August 2014 Lions Tale


August 2014 Lions Tale
AUG 2013
Your New 2S-4 Newsletter Magazine
Welcome to the 2S-4 District magazine informing you of
what's happening in the 2S-4 of Texas
P2. Introduction
To submit your stories and pictures please submit by the
20th of the month for the following months edition.
P4. In Memoriam
Submit your Pictures story formatted in Microsoft word.
And attach original photos so that they maintain quality
in reproduction.
P6. Take Pride
Your story will be put into the newsletter as you write it
The editorial staff will do minimum editing and only to fit
for space etc.
We recommend you appoint someone in your club to
write and submit your photos to the District Governor
Ron Martin at
Pg. 2
P3. Just a Thought August
P5. Welcome To the District
P7. Punt Pass and Kick
P8. Point Venture Lions
P9. Pearland Cabinet Mtg.
P10. 2nd Cabinet Mtg. 2-S4
P11. Angleton TX. Lions
P12. El Campo Charter Night
2-S4 Newsletter Editor
Lion Jeff Rae
Freeport Lions Club
P13. El Campo Charter Night
MD-2 Newsletter Chairman
Lion Tracy A. Hanes
P16. Zone Meetings
P14. Zone 7 Meeting
P15. Leadership Awards
P17. Scholarships
P18. Texas City Lions
P19. Kemah Lions Club
P20. Texas Lions Camp Golf
Pg. 3
Just a Thought August 2013
Pg. 4
In Memoriam Calvin “Cowboy” Jones
Pg. 5
Welcome To the District
Pg. 6
The Pride
Pg. 7
Pg. 8
1st Cabinet Meeting Pearland, TX. Hosted
Pg. 9
1st Cabinet Meeting (con’t)
Pg. 10
Second Cabinet Meeting District 2S-4
Pg. 11
Angleton Lions
Pg. 12
El Campo Charter Night
Pg. 13
El Campo Charter Night
Pg. 14
Zone 7 Meeting
Pg. 15
Edna, Leadership Awards, Galveston West Beach
Pg. 16
Zone Meetings
Pg. 17
Zone Meetings, Scholarships
Pg. 18
Forth of July Parade Texas City, TX.
Pg. 19
Kemah Lions Club Fourth of July Parade
Pg. 20
20th annual Texas Lions Camp Golf Tournament