Third Quarter, 2014 - Oklahoma Community Theatre Association
Third Quarter, 2014 - Oklahoma Community Theatre Association
IS S UE 4 V OL UM E 4 with ~ YO UR UN IFI ED N ETW O RK OF COM M UNIT Y T H EAT R E ~ ADDRESSING T HE NEEDS OF INDI VI DUAL T HEAT RES AND PLANTI NG SEEDS OF LEARNI NG AND EXPERI ENCE. 2014 octa Letter from the President OCTA YOUTH & ADULT CONFERENCE ON CAMPUS AT O.S.U. MARCH 19-21, 2015 Are you an idea person? Someone who is a "mover & shaker"? A busy person who gets things done? If so ... WE NEED YOU! The OCTA Board of Directors is looking for several dedicated theatre enthusiasts throughout the state to volunteer as members of our standing committees. These OCTA committees are: · Membership & Marketing · Summer Conference Planning · OCTAFest 2016 Planning · Workshop Planning · OCTA Awards · Fundraising Each of the committees is chaired by an OCTA Board Member who will lead their group through the important work they will do for community theatre statewide. Travel will not be required as all chairpersons have agreed to utilize email, conference calling and/or Skype to conduct the business of their committee. Please consider getting involved and representing your home theatre on a statewide basis. Contact me if you are interested or for more information at 405-880-5798 or OCTA would love to have you! Debbie Sutton, OCTA President NEW “MUSIC THEATRE” ADDED TO AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES IN GROVE Inside this Issue: Letter from the President Theatre News OCTAFest 2014 Winners Coming events Member percs Pics ~ lotsa pics Birthday party? An exciting new activity, a Music Theatre, Broadway style, will be added to The Playmakers (GROVE) After-school program this year for students in Upper Elementary school and above. More than a show choir, it will bring Broadway and movie songs to life through performances laced with dramatic staging, mime, puppets, dance, and any other kind of performance that is appropriate for the particular song. Tom Teel, who has an extensive resume with The Playmakers and other organizations, and who was musical director for this Off Broadway Troupers’ summer’s production of “Wind in the Willows,” will direct this vocal performance group. A supervised “homework period” will be available so that students can get some work done after school and before the Music Theatre group rehearsals. Grove Public School students other than those in High School can walk to this classroom area from other school campuses. “We want to work with students who want more dramatic training as well,” says Suzanne Boles, Artistic Executive and this year’s After-school coordinator and instructor, “… small groups on short plays, one-act plays & monologues … We want to focus on help- in the wings with OCTA Page 2 COMING SOON OCTAFest 2014 MARKETING CONTEST WINNERS REALLY SOON ! YOUTH & ADULT CONFERENCE On Campus at OSU MARCH 19-21 BIENNUAL SUMMER CONFERENCE Summer 2015 TBA YOUR NEXT SHOW !!! OCTA VISIT TO YOUR THEATRE ? OAC GRANT DEADLINE February 2015 Can OCTA help you? OCTAFest2014 AWARDS TECH AWARDS OUTSTANDING COSTUMES Radio Gals, Town and Gown Theatre, Stillwater OUTSTANDING SET DESIGN & SET DRESSING Gidion’s Knot, Shawnee Little Theatre OUTSTANDING TECH CREW Graceland & Asleep on the Wind, ONStage Woodward OUTSTANDING SET Asleep on the Wind, ONStage Woodward OUTSTANDING LIGHTS Asleep on the wind, ONStage Woodward ACTING AWARDS Sara Acosta Asleep on the Wind, ONStage Woodward Rebecca Fry Gidion’s Knot, Shawnee Little Theatre Lu Hale Lone Star, Blue Moon Productions, Lawton Tana Ashford Lemonade, Duncan Little Theatre Greg Nuse Asleep on the Wind, ONStage Woodward Julie Tatershall HALL OF HONOR OUTSTANDING ENSEMBLE Radio Gals, Town and Gown Theatre, Stillwater PRODUCTION OF HONOR Lemonade, Duncan Little Theatre (will advance if one of the theaters cannot) HALL OF HONOR SPECIAL RECOGNITIONOGNITION ....................................... OCTAVISION THEATRE OF THE YEAR WEBSITE CORPORATE NEW THEATRE VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Have you considered your nominees? OUTSTANDING PRODUCTIONS Gidion’s Knot, Shawnee Little Theatre Graceland & Asleep on the Wind, ONStage Woodward (no particular order) STANDING OVATION AWARD Radio Gals, Town and Gown Theatre, Stillwater BRAVO AWARDS: Dwayne Brittain, Duncan Fluff Dixon Smith, Duncan Marge Chowning, Grove POSTER: 1ST Sound of Music, Theatre Tulsa 2nd Fiddler on the Roof, Duncan Little Theatre 3rd Scrooge, Shawnee PROGRAM: 1st I’m Getting Murdered in the Morning Duncan Little Theatre 2nd 39 Steps, Ardmore 3rd Anything to Declare Duncan Little Theatre SEASON BROCHURE: 1st Red Carpet Community Theatre, Elk City 2nd Ardmore Little Theatre 3rd Shawnee Little Theatre SHIRT: 1st Midsummer Nights Dream Red Carpet Community Theatre, Elk City 2nd Les Miserables Ardmore Little Theatre 3rd JAG Boot Camp, Red Carpet Community Theatre, Elk City UNIQUE PROMO: 1st Christmas Parade, Ardmore Little Theatre 2nd And a Child Shall Lead Red Carpet Community Theatre, Elk City NEWSLETTER: 1st And a Child Shall Lead, Red Carpet Community Theatre, Elk City 2nd Legally Blonde Red Carpet Community Theatre, Elk City WEBSITE: 1ST Theatre Tulsa 2nd Poteet Theatre, OKC 3rd Oklahoma Children’s Theatre OKC SPECIAL ITEM: 1ST Ardmore Little Theatre in the wings with OCTA page 3 WINNERS AND … there were no losers ! The passing of the Trophy The Directors WHICH ONE HAD THE BIRTHDAY? Volunteer of the Year SUE MOORE Your Unified Network of Community Theatre All programs and services of OCTA are funded in part through the generosity of the Oklahoma Arts Council National Endowment for the Arts OCTA BOARD RETREAT SEPT. 26-28, 2014 Many thanks to Shawnee Little Theatre for letting us meet at your facility for the annual Board retreat. Board members brainstormed about committee reorganizations and long term plans going forward. The updated OCTA Policies and Procedures Manual was presented and discussed in detail for updates. Dinner and fun were OCTA 45 Years Young 720 W. Wilshire, Suite 101K PO Box 57626 Oklahoma City, OK 73157-7626 Phone: 405-840-0788 Email: A FEW OCTA MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS An On-line Newsletter had by all after a hard day’s work on Saturday. (Thank you Rebecca for hosting us at your house afterwards for dessert and a hilarious round of “Hollywood Game Night”!) Sunday’s business meeting wrapped up loose ends and everyone is looking forward to a great year with OCTA events to be announced soon!! A Library and Resource Center We maintain an extensive library of reading copies of scripts and theatre resource materials. Networking Opportunities Performance & Audition Reminders Significant Educational Events Recognized & Vocal Representation Within our local community and state promotional and governing bodies.