EDLC Annual Report 2014-2015 - East Dunbartonshire Leisure


EDLC Annual Report 2014-2015 - East Dunbartonshire Leisure
2014 – 2015
Chairman’s introduction
Who are we?
How well did we do?
Review of the year
The way forward
Financial review
Independent auditor’s statement
Summary financial statement
Balance sheet and cash flow statement
In my final year as Independent Chair, I am delighted to introduce East
Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust’s (EDLCT) fourth Annual Report for the
year ended 31 March 2015. There has been a lot achieved and when I look back
over 2014/15 it is extremely encouraging to see the wide range of services which
EDLCT provides across East Dunbartonshire Council.
EDLCT continues to face challenges operating in the current financial climate and
has had to make savings to compensate for the reduction in our Management Fee
of 5.3% since the inception of the Trust. There will be further challenges ahead
and we will work closely with key partners to address these whilst minimising the
impact on front line services.
Despite the financial challenges, we have continued to invest in a number of
significant projects. This enables us to increase services on offer to customers and
provide them with more opportunities to lead healthier and more active lifestyles.
I am especially pleased that for the fourth year in succession EDLC has increased
membership and income at all of the gym facilities. This is commendable in the
current economic climate and with the growth of low cost competitors in the
Health and Fitness market.
For the first time in four years our annual attendances have fallen and whilst still
impressive at 1,862,788 it is nevertheless disappointing to report a 6.77% (135,000)
decrease. Whilst the Museum Service and Sports Development were able to report
an increase in attendances, there was a drop in usage of the Library Service. It is
however also encouraging that our Passport to Leisure concession scheme, which
allows discounted access to facilities and activities, has continued to grow with
206,561 visits under this scheme.
Since the inception of EDLCT, partnerships have been important to our success.
As well as the key partnership with East Dunbartonshire Council, the Trust has
developed many partnerships with agencies and organisations that have similar
aims to promote and increase participation in activities at all levels across our
communities. These partnerships have allowed EDLCT to invest in facilities and
activities which have a positive impact on the quality of life for people of East
The successes achieved across the Company are in no small part due to the
commitment of our employees. Once again the staff have been our greatest
resource, working extremely hard to deliver high quality services to our customers
in our facilities and the communities of East Dunbartonshire. I would like to thank
the entire team and all of our partners for their contribution to the delivery of
improved services across the area.
Finally in my last year serving on the Board of EDLC I would like to thank my fellow
Directors for their support over the last four years. I would also like to thank East
Dunbartonshire Council and employees for their continued support and assistance
which has contributed to the success of EDLCT.
Scott C Hill (Independent Director)
Chair of the Board, East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust
2014 – 2015
EDLCT the company
East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust is a charitable company
which is limited by guarantee, governed by its memorandum and articles of
association, and does not have any share capital. The charitable company was
incorporated on 25 November 2010 and commenced trading on 1 April 2011.
Each member has undertaken to contribute an amount not exceeding one
pound towards any deficit arising in the event of the charitable company being
wound up.
Name of charity: East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust
Charity number: SC041942
Company number:
Registered office:
William Patrick Library
2-4 West High Street
G66 1AD
General manager:
Mark Grant
Company secretary:
Maeve Kilcoyne
Independent auditors: Scott Moncrieff
Exchange Place 3
Semple Street
As set out in the Articles of Association, the maximum number of directors is
11 and comprises of the following:
>five directors appointed by East Dunbartonshire Council
>one director appointed from the Trades Unions
>five directors appointed from the local community and/or independent
representatives from the health, sports, cultural and business fields.
The directors have the power to nominate and appoint directors in accordance
with the arrangements as set out in the Articles of Association.
Management arrangements
The Board meets on an eight-weekly cycle to consider company business.
It refers decision-making on recruitment, health and safety and finance to
nominated sub-committees.
A General Manager is appointed by the Board, to manage the day-to-day
operations of the Company. To ensure that operations are carried out
effectively, the General Manager has delegated authority within an approved
scheme for matters including personnel, finance, procurement and operations.
EDLCT works in close partnership with East Dunbartonshire Council to ensure
the highest possible standard of service is offered to residents and visitors
to the area. These close links ensure that the vision of East Dunbartonshire
Leisure and Culture Trust is closely aligned and integral to the strategic aims
of the Council, which is the core funder of the company.
Directors of the company who are also trustees under EDLCT ‘s charitable
status, who have held office during the period since inception are as follows:
Trustee (Director) Role
Anne Jarvis
Stewart MacDonald
Partner (Vice Chair)
Eric Gotts
John Jamieson
Maureen Henry
Scott Hill
Independent (Chair)
Alexander Marshall
Jem Fraser
Anne Margaret Black
Margaret Fisher
Glen Johnstone
Jim Neil
Jim Burnett
Trade Union
Thomas Robertson
Trade Union
2014 – 2015
Trustee induction and training
Governance and legal issues as appropriate are discussed at board meetings.
Development of the Culture, Leisure and Sport Strategy is a current issue for
Trustees and awareness and participation in strategy development has been
a key agenda item at Board meetings over the last year. Three Trustees are
involved in the steering group in conjunction with relevant East Dunbartonshire
Council employees and key partners to plan and deliver a strategy for Culture
and Leisure Services from 2016 – 2021. The Strategy will be important in
informing the business plan for EDLCT.
Two new independent directors were appointed in May 2015 and a further
training session on governance is planned for all directors. As a result of
resignations a new independent director has also been appointed to EDLCT’s
first tier health and safety group.
Trustees undertook a review of their employment and participation in other
organisations to ensure no conflict of interest arose. This Register is reviewed
periodically and is published on the company’s website.
What do we do?
East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust, on behalf of East Dubartonhire
Council, is responsible for the operation, management and delivery of leisure
and cultural services throughout East Dunbartonshire. The services are
delivered under the terms of a service agreement with the Council.
West Highlan
d Way
The Trust has five key service areas:
>Libraries & Museums
>Cultural Development
>Sports Development
>Active Schools
>Leisure Centres
EDLC has 256 employees and these are detailed below by service area.
Active Schools
Sports Development
Number of employees
ny Ar
ts Ce
Main facilities
Clachan of Campsie
Milton of Campsie
atrick Lib
William P
Auld K
irk Mu
Kirkintilloch Le
isure Centre
Sport and leisure
Auld Kirk Museum
Lillie Art Gallery
Kilmardinny Arts Centre
Allander Leisure Centre
Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre
Outdoor and active
Bishopbriggs Library
Brookwood Library
Craighead Library
Lennoxtown Library
Lenzie Library
Milngavie Library
Westerton Library
William Patrick Library
Antonine Wall and Roman Baths
Campsie Fells
The Forth & Clyde Canal
John Muir Way
Mugdock Country Park
Peel Park
Thomas Muir Heritage Trail
West Highland Way
2014 – 2015
As a registered Scottish charity our aim is to provide opportunities for all East
Dunbartonshire communities to participate in leisure and cultural activities.
Leisure Services aims to provide an accessible range of sport and leisure
activities at a value for money price. A key priority is to promote participation in
activities at all levels and for all sections of the community from recreational
participation to elite performers. To deliver this agenda the development
of robust and productive relationships with local sports clubs, voluntary
groups, Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board and national bodies such as
sportscotland are essential.
Cultural Services provides quality activities and resources which support
lifelong learning, skills development and literacy. The service enables and
promotes access to local heritage, history and a wide range of information
resources. These services are available through a network of community
buildings including libraries, a museum and an art gallery. Courses, drop in
days and festivals are promoted through seasonal heritage, art and literacy
“Our aim is to provide opportunities
for all East Dunbartonshire
communities to participate in
leisure and cultural activities
which are accessible.”
2014 – 2015
Overall attendances
Total number of attendances is 1,862,788. Some key figures are shown below:
Key figures
Overall usage
2011 / 2012
2012 / 2013
2013 / 2014
2014 / 2015
Leisure centres including Sports Development and Community Fitness
2011 / 2012
2012 / 2013
2013 / 2014
2014 / 2015
Libraries including Cultural 2011 / 2012
2012 / 2013
2013 / 2014
2014 / 2015
Passport to leisure scheme
EDLCT, in partnership with East Dunbartonshire
Council, offers a concessionary access scheme
which gives residents in receipt of certain benefits a
discounted rate for access to activities.
The passport scheme is also available to those
aged over 60 years. There were 206,561 visits under
the passport scheme, which is an increase of 701
The Gym
Over 6,000 customers took advantage of our Direct Debit membership for
EDLCT gyms which offer a quality, value for money alternative to the private
Gym membership
Inc. from 2013/14 to 2014/15
There has also been development and monitoring of a retention strategy for all
gyms including a digital email to assist retention.
The net promoter
The Net Promoter score is calculated from customer responses to a simple
question “Would you recommend this service to a friend” scored from 0 – 10
(10 being the most likely). Your brand promoters are the 9s and 10s, neutrals 8s
and 7s and detractors score 6 and below – NPS is the percentage of promoters
minus detractors.
Net promoter score
EDLC Trust
UK Leisure Trust
2014 – 2015
Leisure centre highlights:
Key highlights from all three centres:
> Total distance run on The Gym treadmills = 499,747 km
> Total distance cycled on The Gym cardio cycles = 606,579 km
> Total recorded weight lifted in The Gym = 698,606,081 kg
> Total membership paying by Direct Debit 6006 up 8.5% from previous
year (5534)
> Net Promoter Score 44 compared to 27 average score for UK Leisure Trusts up from 39 from previous year
> Group Fitness Class participants increased from 143,417 to 154,079, an increase of 7.4%
> Actual classes increased from 8,098 to 9,005, an increase of 11.2%
> Online booking for leisure centres went live in October 2014.
Direct Debit in 2015
up by
Total distance run on
The Gym treadmills =
499,747 km
Net Promoter Score
up by
Leisure centre: group fitness participant
2012 / 2013
2013 / 2014
2014 / 2015
Leisure centre: group fitness classes
2012 / 2013
2013 / 2014
2014 / 2015
Classes provided in
2015 up by
Total recorded weight
lifted in The Gym =
698,606,081 kg
Group fitness class
participants in 2015
up by
2014 – 2015
Film clips
A programme of filming was completed to promote the facilities and services
provided by EDLCT. This included 360 degree imagery and allows customers to
take a virtual walk through of all of our key facilities. All of these can be found
on our website along with additional information on the activities we provide.
Libraries and Culture
Reader in Residence
From October 2014, East Dunbartonshire benefitted from having its very own
Reader in Residence for nine months. A successful funding bid to Scottish
Book Trust saw Alison Irvine, author of This Road is Red, going around the
communities of East Dunbartonshire promoting reading and its benefits.
During her time with us Alison supported Book Week Scotland, worked on
a community film project with young people in Twechar and worked with
the libraries’ Children and Families Team to devise Story Stars. This new
programme was initially delivered at Hillhead Community Centre, and offered
a weekly drama, music and singing session designed around the themes of a
children’s picture book.
To find out more about the Reader in Residence project visit
Tam O’Shanter: A Tale Told in Paintings
This substantial exhibition ran from January to March 2015 at the Lillie Art
Gallery, and featured a number of works by Alexander Goudie, the celebrated
twentieth century Scottish artist. Illustrating the famous Burns poem became
an important driver in his later work, and the national importance of the
sequence of paintings was clearly identified when they were bought as a
complete collection and placed in Rozelle House, Ayrshire. A number of the
paintings were borrowed from South Ayrshire Council, and this paved the
way for a number of “add ons” to the original proposal. To complement the
paintings, East Ayrshire Leisure was approached about the possibility of
loaning three pages of the 1790 manuscript of the poem in Burns’ own hand.
The potential of the exhibition to generate additional activity was recognised,
and possible funding streams and partnerships were identified, which lead to
the creation of a programme of audience development activity and promotion
branded as TAMfest.
This wide-ranging promotion of the exhibition included a community arts
programme, a libraries programme and talks and events at the Lillie Art
Gallery. Particular highlights included performance arts sessions and
performances, Burns reading and Scots language workshops and themed
family arts sessions, which took place across all of East Dunbartonshire.
Digital Development
Recognising that access and support for new digital technologies is an
important priority, a number of initiatives have been supported over
the year.
Funding from SLIC enabled 57 library staff to undertake two days’ training in
new technologies. The training was developed and delivered by members of
the Cultural Development Team. The funding also provided a bank of mobile
devices to be provided in each library for staff to promote library services and to
help library users to use our 24/7 library. The training proved a great success,
with the knowledge and confidence of participants increasing by over 50%.
Pop up Health Library
Our new library on wheels was launched and provides communities across
East Dunbartonshire with local access to health books and information, as well
as additional provision such as talks on health-related topics. Local users are
able to check the library catalogue and self-issue and return items. Since it
came into operation, it has taken up residence at Twechar and Hillhead.
2014 – 2015
Green screen technology
Green Screen – or “chroma-keying” is a special effect whereby a green
backdrop is made transparent, and replaced with any background of your
chosen medium – including still images, photographs, film or drawings/
painting. A successful bid to the Public Libraries Improvement Fund has
provided funding for equipment and training within East Dunbartonshire
Libraries, and we are now able to offer schools and community groups Green
Screen workshops.
We had a successful launch working with authors Ross Collins, Lyn McNicol
and Laura Jackson with four Primary Schools. In addition, our Reader in
Residence has co-ordinated an eight week filming programme working with
young people at Twechar Healthy Living Centre.
Our Green Screen filming worked with pupils to support Curriculum for
Excellence and engage with them in creative and imaginative ways. This
innovative project has now been promoted nationally at two conferences on
youth engagement.
Creative writing sharing event
In November participants from reading groups came together to share their
stories with an audience at William Patrick Library. The gathered stories are
the result of work with eight library and community reading groups over six
months. The project has produced an anthology of stories which is available
on our website and on request.
Music making in nurseries
A number of local nursery schools explored local history through music, such
as the life of a miner, working as a weaver and travelling by canal and rail.
Each project has provided training for teachers and a community sharing event
and performance for parents.
Early Years Festival, 21 May – 24 May 2014
This year’s festival had ten events in total, the launch of a new parent and
child storytelling and craft activity, Arty Craft Story Daft proved to be our
most popular activity. Forty participants, including parents, grandparents and
children (aged 3 – 5) enjoyed Chae Strathie’s The Loon on the Moon and making
their own 3D space collage.
44th Annual Art Exhibition, 16 August – 18 September 2014
Local artists continue to produce a diverse and fresh approach to different
art media and subjects, including ever popular local landscapes. Artwork is
showcased at the Auld Kirk Museum.
Festival of Museums 16 – 18 May 2014
EDLCT secured funding and took part in the Festival of Museums. A family
fun weekend was held at the Auld Kirk Museum where there was a Roman
Legionnaire on duty and dressing and face painting for children.
Commonwealth Games
In July, East Dunbartonshire was the final stop on the Glasgow 2014
Commonwealth Games Queen’s Baton Relay prior to it going to Glasgow. The
day started at the Lillie Art Gallery, and many Trust facilities had events and
activities to support the day. One highlight was the actor Tam Dean Burns on
his bikeathon, stopping to read from a book by Julia Donaldson, the children’s
author. Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre and the Kirkintilloch Pipe Band welcomed
mascot Clyde and the local volunteer Baton Bearers and local residents
were able to sample and participate in a range of 2014 sports. Crowds were
large in the afternoon and Games mascot Clyde took part in the Technogym
Commonwealth Challenge on an exercise bike in the foyer.
2014 – 2015
Heritage arts
The Heritage Lottery Fund funded project Trails and Tales has gone from
strength to strength over the past year.
Particular highlights have included:
>Women history events
>Local people in Torrance and Lenzie took part in a workshop with Glasgow Women’s Library and plotted Women of interest on Maps. The information will be digitised on the Trails and Tales website and redeveloped with walking groups to create virtual Women History Trails.
>The Pecha Kucha event at William Patrick Library in November was
the culmination of work with secondary schools over previous months. Pupils from Lenzie and Boclair Academies and St.Ninian’s and Kirkintilloch High Schools gave creative presentations about local artists.
Cultural Coordinator Programme: Heritage and Arts
The Heritage Lottery Fund funded project
Trails and Tales has gone from strength to
strength over the past year.
Particular highlights have included:
Trails and Tales website launched March 2015
The website provides up-to-date information on the workshops, event and
volunteering opportunities available for children, young people and adults.
As well as uncovering and rediscovering old stories and tales, the aim is to
create a series of walking trails across the authority and also establish an
arts and heritage learning website for young people. The project is currently
working with a group of volunteer young people to develop new technologies
to engage people in the outdoor trails to be created in 2016/17 working with
Collective Architecture. The eight individual projects will gather information
from a wide range of communities to inform the location and content of the
final Trails. Find out more: www.trailsandtales.org
Exploring women’s hidden histories events
These events are being delivered across our towns and villages. Recently
people in Torrance and Lenzie took part in a workshop with Glasgow Women’s
Library and plotted local women who should be celebrated on maps. The
information is digitised and features on the Trails and Tales website and will be
redeveloped with walking groups in 2016 to create virtual East Dunbartonshire
Women’s History Trails.
2014 – 2015
Engaging with secondary schools
A Pecha Kucha event at William Patrick Library in November was the
culmination of work with pupils from Lenzie and Boclair Academies and
St Ninian’s and Kirkintilloch High Schools. The pupils gave creative Pecha
Kucha style presentations which connected local East Dunbartonshire artists
with wider national artists and influences to their 6th year studies Art and
Design. The artists worked closely with Art and Design teachers, some of who
have now adopted this process to support in school sixth year studies learning
and teaching.
Schools active heritage in primaries
The Trails and Tales project will be working with every primary school over
the next three years with 14/15 artists exploring local stories using drama
and visual arts. Torrance Primary investigated the story of a local family – The
Piries and used renowned artist George Pirie’s work as inspiration for pet
portraiture. A Schools’ Artwork online exhibition will launch on the Trails and
Tales website in January 2016.
Creative writing and story telling
In November participants from reading groups came together to share their local
stories with an audience at William Patrick Library. The gathered stories are
the result of a creative writer’s engagement with eight library and community
reading groups over six months. Objects and photographs from our Museums
and Archives Collection were used as stimulus for reminiscence. The project has
produced an anthology of stories, Telling Tales which is available on the Trails
and Tales website.
Music making in nurseries
Ten local school and community nurseries explored local history through
music, such as the life of a miner, working as a weaver and travelling by canal
and rail. Each individual project has provided training for nursery teachers,
a community sharing event and performance for parents. The workshops are
supported through the Music Machine education pack for schools, written and
published for East Dunbartonshire in partnership with Quavers Music. This
resource is available through EDLCT.
Training in traditional crafts with volunteers
Trails and Tales is providing training opportunities for adults in Stone Carving
and Metal Forging at two bespoke sites in Bearsden and Kirkintilloch. These
long term projects have been working with small groups of adults over 32 weeks
developing unique craft skills. These personal and collaborative projects which
will result in stone artworks and decorative metal panels being sited locally.
Cultural Coordinator Programme
Youth arts – How to Build
On the 23 March the How to Build project held a celebration event at Kilmardinny
House to share their experiences and achievements with an audience of
parents, teachers and staff. How to Build was an 18 month creative intervention
programme which worked with pupil referrals from secondary schools. Core
participants all achieved their dynamic youth award and have moved onto
sustained destinations in education, further education or work. This project was
supported by Creative Scotland’s Art and Criminal Justice Fund.
Education – The Creative Learning Network 2014/15
The Creative Learning Network (CLN) is an evolving programme of action based
research Projects which explore Creative learning and teaching with teachers
and pupils. Between March and June 2014 practitioners worked with teachers
and created a creative learning space in Clober Primary School to give teachers
the space and time for reflection and experimentation. This was supported by
a CPD programme led by artists. The evaluation demonstrated an increased
confidence in creative skills of teachers and pupils. This research will inform a
wider CLN strategy. This opportunity is funded by Education Scotland.
Youth Music Forum – Day of Singing in January 2015
A Day of Singing took place at New Kilpatrick Church, Bearsden. The event
brought secondary school and community choirs together to sing with one
another. The event aims to introduce young people to local choirs so that they
may continue singing post school. Day of Singing is hosted by Choral Master
Christopher Bell, founder of National Youth Choir of Scotland. As a result of this
event’s success it will be offered annually as part of the on-going Youth Music
Forum Programme.
2014 – 2015
Leisure centres
>Public Wi-Fi is now available at all Leisure Centres.
>Air conditioning units have been upgraded across all facilities.
>Continuous improvement: Mystery Visit programme for general visits and
sales and continuation of Net Promoter Score for customer feedback.
>After customer feedback, opening hours have been extended to open at
7.30am weekdays and 8.30am at weekends.
>Virtual Tours for all the Leisure and Culture facilities are available online.
Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre
There was a major upgrade to Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre’s wetside drainage
with installation of new flooring throughout the changing village and swimming
pool surrounds were fitted with energy saving lighting within the changing
In July, the centre was an official stop during the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth
Games Queen’s Baton Relay. Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre and the Kirkintilloch
Pipe Band welcomed mascot Clyde and the local volunteer Baton Bearers and
local residents were able to sample and participate in a range of 2014 sports.
Crowds were large in the afternoon and Games mascot Clyde took part in the
Technogym Commonwealth Challenge on an exercise bike in the foyer.
The Gym at Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre came first in Scotland third in the UK
in the Technogym Let’s Move for a Better World fitness challenge with a total
of 2,286,126 MOVEs recorded by our users. This is an increase on the 932,747
recorded the previous year, when Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre came sixth in the
UK. The Centre’s result won one of the top prizes, in the form of free fitness
equipment for local schools.
The Get Onside project to engage with young adults with disabilities. Life
coaching sessions was run in the conference room followed by physical activity
sessions on the football courts. Former professional footballer David Noble
welcomed the young adults. Clyde FC and former Scotland Captain Barry
Ferguson welcomed the young adults to the sessions.
The Leisuredrome was nominated for a prestigious Scottish Fitness Award
in the category of ‘Local Authority/Trust Gym of the Year’. After shortlisting,
the judges opened an online voting centre and votes were cast until 30 August
2014. At the Scottish Fitness Awards ceremony at Glasgow’s SECC during the
Sport, Fitness and Nutrition Expo the Leisuredrome was crowned winners.
Queen’s Baton Relay
The Leisuredrome hosted the finale of the Queen’s Baton Relay in East
Dunbartonshire on Saturday 19 July 2014. Despite the terrible weather a large
crowd turned up to take part in a fun packed events programme including the
farewell party before the baton made its way into the host city, Glasgow.
Allander Leisure Centre
Allander Leisure Centre finished 6th in the UK for the Technogym Let’s Move
challenge. Kirkintilloch was sixth and Leisuredrome fifth.
Environment: A major energy-saving programme was introduced. There is
new energy efficient lighting pool-side and in the changing facilities. The
introduction of a new chlorine feeder has dramatically reduced the amount of
chemical required to be used to balance pool water.
Almost 1400 children attended the Play for the Day sessions during the
summer holidays enjoying the opportunity to experience a wide range of sports
2014 – 2015
Sports Development
>Just under 50,000 participants in Football Development
>38,645 particpants in Gymnastics and Trampolining
>56,818 participants in Swimming Development
>27,534 particpants in Rugby Development
APP Year One
The Athlete Performance Programme was
created through a partnership with East
Dunbartonshire Council, East Dunbartonshire
Leisure & Culture Trust and sportscotland.
Its aim is to assist talented school and club
athletes with strength, conditioning training and
lifestyle guidance to enable them to bridge the
gap between club and institute level.
In addition to identifying suitable local athletes
to support through the first year of the
programme, a fitness coach training and mentor programme was established
to ensure the sustainability beyond the initial two year funding period. An
external mentor was appointed to lead the programme and up-skill coaches at
the same time.
Year one saw 12 EDLCT gym staff trained as part of the programme along with
22 athletes (out of 117 nominations) supported between both Kirkintilloch and
Allander Leisure Centres. The programme also provides parents’ workshops
and fitness coaches work with sport specific coaches to ensure the athlete’s
programme is centred on their needs.
Feedback from year one includes:
“I think it is a fantastic programme. The training is first class, the knowledge
imparted to the athletes from coaches around fitness, nutrition and from guest
speakers about commitment and adopting correct attitude are invaluable. Many
aspects of the programme have value in everyday life.” Gordon Smith (Parent)
“Brilliant – has enabled my son to progress in his sport to number one U/17 UK
techno windsurfer – his own coach has noted his much improved fitness and
strength and it has contributed significantly to his success in this year’s racing
season.” Anne Lumb (Parent)
“As a coach it is now becoming very clear as to how far the athletes have come
since the start of the programme. This is shown in their physical abilities and
also their confidence. All are now seeing the benefits in their own chosen
sport and are daily striving to reach higher goals within their training and their
sport.” Elma MacKinnon (Fitness Coach)
“I managed to get selected for the U21’s Scotland Squad for the Europeans.
I’m delighted to be picked and I think a large part of my getting picked is down
to the APP, seeing that I had above the average bleep testing results in the
squad and the highest power per kilo of body mass. I think this reflects really
well on the programme and the coaches and I’m looking forward to seeing
further benefits of the programme.” Joe McConnell (Athlete)
Commonwealth Games
Local athletes Kris Robertson and Diane Ramsay were part of the 4 x 400m
relays for Team Scotland. Both Kris and Diane have been supported through
the East Dunbartonshire’s Elite Athlete grant fund for over six years and before
this was in place both regularly received talented sports performer grants from
the sports council. Kris also coached our sports hall athletics and Startrack
courses in the Leisuredrome for several years in between training and
competing. Diane even attended one of the courses Kris was coaching when
she first started out in athletics.
Other local athletes (or those who previously lived in East Dunbartonshire)
who made up part of Team Scotland included athlete Beth Potter who ran
a fantastic 10,000m finishing fifth with a personal best, swimmers Michael
Jamieson (silver medallist), Jack Thorpe and Calum Tait and Imogen Bankier in
Louise Renwicks, Judo gold medallist, was involved in delivering some Judo
taster sessions in East Dunbartonshire with Pro Judo (Brian Long).
Some of our Athlete Performance Fitness Coaches were fortunate enough to
see Ross Murdoch in training at the institute prior to the Games when they
were invited through for a visit along with a Q&A session with Ross’s coach.
Queen’s Baton Relay
East Dunbartonshire was the last area the Baton passed through before
being handed over to Glasgow in the week leading up to the Commonwealth
Games. On Saturday 19 July 2014 many of our local sporting heroes were
given the opportunity to carry the Baton stopping off for photo opportunities
with local residents at venues such as Lillie Art Gallery, Leisure Centres and
Community Sports Hubs. The Baton began in Bearsden, travelled throughout
the main towns and villages with more than 12,000 people flocking to see
and hold the Baton as it passed through East Dunbartonshire – cheering over
100 local heroes who helped to carry it on its journey. The day closed with a
celebration event at the Leisuredrome in Bishopbriggs where Baton Bearers,
volunteers and invited guests met up and enjoyed some hospitality and musical
entertainment at the end of the day.
2014 – 2015
Elite athletes
Each year local elite athletes are invited to apply for a grant to assist them with
training for Olympic/ Commonwealth Games, World or European Championships.
Applications are assessed by a panel consisting of the Sports Development
Manager, Chair of the local Sports Council and representatives from the
sportscotland Institute of Sport.
This year, through East Dunbartonshire Sports Council Elite Performer, grants
were awarded to the following talented sports performers:
Athlete Sport
Beth Potter
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games athlete
(achieved PB and finished fifth in 10,000m in
Matthew McCormick
Member of the British Snowboard Park and Pipe
Kris Robertson
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games 4 x 100m
relay team
Diane Ramsay
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games 4 x 100m
relay team
Samantha Fowler
Member of Scottish Rowing Squad
Chris McCormick
Scottish Slopestyle Champion 2015 (Freeski)
Andrew Brown
Scottish Windsurfer and member of Athlete
Performance Programme
John Ruddy
Member of the Deaflympics Athletics Team
Valerie Purcell
Scottish Karate Champion, represented Scotland at
World & European level
Emma Canning
Member of Scottish Athletics National Youth
Academy training for 2018 Commonwealth Games
Scott Barton
Competed in Table Tennis Commonwealth Games
in India
Ben Cameron was also awarded a ’leg-up’ award to assist him reach national
level in his sport of football. Hollie Young (athletics) was undergoing a period of
rehabilitation and was awarded a TSP pass to assist with her return to training.
EDLCT Commonwealth Camps 2014
“Best Week Ever!” was the quote from a satisfied parent, whose children attend
other sports development activities, at the end of week one.
A fun packed week of mixed sports for primary school age children based on the
XX Commonwealth Games. An average of 45 children attended each of the camps
that were held at all three leisure centres.
Children took part in different sports every hour from 9am – 4pm. On day five a
mini games was held with all sports that had been tried during the previous four
The older group of children took part in a timed triathlon on the Thursday and for
them it seemed to be the highlight of the week.
To finish, all children were presented with a certificate and a 2014 medal, as well
as t-shirts, wristbands, water bottles and information on all clubs taking part
during the week.
Based on the success of the camps, work will begin on planning for 2015. Legacy
banding will still apply, however the plan will be to introduce two or three new
sports to the week which will further enhance the product.
A total of 143 children attended the camps over the three week period, of which
12 (8.4%) were passport to leisure holders.
Coach and volunteer awards 2014
Local sports volunteers who give up their valuable time to develop a range of
sports and activities were recognised through this year’s Coach and Volunteer
Awards presentation held at Kilmardinny House on Friday 10 October 2014.
The evening was well attended by award winners along with friends and family,
club members, EDLCT staff and the Board members, Scott Hill and Councillor
Stewart MacDonald. Presentations were made by the Chairman of EDLC Trust,
Scott Hill.
This year’s winners are listed below:
Winners Name
Supported by
Alistair Scott
Volunteer Award
Andrew Park
Young Persons Coach of the Year
Craig Houston
Performance Coach of the Year
Gordon Baird
Community Coach of the Year
Jenny McMillan
Young Coach of the Year
Margaret Davidson
Contribution to Sport
Pam Gavin
Development Coach of the Year
Robyn Galloway
Active Schools Captain of the Year
William Walker
Active Schools Volunteer of the Year
2014 – 2015
Alison Thomson (Swimming Coach) attended a training camp and games in
Switzerland over the middle weekend in August as part of the Scottish Ladies
Water Polo Team. The weekend involved both games and training sessions
with the Swiss Team. Alison has been through the programme and started
volunteering with us when she was 14, then progressing to teach before going to
University in Edinburgh.
Matthew Clark also represented Scotland in Water Polo in Hungary recently.
The team had a number of games against local Hungarian Teams as well as a
training camp. Matthew has also been involved with the programme since he was
a young child and is now progressing to teach with us having recently undertaken
UKCC courses.
Active Schools 2014/15
The Active Schools network aims to:
>Increase the number of children and young people participating in school and community sport
>Increase capacity through the recruitment, retention and development of a network of volunteers to deliver sport in schools and the wider community.
During academic year 2014/15 the Active Schools team helped to achieve the
following Performance Indicators:
>120, 791 participant and 6,626 activity sessions provided across East Dunbartonshire schools
>477 volunteers delivering within Active Schools supported programmes
>142 senior pupils helping to deliver Active Schools supported activities across East Dunbartonshire
>54% of the total East Dunbartonshire Primary School roll attended at least one extracurricular sporting activity within their school
>30% of the total East Dunbartonshire Secondary School roll attended at least one extracurricular sporting activity within their school
>10 training courses ran throughout the year with 124 teaching staff/pupils/
parents/coaches attending
>53 local sports club linking to schools (either through taster sessions, after school provision, or promotional material).
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games – legacy book
‘Our Games, Our Legacy’ was a jointly funded project between Active Schools,
EDLCT and East Dunbartonshire Council that aimed to:
>Showcase the local schools sporting achievements through the creation of
their personal Active Schools’ Challenge Book
>Create messages of support for the Games that were passed from school to
school within the Active Schools Challenge Baton
>Create ‘Our Games Our Legacy’ magazine to leave a lasting record of the
importance of Glasgow 2014 Games to East Dunbartonshire.
The project demonstrated how the Games inspired not only sporting participation
across schools in East Dunbartonshire but was also a vehicle for learning within
the curriculum.
Celebrate: 2014 Commonwealth Club
The aim of the Celebrate 2014 Commonwealth Clubs was to raise the profile of
the 2014 Commonwealth Games, increase awareness of local sports club and
engage local volunteers. The project was funded by the Big Lottery’s Celebrate
fund and managed by Active Schools.
Eight local sports clubs were invited to deliver a
five week block of activity in a variety of sports,
such as Gymnastics, Athletics, Judo and Dance.
Two blocks of sessions ran across four locations
in East Dunbartonshire, targeting a range of age
groups depending on local gaps in provision
(identified through ASMO). In total 239 children
took part with 11 club coaches voluntarily
delivering the sessions. The activities were also
supported by Lead 2014 senior pupils from the
Funding was also used to deliver activities for
pupils with additional support needs within
Campsie View and Merkland Schools.
2014 – 2015
External funding
A significant amount of additional funding was secured from external sources
to support the delivery of activities across the Trust Service areas. Key funding
Creative Scotland
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Scottish Library and Information Council
Scottish Football Association
Scottish Rugby Union
Funding of just under £300,000 was also secured via East Dunbartonshire
Council from sportscotland for the Active Schools programme.
Partnership working
The Trust continues to deliver a range of partnership projects across the service
areas and examples of these include:
>The Live Active scheme is operated in partnership with Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board.
>The ACES or Active Children Eating Smart programme helps children and young people, with the support of their families, to lose or maintain weight and make long-lasting changes to their lifestyle. It was launched in response to the battle against the increase of childhood obesity: the programme operates in partnership between East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture
Trust, East Dunbartonshire Community Health Partnership, East Dunbartonshire Council and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.
>Support given to the Local Sports and Arts Councils to assist local clubs and organisations and recognise the success and achievements of individual sport performers.
>Partnership working – Cultural Coordinator Programme
>53 local sports club linking to schools (either through taster sessions, after school provision, or promotional material).
Bookbug assertive outreach programme
The Library Service’s Children and Families Team successfully applied to Scottish
Book Trust to develop this programme, in partnership with services such as
Social Work and Health. The programme focuses on ensuring vulnerable families
are encouraged to access Bookbug. Since the programme began last autumn, a
number of staff have been trained in Bookbug for the Home, while others have
attended Bookbug Awareness Sessions for Health Staff. Feedback was very
positive, with 100% of trainees able to use what they have learned in their role.
Sounds of the Gallery
A partnership with East Dunbartonshire Council supported a successful
bid for £14,290 to Creative Scotland for Sounds of the Gallery. This musiccreation project for people with learning disabilities will offer opportunities
for engagement with Scottish culture through the permanent collection and
exhibitions at the Lillie over a twelve month period.
2014 – 2015
Arts in the community
Youth Music Forum
January saw a very successful Day of singing at New Kilpatrick Church.
200 people took part in the Day of Singing with an audience of 50 coming along
for the latter part of the day. Christopher Bell, director of the Scottish Youth
Orchestra coordinated the day, bringing young people and community choirs
together through song. As a result of its success this will now be an annual event
in East Dunbartonshire.
Book Week Scotland Artworks on Libraries
We were successful in our bid to make Lennoxtown Library the site of one of this
year’s artworks. The judges felt that a case had been made for a piece of art to
celebrate the library in Lennoxtown and mark its transition to a new building in
2015. Bobby Sayers, a Glasgow based artist worked with community groups to
produce an artwork which was unveiled during Book Week Scotland.
>There is a continued partnership with East Dunbartonshire Council Community Learning and Development Service and the Community Safety
Partnership to run the nationally recognised Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre
629 Youth Programme at Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre. Kirkintilloch Leisure
Centre 629 is a partnership programme involving leisure centre staff,
East Dunbartonshire Council colleagues, local community, police, and other
service providers which enables free to use access of all areas of Kirkintilloch
Leisure Centre to young people aged up to 18 on Saturday nights from 6pm
to 9pm. It attracts up to 180 plus young people every weekend, who go
swimming, play sport in the main hall and outside courts as well as using
the Gym. The other providers bring in specialists from time to time to talk
about lifestyle issues and to engage with the young people attending.
The programme was positively highlighted in a CLD local area evaluation
as a model of good practice earlier in the year.
The Commonwealth Games 2014 were a huge success – inspiring, invigorating and thrilling
people throughout Scotland.
The Queen’s Baton journeyed through East Dunbartonshire on 19 July 2014 in the run-up
to the Commonwealth Games. More than 100 Batonbearers were selected for the honour
and were a credit to the communities they proudly represented. The Baton travelled via
Bearsden, Milngavie, Bardowie Loch, Torrance, Lennoxtown, Milton of Campsie, Twechar,
Kirkintilloch, Lenzie, Auchinairn and Bishopbriggs.
Darren Jarvie
Peter (Michael) Doig
Iain Greer
Angus Cameron
Douglas Crawford
Kirsty Hamilton
Darren Carruthers
Barbara Bell
Peter Hunter
Anita Neilson
Holly Inglis
John Michie
Manjulika Singh
Matthew (Matt) McCormick
Margarita Sweeney-Baird
Charles Reith
Fiona McCartney
Conor Dooley
Julie Williams
Jacqueline MacRae
Hugh Russell
Frances Jones
Jennifer Sorbie
Iona McLean
Rebecca O’Toole
Katherine Palmer
Ali Syed
Therese Gault
Yaser Razouk
Gary Sloan
Lewis Matheson
Andrew Summers
Fraser Sinclair
Gavin Johnstone
Margaret Zoma
Hector Cruickshank
Jane McLaughlin
Michael Gibbons
Drew McMichael
Irene Tennant
Robert Cuthbertson
Katie Clucas
Craig Shanks
Ailsa Forrester
Craig Hill
Andrew Hunter
Lynsay MacPherson
Jennifer Murray
Emma Owen
Helen Arnott
Scott McArthur
Heather Wilson
Gavin Gallimore
Wendy Lawrence
Alice Nisbet
Joy Full
Owen Harkins
Rona Cargill
Alan Hill
James Knowles
Hilary MacGuire
Lisa Clifton
Samantha Fowler
Einir MacDonald
Agnes Raybould
Angela Amato
Erin Gilmour
Ian Stevenson
Debra Barclay
Skye Howie
Names supplied by Glasgow 2014’s Queen’s Baton Relay Organizing Committee
Daniel McLauchlan
Gillian Dodds
Beth Kneafsey
Amy McDowall
Ryan Findlay
Nicole Tucker
Craig Walker
Juliet Gold
Robert Brown
Rachael Muirhead
Robert Lockhart
Lyndsay Cameron
Ian Bowman
Nicola Keppie
Kelly Lyons
David Findlay
Reece Chan
Kirsty Soutar
Laura Ritchie
Grant Shearer
Jamie Steedman
Hugh Wright
Iain Atkinson
Paige Dickson
Kenneth Walmsley
Pauline Walmsley
Kyle Dragsnes
John Watret
Isabella (Isabel) Hepburn
Paul McCusker
Jonathan Graham
Thomas (Tommy) Lawton
Fergus Magennis
William Tennant
Conor Brady
2014 – 2015
THE WAY FORWARD 2015 – 2016
EDLCT will continue to aim to improve and develop services making the best use
of available resources from both income and external funding opportunities.
In partnership with East Dunbartonshire Council Corporate Risk Adviser, EDLCT
will continue to review the detailed risks and uncertainties facing the company
including financial, reputational and operational risks.
EDLCT in partnership with East Dunbartonshire Council will launch the Culture
Leisure and Sport Strategy in early 2016. The draft strategy is currently subject
to a six week consultation period with the final document being produced after
this process. The strategy will be essential in informing the direction of Culture
Leisure and Sport provision in East Dunbartonshire.
A number of key project and activities will commence in 2015 /2016 and these
will be funded through a combination of investment from the company, capital
funding from East Dunbartonshire Council and external funding contributions.
These projects will include:
>Replacement of the resistance equipment in all three of our Leisure Centre Gyms by November 2015
>A major refurbishment of Kilmardinny House, to allow a range of additional
activities, will commence early 2016
>The Sports Hub at Huntershill including a new athletics track and synthetic pitch will commence in 2016
>The refurbishment of Kirkintolloch Town Hall is scheduled for 2016 bringing this building back into use for both community groups and functions
>Lennoxtown Hub incorporating a new library will open early 2016 greatly enhancing the library service in the area
>Work will commence on Bearsden Hub incorporating a new library in 2016 enhancing the library service available in the area
>EDLCT will have a new finance system in place for October/November 2015
>Facebook and Twitter accounts for Leisure and Culture were available from
early 2015
>Oncourse web based bookings for Sports Development in place for early 2016
>Rebranding and upgrade of Leisure Centres café facilities in partnership with
Elior EDLCT’s catering partner.
For the year ended 31 March 2015
Overall incoming resources have increased by £73k however £69k relates to
pension scheme returns. The management service fee decreased by £37k on
the prior year: £135k due to budget savings, partially offset by an increase to
the repairs and maintenance budget from East Dunbartonshire Council (£97k).
Total membership fees rose by £76k, primarily due to increased subscriptions,
although admission charges decreased by £59k. Total grant income rose by £22k.
Total resources expended decreased by £19k: the previous year contained some
one-off maintenance and development expenditure. Efficiencies achieved in
these areas have broadly offset the annual increase in payroll costs.
A net deficit of £40.8k was recorded in the year: £39.3k of this is from operating
activities and a further £1.4k from restricted funds. The net deficit on restricted
funds was due to the delayed timing in some grant income. Write off of small
restricted fund balances meant £1.4k being transferred from the operating fund
to the restricted fund. The overall impact was a net decrease of £2,876k on funds
following an actuarial loss on the defined pension scheme of £2,836k.
Funds position per the balance sheet decreased by £2,876k mainly due to the
actuarial loss. Fixed assets and net current assets increased slightly by £158k.
Funds balance includes an unrestricted reserve of £685k of which £500k is
held for contingencies. Designated funds have been set up for Board approved
Designated funds are unrestricted funds that have been set aside for a specific
purpose, which will be utilised during the next and future accounting periods
against specific expenditure for asset improvement.
Restricted funds are funds which are to be used in accordance with specific
restrictions imposed by donors or which have been raised by the company for
particular purposes. The costs of raising and administering such funds are
charged against the specific fund. The aim of each restricted fund is set out in
the notes to the financial statements in the audited accounts.
2014 – 2015
Report of the independent auditor on the summary financial statements of
East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust
The accompanying summary financial statements, which comprise the summary
statement of financial activities, summary balance sheet as at 31 March 2015
and summary cash flow statement for the year then ended are derived from the
audited financial statements of East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust
for the year ended 31 March 2015. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on
those financial statements in our report dated 26 August 2015. Those financial
statements, and the summary financial statements, do not reflect the effects
of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those financial
statements. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures
required by applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United
Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). Reading the summary
financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial
statements of East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust.
Management’s responsibility for the summary financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited
financial statements.
Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements
based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with International
Standard on Auditing (ISA) 810, “Engagements to Report on Summary Financial
In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited
financial statements of East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust for the
year ended 31 March 2015 are consistent, in all material respects, with those
financial statements.
Nick Bennett
Senior Statutory Auditor
For and on behalf of Scott-Moncrieff, Statutory Auditor
Exchange Place 3,
Semple Street,
Edinburgh EH3 8BL
Date: 11 November 2015
Statement of financial activities
(Incorporating the income and expenditure account)
For the year ended 31 March 2015
Operating Restricted Total
2015 Incoming resources from generated funds 93,228
Incoming resources from charitable activities
9,681,291 303,216
9,984,507 10,004,651
Total incoming resources
9,774,519 303,216
10,077,735 10,004,651
Total resources expended
9,813,827 304,708
10,118,535 10,137,691
Net (resources expended) / incoming
Transfer between funds
Actuarial (loss) on defined benefit
pension scheme
(2,836,000) –
(2,836,000) (1,012,000)
Net movement in funds
(2,876,771) (29)
(2,876,800) (1,145,040)
Reconciliation of funds
Fund balances brought forward
(1,815,276) 201,488
(1,613,788) (468,748)
Fund balances at 31 March 2015
(4,692,047) 201,459
(4,490,588) (1,613,788)
2014 – 2015
As at 31 March 2015
Fixed assets
Current assets
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Net current assets
Total assets less current liabilities excluding £2,057,412
retirement benefit scheme
Retirement benefit scheme deficit
Net assets including retirement benefit scheme deficit
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities
Capital expenditure
Net (decrease) / increase in cash
Opening Balance
Closing balance
The summary financial statement is only a summary of information derived from
the company’s annual accounts. For a full copy of the company’s annual accounts
and any other further information on the East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture
Trust Annual Report, please contact the Company Secretary on:
Tel: 0141 777 3147
Email: maeve.kilcoyne@eastdunbarton.gov.uk
Website: www.edlc.co.uk
This document can be provided in large print, Braille, or on audio CD and can
be translated into different community languages. Contact the Communications
team at East Dunbartonshire Council, 12 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch,
Glasgow G66 1TJ Tel: 0300 123 4510
Company Registration No. SC389516. A registered Scottish Charity SCO41942. VAT No. GB 102 8920 37.