March 2012 Newsletter
March 2012 Newsletter
Volume 2: Issue 3 THE LIONS CENTER CHA TTER THE LIONS CENTER FOR REHABILITATION AND EXTENDED CARE March, 2012 March 2012 L K In This Issue: Who Let The Dogs Out Dog Show Images Dog Show Winners Family Council News Red Hatters March Riddles Trivia Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Our annual Dog Show, held on February 25th, was our biggest success yet! Over 25 canine beauties strutted their stuff around the show ring. There were dogs, kids and adults everywhere you looked. Mary Jane Johnson ran the registration table while Zoe and Lilly Griffith fitted each dog with colorful bandanas. Jim Cumiskey was our master of ceremonies announcing each dog and handler while entertaining the crowd with his great sense of humor and quick wit. Our highly respected panel of judges , Robyn Price, Toyia Swaner and Jim Weir had their work cut out for them awarding each contestant with their redeeming show ring quality. The Upper Potomac Valley Kennel Club put on an amazing demonstration of agility and obedience with their pets from home. They dazzled the crowd with verbal commands and hand signals. The dogs were brilliant and eager to please their masters. Our memories were captured by Becky Weir as she was everywhere snapping photos for our bulletin board. Each winner received a doggie bag with peanut butter flavored dog biscuits donated by Stone haven's Uptown Hound and Laundromutt of LaVale Md. Homemade doggie cupcakes were from Autumn McDonald and her family. Volunteer Shawna helped move the dogs and handlers into the show ring. The afternoon was tons of fun for everyone!! Many thanks to our outstanding staff for their total co-operation and endless effort to ensure a ‘howling” good time at Lions Center. Also Thanks to the wonderful volunteers that helped our residents back to their rooms. Finally, thanks to everyone who attended this event and for your co-operation in our Fabulous Dog Show of 2012! Please take a look at some of the images captured during this years Dog Show on the next page! This Beautiful Husky prepares for the Agility course. Page 2 VOLUME 2: ISSUE 3 Page 3 VOLUME 2: ISSUE 3 Dogs Name Breed Handler Category Cujo Sheppard mix Missy Hair Oldest Zoe Chiuaua Becky Bohrer Smallest Minnie Lab mix Aubree Allen Youngest Oreo Lab mix Lucrecia Hull Sweetest Skye Shetland Sheepdog Lisa Demott Best Trained Chance Terror/Hound Amy Frost Best Behaved Bijou Teacup Poodle John Helmstetter Daintiest Mossy Lab mix Aubree Allen Most Loveable Milly Lahsa/Poodle mix Autumn &Dakota McDonald Softest Sausha Husky/Shepard Michael McDonald Best Talker Roxie Boxer Penny & Madison Penrod Friendliest Duece Rotweiler Susan Crump Biggest Sophie Collie Mix Koty Hairest Mia Airdale Mix Amy Yarbrough Most Active Russel Jack Russell Allison Johnson Shyest Hailee Husky Robbie Yarbrough Best Eyes Jagger German Short Hair Pam Glenn & Jayden Apollo Akita Kathy Taylor Most Unique Prada Wheaton Terrier Kathy Taylor Fluffiest Chesney Cockapoo Leigh Hull Most Talented Stella Mixed Terrier Amy Frost Shortest Darby Cavilier King Charles Spaniel Barbie Lyons Most Physically Fit Most Congenial Elska Labrador Krista Lewis Most Playful Jake Beagle Brenna & Tyler Jackson Best Dressed Midnight Black Lab Alicia & Reed Jackson Most Laid Back Page 4 VOLUME 2: ISSUE 3 Family Council Terry Malone was the winner of the drawing for the Family Council Valentine Gift Basket that was held on February 13th. The winning ticket was sold by Family Council Member Dave Malone. Thank you all for your participation. A Hoagie and Bake Sale was held on Friday, February 17th. The sale was very successful and the Family Council would like to thank Bill Dennison, owner of DaVinci’s Pizzeria, for his generous donation of the sub rolls. Thanks also to Lois Powers for donating the Red Velvet Cake and to all who purchased our goodies. Then next Family Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 12th at 10:00am. All Family members are invited to attend. Mother Hubbard’s Cupboards at the First Wesleyan Food Bank are bare. In Cresaptown, the First Wesleyan Church has a food bank that is in need of your support. We need help stocking the shelves with non-perishables for those in our community that are in need of food. Every Friday, our casual day, we will sponsor this mission. If participating, a donation of $1.00 or 1 non-perishable food item will be collected. We will also have a collection station in the front lobby for additional food donations. Cash donations can be given to the office. Thank you for your support!! P.S. if you know someone in need have them call the food bank 301-722-2797. They will refer them to our new location. “If you give what you have to the hungry, and fill the needs of those who suffer, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your darkness will be like the brightest time of day.” Isaiah 50:10 Page 5 VOLUME 2: ISSUE 3 The Roaring Red Hatters met on Friday February 10th in the front dining room. The theme was Valentine’s Day. Everything was decorated in red and Pink with lots of hearts all around. We were served valentine cookies and valentine cupcakes that were made by Lori Butler. Everything was delicious that we had. The Monthly door prize was won by Ruby Roby and the Red Hat Door Wreath was won by Pauline Howdyshell. The Red hatters are doing a 50-5– drawing to help support them. The drawing will be March 30th. Please help support our group. The next meeting will be hold on March 2nd at 2:30. We will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day at that time. Hope to see everyone at the next meeting. Thanks. Marsha Kammauf. RESIDENTS Mary Minnich Mildred Malone 3-17 3-18 Harold Metz 3-18 Lillian Willison 3-30 Peggy Kolb Lucrecia Hull 3-02 Mary Tichnell 3-04 Katherine Nadreau 3-05 Morgan Salas Christy Lee 3-30 Catherine Dersin 3-18 Kristy Lindsay 3-19 Kimberly Kaisner 3-21 3-08 Brittany Hansford 3-14 Tamra Dicken 3-23 Shirley Davis 3-13 Pamela Glenn Joseph Tittle 3-28 Jessica McClain 3-13 Olympia Twyman 3-31 EMPLOYEES 3-13 3-16 Birthstone Flower Color Aquamarine Jonquil Sky Blue The Lions Center Chatter Page 6 Strides in Therapy Complimentary Styling The Physical Therapy Department has presented Michelle Readd, Hairstylist for The Lions Center has drawn the name of Mildred Malone Frances Anderson with The Stepping Stone Award for the month of March. for one Free Hair Service in the Mildred has shown exceptional progress and advancement in therapy. Congratulations; Congratulations, Month of March! Frances Mildred Red Hatters 50/50 Drawing! Contact any member of the Red Hatters of Marsha Kammauff Tickets are $1.00 each or $5.00 for 6 The Drawing will be held on March 30, 2012. THANK YOU Thanks to Becky and Jim Weir for making our Valentine Super Saturday Bingo Extra Special with Cupcakes for the residents and staff!! ! RTS A E H ET SWE Page 7 VOLUME 2: ISSUE 3 March Riddles Can you figure out these visual Riddles? AGED Tickled AGED AGED S S T S T O S T O N O N E T O N E N E E A "Wise King" devised a contest to see who would receive the Princess hand in marriage. The Princess was put in a 50x50 foot carpeted room. Each of her four suitors were put in one corner of the room with a small box to stand on. The first one to touch the Princess hand would be the winner and become the new King. The rules of the test were that the contestants could not walk over the carpet, cross the plane of the carpet, or hang from anything; nor could they use anything but their body and wits (i.e. no magic or telepathy, nor any items such as ladders, block and tackles, etc.). One suitor figured out a way and married the Princess and became the new King. How did he figure it out? Answers on Back Page Every Month there will be a new trivia question, the first person with the correct answer to the Business office, will receive a free lunch from the Lions Center Dietary Staff. 1 2 5 8 3 4 6 9 7 10 11 Congratulations to Polly Burkett for correctly naming all 11 couples. 1. Humphry Bogart, Lauren Bacall 2. George Jones, Tammy Wynett 3. Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn 4. The Honeymooners 5. Clark Gable and Margarett O’Hare 6. Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton 7. Elvis, Pricilla Presley 8. Ginger Rodgers, Gene Kelly 9. Fred and Wilma Flintstone 10. Lucy and Desi Arnez 11. Jack and Jacquie Kennedy Now for March’s Trivia! Can you find all of the Pots of Gold at the end of the rainbow in this months issue of the Lions Center Chatter? Page 9 VOLUME 2: ISSUE 3 THE LIONS CENTER FOR REHABILITATION AND EXTENDED CARE 901 Seton Dr Cumberland, MD 21502 Phone: 301-722-6272 Fax: 3017220754 E-mail: Like Us On Facebook T H E L I O N S C EN T E R I S A 10 1 - B E D N O N - P RO F I T S KI L L ED N U R S I N G F A C I L I T Y T H A T H A S B E EN P R O V I D I N G Q U A L I T Y C AR E T O T H E R E S I D E N T S O F A L L EG AN Y C O U N T Y , A N D S UR R O UN D I N G C O M M U N I T I T ES , S I N C E 1 9 69 . O U R T R AI N ED P R O F ES S I O N AL S T A F F P RO V I D E 2 4 H O UR S K I L L ED N U RS I N G S E R V I C ES , I N C L U D I N G P ER I TO N E AL D I AL Y S I S , I V T H ER A PY A N D P A I N M A N A G E M EN T. T H E L I O N S C E N T E R I S C O MM I T T E D TO P RO V I D I N G T H E B E S T P O S S I BL E C A R E I N A F R I EN D L Y , L O V I N G W AY , T H AT W I L L I N S U RE M A I N T AI N I N G E A C H R E S I D EN T S D I G N I T Y A N D I N D I V I D UA L I TY . W E P RO V I D E S E R V I C ES T O N O U RI S H T H E W H O L E PE R S O N — B O D Y , M I N D , AN D S P I R I T. W E EN C O UR A G E P AR T I C I P A TI O N I N D AI L Y A C TI V I T I ES S U C H AS G A M E S , C R AF TS , EX E R C I S E , M U S I C , AN D BE D S I D E A C I T I V I TI E S . P AS TO R A L S E R V I C ES AL S O P R O V I D ED BY V A RI O US D EN O MI N A TI O N S T O M E E T T H E R E S I D EN T’ S S PI RI T U A L N E ED S . I M A G ES F O UN D I N T H E L I O N S C EN T E R C H AT T E R , WI T H TH E E X C E P T I O N O F P H O T O G R AP H S O F E V E N TS , AR E T H E C O U R T E S Y O F G O O G L E I M AG ES . N O C O P Y RI G HT I N F RI N G E M EN T I S I N T E N D E D . TICKLED PINK MIDDLE AGED STEPPING STONES The successful suitor simply asked the Princess to walk over to where he stood, and to touch his hand! Answer from Page 6 Lions Center on the Web The Lion’s Center has an online presence and we are working hard to improve our digital footprint. Currently you can find our newsletter on Facebook as well as on our website; Be sure you add The Lions Center to your favorites.