euratex bulletin -2012-1
euratex bulletin -2012-1
BULLETIN 2012/1 euratex Bulletin 2012/1 European Apparel and Textile Confederation 1 European Apparel and Textile Confederation 24 rue Montoyer - Box 10 - B-1000 Brussels ✆ : + – : + : Website : SITUATION IN THE TEXTILE AND CLOTHING INDUSTRY IN THE YEAR 2011 AND OUTLOOK FOR 2012. ECONOMIC SITUATION WRITTEN BY ASSOCIATIONS PRESENT IN : - EU-27 MEMBER STATES - EFTA COUNTRIES - OTHER WORLD COUNTRIES euratex Bulletin 2012/1 3 BULLETIN 2012/1 ››Summary 1. E.U. COUNTRIES AUSTRIA Fachverband der Textil-, Bekleidungs-, Schuh- und Lederindustrie – TBSL ............................................................... 8 HUNGARY Association of Hungarian Light Industry – AHLI.................. 43 ITALY Federazione Tessili Moda – SMI..............................................48 BELGIUM Fédération Belge de l'Industrie Textile, du Bois et de l’Ameublement – FEDUSTRIA Belgium Fashion – CREAMODA............................................... 12 NETHERLANDS Ondernemersorganisatie voor mode, interieur, tapijt en textiel – MODINT...................................................... 52 BULGARIA Bulgarian Association of Apparel and Textile Producers and Exporters – BAATPE...................................................................16 POLAND PIOT – Federation of Apparel & Textiles Industry Employers................................................................. 54 CZECH REPUBLIC Asociace Textilniho Odevniho Kozedelneho prumyslu – ATOK...................................................................... 21 PORTUGAL Associaçao Nacional das Industrias de Vestuario e Confecçao – ANIVEC/APIV Associaçao Têxtil e Vestuàrio de Portugal – ATP................... 55 ESTONIA Estonian Clothing and Textile Association – ECTA................ 26 FINLAND Tekstiili -ja vaatetusteollisuus ry – Finatex........................... 30 SLOVENIA Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenie, Textiles, Clothing and Leather Processing Association........ 66 FRANCE Union des Industries Textiles – UIT Union Française des Industries de l'Habillement – UFIH.......................................................................................... 34 SPAIN Consejo Intertextil Espagnol – CIE......................................... 70 SWEDEN TEKO, Sveriges Textil- och Modeföretag Swedish Textile and Clothing Industries' Association..........73 GERMANY Gesamtverband der deutschen Textilund Modeindustrie – GTMI......................................................37 UNITED KINGDOM Textile Forum.............................................................................75 GREECE Hellenic Fashion Industry Association – SEPEE ....................42 2. EFTA COUNTRIES NORWAY Association of Textile, Footwear and Sporting Goods – Norwegian Industry................................................................ 78 SWITZERLAND Gesamtverband der Schweizerischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie...............................................................81 4 BULLETIN 2012/1 ››Summary 3. OTHER COUNTRIES ARGENTINA Federaçion de Industrias Textiles Argentinos Fadit - F.I.T.A.............................................................................. 92 SERBIA Serbian Chamber of Commerce............................................ 139 SOUTH AFRICA Textile Federation of South Africa..........................................141 BANGLADESH Textile & Clothing ................................................................... 93 Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association - BKMEA............................................................... 96 TAIWAN Taiwan Textile Federation.......................................................145 BRAZIL Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção – ABIT........................................................... 100 THAILAND Thailand Textile Institute....................................................... 158 TURKEY Turkish Clothing Manufacturers’Association & Turkish Clothing Exporters’ Association TUTSIS – Türkiye Tekstil Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi Turkish Textile Employers’ Association ITKIB – Turkish Textile and Apparel Exporters’ Association.......161 COLOMBIA ANDI-Cotton, Fibers, Textile and Apparel Chamber.............106 CROATIA Croatian Chamber of Economy Croatian Employers’ Association, CEA Textile and Leather Industry Association........................................109 USA National Council of Textile Organizations – NCTO..............166 EGYPT Textile Consolidation Fund Ready Made Garments Export Council..................................113 INDONESIA Indonesian Textile Association...............................................116 ISRAEL Israel Textile & Fashion Industries Association....................118 JAPAN Japan Chemical Fibres Association.......................................120 KOREA Korea Federation of Textile Industries – KOFOTI ................. 125 Macedonia Textile Trade Association of Macedonia – Textile Cluster... 128 MEXICO Camara Nacional de la Industria del Vestido Mexico - CANAIVE................................................................... 132 Pakistan Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association.........................................................134 5
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