Ravioli Alley
Ravioli Alley
“Nothing but good news ! And Good people doing Great things! From Arlington, Cherry, Ladd, Seatonville/Hollowayville, Spring Valley,and Dalzell, Illinois” A “John the Barber Foundation” Publication V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 1 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 4 Local companies AGAIN do something Great to help St. Pat’s Arlington, Holy Trinity Cherry, St. Thomas More Dalzell with the 2014 – 2015 Youth Education Kick Off Movie These “Ravioli Alley” companies are at it again! Doing something Great and getting our kids off to another Great start on the 2014-2015 Religious Youth Education year! Their donations allowed a happy group of “Ravioli Alley” elementary kids to have a super evening of food, friends, and fun Saturday, August 23, 2014 on the St. Patrick’s Arlington grounds. Remember to say “thanks” to these local firms! Ladd Casey's, State Bank of Cherry, E.J. Cattani & Son, North Central Bank Ladd , and St. Margaret’s Hospital! Wow! Thanks! (Hey Grandpa & Grandma, Mom & Dad! If you grandkids and kids somehow have not kept up on their spiritual health in recent years, now is your chance to catch-up and sign up for 2014 – 2015 youth education! Contact your minister or priest to make arrangements. In the case of these three churches here, contact Julie Hollinger, weekday mornings at 815.894.2006 or email JulieHTC@Outlook.com. Classes are Sunday mornings after mass. Do something “a little bit Great” and make sure your grandkids and kids are spiritual healthy! PAGE 2 “Sure I’m helping the elderly, I’m going to be one someday!” Lillian Carter Remember, “helping the needy” does NOT at all simply mean helping people who are poor and “need” money. There are many different flavors of “needy” including people who “need” friends, respect, stimulus, rest, exercise, forgiveness, transportation, etc. All these choices make it easy to “help the needy everyday” huh? Lots of good targets out there! “Those who are willing to take a chance on failing miserably can achieve Greatly.” - John F. Kennedy Eric Miller and Co. “Doing something a little bit Great:” Helping HTC with their annual “Sweet Corn Reach Out to Strangers” ministry Eric Miller and his kids Payton and Blake of Ladd came through again this year donating all the sweet corn needed for Holy Trinity Cherry’s Annual “Sweet Corn Reach Out to Strangers” ministry. Wow! That is a lot of Great corn! Parish members are asked to take the corn and use it as a gift to go to a neighbor they have not had the opportunity to speak to in some time. So thankful to you Eric……. Greatly appreciate you and your gang going all out on this! Thanks! 1920: Arlington Area Farmers Stepped Up and Did Something Great! “Good people doing Great things,” has been a long-time tradition for the people of St. Patrick Parish Arlington. When the magnificent pressed brick church, built in 1902, burned to the ground following the mass on Sunday, January 25, 1920, the faithful quickly sprung into action. At mass the following Sunday, a make shift altar was set up in Spaulding Hall, the original frame building which served as Arlington’s first Catholic church and later, for many decades, as a gathering center for numerous social and community events. At mass end, landowner and cattleman, William McDonald, walked to the front before the congregation and made a sizeable donation to the re-building fund. He encouraged others to match his effort and several did. Their Great efforts allowed the new parish to quickly rise from the ashes. Within a few months the corner stone was laid for the beautiful Gothic church in which residents from Arlington, LaMoille, Van Orin, surrounding rural areas and neighboring communities that have chosen to be part of the St. Patrick parish family worship today. JTB needs good info from your home town for “Up Ravioli Alley” The “John the Barber” Foundation Box 88 Cherry, IL 61317 Hey “Ravioli Alley” folks, JTB needs your stories, photos, announcements and bits of news for “Up Ravioli Alley.” We are looking for stories about “Good people doing Great things” both now and in the past, both in “Ravioli Alley” and in other parts of the country. We could really use your help! Please email us at editor@JohnTheBarberFoundation.com or write to the John The Barber Foundation, Box 88, Cherry, IL 61317 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 11 PAGE 3 Here’s what people around the country are saying about “Up Ravioli Alley!” Tim Fonderolli of Cicero, Illinois formerly of Arlington and his wife Lynda (Hoyt) formerly of Cherry write, “Awesome paper…great positive read. We just love it! Thanks for sharing. Brings us back home a little bit each month! Thanks again JTB for all that you do. ” Ladd product Laurie Kerr says, “Love this little paper!” Spring Valley product Mary Jane Cosgrove writes, "Up Ravioli Alley" brings back many happy memories of my childhood. For a real treat my Dad would take our family (six kids and my Mom) to Ladd to Pete Grivetti’s for the best homemade ravioli’s. It was a treat of all treats as Pete's wife made them. After our dinner we would go to Torri's for ice cream. We could order whatever we wanted. My Dad was the most generous Dad in the whole wide world. We loved him dearly.” Jim Faletti writes, “That ‘newspaper face’ in the August issue was John Barron. Thanks for another great issue!” Jennie Spiegel formerly of Dalzell now of Stevensville, WI writes, "I was born and raised in the big town of Dalzell. I was a Balma and my brother ran and owned Tonelli's Tavern in Dalzell. Keep up the Great work! Thank you!" A “Ravioli Alley” real estate agent writes, “I am actually handing out “Up Ravioli Alley” like a brochure of sorts. For people that are considering moving to the area, it is the best tool I have. It says to these prospective home buyers “hey, this is what this community is all about, you should move here, buy a house here, you will be happy here!” Christina Richardson of Naperville formerly of Spring Valley and recently graduating with high honors from North Central College writes, “Thanks much for sending me the issue of ‘Up Ravioli Alley,’ I can say it was nice to catch up on what is happening in the Illinois Valley related to serving others. After being away at school for the past years and learning about the importance of community involvement and servant leadership, ‘Up Ravioli Alley’ serves as a medium to convey this exact message and keep community members informed and involved in events in the area. Bravo!!“ Commenting on the “name the famous newspaper personality” contest in the August 2014 URA issue, Susan Barron Hedden of Indianapolis writes, “That’s my Daddy! Nice to know he’s remembered. He would have loved “Up Ravioli Alley” and being mentioned in it would have just been frosting on the cake! He sure loved the Illinois Valley, its people and its events. Thank you!“ Dan McFadden of Spring Valley comments, “Great newsletter!!! Keep a GREAT THING going! Coach Siska Always Doing Great Things!: Helping the Needy via the HUSKY program for underprivileged young students. Steve Siska, for many years principal, teacher, and coach at Spring Valley JFK/Cherry Grade is out there doing Great things! For several years, Steve has been a lead player in HUSKY (Helping Underprivileged School Kid’s Year-Round). This year the group provided $9,000 of school supplies to 29 area schools. These school have 9,000+ students with half listed at underprivileged! “Good teachers/coaches doing Great things….helping the needy… everyday!” (Check out Coach Siska from circa 1972). (PS. Coach Siska has always been a very proud product of Depue High School!) PAGE 4 Don’t Forget: Cherry United Church of Christ/Holy Trinity Cherry Pie & Coffee Social Hour, first Thursday of each month. 1:30 – 3:30 at Cherry Church Hall. Bring a friend!” Everyone far and near LOVES “Up Ravioli Alley!” Send us the email address of your friends and relatives who would enjoy receiving it and we can add them to our “email mailing list.” Send email addresses to editor@JohnTheBarberFoundation.com To view, download, or print this or any other issue of “Up Ravioli Alley” go to www.Scribd.com and click the magnifying glass in the upper left and search for “Up Ravioli Alley” Ravioli Alley” Teaching Legends Were Life-long Classmates & Friends “Ravioli Alley” folks long admired teaching legends Tony Demichelis and Charlie Fiocchi. Not enough room to list here the Great things that these two did for Ladd, Cherry, Hall High School and literally thousands of “Ravioli Alley” children over their 50+ year careers. Here’s one I bet you didn’t know….both were classmates at Cherry Grade and High School….both going on to complete their senior year at Hall at in 1928! In fact, their pictures appear just above /below each other in the yearbook. If anyone out there has some stories of these two Great teachers doing Great things, please send them to JTB. “Okie Dokie Fiocchi!” “Good teachers/classmates doing Great things!” John Bice continues to do Great things…. Vegetable Welcome Wagon! John used is awesome vegetables from his community garden as an excuse to reach out to strangers, delivering them to a number of people he had not met before. John is pictured here with his new neighbors James Bateman and his kids Gavin and Destiny. You go John Boy! “Good people doing Great things!” (Hey, Mickey Klein, we saw you! Thanks for helping John get his tomatoes delivered to local seniors! We see everything man!). Cut this out and put on your refrigerator! Pope Francis recently said, "Living simply is important, not just out of solidarity with the poor, but because it is easy to get attached to worldly possessions, turning them into idols. The church (WE) must strip away every kind of worldly spirit, which is a temptation for everyone, strip away every action that is not of God, strip away the fear of opening the doors and going out to encounter all, especially the poorest of the poor, the needy, the remote, and all without waiting! (DO IT NOW!)." VOLUME 1, ISSUE 11 PAGE 5 Here’s a few quick Rav-notes... “Cherry Comet’s: Where did that name come from? Heard one the other day that not many people know or remember. Even folks that went to Cherry Grade School at times have wondered ‘where did that school name Comet’s come from?” Jim Pozzi of Cherry solved the mystery. “When the new gym was built in 1959, Coach Pratt suggested we have a team name,” said Jim. “We all got together and voted on the name. The Sputnik satellite was the talk of the world at that time. Somehow we got around to adopting the name “Comet’s” as that sort of was in the spirit of Sputnik.” 2014 St. Pat’s Arlington Cook Book is here:! In celebration of the sesquicentennial of St. Patrick's Arlington in 2014, the Altar and Rosary Society has compiled a cookbook of over 700 recipes from past and present parishioners, families and friends. Over 100 years of eastern Bureau County goodness! If you would like to receive a copy of this awesome new cookbook, please write to Shelly Stouffer, 414 West Railroad Street, LaMoille, IL 61330 and enclose a check in the amount of $25 (includes $5 shipping) made payable to St. Patrick’s Arlington. “Rav Alley” product David Klug has been out there doing Great things and has been recognized for his efforts! As many of you out there already know, David is the son of Don and Marlene Klug, grew up in Ladd, and graduated from Hall in 1982. What you likely didn’t know is that David is a nationally recognized expert in criminology and forensic science. His list of accomplishments is too long to even attempt to list here but he recently achieved the very rare “Life Associate Member” status in the International Association of Identification. David has done many Great things in his career to make all of us more safe! Make sure to say congrats and “good job” to Don and Marlene next time you see them! (Thanks to the Bureau County Republican for letting us piggy-back onto this story… those BCR folks are Great man!) Gulio, Louie, & Ruby.....all big men in the early Dalzell business district! Ron Mini of Peru and Dr. Jim Mini of Naples, Florida wrote in to comment on the August, 2014 issue of URA. "Enjoyed viewing the picture of Orlandi's Service Station in Dalzell in your August, 2014 issue of 'Up Ravioli Alley.’ This was no doubt taken in the mid 1940's. It showed Bill "Gullo" Orlandi outside his Standard Oil station. Our father and mother, Louie and Clementine Mini, had the grocery store, post office and our home directly across the street. The gas was delivered by Fred Vogel the local distributor and the nighttime mechanic working at the garage was Hercules ‘Ruby’ Orlandi who also was employed by Tobler Trucking Company on Peoria Street in Peru. The station was the first business establishment in Dalzell to install a television set and was a popular meeting place for the local residents for the friday night boxing matches. As children we enjoyed being present to smell the gasoline vapors when the gas was delivered much to the dismay of the owner. Keep up the Great news of "Up Ravioli Alley" coming." Hey Dave Pelligrini of D&M Landscaping and Excavating! WE DEFINATELY SAW YOU DO THAT! Dave and his team went above and beyond the call again for the John Barber Foundation recently. JTB continues to restore the Walter Waite Home in Cherry and ran into a tough problem trying to take out the large concrete porch that had been installed in the 1940's. Dave's jack hammer crew came in and graciously volunteered to knock it out so that the beautiful wooden vintage looking porch could be built in its place. Wow! Next time you see Dave make sure to say "thanks" for helping JTB! "Good landscapers doing Great things!" Ladd American Legion Auxiliary just can't stop doing Great things! These ladies just won't let up. They have a Great idea! They are building a database of active duty service members from all over the Illinois Valley and will use it to send them thank you gifts and notes on holidays and special occasions. Please send names and contact info to the auxiliary at the Ladd American Legion Auxiliary, 111 S. Main Street Ladd, IL. 61329. Anyone interested in joining the auxiliary is invited to attend the next meeting September 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the legion hall on main street in Ladd. Folks interested in joining can also call Geri Devert 815.894.2269 or Marilyn Pavinato 815.894.2047 “Ladd Not-So-Junior Women’s Club” Salad Luncheon Planning Meeting: Wednesday Sept 10, 2014, 7:00 p.m. at the Ladd Community Center. Everyone is getting together to plan out a fun and beneficial salad bar fund raiser for next Spring. Funds from the Spring event will go toward the Ladd 125 th effort. Please come to the meeting and help us get off to a quick and early start! PAGE 6 “Ravioli Alley” nicknames…..who are these guys? Hey URA readers! Make sure to attend the next St. Peter and Paul Spring Valley mass Friday September 12, 2014, at 8:00 a.m. the feast of Mary. “The best witness to the faith is not a loud and obnoxious bloviator (one who speaks pompously); God is found not in the lightning, nor in the fire, nor in the great wind, but in the still, small voice. The best (indeed the only) way to evangelize effectively is by sterling, joy-filled EXAMPLE, obedient to the word and the will of God.” - Paul Wilson, religious news writer If you ever lived, worked, or socialized in “Ravioli Alley,” you have no doubt laughed many times at the unique and funny nicknames people have. Always makes you wonder, “how did he get that nickname?” There are some cool stories behind many of them. Have some fun…..match up the given names of these famous “Ravioli Alley” characters with their nicknames and be entered into a drawing to win a John the Barber hoodie. Draw a line to match them up, cut out and mail to JTB, Box 88, Cherry, IL 61317 or scan/email to editor@JohnTheBarberFoundation.com. You will have to contact your friends in other towns to get some help as they are spread out all over “Ravioli Alley!” Don’t worry if you don’t see names from your town on the list….we will be doing this again in the future. If you have someone good ones, please send them in! Dean Hozell Rooster William Liebe Bocky Guy Tonozzi Bootnose Bart Sebben Buzzy Gino Baldini Harpo Albert DeAngelo Gabby Dean Thompson Smokey Arthur Verucchi Mule Harold Wrona Ta Ta John Tabor Jada Arthur Verucchi Frank Mautino Bombo Guy Tonozzi Frank Baracani Pap Arthur Baracani Buttons Seatonville Fall Banquet Honoring Fathers/Sons! All folks and families are invited to join us for the annual fall church banquet honoring fathers and sons on Saturday, October 4, 2014 at Seatonville Congregational Church, Independent. The potluck dinner will begin at 5:30 PM and the program will begin at 6:30 PM featuring Lanny Slevin, the former WLPO sports announcer who recently retired. The church provides all meat and table service, but we appreciate if you can bring a side dish or dessert to share. Come join us and hear how God has worked and continues to work in and through Lanny’s life. A reservation for the dinner portion is appreciated and can be made by calling Mary Michael at 815-875-1697 or Pastor Bill at 815-228-6717. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 11 PAGE 7 “Ravioli Alley Non-For-Profit Organizations All Showing that ‘John The Barber’ Spirit This Fall” Do “something a little bit Great”…..TAKE someone who doesn’t get a chance to get out too often. BRING a carry out to someone new to your block. SEND in a donation if you can’t make it. Drop a line and tell us about it Ladd American Legion Auxiliary Annual “Rip’s Night Fundraiser:” Sunday Sept 7, 2014, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Rip’s Tavern, Main Street in Ladd. Free delivery to Ladd residents. Carry outs, bake sale, 50/50, Flag raffle on site. $7 tickets available from any auxiliary member or Geri Devert 815.894.2269 or Marilyn Pavinato 815.894.2047. Project Success/Hall Twp. Food Pantry “Rip’s Night Fundraiser:” Monday Sept 8, 2014, 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Rip’s Tavern, Main Street in Ladd. $8.00/carry outs available at the front door/deliveries available to Ladd residents. Bake sale, 50/50, raffles. Bring a food item for the pantry in exchange for a free desert. Cherry Boy Scout Troop 1055 Flag Retirement Ceremony: Wednesday, Sept 10, 2014, 7:00 p.m. til approximately 8:45 in the yard next to Holy Trinity Hall in Cherry. Anyone may attend and also participate in this solemn event. Last year the troop retired 165 flags that were worn and tattered. St. Thomas More Dalzell Chicken Dinner: Sunday, Sept 14, 2014, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. St. Thomas More hall. Adult $10, kids $3.00, pre-school FREE. Menu: Baked or Fried Chicken, Spaghetti, Salad, Bread, Dessert & Drink. REMEMBER: St. Thomas More will be starting Ravioli sales in October! “Team Thrive Relay for Life Team “Rip's Night Fundraiser:” Monday, September 15, 2014 4:30 p.m. to 8:00p.m. Rip’s Tavern, Main Street in Ladd. $8.00/dine in or carry out. Bake sale and raffles. Holy Trinity Cherry Second Annual 5K Fun Walk/Run to Benefit the LaSalle Veteran’s Home: Saturday Sept 20, 2014 Cherry Park. Sign-up 7:30 a.m., opening ceremony 9:00 a.m., race begins 9:15 a.m. To register to participate, go www.CherryHolyTrinity.org and click on “Register for Walk/Run.” To sign-up via phone or mail, contact Alan Ring 815.303.3313 /Alan_Ring_957.Comcast.net. Please do something Great and help the Vets…come out and walk or run! St. Pat’s Arlington Sesquicentennial Celebration and Mass: Sunday Sept 21, 2014 Mass of Thanksgiving will be offered at 10:30 a.m. by the Most Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., D.D., followed immediately by a catered dinner in the parish center. Congrat’s St. Pat’s! Ladd Community Education and Enrichment Foundation “Rip’s Night Fundraiser:” Monday, Sept 29, 2014, 4:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Rip’s Tavern, Main Street in Ladd. $8.00/drinks not included/carry outs available at the front door. “Ladd Senior Sociables:” Thursday Sept. 25th - 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Ladd Community Center. Bunco - Cards – Conversation, Dessert & Drinks Princeton Lions Club “10th Annual Illinois Valley Toy Run/Car Show/Cruise: Sunday Oct 19, 2014, Soldiers & Sailors Park across from the courthouse. Enter your car in the 40 mile round trip countryside cruise. Entry fee: $10 new, unwrapped toy for boy or girl of any age. Music, door prizes, vendors, 50/50, buddy bag program. Food/drinks provided by Princeton Boy Scouts. More info call 815.643.2040 or go to www.IllinoisValleyToyRun.com (Mark your calendars) “Ladd Senior Socialbles” Luncheon and speaker: October 23, 2014. Ladd Community Center. Sponsored By: North Central Bank & Lou Wasilewski, North Central Investment Services St. Margaret’s Hospital Foundation Lourdes and Fatima Pilgrimage Fundraising Trip: Ten day adventure is scheduled for Friday March 6, 2015 – Sunday March 15, 2015. The St. Margaret’s Hospital Foundation is sponsoring a pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima. The group will visit Marian shrines in Portugal, Spain and France. Destinations include Fatima, Santarem, Alba De Tormes, Avila, Burgos, Loyola, Lourdes, Never and Paris. This prayer-filled journey during Lent will prepare you for a joyous Easter. For more information contact Frank Kobilsek in the Foundation office at St. Margaret’s 815-6647268/ FKobilsek@aboutsmh.org or visit www.catholictrips.com. One lucky person will win a free trip being raffled by the Foundation. Watch for volunteers selling chances or visit the Hospital Gift Shop.
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