legal notice - Coalgate Record Register
legal notice - Coalgate Record Register
COALGATE Volume 131 Number 46 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 RECORD REGISTER Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, JANUARY 28, 2015 A Coal County District 2 work crew cleans up the fairgrounds dump site. Cleanup under way at fairgrounds dump site Work has begun on cleaning up the dump site on the south side of the country fair barn. District 2 Commissioner Johnny D. Ward said Monday he hopes to have the site completely cleaned up by this coming weekend. Coalgate City Manager Roger Cosper reiterated Monday that dumping of any kind, including brush and tree limbs, is no longer allowed. DEQ designated the area as a TEMPORARY burn site for brush and tree Coalgate football players receive All-District honors The District 2A-4 football coaches recently met to vote on All-District Honors. The following five Coalgate Wildcats garnered recognition at the meeting: Ricco Bellettini – Linebacker of the Year. Logan Layton – First Team All-District Defensive Lineman. Jansyn Pebworth – First Team All-District Offensive Lineman. Gaven Ott – Second Team All-District Defensive Lineman. Continued on Page A-2 limbs following a major ice storm in January 2007. But even though the DEQ Continued on Page A-2 Filing period opens Monday for Lehigh offices The filing period for three municipal offices in Lehigh will be Monday, February 2, Tuesday, February 3, and Wednesday, February 4, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Coal County Election Board Secretary Vicky Salmon said Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted for the following offices: Ward 3 (Cheryl Young, incumbent). Ward 4 (Wanda Calvert, incumbent). Mayor (Buddy Cottrell, incumbent). The offices will be filled in a nonpartisan General Election on April 7, Salmon said. COALGATE HIGH SCHOOL ALL-DISTRICT FOOTBALL PLAYERS — Logan Layton, Chisolm Jones, Gaven Ott, Ricco Bellettini, and Jansyn Pebworth, from left, with Coach Dusty Newberry. PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 Lady Tigers finish 6th at Roff tournament —Tupelo girls romp over Coalgate, but lose to Varnum and New Lima By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent The Tupelo Lady Tigers finished in sixth place in last week’s Roff Invitational Basketball Tournament. Coach Shawn Reeves’ THS girls won once and lost twice during the week-long competition at Roff High School. Both losses were single-digit setbacks while the victory was by a comfortable 19-point spread. Tupelo brings a 7-12 record into this week’s ‘vacation’ from varsity games. LEGAL NOTICE December 29, 2014 Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, all bids must be submitted over the Internet via Bid Express. When written bids are allowed, sealed proposals sent by registered mail will be received through the ODOT Office Engineer Division until 30 minutes prior to the scheduled bid opening. From 30 minutes prior to the bid opening until the time of the bid opening, bid proposals must be turned in directly to the ODOT Commission Room located on the east side of the lobby. The scheduled bid opening is 10:30 A.M. February 19, 2015 for the work listed below. No Proposal for construction or maintenance work of the department will be issued to any contractor after 10:30 A.M. on the working day preceding opening of bids for any contract. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier’s Check or Bid Bond equal to 5% of the bid made payable to the State of Oklahoma, Department of Transportation, as a proposal guaranty. Proposal checks will be held or returned by the Department as per Section 103.04 of the State Standard Specifications. The minimum wage to be paid laborers and mechanics employed on this project shall be included in the proposal. Bids must be prepared as directed by the State Standard Specifications. Plans, proposals, and specifications may be examined in the plan room or in the Office Engineer Division at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation central office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This work will be done under the Oklahoma Department of Transportation applicable specifications for highway construction as depicted on the lower left corner of the plan’s title sheet. Plans and proposal forms may be ordered from the Office Engineer Division, Oklahoma Department of Transportation Building, 200 N.E. 21st Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Cost of Bidding Documents is $50.00 + tax for each Bidding Proposal. State Standard Specifications may be purchased for $55.00 + tax. (Oklahoma tax is 8.375%). Plans (Reduced Size Complete) $20.59 X-SEC $0.00 + postage/handling. Make checks payable to Oklahoma Department of Transportation. No refunds will be made for bidding documents or Specification books purchased. Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, upon award of the contract to the successful bidder, the contract will be completely and correctly executed by the contractor and returned to the Department within ten (10) working days from the date of award. The Department will have fourteen (14) working days from the date of award to complete it’s execution of the contract. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) ensures that no person or groups of persons shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability/handicap, or in income status, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all programs, services, or activities administered by ODOT, it’s recipients, sub-recipients, and contractors Description of work and location of project: Job Piece No. STPY-232F(034)3B SH-31/SH-48 COAL/HUGHES 3095305 JOINT SEAL / REPAIR SH-31/SH-48: VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN DIVISION III. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Mike Patterson, Director. LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP. ) Coalgate Record D/B/A CENTERPOINT ENERGY OKLAHOMA GAS ) CAUSE NO. PUD 2 col, 24p FOR APPROVAL OF MODIFICATIONS TO ITS ) 201400363 DEMAND PROGRAM BUDGET AND FOR APPROVAL ) TO WAIVE A REQUIREMENT OF OAC 165:45-23-5(d) ) NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a CenterPoint Energy Oklahoma Gas (“Applicant”), has filed its application for approval of modifications to the budget for Applicant’s Conservation Improvement Program Portfolio (“CIP Portfolio”) for the Program Years 2015 through 2016, for a waiver of the provisions of OAC 165:45-23-5(b), and for authority to recover the revised budget in retail rates, effective immediately. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the relief requested in this Cause arises because of unexpected customer demand for the Applicant’s Multi-Unit Transformation Program, a part of the CIP Portfolio that benefits customers through reduced energy costs and increased stability of retail gas utility rates. Applicant estimates that the cost of the relief requested in this Cause would add to the average residential customer’s monthly bill approximately $0.28 in 2015 plus an additional $0.14 in 2016, before any customer benefits are factored in. IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing on the merits will be held before the Commission’s Administrative Law Judge commencing at 10:30 a.m. on the 12th day of March, 2015, in Courtroom B, at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Office Building, 2101 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and continuing thereafter until completed. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested parties may appear and be heard, and that regardless of the relief requested by the Applicant, the Commission may grant such additional and further relief as the Commission deems appropriate under the circumstances. For more information concerning this Cause, contact Curtis M. Long, Attorney for CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a/ CenterPoint Energy Oklahoma Gas, Fellers, Snider, Blankenship, Bailey & Tippens, P.C., 321 S. Boston, Suite 800, Tulsa, Oklahoma, phone 918-599-0621; or Eric Davis, Assistant General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, 2101 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, phone 405-522-8954. OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COMMISSION BOB ANTHONY, Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Vice Chairman J. TODD HIETT, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 15th DAY OF January, 2015. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 28, February 4 & 11, 2015, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Christopher Jay Lloyd and Crystal L. Lloyd, Plaintiffs, vs. The Heirs, etc., of Frank Owens, Full Blood Chickasaw, Roll No. 152, Deceased, et al., Defendants. Case No. CV-2015-6 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns, of Frank Owens, Full Blood Chickasaw, Roll No. 152, and Robert L. Owens, both deceased; and, The Unknown Successors of Frank Owens, Full Blood Chickasaw, Roll No. 152, and Robert L. Owens, both deceased. You, the Defendants above named, are hereby notified that impleaded with other Defendants you have been sued by the above named Plaintiffs in the above entitled action in the District Court of Coal County, State of Oklahoma; that you must answer the Petition filed by said Plaintiffs in said action on or before the 11th day of March, 2015, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of the Plaintiffs and against all the Defendants in said action, quieting the title of the Plaintiffs in and to the following described real estate situated in Coal County, Oklahoma, to-wit: SURFACE AND SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY All of Lots 1 and 2, and the East 20.45 acres of Lot 3, and all that part of the S/2 NE/4 and E/2 SE/4 NW/4 lying North of Coal Creek in Section 4, Township 1 North, Range 8 East, Coal County, Oklahoma, and determining the death of Frank Owens, Full Blood Chickasaw, Roll No. 152, and Robert L. Owens, both deceased; and further determining who were the particular persons who took or were entitled to take the above described real estate under the Laws of Succession of the State of Oklahoma, upon the death of said decedents, and forever barring and enjoining the Defendants from asserting any right, title, lien, estate, encumbrance, claim, assessment, or interest, either in law or in equity, in and to the real property involved herein. RACHEL NIX, Court Clerk, Coal County, Oklahoma By: S) Cheryl Hobgood Deputy Alvin D. Files, OBA#2902 Mayhue, Summers & Files, PLLC 114 S. Broadway P. O. Box 1488 Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 436-6500 LPXLP Attorneys for Plaintiffs 4 col, 6 p 2 col, 12 p 302 words, 14 tabs treys and ended up with 21 points. The Lady Tigers suffered a game. The 11:00 a.m. showdown Hayley Reeves led the others in 37-31 loss to the Varnum Lady was against the New Lima scoring with 6 points. Hailey Ellis, Whippets on Tuesday. The game Falconettes. Lana Nelson and Kaitlin Watson got away in the first half. THS was Foul trouble dogged Tupelo added 2 points each in the loss. forced to play catch-up basketball in this single-digit contest. New Tupelo finished in sixth place the rest of the game. Lima used the charity stripe as the behind consolation champion (5th Varnum raced away to a 14-4 path to a 45-41 victory. place) New Lima. lead in the first quarter. The Tupelo jumped out to a 10-3 Coach Reeves will use this Lady Whippets then extended lead in the first quarter. However, week (no games scheduled) to the cushion to 25-9 heading into THS’ good start was derailed intermission. immediately in the second quarter. prepare his Lady Tigers for the approaching playoffs. “The shovel was not big enough The Lady Tigers were outscored There are only three regularto dig out of first half hole we put 17-6 as New Lima slipped in front season games left for Tupelo. The ourselves in,” said the smooth20-16 going into the break. Lady Tigers will host Wapanucka talking Coach Reeves. “I’m The second half was played to on February 3. THS will play at hoping to not need that shovel as a standstill as both teams scored Victory Life on February 9 and turn playoffs are fast approaching.” 25 points. Tupelo led 11-10 in the around the next night to host the Tupelo was much stronger in third quarter to get to within 30-27. high-powered Kiowa Cowgirls. the second half. The Lady Tigers However, New Lima connected on The playoffs will begin with the outscored Varnum 10-5 in the a bucket of free throws to outscore district tournament at Wapanucka third period and 12-7 down the the Lady Tigers 15-14 in the final High School. Milburn will join stretch. The combined effort cut period. The Falconettes slipped Tupelo and Wapanucka in the the halftime deficit in half, from away with a four-point win at 45three-team event. 14 down to the 7-point spread at 41. -the end of the game. Brittany Sanders turned in Brittany Sanders managed to another great offensive game in score 14 points in the contest. the loss. She connected on three Phylisha Chamberlain was next with 8 points in a losing cause. Hailey Ellis provided 6 points. Hayley Reeves chipped in 2 points and Kaitlin Watson managed 1. 203 East Ewing Avenue & North Broadway - 580-579-3967 The loss dropped Tupelo into Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm - 580-579-3967 the consolation semi-finals against YOUR WELCOME TO ATTEND the Coalgate Lady Wildcats. The THE COALGATE two neighboring schools locked up in an elimination showdown on CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Thursday. Coach Reeves’ squad Read John 3:16 emerged with an impressive 50-31 Have a Blessed Day triumph over Coalgate. Read John 3:16 Listen to 88.3 THEGOSPELSTATION.COM Tupelo broke an 8-8 first-quarter tie with three quarters of stronger play. The Lady Tigers outscored CHS 16-10 in the second period to lead 24-18 at the half. Tupelo then (Corner of Newell & Queen) seized control in the third quarter by outscoring the Lady Wildcats 12-4. The effort extended THS’ advantage to 36-22. Tupelo then BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA finished off Coalgate 14-9 to OF CENTERPOINT IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) clinch the 50-31 victory. ENERGY RESOURCES CORP. D/B/A CENTERPOINT ) CAUSE NO. PUD ThreeOKLAHOMA Tupelo players finished ENERGY GAS FOR APPROVAL OF MODIFICATIONS ) 201400363 theITSgame in double figures onAND FOR APPROVAL TO DEMAND PROGRAM BUDGET ) TO WAIVE A REQUIREMENT OF OAC 165:45-23-5(d) ) Thursday. 580-258-8856 or 580-927-2267 Brittany Sanders was tops with NOTICE OF HEARING 19 points, including a team-high NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a CenterPoint Energy three treys. ayley Reeves Oklahoma GasH(“Applicant”), hasstepped filed its application for approval of modifications to the budget for up with her best scoring night atProgram Portfolio (“CIP Portfolio”) for the Program Years Applicant’s Conservation Improvement 13 points. Phylisha Chamberlain 2015 through 2016, for a waiver of the provisions of OAC 165:45-23-5(b), and for authority to recover 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage the revised the budget in retail rates, effective immediately. provided third strong offensive outing with 10 points. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the relief requested in this Cause arises because of unexpected customer for the Applicant’s Multi-Unit Transformation Program, a part of the CIP Portfolio Four demand Lady Tigers contributed that benefits each, customers through reduced 2 points including Keara energy costs and increased stability of retail gas utility rates. ApplicantHailey estimatesEllis, that the Lana cost of the relief requested in this Cause would add to the averBourland, age residential customer’s monthly bill approximately $0.28 in 2015 plus an additional $0.14 in 2016, Nelson and Kaitlin Watson. before any customer benefits are factored in. On Saturday, Tupelo was back IT ORDERED NOTICE HEREBY on the merits will be held before atISRoff High AND School to IS play in GIVEN that a hearing All Concrete the Commission’s Administrative Law Judge commencing at 10:30 a.m. on the 12th day of March, the consolation championship 2015, in Courtroom B, at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Office Building, 2101 s Paradise Cove a n e h t Ber Antiques & Collectibles “Costume Jewelry” God Loves You PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = Meeting Each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. would like to invite you to join them in worship Storm Shelters Jerry English 580-927-5493 Installed Now Accepting Choctaw Vouchers General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems Cleanup N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and continuing thereafter until completed. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested parties may appear and be heard, and that regardless of the relief requested by the Applicant, the Commission may grant such additional and further relief as the Commission deems appropriate under the circumstances. For more information concerning this Cause, contact Curtis M. Long, Attorney for CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a/ CenterPoint Continued from Front PageEnergy Oklahoma Gas, Fellers, Snider, Blankenship, Bailey & Tippens, P.C., 321 S. Boston, Suite 800, Tulsa, Oklahoma, phone 918-599-0621; or Eric Davis, permit eventually expired, Assistant General Counsel, Offi ce of General Counsel, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, 2101 N. Lincolnpiles Boulevard, City, Oklahoma, the keptOklahoma growing and phone 405-522-8954. OKLAHOMA CORPORATION burning BOB continued. The COMMISSION ANTHONY, Chairman FOR ALL YOUR PHYSICAL THERAPY site was closed in 2011,Vicebut DANA L. MURPHY, Chairman J. TODD HIETT, Commissioner eventually the public began NEEDS Suffering from pain, weakness or joint stiffness? DONE AND using it again, notPERFORMED only forTHIS 15th DAY OF January, 2015. Having difficulty getting around? BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: brush and tree limbs but PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary for household trash, old We can help. furniture and other junk. Call or stop by for a free screening or just for some friendly advice. The site is once again officially closed. The area is being closely monitored Steve Penney, PT and violators will be fined, 1004 S Broadway, Coalgate. ~ 580-927-9121 Cosper said. With the area cleaned up, the county commissioners will be able to utilize it for additional parking for fair barn activities, Ward said. Andy’s All-District muFFler & Alignment 2 col, 10 p 302 words, 15 tabs Continued from Front Page Chisolm Jones – Second Team All-District Linebacker. “The seniors worked extremely hard this season, and these honors are excellent rewards for their efforts,” said Coach Dusty Newberry. “I’m very proud of what they have accomplished.” 203 n. main - coalgate, OK $500 OFF Alignment With this cOupOn •Exhaust-A/C-Tune-Ups •MinortoMajorAutoRepair •Alignmentsstartsat$55 580-927-2729 For Sale by owner Home built in 2006 on 40 acres 3 bdrm, 2 full bath, 2 spacious living rooms, custom cabinets throughout, granite counter tops throughout, granite shower in master bdrm., custom crown molding throughout, all appliances included. Very nice home on beautiful land. 30x50 barn, 30x40x14 shop w/3 roll up doors on slab w/electric & water, carport detached. Full RV hook up w/water/sewer/ electric/satellite, in ground storm shelter. Tons of wildlife (2) yr. round ponds. $279,000.00. Shown by appointment only serious inquiries only! 580-258-0129 Service Friday for Loretta Jean “Jeannie” Bradley (Deloach) Funeral services for Loretta Jean “Jeannie” Bradley will be held at 10:30 AM, Friday January 30, 2015 at the Crossway First Baptist Church in Sulphur with Pastor Bill Leveridge officiating and Jeff Bradley (nephew) of Beaver, OK. The interment will be held at 2:30 PM at the Coalgate cemetery. Jeannie was born March 6, 1928 in Coalgate to the late William Middleton and Lillie Mae (Armer) Deloach. She went to be with her Lord on Monday, January 26, 2015 in Norman at the age of 86 years, 10 months and 23 days. Jeannie and Gerald M. Bradley, were married on May 3, 1952 in Coalgate, OK. Gerald preceded her in death on November 5, 1992. Survivors include her daughter, Tena Bradley-Brown of Sulphur, son Michael Dale Bradley & wife Dana, also of Sulphur; two grandsons, Kelsey Bradley, MD, Shreveport, LA, Kurt Bradley, Santa Monica, CA; one sister, Davette Deloach Cauthron of Edmond, OK; Nieces; Darla Davenport, Weatherford, OK, Darita Huckabee, Tulsa, OK, Donna Deloach, Colorado Springs, CO, Nephews: Bill Cauthron, Edmond, OK, Bob Cauthron, Apex, NC. In addition to her parents and husband, Jeannie was preceded in death by brothers Otho, Enid, Billy Charles, Melvin “Buck”; Sisters; Vanetta, Nevada, and Una Mae Deloach. Services were “Entrusted” to Hales Funeral Home of Sulphur, OK. Online condolences may be offered at WWWW. HALESFUNERALHOMES.COM The funeral will be held at Sulphur, OK and the graveside services will be held at Coalgate Cemetery, at 2:30 on Friday for family and friends. Coalgate High School 1st Semester Honor Roll Coalgate High School has released its honor rolls for the first semester of the school year 2014-2015. Students listed on the Superintendent’s Honor Roll, (making all A’s) include: Laredo Beal, Ricco Bellettini, Chillie Bills, Francis Brecheen, Merideth Casey, Derek Faudree, Wyatt Fomby, Neiatha Hardy, Sabra Hedgecock, Matthew Hill, Cole Horton, Bailey Hughes, Bradon Humphrey-Lawson, Mallorie Humphreys, Chisolm Jones, Kloe Kellis, Tori Lampkin, Logan Layton, Sara Newman, Troy Newman, Gaven Ott, Robyn Ott, Kenzi Pebworth, Robert Penney, Madisson Powell-Mahl, Jaylee Riley, Madison Roe, Travis Shockey, Destini Sjulestad, Ashley Stoneking, Colton Wood. Students listed on the Principal’s Honor Roll (making no grade below a B) include: Makenzie BarnesElkins, Chandler Beck, Chareth Brooks, Chelsey Brooks, Cody Brown, Abbygail Cantrell, Allyson Casey, Noah Clem, Austin Clemens, Victoria Cogburn, Shaylyn Coslow, Brandon Courson, Nathaniel Daniel, Bridgett Delsigne, Ashley Denton, Cody Franks, Teresa Freas, Taura Gentry, Avery Gould, Taylor Hall, Cody Hammons, Seth Hampton, Mary Harper, COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE A-3 Through the Marketplace, you can apply, compare all your options, and find out if you get lower cost on monthly premiums or get free or low-cost coverage. Checotah Heathcock, Reece Heck, Trayzr Hefley, Chloe Hix, Chaci Hobgood, Robert Hutcheson, Abby James, Darby Kingston, Maria Martinez, Amara McCollum, Kayle McIninch, Madelyne McNutt, John Munholland, Shelton Nichols, Kelani Niimi, Brian Palmer, Jenniffer Palmer, Taya Parson, Alicen Pettigrew, Lucas Ridley, Dallas Riley, Sabrina Riley, Teryn Robben, Stasia Roebuck, Heather Santibanez, Wendy Santibanez, Jessica Sexton, Katelyn Shockey, Austin Shores, Eric Strother, Nickolas Strother, Kylie Tweedle, Chelsea Villareal, Seth Walkup, Jaden Williams, Shiloh Williams, Haylee Willis, Breanna Wireman, Darrin Wright, Katelyn Yarbrough. Start the New Year with Some New Clothes... Gracsyn Leigh Heck was born December 12, 2014 to Amy Allen and Keyvin Heck. She was born at MCSO in Durant at 9:33 a.m. and weighed 8 lb. 15 ozs and was 20 inches long. Gracsyn joins a brother, Caleb Allen. Grandparents are Tom and Donna Heck, Tina and Donald McKeen, and Mark and Donna Dunn. Great grandparents are the late R. L. and Mary Heck, Bill Ward and the late Billie Jean Ward, Ruth Williams and the late Paul Williams. Great Jean Selection Tops Jewelry/Purses/Belts SALES ALL OVER THE STORE! Also Come By Our Beauty Shop and See: Miranda Callicoat - Hairstylist Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10-4, Monday & Saturdays by appointment. Offers: Color, Cut, Style, Makeup, Mani & Pedis, Gelish Nails. Cell 580-239-0311 Malisa Sweeny - Hairstylist She does Cuts, Colors Monday-Wednesday; (Thursday - Friday by appointment only) Cell 580-399-2916 Also at our Beauty Shop Margie Eldridge and Sue Blaker Dress With Pizazz and Family Hair Care Center 314 E. Court • Atoka, OK 74525 (580) 889-7704 Owner: Barbara Callicoat HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be friends with us on Facebook! See photos of what’s new! PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 Betty Lou Franklin Passes Away Betty Lou Hollis Franklin was born January 2, 1934 in Sweetwater, TX. She was raised in Texas where she picked cotton along with her sisters and family. Betty married William “Bill” E. Franklin on April 15, 1949. They moved to McLoud, OK in 1962. Betty and Bill were married for 41 years until his death on November 15, 1990. Betty owned her own Beauty Salon but later worked and retired from the Oklahoma Tax Commission. Betty accepted Christ in 1953. Her service to the Lord included serving as a Sunday School Teacher, Youth Leader, Youth Camp Counselor, Song Leader, Women Missionary Council Leader. She loved to sing, sew, quilt, ceramics, canning, reading, her dogs, and above all her grandchildren. Betty faithfully loved and served her Lord Jesus Christ for 61 years up unto her passing on Christmas Day 2014. Betty is survived by three children, William Warren Franklin and wife Pat, Timothy Dean Franklin and wife Terry, and Leona Medved and husband James, ten grandchildren, Matt, Jennifer, Nathan, Jeremy, Josh, Jarod, Angela, Michael, Bethany, and Blake, and nine great grandchildren, Gage, Wyatt, Tyler, Josh, Isabell, Zoe, Sloan, Vera and Emma. She is also survived by sisters-in-law, Martha Weakley and Ruth Gibbons, brotherin-law, L.C. Swindell and numerous nieces and nephews in the Coalgate area. She is preceded in death by her husband William E. Franklin, her parents Melvin and Pearl Hollis, two sisters Francis Vaughn and Oma Mae Graves , three sisters-in-law, Juanita Stiles, Ellin Sumner, Dovie Barger, and two brothers-in-law, Ellis Franklin and Clovis Swindell. Betty is remembered as a loving mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, sister-in-law, aunt and a devoted Christian who is now with PaPa Bill, pain free, and dancing with the angels. Bill Cummings Coal County US Marshal By Robert “Tot” Calvert It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’sMICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted The Coalgate Record-Register USPS 120140 Periodical Postage Paid at Coalgate, OK 74538 Published Weekly at 602 East Lafayette • Coalgate, OK 74538 Bill & Dayna Robinson, Publishers Wanda Utterback, Editor Helen Langdon, Office Manager Gwenda Depasse, Composition/Bookkeeping Postmaster send change of address to: Coalgate Record-Register 602 East Lafayette Coalgate, OK 74538 580-927-2355 In Trade Area, One Year $26.00 (Includes Coal, Atoka, Johnston, Pontotoc, Pittsburg and Hughes Counties.) Elsewhere in Oklahoma, One Year $31.00 Out of State, One Year $36.00 Over 200 miles to ride, one way, as I was told. Practically 100 years of history, beginning in the teens, it was reported that there were horses stolen from Coal County. Bill Cummings, the young US Marshal, was notified. Bill and his fellow officers soon got on the trail and began looking for clues. The trail led them out of Coal County, across hills and streams into Arkansas. One of the stolen horses was pulling a buggy. This soon caught the young marshal’s eye because he would see a blunt mark near the buggy trail. He spoke up and said, “Well, boys, when we get to the end of the trail we will find that the thief that is driving the buggy has a wooden leg.” The officers would stop for time to time in a settlement and ask if anyone had seen anybody with a certain description of horses. Sure enough they had, and this helped in the trailing. Bill was riding his black pacer, Prince. His comrades had to be riding a fast pace to keep up. This was for a reason to not let the trail get cold. On the second day, they were well over into Arkansas. Bill was calling the shots and went over the plains when they caught up with the lawbreakers. After riding two days and part of one night, they rode into Hope, Arkansas. The officers soon located the stolen remuda. They kept hidden until the thieves came to untie the horses from the picket line. Bill displayed his poker face and told the lawbreakers they were under arrest. I am sure the pace was slower coming back to Coalgate. The miles were taking its toll on the horses. Bill gave the orders that he and the other officers would sleep in shifts coming back to Coalgate. After talking to Hugh Graham, Sr., twenty years ago, he remembered part of that historical ride and told me that the marshal and his fellow officers were gone over a week. Young Bill Cummings from Lehigh, Oklahoma, first city marshal, to US Marshal, to deputy sheriff. He was elected as sheriff in 1928. After two terms, he retired. His wife, Eddie Calvert Cummings, and one child moved to his ranch near Roundhill and spent the next few years where they would farm and raise Hereford cattle. Bill told me several stories while he was an officer of Coal County. He was appointed US Marshal by the President of the United States and this could have been Woodrow Wilson. When I visit Uncle Bill’s grave and see the star on his tombstone, I think of the other two: the one that shined on him and the other officers while they were on that long ride and the other one that his cows carried on their hip as a brand for years. The area where the Atoka Lake is now was free range for years. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE A-5 Coalgate seniors recognized Twenty-four Coalgate High School seniors who have participated in football, band, cross-country, softball and Student Council were recognized on the Donald B. Mayer football field at the 2014 Senior Night event. Listed in alphabetical order, the students included the following: Ricco Dante Bellettini. Ricco is the son of Leslie and Burney Bellettini of Coalgate. His grandparents are Connie Granger and the late Larry Bunch and the late Wanda and Bovio Bellettini of Coalgate. His siblings are Jennifer Horton and husband Chuck of Phillips, Andrea Bellettini-Coffee and Dario Bellettini of Coalgate. Ricco is a member of the Coalgate United Methodist Church and enjoys working on cars, hanging out with friends, listening to music, and spending time with his brother. He has attended Coalgate Schools for 13 years and is on the Wildcat football, power lifting, track, and golf teams. He plans to attend SOSU after graduation. Allyson Grace Casey (not present – no picture included). Allyson is the daughter of Melissa and Boyd Casey of Coalgate. Her grandparents are Dorothy and Jack Cagle of Sterling, OK and Ann and Alan Casey of Coalgate. Her sisters are Morgan Casey of Broken Bow and Merideth Casey of Coalgate. Allyson has attended Coalgate for 14 years. She has been on the CHS golf team and is secretary of the 20142015 Student Council. She is a member of the Coalgate United Methodist Church and enjoys public speaking, showing hogs, and spending time with Continued on Page A-6 Ricco Bellettini with his parents, Burney and Leslie Bellettini. Neiatha Hardy with her mother, Paula Carney, and brother, Nate Hardy. Mary Harper with her parents, Michael and Jeanie Willis, and little sister, Annie. Morgan Cole with brother, Aaron Cole. Colbey Farmer with his parents, Donald Gray and Cheryll Alloy. Chisolm Jones and his parents, Frank and Christa Jones. PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 Coalgate seniors recognized Continued from Page A-5 family and friends. 12 years and is a twoShe plans to attend year member of the OSU and major in CHS cheer squad and agricultural education. a six-year member of Morgan Alexis the track team. She Cole. Morgan is the enjoys hanging out with daughter of Rita and friends and her cheer the late Larry Cole of girls, running track and Coalgate. Her siblings working with Pre-K and are Aaron and Eric kindergarten children. Cole of Sherman, TX She plans to attend and Emily and Darby SOSU and become a Kingston of Coalgate. third grade teacher. Morgan has attended Colbey Dale Wayne Coalgate Schools for Farmer. Colbey is the son of Cheryll Alloy and Donald Gray of Coalgate. He has attended Coalgate Schools for 10 years and is a member of the CHS marching band. Colbey is a member of Cornerstone Praise and Worship Center and looks forward to joining the work force after graduation. Neiatha Cameron Hardy. Neiatha is the daughter of Paula Carney of Coalgate. She is the granddaughter of Bertha Amos and the late Rufus Amos and Aaron Hardy, all of Oklahoma City. Her siblings are Nate Hardy and Mekyla Jacobs. Neiatha has attended Coalgate Schools for nine years and has played Lady Cat softball for four years and basketball for one year. She is a member of Grace Christian Fellowship and enjoys hanging out with family and friends and showing animals through FFA. She plans to attend college and work towards a major in nursing and a minor in child development. Mary Jane Harper. Mary is the daughter of Jeanie and Michael Willis of Coalgate and David John Harper III of Waco, TX. Her grandparents are Tommy and Sherry Hamer of Coalgate and Audrey Harper of Waco. She is sister to Christian Harper of Waco and Matthew and Annie Willis of Coalgate. Mary has attended Coalgate Schools for two and one-half years and participates in band, cross-country, track and field, basketball, volleyball, and power lifting. She enjoys reading, running, playing video games and sleeping. After high school, she plans to attend AIT for the National Guard and then attend ECU to study kinesiology and become a sports trainer — and a Pokémon Master! Chisolm McCagger Jones. Chisolm is the son of Christa Continued on Page A-7 Darby Kingston (second from left) with dad, David Kingston; mother, Melissa Burns; and sister, Emily Kingston. Logan Layton with his mom, Kelly Low, and aunt, Eva Layton. Tori Lampkin, third from left, with parents, Joey and Christine Brown, left, and Jimmy and Michelle Lampkin. Kelani Niimi and family: Brother Juel Niimi; dad, Wesley Niimi; Kelani; mother, Anita Yarbrough; and brother, Ryan Roebuck. Angel Lawson with her mother, Goldie Hinkle. Gaven Ott with his parents, Mel and Gina Ott. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE A-7 Coalgate seniors recognized Continued from Page A-6 graduation, and Frank Jones of After Chisolm plans to Coalgate and grandson of Rodger and Sandy become a pipeline Riley of Coalgate. welder. Kathryn His sisters are Shelby Darby Darby Martindale of Coalgate Kingston. and Amanda Smith of is the daughter of Melissa Burns of Atoka. Chisolm has attended Coalgate and David Coalgate Schools Kingston of Olney. for seven years and Her grandparents are played football for the Tommy and Sherry Wildcats. He enjoys Hamer of Coalgate. hunting, football and She is sister to Zach spending time with Kingston of Tulsa, family and friends. Morgan Cole, and Emily, Sam and Patrick Kingston of Coalgate. Darby has attended Coalgate for 10 years and is a member of the cross-country and track teams. She is a member of Coalgate First Baptist Church and enjoys running, playing piano, singing, going to church, and working with her Sonic family. She plans to attend college to become a psychologist. Tori Denise Lampkin. Tori is the daughter of Christine and Joey Brown and Jimmy and Michelle Lampkin of Coalgate. Her grandparents are Tim Brown of Cottonwood, John and Becky Powell and the late Lorena Sizemore of Coalgate, and Darlene Reames and the late James Lampkin of Lehigh. Her siblings are Tyler and Ryan Hefley, Katelyn Jones, Zoey Brown Holden, and Cooper Lampkin, all of Coalgate. Tori is a member of the Coalgate United Methodist Church and has attended Coalgate Schools for four years. She is member of the Lady Cats fast-pitch and slow-pitch softball teams. She enjoys softball, hanging out with friends and family and spending time with her niece, Kealee. After graduation, Tori plans to attend college and obtain a degree as a dietician. She also wants to settle down and have a family. Continued on Page A-8 Madisson Powell-Mahl with her mom, Terri Powell, and brother, Gage Powell. Jenniffer Palmer with her parents, Dianna Palmer and Chris Tree. Lucas Ridley with his dad, Gary Ridley, and his mom, Janice Reitz. Jansyn Pebworth with his parents, Kenny and Shonda Pebworth, and sister, Kenzi Pebworth. Racheal Pebworth with her parents, Ray and Sherrie Pebworth (right), and friend, Trey Stidham. Jaylee Riley with her dad, Jim Riley, and mom, Jamie Allison. PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 Coalgate seniors recognized Continued from Page A-7 Angel Dawn Lawson is the daughter of Goldie and Nick Hinkle of Coalgate and Terry and Anna Marie Lawson of Little City, OK. Her siblings are C.J. Smith of Washington, Jonathan Lawson, Cheyanne and Christopher Hudson of Coalgate, and Faith Lawson of Tulsa. Angel has attended Coalgate Schools for four years and participates in track and field and band. She is a member of the Coalgate First Baptist Church and enjoys drawing, spending time with friends, family and her boyfriend, and going to movies. She plans to attend SOSU and obtain a degree in graphic design. Logan Kade Layton. Logan is the son of Kelly Layton Low of Coalgate. He is the grandson of Bob and Mary Layton and the late Barbara Layton of Coalgate. His sister is Leslie Low of Coalgate. Logan has attended Coalgate Schools for 12 years and participates in football, power lifting and track. He enjoys hanging out with friends and family and listening to music. Logan looks forward to joining the work force after graduation. Kelani Lashay Niimi is the daughter of Anita Yarbrough of Lehigh and Wesley Niimi of Norman. Her grandparents are Sue Yarbrough of Lehigh and Thresa and Dennis Niimi of Keaau, Hawaii. She is the sister of Ryan Roebuck and Chance Coslow of Lehigh and Juel and Taj Niimi of Norman. Kelani has attended Coalgate for 14 years and is a member of the CHS Marching Band. She attends Coalgate First Baptist Church and enjoys playing in the marching band, drawing, hanging out with friends, family, and the awesome youth group at church. She plans to attend ECU and get a degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Services for the Deaf. Her goal is to become a juvenile probation officer. Gaven Hawk Ott. Gaven is the son of Mel and Gina Ott of Coalgate and the grandson of Louise and the late Virgil Ott and Scotty and the late Gracie Hedgecock, all of Coalgate. His sisters are Raven and Robyn Ott. Gaven has attended Coalgate Schools for 13 years and a member of the Wildcat football, power lifting, and track teams. He is a member of Lone Star Cumberland Presbyterian Church and enjoys playing stickball, hunting, fishing, napping, running the roads with friends, Gram’s cooking, harassing Mom, laughing at his sisters, shaking his head at Dad, and grinning at all the pretty girls. Gaven’s future plans include technical college and work. Jenniffer Lynn Palmer. Jenniffer is the daughter of Dianna Palmer and Chris Tree of Farris, OK. She is the granddaughter of DeAnna and the late Coy Vanschuyver of Wanette, OK. Her siblings are Josh Buchanan of Stratford, Daniel Buchanan and Tina Levesey of Oklahoma City, Tennie Palmer of Lehigh, Ethan Palmer of Atoka and Alissa Palmer of Austin, TX. Jenniffer has attended Coalgate Schools for 15 years. She has been a member of the varsity cheer squad for four years, the crosscountry team for one year, and Show Biz Theater of Dance for five years. She enjoys music, movies, and drawing. She plans to attend SOSU or ECU as a cheerleader. Jansyn Pebworth is the son of Kenny and Shonda Pebworth of Coalgate. His grandparents are Pat and Louis Coleman and the late Troy Shores of Coalgate and Della and the late Dan Pebworth of Tushka. His siblings are Justin, Kenda and Kenzi Pebworth of Coalgate and Kalee Burson of Edmond, OK. Jansyn has attended Coalgate for 13 years, playing on the Wildcat football and baseball teams for four years. He attends Cornerstone Praise and Worship Center and enjoys hunting, fishing, watching OU sports, and playing with his niece and nephews. After graduation, he plans to obtain an education in teaching and coaching. Racheal Denise Pebworth. Racheal is the daughter of Ray and Sherrie Pebworth of Coalgate. She is the granddaughter of the late Jim and Leona Lampkin of Coalgate and the late John and Maxine Ray of Atoka. She has two brothers, Cody of Coalgate and Wesley of Durant. Racheal has attended Coalgate Schools for 11 years, participating in Wildcat basketball and slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball. She belongs to Cottonwood Baptist Church and enjoys playing softball and basketball, hanging out with her friends, and hunting and fishing with her dad. Racheal wants to attend college and work with her dad after high school. M a d i s s o n Kaitlynn PowellMahl. Madisson is the daughter of Terri Powell of Coalgate and the late Christopher Mahl of Taberg, NY. Her grandparents are the late Brenda Zeegler of Atoka and the late Ronald Powell of Coalgate. She is sister to Gage Powell of Coalgate. Madisson has attended Coalgate Schools for five years and participates in the CHS marching band and track and field. She enjoys singing, playing in the band, reading, composing music, and spending time with her family, band family, and friends. She plans to attend college and become a band director so she can help bring band into small schools. Lucas Ray Ridley. Lucas is the son of Gary Ridley of Coalgate and Janice and Mike Reitz of Dallas. His grandparents are the late Ray and Margaret Ridley of Coalgate and the late I-ownee and John Lacy of California. He is brother to Lacy Edwards and Johnny and wife Theresa Cagle, all of California. Lucas has attended Coalgate for 13 years and is the 2014-2015 Student Council vice president. He belongs to Coalgate Church of Christ and enjoys FFA, showing pigs, riding 4-wheelers, hanging with friends and family, watching OU football, and helping others. After high school, Lucas plans to attend college and be successful. Jaylee Lyn Riley. Jaylee is the daughter of Jamie Allison of Coalgate, Paul Allison of Stillwater and Jim and Mary Riley of Clarita. Her grandparents are James and Bette Price of Coalgate and Alfred and Clover Riley of Olney. She is sister to Jaydin Riley and Jaynie Allison of Coalgate, Jaymin Riley of Durant, and Jaycen and Josh Allison of Stillwater. Jaylee has attended Coalgate Schools for seven years and has been a cheerleader for three years. She was a Lady Cats basketball manager for one year and has been in dance for 13 years. She belongs to Coalgate First Baptist Church and enjoys cheerleading, dancing, Performing Arts, FCCLA, hanging out with her family and friends, watching Frozen with her little sister, and going to church to serve her Lord. She plans to attend Murray State for two years and then attend UCO to become a children’s speech pathologist. Teryn Rae Robben. Teryn is the daughter of Christina and Jeff Brown of Coalgate. She is the granddaughter of Leona and the late Joe Pasquali, Coalgate; Les and Sharla McCurry, Coalgate; and Tami and Hugh Robben of Dodge City, KS. Her siblings are Tanner Robben of Durant and Taylor Hall, Teagan and Tate Brown Continued on Page A-9 Teryn Robben with her parents, Jeff and Christina Brown. Stasia Roebuck with her parents, Bobby and Stacie Roebuck. Kylie Tweedle with friend, Cody Simmons. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE A-9 Coalgate seniors recognized Continued from Page A-8 of Coalgate. Teryn attends Harper’s Valley Baptist Church and Cornerstone Praise and Worship Center. She has attended Coalgate Schools for five years, participating in softball, track, and crosscountry. She is the 20142015 Student Council president. Teryn enjoys spending time with friends and family, cooking, and sleeping. She plans to attend college to become a teacher or nurse. Stasia Renea Roebuck. Stasia is the daughter of Bobby and Stacie Roebuck of Coalgate. Her grandparents are Bill McKinney of Coalgate, the late Daryl Singleton of Glasgow, MO, Robert Roebuck, Sr. of Tuttle, OK, and the late Norma Overy of Superior, WY. She is sister to Shantell, Shelbie and Trey Roebuck. Stasia has been a Wildcat for 13 years, participating in the Lady Cat softball team for four years and the basketball team for two years. She attends Cottonwood Baptist Church and enjoys hunting, fishing, and spending time with family and friends. After graduation, Stasia plans to attend college. Ashley Lynn Stoneking. Ashley’s parents are Amy Stoneking and Jarrard Allen of Coalgate, Robert Beck of Coalgate, and Matthew Smith of Texas. She is the granddaughter of Marilyn Russell of Coalgate and the late Wendell Stoneking of Oklahoma City; Patricia Smith, Sue and Doug Allen of Atoka; and Phillip and Brenda Wood of Coalgate. Her siblings are Cameron Stoneking, Chandler Beck, Ayden and River Allen of Coalgate, and Steven, Matthew, Hunter and Trinity Smith of Texas. Ashley has attended Coalgate Schools for 13 years and likes hanging out with her friends and family, meeting new people, reading, and watching The Walking Dead with her brothers. After high school, she plans to join the Navy and then attend college for nursing and photography. Kylie Rose Tweedle. Kylie is the daughter of Sean and Rhonda Tweedle of Calvin, OK. Her grandparents are Carol and Wayne Tweedle and Betty Bucknell, all of Quincy, CA. She is sister to Skylar and Slatin Tweedle of Quincy, CA. Kylie has attended Coalgate Schools for five years and participates in cross-country and track. She attends the Kiamichi Tech cosmetology program and is enlisted in the Army National Guard. After graduation, she plans to further her military career. She has no plans to settle in just one place. Instead, she wants to see as much of the world as possible! Haylee Shyanne Willis. Haylee is the daughter of Renee Willis of Coalgate and Kenneth Willis of Cottonwood. Her grandparents are Richard and Evelyn Willis of Coalgate, Cheryl and Grady Weldan of Prattville, AL, Margie and Dwight Jump of Lehigh, and Jerry and the late Connie Wyrick of Broken Bow. Her siblings are Sahara, Michaela and Josie Jump of Coalgate, Shiloh Butts of Sulphur, Matt Couch of Durant, and Keith and Michelle Couch of Hugo. Haylee has attended Coalgate Schools for 14 years, participating in cheerleading and golf. She enjoys spending time with family and friends and plans to attend Murray State College to become an ultrasound technician. Ashley Stoneking with her family. From left – Mother, Amy Stoneking; grandmother, Marilynn Russell; Ashley; Sue Allen; dad, Jarrard Allen. Haylee Willis and her family - Josie Jump, Bryan Jump and Renee Willis, Haylee, Kenneth Willis and Gwen Willis. PAGE A-10—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 CHILDREN’S FUNDRAISER — A fundraiser sponsored by the Coalgate Fire Department helped a lot of Coal County children have a merrier Christmas. With the help of Coalgate Masonic Lodge 211, the event raised $4,340 for Jesus’ Toy Box sponsored by Cornerstone Praise and Worship Center. Shown from left are Coalgate firefighters Michael Burns and Chris Clymer with Lodge Master Russ Waller, Jerry Haworth and Lee Murphy. Hall of Fame voting deadline Friday Friday, January 30, is the deadline to vote for your favorite team for selection to the 2015 Athletic Hall of Fame. Please text or call 817228-7627 or 580-927-5298 and choose your team from the list below. You may also vote by going to FACEBOOK and the COALGATE ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME link and vote under the COMMENTS heading. TOP ATHLETIC TEAMS 1939 Football—8-0-2— Lowell Green—no playoff system 1953 Football—9-1— Noel Thomason 1955 Boys Basketball 23-7—State QuarterFinals—Claude Kedy 1958 Girls Basketball— 24-7—State Semis—Joe Leone 1959 Boys Basketball— 30-2—State Semis—Joe Leone 1962 Football—9-2-1— State Quarter-Finals—Jim Wills 1 9 6 8 Football—10-1-1—48 pts. Scored against--#1 Defense in Oklahoma—Donald Mike Mayer 1972 Football—10-3— State Semis—Donald Mike Mayer 1973 Boys Basketball— 26-5—State Semis-Bob Parkhill 1985 Football—11-2— State Quarter-Finals—Stan Addy 2002 Football—12-1 State Quarter-Finals—Joe McCulley 2003 Football—10-2—Joe McCulley 2005 Girls Track—3A State Champs—Sherry McCulley Time running out to request absentee ballots —Early voting February 5-6 Registered voters who want to vote by mail absentee ballot in the February 10 Coalgate City Council Election or Coalgate School Board Election have until Wednesday, February 4, at 5:00 p.m. to request one, Coal County Election Board Secretary Vicky Salmon said today. The following offices are at stake in the election: Coalgate City Council Ward 4: Candidates - Scott Wright, Muriel Parker. Coalgate School Board Office 5: Candidates - J.W. Barnes, Tommie Gay Barnett Stanberry. In-person absentee voting will take place at the Election Board office on Thursday, February 5, and Friday, February 6, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. A two-member, bipartisan absentee voting board will be on duty each day to assist absentee voters. “In-person absentee voters fill out an application form when they get to the office. They are not required to give any reason for voting absentee,” Salmon said. “They are required to swear that they have not voted a regular mail absentee ballot and that they will not vote at their polling place on Election Day.” For more information, contact the Coal County Election Board office at 18 N. Michigan Street (behind the post office); telephone 580-927-3456. Those who have requested absentee ballots can track the status of their ballot at http:// Info/Online_Voter_Tool/. Letter to the Editor Dear Wildcat Football Fans, The 2014 football season was an exciting year for the Wildcats! We returned to playoffs, and we captured the Boggy Bottom Bowl trophy for the third year in a row. Our team is currently working hard in the offseason getting bigger, faster, and stronger. Coming off a playoff year and returning the bulk of our team next year, this is an exciting time to be a Wildcat! I come to you with an opportunity to support and help move us forward to the future. Our field house was erected in the early 1980’s and the original lockers are still being used, to the extent possible. Several lockers will not close or lock, and many are just plain falling apart, the conditions have deteriorated to the point they are no longer usable. This makes it difficult for the athletes to secure their personal and team belongings. As our football team has grown over the years, we now outnumber the lockers that are available, so several athletes are left without a locker at all. Right now, the locker room is a sight of broken, falling apart lockers in a dark old room. We have a plan to give our locker room a fresh, updated look that will not only provide our athletes with much needed extra space, but it will also provide a sense of pride for the facilities where these athletes mentally prepare for their games. (Although football is the largest team in these facilities, they are also used by weightlifting, cross-country, and track.) We are asking for donations to install new lockers and give the locker room an update. All donations are greatly appreciated as we work towards this goal! For a donation of $150, there will be a plaque with your name or business hung above a locker. We believe this will not only give you ownership in your investment, but also show the athletes how much support the alumni provide. If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Trent Bourland at (405)406-8635 and he will provide you with more specifics. In closing, it is truly a great time to be a Coalgate Wildcat. Remember, once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat! GO CATS! Yours in Football, Coach Dustin Newberry COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE B-1 Opal Weller celebrated her 97th birthday on January 6th with a birthday cake and a visit from two of her children, Dessa Fortner and Regina Flowers. She also had visits from two of her grandchildren Steven Flowers and Darla Pierce. On January 18th her family hosted a special party at the Tupelo school cafeteria. The event was a potluck dinner and birthday cake in which over 100 family members and friends attended. Opal is a resident of the Ruth Wilson Manor and says she sure doesn’t deserve all the fuss. Her family feels that 97 years is something to fuss over! Pictured (L to R) Back row: Geraldine Romines, Nell Tomlinson, Wendell Weller, Don Weller. Bottom row: Dessa Fortner, Opal Weller, Regina Flowers. Cut the spread of germs by setting up a sick room As winter settles in for another year, the seasonal flu tends to do the same. That means there is a good chance someone in your house will do battle with this annual scourge. When that happens, one way to help cut the spread of germs is to create a separate sick room for the family member who is ill. “Generally, limiting the sick person’s contact with others will help slow or stop the spread of germs,” said Gina Peek, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension housing and consumer specialist. “Creating a sick room for the family member who isn’t feeling well is an easy way to do that.” Begin by stocking the room with the basics – tissues, alcohol-based hand rub, a thermometer and a humidifier – but be mindful of storing medications out of the reach of children. You also can keep a cooler or pitcher with ice and beverages in the room to make drinking liquids easily accessible. Designating one family member to assist in the sick room will decrease the risk of others in your household becoming infected, said Kelsey Ratcliff, Coal County FCS/4-H Extension Educator. It also is a good idea to keep visitors to a minimum. Inside the sick room, encourage ill family members to cover their noses and mouths with a tissue when coughing and sneezing, then dispose of it in a trashcan, which should be lined with a plastic bag and include a tight-fitting lid. Sick room linens, dishes and laundry should be freshened on a daily basis. Likewise, hard surfaces such as doorknobs, bedside tables and bathroom sinks and counters should be wiped down with water and dish soap or common household cleaners that kill germs. “If there’s more than one bathroom in the house, think about allowing the sick person to use one while everyone else uses the other one. Either way, whoever is ill should use a separate set of towels from the rest of the Chili Cook off/Chili lunch The American Legion, VFW, & Masonic Lodge is sponsoring a Fund Raiser for Colten Spears History Club trip to Washington D.C. nd Monday, February 2 11:00 to 3:00 - VFW Building Dining In or Carry-Out $750 Call-580-927-5179 or 6872 per plate family,” Ratcliff said. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, seasonal influenza, otherwise known as the flu, usually peaks between December and February, though is can start up as early as October and run as late as May. Besides getting vaccinated against the flu, to cut down on your risk of falling ill, you also should frequently wash your hands with soap, especially after using the toilet and changing diapers; avoid close contact will people who are sick; and regularly disinfect surfaces that are used often. Oklahoma State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and Local Governments Cooperating: The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or status as a veteran, and is an equal opportunity employer. Coal County Sheriff’s Report Missing calves Three calves have been reported missing since January 23 on CR 1600 in the Lula area. The calves are described as follows: One brown Angus 770 pounds with 4” horns hugging head; one black calf 550 pounds with sprained back ankle, white spot on rear; one solid black Baldie with sprained back ankle. If anyone has information concerning these calves, please call John Burrows at 405-6134427. LOOK WHO’S TURNING 90! We are pleased to invite you to the 90th Birthday Celebration of Helen Newberry Saturday, February 7th 12:00-2:00 Church of Christ Kiowa, OK Palace Drug& Gifts 104 West Ohio • Coalgate, Ok - 580-927-2064 FREE LOCAL DELIVERY (cut off delivery time 3pm) h C n h u l pm 26t r 0 y fO :0 r 2 a u ig n n m i s 0p Ja O 3 g l C 1: in t r a st Hand Therapy (many scents) Art Prints by Dale Adkins Illustrator for magazine & Book Covers for Louis L’Amour & Zane Gray Western Decor Diamond Gussett Jeans up to 1/2 Off PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 Santa Visits Tupelo Kountry Store COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE B-3 Proud Sponsor of Coalgate Wildcat Athletics All new Chrysler 200 Come see Cade!! 1109 N Broadway Ave., Ada, OK 74820 (580)332-9400 • up to $6,000 Off Wildcats have mixed results in tournament action —Coalgate boys avoid a sweep by knocking off Tupelo in second round By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent The Coalgate Wildcats had mixed results in last week’s Star Tournament at Roff High School. Coach Lance Weeks’ CHS team played three games and won the middle contest against Tupelo. The Wildcats suffered losses in the first round against New Lima and then fell to Stonewall in the consolation championship game on Saturday. In the opener, Coalgate trailed at the end of every quarter. The Wildcats were down 13-11 to New Lima in the first quarter. CHS trailed 27-26 at the half and 45-40 after three quarters. The Wildcats were also outscored 19-17 in the final period to end up on the short side of a 64-57 final score. Coalgate’s scoring punch in the game was fueled by two key players. Brandon Ragland poured in 15 points to lead the Wildcats. Dakota Powell was one back at 14 points with the team’s only other double-figure scoring performance. Brandon Courson was third on the team with 7 points. Rob Penney and Bear Francis added 6 points each while Nate Hardy chipped in 5 points. C.J. Bills rounded out the scoring with 4 points. The loss dropped Coalgate into the consolation semifinals against the Tupelo Tigers. The Wildcats led only 14-13 after a quarter. However, the CHS squad seized control with a 16-10 edge in the second period and a 19-7 domination of the third quarter. The Wildcats were sitting on a comfortable 49-30 cushion when the final period opened. CHS was outscored 15-12 down the stretch. However, Coalgate was able to hold on and win a 16-point victory at 61-45. Brandon Courson exploded for 21 points for Coalgate. C.J. Bills was also in double figures in scoring with 12 points. Dakota Powell narrowly missed double digits with a 9-point showing. The remaining scoring for CHS included Rob Penney with 6 points, Bear Francis with 5, Nate Hardy with 4 and Nathaniel Daniel and Brandon Ragland with 2 points each. The win allowed Coalgate to avoid elimination in the tournament. The Wildcats moved on to a Saturday consolation championship game against the Stonewall Longhorns. Stonewall turned back the Wildcats 56-38 to earn fifth place in the 8-team field. Coalgate trailed 13-10 after a quarter, 25-22 at the half and 41-33 at the close of the third quarter. The Wildcats were then outscored 15-5 down the stretch on the way to the 5638 loss. Coalgate’s scoring was balanced – but without a single double-digit scorer against Stonewall. Brandon Courson was the closest with 7 points. Four Wildcats added 6 points each, including Brandon Ragland, Nate Hardy, C.J. Bills and Dakota Powell. Rob Penney added 4 points and Bear Francis finished with 3. Looking ahead, the 5-10 Wildcats will play twice this week. They were set to host Stonewall on January 27 and then host Rock Creek on January 30. Coalgate gymnasts compete at meet in Ada Four Coalgate students competed in gymnastics meets January 17 in Ada. These competitions required the girls to perform routines on the bar, balance beam, floor and vault. Gymnasts competed in USA Gymnastics (USAG) Levels 1A, 1, 2, 3 and 4 and XCel Silver, Gold and Platinum, and Boys Levels 3, 4 and 5. The meet was held at Champion Athletics in Ada. Six gyms including Big C.A.T.S. competed in this meet, with gymnasts from Ardmore, Midwest City, Lawton and Shawnee traveling to the meet. Gymnasts in Levels 1A, 1, and 2 receive a blue, red, or white ribbon for each event. Big C.A.T.S. gymnasts in these levels took home a total of 20 blue ribbons. Competing at USAG Level 1 was Holly Estep, a Cottonwood Elementary student who won a blue ribbon on beam and red ribbons on vault, bars and floor. Gymnasts in Levels 3 & 4 and Xcel receive a ribbon and a point score for each event, which are then totaled, and allaround first, second, and third places for each age division in each level are named. Competing in Xcel Silver was Shantell Roebuck, a Coalgate Middle School student, who won fifth all-around in her age division. Competing in Xcel Gold were Shelby Roebuck, a Coalgate Elementary School student, who won third all-around; and Braedy Wardrope, a Coalgate Elementary student, who won fourth all-around. Heidi Lewis, owner of B.I.G. Cats Gymnastics & Tumbling, said it was a busy but proud weekend for her gym. “These meets were incredibly encouraging,” Lewis said. “Some girls left elements out of their routines or just need more experience, but these are easy fixes. I can hardly wait to see their scores soar at their next meet.” --AT A GLANCE Roff Tournament First round New Lima 64, Tupelo 57 New Lima - 13 - 14 - 18 19 - (64) Coalgate - 11 - 15 - 14 - 17 - (57) Coalgate scoring: Brandon Ragland 15, Dakota Powell 14, Brandon Courson 7, Rob Penney 6, Bear Francis 6, Nate Hardy 5, C.J. Bills 4. --Consolation semi-finals Coalgate 61, Tupelo 45 Coalgate - 14 - 16 - 19 - 12 - (61) Tupelo - 13 - 10 - 7 - 15 (45) Coalgate scoring: Brandon Courson 21, C.J. Bills 12, Dakota Powell 9, Rob Penney 6, Bear Francis 5, Nate Hardy 4, Nathaniel Daniel 2, Brandon Ragland 2. --Consolation finals Stonewall 56, Coalgate 38 Coalgate - 10 - 12 - 11 - 5 (38) Stonewall - 13 - 12 - 16 - 15 - (56) Coalgate scoring: Brandon Courson 7, Brandon Ragland 6, Nate Hardy 6, C.J. Bills 6, Dakota Powell 6, Rob Penney 4, Bear Francis 3. --Coalgate (5-10) Schedule and results Dec. 2 @ Dickson, won 5853 Dec. 4 vs. Rattan, lost 69-38 Dec. 9 vs. Tishomingo, lost 57-44 --First National Bank Classic Dec. 11-13 @ SE Expo Center Whitesboro 47, Coalgate 45 Coalgate 68, Pittsburg 41 Coalgate 34, Caddo 28 STAR Tournament Jan. 19-24 @ Roff New Lima 64, Tupelo 57 Coalgate 61, Tupelo 45 Stonewall 56, Coalgate 38 --Upcoming games Jan. 27 – vs. Stonewall Jan. 30 – vs. Rock Creek Feb. 3 - @ Tushka --Jan. 13 - vs. Antlers, won 62- Feb. 10 – vs. Atoka Feb. 13 - @ Antlers 43 Jan. 16 – vs. Konawa, lost 69- Feb. 17 - vs. Savanna Feb. 20-21 - DISTRICTS 61 Feb. 26-28 – REGIONALS ----Dec. 16 @ Atoka, lost 96-56 --Jan. 6 @ Silo, lost 63-28 --Kingston Invitational Jan. 8 - Vs. Atoka, lost 86-43 Jan. 10 - Vs. Silo, lost 65-53 ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY Weekly Market Report Monday, JANUARY 26, 2015 STEERS SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 973 200 - 300 lb .....$2.50 300 - 400 lb......$2.40 400 - 500 lb......$2.20 500 - 600 lb......$2.30 600 - 700 lb......$2.70 - $3.50 - $3.45 - $3.15 - $2.65 - $2.34 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb......$2.75 - $3.50 300 - 400 lb......$2.00 - $332.5 400 - 500 lb......$2.80 - $3.10 500 - 600 lb......$2.05 - $2.55 600 - 700 lb......$1.96 - $2.10.5 PAIRS $1250-$3250 • STOCKER COWS $1275 - $1900 PACKER COWS $1.00 - $1.07 LOW DRESSING .80¢ - .99¢ • PACKER BULLS $1.20 - $1.38 BULLS PER hEAD NONE • BABY CALVES -$300 - $600 Owners & Operators Phil & Paula Hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 Selling Monday, February 2 at Noon! 100 Head Tiger Stripe and Bradford Heifers Weighing 900 to 1100# Most of them are heavy bred, a few short bred and a some open Thank You We would like to thank all those who sent flowers, food, visited, and called during the time of our loss. Thank you to the Mary Hurley Hospital and Ruth Hurley Manor for the loving care given to our loved one. The family of Christine Eddings I Appreciate Your Continued Support e t o V Muriel Parker February 10 for Coalgate City Council PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 Commissioners’ Proceedings The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County met for a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, January 12, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the County Commissioners Building. Brock Jones called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. Roll was called by Brock Jones. Those present were: Brock Jones, Chairman, Michael Hensley, Vice-Chairman, Johnny Ward, Member, Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk, and Landi Frazier, County Clerk Deputy. Johnny Ward gave the invocation. Guests present were: Vicky Salmon, Roger Cosper, and Bryan Jump. Mike Hensley made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Johnny Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward, and Jones approved. There were no Transfers of Appropriations. Mike Hensley made a motion to approve payroll for January 1-15, 2015. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward, and Jones approved. Mike Hensley made a motion to approve purchase orders for payment. Johnny Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved the following: Fiscal Year: Payments by Fund Approved 2014-2015 From: 1/9/2015 To: 1/14/2015 Warrant No. Vendor Name 911 COLLECTIONS 31 AT&T Amount Purpose $857.56 911 SERVICE CBRIF 105 15 PAULSEN, TYLER $5,500.00 DIST 3 TIN HORNS CD-4 21 22 LAMBERT, JIMMY LEE HEART J DESIGN $210.00 $60.00 EMERG MNGMT SERVICE EMERG MNGMT SERVICE $520.84 WATER PAYMENT $791.36 $1,494.83 $250.25 $26.50 $23.85 $78.97 $16.30 $57.04 $489.80 $350.00 BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES BLANKET JAIL SUPPLIES RENTALS BLANKET $2,871.00 EQUIPMENT $833.18 $198.72 $363.72 OSU OFFICE SUPPLIES OSU TRAVEL OSU TRAVEL $600.00 SERVICE $309.05 $300.62 $19.50 $64.73 $438.08 $39.43 $204.02 $151.91 $187.08 $1,129.63 $250.00 $388.15 $179.25 $650.00 $7.24 $10.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES COMMISSIONER SERVICE SERVICE OSU SERVICE COURTHOUSE SERVICE COMMISSIONER SERVICE EMERG MNGMT SERVICE ELECTION BRD SERVICE SERVICE 911 SERVICE SERVICE PUBLICATION PUBLICATION BIG FIVE APPLIANCE BIG FIVE SUPPLIES BIG FIVE SUPPLIES CDBG WATER GRANT 7 OK DEPT OF COMMERCE COUNTY SALES TAX 794 RICKS OIL COMPANY 795 KOUNTRY STORE 796 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE 797 CIRCLE N MARKET 798 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP 799 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 800 C & C HARDWARE 801 ADA PAPER CO. 802 OKLAHOMA STATE BANK 803 OK DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CRITICAL RF DIRECT SERVICE 804 & SALES 805 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 806 RATCLIFF, KELSEY 807 RUSSELL, CASEY MIKES TREE SERVICE, 808 MICHAEL ABELL 809 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 810 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 811 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 812 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 813 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 814 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 815 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP 816 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 817 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 818 AT&T 819 SOUTHEASTERN ALARM CO. 820 RECORD REGISTER 821 RECORD REGISTER 822 C & C HARDWARE 823 C & C HARDWARE 824 C & C HARDWARE 825 826 827 828 829 $399.00 $99.28 $67.78 $24.95 $85.74 SOLID WASTE SUPPLIES SOLID WASTE SERVICE TUPELO RFD SERVICE COALGATE RF SERVICE CAIRO RFD FUEL $15,901.11 COALGATE SC DINING RM 831 832 C & C HARDWARE AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC CIRCLE N MARKET COALGATE HOUSING AUTHORITY SONNYS GROCERY FAMILY DOLLAR STORE $619.82 $44.65 833 COLLINS, TWYLA $125.00 834 835 836 837 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP FAMILY DOLLAR STORE SONNYS GROCERY KAHLE, DORIS CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA $265.75 $43.24 $409.94 $625.00 BLANKET CLARITA COMM CENTER SUPPL CLARITA SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICE BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET $58.18 BLANKET 830 838 COURT CLERK REVOLVING CASH FUND PITNEY BOWES RESERVE 29 ACCOUNT $500.00 COURT CLERK POSTAGE DRUG COURT CASH FUND 60 SPRINGHOUSE WATER 61 LAST CHANCE PROBATION $81.17 $889.05 DRUG COURT WATER & SUPPLIES DRUG TESTS F-3 COUNTY CLERKS LIEN FEE ACCT 65 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN $194.80 66 $44.95 COUNTY CLERK SUPPLIES COUNTY CLERK INTERNET SERVICE 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC GENERAL BUDGET ACCT. 813 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 814 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 815 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 816 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 817 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 818 AT&T 819 AT&T 820 AT&T U-VERSE 821 SONNYS GROCERY 822 GUDERIAN FOOD 823 ADA PAPER CO. 824 AT&T 825 CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES 826 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT 827 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT KELLPRO COMPUTER 828 SOLUTIONS 829 AT&T 830 AT&T 831 C & C HARDWARE 832 CITY OF COALGATE 833 AT&T 834 AT&T 835 US POSTMASTER 836 VISUAL LEASE SERVICES INC HIGHWAY 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 RICKS OIL COMPANY PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP CHICKASAW COMMUNICATIONS CHICKASAW COMMUNICATIONS DUB ROSS CO. C & C HARDWARE JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL FITTSTONE INC TUPELO TRAVEL STOP, LLC KOUNTRY STORE RICKS OIL COMPANY CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA BLESSING GRAVEL LLC 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC COALGATE FUELS STAPLES CREDIT PLAN AT&T 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC PUBLIC WORKS AUTH ARAMARK RICKS OIL COMPANY C & C HARDWARE RED ROCK PIT DOLESE CO RICKS OIL COMPANY COALGATE FUELS PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP BLESSING GRAVEL LLC MILLER MART DOLESE CO O REILLY AUTO PARTS A&B RADIATOR ELLIOTT OUTDOOR POWER YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY $14.99 $79.29 $111.32 $33.99 $45.99 $36.16 $248.14 $60.00 $315.54 $577.31 $89.67 $33.65 $96.45 $30.00 $30.00 SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE BLANKET BLANKET SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES TREAS SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICES MAINTENANCE CONT MAINTENANCE CONT $546.00 TREAS SERVICE $73.15 $52.15 $74.23 $8.41 $29.23 $33.65 $17.00 $8,750.00 COUNTY CLERK SERVICE ASSESSOR SERVICE BLANKET REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE ELECTION BRD SERVICE ELECTION BOARD POSTAGE MAINTENANCE CONT $1,026.00 $125.00 DIST 1 TIRES BLANKET $255.00 DIST 1 SERVICE $255.00 DIST 1 SERVICE $1,452.30 $19.95 $2,839.26 $3,236.76 DIST 1 TIN HORN BLANKET DIST 1 RENTAL BLANKET $598.46 $1,973.65 $1,827.49 BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET $80.97 DIST 1 SERVICE $822.51 $39.95 $4,093.30 $21.59 $36.16 $39.95 $91.65 $53.22 $482.33 $312.05 $347.22 $1,663.98 $422.61 $2,995.07 $145.00 $2,208.16 $2,348.77 $3,336.60 $84.95 $200.00 $764.98 BLANKET DIST 1 INTERNET SERVICE BLANKET DIST 2 OFFICE SUPPLIES DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET DIST 2 GRAVEL DIST 3 PARTS & LABOR BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET DIST 3 PARTS DIST 3 REPAIR DIST 3 EQUIPMENT 1459 YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO DOLESE CO ALLEN LUMBER & GRAIN YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO AT&T 1460 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE $50.75 1461 OK DEPT OF TRANS $2,300.86 COMMISSIONER SERVICE COMMISSIONER OFFICE SUPPLIES DIST 2 RENTAL $231.05 TRANSFER OF FUNDS $64.70 $172.92 $31.80 $70.00 HEALTH DEPT OFF SUPPLIES HEALTH DEPT SERVICE MAINTENANCE CONT HEALTH DEPT SERVICE 1455 1456 1457 1458 LAW LIBRARY LAW LIBRARY 18 FUND REVOLVING MD-1A MD-1C MD-2 HEALTH BUDGET ACCT 117 QUILL CORP 118 AVAYA INC 119 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT 120 LAMBERTS MECHANICAL $151.84 DIST 3 PARTS $277.32 $350.00 DIST 3 GRAVEL DIST 3 TIN HORNS $482.26 DIST 3 PARTS $69.85 Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the employeeʼs Federal Report of wages for 2014. Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley, and Jones approved the following: Employee Name Amount Employee Name Amount *ADAMS, LARAME D $1,895.20 JOHNSON, DAVID W $31,375.00 BROWN, CHRISTINA M $27,356.16 JONES, BROCK W $50,400.00 *BURNS, LLOYD D $8,502.00 *JORDAN, RAY $800.00 *CLYMER, CHRISTOPHER $255.25 JUMP, BRYAN D $50,400.00 M *FARTHING, MARLANA $1,678.00 *JURISTY, MICHAEL J $4,378.50 *FLOWERS, STEVEN D $6,428.75 KARDOKUS, LISA F $23,368.25 FRANKLIN JR, RONALD D $30,350.00 *KIMMEL, KIMBERLY J $6,025.56 *GOLDEN, SAMUEL $11,953.50 *KINDRICK, ROY E $15,773.13 CURTIS *HECK, RANDY L $3,580.00 *KRATKY, JASON A $25,200.00 KREBS, CHARLETTE *LAMBERT, JIMMY LEE $1,083.00 $28,552.48 KAYE McININCH, KENNETH L $30,350.00 LAMPKIN, MICHELLE L $24,450.00 *NANNEY, JERRY P $19,238.57 LANGSTON, CONNIE S $31,450.00 *ROEBUCK, ELIJAH B $3,760.00 *LAY, JASON A $374.49 *LEWIS, RICKIE *WILSON, MARY JUDITH $2,434.00 $5,576.48 BOYCE *ABBOTT, KELLY PATTERSON L $4,985.25 *ABBOTT, RICHARD L $626.75 *AIRINGTON, TONY A ANDERSON, MICHAEL BAILEY, JAREL E *BLUE, AARON $12,426.00 $30,590.00 $32,050.00 $14,146.80 BLUE, BERNARD W $30,850.00 *BLUE, KAYLA D $702.00 BRICE, BRITTANY N $21,850.00 *BRICE, JEREMY R $4,002.40 *BULLARD III, H D $912.00 *CHELF, AUDREY J $1,903.75 *COLLINS, SCOTT L *COSTANTINO, RICHARD J COTTRELL, EARNEST $2,490.00 $5,850.00 $30,350.00 *COTTRELL, JARETT A $7,820.00 *COTTRELL, PAUL H $5,490.00 *CRITES, MANDY S *CROW, EASTON H $6,748.23 $5,300.00 *DAFFERN, TYLER G $2,872.00 DAVIDSON, DONA SUE $29,650.00 *DAVIS, GHARYTT L $1,336.00 DAVIS, NICHOLAS C DELOZIER, WILLARD E DORITY, GARY EDDINGS, MARY F *FACION, RAYMOND LEE FANNING, AMBER NICOLE $33,454.00 $30,350.00 $28,244.39 $29,000.00 $15,146.06 $21,250.00 *FRANKLIN, DYLAN R $8,510.00 *FRAZIER, LANDI N. *GERHARDS, JEWEL A GRAHAM, RACHEL D *HALL, DONALD C HATTON, BOBBY E *HAWORTH, JERRY D HEATHCOCK, CALEB K $11,279.00 $7,417.65 $29,050.00 $1,460.50 $35,257.66 $800.00 $30,702.97 HEATHCOCK, COLIN K. $33,950.00 *HEDGECOCK, CASEY D HEFLEY, CHERRY HENSLEY, DEE E HENSLEY, MICHAEL HENSON, WINAFRED L *HINKLE, GOLDIE R HINKLE, NICK D HOBGOOD, CHERYL J $5,410.00 $49,200.00 $30,590.00 $50,400.00 $30,350.00 $14,565.25 $25,750.00 $32,050.00 *HOGUE, TRISTEN M $2,992.00 HORN, GAIL ANN $29,050.00 TOTAL WAGES FOR 2014 $988,045.09 *LONG, RUSTY D LOUDERMILK, EUGINA M MAGGIA, BARRY *MAGGIA, BRANDON J *MARLEY, RONALD S MARLOW, JANET K *MCCOY, JOHN THOMAS *MCCOY, SHERRI DENISE MCCOY, THOMAS EUGENE *MCFADDEN, ASHLEY N *MCININCH, CRYSTAL D MCLELLAN SR, JOHNNY L McNUTT, GINA A *MERRITT, CONNIE L *MOORE, RILEY K MORGAN, DARRILL LEE N*EWBERRY, GEORGE NIX, RACHEL R *PARKER, HUNTER J *PARKER, MATTHEW C PEARCE, KENNY W *PEBWORTH, JASON D PEBWORTH, LESLIE *PEBWORTH, RAY *PECK, EDWARD D *PRICE, BETTE *PRICE, JAMIE B *RICE, ZACHARY W ROEBUCK, ANTHONY F *ROMANO, HUNTER W SALMON, VICKY L *SANDERS, JACOB C *SANDMANN, TARA D SHIRLEY, JACKIE W *SMITH, BRENDA L SMITH, JOHNATHAN B *STILWELL, ALETHEA M *TAYLOR, LAURA A WARD, JERRY D WARD, JOHNNY D WEIR, BILLY DEE *WHITE, CINDY Y WILLIAMS, JOYCE *WILSON, JACK A *WINGATE, BETH *WORTMAN, JEFFREY D *YARBROUGH, ROY G $6,917.00 $48,000.00 $30,590.00 $6,450.00 $17,100.00 $27,850.00 $21,495.36 $7,776.00 $30,200.00 $22,603.04 $4,820.00 $31,400.00 $48,000.00 $4,836.25 $12,330.00 $31,400.00 $100.00 $48,000.00 $3,024.00 $14,250.00 $30,590.00 $5,351.92 $31,400.00 $4,980.00 $1,748.45 $5,931.00 $3,665.00 $8,564.31 $30,590.00 $8,330.00 $28,961.76 $5,290.00 $17,051.98 $29,600.00 $8,150.00 $30,370.00 $3,615.50 $1,550.00 $32,050.00 $43,200.00 $28,950.00 $20,760.00 $31,750.00 $500.00 $15,732.50 $12,650.00 $19,725.38 Employees who are part-time or worked less than 12 months are noted with an asterisk (*) Johnny Ward made a motion to approve a utility relocation agreement for Polk Road project (Project No. STP-115c (076)CI J/P No. 24944). Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley, and Jones approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve title plans for Polk Road project (Project No. STP-115c (076)CI J/P No. 24944). Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley, and Jones approved. The next item on the agenda was to discuss and take possible action to have the tree behind the new sheriffʼs office building removed. Mike Hensley said that Mikeʼs Tree Service gave him a quote for $600.00. Ward said if we were to go ahead and build the 35 bed jail, it would need to come down anyway. Hensley said the Board is not discussing a jail at this time. Bryan Jump stated it will help give more space for a garden. Hensley made the motion to have Mikeʼs Tree Service take down the tree. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward, and Jones approved. Mike Hensley told the board that James Elkins contacted him about pouring concrete floors in the north east partition of the fairbarn. The fair board is going to pay for part of it, but asked if the county could pay for the other part. It was estimated that the countyʼs portion would be around $3500.00. Hensley said he would like to see the board give them around that much. Ward said he didnʼt mind giving a little extra, if needed. Hensley said that they are trying to get the project done before the show at the end of January. Hensley made a motion to help share the cost with the fair board. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward, and Jones approved. The remaining items on the agenda involved the FY2015 CDBG grant. Clerk Loudermilk said she was contacted by SODA and they had made a mistake when they listed the project type for the grant. SODA asked that the items be stricken from the agenda and will be placed on the agenda at a later meeting date. Old Business: None. New Business: Roger Cosper said he would like to be put on the agenda to take care of the brush pile behind the fairbarn. He said it started out as a FEMA site for citizens to take brush and debris from storms, and it has turned into a dump. Jones asked if there was a place to take the brush that is there now. Cosper said the pile that was there before was buried, and he didnʼt see why we couldnʼt go ahead and also bury this pile. Cosper said there needs to be enforcement of the illegal dumping. He said with the help of the sheriffʼs office, we should be able to do that. Clerk Loudermilk told Cosper that the next meeting will be th Tuesday, January 20 at 9:00, and if thatʼs okay. Cosper said that would be fine. Johnny Ward asked Roger Cosper if they have had any issues regarding 911 or response times. Cosper said every once in a while the city gets a complaint, but the complaints are mostly about response times. Jones said this is over a phone call he received from a citizens regarding the ambulance not being able to find their house. Cosper said that one of the problems is that people are not putting up their house numbers. He said most of the public buildings have their numbers up and he would like to see the people of the community do the same. Cosper said the paramedics and other responders are often not familiar with the area and by having everything properly marked it would help them find the address quicker. Another problem is that signs are getting stolen or taken down. Mike Hensley said he got a call last week about a refrigerator at the Big 5 building that was leaking water. He said he felt that it was a safety issue. He said he called C&C Hardware about getting a new one to put in its place and an employee told him that David Johnson had already been by there and had picked out the type and color with an ice maker. Hensley said he allowed them to go ahead and deliver it. He said he also told Big 5 that it would need to be properly marked as county property and it would also need to be put on inventory. Mike Hensley made a motion to adjourn at 9:14a.m. Johnny Ward seconded the motion. Hensley, Ward, and Jones approved. ______________________________ Brock Jones, Chairman _____________________________ Johnny Ward, Member _____________________________ Michael Hensley, Vice-chairman ______________________________ Attest: Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk Lady Wildcats lose OT contest —Coalgate girls inching closer to that first victory By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent said Coach Roe. “Karley Shores went down with an ankle injury in the second The Coalgate Lady quarter and we had to play Wildcats were on the the rest of the game without doorstep of their first her. We had to go with Plan basketball win of the season. B and that was to use subs However, the opportunity off the bench. We also had evaporated last week when foul trouble the whole game. Coach Scott Roe’s CHS Mallorie Humphreys and ladies suffered an overtime Taylor Hall both fouled out loss to the hosting Roff in regulation. But our other Lady Tigers. girls played hard and kept Coalgate and Roff met in going. We got it to overtime the first round of the Star but they (Lady Tigers) were Tournament at Roff High able to get it done in the School. The Lady Wildcat overtime.” coach had already warned Coalgate had a chance to fans of the challenge Roff win the game in regulation. would offer his winless The Lady Wildcats had the team. Even so, the hard- ball in the final possession working CHS girls forced and needed any kind of score the favored Roff team into to win. overtime before finally “We were in the bonus and falling to the Lady Tigers. were trying to get to the line Coalgate led 10-6 after to win it there,” Coach Roe one quarter and 16-12 at the said “Time ran out and our half. Roff then countered shot didn’t fall. We went with a 22-10 scoring surge on to overtime and lost it in the third quarter to slip in there.” front 34-26. Despite a ton On Thursday, Coalgate of foul trouble and a key went back to work in the injury, the Lady Wildcats consolation semi-finals. scratched back to outscore The Lady Wildcats faced Roff 17-9. The effort forced the Tupelo Lady Tigers in the game into a 4-minute an elimination contest. overtime session. The teams were tied 8-8 Roff used the free throw after one quarter of action. line to win the extra period Tupelo then hit stride and 11-4. The effort locked up outscored CHS in each of the Lady Tigers a 54-47 the last three quarters of victory over Coalgate. action. The Lady Tigers Shaylyn Coslow was moved to halftime with a sensational in the game as 24-18 advantage. Tupelo she scored 23 points for then outscored Coalgate CHS. Coslow would be the 12-4 in the third period and only Lady Wildcat to score 14-9 in the fourth. The effort in double digits. carried the Lady Tigers to Humphreys finished the 19-point win at 50-31. with 6 points while Jessie Jessie Sexton led Sexton, Kaitlin Shockey and Coalgate’s offensive attack Checotah Heathcock scored with 13 points. Shaylyn 5 points each. Taylor Hall Coslow joined the doublerounded out the scoring figure scoring list with 10 with 3 points. points. Checotah Heathcock “This was a tough game,” followed with 4 points in a losing cause. Mallorie Oops!! Reese Grigg’s name was left off of the Emerson Superintendent’s honor roll. Reese is in the 5th grade at E. E. Emerson Elementary. We apologize for this error. Congratulations, Reese! LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 28, February 4 & 11, 2015, 3t) DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA JOSEPH PAUL KREMP, JR., Plaintiff, vs. The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of VINCENT KERRIEL, et. al., Defendants. CV-2015-7 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of VINCENT KERRIEL, MARIE KERRIEL, EMILE E. KERRIEL, ANTOINETTE HETSLER, ROSA JARVIS and JOSEPH PAUL KREMP, all deceased GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that on the 27th day of January, 2015, the Plaintiff, JOSEPH PAUL KREMP, JR. filed suit against you in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2015-7 to quiet title to the following described property in Coal County, Oklahoma, to-wit: Lot 63 and Lot 79 in Townsite Addition #3, and Lot 10 of Block 33 in the town of Cottonwood, Coal County, Oklahoma, and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of said property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiff’s petition. NOW, THEREFORE, you and each of you are further notified that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 12th day of March, 2015, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against you, and establishing that Plaintiff is the owner of the property, all as more particularly set out in his petition. Rachel Nix, Court Clerk S)Michelle Lampkin Deputy Johnny Sandmann, PLLC 28 North Main Coalgate, OK 74538 Phone: (580) 927-2314 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 28, 2015, 1t) The Southern Oklahoma Rural Transportation System (SORTS) will be holding an open forum February 2, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the Big Five Community Services conference room, 210 N. Main, Coalgate, OK. The purpose of the meeting is to take comments and suggestions on our applications for funding of the FTA Public Transportation Program operated in Coalgate. SORTS staff will be on hand to answer questions and take comments on the current operations of the program and future needs of the community. For more information please contact SORTS Director Allen Leaird at 580927-2381. LPXLP Humphreys and Taylor Hall rounded out the scoring with 2 points each. Coach Roe was most disappointed in the lack of offensive success by his Lady Wildcats. “This had to be one of the worst shooting games we have ever had,” he said. “We could not find the basket. It was a complete failure in that area. But I have to give Tupelo credit for playing a good game and beating us in this one.” Coalgate was scheduled to be back in action Tuesday against the Stonewall Lady Longhorns. The Lady Wildcats will then close out the week with a Friday home game against Rock Creek. “We are still looking for that first win,” the coach said. “Maybe we’ll get it this week.” --AT A GLANCE Star Tournament Jan. 19 – first round Roff 54, Coalgate 47 OT Coalgate - 10 - 6 - 10 - 17 4 - (47) Roff - 6 - 6 - 22 - 9 - 11 (54) Coalgate scoring: Shaylyn Coslow 23, Mallorie Humphreys 6, Jessie Sexton 5, Kaitlin Shockey 5, Checotah Heathcock 5, Taylor Hall 3. --Consolation semi-finals Jan. 22 @ Roff Tupelo 50, Coalgate 31 Tupelo - 8 - 16 - 12 - 14 (50) Coalgate - 8 - 10 - 4 - 9 (31) Coalgate scoring: Jessie Sexton 13, Shaylyn Coslow 10, Checotah Heathcock 4, Mallorie Humphreys 2, Taylor Hall 2. --Schedule & results Dec. 2 @ Dickson, lost 6339 Dec. 4 vs Rattan, lost 64-33 Dec. 9 vs. Tishomingo, lost 50-14 --McAlester Expo Classic Tournament Dec. 11-13 @ SE Expo Center Caddo 55, Coalgate 18 Whitesboro 55, Coalgate 31 --Dec. 16 - @ Atoka, lost 5037 --January 6 @ Silo, lost 6130 --- Kingston Invitational Jan. 8 – Kingston, lost 4821 Jan. 9 – Silo, lost 39-32 --Jan. 13 – vs. Antlers, lost 52-34 Jan. 16 – vs Konawa, lost 59-43 --STAR Invitational Roff 54, Coalgate 47 OT Tupelo 50, Coalgate 31 --Upcoming games Jan. 27 – vs Stonewall Jan. 30 – vs Rock Creek Feb. 3 - @ Tushka Feb. 10 – vs Atoka Feb. 13 - @ Antlers Feb. 17 – vs Savanna Feb. 20-21 - DISTRICTS Feb. 26-28 – REGIONALS COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE B-5 J & N Construction 17350 CR 3700 Coalgate, OK Free Estimates Sidewalks Custom Steel Buildings Metal Roofs James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 Cell: 580-258-0911 Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Call me: 580-889-3338 Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd • Coalgate, OK ~ Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors ServiCe tiMeS: Sunday School 10:00 am ~ Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. if you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 Spray-On Truck Liner • Enhances and protects new and used trucks • Sprayed directly onto the truck bed • Unique black textured non-slip finish seals out dirt, moisture and rust • Guaranteed not to peel, buckle or warp • It looks Awesome Charles Dove - (580)272-7014 901 Arlington • Ada • (580)332-8668 PAGE B-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 Commissioners’ Proceedings The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County met for a regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the County Commissioners Building. Brock Jones called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Roll was called by Brock Jones. Those present were: Brock Jones, Chairman, Mike Hensley, Vice-Chairman, Johnny Ward, Member and Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk. Johnny Ward gave the invocation. Guest present were: Bryan Jump and Roger Cosper. Mike Hensley made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Johnny Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward, and Jones approved. Mike Hensley made a motion to approve monthly reports from December for the Court Clerk and Election Board offices. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve a transfer of appropriations in the Highway account. Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Jones approved. Mike Hensley made a motion to approve the monthly allocation of alcohol beverage tax to the city entities for the month of December. Johnny Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved. Mike Hensley made a motion to approve monthly appropriations. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved the following: SHERIFF SERVICE FEE $ B-4 ACCOUNT 1,143.24 $ B-41A SHERIFF PERSONAL SERVICE 2,003.15 $ B-4CS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 429.75 $ B-8 SHERIFF SALES TAX 14,391.10 $ DRUG-3 DRUG COURT CASH ACCT. 145.00 $ E-3 OSU EXTENSION 7,015.63 $ EMS-3 EMS SALES TAX 9,120.31 $ F-3 COUNTY CLERK LIEN FEE 361.75 COUNTY CLERK $ F-3P PRESERVATION 1,445.00 COURT CLERK REVOLVING $ J-3 FUND 796.47 $ LL LAW LIBRARY 268.60 $ MD-2 HEALTH DEPT 606.99 $ R-5 COUNTY SALES TAX 18,942.19 $ R-7 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 13,992.50 $ R-8 SOLID WASTE 2,378.65 $ R-10 COUNTY USE TAX 12,679.24 $ RESALE TREASURER RESALE 757.90 $ RF RURAL FIRE 3,507.82 COUNTY HOSPITAL SALES $ SJ-2 TAX 70,156.22 $ SO-5 ASSESSOR STATE MONEY 0.26 ASSESSOR HARDWARE $ SO-6 UPGRADE 245.00 $ SC SENIOR CITIZENS 5,612.50 HIGHWAY PERSONAL $ T-1A SERVICE 30,000.00 $ T-1C HIGHWAY TRAVEL 3,000.00 $ T-2A HIGHWAY M&O 125,979.19 $ T-2B HIGHWAY RENTALS 23,000.00 T-3 HIGHWAY CAPITAL OUTLAY 911 COLL. 911 COLLECTIONS CBRIF 105 STATE HWY MONEY SURCHARGE $ 15,000.00 $ 10,749.82 $ 20,442.86 Mike Hensley made a motion to approve purchase orders for payment. Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Jones approved the following: Fiscal Year: Payments by Fund Approved 2014-2015 From: 1/15/2015 To: 1/23/2015 Warrant No. CD-4 23 24 25 26 27 Vendor Name Amount Purpose C & C HARDWARE C & C HARDWARE C & C HARDWARE RHYNES SURPLUS C & C HARDWARE $97.86 $108.25 $167.87 $69.98 $66.95 EMER MNGMT SUPPLIES EMER MNGMT SUPPLIES EMER MNGMT SUPPLIES EMER MNGMT SUPPLIES BLANKET COUNTY SALES TAX 853 EAGLE MILLWORKS 854 OCI-OSI 855 MISTY VALLEY WATER CO 856 MISTY VALLEY WATER CO 857 SPRINGHOUSE WATER 858 C & C HARDWARE MIKES TREE SERVICE, MICHAEL 859 ABELL 860 MISTY VALLEY WATER CO 861 MISTY VALLEY WATER CO 862 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 863 RICKS OIL COMPANY 864 ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY 865 ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY 866 ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY 867 ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY 868 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 869 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS 870 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 871 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 872 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 873 SPRINT $2,455.00 $221.55 $0.50 $0.50 $45.07 $15.99 OSU SERVICE SIGNS WATER WATER COMM WATER COMMISSIONERS SUPPLIES $600.00 SERVICE $44.99 $44.99 $50.54 $126.50 $105.00 $10.00 $10.00 $25.00 $1,478.00 $15.35 $333.77 $214.00 $107.00 $39.99 874 COLLINS, TWYLA $125.00 875 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE $41.70 876 SONNYS GROCERY $137.87 877 C & C HARDWARE $316.40 878 CENTRAL CEDAR PRODUCT, INC $2,940.00 $0.50 $93.60 $1.00 $44.99 $44.99 WATER COURT CLERK SERVICE COURT CLERK WATER COURT CLERK WATER COURT CLERK WATER DRUG COURT CASH FUND 62 SPRINGHOUSE WATER $148.72 63 HUMPHREY, JUSTIN $1,500.00 F-3 COUNTY CLERKS LIEN FEE ACCT COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPUTIES 71 ASSOCIATION GENERAL BUDGET ACCT. 875 AT&T U-VERSE 876 RICKS AUTO 877 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS 878 PALACE DRUG 879 HELTON RURAL HEALTH CLINIC 880 AT&T U-VERSE 881 CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES 882 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS 883 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS 884 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS 885 TREVATHAN, BONNIE 886 AT&T MOBILITY 887 AT&T U-VERSE COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPUTIES 888 ASSOCIATION HIGHWAY 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 JAMES SUPPLY & RENTAL AT&T COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPUTIES ASSOCIATION O REILLY AUTO PARTS BATTERY CENTER COALGATE FUELS O REILLY AUTO PARTS COALGATE FUELS AT&T $75.00 DRUG COURT WATER SUPPLIES CONTRACT LABOR COUNTY REGISTRATION 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 AT&T HALLS AUTO SUPPLY JAMES SUPPLY & RENTAL JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO AMERICAN LOGO AT&T U-VERSE AT&T MOBILITY AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER MISTY VALLEY WATER CO ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY O REILLY AUTO PARTS COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPUTIES ASSOCIATION ARAMARK YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO JAMES SUPPLY & RENTAL B&S SUPPLIES RICKS OIL COMPANY SPRINGHOUSE WATER C & C HARDWARE YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR T & W TIRE HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS QUILL CORP ELLIOTT OUTDOOR POWER COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPUTIES ASSOCIATION RICKS OIL COMPANY ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AT&T U-VERSE MD-1A MD-1C MD-2 HEALTH BUDGET ACCT 121 COAL COUNTY TREASURER 122 QUILL CORP RESALE PROPERTY 38 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPUTIES 39 ASSOCIATION SO-6 ASSESSORS HARDWARE UPGRADE 2 COUNTY RECORD INC & CLERK $55.00 $454.76 $0.39 $99.46 $75.00 $40.00 $196.88 $1.35 $6.99 $0.73 $60.00 $51.45 $40.00 SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE SHERIFF DEPT REPAIRS SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE INMATE MEDICATION INMATE MED SERVICE TREAS SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICES TREAS LONG DISTANCE COUNTY CLERK SERVICE ASSESSOR LONG DISTANCE ASSESSOR SERVICE ELECTION BRD SERVICE ELECTION BRD SERVICE $75.00 ASSESSOR REGISTRATION $75.95 $78.46 DIST 1 RENTAL DIST 1 SERVICE $75.00 DIST 1 REGISTRATION $174.98 $299.90 $149.95 $63.94 $104.95 $6.84 DIST 1 PARTS DIST 1 PARTS DIST 1 PARTS DIST 1 PARTS DIST 1 PARTS DIST 1 LONG DISTANCE $6.84 $31.89 $329.00 $192.50 $204.63 $40.00 $139.57 $102.06 $21.50 $101.85 $15.40 DIST 1 LONG DISTANCE BLANKET DIST 2 RENTAL DIST 2 OXYGEN DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 SERVICE BLANKET DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 2 PARTS $75.00 DIST 2 REGISTRATION $53.22 $192.96 $94.00 $343.64 $999.27 $71.49 $439.77 $274.23 $8,327.51 $95.00 $87.00 $49.99 $999.55 $948.00 $10.00 $55.00 DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 2 PARTS DIST 3 RENTAL DIST 3 SHOP SUPPLIES BLANKET DIST 3 WATER BLANKET DIST 3 PARTS DIST 3 REPAIRS-PARTS DIST 3 REPAIR DIST 3 LODGING-MEALS DIST 3 SUPPLIES DIST 3 TOOLS DIST 3 REGISTRATION FEES DIST 3 TIRES COMMISSIONER SERVICE COMMISSIONER SERVICE $3,338.14 $56.89 HEALTH DEPT APPORTIONS HEALTH DEPT OFF SUPPLIES $60.00 MAINTENANCE CONT $75.00 TREASURER REGISTRATION $135.00 $226.00 ASSESSOR OFFICE SUPPLIES The next item on the agenda was to discuss with the city manager and take possible action regarding the brush pile at the fairbarn. Cosper said they need to discuss both short and long term solutions for the site. The short term would be how to close up the site so that no further dumping can be done. The long term would be what to do with the brush pile in the future. Cosper said he would like to see the site cleaned and closed off with fencing. No dumping signs should be posted. He said law enforcement could get involved and give citations to those caught dumping in the area. Cosper said the city and county should be able to offer a place (such as the water treatment plant) where people could put their brush. Cosper said the city has a small chipper and most of the existing brush pile can be chipped. He said in the future, the city and county may want to look at buying a large drum chipper and operate it one or two days a week. He said the chips could be given away to be used as compost. Brock Jones asked Sheriff Jump if the trustees could help with the cleanup of the existing brush pile. Sheriff Jump said he didnʼt see a problem with it. Jones also said we need to bury what is there, put an ad in the paper, put up a cable fence, and maybe install a game camera. Jones would like to see the board get together and put gravel over the old brush pile site and turn it into a parking lot for the fairbarn. Jones said the first step needs to be getting the site cleaned up then talk about getting the large chipper. Cosper suggested the county may consider purchasing property at Cottonwood and move solid waste out there. Cosper asked what the plans were for the north end of the Dist 2 building. Ward said there was a co-op agreement between Atoka and Coal Counties regarding the solid waste that may prohibit it from being moved. Cosper said we need to let the people from the city take their brush to the water plant but the county needs to provide a place for the people from the county. Districts 2 and 3 declared the site at the fairbarn closed as of today. The districts will bring 2 trackhoes and a dozer as early as tomorrow to bury the brush and help with cleanup. Johnny Ward said he talked to Judge Mowdy about the purchase of a conference table and chairs for the new jury room. Judge Mowdy said he talked to Mike Elkins with OCI about an 18 ft long table and 22 chairs. Elkins said it would cost around $2500 and can be built within 30 days. Ward made a motion to buy them out of the capital improvement account(R-7). Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Jones approved. Old Business: Johnny Ward said that the concrete work inside the fairbarn was complete. Ward also said the board had approved to share the cost with the fairboard up to around $4000 to $5000. He said it looked like the county had paid around $6000 while the fairboard has only paid $3000. Mike Hensley said he didnʼt have a problem doing that. Jones agreed. New Business: Sheriff Bryan Jump said he talked to Tommy Griffin and Mark Benedict about people speeding on Oak Grove Road. There are no speed limit signs on the road. Mike Hensley said the commissioners could make a resolution to post the speed limits. Ward said all county roads are 45 mph unless posted otherwise. Jones said we need to put a 25 mph sign from the highway to the curves, a 35 mph around the curves, and a 45 mph after the curves. Johnny Ward said that he talked to Dusty Birdsong and he was concerned about the loss ratio summary with ACCO. They will start sending out summaries every 6 months. 1 or 2 departments make up 90% of the insurance claims for the county. Hensley said some of the claims were from employees after they had left their original department. Hensley said things will change with the new Workerʼs Comp laws that went into effect November 1, 2014. Ward said we need to monitor and keep an eye on the claims. Mike Hensley made a motion to adjourn at 9:34a.m. Johnny Ward seconded the motion. Hensley, Ward, and Jones approved. ______________________________ _____________________________ Brock Jones, Chairman Michael Hensley, Vice-chairman _____________________________ ______________________________ Johnny Ward, Member Attest: Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk LEGAL NOTICE COURTHOUSE WATER COURTHOUSE WATER SERVICE BLANKET COURTHOUSE SERVICE LIBRARY SERVICE ELECTION BRD SERVICE DHS SERVICE COURTHOUSE SERVICE SERVICE FAIR BARN SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE TUPELO RFD SERVICE CLARITA COMM CENTER SUPPL CLARITA COMM CENTER SUPPL BLANKET LEHIGH COMM CENTER SUPPLIES FAIRBARN SUPPLIES COURT CLERK REVOLVING CASH FUND 30 MISTY VALLEY WATER CO 31 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 32 MISTY VALLEY WATER CO 33 MISTY VALLEY WATER CO 34 MISTY VALLEY WATER CO 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 14, 21 & 28, 2015, 3t) CV-2015-3 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, P E R S O N A L R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S , DEVISEES, TRUSTEES, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OF CARL L. JAMES, a/k/a CARL LEE JAMES, deceased; and, CHARLES KEITH JAMES and BESSIE PEARL JAMES, if living, or if they be deceased, their unknown heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, devisees, trustees, successors, and assigns. GREETINGS: YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that ALLEN R. YODER and MARY YODER, husband and wife, as Plaintiffs have filed their petition in the District Court of Coal County, State of Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2015-3, to quiet title to the following described real property, to-wit: W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Section 20, Township 1 South, Range 9 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Coal County, Oklahoma, containing 125 acres, more or less, as the case may be, and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiffs are the owners of said property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiffs’ Petition. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 27th day of FEBRUARY, 2015, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiffs and against you, and establishing that Plaintiffs are the owners of the property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiffs’ petition. GIVEN under my hand and seal this 7th day of January, 2015. Rachel Nix, Court Clerk (SEAL) By: S)Rachel Nix Shannon Reasor, OBA #15833 Shannon Reasor Law Office, PLLC P.O. Box 393 Atoka, OK 74525 Phone: (580) 889-3343 Fax: (580) 889-9334 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 21, 28 & February 4, 20`5, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA Christina Brown Plaintiff, vs. Bartolo Sartori, et al., Defendants. Case No. CV-2015- 5 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Bartolo Sartori and Giuseppe Sartori, if living and if they or any of them be dead, then their unknown successors, heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, immediate and remote of such of them, the said defendants, as might be dead; and, the known and unknown heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, devisees, creditors, trustees, assigns and successors, immediate and remote of the following named deceased persons, to-wit: Antonio Sartoris, also known as Antonio Sartori; and, the spouses respectively of each the above named defendants. GREETINGS You, the above named defendants, and the unknown successors, officers, trustees and assigns of the above named defendants, are hereby notified that you have been sued in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, in case numbered CV-2015-5, styled, Christina Brown vs. Bartolo Sartori, et al., Defendants, by plaintiff’s petition filed herein on the 16th day of January, 2015; that in said petition the Plaintiff alleges that Christina Brown is the owner of the full, legal and equitable title and is in the peaceable possession of the following described real property situated in Coal County, Oklahoma, to-wit: Lots 2 and 3 in Block 68 of the City of Coalgate, Coal County, Oklahoma. You are further notified that in said petition the plaintiff alleges that you and each of you are claiming some right, title, interest, lien, estate or equity in and to the said real property adverse to the said plaintiff, Christina Brown; that such claims are wholly without right and constitute clouds and defects upon the title to the said real property and that plaintiff is entitled to have such clouds and defects canceled and removed herein. You are further notified that you must answer the petition filed by the said plaintiff on or before the 11th day of March, 2015, or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment and decree quieting plaintiff, Christina Brown’s fee simple title to the above described real property will be entered forever barring you from asserting any interest in or to the above described real property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Court on the16th day of January, 2015. Rachel Nix, Court Clerk By:_Michelle Lampkin Deputy Court Clerk J. FRANK WOLF, III, OBA #11577 Rabon, Wolf & Rabon 402 E. Jackson P.O. Box 726 Hugo, OK 74743 Phone: (580) 326-6427 Fax: (580) 326-6032 Attorney for Plaintiff LPXLP LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 28, 2015, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT:CANYON CREEK ENERGY HOLDINGS LLC, RELIEF REQUESTED: POOLING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CD 201500335-T AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas and all other interested persons, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma, and more particularly Clifford Logan; Dock Hearn; Elizabeth M. Lackey; Gertrude Curtis; James W. Walker; Patsy Sue Hill; Peggy Jo Parris; George M. Bradfield; James T. Nicholson; The Home-Stake Oil and Gas Company; The Home-Stake Royalty Corporation; C. S. Reynolds, presumed deceased; Fred Sherman, presumed deceased; W. D. Thornton; Farmers’ Union Cooperative Royalty Company; John S. Keller; P. D. Anderson; Panhandle Oil and Gas, Inc.; The GHK Company a Limited Partnership; John Stephens; Lavern Fishel; Sam C. S. Stephens; Lillian Wright; Louise Wright Davis; Barry F. Fehlman; Bernard Thorne O’Loughlin; Beverly Sue Potter Miller; Brenda West; Catherine J. Potter; Constance L. Potter; Dennis James O’Loughlin; Edward W. Estes and Murray Jeanette Estes, H/w, JT; Elizabeth Iredell Smith; J. A. Egan; J. B. O’Daniel Revocable Living Trust; Jack H. Potter; Jennifer West; Judy Marie Phillips, Trustee or her Successors-in-Interest, under the Judy Marie Phillips Revocable Trust Agreement dated the 7th day of March, 1996; Marcia L. Potter; Marshall Woodrow Pipkin, deceased; Mary Patricia O’Loughlin Parsons; Michael Giles West; N. J. Phillips; Patricia Elaine Potter Sullivan; Reece Henry; Steve Wilcox; Terrance Robert O’Loughlin; Newfield Exploration MidContinent, Inc.; Joseph Pulzer; Anticlinical Royalty Company of Tulsa, Oklahoma; R. D. Van Patten; H. H. Kapner; Harry Panos; E. S. Swan, presumed deceased; J. B. Burwell, presumed deceased; Jim Ashton, presumed deceased; Anna W. Thornton a/k/a Wylmouth Thornton; Benjamin A. Kelley; Ann Marie Wilcox; Dennis Wilcox; Greg Wilcox; T. H. Ware; and if any of the above are deceased, the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, immediate and remote, of the above-named parties; and if any of the above-named entities is a dissolved partnership, corporation or other association, then the unknown successors, trustees and assigns, both immediate and remote, of such dissolved partnership, corporation or other association. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant in this cause is requesting that the Commission pool the interests, designate an operator, and adjudicate the rights and equities of oil and gas owners in the Hartshorne, Gilcrease, Wapanucka, Cromwell, Woodford, Hunton, Viola, Bromide, McLish and Oil Creek Common Sources of Supply underlying and comprising the 640acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of Section 32, Township 2 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant is requesting the following special relief: (1) to designate the Applicant or some other party as Operator of the unit; (2) to pool the captioned lands as a unit; and (3) to provide for the development of the unit including the pooling of the proposed well and all subsequent wells where applicable. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before the Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Service Office, Suite 114, State Office Building, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 at 8:30 a.m., on the 17th day of February, 2015, and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant, or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date and provide their name and telephone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Stephen R. McNamara, Boulder Towers, Suite 1210, 1437 South Boulder Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-3609, Telephone (918) 599-0300, or Steve McNamara, Jr., Canyon Creek Energy Holdings LLC, 2431 East 61st Street, Suite 260, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136, (918) 561-6737. DONE AND PERFORMED this 23rd day of January, 2015. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Vice Chairman S)J. TODD HIETT Commissioner ATTEST: S)Peggy Mitchell Secretary of the Commission LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 28, 2015, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: SM ENERGY COMPANY RELIEF SOUGHT: INCREASED WELL DENSITY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201500475-t NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERSAND TAKERS OF OILAND GAS INCLUDINGADAM T CARROLL; AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY PHILADELPHIA DIVISION INC; ARLIE J STILES; ARMETTA R WARD; AVEDIS FOUNDATION FARMERS NATIONAL CO AGENT; BETA SHALE LLC; BETTY WARD; BEVERLY A MCENTIRE; BILL MAHAIR; BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY; BRANDON CUTLER GIST; BRANDY PATIN EDWARDS; BRIAN E BURR; CARL R MCENTIRE AND PATRICIA ANN; CAROL JANICE BURR; CARRIE PARNELL; CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA INC DBA ST GREGORYS UNIVERSITY C/O FARMERS NATIONAL COMPANY; CATHY REIM; CHARLES EARL COLBURN; CHERI BROWN MAGBY; CHERYL LEE PATIN AKA CHERYL PATIN WILLIS; CHRISTOPHER ALAN CHERRY; CLAIRE ELIZABETH BAKER; CLARKE LIVING TRUST CHARLES E CLARKE MARTIN BRUCE CLARK OR FRANK PATRICK CLARKE COTTEES; COASTAL MANAGEMENT TRUST; COBANK FCB; COBRA PETROLEUM COMPANY; COLLEEN MARIA SMITH PASSERO; CONTINENTAL RESOURCES INC; CUTLER GIST DBA MONTEGO MINERALS; CYNTHIA L STERBA; DANI LEE BURR IRREVOCABLE DISABILITY TST BEVERLY MCGINTY TRUSTEE; DANIEL JOSEPH BAKER; DANIEL WARD; DAVID M WARD; DAVID PATRICK BURR; DEBORAH GRAVES; DENNIS WARD; DESERT PARTNERS III LP; DESERT PARTNERS IV LP; DOROTHEA HENDRICKS; DOUGLAS TRENT PRIETO; EDWARD G BURR; ELSIE WARD; ERNESTINE ADDISON GRAHAM; EUGENE J PATIN JR; GLADYS LORENE ROBERTS; GLEN MARTIN BAKER; GRANT J WRIGHT; GRISSO FAMILY TRUST BANK OF AMERICA NA TRUSTEE; GWENDOLYN LONG; GWENDOLYN LONG; HAROLD L HUNTER; JAMES C READY & LEONA J READY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST JAMES C READY OR LEONA J READY TRUSTEES; JAMES T HUNTER; JASON L CARROLL; JIMMIE E LEATH & TURLA B LEATH REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST JIMMIE E LEATH & TURLA B LEATH TRUSTEES; JOHNNIE L WARD; JUDY ADDISON; JWB LLC; KAREN L WATKINS; KENNETH CLARK; KENNETH JOSEPH SMITH JR; KIMBERLY L CASTILLO C/O KAREN L WATKINS; KINDER LIVING TRUST STEVEN ANTHONY KINDER SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE; LEO AND MARY HARTING LIVING TRUST LEO D HARTING & MARY B SMITH HARTING TRUSTEES; LINN ENERGY HOLDINGS LLC LINN OPERATING INC AGENT; LOIS SUE MCCRAW; MAP0304 AN OKLAHOMA GP; MARILYN FRANCES SHADARAM; MARJORIE L CROW; MARTHA A WARD C/O DENNIS WARD POA; MARY JANE MUNTZ; MARY K GRISSO REVOCABLE TRUST ELIZABETH STAGGS HUCKABAY TRUSTEE; MAUD DEAN WILSON ESTATE TRUST PHIL D MEIER TRUSTEE; MAUNIE YVONNE MCNAMEE; MEKUSUKEY OIL COMPANY LLC; MICHAEL D GOLLOB OIL COMPANY LP; MICHELLE BERNADETTE SMITH PITTS; NEWFIELD EXPLORATION MID-CONTINENT INC; OAKDALE MINERALS LLC; PAGOSA RESOURCES LLC; PEBBLESTONE PROPERTIES LLC; PENNY DIANE BROWN; PHILIP WARD; R A CLARK; REGINALD BOYD CHERRY JR; ROBERT MARCUS PACE AND LYNN DOUGLAS PACE; SARAH BURR FORCK CRONIC; SEKANI EXPLORATION LLC; SHERRILL EUGENE STILES; SOBOCINSKI FAMILY LIVING TRUST JOAN FORCK SOBOCINSKI OR DONALD P SOBOCINSKI TRUSTEES; SOURCE ROCK RESOURCES INC; SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM COMPANY LP; SPARTAN RESOURCES LLC ATTN ACCOUNTING OFFICE; STEVEN K MCENTIRE; STEVEN T GARNER 1993 REV TRUST U/A/D 5-6-93 WILLIAM LEE GARNER TRUSTEE; THE OKLAHOMA COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE B-7 BAPTIST UNIVERSITY C/O BAPTIST FOUNDATION OF TEXAS; THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM BOARD OF REGENTS C/O CLARA BATES NISBETS FUND; TIM W MUNSON LLC; TIMOTHY G PATIN; TITAN STC LLC; TOM G YARBRO TRUST AGREEMENT THOMAS GRAHAM YARBRO JR SUC TTEE; TRILOGY OIL AND GAS LLC; WHITE EAGLE ACQUISITIONS LLC; WILLIAM JOHN BURR; WREATHA A MCENTIRE ESTATE; XTO ENERGY INC; C M YOUNG; EDGAR COLE; J PAUL WALKER; MICKEY WILLARD; W C BREWER; W D SMITH; W E CAMPBELL; WILLIAM A EVANS ESTATE TRUST FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BANK NA, TRUSTEE; and all persons if living and if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant in this cause is requesting that the Commission enter its order to increase the density by the drilling of an additional well in Section 35, Township 2 North, Range 11 East, Coal County, Oklahoma for production from the Woodford common source of supply as an exception to Order No. 556923 and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 17th day of February, 2015 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Casey Nichols, SM Energy Company, 6120 South Yale, Suite 1300, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136, 918/488-7600 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston Avenue, Ste. 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Vice Chairman S)J. TODD HIETT Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 26th day of January, 2015. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL Secretary LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 28, 2015, 1t0 BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: SM ENERGY COMPANY RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201500477-t NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS including BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY; CONTINENTAL RESOURCES INC; LINN ENERGY HOLDINGS LLC LINN OOPERATING INC AGENT; NEWFIELD EXPLORATION MIDCONTINENT INC; TRILOGY OIL AND GAS LLC; XTO ENERGY INC; and all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing, and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that Order No. 556923 be amended to permit a well to be drilled and produced at the following location: SURFACE HOLE LOCATION: NO CLOSER THAN 100 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 100 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA FIRST PERFORATION: NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA LAST PERFORATION: NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA That Order No. 556923 established a 640-acre drilling and spacing unit for the Woodford common source of supply underlying Section 35, Township 2 North, Range 11 East, Coal County, Oklahoma which order requires that the well be located no closer than 1,320 feet from the unit boundary. That the requested location is closer to Sections 26, 27 and 34, Township 2 North, Range 11 East and Sections 2 and 3, Township 1 North, Range 11 East all in Coal County, Oklahoma than would be permitted by the spacing order covering the named common source of supply. That the Applicant be permitted to drill and produce said well at said location for the Woodford common source of supply without any downward allowable adjustments and designate Applicant or any other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 S. Houston, Suite 114, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127 at 8:30 a.m. on the 17th day of February, 2015 and that this Notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Casey Nichols, SM Energy Company, 6120 South Yale, Suite 1300, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136, 918/488-7662 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119, 918/3828686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Vice Chairman S)J. TODD HIETT Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 26th day January, 2015. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL Commission Secretary LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 28, 2015, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: SM ENERGY COMPANY RELIEF SOUGHT: SEPARATE ALLOWABLE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, Coal COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201500476-t NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING ADAM T CARROLL; AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY PHILADELPHIA DIVISION INC; ARLIE J STILES; ARMETTA R WARD; AVEDIS FOUNDATION FARMERS NATIONAL CO AGENT; BETA SHALE LLC; BETTY WARD; BEVERLY A MCENTIRE; BILL MAHAIR; BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY; BRANDON CUTLER GIST; BRANDY PATIN EDWARDS; BRIAN E BURR; CARL R MCENTIRE AND PATRICIA ANN; CAROL JANICE BURR; CARRIE PARNELL; CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA INC DBA ST GREGORYS UNIVERSITY C/O FARMERS NATIONAL COMPANY; CATHY REIM; CHARLES EARL COLBURN; CHERI BROWN MAGBY; CHERYL LEE PATIN AKA CHERYL PATIN WILLIS; CHRISTOPHER ALAN CHERRY; CLAIRE ELIZABETH BAKER; CLARKE LIVING TRUST CHARLES E CLARKE MARTIN BRUCE CLARK OR FRANK PATRICK CLARKE COTTEES; COASTAL MANAGEMENT TRUST; COBANK FCB; COBRA PETROLEUM COMPANY; COLLEEN MARIA SMITH PASSERO; CONTINENTAL RESOURCES INC; CUTLER GIST DBA MONTEGO MINERALS; CYNTHIA L STERBA; DANI LEE BURR IRREVOCABLE DISABILITY TST BEVERLY MCGINTY TRUSTEE; DANIEL JOSEPH BAKER; DANIEL WARD; DAVID M WARD; DAVID PATRICK BURR; DEBORAH GRAVES; DENNIS WARD; DESERT PARTNERS III LP; DESERT PARTNERS IV LP; DOROTHEA HENDRICKS; DOUGLAS TRENT PRIETO; EDWARD G BURR; ELSIE WARD; ERNESTINE ADDISON GRAHAM; EUGENE J PATIN JR; GLADYS LORENE ROBERTS; GLEN MARTIN BAKER; GRANT J WRIGHT; GRISSO FAMILY TRUST BANK OF AMERICA NA TRUSTEE; GWENDOLYN LONG; GWENDOLYN LONG; HAROLD L HUNTER; JAMES C READY & LEONA J READY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST JAMES C READY OR LEONA J READY TRUSTEES; JAMES T HUNTER; JASON L CARROLL; JIMMIE E LEATH & TURLA B LEATH REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST JIMMIE E LEATH & TURLA B LEATH TRUSTEES; JOHNNIE L WARD; JUDY ADDISON; JWB LLC; KAREN L WATKINS; KENNETH CLARK; KENNETH JOSEPH SMITH JR; KIMBERLY L CASTILLO C/O KAREN L WATKINS; KINDER LIVING TRUST STEVEN ANTHONY KINDER SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE; LEO AND MARY HARTING LIVING TRUST LEO D HARTING & MARY B SMITH HARTING TRUSTEES; LINN ENERGY HOLDINGS LLC LINN OPERATING INC AGENT; LOIS SUE MCCRAW; MAP0304 AN OKLAHOMA GP; MARILYN FRANCES SHADARAM; MARJORIE L CROW; MARTHA A WARD C/O DENNIS WARD POA; MARY JANE MUNTZ; MARY K GRISSO REVOCABLE TRUST ELIZABETH STAGGS HUCKABAY TRUSTEE; MAUD DEAN WILSON ESTATE TRUST PHIL D MEIER TRUSTEE; MAUNIE YVONNE MCNAMEE; MEKUSUKEY OIL COMPANY LLC; MICHAEL D GOLLOB OIL COMPANY LP; MICHELLE BERNADETTE SMITH PITTS; NEWFIELD EXPLORATION MID-CONTINENT INC; OAKDALE MINERALS LLC; PAGOSA RESOURCES LLC; PEBBLESTONE PROPERTIES LLC; PENNY DIANE BROWN; PHILIP WARD; R A CLARK; REGINALD BOYD CHERRY JR; ROBERT MARCUS PACE AND LYNN DOUGLAS PACE; SARAH BURR FORCK CRONIC; SEKANI EXPLORATION LLC; SHERRILL EUGENE STILES; SOBOCINSKI FAMILY LIVING TRUST JOAN FORCK SOBOCINSKI OR DONALD P SOBOCINSKI TRUSTEES; SOURCE ROCK RESOURCES INC; SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM COMPANY LP; SPARTAN RESOURCES LLC ATTN ACCOUNTING OFFICE; STEVEN K MCENTIRE; STEVEN T GARNER 1993 REV TRUST U/A/D 5-6-93 WILLIAM LEE GARNER TRUSTEE; THE OKLAHOMA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY C/O BAPTIST FOUNDATION OF TEXAS; THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM BOARD OF REGENTS C/O CLARA BATES NISBETS FUND; TIM W MUNSON LLC; TIMOTHY G PATIN; TITAN STC LLC; TOM G YARBRO TRUST AGREEMENT THOMAS GRAHAM YARBRO JR SUC TTEE; TRILOGY OIL AND GAS LLC; WHITE EAGLE ACQUISITIONS LLC; WILLIAM JOHN BURR; WREATHA A MCENTIRE ESTATE; XTO ENERGY INC; C M YOUNG; EDGAR COLE; J PAUL WALKER; MICKEY WILLARD; W C BREWER; W D SMITH; W E CAMPBELL; WILLIAM A EVANS ESTATE TRUST FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BANK NA, TRUSTEE; and all persons if living and if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant has filed an Application for an increased well density for an additional well in Section 35, Township 2 North, Range 11 East, Coal County, Oklahoma, Cause CD No. 201500475-T. That the Applicant is requesting that the Commission enter its order allowing Applicant to produce the requested increased density well from the Woodford common source at the greater of a shared allowable with the existing well(s) in the unit of supply or a separate allowable for the common source of supply named above underlying Section 35, Township 2 North, Range 11 East, Coal County, Oklahoma and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. The separate allowable for the additional well granted shall be from the date of first production. The separate allowable for the additional well is to be calculated by the greater of the minimum allowable or the percentage of the well’s wellhead absolute open flow potential. There shall be no transfer of the separate allowable between the additional well and any other well within the unit. In addition there will be no underage or overage pertaining to the separate allowable transferred between the additional well and any other well in the unit. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 17th day of February, 2015 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Casey Nichols, SM Energy Company, 6120 South Yale, Suite 1300, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136, 918/488-7600 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston Avenue, Ste. 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Vice Chairman S)J. TODD HIETT Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 26th day of January, 2015. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL Secretary LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 28 & February 4, 2015, 2t) The Coal County Fair Board Election will be held on February 21, 2015 in the Coal County Courthouse from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The filing period will be on Monday, February 9, 2015 –Friday, February 13, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the County Clerk’s office. Positions up for re-election are now held by Faye Cagle, Joel Sexton and Delora Miles. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY We Can Help Call for Free Consultation 1-800-658-1596 (918) 423-0421 PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Beautiful hardwood office furniture: Desk with 6 side drawers, file racks and lap drawer (72x35.5x31.5); matching bookshelf with glass door hutch (90x72x19.5). Asking $2999, but all reasonable offers considered. Call Darla at (918) 298-0100 days or (918) 230-6077 cell. (tfn) HOUSE FOR SALE—‑2story house, approximately 2,840 sq. ft. with 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 living areas, & formal dining. Has fireplace, new CH/A and is located on 5 Quality Vinyl Siding, Guttering & Windows Anderson Home Improvement Wetumka / Calvin, Oklahoma Russell Anderson • 405-380-4151 Free Estimates • In Business Since 1975 Wanted If you love working with the elderly and would like to make a difference in their lives, TenderCare Home Health is the place for you. TenderCare is looking for an RN Case Manager to work in the Coalgate area. Qualified candidates must have an active Oklahoma license in good standing and reliable transportation. This position travels 100% of the time. Candidates may fax resume to 405-928-2720 or stop by the TenderCare Office located at N. Arno Coalgate, OK. For further information contact Vickie at 405-928-2727 EOE Allen’s Tractor & Dozer Repair 240 East Boggy Depot Rd Atoka, Oklahoma 74525 Phone: 580-364-6643 Free pickup & delivery within 30 miles of Atoka, Oklahoma get to download your 2x2 ads FAst DEPEnDABlE sERvicE week. Name to download. PS for the 2x2 ads.) your newspaper. Dozer Work Fi Top Gravel OF JANUARY 25, 2015.Hauling So t il Jerry Lemons Cell 580-258-0282 Home 580-428-3166 OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED LEGAL SERVICES DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS EARN $100,000 1ST YR. INCOME Selling funeral ins. to seniors. Daytime market. Leads furnished. Complete training. Daily pay. Health/dental provided. Call 1-888-713-6020. AIRLINE CAREERS begin here –Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. A-CDL DRIVERS Oilfield NOW HIRING. 2yrs experience. No LABOR, just drive. OKC and Woodward location, housing provided. Average 52K + bonus!! 1-866-501-7549. MANUFACTURED HOMES ATTN: COMPUTER WORK Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 part-time to $7,500/mo fulltime. Training provided. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 10 HOMES to advertise siding/windows/ roofs for 2015 advertising/remodeling program. Save hundreds $$! Pmts. $89/mo. All credit accepted. To qualify CALL NOW!! 1-866-668-8681 CAREER TRAINING MANY USED MOBILE HOMES! Lowest price. See or call for list at: FREE trucking statewide! Henryetta 918-6527000. Mcloud 405-386-5444. Two BIG locations on I-40. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad contact Bud at (405) 499-0025 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN012515 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 “ acres 1 mile SE of trown of Coalgate onn Industrial Boulevard. Approximately 2,840 sq. feet on 5 acres with scenic view. Asking price is $189,000. Call 580-927-5726 or 580-9272621. (4tc15)Special Gov’t Program! Own Land/Family land ZERO down! Don’t prejudge your credit. E-Z qualify by phone. 2,000 furniture package with purchase. Homes starting at 26,500 and up. W.A.C. 405-631-7600 or 405-2063693. (10/24tfn) FOR SALE—Hay for sale. Large round bales, $45.00 delivered. (27-0512. (8tc1) Commercial & Residential (Free Estimates) 580-889-0829 Office/Medical RecORds/scheduling assistant PaRt tiMe Part Time Position working in TenderCare Home Health Assisting in the office This position will work with Medical Records, assist with office duties and scheduling. Previous experience in a FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & medical field is helpful. Candidates may fax a resume 4-bdrm houses. 580-258- to 405-928-2720 or stop by the TenderCare office at 1 N. 8856, cell. (11/24tfn) Arno, Coalgate to complete an application. HOUSES FOR RENT— EOE Kathy Wynn, PHR Furnished & unfurnished. Director Human Resources All bills paid on some. 927- 5171. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT —Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—1-bdrm apts. with stove, refrigerator, CH/A, 3 walk-in storm shelters, water sewer & garbage paid. Laundry facility on property. Handicap assessable apts available. At least 62 years of age may apply at Louis Sandmann Senior Housing. 1201 Cedar Way, west of Coalgate football field. 580-927-2781. Office hours M-F, 9:00 to 1:00. (4/3tfn) FOR RENT—Nice 3-bdrm trailer with CH/A in Phillips. 580-239-2170. (12/3tfn) WANTED WORK WANTED— Osborn Tree Service, trimming-pruningremoval-stump grinding. Licensed, bonded, insured, free estimates. Jackie Osborn 580-399-4499, . (1/21tfn) HELP WANTED—Fulltime position, immediate opening. Job includes all phases of wholesale and retail farm store business. Must be able to operate equipment. Mechanical and tire experience helpful. Prefer some experience in agriculture related field. Apply in person at Cloverleaf Feed, Stonewall, OK. Phone 580-265-9200. (2tp47) Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley E-mail: (inside & out) 30 yrs experience FOR RENT Full time Rn Case manageR ir ll D Thomas Stafford Painting & Remodeling 918-557-5308 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • 1384 + acres....pristine whitetail and turkey habitat. High fenced. 30 acre lake. 6 acre lake. 2 cattle working areas. 100+AU capacity. Property is fenced and cross fenced. 3 high fenced wildlife breeding pens. 60’x80’ metal barn with 3 bdrm/2bth bunkhouse. • 300 acres - Great hunting land. Electricity and water available. East of Durant • 19.77 acres....3,000+sq. ft. amazing new home. 4 bdrms/3bths. Office. Solid hardwood floors. Exotic granite counters. Gas log fireplace. Landscaped with sprinkler system. Underground electric fence. Attached double car garage. Workshop. Pond • 125 acres - Complete mini ranch. 2 homes. 1 guest cottage. Barns. Steel pens. 4 ponds. Hay meadow. 95% cleared. Clear Boggy upland. $399,000 MANY MORE LISTINGS AVAILABLE. PLEASE CHECK OUR WEB SITE FOR ALL LISTINGS WITH Tank Truck Drivers Needed A&A Tank Truck Co. – Calvin, OK A&A Tank Truck Co is currently hiring Night Drivers for our Calvin, OK yard. This position will work 4 On 2 Off schedule with the possibility to go to Days in the future. Our drivers are Home every day! Competitive Wages, Medical, Dental, Life Insurance, Paid Time Off, 401K and other benefits available. REQUIREMENTS: · Must possess a valid Commercial’s Drivers License with Tank Endorsement · Must provide 3 years verifiable Work History · Oilfield Experience preferred Please contact Frank Williams @ 405-431-8188 or Dispatch @ 580-399-6357 David Shores SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 580-927-5160 Real Estate Land for Sale New Listing: 303 West Hooker - 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, brick home, with 1313 sq ft, carport, on large lot, Priced at $85,000. New Listing: Hard to find 10 acres on Pine Tree Lane, with pond, water and electricity. Priced at $30,000. Corner of California - 3 bdrm, 2 bath mfg. home on a nice large corner lot. Priced at $59,000. North of Coalgate - 3 bdrm, 2 bath frame home with in ground pool, barn with water and electricity. Priced at $168,000. 502 East Vincent on corner of Vincent & Coe -3 bdrm. 1 bath, brick home, on corner lot. Priced at $49,000. 1003 West Blair - Large 3 bdrm. 2 bath, brick home, recently remolded with new privacy fence and new covered back patio. Very nice house with granite counter tops and plantation blinds. Priced at $105,000. 711 S. Railroad - 3 bdrm. 1.5 baths, brick home, on 2 large lots, with privacy fence, very nice house in a good neighborhood. Priced at $99,000. SOLD 403 W.Fautt St in Phillips - 3 bdrm., 2 bath brick home on 10 lots. Nice 24x40 metal shop building. Priced at $85,000. 205 South Dewight, 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom, frame home, with handicap walk-in tub and a nice quite neighborhood. Priced at $89,000. 306 N. Byrd - 3 bdrm. 1 bath, framed home with 1,783 sq ftwith fenced yard. Priced at $69,000. North of Coalgate - 754 acres or recreation land, on Caney Boggy Creek with lots of wildlife, electricity on property. Priced at $1,450.00 per acre. For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015—PAGE B-9 Tigers eliminated from Roff tournament ZONES: 1,2,4 for week of JANUARY 25, 2015 —Tupelo boys suffer back-to-back losses 2x2 toadsKonawa and Coalgate may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent The Tupelo Tigers suffered back-to-back losses in last week’s Roff Tournament. In doing so, Coach Clay Weller’s THS squad was eliminated from the 6-day event. Tupelo was beaten 7736 Monday by the Konawa Tigers. The loss came in the first round contest at Roff High School. THS then fell 61-45 to the Coalgate Wildcats in the consolation semi-finals of the tournament. Tupelo’s record dipped to 5-12 with the losses. In Monday’s game, Konawa exploded to a 29-13 lead in the first quarter. The lead was extended to 43-22 at the half and 63-29 at the close of the third period. Konawa then outscored THS 14-7 in the fourth quarter to close out the 41-point victory at 77-36. Joshua Gragg provided Tupelo’s only double-digit scoring performance against Konawa. Gregg dropped in 11 points. Six other Tigers also scored in the game. Bry Bratcher was second on the team with LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2015-4 LEO B. LEIGH, Plaintiff, vs. The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, and Assigns, and the unknown Successors of MARY IDA SHARP deceased, Defendants. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION (All Lands) STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, and the unknown successors of Mary Ida Sharp, deceased. You the Defendants above named are hereby notified that you have been sued by the above named Plaintiff in the above entitled action in the District Court of Coal Oklahoma, and that you must answer the Petition filed by Plaintiff in said case on or before the 5th day of March, 2015, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants above named in said action, quieting title to the following described real property the State of Oklahoma, to-wit: Tract 1: An undivided 10 acre interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from the N/2 of the SE/4 of the SE/4 and the E/2 of the SW/4 of the SE/4 and the NW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 16, Township 1 North, Range 10 East of the I.M., Coal County, Oklahoma; Tract 2: An undivided 32-1/2 acre interest in the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from the SE/4 of Section 36, Township 7 North, Range 13 West of the I.M., Caddo County, Oklahoma; Tract 3: An undivided 19.30 acre interest in the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from the W/2 of the NW/4 of Section 6, Township 6 North, Range 12 West of the I.M., Caddo County, Oklahoma; Tract 4: An undivided 35-1/2 acre interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and that may be produced from the NW/4 and the W/2 of the NE/4 and the NE/4 of the NE/4 and the N/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 and the SW/4 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of Section 21, Township 2 North, Range 5 West, Stephens County, Oklahoma; Tract 5: An undivided 1/2 interest in and to all of the oil, gas, coal and other minerals in, under and produced from the N/2 of the N/2 of the N/2 of the SW/4 of the NE/4; also a strip of land containing 4 acres, beginning at center of the NE/4; thence West 80 rods, North 8 rods, East 80 rods, and South 8 rods to place of beginning; all in Section 25, Township 14 North, Range 3 West of the I.M., Oklahoma County, Oklahoma; Tract 6: An undivided 5 acre interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from the W/2 of the SW/4 of Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 9 West, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma; Tract 7: An undivided 4 acre interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from the SW/4 of Section 12, Township 16 North, Range 6 West, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma; Tract 8: An undivided 2-1/2 acre interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from the SE/4 of Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 6 West, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma; Tract 9: An undivided 2-1/2 acre interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from the SW/4, also described as the N/2 of the SW/4 and SE/4 of the SW/4 and Lot 1, Section 20, Township 17 North, Range 6 West, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma; Tract 10: An undivided 5 acre interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals, in, under and produced from the SE/4 of Section 5, Township 16 North, Range 5 West, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma; Tract 11: An undivided 1/5th interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from the E/2 of the NW/4 and the N/2 of the NW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 12, Township 6 North, Range 6 West, Grady County, Oklahoma; Tract 12: An undivided 2-1/2 acres interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals, in, under and produced from the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 31, Township 4 North, Range 7 West, Grady County, Oklahoma; Tract 13: An undivided 1/10th (4 acres, more or less) interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and produced from Lot 4, also known as the NW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 1, Township 15 North, Range 3 East of the Indian Meridian, Lincoln County, Oklahoma; and judicially determining the heirship of Mary Ida Sharp, deceased. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court this 13th day of January, 2015. RACHEL NIX, COURT CLERK BY: s/ Cheryl Hobgood Deputy Gregory S. Taylor, Attorney for Plaintiff OBA #8863 115 S. Broadway P.O. Box 1737 Ada, OK 74821 580/332-7717 (Published in The Coalgate Record Register on January 21, 28, and February 4, 2015) LPXLP LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record register January 21 & 28, 2015, 2t) NOTICE OF ELECTION City of Lehigh, Oklahoma Resolution No. 1-15-2015 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council members of the City of Lehigh that for the purpose of electing Council members from Wards 3 and 4 and Mayor at large: 1. A general election shall be held on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. at the Lehigh City Hall, Lehigh, Oklahoma. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each candidate for the City Office be a qualified elector of the city and that each candidate for the office of councilman from a ward shall be an actual resident of the ward from which he is a candidate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk cause a notice to be published in the Coalgate Record Register setting forth the fact that the office of the County Election Board shall open from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. on each week day beginning on Monday, February 2, 2015 thru Wednesday February 4, 2015 for filing a sworn statement of his/her qualification and candidacy from Wards 3 and 4 and Mayor at large. The notice shall also state the qualification one must posses to hold the office of councilman and Mayor in the City of Lehigh. All offices will be for a four-year term. THE FOREGOING notice shall be run in the January 21, 2015 and January 28, 2015 editions of the Coalgate Record Register and proof of the publication shall be requested. BE IT RESOLVED, that the election on the above candidates for councilmen and Mayor shall be opened to all qualified voters in the City of Lehigh and shall be at the regular polling place at Lehigh City Hall. The election shall be held between the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. and these questions shall be decided by a majority of those persons voting therein. ADOPTED this the 15th day of January 2015 by the Lehigh City Council. ATTEST; S)Kay Yarbrough Lehigh City Clerk S)Earnest Cottrell Mayor 6 points. Caleb Watson and Christian McLean added 5 points each. Luke Leland followed with 4. Dalton Barnes finished with 3 points and Conor McCollum contributed 2. Coach Weller saw one bright spot. “Gragg has played well last couple of games,” the coach said. “Other than that we were bad Monday night across the board. We gave up 21 offensive rebounds and turned it over 24 times. Konawa played well.” In the consolation semifinals, Tupelo faced elimination without a victory. The Tigers were knocked from the field with a 61-45 loss to the Coalgate Wildcats. Tupelo trailed by a point, 14-13, in the first quarter. However, Coalgate took control in the second and third periods. The Wildcats outscored Tupelo 16-10 in the second quarter for a 30-23 advantage. CHS then outscored the Tigers 19-7 in the third frame to extend the lead to 49-30. Tupelo outscored Coalgate 15-12 in the final period, but still came up 16 points short on the final scoreboard, 61-45. Caleb Watson landed in double figures in scoring with 12 points. Dalton Barnes followed with 8 points. Joshua Gragg and Bry Bratcher contributed 7 points each. Brandon Pardue finished with 6 points and 9 rebounds. Christian McLean rounded out the scoring with 5 points. As a team, Tupelo connected on only 17 of 58 shots. The Tigers also suffered 24 turnovers. That was the formula for the loss to Coalgate. Looking ahead, Tupelo will return to action on February 3 with a home game against Wapanucka. --AT A GLANCE ROFF TOURNAMENT Konawa 77, Tupelo 36 Tupelo - 13 - 9 - 7 - 7 - (36) Konawa - 29 - 14 - 20 - 14 (77) Tupelo scoring: Joshua Gragg 11, Bry Bratcher 6, Caleb Watson 5, Christian McLean 5, Luke Leland 4, Dalton Barnes 3 and Conor McCollum 2. --ROFF TOURNAMENT Coalgate 61, Tupelo 45 Coalgate - 14 - 16 - 19 - 12 (61) Tupelo - 13 - 10 - 7 - 15 - (45) Tupelo scoring: Caleb Watson 12, Dalton Barnes 8, Joshua Gragg 7, Bry Bratcher 7, Brandon Pardue 6 and Christian McLean 5. --Tupelo Tigers results (5-12) Nov. 4 @ Stringtown, won 5950 Nov. 7 @ Wanette, lost 43-34 Nov. 11 vs. Calvin, won 77-34 Nov. 14 @ Asher, lost 55-37 Nov. 18 vs. Vanoss, lost 77-46 Nov. 21 vs. Stonewall, lost 4536 --Pontotoc Conference Dec. 1-6 @ Stonewall Vs. Roff, lost 65-25 Vs. Wanette, lost 45-42 --Dec. 9 @ Stuart, lost 65-25 Dec. 12 @ Milburn, won forfeit Dec. 16 vs. Sasakwa, won 6238 Jan. 6 vs. Allen, lost 74-29 Jan. 9 @ Coleman, won 56-39 --Jan. 13 vs. Earlsboro, lost 7429 Jan. 16 @ Roff, lost 65-33 --Roff Tournament Jan. 19 - Konawa, lost 77-36 Jan. 21 – Coalgate, lost 61-45 vs. Kiowa --download the line ads for Feb. this10 week at --Remaining games - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CL Playoffs Feb. 3 vs. Wapanucka District Tournament Feb. 9 @ Victory Life Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 1/21/2015 Total Head: 1760 Steers 301-345 ...............$342.50-$367.50 353-358 ...............$328.00-$362.00 415-438 ...............$279.00-$287.00 405.....................................$312.00 450-468 ...............$268.00-$276.00 500-536 ...............$249.00-$265.00 557-594 ...............$240.00-$248.00 555-598 ...............$223.00-$239.00 600-636 ...............$215.00-$235.00 647.....................................$208.50 659-695 ...............$201.00-$211.00 737-748 ...............$200.00-$207.00 849.....................................$200.00 Heifers 304-323 .............. $288.00-$291.00 360-388 .............. $270.00-$288.00 400-438 .............. $267.00-$280.00 450-489 .............. $245.00-$260.00 510-548 .............. $225.00-$239.00 506-509 .............. $239.00-$244.00 555-565 .............. $215.00-$225.00 570-598 .............. $206.50-$214.00 604-643 .............. $193.00-$207.50 659-669 .............. $196.00-$205.50 719.................................... $185.00 713-743 .............. $175.00-$183.50 839.................................... $186.50 Sale Every Wednesday starting at 9:00 am Coalgate HHRV Park on Hwy 75 in Phillips has 30 amp & 50 amp spaces available. Also has drop off laundry service available We accept all credit cards 927-3168 • 927-5603 • 927-6419 McAlester Stockyards Market Report Tuesday, JANUARY 20, 2015 sold 2300 cattle Steers $10 to $15 Lower Heifers $12 to $16 Higher. Next Special Cow & Bull Sale is February 21. “for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.”.” (Phill. 1:5) Weight Range #1 Steers #1 Heifers 225 to 300# $385 to $430 $301 to $330 300 to 350# $360 to $380 $386 to $298 350 to 400# $317 to $340 $270 to $288 400 to 450# $296 to $310 $254 to $268 450 to 500# $265 to $284 $247 to $260 500 to 550# $245 to $265 $230 to $243 550 to 600# $238 to $255 $215 to $229 600 to 700# $217 to $248 $196 to $214 700 to 750# $206 to $219 $183 to $196 800 to 850# $193 to $207 $194 to $207 310 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. PACKER COWS $7 lOWER And BullS $3 lOWER High yielding packer bulls sold from .....................$136 to $139 Average yielding packer bulls sold from................$132 to $135 low yielding packer bulls sold from.......................$125 to $129 High yielding packer cows sold from .....................$110 to $113 Average yielding packer cows sold from................$105 to $109 low yielding packer cows sold from ......................$ 98 to $102 Sale Every Tuesday Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls Tuesday evening, 6 pm OPEn 7 dAyS/WEEK & 24 HOuRS/dAy 2 RECEIVE & CARE FOR yOuR lIVESTOCK InVESTMEnT! Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill George Tarr lindsey Grant donny Shadwick Richard Magby 918-423-4498 918-421-9057 918-649-4750 580-889-6049 918-424-1464 918-548-3478 918-655-7754 580-889-1329 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! PAGE B-10—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 28, 2015 CITY COUNCIL HONORS POLICE, FIRE DEPARTMENTS —Coalgate City Manager Roger Cosper on Monday evening presented “Outstanding Service” Awards to Police Chief Kenny Pebworth and Fire Chief David Holt on behalf of the Coalgate City Council. The awards are in recognition of outstanding performance and dedication by the Coalgate Police Department and Coalgate Fire Department and their high standards of excellence in protecting and serving the citizens of Coalgate. From left (front) – Fire Chief David Holt, Police Chief Kenny Pebworth; (center) – Council members Johna Cunningham, Mayor Muriel Parker, Tammie Middleton; (back) – Council members Luther Wood and Joe Ward, City Manager Roger Cosper. New Dealer... New Attitude! Coalgate Police Report Traffic Citations The following traffic citations were issued by the Coalgate Police Department from Monday, January 5, through Sunday, January 26: Cody Ray Stacy, Coalgate, OK – Public intoxication; driving under suspension; transporting open container of beer. Eric Alan Thompson, Coalgate, OK – Public intoxication. ––– WANTED––– Flex Time Van Driver - Coalgate Must be 21 years old and have a current Oklahoma Drivers License and a good driving record. Pre-employment drug testing required. Prefer public transportation driving experience, knowledge of the area, and vehicle maintenance. Applications may be printed from website www. Application may be dropped offf at 210 N. Main, Coalgate or mail applications to Big Five 1502 N. 1st Ave., Durant, OK. 74701 or e-mail to EOE/AA Vote Vote Tommie Barnett Stanberry For Coalgate School Board February 10, 2015 Vote Vote Dakota Christian Winn, Coalgate, OK – Public intoxication. Jennifer Lynn Jameson, Coalgate, OK – Interfering with a police officer in line of duty. Jennifer Denise Morris, Coalgate, OK – Interfering with a police officer in line of duty. Kylie L. Wooderson, Blackwell, OK – Speeding. Kelly D. Hobson, Broken Bow, OK – Speeding. Wayne Scott Bagwell, Choctaw, OK – Speeding. Christy Lemons, Coalgate, OK – Taxes due state. Dannie Gene Kelsey, Coalgate, OK – Public intoxication. Elliott Joseph Morris, Atoka, OK – Transporting open container of liquor. Christopher J. McCoy, McAlester, OK – Speeding. Walter S. Winter, Antlers, OK – Speeding. Sharyn L. Baker, Paoli, OK – Speeding. John Michael Thomas, Atoka, OK – Speeding. Jerrett Ty Weston, Coalgate, OK – Improper takeoff; operating motor vehicle with improper exhaust system or modified. Brandon Luke Morris, Atoka, OK – Speeding. Merlin Lyda, Coalgate, OK – Public intoxication. Joshua R. Cruza, Little Elm, TX – Speeding. Dee A. Stroup, Ada, OK – Speeding. Marissa R. Hook, Atoka, OK – Speeding. Joey Don McCullough, Antlers, OK – Speeding. Leonardo Labrada, Atoka, OK – No driver’s license. Bring in this ad for $500 Discount! Welcome All, We at Riverside Autoplex of Holdenville strive to pass on big city discounts and prices, while maintaining that small town pride and customer service. For the month of December if you bring in this ad you will receive $500 towards TT&L or off your down payment of any finance vehicle w.a.c. We stock new and used vehicles of all makes and models...and as always we are fully stocked on great service! Thank you for your continued support. All new management, including Service Department 3224 Hwy 48 in Holdenville - (405)379-5424 For some, planning for the future means an IRA. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of an IRA, we can help. You have until April 15, 2015 to make contributions to an individual retirement account (IRA) for the 2014 tax year. You may be able to take a tax deduction for contributions to a traditional IRA. *** You’re more than a customer. We’re more than a bank! ***Consult your accountant or tax advisor for specific instructions about traditional and Roth IRA contributions. Information is also available on IRS publication 590 available at 101 North Main - Coalgate - 580-927-2311 Member FDIC
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