Annexure D Architectural Report
Annexure D Architectural Report
Architecture * Transport interchange design * Urban design * Cultural theorists 404 The Colosseum 3 St GeorgesMall Cape Town, 8001 P.O. Box 1691 Maseru 100, Lesotho * Art * Heritage Theory Tel: 021 425 5211 Fax: 021 425 5212 04th of May 2016 PROJECT NAME:Bitou Municipal Office Report PROJECT CODE: 1513 RE: Architectural Report REV02 SECTION 1: URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK Background The Bitou Coming Together Urban Integration and Regeneration Strategy (CTUIRS) is a developmental strategy aimed at harnessing and bringing together ‘best planning practices’ for application in the local context of Bitou. According to the CTUIRS Report, the main objective of the CRDP CTUIRS is to plan towards a sustainable environment conducive to adequate developmental investments from both the public and private sectors. The CRDP CTUIRS has short, medium and long-term (10 - 20 years) outcome horizons. One of the short / medium term interventions being considered, is the municipal campus development on Erf 12624, Plettenberg Bay, situated on the southern side of the N2 directly opposite the Saringa Road entrance to New Horizons, which was acquired as part of the Coming Together Project for the establishment of an office complex for the Bitou Municipality in 2009. The new Central Library has been built as part of the precinct. The Magistrates Court will be completed by March 2017. The property offers significant opportunities to normalise the spatial distribution of commercial facilities and access to economic opportunities for New Horizons, together with a municipal campus that could attract additional commercial activity. (Conceptworks, 2009) In addition to the above, a Feasibility Report have been completed by SMEC for a Multi-functional public Safety Centre in 2015. The Centre will comprise of a Traffic Centre as well as a Fire Station with their respective associated accommodation requirements. The design proposals for the Service Centre prepared by SMEC, didn’t take into account the concepts and objectives of the CTUIRS developmental strategy. (SMEC, 2015) Further revisions followed on the above report and have been dealt with under Section 6 of this Report. Khotso (Peace Mokena Makeka B.A.S. B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) S.A.I.A/C.I.A Reg. No: 7272 Pula Rain Page 1 of 17 Makeka Design Lab cc MDL Workshop cc Nala Prosperity) 2009/028015/23 2011/088025/23 SECTION 2: ARCHITECTURAL RESPONSE The Bitou Coming Together Urban Integration and Regeneration Strategy (CTUIRS) prepared by Conceptworks form the background to the Architectural and Urban Design component of the Feasibility Study for the New Bitou Municipal Offices PPP. The massing investigation aims to build on the Urban Design Framework developed for the Coming Together Precinct Plan. The report refers to the proposed site, Erf 12624, for the New Bitou Municipal Offices as Precinct 15, the new Ladywood Town Centre. The Precinct Plan make reference to the Municipal Public Services Centre, Government Services and Offices together with Commercial Offices and Justice Chambers amongst others surrounding a square and landscaped park connecting to the neighbouring property to the south. The idea of a landscaped central court/amphitheatre connecting the neighbouring landscape/natural environment has been retained in the massing study. The precinct framework implies certain urban design principles that should inform the spatial development plan of the precinct: 1. Access around the perimeter of the site 2. Parking along the roads minimizing and reducing the impact of large parking lots 2. Pedestrianised and landscaped courtyards 3. Buildings forming edges to the road as well as defining the central courtyard spaces. The massing diagrams below respond to these ideas. The ‘kit of parts’ allow for reconfiguration to respond to possible unknowns in terms of Service Centre, Fire Station position and design, access roads, etc. The proposed massing should and can respond to the Urban Design Framework as well as the three proposals by SMEC for the Service Centre. In response to the above we aim to: Allow for building massing that can be adopted into the Precinct Plan/Urban Design Framework Show indicative position of the building on the site that doesn’t preclude the Service Centre proposals Rather indicate building components related to massing and feasibility costs as opposed to a complete building that will not allow for flexibility. Page 2 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc SECTION 3: NEEDS ANALYSIS A needs analysis have been conducted based on the Approved Organisational Structure with Amendments as at July 2015 supplied by the Bitou Municipality attached to this Report in Addendum 1. The following spreadsheet provides a breakdown of the following Departmental requirements and is summarised below. The areas include for Reception, Boardroom accommodating 20 people, Centralised Printing Facility for each Department. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER FINANCIAL SERVICES STRATEGIC SERVICES CORPORATE SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES Total Office Floor Area 230 5 16.5 1 262.5 588.5 1 306 257 291.5 4 452 SERVICES CIRCULATION STORAGE 81.9 1113 222.6 ALLOWANCE FOR GROWTH 1528 TOTAL BUILDING FLOOR AREA 7 397.5 PARKING Staff Visitors 7920 792 TOTAL FLOOR AREA [incl Parking] 16 109.5 [Projected Growth over 10-20 year period, 3% growth for 10 year period, 1.5% growth for additional 10 years] Page 3 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc SECTION 4: SITE OPTIONS OPTION 1: Remainder of ERF 2096 Plettenberg Bay and Erf 2323 Plettenberg Bay The two sites are located in Plettenberg Bay CBD and includes the current Municipal Depot and Engineering Services. Erf 2096 is 7.3ha and Erf 2323 is 5162m2 in size. Constraints exist in terms of various land uses [housing, fire station, Depot, clinic and water treatment facility, Engineering Services Offices] that exist on the Remainder of Erf 2096. Relocation of tenants and some functions would be necessary in order to clear up enough site area together with the necessary subdivisions, to construct new Municipal Offices. Demolition of the Depot, Engineering Services Office Building and the Single Storey Buildings on Erf 2323 will be required. Access to the properties can be achieved via Marine Way, Marine Drive or Cutty Stark Avenue. OPTION 2: ERF 2138 Plettenberg Bay coupled with Erf 4131 The two sites are located in Plettenberg Bay CBD and includes the current Bitou Municipality Head Offices. The two properties are separated by Sewell Street. Erf 2138 is 3605m2 and Erf 4131 totals 5715m2. The size of the site is sufficient for a Municipal Office Building if consolidated. OPTION 3: ERF 12624 Plettenberg Bay Erf 12624 is located in Ladywood. The site is a greenfield site allowing flexibility in terms of planning and SDP. The size of the property is 2.58ha. A Multi-purpose Service Centre consisting of a Traffic Centre, DLTC Grounds, Disaster Management, Fire Station and Impound Facility is also proposed for the site. Careful consideration needs to be taken to ensure a single approved SDP drawing is implemented. Access to the site is off the N2 via Saringa Road through a gravel road. A servitude has been registered for this road. This is the preferred site as the proposed Municipal Offices will be key to the success of the Bitou Coming Together Urban Integration and Regeneration Strategy of the Ladywood Precinct. The location of Municipal Offices in this new town centre will have far reaching positive impact not only on an urban level but also economic opportunities for New Horizons. HERITAGE A Heritage submission is triggered in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999) if the development complies to one of the following criteria as noted in the Planning Technical Report: The construction of a road, wall, powerline, pipeline, canal or other similar form of linear development or barrier exceeding 300m in length; • The construction of a bridge or similar structure exceeding 50 m in length; • Any development or other activity which will change the character of a site (i) exceeding 5 000 m2 in extent; or (ii) involving three or more existing erven or subdivisions thereof; or (iii) involving three or more erven or divisions thereof which have been consolidated within the past five years; or (iv) the costs of which will exceed a sum set in terms of regulations by SAHRA or a provincial heritage resources authority. • The re-zoning of a site exceeding 10 000 m2 in extent; or • Any other category of development provided for in regulations by SAHRA or a provincial heritage resources authority. Page 4 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc SECTION 5: BUILDING CONCEPT ‘KIT OF PARTS’ The following building blocks have been allowed for to accommodate the areas identified in the Needs Analysis: 1. BLOCK A 3 floors 4500m2 in total 1500m2 per floor A 1500m2 has been allowed for future growth 2. BLOCK B 3 floors 3000m2 in total 1000m2 per floor 3. PARKING Staff Parking: 7920m2 [240 parking bays] Visitors Parking: 792m2 [24 parking bays] Page 5 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc SCENARIO 1: PARKING BASEMENT BELOW GROUND As a result of the extensive parking requirements, the preferred option is to locate staff parking in a two level basement allowing for landscaped courtyards and pedestrian zones on ground level to tie into the Urban Design Framework. Buildings form and edge to the N2. Vehicular circulation is located on the perimeter of the site allowing access to the basement and staff/visitor’s parking alongside. As a result of the financial implications of constructing a basement alternatives have been investigated under Section 6. SCENARIO 2: PARKING AT GRADE Should all the staff parking be located at grade, the complete site will be covered with parking. This doesn’t allow for the enhancement of a green corridor connecting with their neighbouring property nor does it allow for pedestrian friendly zones at grade. This option is not recommended and doesn’t fit into the concepts and objectives of the Urban Design Framework. The diagram below shows the massing relationship between the building scale and the parking area. Page 6 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc SECTION 6: A RESPONSE TO SDP OPTIONS PROVIDED BY SMEC A Multi-functional public Safety Centre consisting of a Traffic Centre, Disaster Management and Fire Station will also be situated on the same site. This portion of the project is led by SMEC currently producing a similar Feasibility Report. A Meeting was held on 8 March 2016 between the project team of the Bitou Municipal Offices and the SMEC team responsible for the Multi-functional Public Safety Centre aiming to develop an SDP/Framework Drawing that incorporates all the proposed functions on the site, these include: 1. Municipal Offices and associated parking requirements 2. Disaster Management 3. Traffic Centre 4. DLTC Grounds 5. Fire Station 6. Impound Facility The drawings attached in Addendum 2, provided by SDK Architects as part of the Public Safety Centre have been analysed below. SDP OPTION 1 Two building blocks [BLOCK A and B] both consisting of three floors each Staff Parking in a Basement consisting of one floor [50 parking bays] Staff Parking alongside the ring road [154 bays] as well as parking area between the two building blocks [41 bays] Visitors parking alongside the ring road [25 bays at grade] A covered courtyard responding to the public functions [cafeteria, council chamber, etc] Page 7 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc SDP OPTION 2 Two building blocks [BLOCK A and B] both consisting of three floors each Staff Parking in a Basement consisting of one floor [50 parking bays] Staff Parking alongside the ring road [136 bays] as well as parking area between the two building blocks [54 bays] Visitors parking alongside the ring road [30 bays at grade] A covered courtyard responding to the public functions [cafeteria, council chamber, etc] Page 8 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc SDP OPTION 3 Two building blocks [BLOCK A and B] both consisting of three floors each Staff Parking in a Basement consisting of one floor [50 parking bays] Staff Parking alongside the ring road [132 bays] as well as parking area between the two building blocks [58 bays] Visitors parking alongside the ring road [25 bays at grade] A covered courtyard responding to the public functions [cafeteria, council chamber, etc] The Fire Station have been moved to adjoining property that will require the Municipality to acquire the land. POSSIBLE OPTION 4 Two building blocks [BLOCK A and B] both consisting of four floors The Ground level of buildings are partially used for parking but screened with landscaping/screens A Semi-basement consisting of one floor for 50 vehicles Visitors parking [at grade] will be reduced to allow for more green public space in front of the building A covered courtyard responding to the public functions [cafeteria, council chamber, etc] Page 9 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc BUILDING COMPONENTS 1. Offices A combination of offices are proposed, as indicated in the Needs Analysis. molecule formations from | kone office by UDESIGN Architecture a. b. Cellular closed offices Cellular closed offices have been allowed for Managers and Adjunct Managers together with employees requiring privacy as a result of their job responsibilities [eg, finances, HR, etc] Open Plan Offices The offices in the New Municipal Offices Building should largely consist of open plan office spaces. Not only does this allow for flexibility, optimizes space but also allow for potential growth in the staff component. Page 10 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc 2. Shared Spaces Shared spaces should be provided on each floor a. Reception A reception space have been provided per department. Visitors will be directed to the correct subdepartment or sections within the Department. Visitors should have access to a waiting area within the allocated space. sandow's new york headquarters b. Boardroom A minimum of one boardroom accommodating 20 people should be provided per Department. Boardrooms should be optimised in order to reduce the number of unused boardrooms within the building. Boardrooms should be seen as shared multifunctional spaces to balance cost per square meter versus optimal functionality. Autodesk Inc | Cushman & Wakefield's Office Boardroom Page 11 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc c. Kitchenette The boardroom and Reception area should be serviced with a Kitchenette for use by both the Department staff for the making of coffee, water cooler, etc as well as serving visitors. Paytech offices by soesthetic group | offices by Areq Sq d. e. Cleaning Ablutions Ablutions should be located at central service cores to ensure rational planning. 3. Semi-Public Spaces a. Council chambers b. Associated Functions with the Council Chambers [Back of House] c. Canteen 4. Public Spaces a. Atrium Page 12 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc Nuon Office by HEYLIGERS Design+Projects The Atrium by D’Ambrosio Architecture & Urbanism Page 13 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc Precedents for Atrium Lumen Building, Wageningen University Building by Stefan Behnisch. Page 14 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc ‘TOWN HALL’/CONFERENCE/EVENTS VENUE The Client expressed interest in the provision of a ‘Town Hall’ or events venue accommodating 600-800 people as part of the Municipal Office complex. The idea of a central space that can be used for community functions fits into the ‘Coming Together Framework’ and concept. Two options have been identified in response to this brief: 1. Council Chambers A smaller and more cost effective option that will accommodate Council Chambers, associated Meeting spaces, a cafeteria, back of house services and foyer. These areas should become part of the public realm when not used by the Municipal Offices. Shared functions will not only result in the flexibility of use but also an opportunity for income generation. Small scale events can make use of the Foyer and Council Chamber where the cafeteria will be used to service the event [bar, kitchen, cleaning]. The size of events will be limited and would coincide with times where the Council Chambers are not used as meeting room for large meetings or sittings in office hours. Restricted access to private functions and offices within the Municipal Office must be provided. The benefit of flexibility in the use of certain spaces can activate the building after working hours. The attached ‘Need Analysis’ spreadsheet make reference to the above scenario as the preferred option. 2. Town Hall The viability of a ‘Town Hall’, Conference and Event Space rely completely on the need for such a facility within the Bitou/Plettenberg Bay Municipality and the associated investment and income generated thereafter. In order to provide a facility that can support an event or conference of 600-800 people, a large portion of space is required, not only for the event space but also for back of house functions. A fully functioning back of house industrial kitchen will be required with associated dry and wet stores, cold rooms, prep areas, waste facility and deliveries. Deliveries of large equipment and store rooms must be accommodated. Sufficient ablution facilities must be provided to accommodate the largest number of people that will be using the space at any given time. Foyer spaces should accommodate the same. In addition fire regulations and evacuation should be taken into account. Within the context of the SDP drawings under Section 6, it is recommended that, should this function be required as part of the Municipal Office building, the following will apply: All staff parking to be accommodated in a basement parking area of two floors to clear up space at grade. The staff parking should serve the town hall/event space after hours. Additional parking might have to be required to accommodate visitors when the event space is at full capacity. In order to reduce the cost of investment and formal parking, informal parking can be provided on the western edge of the site. The Town Hall to be situated in the area where the current staff parking is provided. Page 15 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc PRECEDENT FOR TOWN HALL/COUNCIL CHAMBER Saynatsalo Town Hall, Finland by Alvar Aalto The project accommodated, on a much smaller scale, the same requirements as the Bitou Municipal Offices. The multifunctional municipal complex for the municipality of Saynatsalo in Central Finland accommodates a town hall, library and shops around a central green courtyard. Page 16 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The Bitou Coming Together Urban Integration and Regeneration Strategy (CTUIRS) form the basis of the Feasibility Study. Erf 12624, Plettenberg, located in Ladywood has been identified as the preferred site. The property offers significant opportunities to normalise the spatial distribution of commercial facilities and access to economic opportunities for New Horizons. The site can accommodate the Municipal Offices as well as Public Safety Centre and Fire Station. A three storey building complex has been identified as the preferred massing. The building blocks should be narrow in width to allow for sufficient natural ventilation and lighting reducing the requirements for mechanical ventilation and lighting, aiming towards a green building. Service cores should include shared services, lifts, fire escapes and ablutions in central locations along the length of buildings. It is preferred that visitors’ parking should be accommodated at grade with close connection to the Foyer and any associated public functions [eg. public service counters]. The opportunity exists to use the Council Chambers as multi-functional spaces for large meetings and functions during office hours and events after hours. In addition the cafeteria and foyer should be located in positions where these spaces can service not only the requirements of an office building but also allow for flexibility if used after hours. The SDP Option 1 is preferred in terms of the positions identified for the Public Service Centre and Fire Station. The benefit of locating these functions on the perimeter of the site allows for flexibly in the positioning of the Municipal Office Building and configuration of massing components. The massing configuration is not fixed and different options exist as identified in SDP Options 2 and 3. The SDP options identify sufficient space for the Municipal Offices. In response to the financial modelling and in order to achieve financial viability it is recommended that a portion of staff parking is accommodated at grade as opposed to a two storey basement. As a result of space constraints on the site, a single level basement is proposed for 50 parking bays with direct access into the building. The remaining staff parking will be accommodated along the landscaped ring road proposed around the site reducing the visual impact of an extensive parking lot. It is recommended that parking areas be landscaped. Should a ‘Town Hall’/Event and Conference Space be required accommodating 600-800 people in lieu of the Council Chamber and Meeting Rooms, spatial constraints will result in the accommodation of all staff parking within a two storey basement parking area below grade. The accommodation of all staff parking in a basement will result in an increase in cost. The Town Hall will be accommodated at grade with links to the Municipal Offices. Bibliography CONCEPTWORKS, 2009.Coming Together: Bitou Local Municipality – Urban Integration & Sustainable Human Settlements Strategy. SMEC, 2015. Professional Services for the Planning and Development of a Multi-functional Public Safety Centre: Feasibility Report. REPORT PREPARED BY Mokena Makeka Etienne du Plooy for Makeka Design Lab NOVEMBER 2015 Page 17 of 17 Mokena Makeka Bas, B.Arch hons dist. (UCT) Cape Institute of Architects ANT7272 Makeka Design Laboratory South African Council of Architects Reg. No: cant 7323 2002/087696/23 cc Page 1 of 7 REVISION 07 BITOU MUNICIPAL OFFICES [DRAFT] Office OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 1 Mayor 1 Personal Assistant 1 Boardroom to the Mayor Closed Associated Associated 50 20 20 230 1 Deputy Mayor 1 Secretary to the Deputy Mayor Closed Associated 30 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 15 15 15 15 15 15 Councilor Office Councilor Office Councilor Office Councilor Office Councilor Office Councilor Office DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER GENERAL Reception Boardroom [Accommodating 20 people] Centralised Printing Facility 516.5 10 35 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Municipal Manager Boardroom to the MM Executive Secretary General Assistant/Cleaner Strategic Manager Office Chief Internal Auditor Manager Office of the Political Office Bearers Manager Office of the Political Office Bearers Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 30 30 20 10 20 15 20 20 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INTERNAL AUDIT AND RISK MANAGER Senior Chief Internal Auditor Internal Auditor Chief Risk Officer Assistant Internal Auditor Office Office Risk Officer Office Office Closed Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open 20 15 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 DIVISION DIVISION m2 OFFICE OF THE POLITICAL OFFICE BEARERS 1 Manager 1 Secretary to Manager Closed Associated DEPT Public Connection 20 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION: SPECIAL PROGRAMME Coordinator: Special Programs Coordinator: Special Programs Coordinator: Special Programs Coordinator: Special Programs Clerk Open Open Open Open Open 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION: ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Speaker Senior Administrative Officer General Assistant/Cleaner Executive Secretary [Executive Major] Executive Secretary [Speaker] Closed Open Open Associated Associated 15 8.5 8.5 10 10 SECTION: YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 1 Youth Development Officer 1 Sport Development Officer SECTION: EPWP 1 EPWP Coordinator 1 Data Capturer 1 Data Capturer 8.5 8.5 Open Open Open 8.5 8.5 8.5 To be read in conjunction with our accompanying report Page 2 of 7 REVISION 07 BITOU MUNICIPAL OFFICES [DRAFT] DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL SERVICES GENERAL Reception Boardroom [Accommodating 25 people] Centralised Printing Facility Meeting Room [Accommodating 12 people] Office m2 1262.5 10 40 20 20 1 1 1 1 Chief Financial Officer Secretary to the Chief Financial Officer Cleaner Cleaner Closed Associated Open Open 30 8.5 8.5 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL REPORTING Manager Senior Accountant Chief Accountant Chief Accountant Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Closed Closed Closed Closed Open Open Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared 20 15 15 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REVENUE SECTION HOD Reception Reception Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Customer Desk Customer Desk Customer Desk Customer Desk Customer Service Counter Tender/Cheque Box Walk-in Safe Closed Associated Associated Closed Closed Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared Open Open Open Open Open Open Open 20 8.5 8.5 15 15 15 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXPENDITURE HOD Reception Customer Service Counter Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Tender/Cheque Box Closed Associated Open Closed Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Shared Shared Shared Shared Open 20 8.5 8.5 15 15 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 4 DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION To be read in conjunction with our accompanying report Page 3 of 7 REVISION 07 BITOU MUNICIPAL OFFICES [DRAFT] Office 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT HOD Reception Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Customer Desk/Cashier Customer Desk/Cashier Customer Service Counter Closed Associated Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Shared Shared Shared Shared Open Open Open 20 8.5 15 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HOD Reception Office Office Office Office Office Office Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Customer Service Counter Control Monitoring Room IT Server Room Closed Associated Closed Closed Open Open Shared Shared Closed Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Closed 20 8.5 15 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 30 30 30 30 8.5 15 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INTERNS Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 DIVISION DIVISION DEPARTMENT STRATEGIC SERVICES GENERAL Reception Boardroom [Accommodating 20 people] Centralised Printing Facility m2 588.5 10 35 20 1 Head of Department 1 Secretary to the Head of Department 1 Cleaner Closed Associated 15 8.5 SECTION: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 1 Officer Closed 15 SECTION: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1 Manager 1 Admin Officer Closed Open 20 8.5 Closed Open Open Open Open Open 20 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Closed 20 8.5 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION: LED/TOURISM Manager Information Officer Tourism/LED Assistant LED Officer LED Officer LED Officer LED Officer/Tourism Development Officer SECTION: IDP 1 Manager 1 IP Officer 1 Clerk Open To be read in conjunction with our accompanying report Page 4 of 7 REVISION 07 BITOU MUNICIPAL OFFICES [DRAFT] Office 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUILDING CONTROL [Connection to the Public] [ASSOCIATED DEPT: Town Planning] Public Interface Counters Manager Building Control Officer Senior Clerk Building Inspector Assistant Building Inspector Assistant Building Control Officer Clerk Open Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Open 50 20 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOWN PLANNING [Connection to the Public] [ASSOCIATED DEPT: Building Control] Manager Senior Clerk Senior Town Planner Town Planner Town Planner Spatial Planner Spatial Planner Town Planning Inspector GIS Technician GIS Technician Closed Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open 20 15 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 DIVISION DIVISION Waiting Area Printers Archiving Storage: Registry DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES [ASSOCIATED DEPT: Finance] GENERAL Reception Boardroom [Accommodating 20 people] Centralised Printing Facility DIVISION 100 20 [info required] [info required] 1306 10 35 30 1 Head Corporate Services 1 Personal Assistant Closed Associated 20 8.5 COMMUNICATIONS 1 Manager Closed 20 SECTION: CUSTOMER CARE 1 Customer Care Clerk 1 Media Liason [not allowed for, moving to Community Services] Open 8.5 Open 8.5 1 1 1 1 DIVISION m2 SECTION: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/WARD COMMITTEES Officer Officer Officer Officer Open Open Open Open 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 LEGAL SERVICES 1 Manager 1 Assistant Legal Officer 1 Assistant Legal Officer Storage Closed Open Open 20 8.5 8.5 1 Principle Clerk 1 Principle Clerk Open Open 8.5 8.5 TRAINING CENTRE [Connection to the Public] [Accommodating 40-50 people] 100 COUNCIL CHAMBER [Connection to the Public] [Accommodating 60-80 seating, public standing area] Foyer Kitchen Serving Space Storage 80 30 30 20 2 x COMMITEE ROOMS [Connection to the Public] [Accommodating 20 people] 40 40 To be read in conjunction with our accompanying report Page 5 of 7 REVISION 07 BITOU MUNICIPAL OFFICES [DRAFT] Office m2 CANTEEN [Rentable space] Kitchen shared with above Storage DIVISION DIVISION 270 20 ADMINISTRATION 1 Manager Media Room Record Room [Accommodating 640 linear meters of filing] Closed 20 40 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION: COMMITTEE & ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Principle Administrative Officer Chief Clerk/Admin Comm Clerk/Admin Switchboard Operator Relief Clerk General Assistant/Cleaner General Assistant/Cleaner General Assistant/Cleaner Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open 8.5 8.5 8.5 15 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 1 1 1 1 SECTION: REGISTRY Registry Head Messenger Filing Clerk Filing Clerk Open Open Open Open 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SERVICES [Connection to the Public] 1 Executive Manager 1 Admin Assistant Closed Associated 20 8.5 HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 1 Manager 1 Principle Clerk HR Closed Associated 20 8.5 SECTION: LABOUR RELATIONS OFFICER/EAP 1 Senior HR Officer 1 Assistant Labour Relations Officer 1 Admin Clerk Closed Open Open 20 8.5 8.5 SECTION: HR ADMINISTRATION 1 Senior HR Officer 1 Principle Clerk Open Open 8.5 8.5 SECTION: OHS 1 Senior HR Officer 1 Leave Admin Clerk Closed Open 15 8.5 HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1 Manager 1 Admin Clerk Closed Associated 20 8.5 Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION: SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND EE PRACTITIONER Senior HR Officer Principle Clerk: HR Senior HR Officer [Recruitment] Senior HR Officer [Job Descroption] Principle Clerk: HR Principle Clerk: HR Union Office Storage DIVISION DIVISION [info required] COMMUNITY SERVICES 1 Head of Department 1 Secretary Closed Associated 20 8.5 257 1 Administrative Support 1 Beverage Lady/Cleaner Open Open 8.5 8.5 HUMAN SETTLEMENT & HOUSING, PARKS AND RECREATION, SPORT AND PUBLIC FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 1 Manager Closed 20 1 Reception Associated 8.5 Boardroom 35 Storage To be read in conjunction with our accompanying report Page 6 of 7 1 1 1 1 1 REVISION 07 BITOU MUNICIPAL OFFICES [DRAFT] Office SECTION: HUMAN SETTLEMENT AND HOUSING Chief Human Settlement Officer Administration Assistant Building Inspector Subsidy Housing Housing Support Assistant Legal Support Closed Open Closed Open Closed 20 8.5 15 8.5 15 Open Cash Desk 8.5 9 Closed Closed Open 20 15 8.5 Closed 20 SECTION: PARKS, HORTICULTURE & CEMETERIES 1 Horticulturist 1 Admin Assistant/Data Capturer/Cemeteries/EPWP [Connection to the Public] SECTION: WASTE MANAGEMENT 1 Manager 1 Air Quality Officer 1 Administrative Support m2 SECTION: PUBLIC SAFETY [Not included - situated in the Public Safety Service Centre] SECTION: LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES 1 Manager DIVISION PUBLIC SAFETY [Not included - situated at the Public Safety Service Centre] DIVISION TRAFFIC SERVICES [Not included - situated at the Public Safety Service Centre] DIVISION FIRE, RESCUE AND DISASTER SERVICES [Not included - situated at the Public Safety Service Centre] DIVISION LAW ENFORCEMENT [Not included - situated at the Public Safety Service Centre] DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES 1 1 1 1 DIVISION DIVISION 291.5 Closed Associated Associated Closed 20 8.5 8.5 15 ROADS & STORMWATER 1 Manager Closed 20 FLEET MANAGER 1 Manager Closed 20 DIVISION Head of Department Secretary to Head of Department Receptionist/Office Assistant Relief Manager Engineering and Technical Services WATER SERVICES [Not included - situated at Waterworks] DIVISION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROJECT FACILITATION Project Manager Engineer Technician Engineer Technician Engineer Technician Engineer Technician Engineer Technician Engineer Technician Engineer Technician Senior Administrator Property Management Building Maintenance EPWP Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open 20 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Manager Secretary Administrative Clerk Engineering Assistant Engineering Assistant Closed Associated Open Open Open 20 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Open Open 8.5 8.5 DIVISION SECTION: PUMP STATIONS [Not included - situated at the Depo] SECTION: ELECTRICAL PLANNING 1 Superintendent 1 Demand and Loss Control Officer To be read in conjunction with our accompanying report Page 7 of 7 REVISION 07 BITOU MUNICIPAL OFFICES [DRAFT] Office m2 SECTION: MAINTENANCE [Not included - situated at the Depo] DIVISION RELIEF MANAGER 1 Relief Manager POPULATION Closed 15 Best practice: 1person per 15m2 273 TOTAL OFFICE FLOOR AREA 4452 SERVICES TOILETS 0.3m2 per person 81.9 CIRCULATION 25% allowance for Circulation, Plant and Structure 1113 STORAGE 5% allowance of office floor area 222.6 ALLOWANCE FOR GROWTH Population 426 Projected Growth over 10-20 year period [3% growth for 10 year period, 1.5% growth for additional 10 years] Staff Offices Add 153 1528 TOTAL BUILDING FLOOR AREA 7397.5 Bays PARKING STAFF: one space for each 25 m2 of gross floor area 240 7920 Bays VISITORS: 10% of staff parking provision 33m2 per parking bay TOTAL FLOOR AREA INCLUDING PARKING 24.00 792.00 [open/outside] 16109.50 To be read in conjunction with our accompanying report