ABET Self-Study Report for Mechanical Engineering Program


ABET Self-Study Report for Mechanical Engineering Program
Self-Study Report
for the
Mechanical Engineering
New York Institute of Technology
Old Westbury and New York Campus, NY
June 27, 2012
The information supplied in this Self-Study Report is for the confidential use of ABET and its
authorized agents, and will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned, except
for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution.
Table of Contents
BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................................................................................................. - 4 A.
Contact Information...................................................................................................................... - 4 -
Program History ............................................................................................................................ - 4 -
Options .......................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
Organizational Structure ............................................................................................................... - 5 -
Program Delivery Modes .............................................................................................................. - 7 -
Program Locations ........................................................................................................................ - 7 -
Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous Evaluation(s) ........................................... - 7 -
Joint Accreditation ........................................................................................................................ - 9 -
CRITERION 1. STUDENTS ........................................................................................................................ - 10 A.
Student Admissions..................................................................................................................... - 10 Admission of Students .................................................................................................................... - 10 -
Evaluating Student Performance ................................................................................................ - 12 -
Transfer Students and Transfer Credit........................................................................................ - 13 -
Advising and Career Guidance .................................................................................................... - 14 -
Graduation Requirements .......................................................................................................... - 15 -
Transcripts of Recent Graduates................................................................................................. - 17 -
CRITERION 2. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES........................................................................... - 18 A.
Mission Statement ...................................................................................................................... - 18 -
Program Educational Objectives ................................................................................................. - 19 -
Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the Institution .......... - 21 -
Program Constituencies .............................................................................................................. - 22 Process for Revision of the Program Educational Objectives ......................................................... - 22 -
CRITERION 3. STUDENT OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... - 23 A.
Student Outcomes ...................................................................................................................... - 23 -
B. Relationship of Student Outcomes to Program Educational Objectives ....................................... - 28 CRITERION 4. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ........................................................................................ - 29 A.
Program Educational Objectives ................................................................................................. - 30 -
B. Student Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... - 39 C. Continuous Improvement .............................................................................................................. - 44 D. Additional Information .................................................................................................................. - 49 CRITERION 5. CURRICULUM .................................................................................................................... - 50 CRITERION 6. FACULTY............................................................................................................................ - 62 CRITERION 7. FACILITIES ......................................................................................................................... - 70 A.
Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories ..................................................................................... - 70 -
Computing Resources ................................................................................................................. - 71 -
Guidance ................................................................................................................................. - 71 -
Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities ................................................................................... - 71 -
Library Services ........................................................................................................................... - 73 Mission ............................................................................................................................................ - 73 Goals ............................................................................................................................................... - 73 Description ...................................................................................................................................... - 73 Staffing ............................................................................................................................................ - 74 Engineering Resources .................................................................................................................... - 74 Books - Print .................................................................................................................................... - 75 Books – Electronic ........................................................................................................................... - 75 Database Subscriptions – Engineering ............................................................................................ - 76 Related and Multidisciplinary Databases........................................................................................ - 77 Maximizing Database Resources..................................................................................................... - 77 For the Future ................................................................................................................................. - 78 -
Overall Comments on Facilities................................................................................................... - 78 -
CRITERION 8. INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT ................................................................................................ - 79 PROGRAM CRITERIA................................................................................................................................ - 81 Program Criteria for Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs .................................. - 81 -
Contact Information
Dr. Nada Anid
Dean, School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
Northern Blvd., Old Westbury, NY 11568
Telephone: 516-686-7931
Email: nanid@nyit.edu
Program History
The Mechanical Engineering program was initially implemented at NYIT in 1982 and first accredited
in 1986. The last general review was in Fall 2006.
Major changes that have been implemented over the last several years, and more fully discussed
later in this self-study, include:
Introduction of course, MENG 321, Introduction to Computer Aided Design as required for all
students in the program.
Development of the new core curriculum, the Discovery Core, replacing the existing humanities
and liberal arts sequences.
Development of updated Program Educational Objectives.
Hiring of new faculty to (a) replace existing faculty who have left the college, (b) to enhance our
program and (c) to prepare for new Masters level offerings
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering with options in Energy and Biomechanics planning
has begun in earnest
Further computer integration in our course work.
Continuing reviews of our design courses and projects with the departmental Industrial Advisory
In addition to the Mechanical Engineering curriculum, the program has one option in Aerospace
Organizational Structure
The overall organizational structure for the college is shown in Exhibit 1-1, below. The Mechanical
Engineering program is a part of the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences (SoECS). The
organizational chart of the SoECS is depicted in Exhibit 1-2.
Exhibit 1-1
New York Institute of Technology
Organizational Structure
Exhibit 1-2
New York Institute of Technology
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
Organizational Structure
Program Delivery Modes
All courses offered within the major are delivered in traditional face-to-face lecture/lab format.
There are no online or web-based instruction modes present, although a number of faculty utilize web
enhancements within their courses. To serve the diverse day and evening student body in the program,
courses are regularly scheduled during both day and evening hours.
Program Locations
The program is offered only at NYIT‘s flag-ship campus in Old Westbury, NY.
Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous Evaluation(s)
In this section we address the three Program Concerns/Program Observations identified in the last
visit. We include the visiting team initial remarks, the due process response and the team’s final
comments. As appropriate we refer the reader to relevant sections of this self-study so that details of
the actions taken may be seen.
Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives This criterion requires that there must be a process of
ongoing evaluation of the extent to which program educational objectives are attained, the result of
which shall be used to develop and improve the program outcomes so that graduates are better
prepared to attain the objectives. An evaluation process is in place and functioning. However, the data
collected, and the subsequent analysis of the data should be strengthened to assure that meaningful
conclusions can continue to be drawn regarding the degree to which the objectives are met and to guide
program improvements.
Due-process response: The EAC acknowledges receipt of a letter from the institution stating that
steps have been taken to strengthen the analysis of collected data related to Criterion 2, but the letter
does not elaborate or provide evidence to support this assertion. Likewise, the letter states that yearto-year “tracking modes” have been developed for improving the curriculum to meet objectives, but still
required formalization. The EAC acknowledges the further involvement of the Industrial Advisory
committee in establishing and monitoring Program Educational Objectives.
Because the results of the proposed process changes are not yet evident, the concern remains
We fully understand the need for updating and evaluating the program educational objectives. To
this end we have implemented a two-fold on-going process. The first addresses the need to update
these objectives. This is accomplished with input from the several constituencies of the department.
Discussion of the process and results therefrom are presented in Section 2.
The second component of this process is the evaluation of the objectives. Section 4 in this self-study
provides the results thereof. Overall, we are very gratified with the results of our alumni survey and the
comments offered by our graduates, especially as they point to satisfaction of the objectives and the
2. Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment This Criterion requires that there must be
processes to produce outcomes, and an assessment process, with documented results, that
demonstrates that these program outcomes are being measured, and that indicates the degree to which
the outcomes are achieved. Data for assessment of program outcomes is available within the program,
but only a small amount of data correlation has been done to demonstrate that program outcomes are
being measured.
Due-process response: The EAC acknowledges receipt of a letter from the institution stating that
steps have been taken to strengthen the analysis of collected data related to Criterion 3, but the letter
does not elaborate or provide evidence to support this assertion.
Because the results of the proposed process changes are not yet evident, the concern remains
As with Concern 1, and as indicated in our due process response, the department has fully
implemented an assessment process for Student (Program) Outcomes. In the last several years,
sufficient data has been collected to assure, first that the process works, and second that the results are
meaningful. Results have been used continuously to make program changes as appropriate. Further
discussion may be found in Sections 2 and 4.
3. Criterion 6. Facilities The previous accreditation general review identified the need for
additional space as an observation and this issue is now identified as a concern. This criterion requires
that classrooms, laboratories, and associated equipment must be adequate to accomplish program
objectives and provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. In addition, facilities must be available to
foster faculty-student interaction. Particularly on the Manhattan Campus, but also in Old Westbury,
space is quite cramped. To date there does not appear to have been a significant negative impact on
the program, but the lack of faculty office space, research space, conference rooms, and student project
space reflects a potential adverse impact to the program in the future if more space is not obtained.
Short-term plans for the acquisition of additional space in Manhattan and re-allocation of space in Old
Westbury are noted, as well as long-term plans for a new engineering building in Old Westbury. The
EAC looks forward to the implementation of these plans.
Due-process response: The EAC acknowledges receipt of a letter from the institution stating that
additional space has been allocated to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. In the summer of
2007, the department will receive three additional rooms in the current Old Westbury building. The
department chair will have a private office, and the space for each faculty office will be increased. Part
of the additional space will be used for student projects and conferencing.
The concern has been resolved.
As reported in our due-process response, the number of faculty offices has increased since the time
of the last visit, to accommodate both the chair and additional faculty. While we feel that the facilities
within the department are adequate to accomplish program objectives and do provide an atmosphere
conducive to learning, the need for more space is justified. The faculty have worked with the Dean, who
fully understands our needs, and NYIT’s facilities staff to address our concerns. As at most colleges and
universities, this is an on-going process. This is addressed further in Section 7.
Joint Accreditation
There is no joint accreditation sought for this program.
The material provided here is also available in and taken from the college’s catalog. It may be found
on Pages 29-42 of the 2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog.
A. Student Admissions
Admission of Students
Mechanical engineering students should have adequate mathematics preparation to permit them
entry into Calculus I. Students with inadequate mathematics preparation will be required to supplement
their course of study to strengthen their backgrounds and permit entry into the calculus sequence.
Freshmen who wish to be admitted to NYIT’s programs in engineering must have a minimum 1000 SAT
(critical reading and math only) total, which includes a minimum 520 math score. Students who do not
satisfy these criteria may be accepted as undeclared/pre-engineering students. Those students, who
have not been admitted to engineering as an incoming student, may apply for transfer into engineering
from pre-engineering and other disciplines within NYIT if they have a minimum cumulative average of
2.0 and have completed at least 12 credits of required mathematics, physics, computer science, and
engineering with a minimum average of 2.3 in these courses. Students may also satisfy these
requirements by passing challenge examinations in these areas as provided for by NYIT policies.
Students who have not chosen a specific branch of engineering as a major or who do not fully satisfy the
entrance requirements for engineering may be classified with an undeclared status in the School of
Engineering and Computing Sciences up to the end of their second year. Transfer students and students
who have completed more than two years of coursework should check with both their academic and
financial aid advisors regarding their status as majors.
Admission of International Students
NYIT welcomes students from other nations who show promise of profiting from educational
opportunities in the United States. The following guidelines are for prospective students residing outside
the continental limits of the United States who wish to attend the college:
1. The application form, $50 fee and required documents must be submitted to the Office of
Admissions in Old Westbury.
2. Applications from international students must be received by NYIT by July 15 for a fall term and
Dec. 1 for spring. Applications received after those dates will automatically be considered for
the following term. (These deadlines may be waived for applicants who reside in the United
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3. Official and complete school records from all previous schools, including certification of high
school graduation, colleges, universities, normal or technical schools, must be submitted by the
previous institutions.
4. Applicants are required to submit the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as
administered by the Educational Testing Service preferably at an overseas examination center,
or an examination deemed to be equivalent by the Office of Admissions of NYIT. The minimum
score preferred for undergraduate admission is a written-based score of 550, computer-based
score of 213, or internet-based score of 79/80. Students with scores from 500 to 549 on the
written, 173 to 212 on the computerized, or 61 to 78 on the internet based may be required to
study English as a Second Language before you can be fully matriculated. If students score
below 500 on the written, 173 on the computerized, or 61 on the internet-based, respectively,
students may apply to NYIT’s English Language Institute for additional instruction in English, and
also retake the TOEFL exam. For all information concerning this test, the candidate should write
for the Bulletin of Information: Test of English as a Foreign Language, to Educational Testing
Service, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A. 08540.
5. Students who transfer from American colleges or universities must have their previous schools
complete the I-20 Transfer Recommendation Form which can be obtained from the NYIT Office
of Admissions. Students must also furnish copies of all previous universities’ I-20(s) and a copy
of their I-94 (from passport).
6. For the purpose of assuring NYIT and the United States government that all necessary costs to
maintain the student throughout his/her tenure at the college will be met, students must
submit: (a) an original notarized Affidavit of Support Form signed by a parent or other bona fide
sponsor (form can be obtained from the NYIT Office of Admissions and Web site:
www.nyit.edu), and (b) an original bank statement of a parent or sponsor.
7. Upon receipt of all required material, the Committee on Admissions will review the
qualifications of each applicant on an individual basis, and a decision regarding admission will be
forwarded to the applicant. The I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Student Visa) may be given
after: (a) the student has sent the application and $50 fee with official scholastic credentials to
NYIT; (b) the student has received the admission letter; (c) the student has submitted notarized
affidavit of support and bank statements; (d) the student has paid a $400 non-refundable
deposit fee that will apply toward the first semester's tuition.
8. Four years of study are generally necessary to acquire a bachelor’s degree, but NYIT does not
guarantee that any student will complete a program within this time. All international students
with F-1 visas must be full-time day students.
9. All students transferring from foreign institutions of higher learning will be required to have
their educational credentials evaluated by an agency specializing in reviewing international
transcripts. This agency must be acceptable to the standards of NYIT, such as World Education
Services or Globe Language Services. There is a fee for this evaluation service. Possible transfer
credits will be determined by NYIT after results of the course-by-course evaluation have been
received. Students must provide course outlines and/or syllabi if available to facilitate credit
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B. Evaluating Student Performance
There are various mechanisms through which student performance is monitored. For one, every
semester, and prior to the registration period, every student must meet with the academic advisor (a
faculty member in the program). During this meeting, students’ progress towards their intended degree,
compliance with pre-requisites and other departmental guidelines is thoroughly reviewed. Once the
student has been advised, and only then, the advisor will “open” the student’s online registration. This
opening unlocks the hold on the student record, so he/she is now able to register for the following
A degree map is provided for student and advisor. This assures that prerequisite courses are
satisfied in order and that the student remains on track. A typical map is provided in Supplement A to
this self-study. If, because of extenuating circumstances, the student requires exceptional treatment,
approval, in writing, must be obtained from the department chair.
The general policy for all required engineering courses in the School of Engineering and Computing
Sciences is that no substitutions are permitted. However, under extenuating circumstances, a student
may, with permission of the Chair, substitute one course for another.
At least one section of all other School required courses, e.g., calculus, physics, etc. is offered every
term. It is, therefore, uncommon for a student to request substitutions. Usually, such a request occurs
as a result of a student's special interest in History, English, or related subjects. In such case, the student
must receive the approval of the several Chairs involved in order to make the substitution.
The catalog and program degree map identify all required courses and elective categories, e.g.
design, which students must have. In addition NYIT’s website
makes available to faculty and students through “NYIT Connect” the ability to register online and
view student transcripts. It identifies:
1. Requirements for the curriculum that the student is being evaluated for.
2. NYIT Coursework (graded and in-progress).
3. Transfer coursework where applicable.
To ensure that every student follows the published curriculum, no student is permitted to register
for a course without the approval of his/her faculty advisor. During a meeting with the student's
advisor, the student's transcript is examined and discussed. Together, the student and the advisor
arrive at a set of courses that the student should take for the coming term. In addition, the on-line
computer registration system will not accept registration for courses for which the student has not
taken the appropriate prerequisites. In that case, if the student has the written approval of the Chair,
the student may complete his/her registration in-person.
In addition, undergraduate students are required to have a 2.00 cumulative GPA by the time they
complete their second academic year. Students who do not meet the minimum GPA requirement are
placed on probation. All students on probation are contacted by the Central Student Solutions Center
and its Advising Center throughout the semester and are notified of available resources on campus
including the Learning Center, Math Center, Writing Center and Counseling & Wellness Center. Progress
reports are requested on all students for each of their courses. Students are contacted to discuss their
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progress reports as they are received. Students are blocked from registration until they meet with the
Central Advising Center and until their anticipated courses are reviewed. All students on Probation are
required to sign a probation contract outlining the probation/dismissal policy as well as consequences of
continued poor performance.
Semester Maps indicate the semester-by-semester sequence of courses a student in the selected
major might take in order to complete all the required credits. They are a useful resource for students to
use for planning their courses each semester until graduation and are meant to serve only as a guide.
All course selections must be confirmed by an advisor in the academic department. A typical
mechanical engineering Semester Map is shown in Supplement B.
Finally, when a student reaches senior status, after completing 96 credits, the student applies for
graduation. The Chair, or a designated representative, upon receiving notice of the application, obtains
the degree map for the student using the online NYIT Connect menu. The Chair reviews the degree map
and indicates on the degree map which courses are needed in order for the student to graduate. A
typical degree map and graduation evaluation materials are provided in Supplement B.
C. Transfer Students and Transfer Credit
We have in place a procedure in the mechanical engineering program to assure that the transfer
courses meet all applicable ABET engineering criteria and have the same content in terms of technical
content and computer usage as the corresponding courses at NYIT. Under this procedure, the faculty
works with the transfer office to evaluate and grant transfer credits and to make certain that transfer
credits are consistent with official articulation agreements and other departmental policies.
Students who have completed programs at other colleges or who wish to transfer to NYIT from
other institutions are considered for admission. Transfer applicants for all campuses assume the
responsibility of having previous schools forward official final transcripts to NYIT’s Office of Admissions
in Old Westbury. The transfer of credits will be considered under the following general rules.
Transfer credit may be given for courses completed at an accredited college or other qualified
institution acceptable to the standards of NYIT.
Courses must be appropriate to NYIT curricula. Transfer credit for major courses is granted for
equivalent coursework only. Substitutions are considered in the core curriculum when coursework is
from the same discipline.
Courses not included in NYIT curricula, but relevant to the ultimate educational objectives of the
student, may be allowed toward a general elective requirement in a specific curriculum. However,
transfer credit is not awarded in excess of degree requirements.
Credit is granted for Advanced Placement Exams (AP) taken in high school. Grades 3, 4 and 5 are
required and up to 2 semesters of credit is granted if applicable. Official scores are mailed to the
Evaluations Unit in the Admissions Office.
Transfer credit is recorded as credit (TC) only and is not computed in the cumulative grade point
average unless it becomes necessary in determining graduation honors. Credit for challenge
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examinations taken at an accredited college is granted if recorded on an official transcript with credits
and a grade of C- or better.
Grades of C- or better are transferable. Grades of D are accepted for courses that were used toward
an associate or bachelor’s degree (with minimum 2.0 average) or were taken at a school where no
degree was earned, but a 2.5 average and 30 credits were attained. Students may be advised, however,
to retake some C- or D grades if seeking internships or admission to certain professional schools. DGrades are not transferable.
Students must complete at least thirty credits in residency at NYIT for graduation, and, therefore,
the maximum number of transfer credits varies depending on the number of credits in the major.
Credit for military course work and Military Occupational Specialties (MOS's) may be granted. The
American Council on Education (ACE) has evaluated some of this course work and transfer credit toward
electives is awarded based upon the ACE recommendation. Certificates of completion and/or official
DD214 forms are sent to the Evaluation Office for military course work that may be credited toward a
college degree.
One credit corresponds to 15 class hours of lecture or recitation or 45 class hours of laboratory.
When the quality of courses taken at another school cannot be determined from the transcript, the
Chair, or the Chair's faculty designee, interviews the student and may administer a comprehensive exam
to determine the level of the student's knowledge in the courses. This may occur when the standards or
type of accreditation held by the other institution are unknown or unobtainable. Students with
deficiencies in the areas of design and computer usage as well as students who transfer from foreign
universities, or non-accredited ABET programs; will not receive credit until they can demonstrate that
their courses are equivalent to those offered at NYIT.
D. Advising and Career Guidance
NYIT recognizes that student advising is a critical component of the educational experience of all its
students. Such advising encourages students to enhance decision-making skills, to think critically about
goals and objectives, and to assume responsibility for their actions and plans. NYIT offers a range of
academic advising resources that include faculty advising, the Central Advising Center, advising Web
site, online degree maps, and the college catalog to assist students in making meaningful educational
plans that are compatible with their career goals. Examples may be found on the college’s and schools’
web site: www.nyit.edu.
As an institution, our goals of academic advising include helping students:
facilitate successful transition into NYIT;
develop suitable educational plans;
clarify their life and career goals;
select appropriate courses;
complete degree requirements in a timely manner;
interpret policies and procedures.
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During the pre-registration process, all faculty are assigned specific office hours to assist students.
Of course, this varies from semester to semester, but the entire department participates.
Central Advising Center locations are:
Manhattan Old Westbury
16 W. 61st Street Harry Schure Hall
Room 716 Room 209A
Career guidance is provided through the Office of Career Services as well as student discussions with
faculty. The professionals of this office complement the students’ curriculum choices by providing
personal career guidance, aptitude and interest tests, and training through a series of fall and spring
semester workshops. These workshops address self-assessment, career choices, employment
opportunities, résumé and portfolio preparation, interview skills, and successful job search techniques.
Career resource libraries and computer programs are available for student use and provide practical
direction and assistance in maintaining contact with organizations seeking trained personnel. Internet
access provides the opportunity for on-line job searches and career preparation. Business, government,
and industry representatives actively participate in recruitment activities, including sponsorship of
corporate exhibits at annual Career Fairs, conducted during the fall and spring semesters.
The Office of Career Services has offices on the Manhattan and Old Westbury campuses and an
extensive website which includes an online job bank, internship bank, and a section with miscellaneous
career and job information for students in the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences.
Office of Career Services locations are:
Manhattan Old Westbury
26 W. 61st Street, Room 210
Salten Hall #309
E. Graduation Requirements
When students reach senior status they may only be advised by the Chair or a designated
representative. In order to graduate, the student must apply for graduation on-line or in-person. The
Chair receives notice of the student’s application for graduation and, at that time, the sequence of
courses needed for graduation is confirmed using the on-line student transcript. The Chair prints and
signs the form indicating if the student has met all the requirements and if not,
what remains to be taken. This form is then sent to the registrar, graduation office, and kept on file
in the department. The graduation office confirms the information from the Chair. Students are then
sent a letter indicating whether or not they are candidates for graduation upon successful completion of
their credits in progress. This procedure ensures that no student can graduate without having met the
requirements of the degree program. Supplement B provides the typical forms and information
required for graduation approval.
A degree candidate enrolled at NYIT may take courses at another institution for credit only if written
consent from the appropriate Deans and the registrar has been obtained in advance. Upon completing
the course, the student must assume responsibility for furnishing the registrar with an official transcript
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so credit may be entered in the record. A grade of C- or better is required for credit. Students on
probation may not take courses at another college.
As pointed out above, the above standards are taken directly from the college catalogue. In recent
weeks, the Academic Senate of the college has approved the following for all undergraduate students in
our engineering programs:
Students enrolled in Electrical and Computer Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering must:
Earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in MATH-170 and PHYS 170,
Have a minimum CGPA of C (2.0) in required mathematics courses, and
Have a minimum CGPA of C (2.0) in required physics courses.
2. Students enrolled in Electrical and Computer Engineering or Mechanical Engineering are permitted
no more than three grades below a C (2.0) in engineering major courses. If a student earns less than a C
(2.0) in more than three engineering major courses, the student must repeat one or more of them with
a grade of C (2.0) or better. Once a course is repeated and a grade of C or better is obtained, then the
requirement is satisfied. The course(s) to be repeated will be determined in consultation with and
approval of an Engineering Academic Advisor.
Repeating courses may impact eligibility for financial aid. Students should consult with a financial aid
advisor before registering for a repeated course.
This new system will be introduced in Fall 2012 for all students in our engineering programs.
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F. Transcripts of Recent Graduates
The program and any program options are designated as:
 Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering
 Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace Engineering Concentration)
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A. Mission Statement
The mission of New York Institute of Technology, as articulated in the college’s catalog, is based on
the fundamental principles of
 Providing career-oriented professional education,
 Offering access to opportunity to all qualified students
 Supporting applications-oriented research that benefits the larger world
Committed to excellence in teaching, the college's primary goal is to prepare students to succeed in
their chosen fields through its career-oriented schools. The college attracts a talented, motivated
student body thanks to its senior-credentialed, practitioner-oriented faculty and a robust alumni job
history. Additional details may be found in both the college catalogue and the college’s web site.
 The School of Engineering and Computing Sciences prides itself on its high-quality
undergraduate and graduate programs that prepare students for advanced studies and
challenging positions in business, government, and industry. The school is guided in this mission
by the above three tenets embraced by NYIT.
Integral to our success are our faculty’s dedication to teaching, scholarship, and service; the
support of our alumni, industrial advisory boards, friends and employers; and our state-of-theart facilities that provide students with a solid foundation for achievement.
To accomplish its mission, the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences:
Offers a broad range of outstanding, accredited academic programs.
Supports faculty members who are effective teacher-scholars committed to a
student-centered, stimulating learning and research environment.
 Engages students in applied projects, innovative design and computing solutions to real industry
 Fosters connections and partnerships with employers, alumni, and the community at large.
Provides the physical space and modern facilities that befit a premier technology institute.
The vision for the School: Engineering for Society: Innovating for a Better World!
At NYIT’s School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, students have the opportunity to work on 21st
century technological challenges that directly affect the world in which they live. Indeed, the school is
known as “the place” where innovators, engineering firms, public utilities, federal and state agencies
seek faculty and student talent to advance their projects, inventions and technologies in the classroom,
the lab, the field, or onsite. By the time they graduate, our “industry ready” students are equipped with
the fundamentals needed to pursue graduate studies and prepared to join the workforce with minimal
on the job training.
Based on this overall direction, and based on the mission of the college and the school, the
Department of Mechanical Engineering has set student outcomes for its students. These have been
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developed to be comparable to the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology Engineering
Criteria and to Program Criteria established by the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME).
B. Program Educational Objectives
The primary objectives of the mechanical engineering curriculum (as written in the college catalog
and on the department’s web site) are to produce a versatile engineering graduate capable of growth
within industry or prepared to pursue advanced studies. The objectives which follow below are
reflective of the overall mission of the college: career-oriented education to prepare students for
successful careers in an information-age society; and applications-oriented research which not only
expands the knowledge base of our society but also contributes to the economic development of the
region, state and nation.
The important mission element to emphasize is the applied orientation of the college,
in general, and the engineering programs in particular. Our stress is on the design/
computer/applications components in the spectrum of mechanical engineering
programs. Our objectives are fulfilled by courses in the sciences, humanities and mechanical
engineering, with increasing emphasis on design. The sequences established for the students provide
them with a broad education but also the flexibility to allow some degree of depth in an area of
particular interest to them.
Providing the backbone of the curriculum, the sciences, mathematics and the basic levels of
mechanical engineering courses constitute the fundamental knowledge base needed by the student for
the array of advanced courses. The college’s liberal arts and humanities core curriculum is designed to
provide the student with additional knowledge and skills related to job and graduate school success. It is
concerned with the student as citizen and community leader; to that end it provides a broad perspective
of history, philosophy and literature. One of the major features of the core curriculum is their emphasis
on learning through written, oral and electronic presentations. These communication skills carry over
effectively into the advanced mechanical engineering courses.
In the mechanical engineering major, students take courses in both the thermal/fluids and solid
mechanics tracks. In both stems of the curriculum, the sequence of courses have increasing emphasis on
both computer usage and design. To this end students are required to take twelve (12) credits of
specifically designated design courses.
These design courses include a capstone course and electives, the latter chosen depending on the
student’s interest. The design projects encompass engineering components using the skills developed
throughout the curriculum, economic issues appropriate to the effective practice of engineering, as well
as written language and oral communication skills.
Within this general direction and the mission and vision of the School of Engineering and Computing
Sciences, the program faculty, with input from other stakeholders (employers, alumni and industrial
advisory board), have determined program educational objectives (PEOs); these are listed in the
college’s catalog. The Department strives to create versatile engineers who will:
1. Be successfully employed in engineering or their chosen career path
2. Pursue graduate studies and/or continued education in their field
- 19 -
3. Function as responsible members of society through engagement in community or
professional organizations
To assess these PEOs in coordination with the student outcomes (see Criteria 3 and 4) we have
developed a system that shows the relationship between the two. This was originally designed for our
last ABET accreditation review; we have found that it works reasonably well and so have retained it over
the last several years. It is best described in Exhibit 2-1 which displays our major constituencies and the
various feedback loops for continuous improvement. We will return to this exhibit from time to time in
this self-study so that the entire process may be understood.
- 20 -
Exhibit 2-1
Department of Mechanical Engineering
vem ent/ C
th e
p ro
C. Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the
Within the nation-wide spectrum of engineering curricula from the practical to the theoretical,
NYIT’s mechanical engineering programs are consonant with the mission of both the college and the
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences. This emphasis is also embodied in the department’s
educational objectives as well as the strong design component of our offerings. As we will see later in
the self-study (see Criterion 4, Continuous Improvement), our students are very satisfied with their
degree and have used it to both advance professionally and to obtain advanced degrees, clearly fulfilling
the mission of NYIT and meeting the program’s objectives.
- 21 -
D. Program Constituencies
The major constituencies of our program are:
students - both those presently attending and our alumni
graduate schools which our graduates attend
Industrial Advisory Board
The Department of Mechanical Engineering maintains an Industrial Advisory Board made up of
leaders of business and industry. The Board meets at least annually with the Dean, Chair, and Faculty to
discuss departmental objectives, curriculum, assessment, concerns and activities. Pertinent information
about the relationship between student career preparation in the department and the actual needs of
employers is often the focal point of the discussions.
Process for Revision of the Program Educational Objectives
The program educational objectives were changed most recently during the Spring 2009 semester.
We used the process outlined in Exhibit 2-1 to develop this update. It was initiated in Spring 2009 with a
review of our original PEO’s by the department’s Industrial Advisory Board. They offered several
suggestions for modification both to simplify the language and to make it easier to measure with
graduates and employers.
These recommendations were carried to the entire School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
faculty as well as to recent and older graduates. Feedback from these constituencies was received and
then offered to the IAB through email communications as well as at their next meeting in Spring 2010.
Final approval and adoption of the PEO’s was made in the 2010-2011 academic year.
Implementation followed in consultation with all our stakeholders assuring that the impacts reflect well
on the needs of our total community.
- 22 -
A. Student Outcomes
To support our objectives, the curriculum has been developed to provide Student
Outcomes that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the
time of graduation. Upon graduation, students are expected to acquire the ability to:
a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering;
b) design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
c) design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability;
d) function on multi-disciplinary teams;
e) identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems;
f) understand professional and ethical responsibility;
g) communicate effectively;
h) understand, with broad education, the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context;
i) engage in and recognize the need for life-long learning;
j) understand and know about contemporary issues;
k) use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
These are displayed in the college catalog in the section describing the Mechanical Engineering
program as well as on the department’s web site.
These outcomes are fully consistent with the traditional ABET (a) through (k) outcomes. The career
emphasis and the practitioner orientation may be seen by comparing our PEOs with our Student
Outcomes. They fit well with the mission of New York Institute of Technology, the School of Engineering
and Computing Sciences and the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
How the Student Outcomes are reflected within each course is displayed in Mechanical Engineering
Program Exhibit 3-1. Here each course is mapped against these outcomes. The place where we put the
most emphasis is in the design sequence where we can assess the culmination of the fundamentals
learned and the overall effectiveness of our program.
The department’s Rubric for the (a) – (k) outcomes is presented in Exhibit 3-2. Here we detail the
means we use in assessing student outcomes relative to the standards spelled out in the Rubric.
- 23 -
Exhibit 3-1
MENG 105
ME electives
IENG 240
AE electives
(k) Knowledge & tools
(j) Contemporary issues
(i) Life-Long learning
(f)Professional/ethical responsibility
(e ) Solve engineering problem
(d) Teams
(c)Design system, components
(b) Experiments
(a) Math, science, engineering
Relationship of Courses to Student Outcomes/ABET Outcomes
- 24 -
Exhibit 3-2
Rubric for the ABET Outcomes
ABET Outcome a: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
Combines mathematical as well as scientific principles to formulate models of systems relevant to
mechanical engineering
Apples concepts of integro-differential calculus, linear algebra, probability, statistics and discrete
mathematics to solve mechanical engineering problems
Understands the engineering interpretation of mathematical and scientific operations
Understands that there is a limitation between a mathematical model and physical reality
Is able to execute calculations correctly by hand and by using appropriate software
ABET Outcome b: an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
Observes laboratory safety procedures
Is able to gather data to confirm a stated objective (i.e. theoretical result)
Carefully documents data collected
Is able to implement experimental procedures, operate instrumentation and analyze and interpret data
using appropriate theory when required
Is able to design appropriate experimental procedures when necessary
Is aware of measurement error and can account for it
ABET Outcome c: an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
Is able to use engineering, computer, and mathematical principles to develop alternative designs
taking into consideration economic, health, safety, social, and environmental issues, codes of practice,
and applicable laws.
ABET Outcome d:
an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Is prepared for group meetings with clearly formulated ideas and contributes a fair share to the project
Shares credit for success and accountability for team results
Shares information and provides assistance to/with others
Is able to assume a designated role in the group
Values alternative perspectives and encourages participation among all team members
Remains non-judgmental when disagreeing with others/seeks conflict resolution
ABET Outcome e: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Can relate theoretical concepts to practical problem solving and demonstrates creative synthesis and
defense for the solution (solution is correct and checked in other ways when it can be)
Uses appropriate resources to locate information needed to solve problems
Effectively integrates new information with previous knowledge problems
- 25 -
Exhibit 3-2
Rubric for the ABET Outcomes, continued
ABET Outcome f: an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Student is familiar with the ASME Code of Ethics and the NYIT Students' Code of Conduct
Takes personal responsibility for his/her actions
Is punctual, professional, and collegial
Attends classes regularly
Evaluates and judges a situation using facts and a professional code of ethics
Uses personal value system to support actions, but understands the importance of using professional
ethical standards for corporate decisions
ABET Outcome g: an ability to communicate effectively
Articulates ideas clearly and concisely
Organizes written materials in a logical sequence (paragraphs, subheading, etc.) to facilitate reader's
Uses graphs, tables, and diagrams to support, interpret, and assess information in the proper format
Written work is presented neatly and professionally, conforms to the prescribed format, and grammar
and spelling are correct
Presentation has enough detail appropriate to the technical content for the time constraint and the
Presents well mechanically: makes eye contact, can be easily heard, speaks comfortably with minimal
prompts, does not block screen, no distracting nervous habits
Uses proper American English and visual aids effectively
Has a professional appearance
Listens carefully and responds to questions appropriately
ABET Outcome h: the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context
Is familiar with the current trends in the engineering disciplines and the historical aspects of
engineering solutions and their impacts
Is able to evaluate political solutions, or scenarios using a series of different measures - e.g.,
economic, quality of life; number of individuals affected; political ramifications, etc.
Can demonstrate a personal perspective on the importance of engineering in today's world
ABET Outcome i: a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Demonstrates an understanding of the need for and the ability to learn independently, e.g., goes
beyond what is required in completing an assignment; brings information from outside sources into
assignments; etc.)
Participates and takes a leadership role in professional and technical societies available to the student
- 26 -
Exhibit 3-2
Rubric for the ABET Outcomes, concluded
ABET Outcome j: a knowledge of contemporary issues
Has knowledge of current events in society as well as the engineering discipline
Is able to discuss, summarize, and defend major political issues at national, state and local levels
ABET Outcome k: an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Uses computer-based and other resources effectively in assignments/projects
Maintains current, state-of-the-art abilities in PC use
- 27 -
B. Relationship of Student Outcomes to Program Educational Objectives
A mapping of the Student Outcomes with the Program Objectives shown in Exhibit 3-3 indicates
their consistency with each other. If the student successfully meets the outcomes upon graduation, we
will show later that they in fact meet the objectives a few years after graduation. Section 4 further
details this direct relationship.
Exhibit 3-3
Mapping of Student Outcomes
Program Educational Objectives
Student Outcomes
(a)Math, sci, eng
(e)Eng problems
(i)Life-long learning
Program Educational Objectives
Continuing Ed/
Grad School
Some comments are in order:
The array of ABET outcomes (a) - (k) adopted within the department point to success in the
employment arena, see Section 4.
Likewise the academic component of our outcomes develops the learning skills required for
certification, professional development, and advanced degrees within engineering or other
quantitative fields, viz, an MBA for example.
In terms of the interaction of the students with society in general, the outcomes suggest
that the student is well-prepared for interacting with the professional community, with
his/her local community and society at large.
- 28 -
In order to set the context for the Department’s assessment activities it is useful to understand the
role of this work within the larger institution. The Assessment Committee of NYIT's Academic Senate is
the college-wide unit that brings together all program assessment activities at the university - for
programs with and without professional accreditation, for programs at all locations, for programs given
through all delivery mechanisms. The committee members come from all academic schools and
numerous support departments. Its meetings are open and minutes are posted on the web site of the
Academic Senate, available through NYIT’s intranet.
This committee's goals are to:
Raise the visibility of student learning outcomes assessment within NYIT;
Maintain a common, unified, mission-driven process for all of NYIT's academic programs;
Improve teaching and learning by increasing faculty participation in and knowledge of
Provide meaningful feedback to deans and faculty regarding their assessment plans and results by
engaging them in useful conversation with Committee members about how well the program is helping
students achieve stated learning outcomes;
Prepare a formal annual report on the status of assessment at the university, including
recommendations for improvement.
NYIT's model for the assessment of student learning in its academic programs is designed
according to the following principles:
Program faculty are responsible for assessing the student learning outcomes of their
Assessment activities should be useful, annual, and integrated as much as possible into what
faculty are already doing.
Faculty define the most important learning outcomes, set standards of performance, and
measure achievement.
Results are used to make program improvements.
The Assessment Committee of the Academic Senate provides institutional oversight. The offices of
the Provost and the Vice President for Planning and Assessment provide institutional support. NYIT’s
“Assessing Student Learning” web site serves as a resource for faculty – containing a description of the
annual process, templates for annual assessment plans and reports, and links to resources. A repository
of the materials submitted by all academic programs in the university within the prior two years (on a
“Plans and Reports” page) enables sharing of best practice across disciplines and locations. It also has
links to the committee’s annual “Assessment Reports to the Academic Senate,” which suggest areas for
improvement. We may observe that these goals, principles and practices are clearly in concert with the
ABET model for program assessment.
- 29 -
A. Program Educational Objectives
Consistent with the mission and practice of NYIT and with input from our constituencies through the
Industrial Advisory Committee as well as alumni and employer surveys, our Program Educational
Objectives were initially developed by the department faculty. To determine if these objective are being
met, given the state-of-the-art in engineering and the technological progress in the field, a review is
carried out approximately every three years. Primary instruments in the assessment of the Program
Educational Objectives are our alumni and employer surveys. We first look at the former; see Exhibit 41 for the questions we asked this constituency.
The results from the latest alumni surveys are provided in Exhibit 4-2. Some particular comments
are in order, especially relevant to our Program Educational Objectives:
A large fraction of the alumni have opted for advanced degrees (Question 3). These results
are consistent with the advice that many faculty offer our senior students since it is clear
that the basic undergraduate program, while sufficient for a first employment, often
requires advanced education for continued growth.
All of the students have joined professional societies (Question 5), again consistent with the
goals of our faculty and program.
The employer list (Question 6) and the job title array (Question 7) is sufficiently diverse,
suggesting that the traditional ME program well-prepares our students for a variety of job
opportunities at many levels.
Salaries (Question 8) seem to be consistent with industry averages.
Finally in Question 9, we address directly the educational objectives of the program. These
results suggest that we are succeeding in our preparation of students for industry by
providing them with sufficient knowledge and skills for professional practice. We are also
offering the right sort of guidance and role modeling for them to enter professional and
community service.
In order to address the concerns evidenced in Parts 4 and 5 of Question 9, the School of Engineering
and Computing Sciences and the Department of Mechanical Engineering have been introducing the
Graduate school information sessions for senior year students to apprise them of opportunities
and programs at local, regional and national engineering schools. Based on feedback from
former students, NYIT is, itself, looking to introduce graduate engineering degrees well-suited to
the mechanical engineering student.
We are also working with the local chapter of ASME, through seminars and attendance at
chapter meetings, to help our students connect with professionals in the field so that they can
understand management and leadership possibilities in their future careers.
We also show some of the comments that these individuals added to their survey, Exhibit 4-3.
Overall the department is very gratified with these results, especially the comments on the program and
our faculty. As was expected, these results are consistent with the data and comments from the last
ABET visit in 2006; many of the graduates surveyed were from the year 2008 and earlier and they clearly
have endorsed the program improvements in program made over the last several years.
- 30 -
Exhibit 4-1
1. What was the most recent degree you received at NYIT?
2. When did you receive that degree?
3. What further education (or advanced degree) are you pursuing or have completed since you
graduated from NYIT (choose all that apply)?
4. When did you complete or are you expecting to complete the advanced education indicated
5. Which professional organization(s) are you affiliated with?
6. Please provide your current employer information below
7. Optional: Please provide information about yourself below
8. Your Salary in U.S dollars
Less than 60k
Over 90k
9. The SoECS has set Program Educational Objectives for its graduates. From your perspective
as an alumnus/alumna, please rate your satisfaction with how well the NYIT program
prepared you in each of the following:
1 Preparedness for
successful positions
in industry
2 Adequate
knowledge and skills
for professional
3 Engagement in
community service or
4 Curriculum
preparedness for
graduate studies
and/or continued
5 Active
role in the work place
10. Optional: Please elaborate on the reasons behind your ratings and provide any additional
comments you would like to share with us:
- 31 -
Exhibit 4-2
Results of Question No. 3
What further education (or advanced degree) are you pursuing or have completed since you
graduated from NYIT (choose all that apply)?
Professional Certificate
Other (please specify)
B.S in Mechanical Engineering
Results of Question No. 5
Which professional organization(s) are you affiliated with?
Results of Question No. 6
Please provide your current employer information below
Defense Contract Management Agency
New York Engineering Assoc.
Northrop Grumman Corp
Emisstar LLC
- 32 -
B.S in Mechanical
US Department of State
US Air Force
Rolls Royce
National Grid
Genesys Engineering
Results of Question No. 7
Optional: Please provide information about yourself below (Specific job title)
Quality Assurance Engineer
Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer
Structural Engineer
Engineering Manager
Sr. Engineer
Security Engineering Officer
Industrial Safety Engineer
Engineer III
EOD Flight Commander
MSc Stress Engineer
Full time student
Results of Question No. 8
Your Salary in U.S dollars
less than 60K
Over 90K
B.S in Mechanical
- 33 -
Results of Question No. 9
From your perspective as an alumnus/alumna, please rate your satisfaction with how well the
NYIT program prepared you in each of the following:
at Satisfied
Preparedness for
1successful positions in
# Question
knowledge and skills
for professional
Engagement in
community service or
preparedness for
4 graduate studies
and/or continued
role in the work place
- 34 -
Exhibit 4-3
(copied directly from their replies;
each separate paragraph from an individual alumnus)
Overall I was very pleased with my experiences at NYIT. I am however, greatly disappointed that
there is no M.S. program in mechanical/aerospace engineering. I work for a great company here in long
island, and my only options for graduate school are SUNY Stony Brook, or NYU Poly in Brooklyn. My
company is actually encouraging me to attend part time study for graduate courses, but I find it rather
difficult to commute so far away. Also I greatly love the faculty for my classes in engineering such as Dr.
Fox, Dr. Steven Lu, Dr. Ma, and Dr. Khuller. These professors, Dr. Fox in particular, laid a great
foundation in the core knowledge of thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, propulsion, for
which I apply to my career.
As a CFD engineer, I would have loved to have attended graduate classes
taught by Dr. Lu and Dr. Fox, and it is to my understanding that Dr. Lu is an expert in the CFD field.
Most of my work colleagues have attained M.S degrees in aerospace or mechanical engineering with
concentration in thermal sciences or fluid mechanics, etc. ... and even Ph.D. as well. If NYIT offers a M.S.
program, I will not hesitate in attending.
The Mechanical Engineering faculty at NYIT is stellar. They are very knowledgeable about real-world
environments and more importantly, take a vested interest in the students. This is the polar opposite
from the experience I received at a nearby NY state university, where the professors were more
interested in their research projects than teaching. It is a shame that this department does not receive
more attention and resources. Sometimes I was embarrassed that such high class educators were given
offices the size of a closet. There was no room for a student to sit down and have a proper discussion.
Classrooms were small and cramped given some of the class sizes, with too high of a workload for the
professors. Additional faculty is needed to meet the needs of this program.
NYIT needs to improve more on supporting the extra curriculum activities like the Minibaja
competition, robotics, etc. This is the only way you may be able to engage the students to continue their
education in science and engineering. I am deeply involved with the different universities and high
school supporting activities like the university and high school rocket lunch, moon buggy competition,
robotics, Inspiration, etc. These activities have shown great success on increasing the numbers of
student in science and engineering.
Did not take management classes so I cannot comment on those aspects. There are no prof. org.
associated with current company that I know of.
I believe that NYIT has an outstanding program but I am unable to truly asses how well it has
prepared me for working in industry since I am an active duty military member. My first three years in
service I did use my degree every day. I was able to successfully design component for fighter jets with
next to no oversight. Since them I have transitioned to becoming a bomb disposal technician and then
to the commander of a
- 35 -
bomb disposal unit. My engineering degree no longer applies but will most likely help with my
continued studies in Explosive Ordnance Engineering.
I am working for an Energy Engineering firm ****. The Energy Systems and HVAC classes I took was
key in nailing me this position. When I came for an interview, I just showed them the type of projects I
worked on - of course on a purely academic level, and they thought it was fascinating.
It is amazing how realistic the projects we did in the class were. Unlike other classes, Dr. Tabi's projects
really gave me a lot of practical knowledge. Granted I have a ton to learn, but I would not have made it
even a week in this company without the academic knowledge I got from Dr. Tabi's classes.
Although the Energy Field , led by Dr. Tabi is excellent, the other branches are seriously lacking
practical applications. Theoretically they are good, but there is no hands-on learning. There should be a
machine shop class, where students learn to use lathe/mill/drill, and get acquainted with the tools. Dan
Rapka is a great professor and I believe he could teach a class like this very well.
The last student comment concerning the machine shop is echoed in some of our graduating
student remarks in their Senior Exit interviews (these latter will be available to the team at the time of
the visit). The applied emphasis here has also been suggested by members of our Industrial Advisory
Board (see the Major Changes section, below).
The results from our latest employer survey are described next. The survey form used for this
constituency is presented in Exhibit 4-4. Results are shown in Exhibit 4-5. In summary they indicate that
our preparation of graduates for work in industry is on target;
the students do appear to be able to use the tools of modern engineering;
over 85% indicate that communication skills are good to excellent;
our students are challenged to move ahead in their companies.
- 36 -
Exhibit 4-4
Employer Survey Form
New York Institute of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Employer Survey
Name and Job Title of Person completing this form:_________________________________
Company Name:_______________________________________________________________
With regard to NYIT graduates that you have worked with, we would appreciate if you would take the time to
answer the following questions by ranking them using the following scale:
1- poor 2 - fair 3 - good 4 - excellent (circle the desired number)*
Was the employee prepared for an entry level position at your company?
1 2 3 4
Was the employee able to use the tools of modern engineering practice?
1 2 3 4
Was the employee able to communicate effectively in both written and oral form?
1 2 3 4
Was the employee able to function as a member of a team?
1 2 3 4
Was the employee motivated to accept challenging assignments and responsibilities and exercise leadership?
1 2 3 4
Was the employee able to adapt to changing technologies and demonstrate an ability to work independently?
1 2 3 4
Please make any comments you feel would help us to better prepare our students.
*Please elaborate on your evaluation in the comments field so that we can make the appropriate changes in our program.
- 37 -
Exhibit 4-5
Employer Survey Results
(preliminary results; additional results will be available at the time of the visit)
1 Was the employee prepared for an entry level
position at your company?
2 Was the employee able to use the tools of
modern engineering practice?
3 Was the employee able to communicate
effectively in both written and oral form
4 Was the employee able to function as a member
of a team?
5 Was the employee motivated to accept
challenging assignment and responsibility and
excise leadership?
6 Was the employee able to adapt to changing
technologies and demonstrate an ability to work
Employer comments
(taken directly from replies; each paragraph from an individual company)
….a very good engineer; very good base skills and exceptional work attitude.
….studies should include more practical applications
….incorporate the machine shop into the program as much as possible…keep up the good work
As noted on the table, these results are preliminary; as additional data is returned to the
department, the survey will be updated. We note in passing the comments suggesting that more
practical applications and more use of the machine shop. Based on the employers comments received
to date we are very pleased with these outcomes.
- 38 -
B. Student Outcomes
To ensure that graduates of the Mechanical Engineering program have attained the Student
Outcomes the process, depicted by the flowchart of Exhibit 2-1, has been implemented. The
assessment process as illustrated in the flowchart utilizes both course- embedded and constituencybased assessment tools such as student feedback and instructor’s comments. The course-embedded
assessment is the Faculty Course Assessment Report (FCAR), the components of which are illustrated in
Exhibit 4-6 and is the primary tool used to determine Student Outcome achievement. (Note that and
based on attendance at several ABET Assessment conferences, NYIT adopted the FCAR as its primary
tool in Academic Year 2004-2005.)
Exhibit 4-6 provides the outline of the FCAR which the faculty are required to use when entering the
FCAR component information. It should be noted that the department has limited the FCARs to only
MENG courses within the program to allow faculty control of curriculum changes in order to maximize
the effect on attainment of outcomes and continuous improvement. Detailed courses outlines and
specific course materials used in the FCAR determination as well as evidence showing the relationship
between FCARs and a-k Student Outcomes will be made available to the visiting team. For each course
in the program the instructor is required to submit a Faculty Course Assessment Report (FCAR). The
FCAR requires:
Each faculty member to identify course specific outcomes (CO’s) for his/her course and to
establish relevant performance metrics with appropriate documentation to assess to what
extent the course outcomes are being met. These metrics may be quizzes, exam questions,
reports, projects, presentations, etc. Each course outcome is then scored with the rubric
described below to create an EGMU (excellent, good, minimal, unsatisfactory) Vector for
that specific course outcome and a corresponding assessment metric.
Each faculty member must satisfy a minimum set of ABET program outcomes (a - k) for
his/her course as established by the department. This is accomplished by using a subset of
the appropriate performance tasks to satisfy the CO’s. Here the faculty member is required
to show what part of each task is being used to form a metric for the ABET outcome (a – k)
with appropriate documentation. To accomplish this task, the department formulated a set
of items for each ABET outcome (a – k) that can be used as a rubric (see Exhibit 3-3) to
explain and help faculty evaluate what that outcome requires for an EGMU score of 3.
EGMU scores of 2, 1, and 0 represent partial satisfaction of the rubric, as explained below.
- 39 -
Exhibit 4-6
Faculty Course Assessment Report Elements
Faculty Course Assessment Report (FCAR)
MENG-xxx -Section
Course Title
Semester 20xx
Catalog Description:
Describes the current catalog offering of the course and over time, together with previous FCARs, this will
provide documentation of the major changes made to the course.
Grade Distribution:
Documents course results as an aggregate of grades assigned to students this semester. This allows the
instructor analyze grade distribution.
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F I W WF
Modifications Made to Course:
Provides contemporaneous documentation of the actual “continuous improvement” activities. Where
possible cite the source for each modification, e.g.:
Previous FCAR
Assessment Committee
Minutes from a Curriculum Committee Meeting
Course Outcome Assessment
In this section course outcomes (not to be confused with program outcomes i.e. the ABET outcomes a - k)
are listed. The faculty consider using the chapter titles in the textbook being used, or course outline as a guide
for developing an appropriate set of course outcomes. Subsequently, we must establish appropriate
performance tasks (APTs) to evaluate student levels of performance in our courses with respect to each of
these outcomes. These APTs may be quizzes, exam questions, reports, projects, presentations and so forth.
These course embedded assessments will be the primary tool used to determine course outcome achievement
and to affect faculty input as one aspect of curriculum change.
Program Outcome Assessment
This section of the FCAR links the courses in our program to the assessment process of ABET a – k. The
course outcomes as defined in the previous section will be used to assess ABET outcomes a – k. The bullets in
Table 3.2 (Relationship between courses and ABET outcomes a – k) represent the ABET outcomes that the
course is required to assess.
To assess the ABET outcomes we consider which of our appropriate performance tasks are related to the
required and/or considered a – k. Then, we clearly indicate which part of the task (it may be the entire task) is
being used to measure the ABET outcome.
Student Feedback:
Results of the previous terms SIRs as well as feedback gained during class or in our office hours,
comments from students in the class, are summarized here.
Instructor’s Comments:
This section promotes instructor self-awareness and provides an opportunity for the instructor to
document impressions regarding the effectiveness of instruction, extenuating circumstances and to put
forth ideas that might be used in “closing the loop” on the assessment process.
- 40 -
The EGMU Vector is obtained as follows:
E – Excellent (3) - Fully demonstrates/accomplishes the attributes and behavior in the rubric
and demonstrates a complete and accurate understanding of the important concepts
G – Good (2) - Mostly demonstrates/accomplishes the attributes and behavior in the rubric and
applies appropriate strategy or concepts with no significant errors
M – Minimal (1) - Minimally demonstrates/accomplishes the attributes and behavior in the
rubric but displays an incomplete understanding of the important concepts and has some
notable misconceptions; makes a number of errors when performing important strategies or
skills but can complete a rough approximation of them
U – Unsatisfactory (0) - Does not demonstrate/accomplish the attributes and behavior in the
rubric; demonstrates severe misconceptions about the important concepts and makes many
critical errors
A typical EGMU vector for a class with 19 students in which the task is the third problem of the first
exam might be (8, 9, 1, 1). This would signify that 8 students demonstrated a complete and accurate
understanding, while 9 students applied appropriate strategies and so on. The average score in this case
would compute to 43/19 = 2.26 which is Good.
These course- embedded assessments are analyzed and discussed at department assessment
meetings where results are also linked to Student Outcome achievements, indicating the tie between
the two and offering one aspect of the continuous curriculum improvement process. The department
determined that the minimum level of quality necessary to produce graduates who will ultimately
achieve our program educational objectives is an EGMU score of 1.5 for each ABET outcome (a – k)
which would result in a similar score for each of our student outcomes. This score of 1.5 was chosen by
the department because in the EGMU scoring it falls midway between the “Minimal” and “Good”
indicators and therefore represents what a student would need in order to satisfy the requirements for
graduation. (If each of the EGMU scores is adjusted to correspond to the grade points associated with
A, B, C, D, a 1.5 is equivalent to a C.)
Data from both the constituency-based assessment tools and FCARs are then evaluated at the
department assessment meetings. At these meetings, the full-time and those regular part-time faculty
wishing to participate, identify and propose strategies to improve student outcome and future program
educational objective performance through course work. Closing the loop, inputs from previous
assessment cycles as well as the current faculty’s comments and recommendations for improvement are
included on each FCAR.
While many courses may address a particular ABET outcome, the assessment committee selects a
subset of these courses that it finds most appropriate to determine the minimum metric for each
outcome. For example, many courses in mechanical engineering — indeed most — use and require the
application of mathematics, science and engineering. A subset selected from MENG 324, 340, 373 will
be used to see if students attain a minimum metric of 1.5. This smaller subset was used since these
courses have been determined to be more relevant to meeting outcome “a” since these courses have
substantially more required mathematical skills in their course content.
- 41 -
The recommendations of the assessment committee meetings are generally of two types. One set
of recommendations can be implemented solely through the faculty member making internal changes
to the courses (i.e. textbook changes, pedagogical changes). The other set of recommendations would
need to be forwarded to the curriculum committees of the School of Engineering and Computing
Sciences and then to the Academic Senate for adoption (i.e. new course, prerequisite/corequisite
changes, catalog description).
With the set of FCARs complete for the last several academic years, we reviewed the overall results
for the ABET outcomes (a)-(k). This data are summarized in Exhibit 4-71.
General comments are provided first:
Since we are looking at overall performance, rather than taking a subset of the courses
for each outcome, we used the entire FCAR database in developing the averages shown.
The results focus our attention to where improvements can be made and where the
assessment committee and the faculty need to address actions.
With results for three years, the values for the EGMU rubric point to a general flattening
of results. This needs continuing study in subsequent years to better evaluate trends for
each of the outcomes.
While the results look good in terms of the rubric scores, perhaps they are “too good.”
Clearly more faculty training needs to be provided so that the results are a better reflection
of student and faculty performance on an overall basis.
In a sense, this sort of data offers an assessment of the assessment process and suggests
where improvements can be made in both meeting of outcomes and in using the FCAR
system for the department.
This chart will be updated with the most recent academic year, 2011-2012, and be made available
for the visiting team.
- 42 -
Exhibit 4-7
Department of Mechanical Engineering
FCAR Results --- ABET (a) – (k)
FCAR score
AY 2008-2009
AY 2009-2010
AY 2010 - 2011
(k) E ngi neeri ng tool s
(j ) C ontemporary i ssues
(i ) Li fe-l ong l earni ng
(h) Gl obal
(g) C ommuni cati ons
(f) P rofessi onal / ethi cal
(e) E ngi neeri ng probl ems
(d) Teams
(c) D esi gn
(b) E xperi ments
(a) Mathemati cs, etc
Based on the above results, we can derive some quite specific directions for our assessment process.
And, as evident from comparing the FCAR scores to faculty comments on the individual course
submissions, the results are quite consistent.
The students are generally not as facile with mathematics as most of the faculty would like,
see the results for (a), (e) and (k). We have entered into major discussions with the NYIT
Department of Mathematics to see what can be done individually and jointly to improve the
outcomes. The dean and faculty also formed a Task Force that benchmarked minimum
Math and Physics grades in sister institutions in an effort to improve the preparedness of
students before they register in MENG courses. That effort resulted in a new engineeringspecific Academics Standards policy, presented in section B of this self-study. Other
recommendations include more applied problems in early mathematics courses, more use
of software to develop facility with their use and more rigorous school-specific academic
- 43 -
Perhaps the most disappointing of these results relates to Outcome (k), Engineering Tools.
We have seen a steady decline in FCAR scores therefor. Several means of addressing this
have been identified. These include devoting early sessions in each course to the use of
appropriate tools; developing a stand-alone “Tools” courses to be required. Each of these
suggestions demands either less subject matter class time or more credits for the program
itself. We are exploring means to address this issue.
The consistent drop in FCAR score for Outcome (j), Contemporary Issues, is somewhat
disappointing despite our introduction several years ago of a new required course, IENG
400, Global Issues. These results must be coupled to the FCAR scores for Outcome (h). A
review of the course-specific FCARs reveals that these (j) results derive largely from the
relatively poor writing evidenced by the students, not the lack of content. Here, too, we are
exploring means to address these skills with the college’s Department of English.
We are quite pleased with the life-long learning results. This seems consistent with the
nature of the modern student body, who understand the use of search tools and the
availability of information. It is also in concert with the growing global nature of the college
as a whole.
In summary, then, the assessment process that couples the individual FCAR course results to ABET
(a) – (k) appears to be working reasonably well (see more in Section B below0. We are comfortable that
data such as developed in Exhibit 4-7 realistically provides us with a road map for continuous
C. Continuous Improvement
We use this section to identify the major changes and additions to the program made since the last
accreditation visit. We also cite here the needs and issues identified that the department feels are
necessary to continue our strong program.
In order to assure that the program uses the materials developed during our assessment with the
various constituencies and as generated from the FCAR’s our departmental assessment committee,
composed of the faculty from the department, meets regularly and at least once per year. This
committee serves as a subset of the departmental curriculum committee since many of its actions form
the basis for program change.
The following represents the highlights and the directions created by this committee since the time
of the last visit. While the entire curriculum is often reviewed during our meetings, only the most
important course changes and subsequent results are noted here.
Assessment Committee: Academic Year 2006-2007
Look at the results of the 2006 visit
Formalize the data collection gathered from the FCARs and begin critical interpretation of
the data.
- 44 -
Carefully assess the direction and content of IENG 400.
Assessment Committee: Academic Year 2007-2008
 Fully assess the status of the laboratory equipment: its age and utility
 Introduce MENG 321 Introduction to Computer Aided Design as a required course for all
students in the department.
 Begin implementation of ProE and Catia in our design courses
Assessment Committee: Academic Year 2008-2009
 Detailed review of advanced design courses — MENG 346 Energy Conversion, MENG 446
HVAC, MENG 486 Advanced Machine Design, MENG 470 Senior Mechanical Engineering
Design, AENG 490 Vehicle Design — for realistic content, safety issues, environmental
issues, ethics. Basic case studies were identified and will be introduced into subsequent
 Industrial Advisory Board evaluated typical MENG 470 projects and critiqued these for the
department. Safety and content were discussed and suggestions made for future offerings.
 Use case studies from the web for ethics problems throughout the curriculum. Based on the
design course reviews, it was decided to include such case studies in our design courses as
well as in IENG 400
 Encourage more computer applications and more advanced analyses for all courses —
spreadsheets, MatLab, Mathcad. This is especially important for MENG 373 Engineering
Analysis. For this course we upgraded MatLab to handle all partial differential equation
solvers and this allowed treatment of all parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic equations. In the
basic courses like MENG 240 Thermodynamics, MENG 340 Fluid Mechanics, MENG
221Strength of Materials and MENG 349 Heat Transfer we plan to will use computer
software to address the following types of problems:
o three dimensional systems in Statics
o steam tables for Thermodynamics
o Moody diagram results for Fluids
o More advanced problems in Strength
o Transient problems in Heat Transfer
 Update lab content to maximize use of new equipment. Student response to the new
equipment is very good.
 ProE more easily operated with the equipment; a wider variety of uses for the software is
now undertaken.
Assessment Committee: Academic Year 2009-2010
 Re-evaluate the mapping of a-k to all courses
 The case study approach satisfies the ABET requirement for ethics issues. Students,
however, are very cynical in their general outlook on this topics, given the state of American
business and industry.
 Computer applications are being integrated into the various courses noted in the previous
year. There is still some problems with software use on the part of the student. Do we
need, in the department, to spend a considerable amount of time showing the students how
these software works or can we rely on the students to do this on their own? Can we
develop an early course for these students to use these computer aps to take some of this
burden off the technical courses?
- 45 -
See how volunteer student projects like the Solar Decathlon, the Intrepid project and the
Industrial Partnership Program can enhance the issues of teams and be integrated into our
The need to improve the offerings of the Mathematics sequence to more fully address our
needs was discussed in detail.
Assessment Committee: Academic Year 2010-2011
 Based on the results of the FCARS over the last several years, we remain comfortable with
our format and our interpretation of results.
 A major concern continues to be how we address teams in the design process. The student
volunteer projects (see above) seem like a good choice. In most of these projects, students
from all the disciplines in the School of Engineering do come together to participate in the
work. This is excellent, but perhaps not formal enough.
 In most courses in the curriculum students are now making better use of Excel, MatLab and
MathCad. We feel very comfortable with this increase in software use.
Assessment Committee: Academic Year 2011-2012
 Detailed review of FCARS; look to data being generated and see how we are doing; we have
begun to share this with our Industrial Advisory Board. They still feel that the basic
curriculum is well-designed and that, while we can improve components, the structure is
 Industrial Advisory Board suggestion that we develop new electives in MEMS and nanotechnology based on the changing state of the art. This is being developed in concert with
the research interests of the new Provost.
Major Changes
Since the last visit, and working with the Dean of the School of Engineering and Computing
Sciences, we helped establish an Industrial Partnership Program. The Industrial Partnership
Program is an innovative educational initiative of the School of Engineering and Computing
Sciences. Our students work in small multi-disciplinary teams under the guidance of faculty
coaches and industrial liaison engineers to assess, evaluate and, in some instances, design
and build authentic industrial products for sponsoring companies.
The program, a direct outgrowth of recommendations of our Industrial Advisory Board, provides
both classroom and laboratory experience that show:
 how fundamental engineering science is relevant to effective design, product and process;
 that design involves not just product function but also producibility, cost, schedule,
reliability, quality, customer preferences and life cycle issues;
 how to complete projects on time and within a budget;
 that engineering is a multi-disciplinary, real-world, effort.
The advantages of integrating product and process design are well recognized by industry. Working
in small multi-disciplinary project teams, students obtain important practical experience in teamwork
and communication and develop their leadership, management and people skills. This program is an
additional strategy to improve performance on outcomes (c) design, (d) team work, (e) engineering
problems, and (j) contemporary issues.
- 46 -
Concurrent design of products and processes improves product costs and quality and reduces timeto-market. Students who have worked on real-life projects and know how to work in teams are more
valuable as employees. They also recognize the importance of communication among different
engineering and business disciplines.
Industry participation offers benefits such as:
 An opportunity to interact with, influence and recruit potential employees
 Completion of an important project for a company by a multi-disciplinary faculty-coached
student design team at very competitive costs
 Valuable interaction with faculty who have interest and expertise in technical areas of your
 Company visibility with our students and helps identify and recruit the best graduates
Each project is scoped individually. Sponsor companies pay an agreed upon stipend and provide
access to a liaison engineer for several hours a week. Industry funding is leveraged by funding from
within the School of Engineering.
Sponsor companies own the results of the project and design (if any) but agree not to hold students
or the College responsible for the final success of the project or any product liability. Unless specifically
requested by the sponsor company, students will be allowed to discuss and display the project. If
required, NYIT will sign a non-disclosure agreement.
To date, we have worked with several local companies and public agencies and provided them with
useful engineering results. This work is consistent with the need to develop team work [Outcome (d)] by
the students and work on real and timely projects. Our partners here have found this to be valuable and
give them an opportunity to address problems and issues within their company that might otherwise go
unsolved especially in this era of tight employment and major layoffs. Examples of such work will be
available to the visiting team, provided there are no confidentiality issues.
Based on input from the Industrial Advisory Board, we significantly added to the array of
software available to and used by the students [Outcome (k)]. The computer lab now
supports the senior design classes as well as engineering graphics (AutoCad), Introduction to
CAD/CAM (Catia and Pro/E) and Machine Design (HyperWorks, OptiStruct and Radioss).
Additionally, one of the lab courses uses this space to teach basics of visual data acquisition
with LabVIEW.
We also recently acquired a rather comprehensive Comsol product array. This will be used in
forthcoming Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer classes, beginning with the Fall 2012 semester.
Based on the results of our FCARs we are working closely with the college’s Department of
Mathematics to improve the student’s facility with the application of their material to our
program. This has already been adopted and students seem to come to the Department of
Mechanical Engineering with a growing appreciation of the tools available to them.
Likewise we are working with the Department of English to enhance writing skills. As noted above,
this a major issue and we know that we are not alone with such concerns --- other colleges and
- 47 -
universities face similar problems. We are addressing these issues in the professional writing courses
that are required for our students.
Student projects have been given an increasing emphasis. For example, the student branch
of the SAE has and continues to participate in the Baja Car contest. They do reasonably well
in this regard. We are reaching out to other professional societies for similar projects as
well, recognizing that our students often have job obligations which might not allow them to
work on such competitions.
There have been several successful projects completed under the Industrial Partnership
Program. For example, students worked with a local municipality to assess energy
conservation measures for some of their major buildings and structures. In this effort the
student team developed a series of capital projects to improve heating efficiency and
lighting systems. In another project, students worked with a small, privately-held company
studying their processes for product production as well as the related energy consuming
systems. Final reports from these projects will be made available to the visiting team.
The School of Engineering and Computing Sciences working jointly with the Schools of
Architecture and Business has concluded a major new project for the USS Intrepid Air and
Space Museum. This effort was to design a new aircraft restoration hangar for the ship.
Students within the Department of Mechanical Engineering were parts of all the teams
competing on the design. Their role was to evaluate structural issues and to establish
heating/cooling requirements and determine appropriate active and passive systems for
their satisfaction. This project is now in the beginnings of the construction phase, which will
be managed by the Museum itself.
In response to needs indicated by both our Industrial Advisory Board and alumni, the
Department has been developing programs at the Master of Science level. Our goal here is
to put forward two options: one in Energy Systems and one in Bio-Mechanical Engineering.
The first will use the strength of the existing MS program in Energy Management to draw
additional students who wish for a more technical/engineering/quantitative program. The
second will permit us to work with the college’s medical school, the College of Osteopathic
Medicine, and develop an interdisciplinary activity.
In May 2012, the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences at the college announced a
consolidation and expansion of its ongoing industry-academic partnerships. With funding
from NY Empire State, we are creating a new Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation
Center (ETIC) to foster innovation and promote collaborations between industry, the
academic community, professional organizations, and government. As a source for talent,
entrepreneurship, and innovation in technology, engineering and applied science, the
Center will spur economic growth and ensure greater competitiveness for New York City,
Long Island and the broader metropolitan region.
The Center is being created with the assistance of an Advisory Board made up of members of
industry, government, and the venture capital community, who have agreed to work on three focus
areas for the Center and review plans to create high-tech teaching and research laboratories that meet
industry workforce demands and projections. The Center will support the region’s economic
- 48 -
development by focusing in the three critical areas of: IT & Cyber-security, Bioengineering, and Energy
and Green Technologies. The Department of Mechanical Engineering is significantly involved in the last
two of these areas.
There have been no major program changes in the curriculum. The department carefully
tracks what others are doing in the field and feels our program is comparable to other
colleges and universities. However, in the near future, we believe that we will be able to
work with our new Provost, an expert in nano- and micro-mechanical technology, to
enhance and extend what we already do.
Identified needs to be met
In this section we discuss some unmet needs.
 There is a clear need for additional faculty in the department, especially if our goal of
introducing a graduate program is realized. The college’s senior administration has
allocated two new lines to the department. As of the date of completion of this self-study
we have filled one; we are currently working to fill the other. In the faculty section below
(Criterion 6), this is discussed further.
 As will be observed later, the facilities and equipment for our laboratories are adequate for
the current program. However, in these times of rapidly changing technologies, there is
need to update our equipment. We are in the process of doing so and will be able to present
this to the visiting team.
 In order to successfully implement the graduate programs envisioned above, the
departmental faculty will need to move from a largely teaching function to one which is
additionally based in research. While some members of the faculty are already doing
substantial project/research activities, we understand the difficulties of so doing. The
Provost and our dean is very supportive of this move and will be working with the
department to implement such changes.
 In the final note here, and with which we would solicit input from the visiting team, the
college has recently implemented a new core curriculum. This may be seen in the current
catalog. However, it leaves the department with high credit requirements for our students,
especially when compared to similar colleges and universities in the area and nationwide. In
Supplement C, we provide a set of benchmark comparisons to other comparable colleges
and universities. This will set the stage for additional discussion of this issue later in the selfstudy, Criterion 5, Curriculum.
D. Additional Information
All information is presented above.
- 49 -
The overall plan of study for students majoring in Mechanical Engineering is shown in Table 5-1.
Couse enrollments for the two years preceding the visit and maximum enrollments are also displayed.
Two overviews of the program are provided below in Exhibits 5-1 and 5-2 where we breakdown the
major components of the curriculum so that our responses which follow may easily be understood.
Exhibit 5-1
Overview of the Mechanical Engineering Program
Program Component
Number of CreditsPercentage
Mathematics/basic sciences
Engineering courses
Design courses:
Required electives
Technical electives
Engineering Management
Computer Sciences/
Electrical Engineering
Discovery core
Free electives
The Department’s Program Educational Objectives, as noted earlier are to develop versatile
engineers who will: be successfully employed in engineering or their chosen career path; pursue
graduate studies and/or continued education in their field; function as responsible members of society
through engagement in community or professional organizations. The curriculum provides the student
the ability to
Learn both theoretical and applied material suitable for first employment (see results from
the alumni surveys above).
Provide entry to graduate programs, continuing either with applied learning or with more
theoretical engineering science (again see the surveys)
- 50 -
- 51 -
Table D-1. Program Enrollment and Degree Data
Mechanical Engineering
Degrees Awarded
Enrollment Year
Give official fall term enrollment figures (head count) for the current and preceding four academic years and undergraduate and graduate
degrees conferred during each of those years. The "current" year means the academic year preceding the fall visit.
Note: degrees awarded are for an academic year
FT--full time
PT--part time
- 52 -
Table D-2. Personnel
Mechanical Engineering
Year1: Fall 2011
Faculty (tenure-track)
Other Faculty (excluding student
Student Graduate Assistants (NonTeaching)
Student Research Assistants
Office/Clerical Employees
Report data for the program being evaluated.
1. Data on this table should be for the fall term immediately preceding the visit. Updated tables for the fall term when the ABET team
is visiting are to be prepared and presented to the team when they arrive.
2. For student teaching assistants, 1 FTE equals 20 hours per week of work (or service). For undergraduate and graduate students, 1
FTE equals 15 semester credit-hours (or 24 quarter credit-hours) per term of institutional course work, meaning all courses —
science, humanities and social sciences, etc. For faculty members, 1 FTE equals what your institution defines as a full-time load.
3. Persons holding joint administrative/faculty positions or other combined assignments should be allocated to each category
according to the fraction of the appointment assigned to that category.
4. Specify any other category considered appropriate, or leave blank.
- 53 -
Our student branches of the professional engineering societies encourage students to
participate in and become active members thereof (see below).
Exhibit 5.2
Mechanical Engineering Curriculum
Calculus, etc
Solids Stem
MENG 211
MENG 212
MENG 221
MENG 323
MENG 370
Physics, etc
MENG 240
MENG 340
MENG 346
MENG 349
MENG 105
CSCI 120
MENG 270 EENG 201
MENG 320/343 IENG 240
MENG 373 IENG 245
IENG 400
The student outcome array is coincident with the ABET (a) - (k). The course work alignment with
these goals has already been shown in Exhibit 3-1 and is coupled to their evaluation with the FCAR
system in place. We believe that this and the actual term-by-term structure shown in Table 5-1 assure
that the student outcomes are well-supported.
The prerequisite structure is described next in terms of the two basic stems of the Mechanical
Engineering Program: solid mechanics and thermal/fluid sciences.
Solid Mechanics – basic required courses (in order)
MENG 211 Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
- 54 -
MENG 212 Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)
MENG 221 Strength of Materials
Thermal/fluids – basic required courses (in order)
MENG 240 Thermodynamics
MENG 340 Fluid Mechanics
MENG 346 Heat Transfer
Once the students complete these six courses, they may move on to the variety of technical and
design electives in either stem. During this progress through the basic mechanical curriculum, the
student also is required to take a series of mathematics and basic science courses. Within the former
array are 15 credits, through differential equations. Within the latter requirements are 11 credits of
Physics and 4 of Chemistry. As noted in Exhibit 5-1 these more than satisfy the Math and Basic Science
Within the remaining mechanical engineering sciences the courses are sequenced to provide a flow
of material consistent with the requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This
component of the program is addressed here in more detail. We may note also that there are sufficient
electives to satisfy interest in either of these major stems.
We recognize the importance of developing a competence in modern engineering applications of
computers. To ensure this competence, all Mechanical Engineering students are required to take
Computer Programming I, (CSCI 120). Here the student uses a high-level scientific language with
elementary numerical methods and is introduced to the problem solving process, structured
programming and algorithms.
Within the department we also offer a course in Engineering Analysis, MENG 373. This supplements
both the mathematics curriculum and the computer work with numerical, analytic and simulation
applications in the solution of problems in Mechanical Engineering.
Our objective has been to integrate computer skills into the process of teaching and learning in the
remainder of our engineering courses. The student may be asked to write a program, modify existing
software or demonstrate ability using existing software packages.
- 55 -
Beyond these two courses, computing resources are fully integrated within the curriculum. Exhibit
5-3 displays typical course software use. Problem and assignment examples will be available to the
visiting team with the display materials.
Exhibit 5-3
Typical Course Software Use
MENG 240 Thermodynamics
MENG 321 Introduction to CAD
Software Employed
Excel, MatLab, MathCad
ProE, Catia
MENG 324 Vibrations
MENG 340 Fluid Mechanics
MENG 346 Energy Conversion
Excel, MatLab, MathCad
Excel, MatLab, MathCad, Comsol
Excel, MatLab, MathCad
MENG 349 Heat Transfer
MENG 370 Machine Design
MENG 373 Engineering Analysis
Excel, MatLab, MathCad, Comsol
ProE, Catia
Excel, MatLab, programming languages
MENG 470 Senior ME Design
AutoCad, MatLab, Excel
ProE, MatLab
AENG 490 Flight Vehicle Design
ProE, Excel, MatLab
The Mechanical Engineering curriculum also provides several laboratory courses as an integral part
of the program. The experiments are designed to verify and reinforce theory covered in other courses.
Safety procedures are stressed and form an integral part of the laboratory experience. Students gain
the following from their laboratory experience:
Safe work habits
An appreciation for various equipment
Insight into differences between idealized models and actual hardware
Operational and calibration skills for various instruments
Learning to work in teams and communicating with others, both orally and in written
As a result of assessments of outcome (g), faculty grade laboratory reports not only for technical
content but also for correct English usage and information presentation in order to strengthen students’
communication skills.
- 56 -
The Department of Mechanical Engineering considers engineering design a critical component of our
approach to the curriculum. This is implemented by incorporating courses which include design in two
distinct modes: those which are predominantly concerned with design and those which include design
elements along with engineering science. In all the design courses we base the open-ended problems
on the entire knowledge and skill-set acquired by the student.
The design courses involve solutions to these open-ended problems. The solution to these
problems involves engineering principles, trade-offs and consideration of factors such as economics,
safety, reliability, aesthetics as well as ethics and social impact. The mechanical engineering faculty is
applications-oriented and can cite real life examples in their courses. The above items are woven into
various courses but culminate in the senior mechanical engineering design courses. The courses which
are predominantly engineering design are:
MENG 443 Energy System Analysis and Design
MENG 486 Advanced Machine Design
MENG 446 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
MENG 346 Energy Conversion
MENG 470 Senior Mechanical Engineering Design
MENG 370 Machine Design
AENG 490 Aerospace Vehicle Design
Courses containing design components are:
MENG 324 Mechanical Vibrations and Systems Dynamics
MENG 373 Engineering Analysis
MENG 221 Strength of Materials
MENG 473 Kinematics
MENG 440 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
MENG 410 Fundamental of Stress Analysis
MENG 349 Heat Transfer
MENG 423 Advanced Strength of Materials
AENG 360Aerodynamics
AENG 463 Propulsion
Complete examples of design projects from these courses will be available to the visiting team.
Based on feedback from both students and employers we are justifiably proud of these efforts.
There are branches of the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM), the American Institute for
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineering (ASHRAE), the American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the Society of
Women Engineers (SWE), and Engineers without Borders on the Old Westbury and Manhattan
campuses of New York Institute of Technology. They are all active chapters with on-going programs
which meet on a regular basis. Support is given to these programs by providing space for the meetings
and by providing a faculty advisor from the department for each of the technical and/or professional
society student chapters. The faculty member provides general guidance and technical advice to the
society and is responsible for suggesting and inviting guest speakers and coordinating their visits.
Students are also encouraged to attend local section meetings of these societies.
- 57 -
As an aside we may note that faculty participation in the societies is recognized as service in tenure
and promotion criteria. Faculty are required to describe their work in these student activities when
applying for tenure and promotion and appropriate weight is given to this work in the evaluation of their
overall performance.
At NYIT students are encouraged to participate in a variety of projects sponsored either by the
college itself or by the various professional societies. It is worthwhile to note and describe three such
projects here since they all contribute in major ways to the student’s professional development.
(1) Solar Decathlon. This project is sponsored by the college with outside assistance from the US
Department of Energy. Its purpose is to design and build a grid independent small home (about 500 ft2)
with all modern features. We competed with other colleges and universities in the United States in the
October 2005 and October 2008 events, with the homes constructed on the Washington DC mall.
Mechanical Engineering students participated in this project in a significant way. In the first
competition, with the original input of one of member of the Mechanical Engineering faculty (Dr.
Herbert Fox), the department was responsible for the overall design of the energy system for this solar
home. We used a combination of photovoltaic cells and a hydrogen fuel cell for the power system. In
the second round, our senior laboratory instructor, Prof. Dan Rapka, helped the students design a more
traditional energy system.
These efforts allowed students to work closely with architects, interior designers and outside
engineers on multi-disciplinary teams to gather equipment and test the entire system. It was a major
learning experience for the students involved.
(2) Intrepid Design. Working in partnership with the USS Intrepid, the School of Engineering and
Computing Sciences and with many students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering helped
design a new aircraft restoration facility. This new structure is to be placed on the deck of the ship and
will be constructed over the next several years. The specifications of the “hangar” included keeping it
within the design of the carrier, allowing for maximum use of renewable energy and permitting an
educational space to evolve. Our students, working in multi-disciplinary teams with students from the
college’s Schools of Architecture and Management, had major responsibility for the energy and
structural systems for the facility. Each student team offered oral, written and model design
presentations. Photographs of the designs will be available to the visiting team.
(3) BAJA Car. NYIT mechanical engineering students have been competing in this SAE effort for
several years; with each passing year they have improved their placement and performance. Work here
encompasses materials, engine technology and electronics. In a recent competition, with the financial
support of the School, the NYIT team did very well indeed. They placed first in the “log pull”, a
testament to heir transmission design. And they have learned from their experiences to produce an
even better car in the following years (the students, too, “close the loop”).
(3) Industrial Partnership Program (see Section 4C). Here students work with local companies trying
to solve their engineering and design problems. The student teams are usually multi-disciplinary and
the experience help students learn what an “industrial timeline” signifies, how to produce deliverables
by set deadlines and what needs to be done in a “live” working environment. Examples of these
projects will be made available to the visiting team
- 58 -
All these are important components for the professional development of the students and preparing
our students to meet our PEOs. They teach the importance of team work, the need for interdisciplinary
teams and the need to learn from their experiences.
Finally in this discussion, we provide some remarks on the NYIT Discovery Core Curriculum.
Additional details may be found in the college’s catalog or at the NYIT web site. Beginning Fall 2010 with
the entering freshman class of 2014, NYIT has put in place a new core curriculum. The new core will be
implemented over the next 3‐4 years as each new entering freshman class moves through its four years
of study. In this transition period, there will be courses offered under both the old and the new core
The freshmen being admitted into NYIT as of Fall 2010 will be the first class to go through our new
“Discovery Core Curriculum.” The new core courses are structured in three stages:
1) Foundation Courses
This set of courses comprises 18 credits and includes writing, speech and professional
2) Interdisciplinary Seminars
These 12 credits offer a variety of seminars in broad ranging topics.
3) Mathematics and Additional Science Courses
All students at the college are required to have some basic mathematics and science courses.
Engineering students use the first calculus and first physics course to satisfy this requirement.
This new core is designed to foster basic competencies which, through various courses, align with
some ABET/Student outcomes. We show the relation between the NYIT core and the Student Outcomes
(a)-(k), see Criterion 3, below in Exhibit 5-4
- 59 -
Exhibit 5-4
Relation of the NYIT Core to Student Outcomes
Critical Thinking
Interdisciplinary Mindset
(f), (j)
Global Perspective
(h), (j)
Process/Nature of
To further enhance core requirements and to assure the development of an understanding of the
ethical and social considerations in engineering practice, we distribute and discuss the professional
engineer’s code of ethics with our students in the senior mechanical engineering design courses. Within
the design sequence, case studies addressing fundamental problems in these areas are presented, the
students learn from these discussions and analyses and must make use of them in their final written and
oral presentations. The broader context of these issues is also covered in courses in philosophy, history
and literature.
To prepare students to work in a global environment, be sensitive to the cultural differences among
people, and aware of the paramount issues of the twenty-first century, there must be depth of study as
well. To better treat these issues, and based on outcomes from our assessment committee, we
instituted a new course, IENG 400, Technology and Global Issues, now co-listed with ICSS 309, as an
Interdisciplinary Seminar course, created to provide the students with a focused course in global
problems facing all engineering students.
This course gives the students the time to think through important issues, such as: nuclear power,
environment and global warming, evolution and its place in the scientific work, communications,
population growth and its effects. In doing so, we draw on ethical problems, case studies and current
As noted earlier in this self-study and while we support the general spirit of the core, the problem is
that, as formulated, it does not serve as an optimal solution to meet our student needs. To put some
perspective on this issue, reference should be made to Supplement C. In an overall way, there we
compare our credit requirements (136 credits) to other institutions similar to NYIT (129 credit average).
It is evident to us that our core requirements place an undue course load and financial burden on our
students. Reducing the professional components of the program in order to reduce the total number of
- 60 -
credits and stay competitive is not the solution. We solicit the help of the ABET visiting team in this
At the time of the visit, we will have on display for the team’s review the following material for each
Detailed course syllabi
Sample student work: examinations, design projects, etc.
Updated assessment analyses as required
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Table 6-1 provides the summary of faculty qualifications. Resumes are included in Appendix B.
Details in faculty workload are summarized in Table 6-2. Further discussion of the faculty follows these
- 62 -
Herbert Fox
Jong Lee
Steven Z. Lu
Jun Ma
Rifat Tabi
PhD, 1964
PhD, 2002
PhD, 1986
PhD, 1994
PhD, 1965
Sidi Berri
Eugene Choi
PhD, 2000
ME, 2002
Alvaro Gonzalez-Alvarez
Yongjian Gu
MS - Engineering
Management, 2009
PhD, 2012
PhD, 1998
mmer work in
Brian Galli
PE, Contr.
Syst.Eng DOD
Lean Six Sigma
Level of Activity
H, M, or L
FT or
Highest Degree
Earned- Field and Year
Years of
Faculty Name
Type of
Table 6-1. Faculty Qualifications
Mechanical Engineering
Raymond Phillips
MS, 1967
MS – Energy
Management, 2007
ME, 1971
Daniel Rapka
Ronald Saporita
Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty in the program. Add additional rows or use additional sheets if necessary. Updated
information is to be provided at the time of the visit.
1. Code: P = Professor
2. Code: T = Tenured
ASC = Associate Professor AST = Assistant Professor I = Instructor A = Adjunct O = Other
TT = Tenure Track
NTT = Non Tenure Track
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3. Code: FT = Full-time PT = Part-time
Appointment at the institution.
4. The level of activity (high, medium or low) should reflect an average over the year prior to the visit plus the two previous years.
Table 6-2. Faculty Workload Summary
Name of Program: Mechanical Engineering
Program Activity Distribution
Faculty Member (name)
or FT
Herbert Fox
Jong Lee
Steven Z. Lu
Jun Ma
Rifat Tabi
Sidi Berri
Classes Taught (Course No./Credit
Term and Year
Fall 2011: MENG 340 ( 3 cr); MENG
349 ( 3 cr)
Spring 2012: AENG 463 ( 3cr); ICSS
309( 3cr)
Fall 2011: MENG 221( 4 cr); MENG
370 ( 4 cr)
MENG 486 ( 4 cr)
Spring 2012:MENG 321 ( 3 cr); MENG
370( 4cr)
Fall 2011: MENG 211 ( 3 cr)
Spring 2012: AENG 490 ( 4cr)
Fall 2011: MENG 212( 3 cr); MENG
321( 3 cr)
MENG 470 ( 4 cr)
Spring 2012: MENG 324( 3 cr); MENG
373( 3 cr)
MENG 470 ( 4 cr)
Fall 2011: MENG 346 ( 4 cr); MENG
443 ( 4 cr)
Spring 2012: MENG 240 ( 3cr) ; MENG(
4 cr)
Fall 2011: IENG 251 (3 cr); MENG 105
(2 cr) Spring 2012: IENG 251 (3 cr); MENG
212 (3 cr);
- 64 -
Research or
% of Time
to the
Eugene Choi
Brian Galli
MENG 105 (2 cr)
Fall 2011: MENG 105 (2 cr)
Spring 2012: MENG 105 (2 cr)
Fall 2011: IENG 400 (3 cr); IENG 380 (3
Alvaro Gonzalez-Alvarez
Yongjian Gu
Raymond Phillips
Daniel Rapka
Ronald Saporita
Ruyi Wang
Abdel Belkharraz
Raymond Phillips
IENG 485 (3 cr)
Spring 2012: IENG 485 (3 cr)
Fall 2011: IENG 240 (3 cr)
Spring 2012: IENG 240 (3 cr)
Fall 2011: IENG 245 (3 cr)
Spring 2012: IENG 245 (cr) ; IENG 345
(3 cr);
MENG 211 (3 cr)
Fall 2011: IENG 350 (3 cr) MENG 310 (
3 cr)
Fall 2011: MENG 270 (1 cr) ; MENG
343 (1 cr)
Spring 2012: MENG 270 (1 cr); MENG
343 (1 cr)
Fall 2011: AENG 360 (3 cr)
Spring 2012: MENG 211 (3 cr)
Fall 2011: IENG 245 (3 cr)
Fall 2011: IENG 345 (3 cr)
Fall 2011: IENG 350 (3 cr); MENG 310
(3 cr)
- 65 -
ABET engineering criteria and program criteria for Mechanical Engineering require sufficient faculty
members to cover the curriculum. Based on the data from the tables in this section, the department has
five full time faculty, sufficient to satisfy these requirements. A review of program faculty backgrounds
is provided in Appendix B and a reading will reveal some important factors. All faculty members have a
PhD in Mechanical Engineering or a related field and generally are either working as consultants to
industry or have ongoing research grants. This mix of research and consulting is appropriate and offers
the student an exposure to a faculty well-versed in both the practical and theoretical aspects of their
respective subject areas.
The current faculty, in general, is a very cohesive body. There is considerable interaction among
them which affords a vitality to the program not otherwise possible. NYIT has a contractual arrangement
with the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) which serves as the
bargaining agent for the faculty. The entire faculty is treated uniformly with respect to promotion,
salary, and benefits.
Unfortunately, in the Fall 2011, one of our young faculty members decided to relocate. She has
been replaced by a new faculty member, whose resume is also included in the Appendix. She will start
in September 2012.
Note that our faculty is supplemented from time to time with the judicious use of a small number of
qualified adjuncts further enhancing our program. Adjunct faculty are carefully selected according to
their credentials. These faculty are supervised and monitored by the chair of the department and
compensated according to the AAUP contractual arrangement. The number of courses taught by adjunct
faculty is less than 10% of the total number of Mechanical Engineering courses offered in any semester.
The teaching load for the engineering faculty is considered to be a total of twenty-one equivalent
lecture hours (ELH) over the fall and spring semesters. However, recognizing the need for faculty
professional development in course work, research/project activities and professional society
participation, most of the departmental faculty members are given at least three ELH (and some even
more depending on level of work) released time.
Classroom performance of full-time and adjunct faculty is evaluated by students in all sections of all
classes. Since 2003, consistent with a change in the union contract, evaluation has consisted of
questions developed by a task force consisting of the office of Academic Affairs and members of the
AAUP (rather than materials purchased by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) as before). The results
are tabulated by a contracted vendor, and are returned to the faculty member, the Chairs and the Dean
in the succeeding semester for their review. Since the purpose of the review is the improvement of
instruction as well as personnel evaluation, the Chair may also call upon experienced faculty in his/her
school to provide guidance for an instructor who may appear weak in a particular area. This procedure is
used in conjunction with peer observation of teaching.
In addition to the above review procedures which are concerned with improving teaching
effectiveness, the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences also encourages faculty research and
provides opportunities to attend professional conferences. Two initiatives support this thrust: sufficient
travel funds for the School and NYIT faculty research initiation grants. The Instructional Support of
Research and Creativity Grants Program (ISRC Grants) are supported with funds from both NYIT and the
AAUP. These grants are given to proposals that are likely to result in some form of permanent
- 66 -
advancement of the field and to proposals that involve students in the faculty member's
scholarly/creative activities.
It should be noted that one of the department’s senior faculty members, Dr. Herbert Fox, chairs the
ISRC grants committee. In the last round of funding the School of Engineering Computing Sciences
received seven grants of which one was awarded to a member of the Department of Mechanical
Teaching effectiveness and professional achievement are important criteria in promotion and
tenure decisions, thus motivating faculty to improve their performance in these areas. NYIT has a
sabbatical leave program. Faculty may apply for it after seven years of service and the Administration
has been very supportive of this program.
New York Institute of Technology assures that its faculty is fluent in English through a careful
interviewing process prior to hiring and through constant monitoring in the classroom. Such monitoring
is accomplished both by the Chairs of the several departments and by faculty peers. We also value
student feedback highly in this regard.
Faculty are encouraged to be involved in consulting and research activities because of the need for
engineering faculty to be at the state-of-the-art in their respective disciplines. Extra compensation for
research is provided if the faculty is supported during the summer or if the research is undertaken above
and beyond the normal, expected workload.
The School of Engineering and its individual departments encourages each faculty member to
participate in professional meetings and offer papers for presentation. We look to these items as part of
the tenure and promotion process as indicators of scholarly development.
Since the last visit, the School of Engineering, in general, and the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, in particular, have increased the amount and number of research projects we have
undertaken. Some of these are noted here with the rest cited on individual resumes.
Dr. Steven Lu, professor and chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has continued his
research effort on computational fluid dynamics and numerical analysis in heat transfer. He also served
as the session chair and panel reviewer for the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering
Congress & Exposition, in Denver, CO, 2011. His paper entitled “ Diffusing -thermal Sheet Method for
Solving Forced Convection Heat Transfer Within Boundary Layer” was accepted to ASME 2011
International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Denver, CO, 2011. He published an AIAA
paper entitled “Criteria for Step Lengths for Solving Unsteady Energy Equations Using DiffusionConvection Methods”, AIAA paper 2006-3549, 2006.
Dr. Rifat Tabi serves as a Fulbright Senior Scholar. He is also President of R. Tabi, P.E., P.C.,
Consulting Engineers, and continues his energy-related consulting engineering work for many private
and public sector companies and organizations.
Dr. Herbert Fox received a series of major research grants from the Israel Ministry of Defense under
the Federal FMS program, monitored by the U.S Army. These have focused on propulsion requirements
for long duration, unmanned aerial vehicles. Project Manager was Dr. Fox, in ME and supported by Dr.
Stephen Blank, EE. Several major internal reports were developed; these will be made available to the
visiting team.
- 67 -
Dr. Fox has also worked with students on the performance of heavy duty transport buses with
hybrid transmissions. This has resulted in one major publication; the paper was presented at Urban
Transport XV in 2010.
Finally note that Dr. Fox is the project director for the Industrial Partnership Program of the School.
These were discussed earlier.
Dr. Jun Ma, Associate professor of Mechanical Engineering, possesses expertise in a range of
engineering applications including automotive, aerospace, medical and biomedical devices, etc., and has
been a consultant and adviser to many domestic and international corporations, including Biox
Instruments Co. Ltd., Dawn America, Inc., Desen Precision Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Kerns Manufacturing
Corp., Life Enhancement Technology Ltd., and Vasomedical, Inc. He serves as Chairman of the Board of
Genwell Instruments Co. Ltd., a research and development startup, specializing in medical devices, and
as a director of certain private and public companies. He also serves regularly as a paper reviewer for
several engineering journals and conferences. Dr. Ma is also a visiting professor to Jiangnan University
in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.
One of our junior faculty, Dr. Jong Lee, has been developing a research program. Some of his recent
submissions are
1. NSF Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (BMMB) Grant Proposal, entitled “Development of
3D Finite Element Model of the 12-Years-Old Female Torso for Backpack-Related
Nonspecific Back Pain or Spinal Deformity”, has been completed and will be submitted by
Feb. 15, 2012, Internal review has been completed, pending
2. NSF Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (BMMB) Grant Proposal, entitled “Strain-rate
Dependent Material Properties of the Porcine Abdominal Organs”, has been completed and
will be submitted by Feb. 15, 2012, Internal review has been completed, pending
3. NSF Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (BMMB) Grant Proposal, entitled “Development of
anthropomorphic numerical models of the 12-year-old for male and female adolescent knee
for injury reduction”, Submitted Oct. 03, 2011, NSF Proposal Number: 1200922, declined
4. Dr. Lee has also been the recipient of several internal research grants from the college:
5. ISRC 2012, “Strain-Rate Material Characterization of the Abdominal Solid Organs Based on
Experimental Test Data”, awarded
6. ISRC Proposal, 2011, “Age-Dependent Material Characterization of the Adolescent
Abdominal Organs”, awarded, $5,017.47
7. ISRC Proposal, 2010, “Material Characterization of the Bony Skeleton of the Knee-Thigh-Hip
(KTH) Complex in Adolescent”, awarded, $4,763.82
8. ISRC Proposal, 2009, “Injury Patterns of the Knee-Thigh-Hip (KTH) Complex in Adolescent in
Automobile Accidents Between Year 2003 and 2007”, awarded, $4,404.48
- 68 -
9. ISRC Proposal, 2008 , “Abdominal Injury Patterns in Adolescent in Motor Vehicle Accidents:
A Survey of the NASS Database from 2001 to 2005”, awarded, $4,849.14
Many faculty members also serve as consultants in industry and as such are able to communicate
the latest industrial requirements to the students. In addition, students visit nearby plants and guest
speakers from industry address the students so that they become familiar with industrial practice. The
School of Engineering also provides sufficient funds for travel to professional meetings so that faculty
can stay current with their professional expertise.
As noted earlier, the department just hired a new assistant professor, Dr. Fang Li. She received her
PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in Mechanical Engineering and Material Science in 2008. Her
research areas of interest include biological applications of micro-sensing and micro/nanotechnologies
and biomechanics. We believe that Dr. Fang will fit well within the current departmental environment
and as we look to the future.
We are in the process of filling a second line open to the department. This should be concluded by
the time of the visit in Fall 2012.
- 69 -
Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories
The mechanical engineering laboratory facility consists of three primary areas; a 3000 ft2 space for
lab and shop equipment, a 900 ft2 lecture room and a 680 ft2 computer lab.
The main lab/shop area contains all of the major equipment which supports the mechanical
engineering curriculum as well as an office for one full-time technician. The laboratory equipment can
be delineated into two general categories in terms of the educational topic that it supports. The first
category, supporting the thermal-fluids sciences, is mostly partitioned in a smaller lab area that adjoins
the main facility. This area contains equipment that reinforces major topics in Fluid Mechanics,
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. In addition, a sub-sonic wind tunnel used to elaborate concepts of
pressure distribution and resultant forces as a function of shape and Reynolds number is located in the
main shop space.
The lecture room has dedicated seating to instruct 12-15 students. In addition to lectures, this
space also houses equipment utilized for Mechanics of Materials study. The cornerstone of the
Materials lab is the Instron 5582 Universal Testing Machine. With a maximum load capability of 22,550
pounds, this machine is mostly used to generate stress-strain curves for a variety of engineering
materials including low and high carbon steels, brass, aluminum and an array of plastics. The shop has
fabricated additional fixtures that can evaluate materials in compression, bending and shear.
Complemented with hardness testers (both Rockwell and Brinell), this lab can reinforce the major topics
of both Strength of Materials and Material Science classes. Further studies can be performed on heat
treatment with use of the tempering oven held within the main lab space.
Explicitly, these spaces support the three lab classes offered; MENG-270- Instrumentation and
Measurement, MENG-320 – Materials Lab and MENG-343 – Thermo-fluids Lab. Each course meets for 3
hours per week with one hour of lecture and two hours of experimentation. After initial instruction
during lecture, the students form their groups and conduct the assigned experiments on their own.
Equipment guidelines and data sheets are made available to the students. While the instructor and
technician are present, the students are encouraged to acquire data independently.
The shop space contain equipment typical to a mechanic workshop such as milling machines, lathes,
grinders, drill presses, bandsaws, welders and a myriad of hand tools. Also, there are three CNC
(Computer Numerically Controlled) machines and two dedicated CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
computers for student use. Primarily, this space is utilized by the students for either design classes or
extra-curricular activities. Quite often, students will decide to augment their capstone senior design
project with actual data or prototype models. In addition, students clubs like SAE (Society for
Automotive Engineers) and ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) utilize the shop
equipment for participation in academic competitions like SAE Mini-Baja. The equipment in the labs is
at their disposal. A full time technician with an office space in the labs is available to assist with these
projects. General shop hours are from 10 am to 4 pm but special appointments can be made.
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Finally, the computer lab has 18 student seats, one instructor’s terminal, a 50 inch plasma TV and
whiteboard. The computers are PCs with at least Pentium D 3.4 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. The computer
lab supports the senior design classes as well as CAD/CAM and Machine Design. Additionally, one of the
lab courses uses this space to teach basics of visual data acquisition with LabVIEW.
Computing Resources
Two computer labs, Harry Shure Hall (HSH) room 211 and HSH room B15, are available for the
department of mechanical engineering. HSH room 211 has 30 student seats and one instructor’s
terminal, and HSH room B15 has 18 student seats, one instructor’s terminal, a 50 inch plasma TV and
whiteboard. The computers are PCs with at least Pentium D 3.4 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. The computer
lab supports the senior design classes as well as engineering graphics (AutoCad), introduction to
CAD/CAM (Catia and Pro/E) and Machine Design (HyperWorks, OptiStruct and Radioss). Additionally,
one of the lab courses uses this space to teach basics of visual data acquisition with LabVIEW.
The lab/shop facility is managed by one full-time senior technician who administers utilization of the
space. Once a semester, a general tour and lecture of the shop equipment and operation is offered
after which interested students receive a manual that outlines operation and safety for all shop
machines. Before any student can utilize equipment, they are required to pass a verbal practical test
that evaluates their knowledge of machine/tool operation and requisite safety issues. After successful
completion of this test, students can use shop equipment but only when the technician is present. The
technician is also available to advise students of methods to capture data for senior design projects.
After initial consultation meetings and safety overviews, the student is permitted to conduct testing on
lab equipment. The computer lab is open during the day and special requests can be made to extend
the availability to evening hours.
Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities
The shop and laboratory equipment is routinely inspected by the full time technician and repaired or
replaced as necessary. After each semester, the laboratory manager meets with faculty/instructors to
discuss the status of equipment and the necessity of equipment modification. These biannual
assessments are then incorporated into longer terms plans of acquisition.
The most recent assessment has identified three areas for immediate improvement. Current plans
indicate that this equipment will be acquired over the next two years subject to funding availability.
Broadly speaking, this equipment can be categorized into heat transfer, turbo-machinery and rapid
prototyping machines:
First, to augment the heat transfer portion of the thermo-fluids lab class, an apparatus that
highlights the radiative mechanism is needed typically like the Armfield HT-13 or HT16C.
Second, to provide practical exposure to hydraulic turbines, an impulse machine like a
Pelton wheel will be obtained.
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Finally, to supplement the CAD/CAM portion of the curriculum as well as enable students to
create complex models for senior design classes, a rapid prototyping machine will be
sourced. This would be akin to a 3D printer system like that offered by ZPrinter.
In a five- to seven- year timescale, laboratory acquisitions will focus on equipment that
would enhance energy and biomechanics research to support our proposed graduate level
studies. Such equipment would include that necessary to advanced topics, for example, of
optical design for concentrating solar energy and investigation of arterial glyceride
deposition. Further biomechanical study would be leveraged by coordinating with the
medical school here at NYIT.
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E. Library Services
The library is a dynamic force in the intellectual life of the campus. Its mission is to create new
models for campus information access. As a gateway to regional, national and global resources, the
library’s role is to manage, deliver, and organize vast amounts of local and distant information to
strengthen and expedite teaching, study, and research. The library is a channel for access to
information resources and scholarly communication, and a partner in the integration of information
technology into the curriculum. The library takes a leadership role in teaching knowledge management
skills and continues to be a guide in bringing people and information together. Values such as
cooperation, flexibility, innovation, critical thinking, and risk-taking are essential for both information
providers and information seekers in the changing networked environment.
The library’s collections and services continue to benefit from the enormous changes in technology.
Enhanced use of technology to improve the access to the collection, the quality of the collection,
educational services, and ease of use are reflected in the goals. Information is growing exponentially,
and in combination with rapidly changing technology, has resulted in an information environment that is
extremely complex. The goals focus on resources and services to assist patrons in finding their way
through this information maze:
Provide state-of-the art access to library resources.
Deliver quality, user-oriented services responsive to the changing information needs of our
diverse community.
Evaluate, acquire, implement and manage resources at a level that meets or exceeds the
research needs and expectations of users.
Continue to provide excellent traditional in-person library educational services while
exploring electronic methods to deliver services, including support to distant learners.
Provide adequate space for library services and upgrade existing facilities as needed.
Continue to work with groups outside of the NYIT/NYCOM community to enhance the
library’s image and maximize consortial arrangements.
Begin library development efforts.
The NYIT library system is comprised of four libraries on two campuses: the main library (Wisser),
two special libraries, NYCOM (health sciences) and Education Hall (art and architecture) located in Old
- 73 -
Westbury; the Manhattan Library in New York City. Wireless capability is available in all of the libraries
and laptops are available to patrons so that they can access the NYIT network from anywhere in the
library. In addition, Wisser library has a computer lab with 32 desktop computers and an electronic
classroom for instruction with seating for 24. Manhattan has 55 public access computers and an
electronic classroom/computer lab with seating for 18.
The library system’s website (www.nyit.edu/library) provides access to all of the library’s services
and resources. The home page provides links to books and journal holdings, databases and all eresources. Library services, including interlibrary loan, are available on the library’s website via e-forms.
Recently the library added an Ask-a-Librarian service, allowing patrons to e-mail, text and tweet
questions directly to reference librarians. Information literacy services can be accessed from the library’s
home page as well. Video tutorials, to illustrate search techniques for specific databases, are listed.
Additional resources directed toward students include links to information on writing and documenting
papers, plagiarism, and research pathfinders. The library’s website also incorporates Web 2.0 tools
including the library blog and RSS feeds. All electronic resources are available 24/7 from both on and off
campus. For off campus access, patrons need to use their NYIT username and password.
The three NYIT libraries are staffed by 22.75(FTE) librarians and 14.25 (FTE) library assistants. The
health sciences library staff consists of 3 librarians and 3.85 (FTE) library assistants. All librarians in the
NYIT library system hold MLS degrees from ALA accredited schools. Librarians have continued their
education through completion of a second Master’s Degree, certificate programs, continuing education
courses, and attendance at national and regional conferences, seminars, and workshops. The
professional staff holds memberships in various organizations including the American Library Association
(ALA), Special Libraries Association (SLA), Medical Library Association (MLA), and the Association of
College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Several librarians serve on committees and/or hold office in
professional organizations.
Engineering Resources
All members of the NYIT community have access to a total of 95,818 books and 21,165 e-Books of
which approximately 14% are engineering titles. In addition, there is access to a total of 55,122 ejournals of which 3978 are specifically engineering e-journals.
Electronic journal resources are accessible from the library’s home page by clicking on the
“Databases A - Z” link and searching one of the library’s databases or by using the “Journal Locator” link,
also on the home page, to search for a specific journal title. All print and e-books can be found listed in
the online catalog or, in the case of e-books, by also using the “Databases A –Z” link and searching the ebook collection directly.
E-book collections can be searched across all titles within the specific collection, with value added
due to enhanced search features. For example, Oxford Reference is a database made up of reference
- 74 -
resources, including titles such as the Dictionary of Computing and the Dictionary of the Internet. Credo,
a similar electronic reference resource, consists of 100 reference resources including such titles as
Science in the Contemporary World. Both databases enable the user to search across all electronic titles
within the collection providing added value with search results from a variety of relevant sources. In
addition, Credo uses the information from all 100 e-books to provide electronic concept maps and
dynamic tables allowing users to build online tables unique to their particular needs.
Books - Print
Number of
Book Titles
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering Technology
Energy Management
Environmental Technology
Engineering/Industrial Management
Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace
Mechanical Engineering, Technology
Telecommunications Management
Books – Electronic
EBSCOhost E-Book Collection: 11214
Computer Science – 779
Networking & Technology – 162
Technology, Engineering & Manufacturing – 1377
Safari IT collection – 231 (the entire e-book collection consists of e-books on computers, engineering
& technology)
Electronic Full-Text Journals
- 75 -
Number of E-Journals
Aeronautics Engineering &
Applied Mathematics
Applied Physics
Automotive Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Engineering, General
Environmental Engineering
Hydraulic engineering
Industrial & Management Engineering
Information Technology
Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering, General
Metallurgy & Mineralogy
Mining Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Ocean Engineering
Operations Research
Technology, General
Transportation Engineering
Database Subscriptions – Engineering
Access Science: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery)
ASME Digital Library
Computer and Applied Sciences Complete
Computing (Proquest)
ECO – Electronic Collections Online (First Search)
Engineering Village
FAITS (Faulkner Advisory on Info Tech Studies)
IEEE Xplore
MAD CAD: Building Codes Online
PapersFirst (First Search)
ProceedingsFirst (First Search)
Safari Tech Online Books
Science Direct
- 76 -
Related and Multidisciplinary Databases
Academic Search Complete
Britannica Online
Credo Reference (e-books)
E-books on EBSCOhost
Encyclopedia of Associations
GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy & Natural Resources)
New York Times
Oxford Reference (e-books)
Proquest Central
Science Journals (Proquest)
Wall Street Journal
Maximizing Database Resources
With the multitude of databases and e-journal resources, the library has subscribed to several
services to assist users in using these e-resources. These services make use of internet technology and
enable users to find and manage particular resources no matter what database the specific item may be
The Journal Locator links specific journal titles to the database containing the full-text for the
journal. If a patron wishes to find Engineering & Technology, he only needs to type the journal title into
the Journal Locator. A list of databases containing this title will appear. One click on the linked database
and the user is brought to the web page containing the full-text of the journal. The Journal Locator
allows for ease of use and maximizes access to our full-text journal holdings.
Serials Solutions 360-Link : This is a full-featured OpenURL link resolver that seamlessly links library
resources. OpenURL is an open standard, a way of organizing data in a URL and pointing it to a
destination. The OpenURL is a key component in a broader linking system. When a user finds a citation
or reference to a specific article, 360-Link supplies the best available path to the content, anywhere in
the library's collection.
LibGuides are web-based subject guides, created by reference librarians, using Web 2.0 technology
to organize information for patrons. The subject guides pull together print and electronic books and
journal articles, web sites, photos, videos, RSS feeds, etc. in order to guide users to authoritative
resources in a specific topic.
RefWorks is a web-based bibliographic citation manager. Users can search any online database and
export selected citations into RefWorks, creating a personal citation database for their research.
Citations can be instantly formatted in a variety of styles (MLA, APA, etc.). Since RefWorks is webbased, it can be accessed from anywhere and citations can be shared with students and colleagues.
- 77 -
LibAnswers is a web-based and mobile reference platform with a built-in knowledge base. Users
search the knowledge base of answered questions and the auto-suggest feature points them to the right
answer. If the user can’t find what they need, questions are submitted via email, text, or twitter, with
the librarians responding quickly with assistance. The answer becomes part of the ever growing
knowledge base.
For the Future
The library plans to continue creating more video tutorials and web-based subject guides to provide
research assistance from the library’s website 24/7. As more and more smart phones and other mobile
devices are in use, the library is looking toward making its resources available on a variety of mobile
devices. Currently various chat reference services are being tested and this service will be implement
shortly. The library is also planning to develop a “library channel” as a location on our website where
we can stream video tutorials, blog posts, Twitter feeds, and content that will be useful to our users.
F. Overall Comments on Facilities
In addition to safety guidance from the senior technician, the lab is routinely inspected to ensure
proper adherence to fire, safety, building and health codes. Each year, the local fire marshal inspect the
space to confirm that all fire codes are met and fire extinguishers are adequate and within date. The
NYIT facilities group will evaluate any changes to the lab spaces to make sure that they follow building
codes. The lab also maintains a relationship with the NYIT Office of Health and Safety who conducts
periodic inspections of the facilities in accordance to OSHA, EPA and other prominent health and safety
codes. This office also administers the PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) such as safety glasses,
earplugs and dust masks for lab use.
The major pieces of equipment are listed in Appendix C.
- 78 -
All academic and administrative units of the college play a role in budgeting and planning. New York
Institute of Technology’s budget procedures exist in order to yield a plan which distributes the college's
assets in the most efficient way. To achieve this result, all academic deans and unit heads participate.
This starts with the responsibility of the financial managers and analysts to develop financial awareness
and sound management among all the academic and unit managers within the context of day-to-day
operations. It continues with the careful development of plans, translated into finances, by academic
and unit heads, advised by and then coordinated by the financial analysts. These plans are then shaped
to match available resources on the basis of overall priorities established by the Board of Trustees, as
interpreted and executed by the President. The final result constitutes the college budget.
The New York Institute of Technology budget format is primarily a going-rate budget amply
augmented by supporting schedules which use zero-based and program budgeting techniques. Thus,
the process starts each fall with preparation of updated lists of personnel and salaries by each
organizational unit, which are reviewed by each academic and unit head. Data are also presented to
each academic and unit head showing various personnel services and administrative costs for the
previous two fiscal years, current year-to-date, and projected expenditures for current year vs. current
year budget.
Based on a review of these data, the unit submits its plans for the next fiscal year. Increments and
decrements in the budget are reviewed by the financial analysts along with program analyses and costeffectiveness studies of majors and other programs identified as potential problems or as areas for
possible development. The going-rate budget is then prepared on the basis of unit submissions. The
guidelines of a going-rate budget are simply to determine what the cost would be in the next budget
year to continue the same programs at the same level as the current year. The college can then
determine what resources are available for new programs, and/or, on the basis of recommendations
arising out of the cost effectiveness and program reviews, set priorities for cutbacks, if any, for
continuing programs and for new initiatives. Multilevel reviews are completed prior to submission for
Board review and approval at its March meeting. Time then is sufficient to initiate corrective action or
new initiatives prior to the start of the next fiscal year on September 1. The future challenge in this
planning and allocation procedure is to extend the time frame to three and then five years to facilitate
the development of long-term planning.
NYIT utilizes the Oracle Financials System, which system is comprised of three integrated
applications: purchasing, general ledger, and accounts payable. The system provides tools for budget
management from college-wide to departmental levels. It is used to track departmental status, track
requisitions add purchase orders on-line and determine expenses charged against individual budget
Through NYIT’s computerized purchase order system, each department is given access to its
accounts in the general ledger and designated personnel in each department are authorized to initiate
purchase order requisitions from terminals at their desks. The system allows for approval of requisitions
based upon a pre-established review chain. Once a requisition is approved, New York Institute of
- 79 -
Technology's purchasing department is advised to issue a purchase order based upon the approved
In the computerized purchase order system provision is made to enter each department's budget
into the computer and to provide each department with reports comparing actual expenditures to
budgeted funds. These reports include outstanding purchase order requisitions and purchase orders
issued. With this information, departments are able to plan their expenditures to ensure that they do
not exceed their current budget. Accounting procedures are always being revised and updated to
ensure that each department is following prescribed budgetary and accounting procedures as reflected
in the college's administrative manual.
The School of Engineering and Computing Sciences operates within the guidelines and parameters
noted above. In particular it is organized to contribute to this process in accordance with the following:
Each engineering discipline, as represented by a committee of senior faculty, led by the head of the
department, develops an annual budget request which is submitted to the Dean of the School. It is
combined into a single budget request for the entire School. The Dean then discusses it with the
Provost and the President. After these discussions, (which are typical for all units of the college) the
President may modify the proposed budget accordingly to produce a final proposal for review and
approval by the Board of Trustees of the College. After Board modification and approval, each School is
then informed of its budget for the year.
- 80 -
The curricular requirements as defined in the bulletin for Criteria for Accrediting Programs in
Engineering in the United States are as follows:
Program Criteria for Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs
Lead Society: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
These program criteria will apply to all engineering programs including "mechanical" or similar modifiers
in their titles.
The material here briefly repeats some of the items discussed earlier. We do so for the convenience of
the reader. There are five full-time faculty in the Department, all of whom have Ph.D.'s. We have at
least one new hire in place which will bring the departmental complement to six. If we fill the additional
line available to us by the time of the visit, the department will have seven full-time faculty. Our
students are given the opportunity to interact with the practitioners in their field through the student
chapters of the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Society of Women Engineers, the Society of
Black Engineers and Engineers without Borders. Some of these organizations have local chapters on
Long Island and often hold monthly technical meetings which our students regularly attend.
The curriculum includes both a thermodynamics/fluids stem and a solid mechanics stem. In the
former there are the following required courses:
MENG 240 Thermodynamics
MENG 240 Fluid Mechanics
MENG 346 Energy Conversion
MENG 349 Heat Transfer
In the latter there are the following required courses:
MENG 211 Statics
MENG 212 Dynamics
MENG 221 Strength of Materials
MENG 323 Mechanical Vibrations
MENG 370 Machine Design
Required Professional courses
MENG 105 Engineering Graphics
MENG 270 Instrumentation and Measurement
MENG 320/343 Materials and Mechanics or Thermofluids Laboratory
MENG 373 Engineering Analysis
IENG 245 Statistical Design
IENG 240 Engineering Economics
IENG 400 Global Issues
- 81 -
Technical electives (typical; others may be offered from time to time):
MENG 115, Mechanical Engineering Tools
MENG 440 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
AENG 360 Aerodynamics
AENG 463 Propulsion
Solid mechanics
MENG 410 Fundamentals of Stress Analysis
MENG 423 Advanced Strength of Materials
MENG 473 Kinematics
Design electives:
MENG 443 Energy Systems Analysis and Design
MENG 446 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
AENG 490 Flight Vehicle Design
Solid mechanics
MENG 486 Advanced Machine Design
The curriculum also contains a sufficient engineering science component along with a course in
Electrical Engineering, EENG 201. The sequence of technical electives are meant to satisfy both stems of
the curriculum while giving the student options to take courses in subjects of their interest. The design
component is distributed among a number of courses. There is also a capstone design course, MENG
470, within the program. The student must take at least two additional design courses, complementing
the capstone course. This provides the depth and breadth we think are appropriate. The computer is
used as a problem solving tool in most courses.
- 82 -
Signature Attesting to Compliance
By signing below, I attest to the following:
That the Department of Mechanical Engineering has conducted an honest assessment of
compliance and has provided a complete and accurate disclosure of timely information
regarding compliance with ABET’s Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs to include
General Criteria and any applicable Program Criteria, and the ABET Accreditation Policy and
Procedure Manual.
Dr. Nada Anid
- 83 -
End of Document
- 84 -
Appendices to
Self-Study Report
for the
Mechanical Engineering
New York Institute of Technology
Old Westbury and New York Campus, NY
June 2012
The information supplied in this Self-Study Report is for the confidential use of ABET and its
authorized agents, and will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned, except
for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution.
Table of Contents
Appendix A - Advising Degree Map.......................................................................................................... - 4 Appendix B - Graduation Evaluation ......................................................................................................... - 5 Appendix C - Benchmark Credit Comparisons ........................................................................................ - 9 Appendix D - Advisory Board Members ................................................................................................. - 10 Appendix E – Faculty CVs ........................................................................................................................ - 11 Jong Beom Lee, Assistant Professor ................................................................................................... - 12 Fang Li, Assistant Professor................................................................................................................. - 14 Steven Zhiyun Lu, Professor ................................................................................................................ - 16 Jun Ma, Associate Professor ............................................................................................................... - 18 Eugene Choi ........................................................................................................................................ - 21 Ronald Saporita ................................................................................................................................... - 24 Daniel Rapka ....................................................................................................................................... - 26 Raymond Phillips ................................................................................................................................. - 28 Brian J. Galli ......................................................................................................................................... - 30 Sidi Berri .............................................................................................................................................. - 33 Herbert Fox ......................................................................................................................................... - 37 Alvaro Gonzalez-Alvarez ..................................................................................................................... - 41 Rifat Tabi ............................................................................................................................................. - 43 Appendix F – Course Syllabi .................................................................................................................... - 45 AENG 360 Aerodynamics 3-0-3 ........................................................................................................... - 46 AENG 490 Flight Vehicle Design .......................................................................................................... - 51 AENG-46 Propulsion (3-0-3) ............................................................................................................... - 53 IENG Statistical Design ....................................................................................................................... - 55 IENG 251 Project Engineering 3-0-3.................................................................................................... - 57 IENG 251 Project Engineerin 3-0-3..................................................................................................... - 58 IENG 400/ICSS 309 Technology and Global Issues (3-0-3)................................................................. - 59 MENG 105 Engineering Graphics 1-2-2 ............................................................................................. - 61 MENG 105 Engineering Graphics
1-2-2.......................................................................................... - 62 -
MENG 211 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics ...................................................................................... - 63 MENG 211 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics ...................................................................................... - 65 MENG 212 Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics ................................................................................ - 67 MENG 240
Thermodynamics......................................................................................................... - 69 -
MENG 321
Introduction to Computer Aided Design..................................................................... - 71 -
MENG 346 Energy Conversion ............................................................................................................ - 73 MENG 373
Engineering Analysis Required .................................................................................... - 75 -
MENG 443 Energy Systems Analysis and Design ................................................................................ - 77 MENG 446
Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning (HVAC)......................................................... - 79 -
MENG 470
Senior Mechanical Engineering Design ....................................................................... - 81 -
MENG 105-W01 Engineering Graphics ............................................................................................... - 83 MENG-105-W01 .................................................................................................................................. - 85 MENG 221 Strength and Material....................................................................................................... - 88 MENG 270 Instrumentation and Measurement ............................................................................... - 90 MENG 310 Introduction to Materials Science .................................................................................... - 91 MENG 321 Introduction to Computer Aided Design .......................................................................... - 92 MENG-340 Fluid Mechanics (3-0-3) .................................................................................................. - 93 MENG 343 Instrumentation and Measurement ................................................................................. - 95 MENG-349 Heat Transfer (3-0-3) ...................................................................................................... - 96 MENG 370 Element Machine Design ................................................................................................. - 98 MENG 486 Advanced Machine Design ............................................................................................. - 100 -
Appendix A - Advising Degree Map
Appendix B - Graduation Evaluation
03/12/12 New York Institute of Technology Page 1
Academic Evaluation
------------------Student............: Student name erased
Program............: Mechanical Engineering (BS.MCENG)
Catalog............: 2007
E-Mail Address.....: dpatel28@nyit.edu
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------This is your unofficial NYIT Degree Audit Program Evaluation.
It identifies:
1. Requirements for the curriculum that you are being evaluated for.
2. NYIT Coursework (graded and in-progress).
3. Transfer & Prior Learning coursework where applicable.
Note: The number of credits printed in the "credits earned" column
represent the total number of credits you have earned. It is
important to know that some of the credits may not be applicable to
your program requirements. Please review your credit requirements
with a faculty advisor each semester.
Please review this document carefully. Any discrepancies must be
reported to the Office of the Registrar immediately.
Students who wish to be considered candidates for graduation must
complete an online "Application for Graduation" at the beginning of
their final semester.
Each student must assume final responsibility for conforming to all
college regulations and completing curriculum requirements.
Program Status: In Progress
Current.......... Anticipated(*).......
Required Earned Remaining Additional Remaining
Residency Credits: 30.00 112.00 0.00 10.00 0.00
Program Credits: 134.00 125.00 9.00 10.00 0.00
Program GPA....: 2.00 3.70 Met
(*) Anticipates completion of in-progress and registered courses
Statuses: W=Waived, C=Complete, I=In progress, N=Not started
P=Pending completion of unfinished activity
I) 1: BS in Mechanical Engineering Major Reqs (71 crd)
Credits: 67
Complete all 6 subrequirements:
C) A: Mechanical Engnr
> Take the following courses. Students must also select one
> course from MENG-320 or MENG-343.
Credits: 47
Credits: 46
MENG-105 Mech Drawing.............. 2008FA A 2
MENG-211 Eng Mech I-Stat........... 2009FA A 3
MENG-212 Eng Mech II Dyna.......... 2010SP A- 3
MENG-221 Strength & Mater.......... 2010SP B+ 4
MENG-240 Applied Thermo............ 2010SP B 3
MENG-270 Instr/Measuremnt.......... 2011SP A 1
MENG-310 Intro Matrl Sci........... 2011SP A- 3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------MENG-324 Vibr & Syst Dyn........... 2010FA A- 3
MENG-340 Fluid Mechanics........... 2010FA A- 3
MENG-346 Energy Conversn........... 2011FA A 4
MENG-349 Heat Transfer............. 2010FA A 3
MENG-321 Intro to Cad.............. 2011SP A- 3
MENG-370 Elem MacH Design.......... 2010FA B+ 4
MENG-373 Enginrg Analysis.......... 2011SP B+ 3
MENG-470 Senior Me Design.......... 2011SP B+ 4
C) MENG-320 OR MENG-343
MENG-343 Thermo Fluid Lab.......... 2011SP A 1
I) B: Design Electives
> Select 8 credits in Mechanical Engineering
> Design Electvs from: AENG-490 MENG-443 MENG-446 MENG-486
MENG-446 Heat Vent & A/C........... 2012SP ___ ( 4) *IP
____________________________________________________ 4 credits needed
C) C: Elective Options
> Select 3 credits from non-required AENG, IENG, MENG, or
> graduate MENG courses (with Chairperson's approval).
IENG-251 Project Eng............... 2011FA A 3
C) D: Computer Science
> Take CSCI-120 "Programming I"
CSCI-120 Progrm I.................. 2009SP A- 3
C) E: Electrical Engnrng
> Take EENG-201
EENG-201 Intro Elect Eng........... 2011FA A 4
C) F: Engineering Mgmt
> Take the following courses:
Credits: 6
IENG-240 Engrng Economics.......... 2009SP A 3
IENG-245 Statistcl Design.......... 2008FA A 3
W) 2: Career Discovery (2 Cr Or Waiver)
!! Exception
Department approved to waive ETCS-105.
P) 3: English Core (15 Credits)
Credits: 15
Complete all 4 subrequirements:
C) A: Composition
> Take Composition I & II by completing WRIT-101 & WRIT-151 or
> by completing WRIT-111 & WRIT-161 (Comp for International
> Students)
Credits: 6
Credits: 6
WRIT-111 Comp Forgn Stds........... 2009FA A- 3
FCWR-161 Writing II:Comp Intl Stds. 2010FA A 3
C) B: Speech
> Take SPCH-105
SPCH-105 Basic Speech Com.......... 05/31/08 TC 3 *TE
--------------------------------------------------------------------------P) C: Group A
> Select 1 Group A Literature course from the following:
> LITR-210, LITR-220, LITR-230, or LITR-240
LITR-210 Art of Poetry............. 2012SP ___ ( 3) *IP
P) D: Group B
> Take WRIT-316
FCWR-304 Comm for Tech Prof........ 2012SP ___ ( 3) *IP
C) 4: Social Sciences & Econ (9 Credits)
Credits: 9
Complete all 3 subrequirements:
C) A: Economics
> Select 1 course from Economics.
ECON-101 Basic Economics........... 2008FA B 3
C) B: Tech Issues
> Take PHIL-230 or IENG-400
IENG-400 Tech & Global Issues...... 2011SP B+ 3
C) C: Philosophy
> Select 1 course from Philosophy
PHIL-110 Prob of Phil.............. 2009FA B 3
C) 5: Behavioral Sciences (3 Credits)
> Select 1 course from Anthropology, Psychology, or
> Sociology
ANTH-101 Intro to Anthrop.......... 2010SP A 3
C) 6: Physical Science (11 Credits)
> Take the following courses:
Credits: 11
PHYS-170 Gen Physics I............. 2008FA A 4
PHYS-180 Gen Physics II............ 2009SP A 4
PHYS-225 Intro Modern Phys......... 2011X1 A 3
C) 7: Life Sciences (4 Credits)
> Take CHEM-107
CHEM-107 Engrng Chem I............. 2009FA A 4
C) 8: Mathematics (15 Credits)
> Take the following courses:
Credits: 15
MATH-170 Calculus I................ 05/31/08 TC 4 *TE
MATH-180 Calculus II............... 2009SP A 4
MATH-260 Calculus III.............. 2009FA A 4
MATH-320 Diff Equations............ 2010SP A 3
C) 9: Liberal Arts (3 Credits)
> Take 3 credits of Liberal Arts.
WRIT-110 Bas Wrt/Rdg Intl.......... 2008FA B 5
C) 10: Electives (3 Credits)
> Take 3 credits of electives
GEEL-ELEC General Electives........ 05/31/08 TC 3 *TE
Appendix C - Benchmark Credit Comparisons
New York Institute of Technology
College/Univ ersity
Curriculum area
Engineering courses
Technical electives
Curriculum area
Credits Credits
Credits Credits
Alfred University
Engineering courses
Technical electives
Geogia Tech
Engineering courses
Technical electives
College/Univ ersity
Curriculum area
Manhattan College
Engineering courses
Technical electives
Other - religion
Polytechnic University
Engineering courses
Technical electives
New Jersey Institute of Technology Engineering courses
Technical electives
Clarkson University
Engineering courses
Technical electives
University at Buffalo
Engineering courses
Technical electives
University of Florida
Engineering courses
Technical electives
City College of New York
Engineering courses
Technical electives
Cooper Union
Engineering courses
Technical electives
Illinois Institute of Technology
Engineering courses
Technical electives
Other university averages Engineering courses
Technical electives
Appendix D - Advisory Board Members
Dr. Tsan-Hsiang Shih
ICOMP/NASA Glenn Center
22800 Cedar Point Road
Cleveland, OH 44142
Mr. John Shipman *
Department Manager
Electric Vehicles
Consolidated Edison Company
of New York, Inc.
4 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003
(212) 460-5176
Robert R. Arrighi
General Manager
Kerns Manufacturing Corp.
37-14 29th Street
Long Island City, NY 11101
Phone: (718) 784-4044
Fax: (718) 786-0534
email: rarrighi@kernsmfg.com
Dr. Hossein Rahemi
Professor and Chairperson
Department of Engineering and Technology
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
33 Miller Boulevard
Syosset, NY 11791
(516) 359-7871 (H)
Mr. Bernard Rachowitz, Former President
Fuel Components Integrators, Inc.
933 Motor Parkway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
(631) 234-8700
John J. Eff, Jr. *
26 Paul Revere Lane
Centerport, NY 11721
(631) 261-9860
Murat Eron, Ph.d.
100 Davis Drive
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Robert Fox *
Genesys Engineering P.C.
110 Corporate Park Drive
White Plains, NY 10602
(914) 251-0540 ext. 123
Joe Ambrosio *
Mechanical Engineer
EMD ElectroMotive Design LLC
120 Comac Street
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Phone: (631) 415-0644 x101
Fax: (631) 415-0648
- 10 -
Appendix E – Faculty CVs
- 11 -
Name and Academic Rank (Full Time):
Jong Beom Lee, Assistant Professor
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Han Yang University, Seoul, Korea, 1989
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Han Yang University, Seoul, Korea, 1991
Ph.D., Mechanical and Biomechanical Engineering, Wayne State University, Dec. 2002
Academic experience
Sep. 2006-Present:
Feb. 2003-Aug. 2006:
Non-academic experience
Assistant Professor
Research Associate Professor, Bioengineering Center, Wayne
State University, Detroit, MI
Research Assistant, Automotive Systems Laboratory, INC., Farmington Hills, MI
Team Manager, Yewon Engineering Co., LTD, Development team, Seoul, Korea
Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology,
Researcher, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Chonan, Korea
Certifications or professional registration
Current membership in professional organization
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
KSME (Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers)
KSNVE (Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering)
Honors and awards:
2011 Honor of Seventh Annual Faculty Scholars Award, NYIT
2009 Honor of Seventh Annual Faculty Scholars Award, NYIT
2007 Honor of Seventh Annual Faculty Scholars Award, NYIT
2006 Honor of Sixth Annual Faculty Scholars Award, NYIT
2001-2002 Ford Biomedical Engineering Graduate Fellowships Award
1995-1997 Honor of Excellent Researcher, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
Service Activities
2006-present Faculty Advisor for NSBE, SAE and CCC
- 12 -
Principal publications:
Lee, J. B. (2011) “Abdominal Injury Patterns to the Young Children Ages under 12 in
Automobile Accidents: A Survey of the NASS/CDS Database from 2005 to 2009”, Paper No.
IMECE2011-62366, Nov. 11-17, 2011, Denver, CO
Kimpara, H.; Iwamoto, M.; Watanabe, I.; Miki, K.; Lee, J. B.; Yang, K. H. and King, A. I. (2010)
“Effects of Bodyweight, Height, and Ribcage Area Moment of Inertia on Blunt Chest Impact
Response”, Journal of Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 11, No. 2
Lee, J. B. (2010) “Adolescent Abdominal Injury Patterns in Motor Vehicle Accidents: A Survey
of the NASS/CDS Database from 2004 to 2008”, Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International
Mechanical Engineering Congress, Nov. 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Dom, A. J.; Stiene, E.; Barbera, F. and Lee, J. B. (2010) “Redesign of a Front Swing-Arm for a
Two-Wheeled Vehicle”, Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress, , Nov. 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Hu, J.; Jin, X.; Lee, J. B.; Zhang, L.; Chaudhary, V.; Guthikonda, M.; Yang, K. H. and King, A. I.
(2007) “Intraoperative Brain Shift Prediction Using a 3D Inhomogeneous Patient-Specific Finite
Element Model”, Journal of Neurosurgery, Vol. 106, No. 1, pp. 164-169, Jan. 2007
The Most recent Professional development activities:
- 13 -
Name and Academic Rank (Full Time):
Fang Li, Assistant Professor
Precision Instruments & Mechanology, Tsinghua University, China 1999
Precision Instruments & Mechanology, Tsinghua University, China 2002
Mechanical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 2004
Mechanical Engineering & Material Science, University of Pittsburgh, 2008
Academic experience:
Teaching Assistant – Electrical Circuits
Teaching Assistant – Mechanical Design (1)
Fall Term 2005:
Spring Term 2006:
Non-academic experience:
Senior Research Scientist, Sensor Technologies Program, Intelligent
Automation, Inc., Maryland
Summer Intern, Eaton Innovation Center, Milwaukee, WI
Summer Research Cooperation with Department of Material Science &
Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
Summer Research Cooperation with Department of Mechanics, Central
Southern University, China
Research Assistant, Microsensor & Microactuator Laboratory in
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA
Research Assistant, Micro/Nano Technology Research Center, Department
of Precision Instruments & Mechanology, Tsinghua University, China
Research Assistant, Micro/Nano Technology Research Center, Department
of Precision Instruments & Mechanology,
Certifications or professional registration:
Current membership in professional organization:
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Honors and awards:
Excellent student scholarship, Tsinghua University, China
Excellent bachelor thesis, Tsinghua University, China
Student poster contest finalist at the IEEE International Frequency
Control Symposium
- 14 -
Book scholarship at the University of Pittsburgh, 2006
Service Activities:
Principal publications:
Fang Li, Dan Xiang, “Finite Element Modeling (FEM) of Laser Shock Peening (LSP) Processed
Micro-crack Generation in Airfoils”, submitted to Journal of Materials Processing Technology
Dan Xiang, Yexian Qin, and Fang Li, “Surface Wave Acoustic Microscopy for Rapid Nondestructive Evaluation of Silicon Nitride Balls,” Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Volume
30, Number 4, 273-281 (2011)
Fang Li, Dan Xiang, Yexian Qin, R. B. Pond and K. Slusarski, “Measurements of degree of
sensitization (DoS) in aluminum alloys using EMAT ultrasound”, Ultrasonics, Volume 51, Issue
5, 561-570 (2011)
Bin Li, Fang Li, K. Puskar, J H.-C. Wang, “Spatial Patterning of Cell Proliferation and
Differentiation Depends on Mechanical Stress Magnitude”, Journal of Biomechanics, Volume
42, Issue 11, Pages 1622-1627 (2009).
Chengliang Sun, Lifeng Qin, Fang Li, Qing-Ming Wang, “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
Using Single Crystal Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT) Device”, Journal of Intelligent
Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 20, No. 5, 559-568 (2009)
Fang Li, Bin Li, Qing-Ming Wang, James H.-C. Wang, “ Cell Shape Regulates Collagen Type I
Expression in Human Tendon Fibroblasts”, Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 65(4): pp 332-41
Fang Li, James H.-C. Wang, Qing-Ming Wang, “Characterization of Viscoelastic Properties of
Cell Layer by Using Acoustic Wave Resonator Sensors”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
Volume 128, Issue 2, pp 399-406, (2008)
Fang Li, James H.-C. Wang, and Qing-Ming Wang, “Monitoring Cell Adhesion by Using
Thickness Shear Mode Acoustic Wave Sensors”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 23 pp 42-50
Fang Li, and Qing-Ming Wang, “Array of dielectric nanocomposite devices using photo-epoxy
Su-8 as the polymeric phase”, Applied Physics Letter. 89, 232905 (2006)
Qing-Ming Wang, Zhaochun Yang, Fang Li, and Patrick Smolinski, “Analysis of Thin Film
Piezoelectric Microaccelerometer Using Analytical and Finite Element Modeling”, Sensors and
Actuators A: Physical, 113, pp.1-11 (2004)
Yong Li, Min Guo, Fang Li, Zhaoying Zhou, “Research of Micro Electro Discharge Machining
Equipment and Process Techniques”, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English
Edition). Vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 177-181. June 2002
The Most recent Professional development activities:
- 15 -
Name and Academic Rank (Full Time):
Steven Zhiyun Lu, Professor
B.S., M.S.
Engineering Mechanics & Mathematics, TsingHua University, China.
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. 1970
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, January 1984
Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, May 1986
Academic experience
Sept 1990- Sept 2000:
Sept 2000-Present
Sept 1997-present:
Non-academic experience
Associate Professor
Chairman, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Senior Research Engineer, IntelliSys Corporation, Albuquerque, NM.
Co-investigator for Air Force Armament and Test Laboratory SBIR Project,
Co-investigator for Defense Nuclear Agency SBIR Phase I and Phase II,
completely developing large 2D and 3D finite element Eulerian codes called
Principal Investigator for National Science Foundation Phase I award,
Certifications or professional registration
Current membership in professional organization
Senior Member
Honors and awards:
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
National Science Foundation SBIR Awards
Service Activities
2011-present Chair of School Personnel committee, School of Engineering and Computing
2009- 2011 Member of Assessment Committee of Academic Senator at NYIT
1990-2010 Faculty Advisor for AIAA Student Chapter
Principal publications:
- 16 -
Zhiyun Lu, Diffusing -thermal Sheet Method for Solving Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Within Boundary Layer, IMECE 2011 -64065, ASME 2011 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress & Exposition, Denver, CO, 2011.
Zhiyun Lu, “Criteria for Step Lengths for Solving Unsteady Energy Equations Using DiffusionConvection Methods”, AIAA paper 2006-3549. June 2006
Zhiyun Lu, “Step Lengths for Solving Unsteady Energy Equations Using Diffusion-Convection
Methods”, presented at The 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibits, June 5-9, 2006,
San Francisco, California.
Zhiyun Lu, Merge of a Vortex Pair, AIAA paper 2004-2419. June 2004
Zhiyun Lu, Merge of a Vortex Pair I, presented at The 34th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference
and Exhibit, June 28-July 1, 2004, Portland, Oregon.
The Most recent Professional development activities:
Session Chair for ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,
Denver, CO, 2011.
Referee for International Journal of Nu
- 17 -
Name and Academic Rank (Full Time):
Jun Ma, Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 1985
Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai University, 1988
Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, 1992
Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University 1994
Academic Experience:
New York Institute of Technology (full time)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
1997-present Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Other (part time)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University
2010-present Visiting Professor, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
Non-academic Experience:
Biomedical Consultant, St. Luke-Roosevelt Hospital, NY
Project Leader, Naval Surface Warfare Center, MD
Consultant, Vulcan Iron Works, PA
Consultant, S&S Machinery Corp., NY
Consultant, Life Sciences, Inc., FL
Consultant, Kerns Manufacturing Corp., NY
Consultant, Dawn America, NY
Director, Vasomedical, Inc., NY
Director, Desen Precision Corporation, China
Chairman, Genwell Instruments Co. Ltd., China
Certification and Professional Registration:
Membership in Professional Organizations:
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
American Society of University Professors (AAUP)
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society
Honors and Awards
- 18 -
- 19 -
Service Activities:
Faculty Advisor, ASME Student Chapter at NYIT
Chair, NYIT High School Model Bridge Contest Committee (1994-2000)
Faculty Advisor, SAE Student Club
Principal publications:
None in the last five years.
Professional development activities
Co-chair of Symposium on Mechatronics for Manufacturing: Manufacturing Equipment and
Process Monitoring, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San
Francisco, 1995.
Paper reviewer for various engineering journals and conferences every year.
Attended various professional conferences every year.
- 20 -
1. Name:
Eugene Choi
2. Education
City College of the City University of New York
 M.E. in Mechanical Engineering, February 2000 to June 2002
 Specialized in 3D Modeling using CAD software & HVAC system
Seoul National University of Technology. Seoul, Korea
 B.E. in Mechanical Design Engineering, March 1988 to February 1992
3. Academic experience
 New York Institute of Technology Old Westbury Campus
School of Engineering and Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering
Adjunct Faculty, 2010-current, part time
4. Non-academic experience
CHOI Engineering PLLC
Queens, NY
President / Engineer / Consultant, November 2009 to Present
FlowerHill Corp.
Queens, NY
Engineer, October 2007 to October 2009
 Consulted technical aspects of construction projects.
 Managed and oversaw construction in new building projects
 Estimated costs for new building construction.
 Scheduled construction project management.
A PRO Expediting Services Inc. Queens, NY
Free Lancer Expeditor, November 2005 to September 2007
 Assisted clients in filing and approval processes of the New York City Department of
Buildings, which included obtaining permits and research.
 Interpreted and applied knowledge of the New York City Building codes, Zoning
Resolutions and other rules in various jobs.
CHON Engineering, P.C.
Queens, NY
Designer & Expeditor, December 1999 to October 2005
 Designed plans for new buildings and renovation of existing buildings
 Designed HVAC and Plumbing plans and specifications for various residential and
commercial spaces.
 Applied knowledge of New York City Building codes, Zoning Resolutions and other
rules in various design projects.
 Applied knowledge of the filing and approval processes of the New York City
Department of Buildings, which included obtaining permits and research.
- 21 -
 Consulted technical aspects of construction projects under the supervision of a
Professional Engineer.
BOAH Machinery CO., LTD. Seoul, Korea
Senior Engineer, May 1994 to January 1997
 Designed multiple automobile engine assembly parts for DAEWOO factories located in
Korea, India, Poland, and Romania. The engine parts involved in the above assembly
lines were camshaft, crankshaft, connecting-load, engine gear, and engine block.
 Created various industrial machinery used in production of commercial consumer
products including: gas ranges, packing tools, screw machines, and package sorting
- 22 -
 Built and oversaw three complete wheel and tire assembly lines for small, medium, and
large sized DAEWOO automobiles at three different locations: Pupyong-1, Pupyong-2,
and Gunsan.
 Served as a consultant to company executives and their engineering staffs about factory
automation requirements.
SINSUNG Welding CO., LTD. Seoul, Korea
Engineer, March 1992 to May 1994
 Custom-designed both electric and gas welding machinery products.
 Designed simple jig and fixtures as needed by manufacturing provided.
 Completed designs based on schematics provided by electrical engineer.
5. Certifications or professional registrations
 Professional Engineer’s License in NY (# 086852)
 Professional Engineer’s License in CT (# 024071)
- 23 -
Name and Academic Rank (Full Time):
Ronald Saporita
Mechanical Engineering, The Cooper Union, 1968
Mechanical Engineering, The Cooper Union, 1971
Academic experience
Fall 1982-Fall 1987:
Spring 2001-Fall 2002:
Fall 2001-present:
Non-academic experience
NYC Technical College, Adjunct Lecturer
Polytechnic University, Adjunct Professor
Principal Investigator for National Science Foundation Phase I award,
Design Engineer, M. W. Kellogg Co.
Assistant Engineering Manager, Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.
Director of Engineering, W. R. Grace & Co.
V.P. Construction, NYC School Construction Authority
V.P., Wilson Management Consultants
Director, Office of Construction Oversight, MTA
Certifications or professional registration
Professional Engineer, NY (active)
Professional Engineer, FL (retired)
Current membership in professional organization
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
Honors and awards:
ASME Dedicated Service Award, 2002
Member Tau Beta Pi
Member, Pi Tau Sigma
Service Activities
Boy Scouts of America, past Troop Chairman and current Merit Badge Counselor
Former Committeeman, ASME Board of Professional Development
- 24 -
Former Chairman, ASME Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis Division
Principal publications:
Managing Risks in Design and Construction Projects, 2005, ASME Press
Design to Minimize Olefin Plant Noise, Oil and Gas Journal
Pyrolysis Furnaces are Prime Areas for Computer Control, Oil and Gas Journal
The Most recent Professional development activities:
IEEE Woman’s Engineering Symposium, Managing Risks in Design and Construction, 2009
- 25 -
Name and Academic Rank (Part-time):
Daniel Rapka
Degrees with fields, institutions and dates:
MS Energy Management, NYIT 2007
BS Mechanical Engineering, Bucknell University 1994
Number of years of service on this faculty, including date of original appointment and dates
of advancement in rank:
4 years, 1/2008
Other related experience – (teaching, industrial, etc.)
Adjunct Instructor {Spring 2008 to present}
• Instructor for Laboratory classes; prepare lesson plan, generate lecture content and
fashion course assignments
• Teach MENG-270 Instrumentation & Measurement Lab, MENG-320 Mechanics of
Materials Lab and MENG-343 Thermo-fluids Lab
• Each class includes one hour lecture and 2 hour experiment per week – approx. 40
students total per semester
Industrial Experience:
New York Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, [October 2004 Present]
Program Manager {Fall 2008 to present}
 U.S. Department of Energy funded research project to study synergy between solar
energy, PHEVs and workplace commute
 Award Winning Project – Environmental Leadership from Greater Long Island Clean
Cities Coalition 2010
 Oversee data collection/analysis and manage PHEV Drive Share program for employees
 Presented at various meetings/conferences (from 20 to 250 people) such as Grumman, LI
IEEE chapter, AERTC 2008
Special Project Adviser {Fall 2006 to present}
 Act as advisor to Dean of Engineering regarding special projects; including design of
interdisciplinary academic competitions
 Creative Contraptions [annual 2009-2011] Task 5 teams to design Lego robot to navigate
obstacle course (15 students per annum)
 Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum [Fall 2010] with the Museum, tasked a Sustainable
Aircraft Hangar Design Contest (65 students)
Senior Laboratory Technician {Fall 2006 to present}, Laboratory Technician {Fall 2004 to Fall
 Responsible for operation of 3000 ft2 Lab facility; including defining budget, equipment
specification and maintenance
 Manage Machine Shop for student use including instruction of machine operation and
ensuring safety procedures are observed
- 26 -
Embraco North America, Inc., Duluth, GA [November 1999 - July 2001]
Outside Sales Engineer
 Managed 50+ OEM accounts totaling $10 million in annual sales
 Developed quotations, established price points, forecasted quarterly volumes, qualified
leads, conducted presentations
Kysor/Warren, Conyers, GA [December 1994 - April 1999]
Project Engineer {November 1997 - April 1999}
 Managed multiple new product design projects from concept to production
 Organized and conducted in house technical review sessions
Designer {September 1996 - November 1997}
 Created unique product modifications per customer requests
Test Engineer {December 1994 - September 1996}
 Proposed and applied technical modifications to improve the efficiency and profitability
of product
 Designed and implemented test procedures including utilization of shop to fabricate
prototype parts and testing fixtures
State in which registered:
Principal publications:
Scientific and professional societies: Society for Automotive Engineers
Honors and awards:
2010 Environmental Leadership Award from LI Chapter of the Clean Cities Coalition
2007 Outstanding Achievement in Energy Management from NYIT
Institutional and professional service:
Professional development activities:
National Instruments LabVIEW Training
- 27 -
Name and Academic Rank (Full Time):
Raymond Phillips
M.S. (Engineering Mechanics)
Manhattan College
Polytechnic (NYU)
Academic experience
1983-Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, New York Institute of Technology
To fulfill the Mechanical Engineering Department’s requirements, I have taught
courses in the mechanical engineering curriculum including
aerospace and industrial
engineering subjects.
1974 Instructor (Substitute), New York Institute of Technology
1973 Instructor, Grumman Aerospace, Training and Development, PACE Program
Combined effort of New York State Employment Department, Pratt Institute and
Grumman to retrain engineers for employment in the electrical power
Non-academic experience
Northrop Grumman Corp., Bethpage, New York
Held management and supervisory positions on various aircraft
programs and the energy systems wind turbine generator program.
Responsibilities included the planning, coordinating, supervision,
and technical direction of the product engineering design, analysis,
testing, and control activities consistent with the overall program
New York City Transit Authority, Brooklyn, New York
Responsibilities included the analysis and design of an electrical
power station, platform extensions and tunnel reconstruction
North American Aviation, Downey, California
Assisted on the Apollo program in the preparation of weight and
balance reports for projected sub-orbital and orbital mission
Certifications or professional registration
Current membership in professional organization
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
- 28 -
Honors and awards:
Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society
Service Activities
Principal publications:
The Most recent Professional development activities:
- 29 -
Name and Academic Rank (Part-time):
Brian J. Galli
Degrees with fields, institutions and dates:
Bachelors of Science, Industrial & Systems Engineering, May 2007, Binghamton University,
Binghamton, New York
Masters of Science, Engineering Management, July 2009, Missouri University of Science &
Technology, Rolla, Missouri
Doctor of Philosophy, Engineering Management, Expected Spring 2013, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, Virginia
Number of years of service on this faculty, including date of original appointment and dates
of advancement in rank:
Fall 2010 – Present. Employment started in August 2010.
No Change in Rank.
Other related experience – (teaching, industrial, etc.)
 New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), Old Westbury, New York (Fall 2010 – Present):
Instruction in the following areas: Project Engineering/Management (Fall 2010), Operations
Management (Fall 2010), Operations Research I (Fall 2011), System Simulation (Fall 2011), and
Technology and Global Issues (Fall 2011).
 Stonybrook University (SUNY Stonybrook), Stonybrook, New York (Spring 2011 – Present):
Instruction in the following areas: Program/Project Management (Spring 2011 and Spring 2012).
 American Public University System (APUS), Charles Town, West Virginia (Fall 2011 – Present):
Instruction in the following areas: Transportation Economics (Fall 2011) and Supply Chain
Management (Fall 2011).
Industrial Experience:
After completing my Bachelors of Science in 2007, I began my career as a Reliability Engineer
for Telephonics Corporation, based in Farmingdale, New York. In September 2011, I began
employment as a Six Sigma Blackbelt at the North Shore LIJ Health System (in the Center for
Learning and Innovation, Operational Performance Solutions), based in Great Neck, New York.
Not Applicable
State in which registered:
New York State, Professional Engineering License.
Six Sigma Greenbelt, Completed Spring 2008
Lean Brownbelt, Dartmouth University, Completed Spring 2011
Lean Blackbelt, Dartmouth University, Completed Summer 2011
Principal publications:
An Environment That Fosters Shared Leadership and the Effects on Engineering Education: An
Analysis and Proposed Structure. Frontiers in Education Conference: Imagining and Engineering
Future CSET Education. San Antonio, Texas, Oct 2009. B. Galli & R. Luechtefeld.
- 30 -
Scientific and professional societies:
American Society of Engineering Management
Institute of Industrial Engineering
- 31 -
Honors and awards:
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, 2006.
Alpha Pi Mu Industrial Engineering Honor Society, 2006.
Epsilon Mu Eta Engineering Management Honor Society, 2011.
Institutional and professional service:
Center for Learning & Innovation, NSLIJ Health System
Professional development activities:
Professional Development (Instruction and Courses) at the Center for Learning and Innovation,
NSLIJ Health System.
- 32 -
Sidi Berri
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY, 2000
MS., Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY, 1997
MS, Industrial Mechanical, National Academy of Engineering “C.N.A.M”, Paris,
France, 1994
BS., Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Oran, Algeria,
Academic experience:
New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, New York
Adjunct Professor, 2002 – present
Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York
Teaching Assistant, 1995-2000
New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, New York
Professor and Chair, 2000 – present
Non academic experience
Publications (past 5 years):
“Measuring Damage Potential in Seismic Records Using Arma Models”, Berri
Sidi, 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE15),
Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007.
“Finite Element Modeling of Internal Fixation of Long Bones”, Berri, Sidi M.,
Proceedings of BIO2006, 2006 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 2125, Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, Florida, USA.
“The Use of ARMA Models for Earthquake Response Spectra”, Berri, Sidi M.,
ICONE14-89023, 14th International Conference On Nuclear Engineering, July
17-20, 2006, Miami, Florida, USA.
"An estimate of the service life of a spur gear pair”, Berri, Sidi M., ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and R&D Expo, November 15
– 21, 2003, Washington DC.
ASME Associate Member
Honors and awards
- 33 -
Award Period: 06/01/2007 to 06/01/ 2013
Title: “Metropolitan Mentors Network (MMNet): Growing an Urban STEM
Talent Pool across New York City”
Amount: $ 990,657
2. CUNY Collaborative
Award Period: 11/01/2003 to 04/30/2006
Research Proposal: “Foreign Object Impact Damage of Advanced Ceramics and
Ceramic Matrix”
Amount: $ 100,000
Institution and professional service in the last five years
Department Chair (2002 – present);
Chair of the Department’s Curriculum Committee (2002 – present);
Served on the College’s Curriculum Committee (2002 – present);
Served as a judge in the ASCE steel bridge competition;
Professional development activities in the last five years
Attended five conferences;
Attended many workshops;
Attended many trade shows;
Attends every summer the College’s summer institute;
Percent of time available for research, scholarly activities, or professional development
% of time commitment to the
Scholarly Activities
Professional Development
Department Program
- 34 -
Name and Academic Rank (Part Time):
Yongjian Gu, Adjunct Faculty
Power Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P.R.C. 1981
Power Engineering University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, P.R.C. 1983
Mechanical Engineering SUNY at Stony Brook, New York, U.S.A. 1993
Mechanical Engineering SUNY at Stony Brook, New York, U.S.A. 1998
Academic experience
Sept 1991- Dec 1993:
Sept 2011-Present:
Non-academic experience
Teaching Assistant
Adjunct Faculty
Chief Mechanical Engineer, Pinpoint System International, LLC, NY.
Technical Support Manager, Broad U.S.A., Inc., NJ.
Senior Mechanical Engineer, Han-Padron Associates, LLP, NY.
Senior Mechanical Engineering Analyst (Stantec Consulting Inc., NY.
Project Engineer, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY.
Certifications or professional registration
Professional Data Base Administrator (DBA), 2001
Current membership in professional organization
ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers)
Honors and awards:
Service Activities
1993-1995 Staff of Stony Brook Chinese Students and Scholars Association.
2011 Peer Review of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress &
Principal publications:
The Most recent Professional development activities:
- 35 -
Lead mechanical engineer to design de-ionized water cooling system for National Synchrotron
Light Sours II (NSLS II) in Brookhaven National Lab.
Lead mechanical engineer to design HVAC ductwork and piping system in pharmaceutical
Lead mechanical engineer to design HVAC duct work and piping system for marine and water
front facilities.
- 36 -
Name and Academic Rank:
Herbert Fox
Degrees with fields, institutions and dates:
Number of years of service on this faculty, including date of original appointment and dates of
advancement in rank:
Professor and Dean
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Other related experience - (teaching, industrial, etc.):
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1964
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1962
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960
Vice President, Consulting Services, Pope, Evans and Robbins
Incorporated, 26 Broadway, New York, NY
Associate professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
New York University, Bronx, New York
Research Associate, Aerodynamics Laboratory, Polytechnic Institute of
Brooklyn, New York
Advanced Technology Laboratories, Jericho, New York
General Applied Science Laboratories, Westbury, New York
Aerospace Corporation, San Bernardino, California
KVN Associates, Ltd., New Rochelle, NY
GLD Group, Inc., New Rochelle, NY
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, NY
Norwalk Transit District, Norwalk, CT
KeySpan Energy, Hicksville, NY
Flow Power, Inc., New Rochelle, NY
State in which registered:
Principal publications:
- 37 -
"Helium Injection into the Boundary Layer at an Axisymmetric Stagnation Point," J.
Aero. Sci., 29, 8, August 1962 (with Paul Libby).
"Some Perturbation Solutions in Laminar Boundary Layer Theory, Part II the Energy
Equation," J. Fluid Mechanics, 19, 3 1964 (with Paul Libby).
"Laminar Boundary Layers with Chemical Reactions," Paper presented at the AIAA 2nd
Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1965.
"Dissociated Laminar Boundary Layers with Heterogeneous Recombination," Physics
of Fluids, 9, 1, 1966.
"Analysis of Fluid Dynamics of Supersonic Combustion Process Controlled by Mixing,"
12th International Symposium on Combustion, Paris, France, 1968 (with Antonio
Urban Technology: A Primer on Problems, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 1973.
Urban Technology: A Second Primer on Problems, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
“Validation of Advisor Results for Heavy Duty Buses,” ADVISOR/PSAT Vehicle Systems
Modeling User Conference, August 2001 (with Christos Efstathiou).
“Testing the Ecodry: A Potentially Energy Efficient Clothes Dryer,” final report prepared for the
Long Island Power Authority, 2001 (with Corey Bragman).
“Photovoltaics As Distributed Energy: A Comparison With Combustion Turbines,” paper presented
at the Power-Gen International, Orlando, Florida, December 2002.
“Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” a serious of presentations to the Israel Ministry of Defense, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003 (with Stephen Blank and P.M. Sforza).
“Energy Conservation: details of an on-line course highlighting the Energy Conservation
Construction Code,” final report submitted to the New York State Department of State, September
“Environmental Performance of Heavy Duty Buses,” paper presented at the 13th World Clean Air
Congress, London, August 2004.
“Performance of heavy duty buses: hybrids and other alternatives,” (with John Walsh) paper
presented at the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County conference on Air Quality, White
Plains, NY, November 2004.
“Unmanned aerial vehicles – a proposed research agenda,” paper presented at the
European Commission symposium on commercial UAV applications, July 2005.
“Unmanned aerial vehicles – a proposed application agenda,” paper presented at the European
Commission symposium on commercial UAV applications, July 2005.
H. Fox and P.M. Sforza, 1996, Characteristics of natural gas leaks in bus garages, Journal of Applied
- 38 -
Fire Science, 5, 3, 1995-1996
Z.Y. Lu and H. Fox, 1996, A new numerical algorithm on electric streaming currents in turbulent
flow, paper presented at the 1st AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Meeting, New Orleans, LA
H. Fox, 1999, A hybrid electric concept car, Long Island Power Authority, New York Institute of
Technology Center for Energy, Environment and Economics Report 991001
H. Fox, 2000, Photovoltaic system performance, paper presented at KeySpan R&D Initiative
H. Fox and E. Eweka, 2009, “Simulation of hybrid bus,” Urban Transport XV, Fifteen International
Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment, WIT Press, UK
Scientific and professional societies:
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Associate Fellow
Society of the Sigma Xi
New York Academy of Sciences
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Honors and awards:
Institute of Aerospace Sciences, National Undergraduate Award
1960 New York University, Sigma Xi Award for Research
1965 New York University, Lindback Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching
1975 New York Institute of Technology, Man of the Year Award
Who's Who in the East
2002 Achievement Award, Engineers Joint Council of Long Island
Institutional and professional service:
Co-chair, NYIT Conferences on Energy and the Environment, April 2002
Book reviewer for American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Chair, Departmental ABET committee
Chair, NYIT Institutional Review Board
Chair, NYIT Internal Research Grants Committee
Professional development activities:
Chair, City of New Rochelle, Environmental and Energy Task Force
Member, City of New Rochelle, Sustainability Task Force
President and Member of the Board, Federated Conservationists of Westchester County
Research and other grants received:
Metropolitan transportation Authority, Study of the Dispersion of CNG in bus garages
Metropolitan transportation Authority, Study of performance of slack adjusters
KeySpan Energy, Photovoltaic donation and study of system performance
Brooklyn Union Gas, Fuel cell donation and study of system performance
- 39 -
KeySpan Energy, Development of a concept hybrid electric car
Israel Ministry of Defense, Innovative propulsion schemes for unmanned aerial vehicles
Israel Ministry of Transportation, Simulation of hybrid bus performance in Tel Aviv and
Virginia Dare Corporation, Study of plant operations
- 40 -
Name and Academic Rank (Part-time):
Alvaro Gonzalez-Alvarez
Degrees with fields, institutions and dates:
The City College of New York. PhD in Civil Engineering. Expected Fall 2012.
University of Los Andes. MSCE (Environmental Emphasis).Sept, 2002.
University of Cartagena. BSCE. Aug, 2000
Number of years of service on this faculty, including date of original appointment and dates
of advancement in rank:
Spring 2011 – Present
Other related experience – (teaching, industrial, etc.)
Technical Career Institute (TCI). Adjunct Professor (Apr – Dec 2009).
University of Los Andes. Teacher and Researcher Assistant. (Aug 2000 – Aug 2002).
Corporacion Universitaria TECNAR (Cartagena – Colombia). Adjunct Lecturer (Jan 1998 –
June 1999).
Industrial Experience:
Auditoría Ambiental LTDA (Bogotá – Colombia). Consultant Engineer. (Jan 2003 – Dec
CEI LTDA (Bogotá - Colombia). Consultant Civil – Environmental Engineer. (June 2004 –
Nov 2005)
State in which registered:
NOAA – CREST. Research Assistant ( Sept 2008 – Present)
Roux Associates LTD. Project Engineer. (Apr 2007 – Sept 2008)
TECTONIC ENGINEERING. Field Engineer. (Mar 2006 – Apr 2007)
Engineer in Training of New York State.
P.E. application approval is pending
Principal publications:
- 41 -
Scientific and professional societies:
American Water Resources Association (AWRA).
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).
Honors and awards:
“Remotely Sensed Imagery to Adjust the NRCS-Curve Number.” Proceedings of the NOAA
EPP Fifth Education and Science Forum at Howard University (Nov, 2009)
“A Multi-Satellite Approach to Develop an Adaptive Natural Resources Conservation Service
Curve Number (NRSC-CN).” Junior Scientist Conference (Vienna, Apr, 2010).
“Adjustment to the Curve Number (NRCS-CN) to Account for the Vegetation Effect on the
Hydrological Processes.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association (submitted
Apr, 2012)
Engineering and Science Scholarship at City College of New York (2008).
NACME Scholarship (2008).
First oral presentation award at 7th Annual NOAA-CREST Symposium (Apr 2011).
Institutional and professional service:
Professional development activities:
- 42 -
ABET Faculty CV
Rev. 12/19/2011
Rifat Tabi
Technical University Aachen, BS/MS, Mechanical Engineering, 1960/62;
Technical University Vienna, Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Eng. Sc., 1965.
New York Institute of Technology, ME Dept., Professor, 1970 – present,
Assoc. Professor, 1968-70, Assist. Professor 1967-68
Istanbul Technical University, Fulbright Professor, 2002
New York Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical, Aerospace & Industrial
Engineering, Chairman, 1971 – 1984;
University of Hawaii/U.S. Dept. of Defense Summer Fellowship, 1968.
General Motors, Warren, Michigan/Defense Research Laboratories, California,
Materials/Structures Research & Testing Labs, Vienna, 1962-65
Consulting Engineer, 1967-1981
R. Tabi, P.E.,P.C., Consulting Engineers, President, 1981 – present.
Consultant to various industries, such as Technicon Instrument Corp., NY
(Rheology problems in dialyzer osmosis plates), and organizations, such as:
N.Y. State Energy Office
N.Y. State Energy Research & Development Agency
Blue Cross-Blue Shield (national)
United Nations
Department of the Army, etc.
New York, Professional Engineer
“Cement Kiln Industry Operation & Energy Optimization”. TUBITAK (Science &
Technology Research Agency, Turkey, Istanbul Technical University [ITU] – Energy
Research Center), March 2002.
“Crimean Tatar Issue in the 21st Century”, World Turkish Congress, New York, 2005.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration
& Air-Conditioning Engineers
- Senior Fulbright Scholar, Award 2002
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers Class of 1970 & 1984 “Best Teacher”
- Honorary Member of , Honorary Mechanical Engineering Fraternity, 1994.
- Elected Member, Energy Conservation Committee of Long Island Lighting Company
(LILCO), 1990-98.
- Elected member, Cogeneration Technical Committee of ASME, 1988-96.
- Past Member, U.S. National Technical Committee Advisory Board (for Energy) of
- Seminar Series “Energy Optimization at the Source”, offered under contract with New
York State Energy Office, 1984.
- Invited guest of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR/Kazan, 1990.
- Guest speaker at conference on “Cutting Energy Costs in Food Warehousing”,
Conference hosted by New York City Energy Office.
- 43 -
ABET Faculty CV, Rifat Tabi
- Presented series of lectures and seminars at the Technical University in Istanbul
(I.T.U.), on “Energy Optimization and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics”, as a consultant to
the United Nations, 1979.
- Testified before the U.S. Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on
Arms Control, Oceans, and International Environment, May 2, 1977.
- Invited speaker on “Future Energy Resources & Solar Energy”, at the United Nations,
N.Y., 1974.
- Listed in “American Men & Women of Science (since 1971)
- Member, Departmental Curriculum Committee
AND PROFESSIONAL - Past Member of NYIT Senate and Senate Curriculum Committee
- ASHRAE/NYIT – Student Chapter Advisor
- President, R.Tabi,P.E.,P.C., Consulting Engineers
- ASHRAE/NYIT - Student Chapter Advisor
- International Fulbright Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 2006
- International Fulbright Conference, Athens, Greece, 2004
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Appendix F – Course Syllabi
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School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
AENG 360 Aerodynamics 3-0-3
Prerequisites: MENG 340 and MATH 320
Elective Course
Review of basic incompressible and compressible flows, introduction to oblique shock waves,
Prandtl Meyer flows. Detailed airfoil analysis including effects on lift and drag of angle of
attack, Reynolds number, compressibility. Three-dimensional considerations: qualitative
discussion of down-wash and circulation, quantitative aspects of this type of flow. Boundary
layer theory: simple ideas, flat plate flows, calculation formulae.
Ronald Saporita, PE
Office Hours:
By appointment
Class Meeting:
Tuesday 5:45pm-8:25pm, Fall 2011
Address and apply the basic fundamentals of modern aerodynamics.
At the completion of this course all students will be able to
1. Analyze an incompressible, inviscid flow field.
2. Solve similarity problems using Reynold number and Mach number as the
similarity parameters.
3. Calculate the drag on a flat-plate airfoil using the mass and momentum
conservation equations for the steady incompressible viscous boundary layer.
4. Analyze Two-dimensional, incompressible flows abound thin airfoils and calculate
the life coefficient and drag coefficient for both thin, flat-plate airfoil and thin,
cambered airfoils of infinite span.
5. Use the Prandtl's lifting line theory and the Kutta-Joukowski theorem in case of
elliptic spanwise circulation distribution on a finite wing. Understand the mechanism
of vortex systems and their importance in studying incompressible flow around
wings of finite span.
6. Use the isentropic relations to analyze the pressure ratio, density ratio, temperature
ratio, and area ratio in a streamtube as function of Mach number for compressible
flow field.
7. Use the tabulations of the Prandtl-Meyer angle to solve Prandtl-Meyer flow. Use
three conservation laws to obtain normal and oblique shock wave relations. Use
charts for the oblique shock waves. To understand and be able to use linearized
- 46 -
theory for compressible subsonic flow about a thin wing at relatively small angle of
attack. Understand the Prandtl-Glauert formula for supercritical airfoil sections and
the "Area Rule".
- 47 -
 Why Study Aerodynamics
The Energy-Maneuverability Technique
Fluid Properties
 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
Conservation of Mass
Conservation of Linear Momentum
Applications to Constant-Property Flows
Reynolds Number and Mach Number as Similarity Parameters
Concept of the Boundary Layer
First Law of Thermodynamics
Energy Equation
 Dynamics of an Incompressible, Inviscid Flow Field
Inviscid Flows
Bernoulli’s Equation
Use of Bernoulli’s Equation to Determine Airspeed
The Pressure Coefficient
Irrotational Flow
Kelvin’s Theorem
Incompressible, Irrotational Flow
Stream Function in a Two-Dimensional, Incompressible Flow
Relationship Between Steamlines and Equipotential Lines
Superposition of Flows
Elementary Flows
Adding Elementary Flows (without circulation) to Describe Flow Around a
Lift and Drag Coefficients as Dimensionless Flow-Field Parameters
Flow Around a Cylinder with Circulation
Source Density Distribution on the Body Surface
Incompressible, Axisymmetric Flow
 Viscous Boundary Layers
Equations Governing the Boundary Layer for a Steady, Two-Dimensional,
Incompressible Flow
Boundary Conditions
Incompressible, Laminar Boundary Layer
Eddy Viscosity and Mixing Length Concepts
Integral Equations for a Flat-Rate Boundary Layer
Thermal Boundary Layer for Constant-Property Flows
Characteristic Parameters for Airfoil and Wing Aerodynamics
Characterization of Aerodynamic Forces and Moments
Airfoil Geometry Parameters
- 48 -
Wing-Geometry Parameters
Aerodynamic Force and Moment
Wings of Finite Span
- 49 -
Incompressible Flows Around Air Foils of Infinite Span
General Comments
Circulation and the Generation of Lift
General Thin-Airfoil Theory
Thin, Flat-Plate Airfoil (Symmetric Airfoil)
Thin, Cambered Airfoil
Laminar-Flow Airfoils
Multi-element Airfoil Sections for Generating High Lift
High-Lift Military Airfoils
Incompressible Flows About Wings of Finite Span
General Comments
Vortex System
Lifting-Line Theory for Unswept Wings
Panel Methods
Vortex Lattice Method
Factors Affecting Drag Due-to-Lift at Subsonic Speeds
Delta Wings
Leading-Edge Extensions
Asymmetric Loads on the Fuselage at High Angles of Attack
Dynamics of a Compressible Flow Field
Thermodynamic Concepts
Adiabatic Flow in a Variable-Area
Isentropic Flow in a Variable-Area Streamtube
Characteristic Equations and Prandtl-Meyer Flow
Shock Waves
Viscous Boundary Layer
The Role of Experiments for Generating Information
Defining the Flow Field
Comments About The Scaling/Correction Process(Es) For
Relatively Clean Cruise Configurations
Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interactions
Compressible, Subsonic Flows and Transonic Flows
Compressible, Subsonic Flow
Transonic Flow Past Unswept Airfoils
Wave Drag Reduction by Design
Swept Wings at Transonic Speeds
Transonic Aircraft
Two-Dimensional, Supersonic Flows Around Thin Airfoils
Linear Theory
Second-Order Theory (Busemann’s Theory)
Shock-Expansion Technique
- 50 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
AENG 490 Flight Vehicle Design
2011 Catalog Description
Actual optimum design an airplane meeting the mission specification of load(number of
passengers and or weight of cargo), range, field length, altitude, and cruise speed, etc. The course
proceeds step by step to calculate all the design characteristics: wing sweptback, thickness ratio,
wing loading, thrust loading, takeoff weight, drag, range, direct operating cost. Many of these
factors are varied in order to optimize the cost. Corequisite: MENG 340.
Airplane Design Part I: Preliminary Sizing of Airplane, by Jan Roskam, DAR Corporation. 1440
Wakarusa Drive, Suite 500, Lawrence, KS 66049, Re-Printing, 2005.
Airplane Design Part II: Preliminary Configuration Design and Integration of the Propulsion System , by
Jan Roskam, DAR Corporation. 1440 Wakarusa Drive, Suite 500 Lawrence, KS 66049, Re-Printing,
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course all students will be able to…
1. calculate the basic force and moments on an airplane and their equilibrium relations. To be
able to solve the general fluid mechanics problems related to airplane design.
2. apply preliminary sizing method to estimate take-off gross weight, empty weight, and
mission fuel weight for a passenger airplane. apply sizing method for FAR 23 and 25 Climb
3. use a systematic approach to the problem of configuration design, including the integration of
the propulsion system.
4. use all the knowledge above to independently perform the configuration design for a jet
transport airplane.
5. Perform configuration design and airplane layout and clear dimensional drawing. Perform
configuration design and airplane layout and clear dimensional drawing.
Brief List of Topics
Review basic fluid dynamics related to airplane design
Engineering ethics and responsibility
Estimating take-off gross weight, empty weight, and mission fuel weight
Estimating wing area: Sizing to take-off distance requirement
Estimating and sizing to landing distance and climb requirement
Sizing method for FAR 23 and 25 Climb requirements
Siziing method for cruise speed requirements
Matching of all sizing requirements and the application to an example airplane
Selection of the overall configuration and design of cockpit and fuselage layouts
Selection and integration of the propulsion system
- 51 -
Class I method for wing platform design and for sizing and locating lateral control
surfaces and empennage sizing and disposition and for control surface sizing and
Class I method for landing gear sizing and disposition
Relationship of course to ABET criteria:
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by: Steven Lu
- 52 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
AENG-46 Propulsion (3-0-3)
Dr. Herbert Fox
Sforza, Pasquale M., A Theory of Aerospace Propulsion, Elsevier Publishing, New York, 2012.
Reference texts
Flack, Ronald D., Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Applications, Cambridge University Press,
New York, NY 2005
Hill, P. and Peterson, C., Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, 2nd Edition, AddisonWesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, MA, 1992.
Oates, G.C., Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion@, Revised and enlarged
edition, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington ,DC, 1988.
Hesse, W.J. and Mumford, N., AJet Propulsion,@ Pitman Publishing, 1964; reprint only available in
the NYIT bookstore.
2011 Catalog Description
Review of fluid mechanics principles including shock wave. Details of air-breathing propulsion
including analysis of diffusers and nozzles, compressors and turbines, and combustion processes.
\Matching of components is treated in depth. Over-all vehicle analysis treating turbojet, turbofans,
turboprops, ram-jets. Introduction to liquid and solid fuel rockets. Space transportation alternatives.
Prerequisite: MENG 340.
Measurable student learning outcomes
At the completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Calculate the performance of a typical subsonic and supersonic inlet accounting for losses.
2. Determine the exit conditions for a nozzle over a range of back pressures and show the effects of
nozzle efficiency.
3. Determine the requirements for compressor operation, including effects of pressure ratio and, in
turn, the requirements to be placed on turbine performance.
4. Show how turbines and compressors are related for air-breathing performance; determine
requirements on turbine operations.
5. Calculate fuel-air ratios as a function of combustion temperature. Show what the limits on
combustion are.
6. Calculate the overall performance of an air-breathing engine given the overall requirements for
thrust and cruising altitude.
7. Assess rocket performance C thrust, areas and altitude operations C as a function of system
- 53 -
1. Introduction
2. Inlets
3. Nozzles
4. Compressors
5. Turbines
6. Combustion chambers
7. Overall performance
8. Basic rocket propulsion
A major design problem is assigned so that the student can use the tools developed during the course.
Relationship of course to Program Outcomes
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- 54 -
New York Institute of Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IENG Statistical Design
Dr. Yongjian Gu
2011 Catalog Description (3-0-3)
Fundamentals of engineering probability and statistical analysis as applied of industrial
problems: sample spaces, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, sampling
techniques and design of statistical investigations, Bayesian decision making. Emphasis is on the
application if these ideas to the decision-making process, rather than pure theory. Prerequisites:
Math 170 or TMAT 235.
Richard A. Johnson, “Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, eighth edition, 2011. Pearson
Prentice Hall
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this course all students will be able to
8. Calculate probabilities of events and expectations of random variables.
9. Apply binomial theorem and Poison distribution to independent events and
Bayes’ theorem to dependent events.
10. Use Chebychev’s theorem and consider the relevance of the normal distributions.
11. Apply the exponential distributions to solve and calculate queuing problems.
12. Identify some discrete and continuous probability distributions and apply them to
probability problems, e.g. Binomial distribution and normal distribution, etc.
13. Compute the distribution function and expectation of functions of more than one
variable and transform.
Brief list of topics
Frequency distribution and Calculation of average and standard deviation
Basic probability theory: Axioms and elementary theorems
Probability distributions: Binomial distribution and Poisson approximation
Probability densities and their relation with probability distributions
Normal distributions, uniform distribution, and other popular distributions
Two dimensional joint distribution
Sampling distribution of the mean and variance
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
- 55 -
e. An ability to identify, formal ate, and solve engineering problems
k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Prepared by Dr. Yongjian Gu
- 56 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IENG 251 Project Engineering 3-0-3
Catalog Description
In this course, we discuss development and engineering and technology projects. Project
proposal preparation, resources and cost estimating, project planning, organizing, and
controlling, network diagrams and the techniques and covered. Prerequisites: Math170 or
MATH 160/161 Corequsites:
Operations Management -5th Edition, by Russell & Taloy, Wiley, 2006.
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course all students will be able to…
1. Apply Strategy formulation and competitive priorities to the operations
management and E-Business.
2. Use strategic implications of TQM. ABET e, k
3. Analyze the effect of quality management on productivity and operation’s role in
corporate strategy.
4. Use the strategic role of forecasting in supply chain management and TQM.
5. Calculate and use time series methods for corporate strategic planning.
6. Use economic order quantity models in inventory control systems.
Brief List of Topics
Introduction to operations and competitiveness
Operations strategy
Quality management
Statistical process control
Process technology and capacity
Inventory management
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Sidi Berri
December 2011
- 57 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IENG 251 Project Engineerin 3-0-3
Catalog Description
In this course, we discuss development and engineering and technology projects. Project
proposal preparation, resources and cost estimating, project planning, organizing, and
controlling, network diagrams and the techniques and covered. Prerequisites: Math170 or
MATH 160/161 Corequsites:
Operations Management -5th Edition, by Russell & Taloy, Wiley, 2006.
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course all students will be able to…
7. Apply Strategy formulation and competitive priorities to the operations
management and E-Business.
8. Use strategic implications of TQM. ABET e, k
9. Analyze the effect of quality management on productivity and operation’s role in
corporate strategy.
10. Use the strategic role of forecasting in supply chain management and TQM.
11. Calculate and use time series methods for corporate strategic planning.
12. Use economic order quantity models in inventory control systems.
Brief List of Topics
Introduction to operations and competitiveness
Operations strategy
Quality management
Statistical process control
Process technology and capacity
Inventory management
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
b. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Sidi Berri
January 2012
- 58 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IENG 400/ICSS 309 Technology and Global Issues (3-0-3)
Dr. Herbert Fox
Easton, Thomas A., “Taking Sides: Clashing views in science, technology and society,” latest
edition, McGraw Hill, New York
Easton, Thomas A., “Taking Sides: Clashing views on controversial environmental issues,” latest
edition, McGraw Hill, New York
In addition, use will be made of current readings in the field culled from technical journals,
magazines and newspapers.
2011 Catalog Description
In this course the relationships between technology and global concerns are explored.
Topics such as sustainable development, standards, ethics, environmental concerns and
public policies related to design and development, energy, transportation, air, and water
facing both developed and developing nations will be discussed. Prerequisite: Senior status
or approval of the Chair.
Measurable Student Outcomes
Students who have completed this course are expected to be able to:
1. Demonstrate a familiarity with current trends in a variety of technical fields outside their own
discipline and the historical aspects associated with technical solutions and be able to discuss and
summarize their impacts at global, national, state and local levels.
2. Evaluate solutions, or scenarios using a series of different measures- e.g., economic, quality
of life; number of individuals affected; political ramifications; etc.
3. Demonstrate a personal perspective on both the importance and dangers of science and
technology in today’s world.
4. Demonstrate the ability to learn independently.
5. Communicate effectively:
in writing
articulate ideas clearly;
organize written materials in a logical sequence to facilitate comprehension;
uses graphs, tables and diagrams to support and assess information;
present work neatly and professionally using computer software;
be sure that grammar and spelling are correct
be sure that a presentation has appropriate content for the intended audience;
- 59 -
use appropriate technology in the presentation;
present well mechanically: make eye contact, be heard easily, speak comfortably
with minimal prompts
respond to questions appropriately
6. analyze texts and data, evaluate and form arguments
7. demonstrate an understanding of ethical, social and moral aspects of issues
While this course is offered through the School of Engineering it is not a technical course. It is,
instead, concerned with both the historical aspects and societal impacts of scientific research and
ideas and technological solutions. Each week or two, students will consider an issue in science
and technology that has currently provoked substantial debate. The issue will be expressed as a
single question in order to draw the lines of debate clearly. Before reading the issues we will
have a discussion in class to provide some historical background and the importance of the issue.
The readings will present opposing answers to the question posed, pro and con, in which the
authors make their cases.
Typical topics might include:
Should Society Act Now to Halt Global Warming?
Is Precautionary Principle a Sound Basis for International Policy?
Should Potential Risks Show the Development of Nanotechnology?
Is Genetic Engineering an Environmentally Sound Way to Increase Food Production?
Should Creationism and Evolution Get Equal Time in Schools?
Is it Ethically Permissible to Clone Human Beings?
Should Ddt Be Banned Worldwide?
Is it Time to Revive Nuclear Power?
Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars?
Relationship of course to Program Outcomes
h. impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and social context
i. life-long learning
j. contemporary issues
- 60 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 105 Engineering Graphics 1-2-2
Problems are chosen to develop recognition and development skills in such areas as
orthographics, pictorials, auxiliaries, sections, intersections, and developments. Practical
applications in the graphic interpretation of screws and fasteners, welds, gears, cams, pipes, and
electrical conventions. AutoCAD applications.
James D. Bethune “Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2011”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011.
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this course all students will be able to
14. Interpret technical notes and illustrations of various engineering disciplines.
15. Compute spacing and layouts of multiview drawings
16. Apply rules of descriptive geometry to engineering problems
17. Use of AutoCAD to illustrate technical representations of data.
18. Analyze the capacity of manufacturing processes for commonly used material.
19. Visualize objects in two and three dimensional views.
20. Compute the tolerance and classification of fit for specific parts.
Brief List of Topics
1. AutoCAD Screen Layout
2. The user coordinate system
3. The language of lines
4. Freehand Sketching
5. Auxiliary Views
6. Section Views
7. Pictorial Views
8. Materials and Processes
9. Dimensions and Tolerances
10. Schematics
11. Graphs
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Sidi Berri
December 2011
- 61 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 105 Engineering Graphics
Problems are chosen to develop recognition and development skills in such areas as
orthographics, pictorials, auxiliaries, sections, intersections, and developments. Practical
applications in the graphic interpretation of screws and fasteners, welds, gears, cams, pipes, and
electrical conventions. AutoCAD applications.
James D. Bethune “Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2011”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011.
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this course all students will be able to
21. Interpret technical notes and illustrations of various engineering disciplines.
22. Compute spacing and layouts of multiview drawings
23. Apply rules of descriptive geometry to engineering problems
24. Use of AutoCAD to illustrate technical representations of data.
25. Analyze the capacity of manufacturing processes for commonly used material.
26. Visualize objects in two and three dimensional views.
27. Compute the tolerance and classification of fit for specific parts.
Brief List of Topics
12. AutoCAD Screen Layout
13. The user coordinate system
14. The language of lines
15. Freehand Sketching
16. Auxiliary Views
17. Section Views
18. Pictorial Views
19. Materials and Processes
20. Dimensions and Tolerances
21. Schematics
22. Graphs
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
b. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
l. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Sidi Berri
January 2012
- 62 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 211 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics
2011 Catalog Description
Statics of particles; force in plane and space; equivalent systems of forces; equilibrium of
rigid bodies in two and three dimensions; analysis of structures, friction; distributed forces;
centroids, centers of gravity and moment of inertia; method of virtual work. Prerequisites:
PHYS 170, MATH 180.
R.C. Hibbeler “ Engineering Mechanics: Statics”, Twelfth Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall,
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, all students will be able to…
Use the concept of Cartesian components of a force to establish equilibrium of a particle.
Calculate moments of forces and replace force systems by equivalent forces and couples.
Establish the equilibrium of rigid bodies through the use of free-body diagrams.
Compute resultants of forces in three dimensions.
Determine the location of centers of areas and centroids of composite areas and also of three
dimensional shapes.
Determine the forces in members of trusses using the method of joints and method of
Solve the forces in multiforce members such as in frames and machine elements.
Utilize the laws of friction in analyzing dry friction problems.
Calculate the area moments of inertial of common geometric and composite shapes.
Brief List of Topics
Fundamental concepts and principles
Force vectors
Statics of Particles and equilibrium of a particle
Force system resultants and equivalent systems of forces
Equilibrium of rigid bodies
Analysis of structures
Internal forces
Distributed forces: centroids and centers of gravity
Moments of inertia.
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
- 63 -
engineering practice.
Prepared by Steven Lu
September 2011
- 64 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 211 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics
2011 Catalog Description
Statics of particles; force in plane and space; equivalent systems of forces; equilibrium of
rigid bodies in two and three dimensions; analysis of structures, friction; distributed forces;
centroids, centers of gravity and moment of inertia; method of virtual work. Prerequisites:
PHYS 170, MATH 180.
R.C. Hibbeler “ Engineering Mechanics: Statics”, Twelfth Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall,
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, all students will be able to…
10. Use the concept of Cartesian components of a force to establish equilibrium of a particle.
11. Calculate moments of forces and replace force systems by equivalent forces and couples.
12. Establish the equilibrium of rigid bodies through the use of free-body diagrams.
13. Compute resultants of forces in three dimensions.
14. Determine the location of centers of areas and centroids of composite areas and also of three
dimensional shapes.
15. Determine the forces in members of trusses using the method of joints and method of
16. Solve the forces in multiforce members such as in frames and machine elements.
17. Utilize the laws of friction in analyzing dry friction problems.
18. Calculate the area moments of inertial of common geometric and composite shapes.
Brief List of Topics
Fundamental concepts and principles
Force vectors
Statics of Particles and equilibrium of a particle
Force system resultants and equivalent systems of forces
Equilibrium of rigid bodies
Analysis of structures
Internal forces
Distributed forces: centroids and centers of gravity
Moments of inertia.
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
- 65 -
engineering practice.
Prepared by Yongjian Gu
January 2012
- 66 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 212 Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics
MENG 212
2011 Catalog Description
MENG-212 Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics
Basic concepts, fundamental laws: absolute and relative motion, work, energy, impulse
momentum. Kinematics and kinetics of a particle, or rigid bodies. Central force motion.
Impact. Advanced topics.
Prerequisites: MENG 211, MATH 260
Co-requisite: None.
Dr. Jun Ma
Textbook and References
R.C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 12th edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall.
2. References on dynamics.
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course all students will be able to
Analyze curvilinear motion of particles using rectangular components; tangential and
normal components; as well as radial and transverse components.
Apply Newton’s 2nd law, principles of linear and angular momentum, and principle of
impact and momentum conservation.
Apply the principle of work and energy and their application.
Describe rigid body motion in translation and rotation and apply the concept of
instantaneous rotation center.
Apply Newton’s 2nd Law for rigid bodies – translational and rotational motion.
Use momentum and energy principles for rigid body dynamics.
Brief List of Topics
Introduction. Rectilinear motion of particles. Relative motion of particles.
Curvilinear motion of particles: rectangular components; tangential and normal
components; radial and transverse components.
Kinetics of particles – Newton’s 2nd law.
Linear Momentum of a particle. Dynamic equilibrium.
- 67 -
Angular momentum of a particle. Motion under a central force.
Work and energy.
Systems of particles.
Rigid bodies. Translation; rotation about a fixed axis
General plane motion. Instantenous center of rotation in plane motion.
Forces and accelerations in plane motion of rigid bodies.
Energy and momentum of rigid bodies in plane motion.
Relationship of Course to ABET Criteria
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
- 68 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 240
Review of dimensions, units, and fundamental concepts. Study of First and Second Laws of
Thermodynamics. Application to fluid dynamic processes. Energy conversion cycles. Reversed
cycles. Concept of exegetic analysis. Prerequisites: PHYS 225, CHEM 107, MATH 260.
Corequsites: None
“Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach”, 7th Ed., by Yunus A. Cengel & M.A. Boles,
GMcGraw Hill Book Company, New York
After completion of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Use the metric and British unit systems (ABET a)
2. Identify the unique vocabulary associated with Thermodynamics (ABET a)
3. Apply the concept of energy and its various forms and energy conversion efficiencies
(ABET a*, e)
4. Apply the concept of working fluid, the physics of pure substance and phase-change
processes, and use of thermodynamic tables (ABET e, k)
5. Apply the First Law of Thermodynamics and general energy balance; conservation of
mass principle and analysis of steady-flow processes and engineering devices (ABET
e*, k)
6. Apply the concept of entropy, entropy generation, degradation of energy and the Second
Law of Thermodynamics (ABET j, k)
7. Evaluate the performance of gas power cycles, including Carnot, Stirling, and Ericson
and other energy conversion cycles (ABET e, j, k)
Brief List of Topics
Basic Concepts:
Mass, force, pressure, temperature, scales.
Dimensions & units
Forms of energy: potential, kinetic, and
Internal energies, energy transfer
First Law of Thermodynamics
Properties of pure substances
Energy analysis of closed systems
Specific heats, internal energy, Enthalpy
Mass & Energy Analysis of Control Volumes
Mass balance, steady-flow process & engineering devices
Appendix A – Thermodynamics Course Syllabus Spring 2012 (cont.)
- 69 -
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Heat Engines and heat pumps
Reversible & irreversible processes
Energy conversion efficiencies
Entropy increase principle
Entropy generation
T-S diagram and Tds relations
Entropy change of ideal gases
Variable specific heats. Isentropic processes.
Relative pressures pr & relative volumes vr
Gas Power Cycles
Carnot cycle, Ericson & Stirling cycles
Brayton cycle and actual GT cycles
Exergy and 2nd Law Analysis
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
j. An ability to address contemporary issues
k. An ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Prepared by Dr. R. Tabi
- 70 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 321
Introduction to Computer Aided Design
2011 Catalog Description
MENG-321 Introduction to Computer Aided Design
General overview to how CAD operates in a modern mechanical engineering design
environment. Introduction to major commercial CAD software (CATIA, Pro/E, Solidworks,
NX, etc.) in relation to the production of two and three dimensional images of design concepts
for machinery components. Introduction to finite element techniques for structural analysis.
Includes hands-on experience in the use of CAD software package for designing and analyzing
mechanical components.
Prerequisites: MENG 105, MENG 221, MENG 212
Co-requisite: None.
Dr. Jun Ma
Textbook and References
Roger Toogood, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Tutorial and MultiMedia CD, SDC
Publications, Schroff Development Corporation.
3. References on Pro/ENGINEER.
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course all students will be able to
Build solid models of various features with Pro/E according to design intent.
Build assemblies with Pro/E.
Generate engineering drawings from parts and assemblies models.
Brief List of Topics
Introduction to Pro/E. User interface and model structure
Sketches and protrusions. Extruded cuts.
Holes. Chamfers and rounds. Modifying dimensions. Feature relations
Revolved protrusions. Mirror copies
Model Utilities. Edit definition, edit references. Datum planes.
Patterns and copies.
Engineering drawings.
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Advanced features: Sweeps and Blends.
Relationship of course to ABET criteria
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability.
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 346 Energy Conversion
(ABET) Course Syllabus
2011 Catalog Description
Starting with basic principles of energy conversion, the vast area of modern energy technology is
covered. Fossil, nuclear, solar, and geothermal energy resources and current and future methods
of energy conversion are analyzed. State-of-the-art and present research area reviewed.
Technical and economic feasibility of processes, equipment, and plants is analyzed.
Prerequisite: MENG 240 (Thermodynamics)
“Advanced Energy Systems” by N.V. Khartchenko, Taylor & Francis Publ. 1998
Supplementary Text:
“Thermodynamics” by Cengel & Boles, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill Publ.
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Apply thermodynamics for optimal solutions to meet various energy demands of
Design and analyze steam power-plants and optimize systems by improving
efficiency of energy conversion via regenerative hearing, reheat, etc.
Design and analyze gas-turbine power generation systems. Optimize systems by
improving the efficiency via optimum pressure ratios, regeneration, intercooling,
reheat, etc.
Design and analyze gas turbine, steam turbine internal combustion engine-based
combined heat and power generation systems with optimum fuel utilization.
Size systems based on electric and thermal demands of facilities.
Apply clean-coal power generation technology, liquefaction, gasification, etc.
Brief List of Topics
1. Energy, Economics & Environment
2. Steam power-plant technology
3. Gas turbine power generation technology
4. Cogeneration
5. Steam turbine-based cogeneration plants, performance criteria, energy utilization factor
6. Gas turbine-based cogeneration plants
7. Combined-cycle cogeneration plants
8. Gas/diesel engine-based cogeneration plants
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9. Combined –cycle power plants with supplemental firing
10. Fuel combustion and gasification
11. Energy conversion and environmental impact
12. Clean coal power generation technology; coal beneficiation, liquefaction, gasification
13. Other topics: solar energy, solid-waste combustion, hydropower, etc.
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
c. An ability to design systems and components
g. An ability to communicate with technical drawings
j. An ability to address contemporary issues
k. An ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Dr. R. Tabi
December 2011
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 373
Engineering AnalysisRequired
2011 Catalog Description
MENG-373 Engineering Analysis
Numerical and analytical methods for the solution of engineering problems will be covered. In
particular, applications to problems in heat transfer, fluid mechanics, flight vehicle design, and
vibration theory will be discussed.
Prerequisites: MATH 320
Co-requisite: None.
Dr. Jun Ma
Textbook and References
S.C. Chapra, Applied Numerical Methods with MatLab, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 2008,
or latest edition.
4. Other MatLab/Simulink related materials and handout..
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course all students will be able to
Solve nonlinear equations and linear systems.
Perform interpolation, polynomial approximation and curve fitting.
Use numerical methods for differentiation and integration.
Solve ordinary differential equations numerically.
Simulate dynamic systems with Simulink.
Become proficient in MatLab programming.
Brief List of Topics
Preliminaries and introduction to numerical methods in solving engineering problems.
Introduction to MATLAB software packages.
Solution of nonlinear equations.
Simultaneous linear equations and application.
Numerical interpolation and application.
Numerical curve fitting and application.
Numerical differentiation. numerical Integration
Numerical solution to ordinary differential equations.
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Introduction to Simulink.
Relationship of course to ABET criteria
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 443 Energy Systems Analysis and Design
(ABET) Course Syllabus
2011 Catalog Description
Fundamentals of planning and design of thermal power plants. Detailed design and performance
characteristics of power-plant subsystems, i.e., turbines, steam condensers, feed-water heaters,
boiler-plant pumps, steam generators, boiler fans, piping design, cooling-water systems, water
treatment. System analysis based on First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics toward
optimization of power generation. Advanced (optimized) energy conversion cycles with
energy/exergy flows. Students are required to complete a design project of a thermal power plant
and submit a report with complete system analysis, heat-balance diagrams, major
system/subsystem and piping drawings.
Prerequisite: MENG 240 (Thermodynamics)
“Power Plant Technology” by M.M. El-Wakil, McGraw-Hill Publ. 1984
Supplementary Text:
“Thermodynamics” by Cengel & Boles, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill Publ.
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Apply First & Second Laws of Thermodynamics to analyze the heat and energy
balance of an (existing) steam power-plant with regeneration and optimal output.
Analyze and size power-plant subsystems such as feed-water heaters, condensers, deaerators, etc.
Apply thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mechanical design, etc., to layout and
design of a co-generation plant with all sub-systems in a given central-plant floor
Brief List of Topics
14. Review of energy conversion systems
15. 40 MW steam power plant; heat balance analysis and system optimization (Design
Project I)
16. Power plant subsystems: feed-water heaters, condensers, de-aerators, pumps, steam-jet
air ejectors
17. Advanced systems and combined cycles
18. Cogeneration steam/gas turbine, gas/diesel engine-based cogen systems
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19. Sizing of cogen equipment, heat exchangers. Heat recovery from engine jacket water,
lube oil & exhaust gas. Emergency cooling system, water-flow pumping and control.
(Design Project II)
20. Rating of power plants and generating units, energy demand, economic considerations
21. Combustion process and efficiency improvement. Air and feed-water preheat.
22. Special topics (reversed cycles, steam chillers, heat pumps)
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
c. An ability to design systems and components
d. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
j. An ability to address contemporary issues
k. An ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Dr. R. Tabi
December 2011
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MENG 446
Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning (HVAC)
Analysis and design procedures of HVAC systems, accompanied by a design project.
Prerequisites: MENG 340, MENG 240; pre- or corequsites: MENG 349
“Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning – Analysis and Design”, 6th Ed., McQuiston and
Parker, J. Wiley & Sons
Additional Handbooks Recommended:
ASHRAE (American Society for Heating, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Engineers)
regularly publishes and updates handbooks containing design data, design requirements, systems,
- Handbook of Fundamentals (ASHRAE)
- Equipment (ASHRAE)
- Systems (ASHRAE)
- Applications (ASHRAE)
After completion of the course, the students should be able to:
Calculate heating and cooling load of buildings in general (ABET a, k)
Design a complete hydronic system t heat an institutional building (ABET c, d, g,
j*, k)
Design a complete air (and air-duct) system to supply conditioned air to an
institutional building for comfort, and comply with building requirements (ABET
c*, d, f, g, k)
Heat transmission in building structures
Space air conditioning – design conditions
Space heating load calculations
Space cooling load calculations
Appendix A – HVAC Course Syllabus Spring 2012 (cont.)
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Room air distribution and air flow in ducts
Hydronic system and piping design
Pipe sizing
Duct design
Heat sources (boiler)
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
c. An ability to design a system, component or process
d. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. An ability to communicate effectively.
h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context
i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning
j. A knowledge of contemporary issues
k. An ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Prepared by Dr. R. Tabi
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 470
Senior Mechanical Engineering Design
2011 Catalog Description
MENG-470 Senior Mechanical Engineering Design
The course will deal with open-ended design investigations which allow the application of
advanced engineering techniques to the analysis and synthesis of engineering systems or devices.
Topics such as manufacturing processes, DFM, modern engineering materials reliability and
liability, environmental friendliness, thermo-fluid machines and devices will be covered.
Prerequisite: Approval of the chairperson.
Dr. Jun Ma
Textbook and References
G. Voland, Engineering by Design, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004, or latest edition
Other project oriented engineering design books.
Various handouts.
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course all students will be able to
1. Research and analyze information for project preparation.
2. Identify a problem, and propose and justify a solution.
3. Write and present a technical proposal.
4. Conduct technical analysis and synthesis to complete a design project.
5. Write and present final project report, with complete technical design and economic
analysis as well as discussions related to specific projects.
Brief List of Topics
General review of fields of mechanical engineering.
Technical proposals and reports.
Problem solving process and project management.
Engineering ethics and responsibility.
Liability and reliability.
Environmental impact.
Metrology and tolerancing.
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Manufacturing processes.
Design for manufacturing.
Other topics related to students’ projects.
Relationship of course to ABET criteria
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
an ability to communicate effectively
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
a knowledge of contemporary issues
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 105-W01 Engineering Graphics
2011 Catalog Description
This course is an introduction to the current graphic representational tools such as AutoCAD
as well as free-hand sketching exercises. Problems using descriptive geometry are chosen to
develop recognition and development skills in such areas as: orthographics, pictorials,
auxiliaries, sections, intersections and developments. The practical applications are illustrated
in projects using screws, fasteners, welds gears, cams, pipes and electrical conventions.
Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2011, by James D. Bethune, Pearson Prentice Hall
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-801591-6.
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, all students will be able to…
19. Interpret technical notes and illustrations of various engineering disciplines.
20. Compute spacings and layouts of multiview drawings.
21. Apply rules of descriptive geometry to engineering problems.
22. Use AutoCAD to illustrate technical representations of data.
23. Analyze the capacity of manufacturing processes for commonly used material.
24. Visualize objects in two and three dimensional views.
25. Compute the tolerance and classification of fit for specific parts.
Brief List of Topics
The language of lines
Freehand Sketching
Auxiliary Views
Section Views
Pictorial Views
Materials and Processes
Descriptive Geometry
Screws, Threads and Fasteners
Cams and Gears
Dimensions and Tolerances
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
c. an ability to design system, components, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
- 83 -
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Eugene Choi
December 2011
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New York Institute of Technology
School of Engineering and Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Old Westbury Campus
This course is an introduction to the current graphic representational tools such as AutoCAD as
well as free-hand sketching exercises. Problems using descriptive geometry are chosen to
develop recognition and development skills in such areas as: orthographics, pictorials,
auxiliaries, sections, intersections and developments. The practical applications are illustrated in
projects using screws, fasteners, welds gears, cams, pipes and electrical conventions.
Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2009, by James D. Bethune, Pearson Prentice Hall
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-500089-2
Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2011, by James D. Bethune, Pearson Prentice Hall
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-801591-6
(1) Principles of Engineering Graphics by Frederick E.Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer, Hill,
Loving, Dygdon, and Novak.
(2) French and Vierck “Graphic Science and Design” 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill.
(3) B. Leighton Wellman “Introduction to Graphical Analysis and Design”, McGraw-Hill.
1. Attendance: Regular attendance is required and class participation is expected.
2. Assignments: Homework assignments, including reading, must be completed prior to each
subsequent class meeting. Assignments are from the back of each chapter. Haandouts should be
kept neat and orderly.
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1. Attendance, Assignments (Computer projects, Homeworks)
2. Midterm
3. Final
60 %
20 %
20 %
Required Tools:
You will need some tools to create professional level freehand sketches, pencils, an eraser, a
scale or ruler, graph paper or bond paper and a USB memory stick.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Class Topic
Lettering for technical drawings,
AutoCAD Interface, basic commands.
Getting Started
Fundamentals of 2D Construction,
Freehand Sketching and Isometric
Fundamentals of 2D Construction,
Freehand Sketching and Oblique
More Advanced Commands
Freehand Sketching and Perspective
More Advanced Commands
Freehand Sketching and Working in
Different Orientations
Orthographic Views
Visualization and interface in
class. Complete exercise sheets.
Read Chapter 1.
Read Chapter 2.
Read Chapter 4.
Read Chapter 2.
Read Chapter 4.
Read Chapter 3.
Read Chapter 4.
Read Chapter 3.
Read Chapter 4.
Read Chapter 5.
Week 7
Midterm exam
Week 8
Orthographic Views
Read Chapter 5.
Week 9
Orthographic Views
Sectional Views
Read Chapter 5.
Read Chapter 6.
Week 10
Orthographic Views
Auxiliary Views
Read Chapter 5.
Read Chapter 7.
Week 11
Orthographic Views
Read Chapter 5.
Read Chapter 8
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Week 12
No Classes
Thanksgiving Recess
Week 13
Orthographic Views
Threads and Fasteners
Working Drawings
Orthographic Views
Working Drawings
Gears, Bearings, and Cams
Make-Up Days
Read Chapter 5.
Read Chapter 11.
Read Chapter 12.
Read Chapter 5.
Read Chapter 12.
Read Chapter 13.
No Classes
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Final Exam
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 221 Strength and Material
2011 Catalog Description
Stresses and strains in members under the actions of axial and shearing forces, bending and
twisting moments. Transformations of stress and strain; principal stresses. Combined stresses;
pressure vessels. Deflection of beams. Statically indeterminate problems. Columns.
Prerequisites: MENG 211, MATH 180
Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition, by Beer, F. P., Johnston, E. R., DeWolf, J. T. and
Mazurek, D. F., McGraw-Hill, or latest edition
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, all students will be able to…
26. Determine the external forces and moments acting on a solid object in a state of equilibrium,
regardless of whether the loading situation is statically determinate or statically
27. Establish the states of stress and strain at any point within a linearly elastic solid loaded in
tension or compression.
28. Calculate the distribution of internal shear forces, bending moments and bending and
shearing stresses within an elastic beam loaded in pure lateral bending.
29. Determine the states of stress and strain, and angle of twisting at any point within an elastic
solid beam loaded in torsion.
30. Calculate the deflection of the slender beam under various lateral loading conditions. Abet
(a), (e)
31. Determine the states of stress of a solid object loaded in a combination of tension,
compression, internal pressurization, torsion, or bending to predict whether static failure
would be expected to occur within the object.
32. Design a simple structure to withstand a prescribed external loading, and to predict the
deflection and failure load for the structure.
Brief List of Topics
1. Concepts of stress and strain
2. Axial loading
3. Torsion
4. Pure bending in symmetric beams
5. Beams under transverse loading
6. Transformation of stress and strain, biaxial stress
7. Principle stresses under a given loading
8. Deflection of beams
9. Columns
10. Energy methods
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Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Jong B. Lee
September 2011
- 89 -
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 270 Instrumentation and Measurement
Instructor: Daniel Rapka
Office Hours: M, R 10-12
Introduction to measuring techniques in mechanical engineering. Analysis of experimental data
with emphasis on accuracy, errors, and uncertainty. Mechanical, electrical, electronic,
pneumatic, hydraulic and optical instruments are used in the experiments performed, and their
design, function, and limitations are studied. Prerequisites: Physics 170 Corequsites: None
Textbook (recommended):
J.P. Holman, “Experimental Methods for Engineers,” 7th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2001
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this course all students will be able to…
1. Write a well-structured technical report, the means of solution and an appropriate
2. Perform basic computer aided measurement and use interfacing sensors with electronic
conditioning for data acquisition systems.
3. Perform temperature measurement using expansion methods and thermocouples.
4. Perform pressure measurement using dead-weight tester and manometer.
5. Use data acquisition system and write graphical programs in LabVIEW.
Brief List of Topics
Terminology – Accuracy, Precision, Error, Uncertainty, etc
Methods to determine uncertainty
Length measurement techniques
Pressure measures
Thermocouple laws
Viscosity Measurement techniques
LabVIEW programming
a. Programming Structures
b. Data types
c. File Input/Output
d. Hardware interaction
Data Acquistion Fundamentals
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 310 Introduction to Materials Science
2011 Catalog Description
Introductory course to the science of materials. Review ofAtomic theory and atomic bonding. Structure
of crystals and Nature of crystal imperfections and atom movements. Discussion Of phase diagrams,
multiphase materials and equilibrium relationships. Prerequisite: CHEM 107.
W.T. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 6th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2003
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course all students will be able to…
1. Identify molecular and crystal structures of the solid materials.
2. Analyze major types of structural defects of the materials and how they affect mechanical
3. Identify steady-/non-steady-state diffusion in metals.
4. Identify strengthening methods of materials in metals.
5. Use phase diagrams and transformations to determine phase equilibrium and microstructural development.
6. Identify the unique characteristics of ceramics, polymers and metallic materials.
7. Identify the mechanical, thermal, magnetic, electrical and optical properties of materials.
8. Determine how a specific material is suited to particular applications.
9. Determine how structure dictates properties, and how processing can change structure.
10. Perform tensile tests, hardness tests of the various metal materials, and calculate
mechanical material properties. Work effectively in a professional manner with team
members to achieve final test results, and communicate experimental testing results in
written reports and oral presentation.
Brief List of Topics
1. Introduction: mechanical engineers and materials sciences;
engineering properties of materials.
2. Mechanical properties and their testing.
3. Structure and properties: type of materials; atomic structure; atomic bonding; generalization of
properties; crystals; disorders in solid phase; deformation mechanisms; solid solution.
4. Phase equilibrium diagrams: phase mixture; phase diagram; chemical composition of equilibrated
phases; quantities of phases in equilibrated mixtures.
5. The iron-carbon system: phase diagram; microstructure in iron- carbon system.
6. Strengthening processes: grain size reduction; solid solution hardening; strain hardening; thermal
processing of metal alloys.
7. Manufacturing processes of materials: casting processes, deformation processes; cutting
processes; joining processes.
Relationship of course to ABET criteria:
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Prepared by: Ray Phillips
Date: 09/2011
- 91 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 321 Introduction to Computer Aided Design
2012 Catalog Description
General overview of how CAD operates in a modern mechanical engineering design
environment. Introduction to major commercial CAD software (CATIA, Pro/E, Solidworks,
NX, etc.) in relation to the production of two and three dimensional images of design concepts
for machinery components. Introduction to finite element techniques for structural analysis.
Includes hands-on experience in the use of CAD software packages for designing and
analyzing mechanical components.
Prerequisites: MENG 105, MENG 212 AND MENG 221
CATIA V5R17 tutorial Course pack provided by Instructor
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, all students will be able to…
1. Make a detail drawing that follows standard practices for features such as dimensions,
through holes, connections, and radii.
2. Identify key tolerances associated with a part assembly and explain how to inspect parts
to determine the degree to which the part matches the drawing.
3. Explode, animate, and render assemblies for use in illustrating and analyzing design
Brief List of Topics
1. Modeling Environment
2. CATIA Sketcher
3. CATIA Advanced Sketcher
4. CATIA Part Design
5. CATIA Drafting
6. CATIA Parametric Design
7. CATIA Generative Shape Design
8. CATIA Rendering
9. CATIA Draft Design
10. CATIA Digital Mock Up Kinematics and Design CATIA
11. Synthesis Project
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Jong B. Lee
January 2012
- 92 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG-340 Fluid Mechanics (3-0-3)
Dr. Herbert Fox
White, Frank M., “Fluid Mechanics,” Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 2011.
Reference text
Cengel, C., “Essentials of Fluid Mechanics,” latest edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.
2010 Catalog Description
Fundamental fluid statics: manometry, forces on submerged surfaces, Archimedes’ principle.
Details of one-dimensional incompressible flow; conservation laws and application to flowing
systems, cavitation, impulse-momentum problems, vanes. Pipe flows: laminar analyses, turbulent
flows with emphasis on calculation of fluid properties. One-dimensional compressible flow;
conservation laws, specialization to isentropic situations, nature of speed of sound. Applications
including effects of area change, converging and diverging nozzles, choking phenomena, normal
shock waves. Prerequisite: MENG 240
Measurable student learning outcomes
At the completion of this course students will be able to:
Calculate the pressure and force distribution in a static fluid.
Determine the relevant flow parameters in a one-dimensional, incompressible flow field
using the Bernoulli equation, citing the limitations of its application.
Determine the stream lines and potential lines for an incompressible inviscid flow field.
Calculate the important non-dimensional parameters for a given physical situation.
Evaluate the pressure losses due to friction in both laminar and turbulent internal viscous
Determine the relevant flow parameters for an one-dimensional, compressible flow field.
1. Introduction
2. Fluid Statics
3. Basic Equations
4. Incompressible Inviscid Flow
5. Dimensional Analysis
6. Internal Incompressible Viscous Flow
7. Introduction to Compressible Flow
8. Other topics
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Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- 94 -
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 343 Instrumentation and Measurement
Introduction to basic instrumentation. Experiments involving pressure, velocity, temperature and
viscosity measurements, determination of thermal properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Calorimetry. Steam turbogenerator, reversed refrigeration cycles. Tests involving internal
combustion engines, wind tunnel testing. Basic experiments in hydraulics. Prerequisites:
MENG 340, MENG 240 Corequsites: None
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this course all students will be able to…
1. Write a logically structured technical report.
2. Derive the Bernoulli’s equation from the General Energy Equation
3. Derive the governing equation for a Venturi Meter from Bernoulli and Continuity.
4. Classify the nature of flow via Reynolds Number and utilize a Moody Diagram to
determine friction loss in a piping network.
5. Apply Fourier’s Equation to estimate contact resistance in linear systems.
6. Utilize Newton’s Law of Cooling to calculate convective film coefficient.
7. Apply dimensional analysis to evaluate drag characteristics of various shaped bodies in
external flow.
Brief List of Topics
 Technical Report Writing: Tone and Structure
 Types of Error and its Analysis
 Excel Techniques and Tricks
 Fluid Statics
 Viscosity: Dynamic and Kinematic
 Manometry and Pressure, Specific Weight & Gravity
 Fluid Mechnics
 Turbomachinery
 Aerodynamics
 Heat Transfer
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG-349 Heat Transfer (3-0-3)
Dr. Herbert Fox
Cengel, Yunus and Ghajar, Afshin, “Heat and Mass Transfer,” 4rd edition, McGraw Hill,
New York, 2010.
Reference text
Holman, J.P., “Heat Transfer,” McGraw Hill, New York, latest edition.
2011 Catalog Description
Basic concepts. Steady-state, conduction; unsteady-state heat conduction; mathematical,
graphical empirical and numerical methods of analysis. Principles of convection,
dimensionless numbers. Forced convection. Natural convection. Radiation heat transfer.
Prerequisites: MENG 240, MATH 320.
Measurable student learning outcomes
At the completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Evaluate heat transfer rates on a variety of surfaces under conduction, convection and
radiation heat transfer.
2. Apply the concept of thermal resistance and calculate temperatures and heat transfer
rates to standard one-dimensional heat transfer problems on Cartesian, cylindrical and
spherical surfaces.
3. Determine heat transfer rates and temperature distributions for transient problems using
both analytic tools and computer based solutions.
4. Compare approximate and complete analytic solutions to heat transfer problems.
5. Determine convection heat transfer coefficients using both experimental and analytic
data; apply these to various geometries to determine temperature and heat transfer rates.
6. Calculate basic radiation heat transfer rates and their effects on body temperatures.
1. Introduction and basic concepts
2. Heat conduction
2.1 Basic relations
2.2 Steady state
2.3 Transient problems
2.4 Numerical and other methods
3. Convection
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3.1 Fundamentals
3.2 External flows
3.3 Internal flows
3.4 Natural convection
4. Radiation
4.1 Fundamentals
4.2 Heat transfer
5. Heat exchanger\
Relationship of course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- 97 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 370 Element Machine Design
2011 Catalog Description
General concepts of machine design, such as stress and strength, stress concentration fatigue,
theories of failure, deflection in machine parts. Applications of the design process, including
design of shafts, fasteners, couplings, gears, bearings, springs, screws, and other machine
elements. Prerequisite: MENG 221
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, 9th edition, by R. G. Budynas , B. Richard and J.
K. Nisbett, ISBN-13: 9780073529288, McGraw-Hill Science
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, all students will be able to…
33. General concepts of machine design process, design criteria, decision making, engineer’s
responsibilities, economics and design safety factor
34. Understanding of the selection of a material for a machine part or a structural member, such
as mechanical properties, temperature effects, heat treatments and strengthen materials, etc.
35. Optimization of design by geometry and material selection, static and kinematic, flexibility
and stiffness factor
36. Identify loading of machine elements and perform stress and deformation calculations to
design safe machines and machine parts
37. Determination of internal stress, strain and deflection of the machinery elements due to
various loading conditions
38. Understanding of stress and strain concentration fatigue, theories of failure, fracture theories,
deflection in machine parts under static and dynamic loadings
39. Understanding of the nonpermanent joints, including material selections, and design of
screws, fasteners
40. Understanding of a spring material selection, fatigue loading analysis and design mechanical
springs, including extension springs, helical coil torsion, Belleville springs and miscellaneous
41. Application of a bearing selection, analysis of reliability due to variable loading condition
and design of ball, cylindrical roller, tapered roller and rolling-contact bearings
42. Design of machine elements that transmit motion by successively engaging teeth including
spur, helical, bevel and worm gears
Brief List of Topics
Mechanical design process
Load and Stress Analysis
Deflection and Stiffness Analysis
Failures Resulting from Static Loading
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Fracture Resulting from Variable Loading
Nonpermanent joints – Thread and Screws
Rolling-Contact Bearing
Lubrication and Journal Bearings
Mechanical Spring
Gear - General
Shaft and Axles
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Prepared by Jong B. Lee
September 2011
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
MENG 486 Advanced Machine Design
2011 Catalog Description
Review of basic concepts, plus such considerations as impact loads, cumulative damage,
reliability as a statistical concept, optimization, cost standardization, computer usage. Indepth treatment of such machine elements as clutches and brakes, special springs, roller
bearings, gearing systems. Two open-end design projects, each combining various machine
elements: conceptual design, feasibility, calculations, assembly drawing, detail drawings
including dimensioning, fits and tolerance and parts lists. Prerequisites: MENG 370, MENG
212 (ME design elective.)
 Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, 9th Ed., by R. G. Budynas , B. Richard and J.
K. Nisbett, ISBN-13: 9780073529288, McGraw-Hill Science
 Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, 3rd Ed., T. R. Chandrupatla and A. D.
Belegundu, ISBN: 0-13-061591-9, Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Measureable Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, all students will be able to…
43. Demonstrate an ability to derive element matrix equation by different methods by applying
basic laws in mechanics and integration by parts
44. Demonstrate an ability to apply the steps required for FEM solution to variety of physical
systems and obtain engineering design quantities
45. Use well known pre-/post-processor HyperMesh and implicit finite element analysis software
OptiStruct to do projects
46. Modeling of simple and complex mechanical systems and analysis boundary conditions,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors problems using finite element models
47. Demonstrate an ability to determine engineering design quantities (deformation, force, strain,
stress) for one, two and three-dimensional mechanical structures.
48. Read and discuss finite element literature including the history of its development as well as
recent and current applications. Results – including failures -- are discussed. Students read
about applications in the current biomechanics literature
Brief List of Topics
1. Design process, information collection and concept generation
2. Mechanical design process
3. Stress, strain and deflection
4. Introduction to tensor analysis
5. Coordinate transformations
6. Stress tensor, equilibrium, stress transformation, principal stress, and boundary
7. Strain tensors, geometrical compatibility, principal strain, plane stress and strain
8. Failure prevention under steady loading and variable loading, fatigue analysis
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Basis of estimate and cost evaluation
Thermal loads and thermal stress analysis
Energy method
Mechanical elements design
Design optimization by finite element analysis
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Prepared by Jong B. Lee
September 2011
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End of Document
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