August - Pikes Peak HOG Chapter # 405
August - Pikes Peak HOG Chapter # 405
August Words From GM Pat Current Events Other Events Future Events Featured Member/Rider Last Months Ride/ Events New HOG Members Ladies Of Harley Service Tech Tips Motorcycle Humor Riding Tips Welcome back everybody! I sure hope everyone had a great time participating in the 5-N-1 Ride. From most of the stories I have heard, that was the case. If some of you are still feeling the fatigue of the ride, come and test ride a new bike! We really need trade-ins right now and we have a great selection. FYI... Harley Davidson will be unveiling some new bikes at Sturgis this year and I think a lot of you will be pleased with what they have to offer. If you aren't going, check out and the new bikes should be on there too! Monday August 3,2014, stop in at Pikes Peak Harley Davidson and see the 2015 HD color chart. You can see all of the new colors for the new year. There are some pretty wild colors for sure! Well, that is all I have for now! If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open! Sincerely, Pat Patton General Manager Pikes Peak Harley Davidson 2 Aug- 930 a.m.- PPHD- Members Meeting 2 Aug- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Destination ride to Toby Keith Bar Denver 10 Aug- Meet at PPHD- Too Broke For Sturgis 12 Aug- 630 p.m.- LOH Meeting (Location TBD) 14 Aug- PPHD- New Customer Party 14 Aug- 500 p.m.- PPHD- Bike Night at Hooters 16 Aug- PPHD- Summer Stake Sizzler 17 Aug- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Mid Month Rider – Meet at PPHD 24 Aug- H.O.G. Picnic- Time and Location TBD 28 Aug- 500 p.m.- PPHD- Bike Night at Hooters 30 Aug- PPHD- 2015 New Model Party 4-6 Jul- Co Springs- CO State Trike-In Motorcycle Rally 6 Jul- Aurora, CO- Mile High HD Ride the Highway 9-12 Jul- Alpine, WY- WY State HOG Rally 12 Jul- Co Springs- Pikes Peak H-D Battle of the Bands 12 Jul- Pueblo- Outpost Super Saturday 12 Jul- Aurora, CO- Mile High H-D Burgers & Bikini Bike Wash 12-13 Jul- 28th Annual Ladies Run of Colorado 19 Jul- Co Springs- Pikes Peak HOG 5 in 1 High Altitude Ride 19 Jul- Lakewood- CVMA Chap 3-1 Annual All Patriots Poker Run 19 Jul- Co Springs- Pike Peak B.A.C.A. Annual Poker Run 20 Jul- Palmer Lake- SFJ M/C Club Appreciation Day 20 Jul- Mt Evans- Douglas County HOG Ride to the Top 21-26 Jul- Co Springs- Pikes Peak H-D Peak Week 26 Jul- Parker- Mile High H-D Pre-Sturgis Party & Bike Show 28 Jul- Rocky Mountain H-D 14th Annual Charity Golf Invitational 28-30 Jul- Moab, UT- UT State HOG Rally 1 Sep- PPHD- Labor Day Party 6 Sep- 900 a.m.- PPHD- Members Meeting 6 Sep- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Destination ride to Buffalo Bills Grave 9 Sep- 630 p.m.- LOH Meeting (Location TBD) 11 Sep- 500 p.m.- PPHD- Bike Night at Hooters 17 Sep- PPHD- New Customer Party 21 Sep- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Mid Month Ride – Meet at PPHD 25 Sep- 500 p.m.- PPHD- Bike Night at Hooters 4 Oct- 900 a.m.- PPHD- Members Meeting 4 Oct- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Destination ride to Bents Fort 14 Oct- 630 p.m.- LOH Meeting (Location TBD) 17 Oct- PPHD- New Customer Party 19 Oct- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Mid Month Ride – Meet at PPHD 30 Oct- 630 p.m.- PPHD- Officers Meeting 1 Nov- 900 a.m.- PPHD- Members Meeting 1 Nov- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Destination ride Brunswick Bowling 11 Nov- 630 p.m.- LOH Meeting (Location TBD) 16 Nov- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Mid Month Ride- Meet at PPHD 28 Nov- PPHD- Black Friday 29 Nov- PPHD- Orange Saturday 29 Nov- PPHD- Santa Arrives at PPHD Jennifer & Tony Flemons We learned to ride 4 years ago & started out on Sportsters (883-Jen/1200-Tony) and worked our way up to our dream bikes. We relocated our Heating & Cooling business to Colorado Springs in October of 2013 and for Christmas purchased a 2014 Road King CVO for me & a 2013 Road Glide Custom for him. Thus far, I have put 5,100 miles on the CVO & Tony 10,000 on the Road Glide. We both love to ride and although we primarily ride with one another; we always look forward to building a kinship with other riders. Being HOG members gives us unbelievable opportunities for beautiful rides to destinations that we would not know existed if it weren’t for the group. We have participated in several group rides including the Great Sand Dunes, Bishops Castle & Skyline Drive, and the most recent 5-N-1 (which was AWESOME!!) and have taken several day trips this summer to New Mexico & Cripple Creek, & Red Rocks Park. We are always ready to ride and looking forward to the next. Jean Davidson and Jon Davidson Jean is the granddaughter of Walter Davidson, one of the four founders and the first president of Harley-Davidson. Her father, Gordon Davidson, was Vice President of Manufacturing. Jean began riding a Harley at the age of 12. She was the owner of the largest Harley Davidson dealership in Wisconsin and rubbed shoulders with all the Harley and Davidson family members, famous racers, Hell's Angels and even Evil Knievel. She is the mother of five children and the grandmother of seven grandchildren. She has spent a number of years gathering personal family stories and old photographs to bring you a rare and exciting look into one of the most famous families in motorcycling history. Most of all Jean is a storyteller who loves sharing the stories and experiences of her life as a Davidson through books and public speaking engagements. The adventures she has experienced, both in and out of the motorcycling industry, coupled with her enthusiastic, outgoing personality have captivated thousands of people over the years. The Inside Story of Harley-Davidson told by a Family Member.... In her books, Growing Up Harley-Davidson and Harley-Davidson Family Memories, Jean Davidson, grandaughter of one of the founders of the company, brings you the inside scoop and shares rare family photos. Jean has spent a number of years gathering personal family stories and old photographs to bring you a rare and exciting look into one of the most famous families in the history of motorcycling. 15th Annual 5 IN 1 Ride Well it is was time once again to get up early and head out on the highways of Colorado and see some of the most spectacular views this state has to offer! Of course the sky was clear and we started out at PPHD at a balmy 54 degrees with plenty of coffee and breakfast burritos! Anyone who says 5 mountain passes in one day is no ordeal obviously hasn’t ridden in the event! There are several white knuckle hairpin curves to whip around and steep grades to negotiate but in the end it is all worth it spending the whole day on a bike. Checking out the snow spotted landscape of Cottonwood Pass at 12,126 feet is very exhilarating and views are breathtaking! I only wish I could post all of the photos in the newsletter but there is not enough room but here is the link to the site with the pics! Ride safe and keep both wheels on the road! Maryann Miller Daniel Martin Donnetta Guthrie Edward Connell Jim Bauer Dawn Sokolski Doug Stephens Director Kimberly Sisson-Crow How To Join The only requirement for membership is that you have a current HOG membership. Contact HOG and tell them you’d like to be a member of LOH. Call 1-800-clubhog or log into the members only area of then go to “update membership profile”. Just click the yes option for LOH and you’re done! The LOH membership itself is FREE! After you’ve joined, you will receive a LOH embroidered patch and pin. LOH membership allows you to not only participate locally, but also all the LOH activities at various HOG rallies and events. If you have any questions about Ladies of Harley or want to know when we have our meetings and events, please feel free to call Kim @ 610.217.5631 or email at Ladies of Harley is where lasting friendships are made, where laughter is heard, and where memories are made. It’s where ladies like you come together to share our common interest in Harley-Davidson motorcycles. We look Cell 610-217-5631 Asst. Director Cell The Ladies of Harley is a group of dedicated and talented women who love to get together, have fun, and ride. We are a very diverse group of women coming from different backgrounds who pull together to make our LOH events successful and fun. This is where lasting friendships and memories are made. LOH Meetings Meetings held monthly on the Tuesday following the HOG Chapter Meeting. Socialization begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by the meeting at 6:30. You can simply attend the meeting or choose to eat dinner and enjoy a beverage. The members of LOH run their own meetings and sponsor activities that both ladies and men can participate in. Women and men alike are welcome to participate. Many husbands and significant others are even known to gather for dinner to socialize during the LOH meetings. 2014 LOH Meeting Schedule June 10 July 15 August 12 Sept. 9 Oct. 7 Nov. 4 Dec. 9 Fork Oil Maintenance Changing your bike’s fork oil is a simple task that many neglect. The oil in your forks are just as important as the other lubricants in your motorcycle, and must be changed on a regular basis to keep the seals from cracking and the fork’s shock/dampening functioning properly. Early models require disassembly of the fork sliders and you should consult your shop manual for this. Most recent model Harley’s have drain plugs and fill plugs to ease this operation. Unless you plan on rebuilding your forks and replacing seals, simply drain the fluid from the drain ports. Once completely drained, pump the forks to expel any remaining fluid. Replace the plugs and fill the forks through the top caps with an approved fork oil. The capacity varies by model but for most Softails and Dynas this amount is about 9 to 10 oz. If using Harley brand fork oil then type “B” or “E” is recommended depending on the model. The alternative product for those who require superior performance is Shock Therapy #10 Fork Oil which can be used in place of either type oil. Avoid using ATF transmission fluid . This can be too light for most heavy big twins despite having similar chemical qualities. Fork lubricants, whether from the dealer or synthetic is not so expensive as to use ATF in it’s place. Only use new fork lubricant from a sealed container. Unused portions should be kept air tight and stored in a cool dry place. I recommend discarding previously opened containers of shock lubricant not used within 6 months of opening. Slowly pump the forks to distribute the oil and dislodge any air bubbles after filling. Check for any leaks as this would indicate a rebuild is required. This of course will be a future article not only for rebuilding but for those installing new sliders. I highly recommend consulting a good repair manual specific to your bike before performing any maintenance work that you may be unfamiliar with. Watch The Signs A police officer pulled over two nuns riding on a motorcycle, and said to the rider, 'Ma'am, you're driving much too slowly, could you please drive faster?" And the nun says, 'Oh, I saw the sign with the "21" and assumed the speed limit was 21 km/h" The officer explains: 'No ma'am, the speed limit is 80. The highway number is Interstate 21." Then the police officer look at the passenger and see the other nun shaking like a leaf. "Excuse me sister, but what's wrong with your passenger?" "Oh, that's probably because we just got off Highway 205." A word or two about Safety from your Safety Officer…Sean Kane at In addition to the Safety Tips that are provided and available on the HOG 405 Website, we need to continually discuss Safety with each other, our passengers and riding partners. Know your bike and its capabilities. Know your riding skills and YOUR capabilities. Your bike may be equipped with an Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS), if so have you practiced engaging the system in a safe area? Have you practiced with your passenger? Do you know the dangers of utilizing the system? Your ABS will behave differently under different loads, luggage, passenger or solo and differing road surfaces. If engaged properly (upright, straight line, pavement), you will stop quickly…the danger in front of you will in all likelihood be avoided, but tons of danger are following you in the form of cars, trucks and others who may not have the capability to avoid YOU. Be aware of your surroundings, look for escape routes and keep your eye on the mirrors. Brake to avoid the danger, but then get to a place of safety to prevent being struck from the rear, don’t be a stationary hazard in the road. If you do not have ABS, you need to practice, practice, and practice so as not to skid or lose control in emergency stop situations. What do you do if you are involved in a mishap like driving off the roadway, down an embankment or not visible from the road and alone? What if you are disabled and unable to return to the roadside? Your cell phone may not have any service or may have been damaged or separated from you in the incident. If you are able to call for assistance, do so. If you are unable to call, return to the roadside and seek assistance from passing motorists. I keep a bright emergency strobe light with me on the motorcycle in the event of an evening incident. I have also used it in the daylight when flagging motorists from the roadside. Some of my partners also maintain a portable Air Horn, Marine Flares and HELP FLAG for those times when you may not be able to return to the roadside and want alternate ways of signaling. I also carry a Whistle attached to my Harley Key Fob keychain (you should try and make it metal, to avoid it breakage in the incident). I began road riding in the deserts of California, so I ALWAYS TAKE WATER with me, even if it is just a local jaunt. You can survive without food for days, but immobility and a lack of water spell disaster, be prepared. If you are dependent upon medication, have at least a day’s supply with you. Carry a First Aid Kit on the bike at ALL TIMES, it may save your life or someone else’s. Some bikes are equipped with CB Radios. Become familiar with their operation, even if you do not use this feature. Channel 9 on a CB Radio is the Emergency Only Channel. While your bike still has battery power, use it and broadcast where you are (or an approximate location). A cell phone, even if it is not in a service area, is traceable. If you have prepared, told someone (more than one is preferable) where you are going (flight plan) and when you will return, these folks should report you missing. If you have NO SERVICE, save your cell battery until you are “Overdue” and it is reasonable to believe that your status as “Missing” has been reported. Cell Phone tracing is one of the methods of searching by using your Cellphones signal, but it must be ON. If you have a smart phone, try text, as sometimes it will function with minimal signal strength. If no reply via text, turn off all nonessential applications to conserve battery power until you are “Overdue”. Riding a motorcycle is great fun, but requires an increased awareness of your skills, surroundings and planning for all eventualities. Remember the 6- P’s for each ride and you will be ready for anything. Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance. Below are some websites that list some of things that I mentioned the Strobe, First Aid Kits, Air Horns, Help Flags, Flares and Water Bottles. I also carry a spare container of fuel, for my own preparedness and others if needed. Safety Strobe - Air Horns - First Aid Kits - HELP Flag - Water Bottles - Emergency Whistle - Spare Fuel - Marine Flares - Harley CB Radio Use - Pikes Peak Harley Davidson- Pikes Peak HOG Chapter 405- Harley Davidson HOG 5-IN-1 Ride- High Altitude Club- Ladies of Harley- Pikes Peak HD Rewards- Pikes Peak HOG Officers Director- Britton Fletchall- 719-453-8753 Treasurer- Skye Cantrell- 719-232-8226 Secretary- Karla Miller- 719-648-9300 Activities Officer- Donnie Hitt- 719-235-8896 Membership Officer- Karla Miller- 719-648-9300 Editor- Shane Chisholm- 315-486-1019 Photographer- Lynn Edgin 719-360-1024 Webmaster- Sonny Taylor 719-649-6092 Road Captains Head Road Captain- Steve “Gus” Gustafson Asst. Road Captain- Eric Merrell Safety Officer- Sean Kane Ladies Of HOG Director- Kim Sisson-Crow 610-217-5631 Asst. Director-
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