September 2015 - Lions District 13-D
September 2015 - Lions District 13-D
13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D Ohio Lions District 13 D September 2015 Sweeping Away Blindness Points of Contact: DG Bob Allgood (Lion Liz) 440 Vine Street East Liverpool, OH 43920 H: 330-853-0992 Email: 1st VDG Betty Robbins 199 Stahl Avenue Cortland, OH 44410 H: 330-638-7649 Email: 2nd VDG Wayne Christen (Lion Janet) 46711 Sidehill Road East Liverpool, OH 43920 H: 330-386-3706 C: 330-853-0914 Email: CST /PCC Paul Metrovich (Lion Linda) 48643 Lakeview Circle East Liverpool, OH 43920 H: 330-385-4405 Email: Deadline for Newsletter Articles is the 20th of the month. Send to: Lion Patti Gauch H: 330-527-2048 C: 216-870-1787 Fellow Lions, In Japan, our society owes a lot to bushido, the code of conduct of the samurai. Samurai have positive and negative sides, but samurai uphold stability and ensure peace. Other positive traditional values of the bushido are respecting one’s elders, protecting the weak and valuing fairness and honor. Every culture has its own wonderful virtues, and each of the 210 nations and geographic areas that are part of Lions Clubs International contributes to the strength and vitality of the association. The multi-colored fabric of Lions owes its durability and flexibility to its disparate individual strands. In other words, our diversity is our strength. We are not a cookie-cutter association. One size does not fit all. Clubs are free to choose their own projects and recruit their own members. The more we value diversity and model that in our clubs the more we will prosper. So this year I urge clubs to continue to reach out to women, younger people and middle-aged people to diversify our ranks. A club gains new perspectives and renewed energy with a diverse membership. By the same token, don’t hesitate to try new projects. We can’t grow stale. We don't eat stale bread or rice and we don’t want a stale club. We must have the courage to turn our clubs into fresh, young and vibrant ones. Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada 2015-16 International President NEWS FROM LCIF: In August, Typhoon Soudelor tore through the Pacific Ocean. Once a super-typhoon, Soudelor has claimed dozens of lives already. Millions of families are without water, electricity or shelter. The storm has caused monsoon rains, high winds, flooding and landslides throughout the region. Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) responded immediately. A US$10,000 Emergency grant was awarded to the Lions of District 204 Micronesia for relief efforts in Saipan. A US$200,000 Major Catastrophe grant was awarded to Multiple District 300 Taiwan to assist with both immediate needs and long-term reconstruction. The Lions of MD 300 Taiwan, China and Micronesia are coming to the aid of their neighbors. But they need your help. Rebuilding after Typhoon Soudelor will be no easy task, but Lions and our Foundation are committed to supporting the humanitarian needs within these communities for the short and long term. Please consider making a contribution to LCIF's disaster relief fund and giving hope to those who have been devastated by this disas- Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter September 2015 From Your District Governor - DG Bob Allgood Lions of 13D, Lion Liz and I welcome everyone to Sept. The fall days are here and County Fairs are either getting started or ending. We hope you have had fun this summer. I will be working at the Canfield Fair this year on Friday Sept. 4 th at the Lions Eye Screening. Hope to see you there. I would like to remind you if you are thinking about a running for a state position on the cabinet for 2016 – 2017 (OLF - Ohio Lions Foundation ) or ( F&P - Finance and Planning ) please send me your Letter of Intent. The position of 2VDG is also open. I will also need your letter along with your club's endorsement. Clubs please have your delegate information in to CST Paul Metrovich ASAP. Before you know it Oct 25 will be here, which is the day of the elections. I would now like to say our District is at a negative numbers at this time. I know its early so and we can turn the numbers into a positive. So let’s ask someone new to visit your club and see how much fun, friendship we have, and the caring compassion we have. Let us remember Dignity Harmony Humanity , as WE SERVE. Yours in Lionism, DG Bob Allgood From Your First Vice District Governor - FVDG Betty Robbins Greetings Fellow Lions, August has been an enjoyable month; I attended the Council of Governors meeting August 8-9, the Scrappers Baseball game with approximately 50 other Lions, Calcutta’s 40th Charter Night, the Cabinet meeting hosted by DG Bob and the East Liverpool Lions in East Liverpool. I helped the Kent Lions one day with their Sweet Corn Festival, and Lordstown with Bingo. I have started my club visitations in Region 1, and have attended a picnic at North Coast, (one of the clubs that will be part of our new district 13-OH4, next year.) I am still in the process of setting up my visitations. Several of the clubs in District C that will be in the new 13-OH4 next year have events scheduled for the next few months, these events are as follows: Saturday, September 5th Ashtabula’s 3rd Annual Race to Cure Blindness 5K/1 Mile Walk Sunday, September 20th District “C” JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes at the Cleveland & Metro Parks Zoo. Walkers who raise at least $25 will be admitted to the zoo at no additional fee Sunday, September 27Th Mayfield Heights Reverse Raffle Sunday, October 11th Willoughby Hills Poor Man’s Raffle & Dinner Friday, October 23rd North Coast 11th Annual Murder Mystery Dinner For more information on any of these events please contact FVDG Betty at 330-638-7649 or by email at If I didn’t already have plans to be at the USA/Canada Forum on Sunday, September 20 th, I would walk for the JDRF, not only would I be raising money for a worthy cause to support research for Diabetes, but I could also visit with all of my “relatives!” Oh, how much fun would that be!!! Remember the Centennial Service Challenge is in full swing, and we are trying to “Serve” 100 million people before June 30, 2018 in the categories of Youth, Vision, Hunger, & Environment. Is your club participating in any of these programs and are these activities being reported to Lions International? We need to continue to” Strengthen Our Prides” by asking 1 to join, so we can continue the many, many services that we provide for those in our communities. As Lions, there is no limit as to what we can do when we work together and by adding more members, we can do more! Yours in Lionism, FVDG Betty Robbins 2 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter September 2015 From Your Second Vice District Governor - SVDG Wayne Christen Hello Fellows Lions, It is great being a Lion! Through Lions Clubs International we can see that it is truly a “small world”. We can raise funds in our own communities and use it to aid people both locally and around the globe. LCI’s goal to aid 100 million by our 100 th birthday is aggressive but attainable. Just imagine – we can be a part of helping 100 million people simply by reading to a child, or purchasing eyeglasses for a needy individual, or delivering food baskets during the holidays. It is great to be an Ohio Lion. Potential leaders can enhance their skills by attending the Regional Lions Leadership Institute at Deer Creek State Park from October 30th through November 1st. We can make new friends or be re-acquainted old ones at MD13’s Winter Retreat in January. Ohioans can receive assistance through Ohio Lions Foundation and other foundations of MD13. It is great to be a 13D Lion. There are some great plans for 13D this year, not the least of which is transitioning from 13D to 13-OH4 in July, 2016. The OH4 transitioning team is working feverishly to have all the kinks worked out before the final change next year, including a new Constitution, new By-laws, and a new Policy Manual. Mark your calendars for the OH4 Reorganization Meeting to be held October 25, 2015, in Deerfield, Ohio. That is when these new policies will be voted on, as well as electing our 2016-2017 officers. I am scheduling visitations throughout Region 2 and am looking forward to meeting some of the greatest Lions in the state. See you around. Yours in Lionism, SVDG Wayne Christen OHIO LIONS DISTRICT 13-D BASEBALL EVENING On August12, Lions from District 13-D gathered together for a picnic and ballgame as the Mahoning Valley Scrappers hosted the Hudson Valley Renegades. District Governor Bob Allgood put out a challenge to see which club would have the most members attending. Niles Lions Club won the challenge. Among those attending with the Governor and his wife, Lion Liz, were 1 st Vice District Governor, Betty Robbins and 2nd Vice District Governor and his wife, Lion Janet. A great time was had by all as the Scrappers won their game 2-0. The real winner was the Melvin Jones Eye Care Foundation who will receive a portion of the picnic/game cost. This will assist in providing eye surgeries for those in need. A big thank you goes out to Dee Pamer of the Brimfield Lions Club who took care of the set up of the event. ASK A VET Lions Clubs International is extending the Involve a U.S. Veteran pilot program through June 30, 2016. This program waives the charter or entrance fee for U.S. Veterans joining a Lions club in the United States. Eligible veterans include retired U.S. military personnel or honorably-discharged members of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard Services, Marines, National Guard, Navy or Reserves. Those currently serving in the National Guard or Reserves are also eligible. Lions Clubs International will provide an entrance fee waiver of $25 ($30 for charter members) to qualified U.S. veterans that join a local Lions club. Veterans have made so many great contributions and sacrificed so much to serve our country. As service members return home from serving in the military, let's offer them an opportunity to get involved in their communities. Visit the Involve a U.S. Veteran web page to download a fact sheet, promotional flyer, certification form and a sample press release. 3 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D September 2015 REDISTRICTING ACTIVITIES DISTRICT 13-D DISTRICT 13-OH4 As reported in a previous District Newsletter articles, an Ohio Lions MD-13 Redistricting Plan has been developed, approved by LCI, and the Ohio Lions organization will be reduced from 10 Districts to 7 Districts. This event will occur at the adjournment of the 2016 Lions International Convention on June 28, 2016. As of that date District 13-D will cease to exist and a new District - District 13-OH4 will be established. This new district will be comprised of 9 counties, the 5 currently in District 13-D, plus the addition of Ashtabula, Carroll, Geauga and Lake counties and will be comprised of 64 clubs. This redistricting that will occur should have no impact on individual clubs. Club activities will continue as they provide service to their communities/service areas as they do now. A transition Team representing Lions from these 9 counties was organized and began meeting in January, 2015. Details on the items identified as needing resolved and the names of District 13-D Team representatives were provided in the December, 2014 District Newsletter. A follow-up article appeared in the June, 2015 District Newsletter. Through the efforts of the District 13-OH4 Transition Team the need was recognized for a new District Organizational Meeting. This Organizational Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at the Deerfield Town Hall located at 1450 State Route 14, Deerfield, Ohio at 2:00 PM. On July 22, 2015 information on the Organizational Meeting was sent to the club Secretary of each of the 64 Lions clubs that will comprise the new District. This information listed those District officers/positions that require election and notification instructions for individual Lions seeking election to an office/position. Letters from individual Lions seeking election to an office/position along with a letter of support from the members' club must be received by our District Governor Bob Allgood no later than September 15, 2015. Also occurring at the Organization Meeting will be the approval of a new District 13-OH4 Constitution & By-Laws and Policy Manual. An Organization Meeting Delegate information letter along with a club delegate form was also included in this July 22, 2015 mailing. Club Delegate information must be returned to District 13-D CST PCC Paul Metrovich no later than October 1, 2015. District 13-D Lions clubs are encouraged to participate in this new District organization activity. Delegate registration at the October 25, 2015 Organizational Meeting will start at Noon PDG John Woodside ATWATER SALE ITEMS The Atwater Lions has two items available for sale. These were used in fund raising food service projects. The stove is made of iron and is wood burning. It includes fire bricks, smoke stack, deep fryers. It is in good condition and been stored indoors. Asking $800. The covered Wagon is an actual wagon with canvas awnings which are in excellent condition. It is setup to dispense drinks. The wagon has been stored indoors. Asking $1200. For more information and a chance to view the wagon and stove call Steve Wilcox 330-947-2160 or Claude Custer 330-715-3196. Please contact Lion Liz Allgood if you wish to purchase a shirt. Email: or 330-303-3162 4 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D September 2015 PILOT DOGS ORGANIZATION DISTRICT 13D SUPPORT The Lions of District 13D have historically supported the Pilot Dog organization. In this past fiscal year (2014-2015) the Lions Clubs of our District contributed approximately $42,000 to Pilot Dogs – the highest amount of any Lions District in Ohio. This financial support was provided by 35 District 13D Lions Clubs – again the highest club participation of any Lions District in Ohio. The number of participating clubs, however, was significantly lower than the previous fiscal year when 49 District 13D Lions Clubs provided financial support to this organization. There may be some members of our District organization not familiar with Pilot Dogs, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, that was founded in 1950 with the mission to provide the finest of guide dogs to the qualified sightless. In 1960 our Ohio Lions organization adopted Pilot Dogs as a State Project and through individual Lions Clubs in Ohio provides financial support to the organization. Since adopting this project in 1960 Ohio Lions have donated approximately $7 million to the Pilot Dogs organization. Pilot Dogs is currently conducting a Capital Improvement Campaign to replace and relocate their current kennel built in 1963. The estimated cost for this project is $8 million and will include many improvements to their facilities. This project, named Four Paws, Two Feet, One Team, One Campus - is part of their new development in providing service to the blind. Enclosed is a copy of a Capital Campaign Pledge Form for use by individuals or organizations in providing support to this campaign. This is an opportunity for we, as individual Lions, to provide support to this organization and, in doing so, achieve our individual commitment to provide assistance to the blind. I am available to any Lions Club or organization that would like a program on Pilot Dogs, Inc. and the assistance provided to blind individuals. PDG John Woodside 5 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter September 2015 Changes for District 13D Eye Screening Procedures Date 8/24/15 Based on: Vision Screening for Children 36 to 72 Months: Recommended Practices Susan A. Cotter*, Lynn A. Cyert†, Joseph M. Miller‡, and Graham E. Quinn§; for the National Expert Panel to the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health. Optom Vis Sci 2015;92:6-16. Screening Procedure Visual Acuity Autorefraction Stereoacuity Current Practice HOTV or LEA chart at 5ft w adhesive eyepatch or opaque paper tape (Can use VIP screener) Retinomax or SureSight Not required with Autorefraction Snellen or Lighthouse eye chart at 10 ft w occluder (unacceptable) Proposed Change LEA Chart at 5 ft w adhesive eye patch SPOT(unacceptable) or PlusoptiX(acceptable) Tumbling E, StereoSmile II, PASS All new machines are PlusoptiX Optional PASS stereo testing 1 chart for each screening kit, 10,000 patches per year, 1 per child Grant submitted Optional Pass/Fail Criteria: LEA chart, age 36-47 mos: 3-4/4 correct symbols 20/50 or better LEA chart, age 48-72 mos: 3-4/4 correct symbols 20/40 or better Autorefractor: Current and updated manufacturer recommendations Not necessary to do both Vision and auto-refraction Summary of all recommendations: 1. Purpose is to identify children in need of further care by an eyecare professional in a uniform manner for all District-13D Clubs. 2. All children aged 36-72 months should be screened annually. Children who have been examined in the prior 12 months by an eyecare professional do not require screening. Children with obvious developmental disorders, other eye problems, premature birth or family history of eye disorders should be directly referred to an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist. 3. Children who are unable or refuse screening should be considered untestable. These children are more likely to have vision problems and should be rescreened or referred for comprehensive examination. 4. Monocular Vision testing as above OR Instrument based testing as above. 5. Stereotesting is not required but may improve instrument based screening. 7. Proper Training and certification of all screeners. 8. Proper reporting of results to parents, school/agency, pediatrician, Lions database 9. Documentation of referral of children who fail screening to Optometrist or Ophthalmologist. 10. Screenings should be performed by Lions Clubs in the areas they serve. If a club wishes to screen in an area served by another club, this requires the permission of the serving area club. Please feel free to contact Lion Dr. Richard Lehrer if you have any questions. He can be reached at: Email or phone 330-823-1680 6 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter September 2015 Modified Screening Algorithm: CHILD 36-72 MONTHS OLD Professional Eye Exam in last year – screening not needed, follow-up as scheduled Developmental Disorder? Other obvious eye problems? Premature Birth? Family history of eye problems? NO YES 7 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D September 2015 8 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D September 2015 NORTH CANTON LIONS 60TH CHARTER ANNIVERSARY The North Canton Lions will be celebrating the anniversary of our Charter on October 24, 2015. The dinner will be held at Chateau Michele Located at 2231 44th Street, Canton, OH beginning with a social gathering with hors d'oeuvres at 6:00 pm with dinner to follow. 9 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1st Meeting 09/21/15 09/18/15 10/13/15 09/1715 09/14/15 09/28/15 09/03/15 09/29/15 09/29/15 Host Club Cortland Ravenna Atwater Girard Poland Hartville Jackson Township Massillon Calcutta September 2015 Cabinet Meetings 1st meeting 08/23/15 East Liverpool 2nd meeting 11/15/15 Cortland 3rd meeting 02/28/16 TBD Moans & Groans When cheese gets it picture taken, what does it say? If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? September is here and we all know what is ahead for us in Ohio. If you wore out your sweat shirt last winter now would be a great time to call Lion Kim to order a new one. 10 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter CLUB ACTIVITIES September 2015 Mark Your Calendar 2015-2016 ONGOING - TUSLAW LIONS GARAGE SALE Tuslaw Lions Club Garage Sale is still in full swing every Thursday from 9:00am to Noon at Tuslaw Lions Club Park, 2515 Manchester Rd SW (Rt. 93). Their ‘Over The Hill Gang’ will be handling the garage sale during the winter months. SEPT 11 & 18 - CANFIELD LIONS FRIDAY NIGHT FISH DINNERS This event is held at A La Carte Catering at 429 Lisbon Street, Canfield. Main Course dinners choice of Haddock (baked or fried), Macaroni & Cheese, or Haluski with Pierogi and choice of side dishes, dessert and beverage. Served from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Cost: $11.00 ea. Sept. 18th will be carry out only! SEPT 20 - PAINESVILE LIONS JRDF DIABETES WALK See flyer on pg. 8 OCT 11 - WILLOUGHBY HILLS LIONS POOR MAN’S RAFFLE AND DINNER See flyer on pg. 8 OCT 23 - NORTH COAST LIONS MURDER MYSTERY DINNER See flyer on pg. 8 OCT 24 - NORTH CANTON LIONS JRDF 60TH CHARTER CELEBRATION See flyer on pg. 9 DISTRICT 13D & STATE ACTIVITIES Mark Your Calendar 2015-2016 SEPT 17-19 - USA/CANADA LIONS LEADERSHIP FORUM Grand Rapids, MI OCT 30, 31, NOV 1 - 2015 REGIONAL LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Location: Deer Creek State Park See flyer on pg. 9 JAN 15-17, 2016 - OHIO LIONS WINTER RETREAT Location: Maumee State Park See flyer on pg. 9 MAR 11-13 - DISTRICT 13D CONVENTION Location: McKinley Grand Hotel in Canton More information to follow MAY 20-22 - OHIO LIONS STATE CONVENTION Location: Embassy Suites in Dublin, OH More information to follow JUNE 24-28 - INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Location: Fukuoka, Japan More information to follow 11 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D September 2015 Lion Patti Gauch 11048 Parkman Road Garrettsville, OH 44231 12