News from the Lions Den District 14-C - e
News from the Lions Den District 14-C - e
News from the Lions Den District 14-C “Be a Game Changer” Web Site- Issue-June, 2016 MESSAGE FROM THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Greetings Lions, Lioness and Leo’s, It is hard to believe that my year is almost over. It has been a gratifying year. I am excited that our first preschool vision screening will be happening very soon. If we save just one child's eye sight it will all be worth it. Thank you to all of our clubs for the hospitality you've shown to me, my wife and the Vice District Governors. I want to wish DGE Kerry and Lioness Debbie a successful year, as well as VDGE Dennis. What a great team we have in place! I look forward to continuing my service to this great District as the Leader Dog Chairperson this coming year. Please contact me if your club is interested in my Presentation. Yours in Lionism, DG John Griffie, District Governor 14C MESSAGE FROM THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR ELECT Fellow Members of 14C, On June 19th, I will be leaving for the Lions International Convention in Japan. After having attended our 14C District Convention in April, and the State Convention in May, I am ready to further my education and make even more new Lions friends. Your District is extremely proud of our clubs’ first century of service. 14C Lions, Lionesses & Leos are using their hard earned talents to make south central PA this wonderful place to live that it is. I have noticed in my travels that clubs are very excited to be a part of the anniversary celebration. 2016-2017 International President Bob Corlew says we have new mountains to climb. Your district, your club, and the members are all ready to climb together. We are available to help you. The only position that is still open in the 2016-2017 Governor’s Cabinet is Zone 2C Chairman (Camp Hill, East Pennsboro, Fairview Township, New Cumberland, & West Shore clubs). If you are a Past President, please consider serving your fellow area 2C Lions. Try it for a year. I know you will enjoy helping & bonding with other Lions. Please contact me or PDG Denny Bell as soon as possible. Yours in Lionism, DGE Kerry McKnight (717) 880-6617 1 MESSAGE FROM THE 2nd VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Fellow Lions, Lioness, and Leos, It has been a busy, productive and rewarding year of Lions activities in District 14-C! During this past year we have taken steps to reverse the membership decline in our district and initiated a vision screening project. These are two important initiatives that will strengthen our district, and we need the support and participation of every club in order to achieve success. Information regarding seminars for membership teams will be sent to club presidents and membership chairs soon. Please take advantage of these opportunities and bring a team from your club to one of these seminars. Vision screenings will also begin this summer. The Vision Screening Committee will be using these initial screenings to develop and refine procedures in preparation for training teams from individual clubs to conduct screenings. It’s an exciting time to be part of the leadership team for Districtt14-C. I want to take this opportunity to thank District Governor John Griffie for his leadership and inspiration during the past year. I also look forward to working with District Governor Elect Kerry McKnight as he takes over leadership of the District later this month. Finally, thank you to all of the clubs who welcomed me to your meetings this past year for your hospitality and support. To those clubs I was not able to visit, I look forward to visiting you in the coming year. Yours in SERVICE, Dennis Cope 2nd Vice District Governor 717-357-3142 IMPORTANT / TREASURER NOTES – DISTRICT 14-C All checks that are submitted to the District should be made payable to “Lions International – District 14-C,” with appropriate notation on the memo line or on a separate sheet of paper to identify the nature of the payment. If a separate sheet is used, be sure to include the club making the payment, date, and nature of the payments, i.e. to whom ultimate payment(s) is/are to be made and the respective amounts if there is more than one purpose / payment to be made. Also, please provide the name of an individual and his/her contact information who can be contacted if there are any questions. Multiple checks may be eliminated if a club decides to utilize a separate informational page. Also, please note that all contributions to the District’s funds, including the District Governors’ Fund, should be received by Treasurer Phil Olphin, 18 Country Manor Lane, New Freedom, PA 17349 on or before June 20, 2016 so they can be included as part of the year-end distribution of contributions before June 30th. Submitted by Lion Phil Olphin, Treasurer District 14-C SAVE THE DATES: OCTOBER 28-30, 2016 PENNSYLVANIA LIONS STATE COUNCIL MEETING DISTRICT 14-C will be the host District for the PENNSYLVANIA LIONS STATE COUNCIL meeting this weekend at the Holiday Inn at Grantville, PA. Please put the dates on your calendar now and plan to spend the weekend in Grantville. A special Hospitality Night will be held Friday, October 28, 2016. The theme for the evening will be “AN UNFORGETTABLE NIGHT”. A fun evening for everyone. The Lions in District 14-C want to show the rest of the state we are a hospitable group, so a good representation from the district is a must. Also, PDG George Hilsinger and his Partner in Service will be holding a Basket Raffle, to off-set some of the expenses for the weekend. The committee would be thrilled to have a basket donation from each club in the district. Make plans now to donate a basket or some raffle item, worth at least $50.00. Submitted by PDG Shirley, Committee Chair. 2 STATE COUNCIL MEETING BASKET RAFFLE OCT 28-29 District 14-C will be hosting the October State Council Meeting at the Holiday Inn in Grantville, PA. Host Committee Chairperson PDG Shirley Starner has asked me to be in charge of the Basket Raffle. The Basket Raffle is important because it raises money to pay for the cost of hosting the convention and especially the Hospitality Night Celebration that PDG Shirley hopes will be "A Night to Remember". To make the raffle a success, I am asking that each Lion and Lioness club donate a basket valued at $50 for the raffle. I will need the baskets delivered to the designated room in the hotel by 9:00 am on Friday, October 28th. It would be wonderful if members from each club could attend the council meeting, and deliver the baskets in person, but if you can't, then please arrange with your Zone Chairperson, another club, or a local PDG to get the basket transported to the hotel. I'm also asking for volunteers to come and help me sell raffle tickets. We need four people each day. Call me at 717-530-4978, or email me at if you need help making transportation arrangements or want to volunteer to help. Please don't wait until the last minute! Thank you very much. PDG George Hilsinger CHANGE IN DISTRICT 14-C NEWSLETTER EDITOR This June, 2016 issue of the District newsletter will be my final issue. It has been a pleasure serving as the District 14-C newsletter editor for six of the last seven Lion years. I would like to thank all of the District Governors I have worked with during this time …… PDG’s George Reisinger, Shirley Starner, Noah Krout, George Hilsinger, Lois Jean Mundorff and current DG John Griffie. They are all true Lions and serve their communities well. A special thank you to PDG John Parker for serving as chief “Newsletter Checker”. I believe he has reviewed every newsletter I formatted. Your new District 14-C Newsletter Editor will be Lion Reverend Steve Shipman. Lion Steve was President of the Dillsburg Lions for the current Lion’s year ending June 30. Lion Steve will bring a new perspective to the newsletter. He and DGE Kerry will work well together and should have an excellent year. Lion Steve has requested that articles for publication be sent to his email address or mailed to his home at 436 East Ridge Road, Dillsburg, PA 17019. His contact telephone number is 570-916-7780. LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION (LCIF) RESPONDING TO HUMANITARIAN NEEDS Lions by way of LCIF: We “Lions” Give Sight We “Lions” support Youth We “Lions” provide disaster relief We “Lions” address Humanitarian needs LIONS, as you distribute your funds at the end of the LIONS year please consider a donation to LCIF. Lions Clubs of District 14-C invite me to one of your club meetings for a 20-30-minute presentation on LCIF. I will be able to show you the many ways to donate to LCIF. Our District, over the years has received a TOTAL of $135,252 from LCIF. Contact: District 14-C LCIF Chairman PDG Noah Krout H (717) 225-4892 3 DECEASED MEMBERS Member Club RICHARD L FYLER CHARLIE EISENHART KENNETH E FARENCE DILLSBURG LIONS EAST BERLIN SPRING GROVE LIONS LOIS JEAN MUNDORFF NEW MEMBERS Member MICHAEL D. SHUE ZACHARY M WOLFORD RACHEL I BEAR DAVID R DEUTSCH ANGELA S GINTER EDWARD R GINTER RUTH CONRAD SALLY GETTYS CHARLES L KEEFER CHERYL E KEEFE DOUG MILLER SARA MILLER Club DALLASTOWN LIONS HANOVER LIONS MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS LIONS MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS LIONS MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS LIONS MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS LIONS PINCHOT PARK PINCHOT PARK LIONS LIONS SHIPPENSBURG LIONS LIONS SHIPPENSBURG UPPER ADAMS COUNTY LIONS UPPER ADAMS COUNTY LIONS Sponsor M EDWARD SHUE ROBERT H GOTWALT ROBERT ROBINSON ROBERT ROBINSON ROBERT ROBINSON ROBERT ROBINSON LORRAINE WALTER LORRAINE WALTER JUDITH BAER JUDITH BAER DON STOKEN DON STOKEN DIRECTORY CHANGES JUNE, 2016 Page 48 – change Hanover West Manheim meeting place to Railside Restaurant, 241 N. Railroad Av., Hanover, PA, 17331 Page 61 – change email address of Stewartstown Lions Secretary Tom Jones to UPCOMING LION EVENTS Mo. Day Event Location Contact Information Jun Jul 24-28 17 International Convention Pa Lions Appreciation Day Club Secretary Club Secretary Jul 27 Banner Exchange Aug Sep 20 15-17 Nov 4, 2017 Zone 1A Crab Feed USA/Canada Leadership Forum Hanover Lions 85th Anniv. Fukuoka, Japan Beacon Lodge Campground 114 SR 103 S., Mount Union Inn 94, 4805 Carlisle Pike, New Oxford New Oxford Social Club Omaha, Nebraska Undetermined Club Secretary Club Secretary Club Secretary Club Secretary THE EYE SCREENING PROJECT WILL BE LAUNCHED IN JUNE AT TWO LOCATIONS. A DREAM COME TRUE FOR DISTRICT GOVERNOR JOHN GRIFFIE, JR. 4 NAME 17350 624-8165 17303 677-7010 116 Kohler Mill Road PO Box 428 17408 792-2367 17315 292-6644 York Dover Mt. Wolf Red Lion Seven Valleys Carlisle Mount Wolf Fairfield 85 Forry Street 2220 Locust Road 225 Riviera Street 330 S. Camp Street 391 Locus Ridge Lane 45 Summerfield Drive P.O. Box 583 52 Diane Trail 17324 528-4050 Gardners Gardners Mechanicsburg New Freedom Dallastown Gardners York 25 Goodyear Road 25 Goodyear Road 3903 Chippenham RD 275 Reehling Road 430 Dartha Dr. 25 Goodyear Road 85 Forry St. 17324 528-4050 17408 792-2367 17313 246-0809 17050 732-4075 17349 235-7086 17324 528-4050 17050 309-9623 " " 17349 759-8526 112 James Madison Dr. Mechanicsburg " " 9 Old Farm Lane New Freedom 17015 249-4627 17347 266-5892 17320 642-9995 17347 266-1923 17356 246-0872 17360 428-3161 17257 766-7573 17019 432-2448 527 Springfield Road Shippensburg 230 S. Baltimore Street Dillsburg New Oxford Arendtsville 17362 225-3644 17349 235-0938 17350 624-8165 JGROTHEY@NFDC.NET NMLONTZ@AOL.COM " PHONE EMAIL 857 Lake Road Spring Grove 18 Country Manor Lane New Freedom 116 Kohler Mill Road New Oxford ZIP 17349 235-2790 17303 677-6283 CITY (All PA) York Springs York New Salem Dallastown Camp Hill New Freedom York Springs York Springs Mechanicsburg " New Freedom Carlisle Susquehanna Fairfield York White Rose Brogue Jacobus York New Salem Dover Shippensburg Dillsburg New Oxford Arendtsville Spring Grove New Freedom New Oxford New Freedom Arendtsville CLUB (Note: Please notify Webmaster PDG John Parker of any changes needed.) New Freedom Arendtsville 6 Mulberry Lane PO Box 514 ADDRESS DISTRICT 14-C MINI DIRECTORY 2016 - 2017 District Governor Kerry McKnight (Deb) 1st Vice District Dennis Cope (Jamie) 2nd Vice District Gov. To Be Named Cabinet Secretary Robert (Bob) Jacobs Cabinet Treasurer Phil Olphin Immediate Past DG John Griffie, Jr (Lisa) REGION 1 Zone Chair 1-A Lisa Griffie (IPDG John) Zone Chair 1-B Dennis Cronin REGION 2 Zone Chair 2-A Dan Brant Zone Chair 2-B R. Brian Radcliffe Zone Chair2-C REGION 3 Zone Chair 3-A Clarence "CR" Lloyd Zone Chair 3-B Duane Hull REGION 4 Zone Chair 4-A Wanda Reisinger Zone Chair 4-B Douglas Nace Zone Chair 4-C Alan E. Diehl ADMINISTRATIVE CHAIRPERSONS Audit Committee Jay W. McBride Chair Audit Committee Michael Amsler Audit Committee Rebecca Bequette Blood Bank Chairs Adams: Nevin & Marie Lontz Cumberland " York: Tom Foley Gus Fridenvalds, PCC Chaplain (Gail) Club Excellence Gus Fridenvalds, PCC Program (CEP) (Gail) District Convention Chair Dennis Bell, PDG (Sandi) Facilities Chair Steve Grothey Family & Women's Mbr Devel. Theresa & Mike Craley Global Membership Gus Fridenvalds, PCC Team (GMT) (Gail) GMT CR Lloyd (Judy) OFFICE As of: 5/25/16 OFFICE NAME ADDRESS Larry & Louanna Bare Steve Shipman Patricia Simpson (Larry) Cecil Mundorff, PDG J. Ross McGinnis Lion/Lioness Co-Chairs Newsletter Editor Public Relations Parliamentarian Solicitor Noah Krout, PDG (Becky) 406 Little Creek Rd Vacant Patti Hullmann (Terry) 407 Locus Ridge Lane Timothy McCaulley (Lana) 12 Fieldstone Drive LCIF Coordinator Lions Quest Program Peace Poster Bonnie Hensel Gene Kilgore (Doris) Vacant John Griffie, Jr (Lisa) Leader Dog Pin Trader Sight Conservation & Eye Research Recycled Eye Glasses Youth Exchange 4925 Smoketown Rd 107 S. Walnut St. Larry Simpson (Pat) Ray Rosnick (Virginia) 17403 848-9546 17302 862-3782 17050 766-9196 17360 428-3659 Seven Valleys Mechanicsburg 17362 225-4892 17329 229-2396 17055 766-0195 17350 624-8165 17324 528-4050 Spring Grove New Oxford Brodbecks Mechanicsburg Gardners 317 Bristol Drive, Apt. C York 389 McCall's Ferry Rd Airville 116 Kohler Mill Road 25 Goodyear Road Diabetes Awareness Environmental Awareness Hearing Research Felton Beacon Lodge Liaison 17322 244-2971 17406 650-2966 York 30 Pond Road Richard Hoens (Patricia) Gail Friedenvalds (PCC Gus) Jefferson Dillsburg Dover Lioness Pinchot Park York New Salem Jacobus Camp Hill CLUB Shiloh Mason Dixon Mechanicsburg Jacobus Jefferson New Oxford Jefferson Mechanicsburg York Springs Brogue York White Rose Camp Hill Jacobus Brogue m Mason Dixon 17050 732-4075 17403 428-3983 17322 927-6662 17321 382-4407 17329 229-2396 Mechanicsburg York Felton Fawn Grove Brodbecks Dillsburg 17406 650-2966 570-91617019 7780 17365 432-4200 17408 792-2367 Wellsville York York 17403 428-3983 PHONE EMAIL 17050 732-4075 ZIP York Mechanicsburg CITY (All PA) USA/CANADA Forum Dennis Bell, PDG (Sandi) 3903 Chippenham RD Webmaster John Parker, PDG (Lynn) 474 North Rd. PROJECT CHAIRPERSONS Louanna Bare (PDG Beacon Lodge 500 Club Larry) 605 Hammond Rd 2085 Delta Road PO Box 253 4925 Smoketown Rd 436 East Ridge Road 605 Hammond Road John Parker, PDG (Lynn) 474 North Rd. Alvin Hayes, PDG (Donna) 330 Wellsville Road CR Lloyd (Judy) 85 Forry St. Information Technology International Convention Chair LEO Chair Global Leadershp Team (GLT) Dennis Bell, PDG (Sandi) 3903 Chippenham RD PENNSYLVANIA LIONS BEACON LODGE CAMP 114 SR 103 SOUTH, MOUNT UNION PA 17066 (P) 814-542-2511 (F) 814-542-7437 Web: Email: PENNSYLVANIA LIONS APPRECIATION DAY CELEBRATING 68 CONTINUOUS YEARS OF CAMPING SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016 Sunday, July 17, 2016 has been designated as “Pennsylvania Lions Appreciation Day”. This is the day to recognize Immediate Past District Governors, District Liaisons, and all Lions, Lionesses, and Leos, for their outstanding support of the Beacon Lodge Program. You, as a Lion, Lioness or Leo, are cordially invited to bring your families to Beacon Lodge to join the festivities. The day begins with a chicken barbecue served from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, $10.00 per person and includes one-half chicken, salad, baked beans, roll, coffee, iced tea and dessert. Pin Traders are invited to participate – contact Tim McCaulley at 12 Fieldstone Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, if you wish to display pins. Clubs planning to arrange for bus transportation are urged to give the camp ample notice so that adequate parking arrangements can be made. Bring lawn chairs, and or blankets for seating during the camper's talent show. We hope you will be able to visit the camp on “Pennsylvania Lions Appreciation Day” to observe what your contributions have made possible. Every Lion in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania should be very proud of the part they play in making the Beacon Lodge Camp possible. PRE-PAID RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE IN ADVANCE BY JULY 5 FOR THE BARBECUE PLEASE SEND COMPLETED FORM (BELOW) TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS WITH PAYMENT PLEASE NOTE: NO RESERVATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER JULY 5, 2016 PENNSYLVANIA LIONS APPRECIATION DAY JULY 17, 2016 _- PLEASE RESERVE ______ CHICKEN BARBECUE DINNERS @$10.00 EACH = TOTAL $ _____________ TICKETS WILL BE PICKED UP ON JULY 17 BY: NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON MAKING RESERVATION: NAME STREET CITY STATE ZIP Club and District TOTAL ENCLOSED $ __________________ A 501(c) 3 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (GIFTS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE) 7 RED LION LIONS PRESENT CLUB PIN TO LCI PRESIDENT Red Lion Lions Club President David Vinson presented Lions International President Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada with a Red Lion Lions Pin during the Pennsylvania State Convention in May. DISTRICT 14-C ZONE 2A LIONS JOIN TO HELP AREA CHILD Tara Garman is an energetic 7-year-old who has a rare genetic disease known as Juvenile Batten Disease. There is no known treatment or cure. It will slowly rob Tara of her ability to see, move, speak, remember, and eat. It is a fatal disease that will steal her away piece by piece. Doctors have found hope in an experimental stem cell transplant. Tara underwent this procedure at Duke in Durham, NC. She and her mother have been residing there since Thanksgiving. Because this is experimental, insurance will not cover everything. When news of the Garman family's situation reached area Lions Clubs, two special steering meetings were called by Zone Chairman Dan Brant and Past Zone Chairman Peck Freeland. And with that, a coordinated series of fundraising events was established by Lions Clubs in Carlisle, Jacksonville (Walnut Bottom), Mt. Holly Springs, Newville, Plainfield and York Springs. Recently, Jacksonville Lions Al Grove and George Hilsinger assisted with the Mt. Holly Springs fishing derby, after which the Mt. Holly Springs Lions Club presented a $1000 check to the Garman family. A Yard Sale/Flea Market and chicken BBQ will be held on Saturday, June 4, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the South Newton Township Volunteer Fire Company, 16 Firehouse Road, Walnut Bottom, PA. The Jacksonville Lions Club will cook the BBQ chicken. 10' x 10' spaces are available for $10. Indoor spaces will be issued on a first-come, firstserved basis, with a limit of 2. Tables for indoor spaces are available for rent for an additional $5/table. Outside, please bring your own table and/or canopy. If you have unwanted treasures but don't have the time or energy to price and sell them, volunteers at the sale will process and sell your donated items. All proceeds go directly to the Garman family. Watch for details on the other Garman family fund-raisers sponsored by area Lions Clubs, including the June 11 benefit auction by Rick Foreman at Shippensburg Auction Center; August 13 Golf Tournament at Eagles Crossing; August 17 Cruz-In Car Show at Green Village Restaurant; August 27 benefit auction by Hoober Inc. in Chambersburg; and, the September 3 bake sale at The Country Butcher. A gospel band concert is also forming. These efforts show the impact that Lions can have once again when honoring their motto, "We Serve." The Jacksonville Lions' next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Newton Township firehouse in Walnut Bottom. The meetings and activities are fast moving and well organized, requiring on average just a couple hours per Lion each month. Potential members are encouraged to ask any Lion, drop a note to PO Box 67 in Walnut Bottom, visit the Jacksonville Lions Club Facebook page or better yet, come to the next meeting to hear about our service projects and membership opportunities while enjoying a complimentary dessert. Submitted by John Luthy, Secretary Jacksonville Lions, 532-7276 8 LIONS CLUB GOLF OUTING HELP TARA’S FIGHT AGAINST BATTEN DISEASE Saturday, August 13, 2016 EAGLES CROSSING GOLF COURSE 501 CONODOGUINET AVENUE CARLISLE, PA 17015 Tara Garman is an energetic 7 year old who attends the Big Spring Elementary School and has a rare genetic disease known as Juvenile Batten Disease. There is no known treatment or cure. It will slowly rob Tara of her ability to see, move, speak, remember and hear. It is a fatal disease that will steal her away piece by piece. Your support will go a long way in helping this little girl and her family. Noon Registration 1:30 p.m. Shotgun Start Lunch & Dinner will be provided $65.00 per person, $260 per team if signed up prior to July 13, 2016 $70 per person after July 13, 2016 Prizes and Games Longest Drive: Ladies and Men’s Closest to the Pin $10,000 Hole in One Pot of Gold 50/50 ($5.00 per player optional) Mulligans & Raffle Tickets are available Please prepay by July 13, 2016 Make checks payable to “Tara’s Fight Against Batten Disease”, and send this completed form to: Lions Clubs Golf Tournament, Attention Pat Lee, 1009 Forbes Road, Carlisle, Pa 17013. Need more information? Contact Pat Lee 717-243-9189 Please Print Captain _______________________ Phone# _________________ E-Mail Player ________________________ Phone# _________________ E-Mail Player ________________________ Phone# _________________ E-Mail Player ________________________ Phone# _________________ E-Mail _______ Thank You for Your Support! I can’t make it on the 13th. Enclosed is my donation of $ 9 PEACE POSTER CONTEST AND ESSAY CONTEST “A Celebration of Peace” Lions of 14-C-make this year be the year to participate in the Peace Poster Contest with your club. Now is the time to order your kits for the Peace Poster Contest for 2016-2017! Order a kit online at: or call Club Supplies Sales at (630)571-5466 or 1-800-710-7822. The 2015-2016 winner of the Peace Poster Contest was Yumo Zhu, a 12 year old student from China. The theme was, “Share Peace.” As quoted from the Lion Magazine, “Art is open to interpretation, but, Yumo’s creation seems to suggest that like a cake oozing with delights, peace is a sweet deal that comes with cherries on top.” Is there anything more “sweet” than world peace? The peace posters submitted this past year from the Lions Clubs of 14-C were absolutely incredible. By just looking at the posters, one could see the amount of research, time, thought, and creative talent that was invested into each poster. But, we need more clubs to be participating and giving this incredible opportunity to our youth! Encourage a volunteer from your Lions Club to offer the opportunity to a classroom of children, a Scout troop, a baseball team, a Sunday School Class or a Youth Group to participate in the Peace Poster Contest. Some of our Lions Clubs and schools have made it a tradition which both groups look forward to annually. Remember one kit must be purchased for each group your club sponsors. The Theme for the 2016-2017 Peace Poster Contest is “A Celebration of Peace.” Students ages 11, 12, or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate. The last date to order a kit is October 1, 2016. Each year, Lions Clubs around the world proudly sponsor the Lions International Peace Poster Contest in local school and youth groups. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace. For more than 25 years, millions of children from nearly 100 countries have participated in the contest. Lions Clubs around the world are, also, encouraged to sponsor students in the Lions International Essay Contest. This essay contest was created to offer an opportunity to visually impaired young people to express their feelings of peace. The theme of the 2016-2017 International Essay Contest is “A Celebration of Peace.” Students who are visually impaired and who are ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate. For the essay contest rules and application form, go online to: Any questions, please contact Lion Patti Hullmann at or call 717-428-3659. 10 2016 - 4th of July 52nd Annual “BLAST” in Jacobus Monday, July 4th, 2016 8:00AM through Fireworks at dusk (Rain Date: July 5th: 6:00pm through Fireworks) Jacobus Community Park – S. Main Street, Jacobus, PA 17407 Track the latest schedule of events at: EVENT SCHEDULE 8:00AM: COLOR FESTIVAL FUN RUN 9:15AM: Children’s Parade (“Celebrate Freedom”) Starts on Franklin St. in Salem UCC back parking lot. Parade Registration begins at 8:30AM. (Registration form) 9:30AM: Opening Ceremony: [HONOR TO MILITARY] – Park Flag Pole Area. *Kids Games *Kids Tractor Pull. *Baseball Game *Beep Baseball * Face Painting *BINGO *Harmony Hill Puppet Theatre *Balloon Creations by Balloonables * Commercial and Community Displays * Raffle and Silent Auction *Village Library Book Sale *Various Food and Craft Vendors *Chicken Barbeque *Cake Walk *Blood Pressure Screening * Music Fest 10:00AM to 6:00PM (variety of music for all ages) MUSICAL EVENING ENTERTAINMENT ON THE FIELD 6:00PM: First Capitol Drum Line 6:45PM: Emigsville Band ****FIREWORKS AT DUSK**** CONTACTS: Sponsor - Event Chairperson: Vendor – Exhibitor Chairperson: General Information: Color Run: Terry/Patti Hullmann Tammy/Bryan Ream John Parker Katrina Thompson 428-3659 324-7103 428-3983 676-2817 YORK WHITE ROSE LIONS & NELL’S PARTNER FOR FOOD DRIVE Thanks to the generosity of the customers of Nell’s Shurfine Market in Spry. On May 7th, the York White Rose Lions Club collected 1557 Lbs. of food for the York County Food Bank. Left to Right, Club President Wanda Reisinger, Lion Dwight Hollenbach, Lion Rosie Sinclair and Club Secretary Gordon Sinclair. Submitted by Lion Wanda Reisinger, President, York White Rose Lions 11 DISTRICT CONVENTION APRIL 23, 2016 District Governor John received Past International Director (PID) Richard Liebno’s Flag Basket Raffle run by PDG George & Lion Gloria Ann Hilsinger (pictured Left) Beacon Lodge Table - Lion Wanda Reisinger and Lion/Lioness Louanna Bare (pictured bottom right) 12 DISTRICT CONVENTION APRIL 23, 2016 CONGRATULATIONS TO THIS YEARS AWARD WINNERS PICTURED BELOW. The following Awards were handed out by PID Richard Liebno. Top Left – Center Lion Dennis Meckley receives International President Award; Bottom Left - Lion Jake Bucher receives the PA Counselors Award; Top Right - DGE Kerry McKnight receives the PA Counselors Award; Bottom Right - DGE Dennis Cope receives the International Presidents Award DG John Griffie handed out Golden Lion awards to PDG Al Hayes (left) and Lion Luther Drumgold (top right). Lioness Lynne Parker received the Silver Lioness award (bottom right) 13 DISTRICT CONVENTION APRIL 23, 2016 Our guest speaker this year was Past International Director Richard Liebno (bottom left) PID Liebno and his wife, Lion Grace were presented with gifts from the District (top right). District 14C Leaders (DG John Griffie, DGE Kerry McKnight and VDGE Dennis Cope) are pictured in the bottom right picture with PID Liebno and Lion Grace. This year’s convention had many informative Seminars, pictured below are the Membership Seminar and President’s Training. Various other trainings were also held but not pictured. 14 DISTRICT CONVENTION APRIL 23, 2016 Pictured below is DGE Kerry McKnight as he gives his acceptance speech (left). In the top right photo, DGE Kerry is pictured with his home club the New Freedom Lions as he presents his theme photo for this coming year “All aboard to Serve”. Pictured in the bottom right are DGE Kerry and VDGE Dennis Cope. . After the Convention, everyone was invited to attend to dinner at Inn 94, as pictured below. What a great way to end a great Convention. 15 JACKSONVILLE LIONS SUPPORT WALNUT BOTTOM 200TH ANNIVERSARY Historical marker raising (rear: Lions Larry Flood, Scott Gleim & Nathan Grippin; front neighbor Luke Martin & President Lion Al Grove; photographer PDG George Hilsinger) Historical marker installed (left-right: Lions Larry Flood, Nathan Grippin, Dave Evelhoch, Scott Gleim and President Lion Al Grove; photographer PDG George Hilsinger) You Know You're in Walnut Bottom When... You know you're in Walnut Bottom when you see the bright and shiny historical marker that now tells you so! But you will also know because once again the community and the Jacksonville Lions Club have joined together to make things better in Walnut Bottom. Walnut Bottom, once known as Jacksonville, will be celebrating its 200th Anniversary in 2019. At a bicentennial planning meeting last year, the need to refurbish the village's historical marker was discussed. Jacksonville Lions Club member Glorianne Hilsinger reported this discussion to the club, which quickly and unanimously voted to adopt this as a community service project. Lions Dave Evelhoch and President Al Grove determined, upon further review, that the project would be a bit involved. Pressing club commitments and weather impacted the club's availability A shiny sign on a sunny day! (photographer Lion Al until this spring. Grove) At the March 2016 meeting, President Grove announced that neighbor Luke Martin, on whose property the sign had been located, had already pulled it from the ground and removed the concrete from its base. Martin even sandblasted the sign so that it was now ready to be repainted! "Rembrandt" Grove did the honors. Meanwhile, approvals were collected and the call went out to Jacksonville Lions to help install the sign in its new location. On a cold and grey April morning, Jacksonville Lions Dave Evelhoch, Larry Flood, Scott Gleim, Nathan Grippin, Al Grove, George Hilsinger plus neighbor Luke Martin got the refurbished sign in place. From start to finish, this project involved about half of the fourteen Jacksonville Lions, who invested some 24 hours, on top of the great work accomplished by neighbor Luke Martin. The Jacksonville Lions' next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Newton Township firehouse in Walnut Bottom. The meetings and activities are fast moving and well organized, requiring on average just a couple hours per Lion each month. Potential members are encouraged to ask any Lion, drop a note to PO Box 67 in Walnut Bottom, visit the Jacksonville Lions Club Facebook page or better yet, come to the next meeting to hear about our service projects and membership opportunities while enjoying a complimentary dessert. Follow the "Friends of the Walnut Bottom, PA Bicentennial Celebration, 2019" on Facebook. Submitted by John Luthy, Secretary Jacksonville Lions, 532-7276 16 EAST PROSPECT LIONS CLUB DONATES $7,200 TO LOCAL COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS 2016 East Prospect Lions Recipients from left to right (both rows) Canadochly School nurse, Thomasine Hoke; Waters Edge UM Church Food Pantry, Sid Leibhart; Canadochly Valley Ambulance Club, Ed Beashay; Young Nights Football, Brian Courtright; Craley Playground, Wade Sitler; Craley Fire Co., Edward Bookmyer; Susquehanna Senior Center, Jean Smith; East Prospect Playground, Mark Toomey; Susquehanna Senior Center, Tracey Price; Yorkana Fire Co., Charles Hose; East Prospect Fire Co., Wayne Heiland; Wrightsville Fire Co, Justin Poole; Lake Clark Rescue, Charles Tagleri; Susquehanna Senior Center, Trina Howard; Eastern York Forest Fire Crew, Jack Bowers; Canadochly Lutheran Church Food Bank, Vickie Anspach; East Prospect Lions Club President, Terry Kemp. Not pictured Calvary Bible Church, Pastor Joe Fauth. Submitted by East Prospect Lions President Terry Kemp SUSQUEHANNA LIONS PRESENT SCHOLARSHIP Northeastern High School graduating senior Kayli Rentzel (right) received the Susquehanna Lions Club 2016 Scholarship which was presented to her by Lion Past President Scott Wojtkowiak at the Senior Award Night Program on May 26th. Kayli plans to attend Penn State Main to major in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Spanish. Congratulations Kayli!!!!!! Article submitted by Susquehanna Lions Past President Scott Wojtkowiak 17 CHICKEN BBQ DINNER The Weigelstown Lions Club Sat. June 11th 10:30 AM until sold-out The meal will include ½ BBQ Chicken, Baked potato, roll & apple sauce. Stop by our stands at the Fox Run Road & Route #74 intersection or at CVS parking lot intersection of Route #74 and Davidsburg Road. Proceeds benefit Dover Community organizations and the sight impaired. 18 DISTRICT 14-C LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL JOHN GRIFFIE JR., DISTRICT GOVERNOR 116 KOHLER MILL ROAD NEW OXFORD, PA 17350