Back Menu Page - beer list


Back Menu Page - beer list
The Calistoga Inn was first built in 1887, 22 years after the towns founder, Sam Brannan, bought
property to build the “Saratoga of the Pacific.” The popularity of the Inn gradually grew and by the 1930s its
reputation had reached all the way to Hollywood. Carol Lombard and Charles Laughton starred in “They Knew
What They Wanted”, about an Italian grape grower from Napa and his mail-order bride, which was filmed at the
Inn. Over the years the Calistoga Inn survived the economic effects of the Depression, periods of neglect and five
major wars. Then, in 1987, the new owners of the Inn branded Calistoga beer and established the Napa Valley
Brewing Company, the first commercial brewery in Napa County since prohibition.
The Inn has become an institution for both locals and tourists alike. It embodies the heart and soul of wine
country with it’s casual atmosphere, friendly staff and attention to detail. Welcome to the Calistoga Inn and enjoy
the Napa Valley!
Wheat Ale ABV: 4.4%"
An American style unfiltered light beer made from half
barley and half wheat. This ale is lightly hopped with
spicy American varieties for a refreshing lower alcohol
offering. Pint 5"
DeBockinAtor ABV: 6.7%"
It is said to be, “Debauchery in a glass”! This
strong German lager is a Helles Bock style of
beer. Its moderate hop bitterness allows the
complex, rich malt profile to shine through. It
was traditionally brewed late winter for a spring
beer, and since spring is early... Prost! Pint 5"
Pilsner ABV: 4.8%"
This light straw-colored toasty beer is brewed with
German malts, ample amounts of Saaz hops and
lagered for a full month to represent a traditional
Czech style Pils. Pint 5"
Red Ale ABV: 5.4%"
Brewed with six malts, this amber-hued ale has subtle
tones of caramel balanced with Cascade and
Centennial hops which contribute a pleasant
bitterness with notes of citrus in the flavor and aroma.
Pint 5"
Other Beverages
Pabst Blue Ribbon ABV: 4.7% 5
Ace Pear Cider ABV: 5.0% 5"
Bitburger Drive (NA) 5"
Cock’n Bull Ginger Beer 4"
IZZY’S - sparkling pomegranate & grapefruit 4 "
Calistoga Sparkling Mineral Water 4"
Pellegrino (sparkling) & Panna (still) 6"
Pellegrino - Blood Orange Soda 4"
Sodas & Ice Tea 3"
Calistoga Inn Logo T’s 20"
men’s & ladies sizes!
NapaValley Brewing Co. Logo T’s 20"
Wheat Ale Beer Label T’s 20"
limited quantity!
Logo Pint Glasses 4
Dugan Oatmeal Stout ABV: 6.9%
A traditional English style ale with a dark, rich
consistency. Brewed to celebrate the life of a
dear friend and regular of the Calistoga Inn, it’s
recipe includes a liberal amount of flaked and
malted oats giving it a sweet creamy finish and
thick head. Pint 5"
India Pale Ale ABV: 6.6%"
This style of beer originated in England to be
shipped to their troops in India. In order to
survive the long arduous journey by ship, the
beer needed to have more hops and higher
alcohol content (both preservatives). This
American version has an abundance of hops to
further accentuate the style, and give a pleasant
tropical fruit aroma. Cheers! Pint 5"
German Kölsch ABV: 4.7%"
Born in Köln, this style of beer is one of the
few ales still produced in Germany. It is light in
color, alcohol, and hop bitterness, providing a
refreshing and crisp flavor with a hint of
effervescence in the finish lending to its
drinkability. This is definitely a great beer to
enjoy on a hot day if you plan on having more
than one. Pint 5 "
Beer Flight - Five Tasters (4 oz.)#
Wheat Ale - Pilsner - Red Ale - Stout"
Plus one seasonal beer - your choice 7 !
" 707-942-4101"
18% gratuity on parties of 6 or more $15 corkage"
Brewmaster - Brad Smisloff"