February 2014 - Marion Palace Theatre


February 2014 - Marion Palace Theatre
276 W. Center St., Marion, OH 43302
Phone: 740/383-2101
Web: www.marionpalace.org
Email: info@marionpalace.org
•Party in the Pavilion
• School Matinee
a SPIDER and a FLY
The a capella singing group NINE is comprised of Marion’s First Church of the Nazarene’s Titus Ritchey (baritone), Matt Craycraft
(2nd tenor), Scott Forry (1st tenor), Joe Blue (bass), Luke Henry (bass), Scott Ruth (2nd tenor), Steve DeWeber (baritone/bass),
Wes Peters (baritone/bass), and Matt Holsinger (1st tenor). Behind the scenes is the tenth member of the group Bill Mankey (sound
man). Together, they will deliver their first full scale show on January 24 in the Palace Theatre May Pavilion.
The idea to form an a capella group began when NINE member Scott Ruth was presented with a Christmas CD featuring the music of
renowned a capella ensemble Straight No Chaser. Inspired by the unique musical style, (the group uses only their voices to create a blended
and captivating sound with no instrumental accompaniment) Scott approached the men in his choir and asked them to give a cappella a
try. Scott shares,
“We started off by doing a few things in church over the first year. Christmas at the Palace 2011 is what gave us our name. We had to pick
a name to be listed in the program, we chose NINE.”
NINE represents the number of members in the group, but the guys joke the name also means No Instruments Needed Ever. Scott continues,
“The show gave us our first big public exposure….which then prompted more shows outside our church.”
In addition to singing for their congregation, they were honored to perform the National Anthem at the Cincinnati Reds game in August 2012
and have received rave reviews for their holiday acts during Christmas at the Palace in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Busy with full-time jobs and juggling 9 different schedules often proves to be a challenge for the men, but NINE stays true to their roots
and their mission to honor God through music. The group shares,
“We believe God gave us our different talents and brought us together, so we try to use our gifts to glorify him.”
The show in the May Pavilion will feature a number of spiritual songs including gospel and pure and simple Gaither-style music. General
admission seating will be theatre-style for this event. Order your tickets today 740/383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org
• Bingo! The Winning
• JOSEPH and the
• Ryan J Ratliff presents
• School Matinee
the civil war
FEB 21, 22, 23
fri & sat 7:30pm
sun 2pm
his February, the internationally acclaimed
musical/dance extravaganza JOSEPH AND THE
life in a dazzling display of color and activity on
the Palace stage.
Introduced to the public in 1968, the show was
only 20 minutes long when an unknown 19-yearold named Andrew Lloyd Webber first created it
for a British school choir. He asked his friend Tim
Rice to write the lyrics and soon they expanded
it to 40 minutes and took it to the London stage.
Since then, JOSEPH has continued to grow, both
in length and in popularity.
The musical is a retelling of the biblical story
of Joseph. Joseph, blessed with dream-reading
abilities, receives a rainbow-colored coat as a gift
from his father. Joseph’s brothers are consumed
with jealousy by their father’s preferential
treatment and abduct Joseph, destroy his
coat, and sell him into slavery. Fortunately,
Joseph is able to rise through the ranks of
slavery and becomes the head of house of an
Egyptian millionaire. When the millionaire’s
wife’s advances land Joseph in jail, his ability
to interpret the dreams of his fellow inmates
gains the attention of Egypt’s Pharaoh (ironically
depicted as Elvis). Soon, Joseph is called upon to
save the entire nation!
JOSEPH is filled with youthful energy and
combines a wide variety of musical styleseverything from rock to calypso to country
western and is celebrated around the globe for
its family-friendly storyline, universal themes
and catchy music.
This Palace Production features local talent and
is directed by Delaware resident and Palace
veteran Greg Patterson.
Brought To
You By
Friends don’t let friends Bank
anywhere else, the Bank for
Jan-Feb 2014
•From the Director’s
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FRIday, JAN 24 • 8
the performing
arts at the
Marion Palace
An official newsletter of the Marion Palace Theatre
Box Office Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, 9a-5p
Daniel Bradshaw, who recently appeared in the
Palace Production of Harvey, stars in the title
role with Danielle Knight and Keitha Voorheis
as the Narrators, and Charles Groth as Pharaoh.
The cast also features Brad Bebout (Jacob),
Scott Persinger (Potiphar), and Brad Belcher,
Mike Cochran, Michael France, Brett Gleespen,
Sam Gleespen, Matt Meade, Jacob Schlichting,
Justin Schreck, Sarah Short, and Andy Watters
(Joseph’s Brothers).
The female ensemble includes Amanda Zucker
(Mrs. Potiphar), Becky Boles, Margie Bowmer,
Emily Christman, Dianna Dailey, Sonja French,
Stephanie Gayheart, Maddi Gleespen, Mallory
Gleespen, Jillian Goulet, Courtney Hamilton,
Rose Lopez, Paige Mosley, Madilyn Motes,
Hanah Reiff, Sarah Short, Moira Vaughn, Audrey
Watkins and Jean Yake.
JOSEPH also features a chorus of 17 local
children including; Marion County residents
Josiah Boles (age 12), Janaiye Braddy (age 8),
Alison Farson (age 10), Madisen Fredritz (age
11), Alea French (age 12), Olivia Kaufman (age
10), Phillip Lopez (age 12), Shannon Morey (age
5), Madisen Schenk (age 9), Brooklynn Short
(age 8), Anna Songer (age 6), Ashley Watkins
(age 10), JeNa Watters (age 10), Mikayla Welch
(age 11) and Delaware County residents Reagan
Poulton (age 11), Jia Radloff (age 10) and Clara
Thompson (age 9).
The creative team for JOSEPH includes Gregory
Patterson (Director), April Short (Asst. Director/
Producer), Dee Ehrman (Musical Director), Kim
Bradshaw (Choreographer), Amanda Zucker
(Choreographer), Don Wolfe (Set Design), Susan
Wenig (Costume Coordinator), Steve Beltz
(Lighting & Sound), Barb Yaksic (Stage Manager),
Rhonda Arnold (Asst.
Stage Manager), and
Brad Bebout (Production
Don’t miss the fun….get
your tickets today!
Mary H Hollaway Fund
TICKETS: $22, $17 adults |$12 children age 12 & younger
2 | The Marion Palace Theatre
Jan-Feb 2014 Applause Newsletter | 3
Where did the year go?
I can’t believe we’ve bid 2013 farewell
and welcomed in a new year. Like almost everyone I know, there is
something about turning the page on a new year that makes me want
to stop and celebrate past achievements, while dreaming about all we
can accomplish to fill the fresh pages of a new year.
Executive director, bev ford
by Board Chair Scott Ruth, is busy determining the best
plan of action for restoration or replacement of the
upright and canopy marquees. They are also prioritizing
a vast scope of needed repairs and improvements this
project has uncovered.
I am grateful for the expertise of this committee, which
includes Dave Strzalka (engineer), Steve Cumbie (structural engineer),
Let’s start with a big picture look.
Tom Schifer (architect), Scott Ruth (electrician), and Jeff Baldauf
While the Palace is a unique individual organization, it is also part of (general contractor). We are so fortunate to have such talented
a bigger picture…that being Downtown Marion. I have the privilege individuals donate their time and collective years of experience to this
of serving on the Downtown Marion Board. When I joined, I found project. We are also thankful for the skilled work of Quality Masonry
this organization to consist of hard-working people who believe in our Company, who has extensive experience in historic restorations.
community and the value of a vibrant Downtown. I love that the Palace Our very own Palace historian, original Palace Guard member, and
has been and will continue to be a major attraction to our Downtown, Director Emeritus John Keggan will lead the charge to “Save the
prompting tens of thousands of people annually to drive downtown to Palace…Again.” I so appreciate John and his undying love for and
shop, have dinner and see a movie or a show. There are people investing efforts on behalf of the Palace. He is putting together a strong group of
a great deal of time and resources into creating a better Downtown committees to help get the restoration off the ground. To date, we’re
and we, at the Palace, are excited about our Downtown location and very grateful for the help of Lowell Thurston and Vaughn Sizemore.
all that is happening up and down Center Street and just around the Both men have provided valuable insights and helped us with important
corners as we closed the final chapter on 2013. We, along with so many connections.
others, look forward to what 2014 holds for our community.
For the Palace, 2013 included joining hands with State Representative
The year 2013 unfolded as a year of many new friends (members) Dorothy Pelanda, who has worked diligently to bring this very important
and partners (sponsors). As a 501 c 3, these folks are the ones who restoration project to the attention of the appropriate legislators for
help us stay afloat operationally. We had a tremendous response consideration of funding through the new State Capital Budget. We
to our annual membership appeal early in the spring of 2013. Our are not guaranteed funding, but because of Representative Pelanda’s
generous members exceeded expectations and dug deep to show their support and promotion of our project, we are hopeful that 2014 will
support of this hometown theatre. Additionally, we were blessed to bring good news of much needed financial assistance.
have several couples become even more generous supporters through
Speaking of 2014…What will we write on the fresh pages of this New
their sponsorship of two local shows. We had renewed assistance
from so many corporations, organizations, foundations and trusts. We
appreciate those long-term partners’ support and pause once again So many people are waiting in the wings ready to help. Together we
to recognize the impact of their collaboration on the success of our can write a story; one for the history books. A story of triumph through
struggles. A story of the rebirth of this historic facility so that new
artists can take the stage and first experiences at the Palace can be
2013 also kicked off a season of increased local productions; one of
born for this generation and all those who follow after us. Together, let
which was our first junior musical ever – what an awesome experience
us dare to dream of a Downtown thriving with activity and streets lined
for the next generation! Each of our local shows has left a trail of
with new businesses…and the Palace a vibrant and integral element to
memories and made an impression on our hearts. It is a tribute once
its success.
again to the level of talent we have in and around our community.
The fact that so many continually invest their lives at the Palace is The question isn’t, “Can you catch the vision?” The question is, “Will
something we don’t take for granted.
From the “Director’s Chair,” 2013 was a very good year!
In the fall of 2013, we also tackled a long-term problem related to sound
issues. We invested nearly $10,000 in the theatre’s sound system. We
called in a certified sound engineer who was able to uncover and repair
some speaker damage, as well as design some solutions to some of the
sound concerns voiced through the years. A number of you expressed
a problem with movie sound. I am pleased to say, to the best of our
abilities, those problems have been resolved. If you haven’t been to a
film at the Palace since October, we invite you to hear the difference.
We think you’ll be pleased with the marked sound improvements. I
am grateful for a board of directors who was willing to take on this
challenge in the shadow of our much bigger front façade project.
And speaking of the much bigger project…
I am happy to say we have wrapped up the “de-construction” phase
of this project. Thank you to the Marion Palace Theatre Perpetual
Care Fund for making this first phase possible. This stage has left
the Downtown landscape with a markedly different look without the
grand P-A-L-A-C-E upright marquee. The investigation and discovery
processes revealed steel with significant deterioration from its 85-year
life span supporting the beautiful, historic brick façade and that 50
foot lighted sign. The Palace Board’s Restoration Committee, headed
february school matinees
Please contact the Palace Box Office 740/383-2101 to secure
reservations for your group. Full details about School Matinee’s
are available at marionpalace.org.
and a F
a sp
s K-4
of a
uary 6
Thu, Fe0a & 1p
T he C iv il W a r
Grades 4-8
fri, February 14
10a & 1p
tickets $3.50
the concert
Ryan J Ratliff and friends to deliver a swoon-worthy performance
For half a century, generations have professed
their undying love and loyalty to their favorite boy
bands. From the Beatles to the Jackson 5 to New
Kids on the Block (NKOTB), it is the simple lyrics,
catchy hooks and choreographed movements that
appeal to our emotions drawing us in and never
letting go. No matter your age, background or
gender you have most likely been affected by the
music produced by these baby-faced groups.
For the first time in Marion Palace Theatre history,
you will have the opportunity to experience a live
production featuring the amazing music made
famous by boy bands over the last fifty years.
Palace management is honored La Rue, Ohio native
and Broadway veteran Ryan J Ratliff is taking a
break from his current project to bring his original
production DECADES The Concert to the Palace
stage on Saturday, February 8 at 8pm.
Performed several times in Florida venues, Ryan
says he was first compelled to create this unique
tribute show based on the impressive number of
years boy bands have led the music industry.
“Currently, it’s One Direction. Yesterday it was
N’sync and Backstreet Boys, and of course the
resurgence of NKOTB. But what was intriguing to
me was recognizing that Bill Haley’s Comets, The
Silhouettes, The Beatles, The Monkees, etc, etc.,
all were their own type of boy band.”
the concert
Ryan goes on to say,
“Each decade and band brought their own
signature to what was currently going on in the
world. The birth of Rock & Roll in the 50s, the
British influence in the 60s, the war protests and
free-for-all during Woodstock in the 70s, the rock
ballads of the 80s, and then the epitome of boy
bands in the 90s that we still know them as today.”
“The show is packed with unforgettable medleys,
and choreography all backed by a live rock band.
It’s gonna be a blast!”
Ryan, along with three seasoned performers, will
start the night with the doo-wop style of The
Crew Cuts and Bill Haley’s Comets in the 50s to
The Four Seasons, Beach Boys and Beatles in the
60s. The four guys will transport the audience
through the best of the 70s with the Byrds and
Credence Clearwater Revival, Jackson 5, Queen
and the BeeGees. Then, after giving tribute to the
80s with Journey, Bon Jovi and New Kids on the
Block, they will come full swing by giving props to
the mecca of boy bands in the 90s and close with
a medley spanning all five decades of incredible
Tickets for DECADES The Concert are $20, $25,
$30 and are available for purchase online at
marionpalace.org, by phone 740/383-2101, or in
person 276 West Center Street, Downtown Marion.
A Tribute To Boy Bands
Through The Decades
SatURDAY, feb 8 • 8PM
a ryan j ratliff production
Director Clare Cooke announces auditions for "BINGO! The Winning Musical" to
be held SUNDAY, FEB 9 from 2pm to 4pm. Cooke will be selecting adults ages
20 to 70 years for seven roles in the fun new musical comedy about a group
of die-hard bingo players who will stop at nothing to play their weekly game.
Auditioners should come dressed in casual clothing appropriate for performing
choreography. Anyone interested in a principle role should also be prepared
to read from the script. Individuals wishing to audition for principle roles are
asked to come prepared to sing a solo. Auditioners are requested to select a one-minute
Broadway-style audition tune. A pianist will be provided. No CDs please. Participants
should enter through the May Pavilion. Full cast descriptions can be found online at
samuelfrench.com. Performance dates are April 4 & 5 @ 8pm and April 6 @ 2pm.