36th Infantry Division Change of Command
N N A T I O N A L G U A R D A A S T S I O O N A L C I A T I G O U N A R O D F A T S E S X A O C S I A T I O N O F T E X A S pring 2006 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS Founded 1959 • Volume 47 • Number 1 H H President George W. Bush bust unveiling at the National Guard Memorial Building in Washington, D.C. See article p. 17 N A H T I O N A L G U A R D A N S A S T O I C O I N A A T L I O N G U A O F R D T A E S X S A O S C H I A T I O N O F T E X A S S you’ve earned more than our respect You’ve earned our service. Your commitment to your country earns you respect, admiration and exclusive benefits only available through USAA. USAA has served the military and their families for over 80 years. We are millions of members strong, giving us the power to offer superior insurance and financial products available only through our combined strength. USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. Use of the term “member” does not convey any legal rights, eligibility rights for USAA property and casualty insurance, or ownership rights in United Services Automobile Association.. © USAA 2006. All rights reserved. 1635:13523 Call 800.531.0483 today to join or visit usaa.com. 2006-07 Board of Directors President Theresa Billeck-Zuniga President-Elect Marcos Santillan Vice-President Jeffrey Merrill Secretary-Treasurer Michele Little H H CONTENTS H H HQ, TXMF Aileen Phillips Page 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letter from the President ARNG Troops Art Souza Page 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th Infantry Division Change of Command 36ID Troops Justin Perryman Pages 6-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NGAT Conference Wrap Up 72nd Bde Juan Medrano Page 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NGAT Conference Competition Winners 56th Bde Jeff Breor Pages 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NGAT Conference Awards 71st Bde Vacant Page 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjutant General’s Performance Excellence Competition 36ID DIVARTY Leonard Ruiz Pages 12-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Around the World with the National Guard 36ID AVIATION Wayne Sinibaldi Page 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111th Area Support Group Arrives Home 36ID ENGINEER Anthony Simms Page 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NGAT Legislative Task Force – Washington, D.C. 36ID DISCOM Michele Little Page 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bust Dedication with President Bush HQ, TANG Tony West Page 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scholarship Winners 149th FW Craig Folts Page 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airborne Reunion Announced 147th FW Vacant Page 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muster Day at Camp Mabry 136th FW Scott Tyrrell Page 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NGAT Planning Calendar Region I Vacant Region II Vacant Region III Harold Martin Texas State Guard Jerry Icenhower Family Readiness Meg McNeely Publisher MediaNation, Terri Sheets Editor Frank Zuniga Executive Director Ray Lindner NGAT News 3706 Crawford Ave. Austin, TX 78731 (512) 454-7300 1-800-252-NGAT (6428) NGAT HOME PAGE www.ngat.org W W W . N G A T . O R G 36th Infantry Change of Command P. 5 Performance Excellence Competition P. 10 NGAT E-MAIL rlindner@ngat.org rcasias@ngat.org membership@ngat.org insurance@ngat.org travel@ngat.org Bust Dedication P. 17 NGAT NEWS (USPS 015-752) IS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS, 3706 CRAWFORD STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78731-6308. SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE FOR MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NGAT NEWS, 3706 CRAWFORD STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78731-6803 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H A S S O C I A T I O N N E W S Pr es ide nt ’s Re po rt We I want to begin by thanking everyone that attended our 47th Annual NGAT Conference in Austin. time same the at yet and conference the to made we changes the had a lot of success with many of we have identified areas we can improve on. We are using your after action comments to identify much desired improvements to the conference. I am very proud that we were able to accomplish so and to discuss association business in an open forum during the business session. As you heard during the conference, we are always looking for volunteers who are willing to get involved with our NGAT committees such as the Legislative Committee, Conference Planning Committee, Membership Committee, and Awards Committee just to name a few. We are also looking for others who want to be part of our legislative fax/email brigade. and involved while being My sincere thanks goes to Mario Alayon, our past president, who went the extra mile to stay active presidents we have begun to deployed and serving our association as president. Though his vision and that of other recent of command, because change a to similar is This . association make changes that are now noticeable and beneficial to this new NGAT Board of our welcome I As even though the leadership comes and goes, the organization continues to march. Directors, I want to thank those leaving the board for all their hard work and dedication. I have four goals for the Each new President comes to office with a vision of what they want to achieve during their tenure. and NGAUS). Second, (EANGUS ns organizatio next year. First, I want to increase our membership in NGAT and in our national and create better guidelines I want to rejuvenate our committees and expand participation to all members of the association Finally, I would like to identify within these committees. Third, I want to continue to improve our robust legislative program. ages. all of and obtain additional benefits we could offer our members is “No one cares how much I am truly honored to serve you as your President for the coming year. One of my favorite sayings you. After all, this is not my you know until they know how much you care.” I truly care about NGAT and want to hear from leck@us.army.mil. Theresa.Bil at concerns or comments your association — it is our association. Feel free to email me Thank you again for doing your part, and remember, “WHILE YOU’RE WORKING FOR US, NGAT IS WORKING FOR YOU.” THERESA M. BILLECK-ZUNIGA (Photos by Matthew Steinhauser) MSG, TXARNG NGAT President Theresa Billeck-Zuniga, NGAT President and Francisco Zuniga, NGAT News Editor. H H H H H H H H H H Theresa Billeck-Zuniga and Rob Casias present Gary Theresa Billeck-Zuniga and CMsgt (Ret) Owens of the 56th BCT with the award for 2nd place Bill Maginot the 2006 NGAT Minuteman in the hospitality room competition during the Annual Conference. Award winner share a moment. H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H W W W . N G A T . O R G 36th Infantry Division Change of Command On 8 April 2006, MG Charles Rodriquez passed the command of the considered himself to be the, “Forrest Gump of Lufkin,” because he had been division from MG Michael Taylor to BG John Furlow. The ceremony took place able to go all over the world and meet people of all backgrounds throughout under a beautiful blue Texas sky with gusts of wind that made each staff his military career. General Taylor also thanked the troops for their loyal bearer work to keep their staff straight. service and dedication. Lastly, he thanked his wife, Cindy, for being there and supporting him throughout his career. General Rodriquez thanked General Taylor for his fine leadership in a time when the Army and the National Guard have all been involved with deploy- The ceremony also served as General Taylor’s retirement ceremony from ments all over the world. General Taylor remarked how ironic this was since military service. General Rodriquez presented General Taylor with a retire- he commanded the division when it was the 49th Armored Division and the ment certificate from Governor Rick Perry and a Distinguished Service Medal. 36th Infantry Division and this month marked his 49th month in command and General Rodriquez presented Cindy Taylor with a special award to honor her this year marked his 36th year of military service. He also remarked that he many years of volunteerism and leadership. H Major General Taylor relinquishes the 36th Infantry Division colors. Generals Rodriquez and Taylor review the troops during the Change of Command ceremony. General Furlow accepts the 36th Infantry Division colors. Key Leader Changes in the Texas Military Forces Major General Allen Dehnert Brigadier General (P) John T. Furlow Commander Joint Forces Air Component Commander, 36th Infantry Division General Dehnert is the new Commander of the Joint Forces Air Component. He will also continue to serve as the Assistant Adjutant General, Air – a position he has held since November 2002. His military career began in 1970 when he enlisted in the Texas Air National Guard. He commanded the 254th Combat Communications Squadron and the 254th Combat Communications Group. He also served as the Director of Human Resources at the State Headquarters. He replaced MG Jerry Ragsdale who retired. General Furlow became the Commander of the 36th Infantry Division during a change of command ceremony on 9 April 2006. He will continue to serve as the Assistant Adjutant General, Army. He entered military service in 1977. He commanded the 136th Signal Battalion; 3rd Brigade, 49th Armored Division, and served as the Chief of Staff for the 49th Armored Division. He replaced MG Michael Taylor who retired. Command Sergeant Major Bruce R. Hendry Brigadier General Donald D. Harvel Command Sergeant Major, 36th Infantry Division Deputy Commander, Texas Air National Guard Sergeant Major Hendry is the new Command Sergeant Major of the 36th Infantry Division. He began his military service in 1967 when he entered basic training at Fort Polk, Louisiana. He has also served as the Command Sergeant Major for the following organizations: 71st Brigade, 36th Infantry Division; 3rd Brigade, 49th Armored Division; and Task Force Guardian, Operation Noble Eagle II. He replaced Command Sergeant Major Roger Brownlee who retired. General Harvel is the new Deputy Commander for the Texas Air National Guard. He began his military career in 1972 as a cadet at the United States Military Academy. He is rated as a Command Pilot and has over 14,000 hours of military and civilian flight hours. His previous assignment was the Commander of the 136th Airlift Wing. He also served as an instructor pilot for the wing. COL (Retired) Mark D. Beto Acting Chief of the Joint Staff Colonel (Retired) Beto retired from the Regular Army after a 30 year career. His various assignments included tours of duty in the 1st Armored Division, 4th and 5th Infantry Divisions and the 66th Military Intelligence Brigade. He also serves as the Texas Military Forces Joint Staff Plans, Policy & Transformation Officer (J5). W W W . N G A T . O R G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H A u s t i n , H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H T X W W W . N G A T . O R G (Photos by Steve Gamboa) W W W . N G A T . O R G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H NGAT Conference Competition Winners The following are the winners of the competitions held during the 47th Annual NGAT conference: Golf 1st place – Johnson team 2nd place – Stickland team 3rd place – Dehnert team fun run Top male – Michael Long 2nd place male – Patrick Dolan Top female – Lisa Buckley 2nd place female – Tammy Mays Top Runner Under 16 – Callie Hall bowling Top male – Paul Tressa Top female – Debi Steinhauser Top overall – Debi Steinhauser skeet 1st place – Archie Meador 2nd place – Keith Larough 3rd place – George Conwill trap 1st place – George Conwill 2nd place – Archie Meador 3rd place – Keith Larough hospitality room 1st place – Air Guard 2nd place – 56th Brigade 3rd place – 71st Brigade NGAT Contractor of the year Mel Hamner – Stanley Vidmar disney world trip Shawn Wilson Silent Auction raised $4,580 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H W W W . N G A T . O R G NGAT Conference Awards NGAT Minuteman Award 2006 CMsgt (Ret) William Maginot – Texas Air National Guard CSM (Ret) Don Strickland – Texas Army National Guard TEXAS AIR NATIONAL GUARD AMN, NCO, SNCO, 1Sgt OF THE YEAR and Jr Officer Airman: Senior Airman Jake B. O’Brien, 147 Logistics Readiness Squadron, 147th Fighter Wing NCO: Technical Sergeant Michelle K. Torres, 136th Mission Support Flight, 136th Airlift Wing SrNCO: Master Sergeant Cynthia J. Frank, 147th Mission Support Flight, 147th Fighter Wing 1st Sgt: Senior Master Sergeant Scot W. Hrbacek, 136th Aerial Port Squadron, 136th Airlift Wing Jr. Officer: Junior Officer of the Year, Capt Allen M. Lambright, Commander, 136th Services Flight, 136th AW TEXAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD SOLDIER & NCO OF THE YEAR Soldier: SPC Conrad Streeter, 1/112 Armor, 36TH Infantry Division NCO: SSG Benjamin Swank, 136th RTI, Joint Forces HQ RECRUITING & RETENTION CHIEF 54 The FY05 Chief’s 54 is SSG William Hank Thetford from Region III, Team 9, Bryan, Texas, Recruiting & Retention Command, Joint Forces HQ. W W W . N G A T . O R G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H The Adjutant General’s Performance Excellence Competition Major General Charles G. Rodriguez, the Adjutant General of Texas, is pleased to announce the results of the 2006 Performance Excellence Competition. The purpose of the TAG’s Performance Excellence Competition is to familiarize organizations with the principles and practices of performance excellence, and to assess how these principles are being used in units, and to share best practices. COMPANY/SQUADRON/DETACHMENT BATTALION/REGIMENT/BRIGADE/WING CATEGORY: LEADERSHIP: Co A 249th Main Support Battalion LEADERSHIP: 372nd Forward Support Battalion STRATEGIC PLANNING: Co B 2-142nd Infantry STRATEGIC PLANNING: 2nd Battalion, 112th Armor CUSTOMER FOCUS: Co E 249th Main Support Battalion CUSTOMER FOCUS: Texas Medical Rangers, Texas State Guard MANAGEMENT, ANALYSIS & KNOWLEDGE SHARING: MANAGEMENT, ANALYSIS AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING: Co B 372nd Forward Support Battalion 136th Maintenance Group, TXANG HUMAN RESOURCE FOCUS: HHD 249th Main Support Battalion HUMAN RESOUCE FOCUS: NO SUBMISSION PROCESS MANAGEMENT: Co C 2-142nd Infantry PROCESS MANAGEMENT: 136th Civil Engineer Squadron, TXANG TXC_02._7.375x4.5qxd 4/18/06 12:10 PM Page 1 The Guard Recruiter Assistance Program (G-RAP) promotes Strength From Within by recognizing and rewarding those who help the TXARNG achieve its goals . www.guardrecruitingassistant.com Strength From Within: Thank you to the Texas units with the best retention rate for the 2nd quarter of FY 2006. 1. 5th Battalion, 112th Armor 3. 4th Battalion, 112th Armor 2. 2nd Battalion, 112th Armor Unit Members Earn * $2,000 for each enlistment. Unit Commanders Your soldiers can earn *$2,000 for each enlistment. G-RAP enables the TXARNG to establish its Position of Strength and return to community based recruiting - GRASSROOTS. www.TXARNG.com *$2,000 for non-prior service. $1,000 for prior service. 10 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H W W W . N G A T . O R G www.boeing.com Today, more than ever, the men and women of the Air National Guard stand vigilant in the defense of freedom. At Boeing, we’re proud to stand with the Guard every day in its vital mission. N A T I O N A French officer instructs soldiers of Task Force Alamo on the use of a French rifle. (Photo by SGT Rowell) Pro football players from the Pittsburg Steelers, Atlanta Falcons and Seattle Seahawks visit Camp Monteith and soldiers from Task Force Houston in Kosovo. SGT Staats and SGT Klein take in the breathtaking view near Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo. A Soldiers in the G4 Section, Task Force Falcon, proudly display their colors in Kosovo. An RC-26B Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance Aircraft returns from a Counterdrug mission sortie with aircrew of the Texas Air National Guard’s 147th Fighter Wing at the controls; its Counterdrug capability dove-tails nicely into Homeland Security. 2006 Bataan Death March Marathon Team – Texas Army/Air Team – Men’s Military Light Category, White Sands, New Mexico. 12 H H H A Texas airman shakes the hand of a Bataan POW survivor, White Sands, New Mexico. H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Chief Warrant Officer Matthew Smith inspects a UH-60 helicopter engine prior to a flight in Austin. (Photo by CMsgt Gonda Moncada) H H H H H H H H H H H W W W . N G A T . O R G L G U A R CPT Perryman, NGAT Board Member shows off some sand art in the Sinai. CSM Jeff Merrill, NGAT Vice President, is greeted by local children at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo. D CSM Hendry, SSG Sanders, and MG Taylor visit LTC Schnell and CSM Cordova of the 1/124 CAV in the Sinai. Communications experts serving in Iraq with 1st Platoon, Co A, 136th Signal Battalion (left to right) SPC Elad, 2LT Estrada, SPC Guzman, SPC James, SGT Cranfill, SPC Sigler. (Photo by: SSG Wojciechowski) CW5 McDonald and CSM Brandt of the Combat Aviation Brigade conduct predeployment site visit to Iraq. While deployed to Afghanistan with 3/141 INF, CPT Franke Gracia submitted several songs he wrote to “The Songs from the Soul of Service” songwriting contest. MSG Wiley and SFC Cox of the 111th ASG are visited by Governor Rick Perry in Afghanistan. W W W . N G A T . O R G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H A 3/141 IN soldier watches as he secures a drop zone for a heavy drop of humanitarian supplies in Ghazni, Afghanistan. H H H H H H 13 111th Area Support Group is Home! The 111th ASG and their families and friends recently celebrated the unit’s return with a special worship service at the Grant African Methodist Episcopal Worship Center in Austin in late March. U. S. Senator John Cornyn was there to thank the soldiers for their service and to thank the family members for their support and sacrifices throughout the unit’s deployment to Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom. During a special certificate presentation, Senator Cornyn thanked Colonel Stevens, the 111th ASG’s Commander, for the all the unit’s work improving the lives of the people in Afghanistan and for bringing every member of the group back home safely. He also presented another certificate to Cinda Johnson and the unit’s Family Readiness Group. Ms. Johnson led the FRG and it was through her leadership and drive that the FRG was able to raise funds, send care packages, and take care of the families here in Texas. H 128th Annual NGAUS General Conference 35th Annual EANGUS General Conference Join us at the EANGUS Conference in Salt join us at the NGAUS General Conference in Lake City, Utah 20-23 Aug 2006. Conference Albuquerque, New Mexico, 14-18 September registration information can be found at 2006. Professional development will be avail- www.eangut.org/conf.reg.html and or visit able to leaders of all ranks. Visit the NGAT web the NGAT web site for a list of attendee and site for a list of attendees and additional infor- additional information. Please notify the NGAT mation. For detailed conference information office if you register for the conference. H visit the NGAUS web site at www.ngaus.org. H EANGUS Area IV Mid-Winter Conference The EANGUS Mid-Winter Area IV Conference was held at the Wingate Inn and Conference Center in Round Rock, Texas 17-19 February 2006. Attendees representing the Area IV states were given a Texas Welcome. Maj Gen Allen Denhert and EANGUS President CMSgt (Ret) Edwin Brown were featured speakers at the conference. Off-site events included a BBQ dinner and an authentic Tex-Mex meal with all the trimmings. Saturday night’s events were highlighted with a “Tacky T-Shirt Contest.” CSM Art Souza was the winner of this contest with his 1982 EANGUS T-Shirt. Special thanks is extended to USAA and Bayco for sponsoring conference events. H W W W . N G A T . O R G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 15 NGAT Legislative Task Force Visit – Washington, DC Members of the NGAT Legislative Task Force visited Washington D.C. DOD to reduce the size of the Air National Guard; 3) complete fill of critical from 7-9 February to meet the Texas Congressional delegation and discuss mission-essential vehicles; 4) restoration of funding to the Counterdrug Task key legislation relating to the National Guard. As in previous years, the Task Force; 5) authorization for the new light cargo aircraft; and 6) force structure Force hosted the Texas delegation and members of their staff to an evening authorization for a special forces company. reception in the NGAUS Hall of States and to a breakfast in the Rayburn MG Charles Rodriguez, Maj. Gen. House Office Building. Both events Allen Dehnert, and BG John Furlow were well attended and provided visited in their official capacities. an excellent opportunity for the Members of the task force included Task Force to meet socially with the MG (Ret) Don Daniel, CHAP (BG, Ret) delegation. During the course of the Robert Herring, BG Jerry Icenhower, trip, Task Force members visited COL Robert Casias, COL David Lapori, every House and Senate office of Maj Marcos Santillan, Maj Drew Texas Congressmen and discussed Daugherty, and NGAT Executive a number of issues identified by the Director Ray Lindner. TAG as critical to the Guard in Texas. The entire Texas delegation was This year the TAG focused on six very supportive of the Guard and priorities: 1) expansion of force uniformly expressed their pride and structure for the Texas Army National gratitude for your service. They were Guard, with an emphasis on unit most receptive to the TAG’s concerns types that are dual-mission, heavily and promised their support in the dual-gender, and in emerging legislative battles to come. It was a mission sets; 2) stop action by tremendously successful trip. H W A N T E D : Members who are willing to join the NGAT LEGISLATIVE BRIGADE. Add your name to a list of people we can contact via email who are willing to call, email or fax their senators and representatives concerning immediate legislative priorities. Email brigade@ngat.org to add your name to the list. Visit the NGAT website www.ngat.org to find links to your senators and representatives. 16 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H W W W . N G A T . O R G Presidential Bust Dedication A bronze bust of a young First Lieutenant George W. Bush, TXANG, was unveiled on February 9 in a ceremony in the NGAUS Hall of the States in Washington, D.C. President Bush attended the unveiling, and used the occasion to deliver a major speech on the Global War on Terror. The bust was donated by the National Guard Association of Texas, and the ceremony capped several years of fund raising, casting, and scheduling. CW4(Ret) Lewis O. King, former Executive Director of NGAT, spearheaded the project, and was on hand with wife Pat for the ceremony. A number of NGAT members and their wives attended, including MG and Mrs. Charles Rodriguez. President Bush is the eighteenth president to have served in the National Guard, and his bust is now on display in the NGAUS Memorial just outside the Sonny Montgomery Conference Room. H W W W . N G A T . O R G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 17 Fall Ball Million Dollar Endowment Campaign The NGAT Educational Foundation is planning to host a formal Military Ball this fall in the October-November timeframe. Proceeds will benefit NGATEF and the Family Readiness Foundation. More information will be NGATEF is looking to increase the funds it can offer in scholarships, provided in the Summer NGAT News magazine. H and is launching a five-year campaign to bring our endowment up to $1,000,000. This would allow over $50,000 a year to be awarded to NGAT Conference Golf Tournament our deserving Guardsmen and family members. If each member $ contributed $10 a year for five years, we would raise well over The Golf Tournament at this year’s $1,000,000. Do your part today conference was one of the best ever. The — write a check to NGATEF and Board of Directors and Members of the University earmark it for the Million of Texas Golf Club played host and waived all Dollar Campaign. Is there a greens fees in honor and recognition of soldiers better cause? H and airmen returning from service overseas. As a result, the money raised for the Education Send donations to the NGAT office Foundation was well over $5,000! Maj Gen Allen attention Million Dollar Endowment Dehnert was the chairman of this year’s tournament Campaign. and deserves a hearty thanks for a fantastic tournament! H 25 Premium Hand-Rolled Cigars and Cutter for $19.95! This is a special offer from Toro Cigar. We are offering 25 INDIAN HEAD CIGARS and CUTTER for $19.95. This is a medium bodied, hand-rolled cigar with a slightly nutty flavor. They are made in Esteli, the cigar capital of Nicaragua. The filler is 100% Nicaraguan and the wrapper is a Cuban seed sungrown Colorado. At $19.95 for 25 sticks, this is a “whole lotta cigar” for very little denero. These are great cigars to take with you to the golf course or out in the field when you have buddies around who always seem to forget to bring their own. President Lewis King 8407 Greenflint Lane Austin, TX 78759 Quantity:______ x $19.95 (per bundle) + $4.95 shipping Total:_____________ P) 512-346 -2245 Name:_ _______________________________________________________ F ) 512-343- 0982 Address:_ _____________________________________________________ Lewis@loking.net City:_____________________________State:________Zip:______________ Phone:_______________________Email:_ ___________________________ p Payment Enclosed or p Charge to my Amex or Discover Card #_ _______________________________________________________ Name as it appears on card:_______________________________________ Exp. Date:________________________Date of Birth:___________________ Signature:_ ____________________________________________________ Mail to: Toro Cigar • 1079 Spring Mill Dr • Winter Garden FL 34787 WWW.TOROCIGAR.COM You must be 18 to make purchase. 18 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H W W W . N G A T . O R G Scholarship Winners RECIPIENTS OF NGAT EDUCATION GRANTS, 2005-2006 HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR CATEGORY (3 AWARDS) 1st Place ($5,000) Berry Award Recipient: Charles C. Peck Son of Mr. Charles Raymond Peck, Life Member since 1989 2nd Place ($2,500) Ready to Serve Scholarship Recipient: Jamie Wright Daughter of James A. Wright, Life Member since 1983 3rd PLACE ($1,000) Senior NCO Air Scholarship Recipient: Steven M. Zuniga Son of Hector M. Zuniga, Life Member since 1986 COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATE CATEGORY (2 AWARDS) 1st Place ($2,500) Leonard and Jean Tallas Endowed Scholarship Recipient: Erica M. Lux Daughter of Harry E. Lux, Jr., Life Member since 1993 2nd Place ($1,000) Senior NCO Army Recipient: David Dominguez Son of John C. Dominguez, Life Member since 1991 GRADUATE STUDENT CATEGORY (1 AWARD) ($500) USAA Scholarship Recipient: Shannon Covey Daughter of Michael Hillock Covey, Annual Member 2006 We had a great many more applications this year, and the quality of applicants was outstanding. Our congratulations to the winners and their families! W W W . N G A T . O R G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 19 Reunion of Airborne Units of the Texas Army National Guard NGAT Supports the 147th Fighter Wing A reunion for the 71st and 36th Air- NGAT sponsored an borne Brigades and Company G, 143d exhibit booth for the Ranger Company will be held on August 26, 147th Fighter Wing’s 2006, in Austin at the Red Lion Hotel located participation at the at 6121 North Interstate Hwy 35 @ 290 East. 20th Annual Career & Rooms have been set aside at a special Education Day presented rate of $89.00 per night. Rate will remain in by the Houston Hispanic effect until July 25, 2006. To make reserva- Forum (HHF) on February tions call 512-323-5466. Let them know you 4, 2006. The HHF is a are with the “Airborne Reunion.” The Texas Military Forces Museum located non-profit organization in Bldg 6 on Camp Mabry, will host a special tour for the reunion on the 26th promoting awareness starting at 2:00 pm. Happy hour will start at 6:00 pm and dinner will be served of issues affecting the at 7:30 pm. A Band will play during and after the evening’s events. A registra- Hispanic community. tion fee of $50.00 per person covers the meal and the band. Mail registrations Middle and high school to Richard Brito, 2025 Verbena, Austin, TX 78750. With your registration fee students attended please indicate your choice of dinner — NY strip beef or chicken. Also indicate panel discussions and if you desire to attend the museum tour. AIRBORNE!!! H heard presentations on issues impacting their Guard Muster Be Part of the Living Tribute education and career paths. Exhibitors at the forum included potential employers and recruiters like the Air National Guard. H New NGAT Dues Rates Effective Date: 1 April 2006 The Guard Muster is the permanent register of Guard men and women, past and present, who have been enrolled into the Muster by themselves, or by those who wish to honor them. Names in the Muster are displayed electronically at a computer kiosk located in the National Guard Memorial Museum, as well as online on the NGEF website www.ngef.org/muster/index. Rank asp. Your family and friends will be able to see on-line your registration. E1-E6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 . . . . . . . . . EANGUS included . . . . . . . $150 Visitors are invited to search for individual records, which display a person’s Annual NGAT Annual EANGUS Life NGAT E7 – E9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . EANGUS Included . . . . . . $200 name, state, unit, place of birth and Guard duties performed. Rank A donation of only $25 is requested for each Muster enrollment, with an Annual NGAT Annual NGAUS Life NGAT W1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 additional $15 to include a photograph. The photograph can be added to the Muster at any time, and may be either black and white or color, and no larger CW2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 than 8”x10.” Anyone who is or has served in the National Guard, the relative CW3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 of a Guard member, or is a friend or supporter of the Guard is eligible for CW4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 inclusion in the Muster. CW5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $73 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 This is truly a gift that keeps on giving. Make yourself or your loved one part of O1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 history and enroll in GUARD MUSTER today. H O2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 O3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 STARBASE Charity Golf Tournament O4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 O5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 O6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 Come join the members of the Joint Forces at Ellington Field on Monday O7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 June 5th for the 1st Annual Charity Golf Tournament for STARBASE Ellington Field. Deadline to enter is May 29th, the tournament is a 4 person scramble, O8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $139 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 shotgun start at 1:30. The Golf Tournament will benefit STARBASE, a youth Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 program that stresses the importance of choosing a drug free lifestyle. For Associate . . . . . . . . . . . $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 entry forms contact Major Douglas Wankowski at Douglas.Wankowski@txelli. Visit the NGAT website for membership applications. ang.af.mil, or 713-208-8841. H 20 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H W W W . N G A T . O R G Taps (as of 04-18-06) Mr. Roland J. Bruns, Retired, Snyder Mr. John H. Herman, Retired, Pasadena Mr. Marcus S. Oden, Retired, Tye SPC Angel Cabrera Jr., Co C, 949th FSB, Grand Prairie *SPC Ralpford E. Holcomb, A BTRY, 1/133rd FA, Nacogdoches Mr. Juan B. Patino, Retired, San Antonio Mr. Carlos G. Chapa, Retired, San Antonio *Mr. Jackie H. Holland, Retired, McKinney *SGT James R. Prince, Retired, Kyle SSG Norman D. Cox, Retired, Brownwood Mr. John S. Lanford, Retired, Merkel *SPC Randall D. Preusse, Co C 176th Engr Bn, Taylor CW4 Curtis C. Daniel, Retired, Austin MSG Elbert E. Lewis, Retired, Blossom *Mr. Kenneth D. Schindley, Retired, Mount Pleasant COL Loyd R. Dowd, Retired, Dallas *Mr. Gabino Lopez Jr., Retired, San Antonio *Mr. Guy L. Stroud, Retired, Hurst Mr. Robert Ellison III, Retired, Pampa SGT Daniel L. Lowe, TRP B, 1/124 CAV, Waco Mr. Glenn R. Treme, Retired, Troy *Mr. James S. Farquharson Jr., Retired, Tehachapi CA SPC David C. Macomber, Retired, San Antonio PV2 Justin T. Williams, 736th (-) Maint Co, Gatesville Mr. Cecil P. Fleming, Retired, Crystal Beach Mr. Larry W. McCreless, Retired, Elgin SFC Joe A. Zapata, HHC 3/112th AR, Brownwood CW4 Fidencio E. “Pico” Gonzalez Jr., Retired, Austin Mr. John W. Mitchell, Retired, Houston *SPC Bryan C. Graham, Retired, Huntington Mr. Eloy Morales, Retired, Hebbronville SGT Jerry L. Griffin, Det 1, Co B, 949th FSB, Wichita Falls Mr. James E. Murphy Jr., Retired, Longview *Had NGAT Insurance. NGAT Corporate Members AAR Mobility Systems fortress technologies AM General general dynamics air cleaning technologies Heil trailer international alliant techsystems, inc. interconnect wiring Simplex manufacturing bayco LK stanley vidmar bell helicopter textron, inc. management & training consultants, inc. Association of the united states army skyline ultd., inc. stewart & stevenson mmi-federal marketing service corp. Bowhead eagle monitronics toro cigar clearcube technology northrop grumman universal fabric structures drs technologies oshkosh truck corporation us family health plan Healthcare Discount Card Receive up to a 60% discount with the Wholesale Benefits Club Please send me additional information including application to: Discount Card on Prescription Drugs, Physician and Hospital Name:____________________________________________________ Services, Dental, and Vitamins and Supplements. Enter the card Address:__________________________________________________ code BX04 in order to view the listings of providers on our website City:_____________________________ State:____________________ www.wbclub.net. To receive the NGAT discount through online Zip:_ _____________________________________________________ enrollment use the BX04 card code and ZBCH as the promotion code. Call toll free 888-331-7465 for further information. W W W . N G A T . O R G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Return form to: Wholesale Benefits Club, Inc. Att: NGAT 1717 W. Northern, Suite 200 Phoenix, AZ 85021 H H H H H H H H H H H H 21 Thousands Muster at Camp Mabry By Chief Master Sgt. Gonda Moncada, Texas National Guard Public Affairs AUSTIN, Texas (April 3, 2006) – Howitzers roared, leaving the acrid smell The battle re-enactment was performed in what is called the back-forty, a of smoke and gun powder in the air. Soldiers faced each other in hand-to-hand heavily wooded area behind the museum and ideal from the perspective of combat and when it was all over, some soldiers surrendered, others were not providing two opposing tree lines where the Allied Forces and the German so lucky as their bodies lay bleeding, dead or dying, in the dust and grime. troops faced each other. Only yards away children could be observed boarding the train or riding the For authenticity, the actors portraying German Soldiers spoke German to each Buffalo Soldiers’ horses. other, and periodically an officer could be heard calling for a “Panzer,” a Ger- So why did parents allow their children in the vicinity of such fierce fighting? man tank. The crowd applauded when the German Soldiers surrendered and Because this scenario was part of the 37th Annual Texas Military Forces’ the American Soldiers captured the hated Swastika flag. Muster Day here at Camp Mabry. Muster Day harkens back to the 1830s when once a year militia companies would “muster” to be officially counted on the The battle re-enactment was not the only popular event during Muster Day. rolls. This year, on the weekend of April 1 and 2, military men and women Another time-honored tradition is the Hall of Honor presentation. Tradition- “mustered” in the tradition of old. History was on display as the two-day event ally, a retired Air, Army or State Guard member is recognized for their past kicked off with a parade featuring vehicles from by-gone eras and uniforms performance in the National Guard. This year’s recipients were Brigadier from 1835 to the present. General Reese L. Harrison Jr. and Colonel William R. Furr, who was honored posthumously. H Historical military interpreters showed off weapons, uniforms and other trappings from the Texas colonization era, Texas Revolution, Civil War (Union All Photos by Tsgt Gregory Ripps and Confederate), World Wars I and II (Allied and Axis), and the Korean and Vietnamese conflicts. Texas Military Forces Museum Dedicated to BG Scribner In a ceremony on February 4, 2006, the Texas Military Forces Museum was renamed the “BG John C. L. Scribner Texas Military Forces Museum.” MG Charles G. Rodriguez, the Adjutant General of Texas, gave the dedication address. MG Rodriguez, BG Scribner, and General Scribner’s two grandchildren, Emma and Nolan, unveiled a new sign. Approximately 175 people, including several active and retired general officers, attended. For more information on the museum, visit their new website at www.texasmilitaryforcesmuseum.org. H " M useum donation card Please clip and mail to: Your generous donations will help maintain the Texas Military Forces Museum and its community programs. TMFM Donation made in honor of:________________________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 5218 Check enclosed Austin, Texas or Charge my credit card for the following amount: $_ ____________________________________ 78763-5218 Name on card:_______________________________________________Exp. Date:_____________________________ Card #:_______________________________________Signature:____________________________________________ 22 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H W W W . N G A T . O R G National Guard Association of Texas N G AT P lanning C alendar (As of 21 April 2006) 2006 14-17 Apr Easter Observed 13 May NGAT Board Meeting, Austin 4 Jul Independence Day Observed 12 Aug NGAT Board Meeting, Austin 18-23 Aug EANGUS Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT 16-18 Sep NGAUS Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM 4 Nov NGAT Board Meeting, Austin 11 Nov Veteran’s Day Observed 23-24 Nov Thanksgiving Observed 24-31 Dec Christmas Observed 2007 W W W . N G A T . O R G H 1 Jan New Year’s Day Observed 12-14 Jan EANGUS Area IV Midwinter Conference, Lawrence, KS 27 Jan NGAT Board Meeting, Austin 6-8 Feb NGAT Legislative Visit, Washington, D.C. 23-25 Mar NGAT 48th Annual Conference, Corpus Christi, TX H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 23 National Guard Association of Texas 3706 Crawford Street Austin, Texas 78731-6803
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