Annual Report - South East Juniors
Annual Report - South East Juniors
2009 Annual Report CONTENTS 1 2 4 7 9 10 13 14 18 19 21 24 28 Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Values Chairman’s Report Project Manager’s Report Umpire Advisor’s Report Judiciary System Development Opportunities Under 9 Fun Day Ladders Members Finals Series Recognition Awards Financial Report Community Involvement Photo Gallery – Inside Back Cover 24 Photo Gallery Under 9 Narre South Lions players give each other a hand up Photo by Mark Johnson 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League OUR VISION To be the best Australian Football junior league in Australia OUR MISSION To provide competitions and opportunities for all: • Abilities • Ages • Cultures, and • Genders to be involved in playing, umpiring, coaching and volunteering in Australian Football in the south east region of Melbourne. OUR VALUES Y COLLABORATION COMMUNICATION CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ENJOYMENT INCLUSIVENESS QUALITY The Dandenong & District Football League believes in: Collaboration, with open and transparent relationships Communication, which is honest, open and two-way Continuous Improvement, with learning and sharing opportunities Enjoyment, with a family-friendly environment that is free of drugs, alcohol and violence Inclusiveness, where the wider-community can participate in football Quality, administrators and volunteers, and programs Page |1 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Roger Hampson CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Working together has been the key to a successful year he 2009 season has been a season of T In addition to her role as Project Manager, Liz change. The DDJFL member clubs made a Triffitt took over the management and operations significant decision in late 2008 to review of the League and did a first class job. Brody its total operations and plan for the future Driscoll was appointed as Football Operations/ development of the DDJFL. Administration Officer in late June and the two Given the significant challenges facing the League and the major opportunities of significant worked professionally and effectively to manage the DDJFL and successfully stage the finals. demographic growth in the City of Casey the Throughout these changes the operations of DDJFL commissioned AFL Victoria to review the the DDJFL continued to run smoothly and a future direction of the League. The key points of number of the recommendations of the AFL the review were to: Victoria Future Directions Review were put into issues operation making for a more efficient League impacting on the future of the DDJFL and administration and serving the DDJFL clubs its affiliated clubs. professionally with best business practices. Investigate and review the Develop recommendations to address the At the completion of the season the real work key issues for the future development of of reviewing our constitution took place. All clubs junior football in the region, and are to be congratulated on the effort made in this Communicate with all relevant stakeholders in the area. process of review and planning for the future. At the time of writing this report the final The review was completed by AFL Victoria in draft of the constitution has been forwarded to February 2009 and the DDJFL member clubs voted clubs and it is hoped that this will be the to follow the recommendations in the report. cornerstone of the future direction of the DDJFL. AFL Victoria made available its resources and We also welcome Shaun Connell who will join appointed Liz Triffitt as Project Manager, South the DDJFL as General Manager in late November East Melbourne, to work with Anne-Marie Brown, 2009, as well as Cora Lynn Football Club and General Manager of the DDJFL, to oversee the Lynbrook Football Club as new members for the operations of the League and implement the 2010 season. review recommendations. Whilst there have been significant changes It was with great regret that Anne-Marie this year the DDJFL has operated successfully and tendered her resignation in May. Anne-Marie thanks must go to the following for their support made a significant contribution to the DDJFL over and contributions: many years and the DDJFL is very appreciative of her time and effort. 2|Page 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League Fellow Working Party Members Hugh and Elizabeth Moore announced their o Peter McDougall retirement from their respective roles as Umpires o James Rouse, and Advisor and Secretary of Dandenong Umpires o Geoff Almond Association. Both made considerable AFL Victoria staff contributions over a 16 year period. We thank o Peter Schwab them for enormous efforts and commitment to o David Doherty the DDJFL and development of the umpires. We o Michael Daniher wish them both well for the future. o Peter McDougall We also thank and acknowledge Lindsey o Stephen Stewart Hardman and Dennis Smith for the contributions o Darryl Collings made in their roles on the Umpire’s Appointments o Liz Triffitt Board, who also retired. o Mark Wheeler o Gary Brown Congratulations must also go to our premiership teams and the winners of the awards Brody Driscoll The Clubs Volunteers 2009 will make the DDJFL a leader in the Umpires development of junior football in Victoria and the Dandenong Umpires Association credit goes to the clubs who made major decisions Umpires Appointments Board for the future of the DDJFL in late 2008 and 2009. Dandenong Stingrays Cities of Casey and Greater Dandenong for best and fairest and leading goal kickers. In closing, the changes made to the DDJFL in Roger Hampson Chairman, AFL Victoria Working Party and Shire of Cardinia Tribunal and Appeals Panel, and InterLeague Coaches. Sponsors, Suppliers and Supporters I would like to acknowledge these DDJFL sponsors, suppliers and supporters: Advanced Life Photography Apple Print Cranbourne Turf Club DDJFL Radio Show on 3SER Endeavour Hills Rotary Club Garrleigh Trophies Lyon Sportswear Ross Faulkner Footballs, and Wilkar Productions. AFL Victoria Working Party Members Roger Hampson Peter McDougall James Rouse Page |3 PROJECT MANAGER’S REPORT Liz Triffitt 2009, THE YEAR OF CHANGE It was a year of change for the DDJFL and there will be more change and continuous improvement in the future F orever more, 2009 will be remembered as the year that the DDJFL changed. With AFL Victoria and its Working Party leading the way, this year has seen some exciting and essential changes. By learning from the past, we Strategic Plan Two Future Directions Workshops were held with Members and representatives from Cardinia Shire, Casey Council and City of Greater Dandenong. After brainstorming what they are now shaping the future. This quote by Joel Arthur Barker is one of my favourites. wanted their league to look like, some strong values were identified which clearly set our Vision “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” These simple words clearly set my focus for the project. There must be vision with action in order for us to achieve our objectives. The three recommendations of the Future Directions Review came from consultation with and Mission Statements. Members stated they want the League headquarters to be more central, a new name, image and brand that reflect the values of continuous collaboration, communication, improvement, enjoyment, inclusiveness, and quality. Six objectives were built from the values. the DDJFL Members. The consultation process has Objectives continued throughout the year with Members 1. Create and sustain open and transparent relationships with internal and external stakeholders. was being planned or acted upon. 2. Use open and honest communication, being respectful of others’ opinion. KEY RECOMMENDATION 1 3. Provide ongoing mentoring, learning opportunities. 4. Create a family-friendly environment that is safe, fun and free of drugs, violence and alcohol. 5. Create opportunities for the widercommunity to be involved in on and offfield activities that promote health and embrace diversity. 6. Seek to recruit experienced and forwardthinking administrators and volunteers. being informed of each stage of the project as it AFL Victoria to facilitate the preparation of a strategic plan to guide the League’s operations for the next three years and to assist with website management, implementation, financial FootyWeb management improvements, resolve fixture issues and redraft the League Constitution, Rules and Regulations. 4|Page development, and sharing 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League An operational plan is being developed with Clubs entered their team sheets and results strategies and key performance indicators for electronically which allowed results and ladders to be viewed on the DDJFL website on Sunday nights. each objective. Everyone benefitted from the season’s fixtures League Purposes, Rules and By-Laws being online. Consultation with members played a vital role Thank you to Stephen Stewart, AFL Victoria, in the redrafting of the League Constitution, Rules who worked tirelessly with the League to ensure and Regulations. Through workshops, Members full compliance with the FootyWeb system. provided feedback to the proposed Statement of Purposes, Statement of Rules, By-Laws and Schedules. Healthy Competition Almost 4,500 players from twenty clubs Collaboratively, these documents competed in the 2009 season. There were three were shaped ready to be adopted at the Annual divisions in the Under 9 to Under 14 age groups, General Meeting. and two divisions in the Under 15 and Under 16 age groups. We welcomed a new club; Timbarra Tornados with an Under 9 and Under 11 team, DDJFL Goes Online The biggest and most successful change this year was the use of technology. The DDJFL and last year’s newest club, Berwick Springs grew in numbers. website was regularly updated with a wealth of Coming off a season with no grading was information communicating events, news and always going to present some challenges. Grading opportunities. was done after Round 4. Grading was looked at as a two year process where some tough decisions This table displays the number of webpage competition in 2010. The results at the end of the requests per month. Date Oct 2009 Sep 2009 Aug 2009 Jul 2009 Jun 2009 May 2009 Apr 2009 Mar 2009 Feb 2009 Jan 2009 Dec 2008 Nov 2008 Page Requests 16,074 36,942 258,577 225,885 252,414 345,181 157,800 32,419 10,487 4,426 3,320 3,282 Online registrations were used for the first time. After a few teething problems, the Clubs soon were registering new players and processing requests for transfers. were made this year, which will level out the season were very good. This table displays the total average margins for the 2008 and 2009 seasons, which demonstrates significant improvements gained by the grading process implemented in the 2009 season. Margin Age Group 2008 2009 U10 51 32 U11 42 33 U12 73 45 U13 57 37 U14 77 60 U15 86 69 U16 67 45 Overall Average 65 49 Page |5 PROJECT MANAGER’S REPORT Liz Triffitt Financial Management Working closely with Darryl Collings, AFL Victoria, a budget was prepared for 2009. The payment of umpires was brought in-house and $68,000 from 2008 debtors was collected. AFL Victoria Dandenong Task Force Members Peter McDougall, Manager - Community Development Liz Triffitt, Project Manager - South East Melbourne, Development Managers: o Gary Brown, Inner South Region, and o Mark Wheeler, Outer South Region Nick Hatzoglou, Multicultural Project Coordinator, and Michael Nguyen, Multicultural Development Officer. Clubs were emailed invoices and statements, and umpires and staff were paid electronically. By Working with Councils changing accounting systems and entering all Relationships between the League and the financial transactions reports are now run to three Councils have improved, significantly. All monitor our financial situation. councils embraced the League’s invitations to KEY RECOMMENDATION 2 participate in the Future Directions Workshops AFL Victoria is to facilitate the preparation of and Delegates Meetings. Initial meetings were an operational plan for the development of the beneficial with planning of the 2010 season, game to address the challenges facing football in identifying facilities to be used for new clubs and the City of Greater Dandenong and the to opportunities existing in the City of Casey and opportunities. Cardinia Shire. identify Clubs were funding and kept informed development of Council opportunities via email, as well as through Dandenong Task Force AFL Victoria recognised action was required in the City of Greater Dandenong, and as such formed the Dandenong Task Force. An action plan is ready and external promotions on the League’s website. KEY RECOMMENDATION 3 AFL Victoria, in conjunction with the stakeholders will be consulted at a meeting in Victorian Country Football League, investigate December 2009. the feasibility of a centralised administration As an AFL Multicultural Program project, Parkmore JFC received 250 footballs to use in their in-school clinics, where they hope to triple their number of teams in 2010. Clubs will participate in AFL Victoria clinics in 2010 in a joint effort to raise the awareness of Australian Football in an area with many new Australians. Some actions include: Providing information in other languages Connecting club contacts with School Ambassadors Arranging for clubs to be present with flyers at AFL player appearances. 6|Page structure, or shared administrative services, for all Leagues include the DDJFL, in the south east region of Melbourne. Work on Recommendation 3 will commence in January 2010. With what has been achieved in six months, I can’t wait to see the League in 2012. Liz Triffitt Project Manager South East Melbourne 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League UMPIRES The whistle blowers of football B eing an umpires coach is not an easy Boundary Umpire Coach, Ron Silver, role, but it is satisfying when you see ensured boundary umpires were placed within young people make it through to the their capabilities, fitting in games around where AFL and you know you have played a part. It is they or their siblings were playing and working also gratifying when parents say how we have with parents to get umpires from ground to helped shape their child’s life by giving them ground. skills such as prioritisation and time management. The experience with the coaching of young people in the Umpires Department is second to none. Development Officers were all part of the Club Umpire Visits Development Officer, David Parker, visited clubs at the start of the season. These visits help AFL Professional Development Program to coach the coaches and have all gained valuable learning tools from that experience. build relationships between the umpires and the There are several who have umpired over coaches and provide an opportunity for clarity of 300 games for this League, and some are still rules. umpiring. None more so than Paul Winterton David worked with Cranbourne JFC on their who umpired his 1000th game in the grand final Case Study on Controlling Behaviour. This this year. This averages over 30 games a year, initiative to diminish bad behaviour was over the 33 years he has been umpiring in the welcomed by the umpires, with the umpires League. providing the Club with a report on each game. We finished the year with 181 umpires, of In addition, David was very ably supported which 22 were female. Recruitment was done by a group of senior panel umpires who did through word of mouth and the DDJFL and Club training skills with players. websites. We introduced a second training night which allowed for more umpires to get involved Umpire Development Programs In addition to her role as Field Umpire and to train around their work and club training commitments. Coach, Nicole Edney assisted with coaching new umpires and the Mentoring Program. We put through some 60+ new umpires in the Mentor program with the majority being field umpires. To juggle this and align new umpires with Mentors is a difficult process and it was done well with all those that wanted to progress getting the opportunity. Umpiring Department Umpire Advisor – Hugh Moore Assistant Advisor - Lindsey Hardman Appointments Secretary - Dennis Smith Development Officers: David Parker Boundary Umpires - Ron Silver Field Umpires - Nicole Edney Goal Umpires – Lindsey Hardman Observers: Mark Kelly and Mark Collard Page |7 UMPIRE ADVISOR’S REPORT Hugh Moore Social Opportunities In addition to training and umpiring, I would like to acknowledge the Hardman and Corrie families who have umpired over the umpires have a close social group through their years, and the Cook, Parker, Richards, membership with the Dandenong Umpires Donaldson and White families and a whole list of Association. DUA President, Ron Harris, capably others who have brought great service to this leads the DUA in providing time, money and group of umpires. support opportunities through a canteen with I also thank others that supported umpiring hot meals available on training nights and after over the years which include the Madeley, matches on Sunday. Patching, Smith, Riddiford, Cornelie, Hollander, For over 20 years the DUA has supported Brown and McConnell families. umpiring by paying for Mentors, extra umpires Most of all, I thank my family. Elizabeth, my during home and away matches and subsidising wife of 39 years, my son Brett who umpired over uniforms. I would like to thank the DUA 200 games, daughters Emma and Sally who each Committee for their work and loyalty over such umpired 5 games, and Kate who umpired over a long time. 250 games. My involvement was made possible as my family shared my passion for the game. I In parting This is my final report as DDJFL Umpires Advisor. I joined this League as an umpire in 1977 and have been advisor since 1986. As I owe them so much and now, with grand children, it is time to give it back. I wish those that are continuing to blow the whistle, all the best for the future. turn 60 in January, it is now time to say goodbye This year we saw the start of a lot of and allow a younger person to take the umpires changes, as voted by the clubs. It was a very through to the next stage. I wish my successor tumultuous year in many ways and a lot of work well and leave knowing that we have a was done by the AFL Victoria Working Party and wonderful set up of getting all games covered Project Manager to see it through. Liz and her each week and putting the kids first. team got us through the year and some of the I would like to thank some very loyal changes that I and the umpires were involved in members of the Appointments Board and worked well. I would like to thank Liz for her acknowledge their contributions over the years, work and the manner in which she assisted me. who are retiring from umpiring. In particular: The DDJFL is one of the finest football Lindsey Hardman, a true friend and my right Leagues in Australia. It has delivered many hand man, who has been with the DDJFL for games of football and given thousands of kids 33 years, 28 years umpiring, with 10 years at the opportunity to participate in our wonderful VFL level. game. Dennis Smith, a great mate and my left hand I wish the DDJFL every success in the future man, who capably took over the role of and hope the clubs get everything they ask for Appointments Secretary after Don Corrie with the future changes. sadly passed away, ensuring the umpires Good bye! knew where to go each week and follow up and make sure they got there. Mark Kelly, another great mate, who looked after the umpires’ training and preparation for games. 8|Page Hugh Moore Umpire’s Advisor 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League JUDICIARY SYSTEM Keeping players and officials in the game and on the field is important, but that’s not always how it goes W hen the rules of the game are DDJFL Tribunal Review broken, the offenders are dealt with A new Tribunal panel was appointed where by the Tribunal Panel. The DDJFL we had the ability to run two Tribunal Hearings was pleased to see a decrease in the number of concurrently. Fortunately, this was not required. Tribunal Hearings. From club feedback a new system was used with Our focus for the year was not to tolerate any swearing from players or officials. A crackdown by hearing times scheduled in approximate half hour intervals that allowed hearings to run on time. the umpires in one round reaped great results Thank you to the members of the Tribunal with a significant change of behaviour in the next and Appeals Panels for making themselves round which proved beneficial for the remainder available throughout the season and for their of the season, hence the large number of order contributions. offs. Tribunal Panel Members Order Off and Tribunal Summary 2009 203 Faye Stephenson Charges 35 Barry Aitken Tribunal hearings 18 Kevin Glenton Order Offs Number of cases not sustained at Tribunal Number of players accepting the penalty offered 6 17 Peter Gregory Peter Allan Ron Jabke Appeals Panel Members Sam Cusumano Adrian Munro Peter Billings Page |9 DDJFL U15 Div. 1 Grand Final team line up for the Australian National Anthem FOOTBALL OPERATIONS Brody Driscoll Development Opportunities It was a year to showcase the DDJFL talent across the State. T he DDJFL participated at all levels in the The Under 14 Division 1 team was coached development of its players through by John Webb, and the Under 14 Division 2 team matches played against other Leagues was coached by Mike Van Den Broek. This was a and country great first-time experience for the Under 14 age competitions. The success of two teams was group. We saw some fabulous talent amongst fabulous, but the opportunity for players to these teams and look forward to seeing their represent the DDJFL and compete with players growth and improvement in 2010. in metropolitan and from other clubs and Leagues was more Under 10 – 13 InterLeague valuable. By invitation from the Yarra Junior Football 2009 V/Line Junior Carnival League, the DDJFL was represented by four The U16 representative team competed in teams, one from each age group in Under 10 to the 2009 V/Line Dandenong Junior Carnival 13. This was another opportunity for players to played at Shepley Oval on the Queen’s Birthday represent the DDJFL and play alongside others weekend. Geoff Cummins, from the Endeavour who are normally their opponents. The success Hills Junior Football Club, coached the players to on the day was players from three of our four three straight wins to take out over-all honours teams were awarded Best on Ground. by winning the series. This was a tremendous achievement considering the team had only Team Coach Club trained together for a short time prior to the U10 Darryl Lucas Berwick JFC carnival. U11 Joe Spiteri Narre Warren JFC U12 Darrell O’Connell-Webb Narre South Lions JFC U13 John Cayhan Mossgiel Park JFC Another highlight was that DDJFL player Alex Benbow, Beaconsfield JFC, took out the best player of the series medallion. The commitment and support of all volunteers is greatly appreciated. AFL Victoria Metropolitan Junior Championships The League participated in the AFL Victoria Metropolitan Junior Championships by putting forward three teams; Under 15 Division 1, and Under 14 Division 1 and Division 2. Under the direction of Coach Jason Quirk, the Under 15 Division 1 team went through the Championships undefeated to take out the premiership against last year’s premiers, Yarra JFL. 10 | P a g e Coach Darryl Lucas congratulates U10 Best on Ground player Oscar Clavarino Coach Joe Spiteri congratulates U11 Best on Ground player Diturim Jonuzi Coach Darrell O’Connell-Webb congratulates U12 Best on Ground player Liam Myatt Photo by Liz Triffitt DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Under 14, Div. 2 Coach, Mike Van Den Broek, addresses his players during the AFL Victoria Metropolitan Junior Championships Photo by Liz Triffitt P a g e | 11 FOOTBALL OPERATIONS Brody Driscoll AFL Victoria Metropolitan Junior Championship Results DDJFL Best on Ground Medal Winners Under 14 Division 1 Under 14 Division 1 Saturday 6 June, 2009 – Sweeney Reserve DDJFL 20.21- 141 def RDFL 2.2- 14 Monday 8 June, 2009 – Clifton Park DDJFL 14.10- 94 def EDFL 6.9- 45 Wednesday 17 June, 2009 - Pat Wright Senior Reserve DDJFL 6.10- 46 def by EFL 7.11- 53 Under 14 Division 2 Saturday 6 June, 2009 DDJFL 5.8- 38 def by NFL 12.10- 82- Sweeney Reserve Monday 8 June, 2009 DDJFL 6.8- 44 def by EDFL 14.14- 98 - Clifton Park Wednesday 17 June, 2009 DDJFL 4.2- 26 def by EFL 16.15- 111 - Narre North Res Under 15 Division 1 Saturday 6 June, 2009 DDJFL 9.11- 65 def RDFL 8.5- 53 - Sweeney Reserve Monday 8 June, 2009 DDJFL 12.9- 81 def EDFL 10.7- 67 - Clifton Park Wednesday 17 June, 2009 DDJFL 8.13- 61 def EFL 5.5- 35 - Narre North Reserve Under 15 Division 1 Grand Final Saturday 27 June, 2009 DDJFL 10.12- 72 def YJFL 10.4- 64 - Box Hill City Oval Jake Donaldson – Round 1 Adam Butler – Round 2 Under 14 Division 2 Shaun Fricot – Round 2 Dylan Anderson – Round 2 Under 15 Division 1 Nathan Wright – Round 2 Brad Hermans – Grand Final Youth Girls Ellie Blackburn – Grand Final Ellie Blackburn Best on Ground in Youth Girls Grand Final Brad Hermans Best on Ground in U15 Division 1 Grand Final V/Line Junior Carnival Results Wednesday 3 June, 2009 DDJFL 10.5- 65 def F&DJFL 3.5- 23 Saturday 6 June, 2009 DDJFL 12.7- 79 def MPJFL 5.7- 37 Monday 8 June, 2009 DDJFL 14.5- 89 def DRJFL 1.7- 13 Under 15 Division 1 Premiership Team bring home the Cup 12 | P a g e Alex Benbow V/Line Junior Carnival Best Divisional player 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League UNDER 9 FUN DAY Developing footballers of the future he Under 9 age group is about skill T Games consist of two halves, each taking 7.5 development. The focus is on giving minutes. At the end of the first half, players players the basic skills to learn how to swap ends with no half time break. pressure of keeping scores, ladders, or playing in and played in the true spirit of the game. play Australian football, without the finals. Instead, home and away games are played with modified rules and 30 teams participated in the fun of the day Fountain Gate JFC again hosted the Under 9 players Fun Day providing a great carnival atmosphere showcase their skills in a round robin event, with rides, as well as face painting, terrific coffee called the Under 9 Fun Day. and plenty of tasty foods. Each club is allotted a tent as their base. All players received participation medallions Teams are allocated a timeslot of either a from the DDJFL, donated by Garrleigh Trophies, morning or afternoon competition. In each and a choice of a football or football bag. competition, teams play three games, umpired by a parent from each team. Over 600 players participated Base Camp Having some fun P a g e | 13 LADDERS LADDERS Under 10 White P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Narre North Foxes 14 13 1 0 0 0 818 278 294.24 52 2 Narre Warren Black 14 12 2 0 0 0 701 208 337.02 48 3 Berwick White 14 10 4 0 0 0 661 352 187.78 40 4 Beaconsfield Blue 14 7 6 1 0 0 612 581 105.34 30 5 Fountain Gate White 14 7 7 0 0 0 323 388 83.25 28 6 Cranbourne Blue 14 6 8 0 0 0 409 460 88.91 24 7 Narre South Lions Navy 14 5 8 1 0 0 448 609 73.56 22 8 Fountain Gate Blue 14 1 13 0 0 0 249 889 28.01 4 Under 10 Blue P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Berwick Blue 14 10 3 1 0 0 435 240 181.25 42 2 Officer Kangaroos 14 10 4 0 0 0 534 203 263.05 40 3 4 Endeavour Hills Berwick Springs Navy 14 14 9 8 4 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 438 427 388 383 112.89 111.49 38 34 5 Beaconsfield Gold 14 7 7 0 0 0 496 330 150.30 28 6 Narre South Lions Gold 14 5 9 0 0 0 239 479 49.90 20 7 Pakenham Blue 14 2 11 1 0 0 326 527 61.86 10 8 Mossgiel Park 14 1 13 0 0 0 227 727 31.22 4 Under 10 Red P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Cranbourne Yellow 14 11 3 0 0 0 705 301 234.22 44 2 Hampton Park 15 9 5 0 1 0 541 336 161.01 40 3 Pakenham Navy 14 6 8 0 0 0 495 424 116.75 24 4 Tooradin 14 6 8 0 0 0 470 567 82.89 24 5 Parkmore Pirates 14 4 9 0 1 0 372 454 81.94 20 6 Narre South Lions Maroon 14 2 12 0 0 0 216 874 24.71 8 Under 11 Premiers P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Narre Warren Black 14 12 0 0 2 0 684 206 332.04 56 2 Fountain Gate 14 11 2 0 1 0 589 234 251.71 48 3 Pakenham Lions 14 10 3 0 1 0 464 232 200.00 44 4 Narre South Lions Navy 14 8 4 0 2 0 559 279 200.36 40 5 Beaconsfield Blue 14 6 6 0 2 0 419 423 99.05 32 6 Mossgiel Park 14 5 8 0 1 0 485 524 92.56 24 7 Berwick White 14 4 9 0 1 0 420 601 69.88 20 8 Narre North Foxes 14 2 10 0 2 0 258 696 37.07 16 9 Beaconsfield Gold 14 2 11 0 1 0 271 751 36.09 P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts Under 11 Blue 12 1 Endeavour Hills 14 11 3 0 0 0 563 297 189.56 44 2 Berwick Blue 14 11 3 0 0 0 516 273 189.01 44 3 Noble Park 14 9 5 0 0 0 539 337 159.94 36 4 Pakenham Navy 14 9 5 0 0 0 480 343 139.94 36 5 Cranbourne Yellow 14 7 7 0 0 0 559 397 140.81 28 6 Berwick Springs 14 6 7 1 0 0 475 638 74.45 26 7 Narre South Lions Gold 14 5 8 1 0 0 372 519 71.68 22 8 Officer Kangaroos 14 1 12 0 1 0 216 644 33.54 8 14 | P a g e 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League Under 11 Red P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Hampton Park 14 12 2 0 0 0 710 166 427.71 48 2 Cranbourne Blue 14 8 6 0 0 0 627 259 242.08 32 3 Cranbourne Gold 14 8 6 0 0 0 638 442 144.34 32 4 Narre Warren White 14 7 7 0 0 0 414 476 86.97 28 5 Dandenong Saints 14 7 7 0 0 0 367 441 83.22 28 6 Narre South Lions Maroon 14 5 9 0 0 0 379 528 71.78 20 7 Narre North Foxes 14 1 13 0 0 0 164 760 21.58 4 8 Timbarra 14 0 14 0 0 0 143 912 15.68 0 Under 12 Premiers P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Narre Warren Black 14 13 1 0 0 0 692 289 239.45 52 2 Endeavour Hills 14 11 3 0 0 0 793 287 276.31 44 3 Narre South Lions 14 9 5 0 0 0 584 428 136.45 36 4 Narre North Foxes 14 9 5 0 0 0 550 408 134.80 36 5 Noble Park 14 8 6 0 0 0 561 437 128.38 32 6 Pakenham Blue 14 7 7 0 0 0 500 588 85.03 28 7 Hampton Park 14 2 12 0 0 0 216 731 29.55 8 8 Berwick Blue 14 1 13 0 0 0 274 717 38.21 4 P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts Under 12 Blue 1 Beaconsfield Gold 14 13 0 1 0 0 1250 366 341.53 54 2 Cranbourne Blue 14 9 4 1 0 0 822 424 193.87 38 3 Pakenham 14 9 5 0 0 0 748 417 179.38 36 4 Berwick Blue 14 7 7 0 0 0 548 449 122.05 28 5 Officer Kangaroos 14 6 8 0 0 0 575 478 120.29 24 6 Tooradin 14 5 9 0 0 0 526 729 72.15 20 7 Fountain Gate White 14 5 9 0 0 0 408 995 41.01 20 8 Narre North Foxes 14 3 11 0 0 0 358 1003 35.69 12 Under 12 Red P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Cranbourne Gold 14 10 4 0 0 0 937 375 249.87 40 2 Beaconsfield Blue 14 10 4 0 0 0 733 395 185.57 40 3 Narre Warren 14 9 5 0 0 0 625 354 176.55 36 4 5 Endeavour Hills Fountain Gate Blue 14 14 8 6 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 693 497 543 370 127.62 134.32 32 24 6 Narre South Lions 14 5 9 0 0 0 560 840 66.67 20 7 Hallam 14 2 12 0 0 0 362 730 49.59 8 8 North Dandenong 14 0 14 0 0 0 149 1450 10.28 0 Under 13 Premiers P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Berwick White 14 12 2 0 0 0 887 315 281.59 48 2 Beaconsfield Blue 14 12 2 0 0 0 883 338 261.24 48 3 Narre North Foxes 14 11 2 1 0 0 983 282 348.58 46 4 Mossgiel Park 14 7 6 1 0 0 660 480 137.50 30 5 Cranbourne Blue 14 6 7 1 0 0 656 547 119.93 26 6 Fountain Gate 14 6 8 0 0 0 345 723 47.72 24 7 Pakenham 14 5 8 1 0 0 386 777 49.68 22 8 Narre South Lions Navy 14 5 9 0 0 0 296 816 36.27 20 P a g e | 15 LADDERS Under 13 Blue P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Noble Park 14 9 4 0 1 0 916 331 276.74 40 2 Narre Warren Black 14 8 4 0 2 0 645 239 269.87 40 3 Officer Kangaroos 14 7 5 1 1 0 513 497 103.22 34 4 Hampton Park 14 7 6 0 1 0 481 626 76.84 32 5 Dandenong Saints 14 4 7 1 2 0 462 635 72.76 26 6 Berwick Blue 14 4 8 0 2 0 313 520 60.19 24 7 Beaconsfield Gold 14 0 13 0 1 0 117 1004 11.65 4 Under 13 Red P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Pakenham 14 10 4 0 0 0 818 472 173.31 40 2 Narre North Foxes 14 8 5 0 1 0 624 499 125.05 36 3 Berwick Springs 13 6 6 0 1 0 441 600 73.50 28 4 Mossgiel Park 14 5 9 0 0 0 514 780 65.90 20 5 Cranbourne Gold 14 3 11 0 0 0 367 619 59.29 12 6 Narre South Lions Gold 13 2 11 0 1 0 275 819 33.58 12 Under 14 Premiers P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Narre North Foxes 14 13 1 0 0 0 1669 435 383.68 52 2 Endeavour Hills 14 11 3 0 0 0 1257 572 219.76 44 3 Narre Warren 14 11 3 0 0 0 1082 710 152.39 44 4 Beaconsfield Blue 14 8 6 0 0 0 936 914 102.41 32 5 Noble Park 14 5 9 0 0 0 613 1348 45.47 20 6 Berwick White 14 4 10 0 0 0 778 949 81.98 16 7 Pakenham 14 4 10 0 0 0 764 1188 64.31 16 8 Fountain Gate 14 4 10 0 0 0 706 1309 53.93 16 P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts Under 14 Blue 1 Narre South Lions 14 14 0 0 0 0 1768 366 483.06 56 2 Cranbourne Blue 14 10 4 0 0 0 1349 426 316.67 40 3 4 Officer Kangaroos Narre Warren 14 14 9 8 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1058 766 705 610 150.07 125.57 36 32 5 Fountain Gate 14 6 8 0 0 0 609 1155 52.73 24 6 Hampton Park 14 5 9 0 0 0 652 748 87.17 20 7 North Dandenong 14 3 11 0 0 0 729 1418 51.41 12 8 Narre North Foxes 14 3 11 0 0 0 370 1482 24.97 12 Under 14 Red P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Berwick Red 14 10 4 0 0 0 1128 644 175.16 40 2 Hallam 14 9 5 0 0 1 1063 695 152.95 36 3 Cranbourne Yellow 14 8 6 0 0 0 913 760 120.13 32 4 Beaconsfield Gold 14 5 9 0 0 0 761 935 81.39 20 5 Pakenham 14 4 10 0 0 0 690 922 74.84 16 6 Tooradin 14 0 14 0 0 0 326 1390 23.45 0 P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts Under 15 Premiers 1 Narre Warren Black 14 12 2 0 0 0 1526 573 266.32 48 2 Berwick White 14 12 2 0 0 0 1518 784 193.62 48 3 Noble Park 14 11 3 0 0 0 1393 776 179.51 44 4 5 Beaconsfield Blue Narre North Foxes 14 14 9 6 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1218 1233 757 631 160.90 195.40 36 24 6 Officer Kangaroos 14 5 9 0 0 0 541 1328 40.74 20 7 Cranbourne Blue 14 3 11 0 0 0 686 1184 57.94 12 8 Endeavour Hills 14 2 12 0 0 0 470 1973 23.82 8 16 | P a g e 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League Under 15 Division 2 P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Dandenong Saints 14 12 2 0 0 0 1621 487 332.85 48 2 Hampton Park 14 11 2 1 0 0 1350 588 229.59 46 3 Pakenham 14 10 3 1 0 0 1312 558 235.13 42 4 North Dandenong 14 8 6 0 0 0 1091 1072 101.77 32 5 6 Berwick Blue Cranbourne Gold 14 14 7 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 910 683 902 1275 100.89 53.57 28 24 7 Narre Warren White 14 5 9 0 0 0 919 627 146.57 20 8 Narre North Foxes 14 3 11 0 0 0 516 1367 37.75 12 9 Narre South Lions 14 2 12 0 0 0 575 1394 41.25 8 10 Beaconsfield Gold 14 1 13 0 0 0 466 1581 29.48 4 Under 16 Premiers P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Beaconsfield Blue 14 13 1 0 0 0 1661 428 388.08 52 2 Berwick White 14 13 1 0 0 0 1557 436 357.11 52 3 Endeavour Hills 14 10 4 0 0 0 1387 648 214.04 40 4 Narre Warren Black 14 7 7 0 0 0 871 784 111.10 28 5 Noble Park 14 7 7 0 0 0 917 983 93.29 28 6 Narre North Foxes 14 4 10 0 0 0 635 1237 51.33 16 7 8 Pakenham Fountain Gate 14 14 4 2 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 557 459 1438 1750 38.73 26.23 16 8 Under 16 Div. 2 P W L D B FF For Ag PC Pts 1 Officer Kangaroos 14 14 0 0 0 0 1302 643 202.49 56 2 Hampton Park 14 10 4 0 0 0 1225 723 169.43 40 3 Hallam 14 8 6 0 0 0 1185 920 128.80 32 4 Cranbourne Gold 14 6 8 0 0 0 1006 746 134.85 24 5 Narre Warren 14 6 8 0 0 0 962 1079 89.16 24 6 Beaconsfield Gold 14 5 9 0 0 0 817 1146 71.29 20 7 Narre South Lions 14 2 12 0 0 0 650 1344 48.36 8 8 Endeavour Hills 14 1 13 0 0 0 695 1477 47.05 4 Divisions 2006 2007 2008 2009 U9 U10 White 28 10 27 8 31 10 29 8 U10 Blue U10 Red 8 6 8 7 8 6 8 6 U11 Premier U11 Blue 8 8 10 7 9 6 9 8 U11 Red 6 6 10 8 U12 U12 U12 U13 Premier Blue Red Premier 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 U13 U13 U14 U14 U14 U15 Blue Red Premier Blue Red Premier 8 7 10 8 7 7 10 10 7 10 6 8 6 6 8 8 7 6 8 8 6 8 U15 Div. 2 8 8 9 10 U16 Premier U16 Div. 2 8 8 8 7 9 5 8 8 170 171 176 177 Total teams P a g e | 17 MEMBERS MEMBERS Club Total Teams 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Beaconsfield 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Berwick 16 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 2 1 1 17 3 2 3 2 2 1 Dandenong Saints 4 1 Endeavour Hills 9 1 1 1 2 Fountain Gate 11 2 2 1 2 Hallam 4 1 Hampton Park 8 1 1 1 Berwick Springs Cranbourne Mossgiel Park 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 Narre North Foxes 14 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Narre South Lions 16 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 Narre Warren 14 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Noble Park 6 North Dandenong 4 1 1 1 Officer Kangaroos 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Pakenham Parkmore Pirates 1 Timbarra Tornados 2 Tooradin 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dandenong Umpires Association V. Bennet * S.A. Heath W. Monahan* E. Fenton H. White* M. Madeley Mrs. H. Madeley L. Barrot M. Jewell W. Lonie L. Patching* * Deceased 18 | P a g e Life Members Mrs. L. Patching Mrs. M. Kane C. Riddiford R. Stewart T. Blight* P. Todd B. Anderson J. Somers B. Powell * L. Hardman H. Moore Mrs. G. Smith W. Mahoney R. Garwood J. French N. Taylor Mrs. M. McClean* T. Smith Mrs. A. O’Brien P. Winterton Mrs. P. Corneille Mrs. J McMaster J. Field R. Lacey Mrs. A.M. Brown W. Webster M. Hollander R. McConnell P. Dowling D. Birnbaum 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League FINALS SERIES T he 2009 DDJFL Finals Series had just about everything, big crowds, close games, wild weather and even a draw, but most importantly excellent team oriented junior football. Finals matches were hosted by DDJFL Clubs Endeavour Hills, Hallam, Narre North Foxes, Narre South Lions and Timbarra each of which worked tirelessly to ensure all players, officials and supporters had an enjoyable finals experience. The Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills greeted all finals attendees as gatekeepers for the finals series and did a great job in ensuring the safe entry and exit for all attendees. The first week of the finals saw teams battling in Semi Finals to either qualify for the Grand Final or live to fight for a chance to play in the Grand Final. This battle was made more difficult by the extreme wind and rain that welcomed the players at each ground and the supporters who were brave enough to leave their car. It was a good old fashioned wet and windy day of junior football that ended in delight for the teams that reached the Grand Final and the marked the end of the season for the teams who missed out. Preliminary Final matches brought some finer weather and more great football. Supporters followed the finals series with their Footy Record and checked out all the season statistics and team lists as well as having a great memento. The do or die Preliminary Finals brought the best out in players as the losing teams hung their boots up for the season and the winning teams gained a birth into the Grand Final. Grand Final Day attracted huge crowds at each ground that were lucky to witness some heart stopping matches that included a draw. Games were played in great spirit on a day made for football. Winners were presented on the day with their Premiership Cup and Flag that were held proudly for all of the snapping cameras. Premiership and Runner Up players were presented medallions. A Best on Ground medal was also presented at each match. The Finals Series produced anything and everything, but most importantly it provided an enjoyable and memorable junior football experience. Finals Results Under 10 Blue Semi Finals Endeavour Hills 4 11 35 def Berwick Springs Navy 4 8 32 Officer Kangaroos 3 7 25 def Berwick Blue 0 5 5 Preliminary Final Endeavour Hills 6 3 39 def Berwick Blue 3 3 21 Grand Final Officer Kangaroos 4 3 27 def Endeavour Hills 1 4 10 Under 10 Red Semi Finals Cranbourne Yellow 8 3 51 def Hampton Park 5 8 38 Pakenham Navy 2 10 22 def Tooradin 1 7 13 Preliminary Final Hampton Park 3 8 26 def Pakenham Navy 2 3 15 Grand Final Cranbourne Yellow 1 1 7 drew with Hampton Park 0 7 7 Under 10 White Semi Finals Narre North Foxes 6 4 40 def Narre Warren Black 2 2 14 Berwick White 4 11 35 def Beaconsfield Blue 0 7 7 Preliminary Final Narre Warren Black 5 5 35 def Berwick White 3 11 29 Grand Final Narre North Foxes 3 5 23 def Narre Warren Black 1 3 9 Under 11 Blue Semi Finals Pakenham Navy 6 7 43 def Noble Park 3 5 23 Endeavour Hills 4 3 27 def Berwick Blue 0 9 9 Preliminary Final Berwick Blue 5 4 34 def Pakenham Navy 3 4 22 Grand Final Endeavour Hills 2 5 17 def Berwick Blue 0 1 1 Under 11 Premier Semi Finals Narre South Lions Navy 4 7 31 def Pakenham Lions 3 8 26 Fountain Gate 5 10 40 def Narre Warren Black 3 8 26 Preliminary Final Narre Sth Lions Navy 5 9 39 def Narre Warren Black 3 1 19 Grand Final Narre South Lions Navy 4 8 32 def Fountain Gate 2 3 15 Under 11 Red Semi Finals Cranbourne Gold 11 9 75 def Narre Warren White 2 2 14 Cranbourne Blue 11 4 70 def Hampton Park 0 4 4 P a g e | 19 FINALS SERIES Preliminary Final Hampton Park 7 9 51 def Cranbourne Gold 1 1 7 Grand Final Hampton Park 1 4 10 def Cranbourne Blue 0 2 2 Under 12 Blue Semi Finals Berwick Blue 3 4 22 def Pakenham 2 9 21 Beaconsfield Gold 14 13 97 def Cranbourne Blue 3 5 23 Preliminary Final Cranbourne Blue 3 5 23 def Berwick Blue 1 1 7 Grand Final Beaconsfield Gold 7 6 48 def Cranbourne Blue 3 2 20 Under 12 Premier Semi Finals Narre North Foxes 6 5 41 def Narre South Lions 3 7 25 Narre Warren Black 7 7 49 def Endeavour Hills 4 2 26 Preliminary Final Endeavour Hills 8 5 53 def Narre North Foxes 3 3 21 Grand Final Endeavour Hills 6 6 42 def Narre Warren Black 2 4 16 Under 12 Red Semi Finals Cranbourne Gold 4 9 33 def Beaconsfield Blue 1 6 12 Narre Warren 9 12 66 def Endeavour Hills 6 3 39 Preliminary Final Beaconsfield Blue 4 3 27 def Narre Warren 1 8 14 Grand Final Cranbourne Gold 5 4 34 def Beaconsfield Blue 0 4 4 Under 13 Blue Semi Finals Officer Kangaroos 5 7 37 def Hampton Park 2 3 15 Narre Warren Black 6 12 48 def Noble Park 6 6 42 Preliminary Final Noble Park 12 6 78 def Officer Kangaroos 2 2 14 Grand Final Narre Warren Black 4 3 27 def Noble Park 2 5 17 Under 13 Premier Semi Finals Berwick White 3 5 23 def Beaconsfield Blue 0 4 4 Narre North Foxes 5 4 34 def Mossgiel Park 3 1 19 Preliminary Final Narre North Foxes 8 4 52 def Beaconsfield Blue 1 1 7 Grand Final Narre North Foxes 4 2 26 def Berwick White 3 3 21 Under 13 Red Semi Finals Narre North Foxes 5 3 33 def Pakenham 3 10 28 Berwick Springs 4 13 37 def Mossgiel Park 0 1 1 Preliminary Final Pakenham 4 16 40 def Berwick Springs 2 4 16 Grand Final Pakenham 3 6 24 def Narre North Foxes 2 6 18 Under 14 Blue Semi Finals 20 | P a g e Officer Kangaroos 7 5 47 def Narre Warren 2 9 21 Narre South Lions 10 5 65 def Cranbourne Blue 9 8 62 Preliminary Final Cranbourne Blue 14 10 94 def Officer Kangaroos 4 6 30 Grand Final Narre South Lions 12 11 83 def Cranbourne Blue 10 2 62 Under 14 Premier Semi Finals Beaconsfield Blue 6 6 42 def Narre Warren 4 11 35 Endeavour Hills 11 14 80 def Narre North Foxes 4 7 31 Preliminary Final Narre North Foxes 16 6 102 def Beaconsfield Blue 6 3 39 Grand Final Narre North Foxes 9 13 67 def Endeavour Hills 6 12 48 Under 14 Red Semi Finals Hallam 14 14 98 def Berwick Red 7 13 55 Cranbourne Yellow 13 9 87 def Beaconsfield Gold 5 9 39 Preliminary Final Cranbourne Yellow 10 6 66 def Berwick Red 9 11 65 Grand Final Hallam12 12 84 def Cranbourne Yellow 5 7 37 Under 15 Div.2 Semi Finals Dandenong Saints 10 11 71 def Hampton Park 5 10 40 North Dandenong JFC 13 12 90 def Pakenham 8 8 56 Preliminary Final Hampton Park 8 19 67 def North Dandenong 9 5 59 Grand Final Dandenong Saints 13 11 89 def Hampton Park 7 8 50 Under 15 Premier Semi Finals Berwick White 8 10 58 def Narre Warren Black 8 3 51 Noble Park 7 8 50 def Beaconsfield Blue 1 7 13 Preliminary Final Narre Warren Black 11 14 80 def Noble Park 9 9 63 Grand Final Berwick White 8 12 60 def Narre Warren Black 7 5 47 Under 16 Div. 2 Semi Finals Officer Kangaroos 8 3 51 def Hampton Park 2 4 16 Cranbourne Gold 7 1 43 def Hallam 6 5 41 Preliminary Final Cranbourne Gold 11 17 83 def Hampton Park 9 10 64 Grand Final Cranbourne Gold 7 17 59 def Officer Kangaroos 8 5 53 Under 16 Premier Semi Finals Endeavour Hills 9 12 66 def Narre Warren Black 0 5 5 Beaconsfield Blue 12 16 88 def Berwick White 6 3 39 Preliminary Final Berwick White 6 12 48 def Endeavour Hills 5 4 34 Grand Final Beaconsfield Blue 7 13 55 def Berwick White 7 10 52 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League RECOGNITION AWARDS Worthy recipients receive top League awards T he 2009 DDJFL Under 14-16 Presentation Roger Hampson, Peter McDougall, Hugh Dinner was held at the Cranbourne Turf Moore and Liz Triffitt presented the smiling Club in front of a capacity crowd of 250 winners with trophies and the top 10 place getters guests. with a certificate as proud family members Roger Hampson kicked the evening off by frantically snapped photos. welcoming all in attendance prior to the first The night was successful. It was a great way course and most importantly before the first to celebrate and acknowledge the leader board presentation. accomplishments of the players and their clubs. The Master of Ceremonies was renowned race caller and football commentator Rob Gaylard who brought a great flavor to the night. Rob’s impromptu leader board race call was more than fitting being at the Cranbourne Turf Club and T he Under 10-13 Presentation Night was held at Shepley Oval in front of a crowd of over 300 people, that must have tested the foundations. The room was filled to the brim with received thunderous applause from the guests. Rob interviewed each of the winner’s parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties, brothers throughout the evening and it become clear the and sisters bringing a family feel to the evening players had been watching the professionals as and highlighting the relationship between family each thanked the right people and were very modest in their achievements. The 2009 Junior Development Coaches; John Webb, Jason Quirk, and Geoff Cummins, presented the Leading Goal Kicking awards to the sharpshooters of the DDJFL and the coaches were acknowledged for their contribution to the development teams. A video package of our winning Under 15 and junior football. Roger Hampson was Master of Ceremonies and received some assistance from the bold group of young players who sat at the front of stage. Under 10-13 InterLeague coaches; Darryl Lucas, Joe Spiteri, Darrell O'Connell-Webb and John Cayhan, presented trophies to the winners team of the AFL Victoria Metropolitan Junior and certificates to the top 10 place getters to Championships Grand Final highlighted some nervous and thrilled young footballers. Each the success of the development teams and their football abilities. Following leader board updates at Rounds 6 coach was also presented with a framed photo of their respective team in thanks for their and 12 the final two rounds were counted as the contribution to the DDJFL Junior Development room fell silent and erupted at various tables as teams. players received key votes. P a g e | 21 RECOGNIITION AWARDS Best Conducted Clubs The final award for the evening was the Lindsay Patching Memorial Medal for the player awarded the most votes in the DDJFL. Reece Age Group Winning Club Under 10 Berwick Blue (Blue Division) Under 11 Narre South Lions Navy (Premier Piper, Under 11 player from Fountain Gate, was Division) Under 12 awarded the Lindsay Patching Medal for the Tooradin & Fountain Gate White (Blue Division) second year running after a fantastic 2009 season. Under 13 Officer Kangaroos (Blue Division) The Under 10-13 Presentation Night was a Under 14 Narre North Foxes (Blue Division) family oriented evening that demonstrated the Under 15 Pakenham (Division 2) growth of the League and the community and the Under 16 Officer Kangaroos (Division 2) Overall Officer Kangaroos need for a larger venue for the 2010 presentations. The evening was an opportunity for players, clubs and families to socialise and collectively celebrate a successful 2009 season for the League’s younger age groups. Leading Goal Kickers 16 Premier 16 Div. 2 15 Premier 15 Div. 2 14 Premier 14 Blue 14 Red 13 Premier 13 Blue 13 Red 12 Premier 12 Blue 12 Red 11 Premier 11 Blue 11 Red 10 White 10 Blue 10 Red 22 | P a g e Arryn Siposs Joshua Grundell Mitchell Johnson Festim Ferati Clayton McCartney Mitchell Dyer Luke Harlen Harrison Money Thomas McGowan Harley Hulme Kurt Mutimer Zac Oldfield Brodie McConnell Samual Delosa Matt Wetering Dylan Bailey Chris Fenton Braden Carr Paul Delaroche Beaconsfield Officer Kangaroos Beaconsfield Dandenong Saints Narre North Foxes Narre South Lions Hallam Berwick Noble Park Pakenham Narre North Foxes Pakenham Beaconsfield Mossgiel Park Noble Park Narre Warren Narre North Foxes Officer Kangaroos Cranbourne 93 83 60 59 65 59 67 32 34 28 25 37 27 24 21 15 25 29 17 Hugh Moore presents the U14 Premier winners with their awards Roger Hampson presents the U15 Premier winners with their awards Rob Gaylard chats with Clayton McCartney and U14 Div 1 Coach John Webb Liz Triffitt presents the U16 Premier winners with their awards 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League Best and Fairest Place 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Under 16 Premier Division Place Under 12 Blue Alex Benbow 28 1st Jake Smith Pakenham 22 22 2nd James Paligorov Beaconsfield 17 19 3rd Joshua Hill Fountain Gate 16 Jack Sheppard Ghanim Zoghbi Beaconsfield Berwick Endeavour Hills Under 12 Red Under 16 Division 2 1st 2 nd 3 rd Aaron Bower Dylan Harraghy Sean Corrigan Cranbourne Hallam Officer 24 1st Caleb Millman North Dandenong 21 21 2nd Matthew Doubrava Endeavour Hills 20 Kye McMillan Narre South Lions 18 18 3 rd Under 11 Premier Under 15 Premier 1st 2 nd 3rd Corie Intveen Narre Warren 24 1st Reece Piper Fountain Gate 31 Yilber Zijai Noble Park 23 2nd Thomas Toner Narre South Lions 19 Bradley Hermans Cranbourne 17 3rd Peter Vujkovic Mossgiel Park 18 Under 11 Blue Under 15 Division 2 Equal 1st Equal 3rd Tony Abakumoff Dandenong Saints 20 1st Shannon Marsh Cranbourne 24 Jesse Rotumah-Gardner North Dandenong 20 Equal 2nd Diturim Jonuzi Endeavour Hills 23 Michael Jarrett Hampton Park 14 Jordan Hill Berwick 23 Samuel Grimshaw Narre South Lions 14 Under 11 Red Edward Mullins Hampton Park 14 Under 14 Premier 1st Clayton McCartney Narre North Foxes 28 2nd Kalen Murrian Narre Warren 27 3rd Blake Pearson Endeavour Hills 20 1 st nd Equal 2 Cranbourne 19 Stephen De Paoli Cranbourne 17 3rd Nilu Perera Narre South Lions 15 Under 10 White Darcy Hope Beaconsfield 21 Under 14 Blue 2nd Nathan Villella Narre Warren 20 Aaron Miles 3rd Oscar Clavarino Berwick 19 Bryden Banks Narre South Lions 25 Amy Baum Berwick 23 Jack McHale Beaconsfield 22 Narre South Lions 23 Sam Chaudhery Narre Warren 18 Rahat Khan North Dandenong 18 Under 10 Blue 1st 2 Under 14 Red Shannon Wijeyatungie Cranbourne 16 Equal 2nd Joshua McMath Cranbourne 13 Matt Neve Hallam 13 Under 13 Premier 1st Taylor Joyce Beaconsfield 24 2nd Timothee Mashado Narre North Foxes 19 Equal 3rd Johnny Cayhan Mossgiel Park 18 Matthew Homfray Narre warren 18 Under 13 Blue 1 Bailey Buntine 2nd 1st 1st st 1st Luke Smaluch Officer Kangaroos 16 2nd Thomas McGowan Noble Park 15 Equal 3rd Wyatt Hansen Hampton Park 14 Christopher Pitsos Noble Park 14 nd 3rd Under 10 Red 1st Rohan Simpson Tooradin 21 2nd Alex Grigoridis Parkmore Pirates 18 3rd Randy Francis Hampton Park 17 Lindsay Patching Memorial Medal: Reece Piper, Fountain Gate, 31 votes Under 13 Red 1st James Vela Pakenham 24 2nd Nicholas Moon Narre North Foxes 14 3rd Ashley Powell Cranbourne 12 Liam Myatt Narre Warren 21 Kurt Mutimer Narre North Foxes 18 Daniel O’Connell-Webb Narre South Lions 16 Under 12 Premier 1st 2 nd 3rd James Rouse congratulates Reece Piper P a g e | 23 FINANCIAL REPORT FINANCIAL REPORT A t first glance it would appear that the League’s financial performance during the 2009 season was disappointing, with a loss of $52,000 recorded. However, in assessing the performance it must be noted that approximately $70,000 of expenditure from the 2008 season had been deferred and was brought to account during the 2009 financial year. Auditor’s Report A complete review of the League’s chart of accounts was undertaken and this is now established to provide a transparent recording of all income and expenditure items. In addition, a complete review of all tax compliant matters was carried out by a consultant and the League is now compliant with all PAYG and BAS commitments. A Budget has also been set for the 2010 season that still provides for a marginal profit, even after taking into account the restructured administration and includes conservative estimates for a property division and sponsorship income. Darryl Collings Club Development Manager AFL Victoria 24 | P a g e 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League Profit & Loss Statement for Year Ended 30 September 2009 INCOME Investigation Fee Appeals Admin Fee Discounts - Early Payment Appeal Bonds CLUB CHARGES Administration Charges Club Affiliation Fees Coaches Training Course Player Registration Fees FINALS DVD Sales Finals Tender Fee Gate Takings INSURANCE Club Medical Club Public Liability MERCHANDISE SALES Interleague Photos Team Official Bibs Football Sales U13 & U16 Junior Development Metropolitan Championships Presentation Dinner Night U14-U16 UMPIRE FEES Total Income Cost of Goods Sold FOOTBALLS Footballs Footballs 0708 APPAREL Apparel Apparel 0708 Coca Cola 0708 Total COGS Gross Profit 1,500.00 100.00 (1,635.94) 200.00 73,500.01 880.00 188.18 23,363.63 1,472.73 9,600.00 54,123.77 20,227.29 9,018.93 179.09 4,713.83 24,935.63 7,703.92 3,204.57 7,699.99 104,176.35 345,151.98 22,524.00 34,670.50 6,485.00 3,559.00 2,866.15 70,104.65 275,047.33 EXPENSES BUILDING EXPENSES Repairs & Maintenance Electricity League Amenities League Board Honorarium 0708 Office Rental REPRESENTATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Interleague Expenses Metropolitan Representative Teams Functions Under 9 Fun Day COMMUNICATION EXPENSES Internet Mobile Telephone DONATIONS & SPONSORSHIP ENTERTAINMENT FINALS SERIES Gate Keeping Finals Footballs Premiership Flags Premiership Flags Prem Flags 0708 Signage Finals Football Records Premiership Medallions 1,583.04 3,583.69 1,052.00 3,000.00 650.82 2,992.49 675.50 263.64 3,245.45 362.19 2,421.80 3,487.87 50.00 451.02 1,650.00 1,956.00 7,320.00 6,935.00 1,240.00 7,939.54 5,005.00 P a g e | 25 FINANCIAL REPORT INSURANCE Club Medical Club Public Liability League Building & Contents Stamp Duty 19,618.00 9,424.00 932.05 94.74 OFFICE EXPENSES Dues & Subscriptions Office Expenses Software New Hire of Photocopier Postage Printing & Stationery 227.27 1,106.91 268.18 3,091.65 11.14 3,857.61 PRESENTATIONS Plaques & Trophies 3,846.37 Plaques & Trophies 0708 11,196.27 Vote Count Night 6,850.00 Vote Count Night 0708 8,201.82 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Mediation 0708 Consultancy 0708 Advertising Bookkeeping Consulting Investigation Officer Mediation FINANCE CHARGES Bad Debt Depreciation Expense Roundings & Adjustments Bank Fees & Charges Consumer Affairs Fees PAYROLL EXPENSES UMPIRE FEES Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income WORKCOVER REIMBURSEMENTS Weekly Payments/Reimbursement Medical & Like Services Interest Income Net Other Income Net Income 26 | P a g e 250.00 500.00 200.00 12,227.73 2,237.50 450.00 136.36 2,272.73 4,857.19 0.34 275.01 39.70 49,441.84 130,713.39 328,192.85 (53,145.52) 342.00 439.05 330.04 1,111.09 (52,034.43) 2009 ANNUAL REPORT Dandenong & District Junior Football League Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2009 ASSETS Current Assets WPC Bank Account 159,216.47 CASH ON HAND 40.84 Accounts Receivable 7,782.36 Total Current Assets 167,039.67 Fixed Assets OFFICE FURNITURE & FIXTURES Inventory 15,173.75 Office Furn & Fix at Cost 51,053.64 Office Furn & Fix Depreciation (36,983.64) Total OFFICE FURNITURE & FIXTURES 29,243.75 TOTAL ASSETS 196,283.42 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 2,538.49 ATO Sundry Creditor 18,593.00 Umpire Liabilities Umpire Membership 180.00 Umpire Uniform 1,066.00 Tax Payable 565.67 Total Current Liabilities 22,943.16 TOTAL LIABILITIES 22,943.16 EQUITY Opening Bal Equity 168,139.22 Retained Earnings 57,235.47 Net Income (52,034.43) TOTAL EQUITY 173,340.26 Cash Flow Statement for Year Ended 30 September 2009 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Income Adjustments to reconcile Net Income to net cash provided by operations: Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable ATO RBA ACCNT:PAYG ATO RBA ACCNT:ATO Sundry Creditor Umpire Liabilities:Umpire Membership Umpire Liabilities:Umpire Uniform Tax Payable Net cash provided by Operating Activities INVESTING ACTIVITIES ASSETS:OFFICE FURNITURE & FIXTURES:Inventory ASSETS:OFFICE FURNITURE & FIXTURES:Office Furn & Fix at Cost ASSETS:OFFICE FURNITURE & FIXTURES:Office Furn & Fix Depreciation Net cash provided by Investing Activities FINANCING ACTIVITIES Opening Bal Equity Retained Earnings Net cash provided by Financing Activities Cash at end of period (52,034.43) 77,755.77 2,538.49 (5,442.48) 18,593.00 180.00 1,066.00 (7,216.89) 35,439.46 (15,173.75) (51,053.64) 36,983.64 (29,243.75) 173,581.70 (20,590.10) 152,991.60 159,257.31 P a g e | 27 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT FUNDS GO TO A GOOD CAUSE Involving our community to help other communities The Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills assisted the League in the finals series by providing gate keepers at all venues. The money they received from the League has gone towards the purchase of a ShelterBox. ShelterBoxes are sent world-wide to disaster areas. They usually consist of: 10 thermal blankets A rugged 10 person dome tent Tools and other survival equipment. A ShelterBox provides: dry shelter a warm bed light and heat clean water cooking aids, and tools for up to 10 people. This is just another way that the football community works with local community groups to help international communities. Timbarra players share a moment with the CFA mascot 28 | P a g e Endeavour Hills Rotary Club buys ShelterBox for disaster areas from League gate keeper funds PHOTO GALLERY DANDENONG & DISTRICT JUNIOR FOOTBALL LEAGUE ABN 94 650 774 869 Lois Twohig Reserve, Carlton Road, Dandenong North VIC 3175 Produced by Liz Triffitt for Dandenong & District Junior Football League
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