Robert Lerner: Seeding biochar in Costa Rica
Robert Lerner: Seeding biochar in Costa Rica
Seeding Biochar in Costa Rica Robert Lerner- BCR Jason Borner- BCR Tamara Benjamin- CATIE Gabriela Soto- CATIE Stephen Joseph- IBI Nikolaus Foidl- IBI Julie Major- IBI Phil Covell- FT Frank Hicks- FT 4 5 6 7 Foidl Kiln design Features: • 4 m3 batches • Low Emissions • Temperature control / even heat distribution • Durable stainless steel construction • Pyrolysis time: 4-6 hours & rapid cooling • production of ‘smoke water’ • Production: 150-300 kg/day Draw-backs: • Capital expense • Susceptible to heat damage when wood used as fuel Exhaust / flaring of gases Secondary air inlet and burner for partial combustion of gases between stainless steel walls Wood to be charred, up to 12 cm diameter, vertical orientation Fire box to initiate pyrolysis Movable Insulating wall Path of pyrolysis gases We ultimately selected a unit that has evolved over more than a dozen iterations from the Brazilian ʻbee hiveʼ kiln… 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BMC 19 20 21 >> BCR %LRFDUEyQGH&RVWD5LFD &RVWD5LFD%LRFKDU 6XEVLVWHQFHIDUPHUVKRPHJDUGHQHUVDQGRWKHUVPDOOVWDkeholders represent a huge potential resource for distributed ELRFKDUSURGXFWLRQZRUOGZLGH5HDFKLQJWKLVDXGLHQFHZLWK DIIRUGDEOH UHOLDEOH ELRFKDU WHFKQRORJ\ FRXOG KDYH D KXJH LPSDFWRQFDUERQVHTXHVWUDWLRQFURS\LHOGVDQGVXVWDLQDELOLW\RIDJULFXOWXUDOSUDFWLFHVIRUKXQGUHGVRIPLOOLRQVRIXVHUV The proposed development platform offers the potential for ORZFRVWFRQWUROOHGORZHPLVVLRQVELRFKDUSURGXFWLRQDGDSWDEOHWRPXOWLSOHIHHGVWRFNVDQGFLUFXPVWDQFHV$SRWHQWLDOO\YDOXDEOHWRROIRUELRFKDULQYHVWLJDWRUV+RUQLWRFDQSURGXFH VPDOO FRQWUROOHG EDWFKHV IURP VSHFLÀF IHHGVWRFNV IRU SRWWULDOVDQGFKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQVWXGLHV 7KHEDVLFNLOQFRQVLVWVRIDGUXPZLWKUHPRYDEOHOLGUHWRUWHQFORVHGE\PRGLÀHGGUXPVÀUHFKDPber and insulator); on a Rocket Stove base (biomass stove with long combustion path for high efÀFLHQF\ZLWKSLSHFRQQHFWLRQIURPUHWRUWGUXPWRIXHOIHHGRIVWRYH&RQGHQVHUIRUZRRGYLQHJDU FROOHFWLRQDOVRGHSLFWHG Linking several Hornito kilns in series enables priming of subsequent units with waste heat from the ÀUVWERRVWLQJHIÀFLHQF\DQGPXOWLSO\LQJRSHUDWRUSURGXFWLYLW\ hornito $PRGLÀHGGUXPRQLWVVLGHVHUYHVDVDIHHGVWRFNGU\HUGLYHUWLQJZDVWHKHDWIURPWKHNLOQ $VLPSOHVFDIIROGHQDEOHVHDV\ORDGLQJDQGKDQGOLQJ /RZ&RVW'HYHORSPHQW3ODWIRUPIRU'LVWULEXWHG%LRFKDU 3URGXFWLRQ 9HUVDWLOH0RGXODU'HVLJQ%DVHGRQ6WRFN2LO'UXPV (IÀFLHQW&RQWUROODEOH0RQLWRUDEOH/RZ(PLVVLRQV Feedstock Flexible :RRG9LQHJDU&ROOHFWLRQ%LRPDVV3UH'U\LQJ&DSDELOLW\ ,QWHUFRQQHFWLQ6HULHVIRU,PSURYHG)XHODQG2SHUDWRU (IÀFLHQF\ $%LRFKDU3URGXFWLRQ7RROIRU$JURQRPLF,QYHVWLJDWLRQV 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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