N.4 – Marzo 2015 – € 5 - Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Bologna n


N.4 – Marzo 2015 – € 5 - Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Bologna n
N.4 – Marzo 2015 – € 5 - Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Bologna n° 6542 del 15/03/1996
Chronograph quartz, Mod. Brake B5
Vision & Mission
Guercino And Ferruccio: From Cento To New York
Tesori Latini
Periodico di attualità e cultura
da un’idea di Tonino Lamborghini
WEB 3.0
Tonino Lamborghini Goes Social…
For A Discriminating Luxury Clientele
Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Concept
Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Bologna
n° 6542 del 15/03/1996
Anno IX
N°4 Marzo 2015
Una copia: € 5
Tonino Lamborghini City Center Hotel
Tonino Lamborghini Lakeside Hotel
Tonino Lamborghini Tiles & Style
Tonino Lamborghini Casa:
Luxury Furniture With Strong Character
88 Tauri: Does Your Smartphone Live Up To Your Lifestyle?
Tonino Lamborghini Eyewear. ‘Brake’:
The New Model Inspired By The Family’s Mechanical Heritage
Tonino Lamborghini Golf Cart
New Tonino Lamborghini Lounge Opens In Bangkok
The New Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum
Jewels Of The Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum
Editore, Direzione e Amministrazione
Lamborghini Real Estate S.p.A.
via San Giacomo, 25 – 41100 Modena
Tonino Lamborghini S.p.A.
via Funo, 41 - Funo di Argelato (BO)
Direttore Responsabile
Rita D’Andrea
In Redazione
Rita D’Andrea, Mariana Saracino, Andrea Casa,
Cinzia Nardini
Marco Baraldi, Studio Bortolotti,
Daniela Bottura, Lorenzo Croce, Lorenzo Dalli
Cani, Rita D’Andrea, Formitalia, Gruppo Ceramiche Gambarelli, Join In, Lazerface Recs, Mariana
Saracino, Foto Schicchi, Guido Taroni
Odette Boya
Grafica e impaginazione
Daniela Bottura, Maurizio Mauro, Cristiano Muzzi,
Silvana Strangio
Golinelli Industrie Grafiche SpA
via Quattro Passi, 16
41043 Formigine MO - Italia
The Tonino Lamborghini Forum
Dopo aver celebrato nel 2011 il Trentennale dell’azienda, il
Gruppo Tonino Lamborghini continua a raccogliere i frutti
del processo di riorganizzazione iniziato nel 2009, siglando
nuovi progetti in Cina e nel sud-est asiatico e focalizzandosi
maggiormente sul core business aziendale.
Anche nel 2014 il Gruppo ha concentrato le proprie energie nel campo dell’accessorio di lusso, non solo elevando la
qualità del prodotto e il posizionamento, ma enfatizzando
al massimo le caratteristiche essenziali del brand: lo spirito senza compromessi, l’Italianità e un design di chiara
ispirazione meccanica. Vision del Gruppo è, infatti, quella di
diffondere nel mondo la passione e lo spirito della cultura
italiana sotto forma di prodotti dallo stile unico e distintivo,
ispirato al mondo del design industriale italiano.
Grazie alla strategia messa in atto già da qualche anno,
accanto al lancio di nuovi accessori di lusso - smartphone, orologi, occhiali, accessori golf - vi è stato un forte sviluppo dell’area hospitality – hotel a 5 stelle, ristoranti e
lounge caffè – con un concept coerente con i valori del
brand. Reinterpretando il concetto di ospitalità, Tonino
Lamborghini ha ideato ambienti con un design peculiare e
un’attenzione alla qualità dei servizi, nel pieno rispetto della
cultura e dei gusti locali. L’intento è di ricreare nel mondo
tante “Casa Lamborghini” declinate nel più puro stile del
“Toro che carica”.
Producendo oggetti di design che richiamano la tradizione e l’heritage della famiglia Lamborghini, il Gruppo Tonino Lamborghini intende esportare all’estero uno stile ed
un gusto italiano riconoscibile, nel rispetto del forte valore
aggiunto apportato dal brand, percepito dalla clientela di
tutto il mondo come massima espressione di lusso, esclusività e stile italiano.
After celebrating the company’s 30th anniversary in
2011, the Tonino Lamborghini Group continued to build
on the reorganization process started in 2009, initiating
new projects in China and Southeast Asia, while remaining
focused on the core business.
In 2014 the Group concentrated its energies in the field of
luxury accessories, not only improving quality products and
positioning, but also emphasizing the essence of the brand:
Il comm. Tonino Lamborghini,
Presidente del Gruppo Tonino Lamborghini
con la figlia Ginevra.
Tonino Lamborghini,
President of the Tonino Lamborghini Group
with daughter Ginevra.
its uncompromising spirit, Italian ingenuity and designs
clearly inspired by mechanics. The Group’s vision is to bring
the passion and spirit of Italy to the global market through
unique and distinctive products, inspired by the world of
mechanical engineering and Italian industrial design.
Growth has continued in the hospitality sector with
boutique hotels, restaurants, lounges, and cafés that
epitomize the values of the brand. Reinterpreting the very
concept of hospitality, we have created a world of style,
culture, art and service that sets a new standard. In the
future, expect to see many more Casa Lamborghini in the
hospitality sector that embody the spirit of the Raging Bull.
By staying true to the traditions and heritage of the
Lamborghini family the Tonino Lamborghini Group seeks
to promote distinctive Italian style and taste, together with
the added value of a brand which is recognized throughout
the globe as a beacon of luxury, exclusivity and Italian flair.
Imola Carbon armchair
The TONINO LAMBORGHINI Group vision is to bring the
passion and spirit of Italy to the global market through
unique and distinctive products, inspired by the world of
mechanical engineering and industrial design.
Iconic smartphones
Eau de Toilette
Leather Goods
5-star Hotels
Writing Instruments
Smoking Accessories
The Tonino Lamborghini Group focuses on development
and positioning of luxury accessories in North America,
Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Commercial presence in 60 countries
20 active partnership agreements with international
100 international distributors
Tonino Lamborghini
export of 97%
of the production,
67% only in the Far East
Restaurants and Cafés
Home decor
Energy drink
Equestrian apparel and
riding gear
Bicycles and Ciclotte
Golf equipment & carts
Guercino And Ferruccio:
From Cento To New York
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City,
the brainchild of Rockefeller’s brilliant wife has, over the
years, exhibited some of the most prestigious and significant works spanning the end of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: paintings and sculptures, but also other
forms of artistic expression. The marvelous Lamborghini
Miura is on display on the top floor. Why is a car part of
an art collection in a museum?
MoMA’s creative intuition was to broaden its art display
to include photography, film, design and architecture.
What would better represent Italian industrial design of
the period than the world’s fastest car of the 60s? The
Miura was a sports car noted for its aesthetics and its
exceptional performance - creation of the mechanical
genius of Ferruccio Lamborghini. The journey began in
1968 in Cento, a small town in Italy’s Pianura Emiliana
which was an industrial hub. Ferruccio was able to bring
this jewel, born from humble beginnings, to one of the Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri), Samson captured by the Philistines, 1619,
most important museums in the world. It is still displayed Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
there today, an esteemed work of art. It is not only Miura’s
tiful altarpieces is exposed in the Church in San Sebastiano
mechanics and incredible speed for that time (300 kph) of Renazzo, the birthplace of Ferruccio.
that distinguish it, but also the aesthetics of its unique and Centuries apart, the two geniuses from Cento, despite coinnovative silhouette, created in collaboration with Centro ming from a small town in Emilia, through their great skill
Stile Bertone, one of the most celebrated names in car de- and imagination became ambassadors of Italian talent and
sign in Italy.
creativity to America. Today their masterpieces are featuWhile Lamborghini is featured at MoMA, another famous red in the highest artistic circles.
person from Cento is a central figure at the Metropolitan Museum in New York with his work “The Blinding of
Cinzia Nardini
Artistic Anatomy Professor
Samson”: it is the painter Guercino, a Baroque master
at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome
born in 1591. Incidentally, one of the painter’s most beau-
WEB 3.0
Tonino Lamborghini Goes Social…
For A Discriminating Luxury Clientele
According to a recent study by McKinsey & Company
– Altagamma called ‘The Impact of Digital on (Luxury)
Consumer Behavior,’ digital technology is revolutionizing
the luxury market, both in terms of sales and marketing.
Regarding sales, the direct effect is that ecommerce
captures an increasing share of the market, representing
40% of total luxury sales (mostly accessories); the
indirect effect is that 44% of consumers are influenced
and persuaded online. Regarding marketing, the direct
effect is evident in terms of digital penetration: 75%
of luxury consumers are now using smartphones and
tablets to research products. This aids in the creation of
user-generated content, considering with 75% of luxury
consumers actively posting on social media.
Who is this digital luxury consumer? He or she is a smart
fashionista, a wealthy businessperson or a digitally savvy
individual. He or she buys online for various reasons:
convenience, breadth of selection, distance from physical
stores, one-to-one pricing or special offers. Consumers are
dramatically changing their purchasing behavior: luxury
consumers are already truly “digital” and approximately
80% of consumers today use digital channels to purchase
For all of these reasons the Tonino Lamborghini Group is
embarking on a digital transformation. Last year a new
ecommerce channel, www.lamborghini.it, was launched
whose aim is to present and promote a selection of the
brand’s finest luxury products, and which today can be
purchased online and distributed to 38 different countries
around the world. ‘The unique value of the e-store –
according to Gianluca Filippi, Tonino Lamborhgini’s CEO–
lies in its ability to reach a variety of customers with different
purchasing patterns: well-informed customers who know
exactly what they are looking for; clients who prefer to click
through suggestions; prospects who may not have a point
of sale close to them; or people who have extremely limited
time to shop and prefer to shop on their smart devices.’
Likewise, Officina Gastronomica, the Tonino Lamborghini
company dedicated to signature beverages, has recently
launched the new website www.lamborghini-lounge.com.
Here one can find everything one needs to know about
the TL branded espresso coffee, chocolates, teas, energy
drinks, vodka, wines as well as a special section dedicated
to the new Hospitality project.
Finally, the brand is present on the major social media
WEB 3.0
platforms with official accounts managed by
the company’s Communication Office. The
official social media are:
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram,
Pinterest, Linkedin, Issuu.
Follow us, share, and ‘like’ our content!
Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Concept
Architecture, Art and Design are the core values behind
the Tonino Lamborghini Hotel project, realized by Italian
architect Renzo Costa, founding partner of “Studio Costa
Progettazioni” in Rome.
Distinctive and characteristic, Costa’s architecture is
a mix of quality, luxury and elegance. The new Concept
behind the TLH created by Costa began as an elaboration
of the Bolognese brand’s renowned “Shield” logo, which
has created an architectural composition that is both
captivating and speaks volumes, with extraordinary
consistency of composition. “One of a kind.”
Architecturally, the structure is unique and unmistakable—
like the history of the Tonino Lamborghini company.
The Tonino Lamborghini Hotel project will involve the building
of 100 to 250- key five star category Business Hotels
and 80 to 120- key five star category Boutique Hotels, to
satisfy the most demanding clientele. The first outline of
the project envisions meeting rooms, SPA, Lounge Bar,
Roof Garden, shops, international and Italian restaurants
positioned for panoramic views, as well as a helipad on the
roof. Naturally, all of this with interior design that reflects
the values and essence of the Tonino Lamborghini Brand.
“During a meeting,” - architect Costa recounts - “Tonino
Lamborghini described his idea and what he envisioned for
his Hotels. I accepted the challenge, I put forth my ideas, and
he added precious suggestions. Since then, we have built
a rapport between my collaborators, who deserve credit
for these achievements, and the Centro Stile of the Tonino
Lamborghini company. They have joined forces to provide
the luxurious experience of a legendary Made in Italy.” The
Tonino Lamborghini Hotel project is part of a consolidated
partnership by the Tonino Lamborghini company with a
important Chinese Group, and includes plans to open 30
branded Hotels over the next few decades.
This is only the beginning of the challenge, but thanks to
the abilities of an adept team of professionals, coordinated
by architect Renzo Costa, the Tonino Lamborghini Hotel
project aims to open a new chapter of Italian excellence.
We strive to recall the roots and values of the brand,
achieving international style while maintaining Italian
identity. We go beyond comfort and quality for an
unforgettable stimulating sensory experience.
The value of an emotional experience is more important than
abstract intellectual understanding of the environment.
People are discovering something that is important in their
lives by having a chance of doing something authentic.
To see, to touch, to smell, to hear or to taste something
that is real in this world reminds us where we come from
and where we are headed. Through discovery, we see the
world differently. And that’s what matters to us - to see the
world differently. This is what we stand for.
Our brand value is based on the relation between guests
and services, on an unspoken contract between hotel and
its guests.
Tonino Lamborghini Hotels & Resorts guests are virtuosos
in the art of living. They are confident individuals, tireless
leaders in their fields and accomplished world citizens.
They are also connoisseurs of style and taste, seeking
beauty and perfection. They strive to create a comfortable
and prominent place for themselves through the pursuit of
meaning and passion in life.
Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou
Suzhou Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel boasts 92
rooms, each with its own library. The hotel marries
respect for the past with excitement about the future.
While classic features are retained, that stylish touch that
is unmistakably Italian, where joy meets sophistication, s
present throughout. Experience the elegance of the Tonino
Lamborghini suites, stroll through the traditional gardens,
or work out at the water gym. Luxury, comfort and space
are the buzzwords of the project.
The hotel combines the best of both traditional and modern
Chinese architecture, craftsmanship coming together
with innovative technology and materials. It is a symbol of
the cultural and technological progress in which China is
playing a leading role.
A famous Chinese saying describes Suzhou as a heaven
upon Earth. The gardens of Suzhou, some of which date
back over a thousand years, have been designated World
Heritage Sites. The location of the hotel on the bank of the
Jinji Lake provides it with special spiritual power. Between
1997 and 2003, it has received many foreign dignitaries
and celebrities. Tonino Lamborghini’s iconic red shield
features throughout the hotel, from letterheads and
business cards to furniture and staff uniforms, and so too
does the Tonino Lamborghini standard – luxury kissed with
Italian flair. ‘This project is possibly the pinnacle of my 30
years of professional and personal experience in China,’
says Tonino Lamborghini.
1. Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou
Received The Most Valuable Hotel in China of 2014
July 30, 2014 - Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou
has been awarded the Most Valuable Hotel in China of
2. Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou awarded
2014 Certificate of Excellence by TripAdvisor
May 30, 2014 - The accolade, which honors hospitality
excellence, is given only to establishments that consistently
achieve outstanding traveler reviews on TripAdvisor
3. Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou won
Best Cultural and Art Theme Award of The 5th China
Best Design Hotels
On December 6, 2013, The Award Ceremony of The
5th China Best Design Hotels hosted by The Bund was
ceremoniously held in Shanghai. Tonino Lamborghini
Boutique Hotel Suzhou won Best Cultural and Art Theme
Award of The 5th China Best Design Hotels.
4. Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou received
The Best Boutique Hotel Award
October 21, 2013 - The City of Paradise 2013-2014
City Traveler Best Hotel Awards Ceremony was held in
Shanghai. Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou was
awarded the “Best Boutique Hotel Award”
1. Tonino Lamborghini Hotels & Resort Awarded The
Most Progressive Luxury Hotel Brand of Year Award
by Shanghai Times
December 11, 2013 - Hospitality Industry Awards
organized by the Shanghai Times was held in Shanghai.
Tonino Lamborghini Hotels & Resorts won the Most
Progressive Luxury Brand of Year Award for their luxury
style and top quality facilities.
2. Tonino Lamborghini Won the Most Progressive
Luxury Hotels Brand of the Year
September 6, 2013
2013 AHF International Hotel Investment Summit was
grand held in Park Hyatt, Beijing Yintai Centre in Beijing
from September 4 to 6. Tonino Lamborghini won the Most
Progressive Luxury Hotels Brand of the Year in the Award
Tonino Lamborghini Boutique Hotel Suzhou
168 Xinggang Street - Suzhou Industrial Park
Suzhou 215021, Jiangsu, China
Tel: (+86) 512 6285 9999
Fax: (+86) 512 6285 9888
Email: Suzhou@TLHotelsGroup.com
Number of rooms 92
Tonino Lamborghini City Center Hotel
Kunshan - Tonino Lamborghini City Center Hotel
The latest addition to Kunshan’s rapid development is
the new Tonino Lamborghini City Center Hotel, the first
complex to integrate shopping and business in the center
of Kunshan’s commercial and business zone.
Located at the intersection of Zhongshan Road and Qianjin
Road, the hotel offers spectacular views of Yufen Mountain
and the Musical Fountain Show. The Tonino Lamborghini
City Center Hotel Kunshan is conveniently located only
40 minutes away from Shanghai, 15 minutes away from
the famous Yangcheng Lake and 50 minutes away from
Zhouzhuang, China’s first water town.
The very best corporate experience in the classical and
elegant city of Kunshan. Tonino Lamborghini City Center
Hotel provides a wide variety of multipurpose meeting
rooms, a Grand Ballroom suitable for over 400 people and
state of the art conference facilities.
In addition to luxurious rooms and meeting facilities the
hotel also provides guests with gexcellent culinary options:
from Western Buffet Dining to Chinese and Korean cuisine.
The ultimate destination, Venice Kunshan Bar is your place
to be between 17:00 – 01:00, with a wide selection of
local and imported beer, fine whiskeys and unique cocktails.
You can enjoy a nice cigar while listening to a “live” band
perform your favorite songs. Or maybe just grab a beer
with your friends while watching your favorite sports game
projected on the wide screen.
289 contemporary guest rooms, including 44 suites with
a wide variety of facilities, provide breath-taking levels
of comfort. The spectacular Presidential Suites include
a butler on hand day and night to provide concierge and
business services.
Tonino Lamborghini City Center Hotel Kunshan features
a 300 square meter indoor swimming pool. Ideal for
relaxation or that energy burst at the end of the day.
Tonino Lamborghini City Center Hotel Kunshan
No. 287 Zhongshan Road
Kunshan, Jiangsu 215300, China
Tel: (+86) 512 5711 9999
Fax: (+86) 512 5716 7799
Email: Kunshan@TLHotelsGroup.com
Number of rooms 289
General Manager: Mr. Tristan de la Porte du Theil
Tonino Lamborghini Lakeside Hotel
Situated in the scenic destination of Tuancheng Mountain
Economic Development Area, surrounded by serenity and
highlighted by a lake view, our Huangshi hotel is redefining
remarkable waterfront living.
Being the largest construction investment in the history
of Huangshi, the hotel is the third luxury hotel of Tonino
Lamborghini in China after launch of properties in Suzhou
and Kunshan. With teeming blue waters surrounded by
emerald mountains and flourishing gardens, the featurepacked Tonino Lamborghini Lakeside Hotel Huangshi
is being erected as a landmark on the Ci Lake. Adjacent
to Huangshi Municipal Government, Broadcast Center,
Library, Museum and People’s Square, its geographical
location matches the hotel’s other superlatives. The
hotel features 374 luxury guest rooms and suites, all
fully equipped with high quality facilities and amenities.
Gastronomic journeys will capture diverse dining options
through 3 distinctive restaurants, including Marco Polo
Café, Chinese Restaurant, “Kimchi” Korean Restaurant
and Lobby Lounge. The Grand Ballroom, suitable for
800 guests for dining, and 8 functional rooms will make
banquets and conferences highly enjoyable. For the perfect
way to rejuvenate body and soul it’s equipped with the latest
exercise equipment and outdoor lakeside as well as indoor
heated swimming pools. SPA’s exclusive treatments of
delicate care will be offered for the ultimate in relaxation.
the Hotel’s architecture incorporates the latest
environmental-friendly and energy-saving design concepts.
The opening of Tonino Lamborghini Lakeside Hotel
Huangshi is not only aimed to transmit Italian lifestyle
experience and extraordinary sensations for business
elite and travelers, but also to accelerate development of
tourism in the city.
Tonino Lamborghini Lakeside Hotel Huang-shi
No. 18 Guanghui Rd., Huangshi 435 000 - Hubei, China
Tel: (+86) 714 639 9999 - Fax: (+86) 714 637 0699
Email: info.hs@TLHotelsGroup.com
Number of rooms: 374
General Manager: Mrs Eva Li
Tonino Lamborghini Tiles & Style
Italian design, luxury and creativity: Tonino Lamborghini Group and
Gambarelli launch a new line of ceramic tiles for walls and floors
Italian design, luxury and creativity: Tonino Lamborghini
Group and Gambarelli launch a new line of ceramic tiles for
walls and floors.
The Tonino Lamborghini Tiles & Style project is fruit of the
fusion of the TL Group’s vision with Gambarelli’s established
know-how gained from more than fifty years of developing
and producing high-end ceramic wall tiles.
Architecture, art and design are the basic elements of
this new line of ceramic floor and wall tiles that evoke the
international and exclusive Italian luxury brand with its
famous ‘raging bull’ insignia.
The new project is part of the broader venture Tonino
Lamborghini Home, which seeks to bring the concept of
total living full circle offering everything from furnishings for
prestigious villas to the outfitting of interiors of apartments
and residences. The new collection of tiles is a high-end
solution for residential interiors and luxury hotels and aims
to satisfy the demand for luxury and Made in Italy quality all
around the world.
This ambitious project involves a pool of companies
assembled by Tonino Lamborghini in conjunction with
Gambarelli’s time-tested expertise in the floor and wall tile
Tonino Lamborghini presented the new collection of
ceramic tiles at CERSAIE 2014, the international exhibition
of ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings held in Bologna,
and SUZUKA. Each style effortlessly interprets the
international spirit and luxury of the Bolognese brand.
Inspired by carbon and steel, the leitmotiv of the LE MANS
series is minimalist geometry and play with shadows.
The INDY series is distinguished by an elegant pattern
with a brush stroke effect that lends vitality to the grey,
beige, black and red background. INDY is also available in
a hexagon shape.
Combining hexagonal tiles of various colors, creates
stunning effects both on walls and upholstery.
MONTECARLO is the most
daring line presented for the
Tonino Lamborghini Tiles &
Style debut. It is inspired by
the staves of boats docked
on Mediterranean coasts.
The series is available in
bright red, white and total
black and also with graphic
letterings that recall the
logo. Montecarlo features
tiles measuring 22.5x90 cm
and 15x90 cm that can be
assembled together.
INTERLAGOS blends the
naturalness of wood with
the elegance of ceramic
Available in maple, oak Tommaso Pozzi, Sales & Mktg director of GRUPPO CERAMICHE GAMBARELLI SPA, Giuseppe Pozzi,
Ferruccio & Ginevra Lamborghini
and cherry wood hues, the
series’ tiles are 20x180 cm
in white and gray. Suzuka’s main format is 15x15 cm
and include plated tiles tastefully personalized by Tonino squared tile.
SUZUKA features a multicolor grid to create original is completed by special baseboards and coordinated
mosaics. Developed in different nuances: from brown with decors.
yellow highlights to blue with shades of sky blue, but also
Tonino Lamborghini Casa:
Luxury Furniture With Strong Character
The Tonino Lamborghini CASA collection, produced in
cooperation with Tuscan Formitalia Group S.p.A., includes
furnishings and accessories for home and office, all with a
marked, strong character. With fine quality leathers and
carbon or Kevlar trim, the Tonino Lamborghini collections
elegantly evoke the high performance sports cars and
mechanical engineering world.
Bearings, rods, pistons, exhaust pipes, grilles, headlights,
leaf springs and hinges are the key mechanical inspirations
for the luxurious accessories that are part of the Tonino
Lamborghini Casa collections. High-tech materials such
as carbon fiber, satin-finish steel and metal braids are
combined with fine leathers which together create a luxury
and elegant look.
The intrinsic allure of high-performance combined with
lightweight, precious, advanced technology materials and
mechanical references create an innovative kind of beauty.
Among the models presented at the last edition of
the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, the International
Furnishing Accessories Exhibition in Milan, we can
highlight: the Long Beach Bar, a bar cabinet in veneer
noce canaletto glossy and leather 6008
Siena. It is equipped with mirror, Led lights
and shield handles; Booster, a 3-seat sofa
with relax mechanism, cover in white tech
leather, white perforated alpine leather,
back cushions with printed bull logo,
central table in white tech leather and top
and shelf in dark glass grey; Imola Carbon,
a 3-seat sofa in black alpine leather and
black perforated alpine, low frontal band
and piping in red carbon leather, arms
with inserts in black carbon leather,
printed bull logo on central headrest,
quilted seats & backrests, feet lacquered
black, side tables with top in black carbon
leather, rest in black alpine leather; Long
Beach Modern, sofa composition with
3 seats composed by sofa in red and
black perforated alpine leather and black
carbon, back cushions in leather alpine
red with printed small bull logo, metal
structure color glossy anthracite glossy,
tables with metal structure color glossy
anthracite glossy, central part of top in
glass and black carbon leather.
IMOLA CARBON sofas at the new showroom in Miami
Along with the Tonino Lamborghini CASA
flagship stores in Bejing (Cofco Plaza Mall
and Easy Home Mall) and Foshan (Shunde
District), in China, recently a new showroom
has been opened in Miami, USA, with new
collections dedicated to American clients.
88 Tauri:
Does Your Smartphone Live Up To Your Lifestyle?
A new techno luxury icon is born under the sign of the Bull
Just one year after the release of the iconic smartphone
Anatres, Tonino Lamborghini Group has launched an
astonishing new model destined to revolutionize the
market. Until now, luxury smartphone brands have
focused mainly on a product’s external appeal with the
use of exclusive materials, but have paid little attention
to the technology required for the item’s daily function
Luxury for the real Elite
88 Tauri is a limited edition smartphone, with a serial
number engraved on the back assuring exclusivity.
The phone is available in six different styles to cater
to the individual preferences of both male and female
customers. For each of the variations, the Tonino
Lamborghini Group produces exactly 1,947 pieces. The
figure 1947 is a reference to the birth year of Tonino
Lamborghini, son of Ferruccio Lamborghini, founder of
‘Automobili Lamborghini.’
craftsmanship, the refined 88 Tauri body is made from
stainless steel and features an exquisite handmade
leather inlay.
Long term evolution technology meets durability: the
essence of techno luxury
The 88 Tauri smartphone supports today’s
communication technologies and works across 3G
and operation. The 88 Tauri Android-based model is the
culmination of the techno luxury evolution started with
Antares with its fusion of sophisticated design, superior
performance and immaculate quality. 88 Tauri aims to
target successful individuals who seek a luxury product
with an authentic character that can satisfy day-to-day
business and personal requirements.
as well as 4G networks while its dual SIM technology
allows two different SIM cards to work simultaneously
to keep all aspects of your business under control. Its
outstanding DSDA (Dual Sim Dual Active Technology)
for simultaneous operations is unique among premiumclass smartphones and there’s no need to worry about
battery life: 88 Tauri’s maximum battery capacity is
3400 mAh, providing up to thirty-five hours of calls and
1000 hours in standby mode.
88 Tauri allows for new and exciting photo and video
possibilities: a front-facing 8 MP camera provides
exceptional quality for video calls, and the main 20 MP
auto-focus camera with a dual LED-flash, face recognition
and white balance correction for an enhanced depiction
of natural skin color, sharpens pictures and prevents
color distortion. Each Tonino Lamborghini Mobile
88 Tauri photograph helps to capture life’s precious
moments in crystal clear detail.
quality 8mm emitter device with TFAT technology, these
earpieces deliver an impressive vocal range, with rich
treble and booming bass. No matter what track you play,
Quantum ML-01 will meet your expectations rendering
an unforgettable audio experience.
Thin Film Audio Technology, a state of the art technology
developed by TFAT Audio, allows for high-resolution
sound tuning, with shock-absorbing materials providing
incredible tonal quality. Using TFAT technology, the
relatively small emitter device is able to produce the
same powerful sound as large monitor headphones.
Flawless Sound
A Wolfson audio hub provides an extraordinary low level
of noise and rich, precise sound across all music genres.
Each 88 Tauri smartphone comes with a special edition
of the premium Tonino Lamborghini Quantum series
ML-01 earphones. Whether it’s modern progressive
music or good old classics, Quantum ML-01 will more
than meet the challenge.
Included with each 88 Tauri smartphone is a set of
premium Tonino Lamborghini Quantum series ML01 earphones. With their original design and a high23
Tonino Lamborghini Eyewear. ‘Brake’:
The New Model Inspired By The Family’s
Mechanical Heritage
Metal frame sunglasses with carbon temples and detail, enhanced with
a metal wire finish recalling the luxury sports car brake hose.
Sweat-proof band with metal wire finishing, rounded carbon temples
The Tonino Lamborghini Group has launched a new line
of luxury sunglasses called Brake, showcased at the last
edition of Silmo, in September 2014 in Paris.
The mechanical heritage of the Tonino Lamborghini brand
is a source of inspiration for the new model: crafted in
metal, Brake’s frames are accented by a metal mesh and
enhanced with a metal wire finish. The temple tips are
carbon made and adjustable.
The Brake model also features Zeiss lenses for maximum
eye comfort in multilayer mirror, red, blue, grey and roviex.
The famous ‘Raging Bull’ logo is laser engraved.
The entire Tonino Lamborghini Eyewear collection is 100%
made in Italy, and produced thanks to a partnership with
the Padova company HAD - Have A Dream. Resistance,
lightness, and non-deformability are the key features of
the Tonino Lamborghini EYEWEAR line, which includes
sunglasses and frames, sold in exclusive eyewear stores
The Tonino Lamborghini EYEWEAR collection features
six themes that evoke the brand’s historical roots:
Competition, Spyder, 1947, and the new Brake reflect
the materials and the design of Tonino Lamborghini luxury
watches, followed by the more trendy lines Dolce Vita and
Golden Eye. The decoration on the temple is the leitmotiv
of the entire Tonino Lamborghini EYEWEAR collection,
inspired by the door hinges of classic sports cars.
The novel Autumn/Winter collection 2014/15 is a
must-have for trendsetters. The aviator sunglasses are
characterized by a sweat-proof band enhanced with a
metal wire finish, that is in turn inspired by the brake
cable steel mesh sheath. The line is also characterized by
rounded carbon temples in seven different colors.
These basic unisex glasses are characterized by aviator
lenses, metal braided band frames and steel temples. They
come in seven color variations for every occasion.
This collection features sunglasses and frames which
combine different materials: titanium, metal, wood, horn
and carbon. What is new and exclusive about this collection
are the rounded and adjustable carbon temples, which
render the eyewear elegant and refined, ideal for those
who want to get noticed.
These models possess an unmistakable style, characterized
by the innovative combination of acetate, titanium and
steel frame together with wood and natural horn. All the
acetate frames in the collection are carefully selected from
the best of Mazzucchelli, a leading company in the sector.
The wood of the temple tips is walnut, a type of hardwood
renowned for its elegant and prestigious look and feel. Its
key characteristics are stability, medium-high hardness,
and heightened endurance.
Full-carbon sunglasses and frames. Carbon fiber makes
Tonino Lamborghini models characteristically unique.
Frames and temples are manufactured from seven layers
of fibers of differing weights and directions of pattern. The
glasses undergo a process of compression molding to
guarantee an optimum final product.
This line is inspired by the sunglasses worn by the stars of
Italian cinema and the international VIPs who frequented
Rome during the Dolce Vita period—the iconic 60’s—both
in order to imbue themselves with mystique and charisma
and to protect themselves from the blinding Paparazzi
flashes. Acetates are manufactured by Mazzucchelli,
a leading industry in the sector, with a special process
applied to the temple tip to create 3D effects of volume
and reflected light. The main model of the line, features
the “Raging Bull” shield in a winged version featured on the
temple is another inspiration from sports cars of La Dolce
Vita. The recurring theme in this collection is the decor
on the outside hinge, creating additional value as well as
precious depth and color.
Steel sunglasses with carbon temples and multilayer mirror
gold, blue, and silver Zeiss lenses for a contemporary
look, the Golden Eye collection combines tradition and
innovation. A special edition will be available with a 24K Gold
logo. With their five color variations and new generation
temples in rounded carbon, the aviator shape spotlights
the importance of this line of sunglasses. Highlighted on
the frame is the winged shield, symbol of the Golden Eye
Frame in acetate with ZEISS® smoky grey anti-reflection lenses
The Tonino Lamborghini leather goods collection
The brand new Tonino Lamborghini leather goods collection
TL Ties of the collections “Mechanical Heritage” “Tauromachía”
The “Mechanical Heart” jewelery
collection by Tonino Lamborghini
in 925 sterling silver is entirely
handmade by Italian jewelery using a
“lost wax” casting.
A handcrafted process that takes
several hours for an individual creation.
This collection of Made in Italy jewelery
recalls one of the themes ithemes
instrinsic to Tonino Lamborghini’s
brand history: industrial design.
The “Equestrian Collection” in 925
sterling silver is handmade in Italy.
These limited edition jewels are edition
inspired by Tonino Lamborghini’s
passions, which evoke the strenght
and the elegance of the brand.
Ph. Guido Taroni
Elettra Lamborghini presents the professional
Riding Equipment Collection: Limited Edition GP1
saddle, GP1 stirrup, black matt Swarovski Limited
Edition GP1 cap, black varnish Swarovski Limited
Edition GP1 cap.
Tonino Lamborghini Golf Cart
The golfer’s green dream! The new ecological
cart is also ideal for multiple use: public and
private parks, farms, trade exhibitions, holiday
resorts, dock services and airports.
The small high tech electric car has that Italian
flair for design, manoeuvrability and driving
pleasure. Its graceful silhouette is the product of
Tonino Lamborghini Centro Stile, considered a
mark of Italian excellence throughout the world.
The brand new exclusive golf accessories and
sportswear line.
Golf accessories are made with the latest
Honma Japan technology, whereas sportswear
is designed and made Made in Italy.
Tonino Lamborghini Ciclotte is a special edition exercise
bike that represents the authentic expression of the
contemporary Raging Bull’s lifestyle: style, technology
and iconography co-exist in this exclusive object of interior
design. The Ciclotte is totally different from any other
stationary bike or home fitness equipment on the market
because it breaks the gym apparatus design mold, until now
exclusively linked to functionality. Its inimitable style allows it
to be placed in a wider range of living contexts: home, hotel
VIP-suite, gym, or outdoors.
The Tonino Lamborghini Ciclotte has a carbon and steel
frame, carbon fiber adjustable handlebar, black Alcatara®
adjustable saddle, display and handlebar grip-bands in red.
The creative spirit, the passion for design and technology
which characterize the Tonino Lamborghini brand have
inspired the new Ciclotte, which features the iconic “bull”
symbol along with the brand colors and shield.
The Tonino Lamborghini Ciclotte will be distributed internationally,
available in the VIP-suites of Tonino Lamborghini Luxury Hotels
worldwide and the most exclusive concept stores and luxury
fitness centers in China, Russia and Western Europe.
Ciclotte is an exercise bike entirely Made in Italy, designed
by Luca Schieppati and produced by Lamiflex S.p.A. using a
unique, innovative combination of high quality materials like
carbon, steel and fiberglass.
Ciclotte has evolved from the prototype Ciclò, currently part
of the permanent collection at the Triennale Design Museum
in Milan, and is instantly recognizable and admired for its
inimitable silhouette, a harmonious synthesis of equilibrium
and dynamism. The large wheel that is the fulcrum of the
Ciclotte is reminiscent of late nineteenth century monowheels.
Their vintage dynamics have been reworked by refined engineering
solutions such as the epicycloid gear system, an absolute novelty
in the fitness sector.
The fruit of research inspired by total ergonomics, one of
Ciclotte’s distinguishing traits is its technological approach:
absolutely no frills, straightforward settings and fittings, and
simplicity and immediacy of use.
The two-satellite mechanism uses four gears with
differentiated teeth to generate a magnetic field and
maximize the resistance level, faithfully reproducing
pedaling conditions out on the road, but making it ideal even
for spinning.
Carbon fibre frame bike MOD.: LYNX
Espresso, Chocolate, Tea
Energy Drink and Vodka
New Tonino Lamborghini Lounge
Opens In Bangkok
The Italian brand famous for its Raging Bull emblem brings its design
and Italian food culture to Thailand with a new luxury Lounge
The TL Group has launched its brand new luxury lounge
in Bangkok, Thailand. Grand Opening night took place on
February 5th in Bangkok, on the upscale Ekkamai Road.
‘I love Asia and found Bangkok to be a beautiful city.’
explains Tonino Lamborghini - ‘After visiting vibrant
Bangkok, I think that the contrast between modernity and
tradition here perfectly reflects the spirit of design and the
concept of my lifestyle luxury products.’
The Tonino Lamborghini Lounge, Bangkok represents an
experience for both the eyes and the palate. On two levels,
with a terrace and a VIP area, the new Tonino Lamborghini
Lounge is an innovative mix of Italian café, restaurant and
lounge where only signature Tonino Lamborghini coffee
is served, together with branded teas, chocolates, wines,
energy drink, and vodka, all accompanied by modern Italian
cuisine and live bands & DJs. The Tonino Lamborghini
Lounge was conceived as a welcoming and comfortable
space, sophisticated and stimulating to the senses, with
a notably contemporary and creative touch. Outstanding
Italian products and excellent service are offered to
customers in true Tonino Lamborghini style, expressing
the heritage and spirit that distinguish the brand.
‘My desire was to create a new trendy place, where a
Thai and an international clientele come together to enjoy
excellent Italian food, a perfect espresso, a trendy cocktail,
my personal selection of unique Italian wines and good
music in a modern and comfortable atmosphere,’ says
The Raging Bull motif characterizes the new Tonino
Lamborghini Lounge in Bangkok, where uncompromising
style and authentic Italian flair are perfectly paired. Expert
barista trainers from Italy have taught the Lounge’s staff
how to prepare traditional Italian espresso and cappuccino
as well as creative recipes and cocktails. Everything from
the coffee to the Italian cuisine is prepared according to
the highest standards and with the obsessive attention
to detail that has made the Tonino Lamborghini brand
Tonino Lamborghini explains ‘The idea behind the concept
of this new Lounge is the combination of sharp lines, bold
angles, and modern visuals, a mix of history and modernity
in which Italian uniqueness is expressed in all of its explosive
vitality, creativity and beauty. Since I cannot give you Italy, I
would at least like to offer you the feeling of it!’
The Lounge Project: the ‘Raging Bull’ Exports Italian
Flavor to the World
The Tonino Lamborghini Lounge Concept is part of the
Tonino Lamborghini Hospitality project that aims to create
a Café Boutique, Café Lounge, Hotel, Residence and
Aparthotel that bring ‘Italian taste’ to the world. These
are establishments dedicated to affluent and demanding
customers and are characterized by a contemporary
architectonic style and by warm and elegant interiors,
where the brand’s values guarantee a journey through
excellence. Reinterpreting the very concept of hospitality,
the Tonino Lamborghini Group has created a world of
style, culture, art and services that sets a new standard.
Tonino Lamborghini Lounges and Restaurants are
instantly recognizable all over the world, since they are
characterized by a mix of local taste with an authentic
touch of Italia. The distinctiveness of these spaces is that
they are carefully studied to integrate into the landscape
of each country where the clubs are developed, respecting
local culture, aesthetics and taste.
Gianluca Filippi, CEO of the Tonino Lamborghini Group; Chris Ahmad, Ray Ahmad, M.L.Thongmakut Thongyai owners of the Tonino
Lamborghini Lounge Bangkok, together with Tonino Lamborghini, Presisdent of the Group
100 indoor seats, 47 outdoor seats
Open 7/7 from 10am to 1pm
Tonino Lamborghini Lounge Offers: Tonino Lamborghini
coffees, teas and chocolates, energy drink & vodka, wines,
modern Italian cuisine and live bands & DJs.
The New Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum
Opens its doors: the new Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum
dedicated to the mechanical genius of Ferruccio Lamborghini
and the legend of the raging bull
The Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum, belonging to
the family of the famous entrepreneur from Emilia who
transformed the Bull brand into a world-renowned legend,
opened its doors last year at its new location at Funo di
Argelato, just outside of Bologna, Italy. The Museum houses
all of the industrial production of the engineer honoris
causa Ferruccio Lamborghini: from
the first Carioca tractor with which he
started his industrial group in 1947,
moving on to the first track laying
tractors, to the 70’s models; from the
350GTV prototype to the 400GT; from
the Ferruccio’s own epic MiuraSV to the
futuristic Countach; from the Jarama
models to the Jalpa prototypes; from
the Urraco to the Espada with seagull
wing doors that inspired the car of the
movie Back to the Future; the 11-time
world champion Fast 45 Diablo Class
1 offshore boat 13,5 meters long
with Lamborghini engines; an amazing
working Lamborghini helicopter with
dual controls; Lamborghini burners,
heaters, and cooling systems; the
famous “Barchetta” built by Ferruccio to
compete in the Mille Miglia of 1948; the
reconstruction of the first personal office
of Ferruccio in Lamborghini Tractors
with his personal effects; a space
dedicated to other cars and motorcycles
of the period during which Ferruccio
was creating, but also belonging to the
Lamborghini family or to the thousands
of people who revolved around him.
The new multifunctional museum
also includes a wing that exhibits
industrial design products from the
50’s and 70’s, including historical
automobile and motorcycle brands
that were contemporaries of Ferruccio
Lamborghini, on display in the context of
An emotional journey that recounts the history of the myth of the
Bull famous the world over inside a much larger space, designed
specifically for welcoming a new and expanding visiting public.
The Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum was conceived of
as a vehicle for communication and culture, a lively
Tonino Lamborghini with his son Ferruccio next to the Miura
and dynamic place that reflects the intelligence, creativity,
and uniqueness of the man for whom it is named. A space
dedicated to the value of memory yet at the same time,
forward looking toward innovation and challenge: a journey
inside the legend who represents the excellence of Made in
Italy throughout the world.
‘ wanted a dynamic structure, that celebrates the
intelligence, creativity and uniqueness of the person to
whom it is dedicated; a true slice of industrial culture, where
everything on display is enhanced by post-industrial design
architecture.’ – states the museum’s founder, Tonino
Elettra Lamborghini
The streaked plaster, used both externally and internally,
creates the illusion of movement and is inspired by the
aerodynamism of the sports cars it contains. The sheds
from the original building bathe the space in light, which
filters through the particulars of the objects on display, while
the lights of the columns create a special play of light in
the evening. There are many elements shaped like a shield,
including the awning and the outside entrance, all the way
to the lights of the interior columns, invoking the family logo
present in all Lamborghini brand products.
The hanging panels along the visitor’s tour walk guests
through the history and times of Lamborghini, turning the
building itself into a life journey’s history, while the pyramid
shaped columns give a monumental nature to a place that
Luisa Peterlongo, Tonino Lamborghini, Flaminia, Ginevra, Ferruccio,
Lucrezia Lamborghini
The Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum is housed inside
one of the former Lamborghini factories, conscientiously
restructured through a high impact industrial
requalification effort.
The design project of the museum is characterized by
specific architectural adaptations and color choices
that give the space an exceptionally emotive feeling,
accompanying the visitor on his or her path. The structure
itself expresses fully the energy that distinguishes the
history of the Lamborghini family.
The neutral tone of the exterior shell surrounding the
museum is juxtaposed to the Lamborghini red color of
the perforated heating, cooling, and air-conditioning ducts.
honors a figure from another era.
“I remember very well the first time I told my father about
my idea for the museum,” Tonino Lamborghini recalls, “he
looked at me with a puzzled expression, which only grew
more skeptical when I showed him two beat-up and rusty
Lamborghini tractors I had found through a local farmer. A
few months later, I showed him the tractors fully restored.
I turned on the ignition: out came a cloud of black smoke,
which turned blue, and finally was replaced by the familiar
pum-pum beat of a working engine—a sure sign of its
enduring power. At that moment, my father’s blue eyes
turned misty. He said: “When I made these tractors I was
Lamborghini Museum in the province of
Today the new museum is housed in a 9000
square meter Forum that also includes a book
shop, a lounge bar (coming soon), and several
exhibition spaces for events, performances,
side shows, fashion shows, mini trade fairs, and
business meetings.
Situated in the heart of the Motor Valley,
at the hub of Ferruccio’s beloved Emilia, the
museum offers visitors of all ages the possibility
to see close-up the treasures that wrote the
history of Italian automobile innovation and
design. A lively, dynamic, and suggestive
place, full of energy, ready to welcome
enthusiasts, tourists, and all those who
seek an exceptional atmosphere for events,
conventions, and gala dinners.
The new museum, already open to the public,
will be officially inaugurated this autumn.
Ing. Mauro Forghieri, Comm. Tonino Lamborghini, Ferruccio Lamborghini
your age, with no money in my pockets.” My friend
Giancarlo Corvini showed me the first tractor,
the legendary Carioca. It was abandoned and
in horrible condition in an old barn. Since then, I
began an unbelievable research effort to track
every product we had ever made. For years, each
Sunday I crisscrossed the countryside looking
for tractors. Strangely enough, I identified the
first ones in the same order in which they had
been built. I took it as a sign, and this coincidence
spurred me to continue my search, regardless
of my father’s skepticism. I began broadening my
search to include anything from burners to the
first automobiles, but also small things: calendars
containing our publicity, photographs, price
lists and user manuals, precious historical
documents about us. At the same time, I began
to consider the idea of building a space deserving
of the value of this collection which was growing
ever more into a real slice of Italian post-world war
II society.”
Dr Daniele Buzzonetti, Comm.Tonino Lamborghini, Dr Carlo Cavicchi
For years, the collected models were housed
in the Tenuta Fiorita on Lake Trasimeno where
Ferruccio had retired to private life in the mid
‘70s. But just a few years after the death of the
Cavaliere del Lavoro Ferruccio Lamborghini, his
son Tonino decided to build a proper museum and
in 1995 founded the Multifunctional Ferruccio
Ing. Luigi Marmiroli, Giorgio Gnesda, Comm.Tonino Lamborghini
Jewels Of
The Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum
Carioca was inspired by the American
jeep Ferruccio used during the war years.
This explains the reason why this, his first
tractor, is displayed in the museum next to
a Jeep Willys: from this military machine
Ferruccio recovers not only spare parts,
but also the concept of a multi-purpose
In 1954 Lamborghini creates the most
powerful tractor in Italy: 52 horsepower.
Power does not only characterize his
supercars, but it also defines Lamborghini
tractors and sets them apart from the
In the ‘50s Lamborghini decides to build
wheel crawler tractors and in ‘55 begins
production of the first yellow tractor Carioca
in Europe, Ferruccio’s favorite color.
Little does he know that just a few years later, the yellow together with orange - would be feature on his super cars,
becoming hallmarks of the prestigious brand.
In ‘57 a notably versatile tractor is produced known as
Universal, and is the first to have a loading bed capable of
performing multiple functions with the aid of front, center
and rear PTOs.
The tractors with orange hoods and blue engines distinguish
the production of the ‘60s.
In the ‘70s Lamborghini produces top quality tractors and
introduces an innovation: a tractor narrow enough to pass
through the vineyards. The first of its kind in Europe, the 85
cm wide Vignaron was a great commercial success.
Number zero, the only one like it in the world, was born 51
years ago: it is called 350GTV, a futuristic car, almost out
of this world, its original color a blue metallic. Front-engined,
like all cars at that time: with a whopping 12 cylinders!
Ferrari also uses this type of engine, but the 350GTV is
technologically superior to the competition, including
Ferrari: twelve-cylinder V-engine, four overhead camshafts,
two valves per cylinder, six twin-choke carburetors and drysump lubrication, twin-spark ignition,
dual brake system, engine 3500, all
features exclusive to Lamborghini,
and which the rosse engines did not
have. They did have 250 horsepower
engines, certainly remarkable, but
Ferruccio developed 358 horsepower
engines, nearly 100 more. There is no
comparison: the freshest face on the
scene, Lamborghini is already in pole
position in the world of supercars with
his technology, innovation and design.
Ferruccio decides, however, not to
produce the 350GTV concerned that it
is too futuristic, and so alters it with the
appropriate modifications. The 350GT,
created in 1964 with a more elegant
design is decidedly European compared
to the prototype reminiscent of the
American line.
With the production of Lamborghini
cars, the company logo evolves: the
Bull is born, in all its glory. For a number
of reasons this symbol of strength
connects agriculture (the origins, which
Ferruccio never forgot); an even more
powerful animal in opposition with
Ferrari’s prancing horse, but above all
it’s his zodiac sign. Born on April 28,
Ferruccio’s Bull has to be the world’s Miura SV
most powerful.
Ferruccio was inspired by the Spanish bullfight, the combat,
the challenge, and not surprisingly all Lamborghini cars
carry the names of famous fighting bulls: Miura, Urraco,
Islero, Jarama, Marzal, Jalpa... all names related to
After the 400 GT, the second most important car in
production is the Miura: in ‘66 at the Geneva Motor Show the
Lamborghini stand was overflowing with visitors gathering
to marvel at this wonder. It is immediately proclaimed the
finest gran turismo in the world and a car that will go down
in history; and for good reason: the lowest in the world, only
105 centimeters tall, the first in the world able to reach
the speed of 300km/h and with a center rear engine with
different gears integrated in a single fusion, a solution for
complicated times.
That is why the great stars of film, television and music
had Miuras: Frank Sinatra, Steve McQueen, Alain Delon,
Onassis... everyone wanted her, the number one.
There were only 762 Miura built over seven years of
production and the most important one in the world
is exhibited at this museum, because it is Ferruccio
Lamborghini’s very own personal Miura. A model like this,
even one not having belonged to Ferruccio, today would cost
about 1 million, 200 thousand euros, but this gem’s value
is priceless.
It’s 1965 and Lamborghini decides to create an aircraft:
a helicopter! This will no doubt be a great challenge. The
prototype is constructed in aluminum: very
light, seats 4, spacious, double command
(an extremely rare feature at the time to
be able to drive from either side), front
mid-engine with six cylinders. The shape is
unusual: snout protruding, high fuselage,
narrow and long.
In those days a license from the
government was necessary to produce
helicopters. A government technician ran
tests and the results were positive: the
prototype brilliantly surpassed them, and
is later tested and officially approved for
flight. Ferruccio assembles five prototypes.
One helicopter is sent to the Università
dell’Aereonautica a Pratica di Mare,
another to the Military Army Division of
Countach In the ‘60s the helicopters that flew in
engines to the top boat builders at la
Riva di Sarnico.
Tonino Lamborghini and Riva Aquarama
In ‘67 Ferruccio owns a prestigious
speedboat: the Riva Aquarama which
has two 8-cylinder American Motors
and 220 horsepower.
But for Ferruccio things are not moving
fast enough and so he proposes to
Carlo Riva to equip a Super Aquarama
speedboat with two of his Lamborghini
Espada engines which, with an engine
size of 3929 cc, could get a total of
700 horsepower. This boat would beat
four world speed records.
Italian skies were American, built by Bell
under license by Agusta Cascina Costa
near Varese, a private company who
in that very year was in great financial
difficulty and close to bankruptcy.
In order to save this company it is
nationalized, creating a monopoly. And
this is how Lamborghini does not obtain
the production license.
And this is why only one prototype
remains: it flew for fifteen years and
since ‘95 it rests on display for visitors
from around the world.
His passion for motorboats led
Ferruccio to craft a bold and brilliant plan
to entrust his outstanding 12-cylinder
Lamborghini engine for Riva Aquarama
The Museum is open by reservation: for
information please contact:
Lamborghini Helicopter
The Tonino Lamborghini Forum
A versatile multipurpose space for high impact unforgettable events
The Tonino Lamborghini Forum is a new 9,000 sqm
multipurpose space located in a former Lamborghini factory
in Argelato, a few kilometers from downtown Bologna and in
the center of the Motor Valley. The Forum’s stunning modern
venue renders each visit, event, business conference, or
company retreat an unforgettable experience. Thanks to
its strategic location, one-of-a-kind collection, and worldrenowned brand, it is in pole position to become a landmark
of Italy’s convention industry. The Ferruccio Lamborghini
museum, housed inside the Tonino Lamborghini Forum,
offers an evocative atmosphere for catering and special
events. Visitors live through an exceptional experience,
placed in close contact with “the myth,” creativity, and art.
The Forum is an imaginative space with unique services:
five multipurpose areas and a team that can support all
stages of preparation and implementation of an event. The
Forum is a striking and remarkable place, with an innovative
exhibition area ideal for hosting any number of shows and
“Fuori Salone”, anniversaries, training or retreats, gala
dinners, press conferences, conferences, conventions,
art openings, birthday and graduation parties, minitrade shows, art exhibits, new product showcases,
sales meetings, cinematography and photography
sets, fashion shows, theater, music and dance shows,
A tailor made solution for any type of event can be designed
together with the Forum’s sales staff, with a series of
additional personalized services, including, for example:
reception desk, wardrobe, security, hostesses and
interpreters, DJ sets, floral arrangements, customized
catering, guided tours of the Museum.
The property has five different areas, named:
• MIURA: Ferruccio’s own personal Miura as well as a
“taste” of Lamborghini history can be admired through the
large window at the front of the museum
• COUNTACH: The futuristic Countach as well as the
majestic Lamborghini offshore engine can be also be viewed
through the large window at the front of the museum
• HELICOPTER: Inside the museum, the world’s only example
of a Lamborghini helicopter is on display
• HISTORICAL ICONS: An iconic model is located inside a
room dedicated to other cars and motorcycles of the
period, within a context of historical comparison and design
• MEMORIAL: A large room next to the gift shop is filled with
vintage photos of Ferruccio and his numerous companies
All areas can be utilized flexibly as conference rooms or
spaces dedicated to catering, either during normal museum
working hours or at dedicated times. The entire Museum
can be reserved on special request, limiting access by
outside visitors.
Free or guided Museum visits can be provided in addition to
the booking of spaces.
The museum is fully equipped with all the necessary facilities
for the screening of movies and slideshows, audio sound
systems, microphones and speakers’ table.
In addition, the MEMORIAL space overlooks a large outdoor
area that is available for use if necessary (ideal for smokers).
The brand new silver jewelry collection inspired by the industrial design and engineering world
For information and availability of the commercial areas, please contact:
Tonino Lamborghini S.p.A. - Tel. 051-862628, forum@lamborghini.it
Tonino Lamborghini SpA
via Funo, 41 - 40050 Funo di Argelato (BO) - Italy
Tel.: +39.051.862628 Fax: +39.051 864956
info@lamborghini.it - www.lamborghini.it