March - Pinedorado
March - Pinedorado
CAMBRIA LIONS CLUB NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Cambria Lions GreetingsFellowLions: WethankallwhoattendedtheValentine'sDinnerMeeting.JeffLaChancedid abeautifuljobofdecoratingandeveryoneseemedtoenjoylisteningand dancingtothemusicofIndigoJazz.Let'shopethisbecomesayearlyevent. WegaveouttwoawardsinFebruary: TheMelvinJonesAwardwaspresentedtooAndyZinnforhisgood workasPresident,connectinguswiththeschoolsandbringinginnew members. WWW.PINEDORADO.COM PAGE 1 CAMBRIA LIONS CLUB NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 TheLionsAwardforSincereAppreciationofDedicatedServicewasgiventoWalt ThomasonforhistirelessworkforCampReachfortheStarsandtheChildren's ChristmasPartyeachyear. Theybothdomuchmorethanlistedhereandhonorourmotto:WeServe SincewechangedthelockontheLighthouseLens,wepresentedBobLane, TomKennedyandJerryMcKinnonwithkeysfortheiryearsofcareand dedicationtotheLighthouseLens. TheScholarshipCommittee(TeriLord,IainHamiltonandDixieWalker) metanddiscussedallcandidatesforCUHSandLefMingwell.Theywillattendthe March24thMeetingatCUHStohearfromeachstudent.Selectionswillbe madeatthattimeandresultsreportedattheApril12thLionsMeeting. TheNominatingCommitteewillbeofferingtheslateofnewofMicerstothe BoardatourMarch8thMeetingandwillbepresentedtothemembership forMinalcommentsandvoteonMarch22nd. WWW.PINEDORADO.COM PAGE 2 CAMBRIA LIONS CLUB NEWSLETTER NOV 2015 ForallwhoattendedourFebruary23rddinnermeeting…didyouknowthat decadentdessertwasmademynoneotherthanourownJeffLaChance.It wastrulyamazing. ThankyouJeff. Again,don'tforgettorespondtoyourcallchainbyphoneoremails.Itis veryimportantwehaveaccuratecountsforourdinners. Thankyou. DixieWalker President2015-2016 WWW.PINEDORADO.COM PAGE 3 CAMBRIA LIONS CLUB NEWSLETTER WWW.PINEDORADO.COM MARCH 2016 PAGE 4 CAMBRIA LIONS CLUB NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Phone Committee Kitchen Sou CheFS Section 1: Argonti thru Fearonce respond to Eddie Kraemer E-mail Note: Kitchen volunteers do not pay for dinner, it’s comp’d Section 2: Gerber thru Richard Lee respond to Ray Hopkins 927-6736 E-mail MARCH Aye Johnson, Larry Kelly APRIL Section 3: Levy thru Palmer respond to Jim Cissna 927-3536 E-mail Section 4: Rodrigues thru Zinn respond to Ken Eberle 927-1077 E-mail Kyle Martin, Jeff Nielson Kitchen duties start at 4:30pm. Please arrange for a substitute if you cannot attend on your assigned dates Contact Jeff LaChance for any changes and to confirm any changes Phone: 459-1978 email: Kitchen Helpers Check out the list on the second to next page, to see if you are up for kitchen duty MARCH 2016 PAGE 4 CAMBRIA LIONS CLUB NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Kitchen Sou Chefs for 2016 January Kirk Azevedo, John Nixon February Jim Cunningham, Anna Griffith March Aye Johnson, Larry Kelly April Kyle Martin, Jeff Nielson May Joe Sassaman, Matt Humphrey June Sal and Mary Buongiorno July Joel Segal, Mike Kenny August Jim Battles, Bill Johnson September Ed Kraemer, Richard Lee October Justin Smith, Jack Scilley November John and Donna Argonti December Rocky Mullin, Jerry Wood Note: Kitchen volunteers do not pay for dinner, it’s comp’d Kitchen duties start at 4:30pm. Please arrange for a substitute if you cannot attend on your assigned dates Contact Jeff LaChance for any changes and to confirm any changes Phone: 459-1978 email: MARCH 2016 PAGE 5 CAMBRIA LIONS CLUB NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Standing Committees Board of Directors Food & Kitchen City of Hope Health & Welfare District 4A-3 Region: L Zone: 2 Published monthly by the Lions Club of Cambria. Edited by Jim McPherson Phone: 927-5611 email: President Jeff LaChance TBD Dixie Walker Vice Presidents First Ellie Brown Highway Beautification Joe Berkman Mike Walsh Christmas Party Walt Thomason Lighthouse Jeff LaChance Visitation TBD Attendance Ray Hopkins Sight & Hearing Ellie Brown Lanny Loveland Historian Joe Wood Decorating Jeff LaChance Bartender Lanny Loveland Scholarship Teri Lord Iain Hamilton Dixie Walker Membership Mike Kenny Ruben Villalobos Jerry Wood Jim Hollingshead Second Jim Bahringer Third Jeff LaChance Secretary Dave Sassaman Treasurer Ramone Reza Tail Twister Ellie Brown Lion Tamer Mike Nielson Publicity Jim McPherson Directors Glen Baker Jim Beckmann Teri Lord Mike Broadhurst Sharkey Warrick Pinedorado Chairman Greg WIlson Directors Emeritus Bud Goff Membership Ruben Villalobos Mike Kenny Jerry Wood Lions Club of Cambria POBox 717 Cambria, CA 93428 Farmers Market Website General Meetings: Josyln Center, 7:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Prior to the meetings a social hour is held from 6 to 7 pm. Next Board of Director’s meeting:prior to 1st meeting of the month News for the Newsletter: Any information you would like to be included in future issues, just email Jim McPherson at Cambria Lions Phone Number: 927-9903 Email Lions Office:: (messages picked up weekly) MARCH 2016