Tupelo, Cottonwood Graduates
Tupelo, Cottonwood Graduates
CROSSING THE BRIDGE — Tupelo graduates give a thumbs-up as they cross the footbridge between the high school building and gymnasium for their May 11 commencement. From left – Tanner Davis, Trey Roberson, Matt Couey, Jakota Carrell, Matt Benedict, Brandon Chamberlain, Steven Johnson, and Brandon Maggia. The Tupelo High School Class of 2012 includes 20 members. COALGATE Volume 129 Number 9 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 RECORD REGISTER Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, MAY 16, 2012 Tupelo, Cottonwood Graduates TUPELO GRADUATES Sky Stevens, Gabrielle Woods and Jessica Grummons have beautiful smiles as they arrive at the school gymnasium on graduation night. Gabrielle was class salutatorian. COTTONWOOD HEADSTART GRADUATE Elizabeth Doose gets a slight cap adjustment by her mom, Brittany Doose, as she gets dressed for her commencement. COTTONWOOD K-4 BUDDIES William Braswell, left, and Aiden Werneburg on their big graduation day. 2012 Souvenir Senior Edition COTTONWOOD GRADUATES — Hunter Begley, Destiny May, Alicia Bigelow and Brooklyn Neal, from left, were quite excited to be graduating from the 8th grade and are looking forward to starting high school next fall. PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGIST ER—MAY 16, 2012 20” High Velocity Floor Fan There is nothing more enjoyable to read than “Letters to God” written by children. Recently I read my all time favorite . . . Dear God, When exactly will hell freeze over? My dad said that’s about the time I’ll get a new pony. — Tricia age 10 —CC— What do you call those soft rolls of dust that collect on the floor under your bed? Many people know them as dust bunnies. But in parts of the Northeast, you’d call them dust kitties; in the South, house moss; in Pennsylvania, you might call them woolies. There are, in fact, at least 174 names by which Americans call these bits of fluff, including bunny tails, frog hair, cussywop, woofinpoofs and—perhaps most evocatively—ghost manure. Try your hand at identifying some of the terms found in the Dictionary of American Regional English. That we can identify these words today is largely a testament to the vision of one man: Frederic Cassidy, a professor of English at the University of Wisconsin in Madison who conceived the Dictionary of American Regional English (known as DARE) in a 1962 speech to the American Dialect Society. Mr. Cassidy died in 2000, at the age of 92, having made it to “O” in his quest to catalog American English in all its rip-staving (that is Ozarkian for rip-roaring) regional diversity. His tombstone bears a simple inscription: “On to Z!” “That was his rallying cry for about the last decade of his life,” said Joan Houston Hall, 65, who joined DARE in 1975 and took over as its chief editor after Mr. Cassidy’s death. In March, Harvard University Press will publish the Dictionary’s Volume V, finishing off the alphabet with slab through zydeco, nearly half a century after the first fieldworkers fanned out in “Word Wagons” to 1,002 communities across America, administering a 1,600-item questionnaire to sometimes-suspicious, often-perplexed locals. The fruits of their labors have been a feast for the lexicographically inclined ever since. What does a patient in the South mean when he complains of dew poison? What does a waitress in California mean when she offers you coffee and snails? Where would you go if a New Englander directed you to the willywags? (Answers: The patient has a rash on his feet or legs. The waitress is offering you cinnamon rolls with your cup of joe. The New Englander means what others might call the boonies.) As the repository of answers to such questions (the dictionary contains nearly 60,000 entries and is the only project of its type that is national in scope), the folks at DARE have long acted as a clearinghouse for all sorts of odd requests, by everyone from doctors to dialogue coaches to presidents. Ms. Hall remembers a call she took in the early 1990s from a lawyer whose client had called a former girlfriend a mud flap. Could the phrase be used as a term of endearment? “I could neither confirm nor deny,” said Ms. Hall, who searched DARE’s archives but found nothing. “It was only years later, driving down the highway behind a big truck, that I realized he may have been referring to those curvaceous silhouettes you see,” Ms. Hall said. “So, I suppose that could be complimentary.” In 1992, a member of President George H.W. Bush’s staff called on Mr. Cassidy when the president baffled reporters by calling an argument over who had run the first negative ad of the campaign a case of “who shot John.” Mr. Cassidy found that the term originated with a children’s game, an Iowa variant is “who shot the bear,” and in southern Appalachia, who-shot-John is slang for corn whiskey, primarily moonshine. The next year, reporters rang DARE when President Bill Clinton said a critic didn’t know him “from Adam’s off-ox.” The phrase turned out to be common west of the Appalachians, meaning, “he doesn’t know anything about me.” DARE has even been used to solve crimes. Roger Shuy, a retired forensic linguist, recounted the case of a child abduction in which the kidnapper left a note demanding ransom of $10,000, directing: “Put it in the green trash kan on the devil strip” at the corner of two streets. The kidnapper tried to disguise his education with “kan” (elsewhere spelling “precious” correctly), but devil strip is a term for the strip of grass between the sidewalk and the roadway, one used solely in a small area around Akron. When law enforcement’s suspect list included just one educated man from Akron, the police got a confession. Some linguists worry that television and the Internet will wash away America’s diverse regional vocabulary. The Subway sandwich chain, for instance, is eroding regionalisms like grinder (New England), hero (New York City), hoagie (Pennsylvania and New Jersey), zep (southeastern Pennsylvania) and spucky (Boston). But new regionalisms are being minted. Relatively new (that is, in the last 40 years), the term skeevy has arisen primarily in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey to describe something gross or dirty. Out of Northern California, there has been hella, used as an intensifier, as in “that’s hella cool.” The project was started by Frederic Cassidy, shown in 1949. Indeed, while some might find tweet-speak hella skeevy, it looks like the future of discovering regionalisms is online. A paper from Carnegie Mellon University in 2010 looked at regionalisms on Twitter, using geo-tagged posts. The authors found that while Northern Californians were hella tired, New Yorkers were deadass tired. And while sumthin’ means something in most cities, it is suttin’ in New York City. Erin McKean, founder of online dictionary Wordnik, and a member of the DARE advisory board, said that Internet subcultures will increasingly be sources of new words. Continued on Page A-3 39 3-Speed adjustble tilt fan head. Energy efficient thermally protected PSC motor. Durable powercoated steel construction 64” power cord with retainer 99 97 Heavy Duty Floor Drying Fan Accelerates drying time up to 5 times. Residential and commercial uses, garages, home,s construction site, water-damaged areas, freshly paingted wall and ceilings and general ventilaiton Balanced carry handle for easy lifting and handling 10’ power cord with molded cord wrap for easy storage 99 $ 22” Heavy Duty Pediestal Floor fan 3 speed thermally protected motor. Adjustable height. 6’ power cord. 2 yeas limited warranty. 24” Tilt Barrel Fan 219 99 Converts from a roll-around floor fan to a stand fan. Snap on/off wheels. Yellow BF24TF ABS691002 $ 99 99 J.B.’s Lumber & Ace Home Center 1407 North Country Club Road • Ada, Oklahoma (580)436-3992 Store Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Sat 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012—PAGE A-3 Genealogical Society Holds Monthly Meeting The Coal County Genealogical Society’s regular monthly meeting was held on Monday, May 14, 2012 in the Coal County Library. Members in attendance were: Bernice Crane, Larry and Nancy Bowerman, Julia Hampton, Elsie Rumley, Lorene Caruthers, Dellora Miles, Verdell Clark, Johnny Hudson, Leona Mastin and Bill Avanzini. The researchers have kept busy with mail inquiries and visitors even though a little slow this time of year. Elsie has completed several family research projects. Most of the research lately has been patrons seeking Indian roll numbers. TUPELO HIGH SCHOOL senior Tyler Stringer has donned his cap and gown and he’s ready to graduate! We can help only up to a point. Ancestors had to have been enrolled or had roll number. In addition to those we have had a number of requests for obituaries, funeral and marriage records. The open house at the museum on April 27th was a success. Kathy is planning other fund raising events. We will have more info on that at a later date. We have the Round Lake Cemetery Index; donated by Teena Cantrell. Meeting was adjourned by President at 11:18 a.m. The society still has copies of the reprinted Volume I and the new Volume II Coal County History Books. They make great gifts and contain lots of information on Coal County families, businesses, churches, towns and lots more. They are very interesting and make a nice matched set. The Genealogical Society meets the second Monday of each month at 10:30 in the Coal County Public Library. Members and visitors welcome. We would enjoy having some new members! Coal County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 436 Coalgate, OK 74538 Phone: 580-927-1185 Email: ccgs101@yahoo.com Website: coalcounty.org ...Country Comments from Page A2 —CC— Speaking of words, there are some you just don’t want to hear . . . especially when you are in the hospital. You know what a hospital room is. It’s where friends of the patient go to talk to other friends of the patient. Never mind that the patient is gagging and turning blue. The visitors are going to discuss such things as the weather, taxes, the Busbee retirement pension, too much rain or the lack of it, income taxes, and “the time I had my operation.” I’ll tell you, Dr. Kildare, here are a few things that, as a patient, you don’t want to hear in your hospital room. - “Well, I don’t think he should buy any long-playing records.” - “It’s a very rare disease. The only other time I’ve seen it is in a crossword puzzle.” - “I won’t tell you where we found the skin to graft on your husband’s chin, but occasionally his face may feel like sitting down.” - “We performed that operation just in the nick of time. Another few hours and you would have recovered without it.” - “What? Three thousand dollars for an exploratory operation on my wife? Forget it, I’ll find out what’s wrong with her at the autopsy.” - “I think my doctor used to be a veterinarian. He just told me to open my mouth and say ‘Moo.’” - “Yes, we have to operate. My malpractice premium is due tomorrow.” - Hmmmmm, I thought they cured this years ago.” - “Down at the plant, they painted out your name in the parking lot this morning.” - “With this confounded new metric system, I can’t figure out this thermometer. Either he has a temperature of 415 degrees or he’s going eight-five kilometers per hour.” And my favorite of all . . . - “Of course I wear a mask when I operate. That way, they’re never sure who to blame.” —CC— Camping out has never been at the top of the list of things I enjoy. However this past week I read about a new type of camping out that I might actually enjoy. Glamping is short for glamour camping . . . On a glamping trip, your days might be spent hiking or rafting in the backcountry, but your nights could be spent sleeping on fresh sheets in a soft bed. Though you might be many miles from civilization, your meals could be prepared by an elite chef, and there might be hot water for your morning shower. Here’s what you need to know before you give glamping a try . . . There’s little consensus about what level of luxury the term “glamping” implies, which can make it difficult for travelers to know what they’re getting. Some glamping facilities and tour operators truly offer amenities on par with high-end resorts. Guests enjoy maid and butler service, four-star chefs and opulent accommodations. But others really are just camping facilities that throw in a few extras such as a real bed and a private bathroom. Prices vary greatly, too, from $100 a night to well into the thousands – and might or might not include meals. According to the article I read, some of the best places to go glamping in the US and Canada are: · Treebones Resort in Big Sur, California · PAWS up in Greenough, Montana · Wild Exodus in Ontario, Canada · Martyn House in Ellijay, Georgia This past weekend my youngest son took his three-year-old son camping . . . in the backyard. Their neighbor, Sam Harkey, has a rooster with poor timing. Each morning about 3:00 am, the rooster starts crowing which wakes up the guineas. About the time all of them were making a noise, the sounds of a train in the distance could be heard and, needless to say, the entire family was now wide-awake. They had a great time and I suspect that his backyard camping trip was just as enjoyable as any $1000 a day glamping experience. —CC— And last of all, my favorite story of the week . . A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Jade, 5, and Dane, 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. “If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, ‘Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait.’” Jade turned to his younger brother and said, “Dane, you be Jesus.” Thank You The family of Rosie Gwinn would like to thank the staff at Mary Hurley Hospital and Tendercare Home Health for the wonderful care shown to our mother, and a special thank you to Dr. Helton for everything. Thanks to the Dept. of Human Services, Cornerstone, and the Nazarene Church for all the good food, and to Brown’s Funeral Home for the wonderful service. Thanks to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. It is greatly appreciated. Margaret Faulkenberry and Family Don Gwinn and Family Ronnie Gwinn and Family Donna Bolin and Family Qualified RE-ELECT Experienced JOHNNY D. WARD DEMOCRAT FOR COMMISSIONER DIST. 2 Auction May 19th ~12 noon Preview starts at 11am Auction location: 203 N. Mississippi, Atoka, Okla. TRAILER: Bank Repo's 30 ft 2010 sundowner 4 horse slant trailer with living quarters Boat: 29 ft. metal boat needs inboard motor on trailer (really nice boat) Announcements day of sale supersede all previous advertisement. Property owner or Auction Service will not be responsible for theft or accidents. Auction Conducted by: Haney Auction and Real Estate Co. 203 N. Mississippi • Atoka, Ok. 74525 580-889-3497 Auctioneer/Broker: Kevin Haney, 580-927-5029 Auctioneer/sales associate: Chillie Joe Bills, 580-258-0312 www.haneyauction.com haneyauction@yahoo.com SEE YOU AT THE AUCTION!! ENROLL NOW YOUR FUTURE BEGINS AT Call or stop by either campus: Tishomingo, OK (580)371-2371 Ardmore, OK (580)220-2858 mscok.edu Open Enrollment Ends June 4th From Here, Go Anywhere! IF YOUR NAME’S ON OUR LIST, WE’LL PAY YOU TO READ IT. PUBLIC SER AD Editor: We would ap your running 2 column by unpaid ad as service to yo readers. If your name’s on the list we’ve printed on page _____ A-13 of today’s paper, we’re holding money for you. It’s our job to safeguard “abandoned” money — money that turns up in such places as old forgotten bank accounts, unclaimed mineral payments, insurance payments, refunded utility deposits, and dusty safe deposit boxes — and to locate the owners. You can help. Read our list. We may have money that belongs to you, your relatives, or friends. We’re anxious to give it back to you. Ken Miller, State Treasurer Unclaimed Property Division 2401 NW 23rd Street, Suite 42, Oklahoma City , OK 73107 Please types number whe Unclaimed P is running a the blank sp PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012 Memorial Service Saturday for Carl Hill A Memorial Service will be held at the Coalgate Cemetery Pavilion Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. for John Carl Hill, a former Coalgate resident. Born on November 26, 1945 to George B. and Margaret (Culbertson) Hill, he passed away April 27, 2012 at his home in Durant at the age of 66. He attended Coalgate Schools, graduating in 1964 and attended and graduated from Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Carl was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by a son, James George Hill and preceded in death by his parents and two sisters, Judith Ann and Mary Lynn. Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate is in charge of arrangements. Service Held For Frank William Lanoy It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’s Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd Coalgate, OK 74538 Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors Service times: Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. If you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment. Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 LPXLP Frank William Lanoy, age 79, was a loving husband, father, and “PaPa” who left this world for his heavenly home to be united with his Lord and Savior on May 8, 2012 after a long battle with Parkinsons Disease. Frank was born July 9th, 1932 in Coalgate, OK to Bertha & Clemo Lanoy. He honorably served his country in the 45th Infantry during the Korean War and later in the National Guard. After his discharge, he worked as a butcher and market manager for Watkin’s and Whittaker’s Grocery Stores in Bethany, OK for 30 years. He was a hard working and unselfish man that always cherished his family. On March 21, 1953, he married the love of his life, Pat Bryant, and they made their home in Bethany for 30 years and resided in Yukon for the last 23 years. Frank loved the outdoors and he was an avid fisherman, bowler, and gardener. He is survived by Pat, his wife of 59 years, one daughter, Debra Forester and her husband Ed of Yukon, OK, and one grandson, Justin Vick, of Edmond, OK. He is also survived by his siblings, Dorothy Ennis and husband Virgil of Wardville, OK, Lee Roy Lanoy of Ada, OK, Freda Sevier and husband David of Lehigh, OK, Alfred Lanoy and wife Janice of Olney, OK, and a host of nieces, nephews, and other family members who will miss him dearly. He was preceded in death by his parents, his brothers Edward & Henry, and sister Winifred Hunt. Funeral services were held Friday, May 11, 2012, at Chapel Hill Funeral Home in Oklahoma City. The family would like to express their deepest appreciation to Autumn Bridge Hospice for their unending care and support. Graveside Service Held For Catherine Beagles Graveside services for Catherine Lenora (Jackson) Beagles, a Stonewall resident, were held Friday, May 11, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at Highland Cemetery with Rev. Gary Jamar officiating. Arrangements were under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate. Mrs. Beagles was born September 26, 1939 in Santa Maria, CA to Monroe James and Irene (Vandervander) Jackson and passed away May 9, 2012 in Ada at the age of 72. She attended school in Bakersfield, CA and married Louis Wilson Beagles on August 25, 1956 in Las Vegas, NV. She was a dedicated wife and mother, loved to read, watch TV and spending time with family. Survivors include her husband, Louis Beagles of the home; children, Debra Carter of Stonewall and Dale Beagles and wife Phyllis of Stonewall; grandchildren, Shannon Barnes of Lexington, OK, Amy Turley of Arizona, Laura Beagles of Stonewall, Kerri Carter and fiancé Randy Bryant of Ada, Jimmy Carter, Jr. and wife Krystal of Bakersfield, CA, Robert Carter and wife Jessica of Bakersfield, CA and Jackie Reed and husband, Curtis of Elk City, OK; fourteen great grandchildren; brothers, Ken Jackson and Dolores of San Luis Obispo, CA and Dale Jackson of Portland, OR; sister, Janet Howard and husband Mel of Lompoc, CA; along with numerous nieces, nephews and many dear and loved friends. She was preceded in death by her parents and one sister, Sue Chappel. Service Held For Rosie Marie Gwinn Funeral services for Rosie Marie Gwinn, a Coalgate resident, were held Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate with Rev. Vern Stinson officiating. Burial was in Coalgate Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Gwinn was born October 11, 1919 in Coal County, OK to Fred and Rebecca Dean Solomon and passed away May 6, 2012 in Coalgate at the age of 92. She attended Bethel School and married Albert Lee Gwinn on November 8, 1941 in Coalgate. He preceded her in death on November 19, 1976. Mrs. Gwinn was a member of the Church of the Nazarene. She loved to crochet and quilt and loved her family. Survivors include her children, Margaret Faulkenberry and husband Danny of Bella Vista, AR, Don Gwinn and wife Sandra of Ashland, OK, Donna Bolin and husband Gary of Clarita, OK and Ronnie Gwinn and wife Kathy of Ada, OK; twelve grandchildren; numerous great grandchildren; one great, great grandchild; along with nieces, nephews, and many dear and loved friends. She was preceded in death by her husband; parents; granddaughter, Misty Jo Gwinn; sisters, Lucy Brothers and Blanche Powell; and brother, Mark Citron. Pallbearers were Brandon Bolin, Wes Bolin, Aaron Roberts, Henry Ringels, Leslie Davidson, and Rick Wigginton. Honorary bearers were Don Lewis, Nick Lolli, L.L. Powell, Jr., Johnny Jump, Jack Chiles and J. D. Smith LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 9, 16 & 23, 2012, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA ESTATE OF DAINA MARIE SPANGLER by GAIL HARJO, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, Plaintiff, -vsTHE UNKNOWN HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OF MARTHA LOU YOUNG, deceased, et. al., Defendants. CV-12-11 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Unknown Heirs Successors and Assigns of Martha Lou Young, deceased: Jimmy O. Young; Anthony Young; Daniel Wayne Young; James Eddings; Ralph Eddings; Mary Eddings; John Spangler, all if living and if deceased, their Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns You are hereby notified that you have been sued in the above styled case in the District Court of Coal County, State of Oklahoma, entitled estate of Daina Marie Spangler by Gail Harjo, Personal Representative, vs. Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns of Martha Lou Young, deceased, Jimmy O. Young, Anthony Young, Daniel Wayne Young, James Eddings, Ralph Eddings, Mary Eddings and John Spangler, all if living and if deceased, their Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns and that you must answer the Petition herein on or before this 20th day of June 2012, or the allegations of said Petition will be taken as true and judgment will be rendered quieting title and partitioning the surface of the following described real estate, to-wit: SURFACE ONLY: SW/4 and S/2 of S/2 of NW/4 and SW/4 of SE/4 and all that part of the NW/4 of SE/4 lying West of Boggy River, Section 14, Township 2 North, Range 10 East, less one acre described as follows: Beginning at a point 661 feet East and 878 feet North of the Southwest Corner of said Section 14, thence East 208.71 feet; thence North 208.71 feet; thence West 208.71 feet; thence South 208.71 feet to the point of beginning, Coal County, Oklahoma, containing 259 acres more or less. Dated this 30th day of April, 2012. Rachel Fuller, Court Clerk S)Tommie K. Martinez Deputy Kermit M. Milburn 1507 N. Shawnee Shawnee, OK 74804 (405 275-2551 A Word From Your Coal County Chamber of Commerce COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012— PAGE A-5 Qualified —Produce market begins Wednesday, May 16. By Twyla Collins, Executive Director Over the last couple of months I have had the privilege of visiting with many of our local business owners and citizens. It has been very uplifting to hear the great ideas and suggestions that our community has to offer. I look forward to seeing some of these ideas become a reality for our county. I think it would be safe to say that all of us enjoy and appreciate fresh produce from the garden. Because of the inquiries of some of our produce growers and the graciousness of Choctaw Nation Councilman James Frazier and the Choctaw Nation, Coal County will now have a weekly farmers market area available. Starting today, Wednesday, May 16, local producers will be selling local produce under the pavilion at the Choctaw Nation Community Center. The market will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or until all produce has been sold. The market will continue on a weekly basis until further notice. That means that every Wednesday you can purchase fresh produce from local growers. Councilman Frazier encourages any and all growers who would like to RE-ELECT Experienced JOHNNY D. WARD sell fresh produce to come set up a space. Also, some of the producers are able to accept Choctaw and Chickasaw Senior Citizen Vouchers and WIC Produce Vouchers. Be sure to ask about utilizing this benefit. DEMOCRAT FOR COMMISSIONER DIST. 2 T&N Laundry Mat 206 W Queen Ave. We also have Drop-off laundry service and press. DAY Drop off Hours: CLOSED SUNMonday - Friday 7am-7pm Saturday 7am-1pm Operating Hours: Monday-Sunday 7am-10pm DROP-OFF PRICES: $1.20 a lb to wash, dry, & fold $4.00 a pair for pants to press $2.50 a button shirt - .75¢ per t-shirt to press $4.00 a set for scrubs Tanning available - new bed 1st tan free w/a month purchase $3.00 a tan or $30 unlimited a month SPECIAL GIFTS FOR SPECIAL GRADUATES — John Long, Vice President of Regulatory Compliance, LegalShield (formerly Pre-Paid Legal), presents a $1,000 check to each of the 2012 Tupelo High School graduates on behalf of Harland and Shirley Stonecipher. The Stoneciphers’ granddaughter, Nikki Stonecipher, began her education at Tupelo Elementary with several of the 2012 graduates. She attended Tupelo Elementary through the third grade and then completed the fourth and fifth grades at Cushing, OK. Nikki and her parents, Brent and Tina (Bowerman) Stonecipher, died in a plane crash on July 24, 2005. Nikki would have been a 2012 high school graduate. The Nikki Stonecipher Memorial Scholarship at East Central was established in 2006. Past recipients of the scholarship include Briana Tully (2006), Jenilee Keeling (2007), Ari Rice and Steven Carrell (2008), Felicia Gilliam (2009), Hallie Keeling (2010), and Chesna Henry (2011). In addition, the Stonecipher Family has awarded scholarships to Rachel Hudson (2007) and Ashley Grigg (2011). This year, instead of awarding a scholarship in Nikki’s name, each graduate received $1,000. The Stoneciphers and Tina’s parents, Pee Wee and Linda Bowerman, were present at the graduation. We’re now Mediastream. And we’re bringing it home better than ever. We’re not just Mediastream employees. We’re your friends and neighbors. And together we’re your hometown team dedicated to implementing new and better ways to bring you high-quality, affordable Internet, TV and phone service to enhance your life at home — and work. When it comes to service excellence, we’ve really raised the bar — and we think you’ll like the results! Power Internet (8M) FOR ONLY 12 20 $ A MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS^ If you’re not currently a part of the Mediastream family, you owe it to yourself to take a second look. We guarantee you’ll like what you see. CLASSIC CABLE FOR ONLY $ 95 49 A MONTH FOR 6 MONTHS^ Call today! 1-800-392-2662 ^ Offers end May 31, 2012. Offers available to those who do not have Mediastream Internet or TV service. $20.12 a month for 12 months promotional rate for Power Internet will increase to standard monthly rate at the end of 12 months. Classic Cable offer of $49.95 a month for 6 months will increase to the standard monthly rate at the end of 12 months. Wireless Home Networking available for an additional monthly charge. May not be combined with any other offer. Download speeds not guaranteed. Rates do not include taxes, fees, broadcaster surcharge, equipment fees or installation charges. 30-day money back guarantee applies to both services and installation fees. Services are defined as full video, high-speed Internet and phone. Only one credit allowed, per service, per year. You may be subject to a credit check and/or asked to submit a deposit to receive service from Mediastream. Service subject to Mediastream terms and conditions. Other restrictions may apply. www.MediastreamUS.com PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 16 & 23, 2012, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC; Plaintiff, vs. JAMES W. BELCHER A/K/A JAMES WYATT BELCHER AND NANCY L. BELCHER A/K/A NANCY LEE BELCHER; et. al. Defendants. CJ-2011-15 NOTICE OF SECOND ALIAS SALE OF LAND UNDER EXECUTION THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day of June, 2012, at 10:00 o’clock, A.M., at the front of the Coal County Courthouse in Coalgate, Oklahoma, the undersigned Sheriff will offer for second alias sale and sell for cash to the highest and best bidder, subject to real estate ad valorem taxes, superior special assessments and all interests of record, if any, except the Mortgage and interests foreclosed herein on the following described real property, to-wit: The West Half of Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (W/2 SW/4 SE/4) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Two (2) North, Range Eight (8) East, Coal County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recoded plat thereof, commonly known as Rural Route 1 Box 101, Tupelo, OK 74572 (the “Property”) Second alias sale will be made pursuant to a Special Execution and Order of Second Alias Sale issued out of the office of the Court Clerk in and for Coal County, Oklahoma, and pursuant to said judgment reserving the right of Plaintiff to recall said execution by oral announcement and/or order of the Court, prior to the second alias sale said judgment entered in the District Court in and for said County, State of Oklahoma, in Case No. CJ-2011-15, entitled JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. successor by merger to Chase Home Finance LLC, Plaintiff vs. James W. Belcher a/k/a James Wyatt Belcher and Nancy L. Belcher a/k/a Nancy Lee Belcher, et al., Defendant, to satisfy: FIRST: The costs of said action accrued and accruing; SECOND: The judgment and first lien of the Plaintiff, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. successor by merger to Chase Home Finance LLC, in the sum of $122,600.63 with interest thereon at the rate of 6.5% per annum from October 1, 2010, as adjusted, if applicable, until paid; advances for taxes, insurance and preservation expenses, accrued an accruing; abstracting expenses, accrued and accruing; bankruptcy fees and costs, if any; and an attorney’s fee, plus costs, with interest thereon at the same rate, until paid. Persons or other entities having interest in the property, including those whose actual addresses are unknown and persons or other entities who have or may have unknown successors and such unknown successors are hereby notified are: James W. Belcher a/k/a James Wyatt Belcher; Nancy L. Belcher a/k/a Nancy Lee Belcher; Occupants of the Premises; Citizens Bank of Ada. The property has been duly appraised in the sum of $40,000.00. WITNESS MY HAND this 15th day of May, 2012. Roy Deck, Sheriff of Coal County BY:S)Ray Pebworth Deputy KIVELL, RAYMENT & FRANCIS Jason Howell, OBA #19128 Triad Center I, Suite 550 7666 East 61st Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133 Telephone: (918) 254-0626 Facsimile (918) 254-7915 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 9, 16, & 23, 2012, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: THOMAS EUGENE McCOY, Petitioner, v. KELLY DIANE (BETSEY) McCOY, Respondent. FD-2012-14 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TO: KELLY DIANE (BETSEY) McCOY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition has been fled against you in the District Court of Coal County, State of Oklahoma, in an action entitled Thomas Eugene McCoy, Petitioner, v. Kelly Diane (Betsey) McCoy, Respondent, Case No. FD-2012-14, by the Petitioner, Thomas Eugene McCoy. This summons by publication is specifically directed to Kelly Diane (Betsey) McCoy whose whereabouts are unknown. The nature of this suit against you is petition for divorce in which Petitioner requests that the Court grant and award the Petitioner a Decree of Divorce from the Respondent; custody of the parties’ minor children subject to supervised visitation by the Respondent; a fair and equitable division and distribution of the property and debts accumulated by the parties; and for such other and further relief as to which the Petitioner may be entitled and which may be deemed just and proper by the Court. Unless you answer the petition on or before June 25, 2012, judgment will be taken in favor of Thomas Eugene McCoy and against you for the relief requested in said Petition. Rachel Fuller, Court Clerk By:S)Cheryl Hobgood Deputy Court Clerk Thomas Eugene McCoy, Pro Se 103 South Dwight Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 2, 9 & 16, 2012, 3t) IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK OF COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED UNDER TAX SALE CERTIFICATE NUMBER NO. 207-I-36 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The owners, tenants and persons claiming any right, title or interest of any kind, in or to the real estate, lands and tenements located in Coal County, Oklahoma. YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby notified that the undersigned, Weldon L. Rose, is the owner and holder of a tax sale certificate, hereinafter described, issued by the County Treasurer of Coal County, Oklahoma, on and covering the following described real estate, lands tenements in said county and state, to-wit; Lot 8 & 9 Blk 81 Clarita, Oklahoma Said Certificate being based upon the sale of said property to said county for delinquent ad valorem tax assessment as provided by law, the date of said sale, the year of ad valorem tax assessment for which sold, the serial number of said certificate and subsequent payments and endorsements of the taxes thereon being as follows: Date of Sale: 10-1-2007 Year For Which Sold: 2006 Amount for Which Sold: $38.18 Certificate Number: 2007-I-36 Ad Valorem Tax Assessments Paid and Endorsed: Year—2006; Amount—$38.18 ALL AS SHOWN BY THE RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY TREASURER. That the said Weldon L. Rose is the owner and holder of said tax sale certificate, and the owner of said land by purchase at delinquent tax sale, as provided by law, and you, and each of you, are hereby notified that unless redemption is made for said sale, together with the assessments endorse thereon, within sixty (60) days from the date of the first publication hereof, a tax deed will be demanded and will be issued to the undersigned, Weldon L. Rose, to all of the above-described property, lands and tenements, as provided by law. DATED this 25th day of April, 2012. Certificate Holder S)Weldon L. Rose SERIOUS INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Medical Malpractive • Defective Products • Industrial Accidents Railroad Accidents Call for Free Consuultation 323 E. Carl Albert Parkway, McAlester, Ok. 423-0421 • 1-800-658-1596 LPXLP LEGAL NOTICE Scott McCornack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Sale Times Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 J & N Construction General Construction Custom Steel Buildings, Metal Roofs Free Estimates Route 5 Box 445 Coalgate, OK 74538 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 2, 9, & 16, 2012, 3t) IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA In the Matter of the Application of Floyd Palmer and Norma Palmer for Tax Deed Under Tax Sale Certificate No. 161 and Tax Sale Certificate No. 162 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) SS. COUNTY OF COAL ) The State of Oklahoma to: EDWIN D. STEPHENSON, FRANK M. COMBS and ABRAHAM W. COFFIELD, if living or if dead, the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, assigns, or grantees of EDWIN D. STEPHENSON, FRANK M. COMBS and ABRAHAM W. COFFIELD, or the owners, tenants, and persons owning or claiming any right, title, or interest of any nature or kind in or to the real estate, lands and tenements in Coal County, Oklahoma, as hereinafter described. You and each of you are hereby notified that FLOYD PALMER and NORMA PALMER are the owners and holders of various tax sale certificates, hereinafter described, all issued by the County Treasurer of Coal County Oklahoma, on and covering the following described real estate, lands and tenements in said county and state, to-wit: Lot 1 of Block 14 and Lot 5 of Block 6, all in the town of Phillips, Oklahoma; Said certificates, and each of them being based upon sales of said property to said County for delinquent assessments as provided by law, the respective dates of said sales, the years of assessments for which sold, the serial numbers of said certificates, and subsequent payment and endorsement of the taxes thereon being as follows: Certificate Number—Lot 5, Block 6; Date of Sale—October 7, 1996; Years for Which Sold—1989-1995 inclusive; Assessment Paid & Endorsed—$37.26 Certificate Number—Lot 1, Block 14; Date of Sale—October 7, 1996; Years for Which Sold—1989-1995, inclusive; Assessments Paid & Endorsed—$37.26 All as shown by the records of said County Treasurer. You, and each of you, are given further notice that on the 7th day of October, 1996, in consideration of the payment of the assessments, costs and charges on the above described real estate for the years 1989-1995, inclusive as to Lot 5 of Block 6 and Lot 1 of Block 14, both in the town of Phillips, Coal County, Oklahoma, the County Treasurer of said county, duly assigned the above described tax sale certificates, with endorsements thereon as aforesaid, together with all of the interest of said county in said real estate, unto Floyd Palmer and Norma Palmer, all as shown by said certificates above described, and the records of said County Treasurer. That said Floyd Palmer and Norma Palmer have continued to pay the taxes thereafter. That the said Floyd Palmer and Norma Palmer are the owners and holders of said tax sale certificates, and the owner of said land by purchase of delinquent tax sale, as provide by law, and you and each of you are hereby notified that unless redemption is made from said sales and each of them, together with the assessments endorsed thereon, within 60 days from the date of service of this notice upon you, or the first date of publication, if service is by publication of said notice, a tax deed will be demanded and will be issued to the undersigned Floyd Palmer and Norma Palmer, to all of the above described property, lands and tenements, as provided by law. Dated this 1st day of May, 2012. S)Trae Gray Trae Gray, OBA #21196 Attorney for Floyd Palmer and Norma Palmer Trae Gray OBA #21196 The Law Offices of Trae Gray, PLLC “A Firm Focused on People and Landowners” 580-927-2314 Office 580-927-2315 Fax E-mail; traegray@traegray.com 28 North Main, Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538 www.landownerfirm.com LEGALNOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 16 & 23, 2012, 2t) The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County is accepting bids for a 2008 or newer one-ton diesel truck, 4-wheel drive, with automatic transmission. Bid specs can be picked up at the County Clerk’s office at 4 N. Main, Suite 1. Bids will be opened on May 30, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 16 & 23, 2012, 2t) The Coal County Board of Commissioners is accepting bids for the removal and replacement of the light fixtures in the courtroom. Bid specifications are available in the County Clerk’s office at 4 North Main, Suite 1 Coalgate, OK 74538. Bids will be opened May 30th, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 16, 23, 30, & June 6, 2012, 4t) NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES Coal County, State of Oklahoma Notice is hereby given that, under authority and mandatory requirement of 68 O.S. § 3125-3127, each of the hereinafter described lots, tracts, and parcels of real estate, all situated in Coal County, State of Oklahoma, will be sold at public auction to the highest competitive bidder for cash, provided that for each parcel or tract, the bidder offers a sum equal to or greater than two-thirds of the assessed valuation of such real estate as fixed for the current fiscal year 2011-2012, or the total amount of taxes, ad valorem and special interest and costs legally due on such property computed to and as of June 11, 2012, whichever is the lesser; said sale to be held at the Coal County Courthouse Treasurer’s Office, State of Oklahoma, beginning on the second Monday in June, 11, 2012 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and continuing from day to ay thereafter between the same hours until said sale has been completed according to law. It is hereby stated that each of said lots, tracts, and parcels of real estate hereinafter listed, has remained unpaid for a period of more than three years form the date such taxes first became due and payable; that in the schedule below appears under caption indicating Lands (Section, Township, and Range), City or Town, or subdivision thereof in which located, following each described lot, tract and parcel of real estate, in the order herein set out, the name of the owner as of 2008-2011, the year or years for which taxes have been assessed but remain unpaid, the total amount of all delinquent ad valorem taxes, costs and interest that have accrued thereon and remain legally due and unpaid as of the date of first publication of notice of Resale, the total amount of all delinquent special assessments, costs and interest that since accrued thereon and remain due and unpaid as of the first publication in May, the date of said resale, and the total due. On resale date one and one-half percent further interest will have accrued, plus advertising cost will be added. The above notice applies to the following lots, tracts and parcels, to wit: Russell, Billy Joe Etux—Beg. At 528’ N. of SE cor SW SW SE. Real, Pers, Sp/Assmt, Fees/Costs for 2008-2011. Total due $182,24. Lee, Marlin Clinton &—Sec. 11-1S-8E, SW SW SW. Real, Pers, SpAssmt, Fees/Costs for 2008-2011. Total due $8,528.87. Whitson Cecil M—Lehigh Lot 3, Blk 310. Real, Pers, SpAssmt, Fees/ Costs for 2008-2011. Total due $323.54. Roberts, F. D. —Tupelo, Lot 5, Blk. 40. Real, Pers, SpAssmt, Fees/ Costs for 2008-2011. Total due $171.52. Witness my hand this 9th day of May, 2012. S)Gina McNutt County Treasurer Coal County, Oklahoma (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 16 & 23, 2012, 2t) In the District Court of Coal County State of Oklahoma In the Matter of the Estate of Olive B. Cox, deceased, and In the Matter of the Estate of Laura Maxine Kaufman, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Kaufman, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry H. Kaufman, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Edna V. Resh, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Herbert R. Cox, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph R. Cox, Sr. deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Doloros Cox Leaman aka Doloris Leaman, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph R. Cox, Jr., Deceased In the Matter of the Estate of Dorothea Ellsworth Wachter, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Edith Ellsworth, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew E. Wachter, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Vincent A. Cox, deceased. Case No. PB-2012-6 Combined Notice to Creditors, and Notice of Hearing Petition for Final Accounting, Determination of Heirship, Distribution and Discharge A Petition for Summary Administration Pursuant to 58 O.S. § 245 has been filed setting forth the following information: 1. The name, address and date of death of the Decedents are as follows: Olive Cox, Rockford, Illinois died April 9, 1957 Laura Maxine Kaufman, Effingham County, Illinois, died December 13, 1999 Thomas Kaufman, San Antonio, Texas, died January 10, 1997 Henry H. Kaufman, Winnebago County, Illinois, died November 21, 1976 Edna V. (Resh) Kaufman, San Antonio, Texas, died April 6, 1983 Herbert R. Cox, Winnebago County, Illinois, died March 30, 1962 Joseph R. Cox, Sr. Hillsboro, Oregon, died August 6, 1957 Mary Doloros Cox Leaman (Doloris Leaman) Winnebago County, IL died 12/20/80. Edith Ellsworth, Winnebago County, Illinois, died June 1966 Dorothea Ellsworth Wachter, Cook County, Illinois, died February 4, 2006 Joseph R. Cox, Jr., Corvallis, Oregon, died March 9, 1997 Andrew E. Wachter, Lake Forest, Chicago, died May 23, 2006 Vincent A. Cox, Boynton Beach, Florida, November 26, 1995 2. The name and address of Petitioner is as follows: Happy Delsigne 1008 Parkland Dr., Durant, OK 74701 3. The total value of the estate of the Decedents as set forth in the Petition is less than $175,000. Pursuant to the provisions of 58 O.S. §246, the following dates have been set for filing the Final Accounting and Petition for Distribution and for the hearing on the order allowing final accounting, determination of heirs, legatees and devisees, if any, distribution and discharge: Final Account Filing Date: June 22, 2012 Final Hearing Date: July 12, 2012 at 10:00 am. Place of Hearing: District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma. A copy of the Will of Olive B. Cox duly probated in Illinois is attached to the Petition. The Petition sets forth the names and addresses of all known creditors, heirs and devisees of the Decedents. Pursuant to 58 O.S. §246, each person receiving this Notice is advised of the following: 1. Each person receiving this Notice must file objections to the Petition at least ten (10) days before the hearing and send a copy to the petitioner or that person will be deemed to have waived any objections to the petition. 2. If an objection is filed at least (10) days before the hearing, the court will determine at the hearing whether the Estates shall be probated by intestate proceedings, whether summary proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estates will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed. 3. The claim of any creditor not shown in the petition will be barred unless the claim is presented to the personal representative before the presentment date of June 9, 2012. Dated: May 10, 2012 Respectfully submitted: S/Matthew H. McBee Matthew H. McBee OBA # 18004 McBee Law Firm PLLC P.O. Box 1303 Poteau, OK 74953 Phone: 918.647.2340 Attorney for the Personal Representative, Happy Delsigne LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 16 & 23, 2012, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ATOKA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANK E. BROWN, a/k/a FRANK EDWARD BROWN, Deceased. No. PB-2011-34 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of the District Court of the County of Atoka State of Oklahoma, made on the 27th day of March, 2012, in the Matter of the Estate of FRANK E. BROWN, a/k/a FRANK EDWARD BROWN, deceased, the undersigned, as the personal representative of the estate of said deceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash, subject to confirmation by said District Court, on or about the 16th day of July, 2012, at 1:00 o’clock P.M., at Atoka in said Atoka County, Oklahoma, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said FRANK E. BROWN, a/k/a FRANK EDWARD BROWN, deceased, at the time of his death, and all the right, title and interest that said estate has, by operation of law, or otherwise, acquired in and to the real estate described as follows, to-wit: Tract #1: W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lots 2 and 3 and SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 9 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Atoka County, Oklahoma. Appraised Value: $278,012.00; Tract #2: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 and S 1/4 of NW 1/4 (LESS that portion of the SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 lying South of Clear Boggy Creek and Delaware Creek); and W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 and N 1/2 of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 9 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Atoka County, Oklahoma, containing 289.360 acres, more or less, as the case may be. Appraised Value: $333,000.00; Tract #3: SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 9 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Atoka County, Oklahoma, containing 40 acres, more or less, as the case may be. Appraised Value: $50,000.00; Tract #4: S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 and E 1/2 of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Section 33, Township 1 South, Range 9 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Coal County, Oklahoma, containing 110 acres, more or less, as the case may be. Appraised Value: $137,500.00; Tract #5: All of Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma, (LESS the W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4) containing 600 acres, more or less, as the case may be. Appraised Value: $750,000.00; Tract #6: SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 and S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and E 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 and NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 and W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 9 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, containing 200 acres, more or less, as the case may be, Coal County, Oklahoma. Appraised Value: $250,000.00; Tract #7: NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 9 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, containing 10 acres, more or less, as the case may be, Coal County, Oklahoma. Appraised Value: $12,500.00, TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE: $1,811,020.00 upon the following terms and conditions, to-wit: A non-refundable 10% down on the date of sale, with the balance to be paid by cashier’s check or bank wire upon the confirmation of said sale. Updated abstracts and marketable title will be provided to the buyer. However, the Personal Representative has the right to accept or reject any bids. Bids must be in writing and may be left at the office of Shannon Reasor Law Office PLLC, 209 East Court St., PO Box 393, Atoka, OK 74525 on or before the date and time of sale. Bids must be accompanied by a personal check of 10% of your bid, and the checks must be made payable to Shannon Reasor Law Office PLLC Trust Account. Bids cannot, and will not, be considered for any amount less than 90% of the appraised values. Dated this 9th day of April, 2012. S) Frankie Brown Norris FRANKIE BROWN NORRIS, Personal Representative of the Estate of FRANK E. BROWN, a/k/a FRANK EDWARD BROWN, Deceased. SHANNON REASOR, OBA #15833 SHANNON REASOR LAW OFFICE PLLC PO Box 393 Atoka, OK 74525, Phone: (580) 889-3343 Fax: (580) 889-9334, Attorney for Personal Representative Coalgate Man Accused of Strangling and Holding Girlfriend Hostage A 39-year-old Coalgate man was arrested last week after his girlfriend reported he had choked her and held her hostage with a large knife. Coalgate police officer Zachary Rice states in his probable cause affidavit that he was called to the Coal County Sheriff’s Office the morning of May 8 where he met with the alleged victim. The woman told him that she and her boyfriend, Jose (Joe) David Muniz, had gotten into an argument the previous day, and when she attempted to leave their residence in order to avoid a physical altercation, Muniz grabbed her, dragged her back into the house, and “attempted to choke her to the point of unconsciousness.” She claimed that he held her hostage inside the house with a large knife and threatened to kill her if she tried to leave. She said she was able to leave the residence after Muniz fell asleep. She had numerous bruises on her body, Rice said. Muniz was taken into custody a short time later after Rice learned that he had left the residence with a relative. Muniz has pleaded not guilty to kidnapping and domestic assault and battery by strangulation. He is scheduled for a May 17 court appearance on those charges as well as a domestic abuse assault and COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012— PAGE A-7 battery charge filed in February. When last checked, he remained in the Coal County jail on $50,000 bond. Oklahoma Department of Corrections records show that Muniz has felony convictions dating back to 1995 for drugs, stolen property, bogus checks, domestic abuse, and grand larceny. The convictions were in Coal, Pontotoc and Oklahoma Counties. An unforgettable GRADUATION 100 E. Main • Ada, OK 580.332.0457 Van Horn Brothers 123 E Main • Ada • 580-436-8265 CHELSEA BATCHELOR was one of nine young ladies in the Tupelo High School graduating class of 2012. Chelsea is shown with her sister, Shelby Batchelor. All Sizes All Price Points Largest Mattress Selection in Southeastern Oklahoma! Johnston Estate Farm Sale Saturday, aturday, May 19, 2012 - 10:00 a.m. 29231CR 1590 – Tupelo, Ok 1 Mile North of Lula to CR 1590 Turn West, ½ mile Equipment TREY ROBERSON — A very happy 2012 Tupelo High School graduate! No Republican Meeting This month The Coal County Republican Party will not be holding its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, May 17. The next scheduled meeting will take place at the Coalgate Public Library on Saturday, June 9, from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. Any questions, please call: Sue Brecheen, 580-927-5706; Larry Eddings, 580-320-2167; Dane Brecheen, 580-927-6666; Deward Strong, 580-310-5008; or Kim Strong, 580-399-6808. Ford 8N Tractor, Massey Ferguson Square Baler Lincoln Welder, Compressor, 9ft Pull Type Batwing Rhino Bush Hog, Seed Spreader, Irrigation Pump, Gopher Terminator Machine, JD Lawn Mower, Kuhn Rotary Mower w/ Dolly, Multi-Sickle Mower, Grain Blower, 2 Homemade Smoker/Grills, Campfire Size Cast Iron Kettle, Multiple Hay Rings, Cattle Panels, Hay Rakes, Irrigation Pipe, 2 Row Planter, 3 Pt. Hook-up Tandem Disc Plow, Rear Hay Spike for Tractor, Massey Ferguson 3pt hook-up Planter, Creep Feeders, Troughs, Post Hole Digger 3pt Hookup,3pt hook-up Slip, Easy Flow Seeder, 3pt hook-up Disc Plow, My-D-Han-D Pick Up Feed Box Miscellaneous 7210 John Deere 110 HP, Low Hours, Front Loader w w/ Hay Spike pike and Bucket 165 Massey Ferguson Diesel Fuel Tanks 265 Massey Ferguson Diesel 6 ft. 566 John Deere Baler Canning Jars, Household furniture and appliances, Quilt, Quilting Material and numerous hand tools For Sale Red Ripe - Hot House Tomatoes to call for orders 580-428-3241 Grain Bin 8ft Rhino Bush Hog D6-B w/ Tilt Blade, Tree Pusher, Good Undercarriage Bill Montin, Auctioneer 580.421.7993 Associate with McKee Real Estate 580.332.3737 Announcement day of sale supersede all previous advertisements. advertisement Property owner and auction service will not be responsible for theft or accidents. www.montinauction.com PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012 Adams Automotive 1005 S. Broadway Coalgate, Ok 580-927-9856 ir t lD l i F Top Soi l Open - Mon. - Fri. • 7:30am to 6:00pm Front Brake Special $7995 includes pads & labor (We Do All Types of Automotive & Transmission Work) we do air conditioning Dozer Work Gravel Hauling Jerry Lemons Cell 580-258-0282 Home 580-428-3166 Martin’s Construction Terry Martin, Owner General Construction Metal, Composition an d Commercial Roofing All Type Painting Privacy Fencing; Home Additions; Asphalt Sealing 30 Years Experience PH: 580-845-2834 CELL: 580-272-4402 COTTONWOOD K-4 GRADUATE TRISTIN TREVATHAN with his mom, Jamaica Trevathan. Tristin was one of 30 K-4 and Headstart students that were awarded diplomas on May 14th. Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Cold Sores, Fever Blisters, Herpes Simplex Type 1 Infection, Major credit cards accepted McAlester Stockyards Market Report Fincher & Son’s Pipe & Steel Tuesday, May 8, 2012 sold 1300 cattle. Steers $8 to $10 Lower with large portion o receipts being plainer Brahma influence. Heifers Steady to $3 Higher. Next OQBN Precon Sale June 19th. “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:21) LIVESTOCK HANDLING EQUIPMENT Steel Barns & Buildings #1 heifers $193 to $245 $151 to $171 $160 to $176 $160 to $175 $158 to $175 $149 to $164 $145 to $164 $136 to $147 $131 to $140 $117 to $132 WE CUSTOM BUILD HEAVY DUTY STEEL CORRAL GATES, CORNER POST AND STREACH POST ATTENTION OCAN COORDINATORS - Don't forget to download your 2x2 ads 250 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. paCKeR COwS $1 TO $2 hIGheR. paCKeR BuLLS $4 LOweR from the OPA Web site this week. high yielding packer bulls sold from ....................$111 to $114 average yielding packer bulls sold to $110 orderCOTTONWOOD Look forfrom...............$107 your insertion with the Ad Name to download. HEADSTART GRADUATE DYLAN Low yielding packer bulls sold from.......................$100 to $106 ACOSTA has his picture taken his mom, Micah high yielding packer(You cows soldwill from receive ....................$91an to $98 insertion order from OPS for the 2x2with ads.) average yielding packer cows sold from .............$87 to $93 Marlow, before he and his classmates line up for the Low yielding packer cows sold from ads ......................$81 $89 placed anywhere in your newspaper. 2x2 maytobe processional. Sale Every Tuesday 5’ x 10’ Portable Corral Panels.................................................................$69.00 ea. 5-1/2 x 12 Heavy Duty Corral Panels.......................................................$119.00 Round bale hay manger...........................................................................$295.00 Hay Rings.................................................................................................$119.00 8’ round bottom trough.............................................................................$119.00 6’ Creep Feeder - 750 Lb Capacity..........................................................$695.00 8’ Creep Feeder - 1 Ton Capacity.............................................................$1,150.00 3-1/2 Ton Bulk Feeder on Wheels............................................................$1,895.00 Self - Catching Head Gate....................................................................... $399.00 7’ x 12’ Steel Cattle Guard....................................................starting at $595.00 7’ x 16’ Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard...............................................$1,075.00 7’ x 16’ Super Heavy Duty Cattle Guard ..............................starting at $1,250.00 FOR ALL YOUR PIPE, STEEL, LIVESTOCK HANDLING, & EQUIPMENT NEEDS CONTACT Fincher & Sons 16 mi. S. of Atoka—Hwy 69 & 75 or Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls Tuesday evening, 6 pm Open 7 DayS/weeK & 24 hOuRS/Day 2 ReCeIVe & CaRe FOR yOuR LIVeSTOCK InVeSTMenT! ALL ZONES 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation (580) 889-2505 usually 2 days max Call me: 580-889-3338 #1 Steers $198 to $279 $180 to $207 $175 to $195 $165 to $179 $159 to $183 $154 to $173 $150 to $180 $142 to $163 $138 to $150 $125 to $134 Family Dentistry & Orthodontics Office hours by appointment Try Puritans Pride-Super Lysine + weight range 225 to 300# 300 to 350# 350 to 400# 400 to 450# 450 to 500# 500 to 550# 550 to 600# 600 to 700# 700 to 750# 800 to 850# MICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. THIS COPY ONLY FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 13, 2012. Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill Lindsey Grant Richard Magby George Tarr Donny Shadwick 918-421-9057 580-889-6049 918-423-4498 918-649-4750 918-548-3478 580-889-1329 918-424-1464 918-655-7754 Ken Sherrill 918-421-0257 Curt Krigbaum 918-650-8013 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Call 580-889-6778 • 580-889-6778 www.fincherandsons.com Come by & say hi and see what we have to offer! OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800-277-0212 or primeinc.com. MOBILE HOME SUPER STORE! Huge discounts offered only at our Tulsa mega store. Check us out at www.tulsa.palmharbor.com. Call for pricing. 800-793-2929 Aarron Johnson Clearance Supervisor. EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800277-0212 or primeinc.com. MOBILE HOME SUPER STORE! Huge discounts offered only at our Tulsa mega store. Check us out at www.tulsa.palmharbor.com. Call for pricing. 800-793-2929 Aarron Johnson Clearance Supervisor. DRIVERS, OWNER OPERATORS, $2,500 Sign-On Bonus, Dedicated Runs, Class-A CDL, Greatcare plan options for: Healthcare, Retirement, Wellness & more. 866-915-3910 driveforgreatwide.com. Text GREATWIDE to 30364 SALES OPPORTUNITY: 80-year-old manufacturer looking for account manager in your area. Earn what you are worth. Factory training provided. Call Jim 800-247-2446 or email jkinning@ wittern.com NEW TO TRUCKING? Your new career starts now! * $0 Tuition Cost * No Credit Check * Great Pay & Benefits. Short employment commitment required. Call: (866) 873-0332. www.joinCRST.com WANTED: LIFE AGENTS • Earn $500 a Day • Great Agent Benefits • Commissions Paid Daily • Complete Training • Leads, No Cold Calls. NO LICENSE NECESSARY TO APPLY. Call 1-888-713-6020. DRIVERS - Flexible hometime, Full or Part-time. Modern Trucks. Local Orientation. Quarterly Safety bonus. Single Source Dispatch. Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-414-9569 www.driveknight.com STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS for HOMES & Garages. Save THOUSANDS, LOW Monthly payments, MAKE OFFER on Clearance Orders 40x60, 30x36, 25x30, 20x22 Call now! 800-991-9251 Nicole. LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS HANK HAS CASH WILL DASH For old guitars, amps, mandolins, ukuleles. Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar cash paid. 40 years in Tulsa. 1-800-525-7273 www.stringswest.com LOOMIX® FEED Supplements is seeking Dealers. Motivated individuals with cattle knowledge and community ties. Contact Bethany @ 800870-0356/becomeadealer@adm.com to find out if there is Dealership opportunity in your area. LIVESTOCK BULLS FOR SALE - 2 yr old Angus, SimAngus, Hereford & Chi-MaineAngus composites. Forage developed, tested & ready for service. Chet Purvine 580-623-3693 www.purvinefarms.com s=s CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 866-579-2843. www. CenturaOnline.com. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad, call Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN051312 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 CAXCA DRIVERS, OWNER OPERATORS, $2,500 Sign-On Bonus, Dedicated Runs, Class-A CDL, Greatcare plan options for: Healthcare, Retirement, Wellness & more. 866-915-3910 driveforgreatwide.com. Text GREATWIDE to 30364 SALES OPPORTUNITY: 80-year-old manufacturer looking for account manager in your area. Earn what you are worth. Factory training provided. Call Jim 800-247-2446 or email jkinning@wittern.com NEW TO TRUCKING? Your new career starts now! * $0 Tuition Cost * No Credit Check * Great Pay & Benefits. Short employment commitment required. Call: (866) 873-0332. www.joinCRST.com Countryside Values Discount Grocery HANK HAS CASH WILL DASH For old guitars, amps, mandolins, ukuleles. Gibson, Fender, “Saving you money in the country” Martin, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar cash paid. 40 years in Tulsa. 1-800-525-7273 www.stringswest.com • Premium Cheese • • Butter • Meats • LOOMIX® FEED Supplements is seeking Dealers. Motivated individuals with cattle knowledge and community ties. Contact Bethany @ Tryfind our line of Amish 800-870-0356/becomeadealer@adm.com to Products: out if there is Dealership opportunity in your Wedding area. • Pickles • • Jams • BULLS FOR SALE - 2 yr old Angus, SimAngus, • Vegetables • Hereford & Chi-Maine-Angus composites. Forage CHARLLEE COUCH loved having her picture taken developed, tested & ready for service. Chet WANTED: LIFE AGENTS • Earn $500 a Day • Hwy 48, Clarita • 9 miles south of Tupelo • (580)428-3547 Purvine 580-623-3693 www.purvinefarms.com with her great-aunt Brown as the Paid Cottonwood GreatTana Agent Benefits • Commissions Daily • Complete Training • Leads, No Cold Calls. NO K-4 and Headstart classes head to the school CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION s=saccept VISA Debit and Access Cards LICENSE NECESSARY TO APPLY. Call 1-888we now 713-6020. gymnasium for their graduation ceremony. OHP Report DRIVERS - Flexible hometime, Full or Part-time. Modern Trucks. Local Orientation. Quarterly Safety bonus. Single Source Dispatch. Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-414-9569 www.driveknight.com LIVESTOCK AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 866-579-2843. www.CenturaOnline.com. STEEL BUILDINGS Traffic Citations BUILDINGS for HOMES & Garages. Save The following STEEL traffic citations issued THOUSANDS, by the LOW Monthly payments, MAKE OFFER on Clearance Orders 40x60, 30x36, STATEWIDE NOW MEETING ONADVERTISE TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS Oklahoma Highway Patrol 25x30, 20x22 Call now! 800-991-9251 Nicole. were filed in Coal County LEGAL SERVICES ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more COALGATE ASSEMBLY OFinformation GOD CHURCH or to place an ad, call Courtni at (405) 499-0035 District Court from Tuesday, or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. ~ Meetings Will Start at 6:30 pm ~ SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. May 8 through SOCIAL Monday, Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No May 14: willDRIS be led by Tisha Wilson 580-258-8925 and Clinton Palmer 580-258-0259 with OCAN051312 Recovery – No Fee.Meetings 1-800-259-8548. Jeffrey Ray Wiggins, Ada, pastoral staff available for free counseling. Pastor Billy Wilson is a licensed Clinical Pastoral FOR MORE INFORMATION ONLinda STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, OK – Speeding. Counselor, and Pastors Wilson and Mary Jo Johnson are licensed counselors. Chayse Jarett Roebuck, CALL 1-888-815-2672 Coalgate, OK – Fail to Tisha has over come destructive habits and long to help you do the same. comply with compulsory We are here to help you be free from destructive habits and move into a fulfilling life. insurance law. Jamie Wayne Lassiter, We invite anyone who feels unloved or alone to come enjoy friendship with others who are Allen, OK – Speeding. having the same problems. WE want YOU TO KNOW THAT Jesus loves you just the way you Denis Hilburn Casey, are today and wants to be your friend. McLoud, OK – Left of center Church phone: 580-92-3020 Pastor Billy’s cell: 580-927-5588 in no passing zone. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012— PAGE A-9 COALGATE HIGH SCHOOL ALL-DISTRICT FOOTBALL PLAYERS — From left (seated) – Colby Lackey, Brandon Long, Chris Welch, Nolan Fanning, Joseph Ward; (standing) – Lance Walker, Chris Klepper, Coach Jeremy Reeder, Dustin Ybarra, and Ty Pate. Coalgate Football Players Receive All District Honors Nine Coalgate High School senior football players have received All-District honors. Wildcat players named to the 2011 All-District Class 2A-4 team include: Nolan Fanning, Offensive Most Valuable Player; Lance Walker, Tight End MVP; Joseph Ward, Wide Receiver MVP; Chris Welch, Linebacker MVP; Brandon Long, Defensive Back MVP; Dustin Ybarra, Running Back, First Team; Ty Pate, co- Defensive Back, First Team; and Chris Klepper, co-Defensive Line, First team. Colby Lackey received AllDistrict honorable mention. In addition to the All-District honors, three players received Daily Oklahoman awards for the 2011 football season. They include: Nolan Fanning: Class 2A Daily Oklahoman All-State Punter, Class 2A All Star By Class Quarterback, Daily Oklahoman Honorable Mention All-State. Brandon Long: Class 2A Daily Oklahoman All-State Defensive Back, Daily Oklahoman Honorable Mention All-State. Lance Walker: Daily Oklahoman Honorable Mention All-State. Plan! #20256B #2894A #2914B #2937A #20197A #20258B #3554A #3555A #20242A #20270A #2831 #2947B #20271B #20289A #2914X #2931 #2946 #2948 #2949 #2958A #2959 #2960 #3540A #3564 #20168A #20211A #20259A #2906A #3574 #13551A #20155A #2922 #2943 #2952 #2953 #3527 #3575 #2722A #2799 #2861 #2865 #2901 #2932 #2935 #2944 #2945 #2956 #3557 #3568 #3573 #3576 #3577 #20288A #2951 #2957 #3565B #3570 #3571 #3572 #3579 #3580 #20252A #20253A #20262A 93 99 00 03 03 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 FORD F350 CHEVROLET TAHOE GMC YUKON LINCOLN LS FORD F150 CHEVOLET TAHOE FORD EXPLORER CHEVROLET 1500 FORD F150 FORD F450 FLEETWOOD EVOLUTION FORD TAURUS FORD EXPLORER FORD FREESTYLE NISSAN PATHFINDER FORD F150 FORD F150 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER TOYOTA TACOMA DODGE RAM 1500 JEEP COMMANDER FORD MUSTANG MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE FORD F150 FORD TAURUS CHEVROLET 1500 DODGE RAM 3500 CHEVROLET MALIBU FORD F150 FORD EDGE CHEVROLET 1500 DODGE RAM 1500 NISSAN SENTRA CHEVROLET SILVERADO LINCOLN MKX FORD FOCUS FORD FUSION PONTIAC G6 FORD FUSION FORD ESCAPE FORD EDGE FORD FUSION CHEVROLET EQUINOX MAZDA 3 FORD F150 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY FORD F150 FORD FOCUS FORD FUSION FORD F150 FORD RANGER FORD FUSION LINCOLN MKZ FORD ESCAPE FORD F150 KIA SORENTO FORD EDGE FORD EXPEDITION FORD EXPEDITION MERCURY MARINER FORD MUSTANG FORD F20 LARIAT HONDA CR-V FORD MUSTANG Take Delivery of a New In Stock Car or Truck and We’ll Buy Your Gas This Summer!* OFFER ENDS 5-22-12 33 MPG! 28 MPG! NEW 2012 FORD FUSION NEW 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT NOW 21,219 NOW 22,767 2.5L 4 CYL., 6 SPEED AUTO, SYNC HANDS FREE COMMUNICATION, REAR SPOILER AND MORE! STOCK #20280 MSRP $24,315 1 $ 2.5L 4 CYL., 6 SPEED AUTO, REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY, SAT RADIO & MORE! STOCK #20175 MSRP $25,695 2 $ 24 MPG! NEW 2013 FORD EXPLORER XLT 3RD ROW SEATING! SYNC VOICE ACTIVATED COMMUNICATIONS, REAR VIEW CAMERA, DUAL ZONE TEMPERATURE CONTROL & MORE! STOCK #20247 MSRP $34,670 2 $ NOW 32,716 26 MPG! NEW 2013 FORD MUSTANG GT 5.0L V 8, 6 SPEED MANUAL, LEATHER, SUPER SLICK! STOCK #20278 MSRP $35,095 2 $ NOW 33,256 1. All rebates applied. Must finance with Ford Motor Credit W/A/C. 2. All rebates applied. 3. All rebates applied. Must finance with Ford Motor Credit. Requires trade in of 95 or newer titled in buyer’s name. See dealer for details. Residency restrictions apply. Tag, tax and license fees extra. *Gas For Summer is a $500 credit applied on a pre-loaded debit card. 25 MPG! NEW 2013 FORD FLEX 7 SEATING! TAKE THE ENTIRE FAMILY! REAR INFLATABLE SEATBELTS & MORE! STOCK #20283 MSRP $32,175 1 $ NOW 29,998 22 MPG! NEW 2013 FORD F150 SUPERCREW XLT ECOBOOST TURBO 6 CYL.! 6 SPEED AUTO, TRAILER TOW PACKAGE, POWER DRIVER SEAT, SAT RADIO & MORE! STOCK #20255 MSRP $36,540 3 $ NOW 29,807 SERVICE. CONVENIENCE. PRICE. www.stutevilleford.com PAGE A-10—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012 ELECT Melvin “HOPPER” JACKSON County Commissioner District 2 An HONEST man for an HONEST job! Paid for by Melvin Jackson Coal County District Court Records Felonies Joe David Muniz — Domestic assault and battery by strangulation; kidnapping. Civil State of Oklahoma ex rel Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle and Parts Commission vs Mike Kaiser – Temporary Injunction Willis Lambert vs Ada Ford-Lincoln-Mercury, Inc., a domestic corporation, and Ken Davis, an individual; Primetime Promotions, Inc. and Greg Hanson, an individual; and U.S. Bank – Money judgment. Small Claims Billy McCarty vs Roy McKeen – Money judgment. Rick’s Oil Co. vs Keystone Construction – Money judgment. Choctaw Nation Housing Authority vs Ricky Robson – Money judgment. Choctaw Nation Housing Authority vs Anita Jones – Money judgment. “From Starter Homes to High End” “most homes built in 90 days” ≈now serving coal county and surrounding areas∆ DANIELLE POGUE gets a big hug from her brother, Damien Boceman, as she gets ready to graduate from Cottonwood Headstart. $3,000 REWARD for the information leading to the return or arrest of the person or persons responsible for a missing 1980 model M-917 American General 20 Ton Dump Truck, 4 axle, 6 wheel drive, olive drab green. Please contact Glenn Payne Hull’s Environmental Service, INC. 580-668-3456 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012— PAGE A-11 Museum Hosts History and Heritage Day Guests enjoying authentic Polish and Italian food at the Coal Miners Museum History and Heritage Day. Paul Jones left, and David Ward look like they are enjoying their meal at the Miners Museum History and Heritage Day. C ENTRAHOMA HIGH SCHOOL REUNION Several Coal County OHCE ladies toured the Miners Museum during the History and Heritage Day event on April 27. From left – Vicky Salmon, Jacqueline Helms, Nelda Ferrero and Frances Brown. Museum board member Helen Allen arrives at the museum with her Italian salad for the History and Heritage Day meal. Hmmm…wonder if Helen came up with a pair of shoes??? Saturday, May 26th 10:00 am till ? Centrahoma Community Center THE CHEFS — Several members of the Coal County Historical and Mining Museum Board of Directors prepared Polish and Italian dishes for the April 27 History and Heritage Day. From left – Cindy Taylor, Helen Allen, Mona Smith, museum curator Mary Smith, and Mary Riley. The Coal County Historical and Mining Museum hosted its first-ever History and Heritage Day on April 27. Guests toured the museum and enjoyed a meal of authentic Polish and Italian food prepared from recipes handed down from early settlers. The event was co-sponsored by Coalgate Masonic Lodge 211. Shown above are Mary Smith, museum curator (front); Virginia Townsend, President, museum Board of Directors; and Masons Jerry Nanney, Jerry Haworth, Lodge Master Scott Wright, and Artie Staggs (back, L-R). Coalgate Police Report Thefts from Vehicles Coalgate Chief of Police Kenny Pebworth said Monday that thieves have been targeting unlocked vehicles. Pebworth stated that he is aware of “two or three different spots” that were hit Saturday night. In one case, a Samsung Galaxy notebook was taken from a vehicle on Post Street. On May 8, a Dish Satellite serviceman reported a Samsun Galaxy notebook was taken from his van while he was at a residence on S. Newell Street. Pebworth advises citizens to keep their vehicles locked at all times. “Do not leave items of value in your vehicle,” he said. “Take them in the Continued on Page A-13 UNI_CNC_M23_OPA_QPBW.indd 3 5/10/12 10:04 AM COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012— PAGE A-12 GARAGE SALES Steel BuildingS Metal Roofing J GARAGE SALE – Sat., May 19th, 8am to noon. Cowley St. behind funeral home. Baby items, car seats, strollers, toys, little girls clothes, household items, hospital bed, washer, ab lounger, 2 full blood border collie male puppies. Carolyn Young & Tanda Smith. Phone 9270401(1t/9) BACK YARD SALE—Fri, May 18th & Sat. May 19th at 1 S. Arno, Coalgate. Table & chairs, Jewelry & beads & more. (1tp9) & M Metal works Residential & Commercial Call Now to Schedule A Free Estimate Mike 918•424•1444 “A business built on honesty, integrity and Christian values.” TiM 405•592•9991 FOR SALE ASSUME PAYMENTS on 4 bed, 2 bath doublewide. If interested call 918-686-0584 w.a.c. (5/18tfn)New Program. $0 down w/ your Land or Family Land. EZ approval by phone. Free 50” Flat Screen. Trade Ins Welcome. Call today 866-764-3200 wac. (3/14tfn) $0 DOWN WITH LAND on new or repo doublewides. Over 30 to choose from. Call 918-686-0584 CONSTRUCTION wac. (5/18tfn) WE ALSO BUILD HOMES Special Gov’t Program!! Zero Down if you own land or have family land. E-Z Qualify! We own the bank! Bad credit OK. VA and FHA financing We build homes and additions. New homes 68 to 78 ft. brick & rock, available 1000 furniture package architecture, shingles, concrete or wood foundation, Argon & Low E with new home purchase. Call for windows, custom cabinets, granite countertops included in price. free approval 888-878-2971 or 405Call us today for Free Estimate. Don’t forget to remind 602-4526. 2x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. your(10/21tfn) classified department ATTENTION NATIVE AMERICAN download the line ads for this week at HOUSING HELP for Modular or www.okpress.com/ocan - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COLUMN Homes. WIDTH Zero down Manufactured with land program. In Muskogee, for details call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) 0 DOWN!! Must liquidate all new and used homes. Will deliver to your land or we will buy you land. FREE Easy qualifying by phone. Call Josh at 918-358-6789. (2/16tfn) ZERO DOWN!! If you own land or have a trade in!! No Minimum credit score required. FREE statewide delivery! Call Americas #1 Homebuilder for approval! #866888-2825 wac. (3/14tfn) Gymnastics & Tumbling Girls & Boys - ages 3 through high school Enrolling Now for Summer at 528 E. Court Street, ”The Standing Rock” in Atoka & “The Flower Garden” in Coalgate www.bigcatsgym.com (580) 258-0356 R.W. CONSTRUCTION ZONE: 1,2,3,4 for week of May 13, 2012 918-470-2148 Be part of a World Class Company Hiring for April Classes Customer Service Reps Paid Training $9.50 per Hour Production Rate $10.50 per Hour Monthly incentives Be part of our Call Center team. Support Inbound Service & Sales calls for Major Telecommunications Company. Minimum Requirements: Type 20 WPM • Ability to Navigate Web • HS Diploma or GED • Proven and Consistent Work History • Excellent Sales Skills Full Company Benefits • Must pass Background Check for more information and directions call (580)272-9200 3700 IRT Drive - Ada, OK 74820 (Take Kerr Lab Road to IRT Drive) eoe Adaresume@callcenter.com Clagg SprayFOAM Insulation It is cool outside right now, but summer will be here soon. Insulate your existing attic, metal building, chicken house, or new building project. Call Joe for a free on site or phone estimate at 918-424-1143 FOR RENT FOR RENT —Nice 3-bdrm house, close to Library & school. 239-2170. (5/2tfn) FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-bdrm houses. 927-9910 or 580-258-8856, cell. (11/24tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT—Furnished & unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 927-3133. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT –– Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—3-bdrm CH/A trailer for rent in Phillips. 239-2170. (5/2tfn) FOR RENT—Two RV Spaces available (electric, water & sewer hookups) in the country. Call 580927-258-0094. (4tp9) WANTED RICK’S TANK TRUCK SERVICES is looking to hire qualified drivers to drive at night for the Calvin area. Yard is located south of Calvin on Hwy 75. You must carry a Class A CDL, be 21-yrs.old, and have at least one-year tank truck driving experience. $16.25 per hour. Average 60-hrs. Benefits available. Please contact Matt 580-399-5608. (tfn) Coalgate Public Schools has an opening for a bus driver for the 20122013 school year. If interested, pick up an application at 2 W. Cedar in Coalgate. (2tc9) WORK WANTED—Lewis Brother’s Lawn Service (Zach & Josh). Mow 5 times & get 1 free. Call us for your lawn needs. 580927-0508 or 580-927-6311. (12tp15) For Sewing Alterations or Ironing call Florine Sanders in Coalgate area. 580-380-3832. References. (4tp11) WORK WANTED—Lawn mowing, weedeating, tree trimming, etc. Call 927-6443 or 927-9139. (4tp12) ATTENTION Interested in selling your oil or gas mineral rights please call 405-203-8055 for further details stonelandllc@gmail.com WANT TO LEASE GrAziNG pASTurE Would like a 1 to 5 year lease Call - pake McEntire 918-625-5281 Contact Lindsey Gaylor for all of your Real Estate needs Maxwell Real Estate 1130 Arlington - Ada, Ok 74820 • 580-927-6120 or 580-332-6482 New Listing-3 bdrm brick on 1 acre on hwy 75. $65,000.00. •3-bdrm, 1-bath energy efficient with CH/A 507 Vincent in Coalgate $65,000. Priced reduced to $59,000. •1 bdrm possibly 2, 1 bath in Stringtown $25,000 R.V. spaces for rent 1 mile N. on Hwy 75. $150 per month (Owner/Agent) Real Estate Land for Sale 299 acres North of the old 43 bait store joins Atoka Lake property. Priced at $1200/acre House on 20 acres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath fram home. 1/2 mile South on College road 5 miles East of Coalgae on Hwy 43. Priced at $125,000. 39 acres, 3 mi. N. of Coalgate on Hwy 75. Priced at $100,000.00. “ Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley E-mail: realestate@pattydingle.com 918-557-5308 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • 400+/-acres of Prime hunting land located on the West side of the Jack Hills. 4 ponds. Creek. Small hunters cabin. Whitetails. Rio Grande Turkey. Some quail. Hogs and other predators. $1400 per acre. Price reduced to $1,250 per acre. Clarita • 710 acres - A recreational paradise. High fenced. Managed deer program since 2006. 2800 sq. ft. home. 3 bedrooms, 3.4 baths. Guest house. 3500 sq. ft. insulated shop building. 7 ponds. 3 seasonal creeks. $1.6 million. • 110 acres - Great hunting lodge. Pecan trees. Pond. Blue river frontage. Meadows. $110,000. • 200 acres - 10 acre lake. New fences. Creek. Scattered Pecan trees. Pens. Electricity. 85% open. $2,000/acre. • 480 acres - 25 acre lake. 75% open. Pens. Electricity. County road frontage. $1750/acre. SOLD MANy MoRE LISTINGS AvAILABLE. PLEASE CHECk oUR WEB SITE foR ALL LISTINGS WITH PICTURES “Handling Coalgate homes....Tom Fritz...580-258-0262” www.pattydingle.com CAXCA to 220 acres 1 mile West of Coalgate on Hwy 3. Good for hunting, cattle, with 2 large ponds and hwy frontage. Metal Building on 2 lots on Frey St. Priced at $29,000.00 For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Sales Associate: Chillie Joe Bills • 580-258-0312 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! www.haneyauction.com COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012— PAGE A-13 Coalgate Gospel Lighthouse Pentecostal Church of God 508 E. Dyer St. Coalgate, OK. 580-927-2156 “A Light In A Dark World” EVERYONE IS WELCOME Come And Enjoy The Light Of Christ Pastor, Delbert White Gospel Singing Every 3rd Saturday Night at 7 pm Coal county 2 X13 -12 PICAS You could have a ‘Pot of Gold’ in the UNCLAIMED PROPERTY FUND It’s your money. Please come get it. COTTONWOOD 8TH GRADE GRADUATES Riley McDonald, Johnathon Reed and Braxton Long, from left, pose for pictures as they wait for their graduation ceremony to begin on May 14. The Class of 2012 included Riley, Johnathon, Braxton and eight girls. ALL NEW NAMES! Search and file a claim online for your unclaimed property. Go to www.treasurer.ok.gov to get started. For all other questions about unclaimed property, call us at 405-521-4273 or visit us at 2401 NW 23rd St., Suite 42, Oklahoma City, OK 73107. COAL COUNTY CENTRAHOMA CHIPMAN BRIAN 2216 FOX GLEN DR JOHNSON RUTH 3169 CHERRY VALLEY CIR MCKAY TERRI 857 BRIDLE RIDGE RD WHITE TAWNYA L P O BOX 97 COALGATE AWBREW PHILLIP B % RR 4 BOX 852 CARROLL RHONDA 107 S ADA CHRISTOPHER JASON RR 4 BOX 2050 HERMAN JEFF F 405 W CLAY LAYTON MARY P O BOX 477 MATTHEWS JUSTA P 602 OHIO AVE PASQUALI JOE 3 E HANOVER AVE PATE PEARL RR 4 BOX 675 PRICE GENEVA 204 LOW STREET PRICE NEIL 204 LOW ST ROBSON THOMAS WILLIAM RR 4 RONALD EILEEN 105 NEWELL ST SMITH EDITH J 406 E PRAIRIE AVE SMITH WILLIAM E 406 E PRAIRIE AVE STILES PAUL E C/O JUANITA STILES WARD CYNTHIA M 107 S DWIGHT ST WASHAM LUCILLE ETHEL UNKNOWN WOOD DEBRA L RR 1 BOX 1650 WOOD WILLIAM D RR 1 BOX 1650 TUPELO BAKER KENNETH PO BOX 72 ERICSSON MARY L RR 1 BOX 98 B GILES DONNA RR 1 BOX 28 LARSON A P O BOX 126 MCFARLAND ASHLEY A RR 1 BOX 51 MCFARLAND CHRISTOPHG RR 1 BOX 51 POSTOAK GARY JAMES 108 PINE ST TOMLINSON ANDREW 315 OLIVE A Message From State Treasurer Ken Miller It’s your money. Please come get it! Please take a few minutes to see if your name is included on this list of all new names to see if you have treasure waiting to be claimed. Oklahoma businesses bring unclaimed cash, rebates, paychecks, royalties, stock and bonds to my office and it’s my job to return the money to the owners and heirs. Our service is always free and there is no time limit on claiming your property! These are just the most recent names we have received. Our on-line database contains thousands of names dating back to 1967. If your name is not on this list, check our website at: www.treasurer.ok.gov GRADUATION TIME! Kacie Gwinn, Abby Cantrell, Mandy Garrison and Brianna Talley were among eleven Cottonwood students who received their 8th grade diplomas on Monday night. All four girls plan to attend Coalgate High School. Coalgate Police Report Continued from Page A-11 house and lock the vehicle.” Juvenile Curfew Now that warm weather is here and school is about to recess for the summer, kids are going to have more time on their hands. Chief Pebworth reminds parents and young people that the City of Coalgate has a loitering ordinance for minors. Under the ordinance, it is unlawful for minors to “loiter, idle, wander, stroll or play in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, parks, playgrounds or other public grounds, public places and public buildings, places of amusement and entertainment, vacant lots or other unsupervised places” from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Parents/guardians of minors who violate the loitering ordinance will be issued a citation that carries a fine of $105. A Reminder to Dog Owners In case you missed the notice in last week’s Police Report about Coalgate’s leash law, here it is again: The City of Coalgate has an ordinance that prohibits dogs from running loose within the city limits. The ordinance states that every dog shall be confined within the owner’s property by either a substantial fence of sufficient strength and height to prevent the dog from escaping from the property or by being secured on the premises by a metal chain or leash strong enough to prevent the dog from escaping. The chain or leash shall be arranged so that the dog will remain on the property when the chain or leash is stretched to full length. A dog may be off the owner’s property if it is under the control of a competent person and restrained by a substantial leash not exceeding six feet in length. Persons violating this ordinance will be issued a dog at large citation, which carries a fine of $90, Pebworth said. If the dog is picked up and taken to the pound, the owner will be charged a pound fee of $10 per day plus a fine. Traffic Citations Sarah Ann Phillips, Atoka, OK – Speeding. Joe Willard Casper, Cassville, MO – No seat belt. James Wade Snow, Atoka, OK – Speeding. Bryan Dewayne Franks, Coalgate, OK – No seat belt. Michael J. Traylor, Phoenixville, PA – Speeding. Robin Kim Muggli, Lane, OK – Speeding. Cameron Matthew Dupree, Homer, OK – Speeding. Debra Machelle Taylor, Coalgate, OK – Speeding. Carl Jeffery Wilson, Valliant, OK – Speeding. Andrew Lewis Mahoney, Hot Springs, AR – Speeding. Tyler Lee Coslow, Lehigh, OK – No seat belt. Jessica Lucia Hamill, Plano, TX – No insurance. Shelby Dawn Wood, Coalgate, OK – No seat belt. Matthew Cayne Hemphill, Coalgate, OK – No driver’s license; taxes due state; no insurance. If you find your name, start your claim online or use the form below. Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned Property The names and addresses contained in this notice are as they were reported by the holder. Information concerning the the names and last-known addresses of the property holders may be obtained by any person possessing an interest in the property by submitting an online claim or addressing an inquiry to the Unclaimed Property Division. The property is in the custody of the State Treasurer and all claims must be directed to the Unclaimed Property Division. You may mail this form to: Unclaimed Property Division • Oklahoma State Treasurer 2401 NW 23rd St., Ste. 42, Oklahoma City, OK 73107 • (405) 521-4273 State law requires that before information may be obtained concerning reported unclaimed property, there must be a valid proven interest in the property. To allow the Unclaimed Property Division to process your inquiry, please send a black & white copy of your driver’s license and provide the following information. Name of listed owner: __________________________________________________ (Exactly as it appears in this publication) SSN/FEI No. of Listed Owner: ____________________________________________ (Not Required but failure to do so might delay claim processing) Your relationship to listed owner: _________________________________________ (i.e., self, spouse, divorced, heir — son, daughter, grandson, etc.) If listed owner is deceased, please check ( ✓) here: _________ Your name: ___________________________________________________________ (Attach a black & white copy of your driver’s license) SSN/FEI No.: _________________________________________________________ (Not Required but failure to do so might delay claim processing) Current Address: ______________________________________________________ (If filing for a business give current business address.) City:__________________________________ State: ___________ Zip:___________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________________ Day time phone number: (__________) ____________________________________ (Area code) __________________________________________________ (Your Signature) _______________ (Date) Our only goal is to reunite property with its true and lawful owner. Upon review of your claim, the Unclaimed Property Division may ask for additional documentation. To save processing time, please attach to your claim copies of any documentation that verifies your relationship to the listed owner. Bobby Hatton Coal County Sheriff June 26, 2012 for a “positive” change in Coal County Paid for by Bobby Hatton PAGE A-14—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012 POSITION AVAILABLE Transportation Director/County Coordinator Coal County This position covers Bryan, Carter, Coal & Love counties, with County Coordinator duties only for Coal County. Must have a Bachelors degree in business administration or a related field from an accredited institution of higher learning and a minimum of two years of administrative experience in social service programs or the equivalent combination of education and/ or experience. As County Coordinator, responsible for promoting a positive image for the agency and acts as liaison with public and private agencies, interest groups, and individuals throughout the county. Represents the agency at public meetings and functions. Responsible for administration of the Transportation Program as outlined in the current Transportation Plan. Secures funds for the operation of the program through grants, contracts and fund raisers. Prepares and secures approval for the budget for operating the program. Must have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. Must have excellent computer skills. Must have a current Oklahoma Drivers License, vehicle liability insurance and a good driving record. Background check and pre-employment drug testing required. Excellent benefits available. Applications may be printed at www.bigfive.org. Submit applications and credentials to Big Five Office, Attn: Human Resources Director, P.O. Box 1577 or 1502 N. 1st Durant OK. 74702 EOE/AA Breger Reunion Held The Annual Breger Reunion was held Saturday, May 12. There were over 90 in attendance. Not everyone signed the register. Those registering were: Linda, Michael and Billy Grant of Coalgate; Justin, Jacob, John and Chloe McBride of Atoka; Sam, Heather, Kolby and Maddie Hiburn, of Claremore; Mary Brown, Anthony Breger, Brenda Breger of Kiowa; Melinda McBride of Atoka; Billy Young of Houston, TX; Teresa Gustason, Shawnda Gray, Breanna Deela, Odessa Deela, Natalie Deela of Coalgate; Carl Breger, Dale Breger of Caney; Rickey (Radar) Floyd of Atoka; Janice Lewis of Ada; Tennie Palmer of Lehigh; Neita Breger, Terri Vaughn, Dewayne Spears of Coalgate; Stormie Chick, Terrance Chick, Monroe Chick, Heather Hood of Ada; Pauline Hunt, Mary Roebuck of Coalgate; Shawn Ward of Ada; Dorthy Roebuck, Chris Breger, Ryne Roebuck of Coalgate; Jerry and Jennifer Lambert of Poteau; Walter Roebuck and family, Cindy Roebuck, Macy Jones, Krista Jones, Brooke Roebuck, Justin Moore of Coalgate; Vince Purcell of Locust Grove; Earnie Dutton, Kathy Dutton of Coalgate; Elwood Purcell of Locust Grove; JoElla Perkins of Coalgate; Geral Archey of Soper; Crystal Dutton, Cheyenne Fritz, Autumn Fritz, Andy Tomlinson, Bill of Tupelo; Bessie and Brandon Purcell of Locust Grove; Debbie and Kaylee Todd of Konawa; Richard Roebuck, Howard and Sharon Davidson; Sarah Claborn & kids of Ada; Sandy Roebuck, Billy Roebuck of Tupelo; Chris & Casey Cook & Kids of Coalgate; Justin, Moriah, Colten West of Elgin; Todd, Stacia, Kristy & Cody Coats of Coalgate; Joe, Kandi, Makenzliegh, Tatum Breger of Perrin, TX; Anita Breger, Jimmy & Jericho Lambert of Coalgate; Kristan Roebuck, Johnny Hanna, Amber Hanna, Eva Laton, Sheri Hanna, Carly Ray, Dylan Ray, Chayse Roebuck of Lehigh. Ray Pebworth Candidate for Coal County Sheriff Has teamed up with Forest Zudell owner and operator of Tornado Shelters of Oklahoma Incorporated to build Coalgate their first community storm shelter. The shelter will accommodate up to 300 people. This shelter is to help keep the community safe and protected during severe weather. 580-279-8156 Free Estimates Royal Construction Carpentry, Painting, Caports, Room Additions, Garage Conversions, Lawn Care, Tree Removal Call: Hope Dennis 580-927-0507 or 580-235-8384 Coalgate, OK “My 30th Year • Auto • Home • Life Protecting Southeastern Oklahoma” • Business Joe Howell Insurance Insuring you since ‘82 114 N. Main • Coalgate, Ok 74538 580-927-3241 http://www/farmersagent.com/jhowell Want to “spruce” up that wardrobe? Come see us at Pizazz! New Inventory Arriving Weekly! Competitive Pricing! Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Custom Contact Lens fitting E Elliott Vision Care All Sizes Jeff Elliott, O.D. 1139 North Hills Centre Ada, OK (580)332-6000 Including Plus Size Jewelry & Purses! Storm Shelters All Concrete 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage 40% OFF Installed Jerry English TOPS! MISS ME 580-927-5493 SALE ITEMS UP TO 30% OFF! General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY 11:00 NOON Weekly Market Report Monday, May 14, 2012 VINTAGE CLOTHING SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 540 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .......$2.05 - $3.00 300 - 400 lb....... $1.90 - $2.12.5 400 - 500 lb....... $1.75 - $2.02.5 500 - 600 lb....... $1.50 - $1.79 600 700 lb........$1.38 - $1.59 Large Sizes in Silver and Large Idol Jeans (14-18; 1x-3x) Call and make your appointment with our beauticians Sue Blaker, and Margie Eldridge h t i W s s e r D z z a z i P r and Family Hair Care Center Owner: Barbara Callicoat 314 E. Court • Atoka, OK 74525 • (580) 889-7704 HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Be friends with us on Facebook! See photos of what’s new on Facebook. HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb .......$2.00 - $2.22.5 300 - 400 lb....... $1.92 - $2.02.5 400 - 500 lb....... $1.50 - $1.75 500 - 600 lb....... $1.40 - $1.61 600 - 700 lb........$1.30 - $1.40 PAIRS $1120-$1750 • STOCKER COWS $960-$1350 • PACKER COWS .82¢-.94¢ LOW DRESSING .72¢-.81¢ • PACKER BULLS $1.05-$1.16 BULLS PER hEAD 950-11350 CALVES • BABY CALVES $250-$400 Owners & Operators Phil & Paula hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 MAY 21ST 30 BLACK COWS - FALL CALVING 45 CROSSBRED COWS WITH 25 CALVES 2-8 YR f o 1 s 9 s a Cl 92 20 YEAR REUNION COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012— PAGE A-15 $0 Down & 0% Financing for 5 Years* A.P.R. It Pays to Own Orange Saturday, May 26, 2012 Family Day 2-4pm at Wintersmith Park Ada, Ok. Please bring kid friendly snack. We will provide drinks. (Class 1992 only) Adult Nite 7:30 to close at Ada Elks Lodge, Ada, Ok. Tickets $20 per person in advance $25 at the door Hors D’oeuvres, DJ & Cash Bar This portion of the reunion is open to anyone who has graduated from Coalgate High. So invite your classmates, the more the merrier. For tickets contact Laurel (Campbell) molini@laurelscampbell@hotmail.com or message her on Facebook. We are hoping for a huge crowd and lots of fun and reminiscing Congratulations LaDonna On Getting Your Masters! You have worked real hard caring for your family, your home, your job and taking out time to work on your our master’s program. It has finally paid off and you graduated Summa Cum Laude (4.0) that is great! We are very proud of you! We love you! ZG227 Pro-quality cuts. Powerful Kubota gasoline engines. Low-rate, long-term financing. The rewards add up with Kubota ZG Series zero-turn mowers. Hurry! Offer ends June 30, 2012. Great Plains Kubota 1212 North Broadway 1212 N. OK Broadway • ADA Ada, 74820 580•332-2333 855-4KUBOTA www.greatplainskubota.com www.kubota.com ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2012 *$0 down, 0% A.P.R. financing for terms up to 60 months on purchases of select new Kubota equipment from available inventory at participating dealers through 6/30/2012. Example: A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Only Kubota and select Kubota performance-matched Land Pride equipment is eligible. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may result in a higher blended A.P.R. Not available for Rental, National Accounts or Governmental customers. 0% A.P.R. and low-rate financing may not be available with customer instant rebate (C.I.R.) offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 6/30/2012. See us for details on these and other low-rate options or go to www.kubota.com for more information. Wilson Cemetery There will be a work-day at the Wilson Cemetery 2 1/2 miles Nor th of Clartia Mom, Dad & the rest of your family May 26th from 9:00 am to till finished. Cairo Cemetry Association We appreciate all coming to help clean the cemetery and hope you stay, eat lunch and visit with your neighbors. Everyone invited. AnnuAl membership meeting & CleAnup dAy may 26, 2012 starting at 10 am. memorial day servcie will be at 11 am. Membership Dues and donations will be accepted. Donations can be sent to Cairo Cemetery Association Route 1 Box 680 Coalgate, Ok. 74538. Cream Can dinner, tea, water, and paper products will be furnished by the association. Bring desserts, salad and whatever else you want to. See you there ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY 11:00 NOON Weekly Market Report Monday, May 14, 2012 SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 540 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .......$2.05 - $3.00 300 - 400 lb....... $1.90 - $2.12.5 400 - 500 lb....... $1.75 - $2.02.5 500 - 600 lb....... $1.50 - $1.79 600 700 lb........$1.38 - $1.59 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb .......$2.00 - $2.22.5 300 - 400 lb....... $1.92 - $2.02.5 400 - 500 lb....... $1.50 - $1.75 500 - 600 lb....... $1.40 - $1.61 600 - 700 lb........$1.30 - $1.40 PAIRS $1120-$1750 • STOCKER COWS $960-$1350 • PACKER COWS .82¢-.94¢ LOW DRESSING .72¢-.81¢ • PACKER BULLS $1.05-$1.16 BULLS PER hEAD 950-11350 CALVES • BABY CALVES $250-$400 Owners & Operators Phil & Paula hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 MAY 21ST 30 BLACK COWS - FALL CALVING 45 CROSSBRED COWS WITH 25 CALVES 2-8 YR Forneris - Ghigo FAMILY REUNION Sunday, May 27th Park Building 11:00 am till 2:30 pm A pot luck lunch will be served at 12:00 Myrtie Rush PAGE A-16—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 16, 2012 Chamber Launches ì Love Your Cityî Clean-Up Program Batteries on Sale Now Full Line of Weather Radios 1500 Hoppe Blvd. Suite 4 Ada Ok We've Got What You’re Looking For! 2012 Chevy Cruze Economical $20,499 2012 Chevy Impala LT $19,599 2012 Chevy Crew Cab Z71 $30,599 ‘10 Honda CRV Leather, Loaded, only 17K, Local Trade CALL 2012 Chevy Malibu LT $16,999 2012 Chevy Crew Cab LT $25,999 2012 Chevy Ext. Cab LT $23,599 ‘04 Chevy Suburban Z71 All Options - Leather ‘06 Dodge 3/4 ton 5.9 Diesel SLT, 2 wheel drive, $18,999 CALL ‘05 Chevy SWB 4x4 ‘02 Infinity G30 $8,999 $7999 iverside R utoplex A ‘11 Chevy Ext. Cab LT, 13K miles Call View All Inventory at www.riversideautoplex.com Bring your check stub & $2000 down & you are approved!!* *must qualify for financing of Holdenville (405)379-5424 3224 Hwy 48 - Holdenville,OK 74848 www.riversideautoplex.com *Must qualify for all rebates. Must have ‘99 or newer GM product trade. *Must be GM employee to qualify for all rebates. *Must be Farm Bureau member. Pictures are for illustration purpose only.**Must meet certain qualifications. Must waive all rebates to qualify for 0%. WE BUY HEAVY DUTYS!!! Submitted by the Coal County Chamber of Commerce “Love Your City” Committee. The Coal County Chamber of Commerce has launched a clean-up program for Coal County towns and communities. It’s called the “Love Your City” program. First impressions contribute to the success of any community. What visitors see, feel and experience as they drive through a community often determines how long they stay at local motels, how much money they spend at shops, restaurants and gas stations, and who they tell about their visit when they return home. The Chamber of Commerce is embarking on the “Love Your City” program to enhance the appearance of each community in Coal County. The program will address how we can improve our first impression of each community; landscaping classes to help us design and create green space; clean-up projects that help address unsightly areas; fund raisers to enable us to do more in each of the communities; and how we can energize and encourage participation from clubs and organizations. This year the program will run for an entire year and will include businesses throughout the area. The program will employ local people and several volunteers to actually do the work. The program consists of trash pickup along city streets and sidewalks and trimming weeds and shrubs from walkways and along buildings. In some cases, it will include mowing small patches of grass growing along walkways and in alleys. The Chamber’s primary goal is to support the businesses and then expand into residences if there is enough interest and support. There is a nominal optin fee when you sign up to help pay expenses. The Chamber’s goal is 100 percent participation from businesses in the area to make a difference and promote commerce. The Chamber you to join us for this project and help us polish the impression people have when they visit Coal County. We need everyone’s input. Our next committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 21, at 10:00 a.m. at the Brandin’ Iron Café. Or call Committee Chairman Rebecca Washburn at 580-9272119 (Chamber office) or 580927-5332 (cell). Trader Day Announced The Chamber is once again sponsoring the annual Trader Day on June 2. On this day, everyone in the county is invited to set up a yard sale for a countywide sale. The City of Coalgate will be waiving all garage sale fees for June 2. Thank You To all our friends and family for the flowers, condolences and many acts of kindness shown during the loss of our brother, Doyle. Everything was appreciated. Kenneth & Leory Keeler&&Families Families Kenneth & Leroy Keeler The Family of William Gray (Bill Franks) would like you to help celebrate Williams’s 80th Birthday ~ June 4th with a card party–––– Please send your cards to: William Gray 30911 S.E. Outer Rd Harrisonville, MO 64701 Coalgate Basketball Camp Sign-up Boys & Girls - Grades 5, 6, 7, & 8 are eligible to participate Sign-up: May 23, 24 & 25 8:30 am to 12:00 noon Cost: $4000 Each camper will receive a camp shirt & basketball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boys & Girls - Grades 2, 3 & 4 are eligible to participate Sign-up: May 23, 24 & 25 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm Cost: $3000 Each camper will receive a camp shirt & basketball You may pickup applications at Emerson Elementary or Wallace Byrd Middle School. For more information contact: Kerwin Manion (927-2351 ext 104) or cell (580-513-0302) Annual LEHIGH REUNION SATURDAY, MAY 26,2012 Lehigh Historical Building Covered Dish Lunch For more information call Gerald 580-927-2399
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