read - Madamfo Ghana


read - Madamfo Ghana
Newsletter 1/2011
Dear friends and sponsors of Madamfo Ghana!
-Madamfo is the Ghanaian word for friendThis newsletter contains a number of current topics for your information. A crew of Stern
TV accompanied me to Ghana once again. The team of three came in January to get an
impression of what has been achieved since their visit in October 2009. The feature will be
broadcast in Stern TV. I shall inform you of the date and time on my homepage in due course.
Again I shall be live on TV.
And now enjoy the latest project information.
Ghana is in West Africa
Newsletter 1/2011
Project areas Madamfo Ghana e.V. in 2011
Ashanti Region, Brong Ahafo Region, Eastern Region und Volta Region
The locations of our projects are marked with blue stars.
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v Volta Region
Project against child trafficking at Lake Volta
Lake Volta, East Ghana
We have rescued 102 children from slavery so far.
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Identification of children in our two target villages Awate Tornu and Wusuta Kpebe is
completed. Currently there are 102 children safely housed in the children’s home and with
foster parents. Several times per week my colleagues visit these children together with the
local social welfare officer Mr. Roland Kumfo.
We identified two groups of children:
1. natural children of fishermen who also work on the lake.
2. trafficked children working for the fishermen on the lake.
Ø For the natural children we intend to create structures in their home villages to
ensure that they grow up safe, healthy and carefree. For this purpose we build wells,
toilet facilities, schools, nurseries and small hospital units for primary health care in
the villages. For the near future we plan vaccination campaigns, specifically polio and
tetanus, and to employ Community Health Nurses. These will then be our local
contacts on site.
Ø To date
we built three wells
two toilet facilities are under construction
we are happy to inform you that the Ghanaian state is constructing an
elementary school in Wusuta Kpebe
we are planning construction of an elementary school for Awate Tornu
Ø Our combined strategies served to rescue a total of 102 enslaved children, so-called
trafficked children.
Mr Kumfo (Social Welfare Officer, Kpando District) ensured a "care-order" for these
children so that these children legally and officially become wards of the Ghanaian
state. Madamfo Ghana e.V. is registered as so-called "feed-person" and supporter and
thereby as the official sponsor for all these children. We then organize sponsorships
for support of individual children. Madamfo Ghana still has no home of its own, so we
cooperate with three children’s homes in the Kpando District.
Ø 50,-- € per child per month are required for the children’s home.
Interested in sponsoring one of the fisher children?
We took all 102 children released by their masters either to children’s homes or to foster
Now I am looking for sponsors for these children. With the sponsors’ contributions we
finance meals, health insurance, school/vocational training, clothes/hygiene articles and
psychological care.
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An important moment: the German sponsor’s letter has arrived. I act as postwoman – so we
save stamps, and arrival is guaranteed!
This child is still waiting for our help
Newsletter 1/2011
v Interested in an individual sponsorship? Please send me an email:
v For more information also see:
Strategies to rescue children
Ø We use a combination of four strategies to rescue the children from their masters.
For more information on strategies employed see:
1. Awareness campaign together with our partner CDC.
In February 2010 we started awareness campaigns in the fishing villages of the Kpando
STATUS: Campaigns concluded in Kpando-Torkor, Wusuta Kpebe, Awate Tornu, Anfoe
Agata Anyigbe, Tsitey Korpe/Aglama and Bayiborme
Sensitization of villagers in target villages, specifically fishermen, interested other
individuals, traditional authorities like Chiefs and village elders via:
NEW: Radio campaign
Madamfo-Ghana has a weekly radio feature starting April 2011 with „Voltastar“. We
reach many people since almost everybody has a radio, and “Voltastar” is a very
popular station. My partners Mr Emmanuel Stephenson and Mrs Joycelyn Ochlich
will use the regular 30-minute feature to inform on the situation at Lake Volta and on
ways how to end child labour. We shall invite an expert for each broadcast, e.g. the
government representative for the Ministry of Children’s Affairs, or the ILO (Int.
Labour Organisation) representative. Local music popular among fishermen will add
to the attractivity of the feature.
Puppet show: A puppet show illustrates how children are sold and enslaved, taken to
the lake and used as cheap labour for fishing. The playful character of the show with
drums and music and the non-accusatory format served to reach a large number of
people and attract much attention.
Speeches and information by my project manager Mrs. Joycelin Ochlich, human
rights supporters, representatives of ministries, police, navy and churches.
Newsletter 1/2011
Distribution of the Human Trafficking Act in Ewe
We had this passage of the Act translated into Ewe, the local tribal language. Now
many locals have access to legal regulations which they did not really know before.
Distribution of posters
The posters illustrate how children are sold and trafficked. They help to show the
problems to all those who are unable to read.
For more details see the latest project report:
Action plan January to April 2011:
Campaign in the Kpando District, January 2011
Newsletter 1/2011
Fisher children, Kpando District, January 2011
Puppet show: the boy being sold by his father
Newsletter 1/2011
Sensitization campaign in Kpando Torkor
Information material in the tribal language and posters for all who cannot read!
Newsletter 1/2011
2. Self help program for fisherman to improve their financial situation so that they can do
without children as cheap labour.
We concluded the first stage in cooperation with the Ghanaian Fishery
Ministry. The first catch was from middle of January 2011 to March 2011. Three
cages remain to be handled.
Ø We provide cages, baby fish, fish feed and advice when the time has come to sell the
Costs per cage in the charge of one group of fishermen:
3970,-- €, covering all costs up to first catch (baby fish, fish feed, cage, monitoring).
So far we have provided 21 cages to the two villages.
Ø The Fishery Ministry, represented by Director Sanaky, is in charge of monitoring and
evaluation. We hired seven additional men for daily maintenance to ensure that
feeding and handling correspond to the Ministry’s instructions.
Two boats ensure smooth handling of the project in the villages
Newsletter 1/2011
The Madamfo Ghana boat
Newsletter 1/2011
Outboard motors surplace children in rowing the boats
After the first round of sales we registered a profit of ca. 26.000 €. Our plan:
1. The fishermen get part of the profit as wages.
2. Another part is used to buy new baby fish, feed etc. for the second round.
3. The third part is paid into a special savings account. We shall use this money to start fish
farming in the next villages under consideration, and thus to find more partner villages in the
fight against child trafficking. After 5-6 rounds (each round is ca. 6 months) we hope to
recover our original investment. This will then be reinvested for the next villages.
Current developments:
We have adhered to points 2 and 3. A dialogue has started between the fishermen and the
project managers. One option is that the fishermen might prefer a project instead of the
money, e.g. a clinic. But this is not for individuals to decide and has to be negotiated openly
among all parties concerned. I am sure that my next newsletter will have more information in
this respect.
Newsletter 1/2011
Cage for fish farming: 5 m x 5 m x 5 m; the cage is being anchored in the lake
Newsletter 1/2011
Fish farming project from left to right: Mr Emmanuel Stephenson Madamfo Ghana e.V.,
Mrs Joycelin Ochlich CDC, Bettina Landgrafe Madamfo Ghana e.V., Mr Romeo Appiah cage
builder and fish farmer, Stanley Ahorlu CDC, Mr Godfred Lomotey cage builder and fish
farmer, Mr Sanaky fishery director, Mr Peng-Yir Fishery Ministry Accra
Catch middle of January 2011
Newsletter 1/2011
Fish sale in the village
3. Self help program for parents to improve their financial situation so that they need not
sell their children.
Newsletter 1/2011
We contact the parents of rescued children in order to discuss their own and their
children’s situation
The Ghanaian state is in charge of this project
The children’s welfare is the first priority
Status: currently in planning/in operation
1. a trip to 100 parents of rescued children to give advice and invite them to workshops
where they receive information and training for gainful activities
2. identification and councelling of parents of rescued children
3. workshops for 100 parents in groups of 20 each, where they receive information and
training for small business enterprises
4. start-up support for parents
4. Projects for the benefit of the entire village population
a) Awate Tornu:
clean drinking water; well drilled April 2010
KVIP toilet facility, under construction
A kindergarten and an elementary school, in the planning stage
A community nurse
b) Wusuta Kpebe:
Clean drinking water; well drilled April 2010
KVIP toilet facility, under construction
A kindergarten and three class rooms for the elementary school, under construction by
the Ghanaian authorities
A community nurse
Newsletter 1/2011
Toilet facility under construction, Wusuta Kpebe – a large brick of this size costs 70 cent
Since we started the project against child trafficking in February 2010 we have been able to
rescue 102 children and take them to children’s homes or to foster families.
Currently we are identifying their natural parents and check whether they can take the
children back. At the same time we offer to train parents and give start-up support for small
businesses of their own.
Fish faming has started with the second stage and the idea is to extend the project. There are
ongoing negotiations as to the immediate benefits for the fishermen.
We are on the way to help children at Lake Volta to spend a childhood as each child should:
waking up in safety, learning, playing, sleeping without worries and getting an education.
But much remains to be done. We have developed strategies and measures which make a
difference and permit us to rescue the children. We have rescued 102, but there are so
many left waiting for our help.
Newsletter 1/2011
These children have been rescued. they can play and learn.
Newsletter 1/2011
What you can do
Make a present, send a community nurse to the fishing villages
For 7 € per day we can send a community nurse to the villages to examine and treat
children on site.
Give the children a brick for the construction of their school
70 Cent pay for a brick, and the school is gradually growing
Give a double seat for two school children
For 25 € two school children get a double seat
Become a sponsor for an individual child
50 € per month pay for meals, health insurance, school education/vocational training,
clothes/hygiene articles and psychological care
Make a child smile whom we have taken to foster parents
What makes a child in Ghana smile? The same things that make children smile all
over the world: a nice toy, or favourite food! For 25 € per month a former slave child
can eat favourite meals or play to his or her heart’s delight!
Help us to ensure that children are not trafficked in the first place
Information and prevention are the best and most effective way to protect children
from slavery. Our radio features reach tens of thousands. 75 € is the cost of 30 minutes
of intensive campaigning. 75 €, which might save a child from being sold!
Newsletter 1/2011
Madamfo Ghana children’s home in Ho
Near the regional hospital in the small town of Ho we acquired a large site of two hectares of
land. Here the construction of the Madamfo Ghana children’s home startet in January 2011.
This is where we intend to accommodate those children from the rescue project whose
difficult family situation does not permit to return them to their own families.
Construction site for the Madamfo Ghana children’s home
Newsletter 1/2011
Site of the planned Madamfo Ghana children’s home
Newsletter 1/2011
Clinic and small homes for leprous patients
STERN TV with Günter Jauch broadcast an impressive documentary on
our struggle for leprous patients on 07.07.2010. Thanks to the tremendous response to this
documentary we have been able to construct eight units to house leprous patients, and we
also hired a nurse with special training in the care of leprous patients.
Housing units for leprous patients
For the documentary see our homepage:
For all details of the leprosy project see:
Newsletter 1/2011
Before: this is what huts of leprous patients looked like
In the BONITA Leprosy Clinic we started treating the wounds of leprous patients in October
2010. A small kitchen and dining hall are also part of the project. Comparable to the school
meal project, patients receive one hot meal per day.
BONITA Leprosy Clinic
Newsletter 1/2011
This patient is paralyzed. We provided a proper hospital bed for her. For 1,50 € per day we can
dress her wounds and feed her.
This man needs daily dressing of his wound, otherwise he might die of blood poisoning. Costs: 50
cent per day.
Newsletter 1/2011
What can you do to help our leprous patients?
Give medical treatment to leprous patients
For 7 € per day we can send another nurse to the villages to treat leprous patients
Become a sponsor for one leprous patient
1,50 € per day is enough to ensure food and medical care
Give one brick or wood for the construction of a small hut
For 70 cent you can buy one brick, or one wooden beam for 6,00 €
v Ashanti Region
School sponsorship program
Fees have to be paid in Ghana for secondary school (comparable to Gymnasium in Germany)
and vocational education as well as university. We help children to improve their education,
since education is the key to a life in autonomy.
We support secondary education with 100,-- € per year, vocational training with 150.-- € per
year. 40 children and adolescents are still waiting for sponsors to support their education.
If you consider supporting a child with 8,33 € per month, please write me:
Linda and Dorcas are among the lucky ones,
they found sponsors. Linda is going to study,
and Dorcas wants to be a cook.
Newsletter 1/2011
School meal program
Kitchen in Detiaso
School meal in Detiaso
Newsletter 1/2011
In the villages of Apewu, Banso and Detiaso we give out one meal per day to over
600 children. Otherwise these children would get food only from time to time.
Ø If you are interested in sponsoring a child’s school education or sponsoring the
school meal program, please send me an email: or for project details see here: and
Newsletter 1/2011
How to support children at Lake Bosomtwi?
Give a double seat for two schoolchildren
Two children can share a double seat for 25 €.
Become a sponsor of one child in the school meal program
9 € per month are enough to feed one child
Become a sponsor of one child in the school/education sponsor program
100 € per year pay school tuition fees for one youngster,
150 € per year university tuition fees for one youngster.
Help us to construct more schools and kindergartens at the remote Lake
Education is the key to a life in autonomy. Children in remote areas who get the
chance to attend a kindergarten or school get a chance to lead a self-determined life.
70 cent pay for one brick, and 6,00 € for one wooden beam.
Further project plans 2011
v Brong Ahafo Region
With the support of the initiative „RTL Spendenmarathon“ we plan to construct a
children’s hospital, a ward for prevention, disease control and birth control as well as
accommodation for nurses in the village of Brodi. Prominent sponsor of this project:
Atze Schröder, famous comedian in Germany. For more information see:
The Bonita Foundation gives funds for the construction of a laboratory annex to the
clinic, the only laboratory in the entire district.
Across the road from the chiildren’s hospital, a kindergarten for 40 infants is
currently being built with „Neuapostolische Kirche Süddeutschlands” as the sponsor.
The project is scheduled to be concluded and inaugurated by September 2011.
Newsletter 1/2011
v Ashanti Region
We plan to renovate this school in Detiaso, Ashanti Region
We are constructing a kindergarten in Dunkura to provide appropriate
education for these children
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The village school in Dunkura is in urgend need of renovation.
A small maternity ward, also in Dunkura, will help to reduce mortality rates among
newborn babies and mothers.
Toilet facilities for the villages of Hantaase and Esaase are top priority
v Volta Region
I plan to rescue more children from slavery
Newsletter 1/2011
Rescued children in Kpando, Januar 2011
For the villages of Batri Kofe and Likpe Abrani we shall drill wells so that people
need not drink contaminated water.
Water is life! Help us and donate money for a well in the Volta Region!
For the detailed project plan see:
*** Events and News ***
Bettina Landgrafe once more invited by STERN TV
Ø In January 2011 another crew of STERN TV accompanied me on my trips in Ghana.
The editors of STERN TV wanted to learn about the progress made in our projects.
We met rescued children, like Daniel, in the children’s home and visited the fish
farming project at Lake Volta. You will be informed of the date of the broadcast in
due course.
Newsletter 1/2011
New donation account in Austria:
Spendenkonto - Österreich
Madamfo-Ghana e.V.
bank: Erste Bank Österreich
account number: 29421794000
bank code: 20111
PLEASE NOTE: Madamfo Ghana e.V. has no tax priviledges for donations in
Austria, the seat of the association is in Germany.
Ø In the seminar "Kinderarbeit in Ghana" (child labour in Ghana) at Technische
Universität Dortmund, an information flyer on „child labour“ was elaborated. For
valuable suggestions on how to avoid products produced with child labour see:
Ø Rotary supports Madamfo Ghana in our fight of child trafficking in Ghana
Ø For latest articles see:
Ø At you always find the latest news on events
Ø Do you wish to be informed on progress in our projects? I shall be pleased to send
you the “news” via email. Once or twice every 3 months I write a project report to
account for how we used your donations. Please use the newsletter form:
Newsletter 1/2011
Dear friends of Madamfo Ghana!
In this newsletter I present details of current developments and involve you in our projects.
My heartfelt thanks to you for your donations and your kind and supportive emails. Without
your help, my partners in Ghana and I myself would be unable to achieve anything. I would
like to encourage you to continue your support. Many hands achieve a lot. And I can honestly
assure you that absolutely any sum is welcome to help us realize our projects.
Best wishes from Hagen, and thank you once again
Yours sincerely
(Project management/chairperson)
Wörthstr. 8b, 58091 Hagen, Deutschland / Germany
Phone: 0049-2331-1278278
Mobile: 0049-163-7703867