PVNC webinar


PVNC webinar
Domestic violence is linked to many other
forms of violence and other health outcomes
through shared risk and protective factors.
Given the countless influences on violence,
the tendency for multiple forms of violence to
co-occur within individuals, families, and
communities, and the limited resources available to address violence, focusing on these
shared risk and protective factors can be a
highly effective and engaging way to structure a violence prevention strategy.
Shared Risk and Protective
Factors for Violence:
Research and Practice
Part 1 will provide an overview of the exciting research on shared risk and protective
factors for violence and provide an introduction to the new online tool built by
PVNC to support communities and organizations working to end violence
Part 2 will feature examples of innovative
violence prevention strategies addressing
shared risk and protective factors across
NC, with presentations by the organizations running them
PART 1: JUNE 7, 2016 | PART 2: JUNE 14, 2016
REGISTRATION: http://www.nccadv.org/training/training-calendar/training-webinars
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