legal notice - Coalgate Record Register
legal notice - Coalgate Record Register
CHOCTAW NATION HONORS VETERANS — Eleven veterans were present for an appreciation luncheon hosted June 20 in Coalgate by Choctaw Nation District 12. Shown above from left (seated) – Veterans Marvin Hampton, Tommy Morgan, Jerry Nanney, Harold Mitchell, Richard Kindig, Leamon Morris; (standing) – Shirley Mantaghi, Choctaw Color Guard; veterans James Harris, Reuben Burge; District 12 Councilman James Frazier; veterans Louis Daniel, Roger McAnally, Noah Burris; and Joseph O’Brien, Choctaw Nation Color Guard. Sitting on the stage are District 12 Princesses Cheyenne McCoy, Little Miss; Neiatha Hardy, Junior Miss; and Raven Ott, Senior Miss. Related story page B-7. COALGATE Volume 129 Number 15 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 RECORD REGISTER Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, JUNE 27, 2012 Coalgate, Tupelo Independence Day Schedules Independence Day Celebrations with fireworks, food and family fun will be held Wednesday, July 4, in Coalgate and Tupelo. Here are the schedules: Coalgate 10:00 a.m. – Political speaking at Shamrock Bank parking lot. Open to all candidates for public office. 10:00 a.m. - Parade lineup on Stacy Street near high school gymnasium. No fee to enter; register during lineup. 11:00 a.m. – Parade in downtown Coalgate. Theme: “Pride in America – Good old red white and blue!” Prizes will be awarded. 12:00 noon – Lunch at Coalgate Park Building. $6 per person. Sponsored by OHCE. 12:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Coalgate swimming pool will be open. 2:00 p.m. – Bingo at the park building sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. If you like good, down-home country, gospel and bluegrass music, the Coalgate Park is the place to be on the 4th of July. The free concert begins at 3:00 p.m. with the following performers: 3:00 p.m. – johnboy’s Country Gospel One Man Band. 4:00 p.m. – Bob Willard and the Cast Iron Bluegrass Band. (A break will be taken from 5:30 to 6:30 for a political speaking, announcements and prize drawing. The political speaking is open to all candidates for public office.) 6:30 p.m. – Yodeling by Olen Bridges. 7:00 p.m. Charity Hensley and Mike Gilliam Country Music. 8:00 p.m. Pake and Stephanie McEntire Country Music. 9:45 p.m. (approximate) – Fireworks display by Coalgate Fire Department. Booth space at the park is available for $10 per booth, Time Change For Volunteer Day At Park Due to the extreme heat that Coal County is currently experiencing, there has been a time change for the Friday, June 29 John Goodall Volunteer Day at the Coalgate Park. Work at the park is now scheduled to begin about 6:00 a.m., instead of 2:00 p.m. as originally announced. But don’t panic. If you don’t relish the thought of getting out of bed at the crack of dawn, that’s okay. While some volunteers have said they plan to be at the park by 6:00, others won’t be there until 8:00 or later. Whatever time you get there (before it gets really hot), there will be plenty to do. If you wait until 2:00 p.m. to show up, it’s doubtful anyone will still be there. In memory of the late John Goodall, the children’s playground will be the focus of the 2012 John Goodall Volunteer Day. Volunteers are needed to help repaint existing equipment, set up new equipment, and spread new gravel over the playground area. If time and help allow, the footbridges in the park will be spruced up with a fresh coat of paint. The City of Coalgate is furnishing the materials. If you can spare some time on Friday, come on down to the Coalgate Park. All help will be greatly appreciated. This is a CHARLENE NELSON was voter number 93 at the VFW precinct City of Coalgate/Coal County on Tuesday. Chamber of Commerce project. $25 for food booths. There is no charge for information booths. All booth space must be paid by Friday, June 29. Anyone who wants a booth or would like to sponsor a game should contact Coalgate City Hall at 927-3914. Volunteers are always needed for games and other activities. Tupelo The annual baseball and softball games will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the ballpark, followed by free watermelon for everyone. A fireworks display by the Tupelo Fire Department will begin about dark. The Tupelo Independence Day Celebration is sponsored by the City of Tupelo and the Tupelo Fire Department. ELECTION RESULTS COAL COUNTY PRIMARY June 26, 2012 (Unofficial Results) DEMOCRATIC BALLOT Coal County Commissioner District 2 Melvin Hopper Jackson 187 32% Johnny D. Ward 392 68% Coal County Sheriff Robert Bobby Roebuck 40 3% Ray Pebworth 480 33% Bobby Hatton 414 28% Bryan Jump 519 36% There will be a runoff primary election between Bryan Jump and Ray Pebworth on August 28. U.S. Representative District 2 Earl E. Everett 214 Rob Wallace 633 Wayne Herriman 493 16% 47% 37% State Representative District 18 Donald A. Condit 717 Carolyn McNatt Hill 672 52% 48% REPUBLICAN BALLOT Corporation Commissioner Bob Anthony 85 Brooks Mitchell 53 62% 38% U.S. Representative District 2 Markwayne Mullin 29 Dustin Rowe 47 George Faught 46 Wayne Pettigrew 6 Dakota Wood 5 Dwayne Thompson 5 21% 34% 33% 4% 4% 4% PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGIST ER—JUNE 27, 2012 man. Hart and Stockton lost all they had, but honor. Two of the soldier sons of New Jersey’s Abraham Clark were captured by the British and so horribly treated – one was locked up in the dungeon of the notorious prison ship Jersey without food or light – that Washington himself wrote in rage and disgust to Gen. Howe. William Ellery of Rhode Island, who marveled that he had seen only “undaunted resolution” in the faces of his co-signers, had his home burned also. Francis Lewis’ Long Island home, too, was looted and gutted, his wife thrown into a damp dark prison cell without a bed. Health ruined, Mrs. Lewis died in two years. Continued on Page A-3 It was sixty-eight years ago this month when the Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy. Wesley Pruden recently wrote an interesting story about that invasion . . . The boys of a distant summer are fading now, unsteady on their feet, many with canes and some on walkers. But when they talk of their longest day, their steps quicken, their eyes grow bright with proud remembrance of duty done. This month some of us remembered their remarkable deeds on a dark June morning 68 years ago, when the earth and time stood still and the greatest armada in history landed on the coast of France. They’re leaving us swiftly now, dying at the rate of 800 every day, the last of the 16 million men who put on the khaki to march to the sound of the guns. Not much notice of the day was taken this year. President Obama forgot to say anything about their heroics and sacrifice. Maybe he was too busy, flying off to Hollywood to crack suggestive smutty jokes about Michelle and Ellen DeGeneres, and collecting campaign cash from a party for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Leadership Council. Even Michelle, who has lately been talking much about helping military families, was busy raising money in New York City and Philadelphia. Homage to sacrificial courage has gone out of fashion in certain circles. The new World War II Memorial on the Mall in Washington, a favorite of veterans, their families and everyone else, is derided for its “triumphalism.” One critic likens it to something Mussolini could have built in Rome. Another sneers at the idea of preserving “the memory of something that ripped up half the planet, killed millions of people and took six years to run its course.” Not so long ago, a triumph of American arms was something for everyone to celebrate. “America hates losers,” Gen. George S. Patton said in the dreary early days of the war when nothing was going right, “and that’s why we’re going to win this war.” Nothing was more important than triumph, and no triumph was more remarkable or more complete than the triumph of the allies on the five invasion beaches of Normandy. More than half of the 5,000 ships and boats in the armada were wooden landing boats, 36 feet 3 inches long and barely armed, constructed of three-quarter inch oak, hickory and pine plywood over a skeleton of Philippine mahogany. They were designed and built by Andrew Higgins, a red-haired Irishman with the body of a heavyweight champ, quick of temper and sharp of tongue, who less than a decade earlier had been building logging boats in New Orleans for the bayous and marshes of coastal Louisiana. Getting these wooden boats, each carrying 36 men, to the beaches was what the day was all about. If the boats failed, the invasion failed. The boats didn’t fail, and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the architect of D-Day, later called Higgins “the man who won the war.” He had fought the Navy for a decade to get his design accepted. With the help of the Marines, whose doctrine of amphibious warfare was based on using “the Higgins boat,” he finally prevailed. But like D-Day, it was a close-run thing. A majority of all the naval vessels afloat at the end of the war were built by Higgins in New Orleans. It’s clear to me, as I finish a book about the remarkable Mr. Higgins, that neither he nor anyone else could succeed today. He cut corners and demolished government paper-pushers to get the job done. When Ike was pressing him for more boats during the run-up to D-Day and there was no place to put finished boats while waiting for a ship to take them to Britain, he took over a street near the boatyard and put them there. There was no time to deal with bureaucrats at city hall. “If anyone objects,” he told his plant superintendent, “just tell them there’s a war on.” (The only person on the street who objected was the madam of a bordello, who said the noise disturbed amours.) Higgins, who had fought his own war with stubborn admirals, was in Chicago when thousands rushed into Michigan Avenue to snap up extra editions of the Chicago newspapers announcing that the liberation of Europe had begun. He dispatched a telegram to be read to the gathered workers in New Orleans: “This is the day for which we have been waiting,” he told them. “Now the work of our hands, our hearts and our heads is being put to the test. We may all be inspired by the news that the first landings on the Continent were made by the Allies in our boats.” What a day to remember. — Washington Times —CC— July 4th is a special day for every American. Sadly, the parades are few and there are not many patriotic gatherings like there used to be in the “good old days.” Pat Buchanan writes that we are living today in unheroic times. Senators are spending our grandchildren’s money and the President wails that no one leader has suffered as he has been made to suffer, and blames every problem on someone else. Contrast this self-indulgence and self-pity with the spirit of the forgotten heroes of 1776, the men who pledged “lives, fortunes and sacred honor” to defend their declaration of Independence. Disaster struck “Honest John” Hart first. Just months after he signed, British and Hessian troops invaded New Jersey, forcing him and his family to flee. His wife did not survive. Broken in health from hiding in barns all winter, Hart went home to find his farm destroyed. Rebuilding proved too great a task. By the spring of 1779, John Hart was dead. New Jersey’s Richard Stockton, suffered a similar fate. After rescuing his wife and children from advancing British troops, he was betrayed by a loyalist, imprisoned, beaten and nearly starved. He returned an invalid to find his home gutted, his library and papers burned. He, too, never recovered, dying in 1781 a broken Sweet Land of Liberty Every Fourth of July, we celebrate the birthday of the United States of America. Concurrently, we celebrate the principals of independence and freedom which help define our country. These principals give us the rights to publicly express opinions, participate in politics and follow our own paths to unlimited happiness and success. This year, as we celebrate with the traditional festivities, lets’s remember how fortunate we are to be Americans and appreciate the luxury of liberty our founding fathers worked so hard to establish. We will be closed Wednesday, July 4, 2012 in observance of Independence Day. We will resume regular business hours Thursday, July 5, 2012. Antlers Atoka 701 S. Mississippi (580) 889-7357 100 N. High St. (580) 298-3368 Hugo Coalgate 714 S. Broadway 1501 E. Jackson St. (580) 927-3555 (580) 326-4958 TH FRIDAY, JUNE 29TH THR THRU U SATURDAY, JULY 7TH, 2012 OF LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED ALL KENMO ORE OFF APPLIANCES ® UP TO SAVE $300 ON THE PAIR STEP UP AND GET:** EACH s%.%2'934!2® qualified for 65% savings in water and 59% energy savings s%XTRARINSEOPTION s&ABRICSOFTENER SELECTOR 33% OFF 34999 EA. Kenmore® white 3.4 cu. ft. capacity top load washer 02620022 Reg. 528.99 ea. Kenmore white 6.0 cu. ft. capacity electric dryer 02660022 Gas dryer priced higher. UP TO SAVE $150 39999 EA. Maytag® 3.4 cu. ft. top load washer 02623742/ MVWC300XW Reg. 549.99 299 higher. Not displayed in all stores. Additional discounts and offers do not apply. ON THE PAIR 39% hometown exclusive OFF 49999 $ EA. Kenmore white 3.6 cu. ft. capacity top load washer 02626002 Reg. 822.99 ea. Kenmore white 7.5 cu. ft. capacity electric dryer 02666002 Gas dryer priced higher. 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With credit approval, for qualifying purchases made on a Sears card (Sears Commercial One® accounts excluded) Sears Home Improvement AccountSM valid on installed sales only. Offer is only valid for consumer accounts in good standing and is subject to change without notice; see store for details. May not be combined with any other promotional offer. SEARS CARDS: As of 5/1/2012, APR for purchases: VARIABLE 7.24%-27.24% or NON-VARIABLE 14.00%-29.99%. MINIMUM INTEREST CHARGE: UP TO $2. See card agreement for details, including the APRs and fees applicable to you. Sears cards are issued by Citibank, N.A. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK: Exclusions apply. See Sears Return Policy for more details. APPLIANCE OFFER: �Kenmore® savings range from 5%-30%. 15% savings range from 5%-15%. Whirlpool brands limited to 10% off. Offers exclude Electrolux, Jenn-Air®, Dacor, Fisher & Paykel, Whirlpool®, KitchenAid®, Maytag, Amana®, Samsung®, LG, steam mops, bags, belts, filters, carpet cleaning chemicals, sewing machines, countertop microwaves, water heaters, water softeners, water filtration, air conditioners, air cleaners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, accessories, closeouts and Everyday Great Price items. Extra 5% off cannot be combined with other Sears card discounts. Excludes Sears Commercial One® accounts and Outlet Stores. Sears Home Improvement AccountSM applies on installed merchandise only. Offers good thru 7/7/12. Colors, connectors, ice maker hook-up and installation extra. †Total capacity. CLEARANCE OFFER: †Reconditioned product is a classification for all products other than new in a box. This condition includes returned product that has been thoroughly tested and certified to operate like new. It also includes floor models and new products out of their original box. Product may have some cosmetic damage. New Full Product warranty still applies. Offer good 6/29 & 6/30/12 only. Excludes consumer electronics. SAVE UP AND GET OFFER: **Among leading brand top-load agitator brand washers 3.5 cu. ft. or less as measured by D.O.E. standards based on a 14-lb. load. Compared to a deep fill top-load washer manufactured before 2004, using the normal cycle. Average use of an 11-year life and 10 loads per week. ADA AVAILABLE AT THIS STORE LOCATION ONLY Owned and Operated by Steve and Bert Lynch 1101 Lonnie Abbott Blvd - Ada, OK 74820 • (580)332-8763 Area Students on OU Honor Roll the College of Engineering are Coalgate—Meredith Kate recognized with a 3.0 or better. Welch Honor roll students who are Stonewall—BoazVandever enrolled full time in at least 12 * credit hours are listed below by Tupelo—Andrew Lynn the hometowns they provided Bray on their records. The names of students who earned a 4.0 (A) grade-point average also are President Honor Roll designates and are indicated by an asterisk. Felonies Logan Darold Reed, Coalgate, OK – Sexual battery. John Cody Chaffin, Atoka, OK – Possession of controlled drug with intent to distribute. Misdemeanors Joseph Daniel Miklaucic, Lehigh, OK – Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs. David Leo Hokett, Bromide, OK – Domestic abuse assault and battery. Logan Darold Reed, Coalgate, OK – Breaking and entering with unlawful intent. John Cody Chaffin, Atoka, OK – Unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. Civil Midland Funding LLC vs Kerry Taylor – Indebtedness. Winford E. Kenyon vs Known and unknown heirs, etc. of Junior Cross aka E.J. Cross, deceased – Quiet title. Divorces Jerry Elvis Stephens vs TERESA LEE casts her ballot in Tuesday’s Primary Election at Stephanie Lea Stephens. the VFW precinct in Coalgate. Students from 215 communities are listed on the University of Oklahoma Norman campus honor roll for the spring 2012 semester. In most colleges, students must earn a minimum 3.5 gradepoint average on a 4.0 scale to be included on the honor roll. Students in the College of Architecture are recognized with a 3.3 or better, and students in Country Comments Continued from Page A-2 Lewis’ son would die in British captivity. Not until 1783 did William Floyd return to Long Island. By then, his wife, too, was dead. His fields had been stripped, his machinery destroyed, his home plundered – used as a barracks. Only days after Lewis Morris of New York signed, British troops ravaged his 2,000-acre estate, butchered his cattle and drove his family off the land. Three of Morris’ sons fought the British. “The time is now at hand, when we shall see whether America has virtue enough to be free,” Josiah Bartlett of New Hampshire had said at Philadelphia. In that summer of ’76, she surely did. When the British seized the New York houses of the wealthy Philip Livingston, he sold off everything else, gave the money to the Revolution and died in 1778. Hearing that George Clymer had signed, the British sent a detachment 20 miles west of Philadelphia to destroy his home. His wife and children fled into the woods. Clymer took his remaining fortune, invested it in Continental dollars, urged fellow merchants to do the same and enlisted to fight as a captain. Arthur Middleton, Edward Rutledge and Thomas Heyward Jr. Went home to South Carolina to fight. In the British invasion of the South, Heyward was wounded and all three were captured. As he rotted on a prison ship in St. Augustine, Heyward’s plantation was raided, buildings burned, and his wife, who witnessed it all, died. Other Southern signers suffered the same fate. Among the first to sign had been John Hancock, who wrote in big, bold script so George III “could read my name without spectacles and could now double his reward for 500 pounds for my head.” If the cause of the revolution commands it, roared Hancock, “Burn Boston and make John Hancock a beggar!” Here were men who believed in a cause far beyond themselves. Consider Ceasar Rodney. Caked with mud after 80 miles of hard riding, Rodney arrived to vote Delaware’s support. Suffering from a face cancer so horrible it had to be hidden behind a scarf, Rodney knew his signature would be his death sentence. His long-planned trip to England, for life-saving surgery, could now never happen. The year peace came, the cancer killed Ceasar Rodney. But perhaps the most inspiring example of that “undaunted resolution” was Thomas Nelson Jr. Returning from Philadelphia to become Governor of Virginia. Nelson joined Washington’s army just outside Yorktown. Observing during that battle that his artillery men were directing fire all over the town, but were being careful to avoid the area where his own beautiful home was located, Nelson asked why they were not firing in that direction. “Out of respect to you, Sir,” came the reply. Nelson stepped forward to the nearest cannon, aimed it at his house and fired. The other guns joined in; his home was destroyed. These stories of what became of the men who defied a king to give birth to a country were lovingly gathered by a great patriot, former Gov. Meldrim Thomson Jr. of New Hampshire. Gov. Thomson put them all in his patriots book, “One Hundred Famous Founders.” As Gov. Thomson relates on his death bed John Adams, most famous of the signers save only Thomas Jefferson, who had taken the presidency from him, was asked to make a toast. “Independence Forever” Adams cried. That was the spirit of the old man, as it had been of the young. He and Jefferson, with whom he had long since reconciled died the same day, July 4, 1826, 50 years to the day they had together cast their vote for American independence. We shall not see their like again. — Pat Buchanan Coal County District Court Records COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012—PAGE A-3 BE for T I F NE Carolyn & Roy Sweeten Lehigh Fire Department June 29th 2:00 - 6:00 Hot Dogs & Hamburgers Bingo at 6:00 (All proceeds go to Roy & Carolyn for medical expenses) Ol Coaly Cafe Daily Lunch Specials Breakfast Coalgate Police Report Traffic Citations The following traffic citations were issued by the Coalgate Police Department from Monday, June 18 through Sunday, June 24: Joseph Daniel Miklaucic, Lehigh OK – Reckless driving (filed in District Court). Rebecca Barnett Wilson, Boswell, OK – Speeding. Michael Aaron Gossett, Choctaw, OK – Speeding. Ruthie Frances Johnson, Lindsay, OK – Permitting unauthorized person to drive motor vehicle. Walter Allen Johnson, Lindsay, OK – DUI; driving under suspension 2nd and subsequent; possession of drug paraphernalia. Blake Patrick Hardin, McAlester, OK – Speeding. Sherrie Lou Wells, Moyers, OK – Speeding. Sharawn D. Hall, Atoka, OK – Speeding. Michael John Juristy, Coalgate, OK – Speeding. Lacie Jane Brewer, Pittsburg, OK – Speeding. Lucas Ray Ridley, Coalgate, OK – Speeding. Theodore Roosevelt Baio, Ada, OK – Speeding. Lacy Leann Hutson, Atoka, OK – Speeding. Lucas Ray Ridley, Coalgate, OK – Permitting unauthorized minor to drive motor vehicle. Jamie Lynn Bozeman, Coalgate, OK – No seat belt. till 10:30am Pancake Special Saturday all you can eat 580-927-9040 till 10:30 am Mon-Sat - 6:30 to 2:00 • Sun. - 7:30 to 2:00 no more. • 50 Different Mattresses • All Sizes • All Prices • We Deliver 123 E. Main • Ada, OK • (580) 436-8265 PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012 Memorial Service Thursday For Darryll Lecroy Memorial service for Darryll Preston Lecroy, a Coal county resident, will be held Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate. Mr. Lecroy was born September 5, 1969 in Oklahoma City to Hollis Wade and Velma Jean (Imoe) Lecroy and passed away June 21, 2012 in Centrahoma at the age of 41. He owned a convenient store. Survivors include his mother, Velma Jean Ward; brothers, Johnny Wade Lecroy and Laura, Noble H. Coslow and Anita and Eric Jameson Coslow and Heather; nephews, Gunner Lecroy, Tyler Coslow, Hunter Coslow Chance Coslow, Rafe Coslow, Ryker Coslow, Daniel West, Noah West, Niklas West, Ryan Roebuck; nieces: Cheyenne Lecroy, Kendra Coslow, Shaylynn Coslow, Kiera Coslow, Kelanie Nimi, Shelby West, Whitney West; along with many cousins, and numerous other relatives. He was preceded in death by his father; stepfather, Leslie Ward; grandparents, Hollis and Mae Lecroy, Rudolph and Viola Imoe and numerous other relatives. Services will be under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate. In lieu of flowers, donation may be made to Brown’s Funeral Service in Coalgate, OK. Service Held For Margaret Hamer Funeral services for Margaret Lucille (Stallcup) Hamer, a Coalgate resident, were held Monday, June 25, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at Cornerstone Praise and Worship Center with Pastor David Unsell officiating. Burial was in McCarty Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Hamer was born June 10, 1930 at Lone Star, OK to William J. Stallcup and Lora Bell Catherine Lucille (Christian) Stallcup Stevens and passed away June 22, 2012 at Coalgate, OK at the age of 82. She attended Lone Star School and married William “Dub” Hamer on June 18, 1949 at Rockwell, TX and was a member of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Survivors include her husband, William “Dub” Hamer of Coalgate; daughters Sandy Duff and Francis Hamer; sons, Tommy Hamer and Billy Hamer; twenty-three grandchildren: Tammy Ellis, Kim Pul- It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’s Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd Coalgate, OK 74538 Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors Service times: Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. If you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment. Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 LPXLP lin, Alex Blankenship, Lora (Tater) Russ, Melissa Burns, Jeanie Willis, Tina Hull, Tommy Hamer II, Jackie Thompson, April Thompson, Billie Kay Airington, Wade (Hamer) Washburn, Joseph Hamer, Lacey Hamer, Timmy Hamer, Karlei Hamer, Shelbi Hamer, Dustin Hamer, Daniel Hamer, Shelby Duncan, Brad Fortenberry, Dusty Fortenberry, Preston Fortenberry; 45 great grandchildren; 18 great-great grandchildren; along with other dear family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; brother Jimmy Lee; sister, Belva; sons, Douglas, David Glen, Linnie Earl; daughter-in-law, Stephaney Dawn Hamer; great grandson, Grayson Harkins; and granddaughter, Margaret Ann Jacobs. Pallbearers were Tommy Hamer II, Marcus Airington, Tony Airington, Josh Cowden, Kenneth Harkins, and Daniel Hamer. Honorary bearers were Joseph Hamer and Dustin Hamer. Oklahoma Highway Patrol Report Traffic Citations The following traffic citations issued by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol were filed in Coal County District Court from Tuesday, June 19 through Monday, June 25: Charles Edward Mayo, McAlester, OK – Inattentive driving resulting in collision. Eric Michael Ulrich, Ada, OK – Speeding. Tonnie Lynn Boone, Broken Bow, OK – Speeding. Carly Ryan Cowart, Ada, OK – Speeding. OHP Looking for Troopers The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is currently accepting applications until August 7, 2012, for the position of state trooper. “It is extremely critical that we get good people to apply,” said Mike Thompson, Commissioner of Public Safety. “Applicants don’t need previous law enforcement experience, they just need to have a willingness to serve the state of Oklahoma,” said Thompson. Minimum requirements include an Associate’s Degree or 62 college credit hours and be between the ages of 23 and 45 with no felony convictions. Uniforms, equipment and take home cars are provided. Oklahoma Highway Patrol Chief Colonel Kerry Pettingill LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 13, 20, 27 & July 4, 2012, 4t) LEGAL NOTICE Jerry and Bonnie Lemons, d/b/a JB Ranch, RR4 Box 993, Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538, has submitted a permit application to the Oklahoma Department of Mines (ODM) to mine shale through the surface mining method on portions of the following parcels of land: A portion of the NW/4 NW/4 of Section 36, Township 1 North, Range 9 East The total permit area, containing 5.0 acres is located in the Coal County U.S.G.S. quadrangle map. The permit site is located approximately 8 miles West of the town of Coalgate on Highway 31 and 1 mile North on Mowdy Road. A copy of this complete permit application is available for public inspection and copying at the Coal County Courthouse in Coalgate, Oklahoma. Upon written request to the Oklahoma Department of Mines, information contained in the permit application may be inspected or copied at the Department of Mines. Any landowner or resident of any occupied dwelling, any public entity or public agency, or any party that may be adversely affected has the right to submit comments or object to the issuance of the permit in writing. An informal conference will be provided if specifically requested in writing. Any written objections or requests for an informal conference on this application must be received no later than 14 days after the final publication of this notice to the OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF THE MINES 2915 N Classen Blvd., Suite 213 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106 encourages women and other minorities to apply. “If you’ve ever considered a career in law enforcement, we hope you’ll consider the Oklahoma Highway Patrol,” said Pettingill. “We have openings throughout the state, including the rural areas around Oklahoma City • Auto • Home • Life • Business and Tulsa.” More details about becoming an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper can be found on the website, including benefits, salary and other requirements. Apply online by visiting the OHP website at www.ohptroopers. com. Has Your Home Insurance Premium Gone Up? Maybe I Can Help. Call For A FREE Quote Joe Howell Insurance Insuring you since ‘82 114 N. Main • Coalgate, Ok 74538 580-927-3241 http://www/ COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012— PAGE A-5 Adams Automotive 1005 S. Broadway Coalgate, Ok 580-927-9856 Open - Mon. - Fri. • 7:30am to 6:00pm Front Brake Special $7995 includes pads & labor (We Do All Types of Automotive & Transmission Work) we do air conditioning COAL COUNTY DEMOCRATIC SHERIFF CANDIDATES Ray Pebworth, Bobby Hatton, Bryan Jump and Robert (Bobby) Roebuck (from left) pose for a picture after speaking at last Friday evening’s Democratic speaking at the Coalgate Park. The Primary Election is now over and done with. Voters have gone to the polls and the votes have been counted — but Coal County will still have to wait awhile before the next sheriff is elected. According to unofficial results (they do not become official until Friday), Bryan Jump received 36% of the votes and Ray Pebworth received 33% of the votes. They will meet in a runoff primary election on August 28. The winner of that race will face republican candidate Jason Lenamond in the November 6 general election. Two Felony Cases Filed In District Court Two felony cases were filed in Coal County District Court over the past week. One of the cases is against a Coalgate man who is facing felony sexual battery and misdemeanor breaking and entering with unlawful intent. According to a probable cause affidavit filed by Coalgate police officer Mark Walker, the alleged victim reported that Logan Darold Reed, 63, entered her residence while she was taking a nap and began making advances toward her and “getting rough with her” despite her protests and telling him to leave. He did not have his shirt or boots on and had an odor of alcohol, she said. The woman said her daughter arrived and began knocking on the locked door, at which time Reed released her but then grabbed her by the wrist and warned her “not to tell anybody.” The woman said she had left the door unlocked for her daughter. She said her daughter asked FOR SALE Full Blood Red & Blue Heeler Puppies Not Registered (Born 5/10/12) 3 to Females - 2 Males your classified department $200 OLUMN WIDTH 580-916-1421 or 580-845-2585 Tupelo Send an Oklahoma veteran to Washington DC Oklahoma’s World War II veterans waited 60 years for a memorial in their honor. We want you to help Oklahoma veterans visit this memorial by making a tax-deductible donation to Oklahoma Honor Flights today. For more information on how to donate, visit • (405) 259-9000 6 S Main St - Coalgate Divine Consign Doors Open Monday thru Friday 10 am to 6 pm Saturday - 10 am to 3 pm why the door was locked and what was going on and then left the room. When she returned to the room, she found her mother standing behind the door, “at which time the victim began crying,” Walker stated. Her daughter then yelled at Reed to leave, she said. “The defendant hesitated for a few seconds, then grabbed his boots” and left, Walker states in his affidavit. Reed has pleaded not guilty to both charges and is scheduled for an August 9 preliminary hearing conference. He was released from custody on a personal recognizance bond with conditions that he have no contact with the alleged victim or her family and attend two AA meetings a week. -- John Cody Chaffin, 24, Atoka, was arrested June 23 shortly before midnight on Coal Creek Road south of Lehigh. Coal County sheriff’s deputy Travis Bourland said he was traveling east on Coal Creek Road about a quarter-mile east of SH 3 when he saw a SUV with a flatbed trailer stopped on the road behind a pickup. He said when he slowed down at the top of a hill, the SUV began moving but came to a stop when Bourland activated his emergency lights. The SUV driver told him he was dropping his buddy off at his truck. He Continued on Page A-6 Ansley Logging, LLC is looking for a Full Time Heavy Equipment Maintenance and Light Mechanic. Must have valid driver’s license to drive service truck. Good salary to be earned. Call 580-298-3380 or 580-513-5394 ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY 11:00 NOON Weekly Market Report Monday, JUNE 25, 2012 SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 882 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .......$1.80 - $2.42.5 300 - 400 lb....... $1.68 - $1.97 400 - 500 lb....... $1.60 - $1.76 500 - 600 lb....... $1.58 - $1.70 600 700 lb........$1.49 - $1.59 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb .......$1.54 - $1.93 300 - 400 lb....... $1.55 - $1.82.5 400 - 500 lb....... $1.44 - $1.62 500 - 600 lb....... $1.40 - $1.57 600 - 700 lb........$1.33 - $1.50 PAIRS $1100-$2000 • STOCKER COWS $950-$1285 • PACKER COWS .80¢-.90¢ LOW DRESSING .65¢-.79¢ • PACKER BULLS $.95-$1.12 BULLS PER hEAD $1400 - 1675 • BABY CALVES $125-$330 Owners & Operators Phil & Paula hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 WE WILL BE CLOSED NEXT MONDAY, JULY 2 FOR THE HOLIDAYS SEE YOU NEXT SALE MONDAY, JULY 9TH 927-3222 Name Brand Clothes at Yard Sale Prices!! 50% Off Huge Selection of Kid's Clothes and Shoes!!! Select Name Brand Clothing Sizes 0-28W Select Men and Women's Shoes!!! “From Starter Homes to High End” ! ! ! y a d o T s t r Sale Sta Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 6/20/2012 Total Head: 975 #1 Steers 249........................................................$230 295........................................................$222 427-435 .......................................$179-$184 465-469 .......................................$177-$186 500-540 .......................................$161-$167 565-598 .......................................$160-$161 626-633 .......................................$162-$166 600-645 .......................................$153-$155 815-843 .......................................$135-$138 “most homes built in 90 days” #1 Heifers 303-330 .................................... $180-$185 350-375 .................................... $171-$177 403-445 .................................... $160-$172 456-475 .................................... $161-$163 504-545 .................................... $150-$158 551-583 .................................... $146-$149 600-640 .................................... $146-$150 724.................................................$137.75 ≈now serving coal county and surrounding areas∆ PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012 Felony Cases Filed Commissioners’ Proceedings Continued from Page A-5 then said he was meeting his buddy to pay him some money he owed him. His buddy, John Chaffin, was sitting in the passenger seat. After further questioning both men, Bourland told them their stories weren’t adding up and asked them to exit the SUV. A female passenger in Chaffin’s pickup was also asked to step out. At that time, Bourland asked the dispatcher to run a check on all three parties and to send another unit to the scene. Deputies Jarel Bailey and Bobby Hatton arrived. The pickup passenger was arrested on an outstanding warrant, and both drivers consented to a search of their vehicles. A plastic lid was found just outside the passenger side door of the SUV. The lid looked out of place, Bourland said, and a further search of the immediate area uncovered a digital scale that appeared to be a match for the plastic lid. Then a small black bag was located across a cattle fence approximately 20 feet from the passenger side door. The black bag contained a plastic bag stuffed with 20 baggies, a glass pipe with burnt white residue inside a pot holder, and two baggies containing a white crystallike substance. The substance in the baggies and on the glass pipe field tested positive for methamphetamine. Both men initially denied knowing anything about the items, but Chaffin eventually admitted they belonged to him. Chaffin made his first court appearance on Monday afternoon without an attorney. The Court entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf and set his preliminary hearing conference for July 17. Come by & say hi and see what we have to offer! Countryside Values Discount Grocery “Saving you money in the country” • Premium Cheese • • Butter • Meats • Try our line of Amish Wedding Products: • Pickles • • Jams • • Vegetables • Hwy 48, Clarita • 9 miles south of Tupelo • (580)428-3547 we now accept VISA Debit and Access Cards CHILD CARE PROVIDER - EXTENDED DAY BIG FIVE HEAD START - COALGATE Must be 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED. Must demonstrate capacity for effectively caring for pre-school aged children and must be free of any communicable diseases and have no criminal record as verified by the OSBI and DHS. Must obtain and maintain First Aide and CPR certification within thirty days of employment. Must have current Oklahoma drivers license, proof of automobile vehicle insurance, and a good driving record is required. Closes 7/5/12 Submit applications at Big Five Office, 1502 N. 1st, or P.O. Box 1577, Durant, OK 74701 EOE/AA TEACHER FOR BIG FIVE 3 YEAR OLD HEAD START-COALGATE Must be 18 years age. Prefer Bachelor’s Degree in early childhood. Associates Degree in Early Childhood is required. Experience in pre-school classroom is required, two years is preferred. Excellent communication skills. Child Development Associate Credential preferred and must be attained within 1 year. No Criminal record as verified by OSBI and DHS. Must have valid Oklahoma driver’s license, vehicle liability insurance and a good driving record. Must be free of communicable diseases. Within 30 days of employment must be Pediatric first aid and CPR certified. Closes 6-2912 Submit applications at Big Five Office, 1502 N. 1st or P.O. Box 1577, Durant, OK. 74701.EOE/AA Summer Fun Rates $129* +Tax SERIOUS INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Medical Malpractive • Defective Products • Industrial Accidents Railroad Accidents Commissioner’s Proceedings may be viewed online at LPXLP Call for Free Consuultation 323 E. Carl Albert Parkway, McAlester, Ok. 423-0421 • 1-800-658-1596 • Indoor Pool • Fitness Center • Pool Table • Full Service Restaurant • Lounge *Includes two breakfast coupons with Two White Water tickets or Two Frontier City tickets. ($89 for room only, including two breakfast coupons.) Only minutes from all Oklahoma City attractions! 2101 S. Meridian, Okla. City, OK 73108 LOCATED 2 MILES SOUTH OF I-40 (405) 685-4000 • (405) 681-3941 (fax) “SUMMER FUN RATE” MUST BE MENTIONED AT TIME OF BOOKING RESERVATION. 4.25x5 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 20 & 27, 2012, 2t) The Coal County Board of Commissioners is accepting six month bids for gravel, hauling, asphalt, road oil, emulsions, grader blades, tank cars and metal and plastic culvert pipe. Bids will cover July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. Bid specifications are available in the County Clerk’s office at 4 North Main, Suite 1 Coalgate, OK 74538. Bid closing date will be July 2, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012— PAGE A-7 Sunday, July 1st, 2012 6:00 pm An Evening of Patriotic Songs The Arnold Family of Very Gifted Children Will Honor God and Country! Coalgate Assembly of God Refreshments Following Star Spangled Event - Friday June 29 - July 4 US Flag Set 59 $ 99 you pay $14.99 After $5 Mail-in Rebate SAVE $40 $99.99 value $ Bubba Keg Mug $ SAVE $4 10’x10’ Pup-up Instant Canopy Canopy Chair SAVE $10 19 $ Meet Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Palmer. Ethan Palmer and Kelsey Hazlewood exchanged wedding vows on Saturday, April 21 with Clinton Palmer officiating. The bride is the daughter of Robert and Nancy Hazlewood of Atoka and the groom is the son of Clinton Palmer of Lehigh and Brenda Workman of Fort Worth, Texas. The couple are making their home in Atoka. 99 SAVE $8 $ 9 5 99 Rubbermaid 48 Qt Cooler One piece fully assembled frame. Durable steel construction. Kids Canopy Chair 9 99 You Pay $19.99 After $10 Mail-in Rebate 99 $ 9 99 J.B.’s Lumber & Ace Home Center 1407 North Country Club Road • Ada, Oklahoma (580)436-3992 Store Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Sat 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m. Children from Pre-K (age 4) through 6th grade are invited to a week of great music, creative teaching, crafts, snacks, wild, crazy and WET recreation as we discover God’s Amazing Wonders together. Pre-Register now by coming by or calling the church office 927-2168 (ask for Monica). Kids can also register at the door. Registration begins at 6pm nightly and VBS runs from 6:30 to 8:15. TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED for every night of VBS VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL at First Baptist Church, Coalgate July 9-13 -- Registration at 6:00 – VBS 6:30-8:00 nightly LPXLP PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012 | ST R I N G TOW N $10,000 CASH EXPLoSion JULY 4-6 // 5PM-8PM, $250 EVErY HALF HoUr JULY 7 // 5PM-8PM, $250 EVErY HALF HoUr 10PM, two winnErS $1,500 EACH gEt HErE EArLY to bE onE oF 100 gUEStS EACH dAY to rECEiVE A FrEE giFt! FridAY // JULY 6 FIREWORKS DISPLAY oUtdoor ConCErt 9PM ConCESSionS And JArEd orr 8PM CoLd bEEr ALL nigHt Long bring a lawn chair. All ages welcome. RECEIVE 100 BONUS ENTRIES IN THE 10K CASH EXPLOSION WITH YOUR CHOCTAW REWARDS CLUB CARD VALID NOW - JULY 7, 2012 VALID AT STRINGTOWN CASINO ONLY OFFER CODE: 7VADZG072RCoalgate1327 One coupon per person. Must be a Choctaw Rewards Club member to participate in all promotions. Choctaw Casino Stringtown reserves all rights. Highway 69 | Stringtown, oK | 580.346.7862 Choctaw Casino Stringtown reserves all rights. See Choctaw Rewards Club for full details. Membership is free. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-522-4700. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012— PAGE B-1 FIREWORKS! June 15 Starting th by Kevin & Kristy Milam Just outside of Coalgate on East Hwy 43 Open Monday - Saturday 9 am- 10pm Sunday 1pm - 10pm (approx.) Come Check Out Our Super Low Prices an enter to win a large and Family Pack! HAPPY CUSTOMERS — These guests took time out from their lunch to smile for the camera on Customer Appreciation Day at Palace Drug. On left are Brandon Ragland (front) and Donovan Garrison. On the right (from front to back) are Cheyenne Garrison, mom Julie Garrison Perry, and Dayton Garrison. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY 8 lb Bag Ice .99¢ 1 coupon per customer THE PALACE DRUG was decorated with bright balloons, beach balls and an ice chest filled with icycold drinks for Customer Appreciation Day. And of course deli manager Jackie Hamilton – who always has a happy smile - added to the summer theme in her colorful shirt and flower leis! WE APPRECIATE OUR CUSTOMERS! Palace Drug hosted a big customer appreciation day on June 20. At last count, the girls behind the deli counter had served over 250 free hot dogs, hot links and smoked sausages – not to mention drinks and chips. Then from 2:00 to 4:00, kids got free sno cones. Just can’t beat a deal like that! Some of the people at the Palace who are always ready to serve you with a smile are shown above. From left (seated) – Cheri Shores, bookkeeper; Jason Farley, Jason’s Barber Shop (located inside the Palace); Tom and Gay Barnett, owners (they showed up for the big event); Holly Gamble, daughter of pharmacist Joe Don Burns; (standing) – Candi Russell, deli; Jackie Hamilton, deli manager/pharmacy tech; Joe Don Burns, pharmacist; Tammie Middleton, pharmacy tech; and Bethany Lee, pharmacy tech. PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012 Lehigh Reunion Enjoyed By Many BRAD AND CHRISTINE FAUDREE His grandfather, Henry, was contractor for the bank building pictured below. AMONG THE FIRST TO ARRIVE AT THE LEHIGH HOMECOMING WERE: David Townsend holding granddaughter Sasha Mackey, Gabbie Mackey, Jeremy Mackey, Darlene Brice, Mary DePasse and Gerald Brice ROBERT AND SUSAN CALVERT OSCAR ENGLISH AND COLIN HEATHCOTT Pictured in front of the old Lehigh Post Office mail cart. COUNTY COMMISSIONER JOHNNY WARD AND MIGUEL COLE PAT LONG DAVIDSON MARTHARENE BRUNER COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012— PAGE B-3 Jason’s BARBER SHOP has moved to a new location at the Palace Drug Store Open Daily - 8am - 6pm Saturday 9am - 1 pm CLOSED SUNDAY Oklahoma Junior High All-Around Champion Cowboy. Sam Ward of Coalgate, OK recently won the title of All-Around Champion Cowboy of the Oklahoma Junior High Rodeo Association. He will now travel to Gallup, NM as part of the Oklahoma National Team to compete at the National Junior High Finals Rodeo this summer. The top four contestants in each rodeo event qualify to compete at Nationals. This year, over 1000 contestants from 42 states, 5 Canadian Provinces and Australia will converge on Gallup to compete for team and individual titles. Sam won the All-Around Championship by winning the state championship in boys’ goat tying, the reserve state championship in tie down calf roping and chute dogging, and by finishing third in the state in ribbon roping with his partner, Kylee Bennet of Crowder, OK. Sam gives a 1 1/2 miles West of Coalgate, Ok on Hwy 31 lot of credit for his calf roping (Follow Signs) NEW DAY success to one of his many rd mentors, Rick McLemore of Southern Gospel, Bluegrass, 3 Gracemont, OK. He also Friday Nite of each month Traditional Country/Gospel credits Dylan Castleberry of 6:00 - 10:00 Tushka, OK for helping him Information Call 580-927-2829 or 927-0861 succeed in the chute-dogNo Drugs or Alcohol Allowed concessions ging event. Sam is the son of Jack and Becky Ward and LEGAL NOTICE the grandson of Jim and Car(Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 13, 20, & 27, 2012, 3t) ol Ward of Pittsburg, OK and IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY Alan and Ann Casey of CoalSTATE OF OKLAHOMA gate, OK. DON ROY SCHMELZER, “The Gospel Barn” Plaintiff, Vs. The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of ROY F. SCHMELZER et. al., Defendants. CV-2012-14 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of ROY F. SCHMELZER, MARY A. SCHMELZER, MARIE KATHERINE HASSETT, DANIEL JAY SCHMELZER and CAROLINE MULLEN, all deceased, and BERNICE SCHMELZER, DAVID MULLEN, TODD MULLER and KIMBERLY MULLEN, if living and if deceased, the known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, devisees, legatees, successors and assigns of such deceased person, GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that on the 12th day of June, 2012, Plaintiff DON ROY SCHMELZER filed suit against you in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2012-14 to quiet title to the following described property in Coal County, Oklahoma, to-wit: An undivided 28.333 mineral acres in and under the S/2 NE/4 NW/4 and the SE/4 NW/4 and S/2 NW/4 NE/4 and N/2 SW/4 NE/4 and SW/4 SW/4 NE/4 and SW/4 NE/4 NE/4 of Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 8 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of said property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiff’s petition. NOW, THEREFORE, you and each of you are further notified that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 25th day of July, 2012, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against you, and establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of the property, all as more particularly set out in his petition. S)Rachel Fuller Court Clerk Trae Gray, OBA #21196 The Law Offices of Trae Gray, PLLC 28 North Main Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538 580-927-2314 Office 580-927-2315 Fax E-mail: Summer’s Here & The Deals are Hot!! 2013 Malibu’s are out and We Got Them! several to choose from No Additional Cruze Rebates 2012 Malibu 2012 Chevy Cruze as low as $16,999 as low as Additional Rebates $500 Farm Bureau $750 USAA $1,000 ‘99 or newer Trade $2,500 for GM Employees $18,999 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 20, 27 & July 4, 2012, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA COALGATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, Plaintiff, vs. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RAILROAD, et. al, Defendants. CV-2012-16 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns of SUE FLOYD and EARL MITCHAM, both deceased, and THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RAILOAD, its successors and/or assigns, GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that on the 13th day of June, 2012, the Plaintiff, COALGATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTICT NO. 1, filed suit against you in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2012-16 to quiet title to the following described property in Coal County, Oklahoma, to-wit: A part of the abandoned Chicago-Rock Island railroad right-of-way in the NW/4 of Section 26, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, described more particularly as follows: Commencing at a point 1022 feet East of the Northwest corner of said Section 26, thence South 600 feet; thence East 674 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N 260 40’ 44” W a distance of 289.10 feet; thence N 040 43’ 16” W, 334.1 feet to the North boundary of said Section 26; thence East a distance of 100 feet; thence Southeasterly along the West line of Highland Heights Addition to the City of Coalgate to a point 100 feet East of the point of beginning; thence West 100 feet to the point of beginning; and the surface of Lots 8 and 9 in Block 2, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 46 and 47 in Block 5, Lots 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 49, 50 and 59 of Block 6, Lots 20 through 42, inclusive, in Block 9, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 106, 107 and 108 in Block 10, all in Highland Heights Addition to City o Coalgate, Coal County, Oklahoma, and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of said property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiff’s petition. NOW, THEREFORE, you and each of you are further notified that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 2nd day of August, 2012, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against you, and establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of the property, all as more particularly set out in the petition. Rachel Fuller, Court Clerk S)Cheryl Hobgood Deputy Trae Gray OBA #21196 The Law Offices of Trae Gray, PLLC 28 North Main, Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538 580-927-2314 Office 580-927-2315 Fax E-mail: LPXLP 2012 Chevy Crew 4x4 as low as 2012 Chevy Crew Cab $31,744 GMC 1 Ton Dually 4x4 Duramax ‘10 Chevy 1 ton 4x4 Duramax Leather, loaded, B&W Hitch only 25K miles as low as $28,835 Yeah, We Got ‘em ‘12 Dodge 3/4 T Crew Diesel ‘11 Dodge Nitro RT ‘07 Chevy Ext cab Z71 4x4 20” Wheels, Local Trade CA LL SLT, Save Thousands CA LL CA LL $17,999 ‘11 Chevy Crew Cab 4x4 3/4 T ‘12 Honda CRV 6.0 Gas, One Owner Leather, all options, only 11K miles ‘10 Ford F-150 Crew Cab FX4 ‘09 Dodge Crew Cab 4x4 SLT CA LL CA LL CA LL $17,999 iverside R utoplex A Leather Loaded, One Owner Local Trade, Lt Cloth Big Horn Edition Low Miles View All Inventory at Financing Got Turned Down? Don’t give up, we have financing for you! of Holdenville (405)379-5424 3224 Hwy 48 - Holdenville,OK 74848 *Must qualify for all rebates. Pictures are for illustration purpose only.**Must meet certain qualifications. Must waive all rebates to qualify for 0%. WE BUY HEAVY DUTYS!!! PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012 Protect your eyes with a good pair of sunglasses. Come check out our selection. E Elliott Vision Care Jeff Elliott, O.D. 1139 North Hills Centre Ada, OK (580)332-6000 Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Cold Sores, Fever Blisters, Herpes Simplex Type 1 Infection, Try Puritans Pride-Super Lysine + usually 2 days max Call me: 580-889-3338 C ommerce F inance $ It doesn't matter $ if you owe others $ Call Collect for $ Phone Applications 580-436-4123 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Martin’s Construction Terry Martin, Owner General Construction Metal, Composition an d Commercial Roofing All Type Painting Privacy Fencing; Home Additions; Asphalt Sealing 30 Years Experience PH: 580-845-2834 CELL: 580-272-4402 McAlester Stockyards Market Report Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 sold 2300 cattle. Steers $2 to $7 Lower. Heifers $2 to $6 Lower. McAlester Stockyards will be closed Tuesday July 3rd for the Fourth of July Holiday. We would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday! “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.”(John 10:1) weight range #1 Steers #1 heifers 225 to 300# $198 to $226 $193 to $198 300 to 350# $189 to $220 $178 to $190 350 to 400# $182 to $197 $166 to $179 400 to 450# $172 to $185 $158 to $170 450 to 500# $161 to $177 $149 to $163 500 to 550# $158 to $172 $148 to $162 550 to 600# $158 to $170 $143 to $156 600 to 700# $142 to $162 $131 to $155 700 to 750# $138 to $148 $128 to $140 800 to 850# $134 to $139 $118 to $130 410 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. paCKeR COwS $1 TO $4 hIGheR. paCKeR BuLLS STeaDy high yielding packer bulls sold from .....................$110 to $117 average yielding packer bulls sold from................$106 to $109 Low yielding packer bulls sold from........................$99 to $104 high yielding packer cows sold from ....................$81 to $94 average yielding packer cows sold from .............$77 to $90 Low yielding packer cows sold from .....................$72 to $86 Sale Every Tuesday Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls Tuesday evening, 6 pm Open 7 DayS/weeK & 24 hOuRS/Day 2 ReCeIVe & CaRe FOR yOuR LIVeSTOCK InVeSTMenT! Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill Lindsey Grant Richard Magby George Tarr Donny Shadwick 918-421-9057 580-889-6049 918-423-4498 918-649-4750 918-548-3478 580-889-1329 918-424-1464 918-655-7754 Ken Sherrill 918-421-0257 Curt Krigbaum 918-650-8013 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! SHAMROCK BANK PAYS FOR A’S — Shamrock Bank hosted a Pays for A’s and End-of-School Splash at the Coalgate swimming pool on June 8 – which, of course, suited the kids to a “T.” The winners, shown above from left with bank president Guy Sims and employee Beth Brown, included (front) - Donald Johnston, Jesse Arcos; (back) - William Schmidt, Steven Lynch, and Journey Holt. The winners received towels with the Shamrock logo, oversized beach balls and Shamrock totes. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 27, July 4 & 11, 2012, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA WINFORD E. KENYON, Plaintiff, vs. The known and unknown heirs beneficiaries administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of JUNIOR CROSS a/k/a E. J. CROSS, deceased, Defendants. CV-2012-18 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of JUNIOR CROSS a/k/a E. J. CROSS, deceased, GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that on the 25th day of June, 2012, Plaintiff Winford E. Kenyon filed suit against you in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2012-18 to quiet title to the following described property in Coal County, Oklahoma, to-wit: Lot 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 53 in the town of Centrahoma, Coal County, Oklahoma. and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of said property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiff’s petition. NOW, THEREFORE, you and each of you are further notified that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 9th day of August, 2012, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against you, and establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of the property, all as more particularly set out in his petition. Rachel Fuller Court Clerk S)Michelle Lampkin Deputy Trae Gray OBA #21196 The Law Offices of Trae Gray, PLLC 28 North Main Coalgate, Oklahoma 580-927-2314 Office 580-927-2315 Fax E-mail: NOW MEETING ON TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS COALGATE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH ~ Meetings Will Start at 6:30 pm ~ Meetings will be led by Tisha Wilson 580-258-8925 and Clinton Palmer 580-258-0259 with pastoral staff available for free counseling. Pastor Billy Wilson is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, and Pastors Linda Wilson and Mary Jo Johnson are licensed counselors. Tisha has over come destructive habits and long to help you do the same. We are here to help you be free from destructive habits and move into a fulfilling life. We invite anyone who feels unloved or alone to come enjoy friendship with others who are having the same problems. WE want YOU TO KNOW THAT Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to be your friend. Church phone: 580-92-3020 LPXLP Pastor Billy’s cell: 580-927-5588 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 13, 20 & 27, 2012, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA In the Matter of the Determination of Death and Heirship of Leona Marie (Burris) Murphy, Fullblood Choctaw/Chickasaw, NE (PGF 654, PGM 10716; MGF 2441; MGM 2423), Deceased. PB-2012-5 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The unknown successors, claimants and unknown heirs of Leona Marie (Burris) Murphy, deceased. You have been sued by Petition alleging that Leona Marie (Burris) Murphy, died intestate on or about the 18th day of June, 2000, a resident of Coal in County, State of Oklahoma, seized of an estate of restricted property, more particularly described in the Petition on file herein and any other property which decedent may have owned in a restricted status. The petition further alleges that there has been no administration of the estate of Leona Marie (Burris) Murphy, deceased; decedent’s heirs have not been determined; this Court has jurisdiction of said matter; petitioner seeks determination of the death and heirship of Leona Marie (Burris) Murphy, deceased. This matter is set for hearing in the District Court, in Coal County, Coalgate, Oklahoma on the 26th day of July, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., and all unknown successors and heirs of said decedent are directed to answer at said time and submit to this Court any evidence that is competent to establish heirship of said decedent, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly. S)Richard E. Branam Judge of the District Court S)Niki Lindsey Niki Lindsey, OBA #19344 Oklahoma Indian Legal Services, Inc. P.O. Box 2600 Ada, OK 74821-2600 T: (580) 272-0038 F: (580) 272-0665 Attorney for Petitioner LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 20 & 27, 2012, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA In the Matter of the Estate of: Karen G. Spiekerman, Deceased. PB-2012-9 COMBINED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE OF HEARING TO: All persons interested in the Estate of Karen G. Spiekerman (a/k/a Karen Kay Spiekerman), Deceased: You are hereby notified that the Petitioner, Roger T. Spiekerman, 40799 Ingraham Avenue, Emerson, Iowa 51533, filed in the District Court of Coal County, a Petition for Summary Administration. The Petitioner has alleged that Karen G. Spiekerman, age 74, died testate on November 14, 2011, domiciled and residing in Tupelo, Coal County Oklahoma, and that the total value of the Decedent’s property in Oklahoma is less than $175,000.00. In an Order for Combined Notice entered on June 14, 2012 the Court found that it should dispense with the regular Estate proceedings prescribed by law, appoint a Special Administrator, order Notice to Creditors, and issue an Order for Hearing upon the Petition for Summary Administration, the Final Accounting and Petition for Determination of Heirs, Legatees, Devisees and Distribution. Pursuant to the Order for Combined Notice, all creditors having claims against Karen G. Spiekerman are required to present the same, with a description of all security interest and other collateral, if any, held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to the Petitioner, Roger T. Spiekerman, C/O Lori Jackson, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 117, Ada, Oklahoma 74821-0117, on or before the presentment date of July 20, 2012, or the same will be forever barred. The claim of any creditor not shown in the Petition will be barred unless the claim is presented to the Special Administrator on or before the presentment date. Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held on August 30, 2012, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at the Coal County Courthouse, Coalgate, Oklahoma, before the Judge of the District Court. At the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Petition for Summary Administration, the Final Accounting, and Petition for Determination of Heirs, Legatees, Devisees and Distribution of the Estate of the Petitioners. The Final Accounting and Petition for Determination of Heirs, Legatees, Devisees and Distribution will be filed herein on or before July 27, 2012. You are hereby advised that you must file objections to the Petition for Summary Administration, the Final Accounting and Petition for Determination of Heirs, Legatees, Devisees and Distribution at least ten (10) days before the hearing and send a copy to the Petitioner’s attorney, Lori Jackson, P.O. Box 117, Ada, Oklahoma 74821-0117, or you will be deemed to have waived any objections. If you have no objections, you need not appear at the hearing nor make any filings with the Court. If an objection is filed at least ten (10) days before the hearing, the Court will determine at the hearing that the Decedent died testate, whether Summary Administration is appropriate and, if so, where the Estate will be distributed and to whom the Estate will be distributed. S)Lori Jackson Lori Jackson, OBA #16678 108 E. 12th Street, P.O. Box 117 Ada, OK 74821-0117 580-332-6965 (telephone) 580-332-3570 (facsimile) Attorney for Petitioner COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012— PAGE B-5 —Photo submitted COALGATE MASONIC LODGE 211 presents a check for $2,000 to the Roebuck family for the Bill Roebuck Memorial Scholarship Fund. The check represents proceeds from a Roebuck family fundraiser lunch that was co-sponsored by Lodge 211. All proceeds raised for the Bill Roebuck Memorial Scholarship Fund go toward 4-H and FFA agricultural scholarships. Shown from left (front) – Masons Jerry Nanney, Artie Staggs, Frank Strickland, and Lodge Master Scott Wright (presenting the check to Mary Roebuck); (back) - Cindy Roebuck, Walter Roebuck, Brooke Roebuck, and Justin Moore. Charity Holder Receives Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Degree Charity Holder, of Coalgate, graduated from the Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences in Tulsa with a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine on Friday, May 18th, 2012. A 2004 graduate of Coalgate High School, Holder is the daughter of James and Pati Holder, granddaughter of Herman and Joyce Rogers and Delbert and Leona Holder, and sister of Brenda Trevathen, Melinda Bradshaw, James Dewayne Holder, Robbie Weathers, Sammie Overcashier and Stephanie Randolf. She at- tended Coalgate Schools for 13 years, East Central University graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree and four year at OSUCOM. She will complete her residency in family medicine at Durant Family Medicine Clinic and plans to return to Coalgate to open her practice. Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences in Tulsa offers programs in osteopathic medicine, biomedical sciences and forensic sciences. Since its beginnings more than 30 years ago, OSU-CHS has Free Estimates Royal Construction grown to offer eight graduate degrees. On-campus programs, distance learning and OSU partnerships train osteopathic physicians, research scientists and health care professionals with an emphasis on serving rural and underserved Oklahoma. Carpentry, Painting, Caports, Room Additions, Garage Conversions, Lawn Care, Tree Removal Coalgate, OK Call: Hope Dennis 580-927-0507 or 580-235-8384 Want to add some “Pizazz” in your life – Come see us... New Inventory Arriving Weekly! Competitive Pricing! 't forget to download your 2x2 ads e this week. e Ad Name to download. om OPS for the 2x2 ads.) e in your newspaper. Jewelry, Purses, Caps and Summer Flip Flops! WEEK OF JUNE 24, 2012. Business Hours 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Business Hours 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED s=s CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800277-0212 or AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. DRIVERS - OWNER OPERATORS. $2,500 Sign-On Bonus. Dedicated Runs. Class-A CDL. Greatprice fuel-discount program. Lease Purchase Program w/Down Payment Assistance. 866-9153910. DRIVERS – New Freight lanes in your area. Annual Salary $45K to $60K. Flexible hometime. Modern fleet of trucks. CDL-A, 3 months current OTR experience. 800-414-9569. www.driveknight. com LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS MISCELLANEOUS HAPPY JACK® DuraSpot: Latest technology in flea, tick, mosquito & mite control on dogs. Patented. At farm, feed & hardware stores. Distributed by Statewide Service 405-826-9394. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 866-579-2843. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS Perfect for Homes & Garages. Lowest Prices, Make Offer and LOW Monthly Payment on remaining cancelled orders. 20x24, 25x30, 30x44, 35x60. CALL 1-800-9919251 Nicole. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad, call Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN062412 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 40% OFF MISS ME TOPS! All Sizes Including Plus Size LOTS OF NEW SALE ITEMS! VINTAGE CLOTHING Capris & Shorts! Dress With Pizazz and Family Hair Care Center Owner: Barbara Callicoat 314 E. Court • Atoka, OK 74525 • (580) 889-7704 HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Be friends with us on Facebook! See photos of what’s new on Facebook. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012— PAGE B-6 Call: 580-889-6778 or 800- 889-6778 Custom Built Corral and Pasture Gates Metal Buildings 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) Special Gov’t Program!! Zero Down if you own land or have family land. E-Z Qualify! We own the bank! Bad credit OK. VA and FHA financing available 1000 furniture package with new home purchase. Call for free approval 888-878-2971 or 405-6024526. (10/21tfn) ATTENTION NATIVE AMERICAN HOUSING HELP for Modular or Manufactured Homes. Zero down with land program. In Muskogee, for details call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) FEDERAL RECOVERY for Landowners. Zero down and low payments. Easy qualifying. Well and Septic are available. Will remove or trade for existing homes. Call Heath @ 918-576-3696 for your approval. wac (6/6tfn) ZERO DOWN!! If you own land or have a trade in!! No Minimum credit score required. FREE statewide delivery! Call Americas #1 Homebuilder for approval! #866888-2825 wac. (3/14tfn) FOR SALE—Full-blood red and blue heeler puppies. Not registered. Born May 10, 2012. Three females and two males. $200 each in Tupelo. 580-916-1421 or 580-845-2585 in Tupelo. (2tc16) FOR ALL YOUR PIPE, STEEL, LIVESTOCK HANDLING, & EQUIPMENT NEEDS CONTACT FOR RENT GARAGE SALES 4-FAMILY YARD SALE— Fri. & Sat. 8 til ? 101 East 10th Street, Lehigh. Men, women, girls & boys clothes, shoes, toys, and misc. No early birds. (1tp15) FOR SALE $0 DOWN WITH LAND on new or repo doublewides. Over 30 to choose from. Call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) WANTED: $You don’t have to be rich$ to get our homes. A DEED is all you need! NO LAND: (? DON’T CRY! We’ll get you some! Low down payments. Wac 405-631-3200. (5/30tfn) ASSUME PAYMENTS on 4 bed, 2 bath doublewide. If interested call James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 J & N Construction General Construction Custom Steel Buildings, Metal Roofs Free Estimates Route 5 Box 445 Coalgate, OK 74538 Fincher & Son’s Pipe & Steel 16 Mi. South of Atoka, Hwy. 69 & 75 ALL TYPES OF METAL FABRICATION 24’ x 30 x 10’ all steel barn w/10’ framed opening .....................$5,295.00 30’ x 60’ x 10’ steel barn w/10’ framed opening .........................$10,595.00 40’ x 60’ x 10’ steel barn w/10’ framed opening..........................$12,995.00 5-1/2 x 12 Heavy Duty Corral Panels..........................................$119.00ea. Self-Catching Head Gate............................................................$399.00 6’ Creep Feeder - 850 Lb Capacity.............................................$695.00 8’ Creep Feeder - 1 Ton Capacity...............................................$1,150.00 3-1/2 Ton Bulk Feeder on Wheels...............................................$1,895.00 7’ x 12’ Steel Cattle Guard.........................................starting at.....$595.00 7’ x 16’ Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard..................................$1,075.00 7’ x 16’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard ...starting at.......$1,250.00 7’ x 20’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard.......................$1,875.00 Colored Sheets, Doors, and Concrete Additional Charge Visit our website ir t D l l Fi Top Soi l Dozer Work Gravel Hauling Jerry Lemons Cell 580-258-0282 Home 580-428-3166 MICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted ATTENTION Interested in selling your oil or gas mineral rights please call 405-203-8055 for further details “ FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-bdrm houses. 927-9910 or 580-258-8856, cell. (11/24tfn) FOR RENT–– 2 bdrm apartment in country, water paid. Also for rent 3 bdrm. House by the hospital. 580258-8856 (5/10tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT—Furnished & unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 927-3133. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT –– Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—2-bdrm, apartment in country. Water paid. Also 3-bdrm house by hospital for rent. 580-2588856. (5/30tfn) FOR RENT—4-bdrm, 2-bath house in the country, 8 miles West of Coalgate. $600 per month. 927-6968. (6/6tfn) TIRED OF PAYING HIGH RENT? Try us! We have central heat and air, furnish icebox and stove. Some utilities paid. Apartments for rent in Levy and Cary Annex. Apply at the Coalgate Housing Authority office at 51 Levy Annex to pick up an application. Phone 580-927-2575. (6/13tfn) FOR RENT—1-bdrm apts, stove, refrigerator, CH/A, 3 walk-in storm shelters, water, sewer & garbage paid. Laundry facility on property. Handicap accessible apts. Available. At least 62 years of age may apply at Louis Sandmann Senior Housing, 1201 Cedar Way, west of Coalgate Football Field, 580-927-2781. Office hours, M-F 9:00 – 1:00. (4tc17) WANTED RICK’S TANK TRUCK SERVICES is looking to hire qualified drivers to drive at night for the Calvin area. Yard is located south of Calvin on Hwy 75. You must carry a Class A CDL, be 21-yrs.old, and have at least one-year tank truck driving experience. $16.25 per hour. Average 60-hrs. Benefits available. Please contact Matt 580399-5608. (tfn) HILLTOP HEALTH CARE is seeking a full time RN/LPN to work Monday – Friday 8 to 4:30. Paid holidays, competitive wages, mileage and benefits. Contact Vickie at 580332-1892. (4tc17) IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS with great benefits. Job training, 100% Tuition paid. Healthcare benefits. Monthly paycheck, Serve your Country. Stay Local. Call or text Shannon Barnes @ 405-8507685. (8tc19) HELP WANTED—M & M Supplies has secretarial position opening. Need to have general office and computer skills. Apply at M & M Supplies at 5 W. Hanover in Coalgate. (2tc16) WORK WANTED—Lewis Brother’s Lawn Service (Zach & Josh). Mow 5 times & get 1 free. Call us for your lawn needs. 580-927-0508 or 580927-6311. (12tp15) Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley E-mail: 918-557-5308 Metal and Framing 902 Arlington Center - PMB170 Ada, OK. 84538 Office: 580-456-7174 Fax: 580-456-7774 Cell: 580-399-8335 or 580-320-7292 Storm Shelters All Concrete 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage Installed Jerry English 580-927-5493 General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems WANT TO LEASE GrAziNG pASTurE Would like a 1 to 5 year lease Call - pake McEntire 918-625-5281 Contact Lindsey Gaylor for all of your Real Estate needs Maxwell Real Estate 1130 Arlington - Ada, Ok 74820 580-927-6120 or 580-332-6482 New Listing-3 bdrm 1.5 bath brick on 1 acre 3 miles North on hwy 75. $58,000.00. Real Estate Land for Sale NEWE LISTING - 806 S. Bayard, 1680 sq ft frame home with 3 bedroom, 1 3/4 bath 30x30 all metal shop, 4 car carport, RV carport & fenced yard. Priced at $115,000. NEW LISTING - 7 N. Orray, 516 sq ft frame home with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, super nice, extra low utilities & 2 car metal carport . Priced at $58,000. NEW LISTING - Onley, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brickhome on 4 acres with in closed garage, horse barn & round pen right on the black top. Priced at $68,000. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom, 1 bath frame home with detached metal carport, storage building, very clean and extra nice, recently remolded on 2 lots. 4 South Veterans Drive. Priced and $89,000. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on the corner of Covington & Hanover. Priced at $30,000. House on 20 acres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath frame home. 1/2 mile South on College road 5 miles East of Coalgate on Hwy 43. Priced at $125,000. 39 acres, 3 mi. N. of Coalgate on Hwy 75. Priced at $100,000.00. 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • 400+/-acres of Prime hunting land located on the West side of the Jack Hills. 4 ponds. Creek. Small hunters cabin. Whitetails. Rio Grande Turkey. Some quail. Hogs and other predators. $1400 per acre. Price reduced to $1,250 per acre. Clarita • 710 acres - A recreational paradise. High fenced. Managed deer program since 2006. 2800 sq. ft. home. 3 bedrooms, 3.4 baths. Guest house. 3500 sq. ft. insulated shop building. 7 ponds. 3 seasonal creeks. $1.6 million. • 110 acres - Great hunting lodge. Pecan trees. Pond. Blue river frontage. Meadows. $110,000. • 200 acres - 10 acre lake. New fences. Creek. Scattered Pecan trees. Pens. Electricity. 85% open. $2,000/acre. • 480 acres - 25 acre lake. 75% open. Pens. Electricity. County road frontage. $1750/acre. SOLD MANy MoRE LISTINGS AvAILABLE. PLEASE CHECk oUR WEB SITE foR ALL LISTINGS WITH PICTURES “Handling Coalgate homes....Tom Fritz...580-258-0262” CAXCA UNDER CONSTRUCTION, LLC 220 acres 1 mile West of Coalgate on Hwy 3. Good for hunting, cattle, with 2 large ponds and Hwy frontage. Metal Building on 2 lots on Frey St. Priced at $29,000.00 For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Sales Associate: Chillie Joe Bills • 580-258-0312 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! Choctaw Nation District 12 Honors Veterans COALGATE POOL Swimming Lessons Begin th ••••••••••••• 2nd SeSSion July 23rd - auguSt 3rd for Beginners & Advanced Call Coalgate Swimming Pool To Sign Up At 927-3802 LITTLE WILDCAT FOOTBALL CAMP For grades 3rd through 8th going into the 2012-13 school year. Coalgate Football Field Monday, July 9 thru Wednesday, July 11 $35 fee due first day of camp. Registration forms available at Superintendent’s Office and C&C Hardware. For more information, contact Coach Jeremy Reeder at or 918-429-9972. (with all the trimmings) 6 chips, baked beans, & drink 11:00 am to 2:00 pm • Coalgate Park Building $ 00 Sponsored by OHCE Relay for Life Team $500 REWARD for the return of a Choctaw Nation District 12 hosted its annual veterans’ appreciation luncheon on June 20 at the Coalgate Choctaw Center. Brent Oakes with the Veterans Advocacy Program was guest speaker. The 2012 District 12 Princesses Raven Ott, Neiatha Hardy and Cheyenne McCoy signed The Lord’s Prayer. Veterans present at the luncheon included Marvin Hampton, Tommy Morgan, Jerry Nanney, Harold Mitchell, Richard Kindig, Leamon Morris, James Harris, Reuben Burge, Louis Daniel, Roger McAnally and Noah Burris. Veterans recognized at the luncheon included: Roger Barnes – U.S. Army, 1967-69. Lu Bauer - U.S. Navy, 1972-76. Reuben Burge - U.S. Amy, 195355. Noah Burris – Oklahoma National Guard, 1973-87. Ellis Carnes – U.S. Air Force, 1963-66. Thomas Cosper – U.S. Army, 1952-54. Louis Daniel – U.S. Army, 196365. Ernest Dutton – U.S. Army, 1963-65. Charlie E. Echols, U.S. Army, 1978-93. Gary L. Echols, U.S. Army, 1967-73. Marvin Hampton – U.S. Army, 1965-67. James Harris –U.S. Air Force/ OKARNG, 1959-63, 1965-70, 1974-84. Nellie Hunter – WAC, 1957-60. Richard Kindig – U.S. Army, 1966-68. Lowell Mason – U.S. Army, 1944-45. July 9 - 20 9:45 am th COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012— PAGE B-7 Black Angus Cow & Male Calf (approx. 600 lb) with a C l on the left rear. Cattle last seen on Steve Crow’s property in Centrahoma. 580-927-5338 1997 Reunion!! Class of The Coalgate High School Class of 1997 is proud to announce their 15th Class Reunion July 14, 2012 Coalgate Park Building 1 W Post 5pm-7:30pm (Family Time) 7:30pm - Midnight (Adults Only) Hamburgers and Hotdogs and potluck dessert Admission $10.00 All money collected will go toward expenses. Per-couple and kids included $5.00 singles and kids included We hope all 1997 graduates and classmates classmate who attend any years with us at Coalgate School can come and join in on the fun!!! For more info, Please call Jana Duncan 580-927-6229 or Chris Bradley 580-258-8818 or go check out our Class of '97 Facebook page Continued on Page B-8 OUR LOSS – YOUR GAIN! HOT DAYS OF 28 MPG! 4 CYL., AUTO, SUN/SYNC PKG., POWER MOONROOF & MORE! STOCK #20104. WAS $26,785 Now $22,3911 or 284/mo!* $ NEW 2012 FORD EDGE LIMITED NEW 2012 FORD F250 R/C 4WD NEW 2012 FORD EXPEDITION XLT EL 4x4 3.5L V-6 ENGINE, AUTO, LEATHER, HEATED SEATS, PANORAMIC GLASS ROOF, VOICE ACTIVATED NAVIGATION SYSTEM, PLUS MUCH MORE! STOCK #20142. WAS $40,020 6.2L V-8 GAS ENGINE, AUTO, POWER EQUIPMENT GROUP, 3.73 LIMITED SLIP, CAB STEPS, SHIFT ON THE FLY, TRAILER BRAKE CONTROLLER, TILT/CRUISE & MORE!! STOCK # 20222. WAS $36,170 CLIMATE CONTROLLED SEATS, LEATHER, AUTO TEMP CONTROL, PLUS MUCH, MUCH MORE! STOCK #20294. WAS $50,430 Now $34,8192 or $ 399/mo!* Now $31,5172 or Plus Much, Much More – Don’t Miss Out On This Summer Sales Event! 396/mo! Now $43,7491 or Lariat ONLY ONLY 8,997 $ $ 484/mo! ONLY 8,997 $ ONLY 18,997 $ 2007 Chrysler PT Cruiser 2002 Chevy Silverado Z71 2004 Ford F250 Crew Cab 4WD 2008 Chevy Malibu Stock #2948 Ext-Cab, 4WD - Local Trade. Stock #20155B Diesel, Auto, Only 70K Miles! Stock #2961 Stock #2906A ONLY ONLY 23,997 $ 13,997 $ $ 1. All rebates applied. 2. All rebates applied. Must finance with Ford Credit W/A/C. Residency restrictions apply. See dealer for details. Tag, Tax, License fees extra. *2012 Ford Escape Stock #20104 - 72 mos @ 3.99% W/A/C. Requires 20% down. *2012 Ford Edge Stock #20142 - 84 mos @ 4.24% W/A/C. Requires 20% down. Must relinquish $1250 Ford Credit Bonus Cash. *2012 Ford F250 Stock #20222 - 72 mos @ 3.99% W/A/C. Requires 20% down. *2012 Ford Expedition Stock #20294 - 84 mos @ 4.24% W/A/C. Requires 20% down. 8,997 $ Pre-Owned '997' Sell Down Continues! Don’t Miss This Sales Event! Sale ENDS 6-30-12 NEW 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT We’ve Been Authorized To Move These New Ford’s At Incredible Savings To Make Room For Arriving Inventory! ONLY 19,997 $ Only 8K Miles! ONLY 18,997 $ $ ONLY 14,997 SAVE $ SAVE BIG! 2010 Mazda 3 Sedan 2010 Chrysler Town & Country 2012 Ford Mustang 2011 Mercury Mariner 2011 Ford Fiesta Sedan SEL Stock #2935 Stock #2945 Local One Owner Trade. Stock #20262A Leather, Loaded, Don’t Miss! Stock #3579 Local Trade, Great Fuel MPG. Stock #2799A SERVICE. CONVENIENCE. PRICE. PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 27, 2012 Choctaw Nation District 12 Honors Veterans Real Estate Auction SATURDAY, JULY 7TH 12:00 NOON 320 Acres 9 1/2 miles East of Coalgate on Hwy 43 then 1/ 1/2 miles North on Wardville Road Continued from Page B-7 Edward Mayer – U.S. Army, 1965-68. Roger McAnally – U.S. Marines, 1945-48, 1951-52. Arvard McLellan – U.S. Army, 1942-45. Bruce L. Miles – U.S. Army, 1971-73. Dwayne E. Miles – U.S. Army, 1969-71. Lyndal G. Miles – U.S. Army, 1970-72. Harold Mitchell – U.S. Army, 1953-55. Tommy Morgan – U.S. Army/ National Guard, 1974-78, 197879. Leamon Morris – U.S. Army/MP Reserves, 1954-56. Jerry Nanney – U.S. Navy, 196064. Donald Stanberry – U.S. Army, 1965-68. Billy Stiles – U.S. Army/Reserve, 1967-69/1973. David Stiles – U.S. Army, 196567. Arvard J. Ward – U.S. Army, 1968-70. Bobby Willard – U.S. Air Force (Retired), 1957-77. Adrian Theodore Wilson – U.S. Army, 1959-64. Henry H. Wilson – U.S. Army (Retired), 1953-75. 320 ACREs WitH HousE ANd sHop Auction Conducted by Haney Auction & Real Estate Kevin Haney 580-927-5029 Chillie Bills 580-258-0312 Fun in the Sun! • Discount tickets to Frontier City and White Water Bay available for purchase with room • Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet served daily • Complimentary Dinner/Social served Monday - Thursday evening • 2.5 miles from White Water Bay; 13 miles to Frontier City fun!! Call Now to Book your Summer Fun! 510 S. MacArthur Blvd., OKC, OK 73128 Phone: 1-405-604-0200 • Fax: 1-405-604-0201 • 2x5Be (4.25part SAU) of a World Class Company Hiring for April Classes Customer Service Reps Paid Training $9.50 per Hour Production Rate $10.50 per Hour Monthly incentives Be part of our Call Center team. Support Inbound Service & Sales calls for Major Telecommunications Company. Minimum Requirements: Type 20 WPM • Ability to Navigate Web • HS Diploma or GED • Proven and Consistent Work History • Excellent Sales Skills Full Company Benefits • Must pass Background Check for more information and directions call (580)272-9200 3700 IRT Drive - Ada, OK 74820 (Take Kerr Lab Road to IRT Drive) eoe Down Memory Lane 1951 Council Officers Honored Coal county home demonstration council officers were honored at the chamber of commerce dinner meeting Thursday evening. Mrs. John O’Neal, president; Mrs. B.B. Franklin, secretary; Mrs. Orvill Long and Mrs. Lavern Fishel extended an invitation to the group to join them and 343 county farm women in observing National Home Demonstration Week. Miss Lillian Tietz, home demonstration agent introduced these leaders. She said that home demonstration workers represented the largest group interested in voluntary adult education in the nation. Dr. Horace J. Harper, who is in charge of the Experimental Farm in Coal county, was the principal speaker of the evening with his illustrated lecture of his European tours. Hampton REUNION Sunday, July 8th 9:00 am to ? Coalgate School Lunch Room (Covered Dish) Card of Thanks The family of Billy Wayne Bowline would like to thank the person who placed the marker for Billy at Woodman Cemetery. CLASS OF 1972 IS HAVING A REUNION July 7, 2012 Coalgate Park Building 12 noon until it ends Just a lot of friends getting together and catching up on ole times ALL Are weLCOme tO StOp T&N Laundry Mat 206 W Queen Ave. We also have Drop-off laundry service and press. RDAY Drop off Hours: CLOSED SATU & SUNDAY Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Operating Hours: Monday-Sunday 7am-9pm DROP-OFF PRICES: $1.20 a lb to wash, dry, & fold $4.00 a pair for pants to press $2.50 a button shirt - .75¢ per t-shirt to press $4.00 a set for scrubs Tanning available - new bed 1st tan free w/a month purchase $3.00 a tan or $30 unlimited a month We’re more than bankers! We work hard every day to make sure that you see a difference in the way we do business. You really are more than a customer...and we’re more than bankers! 101 North Main - Coalgate - (580)927-2311 - - Member FDIC
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