna with segments seven to ten serrate, about one and one-fourth times
as long as wide: antennal segment length ratios: 0.7:0.7:0.9:1.5:l.5:l.:í:I.:->:
l.:): 1.5: 1.5: 2.0; apical segment elongate oval.
Pronotum with all borders margined, more narrowly so laterally; anterior border truncate, anterior corners broadly roundcd disk 1ridest slightly before middle; lateral margins gradually convergent anteriorly, nearl~­
straight posteriorly, then slightly reflexcd just before ncarly right angled
posterior corners; posterior bordcr very ,1·cakly bisinuate, appearing nearly
straight; disk with fine median line in posterior thrce-fourths; punctures
about as large as eye (;
centrallv with small, im
each side of midline, b~
edge with shallow subm:
median fovea. Hypome1
times eye facets in diame
becoming impunctate o
cess carinate between 1
with rounded apex.
Elytra as wide as pt
widest at about middlt
livity; strial punctures <
one puncture diameter
on declivity; interstriae
meter of eye facets, sep
strial rows without ele;
ridge prominent, carim
gradually converging t,
abdominal sternites wit
facets, separated by abo
on last two sternites; SI
segment. Basal segment
bined, subequal to ter
tcrally compressed, Ion
ahout one ancl one -h<
::\leasurements. Pronot
mm; greatest elytral le
Holotype female fron
VII-~0/27-1984. J .Doy
;\lentes cisteloides d
tiYcly short thircl ant1
othcrs). AI. ruficollis j
fusiformis Champion
setose (glabrous in cis
The only known s¡
confirmed by dissectio
minecl are males. Men
tatiwly placcd by Cha
/27-84, at lights ( 1).
es, m which the larvae
der, 191:í:.i-H.
1-86 (1).
ad and pronotum, dark
mctures about as large
: diameter with impuncon epistomum bearing
1al segment. Epistomum
ately ninety degrees; lainsertions; epistomal surica!, deeply emarginate
idth of single lobe. Anne and one-fourth times
1.7:0.7:0.9:1.5:1.5: I.:í: l.:i:
rrowly so laterally; anmded disk "·idest slight:rgent anteriorly, nearl;·
:ore nearly right angled
inuate, appearing nearly
three-fourths; punctures
about as large as eye facets, separated by about one puncture diameter
centrally with small, irregular impunctate area and shallow depression on
each side of midline, becoming more closely punctate laterally; posterior
edge with shallow submarginal fovea on each side near comer and deeper
median fovea. Hypomeron with few punctures about one and one-half
times eye facets in diameter, separated by one to severa! puncture diameters,
becoming impunctate over coxa. Prosternum impunctate; prosternal process carinate between coxae, broader and subhorizontal behind coxae,
with rounded apex.
Elytra as wide as pronotum at base; lateral borders evenly arcuate,
wiclest at about midclle; first interstria with severa! erect setae on declivity; strial punctures about equal to eye facets in diameter separated by
one puncture diameter or less on disk, becoming smaller, a little irregular
on declivity; interstriae weakly convex with punctures about one-half díameter of eye facets, separated by about two to four puncture diameters;
strial rows without clear confluence posteriorly or anteriorly Epipleural
ridge prominent, carinate; epipleuron broader than mesocoxa anteriorly,
gradually converging to apex. Scutellum impunctate. Metasternum and
abdominal sternites with setiferous punctures about half diameter of eye
facets, separated by about two to five puncture diameters, becoming denser
on last two stcrnites; setae recumbent, about as long as second antennal
segmcnt. Basal scgment of pro-and mesotarsus as long as next three combined, subcqual to terminal segment; metatarsus with basal segment laterally compressed, longcr than next tluee combined; terminal segmcnt
ahout one and one -half times length of preterminal.
:\leasuremcnts. Pronotal length, l.l mm; greatest pronotal width, 1.5
mm; greatest clytral length, 4.8 mm; greatest elytral width, ~.1 mm.
Holotypc iemale from Mexico, Jalisco, Estación de Biología Chamela,
VII<20j27-l984. J .Doyen and J. Chemsak.
M entes cistcloides differs from all other describcd species in the relati.-ely short third antennal segment (about twicc as long as second in
othcrs). lH. mficollis Champion is much smaller (3.5 to '1.5 mm); both
fusiformis Cllampion and setipennis Champion llave the elytra sparscly
setose (glabrous in cisteloides).
The only known specimen appears to be a female, but this was not
confirmed by dissection. All other spccimens of Mentes which I have examined are males. 1V1entcs was transferred from Helopini, where it was tentatiwly placed by Champion, to Strongyliini on the basis of its compound
Fü!.;IA ENTOMQJ,.. ~lEX.
77. (l \)88)
{I)oye.n, 1989). Collection of addit~onal female.s to allow
of interna! characters is needed to verify the position m
Strongyliini. :\Iost specimens of Mentes have been collected at lights.
Otocerus chamelensis, new species
Elongate, parellel sided, shining black beetles with sulcate elytra. Head
váth punctures on vertex and frons and posterior part of epistomum about
as large as eye facets or a little smaller, separated by about one puncture
diameter or less on vertex, becoming sparser between eyes and almost
impunctatc just behind epistomal suture; punctures on anterior edge of
epistomum about half diameter of eye fircets. Epistomum and frons depressed just anterad of eyes frons and vertex with median impresscd line
between eye~ and extending almost to occiput. Epistomum medially truncate, strongly indented at epistomal sutures, corners rounded, approximately ninety degrees; epistomal suture complete, sometimes impressed
medially. Eye nearly quadrispherical, dorsal Iobes separated by about two
fifths (males) to three fifths (females) width of single lobe. Antenna with
apical eight segments weakly serrate, densely set with compound sensoria
Yisible at 50X; antennal segment leilgth ratios: 3.0:1.4:2.8:4.0:3.3:3.8:3.7:
3.5:3.2:2.9:3.2 (male); 3.2:1.2:2.5:3.0:2.4:2.4:2.4:2.4:2.3:2.2:3.0 (female);
apical segment ovate, nearly symmetricaL
Pronotum subcylindrical, without lateral carinae; anterior corners rounded; anterior border with 'mirrow beaded margin at corners, becoming broad1~· margined toward midline; sometimes with weak medial indentation;
Iatei·aJ borders weakly arcuate or with slight prominence just behind
middle; slightly broader across posterior corners than anterior; posterior corners with apex slightly exserted; posterior border margined,
more broadly so toward midliné; disk with fine median line, shallow
median anterior and posterior longitudinal impressions, narrow transverse
impression just before posterior border, and sometimes with one or more
pairs of central, rounded, paramedian depressions; punctures on disk
about as large as eye facets or a little larger; somewhat irregular centrally,
separated by less than one to severa! puncture diameters, often with small
impunctate arcas, especially in males; disk becoming confluently 'punctate
or punctatorugose· laterally. Hypoineron with punctures a little larger than
eye facets, separated by one to severa! puncture diameters. Prosternum
more. finely, irregularly punctate, rough; prosternal process gradually declivous, slightly broadened behind coxae apex subtruncate.
Elytra about 1A, t\mes broader atbase than ;pronotum; lateral margins
parallel in anterior t1
eight swollen to forn~
as large as eye facets
bccoming much finer
puncture-. about one·
by about one to fom
teriorly: l
2; 3
·1; 5
rinate with minutely
with minutely setifer
eye facets medially te
ing almo5t to mesoü
that of metastcrnum
to rniddle of '>ternite
length of entire tars1
to 3.0 mm; greatc
Holotype male fror
VII-20j27-l98-1, J. Cl
same locality, VII-70ne male paratype,
Otocerus chamele1
Champion in lackin~
13 mm versm 16 to
pleura are red, whe1
pronotal margin bea
mclcnsis the pronot
oyerall appearance e
howcyer, has distinc
At prcsent Otoccr
third antennal segn
fourth segment. Th
cnzincns :Maklin, whi
in general appearanc
likely represenls a
warrant cladistic rec
females to allo,v
l verify the position in
n collected at lights.
vith sulcate elytra. Head
part of epistomum about
: by about one puncture
etween eyes and almost
tres on anterior edge of
pistomum and frons del median impressed line
listomum medially trunrners rounded, approxite,' sometimes· impressed
'separafed by ábout two
ngle lobe. Antenna with
with compound sensoria
2.4:2.3:2.2:3.0 (female);
; anterior corners round:orners, becoming broad:ak medial indentation;
1rominence just behind
s than anterior; poste!rior border margined,
e median line, shallow
sions, narrow transverse
times with one or more
>ns; punctures on disk
what irregular centrally,
neters, often with small
ng confluently 'punctate
fures a little Iarger than
diameters.- Prosternum
d process gradually deruncate.
motum; lateral margins
parallcl in anterior two·thinls. thcn arcuatc to apcx; intcrstriac seven ami
eight swollen to form prominent humcrus; strial puncturcs on disk about
as largc as eye faceb, separatcd by ahout one puncture diameter or less;
bccoming much finer ancl sparser on declivity; interstriae subsulcate wilh
punctures about onc-sixth to onc-fourth eyc facet in diameter, separated
by about one to four puncturc diamcters; following striac confluent posteriorly: 1
~1); 2
7; 3
6; ·1
5; confluent anteriorly: 1
2; 3
·1: 5
6. Epipleural carina incomplete anteriorly, weakly carinate with minutely roundcd edgc. :\fetastcrnum alutaceous to rugulose,
with minutely setiferom punctures no more than one-fourth diameter of
eye facets mcdially to about half diameter latcrally; median sulcus extending almost to mesocoxae. Abdominal sternites with sculpture similar to
that of metastcrnum, setac longcr on sternite Iivc. Hind femur reaching
to middle of '>tcrnite fiyc; mctaLtr,us with basal segment about two-fifths
lcngth of entirc tarsus.
Mea1>urements. Pronotal length, 2.2 to 2.5 mm; greatest pronotal width,
2.5 to 3.0 mm; greate-;t elytral length, 8.6 to 9.7 mm; elytral 1vidth, 3.5 to
'1.1 mm.
Ho1otype male from i\lexico, Jalisco, Estación de Biología Charnela,
VII-20 j2i -198-1, J. Chemsak ami J. Doyen. One mal e, one female paratype,
sarne locality, VII-7-1987, J. Chemsak, E. G. & J. l\I. Linsley at light.
One male paratype, same loca1ity, VII-10-1986, R. A. Usela.
Otocerus chamelensis is &imilar to dilaticornis Champion and torolae
Champion in Iacking lateral pronotal carinae, but is much smaller (11 to
13 mm versus 16 to 17 mm). In dilaticornis the elytral margins and epipleura are red, whereas chamclensis is unicolorous. In torolae the lateral
pronotal margin bears a small, ;harp tooth near the middle, while in chamelensis thc pronotal margin bears a weak umbo at most. In size and
ovcrall appearance chamelcnsis resembles nicaraguensis Champion, which,
howcver, has distinct lateral pronotal carinae.
At present Otoccrus is distinguished from Strongylium by having the
third antennal scgment shorter (versus equal to or longer than) the
fourtlt segment. This character clearly separates O. c!zamefensis from S.
c111inens 1\Iakiin, which otrm·s in thc arca arouncled Charnela and is similar
in general appearance. Howevcr, as pointed out by Doycn (l ~JS~l) Otocerus
likcly repre-;enh a specialüed subgroup of Strongylium which may not
warrant cladi-;tic recognition. It is also pmsible that thc shortening o[ the
i\Irx. í7 (1988)
third antennal segment has occurred inclcpendently se\'eral times in Strongyliurn.
Talanus interstitialis
Strongylium erninens (?) i\J;iklin
Talanus interstitialis C
Strongylium eminens Maklin, 1864:266; Champion, IR87:3)~L
Material examined. Estación de Biología, VII-8/IG-S.J. at light (l); Vll-28/
Vlll-2-1984, at lights (2).
Material examined. I
at black light (1 ). Cl
at lights (1).
Range. No specific localitie> are indicatcd by Cbampion.
Range. Guatemala to
Strongylium impressicolle i\Iaklin (Fig. 28)
Stnmgylium imjncssiculle i\Uiklin. 1864:19:;; Champiou, '""7:370.
Talanus ncotrojJira/is
Tala>lllS neolroj>ira/is (
Material examined. E>tación de Biología, VII-8/ lfi-85. at lights (i); VII29-86, light trap (l); VII-20jVIII-2-84, at light (3).
:\[aterial examined. E
22-87, at black light 1
12-87, at lights (l); X
Range. Costa Rica to Jalisco and Veracruz.
Range. Brasil to Jalis
Slrongyliwn punctipes (?) Champion
Stmngylium ¡mnrlif>es Charnpion, l88K:~\i:>.
:\latcrial examined. Estación de Biología, \'ll-20. 2/-R 1 C\ )·
Rangc. Guatemala to Jalisco.
Strongyliwn varians Champion
St¡o¡¡gy/ium ¡•arians Champion,
'Jaterial cxamined. Estaciún de Biolo;,;ía, VII-5-8~ (!): HI-9-88 (1): VII-8'
16-85 t!): VII-16-N.i (!): VJI-21-81i (l); VII-21-88. on S11flium fJcdicl'ilalwn
11); \'11-22-88 (1): VII-29-Kfí (1): \'III-1:1-86 (7).
Range. Cuatcmab to Jalisco and \'eracru1.
The following spec
de Biología .
. . Statira species A. Sl
notum coarsely, spars,
Statira spccies B. B
pronotum demely, cm
DlajJstinus spccies
convex much more fi
with fine cinerom or
lights (::); VII-13 1 23-~
at scveral localitics ir
A llcw/a species A.
\'Il-28jVIII-2-8'1, at l
Hymcnonts species
long, 2 mm broad. X·
y severa! times in Stron-
Tribc Talanini
Talanus interstitialis Champion
Talanus inler.llilialis Champion, IRR7:324.
-85. at light (1 ); VII-28/
:\Iaterial examined. Estación de Biología, VII-20/27-81 (1); X-16/19-87.
at black 1ight (1). Chamela, X-6-86 (!). 21 km N :.\lelaquc, X-16/22-87.
at lights (1).
Range. Guatemala to Jalisco.
6-85, at lights (7); VIII).
'27-81 (c1).
(!); VII-9-88 (l); VII-8'
m SafJium jJcdicl'ilalutn
T11lanus nr:otrnpiralis Champion
Tala1111s neotrofJimli.l Champion. 1887:322.
:\Iateria1 examined. Estación de Biología, X-13/23-Sfi, at 1ights (1); X-161
22-87, at black light (7): X-2 J-85, 1ight trap (1 ). 21 km N Melaque, VII·
12-87, at lights (l); X-16(~2-87, at light (1).
Rangc. Brasil to
Inccrtac scdis
The following species are all from co!Iections made at thc Estación
Je Biología .
. . Statira specics A. Shining black with sparse, crect setae on dorsum; pronotum coarsely, sparsely punctatc; 8 mm long, VII-8j16-8:i, at light (l).
Statira spccics B. Hrmvu, weakly shining, with dorsum almost glabrous:
pronoturn dcmely, confluently pm~etate: 8.5 mm long. VIJ-7/ 15-85, at ligln
( 1).
IUafJ.Itinus spccies ~\. Browuish black; elytra witlt interstriac 11-cakl}
conYex much more finely punct:ttc titan striac; dor~um sparsely nwercd
11·ith fine cinerom or whitish c;ctae; 1 to :í.:> mm long. XII-20j27-tH, at
Jights (2); VII-I:) 1 2:l-86, :tt Jighb (:)). This spccics has aho hcen collectcd
at severa! localitics in the vicinity of thc Estaci<'m.
Allccula specics .\. Hrmn1, ¡nonotun1 umflucntly punctate; fi.:) long.
\' Il-28jVIII -2-8,1, at 1igh ts ( l ).
Hymcnorus species A. Brown; pronoLttlll as broad as long; body 5 mtu
long, 2 mm broa d. X-21 /22-87, black 1igln (1 ).
\fi x.
Hyrnenorus spccie-; B. Brown; pronotum much broadcr than long: hoclv
8-9 mm long, 3.25-3.5 mm broad. VIl-20 1 27-84 (2); X-l3j23-H6 (1).
Loúopoda specics :\ (Championi group of Campbell, 1966).
cxamined. Estación de Biología, no date or collcctor.
This single damaged male specimen keys to championi in Campbell
(1966), but differs markedly in the malc genitalia and ha.~ more than 15
tecth on each tar~al daw (nine or ten teeth in Championi).
Platyderna sobrinmn complcx (Fig.
i7 (19SH)
P/atydema wúriua Chnrolat. 11'77:178; Champion, Itl86:189.
~Iateria1 examincd. Estación de Biología, Vll-20j27-198·1 (17); X-lG 19-Hi,
at hlack light (2) . .i\Ielaque, VII-24-198-1, in rotting palm (1).
The Platydema sobrinw11 complex includes an array of dull blackish
beetles with the apical antennal segment reddish or yellowish. Patterns o[
variation in this group are extremely confusing and species boundaries
are not clear. The complex ranges throughout MesoAmerica. Material from
the Estación inclucles three species (Triplehorn, 1965 and personal communication) As usual the beetles occur in polypore fungi. These are the
most commonly encountered Platydema at the Estación.
Strongylium species A. Brassy black with two deep and two shallow<.:r
foveae on pronotum and severa! shallow, irregular depressious on dytra:
9 mm long, 3 mm broad. VII-20-27-84 (1).
Strongyliwn species B. Body dark metallic blue, elvtra metallic violct
\l"ilh coarse, transversely elongate strial punctures; leis and antennae rclatively short; similar to Agrilus (Bupresticlae) in general appearance: 5.:í
mm long, 1.5 mm broad. VII-7-86 (1).
Al! the genera ancl ncarly all the species of Tenebrioniclae and Zopheridae presently known from the vicinity of thc Estación de Biología Chamcla are included in the following key. ll must he emphazizccl that :my
kcy ''" h ich treats a
additional, prcvious
ly truc of a poorly
xico. ln this regard
a high proportion
somctimcs as distan
uncommon, and in <
Genera with which
dcma, Tarpcla, Stn
all di\er.-,ified in tro
specic, are almost e
over, not all specim
spccic,. Thcse speci
imlicated as such ir
.\dditional rccent
tax;t which occur a
and :\ndrcws, 1985
(genera of Opatrini)
bcll, 1%6 (species
Do~ en. 19R4h (gene
pini. 'itrongylini); f
Spilman, 1%2 (gcr
(Di;tpuini north of
Triplehorn, 1972 (!
1~JHO ;mcl Triplehor
.\Jo-,t of thc chara
viou' kcys to Tcnel
hcrc. Two characte
ab'icncc of .,lcllatc
Thcsc appcar as m
inncr apical angles .
scgmcn h. In Stron~
tri bmetl o ver mucb
segmcnh. Spccimcm
mme greasy, will w
cle;med in benzene
crcnulatc riclge on t
in Diaperini the ou
ridges oricntccl obli<
ciatcd with cach riel~
h<:ne the appearanct
broader than long: hoclv
); X-13j23-R6 (1).
tmpbell, 1966).
te or collector.
championi in Campbell
a and has more than I;,
27-1984 (17); X-16 19-Hí,
ing palm (l ).
array of dull blackish
or yellowish. Patterns o[
and species boundaries
oAmcrica. Material from
1965 and personal com>re fungi. These are thc
deep and two shailower
1r depressioliS on clytra:
te, elytra metallic violet
s; Iegs and antennae regeneral appcarance; 5.:)
tebrioniclac ami Zophcritación ele Biología CIJabe emphazized that :my
kcy '\ h ich treats a local fauna mmt be used 11·ith special caution, since
additional, previously unrecorded taxa are very Iikely. This is particularly uue of a poorly known region such as the ~outhwestern coast of 1\Iexico. In this regard it may be remarked that the Chamelan fauna includes
a high proportion of taxa previously known from much further south.
sometimes as distant as Costa Rica. Furthemore. many of the species are
uncommon, and in about a clozen cases known only from a single specimen.
Genera 11·ith which special rare ~hould he med are: Blapstinus, Platydnna, Tarpela, Strongylium Statira and all AI!eculini. These taxa are
al! diH:roified in tropical ~Iexico, have never been reYised, ancl aclditional
species are almo'it certain to be found in the vicinity of Chamela. Morem·er, not all specimem already accumulated can be assigned to clescribed
species. These specimens are listed above as incertac scdis, ancl are abo
indi<ated as such in the key.
.\dditional recent works which contain keys or diagnostic treatments of
tax;t 1dlich occur at the Estación de Biología Charnela inclucle: Aalbu
and Andrews, 1985 ('pecies of TyjJhluserhus); A a lb u ami Triplehorn, 1~lR:)
(gencr;t of Opatrini); Ardoin, 1977 (species of Adelina [as Dolierna]); Campbell, l%6 (specie~ of Lubopoda); Doyen, l984a, (species of ~usattus);
Doycn. l984b (genera of Diaperini); Doyen, 19H9 (genera of Coelometopini. Strongylini): Freudc 1%7; I%8 (genera ami species of Epitragini).
Spilm;m, l%2 (genera ami species of Centronopini); Triplehorn, 196:)
(Di:tpcrini north of :\lexico, with comment~ on some ::\fexican species):
Triplchorn, 1972 (spccies of 7opherus); Triplehorn and \Vatrous, l97~J.
1!180 :md Triplelwrn, 1~JS~J (species of Phalcria).
.\]o,t of the characters used in the following key llave been used in preYÍOU' kcys to Tenebrionidae (e.g., Arnett, 1960) ami need no cliscmsion
hcrc. Two characters, hmrever, merit special mention. l). Presence or
absel)(c of stcllate or dome shaped sensoria on antennal flagellomeres.
Thc-.c appear ;ts minute tuberclcs or warts, usually distributecl on the
inncr :tpical angles and around the apical rims of the terminal fivc or six
scgmenh. In Stmngyliini the sensoria ;trc relativcly large ancl are distribured m·er much of the surfaces, often of the apical sevcn or eight
scgmcnh. Specimcns which are dirty, or especially those which haYC become greasy, will usually have the sensoria obscured anci will need to lw
cleanetl in bemene or a similar solvent. 2). Pre~ence or absence of a fine
crenubtc ridge on the outer edge of thc micldle aJI(l hincl tibia. Typically
in Diaperini the outer surfacc of thc hind tibia bcars a series of minute
ridge-; oricntecl obliquely to the long axis of thc leg. A short spine is associated with ea eh riclge. U nder mocler:ttc rnagnification these features usually
hme the appcarance of a single crenulatc ridge nmning nearly the cntirc
;\h:x. 77 ( 1988)
Jengrh of the tibia. In ~ome specimens they appear as a minute comb
of spines along the outer tihial margin. In most species of Diaperini a
,imilar arrangement, sometimes more distinct, is present on the mesotibia.
Diverse species in many tribes may show a ridged or spined outer margin of the fore tibiae, but the structural details are different from thosc
described above. The tibia! ridge of Diapcrini is easily obscured by grcase.
requiring cleaning as dcscribed abovc.
6 (3). Antenna with s(
mcnts ten and eleve
dihle with prominer
:\ntenna \\'ith segm
notch in segment ter
of scnsory tomentur
brum Dull brownisl
crusted with soil p
l. .-\ntenna with nine segmcnts (scgments 9 to ll fuscd); hypomeron (propleuron) with decp groove for reccption of antenna. Black aml white
beetlcs 18 to 20 mm long ......... ZojJhcrus nodulo.\us (Zopheridae)
7 (6). Elytra \\'ith epi¡
glabrom or nearly ~
Elytra gihhous, swol
dorsal aspect; dorsu
:\ntenna with eleven free segments; hypomeron never with groove for
reception of antenna ............................. (Tenebrionidae) 2
2 (1). Abdomen with intersegmental memhranc~ visible anterior to last
two visible sternites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l
8 (7). Epi'>tomal margi
"\bdomen with no visible abdominal membrancs ................... ;1
Epistomal margin p:
gulate) lobe; mentu
;¡ (2) . .\lentum very large, occupying almost entire bucea! cavity ami concealing maxillae except for palps ................................. (j
(8). ~Ietasternum ,¡H
brachypterous) ....
.\Ientum smaller, exposing maxillae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '}
.\Ietasternum longer
·í (3) . .\Ietasternum much longer than mesocoxal diameter; body elongate, flattened, subparallel sided ................................. :)
.\letastcrnum much shortcr than mesocoxal diameter; hody broadly
m·al, strongly convcx. Robust, subglobular bectles with rugulose elytra;
JO to 15 mm long ................... Eusattus mexicanus (Coniontini)
~) ('1). Eyes minute, apparently absent; legs unmodified. Slender, reddish
lO (8). Pronotum witll
Pronotum with ante
ll ( l 0). Females with
tral pan of disk cor
on dorsum; ll to l ~
brown beetlcs about 1.5 mm long .... Typhlwechus ignotus (Stenosini)
Eyes large, conYex; posterior two pairs of legs with prominent tooth on
inner margin of femur near apex. Reddish brown to almost black; 6
to R mm long ........................ Adelonia sulcatula (Belopini)
Fcmales with latera
anterior half; centr;
black beetles with e
H mm long ..... .
pear as a minute comb
t species of Diaperini a
>resent on the mesotibia.
~d or spined outer marare different from those
:asily obscured by grease.
6 (3). Antenna with segment eleven almost as large as segment ten; segments ten ami elewn evenly covered with setiform sensilla; right mandihle with prominent dorsal tooth which clasps labrum at rest ...... 7
A.ntenna '1·ith segment eleven much smaller than ami insertecl in a
notch in segment ten; 'egments ten and eleven with large, apical patches
of sensory tomentum; mandibles without dorsal tooth for clasping labrum Dull brownish black heetles with spinulose dorsum usually encrustecl with soil particles; 10 to l:l mm long ................... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trichia.1ida lutulenta (Asidini)
fused); hypomcron (prottenna. Black and white
nodulosus (Zopheridae)
7 (6). Elytra with epiplcural carinae visible from dorsal aspect; dorsum
glabrom or nearly so . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
never with groove for
..... (Tenebrionidae) 2
Elytra gibhous, swollen laterally and concealing epipleural carinae from
dorsal a..,pect; dormm hirsute .................................... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triphalopsoides lasiodorsa (Triorophini)
visible anterior to Iast
................... lt
8 (7). Epistomal margin broadly arcuatc or truncatc medially; mentum
subhcxagonal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Eurymetopini) 9
bucea! cavity and con. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (j
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·l
Epistomal margin produced medially as a prominent, convex (often angulate) lobe; mentum subquadrate or trapezoidal . . . . (Epitragini) 10
9 (8). :\letasternum ~hortcr than diameter of mesocoxa (e.g., beetles are
brachypterous) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steriphanus glabratus
:\fetasternum longer than diameter of mesocoxa .. Hylocrinus parallelus
1 diameter; body elon-
liameter; body broadly
~es with rugulose elytra;
mexicanus (Coniontini)
1O (8). Pronotum with anterior angles acutc, strongly produced
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Brot hrotes) 11
Pronotum with anterior angles obtuse, blunt, not produced ........ 12
ll ( 10). Females with lateral margins of pronotum strongly raiscd; cen-
dified. Slender, reddish
chus ignotus (Stenosini)
tral part of disk convex. Shining, bronzy beetles with sparse tomentum
on dorsum; 1 I to 13 mm long ...................... B. angusticollis
ith prominent tooth on
>wn to almost black; 6
úa sulcatula (Belopini)
Females with lateral edges of pronotum nearly flat or raised only in
anterior half; central pan of disk broadly concave. Slightly shining,
black beetles with dense tomentum, producing grey appearance; 11 to
11 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. littoralis
FouA Er'\Tü:~WL ;\le~.
77 (19Sti¡
12 (10). Forctihia with outer margin apically broadened a-, an acute, flattenccl process. Bronzy black witl1 whitish tomentum; !ti to 19 mm long
................................................ Cyrtomius grandis
Foretibiae very graclually broaclenecl from ba-,e to apex, but not produced as toothlike process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
13 (12). Dorsum glabrous or nearly so. Black, weakly -,hining beetlcs; R to
11 mm long ..................................... Phcgonius viridus
Dorsum covered with -,hort appressed, whitish hair,. B10llly beetles;
13 to 15 mm long ................................. Cyrtumius frcyi
(~). Tarsal claws pectina te . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J;j
Tarsal claws simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1:) (11). ,\ntcrior tarsus with penultimatc segment \rith a fle-,hy. \·cntral
lobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
.\ntcrior tarsus with penultimatc segment subcylindrical, without ventral Jobc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
16 (Eí). Dorsum sparsely covered with stiff, crect hri-,tles; fc:mora extend·
ing beyond hocly margins. Dull black heetles; 7 to ~¡ mm long ..... .
............................................ Lystrmr\'clzus jJilifcrus
Dorsum with fine, appre'ised. incmbpicuom hair-,; femora barcly exceeding bocly margins. Dull hrown or blackish, oval heetle~; 1 to 6 mm
long ....................................... P;cudoriltc!a oviprnni.s
17 (15). Anterior face of prostcrnum vertical or nearh ,o, receiving the
ventral surface of the retracted head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Lobopoda) IR
Anterior face of prosternum horiwntal or subhorizontai ........... 20
18 (17). Tarsal claws with '1 to 1:\ teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Tarsal claws ,\·ith more than 15 teeth. Brownish black beet]e-,, 13 mm
long with anterior tibia swol!en in middle ....................... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lobo jJocia 'P· ll.. ( incertae se dio,)
19 (18). Hody length 75 to S.:J mm: tarsal claws with 4 preapical teeth ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. panmla
Body length 9 to 12
1:3 (males) preapical
20 ( 17). Base of prothor
Ha-,e of prothorax b1
bectles with clorsum e
terior angles of pron(
~ l (~0). Antenna filifon
.\ntenna weakly serra
22 (21 ). ~Ictasternum le
.\Ictasternum shorter
about 6 to 8 mm lon¡
23 (~~). Dull black bee
Dark brown beetles
21 (~1). Dorsum with l
Dorsum with erect,
28 (:24). Base of pronot
Hase of pronotum
heetles '1 to 5 mm 1
2G (28). Pronotum mu
beetles; 5.5 to 7.5
................ ñ
Pronotum about as
gate. brmrn beetk
27 ( 1·1 ). Lahrum separ
epistomum convex
is greater than 18
Labrum partly ret:
membrane is expm
length is less than
ly shining beetlcs; 8 to
.... Phcgonius viridus
with a flcshy. \·cutral
............ - ..... 17
·lindrical, without ven-
20 (l 7). Base of prothorax narrower than base of elytra . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Ba'>e of prothorax broacler than base of elytra. Dark recldish brown
beetles with dorsum covered by silky, inclined or recumbent sctac; posterior angles of pronotum prominent; 6.5 to 7.5 mm long ......... .
iHenoeceus crassicurnis
ha ir>. Bromy beetles;
Cyrtornius frcyi
Bocly length 9 to 12 mm; tarsal claws with 6 to 7 (femalc~) or 9 to
13 (males) preapical teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L socia
lenecl a-, an acute, flatum; 16 to 19 mm long
... Cyrtomius grandis
to apex, but not pro.................. 13
(20). Antcnna filifonn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Allecula) 'J'l
.\ntenna weakly serratc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Hymenorus) 2-l
22 (21 ). l\Ietasternum longer than mesocoxal di a meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2~)
.\letasternum shorter than mesocoxal diameter. Dark brown beetles
about 6 to 8 mm long ............................... A. brachyptera.
23 (22). Dull black bcctles JO to 13 mm long; claws \\"Íth about 12 tecth
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. rugicollis
Dark brown beetles about 6 to 8 mm long; claws with 6 lo 8 teeth ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allecula sjJccies A (incertae ~cdis)
.................. 16
Jristles; femora extenclto 9 mm long ..... .
L ystronwlms jn'lifcrus
; femora barely exceedll beetle'\; 1 to 6 mm
Pseudocistcla o vi penni.\
tearly so, receiving the
(LobofJadaj 18
rizontal . . . . . . . . . . . 20
.............. , .. 10
black beetles, 13 mm
sp. A. (inccrtae sedi-,)
th 4 preapical tecth . _
. . . . . . . . . L. jJarvula
21 (21 ). Dorsum with fine, cleclined seta e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Dül<>Um with erect, coarse sctac ......................... H. z¡t'/lo.lw
25 (2·1). Base of pronotum slightly narrower than base of clytra ...... 2ü
Base of pronoturn slightly wicler than base of elytra. Oval, hrown
beetles '1 to 5 mm long .............................. H. colonoidcs
2G (:.25). Pronotum much broacler than long. Oval, dark brown or black
bcctles; 5.5 to 7.5 mm long ................................... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Zatico/lis and Hyrnenorus species B (incertae sedis)
Pronotum about as broacl as long (appcaring longcr than broad). Elongatc, brown heetles, 5 to 6 mm long ........................... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hymenorus species .\ (incertae sedis)
2í (1-1). Labrum separatcd from epistomum by visible strip of membrane:
cpi-,tomum convex or truncate, or if decply emarginatc, bocly length
is grcater than 18 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2r¡
Labrum partly retractecl bcneath epistomum, membrane concealed; if
membrane is expmecl, thcn cpistomum is deeply emarginatc and body
lcngth is less than lO mm ..................................... 2R
"IEx. 77 ( 1!IHH)
2il (27). Body extremely flattened, elongate parallel sided; glabrous, reddish
brown beetles less than 7 mm long . . . . . . . . . . (Diaperini, in part 56
Body never extremely flattened; usually subcylindrical or dorsally convex; if somewhat flattened, then body is usually blackish or setose .. 66
29 (2il). Prothorax with distinct suture running diagonally from lateral
margin of coxal c;n·ity to anterior foramen; apical antennal segment
shorter than two preceding segments combined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Prothorax with hypomeron and sternum continuous, not separated by
suture, or with renmant of suture present near anterior foramen; apical
antennal segment of maJe longer than preccding three combincd ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Statirini: Statim) 30
30 (29). Elytra with sparse, long ercct setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :ll
Elytra glabrous or with short, reclined setae, or with a few long erect
setae on dcclivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
or black beetles, ofte
......... ..........
Elytra without strial
head ami medial d
lesced); 3 to 4.5 mm
36 (32). Antenna with
to hairlike sensilla
at 30x magnificatio1
Antenna "·ith simp
37 (36). Antenna filifc
much longer than
Antenna wbmonilif
as broad as long. l
31 (30). Tibiae with outer surface sulcatc; pronotal disk granulosc. Red-
dish-brown beetles, 7 to 9 mm long ........................ S. hirsuta
Tibiae with outer surface rounded; pronotal disk polished, ~parsely
punctate. Head black, pronotum reddi~h, elytra black with brownish
humeri, abdomen black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. nigripennis
38 (37). :\ letasternum
:\Ietasternum shortc
3~) (38). Antenna witl
32 (30). Reddish brown beetles with dark spot slightly behincl midcllc of
each clytron and dark elytral humeri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. cvanescens
Black or brownish beetles without a hove elytral pattern ......... .
............................... Statim species A, B (incertae sedis)
twice as long as fe
lateral margins ofF
Antenna with thir<
ancl one-half times
:l3 (29). Middle and hind tibiac subcylindrical, slightly enlarged toward
apex; ventral surface glabrous or with slender, hair-like sctae ...... 36
:\liddle and hind tibiae flattened, with apex about tluee to four times
as broad as base; ventral surface stucldecl with very stout, short, erect
spines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Phaleriini: Plzaleria) 34
·10 (39). Prothorax wi
lateral margins cr<
elongate. Bronzy 1
31 (33). Elytra with rows of coarse punctures. Tan beetles ,\·ith clark,
poorly defined medial spot or bar on clytra; 4.5 to 5.5 mm long ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. guatelllalensis
Elytra with fine longitudinal lines or few very small, ohscure punctures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
35 (3/1). Elytra with striae marked hy fincly impressed lincs. Dark brown
Prothorax with an
swollen; lateral m
strial punctures ve
6 to 10 mm long
·H (38). Prosternal p
hronzy bectles, 6 t
Prosternal process
gibhous beetles, 4
I sided; glabrous, reddish
· (Diaperini, in part 56
indrical or dorsally con' blackish or setose . . 66
diagonally from lateral
1pical antennal segment
:l ................. 33
11uous, not separated by
anterior foramen; apical
1g three combined ....
(Statirini: Statim) 30
or black beetles, often with pale margins on elytra; ·1.5 to 6.5 mm long
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. panamensis
Elytra without strial lines except on declivity. Tan beetles with dark
head and medial dark spot on each elytron (spots sometimes coalesced); :> to ·1.5 mm long ................................. P. debilis
:16 (32). Antenna with large stellate or dome shaped sensoria in addition:
to hairlike sensilla on at least apical five segments (sensoria visible
at !lOx magnification as rounded plates or tubercles . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Í2
Antenna with simple, hair-like semilla only .................... ;;¡
37 (36). Antenna filifonn or very weakly sen·ate, with flagellar segmenh
.. ..... .. .. .. . .. .
: with a few long erect
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
much longcr than broad; heetles le-;s than 15 mm long .......... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Helopini) 38
.-\ntenna submoniliform. gradually clavate, with flagcllar scgments about
as broad as long. Dull black beetles at least 18 mm long ......... .
.................................. ZojJlwba.\ ntgipcs (Tenebrionini)
al disk granulase. Red. · · · · · ...... S. hirsuta
disk polished, sparsely
a black with brownish
. . . . . . . . S. nigripennis
38 (37) . .\ fctast.ernum at lea-;t as long as mesocoxal diameter .......... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Tarpcla) 39'
.\Ietasternum shorter than mcsocoxal diameter .......... (Helups) 41
~htly behind middle ol
. . . . . . . . S. evanescen.1·
·al pattern ......... .
: A, B (incertae sedis)
ghtly enlargcd toward
lir-like setae . . . . . . 36
>Ut three to four times
very stout, short, crect
b.aleriini: Phaleria) 3,1
beetles with dark,
to 5.5 111111 long ....
. . . . P. guatemalensis
s111all, obscme pune................. 3:'í
ed lincs. Dark brown
;¡q (38). Antenna with third segment abotlt fiYe times as long as second.
twicc as long as fourth. Bronzy black beetles R to 15 mm long, with
lateral margins of pronotum crenulate . . . . (see also couplet R2) T. socia
Antcnna with thinl segmcnt about three times as long· as second, onc
ami one-half time-; as long as fourth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,
·lO (39). Prothorax with anterior corncrs acute, strongly procluced, swollen:
lateral margins crenuhte, narrowly margined; strial punctures coarse,
clongatc. Bronzy black bcetles with deflexcd head; 6 to 8.5 mm long
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. costata
Prothorax with anterior corners obtuse, rounded, neither produced nor
S\mllen: lateral margins evenly arcuate, with broad, explanate margin;
strial punctures very fine. Black beetlcs with reddish black pronotum;
6 to lO mm long ...................................... T. deprcssa
41 (3R). Prosternal process declivous, rounded. Shining, gibbous black or
bro111y beetles, 6 to 9 mm long ........................ H. scintillatus
Prosternal process with apex acute, clevated. Shining black or bronzy,
gibbous hcetles, ,¡ to 5 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. noguerai
FoLIA E/\TmroL. i\frx. 77 (l9RR)
DüYE:\1. TEX
t2 (33). Elytra prosteriorly contiguous with fifth Yisihle abdominal stcrnitc, conccaling all of abdominal tergites at rcst .................. ·13
Abdomen with part of sevcnth tcrgite visible posterad of elytra, forming ~trongly sclerotized pygidium. Ü\·al, robust, recldish beetles with
anterior two fifths of elytra black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U !orna rctu.1a
.\ntenna inserted
narrow; antenna
(known from singl
19 ( 18) .. \ntenna wil
•13 (42). :\!iddle and hind tibiae with very fine crenulate ridge or interrupted. ridge with regular row of spines along outer margin; legs short.
cxtending to hody margin or hriefly beyond; body usually either ovoid
ancl 'itrongly convex, or elongate, parallel sided and extremely flattened
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Diaperini) :J.í
:\Iiddle and hind femora without riclge or regular row of spines along
outer margin; legs long, extending well beyoncl body margins: boch·
shape variable, but never extremely flattenccl .................... •1 l
11 (J3). Prosternal process declivous behind coxae; oval or elongate hectles, often metallic or brightly colored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l:'í
Pro~ternal proccss subhorizontal; robust, dull hlack bcctles, lO to lfi
mm long· ......................... Cymatosthcs tristis (Amarygmini)
Antenna with thi:
ish, elongatc, sul
.:JO (49). Pronotum ,.
Pronotum with la
51 (50). Pronotum '
Pronotum with f
(51). Pronotal di
Pronotal disk wi
severa] puncture
i5 (H). Tarsi covercd ventrally with long, fine, dense yellm1·ish ~etae; anterior tarsus with penultimate segmcnt about half size of antepenultimatc, and bearing only a few setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Talanini) 'lfi
Tarsi covered YCntrally wi th slwrt, stiff, usually dar k colored setae; anterior tarsm with penultim:ttc :me! antepenultimate segments subequal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Strongyliini) 17
53 (52). Body metal
tudinal blue strip
Body mcta!lic bl
subrcctangular; E
16 ('15). Reddish black hectles with rccldish Iegs; 1.5 to 6 mm long ....
.14 (52). Shining bn
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ta!anus intcrstitia!i.'
Redclish black beetles with black legs; 7 to 9 mm long .. T. ncotrupica!is
17 ( 15). ;\ntcnna '1·itil all fbgellar '>cgments longer tban broacl, filifmm
or 'errate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S
Antenna with apical 5 or () segmcnb broader than lollg, forming
more or less distinct club. Oval bectles \\'ith black body, paJe elytra
with irregular black spotting: l l to lH mm long .................. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CujJ!wtc.\ nigmmacu!ata
4S (-17). Antenna inserted bcneatil -.trong epistomal c:mthus; canthus laterally elevated, emarginating eye posterior to antcnnal ba-,e; antenna
filiform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :J!J
Head, prothora:x
11 to 15 mm Ion
55 (43). Body elon
parallel margins;
Body oval, convc
socoxal cavities
:-¡6 (28, 55). Body
eight interstria
produced as ho
Body no more tl
rounded; males
visible abdominal ~ter-
t ..................
oosterad of elytra, formst, reddish beetles with
. . . . . . . . . U loma retwa
.\ntenna inserted within emargination in eye; epistomal canthus weak.
narrow; antenna serrate. Dark brown, flattened beetles; 6 mm long
(known from single female) ....................... "Uentes cisteloide~
1~) (
mlate ridgc or intcrruptlter margin; legs short.
ody usually either o\'Oid
and extremely flattened
(Diaperini) .J.i
tlar row of spines along
1d body margins; hod,••••..••....•......
black bectles, 1O to 1ti
zes tristis (Amarygmini)
!nse yellowish sctac; antalf size of antepenulti........ (Talanini) 4fi
dark colored setac; anIltimate segments su h(Strongyliini) ·17
!.5 to 6 mm long ....
Talanus in terstitia!i.1
long .. T. neotropicalis
!r than broacl, filifmm
•.•.•............. 4::-i
!r than long. forming
>lack bocly, pale elytra
tg .................. .
'vphotes nigromaculata
ll canthus; canthm lamtennal base; antenna
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otocerus
:'JO (49). Pronotum with lateral margins cvcnly curved .............. SI
Pronotum with lateral margins crenulate ................ S. ¡nmctipe1
; oval or clongate bect-
. ... . .. . . . . .. . .. .
18) .. \ntenna with thinl segment at least as long as fourth ....... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Strongyliurn) 50
"\ntenna with third segmcnt much shorter than fourth . .\Ietallic blacki~h. elongate, subcylimlrical bcetles; 12 to 13 mm long .......... .
51 (50). Pronotum without foveae ................................. 32
Pronotum with pair of large, deep foveae in middle of disk ....... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strongylium spccies A (incertae sedis)
S2 (51). Pronotal disk with nearly unifonn, subcontiguous punctures
Pronotal disk with irregular punctures, separated by less than one to
-;cveral puncture diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;)3
53 (52). Body metallic bluc, elytra reddish or reddish with broad, longitudinal bluc stripe; strial punctures round; 8 to 11 mm long .. S. varians
Body metallic bluc, elytra metallic violet; strial punctures transversc,
subrectangular; 6.5 mm long .... Strongyliurn species B (incertae sedi~)
:Í'1 (52). Shining bronzy beetles; H to 18 mm long ............ S. eminem
Head, prothorax ancl venter dull metallic blue; clytra dull recldish:
11 to 15 mm long .................................. S. irnpressico/le
:íS (43). Body clongate, often very strongly flattened; elytra with subparallel margins; mesocoxal cavities closed by meso-ancl metastcrna .. 5G
Bocly oval, convex; elytra with margins arcuate from ba'e to apcx; mesocoxal cavities closecl by mescpimcron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
:J6 (28, 55). Body more than three times as broad as thick: clytra with
eight intcrstria carinatc or subcarinatc; males with epistomal riclgc
producccl as horns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Adelina) 37
Body no more than twice as broad as thick; clytra with eighth interstria
rounded; males with epistomal ridge unmodificd ................. .:;:1
FoLIA E:-;mMoL. Mn. 77 (1988)
57 (56). "\Iales with epistomum bearing two rounded, paramedial impressions between lateral hornlike structures. Body length ,1.5 to 5.5 mm
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. bifurcata
Males without paramedia1 impressions ........................... 58
58 (57).Epistomum of maJe with single pair of hornlike processes. Bod~
length 4 to '1.5 mm ...................................... A. plana
Epistomum of maJe with smaller medial pair and larger lateral pair of
hornlike processes. Body length 5 to 6 mm .......... A. r¡uadridcntata
(56). "landibles of males bearing long, curved hornlike processes. PaJe
reddish brown or yellowish brown beetles, !.;) to 2.5 mm long ..... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gnatocents cun•icornis
.\1 audibles of male~ withouth processes. Rcddish brown bectlcs, (j to 7
mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SitojJlwgus unifonrw
•üO (5:)). Elytra with epipleura gradually narrowed Lo elytral apcx ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Platydcma) fil
Elytra with epiplcura tenninating at about anterior margin ol last visible sternitc, not reaching elytral apex. Subcylinclrical, brownish or blackish beetles: 3.5 to 5 mm long .................. Xcmnida aeneipenni.'
61 (56). Body ami elytra dull or shiny hlack or brown .............. G2
Body and elytra dull redclish: elytra each with 3 black spots. Lengtl!
5 to 6.5 mm ........................................ P. scxnotata
(i2 (61) . .\[ale with short horns hetween cycs, female with tubcrclcs. l.cngth
3.0 to 6 mm ......................................... P. r.w·1watwn
Head without horns or tubcrcles ................................ fi::
65 (6!1). Hody length 6
Body length 9 to 15
66(28). J\lesocoxal cavit
Mesocoxal cavities j
67 (66). Elytra with in
Elytra with interstr
2 to 3 mm long ....
from the Estación)
68 (66). ?\Jales with pa!
iemales with tuberc·
to 11 mm long ....
Males with pair of 1
tomum: fcmales wit
7 to 8.:) mm long
G9(6!i). Epistornum de
Epistornum truncatc
70 (69). Epipleuron gr
Epipleuron attenua
minal .,tcrnite, not
71 (70). Eyes completE
Eyes cleeply cmarg
viclcd .......... .
·ti3 (62). Antenna witlt ultima te aml penultimatc 'egments samc color .. () l
A.ntenna with u!Limatc 'cgrncnt much paler than pennltimatc: oval.
bbcki~h bectlcs, about 4 to 7 mm long, usually with basal Iour antennal
scgmcnt"i palcr than ncxt six ............ , ..................... .
. , ..................... Platyi/('ma solnimun complex (inccrtac >cdi-,;
72 (71). Protibia triar
with heacl cowred
hrmm: !í to 6.5 m
Protibia graclually
with l1\'0 subcqual
gated brownish, gr
yel lc>l\'ic,h sea les; 5
rd (G~\). Outermo'l intcrstria of c!ytra about twicc a-; wiclc as adj;tccnt onc:
shiny black. oval bectles, :).1 to 1.1 mm long ............. , P. 111 ican,
Outermmt inten,tria of clytra wbcyual to adjaccnt one: dull or slliny
73 (71). Scutcllum tri;
Scutcllum yery bro
oval, black or redc
black beetlcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G:J
led, paramedial impres·
length '1.5 to 5.5 mm
. . . . . . . . . A. bifurcata
................... 58
ornlike processes. Body
............. A. plana
td larger lateral pair of
..... A. quadridcntata
hornl ike processes. PaJe
to 2.5 mm long ..... .
Gnatocerus curvicornis
1 brown beetles, 6 to 7
Sitoplwgus u ni fonn 1'
:d to clytral apex ...
(Piatydcma) 61
rior margin ol last visi~ical, brownish or black. Neomida aencipenni'
own .............. G2
3 black spots. Lcngtl!
......... P. scxnotata
e with tubercles. l.engtil
......... P. C.\CIIV0/11111
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o:.
65 (6'1). Body length 6 to 7 mm ........................ P. rotundatum
Body length 9 to 15 mm .............................. P. silplwidc.>
66(28). Mesocoxal cavities closed by meso-and metasterna .. (Triholiini) 68
Mesocoxal cavities closed by mesepimeron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
67 (66). Elytra with interstriae evenly rounded . . . . . . . . . (Hypogcna) 68
Elytra with interstriae each with fine carina. Reddish brown beetles
2 to 3 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (stored products pests not yet recorded
from the Estación) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triboliurn
68 (66). ~Jales "'ith pair of horns between eyes and tubercle on epistomum;
females with tuhercles between eyes. Shining black, flattened heetles, 9
to l 1 mm long ..................................... H. biimpressus
Males with pair o[ horns between eyes ancl single median horn on epistomum; females with slight swellings near eyes. Shining black beetles,
7 to H.:J mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. tricornis
69(66). Epistomum deeply emarginate in middle ......... (Opatrini) 71
Epistornum truncate or convex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
70 (69). Epipleuron gradually narrowed to apex of elytra . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Epipleuron attenuated at about anterior margin of last visible abdominal '>ternite, nol extending to elytral apex .................... 87
71 (70). Eyes completely divided by epistotnal ridge ................. 73
Eyes cleeply emarginatecl by epistomal ridge, but not completely divicled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7'.!.
:omplex (imertae sedi-,)
72 (71 ). Protibia triangular with a single long, stout spur. Oval beetles
with l1ead coverccl with hrownish setac, clytra nriegated black and
hrown; 5 to 6.5 mm long ........................... nycrea vil/osa
Protihia gradually expanded but strongly produced, spatulate at apex.
"·ith two subequal spurs. Oval heetles densely covcred by short, yariegated brownish, greyish aml whitish sedes overlain by longer, sparser
yellcnrish sedes; ;') to 6 mm long ............. Am1ílodonw trojJiCIII
wide as adjacent onc:
. . . . . . . . . . . . P. 111 ican,
cent onc; clull or shiny
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ();)
7:l (71). Scutellum triangular; clorsum setose ........................ 71
Scutellum Yery hroacl and short; dorsum glabrous or neady so. Elongate
oval, hlack or reddish black beetles; 3 to 1 mm long ............. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conibius brumzipes
same color . . G1
han penultimate; oval.
vith basal four antenna 1
led, paramedial impres·
length '1.5 to 5.5 mm
. . . . . . . . . A. bifurcata
................... 58
65 (6'1). Body length 6 to 7 mm ........................ P. rutundatum
Body length 9 to 15 mm .............................. P. silphoidc.>
66(2R). l\Iesocoxal cavities closed by meso-and metasterna .. (Triholiini) 68
Mesocoxal cavities closed by mesepimeron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
ornlike processes. Hody
............. A. plana
1d larger lateral pair of
..... A. r¡uadridcntata
67 (66). Elytra with interstriae evenly rounded . . . . . . . . . (Hypogcna) 68
Elytra with interstriae each with fine carina. Reddish brown beetles
2 to 3 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (stored products pests not yet recorded
from the Estación) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tribolium
hornlike processes. Pale
to 2.5 mm long ..... .
Gnatocerus rurvicorni'
1 brown bectles, 6 to 7
Sitoplwgus unifonnt,
68 (66). l\lales with pair of horns betwecn eyes and tubercle on epistomum;
females with tuhercles between eyes. Shining black, flattened beetles, 9
to ll mm long ..................................... H. biimprcssw
:d to clytral apex ...
(Piat)•dcllla) fil
rior margin ol last visi'ical, brownish or black. Ncomida aencipcnni·
69(GG). Epistomum deeply emarginate in micldle ......... (Opatrini) 71
Epi\lomum truncate or convex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
own .............. G:.;
3 black spots. Length
......... P. srxnotota
with tuberdes. Length
......... P.
70 (69). Epipleuron gradually narrowecl to apex of elytra . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Epiplcuron attenuated at about anterior margin of last visible abdominal -.ternite, nol cxtending to clytral apex .................... 87
71 (70). Eyes completely cli,·ided by epistomal ridge ................. 73
Eyes deeply emarginated by epistomal ridge, but not completely div·icle<l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
................... 6::
same color . . () 1
han penultimatc; oval.
vith basal Iour antenna l
:omplex (inccrtac sed Í'>)
Males with pair of horns betwecn eyes and single median horn on epis·
tomum; femalcs with slight swellings ncar eyes. Shining black bectles,
7 to 8.5 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. tricmnis
wide as adja{ellt onc:
............ P. mican,
cent onc; clull or slliny
......... '''''' ' ... (j:J
72 (71 ). Prot ibia triangular with a single long, stout spur. Oval beetles
with head cowred with brownish setac, elytra varicgatcd black and
hrm1·n; 5 to G.5 mm long ...... _.................... Eycrea vil/osa
Protihia gradually expanded but >trongly producecl, spatulate at apex.
\rith t\1'0 subcqual spurs. Oval heetles demely covcrecl by short, varíe,
gated brownish, greyish aml whitish sedes overlain by longer, sparser
yello\l'ish scales; :-> to 6 mm long ............. Allnnodonw trojJir 111
73 (/1). Scutellum triangular; dorsum setose ........................ 71
Scutcllum vcry broacl and short; dorsum glabrous or nearly so. Elongatc
oval, black or redclish black beetles; 3 to ,1 mm long ............. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C O ll i biliS Ú1' l/11 ll i j}(' S
77 ( 1988)
H (73). Protibia straight; dorsal vestiture of single
Protibia strongly, abruptly bent near apex; dorsal
pressed or declined setae and darker, erect setae
Oval, tan and dark brown varicgatcd beetles; 7
......... ........ ........ ................... ..
type . . . . . . . . . . 7:)
vestiture of pale. apwith spatulatc tipo,.
to 9 mm long ....
Trichoton sordiduw
(81 ). Elytra \l·ith 1
carina), or with p1
Ehtra with
75 (H). Protibia produced as flattcned, triangular proce'' at apex; body
laterally fimbriate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Ulus) 76
Protibia not produced at apcx; body not fimbriate . . . . (nlapstin u1) 77
~~ cli~tir
(8~;· ..-\ntcmu
-;cgment t11·o .....
.-\ntenna with 'egm
black bectles 11·irh l
plet 30) ........ .
76 (75). Elytra with altcrnate intcrstriae bearing darker or lighter -,ctac,
producing faintly striped appearance. Broadly oval, greyish black beetles:
6 to 7 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U. lineatu/u.1
Elytral setac of samc color on al! intcrstriae. Oval, greyish black beetles:
5.5 to 6 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U. h írs u t u.1
77 (7 5). Lcngth at least 6 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /í{
Length less than 6 mm ........................................ SO
78 (77). Body flatter, epipleural carina visible from dorsal aspect: metasternum about equal to mesocoxal diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Body more convex, epipleural carina not visible from dorsal aspect.
Dark brown beetles covered with paJe, declinecl setae; 6.5 to 7.5 mm
long ............................................. B. cylindriforrnis
79 (78). Pronotum with anterior angles acute, sharp. Dark brown bectle->
with sparse covering of paler, appressecl setae; 7.5 to 8.5 mm long ..
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ... ·........................ B. fortís
Pronotum with anterior angles obtuse, rounclecl. Dark brown beetles
with sparse covering of paler, apprcssed sctae; 8 to 9 mm long ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. grandis
80 (77). Rccldish-brown to blackish-brown beetles, 3 to 3.5 mm long ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. cgl'nus
Blackish heetles, '1.5 to 5.5 mm long ........................... .
................................ Blapstinus species A (incertae sedis)
81 (70). Base of pronotum much narrower tllan base of clytra . . . . . . . 82
Base of pronotum ancl elytra of about equal wiclth. Convcx, oval, black
bcetles with short Iegs; 2.5 to 3 mm long .......................... .
............................ Gondwanocrypticus ovatus (Crypticini)
1 (8~) .. \ntenna ,,·ith
terna] proet>~ abru
A.ntemu 11·ith apic:
prmternal proce~s f
(S±). Black beetles
on clytra; 7.5
Dark brown beetle
long ...... .
86 (8l1. Apical anten
a-; prcceding segm1
11·:rh ccnfmccl eh·tr
.\pica! antennal >e
ment. Bcetle~ wit
brmrn. di>tinctly E
87 (70!. Bicolorecl hE
lJrmrn ......... .
l 1 niform]Y clark bJ
SS (83. Sí) . .\Ietafem
:\Jetafcmur abrupt
face:; metatibia an
89 (88). Femora cla\
Elongate. robust,
ngle type . . . . . . . . . . 75
•rsal vestiture of pale. ap¡etae with spatulate t ip~.
1; 7 to 9 mm long ....
. . . Trichoton sord id u m
ar process at apex; body
. . . . . . . . . . . . . (Ulus) 7G
·iate . . . . (Blapstinus) 77
: darker or lighter ,etac,
1val, greyish black beet]c.,:
.......... U. lineatulw
val, greyish black beetles:
............ U. hirsutu:,
from dorsal aspect: me79
.ible from dorsal aspect.
ed setae; 6..5 to 7.5 mm
....... B. cylindrifonn is
1, 3 to 3.5 mm long ..
B. cgtnus
8~ (81).
Elytra 1rith lO striae (including stria just mesad of epipleural
carina), or ,,·ith punctation irregular, not forming striae ......... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Goniaderini) 84
Ehtra 11·irh ~~ cli~tinct striae .................................... 83
83 (8:?) ..\ntcnna 1rith segment threc no more than three times longer than
~cgment n1·o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
.\ntenna 11·irh ~egment three fiw times as long as segment two. Bronzy
black beetlc:-; 11·irh lateral margins of pronotum crenulate (see also couplet ~W) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tarpela socia (Helopini)
1' t (8~) ..-\ntenna 11·irh apical segment ~ubequal to preceding segment; pros-
terna! p:occ:-s abruptly dccliYous behind coxae .................. 85
.\ntenna witlt apical segment about n1·ice length of preceding segment;
prmtc:rnal proce>s gradually decli,-ous bchincl coxae ............... Sfi
85 (81).
Black beetles 11·irh sparse, short, apprcs~cd and few longer, ercct
on el~ na; 7.5 to 10 mm long .......... Anacdus jmnctatissimus
brown beetles with longer, inclineLl setae on elytra; 3 to 3.5 mm
.......................................... Anaedus apicicornis
arp. Dark brown beetlc~
7.5 to 8.5 mm long ..
B. fortis
!ed. Dark brown beetles
; 8 to 9 mm long ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . B. grandis
R6 (SI¡ ..-\pica] ~mtennal segment elongate, subcylinclrical, about a~ wide .
as preccding scgment. Dark brown or black, elongate, narrow beetles
1r!th confmed eh·tral punctation; I~ to l:J mm long .. Goniadcm rcjJanda
. \pica] antcnnal "egmcnt subglobular, m u eh wider than prcceding segment. Bcet!e~ 11·ith blackish brmrn pronotum much narrower than
brmm, di>tinctly striate elytra; 5.:í to 6.5 mm long ............... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phobclius mexicanus
f\/ (/0). Bicolorcd heacl. thorax and venter black; elytra bright reddish
brmrn ....................... Centronopus beardslyi (Centronopini)
ll niformly cbrk brmm or blackish sometimes wi th metallic reflections
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Coelometopini) 88
1pecies A (incertac sedis)
•ase of elytra . . . . . . . 8~
dth. Convex, oval, black
icus ovatus (Crypticini)
88 (83. 8/). :"l.fetafemur cntirc mctatibia straight or nearly so ...... 89
..\Ietafcmur abruptly emarginate in apical fourth or fifth of inner surbce; mctatibia arcuately curved. Onl, black beetles; 6 to 8 mm long
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isicerdes vicina
89 (88). Femora clavare: epistomum ,\·ith medium tubercle on margin.
Elongate, robust, dull black beetles; 15 to 19 mm long ........... .
FoLIA El\Tü:\IOL. i\JEx. 77 (1988)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !'\'uptis inquinata
Femora not clavate; epistomum without median tubercle. Oval, metallic
black beetles; 12 to 13 mm long ...................... Epicalla lata
CHAMPION, G. C. 1884-18~
Part 2. Hcteromera (pa
DoYEN, J. T. 1972. Famil
leoptcra) and a revised
tiones Entomologicae 8::
i\Jany individuals collected the material which was used in this study,
including T. Atkinson, R. Ayala, S. Bullock, F. Noguera, l\f. Sánchez and
R. Usela of the Estación de Biología Chamela, and S. Navarro of the
Universidad de Guadalajara. Especially to be commended is J. A. Chemsak of the University of California, who has made many expeditions to
collect in the area around the Estación. He has been accompanied on
various trips by H. Katsura, E. G. and J. A. Linsley, J. McCarty, :M. and
M. :-.richelbacher, and J. A. Powell. C. A. Triplehorn, Ohio State University, kindly provided determinations of Platydema micans, P. rotundata
and P. sobrinum complex. The illustrations were done by Christina Jordan, University of California.
AALBU, R. L. and ANDREWS, F. G. 1985. New species, rclationships, ancl notes on the
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AALBU, R. L. and TRIPLEHORN, C. A. 1985. Redefinition of opatrine tribes in C\'orth
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ARDOIN, P. 1977. Contribution a l'etude des especes américaine du genre Doliema Pascoe (Col. Tenebrionidae). Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. 13:1-20.
ARNETT, R. A. 1960. The beetles of the United States. Catholic L'niversity Prcss, Washington, D. C.
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BuLLOCK, S. S. 1986. Climate of Charnela, Jalisco, and trends in the south coastal
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CHAMPION, G. C. 1884-1893. Biología Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Coleoptera. Vol. IV.
Part l. Heteromcra (part).
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DoYEN, J. T. 19il4b. Re<
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DoYEN, J. T. 1988. DesCJ
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DoYEN, J. T. 1989. Reco
in America North of 1
Soc. 97: 277-304.
DoYEN, J. T. ancl LAWRE~
Tencbrionidae and Zo¡
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GEBIEN, H. 1937. Katalog
tamal. Pietro Rossi (D
GEBIEN, H. l938-42.Katal<
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GEBIEN, H. 1942-44. Kata,
32:729-729-760 [746-777:
KuLZER, H. 1964. :'\eue
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SPILJ\IAN, T. J. 1962. Tt
ancl a ncw spccies. (C
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of a t ypc-species unde
SPILMAN, T. J. 1973. N
leoptera). Proc, Enton
on extralimited spccies
Tenebrionidae). Smits<
United Statcs and B<
Xuptis inquinata
tuberde. Oval, metallic
.......... Epica!la lata
was used in this study,
foguera, l\I. Sánchez and
and S. Navarro of the
nmended is J. A. Chemde many expeditions to
s been accompanied on
ley, J. McCarty, lVI. and
lehorn, Ohio State U nima micans, P. rotundata
done by Christina Jor-
tionships. ancl notes on the
(Tenebrionidae: Stenosini).
of opatrine tribes in ~orth
a: Tenebrionidae: Tencbrioaine du genre Doliema Pas1olic C ni 1·ersi ty Prcss, \ \' ash.
insects of l\Iexico, Central
e. S. Nat Mus. l\"o. 185:
my of Sciences to the Gulf
d. Sci. 12:201-288.
E the insect fauna of Lower
Acad. Sci. 24:171-287.
rends in the south coastal
pland and arroyo forests of
(Colcoptera: Alleculidae) in
lgr. 37:1-203.
nsecta. Coleoptera. \"ol. IV.
CnAMPIO:X, G. C. 1884-1893. Biología Centrali-Ame1·icana. Insccta. Colcoptcra. Vol. IV.
Part 2. Heteromera (part).
DoYEN, J. T. 1972. Familia! and subfamilia1 classification of the Tencbrionoidea (Coleoptcra) and a revised generic classification of the Coniontini (Tentyriidae). Quaestiones Entomologicae 8:357-376.
DovEN, J. T. 1984a. Systematics of Eusattus and Conisattus (Coleoptera; Tenebrionidae;
Coniontini: Eusatti). Occas,. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. 141: 1-104.
DoYEN, J. T. 198-!h. Rcconstitution of the Diaperini of North America, with new
species of Adelina and Sitophagus (Coleoptera; Tenebrionidae). Proc. Enlomo/. Soc.
Wash., 86:777-789.
DovEN, J. T. 198R. Descriptions of sorne phylogenctically important larvae of Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera). Coleopt. Bull. 42:285-301.
DoYEN, J. T. 1989. Reconslitution of Coelometopini, Tenebrionini and relatcd tribes
in America North of Colombia (Coleoplcra: Tenebrionidac). ]our. N. Y. Entamo[.
Soc. 97: 277-304.
DoYEN, J. T. and L\WRE:\CE, J. F. 1979. Relationships and higher classification of sorne
Tenebrionidae and Zopheridae (Coleoptera). Syst. Entamo/. 4: 333-377.
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