Coalgate Record Register
Coalgate Record Register
Volume 132 Number 10 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ TUPELO GRADUATING CLASS OF 2015 — From left (front) - Chisum Henry, Ben Meek, Amber Cosar, Hailey Ellis, Keara Bourland, Bailey Medlock, Kelsey McKay, Madison Riley; (back) - Kyle Bailey, Wyatt Hendrix, Corby Ake, Corey McCollum, J.D. Bullard, Josh Gragg, Devin Johnson, Hanna Norfleet, Courtney Hickman, Brittany Sanders, Bethany Hunter, Amber Couey, and Sunny Pearce. Congratulations Tupelo Seniors! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER Wednesday, MAY 20, 2015 CHS Alumni Reunion ~ Saturday, See Page A-3 Hall of Fame Banquet ~ Saturday, See Page A-3 PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015 Memorial Day is Monday . . . a time to remember those that made great sacrifices . . . some came back from war, some didn’t. All were heroes . . . Many children never got to see their father. Recently we read a letter that was written by First Lt. Wallace Edward Zosel and sent to his son, who was expected to be born in five months. It was to be opened in case of his death. At an unknown date he was sent to France and there was killed on August 16, 1944 – only twelve days after his son’s birth, while preparing for the Normandy invasion. First Lt. Zosel is buried in the American Military Cemetery in Normandy. His son says that his mother gave him the letter on the day of his high school graduation. March 13, 1944 A Letter To My Son: Hello, Buck. I suppose you are wondering what kind of a man your father is. Since there is a chance that you might never see me, I though I’d better write a few lines to you. I have thought a great deal about you, with hope and pride in my heart, since your mother sent me the good news that you are on the way. It does seem rather strange for me to be writing you inasmuch as you are still an embryo lodged in your mother’s beautiful body; but some day you will be a man, someone to carry on with the building of America. What do I want of you? So many things that I doubt if I can think of them all now. But don’t worry about it, if you try to be a good man, you will get along alright. My father before me wanted me to be a better man than he was, and I want you to be a better man than I am. You will inherit a good mentality, so I do not doubt that you will have plenty of natural intelligence; however, one thing I must caution you on: hard work is the key to a healthy, happy life. Always plug along and try to do each job that comes up as thoroughly and as well as you can, and you will get along alright. When we, your mother and I, decided to have you, I wanted someone to carry on my name, my blood, so that my life would carry on in you. But it was your mother who bore the main burden, and she went through a lot of pain to bring you into the world because she loved me so much that she wanted me to be the father of her children. If you are anything like I am, you will probably raise a little hell and have some wild times when you approach manhood, but always limit yourself, keep clean and healthy, for the greatest treasure in life is to have the love of a really good woman. Your mother is the finest woman I ever met, and by her true loyal love I have the strength to meet the harsher things in life and the desire to be as good a man as possible. If you are as lucky as I have been in the choice of a mate, you will be a very happy man. I am grateful that my son can grow in the best country in the world, and, believe me, we who are overseas really know how wonderful America really is. True, we, as well as you, have seen many things about the United States that we would like to have changed, but that is what we hope to do – by gradual evolution keep constantly improving America as the home of the common man. That is perhaps our chief reason for fighting this war, the hope that afterwards we ill have a greater country where everyone can live in the maximum prosperity and happiness. Millions of us over here are working, and fighting, and dying because we want America to be a nation of hope for mankind. And that is why I am trying to impress it on you with a few phrases that may seem trite but are really solid gold, for you of the future generation must realize our desires, the hopes that keep us always striving; for on you will rest the major responsibility of building America’s golden age. Never let a few hard knocks shake your faith in your country. The history of America is unique in the history of all Time, for here for the first time in the tale of mankind’s upward plodding, we find that the history of the nation is synonymous with the story of the emancipation of Man. Gradual progress is always being made, even though one cannot always see it, because everyone in America desires to have the lot of the common man and they strive for this end. Yes, I too have been kicked in the pants many times by various circumstances, but I have gained a lot in life, and I realize that all the good things I have, I possess because I am a part of the United States of America. Son, I want you to develop your physical abilities, too. I want you to be able to hike, and play ball, and shoot with the best of them. But whatever you are proficient at, never try to impress other people ostentatiously of your abilities for they will see your good qualities and give you credit or it. You must learn a little ambling, but do not let the passion overcome you, quit when you have lost only a little. Another social duty is drinking; learn your capacity and then stop at that point. Always hold your liquor, never let it get the best of you! (Very important.) As you know, I am a soldier. I am not going to tell you what line of endeavor you must choose, but, since I think we shall have some form of conscription after this war, I will devote a little space to the subject. The first rule to remember is that military service is a privilege. Since each man has all the good things he possesses because the national government has supplied the protection and nucleus of the cooperative effort which is civilization, it is the duty of each citizen to give certain services to the state. You will find that the greatest pleasure in army service is that spirit of comradeship that always is prevalent because so many people depend upon one another for their mutual comfort, and, in war, existence. The chief value of the military life, though, is the training in discipline. A man soon shows his true colors when he enters the army and must meet varying circumstances without any of the fellows around him. It is the ultimate democracy, everyone starts from the ground up, and advancement depends chiefly on the solid qualities of a man’s character. You will learn the simple life, the hardships, the basic, real values, and it all goes to make a better man of one. As for warfare, I don’t know whether it is right or wrong. I just know that we have always had it, and, considering myself a professional soldier, I have always been interested in seeking to increase my efficiency and capacity to meet it. I do know that it is awfully hard, miserable work and that it brings great suffering and unhappiness to the people who fall victim to it. I hope that you never have to engage in a war. But it does mold a man, temper his character, give him a great appreciation of the things he has formerly taken for granted. I know for myself that when this is over I’ll never want to be unkind to anyone again. It hurts the women most. They sit at home not knowing what is happening to their loved ones, and they imagine all kinds of exaggerated horrors that really don’t exist. I know your mother is worrying about me right now, and I wish I could reassure her and comfort her, but I can’t. And every time a soldier is killed and buried, some woman’s heart is buried there, too. No, son, war is not a good thing. Well, Buck, there are still so many things I want to tell you, I could write a book, but you will only realize them after you have lived them yourself. Remember, my son, that I am proud of you and hopeful that you will be a fine man, much better than I am. But don’t try too hard or worry about it, because when one has the stuff in him, he won’t fail. Your father, Wallace E. Zosel —CC— God bless our veterans and their families! n o i T n i m u e e” “R 1970 senior class will be meeting on Friday, May 22nd 7:00 until 9:00 Gonzalaz Restaurant Please call or text: Debra Mixon Eaves 580-513-1140 for reserved seating Classmates from other grades are invited also. COME AND ENJOY A BLAST FROM THE PAST!!! 2015 Hall of Famers coming home on Saturday!!! The Coalgate Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet is almost here. The banquet will be held Saturday, May 23, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Coal County Fair Barn. A reception will be held from 5:00 - 5:30 for people to meet and greet the Hall of Famers. Dinner will begin at 5:30 and the recipients will be inducted into the second Hall of Fame class. The 2015 honorees are Dr. Joe Leone, class of 1950; Roger Samuels, class of 1954; Phillip Cody, class of 1969; Jeff Mixon, class of 1971; Gina Corsini, class of 1976; and the 1957-58 girls basketball team. The Athletic Hall of Fame was established in June 2013, and in 2014 the inaugural banquet saw the induction of Jack Ward, class of 1943; Ernest Paul Fanning (now deceased), class of 1948; the late Donald Mike Mayer, class of 1959; Elvin Sweeten, class of 1960; Joe Avanzini, class of 1973; and the 2004 girls state champion track team. Banquet tickets will be available at the school superintendent’s office through Friday. Tickets will also be sold at the door and will include dinner. However, we cannot guarantee a ribeye steak with a door ticket since the headcount will be based on advance ticket sales. 2015 Coalgate HS Alumni Reunion Saturday Coalgate High School alumni will be coming to town this weekend for the 2015 reunion. The all-day event will start early Saturday morning with a golf tournament. The afternoon schedule includes a mixer at the school lunchroom plus open house and class reunions at the high school. Evening events include a banquet and a dance. The golf tournament will be held at the Atoka Trails golf course. It will be a four-man scramble format. Participants need to be at the golf course by 8:00 a.m.; tee off at 9:00. This is a co-ed tournament and anyone connected to Coalgate Schools is welcome to participate. Groups will be formed by drawing, but if you have a group of your own, that can be arranged. The cost for the tournament will be trail fees and cart rentals. For more information on the tournament, please contact Allen Leaird at 580-380-7873. The reunion moves to the high school open house at 2:00 for class reunions in individual classrooms. Some class reunions are planned at other locations in town. For instance, the class of ‘65 is holding their 50th anniversary at the Coalgate Park Community Center. A general mixer sponsored by the Coal County Chamber of Commerce will be held at the school lunchroom (Facilities Building) from 1:00-4:00. For information on the open house or mixer, call Bill Wilson at 580-927-5298. The banquet is associated with the CHS Athletic Hall of Fame induction ceremonies and will be held in the large meeting room at the Coal County Fairgrounds. An informal reception will begin at 5:00, and banquet serving will begin at 5:30. A dance will be held in the Linton Auditorium following the banquet. Guinn/Gwinn Reunion Held The Guinn/Gwinn family reunion was held on Saturday, April 11, 2015. Those who attended the reunion and signed the guest register were as follows: Mary Davidson, Roxine Guinn Littlefield, Keary Davidson, Etta Guinn, Sisroe and Mavis Gwinn, Josie Stanford, Sam and Jeanie Gwinn, Ginger Skilton, Garrett Skilton, Owen Skilton, Brenna Walton, A.B. Gwinn, Mark and Denise Gwinn, Jan and Johnny Turnbow, Gerald and Dar- lene Brice, Leota “Topsy” Guinn, Alice Underwood, Tommy Underwood, Buddy and Brenda Gwinn, Joyce Guinn, Alfred and Clover Riley, Gary, Lora (Gwinn), Dakota and grandson Griggs, Jerry and Jan Guinn, Melissa and Connor Williams, Pauline Lindley (Guinn), Bill and Addie Pollock, Markette and Rodney McKinney, George and Mary Guinn, Sue and Howard Payne, Karla Brewer, Ozella Guinn, Jim Guinn, Jeremy, Brittany and Hunter Brice, Wade Genealogical Society Holds Monthly Meeting The Coal County Genealogical Society’s monthly meeting was held on Monday, May 11, 2015 in the Coal County Library. Members in attendance were: Lorene Caruthers, Julia Hampton, Berniece Crane, Bill Avanzini, Larry and Nancy Bowerman and Elsie Rumley. May local member birthdays: Berniece Crane (May 8). There have been several visitors, calls and queries for records and etc. Elsie stays busy with requests for obits, marriage records and family records. Bill is working on the June newsletter. Thank you both for all you do for the society! The society still has copies of Volume I and Volume II Coal County History Books. They make great gifts and contain a lot of information on Coal County families, businesses, churches and etc. Also, they are a matched set. The Genealogical Society meets the second Monday of each month at 10:30 in the Coal County Public Library. Members and visitors are welcome. We would like to have some new members. Come join us! Our next meeting will be held on June 8, 2015. Coal County Genealogical Society P. O. Box 436 Coalgate, OK 74538 Phone: 580-927-1185 Email: Website: Courthouse, City Hall closed Memorial Day The Coal County courthouse and Coalgate City Hall will be closed Monday, May 25, in observance of Memorial Day. Both locations will resume regular hours of operation on Tuesday, May 26. and Donna Gwinn, Mary and Daniel Pebworth, Jesse Pebworth, Jason and Rachel Pebworth, Irene Haynes (Guinn), Jerry Beal, Jared Pollock and Dean Pollock, LaVon Brooks, James and Rosie Gwinn, Dave Gwinn, Gary, Donna, Lucas, Tim and Matt Guinn, Stephanie Rogers, Tommie Rogers, Josh and Nikki Rogers and sons, Rachel and Chris Ince and kids, Joy Lindsey, Rick Guinn, Phillip Guinn, Austin and Linda Lindly, Aaron Guinn, Dakota Hedgecock, and Kerry Lindly. There were quite a few that did not sign the register. Sisroe Gwinn and Mary Davidson (brother and sister) gave us a history lesson on how the names came about being spelled differently. We all sang “Happy Birthday” to Tommie (Guinn) Rogers, whose birthday was on the 12th of April. Her family brought her birthday cake to share. Her brother, Jerry, and sisters, Pauline and Addie were also there to help her celebrate. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015—PAGE A-3 ANNUAL LEHIGH REUNION Saturday, May 23, 2015 Lehigh Historical Building (Covered Dish Lunch) For more information call: 580-889-0074 Cairo Cemetery Association Annual Membership Meeting and Memorial Service May 23, 2015 starting at 11:00 a.m Cemetery Shelter Membership Dues and donations will be accepted or send to Cairo Cemetery Association Route 1 Box 680 Coalgate, Ok. 74538 Bring Pot Luck Drinks and paper products will be furnished by the Association. See you there Palace Drug& Gifts 104 West Ohio • Coalgate, Ok - 580-927-2064 FREE LOCAL DELIVERY (cut off delivery time 3pm) Hand Therapy (many scents) Art Prints by Dale Adkins Illustrator for magazine & Book Covers for Louis L’Amour & Zane Gray Western Decor Diamond Gussett Jeans up to 1/2 Off PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015 Service Today for Lois Krahn Funeral services for Eloise “Lois” (Washburn) Krahn, a Coalgate resident, will be held Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate with Rev. Matthew Reifsnider officiating. Burial was in Coalgate Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Krahn was born January 17, 1925 to Charlie Byrd and Ida Inez (Swanner) Washburn at Sweetwater, TX and passed away May 15, 2015 at Coalgate at the age of 90. She attended Cottonwood Elementary and Coalgate High School and received an Associates Degree in Nursing from Lee College in Baytown, TX. Mrs. Krahn was a nurse and of the Baptist faith. Survivors include her daughters, Alvera Chancy and husband, “Doc” of Coalgate and Barbara Friedrichs and husband, David of Lafayette, LA; grandsons, Matthew Reifsnider and wife, Usha of Jacksonville, FL, David Reifsnider of Ada, Nicholaus Ray, Robert Ray and wife, Meghan all of Lafayette, LA; granddaughters, Vickie Jo Reifsnider and Steve “Doc” Walker of Ada, Ronnea Reifsnider of Coalgate, Rhiannon Ray of Lafayette, LA; eleven great grandchildren; extended family, Rick Chaney and wife, Kristi of Coalgate and Genie Chaney of Edmond, OK; along with numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her parents and twelve siblings. Casketbearers will be Robert Ray, Nicholaus Ray, Joe Trail and Eric Nichols. Service Held for Mattie Ruth Livingston It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’s FOR ALL YOUR PHYSICAL THERAPY NEEDS Suffering from pain, weakness or joint stiffness? Having difficulty getting around? We can help. Call or stop by for a free screening or just for some friendly advice. Steve Penney, PT 1004 S Broadway, Coalgate. ~ 580-927-9121 The Coalgate Record-Register USPS 120140 Periodical Postage Paid at Coalgate, OK 74538 Published Weekly at 602 East Lafayette • Coalgate, OK 74538 Bill & Dayna Robinson, Publishers Wanda Utterback, Editor Helen Langdon, Office Manager Gwenda Depasse, Composition/Bookkeeping Postmaster send change of address to: Coalgate Record-Register 602 East Lafayette Coalgate, OK 74538 580-927-2355 In Trade Area, One Year $26.00 (Includes Coal, Atoka, Johnston, Pontotoc, Pittsburg and Hughes Counties.) Elsewhere in Oklahoma, One Year $31.00 Out of State, One Year $36.00 Funeral services for Mattie Ruth Livingston, a Coalgate resident, were held Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate with Mr. Lee Weathers officiating. Burial was in Moore Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Livingston was born April 17, 1936 to Jessie Jeff and Gincie (Rushing) Doyle at Deridder, LA and passed away May 12, 2015 at Coalgate at the age of 79. She attended school in Deridder LA and married Norman Livingston on July 16, 1952 in Cottonwood and was a homemaker. Survivors include her children, Glenda Sue Pattie of Longview, TX, Paula Powell and husband, Dale of Lehigh, Herma Dawn Harris of Paden, OK and Allen Livingston of Atoka; sixteen grandchildren, Christy and Jay Bruner, Bryan Pattie, Colin and Brianna Livingston, Shad and Brandy Barnett, Justin and Ciera Barnett, Dale and Brooklyn Powell, Dakota Powell, Kealy and Casey Boyett, Hanna and Harold Fomby, Nico and Keisha Lee, Jakus Lee, Dustin Ray, Brittany and Jacob Lurry, Kolby Livingston, Levi and Logan Livingston; twenty-nine great grandchildren; siblings, Dona Hoge of French Settlement, LA, Lucille Ashworth of Singer, LA, Vada Sternburg of Lake Charles, LA, Inola Williams, Harold Doyle, both of Leesville, LA; and special friend, Linda Workman. She was preceded in death by her parents; previous husband; sons, Norman Lawrence Livingston and Herman Jeffery Livingston; great granddaughter Katyn Powell; siblings, Arley Doyle, Farley Doyle, J. D. Doyle, B. C. Doyle, L. J. Doyle, Letha Burkes, and Dottie Douga; special friend, Jesse Trotter. Casketbearers were Shad Barnett, Justin Barnett, Nico Lee, Bryan Pattie, Colin Livingston, Jakus Lee, Dale Powell, Jr., Dustin Ray, and Dakota Powell. Honorary bearers were Dale Powell, Nick Lee, Harold Fomby, Casey Boyett, Ruel Golden and Jay Bruner. Service Friday for John “J.D.” David Wood Funeral services for John “J.D.” David Wood, an Atoka resident will be held Friday, May 22, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Atoka with Rev. Loyd Thompson officiating. Burial will be in Farris Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Mr. Wood was born October 11, 1922 to Sam J and Katie B. (Brocket) Wood at Mannsville, OK and passed away May 16, 2015 at Atoka at the age of 92. He attended county schools around Farris and lived in Farris area many years then moved to Sand Springs, OK at the age of 16 where he lived until 1957. He then moved to California where he worked many years as a union pipe fitter for the Local 205. J. D. moved back to Farris in 1966 and ranched until he had to retire because of failing health in 2008. He married Maxine Gaines September 27, 1941 in Sand Springs, OK. She preceded him in death in 1995. J. D. was a member of Farris Baptist Church and belonged to the Masonic Lodge #475, Scottish Rite (32nd), Akdar Temple Shrine, Order of Eastern Star and Order of Amaranth, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem. He loved his cattle and working on the ranch and on vehicles and equipment. Survivors include a daughter, Frances Davidson and husband, Clint of Farris; son, Jerry Don Wood and wife, Barbara of Tehachapi, CA; sister, Ethel Wood of Atoka; grandchildren, Cheryl Bledsoe and husband, Bryan of Ardmore, Jerry Don Wood II and wife, Sandi of Tehachapi, CA, Crystal Wood of Tehachapi, CA; great grandchildren, Melissa Shetterly and husband, Robert of Ardmore; Scott Bledsoe and wife, Audrey of Wichita, KS, John David Bledsoe and wife, Courtnie of Purcell, OK, Jack Wood, Shelby Wood, both of Tehachapi, CA; great, great grandchildren, Kilah Woodard, Kayden Bledsoe, Regen Bledsoe, Alexander Bledsoe, Sherman Bledsoe; special nieces Darlene Foster and Lisa Billie; along with nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife; brothers, Porter Wood, Samuel Wood, Rex Wood; granddaughter, Terry Lynn Davidson; grandson, Clint Leon Davidson, Jr. Casketbearers will be Bryan Bledsoe, Robert Shetterly, John Bledsoe, Scott Bledsoe, Jerry Don Wood II, and Crystal Wood. Honorary bearers will be Clint Davidson, Jay McAdams, and Winston Arnold. Service Saturday for Jesse Twillie Sutter, Jr. Funeral services for Jesse Twillie Sutter, Jr. a longtime Atoka resident, will be held Saturday May 23, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Atoka With Bro. Willard Harrison officiating. Burial will be in Green Hill Cemetery in Atoka with arrangements under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka. Mr. Sutter was born January 3, 1949 to Jesse Twillie and Flora Mae (Taylor) Sutter, Sr. at Petersburg, VA and passed away May 17, 2015 at Atoka at the age of 66. He attended Atoka High then went on to attend OSU where he received a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Jesse married Carolyn Lajoyce (Ross) July 20, 1970 in Atoka. Jesse was a Warden for the Department of Corrections and a member of Penn A Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn Lajoyce Sutter of the home in Atoka; daughters, Susan Waller and husband, Tony of Arlington, TX, Michelle Ballais and husband, Gary of Ft. Worth, TX, Adrienne Sutter of North Richland Hills, TX; sons, Jerome Sutter of Sherman, TX and Joey Sutter and wife, Christina of Winsor, CO; granddaughters, Alexis Crumpton of Edmond, OK, Baylee Ballais of Ft. Worth TX, Janecia Sutter of Mesquite, TX, Avalon Sutter, Blythe Sutter, both of Winsor, CO; grandsons, Aiden Ballais, Cohen Ballais, both of Ft. Worth, TX, and Valiant Sutter of Winsor, CO; brothers, Donald Sutter and wife Rethea of Ft. Walton Beach, FL, Darrell Greene of Cleveland, OH, Corey Sutter of Oklahoma City; sisters, Constance Ross and husband, Thermadell of Montgomery, AL and Crystal Sutter of Shawnee, OK; along with nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Donna Greene. Graveside services for Ricky Mark Lane, a longtime Atoka resident, were held Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Bera Cemetery in Atoka with Jamie Gray officiating. Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka was in charge of arrangements. Mr. Lane was born June 1, 1953 to John R. and Jennie L. (Wilson) Lane at Atoka and passed away May 10, 2015 at Atoka at the age of 61. He attended school at Oak Ridge, OR and married Paulette (Smith) October 27, 1972 at Sherman, TX. They had 42 wonderful years together. Ricky was a heavy equipment operator (backhoe) for the city and enjoyed hunting deer and raccoon, fishing and playing the guitar. Survivors include his wife, Paulette Lane of the home in Atoka; children, Angela Lane of Atoka, William Lane and fiancé, Jamie Tomlinson of Bentley; siblings, Judy Costello and husband, Kelly of Vader, WA, Darell Lane and wife, Dee of Durant, Brenda Wiley and husband, Mike, Glen Lane and wife, Jo all of Springfield, OR, Lisa Ridgeway and husband, Marlon of Caney; grandchildren, Alexis Tomlinson, Sean Tomlinson both of Bentley and Gavin Lane of Atoka; father-in-law, William Paul Smith of Atoka, along with numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; daughter, Shawn Marie Lane; infant son; and mother-in-law, Wanda Smith. Service Held for Ricky Mark Lane Linda Carol Hayman Passes Away Linda Carol Hayman, a Berclair, TX resident, passed away May 15, 2015 at Atoka at the age of 66. She was born January 27, 1949 to Henry and Wendy (Walters) Maresh at Sugar Land, TX. Linda graduated from Freeport, TX High School and attended Sam Huston University in Huntsville, TX. She married Ken Hayman on August 22, 1969 in Freeport, TX and was a homemaker. Linda was of the Methodist faith and enjoyed collecting cookie jars, spending time with her grandchildren, raising cattle and working on the ranch. Survivors include her husband, Ken Hayman of Berclair, TX; mother, Wendy Page and husband, Bill of Warrenton, OR; son, Jason Hayman and wife, Kathy of Dayton, TX; daughter, Lorie Brady and husband, John of Atoka; brother, Henry Maresh, Jr. and wife, Linda of Cypress, TX; sister, Brenda Maresh of Utah; grandchildren, Charles Hayman, Connor Hayman, both of Dayton, TX, Elizabeth Brady, Sarah Brady, and Rebecca Brady all of Atoka. She was preceded in death by her father, Henry Maresh. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015—PAGE A-5 Centrahoma Cemetery Association Annual Memorial Day Reunion May 24th ~ 12 noon Centrahoma Community Building Sponsored by Centrahoma Cemetery Association COTTONWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH We Welcome You To Worship With Us = 9:45 CALL TO WORSHIP 10AM BIBLE STUDY 11 AM WORSHIP SERVICE 5 PM BIBLE STUDY 6 PM WORSHIP SERVICE = PASTOR: ELDON “Eddie” HOGUE If You Need A Ride Call CELL 580-258-8268 or CHURCH 580-927-3235 MICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd • Coalgate, OK ~ Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors ServiCe tiMeS: Sunday School 10:00 am ~ Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. if you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 Service Held for Jason Reed Allen Funeral services for Jason Reed Allen, a Skiatook, OK resident, were held Sunday, May 3, 2015 at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Atoka with Rev. Jimmy Phillips officiating. Burial was in Green Meadows Cemetery in Atoka with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Jason was born February 16, 1981 to Rex and Cassandra Jenise (Ridgway) Allen at McAlester, OK and passed away April 28, 2015 at Skiatook, OK at the age of 34. He attended and graduated from Atoka High School and worked in cement in the construction business. Jason attended the Church of Christ and enjoyed his horses and roping. Survivors include his father, Rex Allen and wife, Earline of Lane, OK; mother, Cassandra Jenise (Ridgway) Allen of Ato- ka; children, Kylee Reed Allen of Skiatook, OK; Coltan James Allen of Skiatook, OK; brothers, Robert James “Bo” Allen of Atoka, OK, B. J. Reeves of Lane, OK, Steven Reeves of Atoka, OK; sister, Laura Taylor and husband, Jimmy of Lane, OK; along with nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, W. R. Ridgway and Norma May (McNeil) Ridgway; paternal grandparents, Lester “Leck” Allen and Lucille Allen; and aunt, Toni McDonald. Casketbearers were Darrell Allen, Gerald Allen, Tanner Allen, Daniel Trotter, Ronnie Goff, and Kent Studdert. Honorary bearers were Larry Booker, Kenny Coyle, Brian Ridgway, B. J. Reeves, Walter Elliot, Justin Williams, Steven Reeves, Frank Henderson. Spray-On Truck Liner • Enhances and protects new and used trucks • Sprayed directly onto the truck bed • Unique black textured non-slip finish seals out dirt, moisture and rust • Guaranteed not to peel, buckle or warp • It looks Awesome Charles Dove - (580)272-7014 901 Arlington • Ada • (580)332-8668 PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015 Commissioners’ Proceedings The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County met for a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, May 11, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the County Commissioners Building. Brock Jones called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. Roll was called by Brock Jones. Those present were: Brock Jones, Chairman, Michael Hensley, Vice-Chairman, Johnny Ward, Member, and Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk. Guests present were: Rodger Wilson, Bryan Jump, Berney Blue, Troy Hudson, and Aaron Blue. Johnny Ward gave the invocation. Michael Hensley made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve monthly appropriations for April for the Election Board and the Court Clerk. Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley, and Jones approved. There were no Transfers of Appropriations. Michael Hensley made a motion to approve payroll for May 1-15, 2015. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved. Michael Hensley made a motion to approve purchase orders for payment. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved the following: Fiscal Year: Payments by Fund Approved 2014-2015 From: 5/6/2015 To: 5/12/2015 Warrant No. Vendor Name 911 COLLECTIONS 53 AT&T Amount Purpose $857.56 911 SERVICE CD-4 $42.62 EMERGENCY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES $595.00 EMER MNGMT SUPPLIES $772.54 EMER MNGMT SUPPLIES CDBG WATER GRANT 11 OK DEPT OF COMMERCE $520.84 CLARITA/OLNEY WATER PYMT COUNTY SALES TAX 1415 OK DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1416 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE 1417 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 1418 TUPELO PWA 1419 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 1420 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 1421 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 1422 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 1423 LAMBERTS MECHANICAL 1424 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 1425 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA 1426 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC 1427 SONNYS GROCERY $350.00 $467.95 $161.24 $24.20 $90.00 $72.07 $1,456.00 $175.38 $80.00 $52.11 $38.84 $24.95 $611.02 1428 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE $43.25 1429 COLLINS, TWYLA $125.00 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 SONNYS GROCERY COSLOW, SHAYLYN SONNYS GROCERY KAHLE, DORIS FAMILY DOLLAR STORE $231.08 $75.00 $457.06 $500.00 $51.23 1435 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA $63.31 SHERIFF DEPT BLANKET PO BLANKET SERVICE EMERG MNGMT SERVICE SERVICE ELECTION BRD SERVICE COURTHOUSE SERVICE COMMISSIONER SERVICE SERVICE SOLID WASTE SERVICE TUPELO RFD SERVICE COALGATE RFD SERVICE BLANKET CLARITA COMM CENTER SUPPL CLARITA SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICE BLANKET LEHIGH COMM CENTER LABOR BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET TUPELO SENIOR CITIZENS BLANKET 40 C & C HARDWARE 41 C & C HARDWARE NICK HINKLE TWO COMMUNICATIONS MAIN TRADING COMPANY 42 43 $119.96 WAY MANAGEMENT COURT CLERK REVOLVING CASH FUND 46 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $34.41 COURT CLERK SERVICE F-3 COUNTY CLERKS LIEN FEE ACCT 124 LOUDERMILK, EUGINA M 125 SMITH, BRENDA L $156.62 $85.53 COUNTY CLERK TRAVEL COUNTY CLERK TRAVEL 126 $44.95 COUNTY SERVICE GENERAL BUDGET ACCT. 1296 AT&T 1297 PALACE DRUG 1298 GUDERIAN FOOD 1299 SONNYS GROCERY 1300 TREVATHAN, BONNIE 1301 AT&T 1302 RICKS OIL COMPANY $30.10 $247.97 $1,048.39 $552.87 $40.00 $26.59 $36.15 SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE INMATE MEDICATION BLANKET BLANKET ASSESSOR SERVICE COURTHOUSE SERVICE ASSESSOR FUEL HIGHWAY 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 $55.00 $40.14 $11.48 $39.95 $280.00 $22.98 $440.18 $1,789.57 $5,402.43 $25.00 $67.91 $39.95 $2,308.00 $34.02 $319.95 $13.36 $350.11 $640.26 $110.00 $982.60 $1,220.00 $3,196.49 $55.56 $2,300.86 $14,000.00 DIST 1 DRUG TEST DIST 1 SERVICE DIST 1 SERVICE DIST 1 INTERNET SERVICE DIST 1 TIN HORN DIST 1 BLANKET DIST 1 REPAIRS DIST 1 BLANKET DIST 1 BLANKET DIST 2 TAG DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 2 INTERNET SERVICE DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 BLANKET DIST 3 BUSH HOG BLADES DIST 3 DRUG TEST DIST 3 GRADER BLADES DIST 3 TIN HORNS DIST 3 BLANKET OFFICE SUPPLIES DIST 2 RENTAL DIST 2 TRUCK $15,833.33 $31.80 $575.00 $172.92 $46.53 $84.00 $3,776.00 $2,250.00 $207.80 HEALTH DEPT SALARIES MAINTENANCE CONT HEALTH DEPT SERVICE HEALTH DEPT SERVICE HEALTH DEPT MED SUPPLIES HEALTH DEPT SERVICE HEALTH DEPT SERVICE HEALTH DEPT SERVICE HEALTH DEPT SERVICE 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC LAST CHANCE PROBATION CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA AT&T 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DUB ROSS CO. HALLS AUTO SUPPLY YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO TUPELO TRAVEL STOP, LLC FITTSTONE INC OK TAX COMM ARAMARK 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC SOUTHWEST TRAILER &EQUIP. O REILLY AUTO PARTS COALGATE FUELS O REILLY AUTO PARTS C & C HARDWARE GRISSOMS LLC LAST CHANCE PROBATION YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO DUB ROSS CO. DOLESE CO SPRINGHOUSE WATER OK DEPT OF TRANS COALGATE AUTO SALES MD-1A MD-1C MD-2 HEALTH BUDGET ACCT 199 OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH 200 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT 201 BECK-DeSHIELDS, BRENDA 202 AVAYA INC 203 SANOFI PASTEUR 204 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 205 EDDINGS ELECTRICAL CONST. 206 EDDINGS ELECTRICAL CONST. 207 EDDINGS ELECTRICAL CONST. CLERK INTERNET RESALE PROPERTY 70 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT $31.80 MAINTENANCE CONT 71 CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES $196.88 CONTRACT SERVICES Johnny Ward said there was $1 million left over for road projects that was spilt between 8 counties with projects that were ready. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the ODOT supplemental and modification agreement No. 1 for Polk Road. Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Jones approved. Agenda item number 11 was stricken from the agenda due to already having enrollment with Liberty National. Aaron Blue said he would like to surplus the Emergency Management search and rescue boat, and sell it on a government auction website. Johnny Ward made a motion to surplus the Emergency Management search and rescue boat. Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Jones approved. Aaron Blue said with the money that they receive from selling the Emergency Management search and rescue boat, he would like to purchase a boat motor for the inflatable rescue boat. Blue said that the inflatable boat was used the previous night during a recovery due to the flooding. Blue projected that the motor would cost approximately $3800. Blue said he would like to look for a motor today at maybe Bass Pro, if they will do business on a purchase order. Mike Hensley made a motion to allow Blue to pursue purchasing a motor now, due to the current situation with flooding. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved. Old Business: Aaron Blue said a plumber has not made it to Tupelo but has some supplies on order. New Business: Johnny Ward said before the flood, a couple of fairboard members had asked him about building a girls dressing room just outside the restrooms at the fair barn. Ward said if the county will furnish the material, the fairboard agreed to pay for the labor. All board members were in favor. The materials will be taken out of sales tax. Michael Hensley made a motion to adjourn from the meeting at 9:13. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved. ______________________________ _____________________________ Brock Jones, Chairman Michael Hensley, Vice-chairman _____________________________ ______________________________ Johnny Ward, Member Attest: Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County met for an emergency meeting on Monday, May 11, 2015 immediately following the commissioners meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the County Commissioners Building. Brock Jones called the meeting to order at 9:26 a.m. Roll was called by Brock Jones. Those present were: Brock Jones, Chairman, Michael Hensley, Vice-Chairman, Johnny Ward, Member, and Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk. Guests present were: Rodger Wilson, Bryan Jump, Berney Blue, Troy Hudson, and Aaron Blue. Johnny Ward gave the invocation. Michael Hensley made a motion to declare a disaster in Coal County due to flooding after the abundant rainfall beginning May 8th. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved. Michael Hensley made a motion to adjourn from the meeting at 9:31. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved. ______________________________ _____________________________ Brock Jones, Chairman Michael Hensley, Vice-chairman _____________________________ ______________________________ Johnny Ward, Member Attest: Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 6, 13, 20, & 27, 2015, 4t) NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES Coal County State of Oklahoma Notice is hereby given that, under authority and mandatory requirement of 68 O.S. § 3125-3127, each of the hereinafter described lots, tracts, and parcels of real estate, all situated in Coal County, State of Oklahoma, will be sold at public auction to the highest competitive bidder for cash, provided that for each parcel or tract, the bidder offers a sum equal to or greater than two-thirds o the assessed valuation of such real estate as fixed for the current fiscal year 2014 - 2015, or the total amount of taxes, ad valorem and special, interest and costs legally due on such property computed to and as of June 8, 2015, whichever is the lesser; said sale to be held at the Coal County Courthouse, State of Oklahoma beginning on the second Monday in June 8, 2015 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and continuing from day to day thereafter between the same hours until said sale has been completed according to law. It is hereby stated that each of said lots, tracts, and parcels of real estate hereinafter listed, has remained unpaid for a period of more than three years from the date such taxes first became due and payable; that in the schedule below appears under caption indicating Lands (Section, Township, and Range), City or Town, or subdivision thereof, in which located, following each described lot, tract and parcel of real estate, in the order herein set out, the name of the owner as of 2011, the year or years for which taxes have been assessed but remain unpaid, the total amount of all delinquent ad valorem taxes, costs and interest that have accrued thereon and remain legally due and unpaid as of the date of first publication of notice of resale, the total amount of all delinquent special assessments, costs and interest that since accrued thereon and remain due and unpaid as of the first publication in May, the date of said resale, and the total due. On resale date one and onehalf per cent further interest will have accrued, plus advertising cost. The above notice applies to the following lots, tracts and parcels, to wit: Cato, C. Glenn Etux—Sec. 4-1S-8E, NE corner of Lot 1. Total due $191.84. Deitz, John J. Heirs—Sec. 29-2N-9E, 1 acre in NE NE NW described as metes & bounds book 104/548. Total due $179.56. Gardner, Patricia Sue—Sec. 23-3N-10E, NE NW less & except 2 Acres desc. As beg. at the NE cor. of the NW/4; thence south a dist. of 264 feet; thence west a dist. of 330 feet; thence north a dist. of 264 feet; thence east a dist. of 330 feet to POB. Total due $266.36. Campbell, James R. & Melody G.—Clarita, Lots 1, 3, & 4, Block 37. Total due $138.19. Campbell, James R. & Melody G.—Clarita, Lot 2, Block 37. Total due $381.04. Richardson, S. J.—Clarita, Lots 17 & 22, Block 45. Total due $142.90. Richardson, S. J.—Clarita, Lots 13-14, Block 46. Total due $132.33. Cottrell, Claudia Christina—Coalgate, Lot 3, Block 44. Total due $400.48. Jones, Irland & Kay—Coalgate, Lot 13, Block 178, house on Lot 13. Total due $831.46. Jones, Irland & Kay—Coalgate, Lot 14 & 15, Block 178. Total due $389.91. Jones, Inola & Joe Paul—Coalgate, Lot 7 east 30’ of North 31’ Lot 8 east 30’, Block 194. See next page! I searched this for Frank Jones 1/4/01. It was in Jeff Jones final order to Inola and Joe Paul. I changed to reflect this. It had been carried to Jeff for years. Total due $138.85. Stein, Billy Contract for Deed—Tupelo, South Half of Lot 16, Block 32. Total due $460.81. Blagg, Thomas J.—Tupelo, Lots 12 & 13, Block 37. House burned 1-95 house on Lot 12. Total due $154.71. Batchelor, Stephen & Rachael—Tupelo, Lot 13, Block 38. Total due $150.56. Batchelor, Stephen & Rachael—Tupelo, Lot 14, Block 38. Total due $949.93. Witness my hand this 6th day of May, 2015. S)Gina McNutt County treasurer Coal County, Oklahoma LPXLP LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 13, 20 & 27, 2015, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CREDITORS RECOVERY CORP. Plaintiff, v. ANASTASIO SOSA Defendant. CS-14-42 PETITION FOR INDEBTEDNESS 1. COMES NOW the Plaintiff, and for its cause of action against the defendant, alleges and states that, the Defendant became indebted for money, goods and/ or services as a result of an open account on a written contract. Plaintiff was assigned all rights, titles, and interest in said account: Mary Hurley Hospital S u b - To t a l : $655.00 Origination Acct. No. Balance 3/17/2012 XX5709 $655.00 2. FURTHER, the Defendant has failed to pay the above stated indebtedness. Plaintiff is attempting to collect said debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Therefore, Plaintiff requests an Order at the time of Judgment directing the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission to produce employment information of the Defendant pursuant to Okla. Stat. tit. 40, § 4-508(D). 3. Any token payment(s) made not by agreement towards the principal amount, which is received and applied after the filing of this petition, may not delay the attempts of the Plaintiff to obtain Judgment for the amount sought, including costs and an attorney fee. 4. Unless you notify this office within 30 days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt or any portion thereof this office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within 30 days from receiving this notice, this office will: obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of a Judgment and mail you a copy of such Judgment or verification. If you request this office in writing within 30 days after receiving this notice, this office will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor. This office is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a written request for validation is received, the time to respond to the petition is extended for the amount of time in which it takes for the debt to be validated. You may seek the advise of your attorney on any matter connected with this law suit. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendant for the sum of $655.00, plus a reasonable attorney fee in the least amount of $262.00, costs accrues and accruing in the amount of $205.70, Pre-Judgment interest in the amount of $0.00, PostJudgment interest per Okla. State. tit. 12, § 727, and any other relief the Court deems just and proper until paid in full. S)Malcolm P. Hammond Attorney for Plaintiff Malcom P. Hammond (OBA #3780) 10159 E 11th St., Suite 501 Tulsa, OK 74128 (918) 296-1650 J & N Construction 17350 CR 3700 Coalgate, OK Free Estimates Sidewalks Custom Steel Buildings Metal Roofs James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 Cell: 580-258-0911 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 13, 20 & 27, 2015, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CREDITORS RECOVERY CORP. Plaintiff, v. Matthew Pope Defendant. CS-14-38 PETITION FOR INDEBTEDNESS 1. COMES NOW the Plaintiff and for its cause of action against the Defendant, alleges and states that, the Defendant became indebted for money, goods and/or services as a result of open accounts on a written contract. Plaintiff was assigned all rights, titles, and interest in said accounts: Mary Hurley Hospital SubTotal: S2,958.56 Origination Acct. No. Balance 9/18/2010 XX3503 $212.50 9/7/2013 XX3503 $339.00 7/31/2014 XX3503 $2,407.06 2. FURTHER, the Defendant has failed to pay the above stated indebtedness. Plaintiff is attempting to collect said debts and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Therefore, Plaintiff requests an Order at the time of Judgment directing the Oklahoma Employment S e c u r i t y Commission to produce e m p l o y m e n t information of the defendant pursuant to Okla. Stat. tit. 40,§ 4-508(D). 3. Any token payment(s) made not by agreement towards the principal amount, which is received and applied after the filing of this petition, may not delay the attempts of the Plaintiff to obtain Judgment for the amount sought, including costs and an attorney fee. 4. Unless you notify this office within 30 days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt or any portion thereof, this office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within 30 days from receiving this notice, this office will: obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of a judgment and mail you a copy of such Judgment or verification. If you request this office in writing within 30 days after receiving this notice, this office will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor. This office is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a written request for validation is received, the time to respond to the petition is extended for the amount of time in which it takes for the debt to be validated. You may seek the advise of your attorney on any matter connected with this law suit. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendant for the sum of $2,958.56, plus a reasonable attorney fee in the least amount of $887.57, costs accrued and accruing in the amount of $213.70, Pre-Judgment interest in the amount of $0.00, PostJudgment interest per Okla. Stat. tit. 12, § 727, and any other relief the Court deems just and proper until paid in full. S)Malcom P. Hammond Attorney for Plaintiff Malcom P. Hammond, OBA #3780 10159 E. 11th St. Site 501 Tulsa, OK 74128 (918) 296-1650 Martin Cervantes Diaz Passes Away Martin Cervantes Diaz, a Caney resident, formerly of Mexico passed away May 17, 2015 at Atoka at the age of 34. He was born August 3, 1980 to Martin Cervantes Campos and Graciela Medina Diaz at Ojuelos, Jalisco, Mexico. He attended school at Igido Guadalupe, Bitoria, Mexico and was a ranch hand at Willis Ranch in Caney, OK for 14 years. He was of the Catholic faith and enjoyed spending time with family and especially his nephew, Micheal, and training his horses. Survivors include his parents, Martin Cervantes Campos and Graciela Medina Diaz of Mexico; siblings, Berta Alicia Cervantes Rodriguez and husband, Mario, of Corsicana, TX, Arturo Cervantes Diaz and wife, Melissa of Coleman, OK, Francisco Javier Cervantes Diaz, Marisela Cervantes Diaz, Alonso Cervantes Diaz, Jose` Adan Cervantes Diaz and wife, Delfina all of Jalisco Mexico, Gonzalo Cervantes Diaz and wife, Tanya of Wapanucka, OK; nieces, Jessica, Bianca, Stormy Golden, Nayeli Rodriguez Cervantes and Siclali Ariana Cabiyo Cervantes; nephews, Jordan Golden, Micheal Moralez Cervantes, Javier Reyes Cervantes, Edgar Rodriguez Cervantes and Alexander Cervantes Diaz. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015—PAGE A-7 Coalgate Schools Summer Food Service Program June 1st to July 10th, 2015 Coalgate School Lunchroom Breakfast Served 8:15 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Lunch Served 11:30 - 12:30 (No meals served on July 3, 2015) MIDWAY NOW SERVING DOUGH BOYZ PIZZA also New Burgers Daily Lunch Specials Mon. - Fri. - call - in orders welcome Food Stamps Accepted (580)927-1112 Drive Thru Window ve Prices Competiti Large Selection of Liquor & Beer Wine Room (580) 927-3334 Lehigh, Ok Service Sunday for Marcelino Ramirez Services for Marcelino Cruz Ramirez, a Caddo resident, formerly of Mexico, will be held Sunday, May 24, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Voca Baptist Church in Caney, OK with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Mr. Ramirez was born June 2, 1955 to Moises and Ricarda (Ramirez) Cruz at San Martin Chalchicuautla, Mexico and passed away May 16, 2015 a Caney, OK at the age of 59. He attended school in San Martin Chalchicuautla, Mexico and was a ranch hand. Marcelino loved fishing, deer hunting, spending time with his family and friends. He also loved vanilla ice cream and grapes. He attended Voca Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Silvia Mendoza Valadez of Caney; son, Jamie Cruz Mendoza and wife, Orvella of Denison, TX; daughters, Yessenia Cruz Mendoza, Ana Ruth Cruz Mendoza, Silvia Alejandra Cruz Mendoza, all of Caney; mother Ricarda (Ramirez) Cruz of San Martin Chalchicuautla; sisters, Ninfa Cruz Ramirez, Anjela Cruz Ramirez, Onorina Cruz Ramirez all of Tanquian Ecobedo , SLP; brother, Arnulfo Cruz Ramirez of Tanquian Ecobedo, SLP; fifteen grandchildren; one great grandson; and numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his father, brother, Moises Cruz and son, Marcelino Cruz Mendoza. Graveside Held for Anna Belle Pike Graveside services for Anna Belle (Homer) Pike, a Denton resident, were held Monday, May 18, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Coal Creek Cemetery in Atoka with Pastor Martin Scott officiating. Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate was in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Pike was born August 23 1949 to Joseph and Julia (Lawarence) Homer at Talihina, OK and passed away May 13, 2015 at Denton, TX at the age of 65. She attended high school and married Robert Pike in 1979 in Denton, TX. Anna was a registered nurse and was a member of Coal Creek Church. Survivors include her sons, Clarence Homer, Martin Dale Homer and wife, Julia, Edward Vaughn and wife, Dee all of Denton, TX, Larry Frazier and Lori of Tempe, AZ, John Frazier and Michelle of Denton, TX, and Tommy Frazier and wife, Robin of Lisbon, CT; five grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; sisters, Bernice Clark and husband, George of Lehigh, Laverne Talley and Billy, Joyce Pults, Marian Benson and husband, Bo all of McAlester; brothers, Joseph Homer Virgil Homer, both of Hartshorne and Isaac Homer and wife, Sharon of Durant; along with numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friend. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; brothers, Amanuel Homer and Clinton Ray Homer and nephew, Christopher Rawls. Casketbearers were Tommy Frazier, John Frazier, Larry Frazier, Edward Vaughn, Clarence Homer, Edward John. Honorary casketbearer was James Rawls. Are You Searching? Hello, My name is Eldon Eddie Hogue, Jr. I am the new Sr. Pastor at Cottonwood Baptist Church. With God’s help, in the past year, I have stopped running from Him and started running to Him. What I mean is this, that I am putting Jesus first and not the world. Satan is put- ting so much chaos in our way that we can’t see God and how He is reaching out for all of us. Churches all over the world are being strained through some dangerous times and Cottonwood Baptist Church is no different. But with Jesus as our Savior we can be “overcomers” of ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MONDAY & THURSDAY AT 8:PM SATURDAY MORNINGS AT 8:AM ST. PETERS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 107 HANOVER COALGATE OK 580-927-0229 the world and its many distractions. If you are searching for the Love that Jesus offers then I have great news for you. You can find it at Cottonwood Baptist Church every Sunday morning starting at 9:45 a.m. with “call to worship” moving into Sunday school at 10:00 and church service at 11:00. Then Sunday night at 5:00 p.m. with discipleship training and studying God’s word at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday night with a meal and fellowship at 6:00 p.m. and Bible study at 6:30. Don’t forget the kids. With summer coming up we will have lots of fun activities planned. God Bless You, Pastor Eddie Hogue Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 5/13/2015 Total Head: 780 Steers 255-293 ...............$362.50-$400.00 353-395 ...............$327.50-$363.00 408-425 ...............$312.50-$320.00 460-480 ...............$276.00-$286.00 510-526 ...............$274.00-$278.00 580.....................................$272.00 658-672 ...............$235.00-$240.00 727-743 ...............$217.00-$226.00 791.....................................$210.00 919.....................................$190.00 Heifers 310-348 .............. $300.00-$319.00 358-377 .............. $280.00-$304.00 435.................................... $278.00 505-523 .............. $236.00-$244.00 560-582 .............. $225.00-$240.00 669-689 .............. $214.00-$215.00 702.................................... $233.00 779.................................... $191.00 856.................................... $186.00 864.................................... $167.00 Riverside Autoplex 3224 Hwy 48 In Holdenville [405] 379-5424 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 2008 Buick Lucerne *$279 a month* *$219 a month* 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 2007 Buick Rendevous *$329 a month* *$199 a month* 2014 Chevrolet Sonic 2014 Buick Verano *$279 a month* *$319 a month* - All payments with approved credit - INTRODUCING NEW SERVICE OPTIONS Now open Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm for Quick Lubes FREE Check engine code readings! FREE multi-point inspection with any service $19.99 for Standard Oil Changes $39.95 for Dexos (Synthetic) up to 5 Quarts Excludes Disels $99.00 Window Tint 4 Door Cars $49.99 2 Roll Ups (Reg. Cab Trucks) PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015 Coalgate Lady Cats showing off their track medals from a recent track meet. The squad members include, left to right, Sara Newman, Taylor Hall, Emily Kingston, Morgan Cole, Abby James, Darby Kingston, and Madisson Powell-Mahl. (Photo by Coach Childers) Darby Kingston ends career at state —Coalgate track star competes in 800 and 1600 meter races By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent Coalgate High School senior Darby Kingston closed out her prep career last week in track and field competition. The distance runner competed in 800 CLASS meter and 1600 meter races at Carl Albert High School in Midwest City. Darby finished in 14th place in the 800 meter run with a time of 2:42.40. The outstanding CHS senior was 13th in the 1600 meter run with her time of Reunion of 1975 Saturday, May 23rd ~ Noon till 3:00 301 N. Byrd For a Starting at 8:00 pm Dance at the Linton Gym 8:00 to 12:00 midnight All Classes Invited 6:12.74. Coach Larry Childers praised his state qualifier for her impressive contribution to the Lady Wildcat track program during her final campaign at CHS. Even without a medal, Kingston still realized the dream of every Oklahoma athlete. “Running in the state tournament and competing against the best is always a great feeling,” the coach said. “Darby did a great job this year. We will miss her next season. Here are the performances of the runners in the 800 and 1600 races: 800 Meter Run 1 - Brooke James, Dibble, 2:25.60 2 - Ladasheray Bell, Alva, 2:28.55 3 - Beth Niles, Fairview, 2:28.58 4 - Addison Kleiwer, Cordell, 2:28.72 5 - Madison Rutherford, Merritt, 2:28.96 6 - Mia Reyes, Hollis, 2:28.97 7 - Abbie Etter, Healdton, 2:29.78 8 - Ashlee Carr, Merritt, 2:31.72 9 - Jasmine Ingram, Depew, 2:32.31 10 - Lora Riley, Alva, 2:35.83 11 - Mickayla Lawson, Oktaha, 2:37.55 12 - Lexi Wall, Mounds, 2:39.98 13 - Cierra Bennett, Wyandotte, 2:40.76 14 - Darby Kingston, Coalgate, 2:42.40 15 - Nancy Needham, Healdton, 2:45.30 16 - Lynnsey Davis, Quinton, 2:59.64 --1600 Meter Run 1 - Berkley Price, Cordell, 5:30.63 2 - Kailey Kilpatrick, Warner, 5:41.78 3 - Ladasheray Bell, Alva, 5:46.00 4 - Mia Reyes, Hollis, 5:46.52 5 - Beth Niles, Fairview, 5:46.86 6 - Madison Rutherford, Merritt, 5:49.93 7 - Aimee Mc Farland, Hooker, 5:51.91 8 - Ashlee Carr, Merritt, 5:57.63 9 - Dorcas Hall-Zotigh, Pawnee, 6:01.16 10 - Mickayla Lawson, Oktaha, 6:06.26 11 - Lupe Martinez, Minco, 6:07.54 12 - Abbie Etter, Healdton, 6:10.07 13 - Darby Kingston, Coalgate, 6:12.74 14 - Shawnia Christensen, Elmore City, 6:19.08 15 - Savannah Dry, Depew, 6:33.79 16 - Ashley Turley, Afton, 7:58.69 --Team Rankings 1) Cordell, 104 2) Alva, 101 3) Fairview, 56 4) Wynnewood, 48 5) Warner, 41 6) Watonga, 32 7) Dibble, 26 8) Cashion, 20 8) Caney Valley, 20 8) Stroud, 20 11) Porter, 16 11) Wetumka, 16 13) Pawnee, 15 14) Kiefer, 14 14) Ninnekah, 14 16) Hooker, 13 17) Howe, 12 18) Elmore City, 10 19) Hobart, 9 19) Hollis, 9 21) Merritt, 7 22) Frederick, 6 22) Oklahoma Union, 6 22) Afton, 6 22) Thomas-Fay-Custer, 6 22) Wyandotte, 6 27) Crossings Christian, 4 27) Rush Springs, 4 29) Ketchum High, 2 29) Boone-Apache, 2 29) Commerce, 2 32) Tonkawa, 1 32) Central – Sallisaw, 1 32) Depew, 1 35) Minco, 0.50 35) Foyil, 0.50 Clarita Homecoming June 6, 2015 Schedule of Events Saturday, June 6, 2015: Arrive any time after 9am and spend the day. The class of 1964-65 will be celebrating their 50th anniversary, the 1954-55 graduating class will celebrate the 60th anniversary and the 65th anniversary will be the class of 1949-50. Lunch: A delicious catered meal will be served at noon. Please submit $11.00 for each meal and $7.00 for each child under the age of 12 years. $1.00 of this fee will be applied to the Homecoming costs. Reservations and lunch fees must be returned by May 27 to: Clarita Homecoming For phone reservations call: % Diane Huff Diane Huff 580-320-5811 21600 CR 3620 after 5 pm Stonewall, OK 74871 For out of town travelers, a convenience again this year is the Highway Inn of Coalgate, 1412 S Broadway,. Call 580-927-2900 for reservations. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015—PAGE B-1 Coal County District Court Records Felonies Oscar Dean Campbell, Lehigh, OK – Uttering a forged instrument. Gerald Wayne Williams, Jr., Pensacola, FL – Possession of controlled dangerous substance (felony); possession of controlled substance (misdemeanor); unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia (misdemeanor); transporting open bottle of liquor (misdemeanor); failure to pay taxes due state (misdemeanor); driving with license cancelled/suspended/ revoked (misdemeanor). Preston Wayne Cole, Coalgate, OK – Domestic assault and battery by strangulation AFCF. Jessica Coline Stiles, Kenefic, OK – Felony value false pretenses-bogus check/con game; knowingly concealing stolen property. Steven Bradley Bears, Coalgate, OK – Knowingly concealing stolen property; obtaining cash or merchandise by bogus check/false pretenses. Calvin Leon Brown, Ada, OK – Assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Johnny Dale Chaffin, Atoka, OK – Domestic assault and battery by strangulation. Civil Adam Vaughn, Sabrina Vaughn, Paula Carney, Joanne Fowers, et al vs Jarrett Miller – Friendly suit. Oklahoma Tax Commission vs Kathryn L. Ramos, C Town Restaurant – Collection of delinquent state tax. Midland Funding LLC vs Karen Long – Indebtedness. Discover Bank vs Kevin Dale Ennis – Breach agreement/contract. Alfred Lee Horn, Jr., A.J. Horn vs Thomas F. Long, et al – Quiet title. Memorial Day 4 Day Sale!! Please Join Us At The Wilson Cemetery day, May 23 rd r u t for the Sa Annual Wilson Cemetery MemorialWork Day & Pot Luck Work & clean-up will begin early that morning and conclude with a pot luck lunch. EvEryonE is inviTEd To ComE The Wilson Cemetery is located 2 miles north of Clarita on County Road 3690. sEE yoU THErE!! J.B.’s Lumber & Ace Home Center Check out our complete circular prices1 good until Monday, May 25 1407 North Country Club Road • Ada, Oklahoma CYAN (580)436-3992 Store Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Sat 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m. MA SERVICES AT 11:00 AM 107 WEST HANOVER ST - COALGATE, OK. 74538 • 580-927-3760 PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015 LEGAL NOTICE Storm Shelters 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage Jerry English 580-927-5493 Installed All Concrete Now Accepting Choctaw Vouchers General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems Coalgate Assembly of God Tuesday Evenings 7:00 pm Hurts, Hang-Ups, & Habits Christian 12 Step Program Pastors Billy & Linda Wilson For information call Pastor Billy at 580-927-5588 or 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda are licensed counselors and experienced 12 step leaders. Meeting will be Christ centered dealing with the reasons people turn to addictions. We deal with all addictions the same, whether it is alcohol, drugs, anger, eating disorders, gambling or any other addictions. Jesus is the answer. Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Call me: 580-889-3338 (Published in the Coalgate Record Register may 20, 2015, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: CANYON CREEK ENERGY OPERATING LLC RELIEF REQUESTED: LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CD 201502402-T NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas and all other interested persons in Coal County, Oklahoma, and more particularly; if any of the above are deceased, the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, immediate and remote, of the above-named parties, and if any of the above-named entities is a dissolved partnership, corporation or other association, then the unknown successors, trustees and assigns, both immediate and remote, of such dissolved partnership, corporation or other association. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant in this cause is requesting the following special relief: To re-enter and attempt to produce its Hockett No. 1-3 well at 787 feet from the South line and 401 feet from West line of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section 3, Township 1 North, Range 8 East, Coal County, Oklahoma,, as an exception to the Order to issue in CD 201502392-T as to the Wapanucka Common Source of Supply and to authorize the Applicant the right to drill and produce said well without penalty upon the allowable and possibly make the Order effective on a date prior to the signing thereof. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the requested location will be moving toward the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 3, Township 1 North, Range 8 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause shall be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant, or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date and provide their name and telephone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Conservation Docket at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, Kerr Building, 440 South Houston, Suite 114, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 at 8:30 a.m. on the 8 day of June, 2015, and that this Notice shall be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Stephen R. McNamara, attorney for Applicant, 1437 South Boulder Avenue, Suite 1210, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119-3609, (918) 599-0300, or Mr. Blake Gray, Canyon Creek Energy Operating LLC, 2431 East 61st Street, Suite 260, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136, (918) 561-6737. DONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day of May, 2015. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Vice-Chairman S)J. TODD HIETT Commissioner ATTEST: S)Peggy Mitchell Secretary of the Commission LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 20, 27 & June 3, 2015, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF: A. B. C. B. ALLEGED DEPRIVED CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS. JD-2012-7 SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF JUVENILE HEARING BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: HANNA HOHN You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in the matter of the above named children for deprived action provided in Title 10 O.S. Section 7006-1.1. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to be before the Juvenile and Family Relations Division of the District Court of Coal County in the Courtroom of said Court in the Coal County Courthouse, Coalgate, Oklahoma, on the 11th day of June, 2015 at 1:00 o’clock P.M. YOU ARE HEREBY INFORMED that the Petition is alleging the children are Deprived. YOU ARE FUTHER NOTIFIED upon your failure to appear, that proceedings can and will be had to terminate your parental rights. You are informed that you are entitled to have any attorney present at this hearing, and that one might be appointed for you if you cannot employ an attorney by reason of indigency. You are notified to contact the Coal County Court Clerk if you desire to be represented by an attorney. I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of May, 2015. S)D. Clay Mowdy Judge of the District Court LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 20, 2015, 1t) For Open Sites The TUPELO SCHOOL, is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to all children aged 18 and younger, without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows: TUPELO ES, Operating June 01 to June 30, 2015. 310 HIGH SCHOOL STREET, TUPELO, OK 74572. Breakfast from 8:00-9:00. Lunch from 11:0012:00. Closed: Saturday & Sunday. To file a complaint of discrimination, write or call immediately to: USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D. C. 20250-9410 (800)795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY) USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 6, 13, & 20, 2015, 3t) DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA A. J. HORN, Plaintiff, vs. The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of THOMAS F. LONG, et. al., Defendants. CV-2015-12 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of the unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executor, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of THOMAS F. LONG, REVA GRANT, LOLA STECKLER, DORIS HUMPHREY, ROBERT V. LONG, THOMAS F. LONG, JR., and BETTY RUMMERFIELD, all deceased, and CHRISTOPHER LONG and THOMAS RYAN LONG, GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that on the 5th day of May, 2015, the Plaintiff, A. J. HORN filed suit against you in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2015-12 to quiet title to the following described property in Coal County, Oklahoma to-wit: Lot Twenty-six (26) in Townsite Addition No. Eleven (11) and Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Three Hundred Thirty-one (331) in the City of Lehigh, Coal County, Oklahoma, and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of said property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiff’s petition. NOW THERREFORE, you and each of you are further notified that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 18th day of June, 2015, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against you, and establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of the property, all as more particularly set out in his petition. S)Rachel Nix, Court Clerk Johnny Sandmann Attorney Johnny Sandmann, PLLC Attorney for Plaintiff 28 North Main Coalgate, OK 74538 Phone: (580) 927-2314 Fax: (580) 927-2315 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 6, 13 & 20, 2015, 3t) PG-2014-3 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TO: Gary D. Hensley and Farrah D. Toland PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition has been filed in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma in an action entitled In the Matter of the Guardianship of Z.H., PG-2014-3, by Petitioner, Brenda Hensley. This summons by publication is specifically directed to Gary D. Hensley and Farrah D. Toland, whose whereabouts are unknown. Pursuant to an Order of said Court, notice is hereby given that the 25th day of June, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., in the Coal County District Court, City (Published in the Coalgate Record of Coalgate, Oklahoma, has been appointed as the time for hearing said Register May 13 & 20, 2015, 2t) petition. The nature of this suit seeks to appoint Petitioner as Guardian of IN THE DISTRICT COURT minor child, Z. H. Unless you answer the petition on or before said date OF COAL COUNTY and time, judgment will be taken in favor of Petitioner. STATE OF OKLAHOMA Rachel Nix, Court Clerk In the Matter of the estate of THOMAS (Seal) RAY BARNETT a/k/a THOMAS R. By:S)Rachel Nix BARNETT, DECEASED. Court Clerk PB-2012-16 Johnny Sandmann (OBA #32110) NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL Sandmann Law Office ACCOUNTING AND FINAL 28 North Main REPORT, Coalgate, OK 74538 AND PETITION FOR ORDER Seniors on blood thinners, 580-927-2314 ALLOWING FINAL ACCOUNT Fax: 580-927-2315 AND FINAL REPORT, who bruise easily because of thin LEGAL NOTICE Andy’s MUFFLER & ALIGNMENT 203 N. Main - Coalgate, OK ~SPECIAL~ TRANSMISSION FLUSH ANY VEHICLE $169 Come By or Call for Appointment We’re Your Diesel Performance, DPF & EGR Delete Headquarters • Exhaust - A/C - Tune-Ups • Minor to Major Auto Repair • Alignments starts at $55 Large Or Small We Fix Em All 580-927-2729 99 DETERMINING HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES AND PETITION FOR FINAL DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the Estate of THOMAS RAY BARNETT, deceased, that CHERI LYNNE SHORES, Personal Representative, has filed in this Court her Final Accounting and Final Report, petition for Order Allowing Final Accounting and Final Report, Determining Heirs, Legatees, and Devisees, and Petition for Final Decree of Distribution and Discharge. Pursuant to an Order of said Court, notice is hereby given that May 28th, 2015 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. of said day has been appointed as the time of hearing said Petition in the Courthouse in the City of Coalgate, County of Coal, State of Oklahoma, all persons interested shall then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said account should not be settled and allowed, the heirs determined, and said Estate distributed to the heirs thereof and the Personal Representative discharged. Dated the 30th day of April, 2015. S)D. Clay Mowdy JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Approved: S)Sara K. Hawkins Sara K. Hawkins OBA #30119 John W. Mee, Jr. OBA #6117 Mee Mee Hoge & Epperson, PLLP 1900 NW Expressway, site 1400 Oklahoma city, Oklahoma 73118 Telephone: (405) 848-9100 skin, Call 580-889-3338 to make an appointment to toughen up your skin, and clear out ugly bruises PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = (Corner of Newell & Queen) Meeting Each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. would like to invite you to join them in worship 580-258-8856 or 580-927-2267 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Keep a level head in an up-and-down market. Taylor P Howard Financial Advisor . 1500 Hoppe Blvd Suite 11 Ada, OK 74820 580-436-1632 Member SIPC CHS senior Tyler Roe claims 4th at state —Freshman Brandon Ragland ends up in seventh place By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent Two Coalgate Wildcats qualified for the Class 2A state track and field meet last Monday and Tuesday. The meet had been scheduled for the previous Friday and Saturday but was postponed due to heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and a chance of tornadoes in the Oklahoma City area. Tyler Roe finished in fourth place at state in the pole vault event. The CHS senior vaulted 10-06.00 to gain his solid showing at Midwest City. In the high jump event, Brandon Ragland ended up in seventh place. The Wildcat freshman cleared 5-foot, 8 inches at the state meet. Coalgate was down in the team standing at the 35th spot. The Wildcats landed there with the three points Roe provided with his fourth-place finish in the pole vault. Here is a rundown of the two events in which the Coalgate athletes competed: Pole Vault 1 - Connor Davis, 11, Crossings Christ, 12-06.00 2 - Jeremy Shirey, 12, Caney Valley, 12-00.00 3 - Skylor Johnson, 12, Stroud, J12-00.00 4 - Hunter House, 9, Watonga, 10-06.00 4 - Tyler Roe, 12, Coalgate, 10-06.00 6 - Austin Lentz, 9, Stroud, 10-00.00 6 - Mason Riley, 10, Hollis, 10-00.00 8 - Wyatt Hayes, 11, Dibble, J10-00.00 9 - Kooper Marsh, 11, Thomas-Fay-Cust, J10-00.00 10 - Alex Payne, 9, Rejoice Christ, J10-00.00 11 - Myles Ferguson, 11, Afton, 9-06.00 11 - Gunner Gifford, 10, Thomas-Fay-Cust, 9-06.00 11 - Tyler Keith, 12, Wynnewood, 9-06.00 -- Carlos Reyes, 9, Tonkawa, NH -- Jaden Shaw, 11, Carnegie, NH -- High Jump 1 - Zane Jacobs, 11, Haworth, Tyler Roe 6-04.00 2 - Aaron Buckmaster, 11, Ninnekah, 6-00.00 3 - Sterling Hammond, 11, Haworth, J6-00.00 4 - Sergio Mendez, 10, Hominy, J6-00.00 5 - Gunner Hudson, 10, Wyandotte, 5-10.00 5 - Hunter Riehm, 10, Fairview, 5-10.00 7 - Zac Levy, 10, Wynnewood, 5-08.00 7 - Austun Gorman, 12, Watonga, 5-08.00 7 - George Fields, 12, Hominy, 5-08.00 7 - Brandon Ragland, 9, Coalgate, 5-08.00 7 - Brandon Cozalter, 10, Dibble, 5-08.00 7 - Brason Gorman, 10, Watonga, 5-08.00 13 - Branden Harper, 10, Drumright, 5-06.00 13 - Tre Emerson, 11, Wilson, 5-06.00 13 - Ethan Sajulga, 9, Afton, 5-06.00 -- Tyler Leach, 12, Pawnee, NH -- Thomas Urbina, 9, Cordell, NH -- Isahi Vargas, 9, Hooker, NH -- Team Rankings 1) Hooker, 68 Area Students Receive Degrees District Attorney Emily Redman was the speaker at Southeastern Oklahoma State University’s Spring Commencement, was held Saturday, May 9, in Bloomer Sullivan Arena. Redman serves District 19 in Oklahoma, which includes Bryan, Atoka, and Coal counties. She is a 1988 graduate of Southeastern, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in management and political science. She earned her law degree at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. Two ceremonies were held, as follows: 10 a.m. – School of Arts & Sciences Master of Technology Master of Science (Safety) 2 p.m. – School of Education & Behavioral Sciences John Massey School of Business Master of Business Administration Master of Science (Aerospace Administration & Logistics) Master of Arts (Clinical Mental Health Counseling) Master of Education Master of Arts (Teaching) Master of Science (Sports Studies and Athletic Administration) Following are the candidates for graduation from this area, listed by permanent hometown: SPRING 2015 CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES, BACHELORS AND MASTERS Coalgate: Dario Reid Bellettini, Kyrstan Elysabeth Glasco, Sierra Charlene Loudermilk, W. Tanner Price, Billy Douglas Standridge Jr., Lehigh: Cassie Delores Dunham, Tupelo: Samantha Ann Stein. 2) Hollis, 66.50 3) Colcord, 63 4) Wynnewood, 53 5) Stroud, 42.50 6) Warner, 38 7) Fairview, 23.50 8) Silo, 19 9) Talihina, 18 10) Haworth, 16 10) Wewoka, 16 10) ThomasFay-Custer, 16 10) Pawnee, 16 14) Crossings Christian, 15 14) Watonga, 15 16) Hominy, 14 16) Frederick, 14 18) Hobart, 13 19) Tonkawa, 10 19) Dibble, 10 19) Minco, 10 19) Stratford, 10 23) ChouteauMazie, 9 24) Commerce, 8 24) Healdton, 8 24) Ninnekah, 8 24) Caney Valley, 8 28) Quapaw, 6 28) Crescent, 6 30) Rejoice Christian Ac, 4 30) Pioneer Pleasant Vale, 4 30) Alva, 4 30) Yale, 4 30) Savanna, 4 35) Coalgate, 3 36) Quinton, 2 36) Oktaha, 2 36) Cordell, 2 39) Wyandotte, 1.50 40) Konawa, 1 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015—PAGE B-3 BAR H AG. SERVICES FULL SERVICE AG. SERVICES Hay Bailing - Weed Spraying - Fertilizer Spreading - Fencing - Seeding - Ground Prep - Brushhogging - Mowing - Hauling NO JOB TO BIG OR TO SMALL... Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates CAll (580) 927-0980 Leonard Howell Clemens Construction Co. Owner: Garry Clemens Roofing & Building Contractor Licensed/Insured/Better Business Bureau Accredited Free Estimates for all your roofing needs Call: 580-513-0753 Got unclaimed property? Check to see if your name is on our list in next week’s newspaper. A Message From State Treasurer Ken Miller More than 825,000 Oklahomans do have unclaimed property and we’d like to return it. Please take a few minutes next week to see if your name is on our list of all new names. Our service is always free and there is no time limit on claiming your property! You can also check for your name in our online database. Use the convenient QR code below to check for your name or go to UNCLAIMED PROPERTY DIVISION OKLAHOMA STATE TREASURER State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 217 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-4273 WWW.YOURMONEY.OK.GOV MEMORIAL WEEKEND 3.75” x 5” C E L E B R AT I O N ! NEW EXHIBIT 1700s Beadwork of Southeastern Tribes MAY 23-24 S A T. & S U N. TR ADITIONAL G AMES • CULTUR AL DEMONSTR ATIONS FAMILY FILMS • CAFÉ • GIF T SHOPS • 10 miles east of I-35 in Sulphur • 580-622-7130 Closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 20, 2015, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: CANYON CREEK ENERGY OPERATING LLC RELIEF REQUESTED: DRILLING & SPACING UNITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CD 201502392-T NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas and all other interested person, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma, and more particularly Osage Exploration and Development, Inc., Charles Wayne McKay, Jon L. Akin – Heir of Ralph & Yvonne Akin, Michael M. Akin - Heir of Ralph & Yvonne Akin, Charles Rutherford, deceased C/o June I Rutherford, Virginia K. Price Giles & William S. Price, Trustees of the Joel S. Price Testamentary Trust, for the benefit of the children of William S. Price, Gary D. Wilson and Linda S.Wilson, DLA Howe, Inc., Marilyn Akin, Heir of Ralph & Yvonne Akin, Wendell W. Broom– Heir of Gladys Broom, Charles M. Broom– Heir of Gladys Broom, John Callison, Heir of Wilma D. Snethen, Stanley Callison, Heir of Wilma Snethen, Juanita Raney Cave, Oklahoma Conference Corporation of Seventh Day Adventists, Advocate Oil and Gas, LLC C/o Brent L. Bawden, Mgr., Dr. John William Johnson and Patricia S. Johnson, Dick A. Blakeley, Donald K. Groom, Joy Miller f/k/a Joy Hathcote, Successor Trustee of the Bessie E. Saint Revocable Living Trust, dated 5/23/97, Jacky Dean Romines, Deborah Kaye Romines Forester, Jerry Dale Mayes, Karolyn King Butler – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Evelyn King – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Lynn Pipkin– Heir of Nell Abercrombie, John P. King– Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Kelly David King – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Richard Edward King – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, D. D. Brunson Jr. C/o Daniel Brunson, W. T. Brunson, Cleota Hayes, Carl Abbott, Ross Abbott, Cindy Convery, Heir of Kathryn Convery, John Convery, Heir of Kathryn Convery, Robert Convery, Heir of Kathryn Convery, James Jennings, Clara Jennings Bailey, John Callison, Heir of Wilma D. Snethen, Stanley Callison, Heir of Wilma Snethen, Commissioners of the Land office State of Oklahoma, Donald D. Dailey and Charlotte Dailey, Equitable Royalty Corporation c/o Daniel K. Waring, Jenna Jo Hellack, Mike Hellack, Alton O. Barger and Carole K. Barger, Peggy Lynn Arthurs, Patricia Ann Grubbs, Joe Stewart, Trustee of the JBN 1997 Trust, Lee Romines, Barbara Stabler, George L. Wheat, David M. Wheat, Pamela Annette McKenna, Sheri Kaye Hammons, Vicki Lynne Malave, Debra Denise Cobb, Hershel Romines, Donna Lee Romines, Gary Romines, D.E. and Geraldine Romines, Gary T. Leuenberger, Wayne Keith Mayes, Ann King Smith, Debbie K. Henry – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Lindsey Ryan and Dylan R. Martinez – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Cynthia Nell and Timothy Grant Kimbrell – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, David King – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Michael Lane Winham – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Jackye King – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Mary Joy Ting-Winham – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Katherine Nell and Ryan D. Whitford – Heir of Nell Abercrombie, Lura K. Horn, Edward A. King, Jr and Stephen L. Horn, Jr. Trustees of the KEL Family Preservation Trust, Clyde Morris Messer, Jimmy L. Jennings, Marilyn Ledbetter, Ross G. Rogers, Jewell Smith, Trustee of the Jewell Smith Revocable Trust, Joann Wooten, Steven Milton Murphy, Ginger Renee Murphy Horne, Joel S. Price, Gladys Broom, Lee Romines Sr., C.D. Romines, Mildred Adams, Jack Romines, Nell Abercrombie, Mozelle Messer, Jean Franklin Tower, Wilma D. Snethen, Tom Romines, Eula Jennings, Arthur Jennings, Kathryn Convery, Anita Jennings. Janet Jennings, and if any of the above are deceased, the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, immediate and remote, of the above-named parties; and if any of the above-named entities is a dissolved partnership, corporation or other association, then the unknown successors, trustees and assigns, both immediate and remote, of such dissolved partnership, corporation or other association. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant is requesting that the Commission: (a) Vacate existing 640-acre drilling and spacing units established by Order No. 207505 dated January 28, 1982 for the Wapanucka Common Sources of Supply underlying and comprised of the Subject Lands: (b) Extend the 160-acre drilling and spacing units as established by Order No. 631438 dated October 3, 2014 for the Wapanucka Common Source of Supply from adjacent Section 33, Township 2 North, Range 8 East, Coal County, Oklahoma into the Subject Lands as follows: Common Source Classification & Unit Shape of Supply Anticipated Depth and Size Permitted Well Location Wapanucka 4,400’ GGC 160-acre 6 6 0 ’ from any boundary (c) Establish a well pattern in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission; (d) Establish the allowable amount of production for each drilling and spacing unit established thereby; (e) Unitize all royalty interests within each drilling spacing unit established hereby so that each royalty owner shall share in all production from any well thereon in the proportion that the acreage owned by such royalty owner bears to the entire acreage in the drilling and spacing unit; (f) Provide that when there are two or more separately owned tracts or undivided interests separately owned within a drilling and spacing unit established hereby, the owners thereof may validly pool their interests and develop the drilling and spacing unit as a unit; that where, however, such owners have not agreed to so pool their interests and to develop the drilling and spacing unit as a unit, their rights and equities shall be pooled and adjudicated as provided in 52 O.S., §87.1(e); and (g) Provide that the order to be issued herein be made effective on a date prior to the date of issuance thereof. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Service Office, Suite 114, State Office Building, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 8 day of June, 2015, and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant, or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date and provide their name and telephone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Stephen R. McNamara, attorney for Applicant, Boulder Towers, Suite 1210, 1437 South Boulder Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119-3609, (918) 599-0300, or Mr. Blake Gray Canyon Creek Energy Operating LLC, 2431 East 61st Street, Suite 260, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136, (918) 561-6737. DONE AND PERFORMED this 18th day of May, 2015. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Vice Chairman S)J. TODD HIETT Commissioner ATTEST: S)Peggy Mitchell Secretary of the Commission LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register May 20 & 27, 2015, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA THE BANK, N. A. A Corporation, Plaintiff, v. GEORGE W. CLARK, and SHERRI E. CLARK, a/k/a SHERRIE CLARK, Husband and Wife, Defendants. CJ-2015-1 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is given that on the 30th day of June, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at the front door of the Coal County Courthouse (lobby) in Coalgate, Coal County, Oklahoma located at 4 North Main, Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538, the undersigned Sheriff of said County will offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, all that certain real property located in Coal County, Oklahoma, which is more particularly described as follows: See attached Exhibit “A” subject to unpaid taxes, tax sales, assessments, if any. The sale will be made pursuant to Special Execution and Order of Sale With Appraisement issued upon a judgment entered in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, in Case No. CJ-20151, wherein The Bank, N. A. is the Plaintiff, and George W. Clark and Sherri E. Clark, a/k/a Sherrie Clark, are the Defendants to satisfy a judgment on its first cause of action in favor of The Bank, N. A., in the current principal sums of not less than $69,790.29, together with interest accrued in the amount of $865.07, as of December 18, 2014, and accruing at the contract rate of 8.75% per annum, which is $16.73 per diem, late charges accrued in the amount of $315.00, as of December 18, 2014, and accruing, and other charges accrued as of December 18, 2014 in the amount of $829.50, and accruing, and a reasonable attorney’s fee in the amount of $5,000.00, all as set forth in the Foreclosure Journal Entry of Judgment which is incorporated herein by reference. The value of the Property as determined by appraisers appointed by the undersigned Sheriff is $52,500.00. Without limiting the foregoing, the persons or other entities together with such persons’ or other entities’ unknown successors, having an interest in the Property whose interests are sought to be extinguished, including those whose actual address is unknown being hereby notified are: George W. Clark 1722 S. Carson, Apt. 2008 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119 Sherri E. Clark a/k/a Sherrie Clark 600 Broadway Haskell, Oklahoma 74436 WITNESS my hand this 18th day of May, 2015. Sheriff of Coal County, State of Oklahoma By: S)Bobby Hatton Deputy Konsure Law Firm M Todd Konsure, OBA #13891 Josh Reid, OBA #21787 Attorneys for The Bank N. A. P.O. Box 1031 McAlester, Oklahoma 74502 Phone: (918) 426-0700 Fax: (918) 426-1870 Former WNBA All-Star great to speak at Hall of Fame banquet Crystal Robinson, considered by many to be the best female basketball player to come out of Oklahoma, will be the keynote speaker at the Coalgate Athletic Hall of Fame banquet on Saturday evening. Crystal excelled during her stellar high school, college, and professional basketball career. She has recently returned to her Oklahoma roots in hopes of instilling some of her passion for basketball in young athletes. Her goal is not only to teach fundamental basketball skills using drills in a positive environment, but also to promote each athlete’s attitude, character, team concept, and overall philosophy of the game. Robinson has played and coached at every level, as well as won or played for a championship at each of these levels. Her senior year she led Atoka HS to the 1992 state championship along with garnering WBCA All-American honors, first team Parade All- American, and first team Kodak All-American. After high school, Crystal attended Southeastern Oklahoma State University where she attained NAIA All-American honors for three seasons, 1994-96. Following her senior season, she was named the National Player of the Year in 1996. She also holds the school’s single game, season and career marks for most points scored and is the school’s all-time leader in rebounds, assists and steals. She still has the highest scoring game in the history of Oklahoma women’s basketball when she tallied 60 points against East Central University. Following her illustrious career at Southeastern, Crystal was named Rookie of the Year with the ABL team, Colorado Xplosion. Robinson was then selected #6 in the WNBA draft by the New York Liberty playing six seasons and appearing in four WNBA finals. She retired in 2007 to become an assistant coach with the Washington Mystics. Later, Robinson returned to McAlester where she guided the Lady Buffs to a state title. Crystal reached the pinnacle of her profession when in 2011 she was inducted into the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City. Last year, Robinson served as an assistant basketball coach with the TCU Lady Horned Frogs in Ft. Worth, Texas. She was recently hired at her alma mater, returning to guide the Atoka Wampus Cats next season. Oops! The article published in the May 13 paper about the Coalgate High School 1958 girls basketball team incorrectly listed Beverly Rogers Boswell as Beverly Rogers Samuels and her husband as Roger Samuels. Beverly was married to Richard Boswell. Here is correct information submitted by her husband and children: Beverly Rogers Boswell (by Richard Boswell, husband; Janet BoswellWebster, daughter; and Rick Boswell, son) — Beverly had many fond memories about the 1958 state team. The team coach was Joe Leone. He did a very good job, especially since they could only practice one hour a day due to scheduling. They weren’t tall or particularly fast, but they were “in your face” at all times! Beverly had some big shoes to fill. Her sister, Norma Rogers Corsini, was also an outstanding basketball player at Coalgate High School. Her niece, Gina Corsini, who is also being named in the Hall of Fame this year, was an exceptionally outstanding athlete for Coalgate. Beverly instilled the same competiveness in her three children, Janet, Rick and Kevin. Janet and Rick were both named Outstanding Athletes their senior year. Beverly was very proud of her four grandchildren and they knew they were loved. She had three passions in her life: Kids, grandkids and Longaberger baskets. Beverly worked at Boeing Aircraft in Wichita, KS, for thirty-two years. She gave them her very best every day and rarely missed a day of work. You could bet she was very sick, or her kids were, or she would have been there. She retired in 1999. Beverly is now in heaven with two of her sons, Terry Rae, who was stillborn in 1964, and Kevin Eugene who went to heaven in 2007 at the age of 37 after a short illness. He had spent 14 years in the Air Force. Beverly had a massive stroke on Father’s Day, June 17, 2012. God must have needed another angel to help him because she was such a beautiful soul and her time here on earth was much too short! GREG PETERS For All Your Carpentry Needs Residential & Commercial Free Estimates Quality Work Since 1974 “No Job Is Too Big Or Too Small” Cell (580)927-5349 Coalgate Police Report Citations The following citations were issued by the Coalgate Police Department from Monday, May 4, through Sunday, May 17: Albert Gomez, Coalgate, OK – Dog at large. James E. Anderson, Coalgate, OK – No insurance. Sandra Honeycutt, Coalgate, OK – Possession of marijuana; possession of drug paraphernalia. Joey Lester Sutterfield, Tupelo, OK – Driving under suspension 2nd and subsequent. Charles Keith Myers, Jr., McAlester, OK – Driving under suspension 2nd and subsequent; possession of drug paraphernalia. Shae G. Freiburger, Coalgate, OK – No driver’s license. Stolen checks and check forgery Three people are facing felony criminal charges in connection with forging and cashing checks stolen from a Coal County man. The dollar amount of the fraudulent checks is in the neighborhood of $2,500 to $3,000, according to Chief of Police Kenny Pebworth. Oscar Dean Campbell, 38, Lehigh, was charged May 4 with felony uttering a forged instrument. According to Chief of Police Kenny Pebworth, Campbell attempted to cash a $400 forged check at a local store. The store clerk recognized that the signature was not that of the check owner and notified the check owner. Campbell left the store while the clerk was on the telephone with the check owner. He also left the check at the store. Pebworth identified Campbell as the suspect in a surveillance camera photo. Jessica Stiles, 36, Kenefic, OK, was charged May 14 with felony value-false pretenses/bogus check/con game and felony knowingly concealing stolen property (the checks). Pebworth said Stiles cashed several stolen/forged checks at various locations and has admitted to stealing the checks. Steven Bradley Bears, 39, Coalgate, faces felony knowingly concealing stolen property and misdemeanor obtaining cash or merchandise by bogus check/false pretenses. A felony warrant has been issued for his arrest. Campbell and Stiles have pleaded not guilty to the charges. Stiles is in custody on $15,000 bond and is scheduled for a May 21 court appearance. Campbell, who was in jail on a drug court violation when the check charges were Coal County Clerk Receives Advanced II Certification Eugina Loudermilk, Coal County Clerk, recently achieved Advanced II Certification for County Clerks. To attain the advanced II level in the County Clerk’s certification program, participants must first complete seven courses or 75 hours of instruction at the basic level, then take an additional 60 hours at the advanced I level and 54 hours at the advanced II level. Loudermilk was honored at the Annual County Clerks School held in Norman. The County Clerks Association of Oklahoma instituted a voluntary certification program in 1992, which comprised an initial basic level. In 2000, the program was revised to include an advanced level which requires a minimum of 60 additional hours, including four required courses. The remaining course hours are chosen from a selection of 16 courses at the discretion of the county employee. In 2004, an Advanced Level II was added, which requires 54 additional hours, including five mandatory classes and sufficient discretionary classes to meet the number of hours needed. Since the program’s inception, more than 405 clerks and deputies have successfully attained certification. Course work for clerks and their deputies encompasses subjects such as basic accounting; administration of countyowned property; basic accounting; formulating and operating a publicly-funded budget; meeting strict requirements of purchasing and bidding procedures; basic mapping; tax roll corrections; payroll; land records; managing cash flow; and learning about the many forms used for reporting purposes required by the Office of the State Auditor and Inspector. The program also contains courses on the legislative process; utilizing the Oklahoma Statutes and research laws; fundamentals of office administration; the Open Meetings and Open Records Acts; communications skills; and a variety of courses on supervisory skills and mandatory issues regarding federal and state employment laws. Courses in the certification program are conducted through the County Training Program, part of the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service at Oklahoma State University. The County Training Program is mandated by state statute and is authorized under the Commission on County Government Personnel and Training. Instructors from OSU teach the classes for county officers and deputies at various locations throughout the state, as well as on the university’s campuses in Stillwater and Oklahoma City. In addition to County Clerks, the OSU staff also conducts dozens of classes each year for other county officer certification programs. Many of the courses, which are usually taught in a classroom setting for 25-40 people, are attended by representatives from each of the elective and appointive agencies in county government. More information about educational training for county officers may be obtained by contacting the County Training Program on the OSU Stillwater campus at 405-744-6160, or by visiting the website at filed, waived preliminary hearing on May 7 and was bound over for trial. He was formally arraigned on May 14 and was ordered to complete 12 months of inpatient treatment. A personal recognizance bond was issued on condition that he successfully completes treatment. If he fails to complete treatment, he is ordered to report to the Coal County jail within six hours of his release from the treatment center. Domestic abuse A Coalgate man was charged May 11 with felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation. Preston Wayne Cole, 32, is accused of assaulting his live-in girlfriend the night of May 9. According to a probable cause affidavit filed by Assistant Chief of Police Steven Jett, the victim said she and Cole were at another person’s residence when they began arguing and she left the residence for about an hour “to let things cool down.” She said when she returned to the residence and saw that Cole and another man had been fighting, she told him it was time to go home and that’s when he grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the floor. Cole has pleaded not guilty to the charge and is scheduled for a May 21 preliminary hearing conference. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015—PAGE B-5 The Coal County Coon Hunters Assn Thursday, May 21 8 pm deadline Nixon Community Center Gary Weeden 580-258-0245 nd 2 l a u nn A Coalgate Football Festival May 29th Donald Mike Mayer Field Entry Fee: $5 5:30-Powder Puff Flag Football Game All girls that will be freshman-senior for the 2015-2016 school year are eligible Entry forms are at high school office Entry is free Participants will receive a shirt 6:30 Alumni Flag Football Game All alumni that have graduated prior to the 2015 school year are eligible Entry fee is $20 Entry forms are at high school office Participants will receive a shirt 7:30 Spring Football Game For the 2nd year, the Coalgate Football Booster Club will be hosting the Coalgate Football Festival. This is a great night of fun and football. Entry fee is $5 and food and Wildcat gear will be for sale, as well. All proceeds go to the Coalgate Football Booster Club to be used on the Coalgate Football Program. Come out for a great night of fun and football Remember... Freedom Is Not Free On Memorial Day, we dedicate our thanks to those who dedicated their lives to this great country. Their courage, service and sacrifice will never be forgotten. We salute the military heroes we have lost, and those who continue to protect our freedom today. We will be closed Monday, May 25, 2015 in observance of Memorial Day. We will resume regular business hours Tuesday, May 26, 2015. Antlers • 100 N. High St. • (580) 298-3368 Atoka • 701 S. Mississippi • (580) 889-7357 Coalgate • 704 S. Broadway • (580) 927-3555 Hugo • 1501 E. Jackson St. • (580) 326-4958 Kiowa • 100 Harper Valley Rd. • (918) 432-3400 Check out our assets for sale at! PAGE B-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015 (3tp12) FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE BY THE WEEK OF MAY 2015. LOTS FOR SALE—19 lots 17, OWNER—3-Bdrm house, 1 in Lehigh on Division & 1/2 bath and CH/A, centered Hackberry Street. $19,000.00 on 5 acres. 4 1/2 miles South firm. Call 580-927-5517. of Tushka, $95,000. For more OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New Drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 SENTINEL TRANSPORTATION is currently seeking EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Agents Needed. Leads, no cold calls. Commissions paid daily. Lifetime renewals. Complete training. Health & Dental Insurance. Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020. LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS CLASS A CDL DRIVERS Visit us online at EDUCATION MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Train at home to process Medical Billing & Insurance Claims! No Experience Needed! Online training at Bryan University! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/ Internet needed! 1-877-259-3880 Requirements: • Must have hazmat and Tanker endorsements • Drivers will need at least 3 Years of driving experience CAREER TRAINING Pro Protect otect o tect ct Your Yo o r Family Be Prepared with Tornado orrnado o ornado ad a do St S Stor Storm tor orm Sh orm S Shel Shelters hel helters elte e lte ters rs rs Steel Safe Rooms & Above/Below Ground A Gro ound Shelters o AIRLINE CAREERS begin here –Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. Call 870-997-1053 SPORTING GOODS 6 Person (4x6x6) – $3,499 12 Person (8x6x6) – $4,199 16 Person (10x6x6) – $4,699 GUN SHOW May 23-24 Sat. 9-5 & Sun. 9-4. Tulsa Fairgrounds. Center Park Hall. BUY-SELLTRADE. RK Shows Info: (563) 927-8176 Accredited with the BBB Registered with Angie’s List | FHA Now accepting Visa and Master Card ADVERTISE STATEWIDE CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy Equipment Operator Career! Receive Hands On Training and National Certifications Operating Bulldozers, Backhoes & Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad contact (405) 499-0020 or tollfree in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN051715 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 Quality Vinyl Siding, Guttering & Windows Anderson Home Improvement Wetumka / Calvin, Oklahoma Russell Anderson • 405-380-4151 Free Estimates • In Business Since 1975 t Dir l l Fi Top Soi l Dozer Work Gravel Hauling Jerry Lemons Cell 580-258-0282 Home 580-428-3166 FOR SALE EPHERD P H S UP N A P M IES GE R REGISTERED CALL 580-927-0173 “ 180± ACRES • PITTSBURG COUNTY OK • QUINTON OK AREA • OFFERED IN 2 TRACTS WEDNESDAY JUNE 10th 3PM info. or for appointment call 580-239-8549. (4tp11) FOR SALE—Spec Gov. Programs ZERO DOWN if you own land or have family land lenders offered. FREE APPLICATION. Can do septics/elec and water. Call 918-437-1870. (9tc11) FOR SALE—Registered German Shepard puppies. Call 580-927-0173. (4tp10) FOR SALE—3-Heavy duty industrial sewing machines, washer & dryer, small dressers and odds & ends furniture. Call 405-221-3466. (tfn) FOR RENT FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-Bdrm houses 580-258-8856, cell. (11/24tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT— Furnished or unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 927-5171. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT—Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft. and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—1-bdrm apts. with stove, refrigerator, CH/A, 3 walk-in storm shelters, water sewer & garbage paid. Laundry facility on property. Handicap assessable apts available. At least 62 years of age may apply at Louis Sandmann Senior Housing, 1201 Cedar Way, west of Coalgate football field. 580-927-2781. Office hours M-F 9:00 to 1:00. (4/3tfn) FOR RENT—Nice 3-bdrm trailer with CH/A in Phillips. Also house on 7 N. Byrd, 3-bdrm, 1-bath, close to library, Coalgate. 580-2392170. (12/3tfn) FOR RENT—2 & 3 bdrm house, 1 1/2 bath with CHA. 580-258-8856. (4/8tfn) FOR RENT—New house for rent. 1-bdrm, 1-bath, located 7 miles N. of Coalgate on Hwy 31. Has appliances and AC unit. $500 per month, $500 deposit, single or couple only. 580-927-6780. Marilyn Eidson. Must have references and will background check. (4/22tfn) FOR RENT—3-bdrm, 2-bath house with new CH/A, large carport, fenced yard, across from school. $600 per month with $300 deposit. 580-9275977. (5/20tfn) WANTED WORK WANTED—I will do lawn mowing and/or weed eating. Call Peydon at 580927-5857. (tfn) WORK WANTED—Osborn Tree Service, trimmingpruning-removal-stump grinding. Licensed, bonded, insured, free estimates. Jackie Osborn 580-399-4499, (1/21tfn) HELP WANTED—Part time office help needed. Call 9271117. (1tc10) HELP WANTED—City of Tupelo is now taking applications for a part time Water and Waste Water superintendent. Applications will be accepted until June 8th. Apply at Tupelo City Hall. (3tc12) Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley E-mail: 918-557-5308 Auction location: onsite- Bascum Rd (N 4290 Rd) & HWY 31 Quinton OK 74561- From Quinton Ok go 1 mile West on ST Hwy 31 to Bascum Rd., go South ¾ mile to sale site. TRACT 1: E/2 of lot 4 and W/2 W/2 of lot 3 and SW/4 NW/4 and the W/2 SE/4 NW/4 of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County Ok. TRACT 2: E/2 of lot 3 and E/2 W/2 of lot 3 and E/2 SE/4 NW/4 and SW/4 NE/4 of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County OK. More info call or look online. 580-237-7174 Want A Career Change? FINISH YOUR DEGREE Earn your Associate degree from Murray State College through Reach Higher, Oklahoma’s Degree Completion Program If you left college without graduating, Reach Higher can change your life PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: < Have at least 18 hours of college credit < Have a minimum 2.0 GPA from previous college credits < Have completed any remedial courses GET STARTED NOW! Contact Amanda Baldridge MSC Reach Higher Coordinator 580-387-7201 603 East Lafayette/Hwy 43 - Coalgate, OK HOME FOR SALE 4 Bedroom - 3-1/2 Bath, Formal Living Room, Kitchen with Eating Area, Den with Bar Area. Large Basement with 1/2 Bath, 1 Car Garage, 1-Detached Garage, Carport Separate Fenced Garden Area Magnolia & Pecan Trees, Double Lot Yard $130,000. 580-927-5215 CAXCA Tank Truck Drivers Needed A&A Tank Truck Co. – Calvin, OK A&A Tank Truck Co is currently hiring Night Drivers for our Calvin, OK yard. This position will work 4 On 2 Off schedule with the possibility to go to Days in the future. Our drivers are Home every day! Competitive Wages, Medical, Dental, Life Insurance, Paid Time Off, 401K and other benefits available. REQUIREMENTS: · Must possess a valid Commercial Driver’s License with Tank Endorsement · Must provide 3 years verifiable Work History · Oilfield Experience preferred Please contact Frank Williams @ 405-431-8188 or Dispatch @ 580-399-6357 Real Estate ale S Land for New Listing: Wrangler Blvd. 3 lots with 3 RV hook-ups, and storage building with living quarters. Priced at $20,000. New Listing: 802 SW Railroad, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, brick home, with 1,145 sq. ft., fenced backyard, recently remolded with new CH/A. Priced at $69,000. New Listing: North of Wardville, 230 acres with lots of wildlife, several ponds, very secluded. Priced at $380,000. New Listing: 7 N. Broadway - 3 bdrm., 1 bath frame home. Priced at $25,000. 303 West Hooker - 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, brick home, with 1313 sq ft, carport, on large lot, Priced at $85,000. Hard to find 10 acres on Pine Tree Lane, with pond, water and electricity. Priced at $30,000. North of Coalgate - 3 bdrm, 2 bath frame home with in ground pool, barn with water and electricity. Priced at $168,000. SOLD 711 S. Railroad - 3 bdrm. 1.5 baths, brick home, on 2 large Shouse lots, with privacy fence, very nice in a good neighborOL D 502 East Vincent on corner of Vincent & Coe -3 bdrm. 1 bath, brick home, on corner lot. Priced at $49,000. hood. Priced at $99,000. Reduced Price. $89,000. 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • 1384 + acres....pristine whitetail and turkey habitat. High fenced. 30 acre lake. 6 acre lake. 2 cattle working areas. 100+AU capacity. Property is fenced and cross fenced. 3 high fenced wildlife breeding pens. 60’x80’ metal barn with 3 bdrm/2bth bunkhouse. • 300 acres - Great hunting land. Electricity and water available. East of Durant • 19.77 acres....3,000+sq. ft. amazing new home. 4 bdrms/3bths. Office. Solid hardwood floors. Exotic granite counters. Gas log fireplace. Landscaped with sprinkler system. Underground electric fence. Attached double car garage. Workshop. Pond • 125 acres - Complete mini ranch. 2 homes. 1 guest cottage. Barns. Steel pens. 4 ponds. Hay meadow. 95% cleared. Clear Boggy upland. $399,000 MANY MORE LISTINGS AVAILABLE. PLEASE CHECK OUR WEB SITE FOR ALL LISTINGS WITH 205 South Dewight, 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom, frame home, with handicap walk-in tub and a nice quite neighborhood. Priced at $89,000. REDUCED TO $79,000.00 North of Coalgate - 754 acres or recreation land, on Caney Boggy Creek with lots of wildlife, electricity on property. Priced at $1,450.00 per acre. For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015—PAGE B-7 Coal County Sheriff’s Report Stolen gate A 16-foot tube gate was reported stolen on Bullard Road in Tupelo on May 8. Vandalism A woman in the Tupelo area reported on May 9 that a tire on her vehicle was slashed the previous night. According to Undersheriff Bobby Hatton’s offense report, a 17-year-old female admitted to cutting the tire and has committed to paying for a replacement. Burglary On May 6, a man reported that his residence on W. 10th Street in Lehigh was broken into. Entry was gained by removing a latch on a screen door, according to the report. Several items inside the house had been moved around. Stolen tiller A Sears Craftsman tiller was reported stolen from a Cottonwood residence on May 12. The tiller is black and gray in color with the belt covers and filter cover missing. Ada man arrested for stabbing with screwdriver Calvin Leon Brown, 24, Ada, was arrested Saturday, May 16, after he allegedly stabbed another man with a screwdriver as they were driving from Ada to Tupelo. Undersheriff Bobby Hatton said he was dispatched to the stabbing at 7:17 a.m. According to Sheriff Bryan Jump and Hatton, the stabbing occurred as Then, around 12:45 or so, Atoka, was charged May 18 alleged assault took place at the victim, Anthony Gore, Hatton was driving by with domestic assault and Chaffin’s residence east of Lehigh, she said. Gore’s wife, Brown and his the residence and saw the battery by strangulation. girlfriend were on their way suspect standing outside A probable cause affidavit Ward said the victim to a residence in Tupelo to wearing only blue jean filed by deputy Jerry Ward had several red marks and shorts and socks with no states that the alleged victim bruises on her face and body get a vehicle. came to the sheriff’s office and blood on her face. Gore, who was shirt or shoes. interviewed at Chickasaw Within a short time, at approximately 1:30 a.m. Chaffin has pleaded not Medical Center in Ada, told several law enforcement on May 17 and reported guilty to the charge. He Jump and Hatton that he agencies joined together in a that her uncle, Johnny has been released on $3,000 manhunt for Chaffin, had choked her bond and is scheduled for a was driving the suspect. with a clothes hanger and May 21 preliminary hearing the SUV A game hit her several times. The conference. with his wife w a r d e n in the front and U.S. passenger Marshals seat and tracked Brown and • Reliable and Dependable • B r o w n his girlfriend Over 30 years´ Experience Sheetrocking, Painting-Int. & Ext., Decks, Patios, through in the back Ceramic Tile, Custom Showers the woods seat. He “For All Your Home Improvement Needs” several said they For Free Estimates Call Johnnie Foster hundred were on Old Home: 580-428-3266 or 580-320-4582 yards, Jump Hwy. 3 east Quality Work ~Affordable Prices said, but of Stonewall then lost his when Brown trail. reached over CALVIN LEON BROWN Shortly after the driver’s the news seat and stabbed him on the right side of his neck and media ran the story and SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY right shoulder area with a Brown’s photo, a relative We Can Help of Brown’s in Stonewall screwdriver. Call for Free Consultation Gore stated that when called the sheriff’s office to report that he was at her he stopped the vehicle, 1-800-658-1596 Brown got out, dropped the residence. Brown later said (918) 423-0421 screwdriver, and ran down he had walked the entire the roadway yelling, “Why distance without shoes. are ya’ll trying to kill me?” A number of law officers Residents living in the area enforcement were informed that a suspect immediately responded to was at large and possibly the residence. Brown once Highway 1 •Calvin, Oklahoma again fled into a patch of armed and dangerous. 1-580-889-0592 or 1-405-332-3212 Jump stated that deputies woods, but this he didn’t get 24 Hr Road Service • Bunk House Spaces for Rent searched the Tupelo far. U.S. Marshal Johnny residence where Brown Christian apprehended him Services Offered: and the others were headed, within minutes. Brown We repair and sell new, but Brown was not there. was not armed and offered used and recap tires for no resistance, Jump said. 18 wheelers, cars, pickups, Deputy Nic Davis stated tractors, backhoes, that during an interview and lawn mowers. with Brown, the suspect We sell batteries, hydraulic initially denied stabbing oil and we do oil changes. - 2:30 p.m. will focus on chilGore but then said he had dren writing letters to soldiers; and on Monday, June been shooting meth and 22 at 2:00 p.m., Therapetics did stab him. “He said he will be at the library with a thought Gore was going to trained dog and trainer. The take him out in the middle group trains dogs to help re- of nowhere and kill him,” Tuesday, May 12, 2015 785 cattle. Steers $4 to $5 Higher. Heifers $2 to $4 Higher. “You have heard turning soldiers with mobil- Davis said. it said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your Sheriff Jump extended ity issues and PTSD. enemy.” his thanks and appreciation A “Hero Kids in HistoWeight Range #1 Steers #1 Heifers ry” program will take place to the Oklahoma Highway 225 to 300# $385 to $450 $312 to $333 on Tuesday, June 23 at 2:00 Patrol, U.S. Marshals, state 300 to 350# $345 to $352 $291 to $310 p.m.; and on Friday, June game warden, Stonewall 350 to 400# $315 to $330 $286 to $305 400 to 450# $300 to $312 $260 to $273 26 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. the Police Department, and the 450 to 500# $280 to $292 $247 to $265 program will feature Theo- Pontotoc County Sheriff’s 500 to 550# $269 to $281 $235 to $248 dore Roosevelt. Office for their help. 550 to 600# $257 to $272 $225 to $236 Teens and tweens will be “They all went above and 600 to 700# $222 to $267 $222 to $229 able to make their own comic beyond the call of duty to 700 to 750# $217 to $230 $200 to $215 books at the Monday, June 29 help us find the suspect,” 800 to 850# $195 to $216 $193 to $198 program. The program starts he said. “I’m glad that all 100 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. at 2:00 p.m. On Tuesday, these agencies are able to PACKER COWS StEAdy And BullS $9 lOWER High yielding packer bulls sold from .....................$146 to $149 June 30 at 2:00 p.m. Kelsey work together to get things Average yielding packer bulls sold from................$137 to $148 Hoops will teach children like this taken care of.” low yielding packer bulls sold from......................$130 to $134 how to hula hoop. Brown pleaded not guilty High yielding packer cows sold from.....................$116 to $124 Our last two programs Average yielding packer cows sold from...............$112 to $118 to assault and battery will be on Monday, July 13. low yielding packer cows sold from .....................$104 to $113 The tweens/teens program with a deadly weapon on Sale Every tuesday will be at 1:00 p.m. and the Monday and remains in jail Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls tuesday evening, 6 pm OPEn 7 dAyS/WEEK & 24 HOuRS/dAy children’s program at 3:00 on $100,000 bond. He is 2 RECEIVE & CARE FOR yOuR lIVEStOCK InVEStMEnt! scheduled for a return court p.m. The tweens/teens proJulie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill gram will be about ash fall appearance on May 21. George tarr lindsey Grant donny Shadwick Richard Magby Domestic assault 918-423-4498 — what could happen if the 918-421-9057 918-649-4750 580-889-6049 918-424-1464 918-548-3478 918-655-7754 580-889-1329 super volcano in Yellow- Johnny Dale Chaffin, 66, THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! stone erupts. The children’s program is “Amazing Avengers.” All programs are free and Coalgate Education Association would like to thank all of the busiopen to residents of Coal nesses and individuals that contributed to the County. They will be held in the library public meetTeacher of the Year, Mr. David Swift. ing room. Many of the programs are made possible by a Apple Bottom Tanning McNutt’s Auto Repair grant provided by the CaroBrandin’ Iron Penney Rehab lyn Watson Rural Oklahoma C&C Hardware Ricks Oil Company Community Foundation. Circle N Shamrock Bank Sponsors include the InCoal County Sheriff, Bryan Jump Sonic in Coalgate stitute of Museums and LiCoalgate Education Association Sonny’s Grocery in Coalgate brary Services; Sonic, AmerCoalgate Fuels Southeastern Oklahoma Family Services ica’s Drive-In; the Oklahoma Coalgate High School The Bunkhouse Department of Libraries; Dairy Queen in Atoka The Flower Garden Friends of the Metropolitan First Bank TK’s Hair Salon Library System; and OklaFish Tails in Tishomingo Valley Insurance homa College Savings Plan Lambert Mechanical Sweepstake. Johnnie’s Remodeling The Tire Shop Super heroes coming to the library The Coal County Public Library summer reading program will start in June. The theme is Super Heroes with a variety of programs. The programs are divided into two age groups: children age 5-12 years and tweens/ teens age 11-17 years. Two programs are open to families. We will start with a family program on Monday, June 1, at 2:00 p.m. The presenter is Larry Daniels who will be teaching us about snakes in “An Introduction to Snakes.” Our next program will be on Tuesday, June 2, at 2:00 p.m. This will be a children’s program. We will be taking pictures of the children either standing behind the cardboard Superman and Superwoman cutouts or flying through the city with a cape and mask. Parents MUST sign a ‘permission to photograph’ form. We will also do a craft. We will have a children’s obstacle course on Friday, June 5, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m., and a tweens/teens obstacle course on Monday, June 8, 2:00 p.m. Jim Green will come on Tuesday, June 9, at 2:00 p.m. and do his magic for us. On Friday, June 12, from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m., we will hand out the pictures taken on June 2 and make frames for them. A “Survival 101” program will be held on Monday, June 15, at 2:00 p.m. for the tweens/teens age group. On Tuesday, June 16, at 2:00 p.m., Extreme Animals will bring exotic animals to the library. The children’s program on Friday, June 19 from 1:00 McAlester Stockyards Market Report THANK YOU PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MAY 20, 2015 The Class of 1960 is having a Reunion Saturday 5/23/2015 All grades and friends are invited to join us from 11am to 2pm for hot dogs and talk of the good times Please join us a 404 S. Byrd at the home of Janice Ridley Griffin. Emerson Elementary is in my backyard so you can’t miss us Swindell – Stiles Family Reunion May 30, 1915 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Cottonwood School Lunchroom Lubbis Street Cottonwood (Pot Luck Lunch) For Info call (580) 927-3325 S P E C I A L E D U C AT I O N RISING STAR A W A R D S PRESENTED TO FOUR AT ECUEast Central University’s Dr. Laura Bixler (left) presented the Special Education Rising Star Awards to Kortnie Henson, of Pauls Valley; Lori Roberts, of Ada; Ashley Viss, of Coalgate and Breanna Yarbrough, of Glenpool during the recent ECU Department of Education’s 2015 Spring Awards Luncheon. IT’S S U M M E R T I M E LANDMARK BANK @ AND CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY ! ! Friday – May 22nd 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Card of Thanks We would like to thank our family, friends, and neighbors for all of the help, prayers, and support through the flood waters that we endured last week. We would like to extend special thanks to our neighbors Carminia and Phillip Magby for letting us cross their property so we could save some of our belongings. Larry and Bonnie Cometti for letting us put our cattle on their property until the water went down. Jackson Ward and Jeremiah Golden for helping raise our house an extra 2 feet to help prevent future flood waters from damaging it. We want everyone to know that the water did not get inside our house. It got within 1 inch of getting inside the house and then the water level started dropping. Nick, Tamra, Trista and Taci Thank You We would like to thank all of our customers for being so patient and appreciative thru our disaster, and all the calls and concerns of so many wanting to help. We also want to thank Roger Cosper and the City of Coalgate for the use of their equipment and employee Gordon Smith. A big thanks to Richard Blalock for his time and effort helping with our by-pass around the leak and Jack Wilson and Carl and Pat McEntire for all their help. Thank you for all the cards with words of love, praise, and appreciation. Frank & Virginia Cometti Coal County R.W.D. #5 Son’s of Confederate Veterans Check out our Beach Give-A-Ways & Have Lunch With Us ! ! LANDMARK BANK 105 N Choctaw Wapanucka, OK Member FDIC will be holding a meeting June 6th at 11:00 am in honor of Benjamin F. Smallwood He will be honored by opening a chapter in his name The meeting will be held at the Coalgate Library Meeting Room Ryan Spring, Historian for the Choctaw Nation will be guest speaker Mr. Smallwood was a resident of Lehigh, Ok. and had a ranch there which later became his final resting place. Mr. Smallwood had been Choctaw Governor, Principle Chief and a Captain in the Confederate Army. Join Shamrock Bank as we kick off the summer at the Admission is beginning at 3:00 pm for Kindergarten through 12th grade students! Friday, June 5th 3 pm to 5:30 pm Coalgate Municipal Pool 101 North Main · Coalgate · 927-2311 · Don’t forg et to bring your 3rd or 4th Qu ar Report C ter ard!
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