Ravioli Alley - Spring Valley


Ravioli Alley - Spring Valley
“Nothing but good news !
And Good people doing Great things!
From Arlington, Cherry, Ladd, Seatonville/Hollowayville,
Spring Valley,and Dalzell, Illinois”
A “John the Barber Foundation” Publication
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Pozzi Family Come’s Through for
Holy Trinity Cherry...Twice ..35 years apart!
Grandma Ruth Pozzi donated a beautiful
large rosary and crucifix to Holy Trinity
Cherry after her husband Victor passed
away in 1978. The crucifix was often used
for various holy day masses and events. A
replacement was recently needed so again
the Pozzi’s came through…this time Rita
Pozzi Mitchell provided a new rosary and
Bill Pozzi Sr. create a beautiful new cross. A Pozzi has lived on that same
corner of Park Ave. and Railroad/Second Street in Cherry for 100 years!
“Good people doing Great things!”
John Bice: He knows that John the Barber’s
“favorite fruit” is vegetables!
A loyal reader of “Up Ravioli Alley,” John Bice of Cherry got the clear
message in the very first issues. “I was impressed with the basic message,” said Bice. “Everyone should try to do a little bit something Great
every day….helping the needy, reaching out to strangers, forgiving others.“ Bice, who last fall assisted greatly in the John the Barber Pumpkin
Patch located along-side the Walter Waite Home, decided this Spring to
go all out, expand the garden, and do a true “community garden.” “I
plan to give all the crop away,” says Bice. “Vegtables seem to be a great
tool for John the Barber….people can
give them to help the needy, they
can be a gift when introducing yourself to a stranger, they can even be a
little way to say I’m sorry or I forgive
you,” says Bice. Future issues of URA
will track John’s progress this summer and fall. If you see John around,
make sure to say “you da’ man!”
“Good people doing Great things!”
Cherry United Church
of Christ/Holy Trinity
Cherry join church
“Monthly Pie & Coffee
Social Hour.”
First Thursday
of every month
1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
At the Cherry Church
Fun, Food, Friendship!
Please come and
bring a friend!
(For those that need
assistance walking in ,
please pull up to the
north/side door of the
church hall, come in
and we will go out and
valet park your car).
Proverbs 13:20
“He who walks with
wise men will be wise.”
Ravioli Alley
“Find those folks out
there who are trying to
do little Great things
and hang with them!
That’s the stuff you
want to rub off on you
“Ravioli Alley” Alumni
doing something Great in other parts…..
Please let JTB know when “Ravioli Alley”
alumni do something a bit Great out there in
other parts of the country. We want to tell
“Ravioli Alley” folks what they are up to!
Pictured to the right, “Ravioli Alley” alumni
Jack Rooney presents a donation to St.
John’s Breadline in Springfield. The breadline feeds 300 people every day. Rooney’s
company Capitol Strategies, Inc. holds a
fundraiser “Casino Night” every year with
the proceeds benefitting a different local charity.
One more “plug” for 2013 Fall’s sponsors of the
St. Pat’s Arlington, Holy Trinity Cherry,
St. Thomas More Dalzell Youth Education Movie Night
Hey, these local companies really stepped up and made it possible for kids from
“Ravioli Alley” to enjoy the annual “Religious Education Movie Kick Off Night” for the
start of the church/parish youth education year. We did not get a chance to mention
them this past Fall 2013 and JTB did not want to let this slip by.
Let’s hear it for these local businesses! “Good businesses doing Great things!”
Casey’s County Store in Ladd
E.J. Cattani and Son
North Central Bank
State Bank of Cherry
St. Margaret’s Hospital
JTB needs good info from your home town
for “Up Ravioli Alley”
The “John the Barber”
Box 88
Cherry, IL 61317
Hey “Ravioli Alley” folks, JTB needs your stories, photos, announcements and bits of
news for “Up Ravioli Alley.” We are looking for stories about “Good people doing
Great things” both now and in the past, both in “Ravioli Alley” and in other parts of
the country. We could really use your help!
Please email us at editor@JohnTheBarberFoundation.com or write to
the John The Barber Foundation, Box 88, Cherry, IL 61317
Here’s what people around the country
are saying about “Up Ravioli Alley!”
Mrs. Edna Peart Struthers formerly of Ladd now of Granville says, “Dear Editor, I was given the April 2014
issue of Up Ravioli Alley because my brother Cliff Peart was featured on the front page. What a nice little
article! I will forward it to him. I would like to receive URA via e-mail. Our grandparents, Anton & Minnie
Burgoni lived in Cherry by the water tower. My grandfather ran a tavern across the alley from where
they lived on the main street.”
Carla Carlson Senica formerly of rural Cherry/Ladd now of LaSalle says, “I would love to receive ‘Up Ravioli Alley.’ I have read it at my Mom’s. You are doing a wonderful job!”
Peggy C. Ali Khan of Spring Valley wrote, “I have been reading and enjoying ‘Up Ravioli Alley’ for the last
few months. I also share it with my friends and neighbors.”
Laura Dubberstine of Spring Valley wrote, “I am so impressed! I have just seen this newsletter for the
first time…I love it! Have dreamed of something positive like this. Thank you!
Elaine Phalen of Depue writes, “Currently receiving your fine newsletter by email. Pease keep up the
wonderful work you folks do with keeping us abreast of what is going on in our area. Can't tell you how
much it is appreciate it. God bless you!
WWII Cherry newsletter, “grandmother” of URA, discovered!
Thanks to Ron and Joyce Hoscheid of Cherry for getting something very special to JTB. They discovered a copy of
"On Guard," a monthly newsletter that began publication in November, 1942, compiled and published by the Holy Trinity Cherry Young Ladies Society. It was targeted as something to be send to all the service men and women from Cherry who were off fighting the war. Following are the first few lines of the very first “On Guard.”
There were definitely Good people doing Great things in 1942! "Time out fellows: Tune in on a little small town
chatter. You know those of us on the home front are mighty concerned about all of you who are doing ----or
getting ready to do---a big job for us. We're always anxious for news of you and if it were possible you would
be getting letters from all of us. But defense work, swing shifts and such war efforts require a great deal of our
time and we can't quite manage to write to each of you. Therefore when Father Joseph suggested that the
young ladies society prepare a newsletter for you, their response was most enthusiastic. This then is the result.
We have tried to include in it everything we felt you would like to hear about. Have any suggestions for the
next newsletter? Send you ideas to the society or your family. Best wishes to all of you from all of us in Cherry!" To see the entire collection of 18 issues on-line, go to www.CherryHolyTrinity.org and on the home page
look under Parish Links on the lower right and click on “1942 World War II Newletters.” Those who have seen
it so far say that they are looking at them for hours!
Hall Township Food Pantry Did Something GREAT This Summer.....
and need you to be a bit GREAT too! Help!
Jan Martin at the Hall Township Food Pantry was again on mark....she and her team noticed that needy children and
teens, currently receiving breakfast and lunch at school...would be in really tough hungry spots as school let out for
summer. These hungry kids are really missing these meals now! So, she applied and won an excellent grant from the
Illinois Coalition for Community Service so that the food pantry could attempt to help these kids. So, beginning Friday
June 13, 2014 through the summer, lunch for all kids and teens up to age 18 will be served Monday - Friday at the
Spring Valley City Hall from noon - 1:00 p.m. Actually fun activities will go on prior to this from 10:00 a.m. noon. They are in good shape with location, cooks, food, etc. but are really in need of other volunteers. Would be
Great if churches and other charitable organizations could sign up in teams of four to help out on certain
days! Would be Great if other individual volunteers could sign up. Please contact Jan and her staff at HallFoodPantry@Comcast.net or 815.663.2085. Here you go "Ravioli Alley" folks....a chance to do something really
Great!! Please contact Jan today!
Rav’s/Ravioli vs. Tortellini:
James 2: 14-26
“Thus also faith by itself, if
it does not have works, is
dead. You see then that a
man is justified by works,
and not by faith only.”
Ravioli Alley Translation:
“Say your prayers and go
to church buddy.
Remember every day also
to help the needy, reach
out to strangers,
and reach way down and
really forgive you
Don’t hit the sheets night
after night and not get
that done. ”
How did “Ravioli Alley” folks come to switch them around?
(Third in a series of articles on this subject)
Ok, now that we know a little bit about the European/Italian historical facts about
both ravioli/ravs and tortellini, let's try to dig in a bit on the early history (1900 1930) of Italian cooking in “Ravioli Alley.” Italian wives and mothers in the early
days of "Ravioli Alley" of course made many dishes that they had been accustomed to back in the "Old Country." Italians from northern Italy often made dishes that included egg based pasta such as the tortellini we are all talking about
here. It is interesting to note that other common dishes of this area included various rice dishes (risotto), maise/corn based polenta, and many pork based sausages and salami's. "Pasta Fritta" or "fried bread dough" was very common. You
folks from "Ravioli Alley" know that all these foods mentioned here as they have
been popular for 100+ years up and down old Route 89!. So...let's just go right
with a cool fact written by current URA reader Celia Maggi Murphy (age 97 &
1/2): "My mother, Ida Romanelli, was born in Poretta, Bologna in 1893 and
settled in Cherry in 1911. She made tortellini’s with a meat filling in a chicken
broth. She also made tortalacchi’s with a cheese and spinach filling with a meat
sauce. She never used the word ravioli. I have taught my daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters and greatgrandson to make both." So according to Celia, in the
early days of "Ravioli Alley" tortellini were of course
called tortellini. Celia's comments suddenly should
make something very obvious come to the front of our
minds........it seems very unlikely that the great many
Italian households in "Ravioli Alley" would suddenly
start calling tortellini ravioli for no reason would they?
It would be like them suddenly calling polenta or
gnochi's (potatoe dumplings) something else. We
don't want to give away what the next article is about
but it is quite interesting that Celia Maggi married a
Mr. Murphy, much like many other Italian women who
married Irish, Scott/Irish boys from "Ravioli Alley." (And vise-versa with Italian
men marrying Scotch/Irish women). Bet you are already guessing where we are
going in the next article in this series…..
“Up Ravioli Alley” Needs Your Help
Finding Assistant Editors/
Field Reporters
Now that we have been producing “Up Ravioli Alley” for several months, we are
getting a good feel for what our strategic goals and challenges are. We could use
your help! If you or anyone you know has a bit of journalist skill or interest, would
greatly appreciate your help. Wave a magic wand it would be nice to have an
“assistant reporter” out there in each town, digging up stories about “Good people
doing Great things.” Please email editor@JohnTheBarberFoundation.com if you
know of someone who would like to join our team! Thanks!
Here’s a few quick Rav-notes...
Betty Templeton Raasch of Milwaukee, WI formerly of Cherry writes,” Just a thank you to ‘Good people doing
Great things.’ My sister Mary Ellen and her husband Dick Storkman, my brother Bob and cousin Al Templeton,
along with Beatrice and Harold Dober for keeping the west side/Cherry Congregational/Cherry United Church
of Christ of the Miners Memorial Cemetery so well and beautiful for so many years. My Dad Charlie Templeton would cut with a hand mower. My brother Charles took over with Bob and Al for many years. ‘John the
Barber’ lies there. Keep up the good work guys as I have a plot there!”
Hat’s off to Arlington residents who are definitely “Good people doing Great things” these days, specifically
with efforts to build a new community shelter for residents, friends, and family members. The Arlington Park
Project Committee is targeting to have the shelter done by the end of this summer. Folks from neighboring
towns have been assisting in the effort too….that is definitely Great! Hey, do something Great and bring a
friend any Saturday evening to Jackpot Bingo on the frontage road headed east of the Plank Road (site of
the old Off Track Betting). Proceeds go to the park shelter fund!
Trevor Urbanski Signs to attend Illinois Benedictine: Say “congrat’s” to Trevor next time you see him! The
Hall football standout is headed to Illinois Benedictine University next Fall. No doubt Trevor received some
great tips from his Dad Ted who was the hard hitting linebacker and Red Devil team captain in 1980.
Kaitlyn Padgett Signs to attend Lindenwood University: Hall’s tremendous bowling talent likely won’t need it,
but drop Kaitlyn a note and wish her the best of luck. Coinisidently, Kaitlyn’s Dad Jim was the super hard
hitting defensive partner with Ted Urbanski at Hall in 1980.
“Ravioli Alley” Firefighters Definitely Doing Something Great for a Future Fireman: Wow! Hope you saw the
recent May 22, 2014 Bureau County Republican article entitled “Firefighters to the Rescue.” The Great article
told the story of how eight local fire departments got together to and created a very special experience for a
four year old Clinton, Iowa boy suffering from congenial lymphodema. Kellen Seifert spent a wonderful day
with the firemen and their equipment and even went home with his own firemen’s helmet. Great job “Ravioli
Alley” firemen! Great job Bureau County Republican for the super article!
Ladd's 124th year of incorporation “birthday party” will be held on Saturday, June 7, 2014. Birthday cake, ice
cream, coffee and lemonade will be served in Ladd's Community Center at 6:00pm. Thanks to the generosity
of the John & Dena Bussa family, plans are underway to show video footage of Ladd's 50th and 75th Anniversary Celebrations taken by John in 1940 and 1965. The winners of the 50/50 drawing and the handmade
throw donated by former Ladd resident Ann Koenen will be drawn during the evening.
Follow-up: Hey, in regard to those Cherry Grade School kids that reached the State History Exposition in
Springfield May 8….they did Great! The following kids received a Superior rating: Kaitlynn Donovan, Taytum
Hahn, & Payton Kerper. Excellent rating: Madison Soldati. Great job!
Ladd folks come through in the clutch to help
Holy Trinity Cherry Wine Tasting Fund Raiser Efforts
Always Great when someone comes through in the clutch! Just when you need it! That’s
what Linda/Larry Kirkman and Tom Malpass both of Ladd did for Holy Trinity Cherry! HTC
was planning their Second Annual Wine Tasting Fund Raiser for this Friday June 13, 2014
at the Cherry Church Hall. One thing organizers felt would make this year’s even just a bit
Greater would be to have some large round banquet tables like those used at wedding
receptions so that guests could sit and socialize. Linda/Larry and Tom heard the call and
provided HTC with some fantastic 6’ round banquet tables to match the current chairs
and tables. These tables will benefit Holy Trinity Cherry, other local non-for-profit organizations, and individual families for years to come! Wow! “Good people, coming through
in the clutch, doing Great things!” Please remember to ask your church, school, or other
non-for-profit if there is ever a key item that your family/family estate can check-off their current wish list. They
always have a couple/few. Such efforts then help them concentrate on their true missions. (Tom is actually lives in
Ottawa but operates Tee Group Film in Ladd and often attends Holy Trinity Cherry)
Do Something alittle
Bit Great this Summer for
Your Church:
Ministers/priests will tell
you that the summer
months and all its
activities accidently
create smaller crowds at
weekend church services.
Do something a little big
Great THIS summer…
address/stamp some
envelopes ahead of time
to send in your weekly
donation for when you
are out of town.
Signing up for your
churches automated or
electronic giving is even
better! Your minister/
priest will really appreciate your Great effort!
UPDATE: Great personal stories come out HTC’s
Utility Fund for the Needy in May
As mentioned in the April issue of URA, Holy Trinity Cherry, working with Tri-County
Assistance, through their annual Spring fish fry fund raiser was positioned to assist
seventeen of “Ravioli Alley” most needy families who would be facing power shutoff’s in May. “This year’s effort really went great,” said Linda Wenzel with TriCounty. “The the most effective year yet.” This past winter made the shut-off season especially tough. Again, these families were identified by Linda and Tri-County
as the neediest of the needy, already formally approved to be part of the federal
LiHeap program and facing shut-offs at the end. Following are a few thank you
notes that Holy Trinity Cherry received:
“Ravioli Alley Non-For-Profit Organizations
All Showing that ‘John The Barber’ Spirit This Summer”
Holy Trinity Cherry Wind/Beer Tasting: Friday, June 13, 2014, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Tickets $15.
Horsd'oeuvres, door prizes, raffles, music again by the awesome Steve Sharpe. To benefit Holy Trinity Cherry
Church and Hall Improvement Fund. Jim Pozzi and his team promise to top last year’s super successful event!
This is a super opportunity to do something a little bit Great....bring someone who has been a bit down on their
luck of late as your guest, use it as an opportunity to approach a new person who has moved onto your block,
use it as an opportunity to do something with an old friend you have not spoken to in awhile!
Dalzell Fire Deparment Schwan’s Care Fundraiser: May 18, 2014 – July 2, 2014. All Schwan’s regular purchases
give DFD 20% and all E-Certificates give DFD 40%. To order on-line go to www.Schwans-Cares.com – Search ID
#9269 – “Shop Now.” To order E-Certificates on-line to www.Schwans-Cares.com – Search ID #9269 – “Buy
Now.” To order by phone call 1.855.870.7208 – Campaign ID# 9296 – Fundraiser ID 25678. All proceeds benefit
the DFD Training and Equipment Fund.
Dalzell Fire Department First Annual Spring Cleaning Garage Sale: Friday June 27, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
and Saturday June 28, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Donations accepted at the Fire Station June 7 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.,
June 12, 19, 25, 26 6:00 p.m. – 8 p.m., and June 9, 16, 23 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. All proceeds benefit the DFD
Training and Equipment Fund.
Seatonville Congregational Church “SUNDAE SUNDAY:” Sunday, June 29, 2014 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
We offer FREE sundae's and banana splits to the community. For the whole community to come and enjoy
some ice cream and fellowship with each other. Call Pastor Bill at 815-228-6717 for more info.
Seatonville Congregational Church Vacation Bible School: Monday, July 7, 2014 through Friday, July 11th, 2014
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon at the Seatonville Congregational Church Independent. SCC will be hosting a VBS titled
“God’s Big Backyard.” All children in “Ravioli Alley” entering kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to
join us for singing, crafts, games, stories, and learning more about Jesus! There will be a final program on Friday,
July 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM for the parents, grandparents, and relatives to attend and to pick up the craft projects
too. For further info or to register your child please call Pastor Bill at 815-228-6717.
32nd Annual Jimmy D Golf Outing: Sunday July 13, 2014 and Spring Creek Golf Club and Deer Park Country Club.
The event is named for Jimmy DeAngelo who passed away in 1983 at the age of 37. This year’s event will benefit
the Esophageal and Colon Cancer Center currently under construction at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Spring Valley.
To do a little something Great by being a $100 hole /$25 cart sponsor, sign up to play, or simply make a donation, please call Diane Janz at 815.664.7260.
Some Memories are truly “Great:” 1974 “Ravioli Alley” Little League All-Stars
“Ravioli Alley” baseball fans still talk about the 1974 Little League All-Star team that advanced deep into the State of
Illinois tournament. Strong at every position, the team was lead by Great pitching and catching by Jeff Sebben and
Dan Carruthers. Every player contributed Greatly, but fans all clearly remember Joe Jablonski’s
back-to-back “walk off” home run games. Pictured are: Back (L-R) Coach Bob Mack , Bob Conners/Ladd, Steve Taliani/Ladd, Jim Padgett/Ladd,
Jeff Sebben/Ladd, Dan Carruthers/Ladd, Nick
Eiten/Ladd, Jay Schultz/Seatonville, and Coach
John Massatti.
Front (L-R) Brian McAdams/
Ladd, Kurt Keutzer/Cherry, Jim Sandrolini/Ladd,
Dino Gualandri/Dalzell, Joe Jablonski/Ladd,
Chuck Taliani/Ladd, and Jack Jenkins/Dalzell. (If
you have any other pictures of these Ladd Little
League All Star teams from any year, please get
them to JTB. These teams represent Great instances where “Ravioli Alley” folks all came together!)
John Cisco Doing Something a little big Great every day for Ladd students,
parents, residents…toss in a couple strangers too!
John Cisco has been working the school crosswalk on main street in Ladd for four years now
and everyone appreciates his efforts to not only help the kids but brighten everyone’s day.
His two grandkids Christian and Hunter both attend Ladd Grade School. He really enjoys his
task and seeing and talking to all the kids. At the same time, nobody comes through Ladd in
the morning or afternoon without John giving them a friendly wave! Rain or shine, even if
he's sitting in his truck waiting for kids, John is still waving and smiling. "John Cisco is such a
happy soul - he is truly kind to everyone,” says Rhonda Bezely. “There's not a day that goes
by without a big smile and a wave!! I look forward to it." "It's always good to know John is
there making sure the kids are safe crossing main street,” says Lisa Trevier. “His infectious
smile and wave starts your day off right!" "He is always so friendly. He makes your day
when passing through., “ says Dawn and Gene Croisant. Make sure next time you see John to say thanks for doing
something a little big Great every day for “Ravioli Alley.” “Good crossing guards and Grandpa’s doing Great things!”
John the Barber Doing Something
A little bit Great for“Ravioli Alley”
Dining and Entertainment Businesses
As you know, people all over central Illinois know “Ravioli Alley”
for Great Food, Great People, Great Fun. Some say that since
the 1940’s people from surrounding larger towns such as Princeton, Mendota, Ottawa, and others have traveled to “Ravioli Alley” to have a Great time. “Ravioli Alley” businesses will quickly
confirm that as much as 80% of their business comes from these
surrounding towns! For this reason, John the Barber has created
the ad below to be run in these surrounding towns, hopefully
driving business in “Ravioli Alley” and of no charge/cost to
“Ravioli Alley” businesses. The first run will go to 60,000 recipients of June’s issue of Market Guide Magazine. JTB stepping up
himself….doing something Great for “Ravioli Alley” dining and
entertainment businesses!
Peggy C. Ali Khan
Summit Heating & Air Conditioning LLC
216 W. St. Paul St., Spring Valley
Peggy is making it possible for approximately 5,000 “Ravioli Alley”
residents and alumni to enjoy “Up Ravioli Alley” this month! Wow!
Next time you see Peggy, tell her “thanks!” for doing such a Great thing!
(Peggy says “Thanks to all our customers for being so Great to us these past 20 years!”
(If you would like to do something Great and sponsor “Up Ravioli Alley” one month,
please email editor@JohnTheBarberFoundation.com)