Conexus - Oslo EdTech Cluster
Conexus - Oslo EdTech Cluster
1 Conexus Founded in 2001 100 employees Software Content School development We work in: • Norway (National systems and 90% of the schools) • Denmark (Started 2014) • Sweden Started 2015 • Singapore Started 2015 2 Starting 2016 in: • 2 Asian countries • 2 European countries / North American states Stratosfæren Teknologi Endring Pedagogikk 3 (Fullan 2013) “…the use of intelligent data, learner-produced data, and analysis models to discover information and connections for predicting and advising people’s learning.” Conexus do not just aim for using learning analytics as a support structure for existing educational models. We are interested in exploring how learning analytics can restructure the process of teaching and learning. 5 (Siemens 2010) 21st Key Capacities Deep Learning • Critical thinking • Creative thinking • Problem solving • Communication • Collaboration • Learn to learn • Digital learning • Results from students’ self-‐ directed applica<on of 21st key capaci<es to deepen their understandings of key concepts in the curriculum 6 Values • Equity • Excellence • Well-being • Life skills • Democracy • Diversity • Sustainability • Human rights 7 8 Hvordan skal elever oppleve mer dybdelæring, med og uten digitale verktøy, hvis ikke de profesjonelle opplever mer dybdelæring, med og uten digitale verktøy, i kvalitetsarbeidet sitt? 9 9 “Digital kompetanse er i dag en forutsetning for å kunne delta i ulike former for læring og utdanning og for å delta aktivt i arbeids- og samfunnsliv” (NOU 2015: 8) 10 Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne, of Oxford University, recently analysed over 700 different occupations to see how easily they could be computerised, and concluded that… 47% of employment in America is at high risk of being automated away over the next decade or two 11 12 Learning standards (curriculum goals) Self-‐assessment Content from publishers User-‐generated content Learning management system School administra<on system The Conexus ecosystem of Learning Analytics: Individual Aggregated 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 “A tool is only as good as the mindset using it” (Fullan 2013) 28 What kind of mindset do you have? Sustainable Learning Mindset Fixed Mindset Feedback on process I can learn anything I want to I want to challenge myself I can prioritize When I fail, I can learn I can balance effort and rest I am resilient Feedback on eg intelligence I’m either good at it, or I’m not I don’t like to be challenged I start working and don’t plan When I fail, I’m no good I can’t take care of my self I give up at once, or never 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 Deep Learning Society Deeper and Broader Learning More Local and Global Learning More Practical and Evidence-Informed Learning 39 Hvordan skal elever oppleve mer dybdelæring, med og uten digitale verktøy, hvis ikke de profesjonelle opplever mer dybdelæring, med og uten digitale verktøy, i kvalitetsarbeidet sitt? 40 40 41 42 42 “This is probably… No, this is for sure the most sophisticated and elegant educational solution I’ve ever seen. And the thinking behind it is very much in line with ours.” North American, Deputy Education Minister “After seeing Conexus’ products and mission, we need to further develop our strategy and change the focus of our agenda for buying tolls for schools.” Group of Educational Directors, European Country “Conexus products is an excellent way to broaden the focus in education to include well-being, 21 century skills and holistic learning.” Asian group of Educational Directors 43 “The dialog maps is an engaging way to inquire into our classclimate. We are challenged to expand the way we think about learning and well-being.” Student “For the first time the management was inquiring into our professional learning activities, instead of just evaluating our results.” School leader “Using the process designer with relevant prototypes led to better prepared teachers that discuss teaching quality instead of data quality.” School Leader 44 Anders Ruud Fosnæs Strategisk Leder Twitter: @andyfosn Epost: 45