SeptemberNewsletter - Hapkido College of Australia


SeptemberNewsletter - Hapkido College of Australia
Hapkido College of
Australia Newsletter
Contact Us:
Croydon Studio Number . (02) 9747 0822
Croydon Studio address . Level 1/146 Parramatta Rd
HCA Website address .
Rydalmere address . 397 Victoria Rd, Rydalmere Public School NSW 2166
Email address .
HCA Belrose opens in
YES, you heard that right! HCA is opening a brand new Dojang in Belrose which is being led by
Instructor Kervin Antonio. HCA Belrose will join Rydalmere as our second part time studio and
classes will be starting Monday the 5th of
To celebrate this expansion we will be having a
grand opening ceremony on that day at 5 PM.
Our HCA Eagles will be doing a performance
for those who come along and will be joining
Instructor Kervin’s new students in their first
Belrose Dojang Location
Also! To generate some public recognition for
the opening, the Eagles will be doing another
big scale demonstration in the Belrose Markets on Sunday the 20th of September.
With 15 years of martial arts experience, Kervin currently holds a 2nd degree black
belt in Hapkido and is a certified instructor. Kervin is the longest standing
instructor at HCA and teaches students as young as 6 years old to youth and adults.
He has a passion for bringing out the best in his students, tailoring his teaching
style to suit each students skill and learning ability. Kervin's first experiences
with teaching began with teaching kids at tennis camps and further refined
while studying martial arts under Master Kim.
On his martial arts journey, he has trained in several different forms of
martial arts and has a love for all forms of martial arts. This has given him
a good understanding of the many styles, further enhancing his teaching
by having a balanced perspective. What you will find is that he will tailor
the movement to suit your own body.
BaekInKwan and HCA
Perform in Burwood park
After months of intense training and hype, the BaekInKwan Australia visit has finally come and
gone. We had our sistership ceremony with InSung Hapkido and the kiama camp which you
heard about in the last newsletter. The biggest part of this visit though was definitely the
demonstrations. On 8th of August we set up mats in front of the Memorial arch in Burwood Park
and put on a historic demonstration for our schools.
Being our visitors, BaekInKwan went first with their
demonstration and showed the type of talent they are known
for. With a team consisting of individuals from 2nd Dan to 5th
Dan, they impressed everyone with their quality self-defence
and gymnastic skills.
The HCA Eagles followed
up with their first public
performance of the year
and it looked pretty good
from where I was standing.
This is just the first step for
the Eagles though, as they
will be holding many more demonstrations this month and we
can safely assume they will only keep getting better.
Then on Tuesday, we
sadly had to send our
visitors back home. A
few of our black belts
got up early to meet
them at the airport for a
final farewell. We hope
to see them all again
very soon.
Our third weapons course, the Long
Staff, is beginning this month. Saturday
19th September will be our first class
which will be held at 9am,, the same time
our sword course has been.
This will be another great course for
students to learn from Master’s extensive
weapons knowledge.
Application forms can be submitted at
the Croydon HQ front desk before Friday
11th September.
Strathfield Girls Culture day
As is tradition for our ongoing relationship
with Strathfield Girls High school, select
members of our demo team held a short
demonstration and seminar for the Year 7
girls on their culture day, Friday 31st
August. The Eagles performed a short
demonstration followed by a fun series of
activities, getting the girls involved in some
hapkido themed fun.
Keep an eye on our Youtube page to catch a
video of this demonstration
Celebratory Froyo after the demo. Guest
starring Nick!
July Grading
The 134th Hapkido College of Australia Grading Test was held at the Croydon Dojang on. 15 th
August. Congratulations to all those who participated, especially our best graders.
Youth and Adults best grader: Jessica Anderson
Children’s best grader: Raphael Bedwani
HCA is a very busy place this time of the year so here’s a run-down of the events coming up in
the next few months:
This Sunday 6th September is the Strathfield Spring Fair
in Strathfield park. The Eagles will be performing an
improved demonstration at 1PM at this event. Come on
down and enjoy the stalls while cheering on our students.
Later this month we have another demonstration in
Belrose shopping centre to promote our new dojang
October 5th will be the HCA Belrose grand opening. This
day is a public holiday so hopefully a lot of people will be
available to come.
And let’s not forget that we’ll be holding the Halloween
Discipline Camp for all students in our children’s classes.
You are all invited for a spooky night of games and
movies at the Croydon Dojang on Friday 30th October.
Sign-up sheets will be available at the desk.
The HCA ANNUAL EVENT will be on Saturday the 28th of November this year so make sure
to mark the date now so you can come. It will run for 3 hours from 10AM-1PM including food
and drinks at the end. Check out our videos from last year to see what you can expect from the
Lastly we’ll be having the HCA Summer BBQ on 6th of December. This will be a quiet day out
in the sun with food, games, and all of you wonderful people. Bring the whole family and enjoy
the weather with your HCA friends.
Welcome to our new students
We would like to welcome our new students John, Hayley, Elua and Jonathan from the adult’s
class as well as Nathan and Hyun Jo to the Croydon Dojang children’s class. Also we would like
to welcome NamJu, Jennifer, Kate and Brooke to the Rydalmere Dojang. We hope you are
enjoying the first step of your martial arts journey with HCA!