mass schedule - St. Joseph, Husband of Mary Roman Catholic Church
mass schedule - St. Joseph, Husband of Mary Roman Catholic Church
MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Saturday 8 AM Tuesday 6 PM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM & 5:30 PM Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary - Roman Catholic Church 7260 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89117 • Parish Office: 702.363.1902 • CELEBRATING OUR FAITH THIS WEEK Date/Time Presider Intention Saturday, July 16 8:00 AM +Jose C. Cepeda 4:30 PM Members Bas Family Fr. Marc Fr. Cassian Sunday, July 17 8:00 AM L/D Members Emilio J. Sua-An, Sr. Family 10:00 AM +Reynaldo & Lourdes Pimentel 12:00 PM +Catherine & Michael Granatie 2:00 PM +Maria de Jesus Escobedo 5:30 PM People of the Parish Fr. Marc Fr. Marc Fr. Adam Fr. Adam Fr. Cassian Monday, July 18 8:00 AM +Ambrocio Lacam Fr. Marc Tuesday, July 19 8:00 AM Workers of St. Joseph 6:00 PM St. Joseph Mass Association Fr. Adam Fr. Cassian Wednesday, July 20 8:00 AM +Guillermo Sanchez Fr. Marc Thursday, July 21 8:00 AM +Antanacia Sabado Fr. Adam Friday, July 22 8:00 AM +Beverly Wiley Fr. Cassian Saturday, July 23 8:00 AM +Gorgonia Celemin 4:30 PM People of the Parish Fr. Marc Fr. Adam Sunday, July 24 8:00 AM +Members Raimo Family 10:00 AM +Gregorio M. Corpuz 12:00 PM +Sandie & Red Garlin 2:00 PM +Juan & Eliza Orallo 5:30 PM +Ronald R. Wilkins Fr. Cassian Fr. Cassian Fr. Marc Fr. Marc Fr. Adam WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday, July 18 There are no groups scheduled. Tuesday, July 19 Confessions Anointing Mass Wednesday, July 20 There are no groups scheduled. Thursday, July 21 There are no groups scheduled. Friday, July 22 There are no groups scheduled. Saturday, July 23 Confessions Due to construction, there will be no groups meeting at St. Joseph, Husband of Mary over the summer. For questions on groups that regularily meet at SJHOM, please contact the group leaders or the contact person listed on the back page of this bulletin. Today, Sunday Genesis 18:1-10a; Psalms 15:2-5; Colossians 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42 This Week Monday: Micah 6:1-4, 6-8; Psalms 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Matthew 12:38-42 Tuesday: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Psalms 85:2-8; Matthew 12:46-50 Wednesday: Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10; Psalms 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17; Matthew 13:1-9 Thursday: Jeremiah 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Psalms 26:6-7ab, 8-11; Matthew 13:10-17 Friday: Jeremiah 3:14-17; Psalms 63:2-6, 8-9; John 20:1-2, 11-18 Saturday: Jeremiah 7:1-11; Psalms 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Matthew 13:24-30 Next Sunday Genesis 18:20-32; Psalms 138:1-3, 6-8; Colossians 2:12-14; Luke 11:1-13 JJuly 17, 2016 • -8:30 AM Sunday, July 24 There are no groups scheduled. Scripture Readings 2 -5:00 PM -6:00 PM PASTOR’S NOTE Dear Parishioners, ... When Jesus entered the village where Martha and her sister Mary lived, Martha welcomed him and proceeded to wait on him. She worked to offer him the finest hospitality she could. All the while, her sister Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to him speak. Martha then complained and asked Jesus to tell her sister to get up and do her part in the duties of offering hospitality to a guest. The response of Jesus to Martha was aimed at helping her recognize exactly who was in her midst, the long-awaited and promised Messiah, and what she needed to do to receive salvation. Like her sister Mary, she needed to take a break from the hustle and bustle of her expected routine and sit at the feet of Jesus, listen, and allow her life and heart to be changed. It is more important than ever amidst the fast pace and many distractions of our modern lives to take a break and sit at the feet of Jesus and listen. How might you sit at the feet of Jesus this week? What might Jesus be saying to you already? How will you respond? In Christ’s Peace, Fr. Marc Howes Fr. Marc Howes, Pastor Lord Hear Our Prayers The following parishioners or family members are sick. Please remember them in your prayers. Aaron Murphrey Abe Gamboa Azeb Habte Bill Godla Carmella Peragus Cecilia Conde Daisy Aderone Dolly Richko Enola Shea Ernestina Ramos Gail Tackaberry Gary Scherer Giovanni Melven Gloria Bernaldo Greg Godla Hielio Aderone Hilario Salas, Jr. Iamara Neves Isa Aderone Jessie Tackaberry Jim Blazer John Olivo Josi Dos Santos Jude Bandy Juli Amado Kerry Dicesare Laura Haro Le Roy Boarman Lea Aderone Lee Marie Dorsey Lilian Daiz Lilly Abrea Louise Reardon Luiza Aderne Lydia Vito Marissa Santos Martin Family Marvin Edelman Mary Lewinski Narcesnio Aguas Nicolas Califano Nikki Black Noel Bernaldo Palma Paolillo Pam Altenburg Pat Olivo Ralph Olive Reda Abrea Ruby Chu Sandro Moretti Sarah Cummings Shanna Decker Sophia Aderne Stanley Schwartz Tensae Weldgeorgis Tessie Santos Thomas Bell Tom Militello Tony Daiz Virginia Diaz Yvette Lacey Yvette Richko If you have the sick person’s permission, you may request that their name be printed in the bulletin for prayers. This is strictly for the sick only. Other prayer requests may be placed in the Prayer Box on the wall outside of the parish office. No more than 5 names may be submitted at any one time and they will be deleted after 3 weeks. July 17, 2016 • 3 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS This Week 2015 2014 Sunday Offering-7/10/16 $ 38,440 $32,103 $32,364 Poor Box- Poverello House $563 $507 $1,083 $8,111 $7,723 $6,860 Second Collection Elementary Catholic Schools STEWARDSHIP 2016 2016 CSA Goal: Pledges: Cash Receipts as of 07/10/2016: Participating Families: $228,933 $354,137 $274,981 932 St. Vincent de Paul The fifth Sunday of the month in July occurs on July 31. As is the custom for our parish, there will be a second collection at all of the Masses for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. You have been very generous in allowing us to help our fellow parishioners and those individuals and families in need within our parish boundaries. We feel blessed that your support enables us to represent our parish in responding to the calls for assistance, visiting with those in need in their homes, and providing whatever assistance is appropriate. You have allowed us to assist the needy in innumerable ways, including rent, mortgages, utility bills, food, gas, bus passes, etc. Sometimes, we find it most helpful that we just listen. The Gospel tells us, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.” By merely listening to those who need to spill their hearts when seeking help, we are able to live the Gospel. Please continue to help us bring the love and mercy of Jesus to those who feel left out and abandoned. We sincerely thank you in advance for your support. If you know of anyone in need of assistance, a parishioner or someone living within our parish boundaries, please encourage them to call SVdP at 702.304.3034. Two scheduled members make calls to people leaving messages Monday through Saturday at 8:30 AM and home visits are scheduled accordingly. If you would like to become involved in this rewarding ministry please call 702.304.3034, leave your telephone number where you can be reached and we will schedule a time to discuss more about SVdP with you. 4 Ju July 17, 2016 • July 17, 2016 Is there a way to measure our relationship with God? If I love according to the Lord’s command (Leviticus 19:18), what feelings should I experience? Is there an “emotional yardstick” for evaluating my relationship with God? No, there is no yardstick to measure the kind RI ORYH -HVXV FRPPDQGHG $OWKRXJK KRQHVW GHYRXWDQGFKDULWDEOHDFWLRQVFDQPDNHXVIHHO JRRGWUXHORYHRIWHQWDNHVUHDOHIIRUWDQGIRUFHV us to forget ourselves. Experience demonstrates WKDWORYLQJRWKHUVLVVRPHWLPHVHDV\EXWLWPD\ DOVRLQYROYHUHDOVDFUL¿FH7KH*RVSHOFDOOVWKLV unconditional love agape. Agape is distinct from romantic love (eros) and from familial affection and friendship (philia ERWK RI ZKLFK H[SHFW WKH RWKHU WR respond. Christian love is more a decision to be JHQHURXVDQGVHOÀHVVDQGOHVVDJRRGLQWHQWLRQ or positive feeling. Jesus is the perfect illustration of agape. In KLVVXIIHULQJDQGGHDWK-HVXVZLOOLQJO\HQGXUHG EHWUD\DOULGLFXOHUHMHFWLRQDQGSK\VLFDOSDLQ out of love for the Father and for us. At the Last 6XSSHU NQRZLQJ ZKDW ZRXOG KDSSHQ KH WROG his disciples to feel good: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you….Do not let your hearts be troubled or DIUDLG«,I\RXORYHGPH\RXZRXOGUHMRLFH«´ -RKQ±7KLVZDVDGLI¿FXOWSHUKDSV LPSRVVLEOHFKDOOHQJH²HYHQ0DU\H[SHULHQFHG sorrow in her Son’s life (see Luke 2:35). And so we cannot equate our emotions with God’s SHDFH IRU LW ³VXUSDVVHV DOO XQGHUVWDQGLQJ´ (Philippians 4:7). FR. RICHARD BOEVER, CSSR, PHD © 2016 LIGUORI PUBLICATIONS, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: “In accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on January 29, 2016, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521. SACRAMENTS Rite of Catholic Initiation for Children and Adults (RCIC and RCIA) St. Joseph, Husband of Mary also has a process by which non-baptized children ages 7 and up are prepared to be fully initiated. After a minimum of 2 years of instruction, children can receive Baptism, Confirmation, and their First Holy Communion. If you are interested in more information, please contact Jill Bugay at 702.304.3003. If you are an adult who is wishing to be Baptized, receive your First Holy Communion, or be Confirmed in the Catholic Faith, we can help. St Joseph, Husband of Mary has a process for Adults wishing to become Catholic, or wishing to receive one of their Sacraments of Initiation. If you are interested in more information, please contact Josh Wattenbarger at 702.304.3005. We look forward to helping you continue your journey of Faith! SJHOM Baptism Preparation Class Our next Baptism Preparation Class for parents and godparents is: We do not have any classes scheduled for July due to construction. Please watch the bulletin for more updates. This class is held in the St. Joseph Center and there is no fee or registration. The baptism information sheet is available in the parish office. CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS Baptism For children less than seven years of age; parent(s) must be registered in the parish for a minimum of three months. Parents must also attend St. Joseph’s baptism preparation class before a date can be set. Please stop by the office for a requirement checklist and information about the class. For children age seven or older, contact Jill Bugay at 702.304.3003. Marriage Preparation takes approximately six months. Please pick up a marriage checklist from the office and contact Father Marc when the checklist is completed. Do not set a date until you consult with Father Marc. RCIA If you are an adult wishing to become Catholic, please contact Josh Wattenbarger at 702.304.3005. Confession Confessions are held on Tuesday at 5:00 PM and on Saturday after the 8:00 AM Mass. Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the third Tuesday of most months at the 6:00 PM Mass, or by appointment. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration takes place on the first Friday of the month after the 8:00 AM Mass, followed by Benediction at 12:00 PM. Vocations Contact Diocesan Vocation Director, Fr. Muggaga Lule at 702.735.6044. Funerals Contact Greg Sinclair at 702.304.3028 July 17, 2016 • g 5 FAITH FORMATION Josh Wattenbarger, Director of Children’s Faith Formation 702.304.3005 Sandy Castro, Admin. Assistant 702.304.3001 SJHOM Children’s Faith Formation Weekly Gospel Reflection for Families Mary’s Focus As Jesus visits the home of Mary and Martha, Martha is distracted by all the details for preparing a meal and for making Jesus feel welcome and at home. Mary on the other hand spends the whole time at Jesus’ feet listening to Him speak, much to the annoyance of her sister. Jesus kindly tells Martha that it is more important to listen to the voice of Jesus than to fret over the preparations of a meal even for a special guest. Jesus emphasizes that there is really one thing necessary; the thing to which He is referring is Himself. Those who listened to Him were able to tell others the good news of the gospel. Discussion Starters • If only one thing is necessary (to listen to Jesus), why do we get so distracted by so many other things? • How can we hear the voice of Jesus today? • How can we sit at His feet like Mary did? Pope Francis wants you to be Catholic... and so do we. If you are interested in becoming Catholic, receiving your Sacraments of Initiation, or would just like more information about the Catholic Church, please contact Josh Wattenbarger at 702.304.3005 or 6 JJuly 17, 2016 • SJHOM YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES Kris Mulligan, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries 702.304.3035 Tiffany Madsen, Youth & Young Adult Assist. 702.304.3010 Youth Ministry meets on Sundays at the following times: Middle School- Class at 4:00 PM with Mass at 5:30 PM High School-Mass at 5:30 PM and class from 6:30 PM-8:00 PM SJHOM Youth and Youth Group Calling All Youth! Registrations for our 6-12 grade Continuing Faith, First Communion, Confirmation and Youth Group are being accepted through September 2016. Please Call Kris or Tiffany to make an appointment to register your teen TODAY! SJHOM Young Adult Group 18-30 Years old We will be meeting throughout the summer. Please contact Kyle Mefferd at 702.768.0817 for the summer meeting schedule and waivers. SJHOM Saint Mel’s Singles Ministry A fun, no pressure group created to bring single Catholics together (ages 25+) for social activities, fellowship, service and fun! We will be meeting for a Rosary at Red Rock on Saturday, July 23. Cost is $10 per person, which includes rosary, snack and bottled water. We will meet at the St. Joseph, Husband of Mary parking lot at 6:00 AM and arrive at Red Rock about 6:30 AM. The hike will be light and easy and we will pray the Rosary as we go. The hike will end around 9:00 AM, putting us back at St. Joseph at 9:30 AM. RSVP to Kris Mulligan: 702.304.3035 or July 17, 2016 • 7 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS SJHOM Outreach Ministry The Catholic War Veterans extend their sincere thanks to all for your assistance in helping them reach out to Vets in need. Through your donations last weekend, they were are to restock their supplies and continue their mission. Also thanks to your help and donations, the Women’s Resource Center will be able to come to the aid of more moms and babies. On their behalf, we thank you. There will be sandwich making this week. Join us on Friday, July 22 at 8:45 AM in the parish kitchen. This is a great way to meet new friends while you help. We look forward to seeing you there! Construction Update: Mass Locations Due to construction, weekend Masses will be held in the church (Saturday at 4:30 PM and all Sunday Masses) unless otherwise stated. Weekday Masses and funerals will be held in the St. Joseph Center. The church building will be closed during the week to allow as much work to be done as possible. Despite our best efforts, there may be sections of pews missing from the church on any given weekend. Please consider arriving earlier than normal to weekend Masses to allow for extra time, or to ensure a seat. It is important for your safety, and the safety of the workers, that you not try to enter any areas under construction. Construction Update: Parish Office and Bathroom Locations You may have noticed the parish offices have moved. During the construction this summer, we will be using the facilities in the Catholic Center for the temporary parish offices. We are happy to assist you in our new temporary location across the courtyard! The bathrooms in the church building are closed for construction. You will find bathrooms in the hall in the St. Joseph Center, two single unisex bathrooms in the Bread of Life Center, and two additional single unisex bathrooms in the breezeway between the church building and the St. Joseph Center. Construction Email Updates Curious about what’s going on with all the mess and noise? Sign up for our email construction updates and be up-todate with what’s going on. To sign up, please send your name and email with a subject line of “Construction Updates” to Help us keep you in the know! SJHOM BOOK GROUP Our Book for July: “Saving Sophie” by Ronald H. Balson We will meet at 10:00 AM on Saturday, July 23, 2016. Just read the book and come join in on the discussion. Contact Fr. Cassian for the location information. All are welcome! 8 July 17, 2016 • PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS July 17, 2016 • 9 PARISH & GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Anointing Mass This Tuesday The July Anointing Mass will be taking place this Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 PM. Confessions will also be available at 5:00 PM for those who would like to attend. Pro-Life Opportunity Are you interested in pro-life efforts, or curious about how to get involved? Please join the Diocesean pro-life group at the next quarterly meeting to be held Thursday, July 21 at 7:00 PM. Bring your questions and ideas to the Hall at Prince of Peace Catholic Church at 5485 E. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89142. Our meeting will be held in the Parish Hall, which is a separate smaller building in the East parking lot. For additional information and to RSVP, please contact or call 702.212.6472. We look forward to seeing you! Workers of St. Joseph 19th Day Devotion The Workers of St. Joseph invite everyone to join our 19th Day Devotion to our parish Patron Saint on Tuesday, July 19 after the 8:00 AM Mass in the St. Joseph Center. For more information, please contact Pam Percival at 702.236.5104. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Let a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend help your love grow in your marriage/holy orders. Weekends fill up quickly, so a prompt response is encouraged. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is on August 12-14. To apply online, or for more information visit or call 702.589.0068. Para los fines de semana en español, por favor visite Mass of Sending Forth Bishop Joseph Pepe would like to extend an invitation to the parishioners of the Diocese of Las Vegas to join him for the Mass of Sending Forth to show your support of our seminarians as they prepare for the next academic year. The Mass of Sending Forth will be celebrated at the Guardian Angel Cathedral on Tuesday, August 9 at 6:00 PM Please join us after the Mass for a reception at Anderson Hall where you can meet our seminarians and wish them well in the coming year. This year we are truly blessed. Our diocese has four young men continuing their seminary studies, Luke Burgess, Miguel Corral, Mauricio Espino, and Felipe Jimenez, as well as three new young men, Nicholas Cipriano, Edmund Finley, and Rogelio Molina who will begin their studies and discernment of the priesthood. We have also been blessed with two seminarians that just recently arrived in the diocese, Brother Luis Nguyen Van Dam and Brother Jose Unlayao. Both Brother Luis and Brother Jose have completed their studies for the priesthood and will be assigned to parishes within the diocese for their pastoral year. These men have devoted their lives in service to God, the Church, and to God’s people. Won’t you show your support by attending the Mass of Sending Forth in appreciation of their sacrifice? 10 JJuly 17, 2016 • GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 2016 Year of Mercy - Catholic Stewardship Appeal Jesus said, “A man fell victim to robbers as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half-dead. A priest happened to be going down that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. Likewise a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn and cared for him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction, ‘Take care of him. If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back. Jesus said to him, “Which of these three, in you opionion, was the neighbor to the robbers’ victim?” He answered, “The one who treated him with mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:30-37) These familiar lines from the end of the Good Samaritan story in Luke’s Gospel remind us of Jesus’ command: “Go and do likewise.” In this Holy Year of Mercy, the Catholic Stewardship (CSA) appeal gives us all the chance to engage in the works of mercy. Pope Francis has asked us to focus on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. Within our local Church, the ministries funded by CSA seek to enact these works of mercy. The overall goal of the CSA campaign this year is $2,450,000. Each parish, based on their income, shares in completing this goal. The funds are distributed to support these ministries. Teach the uneducated and assure the doubtful $1,129,625 51% for Formation of Seminary students who will become future priests and Continuing 12.5% for Catholic School Superintendent 2I¿FHWRRYHUVHHRXU&DWKROLF6FKRRO6\VWHP the Campus Ministry program at UNLV. Students cannot themselves fund the presence of the Church on campus, so these funds assist in that goal. Our elders and ill who cannot attend church stay connected to the faith through the weekly televised Mass. 12.5% for Social Action and Life Issues, Natural Family Planning. Caution sinners, bear wrongs, and forgive $72,495 Education of Priests and Deacons. 2IRU2I¿FHRI)DLWK)RUPDWLRQIRU catechetical ministry, youth ministry and adult learning. This is the largest share of the CSA budget. With it we are able to form people of all ages in the faith and to continue to educate the wider culture about Catholic values. Care for the homeless, the sick, the prisoner and the dead $534,826 100% Care for our retired priests and priests with illness. Those who have given their lives to ordained ministry in the Church need our support in their retirement. With these funds we provide health insurance and assistance to those who are retired and assist priests who have not yet retired who have needs. Give food, drink and clothing $282,340 53% for Catholic Charities. 100% Rural parish assistance. It is often easy to forget that the Diocese of Las Vegas is responsible for the ongoing development of the faith in small rural communities that cannot fully support their own parish. Many of the rural Nevadans live a distance from the nearest Church. These funds help us keep the Catholic faith as a vital part of small towns in our diocese. After several years with no increase in CSA’s overall goal, we have had to increase the goal this year. We rely on your help to be able to provide these works of mercy and ministry in our local Church. Thank you for your help in making mercy known in this Holy Year. With all your help we will extend Christ’s mercy to all in our diocese. 47% for St Therese Center. In its 75th year of helping people in the Las Vegas valley, Catholic Charities helps to resettle and enculturate those who arrive in our valley legally. The St. Therese Center provides assistance to those affected by HIV and AIDS. Comfort the sorrowful and pray unceasingly $430,714 60% for Campus Ministry at UNLV. 40% for TV Mass & Electronic Communications. University students can rely on the support of Catholic Stewardship Appeal Diocese of Las Vegas 3OHDVHSODFH\RXUSOHGJHFDUGDQGSD\PHQWLQDQHQYHORSHDQGSODFHLWWKHFROOHFWLRQEDVNHWRUUHWXUQLWWRWKHSDULVKRI¿FH Roman Catholic Bishop of Las Vegas Catholic Stewardship Appeal PO Box 26239 Las Vegas, NV 89126-0239 Name / Nombre:_________________________________ Address / Domicilio: _____________________________ City / Ciudad: ___________________________________ State / Estado: _________________________ Zip Code / Código postal: _________________ Daytime Phone / Teléphono: _______________________ E-mail : _________________________________________ Payment Enclosed / Enganche: ______________________ Cash / Efectivo Check / Cheque Balance Due / Saldo a pagar: ______________________ 6W-RVHSK+XVEDQGRI0DU\ Please Print Clearly / imprima claramente Total Pledge / Total de la donacion: ______________________ *If paying by check, make all checks for your tax deductLble gift payable to: Roman Catholic Bishop of Las Vegas CSA *Si paga con cheque, hagalo a nombre de: Roman Catholic Bishop of Las Vegas CSA Credit Card Payments / Pagos con trajeta de Crédito: Credit Card # / Tarjeta de Crédito #: ____________________________ Automatic monthly charge Desired monthly charge: $___.___ Mailed monthly statement Expiration Date / Fecha de: _______ /________ Signature / Firma: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Print Name as shown on Credit Card / Escribir el nombre como se lee en la tarjeta de crédito. July 17, 2016 • 11 GROUPS & INTERESTS BEREAVEMENT GROUP We meet every other Tuesday morning. Please contact the parish office for more information. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION, LECTOR OR ALTAR SERVER? Contact Deanna Massiello Ministry Coordinator 702.304.3014 or PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN If you believe you are a victim of sexual abuse, please call our hotline at 702.235.7723. INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN USHER? If you are interested in becoming an Usher, please contact the Usher Ministry Head: Lino Loyola 702.355.4073 or or John Bearce Assistant Ministry Head 702.339.1511 or PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Pastoral Staff Rev. Marc Howes Pastor 702.363.1902 Jessica Brewster Pastoral Coordinator 702.304.3036 Rev. Cassian Lewinski, O.P. Parochial Vicar 702.304.3018 Kristin Bergin Bulletin Editor 702.304.3007 Rev. Thomas Gallenbach Part Time 702.304.3002 Rev. Adam Kotas Parochial Vicar 702.304.3033 Greg Sinclair Pastoral Associate 702.304.3028 Al Paduano Deacon 702.304.3032 Tom Roberts Deacon 702.304.3031 Barbara Finn Director of Music 702.304.3023 Parish Staff Deacon Vince Murone Finance Director 702.304.3016 Anna Milledge Finance Assist. 702.304.3039 Joan Hagar Census 702.304.3006 12 Bayani Laigo Facility/Maintenance Manager 702.304.3012 Faith Formation Kris Mulligan Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries 702.304.3035 Tiffany Madsen Youth & Young Adult Assist. 702.304.3010 Josh Wattenbarger Director of Children’s Faith Formation and RCIA 702.304.3005 Sandy Castro Admin. Assistant for Children’s Faith Formation 702.304.3001 Karen Washburn Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Coordinator 702.304.3037 July 17, 2016 • Jill Bugay RCIC Coordinator 702.304.3003 Parish Office Hours Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri..................8AM-5PM Tue...........................................8AM-8PM Sat.........................................10AM-6PM Sun..........................................8AM-6PM PARISH OFFICE 702.363.1902 PARISH FAX 702.363.7976 BULLETIN DEADLINE & SUBMISSION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• All organizations must submit in writing the details of their meeting times, in order to be listed in the calendar “Week at a Glance”. Submit your requests for bulletin items and topics preferably by e-mail as a Word doc attachment to: Submissions are due 2 weeks minimum prior to the bulletin date that you are requesting. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Due to Construction starting in June and continuing through the Summer, we will not be having any scheduled groups meeting on our campus. Please call or email the group contact person listed below if you have questions about their Summer schedules/activities. Thank you! SJHOM SENIORS We bring food to share, play games and always have fun. You must be a registered SJHOM Senior parishioner 60 years of age or older to join. You are always welcome. CALIX SOCIETY is a spiritual program in the Catholic Church for those in recovery in AA or AL Anon. Calix will be having their Adoration and lunch meeting for July and August at St. Anne’s Church at 1813 S. Maryland Pkwy. We will have Adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel (next to the office) and our meeting in the room next to the Chapel from 11:00 AM-1:30 PM. For more information call Paul & Sharon at 702.645.8403 or Joe & Madge at 702.453.2417. VLADIVOSTOK MISSION Mary Mother of God Mission meets at SJHOM. The group is supporting the mission and parish in Vladivostok and surrounding area. The mission is rebuilding the Catholic Church in Russia and helping many, many social programs; homeless street kids, alcoholics anonymous, prolife centers, elderly care and much more. For more information call Jo Elyn at 702.655.2979, Janie 702.362.2277 or Tim at 702.275.7900. ST. JOSEPH H.O.M. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Please come and join our prayer group. Come experience the power of God’s love through prayer, praise and teachings. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, in thanksgiving present your requests to God.” For more information contact Elaine Petras at 702.304.9591. WOMEN OF ST. JOSEPH All women of our parish are encouraged to join our ministry and participate in our year round activities. Membership enrollment forms are available in the parish office. Contact Janice at 702.376.0855. “Pray the Rosary for Peace” YOUNG ADULT GROUP Are you looking for a group of other young adults ages 18-30 that are living in faith and a place in which you can grow spiritually? Then join us! Contact Kris at 702.304.3035 for more information. ST. JOSEPH H.O.M. CUB SCOUTS PACK 700 Boys grades 1-5, and any adults interested in the B.S.A. Cub Scouts are welcome to participate. For further information call C. Clark at 702.248.9470. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF MARY, COUNCIL 10442 If you feel the need or have a calling to serve the church or those who are less fortunate than you, the Knights of Columbus are looking for a few good men. The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Men’s Fraternal, Family and Service Organization in the world. We are men just like you: fathers, sons, brothers and friends who work together, worldwide, to support our Churches, bishops, priests, seminarians, communities and charitable causes through volunteer hours and fundraising activities. Contact Grand Knight Bill Koss 702.834.4507 or wpkoss@ Please visit our website for updates: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LADIES AUXILIARY Every wife or widow of a Knight is invited to be active in our Ladies Auxiliary. We actively support and participate in all Council and Auxiliary events which include a wide variety of socials, charity work, and spiritual experiences. For more information contact Vilma Koss at 702.834.4507 or ST. JOSEPH H.O.M. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4TH DEGREE Membership is open to all 3rd Degree Knights. Contact Ken Sawyer at 702.203.7403 or CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS OF THE U.S.A., INC. Our Lady of Peace, Post 1947 & Auxiliary. All Catholic active duty military and honorably discharged veterans, male or female, who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces (to include Reserves & National Guard) during peace or wartime are eligible to join the Post. The Auxiliary is open to any 18 year old or older, male or female, of a veteran. Come be a part of a new and rewarding Catholic Veterans Organization. For information: Anthony or Sandra Lucchesi 702.254.7534 or James and Keleen McCawley 702.686.5666. ST. JOSEPH, HOM PRO-LIFE GROUP The St. Joseph, H.O.M Pro-Life Group is dedicated to promoting the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. For more information contact Greg Farina at 702.363.4299. BSA BOY SCOUT TROOP 700 YOUTH Boys grades 6-11, and any adults interested in the B.S.A. Boy Scouts are welcome to participate. For further information call C. Clark at 702.248.9470. July 17, 2016 • 16