September - Pikes Peak HOG Chapter # 405
September - Pikes Peak HOG Chapter # 405
September Words From GM Pat Current Events Other Events Future Events Featured Member/Rider Last Months Ride/ Events New HOG Members Ladies Of Harley Service Tech Tips Motorcycle Humor Riding Tips Wow, what a summer! And most recently , what a busy august! With Sturgis in the record books and a great cripple creek rally with near perfect weather, were far from done yet. I just got back from the Harley Davidson worldwide dealer show in Nashville, and what a show it was! go to to see it all but here are some of the highlights: 1. The roadglide is back and totally redesigned . there are 3 versions including a CVO! 2. there is an ultra low and a limited low with a seat height you wont believe! 3.A streetglide CVO. 4. The all new "freewheeler" trike that is sporty and has its own look and under 25k. 5.Great new colors and hundreds of new parts and accessories. New models are arriving daily and Harley credit has just announced rates as low as 0.99% APR on certain models. So if you want to see the new stuff, or know anyone , please send them in, we really need Harley trades and imports as well for our other store. Lastly be sure to watch our calendar for events and such. but surely don't miss the cannonball run stop here at the store Sunday sept 14. there will be a lot of vintage motorcycles , all over 100 years old , coming and stopping here for a brief lunch so that we can check them out! It is a very cool scene! Sincerely, Pat Patton General Manager Pikes Peak Harley Davidson 1 Sep- PPHD- Labor Day Party 6 Sep- 900 a.m.- PPHD- Members Meeting 6 Sep- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Destination ride to Buffalo Bills Grave 9 Sep- 630 p.m.- LOH Meeting (Location TBD) 11 Sep- 500 p.m.- PPHD- Bike Night at Hooters 14 Sep- 11-1230 p.m.- PPHD- Cannonball Run 17 Sep- PPHD- New Customer Party 21 Sep- 800 a.m.- Western Omelet- Mid Month Ride – How's Your Aspen Poker Run 25 Sep- 500 p.m.- PPHD- Bike Night at Hooters 4-6 Sep- Clovis, NM- NM State HOG Rally 7 Sep- Co Springs- B.U.F.A. 9/11 Charity Run 13 Sep- Pueblo, CO- Outpost H-D Fall National Open House 13 Sep- Rolling Thunder Remembers Colorado Freedom Memorial 17-21 Sep- Ruidoso, NM- Golden Aspen Motorcycle Rally 19-21 Sep- Denver, CO- 36th Colorado Motorcycle Expo 20 Sep- Frederick, CO- High Country H-D Miner’s Day Parade 20 Sep- Co Springs- SOS M/C End of Summer Party 21 Sep- Morrison, CO- Motorcycle Challenge Drag Racing Event 24-27 Sep- Fayetteville, AR- Bikes, Blues, & BBQ MC Rally 24-28 Sep- Reno, Sparks, Virginia City, NV- Street Vibrations Fall Rally 27 Sep- Co Springs- PPH-D How’s Your Aspen Ride Poker Run 27 Sep- Peyton, CO- CVMA 9th Annual Poker Run 27-28 Sep- Goodland, KS- Northwest Kansas Bike Show 28 Sep- Douglas County HOG 3rd Annual Lynnzi’s Ride 28 Sep- Littleton, CO- 9th Annual Emily’s Parade 4 Oct- 900 a.m.- PPHD- Members Meeting 4 Oct- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Destination ride to Bents Fort 5 Oct- 1100 a.m.- PPHD- 27th Annual High Country Toy Run 14 Oct- 630 p.m.- LOH Meeting (Location TBD) 17 Oct- PPHD- New Customer Party 19 Oct- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Mid Month Ride – Meet at PPHD 30 Oct- 630 p.m.- PPHD- Officers Meeting 1 Nov- 900 a.m.- PPHD- Members Meeting 1 Nov- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Destination ride Brunswick Bowling 11 Nov- 630 p.m.- LOH Meeting (Location TBD) 16 Nov- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Mid Month Ride- Meet at PPHD 28 Nov- PPHD- Black Friday 29 Nov- PPHD- Orange Saturday 29 Nov- PPHD- Santa Arrives at PPHD 6 Dec- 900 a.m.- PPHD- Members Meeting 6 Dec- LOC TBD- HOG Christmas Party 6,13,20 Dec- PPHD- Pictures with Santa 9 Dec- 630 p.m.- LOH Meeting (Location TBD) 12 Dec- LOC TBD- LOH Christmas Party 14 Dec- PPHD- Pikes Peak Harley Davidson Holiday Party 17 Dec- PPHD- New Customer Party 21 Dec- 1000 a.m.- PPHD- Mid Month Ride Julie Vance I have 2 children (daughter 19, son 17) and I am the owner/operator of Americas Best Value Inn Villa Motel in Manitou Springs. I have been riding for just a year. I decided to take the MSF class last summer to conquer something that I was intimidated by. My then 16 year-old son also wanted to take the class. When the class was done, I obtained my endorsement. Unfortunately due to my son being a minor, he was required to hold a "motorcycle learning permit" for one year and could not ride without another licensed rider in close proximity. So we purchased bikes. I bought a 2008 Sportster Low 883 and he bought a Yamaha 350XT. I had not planned to get hooked, but I did. I recently sold that Sportster and replaced it with a 2010 Softtail Deluxe. I joined the HOG group to meet other riders as the only riders I know reside out of state. I have met some great people and have found the group to be full of good souls. I have dozens of guests every month during the summer that ride in from all over North America. It has been lots of fun to give them routes to ride that I have ridden myself with the HOG group. It gives me a unique connection to my guests that other innkeepers just don't have. Well this was the first year that I have ever attended the Sturgis Rally. This was an outstanding ride on the way up to Sturgis with just the right amount of highway and back country roads as well as some big sights to take in before arriving to Sturgis. I stopped to visit the Crazy Horse monument first then left there and stopped to see Mount Rushmore, both were amazing to see in person and the ride through the Black Hill country to get to Rushmore was very nice. I was surprised during the rally to find that there was at least 4 rides dedicated to the men and women of the armed forces that serve to protect our freedoms to be able to attend motorcycle rallies in the first place. The Buffalo Chip campground had the Traveling Wall displayed with several flags flying in the field in front of it and was a fitting tribute to the fallen who paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country free. There was several biker groups there with their club patches that was made up of veteran Soldiers who ride. Of course you can’t go to Sturgis without going to No Panty Wednesday in Hulett, Wyoming and the infamous Full Throttle Saloon! There are several places and routes to ride and next year I will be back to ride more! CW2 Shane Chisholm US ARMY Pikes Peak HOG Chapter 405 Picnic Our chapter had its annual picnic on 24 August! We had a good turnout with lots of food and games on motorcycles! Ride safe and keep both wheels on the road! Adrian Hope Michael & Valerie McNulty Bernie Luelton Keith Cashion Brenda Elliott Director Kimberly Sisson-Crow How To Join The only requirement for membership is that you have a current HOG membership. Contact HOG and tell them you’d like to be a member of LOH. Call 1-800-clubhog or log into the members only area of then go to “update membership profile”. Just click the yes option for LOH and you’re done! The LOH membership itself is FREE! After you’ve joined, you will receive a LOH embroidered patch and pin. LOH membership allows you to not only participate locally, but also all the LOH activities at various HOG rallies and events. If you have any questions about Ladies of Harley or want to know when we have our meetings and events, please feel free to call Kim @ 610.217.5631 or email at Ladies of Harley is where lasting friendships are made, where laughter is heard, and where memories are made. It’s where ladies like you come together to share our common interest in Harley-Davidson motorcycles. We look Cell 610-217-5631 Asst. Director Cell The Ladies of Harley is a group of dedicated and talented women who love to get together, have fun, and ride. We are a very diverse group of women coming from different backgrounds who pull together to make our LOH events successful and fun. This is where lasting friendships and memories are made. LOH Meetings Meetings held monthly on the Tuesday following the HOG Chapter Meeting. Socialization begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by the meeting at 6:30. You can simply attend the meeting or choose to eat dinner and enjoy a beverage. The members of LOH run their own meetings and sponsor activities that both ladies and men can participate in. Women and men alike are welcome to participate. Many husbands and significant others are even known to gather for dinner to socialize during the LOH meetings. 2014 LOH Meeting Schedule June 10 July 15 August 12 Sept. 9 Oct. 7 Nov. 4 Dec. 9 Harley Winter Storage Those who continue to ride through the winter will still benefit from some of these tips to keep your ride in top shape. While many reading this are already in the grips of winter, it is never too late to prepare your Harley (or other equipment) for that long winter’s nap. Below is a check list for basic winter storage that will help make sure your ride survives until spring. 1. Stabilize the fuel Modern unleaded fuel only has a shelf life of 3-4 weeks before it begins to deteriorate. Some believe that draining the tank and float bowl is all that is needed to prevent the gasoline from turning to sludge. In my opinion there is no way to completely drain every drop of fuel, especially from all the small passages and jets in the carburetor. Add the recommended amount of fuel stabilizer to a full tank of fuel, then run the engine for at least 15 minutes to work the stabilized fuel throughout the engine. This will prevent the remaining fuel residue from oxidizing and turning to varnish. There are several brands of fuel stabilizer but be sure to purchase a reliable brand. 2. Change your oil Now that your Harley is warmed up after running the stabilizer through the engine, change your oil. Residual fuel and contaminants in the oil can oxidize during prolonged storage or inactivity. Changing your oil now removes all the sludge and dirt that would otherwise start to deteriorate. In addition, changing oil now guarantees fresh lubrication when it comes time to remove the bike from storage. Don’t go cheap on the oil like some sites encourage. Use a quality oil that you would normally drive with. I recommend synthetics which will survive much longer into next year’s riding season, but the choice is up to you. Run the engine a few minutes to disburse the oil through the engine. 3. Prepare the Battery Lead-acid batteries should be kept under a constant charge in order to prolong their life. Attach a Battery Tender or specialized charger that won’t overcharge your battery. A trickle charger may be used but must not be run for more than a half-hour each day. This could be accomplished using an appliance timer. If your motorcycle will be stored where freezing temperatures are likely, remove the battery from the bike and place in a warm dry place. The battery should be kept charged regardless. Battery storage myth: Placing a battery on a concrete floor will not discharge or drain the battery. Lead acid batteries by nature slowly discharge however, a concrete floor has no effect on this. Harley Winter Storage cont. 4. Clean and Lubricate Dirt, sand, and road salts will begin to corrode and damage metal surfaces if left during storage. Give your bike a good cleaning before putting her to sleep for the winter. Lubricate the chain as discussed in last month’s newsletter. That article should appear shortly on the Tech Tips page or contact me and I’ll send it to you. Lubricate all moving parts such as cables and use a metal protectant spray on the underside of the frame and drivetrain. This will combat any rust on areas exposed from pitting or scratches. As I mentioned last month NEVER use WD-40 on your Harley, ever! 5. Check your Tires Make sure your tires are properly inflated. If you have a compressor then deflate your tires first to expel any moisture, then inflate with clean compressed air. You should repeat this step before riding again in the spring. If possible, elevate your Harley so both tires are not under load. This is especially important if the bike will be stored in freezing conditions. Make sure your bike is secure. Motorcycle lifts with bottle jacks have been known to fail when left under prolonged load. 6. Cover your Harley Even when stored inside, your bike should be covered while stored. Use a cover that can breath and not a plastic tarp. Moisture should not be allowed to become trapped under the cover on your bike’s metal surfaces. If your storage is in a barn or similar place, cover the exhaust’s to prevent any unwanted creatures from making a winter den. Place plastic bags over the intake to keep moisture out. Stopped for Speeding! A rookie police officer pulled a biker over for speeding and had the following exchange: • Officer: May I see your driver's license? • Biker: I don't have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th DUI. • Officer: May I see the owner's card for this vehicle? • Biker: It's not my bike. I stole it. • Officer: The motorcycle is stolen? • Biker: That's right. But come to think of it, I think I saw the owner's card in the tool bag when I was putting my gun in there. Officer: There's a gun in the tool bag? • Biker: Yes sir. That's where I put it after I shot and killed the dude who owns this bike and stuffed his dope in the saddle bags. • Officer: There's drugs in the saddle bags too?!?!? • Biker: Yes, sir. Hearing this, the rookie immediately called his captain. The biker was quickly surrounded by police, and the captain approached the biker to handle the tense situation: • Captain: Sir, can I see your license? • Biker: Sure. Here it is. It was valid. • Captain: Who's motorcycle is this? • Biker: It's mine, officer. Here's the registration. • Captain: Could you slowly open your tool bag so I can see if there's a gun in it? • Biker: Yes, sir, but there's no gun in it. Sure enough, there was nothing in the tool bag. • Captain: Would you mind opening your saddle bags? I was told you said there's drugs in them. • Biker: No problem. The saddle bags were opened; no drugs. • Captain: I don't understand it. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license, stole this motorcycle, had a gun in the tool bag, and that there were drugs in the saddle bags. • Biker: Yeah, I'll bet he told you I was speeding, too. A word or two about Safety from your Safety Officer…Sean Kane at T- Tires and Wheels Tires- Check tread depth, wear and air pressure Wheels- See if any spokes are loose or if the rim is bent or cracked. See if it turns freely, but is not loose on the axle. C- Control Levers Inspect levers. Verify they are not bent or broken and move easily. Check cables for fraying and lubricate them. Check hoses for cracks, leaks, bulges and chaffed areas Make sure the throttle moves freely. Closes easily. Lube if needed. L- Lights & Battery Check that the battery terminals are clean and tight and that the electrolyte level is correct. Plus make sure the vent tube is hooked to the vent outlet and not kinked Check the turn signals and brake lights for proper operation. Make sure the lenses are not cracked or broken Headlight- Check for proper operation and alignment O- Oil Levels Check engine oil level plus transmission and primary drive fluid levels C- Chassis Steering Head-Move handlebars back and forth to check for tight spots or binding. Hold the front brake and rock the bike front to back to check for any free play in the neck bearings. Suspension- Check the front forks and the rear shocks for smooth travel and right air pressure (If equipped) Belt- Check tension and visually inspect for any rocks or other objects stuck in it. Fasteners- Check for any loose nuts or bolts and tighten if needed K- Kickstand Side stand- Check for ease of operation and spring action. Pikes Peak Harley Davidson- Pikes Peak HOG Chapter 405- Harley Davidson HOG 5-IN-1 Ride- High Altitude Club- Ladies of Harley- Pikes Peak HD Rewards- Pikes Peak HOG Officers Director- Britton Fletchall- 719-453-8753 Treasurer- Skye Cantrell- 719-232-8226 Secretary- Karla Miller- 719-648-9300 Activities Officer- Donnie Hitt- 719-235-8896 Membership Officer- Karla Miller- 719-648-9300 Editor- Shane Chisholm- 315-486-1019 Photographer- Lynn Edgin 719-360-1024 Webmaster- Sonny Taylor 719-649-6092 Road Captains Head Road Captain- Steve “Gus” Gustafson Asst. Road Captain- Eric Merrell Safety Officer- Sean Kane Ladies Of HOG Director- Juana Giacolono 719-233-1718 Asst. Director- Kim Sisson-Crow 610-217-5631
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