Paseo de la Reforma 222, Torre 1, Piso 18, Col. Juárez, Del
Paseo de la Reforma 222, Torre 1, Piso 18, Col. Juárez, Del
Centro Internacional para la Formación de Estadistas y Líderes “Libertad, Ideas e Instituciones” Roberto Gil Zuarth @rgilzuarth Dr. Gil received an undergraduate Law degree from the Autonomous Technologic Institute of Mexico (ITAM), a Master of Laws in Constitutional Law as well as his Ph.D. in Law at the University Carlos III in Madrid, Spain. He is a Mexican Senator, he was secretary to President Calderon, Deputy Minister of Government at the Interior Ministry, Federal Legislator, Chief of Staff at the Ministry of the Public Function, Chief Advisor to the former Counselor Alonso Lujambio at the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) and the National Action Party (PAN) representative before the same institute, and Technical Executive at the Directive Board of the Lower House of the Mexican Congress, among others. Author of books such as: La inhabilitación de partidos políticos [The disqualification of political parties] and Estado social y democrático de Derecho: las implicaciones jurídicas de la fórmula [Social and democratic state of law: the legal implications of formula]. He has been a professor at the Universidad Anahuac del Sur and the Autonomous Technologic Institute of Mexico (ITAM). He is a consultant at the American Development Bank (IDB), the Programme for the Institutional Strengthening of Congress of Peru, and a member of the Mexican Network for the quality of democracy. Paseo de la Reforma 222, Torre 1, Piso 18, Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México, D.F. Tel. 12-53-78-40 y 41-73-66-62