Coalgate Record Register
Coalgate Record Register
COALGATE Volume 129 Number 28 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 RECORD REGISTER Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 Three Coal County Teams Claim District Championships! SPC 4 Randy W. Derrick, U.S. Army Bridge Dedication To Honor Coal County Fallen Hero —Photo submitted LADY CATS WIN DISTRICT CROWN — Coach Kerwin Manion’s Coalgate Lady Cats captured the District 3A championship title after defeating Holdenville on Saturday. Shown from left are team members Karley Shores, Shelby Martindale, Kendra Coslow, Neiatha Hardy, Tori Lampkin, Lucy Palmer, Kaci Trentham, Katy Farley, Courtney Warren, Stasia Roebuck, and Teryn Robben. In front are Coach Kerwin Manion, left, and Assistant Coach Jory House. Story page A-8. —Photo submitted DISTRICT CHAMPS! The Tupelo Tigers last week captured the Class B district championship in fall baseball. On Thursday, they eliminated the Pittsburg Panthers in a 12-0 run-rule game and then defeated Buffalo Valley 8-7. On Friday, the Tigers had a 6-5 victory over Buffalo Valley. Shown above from left (back) - Assistant Coach Joseph Airington, Corby Ake, Corey McCollum, H.D. Bullard, Brandon Pardue, Tristen Hogue, Tyler Daffern, Chat Henry, Coach Clay Weller; (front) - Chisum Henry, Caleb Stallcup, Austin Adams, Caleb Watson, and Brandon Jackson. Story page A-3. —Photo submitted LADY TIGERS WIN DISTRICT TITLE — The Tupelo Lady Tigers won the District Championship title last week on their home field. Congratulations to Coach Missy Rogers and her Lady Tigers team! Shown above from left with the District Championship plaque are (back) - Assistant Coach Landra Nelson, Bailey Medlock, Brittany Sanders, Phylisha Chamberlain, Traci Watson, Kurston Chamberlain, Courtney Hickman, Hailey Ellis, Kristyn Parker, Coach Missy Rogers; (front) - Paige Vick, Amber Cosar, Kayley Sanders, Kate McCoy, Kelsie Warner, Haylee Fowler, and Keara Bourland. Public Forums Set For Sales Tax Proposition Several public forums have been scheduled concerning the one cent sales tax proposition that will be on the November 6 Coal County ballot. If approved by voters, the sales tax revenue will be used for the operation, maintenance and improvement of Coal County General Hospital and public acute health care purposes. The Board of Coal County Commissioners and personnel with Coal County General Hospital will present information concerning the sales tax proposition. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions about the proposition. The forums are scheduled as follows: Thursday, October 4, 7:00 p.m. – Tupelo Community Building. Thursday, October 11, 7:00 p.m. – Lehigh Community Building. Thursday, October 18, 7:00 p.m. – Clarita Community Building. Thursday, October 25, 7:00 p.m. — Coalgate Park Community Building. The public is invited to a bridge dedication ceremony on Friday, October 5, at 2:00 p.m. at Coalgate VFW Post 1198. Coal Creek Bridge on U.S. Hwy. 75/SH 3 southeast of Lehigh will be dedicated to Coal County fallen hero Randy Wayne Derrick. Randy was born August 19, 1948 in Fairview, OK to Jeff E. and Ruby L. Derrick and lived in Lehigh when he was inducted into the U.S. Army in Oklahoma City on September 14, 1967. He was 19 years old. Randy received his basic training at Ft. Polk, LA and began his tour in Vietnam on July 11, 1968. He was a Specialist Four serving with Company A, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division when he was killed December 13, 1968 from wounds received during an encounter with hostile forces while on a combat operation. Prior to his death, Derrick was awarded the National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Ribbon, Combat Infantryman Badge, Sharpshooter Badge with rifle bar, and the Marksman Badge with automatic rifle and machine gun bars. He was awarded posthumously the Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Purple Heart, and the Good Conduct Medal. Randy’s Citations from the Secretary of the Army state that he distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious service in support of allied counterinsurgency operations in the Republic of Vietnam. During his service, he astutely surmounted extremely adverse conditions to obtain consistently superior results. Through diligence and determination he invariably accomplished every task with dispatch and efficiency. His unrelenting loyalty, initiative and perseverance brought him wide acclaim and inspired others to strive for maximum achievement. Selflessly working long and arduous hours, he contributed significantly to t h e success of the allied effort. Randy’s commendable performance was in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service and reflected distinct credit upon himself and the United States Army. PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 I want to start out with my favorite story of the week . . . probably because it reminded me of myself and my oldest son. I was visiting with my son last night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper. “This is the 21st century,” he said. “I don’t waste money on newspapers. Here you can borrow my iPad.” My “smart” son was right. His iPad did work better. That stupid fly never knew what hit him! —CC— Speaking of “smart”, one “smart” gentleman has found a way to make a good living out of helping dumb or lazy college students by writing their research papers for them. Now, David Tomar has written a book, “How I Made a Living Helping College Kids Cheat.” “In “The Shadow Scholar: How I Made a Living Helping College Kids Cheat,” Mr. Tomar, a 32-year-old Rutgers graduate, describes how, for the better part of a decade, he labored as a writer-for-hire catering to incompetent and lazy students. It didn’t matter if the task at hand was a reflection on Nietzsche, a piece on Piaget’s theory of genetic epistemology, or a 150-page paper on public-sector investment in China and India. Mr. Tomar, with not a small amount of help from Wikipedia, was a man for all semesters. The most amusing and disturbing tidbits of “The Shadow Scholar” are excerpted communiqués from Mr. Tomar’s clients that show just how badly these arrested young minds required his assistance. “Let me know what will the paper going to be about,” one college student instructs Mr. Tomar. “Also don’t write about, abortion, euthanasia, clothing or death penalty, those were not allowed by my teacher.” Mr. Tomar worked for only a few cents a word, but he kept busy enough to earn $66,000 in 2010. (Not bad, especially considering that the average pay for a non-tenure-track lecturer at Harvard last year—an institution with its own student-plagiarism scandal at the moment—was just under $57,000.) He was a freelancer for several of the “hundreds and possibly thousands” of online paper mills in the United States, services with names like and that produce custom essays for their student clients. Lest you think that this sleazy racket is a fringe, underground phenomenon, Mr. Tomar is here to declare otherwise: “It’s mainstream. It’s popular culture. It’s taxable income. It’s googleable.” “The Shadow Scholar” is a follow-up to a 2010 essay of the same name that Mr. Tomar wrote, under the pseudonym Ed Dante, for the Chronicle of Higher Education. The original essay was concise, hard-hitting and topical, revealing the dirty details of a business that educators try studiously to ignore. By contrast, Mr. Tomar’s book is frequently self-indulgent and meandering, as much a memoir of the author’s post-college search for purpose as a whistleblowing manifesto. Clichés and mixed metaphors abound: “I’m tumbling into a well of bad memories the way that a motorcycle backfiring in the distance might take a guy back to ‘Nam,” he tells us in an eight-page account of a phone call to the Rutgers Parking and Transportation For those willing to wade through it, however, “The Shadow Scholar” is a fascinating exposé of the remarkably robust industry of academic ghostwriting. Assuming that Mr. Tomar’s story is at least roughly faithful to the truth, his testimony amounts to a harrowing indictment of the modern American university’s current shortcomings as a meritocratic, credentializing institution, much less a home for mental and moral growth. Mr. Tomar didn’t just aid and abet casual cheating. Rather, he claims, he was engaged in a process of systemic intellectual fraud that students took advantage of all the way up the academic ziggurat: fabricating “personal statements” for unqualified college applicants; crafting term papers for undergraduates and “cockpit parents” who diligently directed their children’s plagiarism; sweating over doctoral dissertations with only one page of instructions to go on; even, in one extraordinary case, doing the writing for an entire Ph.D. program in cognitive and behavioral psychology on someone else’s behalf. Mr. Tomar’s dispatches from the dark side certainly do nothing to dispel the impression that, even as tuition hikes at many colleges outpace inflation, American colleges and universities may be delivering a product of declining value. Former Emory University president William Chace, in a recent essay on the normalization of cheating in the academy, wrote of a “suspicion that students are studying less, reading less, and learning less all the time.” The numbers back this up. Economists Philip Babcock and Mindy Marks reported in 2010 that the number of hours that full-time college students spent on their studies dropped by a third between 1961 and 2003, to 27 hours per week from 40. Having largely abandoned the mission of molding student character, many American universities and colleges today find themselves challenged to uphold the most minimal standards of technical training and assessment. Sociologists Josipa Roksa and Richard Arum, in their 2011 book “Academically Adrift,” found that, of a nationally representative sample of thousands of college students, over a third demonstrated “no significant progress on tests of critical thinking, complex reasoning and writing” after four years in college. Unable or unwilling to do the work, many students find it far easier to hand it off to a subcontractor.” Many of us can remember when beginning Latin was taught in high school. Now Remedial English is taught in college. I have said for many years the worst bargain in America is college. We don’t need more money for colleges, we need fewer students going to them. Many high school graduates should consider our Technology Centers. I have always believed they provide the biggest bang for your buck. I have three sons. Two went to college and one to Vo-Tech. The one that went to Vo-Tech has a better paying job with more benefits than the other two. Vo-Tech is not for everybody but neither is college Seniors need to consider both before making a choice. —CC— LPXLP I am well award that making money should not be the major consideration in our job decision. One of my favorite authors, Phillip Gulley, writes that each of us needs to find a vocation that uses our Godgiven gifts or we will be a miserable human being. Phillip shares his journey toward finding his vocation: “The first job I ever had was delivering newspapers. I had twenty-two customers, but it took more than two hours to deliver the papers. I was raised to believe that it’s polite to inquire after a person’s health when you see him. Trouble was, all my customers were elderly. When I asked them how they were feeling, they told me. I did that for three years, then I quit to mow lawns and do odd jobs. Once, after a snowstorm, I earned twenty dollars shoveling out the widows on our street. I showed the money to my dad, and he made me take it back. He said it wasn’t right to take money from widows. I learned from that experience. The next time it snowed, I sent my little brother out to shovel. When I was sixteen, I went away for the summer to work at a national park. I earned fifty dollars a week, plus room and board. We spent the summer helping to renovate a historical building. I met my first girlfriend there. Ever since then, I’ve had a weakness for women in hard hats. Then I came home and got a job working in a grocery store. I used to sack groceries and put canned goods out. I almost went away to college to become a grocery store manager, but my dad advised against it. He said that the hours were long and the pay wasn’t all that great. So I became a minister instead. I’m glad my dad was looking out for me. When I graduated from high school, I worked for an electric utility for five years. I operated big computers. I hated it. To this day, I won’t own a computer. People look at me funny when they find out I don’t like computers. Once I tried writing on one, and the computer had the gall to suggest that I use one word in place of another. I don’t like computers telling me what to do. That’s what parents are for. I quit my computer job, got married, and started college. During college, I had a bunch of different jobs. One summer I got a job with the state highway picking up dead animals along the road. I always mention that in job interviews so prospective employers will know I’m willing to do anything to earn a living. While I was in college, I was hired by a country church to be their pastor. After worship I would find grocery sacks of sweet corn in my car. Plus, once a month we’d throw a pitch-in dinner. I was there for four years and gained twenty pounds. One year at Christmas they gave me a hand-stitched quilt. I can’t imagine a gentler way to initiate a young pastor into ministry than keeping food in his stomach and quilts on his bed. Now I pastor a church in the city. Been here six years. No quilt yet, but free baby-sitting and tears when we miscarried and people so tender they make Mother Teresa look like a slacker. I hope God keeps me here a long time. I’ve met a lot of people in my lifetime, and over the years I’ve had a lot of people bare their souls to me. Consequently, I’ve formed a few insights into what constitutes the good life. The first is this: Never ask people how they’re doing unless you really want to know. The second is this: Find a vocation that uses your God-given gifts, or you’ll be a miserable wretch of a human being. That’s the God’s truth. I know a guy who’s a janitor. He is thoroughly convinced that God has called him to be a janitor, and he loves it. He doesn’t make much money, but he’s one of the happiest persons I know. He worked real hard to put his children through college. So they went down to Bloomington to the state college, and now they earn a ton of money, but none of them are as happy as their father. If you have to choose between following money or following your heart, go with your heart. There are some choices we make that cannot be corrected. Squandering your life in a job that shrivels your soul isn’t one of them. Use your gifts. Follow your heart. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register September 26, 2012, 1t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF SHANNON NICOLE HATTON and HUNTER ISMAEL PADILLA, both minor children. PG-12-9 NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR GUARDIANSHIP OF MINOR CHILD TO: Ismael Padilla Rosales You are hereby notified that SHELLEY LANNETTE HATTON has petitioned this Court to be appointed guardian of the persons and estates of SHANNON NICOLE HATTON, (date of birth: 02/25/2005) and HUNTER ISMAEL PADILLA, (date of birth: 05/10/2008) minor children. The petition for Guardianship was filed on the 19th day of September, 2012. It appears this Court has jurisdiction and is the proper venue for the matters alleged herein. The Petition will be heard in the court room of Judge D. Clay Mowdy in the Coal County Courthouse, Coalgate, Oklahoma, on the 11th day of October, 2012, at the hour of 9:00 o’clock a.m., at which time you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why the relief requested in the Petition should not be granted. Dated this 19th day of September 2012. S)D. Clay Mowdy JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register September 26, 2012, 1t) There will be a Title I, Title II, Title V, Title VI, Title VII, Impact Aid, JOM and Gifted and Talented meeting at Cottonwood School, Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 12:00 noon. All interested persons are encouraged to attend. Register to Win Prizes Given Away Weekly NOW OPEN C entrahoma SPECIALS EVERY DAY C afe Mon-Thurs • 8am to 2pm -ServingBreakfast & Lunch Fri-Sat • 8am to 8 pm -ServingBreakfast, Lunch & Dinner MIDWAY Catfish & Steak Friday & Saturday Evening Lehigh, OK (580)927-1112 Drive Thru Window Daily Lunch Specials Mon. - Fri. call - in orders welcome Food Stamps Accepted Wine Room Large Selection of Liquor & Beer Competitive Prices New Owners: Mike & Teresa Linton (580) 927-3334 Lehigh, Ok 1st Anniversary Sale Join Us Sept 1 t0 Sept 29 Savings Beyond Belief! 1500 Hoppe Blvd, Suite 4 • Ada Tupelo Sweeps 3 Wins To Earn District Championship COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012—PAGE A-3 J OHNSON & ASSOCIATES —Tigers take down Pittsburg 12-0, then edge Buffalo Valley, 8-7 and 6-5 By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent The Tupelo Tigers swept three straight wins last Thursday and Friday to capture the Class B district championship in fall baseball. Coach Clay Weller’s Tigers eliminated the Pittsburg Panthers Thursday in a 12-0 runrule game that lasted only four innings. Then, in Thursday’s late game, Tupelo pulled out an exciting 8-7 victory over the Buffalo Valley Buffaloes. On Friday, the hosting Tigers finished off Buffalo Valley in a 6-5 showdown. “Our win on Friday gave Buffalo Valley their second loss in the district tournament and so they were eliminated with that decision,” Coach Weller said. “But I give the Buffaloes credit. They battled us and made us work for both of those wins.” In Game 1, the 3-team district began with Pittsburg facing Buffalo Valley. The Buffaloes trampled all over the Panthers, 20-3 in the double-elimination tournament. In Game 2, Tupelo played Pittsburg in what turned out to be a run-rule victory for the Tigers. “We played Pittsburg in the next game,” explained Coach Weller. “We beat them 12-0 and that was their second loss, so they were eliminated from the district tournament.” Chat Henry pitched Tupelo to the shutout victory against Pittsburg. The Tiger hurler limited the Panthers to only 1 hit and 1 walk while striking out 6 batters. He improved to 1-1 on the season. Tupelo could only muster 4 hits in the game. However, it was not because of overpowering pitching by Pittsburg. “They (Panthers) walked 5 of our batters and hit 3 more,” Coach Weller said. “We were not too patient at the plate. They were struggling to throw us strikes. We didn’t have a lot of good pitches to hit.” Tupelo scored 2 in the first inning, 3 in the second inning, 6 in the third inning and 1 to inflict the 12-0 run-rule decision in the bottom of the fourth inning. Chat Henry generated 2 of the 4 Tupelo hits. Henry smashed a 2-run double in the first inning to open the scoring. He smashed a solo homerun in the third inning to complete his excellent plate performance. “His home run was to center field,” said Coach Weller. “He ended up with 3 RBI in the game.” H.D. Bullard stroked a double to finish 1-for-2 in the game. Chisum Henry singled to earn a 1-for-1 showing in the one-sided beatdown. “To be honest, Pittsburg was the weakest team we have seen all year,” said Coach Weller. “With their errors and pitching, we struggled to get any type of offensive going. A lot of our runs were on wild pitches or passed balls.” In Game 3 on Thursday, Tupelo faced a much more talented Buffalo Valley team. The Buffaloes gave THS a tight game before falling 8-7 in seven innings. Tupelo ace Corey McCollum got the mound assignment against BVHS. McCollum worked 5 innings before being replaced by relief pitcher H.D. Bullard. McCollum allowed 6 runs, 5 hits and 1 walk while striking out 8 batters. Bullard pitched the final 2 innings to earn the mound victory. Bullard allowed 1 run on 2 hits while striking out 5 batters. He did not issue a walk or hit any batters. “Corey struggled a little on the mound,” said Coach Weller. “But those 3 runs he allowed in the first inning were all unearned runs. He gave up that 3-run home run in the second inning. After that, he settled down and pitched a lot better through the fifth inning. H.D. came in to pitch in the sixth inning and was really good. If anything, our defense let us down in this game. We made 4 errors and that is not what you want in a crucial game like this.” Buffalo Valley jumped out to a 3-0 lead in the first inning. The Buffs poured in 3 more runs in the bottom of the second inning to swell the lead to 6-1. Things were looking bleak for Tupelo when the fifth inning arrived. “We were down 6-1 and needed to make something happen,” said Coach Weller. “We fought back and scored 4 runs in the fifth inning and 1 run in the sixth inning. We were all tied at 6-6 going into the seventh inning.” Tyler Daffern was one of the offensive heroes for the Tigers. Daffern came through with a clutch double that drove in 3 runs in the pivotal fifth inning. H.D. Bullard was another hero. The senior slugger spanked a run-scoring single in the sixth inning to tie the game at 6-6. Corby Ake stepped in and slapped an RBI single in the top of the seventh inning to put Tupelo on top for the first time, 7-6. Austin Adams stepped up next and collected his second hit in four at-bats. Ake’s single drove him Tupelo’s eighth run – which would prove to be the game-winning RBI. Buffalo Valley came to the plate in the bottom of the seventh inning. The Buffs needed 2 runs to tie the game and 3 to win it. They generated 1 run to close the gap to 8-7. However, Bullard slammed the door shut on their comeback to secure his second win of the season. “I was not happy with the errors we made or allowing them to score 7 runs,” Coach Weller said. “But I do want to give credit to our kids for showing a little fight. They were able to battle back and win this game after being down 6-1. I think they deserve credit for finding a way to come back and get a very important win.” On Friday, the district tournament resumed at Tupelo High School. Buffalo Valley was now faced with to task of having to win back-to-back games over the Tigers to earn the district championship. It would prove to be a mission the Buffs could not accomplish. Tupelo jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the bottom of the second inning. The Tigers had scored once in the first frame and once in the second. Buffalo Valley cut the deficit to 2-1 in the top of the third inning. In the fifth inning, Tupelo plated 2 more runs to lead 4-1. However, BVHS answered with 2 runs in the top of the sixth inning to close the deficit to 4-3. Tupelo came back with 1 run in the bottom of the sixth to edge ahead 5-3. Not to go down easily, Buffalo Valley responded with 2 runs in the top of the seventh inning to deadlock the score at 5-5. “We hit their leadoff batter to put him on base in the seventh inning,” Coach Weller said. “Then, with 2 outs, their 3-hole batter hit a 2-run home run over the fence in left field. That home run tied the game at 5-5!” Pitcher H.D. Bullard had started the game on the mound and was still working hard in the seventh inning. He retired the Buffs before they could score any additional runs. Tupelo came to the plate in the bottom of the seventh inning with a chance to win the game … and win the district tournament. Chisum Henry started off the rally by getting him by a pitch. H.D. Bullard followed next with the score even at 5-5. Bullard smashed a double to right center field to drive home Henry with the game-winning run. As he crossed the plate, Henry earned the Tigers the 6-5 victory and the district crown. ERIK ATTORNEYS AT LAW Erik Johnson is pleased to announce the opening of his Law Practice in Ada. Now accepting new clients • Civil & Criminal trial experience • Probate & Trust Administration • Property Law • Municipal Law 211 W. 13th, Ada 580-279-1975 email: Continued on Page A-5 car wash! benefiting relay for life! Atoka FirstBank Parking Lot Saturday, September 29th 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. All Donations Greatly Appreciated! Atoka 701 S. Mississippi (580) 889-7357 Antlers 100 N. High St. (580) 298-3368 Coalgate Hugo 714 S. Broadway 1501 E. Jackson St. (580) 927-3555 (580) 326-4958 PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 Service Wednesday For Joe Dewey Dority Funeral services for Joe Dewey Dority, a longtime Coal County resident, will be held Wednesday, September 26, 2012 (today) at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate with Mr. Vaden Morgan officiating. Burial will be in Coalgate Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate in charge of arrangements. Mr. Dority was born September 8, 1933 in Cottonwood, OK to Dewey Francis and Velma Mae (Cumins) Dority and passed away September 23, 2012 in Coalgate at the age of 79. He attended Cottonwood School and Coalgate School. Joe married Thelma Jean Lemons on June 28, 1997 in Coalgate and was a welder and a member of the Church of Christ in Legal. Survivors include his wife, Thelma Dority of Coalgate; daughter, Phyllis Russell and Danny of Muskogee OK; son, Billy Dority and Dorothy of Ada; brother, Albert Dority and Jane of Hartshorne; sister Margaret Akey of Coalgate; step-sons, Ronald Orr and Jannette, Larry Orr and Linda, all of Coalgate, Bruce Orr and Betty of Texarkana, AR and Richard Orr and Deanna of Coalgate; sister-inlaw, Velma Dority of Coalgate; lots of grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews and numerous other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Edward Dority and sister, Viola Imoe. Pallbearers will be Richard Orr, Larry Orr, Ronald Orr, Bruce Orr, Jared Orr, Shane Orr and Jonathan Orr. Honorary bearers will be A. F. Curtis, George Guinn, James Akey, Buddy Desmute, Danny Russell and Wayne Sanders. JOE’S LAST CATCH — Joe Dority was all smiles Friday morning, September 21, when he took his stringer of fish out of his pickup and posed for this picture. I happened to be at the Emergency Management building when Joe stopped in after a morning of fishing to register his family storm shelter. We struck up a conversation, and when I asked him if he’d like to have a picture taken with his morning’s catch, he grinned from ear to ear and headed to the pickup to get his fish. On Monday, Joe’s wife, Thelma, called to tell me Joe passed away Sunday morning. He had told her about the picture and was so excited about it, she said. So, Joe, here’s your picture. Happy fishing. We’ll miss you. —Wanda Utterback It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’s Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Call me: 580-889-3338 Coalgate Gospel Lighthouse Pentecostal Church of God 508 E. Dyer St. Coalgate, OK. 580-927-2156 “A Light In A Dark World” EVERYONE IS WELCOME Come And Enjoy The Light Of Christ Pastor, Delbert White Coalgate RecoRdRegisteR 602 East Lafayette • Coalgate OK 74538 (580)927-2355 - Fax (580)927-3800 Bill & Dayna Robinson, Publishers e-mail us at LPXLP Periodical postage paid at Coalgate, OK 74538 Subscriptions Rates - One Year In Trade Area...........................................................$26.00 (includes Coal, Atoka, Johnston, Pontotoc, Pittsburg & Hughes Counties) Elsewhere in Oklahoma ..........................................$31.00 Out of State ..............................................................$36.00 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER (USPS 120-140) is published weekly each Wednesday, 602 E Lafayette, Coalgate, Oklahoma. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Coalgate Record Register, 602 East Lafayette, Coalgate, OK 74538 Wanda Utterback, Editor Helen Langdon, Office Manager Gwenda DePasse, Composition Service Held For Velma “Jeannie” Ward Funeral services for Velma “Jeannie” Jean (Imoe) Ward, a Centrahoma resident, were held Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate with Rev. Bill Weathers officiating. Burial was in Coalgate Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Ward was born December 20, 1945 in Delano, CA to Rudolph and Viola (Dority) Imoe and passed away September 21, 2012 in Oklahoma City at the age of 66. She attended Northwest Classen High School in Oklahoma City and gradated in 1964. On August 19, 1990, she married Leslie Ward in DeQueen, AR. He preceded her in death on March 4, 2007. Mrs. Ward was a member of the Women’s Auxiliary Club and Eastern Star. She enjoyed gardening, scrapbooking, nature and spending time with her grandchildren. Survivors include her children, Johnny LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register September 19 & 26, 2012, 2t) BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, Plaintiff, v. PATRICIA ANN MAYER; EDWARD F. MAYER; JOHN DOE, OCCUPANT; HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION III; HSBC BANK NEVADA, N.A.; AND CITIBANK (SOUTH DAKOTA), N.A. Defendant(s). CJ-2011-32 ALIAS NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE IS GIVEN to Patricia Ann Mayer; Edward F. Mayer; John Doe, Occupant; Household Finance Corporation III; HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A.; Citibank (South Dakota), N.A. that on October 29, 2012, at 10 o’clock, a.m., front of the County Courthouse in Coalgate, Coal County, Oklahoma, the Sheriff of said LeCroy and wife Laura of Laceys Spring, AL, Noble Coslow II and wife Anita, Eric Coslow and wife Heather all of Lehigh, OK; siblings, Arlin Imoe and wife Kay and Ronnie Imoe and Tonia all of OKC; nephew, John Imoe of OKC; niece, Janie Imoe of OKC; grandsons, Gunner LeCroy, Tyler Coslow, Hunter Coslow, Chance Coslow, Rafe Coslow, Ryker Coslow, Daniel West, Noah West, Nick West, and Ryan Roebuck; granddaughters, Cheyenna LeCroy, Kendra Coslow, Shaylyn Coslow, Kiera Coslow, Kelani Niimi, Shelby West, and Whitney West, along with numerous other relatives and many friends. She was preceded in death by her husband; parents; and son, Darryl LeCroy. Pallbearers were John Imoe, Gunner LeCroy, Timmy Yarbrough, Roy Yarbrough, Buddy Cottrell, and Joe Horn. Honorary pallbearers were Tyler Coslow, Hunter Coslow and Ferlin Akey. County will offer for sale and sell for cash at public auction to the highest and best bidder, with appraisement all that certain real estate in Coal County, Oklahoma, to Seniors on blood thinners, wit: who bruiseSE/4 easilyAND because thin SE/4 OF SW/4 S/2 ofSE/4 SECTION skin, 8, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST AND A ONE ACRE Call 580-889-3338 PARCEL OF LAND BEGINNING AT make an200 appointment to AtoPOINT FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE N/2 toughen up your SE/4 SE/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP skin, and clearRANGE out ugly10 bruises 1 NORTH, EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY 200 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY 450 FEET; THENCE IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID PARCEL OF LAND BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED AS A TRIANGULAR SHAPED PIECE OF LAND NORTH OF THE COUNTY ROAD PRESENTLY IN EXISTENCE, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA. PROPERTY ADDRESS: Rr 4, Box 1140, Coalgate, OK 74538 subject to taxes and tax sales, said property being duly appraised at $100,000.00. Sale will be made pursuant to an Order of Sale issued upon a judgment entered in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, in Case No. CJ-2011-32, wherein Bank of America, N.A., successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP is Plaintiff and Patricia Ann Mayer and Edward F. Mayer is/are Defendant(s) to satisfy said judgment in the sum of $166,500.00 together with interest a 7.875% per annum from June 1, 2011, including late charges, $1,800.00 for attorney’s fee, $365.00 advances for title search, taxes, insurance, property preservation and all costs of this action accrued and accruing. WITNESS MY HAND this 13th day of September, 2012. Roy Deck Sheriff By:S)Ray Pebworth Undersheriff/Deputy Shapiro & Cejda, L.L.C. 770 NE 63rd St Oklahoma City, OK 73105-6431 (405) 848-1819 Attorneys for Plaintiff File No. 11-111139 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012— PAGE A-5 ATTENTION Coal County Retired Educators will meet Monday, October 1st - 10:00 am Esther’s Country Grill Guest Speaker will be Sharon McKever, Southeast District Director. All members and new retirees are encouraged to attend the meeting. —Photo by Tisha Brecheen COTTONWOOD VS HOLLY CREEK — In the 6th grade scrimmage, Panther Boone Brecheen #44 makes a block to free D.J. Grim #1 to run for a touchdown. Panthers Down The Redhawks 36-0 The Cottonwood football team traveled to Holly Creek on Tuesday, September 18 to play some football. And play they did! They came away with a 36-0 win over the Redhawks. The Panthers started scoring on the first play of the game with a touchdown by quarterback Elijah Vanderburg. They failed to complete the 2-point conversion. The Redhawks took possession of the ball and were stopped on their 4th down in the backfield by Zac Williams. Neither team scored the remainder of the first half, when Panther Eric Finch stopped a Redhawk drive for a TD. The 3rd quarter started with Zac Williams carrying for a first down. Elijah Vanderburg completed the series with a touchdown and the 2-point conversion, taking the score to —Photo by Tisha Brecheen COTTONWOOD VS HOLLY CREEK — Panther Stone Dudley #13 runs the ball to get some yards against Holly Creek. Tupelo Baseball Continued from Page A-3 “That was an exciting win for us,” said Coach Weller. “I did not like the fact we made 5 errors in the game. But I sure am proud of how H.D. Bullard stepped up and got it done for us at the plate and also with his pitching. He pitched 9 innings in the tournament and the only bad mistake he made was that hanging curve ball that was hit over the fence! “We gave up 2 unearned runs and were lucky it was not more than 2. Credit Buffalo Valley because they fought and scrapped and made both of those games very close. We were lucky that we did enough to get the job done.” Bullard earned his third victory of the season. He worked 7 innings and allowed 5 runs on 4 hits, 1 walk and hit 1 batter. He struck out a seasonhigh 10 batters in the victory. There were four Tigers with major contributions at the plate. Caleb Stallcup finished 1-4 with a run-scoring double. H.D. Bullard was 2-for-3 with the walk-off RBI double and an RBI single. Caleb Watson was 2-3 with a double and a single. Tyler Daffern was also 2-3 with a single and a double and 1 RBI. Looking ahead, Tupelo will advance to the regional tournament this Thursday. Coach Weller was awaiting the assignment for his Tigers. However, he is thinking Tupelo High School will be awarded a Class B regional tournament at the school. “I am hoping that’s what will happen,” he said. “I know that we will have to cut down on our errors and play much better baseball if we are going to be successful in the regional tournament.” Class B District Tournament @ Tupelo High School 14-0. The Redhawks had a hard time getting anything going, as there seemed to be a pack of Panthers stopping their every move. Elijah Vanderburg scored another TD, and Stone Dudley ran in the 2-point conversion. The scoring continued in the 4th quarter with a touchdown by Zac Williams, 2-point conversion by Elijah Vanderburg, and another touchdown by Nathaniel Daniel. The final score was 36-0. After the 7/8 grade game, the 6th graders played a mini-scrimmage against the Redhawks. D.J. Grim scored the Panthers’ only touchdown. Head Coach Brady Fath commented that the team is “really stepping up to the competition. They are getting some fire in them.” The Panthers were scheduled to travel to Wetumka on Tuesday, September 25, and to Frink-Chambers on Thursday, September 27. Coal County District Court Records Felonies David Lee Carroll, Coalgate, OK – Failure to register as a sex offender. Misdemeanors Athen Douglas Nash, Coalgate, OK – Domestic abuse assault and battery. “From Starter Homes to High End” Game 1 - Thursday Buffalo Valley 20, Pittsburg 3 Game 2 - Thursday Tupelo 12, Pittsburg 0 Game 3 - Thursday Tupelo 8, Buffalo Valley 7 Game 4 – Friday Tupelo 6, Buffalo Valley 5 --Next action Class B Regional Tournament At Tupelo Tupelo vs. Coleman, 2 p.m. Friday Asher vs. Caney, 4 p.m. Friday Winners play at 6 p.m. Friday Losers play at 2 p.m. Saturday Consolation, 4 p.m. Saturday “most homes built in 90 days” ≈now serving coal county and surrounding areas∆ PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 SERIOUS INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Medical Malpractive • Defective Products • Industrial Accidents Railroad Accidents Are You Registered To Vote? LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register September 19, 26 & October 3, 2012, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF RHONDA KAY ESCAMILLA, Plaintiff Vs JOSE GUADALUPE ESCAMILLA, Defendant. FD-12-39 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO JOSE GUADALUPE ESCAMILLA, ADDRESS UNKNOWN. TAKE NOTICE that you have been sued for dissolution of marriage in the Court listed above by the Petitioner, alleging incompatibility and praying for dissolution of marriage. You must answer the Petition on or before the 4th day of October, 2012, or the Petition will be taken as true and dissolution of marriage and other relief sought will be granted to the Petitioner. Witness my hand and seal this 17th day of September 2012. SEAL S)Rachel Nix Court Clerk IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF N.A.E. Born in 2001, R.K.E. Born in 2003, And A.A.E Born in 2004 Case No. FD-12-39 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Jose Guadalupe Escamilla, father of N.A.E. Born in 2001, R.K.E. Born in 2003, A.A.E. Born in 2004. GREETINGS You are hereby notified that on the 13th day of September, 2012, a Petition was filed in this Court for the appointment of Guardianship of N.A.E. Born in 2001 (son of Rhonda Escamilla), R.K.E. Born in 2003 (daughter of Rhonda Escamilla), A.A.E. Born in 2004 (son of Rhonda Escamilla) said petition is set for hearing on the 4th day of October, 2012, at 10 o’clock a.m. in the District Courtroom of Judge Clay Mowdy, Court of Coal County, State of Oklahoma. NOW THEREFORE, You are further notified that you must file an answer to the petition on file herein on or before the 4th day of October, 2012, or said petition will be taken as true and guardianship of the minor children may be awarded to the Petitioners herein, all as more particularly set out in the Petition. SEAL S)Rachel Nix Court Clerk Rhonda Escamilla Lehigh, Oklahoma Petitioner LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Colgate Record Register September 12, 19 & 26, 2012, 3t) BEFORE THE WORKERS’COMPENSATION COURT STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE DEATH OF STEVEN MORRILL, CODY WILBANKRS AND AMANDA PHIPPS, Petitioner, vs. TRI STATE EMPLOYMENT, Respondent, LUMBERMEN’S UNDERWRITING, Insurance carrier. Claim No. 2011-1244L NOTICE O TRIAL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: TO: ALL PERSONS, having claims against the estate of, or who may claim some interests for death benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Act of the State of Oklahoma through, the above named STEVEN MORRILL (date of birth: 12-27-72); who died on the 20th day of December, 2011. THAT the above Cody Wilbankrs and Amanda Phipps have filed a claim for death benefits, alleging that they are the dependent children of the decedent, Steven Morrill; that the said Steven Morrill died as a direct result of injuries sustained arising out of and in the course of his employment with the Respondent, Tri State Employment, on December 1, 2011; and, that they are entitled to death benefits as the dependent children of the decedent as allowed by law. THAT as a part of this claim, the Petitioner has also alleged that the decedent, Steven Morrill had no living spouse or other children dependent upon him at the time of his death who may also be entitled to death benefits under the laws of the state of Oklahoma. THAT the matter is now set for trial on the 16th day of October, 2012, before the honorable Judge Bob Lake Grove, at the Workers’ Compensation Court located at 1915 North Stiles, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 9:00 a.m., at which time the petition of the claimant will be heard and determined by the Court. THAT all persons having claims against the estate of Steven Morrill, or who claim to be entitled to death benefits through the decedent, are required to present any and all claims to the estate, proceeds, and/or benefits provided by the Workers’ Compensation Act, in whatever form, to include a detailed description of all such interests, whether secured or unsecured, if any, held by each individual with respect to such claim to the following representative of the respondent and insurance carrier above named, Steve Weeks, 1327 North Robinson, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103, on or before the above said trial date, or the same will be non-suited, void and forever barred. DATED THIS 4th day of September, 2012. S)Steve A. Weeks Steve A. Weeks, OBA #9436 McClure Law Office Attorneys for the Respondent and Insurance Carrier 1327 North Robinson Oklahoma City, OK 73103 Telephone: (405) 235-6655 Friday, October 12, is the last day to apply for voter registration in order 423-0421 • 1-800-658-1596 to be eligible to vote in the November 6 General Election, Coal County Election Board Secretary Vicky Salmon said STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP today. Persons who are United States citizens, residents of 9-26-12 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER 1 2 0 1 4 0 Oklahoma, and at least 18 WEEKLY 52 $26.00 years old may apply to become DAYNA ROBINSON 602 EAST LAFAYETTE, COALGATE, OK 74538-0008 registered voters. 405-379-5124 Persons who have never been LEWIS PRINTING P.P. BOX 30, HOLDENVILLE, OK 74848 registered to vote before or who are not currently registered in BILL ROBINSON P.O. BOX 30, HOLDENVILLE, OK 74848 the county of their residence and persons who are registered WANDA UTTERBACK 602 EAST LAFAYETTE, COALGATE, OK 74538 but who need to change their registration information DAYNA ROBINSON P.O. BOX 30 HOLDENVILLE, OK 74538 may apply by filling out and mailing an Oklahoma Voter Registration Application form in time for it to be postmarked no later than midnight Friday, October 12. Salmon said that applications postmarked after that time still will be accepted and processed, but the applications will not be approved until after November 6. The County Election Board responds in writing to every person who submits an application for voter 9-26-12 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER registration. The response is 2012, filed a Petition in the District Court either a Voter Identification LEGAL NOTICE of Coal County State of Oklahoma, against (Published in the Coalgate Record said defendants, and each of them, Card listing the new voter’s Register September 19, 26 & October 3, the and the Defendants must answer the said 2200 2200 2012, 3t) Petition herein on or before the 2 day of precinct number and polling IN THE DISTRCT COURT November, 2012, or said Petition will be 603 434 place location or a letter that WITHIN AND FOR COAL COUNTY taken to be true and judgment rendered STATE OF OKLAHOMA in said cause, quieting the Plaintiff’s title in explains the reason or reasons KEVIN WAYNE GUINN, to the following described real estate 238ATTENTION308 OCAN COORDINATORS Don't forget to download your 2x2 adsand the application - was not Plaintiff, and premises, situated in Coal County, Vs State of Oklahoma, to-wit: approved. from the OPA Web site this week. 1095 1201 THE HEIRS, EXECUTORS, All of Lot Eight (8) and the North 18.9 ADMINSTRATORS, DEVISEES, Any person who has Feet of Lot Nine (9) in Block One Hundred Look for your insertion order with the Ad Name to AND download. TRUSTEES ASSIGNS, of JOHN Fifteen (115) in the City of Coalgate, 1 1 submitted a voter registration GHIGO and HELEN GHIGO, BOTH Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plat ATTENTION OCAN COORDINATORS Don't forget to download your 2x2 ads (You will receive an insertion order from OPS for the 2x2 ads.) and Survey thereof. 1937 1944 application and who has not DECEASED; and, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, SUCCESSORS and further judicially determining the from Webwithin site this week. 2x2 ads may bethe placed anywhere in received aOPA response 30your 17 17 AND newspaper. ASSIGNS OF JOHN GHIGO and death and heirship and the names of all HELEN GHIGO, BOTH DECEASED, heirs of John Ghigo and Helen Ghigo, days should contact the County Look for your insertion order with the Ad Name to download.Defendants. the 0 0 both deceased, and further excluding from Board office, Salmon any right, title or interest in and to said (You1 will receiveElection an insertion order from OPS forNOTICE theCV-2012-24 2x2 ads.) BY PUBLICATION premises the unknown heirs, successors 1 said. THIS COPY ONLY FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: 23, 2012. and assigns of John Ghigo and Helen 2x2 ads may be placed anywhere in your newspaper. 10 19 Oklahoma Voter Registration THE HEIRS, EXECUTORS, Ghigo, both deceased. DEVISEES, Dated this the 17 day of September, Application forms are available ADMINISTRATORS 28 37 TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNS, of JOHN 2012. 1965 1981 at the County Election Board GHIGO and HELEN GHIGO, both Rachel Nix Deceased; and, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, Court Clerk 235 219 4 N. Main THIS COPY ONLY office FORlocated THE atWEEK OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2012. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OF By:S)Michelle Lampkin 2200 2200 Deputy Street, Suite 10, Coal County JOHN GHIGO and HELEN GHIGO, both Deceased. Kenneth R. Johnson 99% 98% Courthouse, Coalgate, and The said Defendants, and each of 130 East 14 Street – Drawer 1690 above named, will take notice that Ada, OK 74820 at most post offices, tag them the Plaintiff on the 17 day of September, Attorney for Plaintiff agencies, and public libraries. Applications also are available HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 9-26-12 FOR SALE/AUCTION FOR SALE/AUCTION on the Internet at www. EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional OFFICE PRODUCTS/COMMERCIAL OFFICE PRODUCTS/COMMERCIAL PRINTING now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800opportunities now open with plenty of PRINTING BUSINESS for sale. BUSINESS for sale. Upscale county seat 277-0212 or freight & great pay! 800-277-0212 or Upscale county seat community, 45 nity, 45 minutes from OKC. $600,000 annual sales Call for Free Consuultation 323 E. Carl Albert Parkway, McAlester, Ok. ALL ZONES nd ALL ZONES th OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED DRIVERS, OTR DRIVERS. Sign On $1,000-$1,200. to 45 EXP.Bonus. FLATBED DRIVERS: Up Regional CPM. Regional opportunities nowruns openavailable. with plentyPet of Policy, Welcome! deBoer freight & O/O's great pay! 800-277-0212 or Transportation. 800-825-8511. DRIVERS, OTR DRIVERS. Sign "CAN YOU DIG IT?" Heavy Equipment On Bonus. $1,000-$1,200. Up to 45 School. 3 wk runs Training Program. CPM. Regional available. Pet Backhoes, Bulldozers Excavators. Policy, O/O's Welcome! deBoer Local Job Placement Asst. VA Benefits Transportation. 800-825-8511. Approved. 2 National Certifications. 866-362-6497 "CAN YOU DIG IT?" Heavy Equipment DRIVERS OPERATORS & School. 3 OWNER wk Training Program. Fleet Drivers Bulldozers Oklahoma CDL? $ New Backhoes, Excavators. Pay $ Sign-On Bonus Return LocalPackage Job Placement Asst. VA Benefits to Oklahoma every 6-8Certifications. days. Call Approved. 2 National 1-800-765-3952. 866-362-6497 DRIVER increase per mile after DRIVERS- $0.01 OWNER OPERATORS & 6Fleet months. Quarterly Bonuses. Drivers Oklahoma CDL? Annual $ New Salary $45K to$$60K. CDL-A, 3 months Pay Package Sign-On Bonus Return current OTR every exp. 6-8 800-414-9569. to Oklahoma days. Call 1-800-765-3952. DRIVERS - OWNER DRIVER - $0.01 increaseOPERATORS. per mile after $2,500 Dedicated 6 months.Sign-On QuarterlyBonus. Bonuses. Annual Runs. Class-A CDL CDL-A, & 1 yr3 months experiSalary $45K to $60K. ence. plans800-414-9569. for: Major current Savings OTR exp. Medical, Retirement, & more! Lease Purchase Program w/Down Payment Assistance. 866-915-3910. DRIVERS - OWNER OPERATORS. $2,500 Sign-On Bonus. Dedicated Runs. Class-A CDL & 1 yr experiSTEEL BUILDINGS ence. Savings plans for: Major Medical, Retirement, & more! STEEL BUILDINGS Blow Out! Best Lease Purchase Program w/Down savings on remaining clearance buildPayment Assistance. 866-915-3910. ings. Garages, Workshops, Homes, 20x22, 25X30, 30x40, 35x56, 40x70. MAKE OFFER and LOW payments. STEEL Nicole. BUILDINGS 1-800-991-9251 Call Today For More STEEL BUILDINGS Blow Out! Best Information LEGAL SERVICES savings on remaining clearance buildings. Garages, Workshops, Homes, 580-‐272-‐9200 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY 20x22, 25X30, 30x40, 35x56, 40x70. minutes from OKC. $600,000 annual sales to established customer base. SALE/AUCTION CurrentFOR owner no longer has time to devote to business. Established OFFICE PRODUCTS/COMMERCIAL 1924, Always profitable. Large Growth PRINTING BUSINESS for sale. Potential. Reliable, efficient pressman/ Upscale county seat Serious community, 45 delivery man will stay. inquiries minutes OKC. $600,000 annual only. Email: sales to established customer base. Current owner no longer has time RENT-TO-OWN Portable Established OUTDOOR to devote to business. Buildings. Sheds, Storage & 1924, Always profitable. Large Growth Barns More. No Reliable, credit check. Low monthly Potential. efficient pressman/ payments. Free in 7 business delivery man will delivery stay. Serious inquiries days. 877-595-1875 only. Email: IRT A Call Center With A Difference - NOW HIRING COW AND BULL Special Sale at RENT-TO-OWN Portable OUTDOOR Customer Service Reps McAlester Stockyards on Saturday, Buildings. Sheds, Storage Barns & Paid Training $9.50 per Sept. at Noon! Selling 1200 head Hour More. 29th No credit check. Low monthly of bred cows, bred & per Hour payments. Free pairs, delivery in $10.50 7heifers business Production Rate bulls. days. 918-423-2834. 877-595-1875 Monthly incentives AUCTION 6. 10:00 COW ANDTuesday BULL Oct. Special Saleam, at 87± acres, Stockyards Brick home,onhorse barn, McAlester Be Part of a WorldSaturday, Class Company shop. 2610 Bull Run Rd. Wilson, OK. Sept. 29th at Noon! Selling 1200 head Eddie Auction. of bredHaynes cows, Real pairs,Estate bred +heifers & Craig Buford 405-833-9499 bulls. 918-423-2834. Support Inbound Service & Sales s=s calls for TRAINING/EDUCATION Major Telecommunications CAREER AUCTION Tuesday Oct. 6. 10:00 am, Company. 87± acres, Brick home, horse barn, AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train shop. 2610 Bull Run Rd. Wilson, OK. for hands on Aviation Career. FAA Eddie Haynes Real Estate + Auction. approved program. Financial aid if Minimum Requirements: Craig Buford 405-833-9499 qualified – Job placement assistance. • Aviation Type 20 ofWPM CALL Institute Maintenance s=s CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION 866-802-6655. • Ability to Navigate Web AIRLINES ARE HIRING –orTrain • HS Diploma GED ATTEND for hands COLLEGE on AviationONLINE Career. from FAA Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal • Proven and Consistent Work approved program. Financial aid if Justice, Job assistance. placement qualified –*Hospitality. Job placement History Excellent assistance. Computer available. Sales Skills CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV 866-802-6655. certified. Call 866-579-2843. www. Full Company Benefits • Must pass ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Background Check Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal ADVERTISE STATEWIDE Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV information or to place an ad, call certified. Call 866-579-2843. www. 3700 IRT Dr. Ada OK Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. (take Kerr Lab Rd to IRT Drive) CLAIMS. Saunders & payments. Saunders MAKE OFFER and LOW Attorneys at Law.Nicole. No Recovery – No ADVERTISE STATEWIDE 1-800-991-9251 OCAN092312 Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more LEGAL SERVICES EOE information or to place an ad, call LPXLP CAXCA Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY in OK at 1-888-815-2672. CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders Attorneys No Recovery – No FORat Law. MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE OCAN092312 Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK th th DRIVERS, OTRHELP DRIVERS. Sign On Bonus. WANTED $1,000-$1,200. Up to 45 CPM. Regional runs available. DRIVERS: Pet Policy, O/O'sopportunities Welcome! EXP. FLATBED Regional deBoer Transportation. now open with plenty of freight & 800-825-8511. great pay! 277-0212 or "CAN YOU OTR DIG IT?" Heavy Equipment DRIVERS, DRIVERS. Sign On School. Bonus. 3$1,000-$1,200. wk Training Program. Up to Backhoes, 45 CPM. Bulldozers Regional Excavators. Local Placement Asst. VA runs available. PetJob Policy, O/O's Welcome! Benefits 2 National Certifications. 866deBoer Approved. Transportation. 800-825-8511. 362-6497 DRIVERS OPERATORS & Fleet School. Drivers "CAN YOUOWNER DIG IT?" Heavy Equipment Oklahoma CDL?Program. $ New Pay Package Bulldozers $ Sign-On 3 wk Training Backhoes, Bonus ReturnLocal to Oklahoma every 6-8 days. Excavators. Job Placement Asst. Call VA 1-800-765-3952. Benefits Approved. 2 National Certifications. 866362-6497 DRIVER - $0.01 increase per mile after 6 months. Quarterly Annual Salary &$45K $60K. DRIVERS Bonuses. OWNER OPERATORS FleettoDrivers CDL-A, 3 months OTRPackage exp. 800-414-9569. Oklahoma CDL? current $ New Pay $ Sign-On Bonus Return to Oklahoma every 6-8 days. Call 1-800-765-3952. DRIVERS - OWNER OPERATORS. $2,500 SignOn Bonus. Dedicated Runs. Class-A & 1 DRIVER - $0.01 increase per mile after 6CDL months. yr experience. Savings plans for: Major Medical, Quarterly Bonuses. Annual Salary $45K to $60K. Retirement, & more! Lease Program CDL-A, 3 months current OTR Purchase exp. 800-414-9569. w/Down Payment Assistance. 866-915-3910. DRIVERS - OWNER OPERATORS. $2,500 SignSTEEL BUILDINGS On Bonus. Dedicated Runs. Class-A CDL & 1 yr experience. Savings plans for: Major Medical, STEEL BUILDINGS Blow Out! Best savings Retirement, & more! Lease Purchase Program on remaining clearance buildings. Garages, w/Down Payment Assistance. 866-915-3910. Workshops, Homes, 20x22, 25X30, 30x40, 35x56, 40x70. MAKE OFFER and LOW payments. 1-800991-9251 Nicole. STEEL BUILDINGS LEGAL SERVICES BUILDINGS Blow Out! Best STEEL savings on remaining clearance buildings. Garages, SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. Workshops, Homes, 20x22, 25X30, 30x40, 35x56, Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No 40x70. MAKE OFFER and LOW payments. 1-800Recovery – No Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS 991-9251 Nicole. LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS to established customer base. Current owner no longer has time to devote to business. Established SALE/AUCTION 1924, AlwaysFOR profitable. Large Growth Potential. Reliable, efficient pressman/delivery man will stay. OFFICE PRODUCTS/COMMERCIAL PRINTING Serious inquiries only. Email: bkreid59@gmail. BUSINESS for sale. Upscale county seat commucom nity, 45 minutes from OKC. $600,000 annual sales to established customer base. Current owner no RENT-TO-OWN Buildings. longer has time toPortable devote toOUTDOOR business. Established Sheds, Storageprofitable. Barns & Large More. Growth No credit check. 1924, Always Potential. Low monthly payments. Free delivery 7 busiReliable, efficient pressman/delivery maninwill stay. ness days. 877-595-1875 Serious inquiries only. Email: bkreid59@gmail. com COW AND BULL Special Sale at McAlester Stockyards on Saturday, Sept. 29th Buildings. at Noon! RENT-TO-OWN Portable OUTDOOR Selling headBarns of bred bred heifers Sheds, 1200 Storage & cows, More. pairs, No credit check. & bulls. 918-423-2834. Low monthly payments. Free delivery in 7 business days. 877-595-1875 AUCTION Tuesday Oct. 6. 10:00 am, 87± acres, Brick shop.Sale 2610atBullMcAlester Run Rd. COW home, AND horse BULLbarn, Special Wilson, OK. on Eddie Haynes Real Stockyards Saturday, Sept.Estate 29th +atAuction. Noon! Craig 405-833-9499 SellingBuford 1200 head of bred cows, pairs, bred heifers & bulls. 918-423-2834. CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION AUCTION Tuesday Oct. 6. 10:00 am, 87± acres, AIRLINES – Train on Brick home,ARE horseHIRING barn, shop. 2610for Bullhands Run Rd. Aviation Career. FAA approved Wilson, OK. Eddie Haynes Realprogram. Estate +Financial Auction. aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Craig Buford 405-833-9499 Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, Justice, AIRLINES ARE HIRING –*Criminal Train for hands on *Hospitality. Job FAA placement assistance. Aviation Career. approved program.Computer Financial available. Financial if qualified. SCHEV CALL certiaid if qualified – JobAid placement assistance. fied. CallInstitute 866-579-2843. Aviation of Maintenance 866-802-6655. STATEWIDE ATTEND ADVERTISE COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more *Hospitality. Job placement assistance.information Computer or to placeFinancial an ad, call at (405) 499-0035 available. AidCourtni if qualified. SCHEV certior toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. fied. Call 866-579-2843. OCAN092312 ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad, call Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN092312 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, It’s Time For Flu Shots! The Coal County Health themselves and their families by Department announced today its getting their annual flu shot.” seasonal influenza vaccination Public health officials stress that clinic schedule for the upcoming immunity from a flu vaccination flu season. Clinics will begin received last year will not provide protection this year. Influenza Monday, October 1. Clinic days and times are vaccine formulation for this year Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. includes two strains different from last year’s flu vaccine, as well as to 5:00 p.m. Flu vaccine will be available for the 2009 H1N1 pandemic strain. virus samples anyone who wants to be protected Influenza collected from around the world from influenza. The shot is recommended for everyone 6 indicate these strains of influenza months of age and older. Persons at virus are the most likely to cause high risk of serious complications illness during the upcoming flu from flu are strongly encouraged season. to get the flu vaccine, including “Getting an annual flu shot is the pregnant women and people with most important step in protecting asthma, diabetes, chronic heart against the flu,” said Echelle. and lung disease, or other chronic “Influenza vaccine is very safe and effective.” conditions. Parents and family members The Coal County Health of babies less than 6 months of Department will be providing flu age and people who live with vaccine using the following fee or care for anyone at high risk schedule: for complications from the flu, • No charge for families whose including health care workers, income is less than 185 percent of the federal poverty level. should also get the vaccine. “Flu can be a dangerous disease • No charge for adults 65 years for people of all ages, even healthy of age and older. children and adults,” said Michael • No charge for children who Echelle, administrative director have no health insurance, or are for the Coal County Health on SoonerCare or are Native Department. “We encourage American or Alaskan natives, or 3, 2012 children whose insurance does everyone in Coal County to protect wspaper. Don’t forget to remind your classifi ed department to not cover vaccines. t • Children and adults with health HE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COLUMN WIDTH insurance that covers vaccines Genealogical Society Holds hington DC waited 60 years Monthly want you to help rial by making Meeting oma Honor The Coal County Genealogical Society’s regular monthly meeting was held on Monday, September to donate,10, visit 2012 in the Coal County Library. Members in attendance were: 9000 Berniece Crane, Nancy Bowerman, Julia Hampton, Elsie Rumley, Lorene Caruthers, Kathy Smith, Dellora Miles, Bill Avanzini, Johnarline Hudson, and Leona Mastin. The president reports that the researchers have kept busy with mail inquiries and visitors. Elsie has completed several family research projects. A lot of the research lately has been for Indian families. New Acquisitions: Stonewall, Oklahoma, compiled by the Stonewall Area Historical Society. Meeting was adjourned by the Vice President at 11:12 a.m. The society still has copies of the reprinted Volume I and the new Volume II Coal County History Books. They make great gifts and contain lots of information on Coal County families, businesses, churches, towns and lots more. They are very interesting and make a nice matched set. The Genealogical Society meets the second Monday of each month at 10:30 in the Coal County Public Library. Members and visitors welcome. We would like to have some new members. Come join us! Coal County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 436 Coalgate, OK 74538 Phone: 580-927-1185 Email: Website: Coal County District Court Records Civil Cooper H. Farley vs State of Oklahoma DPS – Petition to vacate revocation. Creditors Recovery Corporation vs Gary Flowers, Brenda J. Flowers – Indebtedness. Marriages Joshua Michael Sanders and Lauren Elizabeth Hopkins, both of Tupelo, OK. and those with incomes above 185 percent of the poverty level will be charged a fee of $25 for flu vaccine to cover the cost of the vaccine and the cost of administering the vaccine. • The Coal County Health Department will accept cash, checks or credit cards for payment. High-dose flu vaccine, a vaccine with four times the antigen than regular flu vaccine, will be available for persons 65 and older. “Immune systems are less responsive as people age. The high-dose vaccine should provide more protection, although it may come with a slightly higher chance for typical side effects like sore arm, headache, and low fever,” said Echelle. In addition to getting a flu vaccination, persons 65 and older and those with chronic health conditions should ask their doctor if they should be vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia, if they have not already received a dose. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a common and potentially serious complication of the flu. Unlike the influenza vaccine, the pneumococcal vaccine does not need to be given every year. For more information about the upcoming flu clinics at the Coal County Health Department, call 580-927-2367. Send an Oklahoma veteran to Washington DC Oklahoma’s World War II veterans waited 60 years for a memorial in their honor. We want you to help Oklahoma veterans visit this memorial by making a tax-deductible donation to Oklahoma Honor Flights today. For more information on how to donate, visit • (405) 259-9000 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012— PAGE A-7 ylee’s a H Love Mom, Josie, Jumpy, Sahara & Michaela be ay l D ice l a rv se g 10 inni :0 ng 0 am at Shiloh Baptist Church Celebrating 131 Years Home Coming & Church Anniversary October 7th, 2012 Lunch at 1:30 pm Rev. Curtis Colbert will be speaking at 11:00 am Evening service will be Rev. Napoleon Washington, pastor of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Stonewall, Ok. everYone inviteD PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 Coalgate Lady Wildcats Win District Crown —Coach Kerwin Manion proud of CHS softball team for hard work, success in fall campaign By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent The Coalgate Lady Wildcats are district champions in fall 2012 fastpitch softball. Coach Kerwin Manion’s squad took down a ranked Holdenville High School squad on the Lady Wolverines home field. CHS is now 18-15 on the season with wins in seven of the last nine games. The best-of-3 tournament opened Thursday with a pair of games split by the two teams. That forced the tournament into an if-needed showdown on Saturday. At stake in the weekend contest was the district championship and This is going to be an amazing walk to raise money for research and help for the families of miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. We will be walking a few miles in memory of our babies, releasing balloons with notes to Heaven, and writing our babies names or words of inspiration with chalk! Come out and show your support! Saturday, October 13 , 2012 th Coalgate Park ~ 5:00 p.m. No sign up fee but all donations are greatly appreciated! • Donations can be made to • “Footprints from Heaven” at First Bank in Coalgate, OK. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail us at,, or a trip to this weekend’s regional tournament. “We won the one we had to win,” said Coach Manion. “I could not be more proud of the girls. We lost some really good players from last season’s team and had to rebuild with the players available. Maybe some people didn’t expect a lot from them this fall. But they played hard and worked hard and they beat a good Holdenville team to win the district championship. We had to play through some adversity too. “Our center fielder Stasia Roebuck broke her wrist making a diving catch in the sixth inning of Game 1. That was a tough blow to us. She had some big shoes to fill. But we overcame that and won the district title.” Here are the members of the Coalgate Lady Wildcat district championship squad: #1 Stasia Roebuck, CF; #2 Luci Palmer, P; #8 Shelby Martindale, SS; #9 Neiatha Hardy, reserve; #11 Teryn Robben, OF; #12 Tori Lampkin, 1B; #13 Kaci Trentham, C, Utility; #14 Katy Farley, OF; #15 Kendra Coslow, 1B, 3B; #17 Courtney Warren, 2B, IF; and, #20 Karley Shores, OF. Coalgate opened the district tournament Thursday with an 8-6 victory over the hosting Lady Wolverines. Here is an overview of the 2-run decision by CHS: Game 1 - Thursday Coalgate 8, Holdenville 6 Benefit Gospel Singing Drawing for Door Prizes OctOber 12, 2012 ~ clarita cOmmunity builDing (There will be signs with directions) Ellis Family from Sapulpa, OK Also Singing: Canaan Bound from Denison, Tx. Johnson Family from McAlester, Ok. Featured Group: Concession stand available • Many Other SingerS frOM all Over • In case of rain it will be held at Clarita Methodist Church A love offering will be taken Bring lawn chairs & a light jacket due to weather For more information contact: Patti Stover 580-927-6077 or Monica Lyon 580-889-9169 Come Expecting A Blessing!!!!! GOLDEN DAYS EXPERIENCE PAYS OFF MONDAYS Choctaw Rewards Club members 55+ can help themselves to a Free Breakfast from 7am-10am, then receive $10 Free Play with the first 10 points earned from 8am-5pm. WEDNESDAYS Choctaw Rewards Club members 55+ can win $55 Free Play every half hour from 1pm-5pm. Earn one entry for every point from 10am-5pm, and early birds earn five entries per point from 8am-10am. x 2 POINTS SEEING DOUBLE? TUESDAYS // ALL CHOCTAW REWARDS CLUB MEMBERS Earn 2X points all day, every Tuesday when you play slots with your Choctaw Rewards Club card. THIS IS WHERE WE PLAY From 14,761 square feet of incredible gaming, to good ol’ fashioned dining at the Blue Moon Cafe, to service with a smile and friends you can count on: Choctaw Casino is where Stringtown plays. 580.346.7862 I HIGHWAY 69 I STRINGTOWN, OK Must be a Choctaw Rewards Club member to participate. Membership is free. Visit Choctaw Rewards Club for details. Management reserves all rights. Gambling Problem? Call 1.800.522.4700. CASINO | STRINGTOWN CHS - 006 002 0 - (8-10-4) HHS - 301 110 0 - (6-10-4) --Winning Pitcher Luci Palmer - 7.0 innings, 6 runs, 10 hits, 1 walk and 5 strikeouts --Coalgate batting S Roebuck, 1-2 with 1 run C Warren, 2-5 with 1 run, 1RBI K Trentham, 2-4 with 1 run L Palmer, 1 base on balls S Martindale, 2-4 with 2 RBI, 1 run scored K Coslow, 2-4 with 1 RBI, 1 run scored T Lampkin, 1 run scored T Robben, 1-4 with 2 RBI K Shores, 1 base on balls, 2 runs scored -- In Game 2, Holdenville bounced back late Thursday with an 8-1 win over the Lady Wildcats. Here is a recap of the game: Game 2 - Thursday Holdenville 8, Coalgate1 HHS - 400 020 2 - (8-10-0) CHS - 001 000 0 - (1-7-5) --Losing pitcher Luci Palmer, 7 innings -8 runs, 10 hits, 0 walks, and 1 strikeout --Coalgate batting C Warren, 1-3, scored 1 run L Palmer, 2-4 K Trentham, 1-4 S Martindale, 1-2, 1 RBI T Lampkin, 1-3 K Shores, 1-1 ----Because the two squads split the first two games, the tournament went to a Game 3 on Saturday in Holdenville. The winner of the game would clinch the crown and eliminate the opposing team. The Coalgate squad stepped up to the challenge and earned the thrilling 6-5 victory. “It was a very exciting win,” said Coach Manion. “We were ahead 6-4 going into the bottom of the seventh inning. We had to hold them off to get the district championship.” The Lady Wolverines doubled to center field to open the bottom half of the inning. The next batter was erased on a pop-fly to Palmer on the mound. Holdenville then loaded the bases with a walk and a single to left field. HHS used a fielder’s choice play to score 1 run. Everyone was safe on the play, which left the bases loaded with 1 out. Holdenville was now a hit away from a tie or a victory. The next Lady Wolverine flied out to Coslow in foul territory for the second out. That put everything on the next batter for HHS. Palmer got the hitter to hit a pop-up to Coslow at third base - ending the game with Coalgate holding a 6-5 lead. She made the catch and the Lady Wildcats broke into a championship celebration. Here is the official game summary of the district championship game: Game 3 - Saturday Coalgate 6, Holdenville 5 CHS - 022 000 2 - (6-8-5) HHS - 300 100 1 - (5-8-2) --Winning Pitcher Luci Palmer - 5 runs, 8 hits, 6 walks and 1 strikeout --Coalgate batting C Warren, 1-4 and scored 1 run L Palmer, 1-3 with 1 walk K Trentham, 3-4, scored 2 times, 2 RBI K Coslow, 1-2 with 1 RBI, scored twice, walked twice T Lampkin, 2-4 with 1 RBI T Robben, walked once, 1 RBI K Shores, walked twice Next up for Coalgate will be the regional softball tournament, which is expected to begin action on Thursday. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012— PAGE B-1 Coalgate To Open District Action With Tishomingo —Wildcats hoping to be back on track following disappointing 18-13 loss at Savanna By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent The Coalgate Wildcats reach week 5 of the high school football season with a record of 3-1. Coach Jeremy Reeder’s CHS squad is coming off a disappointing 18-13 loss last week at Savanna High School. The 5-point setback put the first blemish on the Wildcats’ record this fall. For Coach Reeder, the most disappointing aspect of the outcome was the lack of emotion the Coalgate players took into the contest. “I thought they (Savanna Bulldogs) had a lot more emotion than our kids,” he said. “We played OK. We just didn’t play well enough to be a good team like Savanna. They have been to the playoffs the last four or five years … and they know how to win in close games. They made the play late in the fourth quarter to take the win away from us. They were fast and athletic and we did not do a good job of wrapping them up and getting them to the ground. We had our chances to win. We just did not take advantage of those opportunities.” Individually, Coalgate’s offense featured QB Dakota Powell completing 7 of 20 passes for 126 yards and 1 touchdown. Powell was intercepted three times. The four receivers include Trent Delozier with 3 receptions for 71 yards, Brian Sharp with 2 receptions for 24 yards. Rico Bellettini with 1 reception for 21 yards, and Dillon WilliamsFuller with 2 receptions for 19 yards. The two leading rushers in the Coalgate ground game included Brian Lee with 15 carries for 63 yards and Dakota Powell with 10 carries for 44 yards. See the complete list of runners below. Coalgate picked up 10 first downs and 247 yards of offense. The Wildcats were balanced in their attack with 112 yards rushing and 135 yards passing. Savanna had fewer first downs with 8, but held an edge in offensive production with 302 total yards. The Bulldogs rushed for 204 yards and passed for 98. Both teams suffered in the turnover department. Savanna’s turnover count was limited to a pair of interceptions. Meanwhile, CHS lost 1 fumble and threw 3 interceptions. The final Coalgate interception was later converted to the gamewinning touchdown drive. “They did not score on the interception,” said Coach Reeder. “That is not the difference in the game. They had to drive about 40 yards to score their last touchdown. We had chances to stop that drive and could not get it done. There was a fumble that we did not recover. And even on the touchdown run, we had a chance to make the tackle. “We had the kid wrapped up but he got loose and got down the sideline to score. That’s why they got that last touchdown. They made plays with their offense and we did not make plays with our defense. It comes down to that.” The only scoring in the first half came almost mid-way through the second quarter. Running back Chase Woods broke loose on a 43-yard touchdown run to lift Savanna to a 6-0 advantage. The Bulldogs came out in the third quarter and extended the lead to double digits. Quarterback Seth Burke tossed a 35-yard scoring strike to Blaine Peters for 12-0 edge. Coalgate answered only 20 seconds later with its first touchdown of the evening. Quarterback Dakota Powell linked up with Trent Delozier on a 60-yard TD pass to cut the deficit to 12-6. When the fourth quarter opened, Savanna was still nursing the 6-point lead. However, Wildcat Dakota Powell finished off a CHS offensive series with a 5-yard touchdown run. Logan Layton came on and drilled the PAT kick for a 13-12 Coalgate lead with 8:20 remaining. The visiting Wildcats were hoping to escape Pittsburg County with the 1-point win. The hope did not come to pass and Savanna picked off a CHS pass and set up shop at the Coalgate 40. The Bulldogs drove down the field and into the end zone for the game-stealing certainly have to play a lot better touchdown. Savanna running than we did the week before.” back Christian Preston ran the final 13 yards with less than 3 minutes to go. The TD erased the CHS lead and provided Savanna with an 18-13 win. Coalgate must shake off the nondistrict loss. The Wildcats will begin the all-important district schedule this Friday at Donald Mike Mayer Field in Coalgate. “Now that we are starting our district games, we have to step up and play our best football,” Coach Reeder said. “Tishomingo is not an easy opponent. In fact, they play a lot like us. They’ll use a lot of different offensive formations to try and find a mismatch. Their quarterback throws well and is also a good runner. They also have a real fast tailback. I’ve warned our kids that we will have to play well to win. We’ll Continued on Page B-3 —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS SAVANNA — Senior Brian Sharp #19 had two receptions for 24 yards against the Bulldogs. CHOCTAW Hymn Singing Monday Night October 8th, 2012 ~ 6:30 p.m. Coalgate Choctaw Community Center (Traditional food will be served pot luck) •••Registration Will Be Open For ••• Community Choctaw Language Class will begin th October 15 , 2012 ~ 6:30 pm Choctaw Community Center —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS SAVANNA — Sophomore Ricco Bellettini #8 had one reception for 21 yards in the Savanna game. Above, Bellettini looks for running room after catching the ball. For more information contact: 580-927-3641 or Paula Carney 918-697-2483 PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 COALGATE VS TISHOMINGO HERE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 ~ 7:30 PM 2012 Coalgate Football Schedule NAME 3 CODY POWELL 5 COLBY JONES 7 DAKOTA POWELL 8 RICO BELLETTINI 9 JESSE PEBWORTH 10 RICKY RAMOS 12 TYLER COSLOW 14 TANNER CUNNINGHAM 15 DILLON WILLIAMS-FULLER 18 KEVIN LEE 19 BRIAN SHARP 20 WILLARD DELOZIER 21 DALTON HOWE 22 TRENT DELOZIER 24 ANTHANEY GRAVES 25 TYLER SAM 26 BRIAN LEE 27 JERAD STEPHENS 28 CJ MCCLAIN 30 EDDIE WAGGONER 31 DALLAS RILEY 33 NATE HARDY 34 TALON HEFLEY 35 TY MOWDY 36 COOPER FRANKOVICH 43 SETH WALKUP 44 TJ MAYNARD 50 GAVEN OTT 51 TIMMY HAMER 54 LOGAN LAYTON 55 RANDAL WALTON 56 JANSYN PEBWORTH 64 CJ COLE 65 PADEN STANLEY 66 SETH HUMPHREY 70 DALTON STANDRIDGE 71 JACOB COLE 72 ZACH KINGSTON 73 ERIC STROTHER 75 JP POTHOFF 76 AUSTIN LENAMOND 77 AUSTIN GOLDEN 78 TRISTAN WILLIAMS 79 SCOTT BEAM 80 CHISOLM JONES 81 MIGUEL COLE 88TRISTAN FRANKS 99 JACKSON HALES POSITION RB/LB QB/DB QB/DB FB/LB RB/LB WR/DB WR/0LB FB/LB WR/LB RB/LB TE/LB WR/DB RB/LB RB/DB WR/DB FB/DL RB/DB WR/DB WR/DB WR/DB WR/DB TE/LB WR/DB FB/LB TE/LB WR/DB FB/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL WR/DB WR/DB WR/DB OL/DL GRADE 11 9 9 10 11 12 12 12 11 9 12 9 9 12 9 11 12 11 12 9 10 9 9 11 12 9 11 10 12 11 12 10 9 12 12 11 11 12 10 9 12 12 11 9 10 11 9 9 CHS VArSITy CHEErLEAdErS 2012-2013 VARSITY GAMES BEGIN AT 7:30 FRIDAY NIGHTS Homecoming * Senior Night * Aug. 31 Stratford (H) Sept. 7 Atoka (A) Sept. 14 Holdenville (H) Sept. 21 Savanna (A) Sept. 28 Tishomingo (H) Oct. 5 Konawa (A) Oct. 12 Lexington (H) * Oct. 18 Marietta (A) Oct 26 Davis (H) * Nov. 2 Kingston (A) Megan Davis Sr. Stephanie Woods Sr. Racheal Denton Sr. Bri Walkup Sr. Alyson Chapman Jr. Jacee Farris Jr. Jennifer Palmer Soph. Ashley Yarbrough Soph. Jaylee Riley Soph. Karley Shores Fresh. Mascot: Robin Ott JUNIOr HIGH FOOTBALL Thursday Nights 5:30 pm Tues. Tues. Thurs. Tues. Thurs. Tues. Thurs. Tues. Aug. 28 Savanna Sept. 4 Atoka Sept. 13 Kingston Sept. 18 Davis Sept. 27 Tishomingo Oct. 2 Konawa Oct. 11 Antlers Oct. 16 Marietta Head Coach: Stephanie Stephens MANAGErS: SONDI ENNIS, TYANNA FARLEY, KAYLA LANE, SHELBI HAMER, KAYLE MCININCH (A) (H) (H) (A) (A) (H) (A) (H) BALL BOyS HUNTER DAVIDSON, HUNTER SPEARS, AUSTIN CRANK, TYLER LAMBERT COACHES HEAD COACH: JEREMY REEDER ASSISTANTS: WADE CORDER, SCOTT DOSS, ERNIE FANNING, DUSTY NEWBERRY, JARED TRUETT, DUSTIN WERNEBURG STATISTICIAN: CODY MOORE COALGATE LOST AGAINST SAVANNA 18-13 Coal County Clerk VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY BOB & GUY 580-927-2364 Helton Rural Health Clinic Go Wildcats! 108 W. Ohio • Coalgate 580-927-2334 TRAE GRAY ATTORNEY AT LAW 580-927-2314 N Alvin Pebworth CIRCLE N MARKET 201 N. MAIN 580-927-3266 Coal Co. Commissioner Dist. 1 CHERRY HEFLEY Coal Co. Assessor WILdCATS & Staff 580-927-3444 580-927-2828 PALACE DRUG Mike Hensley Coal Co. Commissioner dist. 3 W. OHIO Go Go Wildcats Gina McNutt & Staff FirstBank 714 S. Broadway, Coalgate, Ok 580-927-3555 Brown's MEMBER FDIC Go Big Purple” “ Coalgate Auto Sales 1206 South Broadway 580-927-3400 580-927-2064 Coal Co. Treasurer Go Eugina Loudermilk & Staff Funeral Service 580-927-2101 COALGATE, OK. 580-927-2311 MEMBER FDIC BRANDIN IRON CAFE 580-927-3263 "WHERE GOOD FRIENDS AND GOOD FOOD MEET" The Flower Garden cats k Wild uc Good L 580-927-9100 Coalgate Schools Faculty & Staff "Go Wildcats" Rick's Oil 580-927-2266 Johnny D Ward Coal Co. Commissoner Dist. 2 Go W ildcats! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012— PAGE B-3 Wildcat Football Continued from Page B-1 Kickoff for the Coalgate vs Tishomingo game will be at 7:30 p.m. ---At Savanna, September 21 Savanna 18, Coalgate 13 Coalgate - 0-0-6-7 – (13) Savanna - 0-6-6-6 – (18) Dakota Powell, 8-18-3 for 135 yards, 1 TD --Receiving Trent Delozier, 3 receptions for 71 yards Brian Sharp, 2 receptions for 24 yards Rico Bellettini, 1 reception for 21 yards Savanna - (6:31-2nd) Chase Dillon Williams-Fuller, 2 receptions for 19 yards Woods, 43 yard run, 6-0 Savanna - (7:44-3rd) Seth Burke --35-yard pass to Blaine Peters, Individual Rushing Brian Lee, 15 carries for 63 12-0 rd Coalgate - (7:24-3 ) Dakota yards Powell 60-yard pass to Trent Dakota Powell, 10 carries for 44 yards Delozier, 12-6 Coalgate - (8:20-4th) Dakota Trent Delozier, 6 carries for 3 Powell, 5-yard run (Logan yards Rico Bellettini, 2 carries for 1 Layton kick) 13-12 th Savanna - (2:53-4 ) Christian yard Team Total: 33 carries for 111 Preston, 13-yard run, 18-13 yards ----Team Stats DEFENSE – Total Tackles Situation Coalgate Savanna Mowdy, Ty, 15 First Downs 10 Lenamond, Austin, 13 Delozier, Trent, 12 8 Stanley, Paden, 11 Att-Comp-Int. 8-18-3 Powell, Cody, 8 7-17-3 Passing Yds. 135 Bellettini, Ricco, 7 Cunningham, Tanner, 6 98 Rushes-Yds. 33-112 Walton, Randal, 6 Lee, Brian, 5 40-204 Total Yds. 247 Pebworth, Jesse, 4 Williams, Tristan, 4 302 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 Coslow, Tyler, 2 Sharp, Brian, 2 1-0 Penalties-Yds. 1-20 Williams-Fuller, Dillon, 2 Layton, Logan, 2 8-36 Punts-Avg. 6/31.8 Golden, Austin, 2 Powell, Dakota, 1 2/32 Maynard, T.J., 1 --Kingston, Zach, 1 Individual Statistics Team Totals - 104 Passing —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS SAVANNA — Senior Trent Delozier #22 had three receptions for 71 yards plus six carries for 3 yards in rushing. He made 12 tackles. Above, Delozier finds a hole with the help of senior Tanner Cunningham #14. —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS SAVANNA — Senior Brian Lee #26 blocks Savanna as junior quarterback Dakota Powell #7 looks for an open receiver. Lee was the leading rusher in the game with 15 carries for 63 yards. He made 5 tackles. Powell made 10 carries for 44 yards. He completed 7 of 20 passes for 126 yards and one touchdown. 123 E. Main • Ada, OK • (580) 436-8265 50 Different Mattresses! —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS SAVANNA — Coalgate Wildcats Ty Mowdy #35, Paden Stanley #65, Austin Golden #77, Ricco Bellettini #8, Tristan Williams #78, and Brian Lee #26 close in on a Savanna Bulldog. We now have... “A Vote for My Daddy is a Vote for Our Future” H H H H H H H H Elect Bryan Jump for Coal County Sheriff All Sizes • All Prices • We Finance November 6, 2012 Paid for by Bryan Jump, 103 W. Hooker, Coalgate, OK. PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 9/19/2012 Total Head: 1753 #1 Steers 255-275 .......................................$217-$225 305340.........................................$196-$214 350-365 .......................................$187-$195 400-448 .......................................$159-$171 450-496 .......................................$150-$161 492........................................................$142 502-545 .......................................$144-$154 550-588 .......................................$140-$152 600-645 ..................................$134-$142.50 651-695 .......................................$128-$136 700-747 .......................................$131-$134 772-775 ..................................$130-$135.50 802-819 ..................................$134-$134.50 860........................................................$124 1 Heifers 310-345 .................................... $155-$164 355-398 .................................... $152-$162 400-448 .................................... $143-$153 450-487 .................................... $136-$146 462......................................................$135 500-545 .................................... $130-$141 550-595 .................................... $127-$134 602-649 .................................... $120-$131 650-695 .................................... $120-$126 711-738........................... $122.50-$126.50 Sale Every Wednesday LEGAL NOTICE Coalgate Police Report Traffic Citations The following traffic citations were issued by the Coalgate Police Department from Monday, September 17 through Sunday, September 23: Larry James Smith, Porter, TX – Speeding. Joshua Lee Rowan, Muskogee, OK – Speeding. Chelsea Leigh Griffin, Coalgate, OK – Failure to maintain children in car seat. Brian Keith Thompson, Coalgate, OK – Driving under suspension; disobeyed stop sign. John Tanner Cunningham, Coalgate, OK – No seat belt. Cadric Jalen McClain, Atoka, OK – No seat belt. Shelbi Lea Miller, Nashville, AR – Speeding. Lisa Marie Southern, Coalgate, OK – Driving under suspension. ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY 11:00 NOON Weekly Market Report Monday, September 24, 2012 SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 1552 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .......$1.95 - $2.17.5 300 - 400 lb....... $1.90 - $2.17 400 - 500 lb....... $1.40 - $1.80 500 - 600 lb....... $1.36 - $1.54 600 700 lb........$1.27 - $1.45 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb .......$1.80 - $1.95 300 - 400 lb....... $1.64 - $1.82.5 400 - 500 lb....... $1.38 - $1.52.5 500 - 600 lb....... $1.25 - $1.42.5 600 - 700 lb........$1.20 - $1.36 PAIRS 1000-1550 • STOCKER COWS $900-$1325 • PACKER COWS .72¢-.85¢ LOW DRESSING .55¢-.71¢ • PACKER BULLS $.80-$.96 BULLS PER hEAD NONE • BABY CALVES $300-$375 Owners & Operators Phil & Paula hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT FOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 1ST 60 BLACK WHITE FACED CROSS STEERS James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 J & N Construction General Construction Custom Steel Buildings, Metal Roofs Free Estimates Route 5 Box 445 Coalgate, OK 74538 C ommerce F inance $ It doesn't matter $ if you owe others $ Call Collect for Phone Applications 580-436-4123 $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted DONNIE’S PAINT & BODY SHOP Wrecker Service is available! 24 Hours Day 7 Days Week 889-6440 A Night Wrecker Service toka 889-6440 102 East 5th • Atoka LPXLP Lane Man Charged With Failure To Register As A Sex Offender A 51-year-old man was charged September 19 with offender in Coal County after failure to register as a sex he allegedly stayed more than seven consecutive days at a residence in Coalgate. Coal County sheriff’s deputy Nic Davis states in his probable cause affidavit that David Lee Carroll, whose registered address is in Lane, OK, stated he arrived in Coal County on August 29 and stayed until the evening of September 6 when he returned to Lane. Under Oklahoma law, Carroll was required to notify the Coal County Sheriff’s Office within three days of RESOURCES, LLC; SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COMPANY; SM ENERGY CO.; SOUTHRIDGE LEGAL NOTICE ENERGY, LLC, C/O PABLO ENERGY II, LLC; his arrival in Coal County of (Published in the Coalgate Record Register STANLEY EUGENE KIRKLAND; STANLEY September 26, 2012, 1t) his intent to stay more than H. SINGER, TRUSTEE OF THE STANLEY H. BEFORE THE CORPORATION SINGER REVOCABLE TRUST UTA DATED 19COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA seven consecutive days. MAR-81; SUE SMITH; TACOMAINVESTMENTS, APPLICANT: JONES ENERGY, LTD LLC; TAMMY HEDGECOCK; TCD The Coal County District EXPLORATION , LLC; TETON PROPERTIES, RELIEF SOUGHT: EXCEPTION LLC; THOMAS PATRICK SHEEHY, ANNETTE TO OCC-OAC 165:10-13-9 AND 165:10-17-11 Court entered a plea of SHEEHY; THREE M OIL COMPANY; TITAN OF THE COMMISSION RULES (SEPARATE STC, LLC, C/O CONSTELLATION ENERGY ALLOWABLE) not guilty on Carrroll’s GROUP; TITAN STC, LLC; TOM CAPUCILLE; LAND COVERED: SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 1 TWIN RIVERS, INC.; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, COAL COUNTY, behalf during his initial DEVISEES OF THE ESTATE OF ROY LEE OKLAHOMA WHEELER, C/O JIMMIE DEE SMITH, JR.; court appearance without UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF THE CAUSE CD NO. 201206076 ESTATE OF M. CONTELLI, C/O WILLIAM NOTICE OF HEARING legal counsel. He has been STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, KIRKLAND; Vanguard Permian, LLC; VELMA EARLENE NEUSCHAEFER; VINEYARD owners, producers, operators, purchasers and released from custody on MINERALS, LLC; VIRGINIA S. LAY; WENDELL takers of oil and gas and all other interested DEAN HUNT; WENTWORTH OPERATING CO.; persons in Coal County, Oklahoma, and more $5,000 bond and is scheduled particularly: ALICE A. MAGGIA DRAKE; ANNA WILLIAM C. LANGDON & CO., INC.; WILLIAM DAVID JONES; WILLIAM F. KIRKLAND, JR.; JEAN JONES, TRUSTEE, FLOYD G. JONES for a preliminary hearing WILLIAM G. AVANZINI AND JOY A. AVANZINI, & ANNA J. JONES REVOCABLE TRUST; CO-TRUSTEES AVANZINI FAMILY TRUST OF ANTERO RESOURCES CORPORATION; conference on October 4. APRILL 9, 1993; WILLIAM J. MCCAW; WILMNIA B&G ROYALTIES; BARBARA A. STEWARD; THOMAS; WINNIE MAE LYONS; WYOMING BERTHA BERNICE STEPHENSON; BETA Information filed by SHALE, LLC; BILLIE KATHRYN LINGLE; PROPERTY INVESTMENTS; XTO ENERGY, INC.; M. CONTELLI; ROY LEE WHEELER; JW BOBBY G. BATES AND AMELIA S. BATES, Assistant District Attorney TRUSTEES OF THE BOBBY G. BATES AND WHEELER; JAMES R. WOOD; and, if any of the above-named corporations or AMELIA S. BATES TRUST DATED JANARY Michelle Newton states that 20, 2009; BO-MC ENTERPRISES, LLC; BP companies are no longer in existence, then the unknown successors and assigns of any such AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, ATTN: Carroll was convicted of corporation or company. MID-CONTINENT LAND MGR.; BROOKLINE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the MINERALS, LLC; BURLINGTON RESOURCES Sex Solicitation/Indecency/ OIL & GAS COMPANY, LP, C/O CONOCO Applicant in this cause is requesting that the Commission issue an order granting an PHILLIPS; CANAAN RESOURCES LLC; Child in Sheridan County, exception to the provisions of OCC-OAC 165:10CARDINAL ROYALTY COMPANY; CARLOW 13-9 and 165:10-17-11, in order to provide a CORP.; CENTREX OPERATING COMPANY; Arkansas in 2003. CONNIE MORRIS; CONNIE MORRIS, separate allowable for the seven (7) increased density wells called the Ables 2-29H, 3-29H, TRUSTEE, CONNIE MORRIS FAMILY TRUST; Failure to register as a sex 4-29H, 5-29H, 6-29H, 7-29H and 8-29H wells, CYRIL ATTILLIO KIRKLAND; DANIEL R. authorized by Order No. 587155, in Section 29, WILLITS, TRUSTEE; DAVID A. BASH, JR. offender is punishable by Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, TRUSTEE UNDER THE DAVID A. BASH, for the Woodford common source of supply JR. LIVING TRUST DATED 27-OCT-95; imprisonment up to five years underlying the 640-acre drilling and spacing unit DEBORAH G. MORRIS; DELORES HAMER; comprised of said Section 29. The separate DEVON ENERGY PRODUCTION CO.; DIANE and/or a fine up to $5,000. S. CLIFFORD; DON R. BATTLES; DOROTHY allowable for each well is to be calculated by JOHNSON; EAGLE RIVER ENERGY CORP.; ENCORE ENERGY PARTNERS OPERATING, LLC; FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF ADA FOUNDATION INC.; FLEISCHAKER MINERAL COMPANY, LLC; FORT EXPLORATION LLC; FRED JOHNSON; GARY NEAL HUNT; GENTRY MINERALS, LLC; GERALD JOHN SHEEHY, JEAN L. SHEEHY; GLORIA S. KNIGHT; H.N. SYMONDS, TRUSTEE, H.N. SYMONDS REVOCABLE TRUST; HAMMACK-ROCKET OILPROPERTIES LLC; HELEN BATTLES; HELEN C. HICKMAN; HENRY F. FILSON AND BEVERLY A. FILSON, TRUSTEES, HENRY F. FILSON AND BEVERLY A. FILSON TRUST DATED 10/14/97; HENRY NICK LOLLI; IMOGENE PETETE; IRENE MAGGIA; IRWIN M KURASHIGE, TRUSTEE; JJWA, LLC; JW OIL & GAS LLC; JACK STAGGS AND NEAL MARTIN, TRUSTEES, GUS DAVID MARTIN TESTAMENTARY TRUST; JAMES EDWARD BATES; JAMES MICHAEL SHEEHY, ELAINE SHEEHY; JAMES VANDIVER & LINDA VANDIVER, CO-TRUSTEES, BEN JAMES FAMILY TRUST; JAMIE WHITE; JEANINE LOLLI MCFALL, TRUSTEE, ANGELINA MAGGIA TRUST DATED 8/5/94; JEANINE MCFALL; JERRY WAYNE SPEER, TRUSTEE OF THE JERRY WAYNE SPEER LIVING TRUST; JIMMIE DEE SMITH, JR.; JO ANN FEWELL; JOHN BATDORD & PATRICIA BATDORF, HW; JOHN FREDERICK HUNT; JOHN L. FITZSIMONS CHILDREN’S IRREVOCABLE TRUST, L.E. FITZSIMONS, M.D., TRUSTEE; JOHN MICHAEL JONES; JOHNNIE N. MAGGIAN; JOSEPHINE M. CARPENTER; JOYCE PARKS TOMLINSON; KAREN FOSTER; KAREN KAY RICE; KATHREN L. ZEUCH, TRUSTEE, KATHREN L. ZEUCH LIVING TRUST; KAY D. CARROLL; LARIO OIL & GAS COMPANY; LAWRENCE MOWAT; LOUIS ANTHONY MAGGIA; LOUIS DAVID CERIOTTI; LUCKY PAIR, L.L.C.; LUCY KELLY; MARK COSTELLO; MARY ANN VOLM MADDEN; MARY ELLEN MURDOCH, TRUSTEE, MARY ELLEN MURDOCH REVOCABLE TRUST; MEMORIE KIRKLAND DANIEL; MITCHELL ROYALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP; NEWFIELD EXPLORATION MID-CONTINENT, INC.; NORMA C. CORSINE, TRUSTEEE, MORMAN C. CORSINI LIVING TRUST; NOTTING HILL PROPERTIES, LLC; PATRICIA ANN SMITH; PAULINE MARTIN; PEGGY J. WILLIAMS; PENTAGON OIL COMPANY; PRIDE ENERGY COMPANY; P.R. CRAWFORD, TRUTEE OF THE P.R. CRAWFORD REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED 10/17/95; RANDAL PETROLEUM CORP.; RAY DOUGLAS KNIGHT; RAYMOND MAGGIA, JR.; ROCKET OIL AND GAS COMPANY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP; SB the greater of a minimum allowable or a normal allowable based on a percentage of the well’s absolute open flow potential as determined under the Rules of the Commission. In the alternative, the Applicant requests an order increasing the unit allowable for said Woodford common source of supply in said Section 29 to a definite amount of gas per day, said amount to be determined by the evidence submitted at the hearing. The Applicant also requests that this Commission grant such additional relief as it deems appropriate. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Office Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 16th day of October, 2012, and this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s Attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For further information concerning this action, contact For information concerning this action, contact: Jones Energy, LTD., Land Department, 807 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-2953; OR J. Fred Gist, OBA #3390, Attorney for Applicant, HALL, ESTILL, HARDWICK, GABLE, GOLDEN & NELSON, P.C., 2900 Chase Tower, 100 North Broadway, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, Telephone: (405) 553-2828. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)PATRICE DOUGLAS Chairman S)BOB ANTHONY Vice Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 25th day of September, 2012. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL Secretary COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012— PAGE B-5 Jason’s BARBER SHOP has moved to a new location at the Palace Drug Store Open Daily - 8am - 6pm Saturday 9am - 1 pm CLOSED SUNDAY Clagg SprayFOAM Insulation It’s getting hot outside; now is the time to insulate with FOAM. Insulate the attic of your existing home or insulate the attic and walls of a new construction for maximum comfort and efficiency. We can also cool your metal building and chicken or hog bar. No mieage chares for travel. Call Joe for a free on site or phone estimate at 918-424-1143 Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd Coalgate, OK 74538 Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors Service times: Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. If you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment. Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 McAlester Union Stockyards Replacement Cow & Bull Sale McAlester, Oklahoma SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH - NOON! Consigned over 1200 head of Bred Cows, Pairs, Bred heifers, oPen heifers and Bulls! • 80 Angus Influence Bred Heifers—bred to lbw Angus bulls & have a 60 day calving period • 25 Brangus Bred Heifers—bred to lbw Angus bulls in the 2nd & 3rd trimester • 25 Tigerstripe Bred Heifers—bred to lbw Angus bulls, few pairs by sale day! • 5 Big Fancy White Brahma Bred Heifers—bred to lbw Angus bull • 85 Angus Influence Open Heifers 700-800# Ready to breed to the bull of your choice • 230 Black Angus & Brangus Cows 4-7 yr olds! Mostly pairs with some 3-n-1’s! • 145 Angus & Brangus Cows 5-8 yr olds. Half have calves by side! • 120 Crossbred Cows, 4-7 yr olds, bred in 2nd & 3rd period to Angus & Char. Bulls! • 25 Mixed Cows—bred with 2nd calf • 65 Angus, Red & Black Gelbvieh Cows 4-7 yr olds with some pairs (pending) • 35 Angus & Brangus Mixed Pairs Running Age Cows with nice calves on their side • 15 Reg. Angus Cows 4-7 yr olds approx. half will be pairs by sale day • 50 Angus Influence Cows 4-6 yr olds bred to Angus bulls • 60 Brangus & Brangus Mots, 6-7 yr olds bred to Angus bulls • 50 Brangus Influence Cows 4-6 yr olds bred to Angus bulls • 60 Charolais Cross Cows 4-6 yr olds bred to Angus bulls • 65 Mixed Cows 5-7 yr olds bred to Angus bulls • 10 Hereford Cows 3-4 yr olds bred with 2nd calf • 40 Angus Bulls, long yearlings to 2 yrs old • 1 Black Maine Bull, 18-20 months old • 4 Charolais Bulls, 24-30 months old • 5 5/8 Angus 3/8 Brown Swiss Bulls, 18-20 months old • 4 Purebred Black Limousin Bulls, 17-18 months old • 1 Brahma Bull, yearling New buyers Need to register before sale day! 918-423-2834 POSITION AVAILABLE Shamrock Bank, N.A. in Coalgate is currently looking for a motivated, energetic, customer-focused and committed person to fill a position in its proof department. As a bookkeeper, your responsibilities include a variety of financial tasks at the direction of the Bank’s bookkeeping staff with strict adherence to timelines and schedules. Some clerical functions are required. Other responsibilities include executing customer transactions and completing proof work for seven branches. Ten-key and computer proficiency is a requirement for this position. The successful candidate must demonstrate knowledge and expertise of basic accounting/bookkeeping functions. Also good verbal and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills with strong attention to detail are required. Please apply in person at Shamrock Bank, N.A. located at 101 North Main, Coalgate, OK. Shamrock Bank, N.A. is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V. LPXLP NOW MEETING ON TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS COALGATE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH ~ Meetings Will Start at 6:30 pm ~ Meetings will be led by Tisha Wilson 580-258-8925 and Clinton Palmer 580-258-0259 with pastoral staff available for free counseling. Pastor Billy Wilson is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, and Pastors Linda Wilson and Mary Jo Johnson are licensed counselors. Tisha has over come destructive habits and long to help you do the same. We are here to help you be free from destructive habits and move into a fulfilling life. We invite anyone who feels unloved or alone to come enjoy friendship with others who are having the same problems. WE want YOU TO KNOW THAT Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to be your friend. Church phone: 580-92-3020 Pastor Billy’s cell: 580-927-5588 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012— PAGE B-6 GARAGE SALES 3-FAM YARD SALE—Concrete figures, children’s clothes, movies, toys, jeans (all sizes), ladies clothes, jewelry, some tools, lots of games, P.S. 2, X-BOX 360, GameCube, etc. Beside Coalgate Video, Fri. ONLY 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (1tp28) 4-FAM YARD SALE—Wed & Thurs. 3rd & 4th, at Savannah Park, 5 S. Byrd. Will be inside if raining. Dinette set, plus clothing, king comforter set, full size sheets, TV, VCR, Disney movies & misc. 7:00 a.m. till ? (2tc28) FOR SALE $0 DOWN WITH LAND on new or repo doublewides. Over 30 to choose from. Call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) WANTED: $You don’t have to be rich$ to get our homes. A DEED is all you need! NO LAND: (? DON’T CRY! We’ll get you some! Low down payments. Wac 405631-3200. (5/30tfn) ASSUME PAYMENTS on 4 bed, 2 bath doublewide. If interested call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) Special Gov’t Program!! Zero Down if you own land or have family land. E-Z Qualify! We own the bank! Bad credit OK. VA and FHA financing available 1000 furniture package with new home purchase. Call for free approval 888-878-2971 or 405-602-4526. (10/21tfn) ATTENTION NATIVE AMERICAN HOUSING HELP for Modular or Manufactured Homes. Zero down with land program. In Muskogee, for details call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) FEDERAL RECOVERY for Landowners. Zero down and low payments. Easy qualifying. Well and Septic are available. Will remove or trade for existing homes. Call Heath @ 918-576-3696 for your approval. wac (6/6tfn) ZERO DOWN!! If you own land or have a trade in!! No Minimum credit score required. FREE statewide delivery! Call Americas #1 Homebuilder for approval! #866-888-2825 wac. (3/14tfn) HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER—Brick home on 1 acre in Coleman, built in 2000. 3-bdrm, 2-bath, 1 car garage with new storm shelter. Asking $90,000.00. 580-916-8571. (8tc31) FOR SALE—Robertson’s Hams, located 2 miles north of Caddo, OK on Hwy 75 (in business since 1969. Over 20,000 cars and trucks go past every day) $125,000, plus inventory of $10,000.00 to $15,000.00. Also with trailer house that rents for $350.00 monthly. Additional 1-acre of road frontage can be bought. Can carry part of note 800-889-6778 or 580-8891666. (3tc28). FOR SALE—Buckmaster 2000 Compound Bow, 31 inch Draw Length, 65 lb. Draw Weight w/80% ATTENTION 405-203-8055 for further details NOW HIRING Atoka Manor is now hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CNA’s for all shifts. Please apply in person at “ EOE FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-bdrm houses. 927-9910 or 580-258-8856, cell. (11/24tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT—Furnished & unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 927-3133. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT –– Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—Nice 3-bdrm house in town CH/A. Also 2-bdrm house in country, water paid 580-2588856 cell, 580-927-9910. (8/1tfn) FOR RENT—3-bdrm, 1-bath house with CH/A at 206 E. Prairie in Coalgate. Very cute and has fenced yard. Rent $595.00 mo, Deposit $595.00. call 580-9271117. (8/29tfn) FOR RENT—3-bdrm, 2bath, brick house in country on 1 acre (Clarita/ Olney areas), 2 storage buildings, carport (No smoking) $500 month, last months rent $500. Call (580) 428-3490. (4tp28) FOR RENT—3-bdrm, 1-bath house, recently remodeled at 514 E. Vincent St. in Coalgate. $500 per month plus $500 deposit. 580258-1984. (2tc28) WORK WANTED—Deer plots, fall garden spots and everything in-between. Call for price quote; 580-892-3286 or 580-320-3296. (3tp28) RICK’S TANK TRUCK SERVICES is looking to hire qualified drivers to drive at night for the Calvin area. Yard is located south of Calvin on Hwy 75. You must carry a Class A CDL, be 21yrs.old, and have at least one-year tank truck driving experience. $16.25 per hour. Average 60-hrs. Benefits available. Please contact Matt 580-399-5608. (tfn) HELP WANTED—The City of Coalgate is accepting applications for a full time police officer. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and have a high school diploma and valid driver’s license. Applications are available at Coalgate City Hall, 1 S. Main St., Coalgate. The City of Coalgate is an Equal Opportunity Employer. (2tc29) HELP WANTED—Coalgate Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley E-mail: 918-557-5308 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • 400+/-acres of Prime hunting land located on the West side of the Jack Hills. 4 ponds. Creek. Small hunters cabin. Whitetails. Rio Grande Turkey. Some quail. Hogs and other predators. $1400 per acre. Price reduced to $1,250 per acre. Clarita • 710 acres - A recreational paradise. High fenced. Managed deer program since 2006. 2800 sq. ft. home. 3 bedrooms, 3.4 baths. Guest house. 3500 sq. ft. insulated shop building. 7 ponds. 3 seasonal creeks. $1.6 million. • 110 acres - Great hunting lodge. Pecan trees. Pond. Blue river frontage. Meadows. $410,000. • 200 acres - 10 acre lake. New fences. Creek. Scattered Pecan trees. Pens. Electricity. 85% open. $2,000/acre. • 480 acres - 25 acre lake. 75% open. Pens. Electricity. County road frontage. $1750/acre. SOLD MANy MoRE LISTINGS AvAILABLE. PLEASE CHECk oUR WEB SITE foR ALL LISTINGS WITH PICTURES “Handling Coalgate homes....Tom Fritz...580-258-0262” Coal County Conservation announCes Cost-share assistanCe Coal County Conservation District Announces Cost-Share Assistance available for Cost-Share Program Year 14 to benefit landowners. The State of Oklahoma has provided limited funds to our conservation district to help landowners implement measures that protect soil and water resources. “The great advantage of the Conservation Cost-Share Program in Oklahoma is that it is a locally-led program,” said Mike Thralls, executive director of the Conservation Commission. “Each local conservation district, with input from local residents and agricultural producers, selects which of the available conservation practices to provide assistance on, based on their local natural resource issues.” The Coal County Conservation District will begin accepting applications for Brush Management; Pasture & Hay Planting along with Nutrient Management; Construction of new Ponds; Pumping Plant, and Cross Fencing until November 1, 2012. Cost-share assistance will be provided at the rate of 75 percent of the lesser of the county average or actual costs, not to exceed $2,000. For more information or to pick up an application contact the Coal County Conservation District at (580)927-3414. The district office is located at 106 E. Post Ave, Coalgate, OK 74538. Office hours are 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. CAXCA Nutrition Center has an opening for a part-time dishwasher and dining room aide. Applications can be picked up at the Coalgate Housing Authority Office, 51 Levy Annex, phone 580-927-3245 or 927-2575. (2tc29) WANTED—Rick of last years split firewood. 580-258-8839. (1tp28) FOR RENT WANTED Interested in selling your oil or gas mineral rights please call 1500 S. Virginia, Atoka, Ok. Let Off, Split Limb Risers w/ Dampener’s, Whisker Biscuit rest, Pendulum Sight w/Peep, Stabilizer Rod, 4 Arrow Quiver, Real Tree Hardwoods, Cammo Pattern, $200.00 or Best Offer. (580) 4283040 after 5 pm. (2tc28) FOR SALE—Young guineas. $3.50 each. Call 927-2724 or 9270336. (4tp28) Would like to lease land for hunting. Call 580-927-0639 or 580-927-0615. (5tp28) LOST LOST—In Phillips area. Grey tiger striped male cat wearing a blue collar. Belongs to a little girl who really misses her cat. If found please call 927-5452. (1tp28) LOST/STOLEN $200 REWARD 5 month old female black lab missing from hwy 75 outside of Coalgate, last seen Saturday afternoon. Reward for her safe return. Contact Jasmine Stowe at 421-5139 BAR X Tree Shear Backhoe ENTERPRISES Deward Strong Skid Steer Dozer 580-310-5008 WANT TO LEASE YOUR Farm or Ranch Deward Strong 580-310-5008 t Dir l l i F Top Soi l Dozer Work Gravel Hauling Jerry Lemons Home 580-428-3166 Cell 580-258-0282 Contact Lindsey Gaylor for all of your Real Estate needs Maxwell Real Estate 1130 Arlington - Ada, Ok 74820 580-927-6120 or 580-332-6482 3•bdrm. 1.5 bath brick home on 1 acre well and rural water, garage & tile throughout. 3 miles North on hwy 75. $58,000.00. Real Estate ale S Land for NEW LISTING- 20 acres on Pine Tree Lane East of Coalgate of Hwy 43. approximately 50% open. Priced at $45,000. NEW LISTING- 2 bdrm., 1 bathroom home on 8.5 acres 6 miles Northwest of Coalgate on Hwy. 3. Priced at $70,ooo. NEW LISTING- Olney - 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 bath brickhome on 1 acre with closed in garage. Priced at $40,000 with option to buy 3 more acres , horse barn and round pen. NEWE LISTING-1003 West Blair very nice 3 bdrm., 1 3/4 bath brick home recently remolded with crown molding & granite counters. Extra clean and nice. Priced at $98,000. NEW LISTING- 320 acres East on Hwy 43 N. on Wardville Rd with a 2 bedrm., 1 bath, frame home, shop building. Priced at $315,000. NEW LISTING - 806 S. Bayard, 1680 sq ft frame home with 3 bedroom, 1 3/4 bath 30x30 all metal shop, 4 car carport, RV carport & fenced yard. Priced at $115,000. Reduced to $105,000. NEW LISTING - 7 N. Orray, 960 sq ft frame home with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, super nice, extra low utilities & 2 car metal carport . Priced at $58,000. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom, 1 bath frame home with detached metal carport, storage building, very clean and extra nice, recently remolded on 2 lots. 4 South Veterans Drive. Priced and $89,000. Reduced to $79,000. For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Sales Associate: Chillie Joe Bills • 580-258-0312 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012— PAGE B-7 FREE LOCAL DELIVERY 8 lb Bag Ice .99¢ 1 coupon per customer Kaci Sartin and Cheyenne Stanley of Tupelo are pleased to announce their forthcoming marriage. Kaci is the daughter of Guy Sartin and the late Angel Sartin of Wapanucka. She is the granddaughter of Sue Sartin and the late Alan Sartin of Atoka and Margie Foster and the late Pete Foster of Bromide. Cheyenne is the son of the late Bennie Alvis Stanley of Folsom and Renae Williams of Durant. He is the grandson of the late J.T. and Betty Stanley of Folsom and the grandson of Betty Mason and the late Howard Mason of Durant. The wedding will be held on Saturday September 29, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Morris Ranch in Coleman, Oklahoma with a reception to be held following the ceremony at the Sundowner Arena on Highway 48 in Coleman. Friends and family are invited to attend. Check Out Our $10 Rack!! All Shorts, Summer Tops and Dresses New Fall Inventory Arriving Weekly! Some Fall ToFpFs Cole English celebrated his 1st birthday on July 7th at his house with a Sock Monkey party. Cole enjoys playing with his sister, taking rides and watching the chickens. Cole is the little brother of Logan. His dad and mom are Jerry and Miranda English. “The Gospel Barn” 1 1/2 miles West of Coalgate, Ok on Hwy 31 (Follow Signs) NEW DAY 3rd Friday Nite of each month 6:00 - 10:00 concessions Southern Gospel, Bluegrass, Traditional Country/Gospel Information Call 580-927-2829 or 927-0861 No Drugs or Alcohol Allowed MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Savannah Park of Atoka and Coalgate seek a Part Time Maintenance Technician Responsibilities include: • Provide minor home repairs, painting, and light grounds keeping. • Experience in home repairs & painting required. • Valid driver’s license required. Tools needed. Mail Resume to: Belmont Management Co., Inc. Attn: Luis Crockett PO Box 5900 Fort Smith, AR 72913 LPXLP All Sizes Including Plus Size up to 30% O Football Mom T-Shirts, Caps and Jewelry Junior Plus Size % Some MISS ME 30 FF JEANS & TOPS O Bible Covers including Coalgate Check Out Our Jean Selection! Competitive Pricing! h t i W s s e r D Pizazz and Family Hair Care Center Owner: Barbara Callicoat 314 E. Court • Atoka, OK 74525 • (580) 889-7704 HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Be friends with us on Facebook! See photos of what’s new on Facebook. PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 Thank You The family of Ransom Wain Wood-Smithart would like to thank Browns Funeral Service and Rev. Lyle Shipley for the wonderful service, the Employees of Wal-Mart of Atoka and Tendercare Home Health, Coal County General Hospital and Ruth Wilson Hurley Manor for the lovely dinner and all other friends and family who sent flowers, made a simple call or donation. Your kindness will always be remembered. He quietly tiptoed into our world and only a moment he stayed, but what an imprint his footprints have left upon our hearts. Thank You Megan Wood and Billy Smithart And Families Card of Thanks Thank you to everyone who helped us during our time of loss. The prayers, cards, flowers, and food gave us comfort. Your words of encouragement and sympathy are very much appreciated. The Cospers Come by & say hi and see what we have to offer! Countryside Values Discount Grocery “Saving you money in the country” • Premium Cheese • • Butter • Meats • Try our line of Amish Wedding Products: • Pickles • • Jams • • Vegetables • Hwy 48, Clarita • 9 miles south of Tupelo • (580)428-3547 we now accept VISA Debit and Access Cards Clarita Greenhouse 580-428-3529 Located 6 Miles North Of Wapanuka on Hwy 48 ~ Open: Mon.-Sat. 8-6 • Closed Sunday Fall Mums & Flowers Large Variety of Fruit Trees & Shade Trees (Fall is a good time to plant tree) Straw Bales $4ea. Corn Stalk $3 a bundle Lots of Pumpkin usual & unusual Free Prevention Resources and Services Offered Neighbors Building Neighborhoods Regional Prevention Coordination Services, located in McAlester, would like to inform the community of our services and what support the RPC can provide. Our primary focus is to serve as a community resource. We educate and inform communities through multiple strategies including community-based services, environmental strategies and public education. Neighbors Building Neighborhoods RPC provides services to a five county region which includes: Atoka, Coal, Haskell, Latimer, and Pittsburg Counties. We take a proactive approach in reducing substance abuse among communities. We seek to identify factors in the community that cause the risk of substance abuse and work to promote protective factors that cause the risk of substance abuse and work to promote protective factors that serve to minimize the risk of substance abuse/use. The RPC program incorporates prevention services such as: —Technical Support to area coalition in the five county area —Assistance with alcohol and tobacco compliance operations —Youth leadership trainings —Town Hall Meetings —Responsible Beverage Sales and Service Training —Community Oriented Policing Strategies —Other Environmental Strategy The goal of the RPC is to equip communities, organizations, law enforcement, schools, and other community members that they may have an impact on solving local problems and setting local norms. For more information or to request services please contact Neighbors Building Neighborhoods at 918-616-6833. THANK YOU The family of Jerry Flowers would like to express our heartfelt appreciation and sincere thank you for the love, support, food, flowers and other acts of kindness during a very difficult time. A special thank you to the staff at Brown’s Funeral Service, Brother Bill Weathers, Cottonwood Baptist Church, Coalgate Baptist Church, James Frazier and Dist. 12, Choctaw Color Guard and our dear family and friends. Thank You The Family of Jerry Flowers Storm Shelters All Concrete 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage Installed Jerry English 580-927-5493 General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems Fincher & Son’s Pipe & Steel 16 Mi. South of Atoka, Hwy. 69 & 75 Call: 580-889-6778 or 800- 889-6778 Custom Built Corral and Pasture Gates Metal Buildings ALL TYPES OF METAL FABRICATION FOR ALL YOUR PIPE, STEEL, LIVESTOCK HANDLING, & EQUIPMENT NEEDS CONTACT 24’ x 30 x 10’ all steel barn w/10’ framed opening .....................$5,295.00 30’ x 60’ x 10’ steel barn w/10’ framed opening .........................$10,595.00 40’ x 60’ x 10’ steel barn w/10’ framed opening..........................$12,995.00 5-1/2 x 12 Heavy Duty Corral Panels..........................................$119.00ea. Self-Catching Head Gate............................................................$399.00 6’ Creep Feeder - 850 Lb Capacity.............................................$695.00 8’ Creep Feeder - 1 Ton Capacity...............................................$1,150.00 3-1/2 Ton Bulk Feeder on Wheels...............................................$1,895.00 7’ x 12’ Steel Cattle Guard.........................................starting at.....$595.00 7’ x 16’ Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard..................................$1,075.00 7’ x 16’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard ...starting at.......$1,250.00 7’ x 20’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard.......................$1,875.00 Colored Sheets, Doors, and Concrete Additional Charge Visit our website McAlester Stockyards Market Report Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 2012 sold 1900 cattle. Steers under 400lbs $2 to $5 Lower. Steers 400lbs and up $1 to $9 Higher.Heifers $1 to $4 Higher. Replacement Cow and Bull Sale Sept. 29th at noon, expecting 800 to 1000 head. “For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living.” (Romans 14:9) weight range #1 Steers #1 heifers 225 to 300# $212 to $238 $170 to $190 300 to 350# $189 to $209 $161 to $174 350 to 400# $163 to $178 $146 to $158 400 to 450# $160 to $174 $134 to $148 450 to 500# $149 to $162 $130 to $145 500 to 550# $143 to $158 $130 to $143 550 to 600# $136 to $150 $128 to $141 600 to 700# $128 to $143 $119 to $136 700 to 750# $127 to $140 $119 to $127 800 to 850# $123 to $132 $118 to $124 330 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. paCKeR COwS STeaDy TO $1 hIGheR. paCKeR BuLLS $10 LOweR high yielding packer bulls sold from .....................$96 to $99 average yielding packer bulls sold from..............$92 to $95 Low yielding packer bulls sold from.......................$83 to $87 high yielding packer cows sold from ....................$81 to $88 average yielding packer cows sold from .............$77 to $84 Low yielding packer cows sold from .....................$74 to $79 Sale Every Tuesday Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls Tuesday evening, 6 pm Open 7 DayS/weeK & 24 hOuRS/Day 2 ReCeIVe & CaRe FOR yOuR LIVeSTOCK InVeSTMenT! Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill Lindsey Grant Richard Magby George Tarr Donny Shadwick 918-421-9057 580-889-6049 918-423-4498 918-649-4750 918-548-3478 580-889-1329 918-424-1464 918-655-7754 Ken Sherrill 918-421-0257 Curt Krigbaum 918-650-8013 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! At Shamrock Bank, we’re always here when you need us. Car loans, home loans, farm loans, and business loans; they are all our specialty. If you have a need, we are ready when you are.
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