Fall 2014 - News of Quebec
Fall 2014 - News of Quebec
Volume 69, Number 2, Fall 2014 SUMMERTIME EVANGELISM News of Quebec Trimestrial missionary news publication Assemblies of Christians in French Canada Editor Richard E. Strout 31 Willowdale Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M 0B6 *** News of Quebec P.O. Box 1054 Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J1H 5L3 Office (819) 820-1693 koinonia_qc@hotmail.com Publications Mail Agreement # 40032062 Fall 2014 Volume 69, Number 2 ISSN 0384-5168 Gifts for the support of the work or workers mentioned in this periodical may be made payable to NEWS OF QUEBEC Box 1054, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J1H 5L3 EDITORIAL The busy summer months of 2014 are now behind us but we dare not fail to give God the glory for what He has done among us here in Quebec. We invite you to join in swelling His praises by letting you know what has been going on here these past several months. Not only have the regular summer camping programs been carried on but a relatively new evangelistic tool has been increasing in its usefulness among us. We’ll be telling you about that. For a change, all seems to be pretty calm on the political scene here in the province and we thank the Lord for that. Open doors are all around us, calling for more labourers to enter the harvest. Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest that He would send forth labourers... (Luke 10:2). The annual list of full-time workers and French assemblies as well as the financial report for 2013/14 round out this issue of the magazine. Please handle with prayer. -3- Fellowship of Christian Farmers Canada For several years now we have been hearing more and more about the ministry of The Fellowship of Christian Farmers Canada (FCFC) as they have begun to reach into Quebec. A number of our assembly workers, francophone and anglophone, are actively engaged in the unique ministry opportunities which this organization affords, particularly during the summer months. This includes the training and equipping of Christians, through local chapters, to share the gospel in the marketplace. The FCFC is an affiliate of the international organization of the same name, headquartered in Lexington, Illinois, a non-denominational organization partnering with local churches in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Its purpose is to build, maintain, and strengthen faith in God for the farmer, the farm family, and the rural community through presenting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Their emphasis is on Marketplace Evangelism. Over the past eleven years, FCFC members have presented the gospel to hundreds of thousands of people at farm trade shows, fairs, and festivals through the “Wordless Walking Stick” ministry, offering a free gift and taking a few minutes to share God’s Word using the five colors that so simply illustrate the story of salvation. Thousands of people across Canada are involved through local chapters. Some prepare materials: string beads, make walking sticks, mini-hockey sticks, and other items. Many pray or give financially. Others staff the FCFC booth or tent at various events, sharing the gospel message in the marketplace with “whosoever”. -4- One of those who has been involved here in Quebec is Rick Kerr from the assembly in Ayers Cliff. Here is his testimony: Eight years ago Sylvain Couture quietly whispered a prayer asking God to show him how he could reach the people of the province of Quebec with the gospel and, at the same time, be able to encourage the saints to become involved in the privilege of sharing their faith with others. God graciously answered Sylvain’s prayer by introducing him to a grass roots ministry called The Fellowship of Christian Farmers or FCF. The ministry of FCF had been spreading the gospel throughout the United States and Canada for many years, but because of the French language, had not made significant inroads in the province of Quebec. After attending the annual international plowing match, held each September in Ontario, Sylvain became convinced that God had answered his prayer and was leading him to launch out in faith to begin a chapter of FCF in the province of Quebec. The Brome Fair in the Eastern Townships of Quebec was one of the first agricultural events which opened its doors to the FCF work. Volunteers were organized to share the gospel at the FCF tent where they gave away walking sticks and other small items. A leather cord with five colored beads was tied to each walking stick and each person who asked for a free stick also received an explanation of God’s free gift of salvation. When was the last time that you shared the gospel with someone and had them say “thank you very much” and then wanted to shake your hand? That is a typical reaction of people who stop by the FCF tent. The message that people receive is orderly, scriptural and kind. The five colors on each of the items that are given away allow us to present the gospel in a concise way which does not cause people to feel threatened. We begin with the golden bead telling people the happy news that the God of heaven loves them. The dark bead reminds us that all have sinned and that no sin will enter into God’s Heaven. The red bead speaks of God’s great love for us in sending his Son to become a man and pay the penalty for our sin by shedding his own blood for us. White is the color of forgiveness and is available to any who will place their faith in Jesus and invite him to be their Saviour. We finish with green because what Jesus offers us -5- is new life and that life should be characterized by spiritual growth. Though the presentation is brief it is followed by the giving of a gospel tract which clearly lays out the way of salvation. The Gideon’s have graciously provided New Testaments which are also offered to any who do not already have Bibles. Last summer alone over 5000 Bibles were given out. Since that first event seven years ago the ministry of FCFQuebec has steadily expanded. Each year God has opened doors for new events to be added to the ministry. This summer there were 22 events planned, from the American border towns up into the Gaspé. Each event requires volunteers who are willing to share the gospel. In each region of the province local assemblies are getting the opportunity to join with others in the Body of Christ to reach out to French Quebecers with the gospel. Just how effective is this ministry? Consider that this past summer in Quebec City over 100 volunteers were needed to present the gospel for a 10-day event called “Expo Quebec”. This was a first time event and so all of the volunteers were new to the work. After the event was over 10,000 people had been given the gospel face to face. We estimate that by the time the summer and fall seasons are finished that over 50,000 people will have heard the gospel and received a small gift bearing the five colors. My own connection with Sylvain and the Fellowship of Christian Farmers began six years ago when we set up the gospel tent at our local agricultural fair in the small town -6- of Ayer’s Cliff, Quebec. We were privileged that first year to present the gospel to over 1200 people. Friends and neighbors were stopping and receiving a walking stick and the gospel message. It was and has continued to be a great source of blessing to know that my own community has had the opportunity to hear of our great Saviour and Lord. People sometimes ask about the work of follow up. That is a legitimate question unless only asked for the purpose of excusing oneself from the responsibility of witnessing. One thing we know for sure is that if there is no sowing, then we will not need to worry about follow-up or reaping! The church needs to take the gospel to the world. Consider this: - Of our Lord’s 132 public appearances in the New Testament, 122 were in the marketplace. - Of 40 divine interventions recorded in Acts, 39 took place in public areas of daily commerce. - Jesus told 52 parables, of which 45 had a workplace context. - 54% of Jesus’ reported teaching ministry arose from issues posed by others about the scope of daily life experience. - The word “work” is mentioned more than 800 times in the Bible. Please join us in prayer for the ministry as it expands throughout the province, and understand that Quebec is not closed to the gospel. There is a new generation of teenagers and young adults in this beautiful province that listen intently and respectfully as the gospel is presented to them. Thank you for bringing them before the throne of grace. Further information can be found at www.fcfcanada.org Thank you Rick Kerr -7- CAMP JOLI-B - Paul Jolin It’s a pleasure to share about this past summer’s 51st camping season at Joli-B during which we conducted six different periods of camp together with some brand new activities. In Junior Camp “A” there were 60 campers ages 7-9 and Annie Francis from CEF in Sherbrooke was the teacher. Junior Camp “B”, ages 10-12, welcomed 90 campers, having Errol Savard from the Quebec City area as speaker. Then followed two weeks of family camps, one in English attended by some 75 persons and the other in French. JeanPierre Cloutier from Sorel was the speaker for the second of these. A one-week camp for adolescents from 13-17 years of age, with option of an additional three days, was ministered to by Joseph Aubut and Marc-Olivier Martin. It was decided to offer an English immersion camp for those interested and we were delighted to have forty campers, aged 9-14, of whom some came from the nearby native reserve at Notre-Dame-du-Nord. The speaker that week was Mark Gibbons from Montreal and it proved to be a very successful endeavor. We thank the Lord for more than meeting our needs at camp by providing dedicated and capable people for such a unique ministry as camping. As usual, we were challenged in finding a cook for the season but God provided in the -8- person of Karine Monderie. We welcomed as counsellors several who had been former campers who, coming from unsaved families, had trusted Christ as Saviour. It was a real encouragement to see the Lord work through these devoted volunteers. Our desire is to see the use of the camp facilities maximized as an evangelistic tool for the benefit of campers as well as for that of the area assemblies. This year we redid the volleyball court, built an amphitheatre at the campfire site as well as renovating several of our buildings. We hope soon to construct a camp office for the reception of campers and the general administration of camp affairs. Lord willing, we would also like to have a new dining facility to serve up to 200 campers. These improvements are all aimed at making the camp more usable for a greater variety of activities being conducted by the assemblies of the area. In conclusion, our heart’s desire is to make the Saviour known and see Him glorified through this ministry. We recognize the strategic importance of this open door that God has given us to reach the people of the Abitibi region. As many as 90% of our campers come to us without a knowledge of the Saviour. We are cast upon Him alone Who knows how to supply and direct in order that we may accomplish His will. Amen. CAMP BROCHET - Pierre Munger – The 2014 summer camping season has now drawn to a close. Nine weeks of programming were aimed especially at evangelism for children and youth between 7 and 18 years of age. In addition, there were programs for the edification of the Body of Christ aimed at young adults as well as older believers during the month of August. As usual, the season wrapped up with the annual Labour Day conference. Good attendance picked up after the first two weeks with only 48 campers. At first we were somewhat disappointed but we soon saw the hand of the Lord, not only in that first camp but all throughout the summer months. Once again several campers testified to and gave evidence of having put their faith in the Saviour. Others, particularly among -9- the adolescents, consecrated themselves to a closer walk with the Lord. One reason for God’s blessing upon us has been the quality of the workers. Dedication to the task on the part of our program directors, teachers and even general staff persons was remarkable. Each summer we have the privilege of serving together with more than a hundred individuals who come for one or more weeks, youth as young as 16 years of age as well as mothers, fathers and even grandparents. Some teachers came from the United States (Nate Bramsen) and others from as far away as France (Jean Koumarianos). Young, dynamic leaders were present for our youth camps along with experienced ones for the younger campers. For my part, I was ably seconded in my responsibilities by my wife, Suzanne, as well as Renaud and Renée Larrivée from the Quebec City area. The four of us were all together for the entire camping season. Even though the summer is over, much work carries on. Presently we are constructing a new welcome centre for Christians from the Saguenay and other regions of the province. This is a major project which we began in the fall of 2013 and hope to complete by next autumn. This will allow us to more adequately welcome arriving campers, provide better working conditions for our camp directors as well as housing for the Larrivées who spend their entire summer with us. We are counting on the financial support of the Lord’s people for the realization of this project. Come see us. We would love to welcome you to Camp Brochet. -10- Report on the Annual Conference at Rivière-du-Loup May 3, 2014 For the first time in a number of years, it was the editor’s privilege and pleasure, together with his wife, to attend the annual conference for believers held at the Cegep in Rivière-du-Loup. The attendance was good and we had the joy of meeting many believers whom, in our travels around the province, we had not seen for some time. The “open platform” approach provided the opportunity for a number of brethren in attendance to minister the Word on the chosen theme of “God’s Church or the People’s Church,” the latter option being linked with the Laodicean church of Revelation 3. As one way of identifying an assembly belonging to the Lord rather than to the people, brother John Sinclair suggested that one might look at the kind of ministry being sought and/or given there. Other valuable insights and applications were shared throughout the morning and afternoon sessions. Brethren participating included Danny Dugas, John Sinclair, Georges Voyer, Joël Lapierre, Denis Simard, Richard Strout, Gérald Saint-Laurent, David Grenier and André Verroneau. Hospitality and overnight accommodations were graciously provided in the homes of the local believers for those coming from out of town. Lunch and supper, supplied at the expense of the local assembly, were served in the spacious cafeteria where the meetings were also held. A book table was sponsored by the Librairie chrétienne de Québec (formerly Service d’orientation biblique). -11- COMMENDED WORKERS in full-time service with assemblies of Christians in French Canada Luc Arel (Manon) 671, rue de la Vaudréal Sherbrooke (Québec) J1N 1X9 Tel.819-564-3414 lucmanon@videotron.ca Noël Aubut (Francine) 1623, avenue des Pins Lemoyne (Québec) J4P 3K8 Tel. 450-671-9196 noel.aubut@sympatico.ca (Prayer appreciated. Please do not send funds.) Nathalie Beaumier 1555, rue de la Nacelle Trois-Rivières (Québec) G8Y 4J2 Tel. 819-693-5060 Fax 819-375-4425 nathalie.beaumier01@cgocable.ca Tony Bissonnette (Nathalie) 2145, rue Saguenay Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X 2H5 Tel. 819-797-3151 tony.bissonnette@gmail.com Gérald Boisvert (Marilyn) 11 Boivin Châteauguay (Québec) J6J 2Y8 Tel. 438-792-8670 gjb@gol.com François Boudreau (Claudia) 661,Sainte-Jeanne-D’Arc L’Assomption (Québec) J5W 4P2 Tél. 450-589-9075 pstboudreau@yahoo.com Guy Bourassa (Denise) 1240 ch. Bellevue Saint-Boniface (Québec) G0X 2L0 Tel. 819-535-1095 Cell 819-996-1095 guy.bourassa@cgocable.ca Wilfred Buchanan (Sheila) 5304 avenue Trans Island Montreal (Québec) H3W 3A2 Tel/Fax 514-481-1385 wsbuchanan@sympatico.ca Gérard Chouinard (Gaétane) 525, rue Martel Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X 3L8 Tel 819-797-0917/Ext 102; Cell 819-279-5153 gchouinard@cablevision.qc.ca Jean-Pierre Cloutier (Lucie) 9, rue des Sables Sorel-Tracy (Québec) J3P 5E7 Tel. 450-746-0084 Office 450-746-0409 cloutierjp@hotmail.com -12- Ida Coppieters 159 ch. Viens Saint-Alphonse-de-Granby (Québec) J0E 2A0 Tel. 450-375-4389 Fax 450-375-3185 Donald Cox (Beth) 4802, chemin St-André Jonquière (Québec) G7X 7V4 Tel. 418-512-3491 Cell. 418-540-1111 lizdon4@gmail.com Gilles Despins (Jinny) 4081, rang des Grès Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel (Québec) G0X 3J0 Tel. 819-731-3130 Cell. 819-609-3130 gillesdespins@gmail.com Adama Dicko (Anne) 7500 boul. Parent Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 5E1 Tel. 819-840-6193 adama_dicko@yahoo.fr Lawrence Fortin 245, Queen #2 Sherbrooke (Québec) J1M 1K5 Tel. 819-791-5970 Cell. 819-943-7819 François Fréchette (Louise) 4036, Louise-Fiset Québec (Québec) G1X 0C3 Tel. 418-871-2482 Cell. 418-265-3311 ffrechette@sympatico.ca Jean-Claude Gaudreault (Jacynthe) 275, Chapleau Chicoutimi-Nord (Québec) G7G 5G4 Tel. 418-543-2247 jajacynthe@hotmail.com Stéphane Gaumond 1-390, rue de la Châtelaine Sherbrooke (Québec) J1G 1Z6 Tel. 819-345-4616 gaumondstephane@yahoo.ca Myriam Gosselin 1175 Thomas-Woodward Sherbrooke (Québec) J1M 0B4 Tel. 819-943-5547 myriamg@pdvb.org Jason Goudy (Martine) 1410, boul. Lavigerie Sherbrooke (Québec) J1G 0A1 Tel. 819-575-6700 jasonmartine.goudy@gmail.com Martin Jalbert (Yannick) 1285, ch. Thomas-Woodward Sherbrooke (Québec) J1M 0B4 Tel. 819-565-2009 Fax 819-823-2468 martinj@pdvb.org Gaston Jolin (Margot) 1014, des Conifères - Rollet B-1 Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J0Z 3J0 Tel./Fax 819-493-6411 gast.marg@live.ca Gérard Jolin (Angéline) 1555 ch. Joli-B, Rollet B-8 Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J0Z 3J0 Tel. 819-493-1140 girafejolin85@gmail.com -13- Paul Jolin (Penny Jane) 675, Rang 6 Angliers (Québec) J0Z 1A0 Tél. 819-629-9433 pauljolin@me.com Jack Kimpel (Grace) 6281 rue des Perce-Neige Charny (Québec) G6X 3J2 Tel. 418-832-0343 kimpel@parole-par-web.org Serge Lafrance (Lilliane) 3652 Châteaufort Longueuil (Québec) J4L 4A1 Tel. 450-674-8994 (Prayer appreciated. Please do not send funds.) René Lavoie 291, rue Saint-Ignace Montmagny (Québec) G5V 1S4 Tel/Fax 418-248-1867 renelav@globetrotter.net André Lepage (Lise) 714, Commerciale Nord Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac (Québec) G0L 1E0 Tel. 418-854-6894 andre.lise@bell.net Jean Lépine (Liliane) 2853, av. Beaupré Shawinigan (Québec) G9N 8A3 Tel./Fax 819-539-9698 Cell. 819-989-2298 janlili48@hotmail.com Marc-Olivier Martin (Sarah) 25a, rue Bertrand Rouyn Noranda (Québec) J0Z 1Y0 Tel. 819-277-4837 marc.olivierm@gmail.com Fernand Montplaisir (Guylaine) 3270, rue de Dahlias Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel (Québec) G0X 3J0 Tel. 819-373-4626 fernandmontplaisir@hotmail.com Jonathan Montplaisir (Andréane) 3981, rang des Grès Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel (Québec) G0X 3J0 Tel. 819-376-5439 montplaisirjonathan@gmail.com Pierre Munger (Suzanne) 358 Jean-Paul Sartre Chicoutimi (Québec) G7J 4Y2 Tel. 418-549-2802 pierremunger@sympatico.ca Gabriel Paquin (Mélanie) 45, rue du Verger Sainte-Anne-des-Monts(Québec) G4V 3K7 Tel. 418-763-1565 Cell. 819-697-3403 gabypaq@gmail.com Michel Pedneault (Diane) 67, rue Guay Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 3B4 Tel./Fax 819-375-9510 micdia@gmail.com -14- Jean-Marc Petit (Martine) 691, rue Gravel Saint-Honoré (Québec) G0V 1L0 Tel. 418-673-7175 janotpetit27@gmail.com Marj Robbins 4-1110, rue Fabre Sherbrooke (Québec) J1H 4W4 Tel. 819-565-2365 Off. 819-820-1693 mrobbins@videotron.ca André Roberge (Léona) 140 Principale Ouest Cookshire (Québec) J0B 1M0 Tel. 819-875-5641 Gérald Saint-Laurent (Denise) 305 Chartersville Road Dieppe, N.B. E1A 1K5 Tel. 506-854-7039 dengerst@hotmail.com Fernand Saint-Louis (Yolande) 567 rue Iberville Beloeil (Quebec) J3G 2N7 Tel. 450-467-6831 Cell. 514-882-6617 Fax 450-467-2233 lfv@lfv.qc.ca Errol Savard (Lyne) 1-1119 de la Prairie Ouest Saint-Jean-Chrysostome (Québec) G6Z 3C9 Cell. 418-454-4632 errolyne@videotron.ca Denis Simard (Donna) 1282 François-Tremblay La Baie (Québec) G7B 2G7 Tel. 418-544-5798 ddsimard@derytele.com Richard Strout (Virginia) 31, rue Willowdale Sherbrooke (Québec) J1M 0B6 Tel. 819-569-8012 stroutrv@videotron.ca Mrs. Jessie Temblay C.P. 665, 17 Anseville Rivière-du-Loup (Québec) G5R 3Z3 Tel. 418- 862-7283 Claude Vachon (Louise) 155, boul. Fortin, #4 Granby (Québec) J2G 3Z8 Tel./Fax 450-378-6539 c.vachon@sympatico.ca André Véronneau (Francine) 157, Route 293 Sud, C.P. 1203 Saint-Jean-de-Dieu (Québec) G0L 3M0 Cell. 418-551-1646 verandrew2@hotmail.com Douglas Virgint (Ellen) 2320, Nicolas-Perrot Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 1E6 Tel 819-840-7076 Fax 819-378-4061 Cell. 819-609-0067 Douglas.Virgint@gmail.org -15- RETIRED WORKERS Roy Buttery (Evelyn) 3695 chemin Glenday Sherbrooke (Québec) J1M 0C2 Tel. 819-347-1619 Fax 819-347-2199 FRENCH ASSEMBLIES Mail for assemblies should ALWAYS be addressed to the correspondent. The location of the meeting place is given for those who may wish to visit the assembly. It is NOT the correct mailing address. BAIE COMEAU Assemblée chrétienne évangélique de Baie Comeau 15 Michel Hémon G4Z 2A3 a/s L. Dugas 214, av. Champlain Baie Comeau (Québec) G4Z 1M2 Tel. 418-589-4936 BELOEIL CHIBOUGAMAU Église évangélique de Chibougamau 100 rue Jaculet G8P 2G1 c/o M. Robert Gagné 129 Obalski Chibougamau (Québec) G8P 2E8 Tel. 418-748-3963 CHICOUTIMI Groupe biblique du Richelieu (occasional meetings in homes) c/o M. Fernand Saint-Louis 567 Iberville Beloeil (Québec) J3G 2N7 Tel. 450-467-6831 Fax 450-467-2233 Église évangélique de Chicoutimi 265 Malraux G7H 6T4 c/o M. Jean-Marc Petit 691 Gravel Saint-Honoré (Québec) G0V 1L0 Tel. 418-673-7175 -16- COOKSHIRE GRAND-MÈRE Assemblée chrétienne de Cookshire 125 rue Principale Ouest J0B 1M0 c/o M. Lévi Gendron 723 Route 210, R.R. 3 Cookshire (Québec) J0B 1M0 Tel. 819-875-5166 Assemblée chrétienne de Grand-Mère 1751 - 18e Avenue G9T 5K5 jocelyn.descoteaux@cgocable.ca c/o M. Jocelyn Descôteaux 1751 - 18e Avenue Grand-Mère (Québec) G9T 5K5 Tel. 819-376-7632 FARNHAM HEARST (Ontario) Assemblée chrétienne de Farnham 1901 rue Principale Est J2N 1N5 c/o M. Julien Gosselin 1901 rue Principale Est Farnham (Québec) J2N 1N5 Tel. 450-348-4895 Assemblée chrétienne de Hearst 1721, Hwy 11 Ouest Hearst P0L 1N0 c/o M. Réjean Boulanger C.P. 1387 Hearst, ON P0L 1N0 Tel. 705-362-7124 GIRARDVILLE Assemblée évangélique de Girardville 1081 rang Notre-Dame G0W 1R0 c/o M. Régis Néron 1081 rang Notre-Dame Girardville (Québec) G0W 1R0 Tel. 418-276-8468 HULL Groupe biblique de l’Outaouais 60 rue Carillon (angle Les Braves du Coin) J8X 2N9 c/o Jacques Dubreuil C.P. 79187 Gatineau, Secteur Hull (Québec) J8Y 6V2 Tel. 819-771-2125 GRANBY Assemblée chrétienne de Granby 324 rue Denison Ouest J2G 4E4 c.vachon@sympatico.ca c/o M. Claude Vachon 155 boul. Fortin, #4 Granby (Québec) J2G 3Z8 Tel. 450-378-6539 JONQUIÈRE -17- Assemblée chrétienne de Jonquière 1985 Price G7X 5S2 C.P. 2244 Jonquière (Québec) G7X 7X7 Tel. 418-695-0355 418-542-5092 LA BAIE MONTMAGNY Assemblée chrétienne de La Baie 1652, Saint-Marc G7B 2T7 c/o M. Denis Simard 1282 François-Tremblay La Baie (Québec) G7B 2G7 Tel. 418-544-5798 Assemblée chrétienne de Montmagny 419 boul. Taché Est (Rte 132) G5V 1E4 c/o M. René Lavoie 291 St-Ignace Montmagny (Québec) G5V 1S4 Tel. 418-248-1867 LA TUQUE MONTREAL (Center South) Le Centre chrétien évangélique LaTuque 540 rue Saint-Antoine G9X 2Y4 danielbraga62@gmail.com c/o M. Daniel Braga 24, Laflèche LaTuque (Québec) G9X 1A2 Tel. 819-523-8656 Assemblée chrétienne centre-sud de Montréal 4205, St-Zotique Est H1T 2T2 assembleechretienne@gmail.com c/o M. Yvon Audet 1092, av.de Normandie Mascouche (Québec) J7L 1Y8 Tel. 450-477-1264 LEBEL-SUR-QUÉVILLON NEW RICHMOND (bilingual assembly) Assemblée chrétienne de Quévillon (meetings in homes, 57 des Mélèzes) c/o M. Serge Labrie C.P. 1232 Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Ungava (Québec) J0Y 1X0 Tel. 819-755-4083 LONGUEUIL (South Shore, Montréal) Groupe biblique de la Rive Sud 530 Saint-Jean, Longueuil J4H 2Y4 c/o M. Noël Aubut 530, rue Saint-Jean Longueuil (Québec) J4H 2Y4 Tel. 450-671-9196 Bethel Bible Chapel 116A des Vétérans G0C 2B0 c/o M. Daniel Dugas 124 rue Robichaud, #5 New Richmond (Québec) G0C 2B0 Tel. 418-392-5723 NOTRE-DAME-DU-NORD Assemblée chrétienne évangélique de Notre-Dame-du-Nord 14 rue Principale Notre-Dame-du-Nord c/o M. Paul Jolin 675 rang 6 Angliers (Québec) J0Z 1A0 Tel. 819-629-9433 pauljolin@me.com -18- PINCOURT (bilingual assembly) ROLLET Assemblée chrétienne de Rollet rue Principale J0Z 3J0 c/o Mme Agathe Jolin C.P. 141-Rollet Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J0Z 3J0 Tel. 819-764-6481 Assemblée évangélique Grâce 50-5e Avenue, Pincourt J7V 5K7 srjohnston77@gmail.com c/o Mr. Stephen Johnston Box 40533 2963 St. Charles Blvd. Kirkland (Québec) H9H 5G8 Tel. 514-630-1168 ROUYN-NORANDA QUÉBEC Assemblée évangélique de Sainte-Foy 3033 rue de Dompierre G1X 3W4 sobib@qc.aira.com c/o Jean-Paul Gosselin Librairie chrétienne de Québec 2750, chemin Sainte-Foy, local 18 Québec (Québec) G1V 1V6 Tel. 418-651-1477 Fax 418-653-5200 QUÉBEC Assemblée chrétienne Bonne Nouvelle 215 rue Caron G1K 5V6 stjeansylvain@hotmail.com c/o M. Sylvain Saint-Jean 215 rue Caron Québec (Québec) G1K 5V6 Tel. 418-653-1791 Assemblée chrétienne de Rouyn-Noranda 35, rue Frédéric-Hébert J9X 1V3 tony.bissonnette@gmail.com c/o M. Tony Bissonnette 2145, rue Saguenay Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X 2H5 Tel. 819-797-3151 SAINTE-ANNEDES-MONTS Assemblée chrétienne de Sainte-Anne-des-Monts 447 - 1ière Avenue Ouest G4V 1G4 c/o M. Martial Cyr 157, Route du Village du Cap Cap-Chat (Québec) G0J 1E0 Tel. 418-786-2516 SAINTE-FLAVIE Chrétiens réunis au nom du Seigneur Jésus-Christ 850 Route Jacques Cartier Sainte-Flavie G0J 2L0 c/o M. Valmont Dupont 2-53 de l’Église, C.P. 21 Les Hauteurs (Québec) G0K 1C0 Tel. 418-798-4726 RIVIÈRE-DU-LOUP Assemblée chrétienne de Rivière-du-Loup 472 Lafontaine G5R 3C2 c/o M. Georges Voyer 472 Lafontaine Rivière-du-Loup (Québec) G5R 3C2 Tel. 418-898-3927 -19- SAINT-HYACINTHE SAINT-MICHELDES-SAINTS Église Béthanie 3925 Bel-Air J2S 7N8 c/o M. Nil Labrecque 791 Caplan Granby (Québec) J2H 2N1 Tel. 450-375-7195 Église chrétienne évangélique de Saint-Michel-des-Saints 390 rue Matawin J0K 3B0 c/o M. Pierre Charette 211 rue Chagnon Saint-Michel-des-Saints (Québec) J0K 3B0 Tel. 450-833-6671 SAINT-JEANCHRYSOSTOME SALABERRYDE-VALLEYFIELD Assemblée évangélique de la Rive Sud 1029, de la Prairie Ouest Saint-Jean-Chrysostome (Québec) G6Z 2M3 ffrechette@sympatico.ca renaud.larrivee@oricom.ca c/o M. François Fréchette 4036, Louise-Fiset Québec (Québec) G1X 0C3 Tel. 418-871-2482 Cell. 418-265-3311 Assemblée chrétienne de Saint-Timothée 40 Rosella J6S 4T1 jean.theoret@videotron.ca ghodgson4@hotmail.com c/o M. Jean Théoret 1686, ch. du Lac St-Louis Lery (Québec) J6N 1B3 Tel. 450-429-7051 SAINT-JEANSUR-RICHELIEU SHAWINIGAN Assemblée chrétienne de Shawinigan 1763, 69e Rue G9N 7G3 julie.raynald@cgocable.ca c/o M. Gaetan Bellemare 1763, 69e Rue, C.P. 73 Shawinigan (Québec) G9N 7G3 Tel. 819-539-5190 Assemblée chrétienne évangélique de Saint-Jean (meetings in homes) c/o M. Normand Gélinas C.P. 638 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Québec) J3B 6Z8 Tel. 450-358-4586 SAINTE-MARIEDE-BEAUCE Assemblée chrétienne évangélique de Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce 525 Route Saint-Elzéar G6E 3A7 jackmy@hotmail.ca c/o M. Jacques Kirouac 1340, rue des Frènes Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce (Québec) G6E 2J4 Tel. 418-386-2993 SHERBROOKE -20- Assemblée chrétienne de Sherbrooke 715 Des Ormeaux J1G 2T6 c/o M. Denis Grenier 890 Laviolette Sherbrooke (Québec) J1G 2V1 Tel. 819-823-2110 SHERBROOKE THETFORD MINES Assembée chrétienne Source de Vie 267, rue de Montréal J1H 1E4 c/o M. Jacques Houle C.P. 93, Succ. Lennoxville Sherbrooke (Québec) J1M 1Z3 Tel. 819-993-4577 Assemblée chrétienne de Thetford Mines 725 Simoneau G6G 1V3 c/o M. Norman Bilodeau 1050-7e Avenue Thetford Mines (Québec) G6G 2G7 Tel. 418-335-6539 SOREL-TRACY Assemblée chrétienne de Sorel 294, rue de la Rive Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel J3P 1K4 assembleechretienne@videotron.ca c/o M. Jean-Pierre Cloutier 294, rue de la Rive Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel (Québec) J3P 1K4 Tel. 450-746-0084; Off. 450-746-0409 TÉMISCOUATASUR-LE-LAC (formerly Cabano) Église évangélique du Témiscouata 805, rue du Centre G0L 1E0 assembleecabano@gmail.com c/o M. André Lepage 805, rue du Centre Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac (Québec) G0L 1E0 Tel. 418-854-6894 TERREBONNE Église chrétienne évangélique des Moulins 60 boul. J-S. Archambault J6W 4R6 c/o M. François Boudreau 60, boul. J-S. Archambault Terrebonne (Québec) J6W 4R6 Off. 450-471-8888 -21- TROIS-RIVIÈRES Assemblée chrétienne de Cap-de-la-Madeleine 225, rue Lupien G8T 6W5 micdia@gmail.com c/o M. Michel Pedneault 67 rue Guay Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 3B4 Tel. 819-375-9510 TROIS-RIVIÈRES Assemblée chrétienne de Trois-Rivières-Ouest 3310, boul Saint-Jean G9B 2M1 c/o M. Michel Tremblay 831 chemin des Petites Terres Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9B 7G5 Tel. 819-377-1387 FINANCIAL REPORT / 2012-2013 -3,169 General Fund as of May 1, 2013 RECEIPTS From donors American exchange Interest on term deposit Transferred from Special Funds 135,979 186 2,327 15,991 Total ...................................................................... EXPENDITURES Workers Printing magazine Mailing magazine Office expense Office rent Bank charges Camp bursaries 154,483 151,314 144,256 2,199 1,197 4,998 1,249 756 1,464 Total ...................................................................... 156,119 -4,806 As of April 30, 2013 -22- We are presently in the process of writing a history of the Lord’s work among the French assemblies of the Lord’s people in Quebec. The project is well underway but we would welcome any information that our readers might be able to add to what we have already gathered. Old newsletters and correspondence received from early, pre-1970 workers, back issues of the magazine, pictures of workers, of assembly buildings or of events would all be welcome. Names and addresses, email and/or postal, of any contact persons who might provide information would also be appreciated. Please send to News of Quebec, C.P. 1054, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1H 5L3 or contact us at koinonia_qc@hotmail.com. Don’t forget to visit our website at newsofquebec.org -19-