Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
♦MEMBERS Antrim County Planning Commission James Gurr – 12/31/2016 Chair Rick Teague – 12/31/2018 Vice Chair To: Antrim County Planning Commission Barbara Bradford – 12/31/2016 From: Janet Koch, Associate Planner Date: March 30, 2016 Re: Meeting Notice Secretary Jill Barnard - 12/31/2018 Bill Bailey – 12/31/2018 Mike Hayes - 12/31/2016 The Antrim County Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for Ron Tschudy -12/31/2017 Christian Marcus – term elected Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. Board of Commissioner’s Room Antrim County Building 203 East Cayuga Street, Bellaire, Michigan Laura Stanek – term elected ♦ADVISORY Agenda Stan Moore 5:30 p.m. Call to Order 5:31 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance ♦STAFF 5:32 p.m. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Pete Garwood County Administrator Janet Koch Associate Planner Tina Schrader Administrative Assistant Katie Verellen Secretary 5:33 p.m. Public Comment 5:34 p.m. Approval of Minutes 5: 35p.m. Farmland Development Rights Application 5:55 p.m. Rules and Procedure Committee 6:05 p.m. Master Plan: Chapter 3 Implementation Steps (page 3-10) Various Matters Public/Member Comment Adjournment If you have any questions, concerns or are unable to attend this meeting, please contact the Administration and Planning Office at 231-533-6265. ♦OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. Box 187 Bellaire, MI 49615 PHONE: FAX: We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Thank you. 231-533-6265 231-533-8111 ♦SPECIAL ASSISTANCE If you wish to attend a Planning Commission Meeting and require special assistance, please contact the Administration and Planning Office. Enclosures: Planning Commission Minutes – March 1, 2016 – attached pgs. 2-3 Board of Commissioner Minutes –March 10, 2016 - attached pgs. 4-8 Memo from Janet Koch RE Farmland Development Rights Application – attached pgs. 9-19 Planning & Zoning News – March 2016 Page 2 Draft County of Antrim - Planning Commission Jill Barnard Jim Gurr, Chairman Mike Hayes Rick Teague, Vice-Chair Bill Bailey Barbara Bradford, Secretary Laura Stanek Christian Marcus Ron Tschudy Minutes - March 1, 2015 Board of Commissioners Room, 2nd Floor, Antrim County Building, Bellaire, Michigan Members Present: Members Absent: Staff and Others: Jim Gurr, Bill Bailey, Barb Bradford, Mike Hayes, Laura Stanek, Rick Teague, Ron Tschudy Jill Barnard, Christian Marcus Janet Koch 1. Meeting called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Chairman Jim Gurr. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Conflict of Interest Disclosure None. 4. Public Comment None. 5. Approval of Minutes Motion by Barb Bradford, seconded by Rick Teague, to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2016 meeting as written. Motion carried – unanimous. 6. Central Lake Rising Tide Mr. Gurr and Mr. Bailey described the Rising Tide initiative from the State of Michigan. Central Lake was one of the ten communities selected by the State to participate in Rising Tide. No monetary assistance is being included as part of the program, but the creation of a promotional video had been mentioned. Some of the action items were the establishment of a local steering committee, a review of the Village’s economic development strategy, summarizing economic challenges, and coordination with local partners to begin public outreach. A Technology and Economic Development (TED) team has been provided by the State to assist the community with the Rising Tide efforts. 7. Master Plan Chapter 3: Natural Resources & Environment The Planning Commission discussed possible revisions to Chapter 3. A number of corrections were noted. Mr. Gurr said at the next meeting the Planning Commission would discuss Chapter 3 implementation steps to specifically address water protection. Antrim County Planning Commission 3-1-2016 Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 1 of 2 Page 3 8. Various Matters Board of Commissioner Resolution – Line 5 Mr. Hayes provided materials to the Planning Commission regarding Line 5, which is a pair of pipelines that transport light crude oil, light synthetic crude, and natural gas liquids under the Straits of Mackinac (attached pgs. 3-12). Motion by Mike Hayes, seconded by Barb Bradford, to recommend that the Board of Commissioners consider approving a resolution regarding Enbridge, Inc.’s Line 5 that would be similar to resolutions approved by other counties in northern lower Michigan. Motion carried – unanimous. Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Workshop The Planning Commission discussed their role regarding the CIP. Ms. Stanek said a CIP was new to Antrim County; the Planning Commission could and perhaps should be involved with the CIP in the future. Barb Bradford suggested a working exercise for the Planning Commission regarding a CIP. It was suggested that CIP projects be approved by the Planning Commission prior to approval by the Board of Commissioners. 9. Public/Member Comment The dissolution of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board was discussed. Ms. Stanek said the responsibility for the creation of the next 5-year Recreation Plan would be assigned elsewhere. Motion by Bill Bailey, seconded by Ron Tschudy, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried – unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Submitted and Approved ___________________________________ Barb Bradford, Secretary Antrim County Planning Commission Date: Antrim County Planning Commission 3-1-2016 Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 2 of 2 Page 4 ANTRIM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Thursday, March 10, 2016 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Present: David Heeres, Bob Wilson, Karen Bargy, Ed Boettcher, Bryan Smith, Michael Crawford, Laura Stanek, Chuck Johnson, Christian Marcus. Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. Moment of Silence The Chairman requested Public Comment. Mike Bertram spoke on the Community Mental Health (CMH) Services & Jail Diversion Agreement and he spoke of concerns that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board had been dissolved at the last Board meeting and suggested that the Board reconsider their decision. He also spoke on the Director of Commission on Aging, Judy Parliament’s proposal to request a full time activities coordinator position and if the current Commission on Aging 2016 budget have funds to provide for the position. Public comment closed at 9:04 a.m. It was moved by Stanek, seconded by Heeres that the minutes of February 11, 2016 be approved. Motion carried – Unanimous. Peter Garwood, County Administrator informed the Board that mediation had been held with Local Teamster 214 – Sheriff Command Unit and an agreement was reached. Mr. Garwood also made reference to a communication all the Commissioners received from Jan Boss of Charlevoix Michigan. In the communications Ms. Boss expressed concerns about a recent experience with the Antrim County Animal Shelter. Mr. Garwood indicated Sheriff Dan Bean has been researching the complaint and it will be addressed at the next Health and Public Safety Committee meeting. Commissioner Bargy reported that the Community Mental Health (CMH) Services & Jail Diversion Agreement is not recommended at this time and will be discussed at the next Public Health and Safety Committee meeting. Ms. Bargy spoke to the members regarding Milton Townships proposed grant application to the Michigan Natural Resource Trust Fund for the land acquisition of the Maplehurst property and asked members to approve a letter of support for Milton Township to the Michigan Natural Resource Trust Fund prior to April 1, 2016. It was moved by Bargy, seconded by Marcus that the County Administrator, Peter Garwood be directed to write a letter in support of Milton Township land acquisition grant application to the Michigan Natural Resource Trust Fund for the Maplehurst property and that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter of support prior to the deadline of April 1, 2016. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. Consent Agenda It was moved by Stanek, seconded by Wilson that claims and accounts in the amount of $130,873.75 be approved and paid. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 5 ANTRIM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Thursday, March 10, 2016 It was moved by Stanek, seconded by Wilson that the County Financial Fiscal Officer, Deb Haydell be authorized to make a 2016 budget amendment not- to -exceed $4,000.00 in the Forestry Fund #230 for the purchase of a permanent forestry easement to access the property gifted to the County by the Prince family, the easement be only for forestry purposes, not a public easement and be paid to the Warren family. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. It was moved by Stanek, seconded by Wilson that County-wide orthophotography be collected in the spring of 2016 at a cost not- to -exceed $13,000.00 and that the Chairman be authorized to execute the Michigan Statewide Authoritative Imagery and LiDAR Program (MiSAIL) Partner Agreement between the State of Michigan and Antrim County after review by civil counsel, and that the Financial Fiscal Officer, Deb Haydell be authorized to make the following Budget Amendment, required transfer for the County Treasurer, Sherry Comben to make the general fund transfer in 101-000-699.516 from the tax payment fund #516-000-999.101, with the expenditure to be posted in the general fund #101901-980.257 be approved. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. It was moved by Stanek, seconded by Wilson that the Chairman be authorized to execute the communication to the Department of Management Technology and Budget (DMTB) to continue the lease agreement #10171 on a month-to-month basis with the Department of Human Services (DHHS) at the monthly rate of $6,512.06 plus any adjustments consistent with the Antrim County Cost Allocation Plan beginning April 1, 2016, through December 31, 2016, or until a new lease is approved by both parties or the State of Michigan elects to move the DHHS out of the County Building, whichever comes first be approved. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Smith to rescind all previous action regarding the provision of an “Antrim County resident discount” when camping at the Antrim County Barnes Park and approve an Antrim County Barnes Park camping fee discount of $14.00 for Antrim County residents after an Antrim County resident has stayed at the campground six (6) days in a calendar year, with the discount to be used in that same calendar year. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Smith that the event schedule for Art Rapids! at the Elk Rapids Day Park be approved as follows: Art Beat, June 4, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; Art Camp, July 11 -14, 2016 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.; and Concert in the Park, the evening of July 28, 2016. Motion carried – Unanimous. It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Smith that the Recycling Program funding be submitted to the Antrim County qualified electors the question to fund or not fund at the rate of 0.25 mills ($0.25 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) to fund the current Recycling Program and that ballot language be drafted and submitted for approval and the question be placed on the ballot at the Primary Election to be held on August 2, 2016. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Johnson, Marcus; No – Wilson, Bargy, Stanek; Absent – None. Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 6 ANTRIM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Thursday, March 10, 2016 Dewey Benson presented the Medical Examiner 2015 Annual Report. It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Smith the Medical Examiner 2015 Annual Report be accepted. Motion carried – Unanimous. Mark Stone, Antrim County Drain Commissioner and Operator of Dams presented the Operator of Dams and Antrim County Drain 2015 Annual Reports. It was moved by Smith, seconded by Marcus the Antrim County Drain and Operator of Dams 2015 Annual Report be accepted. Motion carried – Unanimous. Report. John Strehl, Antrim County Airport Manager presented the Antrim County Airport 2015 Annual It was moved by Boettcher, seconded by Smith the Antrim County Airport 2015 Annual Report be accepted. Motion carried – Unanimous. Mike Meriwether, County Forester and Heidi Shafer, Soil Erosion Officer presented the Antrim County Conservation District, Antrim County Forestry and Antrim County Soil Erosion 2015 Annual Reports. It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Smith the Antrim County Conservation District, Forestry and Soil Erosion 2015 Annual Report be accepted. Motion carried – Unanimous. Sheryl Guy, Antrim County Clerk presented a Qualified Voter File (QVF) update to address the Public Interest Legal Foundation alleging that Antrim County and twenty three (23) other Michigan Counties are in violation of Section 8 of the National Voting Registration Act. She explained that Michigan Election Law and Federal Law are followed which prohibits removal without voter proof and request or having not voted for six (6) consecutive years, which presents a second November General election in which the voter does not vote. All of the twenty-four (24) Counties listed are vacation spots, and voter registration doesn’t always match up with primary residence as documented in the U.S. Census. Our office works with all fifteen (15) local clerks diligently to provide the very best updated data for their voter files. It was moved by Boettcher, seconded by Heeres that the Commission on Aging Director, Judy Parliament having made the request to re-establish the full-time Activities Coordinator position and that the funds be released and authorize the hiring process to begin at a first year cost of $31,976.54, to be paid from the Commission on Aging Fund #297 and that the Financial Fiscal Officer, Deb Haydell make the necessary transfers to line items in Fund #297 to accommodate this position and that the position of the part-time Bellaire Meal Site Coordinator be eliminated and approved. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 7 ANTRIM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Thursday, March 10, 2016 It was moved by Boettcher, seconded by Heeres that the Commission on Aging Director, Judy Parliament post the position internally for five (5) days as prescribed by the General Bargaining Unit and if interest is shown from within the department that Ms. Parliament be allowed to interview and fill the position. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. It was moved by Boettcher, seconded Marcus that the Commission on Aging Director, Judy Parliament be authorized to begin the hiring process of the vacant position due to the full-time Activities Coordinator being hired from within the Commission on Aging and with an inter-departmental transfer of the position this may cause the full-time Commission on Aging Assistant Cook position to become vacant and pending this scenario that the funds be released and approved. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. It was moved by Boettcher, seconded by Heeres that the funding for the Sheriff, Dan Bean be released for a Corrections Officer when the position is vacated on March 27, 2016 by the retirement of Tim Tilley, and that the funding be released for the vacant dispatcher position which will allow the Sheriff to engage in the hiring process for both positions be approved. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. It was moved by Boettcher, seconded by Heeres to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Michigan Municipal Employees Retirement (MERS) Hybrid Plan Adoption Agreement to merge Division HA into Division HB providing all new employees of the Deputies/Dispatchers and Corrections/Cooks/Clerical bargaining units hired after January 1, 2016 with a 60-day waiting period to be effective January 1, 2016. Motion carried as follows: Yes – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Crawford, Stanek, Johnson, Marcus; No – None; Absent – None. It was moved by Stanek, seconded by Marcus that the resolution be approved that Antrim County Board opposes Section 298 of the Executive Budget recommendation for FY 2017 as proposed by the State of Michigan Health and Human Services budget that would decrease funding for North Country Community Health and transfers all Medicaid and Healthy Michigan funding for specialty services to private entities with no accountability to the Antrim County Board of Commissioners nor to persons and/or family members of persons receiving mental health and disability services from North Country Community Health. Vote as follows: Yes – Crawford, Stanek, Marcus; No – Heeres, Wilson, Bargy, Boettcher, Smith, Johnson; Absent – None. MOTION FAILS The Chairman directed the proposed Resolution Opposing Section 298 of the Executive Budget recommendation for FY 2017 be sent back to the Administration and County Services Committee. Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 8 ANTRIM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Thursday, March 10, 2016 RESOLUTION #12-2016 By Laura Stanek, seconded by Bryan Smith WHEREAS, Pipeline 5, which began operation in 1953 and now owned by Enbridge, has transported Alberta crude oil and natural gas liquids from Superior, Wisconsin through 18 Michigan Counties to refineries primarily in Sarnia, Ontario – a distance of 645 miles crossing numerous wetlands, 20 rivers, the Straits of Mackinac and the St. Clair River at Marysville, Michigan; and WHEREAS, the State of Michigan and Enbridge are parties to an Easement Agreement requiring Enbridge to operate the pipeline in a reasonable and prudent manner and to guarantee payment of all damages and costs from its operation of said line; and WHEREAS, the history of pipeline leaks shows that there is a significant risk of severe damage and economic loss to government entities, individuals, businesses, and the environment; and WHEREAS, the Michigan Petroleum and Pipelines Task Force has recommended independent risk analysis, adequate financial assurances and independent analysis of alternatives to the existing Straits pipelines, together with disclosure of inspection data and other information; which recommendations have not yet been satisfied. NOW, THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED, that The Antrim County Board of Commissioners hereby request that Governor Snyder utilize the State’s authority by acting immediately to cause Line 5 to be restricted to not more than 300,000 bbl per day and its cargo be limited to non-oil products until the recommendations of the Michigan Petroleum Pipeline Task Force have been satisfied and an independent panel of pipeline experts have certified that Line 5 is safe. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Governor Snyder, the Pipeline Advisory Board and Task Force, Attorney General Bill Schuette, U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, Senator Wayne Schmidt, and Representative Triston Cole. Yes Bob Wilson, Bryan Smith, Michael Crawford, Laura Stanek, Chuck Johnson; No David Heeres, Karen Bargy, Ed Boettcher, Christian Marcus; Absent - None. RESOLUTION #12-2016 DECLARED ADOPTED. The Chairman directed the Antrim Conservation District (ACD) Contracts be sent back to the County Administration and County Services Committee. The Chairman requested Public Comment. Jim Bertram spoke on the Boards decision to put the Recycling Program funding proposal on the ballot in the amount of 0.25 mills. Public comment closed at 12:10 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 12:11 p.m. __________________________________ Sheryl Guy, County Clerk ______ __________________________ Michael Crawford, Chairman Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 9 Memorandum Administration Office March 29, 2016 TO: Planning Commission FR: Janet Koch, Associate Planner RE: Farmland Development Rights Application The following attachments are a brochure (courtesy of Stan Moore) that introduces the State of Michigan's Farmland & Open Space Preservation Program and an application for enrollment in the program. This is an agenda item for the Planning Commission because, similar to the statutory responsibilities of the Planning Commission to review the township master plans and zoning ordinances, the Planning Commission is also notified by local zoned townships and villages when there is an application for enrollment. From 324.36104 of the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Act (technically named Part 361 of Act 451 of 1994, but more commonly known as PA 116}: (3) An agency or local governing body receiving notice has 30 days to review, comment, and make recommendations to the local governing body with which the application is filed. These reviewing agencies do not have an approval or rejection power over the application. Mr. Rubingh's application seems to be in order. If the Planning Commission agrees, please consider the following motion: Motion by seconded by to recommend that the Banks Township Board approve the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program application from Marvin Rubingh for parcel number 05-01-035-022-00. Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 10 Banks Township Donna L. Heeres, Clerk P.O. Box 68 Ellsworth, Michigan 49729 Phone (231) 588-6126 Fax (231) 588-2079 March 15, 2016 Antrim County Planning Commission Antrim Conservation District Banks Township To Whom It May Concern: .,f MAR 1 8 2015 .,. .• r' ,. •...:• a;, l1 ... ! •• • ,• ~ ... ; ..... ,.. .,._ , ,. 1~,:!, -.i;. ll ... . "-1 r Enclosed please find a copy of application for Fannland Agreement submitted by Marvin Rubingh for Parcel# 05-01-035-022-00 in Banks Township. The parcel is 10 acres in size. Your agency has 30 days to return comments on this application to the Banks Township Board. The Banks Township Board will meet on April 18, at 6:00 PM to take action on this request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Donna L. Heeres Banks Township Clerk Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 FARMLAND AND OPEN SPACE OFFICIAL USE ONLY Local Governing Body: PRESERVATION PROGRAM a • .,...~..,.,.,., Application for Farmland Agreement Date Received: 3 { ~ ft(, "1-.C/b - I Page 11 AGBICUlJDBE Application No: Part 361 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 Act 451 as amended, more commonly known as PA 116. State: Date Received: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please print or type. Attach additional sheets as needed. Please read the Eligibility and Instructions document before filling out this form. Application N o : - - - - - - - - - - - - - Approved:------ Rejected:._ _ _ _ __ ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 1 IN ORDER TO BE EFFECTIVE FOR THE CURRENT TAX YEAR [),.. 1 .... o/ I VI _;1 r•--c~"...;...._____.c../l 1. Name(s) of Applicant: ___,/'--'-\""....:..-t>__ __a..:.r...;tt"'"-'-'1'¥\..;.=._ _ _ _ _ _ _v_ __ L:ast First Initial L Personal Information: b_~n-,-r1-~-------_.;J.::......;,,ec~1-'-~------L~-:-- (If more than two see #15)_(R;.__o_t Last First Initial Marital status of all individual men listed on application, if more than one, Indicate status after each name: ~ Married 0 Single 2. Mailing Address: f O'J,?... f.Lfft,_;..,~ Street 3. Telephone Number: (Area Code) &I £/h..,,,"rr/.. State Zip Code (l.7() _ __;;;..f"...;.S_B'_-_6_0-'&':;.......;'-/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. Alternative Telephone Number (cell, work, etc.): (Area Code) ( 5. E-mail address: tf97Z-'1 City M ,..._I,,·~,~<! >------------ 'l-rel,.ftt.k~. c..D""l o 11. Property Location (Can qe taken from the Deed/Land :gntract) 1 6. County: A I\. tr' ~ 7~wnsh~ity or Village: ....:;:D:;...o_""_~__.'i'"-----8. Section No. 3 Town No. 3 '2. N Range No. _...,8..__M/ ______ '7 Ill. Legal Information: 4f. Attach a clear copy of the deed, Jan'd contract or memorandum of land contract. (See #14) --1"0. Attach a clear copy of the most recent tax assessment or tax bill with complete tax description of property. 11. Is there a tax lien against the land described above? 0 Yes ~ No If •Yes", please explain c i r c u m s t a n c e s : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12. Does the applicant own the mineral rights? .18 Yes D No If owned by the applicant, are the mineral rights leased? 0 Yes ~No Indicate who owns or is leasing rights if other than the a p p l i c a n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name the types of mineral(s) i n v o l v e d : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13. ls land cited In the application subject to a lease agreement (other than for mineral rights) permitting a use for something other than agricultural purposes: D Yes ~ No lf •Yes", Indicate to whom, for what purpose and the number of acres involved: 14. Jslandbeingpu~hased un-d~e-r~la-n~d-co-nt~ra-ct~D~Y~e-s~~~N~o-:~tt~.Y~e-s~.~.i~n~di~c-at_e_v_e-nd~o-r~(-se~l~le-rs~):_ _ _ _ _ __ Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address=-----------------------------------Street City State Zip Code 14a. Part 361 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 Act 451 as amended, states that the vendor (sellers) must agree to allow the land cited in the application to be enrolled in the program. Please have the land contract sellers sign below. (All sellers must sign). Land Contract Vendor(s): I, the undersigned, understand and agree to permit the land clted In this appllcatlon into the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program. Date Signature of Land Contract Vendor(s) (Seller) rev. 112011 Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 12 Application for Farmland Agreement 15. If the applicant Is one of the following, please check the appropriate box and complete the following information (if the applicant is not one of the following - please leave blank): _ 2 or more persons having a joint or common interest in the land _ Corporation _ Limited Liability Company Estate Trust _ Partnership Association Jf applicable, list the following: Individual Names if more than 2 Persons; or President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer; or Trustee(s); or Members; or Partners; or Estate Representative(s): (Additional names may be attached on a separate sheet} IV. Land Eligibility Qualifications: Check one and fill out correct section(s} This application is for: a. 40 acres or more complete only Sedion 16 (a thru g); ......-i:i. 5 acres or more but less than 40 acres _ _ c. a specialty farm complete only Sedions 16 and 17; or complete only Sections 16and18. 16. a. Ty~e o! agricultural enterprise (e.g. livestock, cash crops, fruit. etc): Oa.1rb. Total number of acres on this farm: 1000 + -----------------------------------------------~ c. Total number of acres being applied for (if different than above): ___...1.:::0'-----------------------d. Acreage in cultivation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Acreage In cleared, fenced, Improved pasture, or harvested grassland: - - - - - - - - - - - - f. All other acres (swamp, woods, etc.),_ _'f..;....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ g. Indicate any structures on the property: (If more than one building, indicate the number of buildings}: I\ c:ui -e No. of Buildings----- Residence:------ Barn: Tool S h e d : - - - - Silo: Grain Storage Facility: Grain Drying F a c i l i t y : - - - - - - - - - Poultry House: Milking Parlor: Milk H o u s e : - - - - - - - Other: (Indicate) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 17. To qualify as agricultural land of 5 acres or more but less than 40 acres, the land must produce a minimum average gross annual income of $200.00 per acre from the sale of agricultural products. Please provide the average gross annual income per acre of cleared and tillable land during 2 of the last 3 years immediately preceding this application from the sale of agricultural products (not from rental income): $ 1-7f ~ () total income 6 A-e"'' C.orn. =$ 'T f 0 (peracre) total acres of tillable land 18. To qualify as·a specialty farm, the land must be designated by the Michigan Department of Agriculture, be 15 acres or more in size, and produce a gross annual income from an agricultural use of $2,000.00 or mere. If a specialty farm, indicate average gross annual income during 2 of the last 3 years immediately preceding application from the sale of agricultural products: $ - - - - - - - - - Please note: specialty farm designation may require an on-the-farm site visit by an MCA staff person. Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 13 Application for Farmland Agreement 19. What is the number of years you wish the agreement to run? (Minimum 1 O years, maximum 90 years); I0 V. Signature(s): 20. The undersigned declare that this application, including any accompanying Informational material, has been examined by the~t of their knowledge and belief is true and correct ~~ (Signature of Applicant) _ _ _ _ _(_C_o_rp_o-ra_t_e_N_am_e_,l~f~Ap-p~l~ica~bl~e~}----- ' (Signature of Corporate Officer) (Co-owner, If Applicable) j..-2-'1-/b (Title) (Date) ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 1 IN ORDER TO BE EFFECTIVE FOR THE CURRENT TAX YEAR. RESERVED FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT USE: ctERK PLEASE COMPLETE SECTIONS I & II I. Date Application Received: __>_/_1_(_1'4 _____ (Note: Local Governing Body has 45 days to take action) Action by Local Governing Body: Jurisdiction: -....:.&.=.;;.~.;......;;... t.r.s'---Ti"""'""'"c_~_.,..s_l..._·_p'----.------.------Coun~ ~ Township D City Village 0 This application is D approved, 0 rejected D Date of approval or rejection:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (If rejected, please attach statement from Local Governing Body indicating reason(s) for rejection.) Clerk's Signature: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Property Appraisal: $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the current fair market value of the real property in this application. II. Please verify the following: 2!L Upon filing an application, clerk issues receipt to the landowner indicating date received. "3/ Jt;' Clerk notifies reviewing agencies by forwarding a copy of the application and attachments -;-- Note: Review Agencies have 30 days in which to respond before local governing body can proceed. _ _ If rejected, applicant is notified in writing within 10 days stating reason for rejection and the original application, attachments, etc. are returned to the applicant. Applicant then has 30 days to appeal to State Agency. _ _ If approved, applicant is notified and the original appllcation, all supportive materials/attachments, and letters of review/comment from reviewing agencies (if provided) are sent to: MCA-Farmland and Open Space Program, PO Box 30449, Lansing 48909 "Please do not send multiple copies of applications and/or send additional attachments In separate mailings without first contacting the Farmland Preservation office. Please verify the following regarding Reviewing Agencies (sending a copy to reviewing agencies is required): p COPY SENT TO: V O V"Copy of Deed or Land Contract (most recent Conservation District showing current ownership) JJ o(g( __ County or Regional Planning Commission V Before forwarding to State Agency, FINAL APPLICATION SHOULD INCLUDE: ~ ·'1&'20 Sfr:n;-e.r tv'/A- Township (if county has zoning authority) olI 1'+- City (if land is within 3 miles of city boundary) p! IJA Village (if land Is within 1 mile of village boundary) V Copy of most recent Tax BiU (must include ti! description of property) V Map of Farm _Copy of most recent appralsal record _ Copy of letters from review agencies (if available) _Any other applicable documents Questions? Please call Farmland Preservation at (517) 373-3328 'J 2,. S'l.f-'i'6 Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Page 14 Application for Farmland Agreement Map of Farm with Structures and Natural Features: A. B. C. D. Show boundary of land cited in application. (Grid below ls designed to represent a 5280 tt2 (1 mile2) Section) Show all buildings (house(s), bam(s), etc.); also label roads and other avenues of travel (i.e. utility access, etc.). Outline and designate the current uses of the property (crops, pasture, forest, swamp, etc.). Clear copies of map(s) provided by USDA Farm Service Agency are acceptable, but please label any roads visible on map, structures and their use, etc. Note: Any residential structures housing persons not directly associated with the farm operation must be excluded from the application. Please indicate if a building falls in this category and provide the appropriate property description for its exclusion. Unless the appropriate description is included, your application cannot be processed . ........ ............. ............ ... ... .. .... .. .... ...... ·c~~~iY·· .. A-~ ·:;.;:../-;,;;, .......................................................... (i""' Township k5 T ~ l N R '3' '-' Section ~ '7" 1 hh.I.. ti • 11 n . 1 u:m:a:z;s:a Aerial Photo Map Aerial PMm Map . The Clrlglnll llll01Da11phs used on 1111$ web site wn ~ bVtbe Anlrtm CountyPllnnino ClllCll. Tiie pbclm weni mllec!ccl In the 1Pfino Gf 1999 The 'bosl ..,..Ullon' ofllllle lmlga 1s ~~~~. The A&rtll Phalo MllP(~ra!lhY) canslsls al' Images P-.ed bV CQftlllllterla .._the ~gillSCd Ill' Wt or Ille 11rm1tw tcpographk: rdlef In Ille llndsclpe. lbese Images •re praperty Kiiied Ind locl1ad In Ille mte plane ~le rrstam (~) Illus giving lltcnl slmllr dllract.nslla al' 1 map. La. 11'-eJ e 11 N " "' t:t ! I I/ /t,J ;~ PA 116. t; ;I~ s Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 ~ STATE ~REAL ESTATE * .[ANTRIM] - ICHIG ·. . , TRANSFER TAX! CO* * Page IIlllllllllllllllllllli llI15 Il!I B0 0 4 8 33 M Tx:4002929 516.SO 11/25/2015 $112.50 ST 2015DOODHDS " CERTIFICATION · TTX# 4DD29:l9 - ll/2'5ft5 * 201500009608 Filed for Recore! in ANTRIM COUNTY MICHIGAN PATTY NIEPOTH REGISTER OF DEEDS 11/25/2015 1 :02 PM · PAGES: 3 ~ ;J Ih•,.by certify that •cconlln11't0 our record8 •II !axe• ,.tumtd to thl• omce •re paid for five yeara preceding tht d1t• to thla Instrument. Thia does not Include laxes In the process of col!•ctlon. Sheny A. Comban, Anll'lm Coun~ Trauurer Warranty Deed - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That The Estate of William A. Skaggs, Deceased, by Lucas Skaggs, Personal Representative pursuant to the copies of the Death Certificate a.11d Letters of Authority, File No. 14-12874-DE, Antrim County attached hereto whose address is PO Box 481, Benzonia, MI 49616 convey(s) and warrant(s) to Marvin Rubingh whose address is 8022 Rubingh Road, Ellsworth, MI 49729 Land situated in the Township of Banks, County of Antrim, State of Michigan, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 35, Township 32 North, Range 8 West; thence East 750 feet; thence South 600 feet; thence West 750 feet; thence Nonh to the Point of BegiMing. Commonly known as: 6974 Ellsworth Road, Ellsworth, MI Tax ID: 05-01 -035-022-00 If the land being conveyed is unplatted, the following is deemed to be included: 1) This property may be located within the vicinity of farmland or a fann operation. Generally accepted agricultural and management practices which may generate noise, dust, odors, and other associated conditions may be used and are protected by the Michigan right to farm act, and 2) The grantor grants to the grantee the right to make /1-U.- division(s) under section 108 of the Land Division Act, Act No. 288 of the public Acts of 1967. for the sum of Fifteen Thousand and 00/100 Dollars $15,000.00 Subject to easements and building and use restrictions ofrecord. Dated this l~ay ofNovember, 201.5 Th·;::::r~--By: Lucas Ska&gs, Personal Representative Pursuant to Letters of Authority File No. 14-12874-DE, Antrim County State of Michigan County of ~nz..11!:.- Ti..~ ;.. , ~. .,.,., ;. . . r.. ~.:.,,...,.~t ,: c: .Planning . 1mn:1~r1~:.r:iCommission me icl'dav ofNove~b~r~·2oi5. bv- Lucas Ska~s. Personal Representative;Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 h!'!forl! rh is . . . Authority, File No. 14-12874-DE, Antrim County attached hereto - - who~e address is PO Box 481, Benzonia, MI 49616 convey(s) and warrant(s) to Marvin Rubingh whose address is 8022 Rubingh Road, Ellsworth, MI 49729 Page 16 Land situated in the Township of Banks, County of Antrim, State of Michigan, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest comer of Section 35, Township 32 North, Range 8 West; thence East 750 feet; thence South 600 feet; thence West 750 feet; thence North to the Point of Beginning. Commonly known as: 6974 Ellsworth Road, Ellsworth, MI Tax ID: 05-01-035-022-00 If the land being conveyed is unplatted, the following is deemed to be included: 1) This property may be located within the vicinity offannland or a fann operation. Generally accepted agricultural and management practices which may generate noise, dust, odors, arid other associated conditions may be used and are protected by the Michigan right to fann act, and 2) The grantor grants to the grantee the right to make tH..1- division(s) under section 108 of the Land Division Act, Act No. 288 of the public Acts of 1967. for the sum of Fifteen Thousand and 00/100 Dollars $1 S,000.00 Subject to easements and building and use restrictions of record. Dated this i'f-/JJaay ofNovember, 2015 The:Z::I~--By: Lucas Skaggs, Personal Representative Pursuant to Letters of Authority File No. 14-12874-DE, Antrim County State of Michigan County of ~nz.1~ The fo;~going instrument w~ a~~owledged before me this l9~ay ofNovember, 201s:·~y-Lucas Skaggs~Personal ~pr:sent&tive, of The Estate of William A. Skaggs, Deceased, pursuant to the copies of the Death Certificate and Letters of Authority, File No. 14-12874-DE, Antrim County attached hereto. My commission expires: Drafted by: Daniel P. Lievois, Esquire Devon Title Agency 616 Petoskey Petoskey, MI 49770 When recorded return to: Marvin Rubingh 8022 Runbingh Road Ellsworth, MI 49729 File No: 505003 lms Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 ..... ::::: •• 1- c..-i :a: O• i ~v~~ Official Wint.e: Tax Receipt: 3A..»l:-<:S TOWNS!iir ?:o~ert.y #: 05-01-035-022-00 Page 17 Received o!: ?ru:/l".3T: H,0~8 SE:V: 0.0000 ~.SS: 14.,200 SCE!.: 05065 RlJB!NGr: ~-~vm 8022 Rl.lBING:t RD 400 ELLSWORTF. M! 49729 ~.T.ount 111.57 02/15/2016 111.57 'rotal Rec::vd: DETA!!.E:D 3RE.~.KDOWN OF 3!l~!NG/?AYMENTS !OR 05-01-035-022-00 M!LLAGE Tax Bil:.ed Total BALANCE 0.4000 S.6l 14.03 o.oo 7.01 7.01 l4 .03 9.82 14.03 2.80 36.23 S.Ol ! 4.03 7.01 7.01 l4 .03 9.62 14.03 2.80 36.23 Int:e:::est/:e~ l.00 0.00 l.00 0.00 Over o.oo o.oc 0.00 0.00 O.JO 111.57 lll.Si O.JO DElSCRl:P~J:ON CO VOTED-COA CO VOTE:O-M3 co VOTE:o-:::;n O? ~ EMS AUT;;'.ORZT'! :..cooo TO'i>'"NSE!? T.U.X S? J!.S!~-:::i;~ 0.5000 0.5000 ! .0000 0.7000 TW? VOT:::-R:>;l.05 1.0000 !SD TILX-c::_u_, EM 0.2000 2.5813 !SD VOTE-CH..~-~ E:M .;c...'"lin :ee ?a:i"1.en~s TOT~.LS --------> 7.88130 Acid:::: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 o.oo 0.00 6974 :!:LLSWORTE ~ COM AT NW COR OE s~c 33, TH E 750 FT, TH S 600 E"T, TE W750 FT, TE ~ TO ?OB SEC 33 T32N RBK 10 A M/L ! ~R::S~ C~~T!:Y TF.AT AP?L!C.~T!ON M.lUJE TO l?AY :O.L!. 'l'Jl.X::S, SE'EC!~.L ASs:::ssM:":t-."Xs A."'D suru:::_:.RG:::s, DUE AND ?A~AE!LE: AT TH!S OFF!C~ ON T~3 DESCRIPT!ON SHOWN !N TH!S RECE!?T W~.S EXC~PT !\i33!NGH 8022 TF.OSE ~l~Oi:JNTS SEOtiN A30v:: M..~V!~ ~ii3!NG!: Rn E!.!.SWORT:i IH 49729 Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 !N THE: What Happens When an Agreement Expires? Page 18 During the last year of a Farmland Development Rights Agreement, the agreement holder will be sent a notice asking whether the agreement will be extended or allowed to expire. Which hnds are Eligible? liarmland:eligjplllty Is $!tenn;n,d by,tfie size oflfte farm, and s<imetlrnes, t>y flle farm's Income. A parcel meets quallficatlon requirements for entollment In a FarmJandlDevefOpment Rights Agreementilf 011e of tthe following.is1rue: • acres or•larger, arid a mlnl111um of 51% ofthe land Is devoted·t o afl'agrla.tftutal use. ! Parcel ~ ~least<five acres but less tflan 40 acres Ui size, atl least 51~ ofthe Is devoted to an Ultural use, aJld the agrrcutfural land proctuces a g. ~al Income Qf $200 QC'.fT\91'e·~ tillable (p,arcefs lfl·GRP cons!Oefedito meet the gross inl!ome reqtikimet\t). • itarcel'l\as been designated as a~liy farm by Mt:>AR9, Is a:nlfn?fllUfll Of'15 acres, af\Ci Ila$ a gross annual Income exceeding $2,000;per yeari • "Ag{iailtu~ use" meanS'ttie pro<hKtion Of\plants and animals lisefi.11 to h~ns, lndudlng forages and soa aops; gpJns, feed crops. a00'field1crops; ~lry-aJil·dairy products; J)9\fltry,and P9Ultry prOdudS; livestoCl<;·lnCtiJ.d!nglbfEeding-aod Q{aling, ofGittle, swine, "ilRqve cervldaJ. and $\milar ~nlmals; berries;lf\el'bs; flowers; seem; g~ OUf'SCfY stoCk; fruits; vegetables; maple syrup,prcXl_uctfqoi dirlstmas trees; and.other. 5iJTii~r useS'apd adivttles. Agricultural use lndooesuse In a feaercil aczreage set-aslDe P,rogram ~ a fedj!fal ~tlon reserve prog~.AgricUJNra1 use does not !~tie the ~enlland!harve~ing ofra1woodloti 1ana :B: Extension After the initial term of the 10-year agreement, it may be extended for a minimum of seven years, or longer, up to 90 years maximum. Expiration If the agreement holder chooses to let the agreement expire, tax credits received during the last seven years of the agreement must be repaid. The agreement holder will be notified of the amount. If the amount is not paid within 30 days, a lien will be placed against the property. If no credits were taken during the last seven years of the agreement, then no lien will be placed. Must the Landowner Provide Public Access? The landowner is not required to provide public access to participate in the program. 0 How Long Does the Agreement·Last? Program forms are available at Jhe tiflglna& farmland agreemenl11s contrade<f•fQr a, mlnimufn.of1 O!}'ears, (\i'ld a1filafdmum of90 yea.11The agreement11T19y be exte~ fur a mlnlfn~ of 7 )lea.IS or longer; after~ lnitjal'term. Dep• rtme n t ol ~P!!~!J,!! Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development Environmental Stewardship Division P.O. Box 30449, Lansing, Ml 48909 Phone: 517-284-5663 MDARD-PA Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 ---- ... ..... . ~ ·' . ·' ... - -- Page 19 . How Does the Landowner Benefit from Enrollment In the-Program? How Does the Landowner Apply for Tax<iredks: Benefits under a farmlan<t agreement-depen~fon assesseCI !'~fnstithe property, ahif !tfle tandbwneti's lntome. l'he·tando9mer is entltfecfto claim a MIC:fil~n Program forms are available at farmland After the landowner fills out the application, It must be submitted to the local governing body (f.e.. city, village, townsh Ip or county). 1 What is The Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program? The Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program is designed to preserve farmland and open space through agreements that restrict development, and provide tax incentives for f~me tax.aedlteqyal to the amount of1~:property taxeson•the ~nd and Improvements covered by1he agreement minus 3.5% of the'landowner;tlo\Jsehc>ltt income. For example, ·tftfie owner1has an1lncome of$20,000 ana property.taxes onJttfe farm total $2,000, Ile/she would st.tbtrad: $700 (3.S,petcient of $20,000) from the.$2,000 property ta~ for an lnczome1ax credit of $·1~. th1siq.1c:cretlitls1fn adtntiOh to tne tii:fmeStead ' PropertyT~~te(;llt, for wntch the lan&wnermay alread)' be gu~lffied. program participation. (See brochure t2 Farmland Agreements-Transf'errlng, Splitting & Releaslng for Information on revising agreements.) What Does the Farmland and Open Space Act Do? 5P.ec1at.Asse~ments: , The act enables a landowner to enter Into a 1.and that:quallfiet andlls enmllftdllR·Jtle, Development,Rights Agreement with"the state. It ensures that the land remains in agricultural use for a minimum of 10 years, anCI Is no.t developed for any non-agrlcuttural use. In return, the landowner may ~ entltled·to certain Income tax l:>e!iefits, and the ·1and Is not-subjctcf to special assessments for sanitary sewer, water; lrghts or non-farm drain projects. 1 ls·~empt-frqpl ~al ~ments fo~ san~ary sewers, Wi1t!fl llgfttstQfirfOn-f,atmdfaina~ llhlis.$ the assessmeh\SWC!fe h~tpttor to~ ri!cordl~ofi the f8rmlaml agreementwi,ana ~pted.fiom sP.l!da.I ~ment.VtiU 1 be·denled•use.Qfittie Jniptn\'efl'\f!nt until tt\e pQffiQfi of.the~ ois~t d~ attrlbUfable to tne.~ use oftheilniprovemehr.ts paldtWhen·tl\e fam\l~l'\<lag~t ls-tennlnatedt the loGal'~m;fy, r~lre,paymierft>of.tfle ~Ill .. .. assessmerit;Jiowever;.tl\e afnollnt qfthe ~sment ~h~llel'tceta:ttte amount-the i!~~d\~Ve been ahthe·t1me dftfte emnptib"1 ~ GSA notlftd.~e a_rty iflHfreSbor.~fty. Planning Commission Agenda Attachments - 4/5/16 Enrollment? Application Is made with the township derk If the township has adopted a zoning ordinance, or with the county for those townships which have not adopted a zoning ordinance.The local governing body has 45 days to approve or reject the application. Within the 45-day period, the governing body must seek comments from the county or regional plann Ing commission; the soil conservation district; a city, if the land Is within three miles of the city; or a village, If the land Is within one mile of the village. These agencies are al lowed 30 days from the day of notification to forward their comments to the clerk of the local governing body. If approved, the application Is forwarded to MDARD. The application to enroll must be apP«>ved by the Joeal goveriil~·body on·or before November 1 to be ellglble forttiatyear.~ tax cr~lt tf no adlon Is taf< the loCal gOWrilng &dy, or the appllcptton Is reject~~ th~ apr>llcantmay appeal directly to tile MDARD within 30 days.