March 2016 - Ferndown and District U3A


March 2016 - Ferndown and District U3A
Registered Charity no. 1073206
Tel: 07799 121 926 – please leave a landline number.
March 2016
I am sorry to advise that
Frankie Price, a bridge
member, passed away in
Bob Reeve writes: 'Your Committee has already started to finalise our 2016-17 Programme........but it's not too late
to add to it.
On Friday two members approached me with their ideas - one on the history of solar panels (did you know they go
back 7000 years?)......); the other on Formula 1 racing behind the scenes. Both of these suggestions are very
interesting, and I hope will lead to something next year.
What interests you? Everyone has something they're passionate about. I'm also keen to dispel any fears that 'your
contribution wouldn't be good enough'. ALL good ideas are welcome!
Please get in touch if I've tempted you to come forward! 01202 890827,
Two of our most popular and successful groups may not run in 2016-17.
Investments (D2) and Nature Walks(N1) are both at risk because no-one has yet offered to lead them after the
current group leaders retire at the end of this year.
These groups will have to be deleted from the 2016-17 brochure if new group leaders cannot be named by midApril.
With the agreement of group members, either group could operate as a 'shared enterprise,' and the task of
co-ordinating the input of individual members of the group would not be especially onerous.
But it's up to current and prospective members. The clock is already ticking for finalising the FU3A 2016-17
brochure, so please remember ............. no group leader = no group.
If you would like to know more about what the job might entail, contact Bob Reeve on 01202 890827,
or at
2016 – 2017 – Group Venues
As you are aware there have been issues with some venues, especially the Barrington. It is becoming clear that we
need to identify alternative venues for some groups. You may find, once the brochure is available, (Late May) that
your group has moved. We are doing everything possible to protect the status quo, but some changes are inevitable
and we would appreciate your understanding.
Visits and Events
You may be aware that problems were experienced with the House of Parliament visit where the event was filled
very quickly but principally by members whose classes were visited by Gerry who had the application forms.
In order to avoid this in future each notice board will have a
poster advertising each event. Universal application forms will be
in pockets attached to the board. Each member can take a form
and send their completed form with their cheque to the organiser
of the event. Hopefully this will mean members get their
application in ASAP without having to wait for Gerry’s visit.
Visit Kew Gardens and Palace
Tuesday 31st May - £30
A copy of the general application form can be found on the last
page of this, and subsequent newsletters. There will also be a
supply on each of the three noticeboards in the Barrington (two
near the Hayes Room and a new one near the Studio) and also in
the plastic pockets on the wall to the left of reception. There will
also be a small supply in the Youth Centre.
Regrettably the Bath visit had to be cancelled due to lack of
The cost includes return coach fare, admission to the
gardens and palace and a ticket for the hop –on,
hop-off land train, tour of the gardens, including a
The Third Age Trust have advised us that whilst we may include
non-FU3A members on the occasional trip, this cannot be done on
a regular basis as it would invalidate the terms of our insurance.
Therefore, if you regularly bring a partner or friend that person
should consider joining if you wish them to attend future trips and
This isn’t ‘Big Brother’, but sadly, our Society has to respond to the
current litigious culture in the Country by ensuring that we do not
fall foul of established guidelines.
Ferndown 9.30 am
around 8.00pm
9.45 am
If you would like to join the outing please
complete the form at the end of this
newsletter & return to Gerry or the
organiser, Betty Ford 01202 873125.
Friday talk on 4th March ‘Europe's place in the world now and in the future - and Britain's place in Europe'
Douglas Lock gave some recommended reading for those interested in following up his very successful talk. The
books he mentioned are:
Why the West rules - for now. Ian Morris. Profile Books
The Silk Roads: A new History of the World. Peter Frankopan. Bloomsbury Publishing
The Blunders of our governments, Anthony King & Ivor Crewe. One World Publishers
The Rise of the Robots. Martin Ford. One World Publishers.
Important Note re. Coffee Mornings
Coffee mornings are getting very popular and on the 4th March we had to turn away half a dozen members who
turned up well after the speech had started and the numbers already attending exceeded the fire brigade limit in the
conference room. Please note: the start time is 9.45 for free tea/coffee morning and the committee members
meeting with the membership for news, information and problem solving. The talk, with no set start time, will be
given at the end of committee process usually earlier than 10.30 but certainly no later.
Next Coffee Morning – Friday 29th April at 9.45 (Give your brain a workout!!)
Gerry has arranged a quiz for this event. The subjects are a General Geographical theme, plus Scientific and Nature;
so plenty to suit everyone. Come along and see just how much you know – you could be surprised!
(There will be a small charge for tea and coffee.)
Saturday Singles Club
Apologies to the Luncheon Group. Unfortunately Drusillas were unable to accommodate us on Sat 13th Feb {our
group was too large {21}}. I will have to give more thought to our format and perhaps avoid weekends like
Valentines, Mothers’ Day etc.
I am not available on Sat 12th March so there will be no luncheon arranged. I have booked our group into the Horns
Inn Christchurch Rd, West Parley on Sat 9th April 12 to 12.15. Please add your name to the list on the board in the
I will be removing the list on Wed 6th and submitting the numbers to the Inn in an effort to avoid our experience on
Valentines W E.
Kind remarks from across The Pond (with thanks to Margaret and her group!)
I am a retired elementary educator and have been visiting from the San Francisco Bay Area of California and
house/cat sitting on the Bracken Road since 26 December. On one of my bicycle trip into the town centre, I passed
the Ferndown Village Hall where I spotted a poster advertising the Penny's Hill Folk Dance Club.
Since I love to dance, I joined up with them on a Thursday night and had the time of my life meeting new friends and
learning a bit of English Country Dancing to boot. While dancing on my first Thursday, some of the members there
told me all about U3A and the dance classes included on the U3A roster. Since I was only to be here a couple more
weeks at most, Margaret was kind enough to let me join up with them on a temporary basis and meet even more
people and learn even more dance.
I would like to extend a warm and heartfelt THANK YOU to Ferndown U3A...especially Margaret and Diane and
Ray...and to all of my new friends there.
I would really love to be included on the online newsletter if it's all right with you. If I ever have the blessed fortune
to return to England, I will most certainly return to Ferndown.
I have enjoyed my stay here immensely. Again, I thank you.
Chriss Sanders
M4 - Music Appreciation
Joan Waugh and John Bowyer have reluctantly decided that this is to be their last year of running the Music
Appreciation Group. Joan started it in September 2002 and John joined her very soon after. We have attracted a
faithful group of members listening to the CDs of Classical Composers from Baroque through Classical and Romantic
etc. and finding out about the Composers' lives. We started weekly but have been fortnightly for the last few years.
We would like to thank all those who joined us many of whom have become friends.
We are glad to say that Jo Brearley has agreed to take it over next September and we hope everyone will support
Nature Walks
RED BUTCHERS are swallowed head first. Intrigued? Want to know more? Ask the members of the Nature Walks
Group who were taken by enthusiast John Mullett on his 'Walk on the Wild Side' on Saturday morning 20 February.
We look forward to identifying some of the plants and animals on our next Nature Walk at Longham Lakes
on Saturday 19 March 2016.
The next skittles will be on Friday April 1st this time as the last Friday in March is Good Friday. All other details are same as
Five Mile Walk
This month's walk will start at 10 am from the car park of RSPB's nature reserve at Arne bordering the western side
of Poole Harbour. The map reference is SY972879 and the postcode is BH20 5BJ. The walk leader will be Roy White.
Parking charges will apply (effectively a donation to RSPB which is providing the facility for us). These are (or were
when I was there recently) £2 for two hours and £4 for four hours. Loos are available on site and there is a small
information centre where you can buy a hot drink.
This is another heathland walk along established paths, although there is likely to be some mud in places.
Depending on the tides there may be an opportunity to walk on firm sand for 300/400 yards with views across the
harbour to Hamworthy and Poole. The walk can be a bit up and down but there are no hills and no stiles. At 4.37
miles it's shorter than usual, so there should be plenty of time, for those who are interested, to visit one of the hides
or viewing platforms. Do bring binoculars, if you have them, and take care not to disturb the wildlife or other
Lunch will be at The King's Arms at Stoborough which is a class (or two) up on The St. Leonard's Hotel. The pub is
about a ten minute drive from Arne.
For more details, contact Ian Burr on: 01202855529 or 07501049199
Beginners Spanish
I am sorry to advise that this group has been cancelled due to the Group Leader’s other commitments.
Family History, in 5 weeks!
Brian Bevis writes :
'In April & May 2016 I'll be running my Basic Family History course for those who do not have 10 weeks of free time,
by scheduling double periods each Thursday morning from 9.30am - 12.30pm, starting on April 21st..
It is especially for those who were sure it was expensive and difficult to do! It's as easy as ABC and the biggest
expense is your FU3A membership fee, which as you have already paid it makes this free!
This course is full of tried-and-trusted, simple step-by-step methods. There will be no need to take notes as you'll
get copies of every presentation, and there is an on-line help service throughout the 5 week course.
A double period is an easy choice as you are just staying a little longer, and still have the whole afternoon free. That’s
what I am going to do, so join me, and find out about the mysterious people who are your ancestors.
P.S If you have done the course before and could do with a refresher, with some new methods/ideas, then sign up'.
For more information contact
To sign up, contact Richard Tucker,
Meet The Committee
John Mullett – Treasurer
I was born just before the end of the Second World War in 1943 in Dudley, (which was
originally in Worcestershire and is now part of the West Midlands) and am true ‘Black
Country’. I do not remember much about the war but we had an Air Raid Shelter nearby,
which I remember playing in and I also remember rationing, gas lights, tin baths in front of
the fire, outside loos and no television.
I had a grammar school education and represented the school in the 1st 15 Rugby team,
and also won my school colours.
My first job was as a Policeman in Dudley Borough and as a small Borough force I had
experience in all of the Police departments – it was a good life and I represented the force
in football, snooker and was in the First Aid team which reached the All England final at
Westminster Hall in London.
Pay was poor in the Police force and I was offered a position in a small private bakery (supplying Marks & Spencer) as
a Sales Clerk and ended as the Chief Buyer. By this time I had married Hilary and we went to live in Newport,
Shropshire. In 1972 we moved to Codsall (just outside Wolverhampton) and had our first daughter in 1973 before
the bakery was taken over by Rank, Hovis, McDougal (Mother’s Pride). Only I and a friend were offered jobs with
RHM. We now had a second addition to our family – a son.
I moved with my new job to Solihull, Warwickshire and we stayed with RHM until the opportunity arose to become
self-employed. My friend and I went into business in Coventry with my ex-boss and we became the owners of a ‘Hot
Bread Shop’. We made bread, rolls, doughnuts, pork pies, sandwiches, etc. and this I did before Sainsburys and
Tesco introduced their ‘In-Store Bakeries’. This caused our business to suffer to the extent I made the decision to
move to Bournemouth to buy a Guest House. We bought and ran a second Guest House until finally with the
competition of cheap holidays abroad we sold up and moved into a private house near Bournemouth
Hospital. Hilary went to work at Bournemouth Hospital and I eventually found employment in the Human Resources
Dept. of Royal Mail. This is where we stayed until we retired.
We moved to West Moors in 2006 and joined Ferndown U3A soon after. I became a committee member in 2008,
have done most committee jobs and am now the Treasurer.
Jenny Bass – Bridge Co-ordinator
I grew up in Christchurch, and after leaving school I worked for a chemist. In 1965 I
joined my future Husband and his parents to run a Newsagents and Sub Post Office.
I married Alan in1966 and we have one son who is married and lives in Reading.
When my Father in law retired in 1981 Alan and I purchased Hamworthy Junction
Sub Post Office which we ran for thirteen years. During this period I was involved
with the local Scout group and became a Beaver Leader and also served as a parent
school governor.
When we moved to Ferndown I worked part time at the local Sub Post Office for two years. Having now retired I
joined Ferndown Bridge club which eventuality lead to me joining U3A.
I am a volunteer at Kingsley House Dysphasic Stroke Group and Wimborne Model Town.
This Month’s book review
The Invisible Guardian - Dolores Redondo
Translated from the Spanish by Isabelle Kaufeler
A disturbing story where reality and traditional folktales entwine
This is the first of this author’s Balzan Trilogy, and was first published in Spain in 2013.
A young girl is found murdered beside the river in the town of Elizondo in the region of Navarre in Northern Spain.
She has been strangled and her murderer has displayed her with her clothes cut down the centre of her body and
folded back like a half-opened gift; her hands have been arranged by her sides with her palms facing upwards and
her pubic hair has been shaved and the hair scattered around her, and on her pubic mound a small, sticky, golden
cake has been placed.
In the absence of the local detectives, Inspector Amaia Salazar and Inspector Fermin Mondes have been called from
Pamplona to investigate this troubling murder. When they meet up with the local police, Inspector Iriarte and his
deputy, Zabalza, they learn from Iriarte that this may not be the first murder of this kind. As Salazar has worked with
the FBI in America she is appointed to lead the investigation, to the fury of Mondes.
Things are complicated for Salazar due to Elizondo being her home town which she left to go to university and
vowed never to return. She now has to reconnect with her dysfunctional family some of whom have an Axe to grind.
We soon learn that Salazar has her own demons to try to control to allow her to investigate this case properly and
her American husband James comes to Elizondo to give his support.
This is a well-constructed novel with what seems initially to be a simple plot, but which becomes more complex as
personal and public relationships start to blur. The characterisations are extremely well drawn although I would
have found it easier to follow if there had been less detail, less personal angst and perhaps fewer characters. This
would have merited 5 stars if it had been less complex and if I had failed to identify the murderer quite early on.
Having said that it was an enjoyable read and a real page-turner with a convincing plot and a flowing writing style
which didn’t suffer in the translation.
If you like the sort of stories which centre around the borders between France and Spain where beliefs and folktales
from the past intrude on the present, then you will definitely enjoy this!
I will be looking out for the next two books in this series.
More from those lovely grandchildren!
After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded
to wash her hair. As she heard the children getting more and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally,
she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As
she left the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice, "Who was THAT?"
I didn't know if my granddaughter had learned her colours yet, so I decided to test her. I would point out something
and ask what colour it was. She would tell me and was always correct. It was fun for me, so I continued. At last, she
headed for the door, saying, "Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these colours yourself!"
And for all you Bridge players!
(taken from the Daily Express newspaper)
A group of British expat bridge players were questioned for 12 hours by Police in Thailand, in the erroneous belief
that they were running an illegal gambling den.
As a recent convert to bridge, shocked by the often ferocious competitiveness, I think some players would benefit
from a spell locked behind bars where they could try to remember that it’s supposed to be a game for pleasure.
This month’s Puzzle
Your last good ping-pong ball fell down into a narrow metal pipe imbedded in concrete one foot deep.
How can you get it out undamaged, if all the tools you have are your tennis paddle, your shoe-laces, and your plastic
water bottle, which does not fit into the pipe?
For Answer go to the Website
Any comments to Judith:
The Ferndown U3A Military History group is organising a four-day trip to Normandy, France in April 2017. You will
find an outline itinerary overleaf.
This is a great opportunity to visit (or re-visit!) the D-Day beaches in the company of our expert guide, Barry Wye.
We’ll be experiencing the story of the Battle for Normandy in the summer of 1944, told through the museums at Ste
Mere-Eglise, Bayeux and Caen, and the amazing new centre at Arromanches. After stopping at the famous Pegasus
Bridge, we’ll return home looking back over the same D-Day beaches we’ve seen on newsreel footage so many
If you prefer medieval history, a parallel programme will enable you to see some of the treasures of the Norman
period, including the spectacular Bayeux tapestry - as well as cathedrals and castles in Bayeux and Caen. And we
will all have the chance to visit one of the most iconic sites in northern France – Mont St Michel - which never fails
to delight, the more so now that the new tidal-flow work has restored the causeway to its original setting.
The cost of this four-day trip will be £239 per person, based on two sharing. This includes coach and ferry travel
throughout, three nights en-suite accommodation & continental breakfast, and dinner on the first night.
Exceptionally, we are able to offer this trip to spouses/partners of U3A members at the same price. There is a
supplementary charge of £20 per night for single rooms. We will endeavour to get group rates at museums etc.
This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy France in the springtime, with lighter evenings when the clocks have moved
forward, but still outside UK school holidays. And no-one will complain if you decide to forego part of the official
programme for a spot of degustation (wine-tasting), or a tipple of calvados!
To secure our hotel bookings at a favourable price we must confirm numbers by mid-April 2016. If you would like to
go on this trip, please return an application form to Bob Reeve, 2 Henchard Close, Ferndown, BH22 8LH, with a nonrefundable deposit of £80 per person (make your cheque payable to ‘Ferndown U3A Social Account’), to arrive by
FRIDAY APRIL 15TH at the latest.
Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. In the unlikely event of the trip not taking place your
deposit will be returned in full. You must be in possession of a valid passport and a European Health Insurance Card.
Taking out travel insurance is strongly recommended. You will also be asked to complete a confidential personal
profile form, giving emergency contact details etc.
If you have any questions about the trip, you can e-mail Bob Reeve at,
or leave a message on 01202 890827.
NB The precise itinerary and times are provisional at this stage
Sunday April 2
Depart Ferndown/West Moors
Arrive Poole ferry port for 0830 Brittany Ferries crossing to Cherbourg
Arrive Cherbourg
Arrive ST MERE EGLISE (visit to WW2 museum OR shopping)
Depart for Bayeux
Check in at Bayeux hotel (3 nights en-suite accommodation & continental
Monday April 3
Dinner at hotel (included)
Depart for visit to MONT ST MICHEL (commentary en route on post D-Day
progress, eg at VILLIERS-BOCAGE)
Arrive at parking area for Mont St Michel
Transfer to Navette bus to cross causeway: free time in Mont St M
Tuesday April 4
Dep Mont St Michel for GRANVILLE
Return to Bayeux via ST LO (with further post D-Day commentary)
Arrive at hotel. Buy own dinner at hotel or in Bayeux
Depart for morning visit to BAYEUX (Tapestry OR Bayeux WW2 Museum)
Depart Bayeux for afternoon visit to CAEN (Castle/Abbeys OR WW2
Wednesday April 5 0800-0830
Depart Caen for hotel. Buy own dinner at hotel or in Bayeux
Depart hotel for ARROMANCHES (visit WW2 360-degree presentation
OR visit to beach/shopping)
Depart Arromanches for visit to PEGASUS BRIDGE
Arrive Ouistram for 1630 Brittany Ferries crossing to Portsmouth
Arrive Portsmouth
Arrive West Moors/Ferndown
Ferndown U3A Booking Form
* Please reserve ..... places in an en-suite twin or double room, at a total cost of £239 per person
* Please reserve ..... places in an en-suite single room, at a total cost of £299 per person
I enclose a cheque for £ ....... (£80 per person) as a non-refundable deposit, ade payable to ‘Ferndown U3A
Social Account’. I understand that in the unlikely event of the trip not taking place my deposit will be
refunded in full.
I agree to pay the balance of the cost by Tuesday November 1st 2016.
Please return this form, together with your cheque, by 15th April at the latest to:
Bob Reeve
FU3A Normandy Trip Organiser
2 Henchard Close
Ferndown BH22 8LH
T: 01202 890827
Ferndown U3A Booking Form
Title / Description of Activity / Outing / Event ....... ...............................................
....................................................... ....................... .................................................
Departure Location ........................ .............. Date ................................................
Start/Pick Up Time ......................... ..... Finish Time ...............................................
Any Additional details or Special Requirements .... ................................................
....................................................... ....................... .................................................
....................................................... ....................... .................................................
Group Leader Name ....................... ....................... ................................................
Contact Details ............................... ....................... ................................................
Member’s Name ............................. .......................
Home Contact number .................. .......................
Please reserve .................... Tickets. Cheque for £ .............................................. ,
attached and made payable to Ferndown & District U3A ‐ Social Account.
Cheque and completed form to be handed to Group Leader
We recommend you keep a copy of this form, before handing it to the Group