JulyNewsletter - Hapkido College of Australia


JulyNewsletter - Hapkido College of Australia
Hapkido College of Australia Newsletter
Black Belt club
Save the date! 12pm August 8th
HCA demonstration In front of the Memorial
Arch in Burwood Park
Contact Us:
Croydon Studio Number . (02) 9747 0822
Croydon Studio address . Level 1/146 Parramatta Rd
HCA Website address . www.hapkidocollge.com.au
Rydalmere address . 397 Victoria Rd, Rydalmere Public School NSW 2166
Email address . train@hapkidocollege.com.au
JULY 2015
June Grading
The 132nd Hapkido College of Australia Grading Test was held at the Croydon Dojang on
13th June. Congratulations to all who passed.
Little Tigers and Children
Sujin Park
Eden Song
Youth and Adults
Vinesh Ram
Black Belt Club
For the black belt club training this month,
Master gave us the rare experience of learning
some of Grand Master Ji Han Jae’s techniques.
The techniques we learnt were shown by Grand
Master at the Korean Hapkido Federation
seminar last month. This was a really interesting
experience for us black belts to learn techniques
that we otherwise wouldn’t be exposed to.
Our Black Belt club Members also went on a
bushwalk this weekend to see the sights of the Blue
Mountains. There were a lot of stairs involved and
some much needed food at the end. Here are some
photos from the day.
Hapkido Birthday Parties!
This month we
celebrated Gabriela
and Joshua’s birthday
If you are interested in having a HCA party for your child, come to the
reception any time and we can arrange it for you.
Gumdo Classes Begin
HCA Gumdo classes have begun this month. 8 Eager students
came to classes this Saturday to learn Master’s personal skills
in the art of Gumdo.
Nunchaku Course wrap-up
The 2015 Nunchaku course has come to an end with 7 of our
dedicated students graduating.
I spoke with one of our dedicated students Craig McLaughlan
about his experience with the nunchaku course.
Hello Craig.
How was your experience with the Nunchaku Course?
I really enjoyed the nunchaku course. It helped me develop
coordination which will be useful for other parts of Hapkido. I was also recovering from knee
surgery during the course but it didn’t affect my learning of the nunchaku skills. Doing the
weapons course allowed me to stay fit when I couldn’t do normal Hapkido training.
What were the training sessions like?
Well we start by bowing in, and then we spent 10 minutes doing a recap of the technique we
learnt last time. Then we moved on to learning the new techniques. It was light-hearted and
casual but we still focused on learning. We hit ourselves quite a bit so Master spent a lot of the
time laughing.
What did you like most about the course?
I enjoyed master’s one on one training and the ongoing support that he is now providing us
with monthly training to build on the skills we now know.
Anything else you’d like to say?
Double nunchakus are really hard. I’d say the last third of course covered double nunchakus.
Also the best thing about learning nunchakus is that even if you’re not that skilful it’s still good
to be able to use nunchakus.
Baek In Kwan Coming to AUS!
We are very pleased to announce that next month on 27th July, a few members from our
Korean sister school Baek In Kwan are coming to Australia to train with us. This is a very
exciting reunion for our two schools. Back around Christmas last year, students from HCA
met Baek In Kwan in Daegu and had an amazing time together. They were very accommodating
to us and displayed amazing skills to us in a demonstration at their Dojang. We hope to return
the favour now as they will be staying in Sydney for nearly two months. So we will all get a
chance to train with them and share our knowledge and experience. Members of the demo
team will be going on a camp with them.
Also, the demo team will be holding a demonstration for our visitors in Burwood Park at 12pm
on the 8th August so please save the date now. This will be our demo team’s first
demonstration this year, which they have been working very hard towards. Baek In Kwan will
also be doing a demonstration which will no doubt be amazing.