Conveyor Belt Lacing Systems
Conveyor Belt Lacing Systems
Belt Maintenance Product Catalogue Belt Lacing Systems for the Laundry Industry MATO GmbH & Co. KG · Germany · · Branch Herten: Hohewardstraße 329 · D-45699 Herten · Phone: +49 (0) 2366-9321-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 2366-9321-10 Head Office: Benzstraße 16 –24 · D-63165 Mühlheim a.M. · Phone: +49 (0) 6108-906-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 6108-906-120 since 1906 Table of Contents Belt Lacing Systems for the Laundry Industry Page Verbinderauswahl Drahtsysteme M und R Wie gehen Sie vor? Was brauchen Sie? Gurtdicke A us wahltabellen unte n , tref f en mehrere Typen zu, dann wähl en Sie: - kleinste D ra hta bme ssung , wenn W unsch na ch f lachem Auf trag = ruhige r Lauf . Tromm eldurc hm es se r (D m in ) - gr ößte Dra htabme ss ung , we nn h oher Verschlei ß. - P1 (mit Tex tilpatc h) , wenn Ab deckung g ewünscht. Verb inde r- un d Verbind estab auswahlt abelle f ür System e M60-son der, R20 u nd R70 Mi n. Trom mel Draht Abmessu ngen D urchm. 25m m 1" mm T eil ung i nch Verbindest ab mm 0,9x0,5 .035x .020 30m m 1 1/ 8" 0,9x0,5 .035x .020 75mm 3" 0,9x0,7 .035x .028 2,54 1/ 32" 1/16" 0, 8mm 1,6mm 1, 5 (MK15) 2,54 1, 5 (MK15) 2,54 1, 8 (MK18) 1,0 . 040 3, 175 75m m 3" 1,0 . 040 3, 175 5/ 64" 3/32" 7/64" 1/8" 9/64 " 5/32" 2, 0mm 2, 4mm 2,8mm 3, 2mm 3,6mm 4,0mm M61. 2LS W-P1 M61. 2LNW-P 1 M61. 2LS W M 61.2LNW M63L P 3/64 " 5/64" 1,0mm 2,0mm 2, 0 (MK18) (MK20) 4,0mm R22NP (MK20) 1, 8 2, 0 5/32" 1/ 8" 3, 0mm R22S P R72S P (MK18) 1, 8 50m m 2" Gurtdic kenbere ic h D urchm . m m ( Typ) R72NP R23S P R73S P R23NP R73NP We ite re E rläuter unge n: M = Pro fi ld raht R = R un dd rah t M6 1.2L = Fla chd rah t Pa pie rgefa ss t: Verbi nder i n Papi er geh alt en Quer dr aht: Verb inder auf Qu erdraht geschweiß t P1 = Verb in der m it vo rin sta ll ierte m Te xtilp atch Mate rialauswa hl e ntsp rech end Ih ren Ve rbinde sta bauswahl s ieh e Sei te 14 An ford erun ge n sie he Au swa hl ta be lle u nten . A bdeckung Schutzdurch beständigkeit K orrosions- beständigkeit Verschleiß- widerstand M agnetismus Säure- K urzform stark magn etisch G (Lebensdauer) Au swah ltabelle Verbin dermaterial Werksto ff Stahl v erzinkt Verf ügb are Systeme n ei n R 20 gut n ei n R 20, R7 0, M6 0 Stahl r os tfre i, 1.44 04 SS schwach magn etisch sehr gut sehr g ut ausgezei chn et n ei n R 20, R7 0, M6 0 Stahl r os tfre i, 1.44 04 mit Te xtilpa tch SS P1 schwach magn etisch ausgezeichnet sehr g ut ausgezei chn et ja M6 0L-P1 Stahl r os tfre i, 1.40 16 sehr gut magn etisch S ungenü gen d sehr gut g ut gut Selection Charts for Wire Systems M and R for the Laundry Industry 3 Low Profile Wire Fastener M61.2LSW, Cut to Length 4-5 Low Profile Wire Fastener M61.2LNW, Cut to Length 6-7 Rectangular Wire Fastener M63LP, Cut to Length 8 Round Wire Fasteners R20 and R70 9 Fastener Series M60L-P (MATOPATCH) 10-12 Installation Units for MATOPATCH 13 Selection Chart of Connecting Pins for the Laundry Industry 14 Nylorostfrei Nylonummantelter Edelstahldraht Nylonrundmat erial, glat t Edelstahldraht, glatt Nylostahllitze Nylonummanteltes Stahldrahts eil Nylorostfreilitze Nylonummanteltes Edelstahls eil ...NY schwach magnetisch sehr gut sehr gut ausreichend ausgezeichnet aus- mäßig aus- sehr gut sehr gut ...WSS gut gut gut ausreichend gut sehr gut ausausgezeichnet gezeichnet aus- aus- gut aus- ...NCS gezeichnet gezeichnet gezeichnet ausgezeichnet ausreichend schwach ausmagnetisch gezeichnet gering gut magnetisch gut sehr gut gut sehr gut schwach magnetisch gut sehr gut gut sehr gut ausgezeichnet ...WSSN* ...NC W e c h s e ln d e G u rt s p a n n u n g , s c h m al e G u rt e S t e if ig k e it F le xi b il it ä t M a g n et is m u s S ä u re b es t ä n d ig ke it A b kü rz u n g K o rro s i o n s b es t ä n d ig ke it stark magnetisch aus- aus- ...NYN Stahldraht rostfrei Edelstahldraht, geprägte Kerben mäßig sehr gut ausausausausnicht gezeichnet gezeichnet gezeichnet gezeichnet magnetisch aus- ...NST gezeichnet gezeichnet ...NSS gezeichnet gezeichnet gezeichnet Nyloschnur Nylonrundmat erial, geprägte Kerben V e rb i n d e rs t a n d z e it V e rb in d e stab ty p Nylonummantelter Federstahldraht V e rb i n d e s ta b v e rs c h le is s f e s ti g k e it Bestimmung des Verbindestabtyps Nylostahl Connecting Pins for the Laundry Industry Installation Units and Accessories for the Laundry Industry Terms & Conditions, General Remarks Page 1 15-16 18 19-20 Wire Systems M and R for the Laundry Industry Page 2 Selection Chart Wire Systems M and R for the Laundry Industry Fastener Selection for the Laundry Industry What do you require? Determine: Belt Thickness Minimum Pulley Dia (D min ) How do you select? Selection Charts below , if several types apply, then select : - Smallest Wire Dimension for a smooth surface, results in less noise - Biggest Wire Dimension , when dealing with high wear. - P (with Textile Patch = MATOPATCH) , when cover is required. Fastener and Connecting Pin Selection Chart for Systems M60-special, R20 and R70 Min. Wire Pulley Dimensions Dia. 25mm 1" 30mm 1 1/8" mm Connecting inch 0.9x0.5 .035x.020 Pitch 1/32" 1/16" 5/64" 3/32" 7/64" 1/8" 9/64" 5/32" mm (type) 0.8mm 1.6mm 2.0mm 2.4mm 2.8mm 3.2mm 3.6mm 4.0mm mm 2.54 1.5 2.54 1.5 (MK15) 75mm3" 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 2.54 1.8 (MK18) 75mm 3" 1.0 1.0 .040 .040 M61.2LSW-P (MK15) 0.9x0.5 .035x.020 50mm 2" Belt Thickness Range Pin Diameter 1.8 (MK18) 2.0 (MK20) M61.2LNW-P M61.2LSW M61.2LNW M63LP 3/64" 5/64" 1/8" 5/32" 1.0mm 2.0mm 3.0mm 4.0mm R22SP R72SP 3.175 1.8 (MK18) 2.0 (MK20) R22NP R72NP R23SP R73SP 3.175 R23NP R73NP Further Explanations M = Rectangular Wire R = Round Wire M61.2L = Low Profile Rectangular Wire Carded: Fasteners are positioned in carded paper Barred : Fasteners are welded on cross wire P : Fasteners with preinstalled Textile Patch (MATOPATCH) Material Selection according to your Selection of Connecting Pins, see page 14 requirements, see Selection Chart below. Material Symbol Magnetic Abrasion Resistance Chemical Resistance Rust Resistance Protection through Covering Fastener Material Selection Chart Available Systems Galvanised Steel G High Magnetic Very Good No Good No R20 Stainless Steel, 430 S Magnetic Very Good Good Good No R20, R70, M60 Stainless Steel, 316 SS Slightly Magnetic Very Good Very Good Excellent No R20, R70, M60 Stainless Steel, 316 with Textile Patch SS-P Slightly Magnetic Excellent Very Good Excellent Yes M60L-P Material MATO helps you choosing the right fastener for your application and offers perfect solutions even for the most uncommon problems. Page 3 Low Profile Wire Fastener M61.2LSW, Cut to Length - Barred Fasteners - Box Content with Connecting Pin MK15-NYN - Minimum Pulley Diameter 30 mm Description Belt Width Fasteners mm per Strip - Pitch 2.54 mm - Belt Thickness 1.6 - 2.4 mm No. of Laces Order No kg M61.2LSW, Cut to Length, Stainless Steel M61.2LSW-SS-025 M61.2LSW-SS-030 M61.2LSW-SS-032 M61.2LSW-SS-035 M61.2LSW-SS-038.5 M61.2LSW-SS-040 M61.2LSW-SS-048 M61.2LSW-SS-048.5 M61.2LSW-SS-050 M61.2LSW-SS-057 M61.2LSW-SS-060 M61.2LSW-SS-063 M61.2LSW-SS-075 25 30 32 35 38,5 40 48 48,5 50 57 60 63 75 7/8 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 16/17 16/17 17/18 20/21 21/22 22/23 27/28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 268 02 50 42 268 03 00 42 268 03 20 42 268 03 50 42 268 03 85 42 268 04 00 42 268 04 80 42 268 04 85 42 268 05 00 42 268 05 70 42 268 06 00 42 268 06 30 42 268 07 50 0,2 M61.2LSW-SS-083 M61.2LSW-SS-088.5 M61.2LSW-SS-090 M61.2LSW-SS-095 M61.2LSW-SS-100 M61.2LSW-SS-110 M61.2LSW-SS-113.5 M61.2LSW-SS-115 M61.2LSW-SS-120 M61.2LSW-SS-140 M61.2LSW-SS-150 M61.2LSW-SS-168 M61.2LSW-SS-180 M61.2LSW-SS-190 83 88,5 90 95 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 29/30 31/32 31/32 33/34 35/36 39/40 41/42 41/42 43/44 51/52 55/56 62/63 66/67 70/71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 268 08 30 42 268 08 85 42 268 09 00 42 268 09 50 42 268 10 00 42 268 11 00 42 268 11 35 42 268 11 50 42 268 12 00 42 268 14 00 42 268 15 00 42 268 16 80 42 268 18 00 42 268 19 00 0,3 M61.2LSW-SS-200 M61.2LSW-SS-280 M61.2LSW-SS-285 M61.2LSW-SS-292.5 M61.2LSW-SS-300 200 280 285 292,5 300 74/75 107/108 108/109 111/112 115/116 20 20 20 20 20 42 268 20 00 42 268 28 00 42 268 28 50 42 268 29 25 42 268 30 00 0,3 Special Connecting Pins on page 15 Page 4 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Wire Dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 mm 0,5 0,6 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 Solid Nylon NYN 0,5 (notched) 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Low Profile Wire Fastener M61.2LSW, Cut to Length - Barred Fasteners - Box Content with Connecting Pin MK15-NYN - Minimum Pulley Diameter 30 mm Description Belt Width Fasteners mm per Strip - Pitch 2.54 mm - Belt Thickness 1.6 - 2.4 mm No. of Laces Order No kg M61.2LSW, Cut to Length, Chromium Steel M61.2LSW-S-025 M61.2LSW-S-030 M61.2LSW-S-032 M61.2LSW-S-035 M61.2LSW-S-038.5 M61.2LSW-S-040 M61.2LSW-S-048 M61.2LSW-S-048.5 M61.2LSW-S-050 M61.2LSW-S-057 M61.2LSW-S-060 M61.2LSW-S-063 M61.2LSW-S-075 25 30 32 35 38,5 40 48 48,5 50 57 60 63 75 7/8 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 16/17 16/17 17/18 20/21 21/22 22/23 27/28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 273 02 50 42 273 03 00 42 273 03 20 42 273 03 50 42 273 03 85 42 273 04 00 42 273 04 80 42 273 04 85 42 273 05 00 42 273 05 70 42 273 06 00 42 273 06 30 42 273 07 50 0,2 M61.2LSW-S-083 M61.2LSW-S-088.5 M61.2LSW-S-090 M61.2LSW-S-095 M61.2LSW-S-100 M61.2LSW-S-110 M61.2LSW-S-113.5 M61.2LSW-S-115 M61.2LSW-S-120 M61.2LSW-S-140 M61.2LSW-S-150 M61.2LSW-S-168 M61.2LSW-S-180 M61.2LSW-S-190 83 88,5 90 95 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 29/30 31/32 31/32 33/34 35/36 39/40 41/42 41/42 43/44 51/52 55/56 62/63 66/67 70/71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 273 08 30 42 273 08 85 42 273 09 00 42 273 09 50 42 273 10 00 42 273 11 00 42 273 11 35 42 273 11 50 42 273 12 00 42 273 14 00 42 273 15 00 42 273 16 80 42 273 18 00 42 273 19 00 0,3 M61.2LSW-S-200 M61.2LSW-S-280 M61.2LSW-S-285 M61.2LSW-S-292.5 M61.2LSW-S-300 200 280 285 292,5 300 74/75 107/108 108/109 111/112 115/116 20 20 20 20 20 42 273 20 00 42 273 28 00 42 273 28 50 42 273 29 25 42 273 30 00 0,3 Special Connecting Pins on page 15 Page 5 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 Material: Chromium Steel 430 Wire Dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 mm 0,5 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 Solid Nylon NYN 0,5 (notched) 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Low Profile Wire Fastener M61.2LNW, Cut to Length - Barred Fasteners - Box Content with Connecting Pin MK15-NYN - Minimum Pulley Diameter 30 mm Description Belt Width Fasteners mm per Strip - Pitch 2.54 mm - Belt Thickness 2.4 - 3.2 mm No. of Laces Order No kg M61.2LNW, Cut to Length, Stainless Steel M61.2LNW-SS-025 M61.2LNW-SS-030 M61.2LNW-SS-032 M61.2LNW-SS-035 M61.2LNW-SS-038.5 M61.2LNW-SS-040 M61.2LNW-SS-048 M61.2LNW-SS-048.5 M61.2LNW-SS-050 M61.2LNW-SS-057 M61.2LNW-SS-060 M61.2LNW-SS-063 M61.2LNW-SS-075 25 30 32 35 38,5 40 48 48,5 50 57 60 63 75 7/8 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 16/17 16/17 17/18 20/21 21/22 22/23 27/28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 269 02 50 42 269 03 00 42 269 03 20 42 269 03 50 42 269 03 85 42 269 04 00 42 269 04 80 42 269 04 85 42 269 05 00 42 269 05 70 42 269 06 00 42 269 06 30 42 269 07 50 0,2 M61.2LNW-SS-083 M61.2LNW-SS-088.5 M61.2LNW-SS-090 M61.2LNW-SS-095 M61.2LNW-SS-100 M61.2LNW-SS-110 M61.2LNW-SS-113.5 M61.2LNW-SS-115 M61.2LNW-SS-120 M61.2LNW-SS-140 M61.2LNW-SS-150 M61.2LNW-SS-168 M61.2LNW-SS-180 M61.2LNW-SS-190 83 88,5 90 95 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 29/30 31/32 31/32 33/34 35/36 39/40 41/42 41/42 43/44 51/52 55/56 62/63 66/67 70/71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 269 08 30 42 269 08 85 42 269 09 00 42 269 09 50 42 269 10 00 42 269 11 00 42 269 11 35 42 269 11 50 42 269 12 00 42 269 14 00 42 269 15 00 42 269 16 80 42 269 18 00 42 269 19 00 0,4 M61.2LNW-SS-200 M61.2LNW-SS-280 M61.2LNW-SS-285 M61.2LNW-SS-292.5 M61.2LNW-SS-300 200 280 285 292,5 300 74/75 107/108 108/109 111/112 115/116 20 20 20 20 20 42 269 20 00 42 269 28 00 42 269 28 50 42 269 29 25 42 269 30 00 0,3 Special Connecting Pins on page 15 Page 6 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Wire Dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 mm 0,5 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 Solid Nylon NYN 0,5 (notched) 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Low Profile Wire Fastener M61.2LNW, Cut to Length - Barred Fasteners - Box Content with Connecting Pin MK15-NYN - Minimum Pulley Diameter 30 mm Description Belt Width Fasteners mm per Strip - Pitch 2.54 mm - Belt Thickness 2.4 - 3.2 mm No. of Laces Order No kg M61.2LNW Cut to Length, Chromium Steel M61.2LNW-S-025 M61.2LNW-S-030 M61.2LNW-S-032 M61.2LNW-S-035 M61.2LNW-S-038.5 M61.2LNW-S-040 M61.2LNW-S-048 M61.2LNW-S-048.5 M61.2LNW-S-050 M61.2LNW-S-057 M61.2LNW-S-060 M61.2LNW-S-063 M61.2LNW-S-075 25 30 32 35 38,5 40 48 48,5 50 57 60 63 75 7/8 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 16/17 16/17 17/18 20/21 21/22 22/23 27/28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 292 02 50 42 292 03 00 42 292 03 20 42 292 03 50 42 292 03 85 42 292 04 00 42 292 04 80 42 292 04 85 42 292 05 00 42 292 05 70 42 292 06 00 42 292 06 30 42 292 07 50 0,2 M61.2LNW-S-083 M61.2LNW-S-088.5 M61.2LNW-S-090 M61.2LNW-S-095 M61.2LNW-S-100 M61.2LNW-S-110 M61.2LNW-S-113.5 M61.2LNW-S-115 M61.2LNW-S-120 M61.2LNW-S-140 M61.2LNW-S-150 M61.2LNW-S-168 M61.2LNW-S-180 M61.2LNW-S-190 83 88,5 90 95 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 29/30 31/32 31/32 33/34 35/36 39/40 41/42 41/42 43/44 51/52 55/56 62/63 66/67 70/71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 292 08 30 42 292 08 85 42 292 09 00 42 292 09 50 42 292 10 00 42 292 11 00 42 292 11 35 42 292 11 50 42 292 12 00 42 292 14 00 42 292 15 00 42 292 16 80 42 292 18 00 42 292 19 00 0,4 M61.2LNW-S-200 M61.2LNW-S-280 M61.2LNW-S-285 M61.2LNW-S-292.5 M61.2LNW-S-300 200 280 285 292,5 300 74/75 107/108 108/109 111/112 115/116 20 20 20 20 20 42 292 20 00 42 292 28 00 42 292 28 50 42 292 29 25 42 292 30 00 0,3 Special Connecting Pins on page 15 Page 7 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 Material: Chromium Steel 430 Wire Dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 mm 0,5 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 Solid Nylon NYN 0,5 (notched) 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Rectangular Wire Fastener M63LP, Cut to Length - Barred Fasteners - Box Content with Connecting Pin MK15-NYN - Minimum Pulley Diameter 75 mm Description Belt Width Fasteners mm per Strip - Pitch 2.54 mm - Belt Thickness 3.2 - 4.0 mm No. of Laces Order No kg M63LP Cut to Length, Stainless Steel M63LP-SS-100 M63LP-SS-110 M63LP-SS-113.5 M63LP-SS-115 M63LP-SS-120 M63LP-SS-140 M63LP-SS-150 M63LP-SS-168 M63LP-SS-180 M63LP-SS-190 M63LP-SS-200 M63LP-SS-280 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 35/36 39/40 41/42 41/42 43/44 51/52 55/56 62/63 66/67 70/71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 663 10 00 42 663 11 00 42 663 11 35 42 663 11 50 42 663 12 00 42 663 14 00 42 663 15 00 42 663 16 80 42 663 18 00 42 663 19 00 0,5 200 280 74/75 107/108 20 20 42 663 20 00 42 663 28 00 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Wire Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 mm 0,6 M63LP Cut to Length, Chromium Steel M63LP-S-100 M63LP-S-110 M63LP-S-113.5 M63LP-S-115 M63LP-S-120 M63LP-S-140 M63LP-S-150 M63LP-S-168 M63LP-S-180 M63LP-S-190 M63LP-S-200 M63LP-S-280 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 35/36 39/40 41/42 41/42 43/44 51/52 55/56 62/63 66/67 70/71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 296 10 00 42 296 11 00 42 296 11 35 42 296 11 50 42 296 12 00 42 296 14 00 42 296 15 00 42 296 16 80 42 296 18 00 42 296 19 00 0,5 200 280 74/75 107/108 20 20 42 296 20 00 42 296 28 00 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 Material: Chromium Steel 430 Wire Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 mm 0,6 Solid Nylon NYN (notched) Connecting Pins MK18-NYN, Cut to Length upon request Special Connecting Pins on page 15 Page 8 Round Wire Fasteners R20 and R70 - Pitch 3.175 mm - R20 = Carded Fastener - R70 = Barred Fastener Description Belt Thickness - Wire Diameter 1.0mm - Box without Connecting Pins Min. Pulley Diameter-Ø Strips/ Box Order No kg R20 Standard Stainless Steel, Strip Length 300 mm R22SP-SS-300-12 R22NP-SS-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 104 22 21 42 104 22 22 0,3 R23SP-SS-300-12 R23NP-SS-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 104 22 31 42 104 22 32 0,4 0,3 0,4 Stainless Steel 316 Chromium Steel, Strip Length 300 mm R22SP-S-300-12 R22NP-S-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 103 22 21 42 103 22 22 0,3 R23SP-S-300-12 R23NP-S-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 103 22 31 42 103 22 32 0,4 0,3 0,4 Chromium Steel 430 Galvanised Steel, Strip Length 300 mm R22SP-G-300-12 R22NP-G-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 101 22 21 42 101 22 22 0,3 R23SP-G-300-12 R23NP-G-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 101 22 31 42 101 22 32 0,4 0,3 0,4 Galvanised Steel R70 Standard Stainless Steel, Strip Length 300 mm R72SP-SS-300-12 R72NP-SS-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 704 17 21 42 704 17 22 0,3 R73SP-SS-300-12 R73NP-SS-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 704 17 31 42 704 17 32 0,4 0,4 0,5 Stainless Steel 316 Chromium Steel, Strip Length 300 mm R72SP-S-300-12 R72NP-S-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 703 17 21 42 703 17 22 0,3 R73SP-S-300-12 R73NP-S-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 703 17 31 42 703 17 32 0,4 0,4 0,5 Chromium Steel 430 Round Wire Fastener R70, Cut to Length upon request Connecting pins on page 16 Page 9 Fastener Series M60L-P (MATOPATCH) Page 10 Fastener Series M60L-P (MATOPATCH) Innovation for the Laundry Industry MATO Rectangular Wire Fastener Series M60L-P (MATOPATCH) has been specifically developed for the Laundry Industry. This patented system takes a huge leap regarding life, design and installation of larger series. Using this fastener you or your customers will have the advantage of the safest, most enduring and optically most appealing Belt Lacing System. There will be no more laundry getting caught, paper scraps or glue residue. Our Barred Rectangular Wire Fastener, Stainless Steel with preinstalled textile patch are very suitable for cotton and felt belts and offer optimum protection against damage of your laundry. The lifespan of MATOPATCH Lacing System is usually 4 times higher as the current state of Technology or as similar looking fasteners in the same field of use. Another feature of this Belt Lacing System worth mentioning is an integrated protection against belt wear, low abrasive wear and is low in noise emission. Belt Cleaning Systems will be treated gently. MATOPATCH Fasteners are designed in a way that fastener and patch can be installed in basically one step using according installation units (see page 13). Additional glue and drying time or use of dangerous materials no longer apply. We can customize the already excellent design of our fasteners by printing upon your request. There are currently two sizes covering the standard laundry belt thickness, ranging from 1.6mm up to 3.2mm (see page 12). Page 11 MATOPATCH M61.2 - P Special Design with Patch for the Laundry Industry - Barred Fastener - Fastener preinstalled with Patch - P10 = Plain Patch Description Belt Width Fasteners mm Per Strip No of Laces Order No - Box with Connecting Pin MK15-NYN - Minimum Pulley Diameter 25 mm - Pitch 2.54 mm kg M61.2LSW-P10, Cut to Length Belt Thickness 1.6 - 2.4 mm M61.2LSW-P10/SS-25 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-30 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-38 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-38.5 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-40 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-48.5 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-60 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-75 25 30 38 38,5 40 48,5 60 75 7/8 9/10 12/13 13/14 13/14 16/17 20/21 26/27 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 654 02 50 42 654 03 00 42 654 03 80 42 654 03 85 42 654 04 00 42 654 04 85 42 654 06 00 42 654 07 50 0,2 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-88.5 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-90 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-113.5 M61.2LSW-P10/SS-118 88,5 90 113,5 118 31/32 31/32 41/42 41/42 25 25 25 25 42 654 08 85 42 654 09 00 42 654 11 35 42 654 11 80 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,4 Material: Stainless Steel 316 with Textile Patch Wire Dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 mm 0,5 0,5 Solid Nylon NYN (notched) M61.2LNW-P10, Cut to Length Belt Thickness 2.4 - 3.2 mm M61.2LNW-P10/SS-25 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-30 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-38 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-38.5 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-40 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-48.5 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-60 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-75 25 30 38 38,5 40 48,5 60 75 7/8 9/10 12/13 13/14 13/14 16/17 20/21 26/27 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 664 02 50 42 664 03 00 42 664 03 80 42 664 03 85 42 664 04 00 42 664 04 85 42 664 06 00 42 664 07 50 0,2 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-88.5 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-90 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-113.5 M61.2LNW-P10/SS-118 88,5 90 113,5 118 31/32 31/32 41/42 41/42 25 25 25 25 42 664 08 85 42 664 09 00 42 664 11 35 42 664 11 80 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,4 Material: Stainless Steel 316 with Textile Patch Wire Dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 mm 0,5 0,5 Solid Nylon NYN (notched) Special Connecting Pins on page 15 Boxes with additional content upon request Printing of the Patch upon request Page 12 Lacing Tools for MATOPATCH Connecting Load - Power Input: 0.6 kW - Voltage: 230V Description - 1 Phase - 50 Hz Lacing Width/ Comb Width Pitch (mm) Order No kg 2,54 42 480 96 60 6,0 MATOPATCHLEVER Installation Width 60 mm MATOPATCHLEVER 60WP 60 mm The MATOPATCHLEVER 60WP has been developed for site independent installations of the very durable MATOPATCH fastener. Since this tool is independent from a vice, it enables you to install fasteners directly into diverse machines of large-scale laundries The MATOPATCHLEVER has been designed for a maximum comb width of 60 mm of the Belt Fasteners M61.2LSW-P1 or M61.2LNW-P1. MATOPATCHVICE Installation Width 120 mm MATOPATCHVICE 260WP Conversion Kit MATOHYD 260WP 120 mm 260 mm 2,54 42 200 02 02 42 200 21 90 6,5 5,2 The MATOPATCHVICE 260WP has been developed for installations of small and medium series of our very durable MATOPATCH Fastener, which is used in a vice. After utilization of the conversion kit MATOHYD 260WP, the tool can be used in the electro-hydraulic Lacing Tool MATOHYD 200W (see page 17). The MATOPATCHVICE 260WP has been designed for a maximum comb width of 120 mm of the Fasteners M61.2LSW-P1 or M61.2LNW-P1. All other fasteners with a pitch of 2.54mm can be installed in this range. Installation Units for installation of larger series upon request. Page 13 Selection Charts Connecting Pins for Wire Systems M and R for the Laundry Industry The MATO Connecting Pins are aligned in design and material composition to the MATO Fasteners. Choosing the right Connecting Pin is an important contribution to reach the optimum performance of the splice in your application. We recommend our cut to belt width nylon pins (notched) for typical laundry applications such as e. g. folding machines Selection Chart Connecting Pin Size Fastener Type M61.2LSW M63LP R22NP M61.2LNW R22SP R23NP M61.2LSW-P R23SP R72NP M61.2LNW-P R72SP R73NP R73SP MK15… MK18… Connecting Pin Size MK20… M63LP can be run with MK15NYN as well. Rust Resistance Chemical Resistance Magnetism Rigidity Flexibility Varying Belt Tension, Small Belts Smooth solid Nylon Fastener Wear Factor Nylostainless Nylon coated 316SS-solid wire Pin Wear Factor Nylosteel Nylon coated music wire Abbreviation Connecting Pin Type Selection Chart Connecting Pin Type ...NST Excellent Excellent Acceptable Acceptable High Magnetic Very Good Very Good Good ...NSS Excellent Excellent Excellent Very Good Slightly Magnetic Very Good Very Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Non Magnetic Acceptable Excellent ...NY Solid Nylon Solid Nylon notched Smooth 316SS-solid wire ...NYN Nylocable Nylon coated zinc plated cable Excellent ...WSS Stainless Steel Wire 316SS-solid wire notched Good Acceptable Acceptable Good Very Good Very Good Excellent Not Applicable ...WSSN Excellent ...NC Excellent Excellent Good Good Magnetic Good Very Good Good ...NCS Excellent Excellent Excellent Very Good Slightly Magnetic Good Very Good Good Nylocable Stainless Nylon coated 316SS cable Slightly Magnetic Page 14 Connecting Pins MK15 for Low Profile Wire Fastener M60L with and without Patch - Notched - Diameter 1.5 mm Description Belt Width mm Length mm Pins per PU Order No kg Connecting Pin MK15-NYN, Cut to Length Solid Nylon Notched MK15-NYN-025 MK15-NYN-030 MK15-NYN-032 MK15-NYN-035 MK15-NYN-038.5 MK15-NYN-040 MK15-NYN-048 MK15-NYN-048.5 MK15-NYN-050 MK15-NYN-057 MK15-NYN-060 MK15-NYN-063 MK15-NYN-075 25 30 32 35 38,5 40 48 48,5 50 57 60 63 75 21.5 26.5 28.5 31.5 35.0 36.5 44.5 45.0 46.5 53.5 56.5 59.5 71.5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 208 02 50 42 208 03 00 42 208 03 20 42 208 03 50 42 208 03 85 42 208 04 00 42 208 04 80 42 208 04 85 42 208 05 00 42 208 05 70 42 208 06 00 42 208 06 30 42 208 07 50 0,01 MK15-NYN-083 MK15-NYN-088.5 MK15-NYN-090 MK15-NYN-095 MK15-NYN-100 MK15-NYN-110 MK15-NYN-113.5 MK15-NYN-115 MK15-NYN-120 MK15-NYN-140 MK15-NYN-150 MK15-NYN-168 MK15-NYN-180 MK15-NYN-190 83 88,5 90 95 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 79.5 85.0 86.5 91.5 95.5 106.5 110.0 111.5 116.5 136.5 146.5 164.5 176.5 186.5 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 208 08 30 42 208 08 85 42 208 09 00 42 208 09 50 42 208 10 00 42 208 11 00 42 208 11 35 42 208 11 50 42 208 12 00 42 208 14 00 42 208 15 00 42 208 16 80 42 208 18 00 42 208 19 00 0,01 MK15-NYN-200 MK15-NYN-280 MK15-NYN-285 MK15-NYN-292.5 MK15-NYN-300 200 280 285 292,5 300 196,5 276,5 281,5 289,0 296,5 20 20 20 20 20 42 208 20 00 42 208 28 00 42 208 28 50 42 208 29 25 42 208 30 00 0,01 30m 1 42 513 01 50 0,05 30m 1 42 508 01 50 0,38 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 Connecting Pin MK15...N 0,01 (notched) 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 Connecting Pin MK15-...N, 30 Meter Coil Solid Nylon Notched NYN MK15-NYN Stainless Steel Wire notched WSSN MK15-WSSN Different lengths and / or designs upon request. Page 15 Connecting Pins MK Wire Systems M and R for the Laundry Industry - Connecting Pins in several material compositions - Different diameters Descriptions Diameter-Ø mm Order No kg 1,5 1,8 2,0 42 501 01 50 42 501 01 80 42 501 02 00 0,3 1,5 1,8 2,0 42 502 01 50 42 502 01 80 42 502 02 00 0,3 1,5 1,8 2,0 42 503 01 50 42 503 01 80 42 503 02 00 0,1 1,5 1,8 2,0 42 504 01 50 42 504 01 80 42 504 02 00 0,2 1,5 2,0 42 505 01 50 42 505 02 00 0,2 1,5 1,8 2,0 42 507 01 50 42 507 01 80 42 507 02 00 0,4 Connecting Pin MK, 30 Meter Coil Nylon Steel NST MK15-NST MK18-NST MK20-NST 0,3 0,3 Nylo Stainless NSS MK15-NSS MK18-NSS MK20-NSS 0,3 0,3 Solid Nylon NY MK15-NY MK18-NY MK20-NY 0,1 0,1 Nylocable NC MK15-NC MK18-NC MK20-NC 0,2 0,3 Nylocable Stainless NCS MK15-NCS MK20-NCS 0,3 Solid Wire Stainless WSS MK15-WSS MK18-WSS MK20-WSS Other sizes in various material compositions upon request. MK15-NYN, MK15-WSSN, as well as cut to length Connecting Pins NYN, see page 15. Page 16 0,6 0,7 Connecting Pins MK… Lacing Tools and Accessories for the Laundry Industry - Vice Lacer - Hydraulic Tools Description Lacing Width/ Comb Width Pitch (mm) Order No kg 42 150 61 63 42 150 20 70 1,9 Eco-Vice Lacer MA MA60/150 MA20-70/150 150 mm 150 mm 2,54 3,175 1,9 Eco-Vice Lacer MA Profi-Vice Lacer MATOVICE + Fastener Retainers UNICOMB V MATOVICE 120 120 mm UNICOMB 60/300V UNICOMB 20-70/300V 300 mm 300 mm 2,54 3,175 42 120 00 00 2,3 42 480 10 50 42 480 10 30 0,5 0,5 Profi-Vice Lacer MATOVICE Fastener Retainer UNICOMB V Hydraulic Basic Tool MATOHYD + Electro-Hydraulic Power Unit MATOHYD 200W 200 mm MATOHYD Rollset Power Unit MATOHYD PAW 200-1 1,17l/min, 400V/50HZ/3Phases Power Unit MATOHYD PAW 200-2 1l/min, 230V/60HZ/3Phases Power Units with different connecting loads upon request 42 200 00 01 42 200 06 00 42 200 22 03 24,0 42 200 22 04 18,5 Foot Pump MATOHYD FP 42 200 05 00 4,2 18,5 MATOHYD 200W 7,4 MATOHYD PA… MATOHYD FP Lacing Tool MATOHYDVICE + Fastener Retainers VH (case hardened) MATOHYDVICE 200W 200 mm UNICOMB 60/300VH UNICOMB 20-70/300VH 300 mm 300 mm 2,54 3,175 42 200 02 01 2,7 42 480 11 50 42 480 11 30 0,5 0,5 MATOHYDVICE A functioning Lacing Tool consists of a MATOHYD 200W, MATOHYDVICE 200W, an appropriate Fastener Retainer UNICOMB and either an Electro-Hydraulic Power Unit MATOHYD PAW or a Foot Pump FP. Routinely, a UNICOMB 300…VH is used in our MATOHYDVICE 200W with according fastener pitch. To install fasteners with a Vice Lacer, you need a Fastener Retainer for every basic tool MATOVICE with according length and pitch. Page 17 Lacing Tools and Accessories for the Laundry Industry Description Working Width Pitch (mm) Order No kg 2,54 2,54 42 480 86 60 42 050 61 63 2,5 Special Lacing Tools MATOLEVER Plier Lacer MZ60 60 mm 50 mm 1,6 MATOLEVER Plier Lacer MZ60 Special Accessories Textile Belt Cutter 50mm / 90deg 50 mm Spare Blades for Textile Belt Cutter PU10 Belt Cutter LD 150 150 mm Spare Blades for Belt Cutter LD Belt Clamp W-1 100 mm Tape Binder for Textile Belts (300 g) Supergrip Skiver 7 mm 42 050 10 10 42 050 10 11 42 510 01 50 42 510 11 50 42 480 90 00 42 232 02 00 42 640 00 00 Belt Cutter LD 150 Belt Clamp W-1 Supergrip Skiver Tape Binder for Textile Belts Page 18 0,4 0,01 2,4 0,01 1,1 0,4 0,1 Textile Belt Cutter General Conditions Of Sales, Supply And Payment I. Quotation The documentation pertaining to the quotation such as illustrations, drawings, details of weights and dimensions are only approximately authoritative where they are not expressly designated as binding. The supplier retains the right to ownership and Copyright of all cost estimates, drawings and other papers. These must not be made accessible to third parties The supplier has an obligation not to make accessible to third parties any plans designated as confidential by the purchaser, without the latter's approval. II. Scope of the delivery The written order confirmation from the supplier is definitive for the scope of the delivery. In the case of a quotation from the supplier with a time commitment and timely acceptance, the quotation is definitive, where there is no confirmation of the Order in good time. Supplementary agreements and changes require the written confirmation of the supplier III. Price and payment 1. In the absence of any special agreements the prices are ex works, including loading at the factory, but excluding packing. VAT at the applicable statutory rate must be added to the prices, 2. In the absence of any special agreement payment is to be made in cash with no deductions and free of charge at the supplier's point of payment i.e.: 1/3 down payment on receipt of the order confirmation 1/3 when the purchaser is informed that the major components are ready for despatch the remainder within one month of this. 3. The withholding of payments or the offsetting of any counter claims by the purchaser which are disputed by supplier are not permitted. IV. Delivery time 1. The delivery time begins with the sending of the order confirmation but not before the purchaser furnishes the documents, approvals, clearances to be provided and also the arrival of the agreed down payment. 2. The delivery times will be extended commensurately in the event of actions which form part of labour disputes, especially strikes and lockouts and also in the event of any unforeseen impediments which are outside the control of the supplier where such impediments can be shown to have a considerable influence of the manufacture or shipment of the object being supplied. This also applies when these circumstances occur at sub-suppliers. The circumstances described are also not to be blamed by the supplier when they arise during an already existing delay. In important cases the supplier will notify the purchaser of the beginning and end of such impediments as soon as possible. 3. The delivery times has been adhered to if by the time it expires the object being supplied has left the factory or its readiness for despatch has been notified. 4. When damage is suffered by the purchaser as a result of delay which has occurred due to the supplier, the purchaser is entitled to request compensation for the delay, to the exclusion of further claims. For each full week of lateness this will amount to 1/2 of 1%, but at the most 5% of the value of that part of the total delivery which as a result of the delay cannot be utilised in good time or in accordance with the contract. 5. If despatch is delayed at the wish of the purchaser he will be charged for the cost of storage beginning one month after indication of readiness for despatch, for storage at the supplier's factory however at least 1/2 of 1% of the invoiced amount for each month. The supplier however is entitled after setting a suitable period and its fruitless expiry to make other use of the object being supplied and to supply the purchaser over a suitable extended period. 6. Adherence to the delivery period assumes the purchaser meets his contractual obligations. V. Transfer of risk and acceptance 1. The risk is transferred to the purchaser at the latest upon despatch of the supplied parts, i.e. even if partial deliveries are made or the supplier has taken on further services such as the costs of despatch or transport and setting up. At the request of the purchaser, and at his expense, the shipment can be insured against theft, breakage, transport, fire and water damage and other insurable risks. 2. If the despatch is delayed as a result of circumstances which are the fault of the purchaser, then the risk Is transferred to the purchaser from the day of readiness for despatch; the supplier is however under an obligation, at the wish and expense of the purchaser, to effect insurance which the latter request. 3. Objects supplied, even if they exhibit insignificant defects, are to be accepted by the purchaser regardless of the rights under section VII. 4. Partial deliveries are permissible. VI. Right of ownership 1. The supplier retains the right of ownership to objects supplied until the arrival of all payments under the contract to supply. 2. The supplier is entitled to insure the object supplied against theft, breakage, transport, fire and water damage and other damage at the purchaser's expense when the purchaser has not shown that he has taken out hat insurance himself. 3. The purchaser can neither pawn the object supplied nor transfer ownership of it as security. In the event of distrait or other possession by a third party he must inform the supplier without delay 4. If the purchaser behaves in a manner contrary to the contract, particularly by delaying payment, the supplier is entitled to take back the goods after warning and the purchaser is obliged to VII. Liability for defects in the delivery For defects in the delivery, which includes the absence of the properties explicitly promised, the supplier has the following obligations, to the exclusion of further claims regardless of section IX, 4. 1. All parts which within six month of commissioning prove to be unusable or whose usability is significantly impaired as a result of a state of affairs which was present before the transfer of risk, particularly due to faulty construction, poor material or bad workmanship will be repaired or supplied new at the choice of the supplier, as he judges best. The discovery of such defects is to be reported to the supplier in writing without delay. Replaced parts become the property of the supplier. If despatch, set up or commissioning is delayed, without blame being attached to the supplier then this liability expires at the latest 12 month after the transfer of risk. For essential third party products the supplier's liability is limited to the transfer of the entitlement to liability which exists vis a vis the sup-supplier of the third party product. 2. The right of the purchaser to assert claims due to defects expires in all cases in 6 months from the time of the punctually made complaint, or upon the expiry of the warranty period. 3. No warranty is taken on for damage which occurs due to the following reasons; unsuitable or improper use, incorrect fitting or incorrect repair by the purchaser of by a third party, natural wear and tear, incorrect or negligent treatment, unsuitable operating materials, replacement materials defective construction work, unsuitable construction site, chemical, electro-chemical or electrical effects for which the blame cannot be attributed to the supplier. 4. To allow the repairs and the supply of replacements to be carried out, which appear necessary in the best judgment of the supplier the purchaser, after agreement with the supplier, must provide the necessary time and opportunity otherwise the supplier is released from his obligation for the defect. Only in urgent cases where operational safety is a risk or to avoid disproportionately large damage, whereupon the supplier must be made aware immediately, or if the supplier is delayed in eliminating the defect, the purchaser has the right to eliminate the defect himself or have it eliminated by a third party and to demand reimbursement of the necessary costs from the supplier. 5. Of the direct costs in cured by the repairs of the supply of replacements the supplier will - insofar as the complaint is shown to be justified- bear the cost of the replacement items including the despatch, plus the reasonable costs for the removal and fitting and furthermore, where this can be rightly requested depending on the situation of the individual case, any necessary costs for providing his mechanics and assistants. The purchaser generally bears all other cost. 6. The warranty period on the replacement items and the repair is three months, but this will run until the time of the expiry of the original warranty period for the object supplied. If repairs are necessary the period of liability for the object supplied will be extended by the length of the interruption in operation caused by this. 7. Any modifications or repair work carried out on the part of the purchaser or a third party either inexpertly or without the prior approval of the supplier will cancel the liability for the consequences such actions. 8. Further claims by the purchaser, especially claims for damage which did not occur on the supplied object itself are excluded. The exclusion of liability does not apply if the owner or leading the owner or leading employee, the supplier is only liable for sensibly foreseeable damage typical of the contract. The exclusion of liability also does not apply in cases where in accordance with the product liability law liability is accepted for damage to persons or property on privately used objects, where faults exist on the object supplied. It also does not apply when properties. VIII. Liability for associated obligation When, through the fault of the supplier, the object supplied cannot be used by the purchaser in accordance with the contract as a result of omitted or incorrect implementation of suggestions or advice which occurred before or after conclusion of the contract and also other obligations related to the contract, especially instructions for the operation and maintenance of the object supplied then the rulings in Section VII and IX apply appropriately, to the exclusion of further claims by the purchaser. IX. The rights of the purchaser to withdrawal, variation and other liability of the supplier 1. The purchaser can also withdraw from the contract is the whole provision of supplies and/or services becomes completely impossible for the supplier before the transfer of risk. The same applies in the event of the supplier’s inability to deliver. The purchaser can also withdraw from the contract, for an order of objects of the same type, the implementation of a part of the delivery becomes impossible with respect to quantity or he has a justified interest in refusing a partial delivery, if this is not the case the purchaser can reduce the counter payment to suit. 2. If a delivery delay exists as defined under Section IV of the Conditions of Supply and if the purchaser grants the supplier who is in arrears with the delivery a suitable extension period with an explicit declaration that after the expiry of this period he will refuse to accept the goods and/or services, and it this extended deadline is not met, then the purchaser is entitled to withdraw. 3. If the impossibility occurs during the delay in acceptance or due to the fault of the purchaser then the purchaser remains obliged to make the counter payment. 4. The purchaser also has the right to cancellation of the contract if the supplier, through his own fault, allows a suitable extension period granted to him for repairs of the supply of replacements with regard to a defect, as defined in the conditions of supply and attributable to him, to expire fruitlessly. The right of the purchaser to cancellation of the contract also exists in other cases of failure of the supplier to repair or supply a replacement. 5. Further claims by the purchaser are excluded, especially to termination or reduction and also to compensation for damages of any kind i.e. also for any damages which did not occur on the supplied object itself. This exclusion of liability does not apply if the owner or leading employee have acted with intent or gross negligence and also if there has been blameworthy violation of essential obligations under the contract. In the event of blameworthy violations of essential obligations under the contract, except in cases of intent or gross negligence by the owner of leading employee, the supplier is only liable for sensibly foreseeable damage typical of the contract. The exclusion of liability also does not apply in cases where In accordance with the product liability law liability is accepted for damage to persons or property on privately used objects, where faults exist on the object supplied. It also does not apply when properties are absent which were expressly promised when the promise had the intention of covering the purchaser against damage which did not arise on the supplied object itself. X. Court of jurisdiction If the purchaser is a fully qualified merchant, a legal personage in public law or a legally separate property proceedings for all disputes arising from a contractual relationship are to be taken at the court with jurisdiction for the supplier's head office or the branch of the supplier which made the delivery. The supplier is also entitled lo take proceedings against the buyer at the court of jurisdiction for his head office. MATO Maschinen- und Metallwarenfabrik Curt Matthaei GmbH & Co. KG Page 19 General Remarks Availability and Delivery Time In order to provide the soonest possible delivery service, most of the products are available from stock. The delivery time for nonstock items will be advised. Product Liability All our items are checked according to the Product Liability Law dated 01.01.1990. However, we emphasise that the use of nonoriginal MATO parts may lead to loss of insurance protection. Furthermore any use of products other than originally inteded has to be excluded. The operation instructions of our tools/ machines as well as the hints on hazards have to be observed carefully. Minimum Order Value Please note that any order treatment involves costs wich are extremly high for small quanitites. Therefore, for order remaining under 50,00 EUR net, we have to charge a 10,00 EUR fee in order to cover the treatment costs. Price Validity The price validity will loose effectiveness in case of extraordinary price changes in the raw material sector. With this Price List all other price lists will loose their vailidity. The prices stated in this list are gross prices to which legal VAT has to be added. Changes Due to the product development, we reserve the right to change pictures or accessories. Please observe our Conditions of Sale, Delivery and Payment. We connect anything! Please ask for more information about the Belt Lacing Systems for low tensile conveyor belts up to 750 kN/m and/or Belt Lacing Systems for high tensile conveyor belts above 750 kN/m Page 20