the specification of study program - FKH UGM
the specification of study program - FKH UGM
THE SPECIFICATION OF STUDY PROGRAM STUDY PROGRAM OF VETERINARY FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 1 UGM-FKH-05.01 SPECIFICATION OF STUDY PROGRAM VETERINARY UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA UGM-KH-05.01 Arrangement : 4 Date : August 2014 Re-examined by : Vice Dean of Academic and Students Affair Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM Controlled by : Quality Assurance Cluster Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM Approved by : Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM Universitas Gadjah Mada Arrangement 4 Date : Specification of Study program Approved by Page UGM-KH-05.01 Dean 72 August 2014 2 PREFACE Study program of Veterinary as Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) working unit performs academic quality assurance system that is synchronized with UGM academic quality assurance system. The specification of this Veterinary study program is arranged to perform the academic quality assurance system in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH). The first revision of Veterinary Study program Specification had done because starting at the first semester of academic year 2007/2008, FKH UGM applies two different curricula that are Curriculum 2002 and Curriculum Problem Based Learning (PBL) 2007. Curriculum PBL 2007 was applied for new students of FKH UGM academic year 2007/2008, whereas students in the previous academic year used Curriculum 2002. Next, the second revision of FKH UGM Study program Specification was because change of competency of Veterinary Profession Education alumni based on Indonesia Veterinary Profession Asemblies decision in May 2009. The third revision of FKH UGM Study program Specification has done adjusting new curriculum of Curriculum 2013 competency based. The forth revision has done in order to adjust fulfilled obligation document according to decision from UGM Quality Assurance Office. This 2014 edition book of Veterinary Study program Specification is expected to give imaginary about study program in detail. Yogyakarta, August 2014 Dean, Dr. drh. Joko Prastowo, M.Si. NIP: 196504021992031002 3 STUDY PROGRAM SPECIFICATION OF VETERINARY FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Faculty/SV/SPs Study program Head of Department Interest Degree of Alumni Address : Veterinary Medicine : Veterinary : Prof. Dr. drh. Siti Isrina Oktavia Salasia :: Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan (SKH) and Dokter Hewan (drh) : Jl. Fauna 2, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 5528 Ph./Fax. 0274 – 560862/560861, e-mail: 7. SK Pendirian : SK Menteri Kemakmuran RI No. 1280/a/Per, 20 September 1946 SK Izin Operasional No.153/DIKTI/Kep/2007, 21 September 2007 8. Vision : To be an excellent Faculty, independent, dignified, inspired by Pancasila, dedicated to the needs and the welfare of the nation and world. 9. Mission : 1. Organizing, developing and building qualified high education of veterinary medicine 2. Generating excellent, morally act, tough, and entrepreneurial professional alumni 3. Improving research quality that support education also science and technology improvement in the field of Veterinary 4. Improving dedication to society based on analysis and research work that have benefits in improving public welfare and educating nation life on the basis of “manusya mriga satwa sewaka”. 5. Establishing sustainable cooperation with national and foreign institutions on the basis of welfare principle. 10. Education Goals : Producing professional veterinarian, magister, and doctoral in animals health, able to harmonize the health of animals, humans, and environment (based on manusya mriga satwa sewaka), mastered veterinary problem-solving in the national and international levels, through: 1. High Education of veterinary that qualified in order to produce alumni to become human who are excellent, independent, dignified, Pancasila imbued also dedicate to nation necessity and prosperity. 4 2. Veterinary Researches that become national and international references supporting education also science and technology improvement in the field of Veterinary. 3. Dedication to society based on analysis and research work that benefits in improving public welfare and educate nation life based on manusya mriga satwa sewaka. 4. Governance of the faculty which are fair, transparent, participative, in order to support effective and efficiency of tough and sustainably usage resource utilization. 5. Cooperation with national and foreign institutions sustainably on the basis of welfare principle. 11. Target : Targets of FKH UGM are: 1. Become leading FKH in international level, achievement stages : a. Increasing quality and relevances of Undergraduate Program, Veterinary and Postgraduate/Doctoral education, research and service towards people. b. Realization of the competence based curriculum with STARS learning approaches overall in 2016. c. ASEAN Accreditation 2014-2016 d. Upgrading international cooperation networking e. Establishement of IUP class Undergraduate Program International 2016 2. Become an independent good faculty governance, with indictators: a. Completion of management system preparation and stages to management of human resources (SDM) in university b. Completion of financial reports according to accountancy standard c. Availability of infrastructures supporting quality of faculty to result international standard graduates d. Achievement of good faculty governance in management system. 3. Become a faculty that all of its academic staffs are prosperous, with indicators: a. Achievement of increasing cooperation capacity and business development b. Establishment of Veterinary Technology Innovasion unit year 2011 including Community Service Unit, independent Animal Hospital (RSH), out farm, research cooperation, expertise cooperation c. Increasing of amount of followed activities, increasing fund organized by the Faculty d. Increasing of stakeholders contribution including alumni in developing Faculty. 12. Brief History : • Decree (SK) of Minister of Welfare RI on 20 September 1946 with No. 1280/a/Per (date of that SK become the birth date of FKH UGM) • In 1955 name was changed into Fakultit of Veterinary Medicine. • SK of Minister of Education, Teaching, and Culture on 15 September 1955 No. 53759/Kab: become Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FKHP). 5 • • • • • On 10 November 1969 FKHP was separated into Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Animal Science. Campus location: keep on moving from Bintaran Lor 22 (PTKH), Pagelaran (FKHP), Jl. Sekip 1 (rumah Prof. Dr. Sarjito), until Sekip Unit II. Classes are done in some places that are in Sekip Unit II Building, Balapan Panggung Building No. 7 and Animal Polyclinic in Pekapalan, south west of Alun-Alun Utara Yogyakarta. Starting from 2003 until now, FKH occupies new campus at Jl. Fauna No. 2 Karangmalang with new building and equipment facilities. Study program Undergraduate Program FKH has achieved BAN PT accreditation with score A in 2011, SK Nomor: 042/BAN-PT/Ak-XIII/S1/XII/2011. 13. Organization Structure : The governance system effectively works through mutually agreed mechanism, also can maintain and accommodate all of the elements, functions and role in study program Veterinary. The governance is supported with organization culture that is reflected by the rule upright, lecturers ethic, students ethic, education personnels ethic, reward and punishment system also service guidelines and procedur (administration, library, and laboratorium). In order to actualize vision, mission, and goals of Veterinarian Education with Competency standard, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM completes itself with organization structure that consists of: 1. Faculty Senate is highest normative council within the faculty. Faculty Senate has chairmen and secretaries consist of required Professor (Guru Besar), Chairman of Division and Vice Division. The total of the Senate member in FKH are 40 persons consist of 14 Professors, 12 Chairmen of Divisions, 12 Vice Divisions and 2 Dekanats. 2. Faculty direction, consists of Dean helped by 3 Vice Deans that are Academic and Students Affair Vice Dean; Research, Community Service and Cooperation Vice Dean; Financial, Assets, and Human Resources Vice Dean; and Vice Dean Assistant. 3. Academic Practitioners, consist of educators and education personnels. Laboratories in FKH UGM are the smallest unit of providing education. FKH UGM has 12 divisions explaining basic, praclinic, and clinic education concept. Every division is led by a Chairman of Division helped by Secretary of Division. 4. Administration Practitioner. Technic and administration practitioner of the faculty are run by Division of Administration led by a chairman of administration office and directly responsible to the Dean. Assisted by two sections chief that are Section Chief of 6 Academic and Students Affair and Section Chief of Administration, Financial, and General. 5. Quality Assurance Group (GJM) consists of the Dean (person in charge), Chairman, Secretary and 3 members. 6. Supporting academic facilities and elements of FKH UGM consist of: Laboratory, Library, Technology and Communication Unit (TIK), Education Animal Hospital Unit, Education and Training of Animal Health Unit (UP2KH), Students Counseling Unit, Cooperation and Internalization Program. The governance guarantees vision realization, mission implemention, goals achievement and success of the strategy used. Five criterias of the governance are: 1. Trustable, 2. Transparent, 3. Accountable, 4. Responsible, 5. Fair and Honest 7 Unit Quality Assurance 14. Levels : Undergraduate and Profession 15. Quality Assurance System: Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) in faculty level is coordinated by Information System, Accreditation and Planning System (SIAP) coordinator using mechanism below: 1. Coordinator Semester Team (TKS) that assesses suitability of syllabus quality and sutaibility with graduates competence: group of lecturers in the field of science is contained in the form of lecturer of block 1 up to block 24 (curriculum 2007 based on Problem Based Learning/PBL) and lecturers of courses of curriculum 2013 based on competency. Furthermore, quality assurance process is done by block team and TKS 8 which are formed by the Dean to coordinate and evaluate the implementation of block 1 up to block 24 and lecturers of the courses of curriculum 2013 based on competency. 2. Coordinator Semester Team (TKS) is charged to review the quality of the exam: quality exam review is done by block team member together with block team coordinator and TKS under the coordination of Academic Vice Dean, this exam including block exam, mid-semester exam, final exam and remedial exam. 3. Coordinator Semester Team (TKS) assesses academic eligibility of proposal and students final project who takes Graduating Paper final project. 4. Coordinator Semester Team (TKS) assesses external examiner quality: competency of external final project examiner assessed from lecturer professional certificate. Comprehensive exam system (non SKS): comprehensive exam is done for the students who take final project with 3 examiners with different science background. Likewise field practice exam at block 24. 16. Accreditation by BAN-PT : Year 2011 grade A (042/BAN-PT/Ak-XIII/SI/I/2011) 17. Validity period of BAN-PT certificate until: December 2015 18. ISO Certification: Certified by ISO 9001:2008 in September 2014, by TÜV Rheinland, Germany. 19. AUN-QA Certification: In October 2014 – is being assessed by ASEAN University Networking Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) 20. Lists of Lecturers: a. Permanent Lecturers : Main duty (Write down name and degree) No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Name drh. Teguh Budipitojo, MP., Ph.D. Dr. drh. Tri Wahyu Pangestiningsih, MP. drh. Ariana, M.Phil. Dr. drh. Hery Wijayanto, MP. drh. Dwi Liliek K, MP., Ph.D. drh. Dewi Kania Musana, MP. drh. Woro Danur Wendo drh. Penny Humaidah, M.Biotech. drh. Hevi Wihadmadyatami, M.Sc. Prof. drh. Kurniasih, M.VSc., Ph.D. Prof. drh. R. Wasito, M.Sc., Ph.D. drh. Sitarina Widyarini, MP., Ph.D. Dr. drh. Yuli Purwandari K, MP. Dr. drh. Bambang Sutrisno, MP. Education S3 S3 S2 S3 S3 S2 S1 S2 S2 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 9 15. 16. Prof. drh. Charles Rangga Tabbu, M.Sc., Ph.D. drh. Sugiyono, M.Sc. S3 S2 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Dr. drh. R. Wisnu Nurcahyo drh. Dwi Priyowidodo, MP. Dr. drh. Joko Prastowo, M.Si. drh. Eryl Sri Rohayati Hermanu, SU drh. Ana Sahara, M.Si S3 S2 S3 S2 S2 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Prof. Dr. drh. Siti Isrina Oktavia Salasia Prof. drh. Bambang Hariono, Ph.D Prof. drh. Em. Soesanto M, M.Sc., Ph.D drh. Christin Marganingsih Santosa, M.Si. Drh. Mitra slipranata, M.Biotech. Prof. drh. Widya Asmara, SU., Ph.D Dr. drh. AETH Wahyuni, M.Si Dr. drh. Tri Untari, M.Si Dr. drh. M. Hariyadi Wibowo, MP drh. Sidna Artanto, M.Biotech. Dr. drh. Surya Amanu, SU S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S3 S3 S3 S3 S2 S3 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Prof. Dr. drh. Bambang Sumiarto, SU., M.Sc Dr. drh. Doddi Yudhabuntara drh. Heru Susetya, MP., Ph.D Dr. drh. Widagdo SN, MP Dr. drh. Yatri Drastini, MS.C drh. Dyah Ayu Widiasih, Ph.D drh. MTH. Krisdiana Putri, MP Roza Azizah, S.Si., M.Si. drh. Puspa Wikan Sari, SU Dr. drh. Agustina Dwi Wijayanti, MP Dr. drh. R. Gagak Donny Satria, MP drh. Antasiswa Rosetyadewi, M.Sc drh. Dwi Cahyo Budi Setiawan, M.Sc. Ida Fitriana, SFarm., Apt. Prof. Dr. drh. Wayan T Artama Dr. drh. Rini Widayanti, MP Dr. drh. Aris Haryanto, M.Si drh. Aris Purwantoro, M.Si Dr. drh. Trini Susmiati, MP S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S2 S3 S3 S2 S2 S1 S3 S3 S3 S2 S3 10 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. drh. Yuda Heru Fibrianto, MP., Ph.D Dr. drh. Amelia Hana, MP Prof. Dr. drh. Pudji Astuti, MP drh. Sarmin, MP Dr. drh. Claude Mona Airin, MP S3 S3 S3 S2 S3 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. drh. Sri Gustari, MP Dr. drh. Asmarani K, MP Dr. drh. Surya Agus Prihatno, MP Dr. drh. Prabowo Purwono Putro, M.Phil drh. Agung Budiyanto, MP., Ph.D drh. Erif Maha Nugraha, M.Sc Prof. Dr. drh. Aris Junaidi, MP S2 S3 S3 S3 S3 S2 S3 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. Dr. drh. Irkham Widoyono Dr. drh. S. Indarjulianto Prof. Dr. drh. Sri Hartati, SU Prof. Dr. drh. Ida Tjahajati, MP drh. Guntari Titik Mulyani, MP drh. Hary Purnamaningsih, MP Dr. drh. Yanuartono, MP Prof. drh. Hastari W, M.Sc., Ph.D Dr. drh. Yuriadi, MP drh. Slamet Raharjo, MP S3 S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S3 S3 S3 S2 74. Dr. drh. Dhirgo Adji, MP S3 75. drh. Agus Budi Santosa, MS S2 76. drh. Sudarminto, MS S2 77. Dr. drh. Hartiningsih, MP S3 78. drh. Rr. Devita Anggraeni, MP., Ph.D S3 79. drh. Setyo Budi, MP S2 NOTES: S1= Undergraduate Program, S2= Post-graduate Program, S3= Doctoral Program Lecturers teaching abroad: No Lecturer 1 Dr. drh. Wisnu Nurcahyo 2 Dr. drh. Hery Wijayanto, MP Teaching Abroad in Msaryk University, Czech University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia University of Namibia, Namibia 11 b. List of Lecturers according to EPSBED: No Name Degree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Bambang Hariono R. Wasito Bambang Sumiarto M Hastari Wuryastuty Yatri Drastini Asmarani Kusumawati Soedarminto Indarjulianto Tri wahyu Pangestiningsih Rini Widayanti Aris Junaidi Ikrham Widiyono Hery Wijayanto Ida Tjahayati Raden Wisnu N Joko Prastowo Yanuartono Dwi Liliek Kusindarta Dyah Ayu W Agustina Dwi W RR Devita Anggraeni Surya Amanu Sudarminto Agus Budi Santoso Eryl Sri Rohayati RR Ameli hana Hartiningsih Trini Susmiati Sri Gustari Ana Sahara Tri Untari Hary Purnamaningsih Ariana Bambang Sutrisno Michael Hariyadi Wibowo Christin Marganingsih S Claude Mona Airin Sarmin Antasiswa Rosetyadewi Sugiyono Prof. drh. Ph.D. Prof. drh. M.Sc. Ph.D. Prof. drh. M.Sc. Dr. Prof. drh. M.Sc. Ph.D. Dr. drh. MP Dr. drh. MP Dr. drh. Dr. drh. MP Dr. drh. MP Prof. drh. Ph.D. Dr. drh. Dr. drh. MP Prof. Dr. drh. MP Dr. drh. Dr. drh. M.Si. Dr. drh. MP drh. MP. Ph.D. drh. MP. Ph.D. Dr. drh. MP drh. M.P. Ph.D Dr. drh. SU drh. SU drh. SU drh. SU Dr. drh. MP Dr. drh. MP Dr. drh. MP drh. MP drh. MP Dr. drh. MP drh. MP drh. M.Phil. Dr. drh. MP Dr. drh. MP drh. M.Si. Dr. drh. MP drh. MP drh. M.Sc. drh. M.Sc. Education S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S2 S3 S2 S3 S2 S2 S3 S2 S2 S3 S3 S2 S3 S2 S2 S2 12 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 MTH Khrisdiana Putri R. Gagak Donny Satria Sidna Artanto Erif Maha Nugraha Hevi Wihadmadyatami Roza Azizah P Dwi Cahyo Budi Setiawan Ida Fitriani Penny Humaidah Hamid drh. MP Dr. drh. MP drh. M.Biotech. drh. M.Sc. drh. M.Sc. S.Si., M.Si. drh. M.Sc. S.Farm., Apt drh. M.Biotech. S2 S3 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S1 S2 NOTES: S1= Undergraduate Program, S2= Post-graduate Program, S3= Doctoral Program c. Time Lecturers: Additional Duty (Write down name and degree) No 1 2 3 Name Dr. Budi Darjono, M.Agr Sc. Dr. Niken, S. H, M.Sc. Drh. Mahmud Asvan From Fac. Biology UGM Fac. Biology UGM Animal Husbandry Dept. 4 Dra. Siti Aminah, SU., Apt. S2 Fac. Pharmacy UGM 5 Dra. Nusratini, SU., Apt. S2 Fac. Pharmacy UGM NOTES: S1= Undergraduate Program, S2= Post-graduate Program, S3= Doctoral Program 21. Students Amount : a. Indonesian Students b. Foreign students and country : 760 students : 57 students (Malaysia) 22. International Program a. Students exchange No 1 Students Name Maria Pasca Lestari Harianja Education S3 S3 S1 : Program Student exchange Training Course 2 Rabiyatul Adawiyah Student exchange Period 2010 (1 year) 2013 (1 month) 2014 2014 (1 month) Origin instantion FKH UGM FKH UGM Goal Instantion Kjunghee University (Seoul) Australia Massachusets USA University of Sydney 13 3 Agi Wasistyo Utomo Student exchange 4 Novra Arya Sandi 1. Asian International Mobility Students 5 Istianah Maryam Jamilah 6 Muhammad Nuriy Nuha Naufal 7 Riana No Students Name 1 Rabiyatul Adawiyah 2 Agi Wasistyo Utomo FKH UGM FKH UGM 2014 (1 week) 2. 16th International Vet-Med Students Scientific Research Congress 16th International Vet-Med Students Scientific Research Congress 16th International Vet-Med Students Scientific Research Congress 16th International Vet-Med Students Scientific Research Congress b. Credit Transfer 2014 (1 month) 2014 (2 weeks) University of Sydney 1. Tokyo Univ of Agriculture and Technology 2. Istanbul University 2014 (1 week) FKH UGM Istanbul University 2014 (1 week) FKH UGM Istanbul University 2014 (1 week) FKH UGM Istanbul University : Period 2014 (1 month) 2014 (1 month) Origin Instantion FKH UGM FKH UGM Goal Instantion University of Sydney University of Sydney Explanation Korep Transfer Korep Transfer 14 c. Training: Student Training and Exchange in 2014: No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1. 2. 3. Location for Training National: PT. Ciomas Adisatwa Charoen Pokphand Purworejo Charoen Pokphand Sragen Charoen Pokphand Bali Gembiraloka Zoo Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Bengkulu Balai Besar Veteriner Wates Wersut Seguni Indonesia Gelanggang Samudra PT. Taman Impinan Jaya Ancol Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian Soekarno Hatta Balai Karantina Hewan Kelas I Tanjung Priok Balai Karantina Pertanian Kelas I Semarang Balai Karantina Kelas II Yogyakarta Griya Satwa Lestari Praktek Dokter Hewan dan Pet Shop Calico Klinik Kayumanis Yogyakarta Total Students International Chiang Mai University Kassersart University Universiti Putra Malaysia Chulalangkorn University Mahidol University Serawak Pet Clinic Sydney University Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Total Students Foreign Students Exchange to FoVM UGM Mahidol University Kelantan University Sydney University (will be held in February 2015) Total Students Number of Student 7 8 15 8 6 5 7 11 12 4 5 9 5 4 3 1 110 2 6 14 3 6 1 2 1 35 5 5 4 14 15 d. Joint degree No Students Name 1. Baso Yusuf :Program Six Universities Initiative Japan Indonesia-Joint Degree Program (SUIJI-JDP e. International Class No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. NIF 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 7846 7847 7848 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 7854 7855 Period October 2013 Origin institution FKH UGM Country/ University Ehime, Kagawa, dan Kochi University/Jepan : Regular program with English tutorial class Year 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Full name Wong, Samuel Ganapragasam, Angeline Ramachandera, Thisaharan Lee, Nicholas Yew Ken Jasmen, Nor Amira Nakkeeran, Alagenthirah Gan, Jason Gan Jheng Sheng Mohd Nor Alazmi, Mohamad Hazim Lee, Hannah Lee Rou En Sivalingam, Prisha Lini Hon, Seng Yue Yeo, Suan Jiao Dennis, Chrisanne Shoba Quek, Chuan Chong Parumal, Lohanthira K Tan, Xin Yi Surendranath, Dhaniyah Murthi, Loheswini Veerasingam, Venessa S Anne Hiew, Choi En Choong, Choi Yan Carol Yap, Carl Rock Adiba, Abdul Rahman Harsha Sree, Ravindran Puteri Nur Natasha, Mazran Kar Yee, Low Tan, Yun Ru Wei Leng, Tai Cheng , Ern Wei Origin country Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia 16 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7518 7519 7520 7521 7522 7523 7524 7525 7166 7167 7168 7169 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6733 6396 6399 6401 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 f. International Accreditation No 1. 2. Accreditation Institution AUN ISO (TÜV Rheinland) Toh, Cen Han Rui Yi, Ong Tan, Cheng Jie Qistina, Hasnan Anastasia, Tan Su Lynn Jeanne Lim Zhi Yen, Lim Lehgarubini, Shanmuganathan Yogapriya, Chandrasegaran Wong, Shu Hui Sze Teng, Yee Ng, Au Drey Cassie Tan Jiaxuan, Tan Shantini, Ravindran Iman Jahirah , Zainal Abidin Venisri Prithivi Raj Michelle Anusha Turnwald Chen Jun Wei Ng Yik Soon Daniel Samraj Wilfred Boo Biing Jye Priyana Rajendran Daryl Lum Mun Yoong Tee Tzi Chi Eishah Binti Ahmad Fadzil Ng Yeong Sheng Preeyashini Adelyn A/P Gnanapathy Priyani U.G. Syril Jegan Krishnan Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia : Year of Achievement 2014 Accreditation Submission Plan October 2014 - 17 23. Competence Study program Graduates Description: The Vision of FoVM is in line with the vision of UGM that is to be an excellent independent, respected faculty with the spirit of Pancasila to serve the interests and prosperity of the nation. In order to achieve the vision, the mission are as follows: 1. To develop and to foster higher education of veterinary medicine. 2. To generate professional graduates who are excellent morally, endowed with entrepreneur spirit. 3. To improve the quality of education and research that supports the advancement of science and technology in the field of Veterinary Medicine. 4. To improve the dedication for society which is based on intellectual activity and research that is useful in improving general welfare and education of the nation which is based on “manusya mriga satwa sewaka” (Healthy animals or livestock will provide welfare for all human beings). 5. To establish sustainable cooperation with institutions within and outside the country on the basis of the welfare principle The aim of the academic program is to educate graduates of high quality with skills to be a five star doctor as stated by World Health Organization (WHO) based on veterinary philosophy “manusya mriga satwa sewaka” (healthy animals will provide welfare to all human beings), with the ability to be a care provider, decision maker, communicator, community leader and manager in the area of veterinary, with the following qualification: 1. Care provider: ability to take care of animals holistically as an individual or as a part of owner or community and to provide sustainable qualified treatment in the relation of doctor‐animal owner based on truth and mutualism. 2. Decision maker: ability to consider and choose proper and cost effective technology to provide animal health care services. 3. Communicator: ability to educate animal owner and promote healthy environment effectively 4. Community leader: ability to motivate animal owner and community to participate and contribute in improving animal health status. 5. Manager: ability to work effectively in harmonious inside and outside health services system/organization and to understand community needs. To achieve the learning outcomes, a competence‐based curriculum is set up and the implementation is done with the following approaches: Constructive, Student‐centered, Problem‐based, Integrated, Community‐based, Structured and systematic The aim of the education in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is to educate students based on a competence‐based curriculum to graduate veterinarian, who is a professional 18 in animals health, able to harmonize the health of animals, humans, and environment (based on manusya mriga satwa sewaka), mastered veterinary problem-solving. The learning outcomes were formulated through co-creation the staffs from each departments, curriculum workshops involving professional organizations (AFKHI), governments, alumni and other stakeholders. The curriculum orientation refers to the overall ability as a professional: knowledge, skill, ability/capability and attitude. It also refers to HELTS (Higher Education Long Term Strategy) 2003‐2010. In general, the learning outcomes are formulated into 6 domains, 9 main competencies and 9 supporting competencies. The six domains are including: 1. Professionalism, good ethical and moral 2. Ability to master animal health, veterinary science and technology 3. Ability to harmonize one health: safety animal products, public health, animal welfare 4. Ability to solve veterinary problem (control and prevention of animal diseases) 5. Ability to perform veterinary services and community 6. Suitable to commence a further course of training such as a specialization and/or a course leading to a master/doctorate The formulation of the learning outcomes is then translated into a set of curriculum formulation which is also composed by department’s goals. It is also reviewed, reformulated, and retranslated into programs regularly in the concept of PDCA (Plan‐Do‐Check‐Action), involving all stakeholders including professional associations. Students are expected to pass with a GPA of >2 and to complete their studies in less than 5 years and to have a time lag of <2 months between graduation and employment. In line with this target, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine strives to develop human resources who are capable to become a competitive institution in education, research and community service with international reputation. In 2007 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has already implemented Problem-based learning curriculum SCL (Student‐Centered Learning) with small classes for tutorial, and then curriculum was re-designed into competence based curriculum with the SCL+STAR (Student Teacher Aesthetic Role Sharing) learning strategy that adopted from the local wisdom of Patrap Triloka (ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani). That learning strategy accommodates harmonizing between teachers and students that mean the teacher should be in the front providing a model, in the middle creating an intention and in the back giving constructive support for the students. Study program of Veterinary gives chances to students to obtain and develop knowledge and understanding, analytic quality, skills and other abilities adjusted to demands of veterinary science field. Therefore a curriculum needs to be prepared with courses that depict the competency which has been set through Kepmendiknas 45/2002, complying 9 main competences of Study program FKH UGM graduates according to 19 agreement of Indonesian Veterinarian Association, added by 9 supporting competences as development and characterization FKH UGM competency. That competency has been defined to create qualified graduates according to Indonesia National Qualification Framework (KKNI, PP No. 8 Year 2012). a. Elements of Competency (Kepmendiknas 45/2002): 1. Foundation of Personality: Personality Development Subject (MPK) 2. Mastery of science and skill: Knowledge and Skill Subject (MKK) 3. Work Ability: Expertise of Work Subject (MKB) 4. Attitude and behavior in working according to skills level based on science and skills: Behaviour of Work Subject (MPB) 5. Understanding of society living rules according to skill choices in working: Life Together with Community Subject (MBB) b. Graduates competencies of Study program FKH UGM, consist of 9 main competencies and 9 supporting competencies. Main Competencies : 01/MP2KH/PDHI/V/2009): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (According to National Competency Number 01- Having insight of veteriner ethic and comprehension towards the essence of profession vow and ethic code also baseline of veterinary profession; Having insight in the filed of national animal health system and veterinary legislation; Having skills in practicing lege-artis medical treatment; Having skills in handling some diseases in large animals, small animals, poultry, exotic animals, wildlife, aquatic animals and laboratory animals; Having skills in doing: (a) clinical, laboratoric, patologic, and epidemiologic diagnosis of animal diseases; (b) Creating nutrition for medical health and disorder; (c) antemortem and postmortem examination; (d) pregnancy examination, handling of reproduction disorder and application of reproduction technology; (f) supervision and control of animal medicine quality and biological ingredients, including the usage and distribution; (g) assesment and supervision of animal welfare; Having skills in professional communication/ dialogue; Having skills in control and prevention management of strategic and Zoonoses diseases, biosecurity-biosafety, also environment control; Having skills in ”therapeutic transaction”, doing anamnese, medical record, informed consent of medical treatment, prescription writing, doctor’s certificate, and client education; and 20 9. Having basic knowledge of risk analysis, veterinary economic analysis and entrepreunership. Supporting Competencies 10. Able to decide therapy appropriately, mastering traditional medicines, mastering animal medicine quality, mastering therapy side effects; 11. Able to do innovation in the field of medical veteriner aligned with improvmenet of biotechnology and genetic engineering; 12. Able to process research data, do the data analysis, take summary and decision correctly; 13. Able to make research proposal, able to compile seminar materials, delivering in form of presentation and poster, writing according to rules of scientific journals; 14. Well-communicate, able to cooperate in team; 15. Able to do research, handling biological safety of animal diseases, and environment control; 16. Mastering leadership management aspect and doing it well; 17. Having insight in actualizing food self-sufficiency; 18. Having skills in handling some diseases of wildlife, exotic animals and management at the zoo. 24. Interest Competency Description: 25. Competency Comparation among Interest: 26. Comparation of graduates competency with levels above/below: a. Graduates Competency of Diploma Program of Animal Health (level 5) COMPETENCY DESCRIPTION OF DIPLOMA PROGRAM OF ANIMAL HEALTH GRADUATES (LEVEL 5): Specific description 1: 1. Able to do technical action within the scope of service, one of them are; medical veteriner, zootechnic, kesmavet, medical reproduction, livestock production, animal quarantine, animal health counseling and promotion, livestock waste technology and environmental sanitation, non-infectious diseases, pharmacology and traditional medicines, poultry health technician, veterinary surgical technician according to standard surgery guidelines. 2. Able to work as a technician in biomedical laboratory to support service scope in the field of veteriner. Specific description 2: 1. Mastering knowledge about basic concepts, principles, and theories related to animal health. 2. Mastering theoretical concept about national animal health system, veterinary legislation also authority limits of veterinary paramedic. 21 Specific description 3: 1. Having ability to compile written report about veterinary field condition comprehensively. 2. Having technical skills in applying care management and health management in foodproducing animals or livestocks, pets and companion animals, wildlifes and conservations, aquatic animals, and laboratory animals. Specific description 4: 1. Be responsible in preparing animal medicine, providing animal food and or nutritional dietetic. 2. Be responsible to own job and can be given responsibility for the group work result achievement in the field of veterinary paramedic. b. Graduates Competency of Undergraduate Program of Veterinary Medicine (level 6) COMPETENCY DESCRIPTION OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM OF VETERINARY MEDICINE GRADUATES (LEVEL 6) Specific description 1: 1. Mastering skills in applying Science and Technology laboratory of biomedical anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemical, embryology, reproduction, clinical pathology, pathology, microbiology, parasitology, immunology, pharmacology, toxicology, radiology and kesmavet. 2. Able to do agent identifications that are; virus, bactery, parasite, fungi and toxin, and cause determination of animal diseases. 3. Able to analyze the way drugs work and toxin. 4. Able to compile formula and make animal food, compile formula and make veterinary clinical nutrition or clinical dietetic. Specific description 2: 1. Mastering knowledge about basic concepts, principles and theories related to veterinary science. 2. Mastering knowledge about national animal health system, veterinary legislation also authority limits of medical veterinary. 3. Mastering and understanding knowledfe aabout zoonical and non zoonical animal diseases. 4. Matering knowledge about animal food and compile veterinary clinical nutrition or clinical dietetic. Specific description 3: 1. Mastering skills doing scientific study by compiling research plan and report also forming scientific papers. 2. Mastering skills in applying care management and health management in foodproducing animals or livestocks, pets and companion animals, wildlifes and conservations, aquatic animals, and laboratory animals. 22 3. Mastering skills in measuring physiological parameter and animal welfare. 4. Mastering skills in doing agent identification, such as; virus, bactery, parasite, fungi and toxin, and cause determination of animal diseases. 5. Mastering skills in analyzing the way drugs and toxin work. 6. Mastering skills in analyzing epidemiology and veteriner economic also compiling animal diseases reporting. 7. Able to measure physiological parameter and animal welfare. 8. Able to analyze epidemiology and veterinary economic also compiling animal diseases reporting. 9. Able to do risk analysis, veterinary economic analysis. Specific description 4: 1. Responsible to own job and can be given responsibility for the work result achievement of biomedical laboratory, such as; anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemical, embryology, reproduction, clinical pathology, pathology, microbiology, parasitology, immunology, pharmacology, toxicology, radiology and public veterinary health or kesmavet. 2. Mastering and applying care management and health management in food-producing animals or livestocks, pets or companion animals, wildlifes and conservations, aquatic animals, and laboratory animals. c. Graduates Competency of Profession of Veterinary (level 7) COMPETENCY DESCRIPTION OF PROFESSION PROGRAM OF VETERINARY GRADUATES (LEVEL 7) Specific description 1: 1. Able to manage control and prevention of strategic and Zoonoses diseases, biosecurity-biosafety, also environment control. 2. Actualize human welfare through animal welfare and health, also environmental sustainability. Specific description 2: 1. Able to solve veteriner problem by using knowledge about medical veteriner. 2. Able to prevent diseases in food-producing animals or livestocks, pets or companion animals, wildlifes and conservations, aquatic animals, and laboratory animals. 3. Able to do therapeutical transaction, anamnese, medical record, and informed consent of medical treatment, prescription, doctor’s certificate, and client education. Specific description 3: Able to do : (a) clinical, laboratoric pathologic, and epidemiologic diagnosis of animal diseases; (b) nutrition compiling for medical health and disorder; (c) antemortem and postmortem examination; (d) pregnancy examination, hadling of reproduction disorder and application of reproduction technology; (e) control of safety and quality of animal products; (f) supervision and control of animal medicines and biological ingredients, 23 including usage and distribution; (g) assesment and supervision of animal welfare. d. Graduates Competency of Post-Graduate Program of Veterinary Medicine (level 8) COMPETENCY DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM POST-GRADUATE OF PROGRAM VETERINARY MEDICINE GRADUATES (LEVEL 8) Specific description 1: Able to develop knowledge of one world one health and strategic role of veterinary science and its implementation in the context of veterinary public health, global change phenomenon, biosafety, and environmental health. Able to do scientific activity of veterinary science up to critical understanding level about theories and principles related to their job. Able to develop knowledge and technology in the field of veterinary by demonstrating mastery and create innovation needed for solving problems in recent and future. Specific description 2: 1. Able to give solution convergently to various problems in the field of veterinary science and multidiscipline. 2. Able to positioning strategic role of veterinary science in the context of veterinary public health, global changing phenomenon, food security, biosecurity, and environmental health in order to implementation of the concept of universal health. Specific description 3: 1. Able to organize research in the field of advanced veterinary science. 2. Able to be responsible in professional management development towards individu or group of workers in the qualification levels below. 3. Able to manage compex scientific activities and decision making in the field of veterinary science and its relevance with other disciplines responsibly. 4. Actualize human welfare through implementation of research result, scientific development, and social awareness and environmental sensitivity. 5. Able to manage research result that have potention to be applied and worth published in the level of national or international, in the form of scientific publication in accredited scientific journal. 27. Curriculum : Curriculum 2013 of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is designed with competency basis that have strong basic referring to government regulations (SK Mendiknas No. 232/U/2000 and No. 045/U/2002), referring to National Curriculum, and according to UGM Rector Provisions No. 22/P/SK/HT/2006. Broadly that Kepmen defines that curriculum of a study program should support the achievement of 3 graduate’s competencies that are: I. Main competencies, II. Supporting competencies and III. Specific competencies. To achieve that 24 competency, curriculum contents are divided into 5 elements of competency that are categorized into courses that are MK KK, MKKB, MKPB, MKBB and MKPK. Main competency of curriculum 2013 is decided based on Veterinarian competency standard that have been agreed nationally (National Competency No 01-01/MP2KH/PDHI/V/2009) and harmonized with provision of Indonesian National Qualification Draft (KKNI) (PP No. 8 year 2012). Main curriculum that compiled in this new curriculum is expected to fulfill basic needs to achieve graduates competency, applied nationally and internationally, flexible and acomodative towards very quick change in the future, mutual agreement among university, profession public and graduates user. Curriculum 2013 is developed with competency basis that defines based on competent standard that has been agreed together through Provision of Professional Education of Veterinaryan Assemblies of Indonesian Veterinarian Association No. 01/MP2KH/PDHI/V/2009 (9 competencies), added by 9 supporting competencies as development and categorization of FKH UGM. That competency formula can be achieved through SMART (spesific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timelly) learning outcome forming. Learning outcome to achieve these graduates competencies have been compiled by each lecturers including knowledge and understanding to fulfill cognitive sphere, practical skill in psycomotoric sphere and attitude, to fulfill affective sphere. Curriculum based competency 2013 is sinergized with the curriculum of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine within Indonesia, ASEAN, also International, with main basis of Courses taught by 12 Divisions that are: Courses of Anatomy, Biochemical, Pharmacology, Physiology, Science of Internal Disease, Science of Surgical and Radiology, Veterinary Public Health (Kesmavet), Microbiology, Parasitology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Reproduction, that depict main/core competency of Veterinary Education, which next enriched by supporting competencies and other competencies that related with main competencies. Supporting competencies are reflected in various choices of subject courses (MK) and developed MK by each division as cutting edge of scientific development. 28. Curriculum Maps : see Appendices 29. Supports for Students in Learning Process: a. Orientation period of life campus for new students that held in the beginning of academic year thorugh program Success Learning Training of New Students (PPSMB). b. Library facilities with collection of text books, reference books, popular scientific magazines, CD-ROM, and off-on line journals. c. RPKPS and Teaching Materials for every course. 25 d. Tutorial/Focus Group Discussion (FGD) module books. e. Ratio of lecturers: students reach 1:13, and parallel classes for all courses. f. Academic counselor for each student, that is a lecturer that supervises, monitors, gives alternative, and supports the students to enhance their academic achievement. g. Class of tutorial/FGD with 12-18 students/class. h. Tutor/Facilitator for every turorial class, that is a lecturer or lecturer assistant that facilitate the discussion activities inside tutorial class. i. Facilities of tutorial room, class room, laboratorium, library, Diagnostic Laboratorium, Animal Health Education and Training Unit (UP2KH), Animal Hospital, and Communication and Technology Information Unit (TIK) to support learning and research activities. j. Access to achieve scholarship from various providers. k. Cooperation with other institution to support students learning and research activities. l. Career Coaching Team for students through Students Counseling Team. m. Students Study Groups to develop interests. 30. Evaluation System Learning Process: : Assessment toward learning process is done by questionnaire to lecturers and students, and input from alumni. Improvement of learning process quality is done by doing scheduled workshop among the lecturers, learning innovation development assistance, funds assistance of RPKPS and Teaching Materials preparation, funding of learning modules development, and grant of independent and group research. Responsible institute to monitor and evaluate quality and standard of learning process are: a. b. c. d. e. Semester Coordination Team (TKS) Academic Activities Coordination Comission (K3A) Faculty Quality Assurance Group University Quality Assurance Office National Accreditation Institution Learning Activities: 1. Learning Method Learning method used is by Student Teacher Aesthetic Role-sharing (STAR), by combining proportionally between teacher centered learning (TCL) and student centered learning (SCL) based on expected learning outcome. STAR Principle is the existence of harmonious relationship between lecturers and stuents, improvement of reciprocal learning partners between students and lecturers, so it is created Patrap Triloka ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani, 26 lecturers should be a good model in front, should motivate sudents in the middle, and should build a constructive support behind to develop the students. Harmonious relationship between lecturers and students is created since the beginning of lectures through class interaction and more focus through the discussion activity in focus group discussion (FGD), and student’s supervision to be long life learner. 2. Lectures Lectures method is done by the lecturers who deliver/present the matterials and discussion, deliver what will be learned by the students and why it should be learned. At the first kecture, coordinator of Subject Courses (MK) deliver the learning contract to the students, containing contents based on Semester Learning Activities Program Plan (RPKPS) which has been set by the lecturers team, introduce all of the lecturers with their own expertise so that the students recognize the lecturers and their own expertise since the beginning of the lectures, so the lecturers is expected to be model for the students. Semester Learning Activities Program Plan (RPKPS) and learning materials must be given to the students to be copied (or given to the Library as narration/ references/ students learning materials). MK coordinator introduces all of the teaching team and facilitators involved from each Divisions as well as their expertise. In the implementation of competency based curriculum, lectures are held by combining it with group discussion in small classes, aim to make the students obtain enough lectures materials and followed by additional time for self study. Lectures are held based on Subject Courses which their expected learning outcome in achieving competencies. Integration and synergy among Subject Courses are held through FGD that discuss certain scenario, to upgrade and sharpen students understanding. In between FGD schedule, lectures can be held, to give chance for students to clarify and discussed students unanswered questions in group discussion. 3. Group discussion in FGD with facilitator mentoring FGD is scheduled twice a week. If facilitator could not come because of certain reasons, it should be substitute by other facilitator. If at the fixed schedule the facilitator has not come yet, relevant students group should inform academic as soon as possible. During discussion process, all of the groups should bring relevant learning sources that might be needed during tutorial. To reach learning goals in the first semester, collaborative learning method is used, that held in twice discussion meeting in discussing one same scenario. Basic questions that should be underlined are: What have we known? What else that we expected to know? First FGD: All students are divided into 11 classes, each of class consists of 15-18 students Facilitator explains the discussion process and scenario for discussion Facilitator divides the class into small groups of 5-6 students Facilitator asks each students to read the scenario relevant to materials learned Facilitator asks the students to do task relevant with perception and solution towards cases/problems in scenario Facilitator asks students to discuss their work results in each of their small groups, led by one of the students (as chairman) helped by one ither students (as secretary) 27 Facilitator asks each of small groups discuss the group agreement Facilitator asks each of the students to make report of discussion results with by searching reference sources as wide as possible. Contents of the report are: discussion topic, learning goals, learning scheme, analysis, conclusion, learning outcome (explaining students ability after discussing topic in scenario), references. Facilitator asks every small groups prepare their discussion results in the form of power point that presented by one of the group representatives in the second FGD meeting. Second FGD: Facilitator asks every students to submit complete report Facilitator asks each of the group to present group discussion result Facilitator asks other groups to give feedback to presentation result Facilitator tasks: Directing and facilitating the discussion, lecturers put themselves as trend setter applying patrap triloka ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani (in front becomes example, in the middle motivates, at behind gives support with lecturers authority so that students can develop). Giving assessment to students activities during discussion in the first and secon FGD, with assessment through 3 aspects: 1. A = Attitude (mental and manner) = affective 2. S = Skill (competent, expert, adaptable to positive competency) = psycomotor 3. K = Knowledge (building intellectual capital) = cognitive 4. Group discussion without facilitator mentoring According to group needs, students can held a meeting without facilitator. Aims of this discussion are varies, for example, identificate theoritical questions, identificate group learning goals, ensure that group have already submitted all of the informtion needed, and identificate practical questions. 5. Practicum Held by Laboratorium in Division to enrich students understanding about discussed concept related to science development. Exerciese to improve skills that needed by veterinarians to fulfill their competencies also given intensively (such as communication with clients skill, clinical skill, etc.) 6. Expert consultation This activity is held based on needs and held by groups of students, by directly contacting the relevant competent lecturer. It is very recommended for the chairman of the group make an appointment before with the relevant experts. 28 7. Self study As mature learner, students are expected to able to applied self study, a kind of important skills for developing personality and career in the future. This skill including ability to find personal interest, find more information from various learning sources, decided the appropriate learning style, and indentificate further learning needs. Students will not feel enough to study only from lecture notes or text books. Self study is th emost important character of SCL approach, and in the certain level, study will be an unlimited journey. 8. Class discussion Class discussion can be held through lectures between FGD schedules. The aims of this discussion are to give explanation and compare learning process among groups to prevent wrong direction groups in the discussion. All of the groups can propose certin issues to be discussed, and facilitator or lecturers will answer questions based on their own competencies. Learning Evaluation Student Assessment principle that is applied in the process of learning are: 1. Validity: assessment method can measure things that should be measured 2. Reliability: consistency of assessment result 3. Practicability: concerns on practical considerations, for example cost, easiness in administration and easiness in doing interpretation (not to sacrifice consideration of validity and reliability) 4. Educational impact: Assessment is very effecting learning process, then it should be considered that assessment stimulate students study, considered how to make assessment become part of this learning process. 5. Assessment drives learning: should meet learning goals, should be comprehensive and including sustainability process, done either as summative or formative test. 6. Assessment method should meet learning goals that have been set, attempted to be able to give feedback to students. Students Learning Results Evaluation Learning evaluation is an instrument to measure competency achievement and done continuously and comprehensively which covers aspects of value, mental attitude, skill, knowledgeand values also other forms that in line with learning process. Evaluation method is adjusted with semester leaning approach, according to course goals to make comprehensive and intact graduates competency. Learning evaluation is conducted through mid-semester exam, final semester exam, remedial exam, study program final exam (Graduating Paper exam), and other accountable forms. Result of learning evaluation is stated with alphabet A, B, C, D, and E, each of which weights 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0. Students success evaluasion, is stated with alphabet grade, that are: A means very good, B means good, C means fair, D means need improvement, E means fail. Those grades depict the criteria for 29 competency achievement of learning, scores A depict the competency achievement of ≥ 80%, B = 70-79%, C = 60-69%, D = 50-59% and E < 50%. Students grade point is determined from all courses grade that had taken with the range of grades between 0 up to 4. Grade point can be measured based on semester (called semester grade point) or cumulative based (cumulative grade point). Grade point is calculated by converting absolute value (number grade) into relative grade (alphabet grade) with equivalency as: A = 4 (four), B = 3 (three), C = 2 (two), D = 1 (one), dan E = 0 (zero), using this formula below : IP = Jumlah SKS kegiatan pendidikan yang diambil X nilai bobotnya masing - masing Jumlah SKS kegiatan pendidikan yang diambil Study load for Undergraduate Program Program participants that can be taken in the next semester is determined using this guidelines: a. IP > 3,00 : 21 – 24 credits; b. 2,50 – 2,99 : 18 – 21 credits; c. 2,00 – 2,45 : 15 – 18 credits; d. < 1,5 : 12 – 15 credits. 31. Students candidate selection system: To improve sudents input quality, FKH captures best SLTA graduates through 3 (three) tracks that are National Selection of Public University Admission (SNMPTN), and Joint Selection of Public University Admission (SBMPTN), and Independent Selection of UGM. SBMPTN 2014 is a national new students admission selection system that is done together by 64 PTN in an intregated system and held at once through written test. Requirements to follow SBMPTN 2014: a. Graduate from Education Units and National Exam of SMA/MA/SMK/MAK or equivalent in the year of 2012, 2013, and 2014. b. Graduates of year 2012 and 2013 having education certificate of SMA/MA/SMK/MAK or equivalent. c. Graduates of the year 2014 at least have had Certificate of National Exam Result (SKHUN) from School Principal completed with newest phototgraphs of the students and stamped with school stamp. d. Having adequate health so it does not interfere the continuity of learning process in their study program. FKH UGM also gives chance to outstanding students through: a. PBUB (Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Berprestasi) Winner students or olimpiade finalists of science in National level, students with academic ability along with achievement in the field of ipteks (science, technology, and art). Selection: through administrative selection and written test (TPA and TKDU). b. PBUK (Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Kemitraan) 30 It is destined for region students with high academic ability that are proposed and funded by Region Government, government instantion/institution, and/or credible company. It is UGM form of caring to regional development through partnership showed by valid coordination agreement letter. T3 region becomes important concern. Selection: through administrative selection and written test (TPA and TKDU). c. PBUTM (Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Tidak Mampu) It is for outstanding students but economically unable (preferred region around). Selection is through administrative selection and written test (TPA and TKDU). Requirements of PBU Participants a. Graduates of SMA/SMK/MA domestic or foreign year 2014 b. Cognitive grades of all subjects in raport starting from the first semester until final semester should be complete (above KKM). For acceleration students, those criteria is applied up to forth semester. Participants include 40% best in their class in semester 1-5, or 75% best in semester 14 for acceleration students (based on School Principal recommendation) c. Fulfill the health requirements PBUB Requirements a. Winner of subject competition in national level (including competitons that are held in UGM area), or subject competition finalist in international level that are held by LIPI, DIKNAS, IMO, IPhO, IBO, IChO, IOI/ICO. b. Proposed by school PBOS Requirements a. Participants are first winner of KEJURDA or PORDA Province level; second winner of POPSINAS; IIII winners of KEJURNAS/PON; I-V winners of Regional/Internasional Championship; I-III winners of Arts in National level. b. Proposed by school 32. Graduates Criteria/Academic Achievement Every graduates are given graduation predicate based on a final assessment reflecting academic work performance of the concerned during education process in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM. Graduation predicates are given in three levels that are: highest level with predicate cumlaude, middle level with predicate very satisfying and below middle level with predicate satisfying. Graduation predicates are determined as followed: 1. With compliment (cumlaude), if: a. Cummulative grade point > 3,50. b. Study period that have been undertake are maximum number of programmed semesters added by 2 semesters. 2. Very satisfying if cumulative grade point > 2,75. 3. Satisfying if cumulative grade point 2,50 – 2,75. 31 33. Indicators of Quality and Standard: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Cummulative grade point Period of graduating paper working Study period TOEFL score Waiting period of work Number of scientific publications produced Teaching Staffs Qualification Number of cooperation with other institutions Level of graduation and drop-out Graduates success in pursuing career 34. Tracer study : (Write down the implementation year, recapitulation of results, evaluations, and follow-up) Year 2013 Recapitulation of Results Stakeholders Expectation for veterinarian graduates of FKH UGM: Capable to communicate well and cooperate with team Master management aspects and capbale to do it right Capable to do clinical, laboratoric, pathologic, and epidemiologic of animal diseases diagnosis Capable to do antemortem and postmortem examination Capable to solve veterinary problem by utilizing knowledge of medical veterinary Capable to do medication Capable to do responsible diagnosis confirmation Become an ethical veterinarian Stakeholders Suggestions: Increasing scientific field: clinical, pathology, pharmacy, and Veterinary Pharmacology, Medical reproduction, Medical conservation, Medical Comparation, Veterinary Forensic, Virology, Bacteriology, Parasitology Stabilization of laboratory tools and Evaluation Evaluation of curriculum through input: Stakeholders Alumni Students Lecturers Professors (Guru Besar) Senate Follow-Up Arrangement of New Curriculum 2013 based on competency with SCL+/student aesthetic role sharing (STARS) learning method Competency determination based on inputs of stakeholders, association, harmonization with KNNI standard Learning outcome arrangement Arrangement of new courses and update old courses Learning strategy: proportional between TCL and SCL structurally (through tutorial in forum group discussion), to increase harmonization between lecturers and students 32 procedures for laboratory examination Communicative teaching pattern Unity of the lecturers to generate vet-ready Feedbacks from Alumni: A review is needed in compatibility of curriculum to the needs in the field of work. Improvement in specific competencies, skills and soft skills of graduates is needed. Input to repair the structure of curriculum and courses contents. Feedbacks from Users: Satisfaction to recruited graduates and compatibility between curriculum and user needs. Follow-up mechanisms: Curriculum evaluation based on users and alumni input that is done annually at Dies Natalis event. Delivery of user and alumni input followup about curriculum changes at event alumni gathering, Dean’s report at Dies/Lustrum of FKH UGM. Study of curriculum development through Curriculum Team, RKF and Faculty Senate Meeting. Delivery of curriculum change according to competency is documented in an academic document uploaded through web: Improvement of graduates specific competency done through professional internships, activities of Association of Professional Interests (APARFI, APVI, ADBVI, 33 IAIFI, ADHPLI), students activity unit (UKM), soft skill improvement programs. Examples of efforts done to improve soft skill: Training of New Students Success Learner (PPSMB) Soft skill training with materials of living skills, learning skills, and leadership skills that synergically hold with PPSMB Inserting material of Veterinary Leadership in curriculum (non credit), done in academic year of 2013, will be further develop into optional courses with 2 credits (after passing Senat meeting agreement). Continuing education: including education in anestesi gas, wildlife workshop, antibiotic usage Training of vector parasite eradication activities (cooperating with APARFI), poultry necroption and histochemical 34 coloring (APVI), internship of laboratory animals (ADHPLI) 2014 Students: Students inputs are delivered in the form of aspiration based on questionnaire collected by students senate (2013/2014) Self evaluation of the chairperson, lecturers and academic service staffs (through Semester Coordination Meeting/ TKS and customer satisfaction service) Customer satisfaction service is done by correcting complaints and correcting efforts are announced to students (senate, BEM, announcement board) Stakeholders and Alumni Inputs: Graduates should be professional: live and die from profession Positive character nature: creative, innovative, tenacious, persevering, challenges lover New curriculum development In new curriculum (2013): The existence of MK Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics has been assigned that emphasizes students ability to understand and apply that ethics with development of veterinary science, relationship between ethics, discipline and law, veterinary ethics as blend of medical ethic and business ethic, veterinarian vows and veterinarian ethic code. Material addition of Indonesia Veterinary Leadership has been applied that will equip students to be strong, wise, and cooperative leader. Balance theories and practical knowledge Bringing scientific update from New curriculum development Learning model and strategies through STAR/SCL+has been developed, that able to 35 campus Mastering technical of laboratory diagnostic Mastering laboratory instruments Mastering the latest technology for diagnosis Mastering large and small animals improve graduates competency with strong basic of theories and skills, as well as good attitude values. Various MK have been developed with enough and proportional practices in achieving competencies. Optional courses have been developed as typical of FKH graduates. Traing and Continuing Education are conducted regularly Alumni contributions in activities of study program FKH UGM: Alumni Donations: Alumni donations period year 2009-2012: for DED RSH needs at Rp 250.000.000,Doantions of RSH (animal hospital) equipments: Multi Media room (Elisa Nugroho), VIP Examination room (Ali Usman) DRH (veterinarian) donations during inauguration: among others LCD, printer, etc (inventory data in equipment division) Alumni contributions in study program activities, such as: Giving internship chances for students according to their interests (internship permission letter in Academic Division) Giving expert lectures (drh. Mahmud Asvan, drh. Suwardi, drh. Heru Subandrio (scheduled in lectures) Briefing the new veterinarians (drh. Prabowo Respatyo Caturroso, MA., Ph.D., Prof. drh. Wasito, M.Sc., Ph.D., drh. Sunarto, M.Si.) Giving inputs for curriculum arrangement/evaluation: 1. drh. Andi Wijanarko of PT. Pimai Mas Citra Jakarta, had given materials in workshop of curriculum 2013 by theme "Stakeholder Stduy toward Veterinarians Graduates of FKH UGM" which gives overview of competencies that should be achieved by graduates of 36 FKH UGM. 2. drh. Nasirudin of BBvet Wates, who had given materials in workshop of curriculum PPDH 2014 revitalization. 3. drh. Aniq Syihabuddin (Clinical practitioner of “Satwa Kita”) who had given materials in workshop of curriculum PPDH 2014 revitalization. Yogyakarta, August 2014 Head of Study program, (Prof. Dr. drh. Siti Isrina Oktavia Salasia) 37 Appendix 1. COURSES LIST OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YEAR 2013 A. COMPULSORY SUBJECT COURSES (138 credits) + 10 credits of ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSES + 3 credits of FIELD WORK/KKN SMT No. Code Subject Courses Credits Preconditions 1 1. UNU100-105 Religion 2/0 2. UNU 110 Ideology 2/0 3. UNU 240 Citizenship 2/0 4. KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and 2/1 Splanchnology 5. KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemsitry I 2/0 6. KHU 1131 Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics 2/0 7. KHU 1051 General Animal Husbandry and 2/1 Entrepreneurship 8. KHU 1132 Biostatistics 1/0 Number of Credits 17 2 1. KHU 1012 Angiology and Neurology 2/1 KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology 2. KHU 1013 Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology 2/1 - 3 3. KHU 1041 Veterinary Physiology I 3/1 4. 5. 6. KHU 1091 KHU 1022 KHU 1133 3/1 2/1 1/0 1. KHU 2014 Veterinary Basic Parasitology Veterinary Biochemistry II Research Methodology and Scientific Writing Number of Credits Applied Veterinary Anatomy KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemistry I KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemistry I KHU 1132 Biostatistics 18 1/1 KHU 1012 Angiology and Neurology 38 4 5 2. 3. 4. KHU 2015 KHU 2042 KHU 2124 Animal Organ System Histology Veterinary Physiology II Animal Breeding 2/1 2/1 2/0 5. 6. KHU 2081 KHU 2092 1. KHU 2031 Veterinary Bacteriology and Myology Veterinary Parasitic Disease Number of Credits Basic Pharmacology 2/1 3/1 17 2/0 2. KHU 2121 3. KHU 2071 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive 2/1 Technology Epidemiology and Veterinary Economy 2/1 4. 5. KHU 2082 KHU 2101 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases Veterinary General Pathology 2/1 2/1 6. KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition 3/1 KHU 3083 KHU 3032 KHU 3111 Number of Credits Veterinary Virology and Viral DIseases Pharmacoterapy I Veterinary Clinical Pathology 18 3/1 2/1 3/1 1. 2. 3. KHU 1013 Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology KHU 1041 Veterinary Physiology I KHU 1051 General Animal Husbandry and Entrepreneurship KHU 1130 Veterinary Biochemistry II KHU 1091 Veterinary Basic Parasitology KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II, Veterinary Biochemistry II KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II KHU 2132 Biostatistics KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Myology KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology KHU 1012 Angiology and Neurology KHU 1013 Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology KHU 2014 Applied Veterinary Anatomy KHU 2015 Animal Organ System Histology KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II KHU 1132 Biostatistics KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 2031 Basic Pharmacology KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II 39 6 7 4. 5. 6. KHU 3103 KHU 3102 KHU 3033 KHU 3072 Veterinary Necropsy Veterinary Systemic Pathology ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE Number of Credits Pharmacoterapy II and Toxicology Veterinary Public Health 1/1 3/1 2/0 19 2/0 1/0 1. 2. 3. KHU 3073 Zoonoses 2/0 4. 5. 6. KHU 3084 KHU 3104 KHU 3053 Veterinary Immunology Fish and Shrimp Diseases Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis 2/0 2/1 2/1 7. KHU 3112 Laboratory Animal Science 1/1 8. 9.. KHU 3054 1. KHU 4122 Extension ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE Number of Credits Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology 1/0 2/0 18 2/1 2. 3. 4. KHU 4074 KHU 4061 KHU 4055 Food Hygiene Veterinary Basic Surgery Large Animal Internal Medicine 2/1 2/1 3/1 KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology According to preconditions KHU 2031 Basic Pharmacology KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 3103 Veterinary Necropsy KHU 3102 Veterinary Systemic Pathology KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology KHU 1041 Veterinary Physiology I KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition According to preconditions KHU 2121 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 3072 Veterinary Public Health KHU 3033 Pharmacoterapy II and Toxicology KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 3103 Veterinary Necropsy 40 8 5. KHU 4034 Veterinary Reception and Pharmacy 1/1 6. 7. KHU 4075 1. KHU 4123 Veterinary Legislation TWO (2) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSES Number of Credits Infertility and Sterility 1/0 4/0 20 3/1 2. 3. KHU 4062 KHU 4056 Veterinary Special Surgery and Radiology Small Animal Internal Medicine 3/1 3/1 4. KHU 4101 Poultry Diseases 2/1 5. 6. KHU 4134 Graduating Paper ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE Number of Credits Total amount of credits Field Work (KKN) Overall total number of credits 4 2/0 21 148 3 151 KHU 3033 Pharmacoterapy II and Toxicology KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 3033 Pharmacoterapy II and Toxicology According to preconditions KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases KHU 4122 Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology KHU 4061 Veterinary Basic Surgery KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical Pathology KHU 3033 Pharmacoterapy II and Toxicology KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases KHU 3103 Veterinary Necropsy Min 110 credits, GP > 2,00 According to preconditions Min 90-100 credits, done in inter semester Catatan: Undergraduate program length of study: 8 semesters (4 years) 41 B. ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSES SMT No. Code Subject Courses 5 1. KHU 3125 Veterinary Reproductive Technology Credits 2/0 6 1. KHU 3135 Poultry Management 2/0 2. KHU 3113 2/0 3. KHU 3085 Clinical Pathology Cases and Interpretation Applied Microbiology 1. KHU 4057 Small Animal Health Management 2/0 2. 3. KHU 4043 KHU 4023 Animal Behaviour Veterinary Biotechnology 2/0 2/0 5. 1. KHU 4063 KHU 4126 Lameness Applied Bovine Reproduction 2/0 2/0 2. KHU 4024 Eco Health 2/0 4. KHU 4136 Exotic and Wildlife Health Management 2/0 5. KHU 4035 Herbal Medicine 2/0 7 8 2/0 Preconditions KHU 2121 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology KHU 1051 General Animal Husbandry & Entrepreneurship KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical Pathology KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemistry I KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 2121 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology KHU 4122 Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology KHU 4055 Large Animal Internal Medicine KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II KHU 2071 Epidemiology and Veterinary Economy KHU 3072 Veterinary Public Health KHU 3073 Zoonoses KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases 42 Appendix 2. CURRICULUM STRUCTURE OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YEAR 2013 BASED ON NATIONAL COMPETENCIES, COMPETENCY ELEMENTS AND LEARNING OUTCOME SM T B. COMPULSORY SUBJECT COURSES (138 credits) + 10 credits of ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSES Competency Cre No Code Subject Courses Preconditions Main/ Ele dits 1 1. Supporting ments Religion 2/0 - 1 PDS 2. UNU 100-105 UNU 110 Ideology 2/0 - 1 PDS 3. UNU 240 Citizenship 2/0 - 1 PDS 4. KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology 2/1 - 3 KSS Learning outcome Student should be able to apply veterinary science and animal husbandry science based on religious morals. Student should be able to understand the Pancasila as the basic value and the value of the state, the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia to study the historical, juridical and philosophical as well as understanding and actualization of Pancasila as a paradigm in the life of society, nation and state. Students should be able to be scientists and professionals who are able to develop a sense of nationalism and patriotism; democratic civilized; good citizens, competitiveness, discipline and actively participate in building a peaceful life based on the value system of Pancasila. Students should generally be able to explain and identify the bones, joint, muscles and visceral organs compiler organ systems; able to understand anatomica nomina related to the field of osteology, arthrology, myology, splanchnology; able to understand the directions and the position of the body, the structure and location of the bones making up the axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton, and visceral skeleton; able to 43 explain the bone classification based on the shape or morphology (long bones, short bones, flat bones, irregular bones, joint classification based on the jointforming structure, the relationship between the structure of the joint constituent, the movement and location of the joint; able to understand the terms used in the study of muscle, according to the classification of muscle attachments to place, form, and function, muscle structure and additional structures (accessory) on the locomotor system (fascia, tendon, ligament); able to understand the name of the main organs, channels and additional organ by organ system making up nouns anatomica and function in general, variations in the shape and location of the organ-making up visceral organs organ systems in domestic animals (cows, horses, goats, pigs, dogs, cats).; able to relate and integrate constituent structures of body frame, that are bones, joints, and muscles; able to compare varieties of form, position and number of the body frame constituent structure among domestic animals; able to integrate constituent organs of organ systems inside the body, able to compare varieties of shape and location of organs compiling organ systems; skilled in observing organ structures in detail by direction orientation based on nomina anatomica, specific structures that differentiate among species; able to identify organs and species identification based on organ morphology normally, integrate structures that learned specifically, 44 5. KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemistry I 2/0 - 3, 11 KSS 6. KHU 1131 Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics 2/0 - 1, 2, 5g, 6 PDS BWS partially. Students should be able to understand the meaning and role of biochemistry in the world of veterinary medicine, including: general structure and function of mono, oligo and polysaccharides, the glycosidic bond, difference of ketosa and aldose, reducing and nonreducing sugar, the general structure and properties of fatty acids, classification of fatty acids, lipid classes and functions; common structure of nucleosides, nucleotides, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), and its function; common structure, types and properties of amino acids, peptide bond, difference-nonessential amino acids, amino acid building blocks of protein, function and nature; common structure, sorts, nature and function of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Student should be able to make an assessment / measurement of animal welfare and able to become a supervisor animal welfare based on the application of The Five Freedoms in various activities related to animals, and able to adapt the global demands on animal welfare which are aligned with religion, culture and local traditions. Student should be able to understand and implement the ethics based on veterinary science development, correlation between ethics, discipline, and veterinary ethics as combination of medic and business ethics, vow/pledge of veterinarian and veterinarian ethics applied in subjects about applied regulations, policy, animal protection, utilization and development of 45 2 7. KHU 1051 General Animal Husbandry and Entrepreneurship 2/1 - 9, 17 EWS LTCS 8. KHU 1132 Biostatistics 1/0 - 9, 12 KSS 1. KHU 1012 Number of Credits Angiology and Neurology 17 2/1 KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology 3 KSS animal husbandry, animal health, veterinary public health and quarantine. Students should be able to explain the biological characteristics of the various types of livestock, livestock production (breeding, raising, feeding, housing, reproduction and production, health, and marketing) and management of livestock-related environmental. Students should be able to understand and develop knowledge and skills about entrepreneurship. Students should be able to handle and solve problems in the research, using methods and appropriate statistical analysis. Students should be able to understand and explain the central nervous terms, peripheral nerves, somatic nerves, autonomic nerves (sympathetic and parasympathetic), sensoric, motoric; able to understand the morphology of the nervous system which includes the morphology of the spinal cord and the encephalon and its parts which include cranial nerves and spinal nerves, type, and nature of the innervated tissue; able to understand the morphology and the cor parts as well as blood vessels (out or toward the cor), the blood vessels in the area of cranium, cervix, thorax, abdomen, and extremities as well as network-supplied; able to understand lymph system: node / lymph nodules, lymph center, and 46 2. KHU 1013 Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology 2/1 - 5d KSS lymph glands; able to understand the sensory organs, including the skin, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and able to explain the differences in the various domestic animals. Students should be able to understand the microscopic structure of cells and their supporting cells in the composition of the general cell function; able to understand the microscopic structure of the network (the basic structure and characteristics of the connective tissue, epithelial, muscle, nerves inside the body); able to explain the function of each component network to support the general function networks; able to understand the stages of embryonic development since the fertilization of domestic animals, and then proceed to stages of morula, blastula, tubulation organogenesis stages that take place in the period of the foetus; able to understand some agents / materials that are teratogenic, causing disruption embryonic and fetal development; able to connect the variations in the cell form to the shape of the nucleus; able to analyze the interaction of each constituent of the body's cells and tissues in general functions; able to compare the microscopic picture of 4 kinds of tissue compiler the organ; able to compare the type of ovum and forms in domestic animals and chickens; skilled in observing cells shape, nucleus shapes and nucleus locations, tissues shape microscopically; skilled in observing zygote development that its fetus cleaves and develops 47 3. KHU 1041 Veterinary Physiology I 3/1 4. KHU 1091 Veterinary Basic Parasitology 3/1 5. KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II 2/1 KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemistry I - 3 KSS 5a KSS KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemistry I 3, 11 KSS microscopically. Students should be able to explain the basic functions, the integration of the nervous and muscle system, circulatory, respiration, thermoregulation, endocrinology and digestion system, and able to understand the concept of physiology related to other sciences. Students should be able to understand the importance of parasitology in veterinary medicine; understand the concept of parasitology and its association with other sciences, especially animal pathology; understanding of parasite life includes: symbiosis and parasitism, the types of parasite, host and host species, stage, and proliferation of the parasite life cycle; understand the diversity of pathogenic organisms and life patterns; understand the problems that cause disease in animals and can use it in a deferensial diagnosis of a disease; Students should be able to explain, understand, explain, compare and analyze various biochemical processes, such as enzyme kinetics and mode of action, the role of vitamins, minerals and hormones, bioenergetics, metabolism of various biomolecule of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, RNA and DNA in animals. Students are expected to be skilled in conducting tests of various blood cholesterols (birds and mammals), the identification of carbohydrates, proteins and DNA isolation from various animals and 48 6. 3 KHU 1133 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing 1/0 18 1/1 2/1 1. KHU 2014 Number of Credits Applied Veterinary Anatomy 2. KHU 2015 Animal Organ System Histology KHU 1132 Biostatistics 9, 12, 13, 14, 15 KSS EWS KHU 1012 Angiology and Neurology 5e KSS KHU 1013 Microanatomy and Embryology 5e KSS can perform DNA and protein electrophoresis. Students should be able to prepare a proper research proposal, materials for seminar, oral and poster presentation, and scientific writing. Students should be able to understand and explain the external anatomy (inspection area for auscultation, percussion, organ position predictions based on body landmarks), and exotic wildlife anatomy, posture and conformation of the horse and hooves anatomy, basics of animal anatomy and forensic archeology, maps meat; able to predict abnormality / animal interference by the external anatomy of the animal's body, the location visceral organs by external body landmarks, the introduction of animal species based on body conformation; able to predict the classes of animals and organ function based on anatomical structures and organs development level; able to distinguish between motoric and sensoric neurological disorders. Students should be able to know and understand the terminology of histology in Latin and English; able to understand and explain the organization of organs histologically, histological structure of every organ system in the body of domestic animals (nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatic and immune, digestive, male and female genitals, respiration, and 49 5e 3. KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II 2/1 KHU 1041 Veterinary Physiology I 4. KHU 2124 Animal Breeding 2/0 KSS 5. KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology 2/1 KHU 1051 5d, 5e, 5g, General 17 Animal Husbandry and Entrepreneurs hip KHU 1130 5a Veterinary Biochemistry II KSS Students should be able to understand the basics of the cause agents of the diseases caused by bacteria and fungi and able to control and environmental protection. 6. KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease 3/1 KHU 1091 Veterinary Basic KSS Students should be able to understand the meaning of parasitic diseases in the role in the field of veterinary medicine, understand emigration, modes of 2, 4, 5a, 5g KSS sensory organ); able to understand, explain and analyse the relationship between the histological structure of all the organs in the body of the animal and their function; able to understand, explain and analyse the differences and / or similarities between the structure and function of organs inter species and classes of domestic animals; skilled in observing organ histology structure, identify structure differences among organs or organs system and organ structure differences among species. Students should be able to explain the basic functions of integration of urination system, sensory organs, male and female reproduction, metabolic, and homeostasis system. Students should be able to apply genetical science in animals; able to understand geentical terms. Students should be able to explain the principles of animal breeding in livestock (farm animals) as well as pet or companion animals. 50 Parasitology 4 1 KHU 2031 2 KHU 2121 3 KHU 2071 Number of Credits Basic Pharmacology 17 2/0 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology Epidemiology and Veterinary Economy transmission, pathogenesis, pathological changes, clinical symptoms, methods of diagnosis and control; understand the diversity of parasites that are pathogenic and the patterns of his life; mastering the problems of disease causes in animals, that can be used in a differential diagnosis of a disease. KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II 5f, 8 KSS 2/1 KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II 5d, 7 KSS 2/1 KHU 2132 Biostatistics KHU 2092 Veterinary 2, 4, 7, 9 KSS LTCS Students should be able to understand the scientific concepts of pharmacology (pharmacodinamy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacognosy, pharmacogenetic, pharmaco-epidemiology / pharmacoeconomics); able to understand the concepts of receptor, agonistantagonists, and the fate of drug interactions in the body; able to understand the mechanism of action of drugs in the body (especially drugs that act on nerve); able to explain the interaction (synergy and antagonism) of some drugs; able to explain some of the effect / condition of the body to the drug of ADME; able to estimate the effects of drugs on the body based on its mechanism of action. Students should be able to explain about animal reproduction and reproductive technology techniques increase the reproductive efficiency of livestock. Students should be able to understand, appreciate the concept and application of veterinary epidemiology and economics includes data on population, sample and sampling, diagnostic testing, observational study 51 Parasitic Disease 4 KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases 2/1 5 KHU 2101 Veterinary General 2/1 Pathology KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology 2, 4, 7 KSS KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology KHU 1012 Angiology and Neurology KHU 1013 Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology KHU 2014 Applied Veterinary 4 KSS of the prevalence and incidence of field trial investigation of epidemic diseases, endemic disease investigation, monitoring and surveillance of disease control and economic analysis of disease risk and the method of calculating the losses by disease. Students should be able to recognize some diseases that are caused by bacteria and fungi, able to explain some of the diseases that are considered important are caused by bacteria and fungi, able to identify the disease agent, able to analyze the disease, and able to solve the disease problems. Students should be able to understand and explain the processes that occur in the body after exposure by damaging agents (physical agents, chemical agents, infectious agents and parasites, and other agents). 52 5 6 KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition 3/1 1. KHU 3083 Number of Credits Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases 18 3/1 Anatomy KHU 2015 Animal Organ System Histology KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II KHU 1132 Biostatistics KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic 5b KSS Student should be able: to acquire knowledge regarding all of the qualitative nutrient requirements of any species discussed; to identify major feedstuffs and describe their nutritional strength and weaknesses for any species discussed; to understand the relationships between gastrointestinal anatomy and the nutritional requirements and natural dietary habits of any species discussed; to create a balanced animal diets using nutritional charts; to gain better understanding the principle(s) of formulating a ration for any species discussed; to do simple ration formulation manually and with the aid of computer; to acquire knowledge regarding the nutritional requirement(s) in various diseases situation; to understand and able to explain the feed processing methods. 2, 4, 7 KSS Students should be able to understand the concept of animal viruses and diseases caused by viruses. Students should be able to explain what the virus, the difference with other organisms, how the viral 53 Diseases 2. KHU 3032 Pharmacoterapy I 2/1 KHU 2031 Basic Pharmacology 5f, 8 KSS 3. KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical Pathology 3/1 2, 4 KSS 4. KHU 3103 Veterinary Necropsy 1/1 KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology 5c KSS 5. KHU 3102 Veterinary Systemic Pathology 3/1 KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology 2, 4 KSS ONE (1) ELECTIVE 2/0 According to 6. replication, how the virus can infect and cause disease in animals and understand the important disease of animals caused by viruses. Students should be able to understand the mechanism of action of various classes of drugs; able to understand the effect of drugs and the application of the appropriate treatment of disease; able to determine of administration of drugs (dosage, application) corresponding to various species. Students should be able to conduct the examination and interpretation of their results including analysis of blood, urine, faeces, body fluids, enzymes, hormones and their relationship to clinical symptoms for the diagnose of diseases. Students should be able to recognize and identify the diseases that occur in many animals, clinical signs, pathogenesis, including the disease prevention, as well as handling the disease cases in the field; they will be able to diagnose the wide range of diseases accurately sp that the medication given can be more optimal. Students should be able to understand and explain the processes that occur in the body after exposure the damaging agents (physical agents, chemical agents, infectious agents and parasites, and other agents). 54 6 1. KHU 3033 SUBJECT COURSE Number of Credits Pharmacoterapy II and Toxicology preconditions 19 2/0 KHU 2031 Basic Pharmacology 5f MKK Students should be able to explain and understand a variety of chemotherapeutic compounds and their use in a variety of species; able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the use of chemotherapeutic compounds (especially the use of antibiotics); able to explain the definition of toxic substances, toxicity and treatment; able to explain the importance of toxicology, fate, mechanisms, shape and nature of toxic substances; able to understand antidota mechanism and its use in troubleshooting poisoning; able to explain the factors that influence the toxicity of a substance, medication errors and adverse events mechanism; able to explain the mechanisms and effects of various toxic materials (cleaning agents, paint and polish , cosmetics) as well as the treatment of poisoning such substances; able to explain the nature, mechanism of action and toxicity effects of the compounds herbicides, rodenticides and insecticides; able to explain the treatment and handling of the toxicity of these materials; able to explain the kind, nature, symptoms and mechanism of action of toxic lead, copper, mercury and arsenic; able to explain treatment and handling of heavy metal poisoning; able to explain a variety of toxic compounds content of animal feed, mechanism of action, symptoms of plant poisoning; able to explain the action and antidota therapy and treatment plant poisoning in animals; able 55 2. KHU 3072 Veterinary Public Health 1/0 KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 3103 Neskropsi Veteriner KHU 3102 Veterinary Systemic Pathology 2, 5e, 5f KSS BWS 3. KHU Zoonoses 2/0 KHU 2092 2, 4 KSS to analyze the situation (poisoning and disease) and have addressed in an appropriate manner; able to understand the development and progress of chemotherapy treatment (resistance, cancer drugs). Students should be able to explain the Veterinary Public Health as a part of public health in Indonesia and other countries in general; able to link the concept of environmental health with zoonoses, animal farming environmental health, and risk analysis; able to connect health with education and behaviour programs Veterinary Public Health, zoonoses, and food hygiene; able to connect with the public health administration systems and Veterinary Public Health program; able to connect with the community nutrition program food hygiene, HAACP, and the Codex Alimentarius; able to link occupational health with food hygiene and health of the work environment, Veterinary Public Health program, and Zoonoses. Students should be able to integrate the activities of Veterinary Public Health program integrally to public health activities; able to develop cooperation between agencies under the Veterinary Public Health and public health programs. Students should be able to identify and apply the methods of public health in the Veterinary Public Health program; able to identify possible cooperation between health institutions under society and Veterinary Public Health. Students should be able to explain about zoonoses, 56 3073 4. KHU 3084 Veterinary Immunology 2/0 5. KHU 3104 Fish and Shrimp Diseases 2/1 6. KHU Veterinary Clinical 2/1 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases including: definitions, classification of zoonoses, the cause of the disease, the incidence of disease in humans and animals, the incidence of zoonoses in Indonesia, sources of infection, modes of transmission, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control; able to explain the actions of zoonotic disease control. 4, 7 KSS KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology 2, 7 KSS KHU 2042 2, 8 KSS Students should be able to understand some important disease in mammals caused by bacteria and fungi; understand the mechanisms of infection, pathogenesis, epizootiology clinical symptoms; able to identify the bacterial and fungal disease agents; understand the control and prevention of disease caused by bacteria and fungi. Student should be skilled in the isolation identification of bacteria and fungi, should able to analyze, control and prevent of diseases. Students should be able to recognize the disease in fish and shrimp, clinical signs, causes, pathogenesis., including the prevention of disease; able to identify the diseases in fish and shrimp as well as handling the field cases; able to diagnose the disease accurately as a basic to optimality the treatment. Students should be able to understand the general 57 3053 Diagnosis 8. KHU 3054 Extension 1/0 -------------------- 2, 3, 7, 8 BWS LTCS 9. KHU 3112 Laboratory Animal Science 1/1 KHU 1041 Veterinary Physiology I KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition 1, 4, 15 KSS PDS ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE 2/0 According to preconditions 10 Veterinary Physiology II KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology procedure for the examination of patients, restrain and handling, physical examination and collection of samples, normal physiological data of healthy animal laboratory investigation and interpretation of the results of examination; able to identify the problems and formulate the procedures for patients in the field of veterinary inspection; able to analyze the physiological data and abnormal physical examination and laboratory results; able to apply the procedure of physical examination, sampling, sample examination and determination of diagnosis in patients (animals). Students should be able to explain the factors that can accelerate the development of animal husbandry in order to deduce the role of education in the development of animal husbandry; able to understand the livestock extension organizations and be able to make a program extension farm / animal health. Students should be able to understand the biological properties of various laboratory animals and the role of laboratory animals for scientific development; able to practice management, breeding, feeding, and preparation of laboratory animal facilities; able to recognize various diseases that frequently affects laboratory animals and their prevention; able to select laboratory animals suitable for researches; able to do handling, sampling, treatment and euthanasia with humane methods of killing. 58 7 Number of Credits Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology 18 2/1 KHU 4074 Food Hygiene 2/1 KHU 4061 Veterinary Basic Surgery 2/1 1 KHU 4122 2 3 KHU 2121 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 3072 Veterinary Public Health 3 KSS Students should be able to explain about obstetrics and obstetric pathology in farm animals as well as the efforts to cope independently. 5b, 5d KSS KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology KHU 3033 Pharmacotera py II and Toxicology KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical 3, 4, 6 KSS Students should be able to explain how a good manufacturing practices (GMP) and how to prevent the disease of food origin and how to prevent the foodborne disease of animal origin and their processed products and be able to apply the way of the examination and interpretation of the results. Students should be able to handle the animals to be operated on, anaesthetize the animals both locally, regionally and general surgery as well as preparing the lege-artists of operation, including sterilizing surgical instruments, operating room, clothes and other operating supplies; able to perform fluid therapy, transfusion, catheterization, tracheal intubation and resuscitation; able to stitch the open wound with a variety of pattern stitches, wound care and handling of tissue infections. 59 Pathology 4 KHU 4055 Large Animal Internal Medicine 3/1 KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 3033 Pharmacotera py II and Toxicology KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 3103 Veterinary Necropsy KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical Pathology 4 KSS Students should be able to understand and identify the different types of the disease in large animals and handling the diseases. 5 KHU 4034 Veterinary Reception and Pharmacy 1/1 KHU 3033 Pharmacotera py II and Toxicology 8 KSS Students should be able to understand the philosophy of treatment, drug selection and dosage form, and application techniques; understand how to create a wide range of dosage prescription drugs used in veterinary clinics; able to understand the basic concepts of drug production in accordance with CPOHB, how to register and other legal aspects, 60 6 KHU 4075 Veterinary Legislation 1/0 2/0 KHU 4123 ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE Number of Credits Infertility and Sterility 7 8 1 19 3/1 1, 2, 5g PDS BWS KSS 4 KSS distribution strategies, etc. including introducing on management of veterinary pharmacy. Students should be able to explain the laws, policies, norms concerning the protection, use and development of animal husbandry, animal health, veterinary public health and quarantine traffic. According to preconditions KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases KHU 4122 Veterinary Students should be able to explain about infertility and sterility as well as techniques to improve reproductive efficiency in cattle. 61 2 KHU 4062 Veterinary Special Surgery and Radiology 3/1 3 KHU 4056 Small Animal Internal Medicine 3/1 4 KHU 4101 Poultry Diseases 2/1 Obstetric and Gynaecology KHU 4061 Veterinary Basic Surgery KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical Pathology KHU 3033 Pharmacotera py II and Toxicology KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 2082 3, 4, 6, 8 KSS 4 KSS 2 KSS Students should be able to do a photo shoot with photo roentgen and perform a variety of simple operative handling of the digestive organs, organ of uropoetica, reconstruction of a variety of disorders of eyes and ears, and able to operate mammary tumor cases, also treatmen post surgery. Students should be able to do the procedure of the disease of organ in small animals (dogs and cats), especially to understand the definition and scope of the organ disease, determine: a variety of etiologic agents causing the organ disease, signs or clinical symptoms of sick dogs and cats, a variety of drugs that can used for the treatment of the organ disease in dogs and cats, types of vaccines for dogs and cats; able to perform analysis and synthesis of cases of the disease in dogs and cats and able to make the vaccination program. Students should be able to handle and solve the problem of the disease in poultry, as well as regulations for implementing vaccination for prevention and control of poultry disease. 62 5 6 KHU 4134 Graduating Paper 4 TWO (2) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSES Number of Credits Field work/KKN Total amount of Credits 4/0 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases Min 110 credits, IP > 2,00 1, 9 PDS KSS EWS BWS LTCS Students should be able to draw up a scientific paper written a critical power, analysis, and synthesis of students to a phenomenon or problem with respect to the development of science, technology and art, from the perspective of the scope of the veterinary science field by using the data from the form of activities: study literature, research, internships and or practice/ independent production innovation/ entrepreneurship or other activities specified forms worth. According to preconditions 22 3 151 63 C. ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSES SMT No. Code Subject Courses Cre dits 5 1 KHU 3125 Veterinary Reproductive Technology 2/0 6 1 KHU 3135 Poultry Management 2/0 2 KHU 3113 Clinical Pathology Cases and Interpretation 2/0 3 KHU 3085 Applied Microbiology 2/0 Preconditions Competency Main/ Ele Supporting ments 4 KSS KHU 2121 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology KHU 1051 7 General Animal Husbandry and Entrepreneurship KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 3111 2, 4, 8 Veterinary Clinical Pathology KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology, KHU 3083 7 KSS EWS KSS BWS KSS Learning outcome Students should be able to explain about animal reproduction and reproductive technology techniques for increasing reproductive efficiency of livestock. Students should be able to understand and recognize the various aspects of poultry management, including seed, feed, reproductive systems, health programs, and systems for product marketing. Also expected to have the ability to make a draft of the chicken farm management, especially from the preparation of health program to the operation of a poultry farm. Students should be able to understand data values of clinical pathology examinations of the published cases; be able to used clinical pathology data to interpret the result of research and to diagnose various disease. Students should be able to understand, explain, design, and conduct the diagnostic measures in the laboratory against important viral, bacterial and fungal diseases in mammals and birds; understand the facilities, infrastructure and technical diagnosis of the 64 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases 7 1 KHU 4057 Small Animal Health Management 2/0 2. KHU 4043 Animal Behaviour 2/0 3. KHU 4023 Veterinary Biotechnology 2/0 KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemistry I KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II 7 KSS 18 KSS 11 KSS important viral, bacterial and fungal diseases; able to plan and carry out diagnostic measures the important viral and bacterial diseases; able to analyse the results of the diagnostic and to advise the disease prevention based on the results of diagnostic. Students should be able to perform medical treatment of small animals (dogs and cats), especially to understand the definition and scope of small animals (dogs and cats); understand about dog and cat breeds in the world; understand the terms of the cage and a good feed formulation; understand the various of diseases in dogs and cats; able to use the tools of grooming tand grooming or bathing; able to analyse and synthesis of cases of the disease in dogs and cats and able to make the vaccination program; able to perform analysis and synthesis of the estrus cycle in dogs and cats as well as breeding management. Students should be able to explain the concept of the science of animal behaviour in a variety of activities: eating, throwing dirt / elimination, sexual and nonsexual, maintenance / epimilitic, seek shelter, approaching caregivers (et-epimilitic), opposed, ecological adaptation, and imitative/mimic behaviour. Students should be able to understand the basic principles of biotechnology and its application in the veterinary field (diagnosis, therapy, and vaccines); Understanding the process of genetic engineering, molecular genetic, and transgenic animals; Having the ability to communicate the basic principles of 65 8 4. KHU 4063 Lameness 2/0 KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis 4, 5a, 6, 8 1 KHU 4126 Applied Bovine Reproduction 2/0 2. KHU 4024 Eco Health 2/0 KHU 2121 4 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology KHU 4122 Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology KHU 4055 Large Animal Internal Medicine KHU 1022 2, 7 Veterinary Biochemistry II KHU 2071 Epidemiology and Veterinary Economy KHU 3072 Veterinary Public Health KSS KSS KSS engineering and genetically modified. Students should be able to assess both horses and cattle through the assessment of foot conformation.; able to determine which part of the foot pain using regional anaesthesia and handle a variety of infectious the disease and non-infectious causes of limping in horses and cattle. Students should be able to explain the applied cow reproduction, including reproductive management fundamentals, problems and solutions in the implementation of artificial insemination, estate synchronization, embryo transfer and cattle breeding principles. Students should be able to understand the concept of good health in a holistic approach to the environment, animals, and humans. In addition, students are expected to understand the various zoonotic disease which may be due to a variety of pandemic threat of climate change, the environment interface, and the disease of wildlife. In principle, Eco Health / One Health is not targeted at the disease, but it can be a hot spot diseases as a results of intensively increasing of livestock production, changing demographics, and 66 3. KHU 4136 Exotic and Wildlife Health Management 2/0 4. KHU 4035 Herbal Medicine 2/0 KHU 3073 Zoonoses KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases lifestyle changes related to wildlife biodiversity. 2, 7, 18 KSS Students should be able to do the managing animal and exotic wildlife especially: to understand the definition and scope of exotic animals and wildlife; understand the terms of cage and a good feed formulation; understand the various diseases of exotic animals and wildlife; know the tools restrain and handling of exotic animals and wildlife; able to do the analysis and synthesis of cases of disease in exotic animals and wildlife and able to make the vaccination program. 10 KSS Students should be able to develop the use of herbal medicine in the treatment of animals; able to understand the mechanism of action of the active compounds in nature medicine; able to understand the procedures and rules of use of nature medicine; able to understand the basic laws and rules as well as the use of nature medicine; able to provide advice and treatment with a good reference. Note: Competencies: LTCS= LIFE TOGETHER WITH COMMUNITY SUBJECT, EWS = EXPERTISE OF WORK SUBJECT, KSS = KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL SUBJECT, PDS = PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT, BWS = BEHAVIOUR OF WORK SUBJECT (look competency standard in Appendix 3) 67 Appendix 3. COMPETENCY STANDARD OF FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA GRADUATES Main Competencies : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Having insight of veteriner ethic and comprehension towards the essence of profession vow and ethic code also baseline of veterinary profession; Having insight in the filed of national animal health system and veterinary legislation; Having skills in practicing lege-artis medical treatment; Having skills in handling some diseases in large animals, small animals, poultry, exotic animals, wildlife, aquatic animals and laboratory animals; Having skills in doing: (a) clinical, laboratoric, patologic, and epidemiologic diagnosis of animal diseases; (b) Creating nutrition for medical health and disorder; (c) antemortem and postmortem examination; (d) pregnancy examination, handling of reproduction disorder and application of reproduction technology; (f) supervision and control of animal medicine quality and biological ingredients, including the usage and distribution; (g) assesment and supervision of animal welfare 6. 7. Having skills in professional communication/ dialogue; Having skills in control and prevention management of strategic and zoonotic diseases, biosecurity-biosafety, also environment control; 8. Having skills in ”therapeutic transaction”, doing anamnese, medical record, informed consent of medical treatment, prescription writing, doctor’s certificate, and client education; and 9. Having basic knowledge of risk analysis, veterinary economic analysis and entrepreunership. Supporting Competencies : 10. Able to decide therapy appropriately, mastering traditional medicines, mastering animal medicine quality, mastering therapy side effects; 11. Able to do innovation in the field of medical veteriner aligned with improvmenet of biotechnology and genetic engineering; 12. Able to process research data, do the data analysis, take summary and decision correctly; 13. Able to make research proposal, able to compile seminar materials, delivering in form of presentation and poster, writing according to rules of scientific journals; 14. Well-communicate, able to cooperate in team; 15. Able to do research, handling biological safety of animal diseases, and environment control; 16. Mastering leadership management aspect and doing it well; 17. Having insight in actualizing food self-sufficiency; 18. Having skills in handling some diseases of wildlife, exotic animals and management at the zoo. 68 5 Elements of Competency (Kepmendiknas 45/2002): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Foundation of Personality: Personality Development Subject (MPK) Mastery of science and skill: Knowledge and Skill Subject (MKK) Work Ability: Expertise of Work Subject (MKB) Attitude and behavior in working according to skills level based on science and skills: Behaviour of Work Subject (MPB Understanding of society living rules according to skill choices in working: Life Together with Community Subject (MBB) Appendix 4. GRADUATES COMPETENCY, STUDY PROGRAM OF VETERINARY MEDICINE A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Knowledge and Understanding Veterinary Biochemistry I Biostatistics Animal Breeding Basic Pharmacology Pharmacoterapy II and Toxicology Zoonoses Veterinary Immunology Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology Angiology and Neurology Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology Veterinary Physiology I Veterinary Basic Parasitology Veterinary Biochemistry II Animal Organ System Histology Veterinary Physiology II 69 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Applied Veterinary Anatomy Veterinary Reproductive Technology Poultry Management Clinical Pathology Cases and Interpretation Applied Microbiology Small Animal Health Management Animal Behaviour Veterinary Biotechnology Lameness Applied Bovine Reproduction Eco Health Exotic and Wildlife Health Management Herbal Medicine B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Intellectual Skills Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology Veterinary Parasitic Disease Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases Veterinary General Pathology Veterinary Clinical Nutrition Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases Pharmacoterapy I Veterinary Clinical Pathology Veterinary Necropsy Veterinary Systemic Pathology Fish and Shrimp Diseases Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis 70 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology Food Hygiene Veterinary Basic Surgery Large Animal Internal Medicine Veterinary Reception and Pharmacy Infertility and Sterility Veterinary Special Surgery and Radiology Small Animal Internal Medicine Poultry Diseases C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Practical Skill General Animal Husbandry and Entrepreneurship Research Methodology and Scientific Writing Veterinary Public Health Extension Epidemiology and Veterinary Economy Laboratory Animal Science D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Managerial Skill and Attitude Religion Ideology Citizenship Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics Veterinary Legislation Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics Veterinary Legislation Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Indonesia Veterinary Leadership (IVL) 71 Appendix 5. CURRICULUM MAP OF VETERINARY MEDICINE EDUCATION PROGRAM FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Subject Courses Religion Ideology Citizenship Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology Veterinary Biochemistry I Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics General Animal Husbandry and Entrepreneurship Biostatistics Angiology and Neurology Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology Veterinary Physiology I Veterinary Basic Parasitology Veterinary Biochemistry II Research Methodology and Scientific Writing Applied Veterinary Anatomy Animal Organ System Histology Veterinary Physiology II Animal Breeding Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology Code UNU 100-105 UNU 110 UNU 240 KHU 1011 KHU 1021 KHU 1131 1 1 1 1 2 Main Competencies 3 4 5 6 7 KHU 1041 KHU 1091 KHU 1022 KHU 1133 KHU 2014 KHU 2015 KHU 2042 KHU 2124 KHU 2081 9 10 11 17 3 3 1 2 11 5g KHU 1051 KHU 1132 KHU 1012 KHU 1013 8 Supporting Competencies 12 13 14 15 16 6 9 17 9 12 3 5d 3 5a 3 11 9 5e 5e 5e 5deg 5a 12 13 14 15 17 72 18 20. Veterinary Parasitic Disease 21. Basic Pharmacology 22. Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology 23. Epidemiology and Veterinary Economy 24. Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases 25. Veterinary General Pathology 26. Veterinary Clinical Nutrition 27. Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases 28. Pharmacoterapy I 29. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 30. Veterinary Necropsy 31. Veterinary Systemic Pathology 32. Pharmacoterapy II and Toxicology 33. Veterinary Public Health 34. Zoonoses 35. Veterinary Immunology 36. Fish and Shrimp Diseases 37. Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis 38. Extension 39. Laboratory Animal Science 40. Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology 41. Food Hygiene 42. Veterinary Basic Surgery 43. Large Animal Internal Medicine 44. Veterinary Reception and KHU 2092 KHU 2031 KHU 2121 2 KHU 2071 2 4 7 KHU 2082 2 4 7 KHU 2101 KHU 2052 KHU 3083 KHU 3032 KHU 3111 KHU 3103 KHU 3102 KHU 3033 KHU 3072 KHU 3073 KHU 3084 KHU 3104 KHU 3053 KHU 3054 KHU 3112 KHU 4122 KHU 4074 KHU 4061 KHU 4055 KHU 4034 4 5ag 5f 5d 8 7 9 4 5b 2 4 2 4 7 5f 8 5c 2 4 5f 5ef 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 7 7 3 1 7 8 8 4 15 3 5bd 3 4 4 6 8 73 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Pharmacy Veterinary Legislation Infertility and Sterility Veterinary Special Surgery and Radiology Small Animal Internal Medicine Poultry Diseases Graduating Paper Veterinary Reproductive Technology Poultry Management Clinical Pathology Cases and Interpretation Applied Microbiology Small Animal Health Management Animal Behaviour Veterinary Biotechnology Lameness Applied Bovine Reproduction Eco Health Exotic and Wildlife Health Management Herbal Medicine KKN Veterinary Leadership KHU 4075 KHU 4123 KHU 4062 KHU 4056 KHU 4101 KHU 4134 KHU 3125 1 2 5g 3 4 4 6 8 4 2 1 9 4 KHU 3135 KHU 3113 7 2 KHU 3085 KHU 4057 KHU 4043 KHU 4023 KHU 4063 KHU 4126 KHU 4024 KHU 4136 4 8 7 7 11 4 4 5a 6 2 2 8 7 7 KHU 4035 10 1 1 6 6 14 14 16 16 74 Appendix 6. LEARNING METHOD SCHEME OF CURRICULUM 2013 No I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Subject Courses/Week *: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lectures/Practicum/FGD Religion Ideology 8 UTS 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lectures/Practicum/FGD UAS FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 1 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 3 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 3 Angiology & Neurology Cyto-, Basic Histo- & Embryology Veterinary Physiology I Veterinary Basic Parasitology Veterinary Biochemistry II Research Methodology & Scientific Writing FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 1 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 3 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 4 Applied Veterinary Anatomy Animal Organ System Histology Veterinary Physiology II Animal Breeding Vet Bacteriology & Mycology Vet Parasitic Disease FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 1 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 3 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 4 Citizenship Ost-, Arthr-, Myo&Splanchnology Veterinary Biochemistry I Animal Welfare & Veterinary Ethics General Animal Husbandry & Entrepreneurship Biostatistics 75 IV 1 2 3 4 5 6 V 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. VI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. VII 1 2 Basic Pharmacology Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology Epidemiology & Vet Economy Vet Bacterial & Mycotic Diseases Veterinary General Pathology Veterinary Clinical Nutrition FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 1 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 3 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 4 Veterinary Virology & Viral Diseases Pharmacoterapy I Veterinary Clinical Pathology Veterinary Necropsy Veterinary Systemic Pathology ONE(1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 1 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 3 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 4 Pharmacoterapy II & Toxicology Vet Public Health Zoonoses Veterinary Immunology Fish & Shrimp Diseases Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis Laboratory Animal Science Extension ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 1 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 3 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 4 Vet Obstetric & Gynaecology Food Hygiene FGD: 15-18 students FGD: 15-18 students FGD: 15-18 students FGD: 15-18 students 76 3 4 5 6 7 VIII 1 2 3 4 5 Veterinary Basic Surgery Large Animal Internal Medicine Vet Reception & Pharmacy Animal Welfare ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBHECT COURSE Scenario/Case 1 Scenario/Case2 Scenario/Case 3 Scenario/Case 4 Infertility & Sterility Vet Special Surgery & Radiology Small Animal Internal Medicine Poultry Diseases Graduating Paper TWO (2) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSES FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 2 FGD: 15-18 students Scenario/Case 2 STAR : Student Teacher Aesthetic Role-sharing; UTS = Mid-Semester Exam; UAS = Final Semester Exam; *Based on number of week/semester 77 Appendix 7. RUBRIC ASSESSMENT Component Attitude (affective, behavior, Ethicss, discipline) Skill (psycomotor, competent, expert, presentation appearance, innovative, active, cooperative, leadership ability) Assessment Point Maximum score of 100 is given to students that: come on time neat and polite dressed politely speak respect or debate the friends opinion politely Scores below are given according to situation during discussion Maximum score of 100 is given to students that: skillful in raising topic that can make discussion dynamically and lively walk skillful in verbally speak skillful in making presentation skillful in leading the group well ability of cooperation give a good attention to discussion Scores below are given to students whose activities less than all of those mentioned above. Minimum score of 60 is given to very passive students although they have provoked by either facilitator ot group friends. Knowledge (cognitive, understanding) Maximum score of 100 is given to the students that: Actively answer/explaine problems/discussion topic with scientific correct explanation according to learning topic. Explanations given have clear and valid basic literature. 78 Scores below are given based on scientific load deliverd. Minimum score of 60 is given to students that are not contributing in answering problems at all. Individual Task (only on second FGD) Maximum score of 100 if: Submitted writing answers all the tasks clearly. Writing coherently and neatly Listing adequate references with trustable sources minimum 3 literatures Minimum score of 60 is given to the student if: The writing is not answering correctly. Sources is not valid copy paste from other friends. 79