Come See Serve! - Somascan Fathers
Come See Serve! - Somascan Fathers
Serving Needy Youth in the World Somascan Fathers For five centuries the Somascans have carried out throughout the world St. Jerome Emiliani’s legacy: “work, devotion and char- ... my burden is light (Mt. 11:30) ity are the foundation of our activity.” USA Brazil India Guatemala Sri Lanka Italy Honduras Spain Albania Indonesia Somascan Fathers Proclaiming GOD the FATHER to the World for five Centuries Poland El Salvador Philippines Colombia Mexico Ecuador Romania Australia Mozambique Nigeria Spiritual and material care of orphans, abandoned youth and poor Human and Christian education of youth Pastoral ministry COMMUNITY PRAYER ACTION Father of the Orphans, Defender of Widows … This is the God whose abode is Holy (Ps. 68:6) Come See Serve! Fr. Remo Zanatta, CRS 610 W. Melwood Houston, TX 77009 Ph. 713-880-8243 Fax 713-863-8590 St. Jerome Emiliani (1486-1537) St. Jerome Emiliani Founder of the Somascan Fathers Universal Patron of Orphans and Abandoned Youth Five Centuries of Creative Faithfulness F ollowing the example of St. Jerome Emiliani, the Somas- can Fathers serve the poor and the youth. A special attention is given to those who live in situations of neglect and need. The Somascans serve in three major areas of ministry: Spiritual and material care of orp h a n s , abandoned youth and poor Human and Christian education of youth Pastoral ministry. Serving Needy Youth in the World In 2011, Pope Benedict XVI wrote a letter to the Superior General of the Somascan Fathers, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of conversion of St. Jerome Emiliani B EN ED ICT X V I O N S T . J ERO ME E MILIAN I I was very pleased to learn that your Order is about to celebrate with a jubilee year an anniversary that is joyful and important for its history and charism. Next September 27th, in fact, will be the 500th anniversary of the prodigious liberation of your founder St. Jerome Emiliani, universal patron of orphans and abandoned youth, at the hand of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was a prodigious event which, at the same time, changed the course of a human life and started an experience of consecrated life that is highly meaningful for the history of the Church. The life of the layman Jerome Emiliani, a Venetian, was in some way “re-founded” on September 27th , 1511… The care for youth and their human and Christian education, which marks the charism of Somascans, continues to be a commitment of the Church in every time and place… From Castel Gandolfo, July 20th, 2011 Our Devotions Contemplation of the Crucified Christ Veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of “Mother of Orphans” Dedication to the Works of Mercy Our Typical Ministries Centers for young boys who are orphaned or in situations of neglect Schools Parish ministry Treatment centers for drug addicts SOMASCAN Fathers Fr. Remo Zanatta, CRS 610 W. Melwood Houston, TX 77009 Ph. 713-880-8243 Fax 713-863-8590