what is twitter? - Lifecycle Performance Pros


what is twitter? - Lifecycle Performance Pros
(Exploiting The Awesome Power of Twitter to Earn
an Extra Pay Check Every Month)
By Kishore Dharmarajan
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Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Copyright 2009 – Kishore Dharmarajan, Eureka Inc. This e-book is Published by Eureka Inc. All Rights
Reserved. All contents contained within the ‘Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage’ is copyright 2009 Eureka
Inc. All literary work contained within the ‘Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage’ belongs to and is the sole
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Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
What is Twitter.............................................................................................................................. 15
How to Set up Your First Account ................................................................................................. 16
Creating a Smashing Profile ......................................................................................................... 19
Turbo Charging Your Twitter Account .......................................................................................... 21
Building a Band of Followers......................................................................................................... 30
Stealing Minds and Hearts ............................................................................................................ 38
The One Methods that Puts Ahead of Other Twitters .................................................................. 41
Getting Followers in a Hurry ......................................................................................................... 45
Jumpstarting Your Income Generation ......................................................................................... 47
Dropping That Media Bomb ......................................................................................................... 53
Cloning Your Success..................................................................................................................... 59
Blog: Your Home Of Authority ...................................................................................................... 60
Money Through Membership Sites .............................................................................................. 70
The Power of Free Reports ........................................................................................................... 82
Affiliate Marketing Secrets ........................................................................................................... 91
Paid Per Click Advertising Strategies………………………………………………………………………………………..105
Time Management for Entrepreneurs……………………………………………………………………………………..109
Twitter Applications…………………………………………………………………………………………………………119 - 161
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
I have no idea how big your mortgage payment is, or what monthly financial requirement you
have for enjoying a good life, but I am about to show how to earn a substantial income every
month using twitter. Yes, good old, free-to-use Twitter!
Twitter, as you already know is the fastest growing social networking site on the web (as
reported by Nielsen). It has 6 million users and is growing furiously. Twitter also happens to be
the only platform that is a communication channel (It’s faster than email and reaches a broader
audience), a networking channel (almost like attending a huge networking conference) and a
marketing channel (the best place to get thousands of prospects quickly)… all rolled into one fun
Mike Filsaime, the internet marketing guru says, “Why wait another minute to get started using
Twitter when you know you could be building your lists, building relationship, selling more
products and services and building your credibility faster”.
Twitter is not a fad and is being proven to be a revolutionary new system to help build your
business and an awesome way to build your reputation, relationships, generate more traffic, build
your lists, create a following of targeted rabid readers and the end results should be to make more
money online.
Twitter is all about traffic: millions of people are coming together at one spot on the internet to
discuss what they are doing. You too can get into that room crammed with millions of people
and simply by using a series of techniques - take centre stage, talk to this crowd and convince
them to follow you wherever you want to lead them to. The whole twitter game is about being
convincing enough to your audience and being smart enough to lead all your followers on
Twitter into areas that are highly profitable for you.
6 Things to Do Before Getting on Twitter
But before jumping on the Twitter bandwagon, there is a crucial point that I want you to
consider. This is so important that I highly recommend you don’t proceed until you’ve
completed this step: I am talking about selecting a NICHE. You need to choose a niche that you
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
are interested in. If you like cats, you can become a cat breeding expert. If writing suits you,
build a copywriting career online and become the copywriting coach. I know a person who sells
reports on vending machines and earns a nice six figure income online. He has become the
‘Vending Machine Expert’ on line with a ‘Vending blog’.
Choosing a niche is crucial to success online. If you become everything to everybody, nobody is
going to listen to you, but if you know a lot about growing tomatoes on the roof and can position
yourself as an expert, people who are interested in tomatoes are definitely going to listen to you.
Choosing a niche is extremely important and at the same time easier than you think. Here is the
cheat sheet to choosing a niche:
1. Pick a topic that interests you.
2. Buy the two most popular books on that topic from Amazon and read it thoroughly.
3. Check if there is a magazine devoted to that topic on www.magazines.com or an
ebook about the topic on www.clickbank.com or www.ebooks.com or www.buyebook.com and get it as fast as you can.
4. Go to www.rtir.com and see if there is an expert related to that topic. Ask that expert
a lot of questions regarding your niche by scheduling a conference call on
www.freeconferencecall.com. The Free conference call site will send you the mp3
recording of the call and you can use that recorded interview as your very first
product to sell. (See, how quickly you got a product to sell!. You can even get that
interview transcribed into a neat ebook at www.idictate.com and sell it on
5. Start a wordpress blog with a domain name (www.godaddy.com) or host a blog from
the C Panel of www.hostmonster.com. (The idea is to get a blog with a domain name
like www.dogbreedingexpert.com, and not just another free blog like
www.wordpress/dogbreeder. Hosted blogs get a lot more authority and the 50$ you
spend on it is going to pay off in a big way in the long run.
6. Check the online value of your niche by using Google’s free external keyword tool.
First go to google’s external keyword tool at:
a. Type in a single keyword (Scrapbooking, in our example). Tick the “Use
Synonyms” box and tick “Filter My Results.”
b. Enter the capcha, then tick “Don’t show ideas for new keywords. I only want to
see data about the keywords I entered.”
c. Press “Get Keyword Ideas”.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
d. The “Approx Avg Search Volume” box will give you an indication of how many
people are searching in this particular market each month.
e. We’ve got a figure of 2,740,000 for Scrapbooking. This is the traffic value of this
particular niche. Now we need to find out the Total Market Value of your niche.
To do that, click the “Show/hide columns” box and select “Show Estimated Avg
f. Click the “Show/HideColumns” box again and select “Show Estimated Ad
g. In the “Calculate estimates using a different maximum CPC bid” box select
h. In the box beside the chosen currency, type 99 and press “Re-calculate”.
i. The “Estimated Avg CPC” figure displayed here is what we need to complete our
calculations. In this particular example it is 0.85$.
The last step is multiplying the Estimated Avg CPC (0.85) with the Avg Search Volume
(2,740,000) and we get the Total Market Value ($2,329,000). This is what your niche is worth.
Have you noticed what we just did. We multiplied the average money that someone is spending
on Google to advertise the selected niche with the average number of daily searches. Considering
the fact that 73% of all online searches happen on Google, this calculation gives us a good idea
about the total value of our chosen niche.
Now, I recommend you go ahead and pick a niche and see what it turns out to be. If you have a
problem identifying a niche, simply go to your nearest store and browse through the magazine
section. Each magazine you pickup will mostly cater to one niche. Prevention – women’s health
niche. Golf Digest – the Golfing niche, etc. You can also go to www.amazon.com or the
barnes&nobles website, and browse through their magazine sections, till you find a topic that
looks good enough for you to venture into. www.magazines.com is another good source.
Go through the six steps with each niche that you pick up and if you are happy with the results,
proceed. If you aren’t, go through the process once again and choose another niche. Your
chances of making a good income online is directly related to the niche you choose, so before
becoming successful on Twitter you need to choose a good niche for yourself. This is crucial. Do
not fool yourself and dream of earning a nice online income through Twitter without a solid
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Here is another super ninja trick to easily find a niche:
Step 1: Go to WordTracker’s Free Keyword Question Tool using the following link:
The tool should look something like this:
Step 2: Type in the following word: tutorial
Copy and paste the results into an excel spreadsheet
Step 3: Type in the word: guide
Copy and paste the results into an excel spreadsheet
Step 4: Type in the phrase: how to
Copy and paste the results into an excel spreadsheet
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Each search delivers a massive amount of results showing you exactly what people are
trying to find "tutorials" on, "guides" to, or "how to" do something.
Examine the lists looking for topics that potential products could be developed around such as:
a "bartender guide"
a product on "how to plan a vacation"
a "photoshop or flash tutorial"
You will surely see many many more as you review the list. Delete the phrases that don't make
sense and save the list to see if there is an online market for these niches.
Here are a few other words and phrases to try out:
Buy, purchase, learn, training, want, need, step by step, Problem, solution
Essentialy you are asking people what their problems and desires are and they’re going to open
their hearts. What more information do you need to sense a hungry niche market?
What Are People Currently Searching For?
One way to gauge whether a niche is popular or not is to use some of the analysis tools provided
by the search engines. These sites all use live information directly from the search engines to
determine which topics are being searched for the most.
Google Hot Trends - This is a very useful site for finding out the top 100 topics that
people are actively searching for on Google right now. It’s updated hourly and you can
dig deeper into each topic to see related news, blog posts and web pages which gives you
a clearer idea about why the topic is currently attracting so much attention.
Yahoo! Buzz - This gives you a list of the top stories that people are currently interested
in. There’s also a very useful Top Searches panel that is updated hourly with the top 10
searches on Yahoo!
Lycos 50 - Another round of of top web searches. This site is updated weekly with the
top 50 searches from Lycos.
AOL Hot Searches - Shows you what is currently hot on AOL Search.
What Are People Currently Interested In?
Another way to gauge what is popular right now is to look what people are interested in reading
about. These sites provide you with information about the top stories and blogs that people are
Digg - I’m fairly sure Digg needs no introduction, but it can be a very useful gauge in
determining what people are interested in reading about.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Technorati What’s Popular - This gives you a very useful breakdown of the top blogs,
searches, videos and news stories from the blogosphere.
What Are People Buying?
Obviously for a niche to be profitable you need to be sure that there is a hungry crowd of buyers
waiting to spend their money. The following sites give you an insight into what people are
eBay Pulse - This gives you a list of the top 10 things that people are searching for on
eBay. Since eBay is one of the biggest marketplaces on the Internet you can be sure that
anything listed here is currently something that a lot of people are interested in buying.
eBay What’s Hot - Another useful resource from eBay where sales data is combined with
information from trade magazines and predictions from industry experts to give you a list
of some of the hottest products for the current season.
Amazon Best Sellers - The most popular items on Amazon.com, updated on an hourly
Shopping.com Top Searches - This shows you the top 100 products in each of
Shopping.com’s many categories to help you determine which products are hot right
now. The information is updated every two weeks.
mySimon Top Searches - Very similar to the Shopping.com site. This gives you details of
the top searches performed by mySimon members in many different categories.
NOTE: If you still have a problem getting a good nice, head to www.alltop.com, and go through
the blogs that are listed there. Browsing through www.ebaypulse.com, movers and shakers on
www.alexa.com, bestsellers on amazon.com, products on google base and shopping.com, are
other places that provide fresh niche ideas.
You can also check out the market place on www.clickbank.com www.cj.com www.cbanalytics.com www.shareasale.com www.affiliatefuel.com www.linkshare.com
www.leadflash.com www.clixgalore.com www.rocketprofit.com www.kolimbo.com
www.hydranetwork.com www.azoogle.com and www.performics.com These are affiliate and
cpa networks that sells thousands of niche products. By browsing through these galleries, you
can definitely pick up a niche that you will find interesting.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
The Twitter Income Generation Process Chart
Is a Party Where You Meet a Lot of People
Is your Home where you invite friends from
the party
Is the gift you give your friends for visiting
your home
Is the Club you introduce your new friends
Are your tips that can help improve their life
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Is your way of constantly staying in touch to
keep the relationship alive
A Brief Overview of the Make Money With Twitter Process To Get You Started
Neilsen says Twitter is the fastest growing social network online, but in reality Twitter is a huge
online party of more than 10 million tweeters. It’s a place where people come to have fun, chat,
get to know each other and network. You can drop in here and join the conversation, just as
you’d at your neighborhood pub.
If you don’t have the time to crank out paragraph after paragraph of witty writing on a full blog,
you can dash off notes to all of your friends, business partners and customers on Twitter. The
thing that makes Twitter so appealing is not just its terseness but how easy it is use. By making it
easy, Twitter is making it fun.
Even better, Twitter offers a personal profile page for each user that’s like an online collage of
your Twitter activity. It creates this collage out of your Twitter friends and contacts, messages
you’ve sent and received links, a photo of you, a brief bio and favorites. People viewing your
profile can see this collage of your activity on Twitter and decide if they want to be your friend.
Task number one is attracting thousands of tweeple to follow you around. Remember, traffic is
money on the internet and Twitter is the fastest and cheapest way to get a lot of traffic. Over 25
high-end techniques are explained in this e-book and video course that will help you to get rabid
followers in a very short period of time.
Twitter is one huge
online party of more
than 10 million users.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
If Twitter is a party where you make casual friends, your blog is your home. It’s where you put
everything that shows your authority on a particular niche. If you meet someone on Twitter and
invite them over to your blog, there’s no better way to impress them than by showing your guest
your articles, videos and all the information that have made you an authority in the first place.
Your blog is where you turn casual visitors into lifelong fans.
Getting your Twitter followers to visit you blog can be tricky. That’s why we offer them an
ethical bribe in the form of a Free Report, just to grease the chute. The Free Report will be an
information packed document that will be pretty useful for your followers. (We have a detailed
write-up on how to create a Free Report in the coming chapters)
Your blog is your
home that proclaims
your authority
Your blog should be structured in a way to impress your new acquaintances and elevate your
‘expert’ status. It’s what sets you apart from others in your niche and give you the ‘guru’ halo.
By offering this slice of highly targeted information you are showing your followers what lies in
store for them when they become a member of your inner circle of friends - Your Membership
Your membership site is nothing but a close-knit club where you offer topnotch advice and
cutting edge information to your paid subscribers. (Don’t get worried about creating your
membership site or its high end content; we show you how to do that quite easily in the coming
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Your membership site
is a close-knit
mentoring club
The last leg of the whole system is your list. Remember the Free Report that you gave away to
your followers when they came to your blog. Just before you do that, you ask them to opt-in to
your email list, which is linked to your www.aweber.com autoresponder series. Whenever you
find an affiliate product that would be useful to your members, you simply write a nice letter
with your affiliate links inserted in it and shoot it off to your list. If it’s done properly, they
should be reading it, responding to it, buying your recommended products… and best of all you
should be getting your affiliate checks. When you develop a good list, you can expect a
substantial income from each letter that you send.
Affiliate marketing is
nothing but giving your
followers useful advice.
If you’re a newbie to internet marketing, most of this may sound confusing, but as you go
through this e-course, all the parts of this jigsaw puzzle will fall into place. For now, let’s recap
the whole process, once again:
You start the ‘Make Money With Twitter’ system by gaining thousands of friends on Twitter. By
offering a Free Report you attract your Twitter friends to your Blog which is an authority site. En
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
route to your blog, your followers are taken to a Squeeze Page where they have to opt-in with
their email address to download your free report.
The Free Report leads to your blog, where you offer lots of free information and a chance to join
your Membership Site. The power of the whole system is that you have the personal email of
every follower that lets you send autoresponder messages at regular intervals and convert your
twitter friends into life-long customers.
This in brief is the whole process that lets you make all the money that you require to pay off
your mortgage and even lead an easy life.
Where’s the money?
Dan Kennedy, the world’s most highly paid copywriter says: ‘The fastest way to attain your
goals is to help as many people gain what they want in the fastest time possible.’ Your aim is to
help people reach their goals and en route to that you are going to see your million dollar payday,
so don’t worry about that. To give you an idea of what kind of earnings you can expect, I am
going to layout in a conservative manner what your prospects are:
Key source of income is your membership site. If you use all the techniques laid out in
this e-course, you’ll have no trouble gaining up to 5000 followers in a two-month period.
By converting 10% to sign-up for your membership site for a monthly fee of 25$, you
can expect to earn $12,500 per month.
Your next source of income comes from the affiliate sales that you carry out over a
period of time. The email capture that you have set up on your blog will give you a nice
list which you can hook up to an autoresponder for sending constant messages. Most of
these messages will be solid advice but also carry your affiliate links. With affiliate
marketers getting up to 75% commissions on products that they sell, you won’t have a
problem gaining another $5000 per month. Which means, you are now looking at a total
of $17,500 per month.
This is nothing to sneeze at, especially as you have only started out and in reality you are doing
very little work. As you master the system and manage to replicate the process you could be
making far more than that. In fact, you’d be making much more than what is required to pay off
your mortgage and be living a comfortable life that you have always dreamed off.
What I’ve just given you is nothing new and may sound very simple. In fact it is. That’s why it
works like crazy. I have over 50 different profiles on Twitter (each representing a different
niche), and all of them send me free targeted traffic on auto-pilot. This makes Twitter one
powerful viral traffic machine for me that sends a steady stream of hungry prospects to my blogs,
membership sites and affiliate programs. The best part is, I don’t do much once I set up the
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
system. Some of my programs are running for over 3 months and the income steadily increases
without me doing anything much to it all.
This entire system is like opening a bank account and having the bank deposit incredible interest
for years. And after you’ve set up a single series of Twitter Account, Blog, Membership Site – in
one niche, you can create another one and another one, and so on. Simply imagine the empire
you’ve built in 2 or 3 years time. All of them bringing you a steady stream of income for years
and years.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Unless you have been living under a digital rock for the past year or so then you can't help but
notice the meteoric rise of Twitter. It is being talked about everywhere and its 14 million users
who visited the site 99 million times in March 2009, have made it the largest and most happening
social media site on line.
Twitter is a strange cross between an instant message and a blog. It’s almost like an online PostIt note that you can send to thousands of followers at once. The thing that makes Twitter so
appealing is how easy it is. You can write your Twitter notes from your computer using their
online form, your mobile phone or an instant message program. By making it easy, Twitter is
making it fun.
So what is Twitter?
Well the owners say:
"Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay
connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are
you doing?"
But Wikipedia gives us a clearer idea with its definition:
"Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send
and read other users' updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up
to 140 characters in length."
So it is essentially a micro-blog where you make mini-blog posts called tweets. Its popularity
stupefies most people, you either love it or you hate it, and most of the world still cannot
understand why anybody would want to know that you are 'having breakfast' or any of the
incredibly mundane things that people post.
It is just a window when you go in where all the messages pop up so you can see what you want
to read, and the length of them (140 characters) makes people get to the point quickly! If you use
it for business then you can quickly keep your finger on the pulse of what is going on in your
market, if it is for personal use then you can quickly chat with hundreds or thousands of
people across the globe at once - think of it like instant messaging on steroids!
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Even if you already have an account with Twitter, it’s a good idea to through these first steps as
its crucial for your success with Twitter.
User ame: The very first task is to create an interesting username for your account. Without
doubt it has to be related to your niche and your blog. If your niche is business coaching and
your blog is ww.DynamicBusinessCoach, your twitter name can be DynamicBusinessCoach,
DynamicBC, DBCoach and if that’s not available become creative and try DynamiCoach or
The key is to keep it simple and yet memorable. Your username is the first thing your prospect
sees and it has to be logically connected to your business. You need to keep is short and catch as
people have to type out your name if they want to say something to you (not
when replying, but if they just want to start a conversation) so making it hard to type is not
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
good! Plus you can only have up to 15 alphanumeric characters in your username as long as
there are no spaces in your name.
Then you'll be presented with a screen asking you if you want to check to see if your friends are
on Twitter using your email account contact lists:
Now that is up to you to decide, but it means giving Twitter access to your email account and
also maybe finding all sorts of people you'd forgotten were ever in your contacts! (you can skip
it if you want). As soon as you’ve created your account you will be greeted with the welcome
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Congratulations, you are now officially an active user on Twitter. Your “homepage” on Twitter
is now http://twitter.com/username, where the username is the value you created previously.
Video Introduction to Setting Up Your Account
Video and audio is a powerful way to learn quickly. If you need to watch a Youtube tutorial, here
is a good site to get some basic information. It is quite long but worthwhile watching:
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
What are the first things people check when they get to your page to see if they want to follow
you? Your profile information/picture, your background, and your messages.
So let’s head over once again to 'Settings' and click on the 'Picture' tab to upload a picture. It
doesn't have to be any specific dimensions, but it does have to be under 700k in size, so you
might need to resize your pictures to get them down to that. You can get lots of low cost images
from www.iStock.com or www.stockexpert.com
Note: If you are using a pseudonym in a niche then you are best off using just a
picture related to your niche as most of the stock photography sites have rules against you
using their images of people to appear as if you are the person in the photo.
Adding a good photo will get you clicks, people can see your picture every time you tweet as it
will show up in the public timeline alongside your message which will hopefully catch
someone's eye and get them to click.
The profile background
Everybody starts off with the same background, and if you want then you can choose
from about 11 other standard ones as well, but the real impact comes when you use a custom
If you are familiar with Adobe Photoshop or any photoediting software you can create a custom
profile background of 1024 x 768 pixels size at 72 dpi and turn it into the background image of
your profile. It is also a good idea to put your blog URL on the profile background, but don’t
forget to leave enough space for the Twitter canvas). A good example is Britney Spears or The
Barefoot Exec and even www.twitter.com/jasonvo
Basically you need to experiment with the design, or find a designer who can do you a custom
design if you are not comfortable doing it yourself (or visit BrandableTweets.com for some great
free ones!). After you have a file ready just go to Setting > Design > Change Background Image,
then a box will pop up further down the page where you brose for your picture, then click to save
your changes.
Your custom profile is ready!
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Here is a great free resource site if you have a brand new Twitter Profile but didn’t either have
the time or the know how to do it in Adobe Photoshop. Just go to
http://www.MyTweetSpace.com, and follow the instruction on the site to get a nice custom
background. The site even updates your profile from one location.
Another site to get a great Twitter background that your designer should have no trouble
tweaking for a perfect personalized design is http://www.twitterbacks.com/
Okay, I save the best for the last. Here are some killer backgrounds and most of the are free. Just
download them to your desktop and have fun: http://twitterbackgroundsgallery.com/
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Using twitter is a straightforward affair most of the time. Here are 3 different ways of posting on
Twitter that you need to know about:
1. First, there’s a regular post. When you type in a message to Twitter and hit “update” it
will be viewable by all the people who are following you.
2. The next type of post is a reply. When you type in a regular message, people may reply to
your post. You’ll see your user name with the symbol @ before it when someone replies
to your message. You can respond to other people the same way. You simply type @ and
then their user name directly after that. Replies are viewable by everyone who is
following you or the other person you are replying to.
3. Finally, there’s the direct message. If you want to send a private message to someone that
no one else can see, you can send a direct message. To do so, simply type the letters dm
with the person’s user name. You’ll receive messages from others on a special pages of
Twitter and be notified via e-mail when someone direct messages you.
Twitter messages are general updates to an entire group. You can also target a specific Twitter
user on your list by using the @symbol followed by their user name. By occasionally targeting
specific users with the @ symbol, you’re displaying to the other Twitter users that follow you
that you are a real person having a conversation with a real friend. The other icon you'll get when
you hover over a tweet is a star, that will save the tweet into your favourites so you can find it
again - great for keeping good links people give out!
The hash symbol is this one # and that allows people to find groups of associated messages. So
say, there is a seminar going on in LA on marketing, someone can allocate a hashtag to that
seminar, like #NYseminar and then when people speak about it they use that in their tweet at
least once.
Now when that shows up in as a message people can click the hashtag and get all the latest
messages with that in it - it helps you keep on top of that topic/event. To make a new tag then go
to www.hashtags.org to check if the one you want is available - if it is, then follow @hashtags
and send them a tweet with your hashtag in to grab it.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Here’s a step by step procedure of what you need to do on day 1.
Step1: Got to http://thetwittertoolbar.com/ and download a free toolbar for your firefox browser.
Restart firefox after the installation and you should see something like this:
This new toolbar lets you visit Twitter with one click, update your Twitter status directly with
Twoxit, search Google, Twitter Search, Twellow, Twictionary & more, optimize your Twitter
experience, research the world of Twitter. In short, it put the power of Twitter on your desktop.
Log into all the sites listed on the toolbar, as they are the most effective in getting your profile
noticed in the world of Twitter.
Step 2: Got to http://twitr.org/ and add your profile to directory. While you are in this Twitter
directory, follow the top tweeple in each category.
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Step 3: Head towards http://wefollow.com/ and add yourself to the wefollow site. Follow the
toppers on this user powered twitter directory.
Step 4: Next stop is http://tweetworks.com/ Register your profile on this site and start joining all
the groups that interest you. Limit your activity to a couple of groups per day as you don’t want
to be seen as a spammer. Twitter monitors your account in the beginning and it is best to act like
a casual Twitterer in the beginning to stop getting red-flagged.
Step 5: www.Tweetlater.com is a powerful tool and one of our major tools that we will
extensively use in the coming pages, so you might as well head over and register yourself now.
Step 6: Next is www.grouptweet.com. This is where you register the group that you had created
on Twitter. (Don’t worry of your group doesn’t have any members yet, people sign up quickly
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for groups on Twitter. Just make it interesting enough for everyone to join.) Once people start
signing up for your group, you can use grouptweet to broadcast your message to the entire group
at once.
Step 7: Log on to www.Justtweetit.com/tweeter-directory/ and choose a group in your niche.
Add your name to the chosen directory and you should start getting visibility in your niche quite
Step 8: We move to www.Twitterleague.com and sign up with our account name to create a
league or several leagues. Again you need to be consistent with your niche when creating a
league here.
Step 9: Let’s hop over to www.twittertango.com, the savvy tweeple network and get a presence
in this high activity community.
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Step 10: http://crowdstatus.com is another cool site that you need to have a presence in.
Crowdstatus is made up of crowds, each crowd contains people and each person in the crowd has
a status. This means that you can see what everyones current status is in a crowd.
Step 11: http://twittermass.com is a brand new site that lets you follow tweeple automatically.
All you need to do is put in your keywords and set the Time to ‘Never Expires’ and the system
will go out and find friends for you.
Step 12: http://tweetdeck. This is the last application that we download for day one. It’s a cool
way to tweet and send direct message without actually loggig in to Twitter. It brings the power
of Twitter right on to your desktop.
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A beautiful desktop application that can sit on your screen and sort through all the tweets.
coming into your account for you. It can separate out your replies & direct messages into
different columns on the same screen so you don't have to hunt for them, but more
importantly then it can sort your main tweet messages by topic and/or by groups of your
So say you have a specific group of people you are corresponding with about a project etc, then
you can set them up as a group with their own column, and when a message comes in from
them it goes straight into that column so you can read it! Think of it as a tweet filtering system
so you can make sure you keep up with important (or just fun!) stuff.
Download Tweet Deck at http://www.tweetdeck.com/beta/
That’s it for the first day. Don’t do more than that. Remember, we don’t plan to dominate
Twitter in a day and nor do we want to raise the red flag. So let’s tread carefully and move
with caution.
You want to set aside 30 minutes in the evening and 30 minutes in the morning to reply to
people who have sent you messages/replied to your tweets and also to reply to other people's
tweets, not forgetting a fresh tweet of your own of course!.
There is a balance between being active - so you get more followers and build a relationship
with your current followers - and wasting time. You have to limit your activity so it does not eat
up more time than is necessary as I know how easy it is to get sucked into conversations and
rants about things which then kills an hour or so of valuable work time!
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STEP 13: Log on to http://twittown.com/ You can find the latest hot topics as they happen iin
Twitter town. Simply make a posting based on one of the hot topics to get the twitter juices
flowing into your account.
STEP 14: Go to www.tweetmeme.com and retweet some of the hot topics that you find there.
Again the objective is to get into the Twitter mainstream and gain attention.
STEP 15: Next we move to www.tweeterforum.com and register. Take part in the conversations
and follow some of the top users.
STEP 16: Let’s move on to www.retweetlist.com and find out what the hottest retweets are.
Retweet as you know is a tweet that is being forwarded and is a good sign of rising interest in a
topic. Retweet some of the most popular ones here.
STEP 17: As you need a short url for all your retweet, head to www.twitpwr.com and get a short
url. While you are on the site, watch the hot url lists and the twepple. Follow some of the leaders
and retweet some of the action.
STEP 18: The last step on day two is raking the RSS feeds of your Twitter page and going over
to www.pingomatic.com and www.autopinger.com and pinging your feeds to the tons of social
bookmarking sites out there.
STEP 19: Log on to a site called http;//.hellotxt.com. Sign up and enter your twitter and
facebook accounts. Now simply by posting at hellotxt, you can post to twitter, facebooks and
several other web 2.0 sites at the same time. It’s a cool way to save a ton of time that it takes to
log into several accounts.
STEP 20: www.Twuffer.com To schedule future tweets! So you can put in all your tweets for
the next few days if you are going to be out a lot, then just logon at the end of the day to reply to
people so you don't look antisocial!
STEP 21: Log on to www.Ping.fm, where you can post simultaneously to the following sites:
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GTalk Status
Plaxo Pulse
Yahoo 360
You are
STEP 22: http://tweetscan.com In the innovative world of Microblogging, one site aims to
organize it all. Tweet Scan searches Twitter, identi.ca and other Laconica-based sites with more
being added all the time. You can search public messages and user profiles with results
available via email, RSS, and JSON.
Benefits of using Tweet Scan:
Get updates via email, rss, or use its Click button
Use it to find lost or multi-user replies.
Scan up to five phrases for daily or weekly delivery
No ads (in emails) or spam.
Turn it off at any time.
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STEP 23: http://allyourtweet.com/ This a cool new site that does a lot on your behalf. For
starters, you can log in and see the new trends that are shaping up on Twitter. If you see a topic
like ‘Pontiac’ happening, make it a point to tweet something interesting on ‘Pontiac’ to get the
Twitter juice flowing through your account.
Besides trends, the site does Analytics and keeps track of the growth of your accounts. The site
will track your followers, friends, favorites, and status update counts. Its dashboard gives you a
full view of your tweets, your friends tweets, replies, and basic analytics on your top five
accounts. The site even tracks urls and all your twitter accounts under one umbrella. The site will
also integrate all your accounts into a themed twitter client.
STEP 24: http://alexking.org/projects/wordpress This funky plugin allows you to pull tweets
into your blog as micro-posts and also post tweets straight to Twitter from your blog posts!
STEP 25: http://allyourtweet.com This is an integrated site that brings together several great
functions in one site. You can spot twitter trends, perform analytics, conduct URL tracking and
even manage multiple accounts from one place.
That’s it. In three days, we accomplished more than what 90% Twitter User would in three
months. We have put our footprint on Twitter and because we took it nice and easy we are going
to be unnoticed by the Anti-spam gang at Twitter. Sometimes, you feel like a spy who has
infiltrated an enemy camp when you work like this with a masterplan. It’s okay. We are here not
to harm anyone, but just get a lot of attention.
And attention - as you know - in this inattentive world is Money!
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With Twitter, you can easily search for other users and then request to follow their updates. Once
someone approves you to follow them, most of the time they will choose to follow you as well.
You can build your followers list by searching for keywords on the Twitter site that relates to
your blog. An example would be ‘building toy trains’ for a toy train hobby niche that you’ve set
up. This way you can build up a list of targeted followers that are interested in your toy train
topic. When you start posting updates on Twitter about your blog, you’ll automatically get more
targeted traffic.
When you first join, you’ll most likely get follow requests as well from other users who are using
the search tools. You can choose to follow these people if they seem like they could be potential
traffic for your blog. Make sure that your follow list doesn’t get too crowded if you want to keep
it targeted to a specific niche.
Building up a hoard of followers is actually easier than you'd think, you then need to make sure
you treat them right to make them loyal, which we'll talk about later.
Now Twitter is a viral system - as you get more followers then you have more chance of getting
their followers to follow you as if they reply to you on something then that shows up in their
message area for people to see when they are on his/her page.
Plus people love to follow the crowd and once you have a big following people will
automatically think you are an important person in your niche so they had better follow you ;)
Laying the foundation
To get the ball rolling, I first I recommend you make 5 tweets, make them about anything, say
hi and introduce yourself, then talk about your day or something, then maybe throw in a couple
of cool YouTube videos for people to watch.
At this point just make them a bit interesting and they are just fodder to make sure people think
you are really posting and not just some spam robot signing up followers, make the posts over
about two days as well.
You should already have all your profile and design setup, but if you haven't done that by now
then you need to be sure it is done before moving on.
Then go to 'Find people' at the top and 'Suggested users' - there you will find about 20+ users
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you can follow straight away, and hopefully some of them will automatically follow you back.
Once you've followed some of those people then reply to a couple of posts from them, now you
have a page with your posts, the replies you made, you are following people and should have
some followers yourself - you are now an active part of the community and can go forth and get
more followers!
As with everything on the internet, then spammers are starting to abuse Twitter with automated
systems to follow huge amount of people and try to spam the heck out of them, so Twitter is
vigilant for people following a lot of others in a short space of time.
Now we're not spammers and we actually provide value to our followers, but you still need to
take things easy, maybe only follow 200 people a day… maybe less? The rules are changing all
the time, but I know that you can't follow more than 2000 people total unless you have 2000
following you.
Don't go crazy and get yourself banned!
People you know
If you have any friends you think may be on Twitter, or clients etc - then use the 'Find people'
function and you can search by name, username, email address etc to find people and start to
follow them.
Keyword hunting
Getting followers is good, but they have to be targeted to the niche you are trying to market in.
There is no point having a huge following of people who have no interest in the main topic you
talk about!
So if you go to 'search' at the bottom of the screen, then you can search for a keyword related
to your niche and it will bring up all the tweets with that keyword in. That is a goldmine of
people to follow! They are talking about the topic you want them to be interested in, so as long
as it is not a negative tweet about the niche then start following these people! They might not all
follow you back, but then you can use the next technique to try and get them to follow you.
If you reply to someone's tweet then you show up in their 'replies' inbox if they are not
following you. So this can be used to try and get people who you are following but they are not
following you back, to follow you. If you spot a tweet from them you think you can make a
friendly and intelligent reply to, maybe help them out with something they are asking etc, then
you might make a friend and get a follower!
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The more powerful version of this is if someone who you contact replies back to you. Your reply
to them will not show up in their message area when one of their followers views it, it just goes
to them. But all the replies you send to people show up in YOUR message area.
What does that mean?
It means if you can get someone with lots of followers to reply to you then your name becomes
a nice clickable link in their message area and all their followers get to see it, along with the fact
that the person they are following seems to like you… which hopefully will get people clicking
and checking out your profile and following you!
Try replying to their tweet, and asking a question of them, who can resist replying to a good
Extending your reach
Depending on your social presence, you’re likely to have networks of friends and contacts across
a variety of social sites. That’s where sites like Ping.fm and HelloTxt come into the picture.
Whether you’re updating your status from the web, via SMS, email, or a third-party application,
these services can help you spread your updates with zero effort. Of course, definitely show
some restraint in this department and create special commands in Ping.fm to ensure that you’re
not double posting messages on the same site.
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A bonus feature for tweeple looking to leverage status updates to syndicate their new posts is
Ping.fm’s brand new integration with Notify.me, the alerts friendly site. Now you can use
Notify.me to input your feed URLs (a là Twitterfeed), add include and exclude features, and then
use Ping.fm to automatically spit out, in almost real-time, your feed as a status update to selected
networks. It’s pretty nifty in practice.
How to increase visibility
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Part of being able to extend the network effect of your status update is having the right desktop
client for broadcasting updates as well as keeping a lookout on relevant updates from other users.
Though we believe the perfect desktop client is unique to each user, we highly recommend the
new Seesmic Desktop for managing multiple accounts and tracking custom search results.
TweetDeck which is now more stable, is better if updating and viewing Facebook and 12seconds
status messages and videos are also priorities.
Nambu and EventBox are also getting a lot of well deserved love from the Mac community, and
are worth a nice long look for managing, updating, and tracking multiple social accounts on your
Business users, or people with shared Twitter accounts, should turn to CoTweet for web-based
Twitter CRM. The application is hands down the most efficient way to make your company’s
multi-user Twitter status updates work for you. Since you can assign follow-up actions to users
of a shared account, view a host of Twitter stats on users, create and save custom searches, and
add notes to follow up on tasks and Twitter users, it’s the key to staying sane when status
updates have a professional focus.
Find the influencers:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It’s easy to find out who the popular and influential
people are on Twitter - they’re giving keynotes at events, they’re at the top of the TwitterGrader
and Twitterholic and other lists, and mainly, people talk about them. Self-styled geek blogger
Robert Scoble is an influencer – the “Scoble Effect” can literally crash new startup websites with
a rush of traffic. Learn who influencers are, what they do, and why people revere them. Imitate
some of their behaviors when relevant, while still being yourself. Do… Find out who some of the
big players are
Twitter is not a popularity contest and it’s your choice on whether or not to follow these “top
tweeps,” but they do tend to share a lot of great information.
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Search for people to follow
It’s completely normal in Twitter culture to “follow” people you’ve never met. In fact, it’s
encouraged. Begin by looking for people with common interests, hobbies or professions. I also
like to follow people who are experts in areas I know nothing about.
A few tools to get you started:
• Twitter search - This is the only search function actually hosted by Twitter. It’s extremely easy
to use and offers comprehensive results.
• Twellow - An application similar to Twitter search except that you can search by categories
(which makes results more targeted).
• TwitDir - I like TwitDir because it offers a search function and breaks Twitter users into
categories like the top 100 people followed and top 100 updaters.
Learn the lingo.
As with any new network there is a learning curve. Twitter has a quirky lingo all its own. But
don’t let that hold you back from interacting. If you don’t understand something, ask someone.
That’s how I learned!
A few of the essentials:
• DM = Direct Message
• @ = Use to reply and always include proceeding a Twitter ID in a reply
• RT = Retweet
• Tweet = Sending a message on Twitter
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• Tw + any other word. A fun practice on Twitter is to develop a new twist on old words. For
example, Tworld = Twitter world, and Tweeples = Those who use Twitter. You get the picture.
It’s an evolving list. Who knows, you might even invent the next “tword.” You can also check
out basic Twitter commands.
Know who “@” replies to you
It may not seem overwhelming at first, but soon after you gain friends on Twitter, conversations
tend to move quickly. How will you keep up with it? My personal favorite is Tweetdeck
(however it can slow down the functionality of your PC), I recommend a combination of the
• Twitter search - If you use Twitter search, also subscribe to the RSS feed. I set up two searches,
one with the “@” in front of my Twitter ID and one without. You will get different results for
each query.
• Tweetscan - I use Tweetscan as my quality check to see if I’ve missed any replies. You can
also see a trends search cloud before you type in your search query.
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• Google Alerts - Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (Web,
news, blogs, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.
Add your Twitter ID to all of your signatures
Pimp out your Twitter name (and not just on Twitter). As social networks like Twitter begin to
go main stream, you’ll want to be able to connect with new users.
A few opportunities to pimp out your Twitter ID:
Add under your name when you comment on a blog
If you friend someone on another social network, add a personal message which includes
your ID
Include a “follow me on Twitter” signature on all of your email accounts or for your
social media email signature
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A fantastic site and tool for doing research is a search site called http://www.summize.com
where you can enter a few keywords in your niche or an expert from your niche and find the
latest happenings. You can also follow people in any niche and see how they are using Twitter,
connect with them by replying and starting a conversation or adding to something interesting.
Summize will quickly help you locate any likeminded marketers and then you can easily see who
they are following and who is also following them.
You need to figure out what makes you special and unique in your niche and then extend these
differences between you and others in your Twitter posts. As mentioned before, connecting with
your followers is key. When you blog, you’re speaking to your readership from a distance. You
write your post, edit it and the post it. During all of these activities, you’re removed from your
audience. But when you use Twitter to communicate, it becomes a conversation. You can show
more of your personality to your followers and truly communicate with them on a different level.
This can get them more interested in you and your blog, which will build more traffic over time.
A big mistake newbies make on Twitter is posting too much about themselves. You need to ask
questions and engage your followers, just as you do with your wordpress blog. And be sure to
get your readers from you blog to follow your Twitter feeds. All you need to do is setup an
account at www.TwitterFeed.com and pop in your blog’s feed URL, and enter your Twitter info.
Now you can post a new tweet automatically containing the title of your blog posts along with a
link from Twitter to your most recent blog entry.
Note: One of the best blogging platforms to use is Wordpress but this can be done with just about
any blog that allows customization. Here is the link to one of the top wordpress widget plugins to
add tweets to your blog: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitter-widget/
If you are an article marketer, here is a great way to set up your Ezine Articls account to
automatically post your newly approved articles to your Twitter profile. Log on to
http://twitter.ezinearticles.com. It is a good idea to upload your author photo and bio to your
Twitter account in order to build more credibility for your profile.
Another great way to get targeted followers is to get people who come to your website or blog
to add you to Twitter. The best way is to ask them in a post (or every post, use it as a p.s. under
your name!) or you can find various 'Follow me' icons round the net that you can link straight up
to your profile so people can click through and see if they want to follow you.
You could also put up a Twitter Counter - which resembles a feedburner counter and shows
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
how any followers you have! That then goes through to your profile when people click it. It is
probably best to wait until you have 500+ followers before you add that in though as people
tend to follow others that seem popular.
Getting Targeted Followers
One of the easiest ways to get targeted traffic is by following people in your niche who are the
'celebrities' of your niche, the big companies or names. If they really are at the top of your niche
then you can bet that they are on Twitter, and you can bet they have put some effort into getting
followers too!
Now they won't all be targeted to that person, but most will - and if they like what this person
has to say then they must be interested in your niche - so go and follow them!
You can click on the number of followers someone has and it will bring up a list of all their
followers, then you can go through and start following away! Remember what I said about not
appearing like a spambot through, only do so many at a time and try to keep the follow
requests spread out at least slightly so you don't follow a person every 2 seconds like a
spambot would!
Another great thing to do is go and visit a shop, there are loads of shops on Twitter that use it
to announce offers etc - if someone is following a shop on Twitter, and that shop caters to your
niche… then they are ultra targeted!
This technique applies to anyone in a niche who has lots of followers - so you can just do
keyword searches too and when you stumble across someone with a lot of followers then you
have hit a goldmine!
Give Away Stuff
Do you have a new product or something else you can give away some copies of for free? Then
run a contest! Announce it to your followers a few days before it happens, which also gets put
into the public timeline so hopefully you'll gain the attention of new people - who will then
follow you.
Post about it a few times a day - you know, 'Been working hard on the contest page - check it
out here' and 'I have just added some more cool prizes to the contest!'. Build up anticipation
and you stand more chance of snagging people from the public timeline as they want to be a
part of it.
Then on the contest day/week etc use questions or tasks for people to choose a winner, like the
first person to answer a question correctly, or the first person to tell you who is wearing a green
t-shirt on a certain website, anything like that.
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Hopefully you'll stir up some buzz! You'll have all sorts of people replying to you which will
increase your chance of their followers checking you out, and hopefully there will be a glut of
responses into the public area which will have you username against them, that should grab
people's attention!
Get suggestions
When you go to 'Find people' then you can get some basic suggestions of who to follow there but lets face it, they are just pushing the most popular people on you, people who'll never
actually read your tweets! If you use the sites below then you can get more useful suggestions:
Twubble - looks at your current followers and suggests other people you may want to follow
who have similar friends/interests as you.
Twitter Grader - grades everyone and if you follow @grader then you can get friend suggestions
based on your posts and followers.
Mr Tweet - again suggests people to follow
Sort through a directory
That's right, sites have been popping up all over the web giving you different features to help
with the twitterverse, and the following site:
Twellow have actually started to allocate profiles to categories in a big directory! It is usually
done by the content of your bio box, but they also take manual submissions too.
Twellow also allows you to search through people's bios on Twitter, which Twitter themselves
don't give you the ability to do!
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To create an email list really fast, you don’t need to spend hours following every Joe on Twitter
hoping they’d follow you back. All you need is:
An account with Twitter
An account with www.tweetlater.com
A free give-away, like a report or article (we teach you that in chapter 10)
An email account which lets you forward emails from Twitter automatically.
STEP 1: The first step is to go to your Twitter Account and after logging in, go to ‘Settings’ and
click on the ‘Notices’ tab. Here is what you’ll be seeing:
Make sure to click the check box beside ‘New Follower Emails’ and keep it on, so that you’ll receive
emails whenever someone starts following you on twitter. (It’s a good idea to have a dedicated email for
your twitter account)
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STEP 2: Click on the ‘Account’ tab and go to the text box where you can add your ‘One Line Bio’. You
only have 160 characters here to craft an attractive hook that mentions the free give away you’re offering
people who’ll follow you on Twitter.
For instance you can write: “Want Twitter to Pay your Mortage? Follow me to Download FREE
REPORT on Amazing Twitter Earnings.”
It is always a good idea to give away a FREE report that is related to the niche that you are operating in.
Don’t worry about creating the FREE report, it’s quite easy and we have dedicated an entire chapter to
show you how to create free reports quickly and easily.
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STEP 3: The third step in our process is to go to http://TweetLater.com, and register and account if you
don’t have one. Log in and fill in the ‘Add a New Account’ form. You should be seeing this:
Now check the ‘Auto Welcome’ Box. Under the ‘Message Sending Method’, select “Send private
direct message” from the drop down menu.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
In the ‘Send This Message’, type in the note that you would like your new Twitter followers to receive
via Direct Message. When someone follows you they are automatically going to receive this message, and
it can be something like this:
“Thanks for coming. Get yr FREE report from http://LetTwitterPayYourMortgage.com”
The links goes to a squeeze page where you can download the free report. As you can see we collect the
email address of the prospect before letting them download the report. It is always a good idea to collect
the optin, because you can use the address to build up a relationship and also send them updates about
your blog or the new affiliate products/services that you are offering.
Before you move on, don’t forget to add your ’Twitter Email Address’ in the TweetLater email settings.
TweetLater needs to verify your Twitter Account before setting up your TweetLater Account.
STEP 4: This is the last step in the sequence. Remember, the email address that you had used to activate
your Twitter Account. Now you need to go there and set up a filter or rule in your email account to ‘autoforward’ all your new follower notification emails from Twitter to the following email address:
Although the process to set up your filter or rule will vary depending upon whether you use a desktop
email client or a web based service like Gmail or Yahoo email, you just need to set up your email for both
these conditions:
1. An email from noreply@twitter.com and
2. Where the subject contains “is now following you on Twitter”.
That’s it. Now everything is set up to automatically lead your followers to where you want them to go. It
can be a squeeze page where they can download your free report or it can be your blog where you can
convince them over a period of time to join your member ship site.
By talking directly to your followers you have set yourself apart from 99% of Twitter users who are
simply wasting their time on Twitter trying to get prospects. The beauty of the whole system is that you
do very little all the time and yet you are very much in your prospect’s mind all the time.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Cool trick to Getting Friends automatically:
Having trouble adding friends to your Twitter account one by one? Why wait months and
months to build a following. There is a tool that can get you at least 2000 followers in a single
month instead of the typical 300 to 500 like more people are doing.
You can use this powerful toll while others stuggle to get followers and it can get you a massive
rabid following on Twitter in hours. One major aspect that will separate the smart marketers
from the also-rans are the tools and resources that they use to automate things and save time.
You need to figure out what your time is worth and how to do things in the most proficient way.
A cool way to get lots of friends in a hurry is to install the Friend Adder plugin to your firefox
browser. The plugin can be downloaded from: http://download.cnet.com/TwitterFriendAdder/3000-2650_4-10878011.html. Once the plugin has been downloaded and installed
on your firefox browser, you will notice in the bottom right hand corner of your browser a
symbol stating "twitter grab", this indicates that the plugin has been succesfully installed.
You will then need to login to your account find people on Twitter who are in your niche and
have a lot of followers. When you have found Mr right or Ms Right, simply right click on their
profile and you will see an option stating "Grab this Users Friends". Hit that button and the
plugin will start working for you.
Twitter is great for marketing and getting the word out, but Twitter is starting to notice accounts
with too much friend adding activity and is either suspending or deleting them all together. This
is why you need to limit your activity to adding only 100 people to follow per day.
Mr. Tweet
Mr Tweet is a great resource when you get lots of followers and you are trying to figure out who
to follow. Mr. Tweet can help you easily build meaningful relationships on Twitter by looking
through your network and tweets. It’s basically like having a personal Twitter assistant. Look up
at www.mrtweet.com
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How to get Retweeted
Retweeting is the process of forwarding someone else’s tweet to your followers on Twitter.
Whenever someone retweets your tweet, they are expressing confidence that what you’ve
tweeted is interesting and good. Thus, the best measure of someone’s quality as a Twitter user is
not the number of followers but the amount of retweets.
Be sure to tweet in a manner that your followers are forced to retweet and give your message a
viral effect across the network.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
The KEY income generation process that we are going to use is how to lead followers from
Twitter to your Blog and from there on to your Membership fold, followed by Affiliate Sales.
But before you do that, I want to teach you a couple of ways to make money from twitter itself.
Here is one cool trick:
How to make easy residual income with Twitter
By now you know that Twitter is a great networking tool, but one downside is that tweets are
limited to only 140 characters. This is really bad news when you have a long URL in your tweet.
Long URLs can use up half your tweet space or more. Most people use a URL-shortening
service such as http://tinyurl.com to overcome this handicap, but now there is a way to shorten
the URL and make money. It’s called http://www.adjix.com
When you use Adjix to shorten a URL, the person who clicks on the shortened version seeds ads
while waiting for the site to load, and you get paid for it. It is a common way for free services to
make money from their service.
You get paid $0.10 for each 1000 unique link views and $0.20 for each valid, unique click
through. (The money isn’t great but it could start to look pretty attractive to someone with a large
list of followers or a responsive group of followers.) All you need to do is create an account at
adjix with your email address, first and last name and a password. Signing up is free and can be
done in about 5 minutes.
Testing Markets Using Twitter
Using Twitter is like having your finger on the pulse of the market at all times!
First you'll get everyone's problems come through in real time in your niche, anybody who is
having trouble with anything, like in the dog niche - if someone is having trouble housetraining
their dog, then you'll know about it! You'll get to see what people are trying, what is working,
what isn't, what they need, all from just watching what they post on a day to day basis!
Then there is the fact you have little mini-scouts out in the market for you, if there is some kind
of new website or product out that is causing a stir then you can bet the people on Twitter will
talk about it!
Or you could take the direct approach and ask for feedback on things, like just ask casually, 'Hey
I am compiling a list of the top problems people have looking after their dogs - what would your
top 3 be?' Then I'd probably give my top 3 (giving back!) in a separate tweet as you need more
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
room. That should spark some lively debate and it makes you look interesting, active and
When you get the results in you can give out the link to the page on your site with them on and
people will be interested in the results, especially if they gave you their top 3. Then you can put
a link on that page to some sort of dog product special offer ;)
You can even ask for feedback on a product - build up the anticipation of the product with
people (discussed in next section) and then as you are getting near completion, ask for some
volunteers who are willing to give you feedback and a testimonial in return for a free copy of
the product. People will love getting something for free, and you get valuable feedback and
testimonials ready to launch.
You can also get ideas for blog posts - if you are struggling one day to think of something to
write about, just go to Twitter, have a look at what people are talking about, and you are bound
to find something you can write a post about!
Indirect marketing
Onto some ninja marketing techniques here to get people to your site, so first of all - why are
you using Twitter? It's to make more money and get valuable online real estate right?
So first of all, what image do you want to portray? You need to think of that before you even
start putting in your first tweets, then your whole page, and all the tweets you make should be
based around that image.
Think about it, if you are trying to conquer the weight loss niche, then you need to be
motivational, you need to be positive and encouraging, and you profile had better not have you
looking like you need to lose weight unless you are an affiliate for weight loss products and
people know that you are trying to lose weight and you are documenting your journey on
If you have a product about weight loss then you need to be an ambassador for eating healthy
and living healthy, be helpful and knowledgeable on the topic. That is the kind of person that
people would respond to.
In some niches you need to be professional, like business to business, but in some you can be
more outrageous like the skateboard niche, in fact if you were too professional in the
skateboard niche it would probably hurt your sales and image.
So you need to decide what kind of image you want to portray, then stick to it - always think
before you tweet, 'Does this match my image?'. There is no point having a healthy image in the
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
weight loss niche then posting about how you just ate pizza followed by ice cream all week,
sure you could cover it up and turn it to your advantage by saying you were having a bad week
and does anybody else get them etc, but these are the things you need to think about!
If you are in the dog niche then maybe avoid posting about how you hate your partner's dog as
it is ugly, keeps drooling on you and jumping up you!
Remember mistakes go out to a whole lot of people so if it doesn't go with your image then
don't post. But remember to do things that bolster your image so you can post about them,
maybe go for a run so you can post about it, get your dog groomed etc, things to do with your
niche that will make you look good.
Then think about the content that you want to provide, you should be providing good content
at least a few times a week, try to mix in these four things:
1. Replies to people
2. Personal tweets about you and your life
3. Tweets directing people to good content on your site (which you have offers embedded
in or near!)
4. Good solid content on other people's sites (even YouTube etc)
In equal measure, so you look helpful with number 4, but people get to know you and connect
with you via 1 & 2, and you get payment via number 3!
Subconsciously you want to build up the image of being a trusted advisor, so don't push people
to buy things, use the following techniques to let them decide for themselves that they need
the products you promote, that way they don't feel they are being sold to and don't try to
Getting Affiliate Sales Directly from Twitter
Twitter is about sharing and interacting, you can't simply log on and send a tweet to
someone straight with an affiliate link, so how do you do it? With some sort of story…
People love stories, and posting a tweet about a story you have to tell people, or interesting
facts etc, will hopefully get them to click through, and don't forget these are not cold prospects,
these are people who know and hopefully trust you, so they are more likely to trust your
So you can see this in action if you are on the list of any of the big names in internet marketing,
they post with a story about their day or even just to talk about a product, the email from them
is just a teaser, then you go to their website.
Then on their website you'll find an interesting story, then a link to a product, or a video and a
link to a product etc.
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It could even be a straight presell, tell people about how you bought this new toy for your dog
and how your dog loves it so much they've even been carrying it out on their walks with them put in a photo of your dog with the toy, then casually mention that if they want one they can
get one by 'clicking here' which is of course your affiliate link.
Nobody can accuse you of being spammy, you are providing value, building rapport and
instilling trust by showing you own the product and your dog likes it, you appear as a friend
who is helping them out by pointing them to cool stuff!
Isn't that hundred times better than a straight tweet saying, 'Hey I found this cool toy you can
buy, get it here [link]' - which provides no value, builds no connection and doesn't make me want
to buy at all!
The same works with videos, you can take a video off YouTube and embed it into your page,
then put a link below it to a product related to it.
For stories then you just need to have something you can connect to a product, and tell it in a
story. For instance say you trained you dog using clicker training, now I am not in the dog niche
so I don't even know if that works, but I have heard the term before! So you have successfully
trained your dog using that technique, and you want to get people through your affiliate link to
a product on clicker training…
You could put a tweet up saying something like, 'You'll never guess what happened to me at the
supermarket today - get the full story here [link]'. Then link through to the story about how you
were outside the supermarket and someone had tied their dog up and he jumped up on a guy
just coming out who dropped his groceries all over the floor and the owner ending up paying
for them all after some heated words. Then you can talk about how your dog used to do things
like that but you are so glad you used clicker training to train him/her not to do it so you can
avoid situations like that one, then let them know if they want to find out more about clicker
training then they can visit this site - [link].
Again you look like you are just talking about your day, but in reality you are subconsciously
saying 'if you dog doesn't behave then look at all the trouble he could get you into, I cured the
problem with clicker training and think you should try it'.
That is why this is subconscious marketing, you are letting them subconsciously draw their own
conclusions from the story that the training works and that they need it. You are not saying you
think they should buy it, as that would make them turn off as they think you are trying to sell
them something, you are just recommending a site for further information…
You can also do mp3's or videos of your own, this creates an even greater bond between you
and your followers as they have seen your face and/or heard your voice. Say you have a
product on homemade dogfood recipes - then video yourself making one of the recipes quickly
and your dog enjoying it.
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What does that say subconsciously? That they are easy to make, as they've seen you doing it,
and that their dog will love them, as they saw your dog loving them! Then hit them up with a
link at the end to a product so they can do the same for their dog ;)
Subtle Tweets
Although on Twitter you don't have to worry about open rates as all your tweets can be seen
straight away, then with only 140 characters if you want them to click through you link then it is
almost like an email subject line or the headline of a salespage, you have to get their attention
and arouse their curiosity in order to get that click!
So what you can do is learn a few copywriting skills, in particular about writing headlines, so
that your tweets have the maximum impact possible and get the most clicks.
Sneaky Product Promotion
Let's say you are creating an infoproduct that you intend to sell to people in your niche, and you
also want to try and sell some copies through Twitter, what can you do to increase your sales
and not alienate your followers?
First, get them involved in the process and talk about the process. The primary question on
Twitter is 'What are you doing?' - so if you are working late on your project then you are
allowed to say so!
You could just say something like, 'Working late on a very cool report I'm writing, have to get
some shuteye now though as I'm falling asleep at the keyboard'. It is personal but peaks their
curiosity too and introduces them to the fact you are writing a report.
Then a few days later you can get them involved subtly, so say, 'Hi guys, I am writing a report on
clicker training and I need some good ideas for a title - can anyone help me out and suggest
one?'. Make sure you interact with people when they respond and get some ideas flowing.
Announce the final title some days later, and say when it will be finished… maybe ask for that
feedback and those testimonials about now (getting people involved again).
Then say thank you for the great feedback you've had and you are working hard now to get it
all updated (subconsciously saying it has now had public approval as the people looked at it and
suggested how it could be improved, so the final copy will be even better).
Later thank people for the great testimonials and maybe try to talk about one of the people
who used it who is getting great results (go out and get as many testimonials as you can so you
can guarantee that one of them will give you the great results you need for this) subconsciously saying that people are getting good results so they can too if they buy your
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Then on launch day maybe link to a story about how this all started, give a catchy tweet that
leads people to your blog/website, where you tell them the story about how you decided to
create the product, and all the stuff you've had to endure along the way, then offer them a
Twitter special price so they feel valued - then ask for the sale, or ask them to go to your main
That should give you a good understanding of how to give value (content/entertainment) and
get it yourself (money) without being blacklisted, in fact probably building a better rapport with
your followers than those people who just sit there chatting all day on Twitter - but remember
to give value!
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What we have seen till now is tame compared to what’s going to happen next. Till now we’ve
been acting casual and laying a quiet foundation from where we have to take off and captivate
our audience. Once the foundation is set we move to an aggressive mode of action that is
guaranteed to bring us followers and prospective customers. To do that, we need to move beyond
Twitter. We need to foray into PR and Video.
Cheat Sheet to Creating PR That Brings The World To Your Portal
There are millions and millions of press releases being ejaculated into the net everyday, what
makes you think your PR can stand out. For one, it has to be different. It has to be interesting.
And it has to have news value. Trust me, all this is easier to get than you have ever imagined. In
the next few lines you’re going to learn what you probably won’t learn from an entire book that
is devoted to PR. Let’s stick with the information product example that we discussed above and
challenge ourselves to create a PR piece that gets read all across the web.
‘Brand ew Information Product for Home Business Owners’
‘3 Reason Why Most Home Businesses Will Fail’
If you read both these headlines in an online magazine, and you are a home based entrepreneur,
which one are you going to click. Of course the second one, because you want to know the risks
involved. Because you saw the numbers. Because negative news gets read more than positive
news. Because there is a curiosity factory that has to be appeased. This in short is the easy way to
create a killer headline and an interesting press release.
Everyone loves to hear stories, especially if it about the underdog that goes on to defeat the large,
bloated establishment. Scratch beneath the surface of your products/services to see if there is
anything to tell other tweeple.
To see a great example in action, go to www.statesonthetake.com – a lawyer single-handedly
goes against the might of the largest tobacco companies the US and fights for justice. Imagine
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
the publicity and the juicy consultations that the lawyer managed to get through one single pressrelease.
STEP 3: NEW AND IMPROVED. Do you have anything new to talk about your niche. Probably
you’are selling a ‘New Way to Loose Fat Without Exercising’ or you’re a ‘Revolutionary Speech
Therapy for Stuttering’. Whatever be the improvement, let your press-release scream the benefits
of your new and improved solutions.
Nothing gets more attention than a controversy. Why is Madonna perpetually in the news, even
though she does less than ten major gigs a year. It’s her art of creating controversy. Go through
your material to see if there are hidden nuggets of controversy lying somewhere.
When Oprah Winfrey publically inaugurated her Twitter account, it was the fact that she hit the
wrong buttons that made us laugh and made it a memorable event. You too can use the power of
humor to disarm both media and your reader.
When everyone was coming up with ‘flower and chocolate’ press releases for Valentine’s Day,
Mr Fire (Joe Vitale) caught a lot of attention with his ‘How to celebrate Valentine’s Day if your
Single and Lonely. He was able to get a bizarre angle that caught the public’s attention.
During the recent presidential election, nearly every marketer was trying to ride the Obama
wave. We had Obama coins, Obama toys and what not. People were trying to piggyback on a
popular story. What’s even more better is to create a spoof of the original story. The ‘Paris
Hilton for President’ website got a million hits in 30 days. Similarly, you just need to identify a
popular event and create a spoof around that. Attention is guaranteed.
People love to support causes and if your niche caters to a cause, do give full justice to it in your
press release.
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It goes without saying that your press release needs to have credibility, which you bring in by
interspersing with testimonials by satisfied users, it has to have the keywords in your headline,
your opening paragraph and the ending line. Plus your press release needs to be reader-friendly
which mean it should have only a couple of lines in each paragraph. Let your release be friendly
to the eye and let it look good. Most important of all, have a link to your blog or site, at least
three times in the press release.
The best online resources for uploading your press-release: www.prweb.com, followed by
www.webwire.com. Both are paid services, but the effect that you get is immense.
The best free sites are: www.openpress.com, www.newswiretoday.com and www.myfreepr.com
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Video PR
If you’ve overwhelmed with the information on PR, you are going to be left gasping with what
can be done with VIDEO PR. Do you know what the biggest search engine on the internet is?
It’s not Google or Yahoo or MSN. It’s YouTube and we’re about to learn how to use the power
of video to get thousands of visitors to our Twitter profile or your blog.
This is the fun part. Take a large piece of paper and scribble out your ideas. Make it fun and
wacky and make it a point to do everything within 30 minutes. (The human brain works miracles
when pressurized)
Look at some of the fun stuff on www.YouTube.com for inspiration and create your own wacky
ideas. It can be anything from a yellow pencil getting chased by an eraser and jumping into an
inkpot or a shot of your dog gnawing on your slippers.
Once you get a wacky visual idea, try to connect that to one of the benefits of your
product/service. If you’re in the weight-loss niche, you can say something like ‘Watching your
dog gnawing slippers isn’t going to get you in shape, but in the next 5 minutes I can show you
After your rough idea is ready, pick up a digital camera (Flip camera is best for this kind of
thing) with movie option and shoot your video. Upload to your computer and import to windows
movie maker. Add a sound track or speak into your microphone if you want dialogue (go to
www.audacity.com and download a free audio editing software if you need to edit your audio)
You can add text, transitions and effects from windows movie maker itself. Export in wave
format and your movie is ready for uploading.
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Open an account in www.YouTube.com and upload your movie. Add a description to your
movie and insert a clickable link to your blog.
Head to www.trafficgeyser.com and open an account (It’s a paid site). Now use the power of
trafficgeyser to upload your video to a dozen online video sharing sites. Traffic geyser is a pretty
powerful tool and it will have your video all across.
You could also try www.tubemogul.com for spreading your video to other video sharing sites. It
has both paid and free services. The paid services are far superior to the free ones.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
a. Now for some super Ninja tricks to get attention to your video. If you are in
www.YouTube.com, search for videos in your niche that have the highest viewership
and post a video comment to that movie. If the owner of the popular video accepts
your comment, your new video is instantly going to enjoy the superior ranking of that
particular video.
b. Another cool trick is to search for high viewership videos and note the description of
that video. Try to create a similar description for your video and use similar
keywords. This puts your video close to the highly viewed video in the search
engines. Make it a point to insert similar tags for your video.
c. Copy the RSS feed of your YouTube video and head to www.socialmarker.com.
Insert the URL in social marker and ping.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
I have more than 50 twitter accounts. Each one of those accounts is meant to cater to tone
particular niche. If Joe is a Guitarist who loves Blues and talks about music, Joey is a Yoga freak
who talks about Yoga mats to anyone who listens. All of my profiles have a fan base and a health
set of followers, who also follow the blogs created by the persona (It goes without saying that I
have a dedicated blog for each niche).
You too can do the same. Determine a niche, get a twitter account, start a blog, set up a
membership site and start promoting your twitter profile. Send all your followers to your blog
and membership site and down the line follow them with autoresponder messages and sell
affiliate products. That’s the whole system in a nutshell.
I know a lot of people are wondering whether it is ethical to have more than one account. There
is nothing wrong with it as many of the profiles that you see on Twitter aren’t actual people.
These are personas of smart marketers like you who are out to gain followers. Remember, we are
not here to deceive anyone. We are simply using the power of technology to extend our reach.
Anyway, there is nothing physically stopping you from having multiple accounts, apart from
needing a fresh email address for each. But it is at your own risk of course!
We have no idea about what Twitter will do in the future, but at the moment they are still
refining their spam rules and don't seem to track what IP addresses log into accounts.
You will need separate emails for each Twitter profile. Since we are eventually going to end up
with dozens of Twitter profile to gain followers in every niche that we wish to enter, it is a good
idea to download the Roboform software from www.roboform.com. This will automatically
remember your passwords and user ids. Remember, we might end up with 50 or more Twitter
profiles at a later stage and you simply won’t be able to remember your user IDs or passwords.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
In the beginning we learned how Twitter is just a party where you meet a lot of like-minded friends and
how to befriend them and even invite them over to your Blog. If you’ve done your home work thoroughly
as described in the introduction, you have already discovered a niche for yourself and have worked that
into your blogging venture. Both blogging and your twittering are inextricably linked in the sense that
both contain interesting information about the niche that you are in.
Sometimes it is better to entice your followers with a Free Report (Example - Learn How to Make Money
from Blogging in the Next 10 Minutes). Have the Free Report Link embedded in your ‘One Line Bio’ of
your Twitter Profile. When they click the link they are taken to a squeeze page (Sample of Squueze Page:
http://www.blogtrafficking.com) with an email opt-in option. As soon as the reader opts in he/she
receives the requested Free Report. Embedded in your Free Report is a line which says ‘For more free
useful information like this click here… That link takes the reader to your blog.
Even if you divert thousands of followers from your Twitter account to your Blog, there is no guarantee
that they are going to stick with your blog. To do that you need to create a Blog that is sticky and has
exciting content. Here is a killer method to create a highly targeted blog that both readers and search
engines will love:
1. Determine the best keywords for your niche. You can do that with www.wordtracker.com,
www.micronichefinder.com or www.nichebot.com. Google’s external keyword tool and google
insights are also invaluable tools to utlise.
2. Now create categories using each keywords as a title for that category. (This is what Google is
looking for)
3. Write as much unique content as possible about each category. (Hire ghost writers from
www.odesk.com, www.agentsofvalue.com or www.elance.com. Both are aimed at creating a
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
wide movement as far as multimedia interaction is concerned. Though it is true that blogs can be
regulated and kept very private, the main purpose of them is to reach out to a number of people,
to have a medium to voice your opinion.
As mentioned earlier, blogging is a fantastic way to bring all your crowd together at one place. It has truly
become a platform where various kinds of people from all walks of life, whether they have the same
ideologies or not, conflate, and discuss the matters they think are important to them. The few easy steps as
described below will take you through how to create your own blog and what are the things you must
look out for:
Cost can never be a problem because free blogging services are quite popular all over the world.
If you choose sites like WordPress, Blogger or LiveJournal, you are sure to get exactly the kind
of platform you are looking for. They are absolutely free.
If you are not very comfortable with web designing techniques, you need not worry. Creating
your blog is not as complicated as designing template for a website. These blogging services
provide a wide range of templates from which you can choose the one most suited to your tastes.
You must also use your discretion while blogging. Especially if you are incorporating your blog
within your website, or creating a blog to increase awareness of your product, you need to keep in
mind that this is an open forum which is read by all. You do not want to say anything that may
end up angering your clients. Politics and religion are the two most controversial themes, and
therefore anything about those must be carefully blogged about.
Anything that is particularly reader friendly and does not anger too many people is considered
‘safe’. If your aim is indeed to increase the ranking of your site, you will have to make sure many
people read it. You can do this by making your content user friendly.
Also keep an eye on what other people write or say on their blogs. This can give you a general
idea of what kind of responses those articles receive, and you can get valuable tips from them.
Blogging has come to be considered a highly effective marketing tool. You can easily create awareness of
your product and get clients and customers to interact with each other. And not only customers, also those
who are relatively new to your product get a platform to ask questions and clear their air about your
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
The following are the pointers based on which you can blog about your product:
Never make the blog post too long uselessly. It must be well written. Long posts tend to get
dreary and they are not ‘catchy’ enough for people to sit and go through them.
Update regularly. Since you don’t need to write long posts, that is not much effort. Ideally, blog
3-7 times a week.
Be entertaining where required, everyone can do with some light hearted humor, without being
You need not stick only to text. Video and photo blogging are fats catching on and are interesting
ways to share your thoughts, and make your videos and photographs well known.
Be yourself. Do not to ape, imitate or copy someone else’s content.
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Creating a blog is nothing that you need to be afraid of. There is no elaborate planning required either.
However, there are a few things you would need to decide. Since these blogging service providers give
you a lot of choice in terms of template and color themes, would be require to take those decisions
The following is a quick guide of what to think over before creating your blog:
Theme: Determine what you would be writing about or the nature of the content that you would
be sharing with your readers. This depends mainly on your interest. Topics blogging to the field
of politics, poetry, arts, current affairs, or almost anything under the sun can be chosen. You can
stick to one theme or you can choose to write about whatever concerns you on a day to day basis.
Since it is your very own web journal, you can make it as flexible as possible in all aspects.
Blogging Provider: Next you need to decide upon which blogging service provider you would
like to use. This depends on the kind of reviews that you get about them from friends and
acquaintances, or something about them that you may have read online. Otherwise, you can
always try out something and find out if you like it. You can try out one of these popular sites:
Blogger.com, WordPress.com, Typepad, Blogagotchi.com, Livejournal.com, JournalHome.com,
TheDiary.org, Mindsay.com, Blog.com, Diaryland.com, Blogdrive.com, or Xanga.com.
Templates: A wide range of templates will be made available on any blogging service you
decide to start you blog. Select the one you most prefer or like.
Freebies: The advantage with these blogging service providers is that they make your blogging
experience as dynamic and interactive as possible. They enable you to install add-on features that
include button, pictures, blog chalks, imoods, tagboards such as myshoutbox.com, guest maps,
guestbooks, comment boxes for readers' thoughts and views, etc.
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Additional Features: These interesting ones may not be free. By paying a price you can avail of
ature of Blog: You must determine who should read your blog-whether you want it to be read
only by a select circle, or must it be open to all. This will depend upon the content, mainly.
Layout: Again, there will be a wide range to choose from in terms of layout and color schemes.
Content: You could pick up a specific theme and write about it consistently, or merely decide on
any random topic as and when it interests you. You could try putting up content for a while and
see the kind of response you get, and alter or modify it accordingly.
Blogging Circle: Blogging is a great way to come in touch with people from across the globe.
You can surf and visit other people’s blogs. Do not spam in their comment section, but write a
genuine comment if you have something to say about a particular post.
Skins: You can customize and personalize your blog as much as you want. Using software like
Photoshop you can create your own skins and make your blog attractive as well as make it reflect
you own personality.
Publish: Finally when you are done selecting the setting and preferences, selecting a content to
put up, you need to publish the content. Do not, however, forget to send the link to your blog to
your friends and acquaintances so that they may come visit you.
Once you have started your blog, you will have noticed that it hardly takes fifteen minutes to do so.
Maintain the blog is even easier. Here are a few tips that would help you successfully keep your blog
Update: Update frequently otherwise visitors may stop coming to your blog. It will also give you
more confidence to churn out more well worded posts in the future.
Personalize: Even though you might be discussing general and universal themes, add your own
personal touch to make things lighter and interesting.
Theme: If you have a theme blog you can Google for other blogs of a similar kind and build you
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Spelling and Grammar: Make sure you proof read your posts. Spelling and grammatical errors
can be a major put-off for many readers.
Advertisements: You could play host to sites like Google AdSense and earn revenue by placing
their links on your blog.
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1. Simply sign up with www.hostmonster.com or www.hostgator.com.
2. When you log in, you’ll find a C-Panel and a software called Fantastico. Click on the Wordpress
button within Fantastico and your hosted Wordpress Blog is ready. (Of course you have to
register a domain before you do this. These hosting sites will also let you register domain names
or you could do that in www.godaddy.com and point the names to the hosting portal.)
3. Once your hosted blog is setup, go to www.wordpress.org and download a few design themes that
interest you. While you are in www.wordpress.org, you can also download WP-Omatic, SEO-inOne and Autohyperlink plugins.
4. Now use the UnlimitedFTP in www.hostmonster.com to upload the downloaded and unzipped
design themes to the design folder or WP-Themes within your hosted blog. Upload the plugins to
the plugins folder within WP-Content of your hosted blog.
5. Once you finish uploading, go back to the admin of your hosted blog. (Simply type
www.yourblog.com/wp-admin, and you will be prompted to enter your username and password.)
6. Go to ‘themes’ within your blog’s dashboard and activate the new theme that you have chosen.
Go the plugins section and activate – All-in-One-SEO, WP-Omatic and Autohyperlinks.
7. The WP-Omatic plugin that you have installed is a very very special plugin. It lets you write posts
on your blog automatically. All you go to do is google for sites in your niche, pick up the rss
feeds of these sites and paste it into the WP-Omatic dashboard within your blog’s plugin area.
You can paste up to 5 RSS feeds and what the plugin will do is collect the text from these sites
and paste it into your blog at regular intervals. This means your blog will start posting content on
its own every 24 hours or so. With 20 to 30 posts being made every day, your blog will quickly
get picked up by Google. BUT BE WARNED: You need to turn off the plugin within a week or
you’ll get de-indexed by google and your site will never again appear on google. Or in other
words your blog will be killed.
If used judiciously, the pluginwill quickly get you a lot of traffic and it is left to you to add
content manually after a week, so that the Google bots won’t find anything fishy about your blog.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
This is a grey hat method to getting traffic and you should consider the dangers before venturing
into this risky technique.
SUPER TIP: Log on to www.whydowork.com and download the shylock adsense plugin from
there. Use your FTP to upload this file into the plugins folder of your hosted blog. Activate the
plugin from withing the dashboard of your blog. Now copy the adsense code from your google
account and paste it here.
Viola! Google adsense ads starts displaying on your blog and you another source of income from
your blog.
Twitter Feed.
It sends your blog updates to Twitter automatically. Just enter the URL of your blog’s RSS feed,
tell it how often you Tweet, and your followers will always see your post announcements.
You’ve probably seen all the buttons at the bottom of blog posts urging people to Digg the article
or send it to StumbleUpon. With TwitThis, you can also ask them to send an URL of the page
together with a brief description to their Twitter followers.
Searching on Twitter is quite complicated, especially with millions of users out there. You need
a Twitter-specific search engine that’s very useful when you’re looking for people to follow or
ask advice from.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Now that we have covered the blogging module, let’s go back to Twitter and see how we can get
targeted traffic to your blog. With a simple post to Twitter, you can have lots of readers come to
your blog. Even through blog feeds do the same thing, you can often find new readers on Twitter
or remind current readers to re-visit your blog. The same technique can be used to send tweets to
people on your autoresponder list (we go into details on list building in the next chapter.)
Here is an easy to follow free video on this strategy that Corey did to show you how to apply this
simple yet, effective strategy. Once you watch this video (it’s quite long but worth every
moment), we’ll get to the next step:
Okay, so you saw how Corey explain the process and how to set up Twitter to send a
confirmation message to a follower in their email inbox when this person has agreed to follow.
You can also use services like http://www.scoialtoo.com to do those automated “thank you for
following me, visit my squeeze page” messages.
Once we’ve covered this basic step. Let’s move to further steps to get the traffic moving to our
blog. Step is to realize that your “tweet” is just 140 characters and it can be turned into its own
html webpage. You can view any of your individual tweets by clicking on the time stamp that
immediately follows your message and it will bring up the page that has only your tweet and you
can simply copy your URL.
The trick is to social bookmark your targeted tweets and by adding keyword rich words
including ‘long tail keywords’ in at the beginning of your tweet will help and include a http://
link, then grab the individual tweet url.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
The next step is to log into http://www.socialmarker.com/ and bookmark both your blog’s and
your Twitter profile’s RSS feeds. This is increase the footprint of your posts on the web. It is also
a good idea to link your main profile page URL in other Web 2.0 sites like www.squidoo.com
and www.scribd.com. Some Twitter marketers are getting redirect urls sich as
twitteryourname.com and directing people to their Twitter profile page and over time with some
link building can generate much more targeted traffic.
Another cool trick is to log into www.twitterfeed.com using your OpenID (which is free). Now
enter your blog’s url here. What happens next is quite amazing. Titterfeed will post directly to
twitter, identi.ca, custom laconica installations, and via HelloTxt or Ping.fm, simultaneously to
the many platforms supported by these services.
Ping.fm as you know sends out your feed to Bebo, Blogger, Brightkite, Delicious, Diigo,
Facebook, FriendFeed, Friendster, GTalk Status, hi5, Identi.ca, Imeem, Jaiku, Koornk, Kwippy,
Laconi.ca, LinkedIn, LiveJournal, Mashable, Multiply, MySpace, Plaxo Pulse, Plurk, Present.ly,
Rejaw, Tumblr, Twitter, TypePad, Utterli, Vox, WordPress.com, Xanga, Yahoo 360, Yammer,
and You are.
That’s going to give your blog a lot of google love on the net.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
We’ve seen the power of Twitter for traffic and blogs for building up your authority, now we move to
membership sites. Once you have a nice chunk of followers and have managed to attract them to your
blog with your free reports, it is time to showcase your membership site (which can be a part of your blog
or a stand-alone site). What you need to realize is that the whole system is one seamlessly integrated
project that is one cash generating sales funnel
To Recap once again: We start by finding a good niche. Followed by an interesting profile on Twitter.
Once we have a nice chunk of followers we attract them to our blog using a free report as bait. On the
membership site we impress them with our information and convert them into members of our
membership site. Down the line we keep in touch with them through our autoresponder mails and sell
them affiliate products.
Let’s start with membership sites. Membership sites are a great source of revenue. Internet marketers,
email marketers, and Internet entrepreneurs of all stripes are quickly finding the many, many advantages
to opening a membership site for their customers and potential customers.
Paid membership sites are a great way to earn a living month after month. If you have built up a solid
niche reputation and can keep your members riveted to your information, you can charge anywhere from
$25 to $50 per month as membership fee. That will bring you anywhere from $12,500 to $25,000
recurring income every month.
Just be sure to add at least three articles and 2 videos on your site. For the articles you can pick it up from
www.ezinearticles.com or www.articlecity.com (Don’t forget to include the name of the author as it is
mandatory). For videos you can head to www.expertvillage.com or www.wikihow.com and search for
videos that relate to your niche. If you’re in the dating niche, why not look for articles like ‘How to look
desirable during a date’ or a video on ‘How to pick the right flowers for her’. Just grab these articles and
videos and plonk it on your site and you’re done.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
You could also head to www.rtir.com and fix up and interview with an expert in your niche. Record the
interview at www.freeconferencecall.com and upload that mp3 recording on your site. All these are going
to be highly valued by your members and they’ll love you for doing it.
People think maintaining a membership site is hard work. That’s not true. Some of the most popular sites
just have a couple of interviews posted on the site and they charge around $97 every month. As a newbie,
you can take it slowly and start low, give good information to your crowd and slowly raise your prices
over time.
Ryan Deiss, the Master of the Recurring Income Model has a video that shows you how to set up a
membership site in 12 minutes flat. You can check it out at : http://drivingtraffic.com/how-to-build-amembership-site-in-12-minutes/ It’s quite amazing that such a task can be carried out in 12 minutes. But
this is the truth and you can do it. So take off.
Free membership sites are easy to set up and easy to operate. Of course, there must be fresh and timely
content but that’s a lot easier (not to mention cheaper) than constantly having to run PPC campaigns or
paying for advertising in related E-zines to attract members to your opt-in list and thus gain their
permission to market products and services to them.
We all know that visibility on the Internet is one of the basic keys to successful marketing. Getting
visibility is one of the hardest tasks that most Internet marketers face from the inception of a marketing
idea. All Internet marketers well understand the value of writing and marketing articles and E-Books,
posting to blogs and forums that belong to others and doing PPC campaigns, as well as, exchanging links
and paying for advertising in E-zines and newsletters.
With a free membership website, you can almost guarantee yourself, not only a long list of customers
and potential customers but that others will be willing to pay YOU for advertisements on your free
membership sites and advertisements in the newsletters that you send to your very impressively long list.
The shoe will be on the other foot, so to speak. Other marketers will be begging you to download and post
articles and E-Books which they have written trying to gain that coveted Internet visibility.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Influence is another sought after and enviable facet of Internet marketing. When an Internet marketer
gains influence over even a small group of consumers, they have a great deal influence among other
Internet marketers, as well. When that pool of consumers is really large, a marketers influence with other
marketers increases in direct proportion to the number of consumers that he has influence over.
With a free membership site, an Internet marketer gains access to an unlimited number of potential
customers in his niche marketing area. By keeping his content fresh and timely he will gain influence over
the purchases that the members of his free membership make and even when they make purchases and
from whom. This is commonly known as ‘clout’.
Paid membership sites usually have limited memberships. If the membership isn’t limited by the
marketer, it is limited by the number of people who are willing to pay an annual membership fee... and
that number for any niche market IS a limited number.
On the other hand, a free membership site that allows interaction between the owner, as well as, with
other members is affordable by everybody who might even be remotely interested in the products and
services that the enterprising Internet marketer will be offering to his list.
The cost to members is a big fat zero and it just can’t get any cheaper than then. Those who might well
want to join a paid membership site but either don’t think they can afford it or simply don’t want to spring
for the membership fees will certainly be able to join a free membership site.
Many Internet marketers who have paid membership sites also have free membership sites. Often those
free sites are made up on customers or potential customers who will eventually become members of the
paid membership site so it becomes a win/win situation for all concerned.
The bottom line here is that there is simply no reason NOT to build a free membership website no matter
what niche market you are in.
You will have the potential of building an extensive opt-in list and there simply is no other way that
is as easy or as cost effective out there!
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Building a free membership website is just about as easy as falling off a log...well, maybe not quite that
easy...but it IS easy. There are so many associated advantages to having a free membership site that the
little bit of trouble and expense will be well worth the time and effort that are required.
To get started on building your free membership website you are going to need some tools. The first thing
that you will need to secure is a web hosting service. There are actually two web hosting services that are
excellent, reasonably priced and effective. You will have choices to make when you visit either of these
two websites.
Web Hosting: Host Gator
You will see that there are several choices of servers ranging in price from a measly $6.95 per month to a
whopping $174.95 per month. The service that will most likely serve your needs for a very long time can
be found under the fist choice of ‘Personal Hosting’. When you click on the ‘learn more’ link, you will
see that there are several choices beginning with a ‘hatchling’ account and all the way up to a Semidedicated account. The one that will most likely serve your needs is the ‘Swamp’ account. It costs only
$14.95 per month and will serve your needs for a very long time.
Net Host
When you get to that site, click on the middle button that says ‘$14.95 more info’. You will see that you
are being offered 500MB of disc space and a site builder for $14.95. Larger amounts of disc space are
available for more money each month. I’d start with the $14.95 and then add additional disc space as
needed. There is a Site Studio offered with all of the plans but it isn’t free with any of them.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Domain ames:
Now you must have a domain name. Domain names are very specific and completely unique. When you
type in a domain name, your computer takes you to that website and ONLY to that website. To start with
you should think up several possibilities for your domain name. Using your own name in the domain
name will make it easier to find one that hasn’t already been taken. You aren’t very likely to find the
simplest ones to be available so you are going to have to get a bit creative. There are others, of course, but
here are two places that you can register your domain name.
Name Cheap
Here you will see that it will cost you only $8.88 to register your domain name. There will be many offers
for additional names and products. What you really need here is a domain name for no less than two
years. You do not need to pay for anything additional that is offered.
Here you will see that you can register your domain name for $8.95 per year. Again...you will be offered
many extras but all you really need is to register your domain name for two years. The reason you need to
register it for two years is that search engines really don’t like domains that are only registered for one
year. Spammers tend to only register for one year at a time because they won’t be at the same location for
anywhere near that long.
Membership Software:
If you are going to have a membership website, then you must have the software that will accomplish
that. There are basically three sites that you should visit and look over the product offered on each site.
The first site is aMember at http://www.amember.com/. The package is $139.95.
The second site is Launch Formula Marketing at http://www.launchformulamarketing.com/. There is no
price available without giving primary email address so check this one out for yourself.
The third site is Butterfly Marketing at http://www.butterflymarketing.com/. This software sells for
$1497.00 plus shipping and handling.
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Theme and Content:
As with every website, there must be a theme as well as content. There is a saying among Internet
marketers that, “Content is King” and that’s pretty accurate. The only way that you can keep members
visiting even a free membership site is to keep it constantly updated and loaded with fresh and relevant
content that pertains to the theme of your site.
There are many ways to get good content. There are article banks where you can download free articles
for reprint. There are sites where you can get PLR material that will provide good website content. You
can also hire ghostwriters to write fresh content.
One such ghost writing site Writing and Transcription Services at: www.odesk.com
Blogs or Forums:
Most hosting services (both of the ones mentioned above) have included a utility called Fantastico. This
feature allows you to set up a blog or forum on your membership site. In addition you can install such
things as customer support, content management systems, polls and a host of other things. You really
need to poke around in your hosting service to see what all is available.
Help Desk:
Installing a help desk is entirely optional. It is, by no means, a required feature for a free membership site.
The software can be found at the HelpDesk website at http://www.perldesk.com/. The cost of the
HelpDesk software starts at $99.95. Although this is not required the HelpDesk software can be very
beneficial. It will allow you to you to organize your companies customer relations to a database backed
browser based help desk. This can save you a whole ton of headaches particularly if you have multiple
Okay, that’s about it. You need a hosting service, a domain name registered, membership software, a
theme and website content, a blog or forum and maybe a Helpdesk. This will be enough to get your free
membership website off of the launch pad.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Free membership websites can help Internet marketers in so many ways and they are relatively easy and
inexpensive to set up that it’s a wonder there aren’t more of them. Don’t ever underestimate the power of
‘free’! Everybody loves ‘free’. Those who don’t have a lot of expendable income like free for obvious
reasons but those who have plenty of expendable income LOVE ‘free’... maybe that’s why they have so
much expendable income.
The fact is that people who are surfing the Internet are all looking for the very same thing...
INFORMATION. Granted, they are not all searching for the same information but they are nevertheless
searching for information... and they love nothing better than free information about whatever topic they
are interested in and that is where a free membership website comes in.
There are two major parts to building a successful free membership website. The first one is to actually
construct the website on the Internet. The second one is to get members to join the free membership
website. Here is how to go about doing both of those tasks:
Building a Free Membership Website:
Building a free membership website is pretty much like building any other kind of website with just a
couple of additions.
Choose a topic for your free membership site.
This topic should be one that will attract the specific group of people to whom you want to market your
products or services. In most cases you are advised to narrow your topic but in the case of building a free
membership website, it is better to make your topic a bit broader.
The next step is to register a domain name that reflects the subject of your free member ship
It is best to keep your domain under 20 characters if you can. Go to either Cheap Names
(http://www.namecheap.com/) or Godaddy (http://www.godaddy.com/). Find a domain name that is
available and secure it for yourself. Pay for two years.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
It is true that web hosting comes with a domain name but you need a web host that will allow you to
have as many domains as you want on the same server.
Go to either HostGator (http://www.hostgator.com) or NetHost (http://www.nethost.ws/) and subscribe to
a web hosting service.
You will need a membership script for your free membership site.
Go to one of these three sites and buy the script: Amember at http://www.amember.com/,
LaunchFormulaMarketing at http://www.launchformulamarketing.com/ or Butterflymarketing at
You might want to add a ‘Refer a Friend’ button, as well.
Two sites on which to get this program are http://www.sendtofriends.com/, and
You might also want to include a helpdesk option on your free membership website.
This is strictly optional but the site to get the program is http://www.perldesk.com/.
You need content for your free membership website.
The name of the game for free membership websites, as for all websites, is content, content, content.
There are many ways to obtain website content. You can download and reprint articles from article banks
or you can join a PLR website and get articles that are much better. In either of these cases, you will need
to do some rewrite on the articles to avoid the duplicate content problem.
If you have the ability you can write your own articles or you can hire a ghost writer to write them for
you. One good ghost writing service can be found at http://www.writingandtransciptionservice.com
The above are the information and tools needed to build a free membership website (or a paid
membership website for that matter). Now you either build your site or have someone build it for you.
Your web host service will have features that will provide for you to set up a blog or forum on your
website and you will need to include that when you are constructing your website. Additionally, there are
other features that will likely be included in your web hosting service such as polls or content
management systems that you might also want to include in your website.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Promoting Your Free Membership Website:
Promoting a free membership website is done exactly the way any website is promoted. When you build
any website the only person that is aware that it exists on the Internet is you so it is up to you to promote
and advertise your site and let the rest of the world know where to find you. Luckily, we have already
built up a nice client base through our Twitter profile and blog. For those who haven’t been as luck, these
techniques will prove useful.
You accomplish that task while you are building your own credibility. One will not exist without the
other. A free membership website builds credibility and credibility builds a free membership website.
There are several very well established ways to promote a website on the Internet...and the first three
listed here are free.
1. Write (or have written for you) short articles, 300 to 400 words, and put them into article banks
for others to use.
2. Your resource box will include a link to your free membership website. The same is true for EBook. Either write short 10 to 15 page E-Books or have them written for you. List these E-Books
with E-Book repositories for others to use and be sure that there is a link to your free website on
every page.
3. Post to blogs and forums on other related websites after you join them.
Don’t go in like gangbusters promoting your free membership site...that will get you kicked out.
Simply include a link to your free membership site in your sig tag and post thoughtful and helpful
4. Find link exchange partners and exchange links with them.
Since you are not actually selling anything it should be very easy to find link exchange partners.
5. Buy advertising for your free membership website in related E-zines.
This is a very cost effective method of advertising. The cost of advertising in E-zines is usually
less than $20 and the advertisement is sent directly to those people who are going to be your best
prospects for your free membership sites as well as for the products and services that you will be
marketing to them.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Okay, now that you have your free membership website up and running and you have promoted it
sufficiently so that you have a very long and impressive list, you are ready to start reaping the benefits
and profiting from your hard work. Your list should include the names and email addresses of those
people who are vitally interested in a specific topic and the products and services that are associated with
that topic. Remember that you want to promote ONLY products and services that are related to the topic
of your free membership website.
If you have set up a blog or a forum on your free membership website, it will be a very simple matter to
locate products, services and information that your members will be most likely to buy...they will have
told you what they are interested in. They have not only told you what products and services they would
be most apt to buy but they have also told you what kind of information they want. Let’s face it...there
really are only three basic things that can be sold on the Internet or out in the real brick and mortar
world...products, services and information.
That impressively long opt-in list that you have built with your free membership website is an asset that
can’t be valued...it is invaluable. That long list will open doors that have been shut up until now. So let’s
start with joint venture projects that you will now be a welcome partner in.
Joint Ventures:
The most attractive joint venture partners for all Internet marketers are those who have long lists of
people who are the best prospects for buying products, services or information. Joint ventures can be used
to sell any one of those three things. By engaging in joint ventures with other marketers, you not only
have the opportunity to sell to your own list but to build your list to even greater proportions.
If you own the product or service that is being offered in a joint venture, you, of course, have a greater
opportunity for profit but even if you don’t own the product or service, you still have a very long list of
prospective buyers and you are an attractive joint venture partner so you will have more opportunities to
sell products and services that are owned by others.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Marketing Products and Services that you Own:
Once you have built your free membership website you will have a long list of people who are interested
in products or services that you own. By marketing to your list, you gain 100% of the profits associated
with those products or services. You may already have a product or service that you have designed or
constructed. It you do, that’s great, but it isn’t the only way to get one of either.
For example: you can have an E-Book written by a ghostwriter that, once you pay for it, will be your EBook. You can list yourself as the author and even get a copyright on the work. It’s yours! You can have
an E-Book written for about $10 per page. The most normal pricing structure is selling it for $1 per 2
pages. So...if you have an E-Book written that is 100 pages long, you will have paid $1000 for the EBook and you can charge $50 for it. Remember that you have a very long list. The first 20 sales covers
your investment and everything beyond that is pure profit.
*You can actually have a 100 page E-Book written for less than a thousand dollars but not a lot less.
There are services available on the Internet that will help you create audio and video products, as well.
There will always be an initial investment, however, when you have others create products for you.
Marketing Products and Services that you Do OT OW:
You can find products and services that are related to the topic of your free membership website and of
interest to the members of your site on such sites as Clickbank (http://www.clickbank.com) or
Commission Junction (http://www.cj.com).
For those who don’t know...this is referred to as ‘Affiliate Marketing’. You can go to either of the above
listed sites and sign up as an affiliate marketer for products and services that would be of interest to your
list. You profit by making a percentage of the sales made through your website or newsletter.
Products or services for which you are an affiliate marketer can be promoted directly on the blog or forum
on your free membership site, in a newsletter or E-zine that you regularly send to the members of your
free membership site or through a specific marketing email that you send out.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Marketing Teleseminars and Webinars:
Remember that your list is made up of people who are deeply interested in a specific subject. There are
experts that are associated with just about every topic under the sun and those who are interested in that
topic know exactly who there experts are. They will gladly pay to hear what a knowledgeable and wellknown expert has to say about a subject that is near and dear to their hearts.
It isn’t hard to organize a teleseminar or a webinar. Both events can be organized and executed without a
lot of expense. There is, of course, time and effort involved in organizing them.
Teleseminars are less expensive and easier to do than a webinar. The only thing you really need for a
teleseminar is an interesting subject, a well-known speaker and a bridge line. You may want to include a
recording and then you might want to have that recording transcribed so that you can sell it as another
A webinar requires a bridge line as well as some kind of demonstration such as power point and a way for
participants to access the demonstration so they are a bit more expensive to do but you can usually charge
a little more for participation in them.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
How often do you see those words as you surf the Internet looking for information? About a bazillion?
Everybody seems to be offering a free report about almost any and every subject under the sun now days.
The question is, why? Why should anybody go to all of the work, trouble and effort to produce a report
that is not going to be sold but be given away for free?
Ah! You see the point in NOT to sell the free report and make a bushel basket full of money from the
sales. The entire point of a ‘free report’ is to give people the report in exchange for their names and email
addresses. Not that the report isn’t valuable... sometimes a report is and sometimes it’s just a bunch of
hooey, but the names and email addresses of those who download these free reports are much more
valuable than the report will ever be...even the good ones.
There are exactly two kinds of people who live and work on the Internet. There are those who are
marketing gurus and those who are not. The latter number far exceeds the number of the former.
There are a few very, very, VERY savvy marketing gurus out there who know how to put together a
‘free’ report and market it so effectively that it takes on a life of its own and continues to produce the
desired results (list building if you haven’t already guessed) for weeks, months or even years after the free
report is released.
Free reports are used by many Internet marketers as incentives to encourage people to join a
mailing list. That is so common that it has almost become ineffective. These free reports that are offered
as incentives to join mailing lists probably contain as much useful information as the kind that are
marketed by these marketing geniuses. They just aren’t as effective at producing the desired list building
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Let me give you an example:
Mike Filsaime’s “Death of Internet Marketing” is a prime one. “Death of Internet Marketing” was a
free report that was launched with a lot of fanfare. Mr. Filsaime PAID $1 for every lead that was
produced by his “Death of Internet Marketing”. Yes, that’s what I said...he PAID. Now, if you were an
Internet marketer with a list and you received an offer to be paid one dollar for each time a member of
your list downloaded a FREE report, wouldn’t you jump on the bandwagon? Of course you
would...everybody would...heck, everybody DID!
Now Mike Filsaime has some pretty deep pockets to be sure...we don’t all have those kinds of resources
but his strategy was absolutely brilliant. He already had a mailing list of over 300,000 and I wouldn’t
even hazard a guess at the number of names and email addresses that are now on his list. Every marketer
that had a list that was even remotely interested in the free report sent it out in their newsletters. Don’t
even think about the numbers, it’s just too mind boggling.
Actually, Mike Filsaime’s “Death of Internet Marketing” free report contains some very good
information. The scare tactics used weren’t very appealing but the information was good. It wasn’t world
shaking and it wasn’t anything that was really new. It was a well put together report and it was very well
Here is another example:
Rich Schefren’s “Internet Business Manifesto” is another free report that was really well marketed. As
a matter of fact, Rich actually marketed the daylights out of his Internet Business Manifesto” And,
marketing genius that he is, he later released it in three segments. The last release was called, “Internet
Business Manifesto: The Final Chapter”. How is THAT for marketing genius in action?
Rich Schefren’s “Internet Business Manifesto” free report is another example of how to market a free
report to gain the maximum desired benefit from it. This report is also well written. It contains plenty of
useful information for new Internet marketers, as well as, for some who are well seasoned but there really
wasn’t any new, world shaking information in it. Still, it was very effective and the desired result was
achieved. He built his list to astounding proportions.
The free report list building technique isn’t limited to Internet marketers. It spills over into brick and
mortar marketing as well...or maybe that’s where it started. Who knows? The lines between Internet
marketing and Brick and Mortar Marketing have become a bit blurred over the years.
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If you don’t believe me, go in search of nothing but ‘free marketing reports’ using your favorite search
engine. You’ll find free reports about all kinds of products and services. You will find free reports about
marketing beverages, sports, music, B2B marketing and dozens of others. The point of these free reports
is the same. The idea is to give valuable (?) information to a potential customer in exchange of his name
and address or email address for the purpose of future marketing of products and services to him.
Free reports that are used to build opt-in lists, either of the cyber space or brick and mortar variety, must
contain good information. The information does not have to be completely unique but it must be accurate
and free reports must be well written... no poor grammar or misspelled words are allowed. The
information needs to be presented to readers in a clear way, as well. Good reports whether they are free or
paid for, must be helpful to those who read them. If data is included it needs to be fresh.
The whole point of a free report, however, is NOT the report. The report is only a means to and end as
demonstrated by the real marketing geniuses of our times. Scare tactics are not very appetizing but they
are effective. “The Death of Internet Marketing”? That’s enough to scare an Internet marketer out of 10years growth...but it worked. The word, “manifesto” produced visions of serial killers but it was effective
as well.
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Free reports are big now days on the Internet. It’s a bandwagon that many Internet marketers are jumping
on simply because it works.
People jump on the “Information Super Highway” that is the Internet because they want and/or need
information about all kinds of things. People seek out free reports about subjects that will make them feel
better, look better, become more proficient, or solve a problem for them. Reports can take many forms but
no matter the form, a report is simply a writing that provides information about a specific subject.
Writing a report doesn’t have to be a time consuming task. A short report can be written in as little as one
hour or less provided the writer has access to sufficient information on the subject and since the Internet
really is the “Information Super Highway” information on almost any subject is readily available.
First, let’s discuss writing a free report from ‘scratch’.
The first thing that is required for a report is, of course, a topic.
The topic that you choose to write a report on should be one that is directly related to the topic of your
website or of your free membership site. The people that you will give your free report to must be
interested in getting the information that will be in the report.
Choose a general subject first and then narrow the general subject down to a specific point or two. In
order to choose a great topic, you can listen to the members of your own free website or visit blogs and
forums that relate to the products and services that you sell.
Once you have settled on a topic for your free report, the next step is to gather information that is
related to that topic.
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This is a very easily accomplished task. Use your favorite search engine and plug in key words to find
information about your topic. Usually the problem is too much information rather than not enough. You
are going to have to sift through and consolidate information but if you have narrowed your topic down
far enough, it won’t be all that difficult.
The next step is to write an outline for your report.
You need organization and form. An outline supplies both. If you are trying to write a report within one
hour, the best thing is to keep your main points to only three. Three well-discussed points are better than a
half dozen that are only briefly touched upon. Once you have organized your research and written an
outline, it will take you less than half an hour to type up a five or six page report.
The second way to produce a free report in under an hour is to download one that is already written from
a PLR (Private Label Rights) site. There are many such sites that are available on the Internet. You will
have to be a member of a PLR site to download reports from the site. Memberships in these sites are
usually rather inexpensive and they provide you access to a lot of material that is almost ready for you to
You will still need to do a lot of rewriting on the reports that you download and if you download articles
that you plan to consolidate into a report, you will need to make a good outline of your report so that the
information will be presented in a logical sequence.
You can either download a report from a PLR site or several articles that contain the information that you
want to include in your free report and combine the articles to make one longer report. All material that is
downloaded from PLR sites should have at least some rewrite done before you use it on your own site,
Rewriting is easily and quickly done. There is even software that will accomplish part of the rewriting
task for you but if you use this software, be sure that you carefully read it to check for grammatical errors
and to make certain that the finished product actually makes sense.
Yet another way to create a report in an hour or less is to download articles from free content sites and
then combine and rewrite the information that is in them. The articles that are on free sites must be
rewritten extensively.
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The purpose that the authors of those articles had for placing them on sites for free use is to get credit for
having written them. These articles can be used as reference but they may not be reproduced word for
A word to the wise: Always check the accuracy of statistics or facts that are included in articles
downloaded from free sites. You can use the basic ideas of these articles as well as the facts that
are contained in them but you must NOT reproduce them without giving credit to the author...
that is plagiarism and it is a crime.
Again... consolidating articles into a report requires that you make a good outline before you begin.
There is one more way that you can achieve getting a free report produced in an hour or less but in this
case you won’t be the one doing the writing. You can hire yourself a good ghostwriter to write your free
report for you. All you will need to do is to provide this ghostwriter with the subject and the material that
you wish to have included in the report... not the actual material but the subject matter.
The entire process will take less than one hour of your time. You simply contact a ghostwriter
(you can find one at http://www.writingandtranscriptionservices.com). There are many other
ghostwriters that are available on the internet who are more than capable of producing any kind
of report that you want.
The only thing you have to do after you order a report is, when you receive it, you read it and then you
pay the ghostwriter. The report then belongs to you. You can list yourself as the author and do whatever
you choose to do with it.
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Free reports are hot items today among Internet marketers. Most of the very savvy ones have discovered
just how valuable a free report can be and how it can serve to help build those all-important opt-in lists.
Free reports do help to build opt-in lists, that’s true, but they can serve other purposes as well.
A good free report is something that your average, garden-variety Internet surfer actually seeks out all by
himself. You never have to beg people into taking free stuff. When a surfer is looking for information on
any given topic, the first thing they usually look for are free reports on the subject. People do pay for
information but only after they have gotten the free information first and are looking for more specific
and detailed information. One thing that you can absolutely count on, though, is that people will
download and read free reports if they are interested in the topic of the report. That’s a given.
So, the next question is how do you get the most mileage out of a free report? After all, that ‘free’
report is only free to the people who download it. It sure isn’t free for you, the marketer. You have spent
time, effort and energy writing it yourself or you have paid a ghostwriter to write it for you so you need to
get something back, right? Yes, you do need to get something back and that’s what we are going to talk
The first, and maybe the most important thing you get, is the name and email address of the person who
downloads your free report. That is usually the main object of producing a free report, after all, but you
benefits don’t have to stop there. There are other ways to profit.
In a free report, you can strategically place advertisements for your affiliate products or even for your
own products. Now... the free report cannot be a blatant advertisement... hat is just not acceptable but that
doesn’t mean that you can’t place links to products or services that you will make a profit on, does it?
You do need to use good judgment and possibly some restraint in placing links to products and services
that you can profit from. Remember that the people who have downloaded your free report didn’t expect
nor want to get yet another advertisement. They intended to get information and information should stay
the main focus in your free report.
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You can add links to products and services that you make a profit on but only within the context of
the information being supplied to the reader. For example: if within your report you are discussing the
importance of providing a dog house for a dog, you can include a link to a dog house product that you
will make a profit on. What you can’t do is expound on the virtues of the dog house that you will make a
profit on. In other words...you can’t advertise it.
Another way that you can make your free report even more valuable to you is to sell advertising space in
it to other Internet marketers.
Paid advertising needs to look like paid advertising, however. It should not be disguised to look as though
it is a product that you are specifically recommending in your free report. It really isn’t surprising that
people expect to see advertisements. It’s true. You really expect to see advertising, don’t you? Others
expect to see it as well and it will not aggravate those who download a free report if the advertisements
look exactly like what they are...advertisements.
The amount you can charge for advertising space in a free report varies with the report and the size of the
circulation it will achieve. A long report can generate a larger advertising charge than a short report. A
report that will be downloaded thousands of times can bear a larger advertising charge than one that will
only be downloaded a few hundred times.
Advertisements can be shown as sponsorships. Example: “This free report is sponsored by” just above the
advertiser’s logo. This kind of advertising is less annoying to a reader and puts the advertiser in a better
light than just an advertisement.
Remember, however, to hold your advertisements down to a very reasonable number... even if you list
them as sponsorships. Too many advertisements make a free report appear to be nothing more than a
cheesy way to slip advertising in disguised as something other than what it is...and people really hate that.
There is even one more way in which you can profit from a free report. You can provide a capture
method so that you can collect the names and email addresses of those who have not yet downloaded
your free report.
You can give your free report a viral quality.
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For example: You can use a quiz in your free report and have the answers posted on your website.
Quizzes are by nature viral and those who download your free report will be more likely to pass them
along to their friends if there is a quiz included.
Each visitor to your website is a potential customer or, at the very least, a potential member of your opt-in
list. Another way to give your free report a viral quality is to include coupons that provide dollars off on a
product or service that would be of great value to those who download the report as well as to their
friends, family and coworkers. People love coupons!
Each of these techniques to add to your opt-in list or increase your potential for profit from a free report
by selling advertising space or strategically placing links to products and services that you profit from or
by giving your free report a viral quality is worth your time and effort to investigate and put into action.
Free reports are only free to those who download them...they are supposed to make money for you.
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If you remember, we have already set up a system to collect opt-in email addresses from our
blog, just before giving out our free report. Because these emails are linked to our autoresponder
series at www.aweber.com, we have the liberty to set up a series of messages to our Twitter and
Blog Followers.
So what are these messages going to be? Most of it will be useful information related to your
niche, but they can also contain stories embedded with your affiliate links. For example, if you
are in the dog training niche you can say something like:
‘Hi, You won’t believe what my dog Bernie today! He did a sumersault and guess how I trained
him to do it?’ You go on to talk about the new XYZ Dog Training Manual that you had recently
bought and how it will be useful to your reader. Have your affiliate link at least 3 times in your
letter and don’t forget to cloak it using www.budurl.com or www.tinyurl.com. Naked affiliate
links don’t go well with lists.
That’s the whole affiliate marketing strategy based on our Twitter>Blog>Membership>Affiliate
Marketing Model. But if you also want to accelerate your earning, you can also work on
independent affiliate networks and bring in multiple revenue streams. Here’s how to do it:
Independent Affiliate Marketing
According to Rosalind Gardner, author of the Super Affiliate Handbook – “In a nutshell, affiliate
marketing is an arrangement between an online merchant and affiliate (you), in which the
affiliate earns a commission for generating sales, leads and/or clicks for the merchant's web site.
For example, many credit card companies will pay you between $5 and $20 in commission for
each visitor that you send to their site who completes a credit card application, and up to $55 for
those whose applications are approved.
That's a great commission, and although many companies pay less, there are also many
companies that pay much MORE!
Here's another example.
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If you promote this Elite TR6633 Treadmill which sells for $6,495.00 as an affiliate of
MegaFitness, they will pay you a 10% commission... or $649.50!
"Fantastic!", you say.
You're absolutely right!
How much you will earn depends in part on the products you choose to sell, and in the Super
Affiliate Handbook I show you exactly how to find the best companies and products to
promote.” In fact Rosalid was able to make around $436,797 in single year by doing nothing but
affiliate marketing. Click here to learn more about the Super Affiliate Handbook:
Many, many internet marketers make huge amounts of money on the net by affiliate marketing
There are several ways to achieve uniqueness. One way is to have established yourself as an
expert in the field for which the product or service is being sold. You have to have become not
only visible but credible, as well. This visibility and credibility is not easily achieved. It takes a
lot of hard work, time and effort.
Visibility and credibility are established by taking such measures as writing and marketing articles and
E-Books, posting to blogs and forums, appearing as an expert on teleseminars and webinars, etc. The fact
is that when people know you and trust you, they buy from you. They will buy from you even is your
competitors are offering a better deal or more incentives.
People do not like to buy from strangers. The Internet is a big impersonal and even frightening place to
many consumers. They want to feel like they know and trust the people that they buy products and
services from. The time, effort and energy that you put into becoming visible and credible is the best time,
effort and energy investment that you will ever make. Reputation is everything in the world of Internet
marketing. Credibility makes you unique.
Another very important thing that you can do to insure that your customers buy a product or service for
which you are an affiliate marketer from you and not from one of your competitors is to give them a very
good and compelling reason to make the purchase from you. Offer something extra or a lot of different
extras that will enhance the value of the product that you are marketing.
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No matter what the niche or what the product is that is being marketed, there are free gifts that you can
find that will make the product a better value if it is purchased from you. For example: if you are
marketing an E-Book about Internet marketing, you could add several additional free E-Books concerning
different aspects of the broad subject of Internet marketing.
E-Books can be downloaded from PLR sites or even from E-Book banks and repositories. Another free
gift that people can’t ever seem to get enough of is free utilities. There are many on the Internet and you
can bet that there are some that will fit right in with whatever product or service that you are promoting.
While other marketers who are selling the very same product that you are, simply send out marketing
emails that recommend the product to their lists, you will be adding value to the product and doing it for
free to boot.
Add extras! Add free gifts! Even better than extras and free gifts is additional help to use the product or
service that is being sold. You can offer a free teleseminar for those who buy the product or service from
you that will make the product or service better or easier to use.
You can most likely even get the producer or the product or service to speak at your event if you plan far
enough ahead. People just love teleseminars... and they love free...when you add teleseminar and free
together, you will have a winning play that might just score the proverbial touchdown for you.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
The 7 Step Process to becoming highly successful in Affiliate Marketing and CPA Marketing
Although Affiliate marketing and CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) are different business models, the manner
in which you approach both are the same. Here is a 7 step method that you can use to become highly
successful in both Affiliate Marketing and CPA
STEP1 : Find a Niche. We have seen in the introductory chapter on how to locate a nice niche for yourelf.
It is always good to start with one niche and then move others or you’ll spread your money and energy in
too many sectors.
STEP 2: Gauge the Demand: Go to https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal and type in
your keyword. See how many searches are happening in a single month. Next move to
http://www.google.com/insights/search and see the search patterns across countries. Find out trend
patterns from http://www.google.com/trends . See its visibility in http://pulse.ebay.com, and
http://www.ebay.com. Look for popularity in http://50.lycos.com, http://buzz.yahoo.com and
STEP 3: Gauge the Competition: To see the competition of CPA Offers, go to http://www.offervault.com
or http://www.affspy.com. If you are in affiliate marketing, you can try www.spyfu.com,
www.googlecashdetective.com, http://ppcbully.com/ or
STEP 4: Join your affiliate or CPA network and get your affiliate links. Shorten them if required at
www.budurl.com or www.tinyurl.com
Here are a few CPA Networks to get you started:
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http://www. Cpastorm.com
http://www. Filinet.com
http://www. Luxads.com
And a few Affiliate Networks:
STEP 5: Start your keyword research before you start building your advertising campaign. Here a few
tools to get you started: http://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal,
http://www.wordtracker.com, http://www.keywordspy.com, http://www.goodkeywords.com,
http://www.traffictravis.com, http://tools.seobook.com/keyword-tools/seobook/,
http://www.keyworddiscovery.com, http://www.wordpot.com, http://www.keywordelite.com,
http://www.kwbrowse.com, http://www.quintura.com, http://www.spyfu.com.
STEP 6: You can either direct link your affiliate link in your advertising or create a landing page. Several
Affiliate and CPA networks provide landing pages of their own, or you can hire a programmer from
www.rentacoder to do one for you. Below is a sample of a CPA offer landing page:
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Affiliate marketers can set up a simple wordpress blog and have a story related to the niche that you are
in. After the pre-sell, quickly divert your reader to the affiliate page.
STEP 6: Getting Traffic. Traffic come in three forms – Paid, Organic and Viral. The paid kind is the
fastest and easiest but also happens to be expensive if created wrongly.
For organic traffic you need to get these right on your site: • include relevant keywords in meta-tags •
include relevant keywords in your H1, H2,H3 tags • include relevant keywords in your image tags (the alt
text tag) • include relevant keywords in your content. You also need to to create a sitemap in .xml format
for your web site in order to submit it to Google Sitemaps http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps
Next, create a lens on www.squidoo.com, page on www.hubpages.com and also connect to your blog at
www.wordpress.com . Also submit an article at www.ezinearticle.com and a video at
Paid traffic comes from http://adwords.google.com, http://searchmarketing.yahoo.com,
http://adcenter.microsoft.com, http://www.facebook.com/advertising, http://advertise.myspace.com,
Since PPC is a vast field in itself it is better to get started with tools to help with your advertising strategy.
Here are a few tools that will give you a headstart: http://www.speedppc.com, http://www.flashppc.com,
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http://www.adtextgenerator.com, http://www.xtremeconversions.com, http://www.adwordsdigger.com,
http://www.LPGen.com, http://www.ppcwebspy.com .
STEP 7: Buying ads is an expensive affair and you won’t gain till you track your keywords and separate
chaff from wheat. These tools will be helpful in doing that:
http://www.google.com/intl/en/adwordseditor/, http://www.prosper202.com, http://www.statsjunky.com,
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Here's an affiliate marketing method that was created by Michael Campbell of
www.internetmarketingsecrets.com . It's proven to be fun and highly profitable and don't be
surprised if you start seeing tools to automate this method in the near future.
People with no passion other than current events or entertainment news can still make a living
with affiliate commissions.
Go to Google Hot Trends and you'll find the top 100 searches that are happening right now.
Click on any result to see the news sites and blogs where that movie star or news story are being
Hot: http://www.google.com/trends/hottrends
Quickly make your own blog post about the topic. Cite the original story and interject your own
opinion. Just a couple of paragraphs are enough. Speed over to the blogs and news articles that
broke the story and leave comments with a link to your post. Then announce your "newsworthy"
post and link to it with a couple social news sites like Digg and Propeller.
Your post should be indexed and receiving traffic within an hour. Be sure to monetize your
opinion post with AdSense ads and affiliate links woven into your content. One of the most
profitable - although a tad morbid - ways of applying this method are recently deceased actors
and famous people. It happens on a daily basis.
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Become an All Posters (www.allposters.com) affiliate and weave their photos and links into your
opinion piece. You'll make commissions on sales and have the right to use the images, posters
and photos of famous people as an affiliate.
Another wildly profitable idea is to join the eBay affiliate program and suggest people start
selling their memorabilia of the famous people on eBay. You'll make a hefty referral commission
for everyone who signs up through your link.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
What makes this method so useful is that you are copying a highly successful ad and so you’ve
taken the guesswork out of it. Chris has now come out with a software that spies on thousands of
successful google adwords and landing pages. Which means you can go and peep at all the
campaigns that are raking in the money for the last 100 days and then duplicate that campaign
with your own ads. Go to http://www.googlecashdetectivereviews.com/ to see this amazing tool
in action.
This takes google adwords to a new level and of course you are not limited to click bank
products. You can pick up products from any of these:
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
When Internet marketers hear the term, ‘Joint Venture’ they will immediately begin to drool... maybe
ever to slightly... but they are certainly drooling.
New marketers dream of getting that first lucrative Joint Venture deal under their belts (and into their
bank accounts). Well-seasoned Internet marketers always have both ears and both eyes wide open
searching for their next Joint Venture opportunity.
Everybody wants a Joint Venture for the very simple reason that they are lucrative... and ‘lucrative’ is an
The first, most important and most on-going task of every Internet marketer is to build an opt-in list.
There are basically three kinds of lists and all of them are not created equally.
First there are lists that are bought... these are just about worthless.
Second there are lists of potential customers. Potential customer lists are valuable because they are lists
of people who have opted in to a mailing list and may well buy something at some point but they haven’t
as yet.
The third kind of list is the ‘paid customers list’. The paid customers list is the one that is very, very,
very valuable. This is a list of people who have actually bought a product or service. They have already
proven that they will spend money. Most importantly, the paid customer list is one of the factors that
potential Joint Venture partners will base their decision of whether to Joint Venture with you or not will
base their decision upon.
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So... building a paid customer list is the number one task for an Internet marketer. In order to build a
paid customer list, you may well have to give something away. One of the best ways to build a paid
customer list is to offer a product that is relatively inexpensive... say one that will sell for $9.95 or even
$19.95... to Joint Venture partners and allow them to keep all of the profits from the sale. That’s right.
Give them 100% of the profit... the whole $9.95 or $19.95 that the product sells for.
What you get is a long paid customer list which will turn out to be a lot more valuable than the $5 or $10
dollars per sale that you would have made. That paid customer list is like your own private gold mine. It
can be used to leverage future Joint Venture deals that will add a lot of money to your bottom line.
Another method that can be used to build that valuable paid customer list is to have two membership
sites... one free and one paid.
You can then offer Joint Venture partners the opportunity to give away free memberships and an
opportunity to gain a commission when anyone that they send the offer of a free membership chooses to
upgrade to a paid membership. You can structure this offer as a one-time payment for an up-grade or as
an ongoing commission on the price of the monthly subscription.
By using either of the above discussed methods for your first Joint Venture deals you will have built a
paid customers list and you will also managed to create some serious credibility for yourself. Both are
assets that are beyond placing a value upon. This is the formula for success:
Paid customer list + Credibility = Success
Whatever method you choose to employ, the bottom line is that what you need the very most in order to
get a profitable Joint Venture deal is a long paid customer list and some credibility. There are no
substitutes for either.
Make no mistake here. Credibility is equally important to a paid customer list. Credibility is achieved
by becoming a recognized authority in a niche. The paid customer list adds greatly to your credibility but
you need to work hard at building credibility by writing and marketing articles, posting to blogs and
forums, etc. Building credibility on the Internet isn’t easy and it takes some time. There aren’t any
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
With a paid customer list and credibility you will then be in a position to leverage the best and most
profitable Joint Venture partnership agreements that are possible. Always remember that adding to your
paid customer list is one of the factors that you want to insure when you enter into any Joint Venture
Now, armed with a paid customer list and credibility, your next move is to find ways to make your
potential Joint Venture partners willing, even eager, to help you. Contrary to what appears to be common
sense, your best Joint Venture partners are those who, up to this point, you have considered your main
o, I’m not kidding. These are the Internet marketers who are most closely associated with your
customer base. The names and email addresses on their lists are the ones that you want on your list.
Let’s say that you sell ‘whatsits’... you and several other marketers are in the ‘whatsits’ selling business.
If you can come up with a product that will make selling ‘whatsits’ easier or explain how customers can
get the best use out of a ‘whatsit’ then you can approach your most fierce competitors and turn them into
your most valuable Joint Venture partners. They will eagerly assist you in promoting your new ‘whatsit
enabler’ product... for a commission, of course.
A product that will make people feel better, look better or solve a problem for them is a product that
potential Joint Venture partners will embrace and then they will be eager to help you sell it.
Additionally, you must always offer generous commissions and ample support to all of your Joint
Venture partners. This is never a place to cut corners or get greedy and you credibility is always on the
If you have made a name for yourself in your niche (gained credibility) and you have a product that
Joint Venture partners know will make them look good to their lists (even your most fierce
competitors), there is no limit to the help they will be willing to provide for you as a Joint Venture
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Those who choose to make their living by sailing on the rough and tumble sea of Internet marketing are,
by nature, confident, self-assured people who well understand that investment in many things is a
necessity for survival.
They invest in themselves by learning all they can about the products and services in their niche market.
They invest their time, their effort, their energy, and, yes, their money in order to achieve success. You
are obviously one of those brave souls.
The one investment that every Internet marketer must invest in regularly in order to achieve success is
advertising. The old saying, ‘Advertising Pays’ is as true today as it was when those words were first
uttered by a long forgotten marketer of years gone by. It really does pay to advertise. You stand to gain
more by advertising than what the advertising costs. That is always a given.
When we talk about advertising and Internet marketing, we are speaking of advertising by a variety of
methods that include both free and paid for advertising. All of the methods that we will discuss here are
effective ways to advertise.
Some of them will require only an investment of time while others will include an investment of money,
as well. Advertising, however, is essential. Advertising should be at the top of the ‘to-do’ list of every
Internet marketer every day of the week.
First, let’s discuss paid-for advertising. The fact is you are going to have to invest some money in
advertising your product, your service, your website or, even, your free membership website if you are to
have any success at all on the Internet. The Internet is a huge place. There are millions of websites. You
are going to have to tell people where to find you in this enormous world of the Internet.
When people are surfing the Internet looking for a particular product, service or just information, they
always start that search by plugging the key words about their search into a search engine. Search engines
are like keys that open the door to information about where to go on the Internet to find what is being
searched for and you (your product, your service or your website) will need to be on the other side of that
door when it is opened.
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This is where PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising comes in. Your advertising budget needs to include a
certain amount for PPC advertising. You can set a budget with search engines and limit the amount you
will pay each day for PPC advertising. Set that limit as high as you can to begin with and then increase it
as you soon as possible.
While Google Adwords is one of the fastest ways to gain targeted traffic, it can quickly become
expensive if it is used incorrectly. The following tips will show you how to correctly setup your
campaigns. You'll discover what to do and what to avoid.
1) Use Google's Adwords Editor to manage your campaigns.
The Adwords Editor is free tool from Google that helps you manage your campaigns. It allows
you to make bulk or multiple updates to your campaign. This saves you time and effort when
compared to making manual changes online.
2) Disable the Content etwork.
Beginners should stay away from the Content Network in Google Adwords. When you are just
starting out, disable the content network in your PPC campaigns. Traffic from the content
network is lower quality than Google search traffic, because it's coming from Google Adsense
participants who don't care what quality of traffic they send your website. When you have
proven ROI from your website, you can use placement campaigns or regular content network.
3) Set a reasonable daily budget.
You want to throttle your traffic and Adwords spending until you have a proven ROI. When you
achieve a good ROI, you can increase the daily budget and increase your traffic. You don't want
to throttle your campaign by bidding to low per click, because that can affect your CTR. You
need a good CTR to maintain a good quality. Throttling your campaign with a daily budget stops
showing your ads, so you won't get impressions and damage your CTR.
4) Don't set your CPC too low.
You don't want to throttle your campaign by bidding too low per click, because that can affect
your CTR. You need a good CTR to maintain a good quality. You never want to damage your
CTR by bidding to low. In fact, if you begin with a high bid, you can achieve a good CTR. After
your achieve the high CTR, you can lower your CPC and still maintain a ad good position,
saving money in the long run.
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5) Don't hang on to poor performing keyword.
You probably have some keywords and ad groups that are not performing well. The half percent
is a good goal for a well performing ad. Any ad group or keyword performing under a half
percent with a high number of impressions needs to be altered. The poor performing ads can
damage your overall campaign CTR and lower the quality score and position of your other ads.
Remove the ad group or keyword. If you decide you simply must have this ad group or keyword,
move it to it's own campaign and start split testing sales copy changes.
6) Evaluate your landing pages as if you were performing SEO.
Your landing page is examined and scored by Adwords just like your website is for inclusion on
the Google search engine. Performing SEO on your landing pages will improve your quality
score. The Google webmaster tools can provide free information on how Google scores your
pages. If you don't have a Google sitemap, you can create one for free at the adwords-marketingtool,com sitemap tool.
Rules to follow when creating your ads:
1) Speak to the customer
A general rule of sales copy is that you want to appeal directly to the consumer. By using
the word you, you address the consumer in a direct personal way, as if you were speaking
to them. Use you in your sales copy instead of your product name or I.
2) People buy solutions, not products or services
Another general rule of sales copy is that a customer is looking to find a solution, not buy
a product. A customer doesn't want to buy a drill, instead they need a way to make a hole.
You need to sell a solution.
2) Feature versus Benefit
You may be tempted to list a prominent feature of your product. Don't. Instead, make a
list of every feature you can think of. Then write down the corresponding reason the
customer would want that feature. You can often move from feature to benefit by using
"what that means to you, Mr. Customer is". That becomes a benefit. Then don't describe a
feature in your ad, but describe a benefit.
4) Use a Call to Action
A Call to Action is a sentence instructing the consumer to perform a task. The consumer
will often be subconsciously persuaded to do it. A call to Action generally begins with a
verb (the action). Here are some examples.
* Click here.
* Download your copy now.
* Call now.
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5) Keyword or Phrase
Your ad will be more attractive to the customer if your ad text contains the keyword or
phrase they searched on. Right away your customer will view your ad has highly
relevant, because the keyword is right there. The headline is a particularly good place to
have the keyword since your customer sees it first. this tactic is done automatically if you
use the Adwords strategy from adwords-marketing-tool,com
6) Use Free if applicable
Using the word free is likely to increase your CTR. Make sure your landing page does
freely give away what you promised. (At times Google penalizes for using too much of
free, so be careful.)
7) Hype words
Hype words like amazing or incredible may help you attract attention. But be careful,
overuse them and you sound like a snake oil salesman.
8) Sense of urgency
You can create a sense of urgency with a phrase like limited offer. This encourages a
customer to make a purchase on the spot. If you have the space available, you can
describe the consequences of failing to act.
9) No risk
Consumers are cautious of being taken advantage of. A money back guarantee or a no
risk free trial helps persuade you consumers.
10) Test your ads
The only way you'll know if your sales copy is working is to test it. Split testing is the
accepted method of testing your ads. You run two ads simultaneously. After the proper
amount of time, you compare CTR or ROI and declare a winner and remove the lesser ad.
So my friend, you have a proven system in your hand to go out and pay more than your
mortgage. You have a system here that can help you build immense fortune that can free you
from all financial worries and help you lead a care-free life that you have always dreamed off. So
go ahead and achieve all the success that you deserve.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
I’ve heard people say that the main reason that they want to work at home is because they can
work only when they want to work. It IS true that you can set your own work hours when you
work at home but it does NOT mean that you don’t have to have set work hours.
A ‘hit or miss’ work schedule…or rather, the lack of any work schedule at all, simply will not
work. Time is of the Essence! YOUR time!
Working at home can be a very, very good thing. You can be at home to see the kids off to
school and be at home when they get home. You can put a load of laundry in and it can run
through the cycles while you are working.
You can have dinner cooked before a hungry family descends like a flock of hungry buzzards.
All of those things are real perks that you automatically get when you work at home.
Working at home can also be a very, very bad thing if you do not plan your time well and if you
do not set up a work schedule that you and your family can live with. When you work at home,
time really is of the essence.
You must make very good use of the time that you spend working. If you are not efficient in
accomplishing the tasks that must be done, you will either spend too much time working or you
will fail miserably at your work at home job or business.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
You must set up a work schedule for yourself when you work at home and then you must enforce
that work schedule for yourself and insist that you family and friends also adhere to your work
A job out in the brick and mortar world does two things; (1) It provides a structure for your
day and (2) it tells your family and friends that your time is spoken for during your
working hours. You will notice that both of these things that a regular job provides both relate
to your TIME.
First let’s discuss the structure that a regular job provides and how you can apply that structure to
your work at home job or business. When you have a job that you go to outside your home, you
are required to be at that job at a specified time on specified days of the week.
When you have a work at home job or business, you need that same kind of structure. You need
to set regular working hours. The freedom that a work at home job provides is that you can
choose the hours…but you do have to choose!
Now let’s talk about your family and friends and how they are going to view your work at home
job. It is a strange but very true fact that your dear mother would not DREAM of calling you at
your ‘real’ job and asking you to drive Aunt Rosie to the beauty shop and wait for her….after
all….you are WORKING and can’t be expected to leave your job to run errands. Right?
That very same considerate mother WILL call you and ask you to take Aunt Rosie to the beauty
shop and wait for her when you are working at home. Why? Because you are at home and
available, that’s why.
Your dear, sweet mother will not see your work at home job as a ‘real’ job. Your spouse will
also see you as being free to run errands. Your friends will see you as being available for long
telephone conversations, lunch or for a coffee klatch.
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You can see the problem. If YOU do not schedule your time and abide by your schedule
yourself, others will not. Unless you see your work at home job as a REAL job with REAL
working hours, your time will be eaten up. You will not accomplish the tasks that you need to
You will fail and find yourself out looking for a REAL job unless you see your work at home job
as the REAL THING with regular working hours that make you unavailable for other activities.
The best way to accomplish using your time to your own best advantage with your work at home
job or business is to make a schedule and tell your family and friends what that schedule is.
You don’t have to be rude but you do have to be firm. Make it clear to all. “I will be working
between 9 AM and 3 PM Monday through Friday. On those days and during those hours, I am
6OT available to run errands or take personal phone calls or entertain company.” Then stick to
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Time for work-at-home entrepreneurs is their single most valuable asset. Nothing can replace
time…valuable, precious time!
No matter how rich or poor you are, no matter how many things are on your ‘to-do’ list, you still
just get the regulation twenty-four hours each day. Sometimes I could use another twenty-four
but that isn’t going to happen. I’ll bet that you could use more hours in your work day, as well.
The thing about those twenty-four allotted hours per day is that we can’t spend all of them
working. We have to sleep some of them. We have to take time to eat and there is the occasional
shower, too. ☺
Our families and our friends require some of our time. Relationships must be nurtured. So…we
can allow ourselves just so many work hours each day. Since our working time is limited that
means that we must make the very most of the hours that we work. We can’t waste time on
unimportant details or on tasks that others can do.
When you shave a few minutes here and a few minutes there, you will make more efficient use
of your allotted work hours. Here are a few suggestions and in the interest of saving your time
(and mine), I’ll keep this brief and to the point.
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Email account efficiency: We all have various email accounts. We use one account for
this and another account for that. Checking each and every email account more than once
a day can be a time consuming task that you very easily make less time consuming by
having all of the email that comes to all of your various email account to come into one
gmail account. One email account takes a lot less time than several and you can still
maintain all of your various email addresses.
Additionally, you don’t need to spend a lot of time reading and answering emails that are
not going to add to your bottom line.
Email comes in several varieties. There are emails that are business related, emails that
are important but not business related and emails that are simply frivolous and time
wasting. If an email has been forwarded several times, don’t waste your time.
If an email is addressed to a great many people, don’t waste any time on it either. Email
can consume a lot of time. You need to filter the important from the irrelevant and only
spend time on those emails that are related to your business.
Set up time tables to help you prioritize your work day: A scheduled work day is an
efficient work day. You will get a lot more done in a lot less time if you know in advance
and can see at a glance what task is next on your list. I like visual aids. A time table is a
visual aid. It can help you allot your time efficiently and productively!
Focus on result producing activities: When you make your work day schedule, you
need to be certain that the tasks that you schedule are the ones that will in fact make your
business grow and thrive. Don’t waste your time, effort and energy on tasks that can be
done by others.
Take time to investigate outsourcing. You can add hours to your day each and every day
when you outsource the mundane business tasks to others.
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You can outsource such tasks as bookkeeping and accounting, article/E-book writing and
submission, travel and event planning and ad writing. Others can do these tasks better and
more efficiently than you can and your time is better spent on growing your business,
making those contacts and closing those deals!
Shave time off of counter-productive activities: Like I said, your friends and families
do required some of your time but you can also waste a whole ton of time on such
unproductive activities as watching TV.
You will be really surprised at how much of your day that you waste if you keep a record
of your time expenditures over the course of several days’ time.
Now don’t misunderstand me. We all need down time. We all must relax our minds as well as
our bodies. We can’t be all business all the time but we can limit our unproductive or
counterproductive activities.
Time is precious and time is limited. We need to make the very best use of every minute of every
day that we possibly can.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Time really does equal money. You are an internet entrepreneur and you need to ask yourself
what the best use of your time really is because it is YOUR time that equals money. The health
of your bottom line is directly affected by the way that you choose to allot your working hours.
First let’s discuss what your job really is as an internet entrepreneur. Your job is to grow your
business. Your job is to make those contacts that will make you money. Your job is to conceive
ideas and bring them to fruition. Your job is to close that deal! You do agree with that
description of your job duties as an internet entrepreneur, don’t you?
Okay! Now let’s discuss what your job as an internet entrepreneur is NOT. Being an internet
entrepreneur does not qualify you as an accountant, an advertising guru or a writer. You aren’t
qualified to be an event planner or a travel agent. When you decided to become an internet
entrepreneur that did not automatically make you a ‘jack-of-all-trades’.
You can waste a lot of your valuable time on tasks that you just plain aren’t very good at. You
are the idea man/woman. It IS your job to make your business grow and you’ll be good at that
provided that is where you use your time and direct your energies.
If you insist upon doing everything yourself, whether you are good at it or not, you will use up
all of your thought and energy and have nothing left to do the things that only YOU can do to
make your business grow.
Hire an accountant or a bookkeeping service: Every business must keep a record of its
day to day financial transactions and even the smallest of transactions add up to big tax
deductions over the period of a year.
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You can’t simply file everything under ‘miscellaneous’ and you can’t spend an hour or so
every day taking care of just mundane bookkeeping duties either. Bookkeepers and
accountants only charge for the time that they actually spend working for you. Usually
they have many clients.
If they spend one hour working on your records then you will only be charged for that
one hour. YOU aren’t a bookkeeper or an accountant and you would have likely spent
three or four hours doing the same tasks and then with questionable results. Hire an
accountant or a bookkeeping service!
Hire a VA (Virtual Assistant): A virtual assistant can save you hours and hours of time
on the mundane tasks that are required to be accomplished in order to run a successful
internet business.
A VA can check your email and send only the emails that you need to personally deal
with to you. Internet entrepreneurs get more junk mail than anybody! A good VA can
also act as a travel agent and make airline and hotel reservations for you. Hire a VA!
Use ghost writers and article submission services: Writing articles and E-books is
always a big part of all internet marketing no matter what the niche might be. You will
need to have website content and you will also need to submit articles and E-books to
banks and repositories for others to use along with your resource box in order to build
your online credibility.
Ghost writers will post to blogs and forums for you above your own signature file that
includes your name and website. Some ghost writers will also submit articles and Ebooks to banks and repositories for you. If the ghost writer that you employ does not,
then you can seek an articles submission company to do that time consuming task for you
as well.
There are several web sites that allow you to post writing projects and in turn the sites
show the projects to the freelancers that subscribe to the site. The freelancers then post a
bid on your project.The most popular web site offering these services is called Elance http://www.elance.com
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When you go to the Elance web site, click on the Elance Online tab and browse the
categories. As you can see, there are thousands of open projects in every category
imaginable. There is a video tour of the elance site located at:
Another site I have used for writing related projects is called Creative Moonlighter
located at: http://www.creativemoonlighter.com Finally, an unlikely source for finding
writing talent is at http://www.rentacoder.com
Here are a few points to remember when posting freelance projects:
1. Give as much detail as possible to the freelancer. I even give a ton of information in
the initial post. I have found that eager freelancers will mock up a sample chapter or
design for you to try and get your business.At times, it makes sense for you to ask the
bidder to sign a non-disclosure agreement. On all three sites you can find sample nondisclosure agreements in the resources section after you have registered. *Registration on
all 3 Sites is FREE for Buyers.
3. Always ask for writing samples. Don't take any mumbo jumbo from freelancers saying
all their work is confidential. Get Samples!!
4. Never Ever release payment until you have completely reviewed the final document.
Some freelancers will try to push you to release the payment as soon as they have sent
you the draft. Review it and then release payment.
Use an advertising agency: Now advertising agencies don’t work cheap so you will
need to be very, very specific about what you want them to do for your business. You can
likely get PPC advertisements written rather reasonably and even that will be a huge help
to you time wise.
There are only just so many hours in a day and you can only spend just so many of those hours
working at making your online business successful. There IS still life outside of business.
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You have friends and family that do require some measure of your time. That makes it even
more vital that you use your time to make your business grow and not waste your time by
spending doing the everyday tasks that can take so much of your valuable time.
Think outsourcing!
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Couldn’t get enough of Twitter? Want to get the most out of your Tweetering experience? Here
are more Twitter applications to make your Tweetering more fun, useful and exciting.
Twitter Post - a simple, stand-alone interface for Twitter.com that lets users to easily post to and
read from Twitter feed. Among its many features include; full unicode support, browse main
feed and public feed, post to Twitter with using a web browser, unique avatar caching system to
speed up post browsing, and many more.
http://twitr.org/ a simple, stand-alone interface for Twitter.com that lets users to easily post to
and read from Twitter feed. Among its many features include; full unicode support, browse main
feed and public feed, post to Twitter with using a web browser, unique avatar caching system to
speed up post browsing, and many more.
http://wefollow.com a simple, stand-alone interface for Twitter.com that lets users to easily post
to and read from Twitter feed. Among its many features include; full unicode support, browse
main feed and public feed, post to Twitter with using a web browser, unique avatar caching
system to speed up post browsing, and many more.
http://tweetchat.com/ is a new service whereby you can narrow any discussion that takes place in
the Twitterverse by locating it in a specific context, namely a room where only those who are
tweeting about a specific issue come in.
You create a room directly by adhering to the format that is provided on the site, IE
http://tweetchat.com/room/anime. An automatic hashtag is then generated to accompany each
tweet, reflecting the room you are interacting in. Since the hashtag is automatically created, you
don’t have to worry about typos and related considerations.
Using this system entails furnishing both your Twitter username and your password. No other
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
information must be supplied.
Granted, this is a very specific service that will not set the world on fire. It won’t ever set the
Twitter scene alight. It will just come in handy for those that want to keep clutter away from
their micro blogging world as much as they can. If you are one such individual, you might as
well point your browser to this site and see whether it delivers what it promises or not.
http://www.localtweeps.com Do you need to find something or somebody? If that is your case,
this is an online solution that was created in order to give you the opportunity to search for a
wide variety of services.
Localtweeps was especially created with the intention to help users to localize the Twittersphere.
The way this online solution works is extremely easy and fast. The system makes possible for
you to find what you are looking for by mapping twitter profiles and content geographically.
One of the good things about Localtweeps is the fact that it encourages local connections as well
as the sharing of local information.
This will be a good opportunity for you to find what you have been looking for, in a way that is
both straightforward and entertaining.
In case you need to get a specific place and share geographic trends on Twitter this is the right
site for you. You are advised to pay www.localtweeps.com a visit in order to see the ways it
could help you out.
TweetLaw.com – This site is all about Law. If you are a legal professional on the lookout for
information related to your profession, you should take a look at this website. This source is
based on Twitter. In fact, this solution can be defined as a Twitter for Law professionals.
There are many documents and collaborators as well as Law professionals you might need to get
in touch with in order to maximize your performance, and this is a useful tool for you to
accomplish that goal.
After you create an account (for free) you can start browsing through more than 30 categories in
find attorneys and lawyers, as well as small law firms
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twook4it.com - Twitter is so big that finding like-minded individuals is not necessarily as easy
as you might think. The same happens to people looking for something. Maybe someone is
looking for something and you know where it can be found, or maybe the opposite is true - you
might be in need of something, and another person might as well know where to look for it. The
thing is, if you never meet or get in touch how cold you two possibly help each other out?
Enter this site. Broadly speaking, it will let you look up people who are looking for anything in
particular, or people who have found something which is hard to come across, and wish to share
their finds with the rest.
The site itself is pretty straightforward, and the main page highlights the most wanted items as of
late. This means that you can click straight on any tag and see the results on the spot, without
having to type anything.
http://twittermass.com/ - simple, stand-alone interface for Twitter.com that lets users to easily
post to and read from Twitter feed. Among its many features include; full unicode support,
browse main feed and public feed, post to Twitter with using a web browser, unique avatar
caching system to speed up post browsing, and many more.
http://www.twazzup.com/ - simple, stand-alone interface for Twitter.com that lets users to easily
post to and read from Twitter feed. Among its many features include; full unicode support,
browse main feed and public feed, post to Twitter with using a web browser, unique avatar
caching system to speed up post browsing, and many more.
http://www.TweeterTags.com - TweeterTags is a Twitter application that was created in
order to give you the chance to tag yourself and find others sharing similar tags.
This is a very simple and easy-to-understand service. You can tag yourself with words
that are accurately related to your personal and professional interests. In addition to
this, you can also tag your individual skills or favorite topics. This seems to be an
enjoyable way to use your twitter account.
Twitterlicious - makes reading and writing Tweets more fun and easier. It displays the real status
of each tweet (i.e., which one is new, which one you’ve missed), automatic refresh, doesn’t lock
up when Twitter is down, supports authenticated web proxies.
Twitter Gadget - a Windows Vista Desktop Sidebar gadget that tracks all sweet tweets from
Twitter.com, updates every 10 seconds (cool!)
Twitter sync - plugin for synchronizing your Yahoo and Twitter updates
TwitterFeed - lets feed your blog posts into your tweeter account (best app!)
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twhirl - desktop application that keeps you updated with your Twitter account
TwitterMeThis - an online trivia contest which lets you win $5 for Twittering the correct answer
to their question. pretty cool idea.
TwitterLocal - lets you generate an RSS or XML feed to filter out Tweets around a certain area
Twittervision - shows you who is updating their Twitter account with their geographical location
on the world map.
Twubble - lets you find friends of your current friend. A good way to earn more Twitter
Twitter Feed - www.twitterfeed.com sends your blog updates to Twitter automatically. Just
enter the URL of your blog’s RSS feed, tell it how often you tweet, and your followers will
always see your post announcements.
http://twitterfeed.com/ TwitThis You’ve probably seen all the buttons at the bottom of blog
posts urging people to Digg the article or send it to StumbleUpon. With TwitThis, you can also
ask them send an URL of the page together with a brief description to their Twitter followers.
Very neat.
http://twitthis.com/ Tweetscan Searching on Twitter isn’t particularly efficient... unless you’re
using Tweetscan. It’s just a great Twitter-specific search engine that’s very useful when you’re
looking for people to follow or ask advice from.
http://www.tweetscan.com/ Snitter Twitter might be based on a website but you don’t actually
need to open your browser to use it. Snitter is a desktop application that works like an IM
messenger. You can watch the tweets come and go while you continue working.
Twitter Mail www.twittermail.com - Twittermail allows users to email tweets to their account.
Twitpic - Twitpic is a website that allows users to easily upload pictures and post them to their
Twitter feed.It has been used by citizen journalists to upload and distribute pictures in near realtime while an event is taking place.
Twitterrific is an iPhone application and Twitter client that allows users to view and browse the
Twitter website, and post tweets.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Tweetie is an iPhone application and Twitter client that allows users to view Twitter and post
their own tweets. It also allows the user to manage more than one Twitter account at the same
Twitter Berry
A twitter blackberry app which allows people to update and see the timeline as well as send
direct messages.
A Twitter app that allows users to view Twitter and post tweets for the Android OS system found
on the HTC T-Mobile G1 by Google
Desktop apps for Twitter
Ada - Ada is the perfect little Twitter app with a clean, simple design. It doesn't hog up
your desktop or distract you with a million crazy features. See and send tweets, replies
and direct messages. Ada runs on both PCs and MACs.
AlertThingy - AlertThingy v2 brings the very latest updates from your favourite social
networks direct to your desktop. Plus send Tweets, update your Facebook status, upload
photos to Flickr, post to Tumblr and more. With v2 AlertThingy makes it faster and
easier to manage the online you. Plus you get the coolest looking RSS reader on the
BigTweet - BigTweet installs as a bookmarklet and allows you to post to Twitter from
any web page. Choose a classic 140 character update, or a 240 character tweet. Insert
special Unicode characters and shorten URLs with the Bit.ly API right from the
bookmarklet window. Automatically capture the current page title, URL and any
highlighted text. No registration is required - only Twitter login credentials are needed.
Bitter - A free social networking client that supports Twitter, Friend Feed, Plurk and
Pownce. It is fully featured including the ability to follow hash tags, do Twitter searches,
auto-shorten URLs, has color schemes, spell checking, intellisense, and lots more.
BMS Twitter Client - A Windows Twitter Client written in VB .NET based on work by
the Yedda Dev Blog. Just unzip and run the executable. Automatically breaks long
messages into pieces, including replies. Uses Google to translate your language into one
or more other languages - additional multilingual support can be added. New updated
version coming soon! By myklami
BMS Twitter Export: - A Windows Twitter Application that exports all Tweets for a
given Twitter Account within a given date range to an HTML file and also downloads
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
associated twitpic images. A bit heavy on the API calls so avoid calling it repeated within
a given hour. By myklami
Chirrup - A simple Windows client for Japanese
Digsby - A multiprotocol IM client that lets you manage all your IM, email, and social
network accounts from one easy-to-use application. For IM, it brings all your buddies
into one merged contact list with support for AIM, MSN, Facebook, Yahoo, ICQ, GTalk,
and Jabber. For email, it offers notifications of new emails with message previews, as
well as, the ability to perform actions such as "Mark as Read" and "Delete" right from the
notification with support for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail, POP, and
IMAP. For social networks, it provides a newsfeed of events on the network and the
ability to set status with support for Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.
DX Monitor - An amateur radio application to report worldwide DX activity and alert
amateurs to activity from rare countries. Alerts and status reports can be automatically
tweeted based on reception reports from DX Summit and telnet links to DX Clusters.
FAROO - A Peer-to-peer Web Search Engine, that integrates Twitter search to discover
discussions and people related to the query.
feedalizr - A free deskptop application that allows you to view, rate and comment on
what your friends are sharing online. Tweet, upload pics to Flickr, update your Facebook
status, keep up to date with your friends’ Google Reader, Digg, Tumblr, YouTube and
Last.fm posts on Friendfeed. Use unique filters to reduce the noise. Duplications are
filtered out. -- by MIH SWAT
Flotzam - A Mash Up of Twitter, Flickr, Facebook and blogs, completely configurable -by Karsten Januszewski and Tim Aidlin
Found.im - The Twitter/Facebook client for the person always on the move!
Automatically tracks your location (Home, Work, Starbucks, etc.) and combines the
information with status updates. Super discreet interface that doesn't bombard you with
messages. Microblog and get back to what you were doing. Check out the intro video.
Friendbar- A Firefox toolbar that is the best way to follow Twitter & Facebook updates,
and post to Twitter and Facebook
GeoTweeter - Puts the 'where' into your tweets! Messages automatically include a
'schmap.me' link, showing followers your exact location with a configurable map icon:
say more about places you visit with an optional photo and star rating.
JabberTwitterBridge -- Java application to update Twitters, Jabber's status (google talk
gtalk) and Google calendar together (for example : In a meeting until 15h12) (Twitter to
google talk, google talk to twitter, google calendar to google talk and google calendar to
twitter) MrCba
jata - jata stands for just another Twitter App. Jata is a Google Talk like Twitter
Application which was developed using VB.net and Twiteroo Twitter API framework.
This application automatically checks for new messages periodically. You can post your
status right from jata post message screen. You can also reply to tweets using this
windows application.
KlipFolio - World's smallest personal dashboard to track Twitter Updates, with instant
L0K8 - a tiny app that auto-updates your Twitter location when you move from place to
place. Written by the founder of PBwiki, David Weekly.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
MadTwitter -- a clon of Twitterrific for Windows which doesn't require .NET -- by Sacha
Media Center Status Application - Updates your Twitter status according to what you do
in Windows Media Center and displays your Twitter friends' status updates in Media
Center. Requires Windows Vista or 7. By Jussi Palo
Nearby tweets - Find twitterers nearby (or anywhere for that matter). Add to the fun by
searching new locations and using keywords. By Brian Cray
OutTwit - OutTwit (Outlook + Twitter = OutTwit) Use Twitter from Outlook.
Post To Twitter - Post tweets from Microsoft Excel. VBA-based add-in for Excel 20002007.
Public Timeline Screensaver - Screensaver that shows the public timeline.
Pwytter - Free open source Twitter client written in Python by PJ Coudert. User Interface
in 14 languages.
QckTwit -- A simple Twitter app that you can activate anytime by Shift+Alt+T and it
would pop up presenting a text box to enter your update quickly. As soon as you press
Ctrl+Enter, it will send update to Twitter and get out of your way. Separate box for URL.
If your message exceeds Twitter's limit then it will automatically break it down in
multiple twits and color those extra chars differently. Open source, requires .Net 3.5 -- by
Shital Shah
QKTwit - Super lightweight Twitter client, Written on the Abobe AIR Platform, aims to
be feature rich but small and low memory footprint. By Daniel Rivers
sociagami -- sociagami allows you to manage your multiple social network statuses from
one beautiful Windows application. sociagami currently supports Myspace, Facebook,
and Twitter status.
StickyTweets - An open source, lightweight client written in Win32 C/C++ for Windows
XP SP2 or greater. No additional frameworks required.
TeleTwitter - A Windows Twitter application that tries hard to be simple and beautiful,
like its web 2.0 name sake.
Threeter Open source Twitter client that makes updating your status easy as 1-2-3: press
the hotkey combination, enter your message, press Enter. Easy and really fast, worth a try
:-) by Devv
Togi Twitter Client (Update) -- Togi is developed on .NET 2.0 with C# and is a open
source software by Oguzhan
triQQr -- Twitter Client for Windows v0.2 with posting, profiles, direct messages and
link to homepage of user
TheTwitterBot -- Twitter client for windows. It is an automated robot that can follow by
keyword new friends, can stop follow those who don't follow, can update your status by
your pre-made messages, can follow those who follow you, can send massive DM, can
auto reply to those you follow, etc.
Twadget - A Windows Vista sidebar gadget by Rod Begbie
TwApp! for Windows -- by Harper Reed (Requires .NET 2.0)
Twair a twitter desktop client powered by extjs & adobe air
Tway a simplistic windows client which doesn't disturb you so much
Tweet-SQL is a Twitter Client for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and above. Over 30
procedures allow you to leverage the Twitter API with standard TSQL.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Tweet All About It! -- Tweet any snippet of text directly from your browser (Internet
Explorer and Firefox supported). By iElectrify (@sherice on Twitter)
Twessenger -- a Twitter add-in for Windows Live Messenger 8.1. Sets your personal
message to your latest tweet! -- by Kunal Kundaje
Twibble for the desktop is a twitter client built on top of the new Adobe AIR platform. It
provides easy twitter access in a user friendly way.
Twidget for Konfabulator/ Yahoo! Widgets Post from your desktop.
TwiPing Twitter Contact Management Software. Follow and unfollow large batches of
friends and followers with a single click.
Twit4Live -- A Messenger Plus! Live Script that adds twitter interaction to Windows
Live Messenger
Twit4Trivia -- A trivia application for twitter featuring more then 64000 questions and
various statistics.
Twitsy - Twitsy is a open source, VB.NET Application which shows basic integration of
twitter API and .NET Framework 2. -- by rui(JumpByte)
Twitter CLI - Easy to use Command Line Interface allows submitting tweets to Twitter
from the Windows CMD Prompt or 'Run' box -- by Jason Fowler.
Twitter Desktop - A How-To for making TwitterVision your desktop background, watch
live tweets while working.(not an app)
Twitter Gadget - A Windows Vista Desktop Sidebar Gadget that helps you keep track of
all the sweet tweets! Fetches tweets from twitter.com and updates them every 10 seconds.
Twitter It! - A Windows .NET Desktop Application created by Travis James, currently
on Version 1.0.
Twitter Submitter - now available. For Windows 95/98/2k/XP (tested) Submit
Twitterings to Twitter.com without using a web browser! Submit Private messages as
well! (D username message)Kenneth Udut (simplify3@aol.com)
Twitter-Sync (Yahoo Messenger Plugin) - Keeps your Yahoo! Messenger status and
Twitter in synchronization. Update your Yahoo! Status to create a new tweet. Your new
tweets update your Yahoo! status. Also keeps track of your twitter friends from the main
messenger window with alerts, pop-ups + more... -- by WackyB.
Twitterbox -- Twitter client for Windows made with beon widget technology.
TwitterIM -- Get/post updates on twitter using your google chat account (gtalk). Works
just like Twitter IM functionality which is currently disabled. Sends message to you on
chat if you friends post updates. You can message it and it will update your twitter status.
By itsfrosty.
Twitterlicious -- Twitterlicious is a small app that makes using Twitter more fun. It
handles all the hard work, leaving you to read and write tweets with the minimum fuss.
Best of all, *Twitterlicious is free*!
Twitterlights -- Twitterlights is an integrated feature of i-Lighter 2.1 allowing one-click
tweeting and content saving with your mouse -- all free!
Twitteroo 1.4 for Windows released on 13 March 07 (by RareEdge Design Group) *new* features include font resizing, transparency, sound notifications, built-in URL
shortening. Programmable API!
TwitterYM - a tiny ruby script that updates your Yahoo Messenger status with your latest
Twitter one (requires Windows and Ruby) - by Alex Brie
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twittget Twitter Vista Gadget, that features a small docked mode, a large float mode and
Direct Messaging support. by mayu
TwittIt - A system tray application for easy posting to Twitter by Denis Briel
Twittle - A lightweight Twitter client for Windows (XP, Vista). Clean un-cluttered UI
written in WPF. Updates automatically. by Twittle.
TwittMe! - A new Twitter Windows Client 1.0.4. Updates itself directly without user
input, keeping it always as bug free as possible. Will open source it when client it's more
feature complete.
TwitTray -- A minimalist approach to a desktop Twitter status updater. The program sits
silently in your system tray until you want to update your Twitter status. Very tiny and
written in old school bulletproof C++/MFC. By kwitcherbitchen.org.
Twtview 1.4 NEW FEATURES: 'pm' lets you see your private messages, 'u twittername'
will show any public users homepage. (Jan 27 07). For Win32. View all public timelines
and personal timeline without needing web browser. Can be used at the same time as
Twitter Submitter W32 to instantly see your submissions. Kenneth Udut
Visual Twit -- a simple Twitter posting client for Windows -- by Andy
Witty -- A Twitter client for Windows Vista and XP powered by the Windows
Presentation Foundation (WPF) by Alan Le
WittyTweets -- A cute Twitter client for Windows Vista and XP by Tweet Feeds
Yakkle! - A free application that integrates together a twitter client, IM client, multi-user
voice conferencing, and group desktop sharing services. -- by ZenViva
TweetIE - CloudBerry TweetIE is a Twitter plug-in for IE that helps you to post quotes
from the websites you visit with a click of the button and attach a short Chilp.IT URL to
the source page.
pbtweet - bookmarklet enhancer for twitter.com on Safari and Chrome. pbtweet shows
conversation chain, media badge and RT/via buttons. Other feature: Automatically
update timeline. Automatically adding next page when scrolling down to bottom up to 40
pages stable. Many interaction are animated with using CSS3. -- by t_trace
Ada - Ada is the perfect little Twitter app with a clean, simple design. It doesn't hog up
your desktop or distract you with a million crazy features. See and send tweets, replies
and direct messages. Ada runs on both PCs and MACs.
AlertThingy - AlertThingy v2 brings the very latest updates from your favourite social
networks direct to your desktop. Plus send Tweets, update your Facebook status, upload
photos to Flickr, post to Tumblr and more. With v2 AlertThingy makes it faster and
easier to manage the online you. Plus you get the coolest looking RSS reader on the
Airmailr - A full-featured Mac OS X dashboard widget for Twitter
BigTweet - BigTweet installs as a bookmarklet and allows you to post to Twitter from
any web page. Choose a classic 140 character update, or a 240 character tweet. Insert
special Unicode characters and shorten URLs with the Bit.ly API right from the
bookmarklet window. Automatically capture the current page title, URL and any
highlighted text. No registration is required - only Twitter login credentials are needed.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Blogo - A weblog editor which is also a full-featured Twitter client integrated with
Twitpic, tinyURL, tweetburner and Ping.fm.
Bluebird - A simple and beautiful twitter client by {13Bold}. Bluebird has support for
html/css themes and works great for updating multiple accounts!
Celly. OS X. The original Twittergotchi as a downloadable app by Chris Messina
Chirp v.5. OS X. Dashboard Widget for Twitter, FriendFeed, Identi.ca, and Pownce by
Warm Chocolate.
Chitter. OS X. Plug-in for iChat by ROFL Software
EventBox. OS X. Social network aggregator with full support for Twitter (searching, etc).
feedalizr - A free deskptop application that allows you to view, rate and comment on
what your friends are sharing online. Tweet, upload pics to Flickr, update your Facebook
status, keep up to date with your friends’ Google Reader, Digg, Tumblr, YouTube and
Last.fm posts on Friendfeed. Use unique filters to reduce the noise. Duplications are
filtered out. -- by MIH SWAT
Friendbar- A Firefox toolbar that is the best way to follow Twitter & Facebook updates,
and post to Twitter and Facebook
iChat Status to Twitter. Applescript that pushes your iChat status, including iTunes
current song by WT Leroux
iTunes to Twitter. Applescript that pushes out your iTunes current song by WT Leroux
MoodBlast. Updates Twitter (and Facebook, Jaiku, Tumblr, Yappd, iChat, Adium,
Skype) from a hotkey with extensive replacement strings.
NatsuLion - NatsuLion is a simple native Twitter client for Mac OSX with ability to view
only @replies.
Nambu - Free desktop application that combines Twitter, FriendFeed, Twitter Search and
tr.im URL shortening together into a great streamlined experience.
P3:PeraPeraPrv for Mac - P3: PeraPeraPrv for Mac is fully functional twitter client based
on Java. P3 supports full-keyboard based operation, filter view to tracking with @id's and
keyword, quick-appearance changing, English/Japanese/Chinese interface and many
PhotoTwitter. This application allows you to take a Snapshot using your iSight and post
the photo and your text on Twitter.
Pwytter - The free open source Twitter client written in Python now packaged as an App
RAILhead Design. Wiki page. UPDATED TO v1.3.2 on 02-23-2007.
Robin. OS X Dashboard Widget by SimplyExcited.
Scalaris - OS X. Built as minimal and unintrusive as possible. Relies on Growl.
TikiTwit . Updates your Twitter status when you change your iChat status.
Tototl 1.4 - An opensource and lightweight Twitter Client for Mac OSX in Cocoa
Twidget. OS X. Twitter Dashboard by Aquabox
Twitgit. OS X. Dashboard Widget by Ben Ward (See also Wiki Page)
Twitter from TextMate - A simple little script that allows you to tweet from TextMate
with a GUI Dialog popup.
Twittereze SIMBL extension for Twitterific by Sören Kuklau
Twitterlex. Dashboard Widget by Brett Taylor
Twitteromatic. OS X. Send out current weather, iTunes track, secret word of the day, this
day in history, uptime and current IP.twitter zone
TwitterPod. A Twitter app
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
TwitterPost. OS X. Desktop app by Maury McCown
Twitterrific. OS X. Desktop app by Iconfactory (See also Wiki page)
Twitter Studio. OS X Desktop app by BlueCrestStudios
Twittia Twitter-client for OS X by Jeena Paradies
Twoot - An ad-free open source minimalistic customizable twitter client for those who
know HTML and CSS. Appified with Fluid.
Twoot - Extended and improved version by Travis Jeffery.
Visionary Saver. A Mac OS X screen saver for Twittervision, Twittervision 3D,
Flickrvision, and various others.
Twitterlights MAC app that allows for one click tweeting and content saving (and much
more) all free!
Twitminal Terminal app with growl notifications, very lightweight, free kind of cool .
pbtweet - bookmarklet enhancer for twitter.com on Safari, OmniWeb and other WebKit
browsers. pbtweet shows conversation chain, media badges and RT/via buttons. Other
feature: Automatically update timeline. Automatically adding next page when scrolling
down to bottom up to 40 pages stable. Many interaction are animated with using CSS3.
pbtweet.user.js for SIMBL GreasKit supports also.-- by t_trace
BigTweet - BigTweet installs as a bookmarklet and allows you to post to Twitter from
any web page. Choose a classic 140 character update, or a 240 character tweet. Insert
special Unicode characters and shorten URLs with the Bit.ly API right from the
bookmarklet window. Automatically capture the current page title, URL and any
highlighted text. No registration is required - only Twitter login credentials are needed.
BLT -- twitter meets the Bourne shell, with a hint of biff.
feedalizr - A free deskptop application that allows you to view, rate and comment on
what your friends are sharing online. Tweet, upload pics to Flickr, update your Facebook
status, keep up to date with your friends’ Google Reader, Digg, Tumblr, YouTube and
Last.fm posts on Friendfeed. Use unique filters to reduce the noise. Duplications are
filtered out. -- by MIH SWAT
GtkTwitter -- a Twitter client for Linux and Windows which using GTK.
Gwibber -- an open source microblogging client for GNOME developed with Python and
GTK. It supports Twitter, Jaiku, Identi.ca, Facebook, and Digg
gTwitter -- a Twitter client for Linux.
KickTweet -- A very simple KDE Kicker panel applet.
ktwitter - A simple Twitter script for KDE.
mitter -- A very simple Python and pygtk client.
Qwit -- A simple Qt4 based crossplatform client.
Twirssi - Read and Post tweets; Send and Recieve DMs; All from within irssi. Support
multiple accounts, context fetching, replying to particular tweets.
Twit and Wayd -- Two addons for Gnome Deskbar that allow posting updates to Twitter
twit.el Another Emacs client.
Twitbar -- a Twitter client for Gnome users to post from the Deskbar
twitter.el Twitter from Emacs!
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twits -- A simple Open Source Bash Status updater (v0.0.3). Also obtaining more
features and optional GUI.
Twitux -- a Twitter client for the Gnome desktop. Features includes: gui-notifications, url
tinyzer, and more..
Vim Twitter Twitter from Vim!
ZenTwitter -- bash script which uses zenity and curl (could be launched from custom
desktop/menu/panel icons)
Multi Platform
TwitterBEIS - Silverlight 3 OOB (Out of Browser) desktop App, hostted by Microsoft
Windows Azure.
Troy's Twitter Script - Greasemonkey Script that adds Nested Replies, @Mentions,
Custom Search Tabs, Autocomplete, Pagination, RT button, Media Embed, URL
Expansion, Hash Tag Search Links, Social Links
BigTweet - BigTweet installs as a bookmarklet and allows you to post to Twitter from
any web page. Choose a classic 140 character update, or a 240 character tweet. Insert
special Unicode characters and shorten URLs with the Bit.ly API right from the
bookmarklet window. Automatically capture the current page title, URL and any
highlighted text. No registration is required - only Twitter login credentials are needed.
Flock - A social Web Browser that has twitter integration built in. Flock also integrates
many other social networking services.
Book Price Check - a simple way to check book prices via reply and direct message to
your mobile device.
Search Cloudlet - is an easy-to-use Firefox add-on that inserts context-aware tag clouds
into a traditional Google, Yahoo and Twitter interface to help you navigate more
efficiently through search results.
Twitterfox - TwitterFox is a Firefox extension that notifies you of your friends' tweets on
Twitter. This extension adds a tiny icon on the status bar which notifies you when your
friends update their tweets. Also it has a small text input field to update your tweets.
AlertThingy - AlertThingy v2 brings the very latest updates from your favourite social
networks direct to your desktop. Plus send Tweets, update your Facebook status, upload
photos to Flickr, post to Tumblr and more. With v2 AlertThingy makes it faster and
easier to manage the online you. Plus you get the coolest looking RSS reader on the
Friendbar- A Firefox toolbar that is the best way to follow Twitter & Facebook updates,
and post to Twitter and Facebook
twAitter (Now in Alpha) - A full Twitter web client with a comprehensive scheduling
platform. Schedule tweets to send at anytime(recurring included). Manage
your scheduled messages with an Outlook style Twitter Calendar. (www.twAitter.com)
Twitterified - A fast client that also allows users to send/view long messages, pictures,
and embedded documents.
Tweetree.com - Web based interface for viewing your twitter stream in a tree with replies
nested under the original post they were in reply to. Also pulls in external content from
Twitpic, YouTube, etc and displays in right in your feed so you don't have to click
through every link to see what it is.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Mibbit.com - A web based IRC, Yahoo and Twitter client.
mytweet16.com - a web app that lets you view any users first 16 tweets. Also has a list of
the top 16 searched for users.
gtwit - a web based twitter client which works in all modern browsers without any
plugins that supports smart completion, history and personal search of your tweets by
storing them on Google's cloud
TwitterGadget - iGoogle gadget and/or browser-based auto-refreshing twitter client with
clean web-2.0 style interface and many user configurable options.
Tw-autocomplete - Firefox extension to add autocomplete on Twitter.com for @messages and d-messages
Autocompletter - lightweight Greasemonkey script to add as-you-type autocomplete for
@ usernames on Twitter (demo).
Ear2Ground - Now Ear2Web. An Adobe AIR application that provides live coverage of
tweets in your geographic area! Optionally follow tweets on a specific topic in your area.
Yoono - Receive alerts, update your status or message your friends in your browser
sidebar. No need to switch from one site to another or from your browser to a desktop
app anymore. The perfect tool to become a twitter heavy user without spending hours on
it. Yoono also integrates many other services : facebook, flickr, friendfeed, major IM
Shareaholic for Firefox - easy and quick way to post URLs to Twitter from within your
browser. Grand Prize winner of Extend Firefox 2, a Mozilla sponsored contest for the
best Firefox addons.
Statuzer a multi-account twitter client with music tweets support (song.ly tra.kz)
TwitKit Integrate Twitter into your Firefox browsing experience.
TwitterBack Sync and befriend all of your followers.
Post to Twitter from Vim for Vim users.
Twitter Opera widget A widget for the Opera browser.
TTYtter An interactive text-mode Twitter client, with full background asynchronous
updates, written in Perl 5. Requires curl or Lynx, but no additional Perl modules. Tested
on Mac OS X, NetBSD, AIX and other Unix-like OSes. Includes full API and a "bot"
daemon mode.
Nitwit, the cross-platform microblogging client for Twitter, Jaiku and other platforms
including Jabber and IRC. Written in PHP-GTK.
Tweetr one of the best twitter desktop applications, drag and drop file transfer, send
webcam photos instantly, view replies and direct messages, very clean user interface.
twitterAIR -- An AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) application built with Flex 3 that lets
you view your friends and public timeline, post your status, and determine the autorefresh interval.
Mugshot for Windows and Linux -- show friends' updates from your favorite services,
including Twitter, on your desktop and the web
Spaz -- An attractive, powerful Twitter client for Windows and OS X using the AIR
platform. Direct messaging, deleting tweets, user management, and powerful
skinning/theming via CSS.
Twitterbot -- A simple bot written in C# (Mono/.NET) to reformat RSS feeds of
news/sports/etc for Twitter
videotwit -- Transcoding digital-to-digital conversion from one video format to another
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twerp -- A simple command-line tool to post messages and download your friend's
timeline. Python 2.4 or 2.5..
PhotoTwitter. This application allows you to take a Snapshot using your Webcam and
post the photo and your text on Twitter. Initially written for Mac but could also work on
other platforms. Please let me know about problems on non-Mac platforms.
Twitter4Skype -- Instructions on how to access your Twitter account in Skype. Developer
Tweeter -- A Java desktop client for Twitter a-la Twitteroo but with proxy support. Lets
you update your status and follow the public/ 'with friends' timelines, view images on the
timeline, add/ remove friends, send direct messages, notifications on friends timeline
update, minor GUI customization. ( Built with the jTwitter API from ThinkTank )
Twinja AIR -- Twinja! A sleek black Twitter client built in Flash, running on AIR.
Allows you to communicate with your Twitter friends directly from your desktop. Works
on both Mac & PC.
TwitIt -- A bookmarklet that is perfect for link/microblogging. You activate it while at a
web page you want to share. It puts the current page title, a shortened URL (via TinyURL
or tr.im) and selected text into the Twitter status box for final editing before submitting you know - to get down to the 140 limit.
Snitter -- lots of features with a great UI make this Twitter client stand out from the
crowd. Built on AIR.
twhirl -- A multi-account Twitter desktop client based on AIR and Flex. Compact UI,
keyboard shortcuts, many features like auto-connect, auto-refreshing tweets, sending
updates, replies, direct messages and more
twibble -- A twitter desktop client with a clear UI. Supports multi accounts, iTunes like
cover flow view and much more. Built on Adobe AIR for Mac and PC.
Posty - A microblogging application which allows updating twitter, jaiku, tumblr,
friendfeed and identi.ca profiles with one click. Posty also includes: browsing of personal
and public timelines, posting replies, browsing and posting of direct messages, support to
favorites, search for past messages, automatic spellchecking, built-in url shortening.
Posty is an Adobe Air application which runs on Windows, MacOsx and Linux.
Twitch - A cross platform Twitter client written using Adobe Air. Twitch focusses on
having a clean and simple user interface.
IdentiTwitch - A cross platform Twitter client written using Adobe Air. IdentiTwitch
combines your updates from Identi.ca and Twitter into a single timeline. Post to one or
both services at the same time.
Twitter in your Profile - Plugin for Pidgin that lets you put your Twitter history in your
profile. It updates automatically.
Toro for Twitter - Multi-platform Twitter client with a clean interface and an
experimental Twitter client library that removed API limits and caching. Refreshes every
20 seconds.
Omnivide -- Twitter Plugin - Omnivide is written in Java, so multi-platform. Only Mac
OS X not supported due lack of Java 6. Twitter service provided via Plugin. Omnivide is
a plugin powered program still in early stages of development.
Phweet - Phweet lets you talk to Twitter friends and create conference calls without
sharing phone numbers or other ID's. Phweet inserts a URL into your Twitter message so
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
your profile becomes your callerID and your status update is the context for why you
want to talk.
TweetDeck - TweetDeck is an Adobe AIR app which allows users to split their Twitter
feed into topics and/or groups. Works on both Mac & PC. Still in beta.
P3:PeraPeraPrv - P3: PeraPeraPrv is Pure Java multi-platform Twitter client. P3 supports
fully keyboard operation, filter view to tracking with @id and keyword, appearance
customize, English/Japanese/Chinese interface and many features.
Twitter Thingy - A very simple Adobe air based Twitter client for windows, OS X and
Linux. It has all the essential functions that get you using the best parts of Twitter as
quickly as possible, without having to learn a colossal new bit of software. It also does
groups and archiving.
TwitterSpy is a supplemental XMPP bot for twitter that does the stuff the twitter one used
to do, and a few things it didn': http://dustin.github.com/twitterspy/
tircd presents twitter as an irc channel. You can connect to tircd with any irc client and
twitter as if you were on irc.
TickTagDo - A multi platform Task Management application that supports posting
updates to Twitter. You can also automatically create tasks from your tweets. Just include
'NTS:' (case insensitive) in your tweet and TickTagDo will use it as the base for a new
task. So now you can add tasks from anywhere you can tweet. Direct messaging is also
supported, easily lets you ask for progress on tasks via Twitter.
QTwittering - A very simple Qt4 based Twitter client for Linux, Mac OS X and
Simple Twitter Client: A simple, compact, open source desktop client written in Scala.
TweetFox - CloudBerry TweetFox is a Twitter plug-in for Firefox that helps you to post
quotes from the websites you visit with a click of the button and attach a
short Chilp.IT URL to the source page.
Twitter Gadget for Gmail - a Twitter client specially designed for Gmail using
Opensocial technology.
Whisltr - A twitter + last.fm mashup in AIR.
TweetBox - A JavaFX based Twitter client
Twitteron - An AIR-based Twitter client that supports search, notifications, a user gallery
to view friends/followers in high resolution for any twitter account, display of rate
limit/reset time, auto updates, and more. The interface has features similar to a browser,
including back, forward, and refresh capability.
Second Life
TwitterBox -- a Twitter client for Second Life.
SLTweets.com -- a Twitter HUD for Second Life, includes mapping, notes, research,
SLURL logs. On or off modes.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
TinySL.com -- a Second Life specific SLURL builder and long SLURL or Second Life
compression too so Twitter users know the content is relevant or an in-world (metaverse)
Squawk -- A Twitter client for Second Life. Also supports Ma.gnolia, del.icio.us and
Jaiku. Integrates with Squawknest, a web component with user profiles, tagging and web
Sl-Messenger.com - A global IM/twitter/diary service for Second Life.
Twitter2websms. Send SMS directly from twitter using your websms.lu account.
Twitter Submitter - NO FRILLS HTML by Kenneth Udut. 18 Lines of HTML, Easy to
Grasp, Easy to Change. Requires Any Operating System. Requires Any Browser - even
Lynx! Win3.1/9x/2k/XP/Vista Mac *nix. FREE and Public Domain. 2 Methods - Safer
(manual login to Twitter API) & Unsafer (auto login to Twitter API)
Apollo Twitter Requires Adobe Apollo
VTwitter. Send messages to your Twitter account directly from Zimbra Webmail.
TwitterMoko is a client for Openmoko
DriveBuy. SaaS text messaging app for Real Estate agents allows agents to tweet their
property listings.
CrestrTwitr - The first Crestron twitter client. Allows your crestron automation gear to
send and recieve Tweets from Twitter.
Toucan - The Twitter Client for Salesforce. Track twitter IDs for your users, leads, and
contacts. Search for tweets. Save a watch list to keep track of your contacts' tweets.
Web Apps Ad Networks
adCause.com: Twitter Ads -Advertise on twitter. Keep the money or donate all or a
percentage of your earnings to your favorite charity or cause. Buy and Sell ads on twitter!
(follow us @adcause on twitter)
FeaturedUsers.com - If you're a Twitter user, it's a great way to get more followers and
support your favorite 3rd party Twitter apps. If you're a Twitter app developer, it's a
simple way to start monetizing your application.
Magpie - Convert your tweets into bling-bling by allowing Magpie to post tweets in
your timeline or build conversation around your brand by having carefully selected
key-influencers spread the word just for you. (click to watch funny video!)
Twitchance.com - Twitchance is a free Twitter lottery. People post a sponsor's message
on Twitter to become eligable for a cash price (viral marketing).
Twittad - Twittad helps advertisers spread call-to-action ad campaigns, while allowing
Twitter users to monetize their profile in a non-intrusive format.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
TwitterAnalyzer - is one of the most extensive Twitter applications ever... basically, its a
tool for Twitter users to analyze themselves or their friends, but Twitter Analyzer takes
the statistics data to a much higher level... (it is called by some Twitter users the "Google
Analytics for Twitter users") and rightly so, TwitterAnalyzer features more then 50
statistics measures displayed in 3D graphs and World Maps enabling surgical
precision tuning of your twitter stream... you would discover many things about your or
your friends Twitter presence... you can even share your statistics with your friends.
TweetBuzzer lets you track the brand buzz on Twitter. You can see the top tweeted
brands in a 24 hour, 7-day, or 30-day period. You can also track your favorite brand, see
the percentage change over time in tweets and impressions, and submit a brand to be
Badges and Widgets
GeoTweeter Widgets - Display all your GeoTweets in a map widget that updates live
from your twitter feed to display where you are, where you've been, and all the photos,
notes and ratings you've made along the way.
Twitter Name Tag - create and print a unique twitter nametag for your next meeting or
social gathering.
Sprout - Create a rich multimedia widget that pulls in your Twitter feed and photos.
TwitterSALT- Twitter to Image: Monitoring & Conversion Service. Paste one line of
HTML into any web document and your twitters will show up in that document from one
to three minutes after you twitter. Works on MySpace, Facebook, Craigslist,
BBS Forums, email, and, of course, your own blog or webpage.
TweetRoll - Add a badge to your website or blog to show avatars from other tweeter
you're following and how many followers/friends you have. Now with personalisation
options to let you specify colours, size and tagline. Also available as a Wordpress widge
SayTweet Twitter Badge - Create a Twitter badge using your own picture! Upload a
picture, tag users in that picture, and have their tweets appear in speech bubbles. Embed
the badge in your blog, website, or MySpace!
Kent Brewster's Twitterati Badge - Interactive Twitter badge; single-line JavaScript
include, highly customizable, lets you start with your followers (or mine, or anybody's)
and surf around from follower set to follower set.
Netvibes Twitter Widget - Official Netvibes Twitter Widget
Twitter King Widget - UWA for Netvibes and Google by Porno Schorsch
Twitter Web Badges - The official Twitter web badges (available in Flash or Javascript
flavors) for showing your recent tweets or friends list on your web site.
Chris' Twitter Badge -- a simple javascript badge that matches Twitter.com's color
scheme. Code included.
Jon Aquino's Twitter Badge - a modification of the official Javascript web badge that
shows multiple recent tweets and fixes a date parsing issue in IE. Source code included.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Morgan Aldridge's Twitter Badge - another modification of the official Javascript web
badge that shows one or more recent tweets, the twitterer's icon, links to tweet
permalinks, and has more CSS hooks for better styling. Source code included.
Wishafriend.com Twitter Widgets - Display your latest Tweets (Twitter updates) on your
blog, website, myspace profile or anywhere else in a cool flash widget. Themes include
flowers, smileys, hearts, etc.
Twitter WordPress Sidebar Widget a WordPress Widget plugin for your blog as an
alternative to the badges provided by Twitter.
Twitter Planet -- a Twittervision-like Windows Live gadget.
Twitter Flash Clock - flash clock which can be embed on twitter pages.
WithFriendsHtmlTwitterBadge - an HTML Twitter Badge that shows the "With Friends"
Tweets -- iGoogle gadget (can be used also for OpenSocial containers).Navigation
through the social graph of Twitter users, showing their tweets and persons they are
following. See also
weets.xml for web version (430px wide).
TwitterCard -- Create a 125x125 Twitter business card widget to put on your blog and
display bio and recent status.
TwitterMySite -- Create custom "follow me" buttons for your blog with any text included
in the image!
Sigpad -- put your Twitter status in your email signature.
TweetThis -- Add "TweetThis" button to your blogger.com blog and increase the
visibility of your blog post. Let your blog readers to tweet about your post with a simple
mouse click.
TwitIMG -- Provides you with an automatically updating image for use on forums and
blogs. Just tweet, your image is updated with your latest tweet.
Twitter Buttons - Hundreds of original Twitter buttons and badges - transparent, cute,
allyve Twitter Widget - Official allyve Twitter Widget
@chagroup - A twitter feed that publishes best practices in marketing and pricing
adCause.com: Twitter Ads -Advertise on twitter. Keep the money or donate all or a
percentage of your earnings to your favorite charity or cause. Buy and Sell ads on twitter!
(follow us @adcause on twitter)
TwtQpon - A simple coupon creator for businesses. Increase sales and engagement with
your followers by offering exclusive deals on Twitter. (By @twtapps)
twAitter - A full twitter client with a comprehensive scheduling platform so businesses
can schedule their tweets (plus recurring) and manage their tweets in an Outlook style
calendar. Finally use Twitter to its full potential for your business!
Business Exchange - BusinessWeek's social media site allows you to simultaneously post
your reactions (brief comments) to artcles on both the BX site and in your Twitter stream.
AddressTwo - a CRM system with built-in tracking for twitter activity.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Radaroo- Simple and free Twitter dating application.
Twitcush-Declare a Twitcrush on someone, see who has declared one on you! (Great for
getting the attention of Twitterati.) (By @missburrows)
Diet and Exercise
Tweetwhatyoueat Twitter-based food diary. Use Twitter to track what you eat by
‘tweeting’ food items you’ve eaten from your mobile phone, IM or through Twitter.com.
'follow twye' for more info.
FoodFeed Twitter-based food log. Track what you eat by prefixing a message with
@having, or direct messaging having. Results will be on username.foodfeed.us.
gtFtr - Get Fitter with Twitter. Tracks exercise stats (eg Elliptical workouts or pushups)
and graphs your progress over time.
TweetPlot - Chart/Plot various stats you keep track of via twitter (running milage,
calories, reps, weight, etc.)
StoryTellerMe - create never-ending stories and poems, one line at a time with the help of
tweets from @storytellerme. Since you can only add one line, and have to wait for
someone else to add the next line, you never know the direction the story will take.
chirpchirp.tv - Watch a tv show and chat about it with other twitter users who are
watching the same show at the same time.
ConfessToMe - follow @confesstome to get real-time confessions from those who need
to divest themselves of their secrets.
qmpeople - A new place to meet new friends around the world. It uses Twitter and
Facebook APIs to sync your statuses on the Net.
TwEnglish - Translate words and sentances into 'twitter speak' to amuse your friends and
followers on twitter.
Twtcard - Send greeting cards on Twitter. No username/password required. (By
Twtvite - A simple event organizer. Create a tweeup. Invite your tweeple via a short url.
Manage RSVPs. Search for tweetups in your city. No username/password required. (By
Tweeght - A place to share thoughtful Tweets and quotes. You can Vote up, Retweet and
Reply to the ones you like. In short, it's a Digg for thoughtful tweets that are shared on
the twitter. (By @adityakothadiya)
TweetMyEps - A twitter app that will add any tv-series you watch to your twitterpage (by
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twoilet - Hilarious collection of potty-humor inspired tweets.
Twypos - A collection of Twitter typos. Constantly scanningTwivie the timeline for
offenders. (By @iancorbin)
Ykyat - "You know you are addicted to..." A fun place to share classic 'addicted to' jokes.
Rate and comment the best ones. (By @chrismdp)
twittypop - Who's the hottest boy or girl on Twitter? A fun way of discovering new
people on Twitter, increasing your followers, sending out a crush notification, or
checking your own popularity.
Twivie - Your tweets rating movies... With just one tweet you can rank a movie or see the
top movies, and ultimately choose a good one.
Twtbox - A jukebox powered by tweets
TweetTheFuture - A search app that allows searching twitter prophecies on topics. (by
TWindowPane - Just follow @twindowpane to get your picture on this unique mozaic.
Infinite Monkey Comics - A random comic generator using text from Twitter
superimposed over a random image from Flickr, using keywords of your choosing. Tweet
your funniest creations to @InfiniteComic
GuessWord - remember Mastermind? Well this game is similar. The GuessWord server
hides a word and you try to guess what it is. Tweet any word to @GuessWord and you
will get clues to the mystery word within 20 seconds. Be the first to get the points. As a
never-ending game, a new round is constantly created after one completes.
FlockPoker - With FlockPoker you can create your own Texas Hold 'Em poker table and
invite people through one simple link. It's easy and free, try it.
TWord_Chains - A morphing word game where you change one word into another
following rules. Played with tweets so that people know when a chain has been changed.
A word chain is like: MILK ... MILE ... LIMES ... SLIMED. This game is co-operative
rather than competitive.
Tweet Words - A tweet-based mystery words games. Clues are tweeted to followers
about every 5 minutes. Tweet back with your guess. A leaderboard is maintained. Follow
@Tweet_Words to get your clues. Once the current word or phrase is complete, a new
one starts automatically.
Tweet Quiz - A tweet-based quiz where you must find hidden words and phrases using
clues that are periodically tweeted. For example, a challenge might entail "Things
associated with a Volcano" or "A meal or food made with Eggs". Tweet your answers
with an @reply or play on-line. Slight misspellings are tolerated.
Twetris - A tetris like game that uses the latest tweets from the twittosphere as blocks for
the game.
Twtpets - A simple twitter game for pet lovers. Upload a picture of your pet. Share it with
your tweeple via a short url. Vote on the cutest pet. Disclaimer: All pets are cute! No
username/password required. (By @twtapps)
Which Twitter Celebrity Are You? - A fun quiz. Answer a few questions and we'll tell
you which celeb you are most similar to!
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Whose Tweet? - A game that tests how well you know your Twitter friends. Can you
figure out whose status message this is?
TweetTest - A collection of 6 mini-games that use data from your public Tweets.
Tweetaways - an easy way to pick a random person who has tweetwed a specific phrase.
Handy for drawing winners on free giveaways on Twitter.
Groups and Organizations
ConnectTweet - Groups and businesses are made up of many people, not faceless Twitter
bots or a single person's voice. ConnectTweet facilitates your voices combining.
Tweetizen - Discover tweets that matter to you. Create groups based on your interests and
filter tweets that you want to read. You no longer will have to scan through thousands of
tweets to find something useful. You can find groups on technology, jobs, gossip, news think Digg.com, but for tweets.
Tinker - Tinker is a simple way to discover events people are chattering about on Twitter.
TweetLaw - An application specifically for legal professionals. Legal professionals who
join TweetLaw can fill out an extended bio page as well as include themselves in up to 4
legal categories. You can then sort tweets by categories and user.
Follow Management
GeoFollow - Geo (location based) twitter user directory. (Add youself on twitter by
sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3.
EG: @geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people. Click here to list
Twitoaster - Threads all your twitter conversations like on a message board / forum. To
use it and get your tweets toasted, simply follow @twitoaster.
TwitterMass - A Twitter networking tool on cruise control. This application grows your
Twitter network based on a keyword universe that you provide.
Tweepular - The Ultimate Follower Management Tool. Find out whos following you and
whos not and quickly cleanse your Twitter account of users that have not updated or are
not valuable to you.
TweetTop.com - Who to follow on twitter. The latest and greatest from Twitter people on
popular topics. We update the latest thinking from topic experts every 3-5 minutes.
iFollowBack - Fast Twitter Networking: It is a way to identify, get followed and follow
back your friends on Twitter. You sign up and agree to follow back other users.
Other users sign up, and agree to follow you.
TweepleRank - Ranks the top recommended people on twitter. It does so by monitoring
the tags #followfriday, #mrtweet and #tweepletuesday. The site also allows you to search,
filter by tag, or even personalize the results to find new and interesting people to follow.
TwitR User Directory where you can track people by tags, and also you can track their
followers on a handy graph.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twidiots - Find out people, who have left twitter, who do mass-flollow, who has a lot of
friends(and probably dont read anybody's updates), who follow some persons, unpleasant
for you or those, who simple don't follow you back. All this in 2 clicks. Make your friend
list and timeline cleanr!
Twibes - Hand picked friend recommendations
FlashTweet - A mass follow tool that simplifies the process of adding your twitter
friends. You can see who you are following that is following you back, follow friends
from other users and even unfollow multiple friends at once.
tweetListings - Real-time Twitter job listings.
Tweeter Tags - Get the most out of Twitter by finding the right people to share the
conversation: Tweeter Tags makes it easy to declare your interests and find new, likeminded friends. Have a question you need answering? Find relevant people on Twitter to
Twitter2FF - Sync your Twitter and FriendFeed contacts! From @twit2apps!
TweetLater.com - Auto-follow new followers and send auto-welcome messages.
Mr. Tweet - By looking through your network and tweets, Mr. Tweet will regularly
suggest good people you are missing out on, recommend you to enthusiastic users
relevant to you, and regularly update useful stats of your Twitter usage
New Follow Notify - Get to know your new followers better
DoesFollow - doesfollow.com will quickly tell you if one person follows another on
Twitter. saves you from paging for the answer.
Friend Or Follow - Friend Or Follow helps you manage your Twitter contacts. Submit
your Twitter screen name to find out who you're following that's not following you back,
and who's following you that you're not following back.
Twitoria - How many twitter friends are you really following? Twitoria reveals friends
that haven't tweeted in a while without having to enter login information.
Qwitter - catch twitter quitters
Twalala - twalala gives you the ability to mute the people you follow and mute tweets
that contain specific keywords.
MyCleenr - MyCleenr is a unique way to sort your friends by their last tweets. It allows
you to get rid of all the inactive and useless accounts that you are following!
Twitter Karma - Pulls your Twitter contact information and presents a simple interface
for following, unfollowing or blocking people, with several useful sorting options.
Twitterless - Twitterless will notify you when somebody stops following you and tell you
who it is and your follower history is graphed out over time.
Twitblocker - temporarily hide excessively chattery friends without having to surrender
your password to a 3rd party, with this greasemonkey script.
Retweetrank - Ranks each user depending on number of times they have been retweeted.
Also, presents a list of top 50 twitter users who have been most retweeted recently.
UnTweeps - Lists Tweeps you are following who have not updated in 30, 60, or 90 days.
Unfollow them with one click. Now using Oauth! Keeps your password secure.
Tweet-Rank - Check the quality of your Tweets. Just enter username and tweet-rank will
show you with which tweet you won or lost followers.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
TweepDiff - Compares the friends or followers of any two Twitter users to see where
they differ and overlap.
Follow Cost - Provides stats on how frequently a Twitterer makes updates. Includes stats
on @ frequency and political tweet frequency.
WhoFollowsWhom - helps quickly find common followers of several Twitter users as
well as who they are following in common.
FavTwits - See who you talk to most, and who talks to you, using @username.
twitTangle - untangle the mess of having too many friends on twitter. We allow you to
rate and tag your friends and then filter your timeline to help you easily find the tweets
that are most important to you!
TwtrFrnd - Find out who two Twitterers follow in common, plus who Twitterer 1 is
following that also follows Twitterer 2.
TweetSum - Follow or ignore your recent followers with a simple drag and drop
Topify: Smarter Twitter email follower notifications. Know exactly who is the personn
following you. 1 click follow back, by just replying to the email. Answer to Direct
messages directly from your inbox
Mutuality: Tool for mass unfollow unmutual followings.
Twittermap displays all your followers on a Google Map
TwitSeeker Find & follow tweeps based on keywords you choose.
Twapps.com - A twitter gallery that show cases all twitter applications. Growing daily.
Twitter News - Latest news about twitter at one place
Twi5 - A one stop shop for finding cool twitter applications.
Twtapps - We develop simple, fun and useful twitter apps. Our apps don't require
A monster list of all web based twitter applications: http://istuff.blogspot.com/search/label/Twitter
StreetMavens - Real time social media and information by City and category. Post
photos to Twitter, easy to Reply and RT, view recent @replies. Also features local maps
and radio. Full mobile site (including photo uploads) and API available.
GeoFollow - Geo (location based) twitter user directory. (Add youself on twitter by
sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3. EG:
@geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people
ChirpCity is Twitter by city. Local search, latest tweets about and from your city and a
top users list.
Windy Citizen Twitter Tracker is a Twitter buzz tracker for Illinois' special election to
replace Rahm Emmanuel in the United States' Congress. Graphs their Twitter mentions
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
over the last two weeks, pulls quotes from linked articles and lets you sift through
messages mentioning all of them. It's the first local, political Twitter mashup.
iList Micro - A micro-classifieds service built on top of Twitter. It’s an easy way for you
to tell people you have something, or you want something. Participating in iList Micro is
as easy as adding an #iwant or #ihave to the end of you status update. This gives
everyone an open, real-time marketplace to search through at any time.
Media - Photos and Videos in Tweets
TwitPic - Share photos on twitter.
Twitgoo - Share photos and videos on Twitter.
TinyPic - Upload, edit, and share images and videos to Twitter.
Multi-account Management
Splitweet - Free Twitter multi-account manager & brand monitor. With Splitweet webapp
you can send tweets from all your configured Twitter accounts (with password
encryption), view your friends' tweets, your direct messages, your favourites... and the
most important thing: you can listen & get involved into the conversation with
brand/keyword monitoring.
Twitomate - Too much too say? This is a simple app to import and queue tweets across
multiple accounts for automated tweeting.
Personal Finance
Tweetwhatyouspend Cash tracking made simple through Twitter - answers the question,
"where does my money go between trips to the ATM?" Follow 'twys' on Twitter to get
Xpenser - Track time and expenses via Twitter (or email, SMS, IM, call and say your
expenses, use the FireFox Plugin, etc). Tag, search, import, export, track mileage, convert
currencies, etc.
Posting and Alerts
Prune.it - Get a looong url pruned to 20 chars, or get a pruned url for an uploaded image,
add a comment and send to your Twitter profile - all under one roof !
Tweet Counter - Get alerted when you reach an important number of status updates
(100,500,1000, 1500)
myconcertarchive - Manage your concerts history list (future and past events) and
automatically publish to twitter
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
TweetCall - Update Twitter by voice by dialing 1-877-TWEET-CALL. Tweets are
transcribed into text. @TweetCall
reTweet.it - retweet other members tweets and get retweeted yourself.
Listento.fm - Share music & video on Twitter. You can either search or post a direct
MP3/Youtube/IMEEM link. Our tool will generate a media page (with your page design)
for you to share with your twitter fans. @listentofm
BigTweet - BigTweet installs as a bookmarklet and allows you to post to Twitter from
any web page. Choose a classic 140 character update, or a 240 character tweet. Insert
special Unicode characters and shorten URLs with the Bit.ly API right from the
bookmarklet window. Automatically capture the current page title, URL and any
highlighted text. No registration is required - only Twitter login credentials are needed.
Book Price Check - a simple way to check book prices via reply and direct message to
your mobile device.
XLTweet.com - For eXtra Long Tweets (tweets over 140 characters) Super easy-to-use.
Includes rich text editor for formatting fonts (styles, sizes, colors) and bullet lists (similar
to this PBWiki editor).
twAnswers.net - ask any question and you will receive an automatic answer via twitter.
other twitter users can also answer your question
Twerbose - Quickly post larger tweets to twitter. Up to 1,400 characters. Then followers
can comment on your massive tweets.
twittinesis.com - Copy tweets from your twitter page to your blog. Supports more blogs
than other services that perform this service.
Twoxit.Com - Embed a twitter form into your website for your visitors to update their
twitter profile for free. Choose from many template styles & sizes.
plzRT.me - adds a compact retweet link to your tweets, enabling and encouraging users
to retweet you with a click and comment. Retweets/comments are displayed in a thread.
a2f.me - create a short URL, update your twitter status with personalized message,
requires username/password. You may also send a text message to a mobile phone, as
well as update facebook (Alpha Release)
twAitter (Now in Alpha) - A full Twitter web client with a comprehensive scheduling
platform. Schedule tweets to send at anytime(recurring included). Manage
your scheduled messages with an Outlook style Twitter Calendar. (www.twAitter.com)
twt.fm - tweet some music! type in an artist, track, and your twitter username. twt.fm
will then generate a track page for you using your twitter page design and you'll be able
to tweet it to your followers. @twtfm
Twickly.Com - Make quick tweets to your twitter profile using predefined common
message templates then allows you to post stright to Twitter FREE! Helping you save
time & effort.
twe2.com - Twe2 sends your Twitter alerts via SMS technology directly to your mobile
device - Free. It works in Europe, Canada, Australia, US and others.
Twitter2Mail - Send your @replies via email (or possibly even SMS). Get your emails in
nicely formatted batches or for every @reply! From @twit2apps!
TweetLater.com - Schedule future-date tweets for as many Twitter accounts as you want.
Annotated links - pack a bunch of links as well as your post-it note into one shrot URL
and share it via Twitter
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
mail2.im - mail2.im relays messages. Get your inbound twitter notifications routed to
whichever IM or phone you're currently using. Get other messages to you routed to you
as twitter direct messages. Twitter specific instructions on getting started here
Protected notes - publish password protected tweets, share password protected files via
Secure notes - publish one time readable tweets. Secure notes in the public status line.
Twash - Twash is a database that cointains awesome tweets. You can add a twash, or vote
twashes to improve their ranking. Discover some cool tweets in twash!
Twonvert.Com - The new way to say more with your twitter update. No need to struggle
to squeeze words into your twitter posts - twonvet converts / translates your tweets into
shorthand language, slang, text message speak & common abbreviations then allows you
to post stright to Twitter FREE! Helping you say more with less characters.
Tweetube - Easily share your favorite YouTube videos on Twitter. Allows discovery,
tracking and comments among your followers.
2tweet - 2tweet is a free service from 2pad to easily tweet photos and videos from email,
just email your photos/videos to twitter@2pad.com - the first time you'll receive an email
with instructions to activate your account, then everything will be automatic.
PingVine - PingVine is a free service that takes an Atom or RSS feed from your blog,
lifestream or favorite website and posts it to Twitter, Ping.fm, or Identica.
Posterous.com -- Posterous lets you post multiple photos, video, music, all through email.
Autopost to twitter via email. Best Mobile Startup Finalist, Crunchies 2008
Song.ly - Song.ly lets you share music on twitter.
Acamin.com - http://www.acamin.com - A convenient and ethical way of sharing/posting
files on Twitter
Tweetworks - With groups and threaded discussions, Tweetworks makes tweeting more
useful by tuning out the noise and letting you participate in the conversations that interest
you most.
Tweetparty - Tweetparty lets you create and mange contact groups and send direct
messages to them.
Tweet13 - Tweet13 lets you publish ROT3 obscured updates and add an optional
decipher link.
Postica - Postica lets you create sticky note reminders via twitter.
Twitter Weather - Twitter Weather lets you publish daily weather updates to the twitter
user of your choice!
Twittertise - Twittertise allows you to schedule in advance and track the clickthroughs on
tweets. Ideal for advertisers looking to measure effectiveness.
twiggit - twiggit is an automated service that lets your friends on twitter know what
articles you digg.
Mobypicture - Mobypicture lets you share postings to your Twitter, Flickr, Wordpress,
Blogspot, Tumblr, Hyves and Jaiku accounts from your mobile phone, email or from the
web, including pictures, text and soon video and audio!
Tweetly Updater - a Wordpress plugin that updates Twitter when you create or edit a
blog entry, it uses the bit.ly service for short urls.
Joint Contact - Integrates online project management and Twitter. Allows users to send
project related messages directly to Twitter. See printscreens at our blog or contact us.
theTwitterTagProject - Because Facebook shouldn't be the only app with SUPER-POKE!
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
TrackThis - Track your FedEx, UPS, USPS and DHL packages using Twitter direct
SalesTwit - Contact management for Twitter. Load your electronic (gmail, yahoo!,
outlook, mail) address book and get regular twits reminding you to contact folks. d msg
back and leave notes about your contacts. {beta: use sign-up link at top and invite code:
Twitzer - Twitzer is a tool which lets you post text longer than 140 characters on Twitter.
It can be used from within Twitter and no sign-ups or sign-ins required.
fitURL - fitURL creates short URLs just like tinyURL accept it fights spam by checking
for spam URLs which makes it much more reliable!
twi8r - twi8r translates text message shorthand to English and vice versa and let's you
post immediately to twitter. No sign-ups/sign-ins required. Works on mobile browsers
also. {beta site – new features added every week}
TwitPic - Share photos on twitter.
TwitOrg - Twitter for organizations. Create / Manage / Join organizations with TwitOrg.
TwitPlan - Plan tweets.
LinkBunch - Put several URLs into one bunch, which is a compact URL that you can use
in your tweet. Kinda like TinyURL, but for multiple links.
QuoteURL - Build quotes from Twitter, create sets of individual updates and have them
all in a single page that can be shared with your friends or embedded in your website.
(video demo)
MessageDance - sign-up now - Send photos, videos, any file type from your email,
YouTube, iPhone and Facebook to Twitter. You can create a blog post the same way with
a tweet to Twitter as well. How Twitter integration works.
Tweet Scan - Get tweets emailed to you that match your keywords and phrases on a daily
or weekly basis.
Twittermail.com - Send and recieve tweets via e-mail and has some other great features
like tweeting in the future, and recieve replies updates in your mailbox!
MobiFeedLive.com Receive Keyword Based Email Alerts so you can see who is saying
what about you... Also has Search, Link Metrics, and Trend Analysis...
EmailTwitter -- free Mail-to-Twitter gateway, lets users post Twitter updates and retrieve
Twitter timelines via a cellular phone or other e-mail enabled mobile device without
incurring SMS fees.
Tweetahead Dashboard Widget - allows you to schedule tweets into the future
John Doe - the anonymous twitter user :)
LoudTwitter - Daily email you tweets at your email address. This is the exact contrary of
RetweetMe - Get reminder tweets with an easy to use natural language for specifying the
time of the reminder @retweetme in 15 minutes; update your twitter status. Follow
SnapTweet - Posts your latest Flickr photos to Twitter! Very simple.
ProjectLocker - Sends Twitter direct message updates when a change happens in your
Subversion repository.
tweetshots - tweetshots enables you to take a twitter tweet to tumblr or embed in other
pages/blogs. tweetshots are tweet screenshots, automated.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twitter Answers with @TweetAnswers - Ask questions and get answers with Tweet
Answers! It's like Yahoo! Answers, but for Twitter. Simple to use: "@tweetanswers
#topic Your question". Follow @tweetanswers for new questions, or go to
TweetAnswers.com. By @mdjensen
LiveTwitting - Use LiveTwitting for your next conference, event, or meeting instead of
liveblogging. Simple commands to turn recording on and off, all through Twitter! Learn
how to use livetwitting or check out LiveTwitting events. By @mdjensen
BiggerTwitter - A service similar to Twitzer which allows you to post longer messages,
although works by placing a link in the Tweet.
PicPostr - A service designed to let you send photos from your phone to your twitter or
identi.ca account. Email photos from your phone to PicPostr and have a shortened URL
and description posted directly to your account.
Voolia Murls - A unique URL shortening service that converts several URLS into a
single, short url with preview and other handy features.
SecretTweet - Post your secrets and private thoughts anonymously to Twitter. It's like
PostSecret for Twitter.
HappyTwitday - Celebrating all Twitter Birthdays! Checks all Twitter messages for
Happy Birthday messages, and assigns the birthday to the @Twitterer. Multiple birthday
wishes are tallied as well. Follow @HappyTwitday to get notified when one of your
Twitter friends has a birthday through @reply messages! By @mdjensen
Tweetmarks.com - Twitter Bookmarks - Automatically save and categorize the links you
tweet about, and automically add them to your del.icio.us account! By @mdjensen
Dadnab - Plans your trips on public transportation using text messaging (SMS).
Optionally notify your Twitter followers of where you're planning to go.
Unicode Symbol Map - Bookmarklet for quick access to unicode symbols '64.
gamerDNA - Automatically share your video gaming by connecting your
gamerDNA.com account to Twitter. By @gamerDNA
Twilert - Twilert is a Twitter application that lets you receive regular email updates of
tweets containing your brand, product, service, well any keyword you like really.
Twishlistter - Create a wishlist by sending messages to a Twitter user.
Twitter Toolbar - Toolbar for the Firefox browser. Quickly post updates, and check for
Mr. MileStone - Notifies you when you have reached 100 followers. Repeats every
Twrivia - Tweets a daily trivia question.
theSUGGESTR - theSUGGESTR.com allows you to post your ratings of local
restaurants and businesses directly to your Twitter account.
Plinky - Plinky makes it easy for you to create inspired content. Every day we provide a
prompt (i.e. a question or challenge) and you answer. Easily shares your answers on
Twitter. Follow @plinkyprompts to receive the daily prompt.
TweetCube - Allows sharing of files via Twitter, from MP3s to PDF, Images to Excel
files. Just log in and Tweet.
VacaTweet - Let your followers know when you are out of town, or just send an @reply
to them when they message you.
TweetMyJOBS - Job Posting and searching service for Twitter.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
TwitPickr - Are you looking for an easy way to upload your twitpick images to flickr?
Stop looking, twitpickr is all you need
RSSFriends - Creates a RSS Feed of your new followers or unfollowers.
Twittley - First Twitter Social bookmarking site.Submit cool news you find,and share it
with other Twitter users
Impersonitter - allows you to update your Twitter status while letting you specify a
"source." (e.g. having "from TwitterBerry" at the bottom of your tweets-- even if you
don't have a BlackBerry or the TwitterBerry app.)
Tweepular - The Ultimate Follower Management Tool. Find out whos following you and
whos not and quickly cleanse your Twitter account of users that have not updated or are
not valuable to you.
TweetMyLink.com - Post your link for the whole Twitter world to see. Vote or ReTweet
your link to the front page for maximum exposure. No registration required.
Tweetans -Ask a question (any question!), and receive answers from experts all over the
21Tweets - Create a new habit and change your life. 21 tweets in 21 days and you are
used to another habit. Works a little like a personal coach for you to support you in your
change. With calendar statistics
BigTweet - BigTweet installs as a bookmarklet and allows you to post to Twitter from
any web page. Choose a classic 140 character update, or a 240 character tweet. Insert
special Unicode characters and shorten URLs with the Bit.ly API right from the
bookmarklet window. Automatically capture the current page title, URL and any
highlighted text. No registration is required - only Twitter login credentials are needed.
DreamTweet - Anonymously post your dream or nightmare for the world to see! A live
Twitter integrated dream log.
Followize - A trimmed down, fast and efficient web app for reading tweets. See the latest
update from each person you follow, explore replies and timelines easily. To Twitter as
Gmail is to email.
HootSuite.com - Manage multiple Twitter profiles, add multiple editors, pre-schedule
tweets, and measure your success with "click-through" stats.
MoochFly - Keep track of things you lend to your friends. Sends direct twitter message
reminders to help people remember to return the things they have borrowed.
Philtro - Rate articles and tweets so you can find the most interesting, relevant posts
first. It's like a spam filter for your RSS & Twitter subscriptions.
twAitter (Now in Alpha) - A full Twitter web client with a comprehensive scheduling
platform. Schedule tweets to send at anytime (recurring included). Manage
your scheduled messages with an Outlook style Twitter Calendar. (www.twAitter.com)
Readmytweets.com - Read other people's tweets and others will read yours.
TweetLater.com - Schedule tweets, auto-follow and auto-welcome messages, and email
keyword alerts.
TweetOClock.com - Find out the best day and time to send anyone on Twitter an @reply
or direct message.
TwiST -- Twitter Search Tool, time saving tool for searching Twitter
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twit2Do - Use twitter to manage a to-do list. Update via Twit2do.com or by sending an
@twit2do reply on twitter.
Twitter Pigeon - Twitter Pigeon is a new way to ask questions using Twitter. Keep all of
the answers to your questions on one page with a unique URL that you can share.
TwitterJobcast - Browse by city to see who is hiring on Twitter or search using your city
and state or zip code. Includes cities in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and the U.K.
Twitrans.com - Translate Your Tweets to Any Language by Human Translators.
@twitrans help for more info
Tweetreplies.com - Have your @replies send directly to your email in real time, the
emails are sent out every 10 minutes.
Twtpoll - A simple survey/poll twitter app. Create polls. Share it with your tweeple via a
short url. No username/passord required. (By @twtapps)
Tweetvisor.com - Twitter interface with automatic refresh for real-time updates about
favorite topics, news and tweets. Currently supporting groups and friend tags that filter
friends timeline, replies and DM sidebars, hot topic box to monitor favorite topics, inline
video replies, manage multiple accounts.
TwitExplorer.com - A full featured Twitter web client which allows you to better manage
your followers and find new interesting people to follow.
TwitWall.com - The Instant Blogging Companion for Twitter. Blog with video, audio,
widgets, and long text; automatically posts Twitter status updates.
Twttrstrm.com - Ask a question, and have other tweeters contribute answers to your
Squidoo lens.
Twtask.com - create very simple task lists by @reply or DM @twtask
TweetActive.com - Get real time twitter stream, follow trending topics.
TrackDailyGoals.com - Keep track of your personal productivity by using the #dailygoals
hashtag combined with this site.
Tweetizen - Discover tweets that matter to you. Create groups based on your interests and
filter tweets that you want to read. You no longer will have to scan through thousands of
tweets to find something useful. You can find groups on technology, jobs, gossip, news think Digg.com, but for tweets.
Twups - Twitter news aggregator, allows you to follow all your favorite subjects in one
place. You can even suggest topics!dat
TwitterContd - Allows you to type more than 140 characters and display the entire status
on your twitter page. No external links or anything. Also has a feature that allows you to
create Shortcuts (for commonly used pharses) so you dont need to type them again and
again and also save time...
Search Engines
Twimme NEW – Find out what giveaways, contests, coupons, discounts, freebies and
more are being tweeted right now by twitter users.
Tweeple Pages – A user powered directory of Twitter users organized by their interests.
GeoFollow - Geo (location based) twitter user directory. (Add youself on twitter by
sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3. EG:
@geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people
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MicroPlaza – Tribal Search, search the hot links shared on twitter and discover the
trending topics.
tweetzi - Twitter Search & Trends - A search service for finding and teasing out useful info from the 'Twittersphere'.
allyve.com - Only available in German. Create your personalized startpage and combine
it with lots of other personalized widgets like myspace, facebook and other stuff from
across the web to your page.
FAROO - A Peer-to-peer Web Search Engine, that integrates Twitter search to discover
discussions and people related to the query.
FreeSearch - Find your friends on the web. Simply "follow" freesearch, tweet
"@freesearch pete cashmore" or any other name, then wait a minute for the results!
Green Tweets - Tracks tweets about green & environmental topics based on semantic
natural language analysis rather than keyword
Navgle.com - Universal Search of Twitter and Google Search with Naver.com's UI
TweetJobSearch - Search jobs posted on Twitter
TweetFind.com - Twitter Directory to Find Twitter Accounts and Add Your Twitter for
Tweet Scan - Search public Twitter posts in real-time from the page or using Firefox's
search box. Find replies, track keywords, and sign up for daily/weekly email alerts.
Searching for Interesting Topics on Twitter - Search for comments and users that interst
you. Great for finding people to connect with your personal interest.
Terraminds micro search - Search entire public timeline in realtime, fast & responsive!
New: Twitter search API
Twellow.com: A People Directory - A directory of Twitter users categorized into
hundreds of fields of interest. Allows user to login and categorize themselves.
TwiST -- Twitter Search Tool, an easy-to-use interface to Twitter Search
TwitterTroll.com - Real-time Twitter search engine. Search through 1000s of indexed
tweets everyday and find new friends.
Twitterment beta Combines Twitter apps with a search engine and graphing tools
TwitterSearch -- Full text searching for the recent Twitter zeitgeist, complete with toy
dude-heads. A must! Also maps posts via Twittermap!
Top News Trends - Top News Trends combines google trends data with twitter search.
Twitter.FM -- Simple but multilingual full text search engine for Twitter, supports CJK,
Arabec, etc. Country specified search is also provided in US.Twitter.FM,
CA.Twitter.FM, UK,CN,JP,ES,TW,...more!
Twitterverse - a search and visualization project which mines and archives the public
timeline of Twitter and provides a visualization of the most commonly used words in a
given time period. Search Twitter by keyword.
TwitDir - A Twitter directory, no more. You are looking for someone, something? Just
type a few words in the search engine. Enjoy!
MobiFeedLive.com Receive Keyword Based Email Alerts so you can see who is saying
what about you... Also has Search, Link Metrics, and Trend Analysis...
Summize Twitter Search - Realtime twitter search with language restriction and threading
built right in. Free API included.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twitigg - See tweeted links Digg style.
Twubble -- Recommends new people to follow based upon your existing follows
WhoShouldiFollow? -- Recommends interesting people to follow based on your network,
and supports searching for a location and adjusting for popularity.
picobuzz - Shows popular buzz words from the public timeline and who's sayin' them!
Intwition - Tracks what people are linking to and discussing on Twitter. Let's you lookup
and find tweets about any site. Provides an RSS feed to track tweets about any site as
Twitter Blacklist - Collects IDs of Twitter "spammer" accounts, those that follow
thousands of users at random, in hopes they'll reciprocate and open themselves up to
direct-message access. Site offers an API, a Javascript bookmarklet for quick checking
wither a given Twitter ID is a flagged spammer, and links to related resources such as a
Greasemonkey script (for Firefox+Greasemonkey) that also auto-checks users against the
twitter search -Twitter Search engine find through 1000s of indexed pages kuber twitter
FuelFrog - Use Twitter to keep a log of your fuel and mileage. Compare your mileage
with others in your area, or with the same car.
TwitFuel - Submit and share local gas prices in your city. Find up-to-date prices
submitted by your fellow tweeples and never pay too much for gas again!
TweetBeep.com - Twitter Email Alerts - Like Google alerts, but for Twitter! Save
keyword searches and link/domain searches and be alerted by email when someone on
Twitter mentions it! Free service, by @mdjensen
Tweetag - Browse the twittosphere with nested tagclouds and never miss any raising
trend related to your favorite topics
FutureTweets - a free service that lets you schedule your Twitter messages. Send it at a
specific time in the future or send a reoccuring Tweet daily, weekly, monthly or yearly!
Handy if you're in need of an alibi.
Twitturls Popular Twitter Links Tweeted err Twittered err Twhatever - Links / Pictures /
Video - What's hot on Twitter
TwiSpot.com – TwiSpot is a Topic-Based Social Exploration Tool based on Twitter. Stay
updated and explore interesting new topics with the Hottest Tweets all in one spot.
Twithelp.me - Help people in the Twitter community find answers to things they want to
know about. Search Twithelp.me for topics, then reply direct to anyone who you can help.
You can set up RSS feeds too to be alerted of future Twithelps. If you want help, just
include #twithelp in a tweet. (...think of it as Yahoo Answers for Twitter.)
PopularTweets.com - Browse the current top 10 most popular tweets, re-tweets, friends
and followers on Twitter right now.
TweepSearch - Search Twitter bios, currently over 1 million indexed. Also provides the
ability to search the bios of only those people following you.
TweeterLookup – The easiest way to lookup mutiple Twitter usernames at once from a
list of email addresses, without having to input the list into your webmail accounts.
Android software tweets - Watch realtime tweets about Google Android phone(with
database with older tweets)
BackTweets - Search for links on Twitter (even if they've been shortened)
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
TwitterPray - A real time snapshot of what people are praying about on Twitter and what
people are requesting for prayer. Trending, history, and request tracking (among other
features) are slated to be added in the coming weeks.
Tweeple of India - A searchable directory of twitter users from India
tweetactive - Search tweets & get real time stream.
Book Price Check - a simple way to check book prices via reply and direct message to
your mobile device.
RedTagTweets.com - a clean and easy to use directory for coupons, deals, and discounts
on twitter. Search or browse through a list of stores.
Twtwlst - A simple gift registry. Enter the occasion, products and links. Share it with
your tweeple via a short url. No username/password required. (By @twtapps)
CheapTweet combines digg-style user ratings with Twitter conversation analysis to find
the best retail deals people are tweeting about. The more a deal gets re-tweeted and
spread around Twitter, the higher it goes in the rankings. Spammy behaviors like
duplicate tweets are penalized.
TwitShop - TwitShop uses the real-time power of Twitter to help you find personal sale,
trade, and auction items.
HowMuchIs - a quick and easy price check tool. Tweet it the name of an item, and it'll
tweet you back the three lowest prices, with ratings and direct links to merchants. Covers
millions of products including TVs, cameras, and other consumer goods.
ArrivedOK - personal flight arrival tracker. Automatically alert others about your arrival
via Twitter, blogs, by SMS or email - right in the moment you turn on your cell phone
after landing. ArrivedOK tracks your phone when it registers in a local mobile network and immediately tweets 'Arrived OK' message or sends it by email or SMS to the list of
your recipients.
Tweetmapper - Give your tweets location by using the hashtag #at followed be a location
(place, street, zipcode, country) as the last thing in your tweet. Get an embeddable widget
to display on your blog or website.
TwtTRIP - A simple travel organizer. Add your travel plans. We find other tweeple
traveling to the same destination. We find local tweetups (via @twtvite). We display your
tweets during your trip. Embed widget on your blog/website. No username/password
required. (By @twtapps)
Sat2Twitter - Send your position coordinates to your Twitter followers using a SPOT
Messenger or other supported satellite device.
Bird.im - Sharing your bird sightings and birdwatching experience with the crowd via
twitter. Bird species, date and location by @adaptive. (status @birdim)
TrainText.com - On-demand BART train times and information by direct messaging your
request to @traintext
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twanslink - A Twitter travel service for people living in Northern Ireland. Tweet that a
bus is late or a train is running behind to let others know. @twanslink
Twindz - Discover the most discussed topics on Twitter for any 24 hours period.
Twist - See trend graphs for twitter topics and spot new hot topics. Graphs for last week
and last 30 days.
retweetradar - Finding trends in the mountains of information 'retweet'ed on Twitter.
Tweetag - Display the 40 most talked topics in the last 24h in general, or the most
discussed topics related to a given topic.
Twuoted - A site that shows all tweets with the #quote hashtag. Great for finding new &
interesting quotes. Follow @twuoter for updates & new features.
Twitter Status
Twitter Delay - Monitor how long it takes twitter to deliver messages during periods of
high user demand. Watch as twitter battles with the challenges of more and more users
on it's service.
Cloud.li - A cloud-based Twitter search engine that provides you with a list of commonly
used keywords and phrases for another phrase, in cloud form.
Tweet Cloud - This Tweet Cloud shows you the major words found in the most recent
tweets of all users or those of a specific user. This changes by the minute! Experiment
with the composition of tweets to reveal interesting trends, connections, attitudes,
relationships. For example searching on lunch often shows what people are planning to
Twonvo.Com - View your Tiwtter Conversations as a thread - making it easy to follow a
conversation and not have to search for each @reply individually.
CrowdedInk.com - Creates a mug with the profile pics of the people you follow on it.
Twitsig.com - Display your current twitter status as an image on forums, blogs, and other
web services..
Tweetsig.com - Creates a dynamic image from your most recent tweets for use in
signatures on forums, in emails, as well as direct linking
TwitterSplitter - Every time you post a link on Twitter, TwitterSplitter shows a number of
other items in a menu across the top, including links to your own blog or website, your
Twitter Grade, your name, etc.
Tweetag - Browse the twittosphere with nested tagclouds. You can visualize what are the
most talked topics related to your search.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Emoji-fu - Display your Twitter status feed with full Apple iPhone's emoji support. Add
the Emoji-fu Browser Button for on-demand emoji translation. No more boxy 2-byte
Twitree - Your followers in a Tree! Expand the tree as much as you want!
Twittergallery.com - Twitter themes with automatic install. Choose a theme, enter
username and password and VOILA !
fav.tweets - get a list of all the tweets your friends starred (favorites), or you can simply
get a list of favorites for a list of users you specify.
Portwiture - Finds and displays Flickr photos based on common words in your most
recent tweets, resulting in a fun and serendipitous visual representation of your Twitter
Twitterfall - View a 'waterfall' of tweets of the current trends on Twitter in near-realtime
with a really simple interface. Unlike other sites, Twitterfall does all the searching,
causing no additional stress to Twitter regardless of the number of people on Twitterfall.
GeoTweeter - View live Geotweets from around the world. GeoTweeter iPhone app lets
users show followers their exact location with a configurable map icon, optional photo
and star rating.
Vlaag - Twitter Tags Aggregator and Visualization. See what people are Talking about in
the Twitter world. Fastest Peoples' News Service.
Thwoa - A completely useless, yet captivating Twitter/Jaiku visualization tool.
Lexigraphs - Using salient words from an individual’s tweets, topical and temporal
patterns are visualized to create a portrait of the author.
spy - Visualizes the conversations on Twitter, Friendfeed, Flickr, Blogs and more. spy
can listen in on the social media conversations you're interested in. What do you want to
listen for? Great for watching Twiter on a big screen.
Twitnest - Visualizes twitter's social graph as a graph. See who's following who. Autogroup, automated groupping of users in social graph.
TweetStats - Visualize your Twitter history, showing how often you tweet per month, per
day of the week, who you reply to the most, and what applications you use. Retrieves
your Twitter timeline as far as Twitter allows. Also shows a TweetCloud and how many
twooshes you've had.
twittermap is a Google Maps mashup for Germany which lets you search something on a
map, displays all your followers on a map or shows you People in a proximity of a city. It
also displays other Regions if you wish on other TLD's like .tv (Worlwide), .us, .com.mx,
.eu, .es, .fr
Tweetsmap is a german Twitter Map that is not based on GeoIP but direct inputs. Every
user that wants to appear at the map has to insert his position manually, so the position at
the map is as exact as possible. Find Twitters near you today! Soon multilangual!
Weatherizer - Regularly updates your twitter background and/or avatar according to your
local weather. Create your own weather themes to share.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Tweeteorology - displays tweets about the weather, allows users to search/limit by
TwitterBEIS - Silverlight 3 OOB (Out of Browser) web and desktop App, hostted by
Microsoft Windows Azure.
tagal.us - Tagalus is the largest and first hashtag resource for Twitter. Allows getting and
setting of tags via web, twitter, or an API
HashDictionary - the hashtag dictionary for Twitter. Update your own hashtags wiki
TwitaYa ! - see what your most recently active friends have been saying, search their
updates, and surf to a new user efficiently without page reload. Includes a celebrity
Pornstar Tweet! The daily lives of the hottest pornstars -- all in one place.
Tweetizen - Discover tweets that matter to you. Create groups based on your interests and
filter tweets that you want to read. You no longer will have to scan through thousands of
tweets to find something useful. You can find groups on technology, jobs, gossip, news think Digg.com, but for tweets.
Twitter Score - Ranks your Twitter profile based on different stats from your Twitter
page. Another clever thing that TwitterScore does is to remember your profile and see
how you compare against previous months to show you whether you’ve improved or got
adCause - Advertise on twitter. Buy and Sell ads on twitter. Keep the money or donate a
percentage to your favorite causes. (@adcause on twitter)
CheepFlow - Twitter-enabled SharePoint Workflow to address communicating changes
from within a protected SharePoint Site. Tweets announcement content types as regular
updates, documents with updates including the name of the document and bit.lyshortened urls.
CrestrTwitr - The first Crestron twitter client. Allows your crestron automation gear to
send and recieve Tweets from Twitter.
Twitkut - Display your recent tweets on your Orkut profile page. Also, view the tweets of
all your Orkut friends.
Twittad - Monetize your Twitter profile while not disturbing the conversations on
Twitter. Either place profile or opt-in to Advertiser campaigns which allows for branding
of your Twitter page.
WhatsYourTweetWorth - From @Twittad - get a feel for how valuable you might be to
advertisers on Twitter. A fun add-on site to the Twittad offering.
Tweet Link Monster Get an Atom feed of all of the links that your friends tweet. That
way, you can read them at one time in your feed reader when you want to do so. Never
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
get a link tweeted via SMS while away from the Internet and then totally forget about it
Twootball -- Have you ever wanted to sit down to a NFL match with a few beers and
your laptop and tweet away to your favourite team with you fellow supporters? well a
new site called Twootball allows you to do just that. From the main page of Twootball
you will see the stream of everything that’s going on. Down the right hand side are the
latest matches to be played, clicking on them will take you to the game screen where you
can see the latest tweets coming in about the match.
FreeTweets Cool collections of hottest Twitter Backgrounds, a totally refreshing sweet
treats so that you can Tweet Fabulously! by Focusguys
TweetRemote Determines tweets' content-types based on hashtags and formats
accordingly for aggregating and integrating with a blog.
CelebrityTweet! Stalk or follow celebrities on Twitter as they tweet in real-time.
Social Event-based group twittering. Turns any twitter account into an event account
where all attendees can message each other.
MsnToTwit 'MsnToTwit' is a msn add-on. Msn Personel message on Twitter account.
Twitterverse 'Twitterverse' was a prototype developed to offer graphical representation of
social networks formed through usage of the 'Twitter' service. It offers a graphical user
interface enabling efficient navigation of the user's social network and user's friend's
social networks. Click here to read more
TwitterSnooze Hit the "snooze" button on your "verbose" Twitter friends by temporarily
unfollowing them.
StrawPoll Tiny daily polls in 140 characters or less. More info at @strawpoll
Cullect Collaborative feed reader optimized for Twitter; sign in with your Twitter id, post
to twitter. Cullect also auto-expands shortened urls. More info at @cullect
Gridjit - Gridjit is a social portal that presents a Twitter user's friends and conversations
in a grid layout with drill-down features through networks via @tags and links.
Diabetes Tracking for Twitterholic Diabetics -- This is SugarStats.com integration with
Twitter to allow diabetics to track their diabetes and input their stats via Twitter. It also
includes automatically posting their blood sugar readings from their Sugarstats account to
their Twitter account if they choose.
Twitter Ethnography This is a virtual ethnography of Twitter conducted by three students
at Emerson College for a course called Studies in Digital Media and Culture.
30 Boxes has tight Twitter integration. After adding Twitter to your Web Stuff, you can
view twitters from you and friends and you can post directly to Twitter.
A secure Google Gadget for updating twitter from your Google Homepage. Alternatively,
an unsafe Google Gadget also exists, though you need to provide a 3rd party your login
If Suck a quirky little application to track everything that sucks in the world! Fully
Twitter integrated. Tell the world what sucks at @ifsuck
Language Exchange on Twitter Language Exchange assistant on Twitter
MoniTwitter Monitors your website, posting updates to Twitter about load times and
whether there is a problem or not. Subscribe to the Twitter account to receive updates
about your site, notifications if it goes down.
Post Like A Pirate Have your text translated to pirate speak and post directly to Twitter.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
PhoneTag Use any phone and your voice to update your Twitter timeline. In limited beta
- first come first served.
Ququoo Turns Twitter into a timesheet, group your tweets to show how long you were
doing stuff. To use, just befriend ququoo
Rss2twitter.com -- Add any rss feed to twitter via your twitter login.
Twash#Tag - HashTag - Complain about businesses and their customer service using a
special hashtag: Twash#businessname / Twitter HashTag Directory
Tweet'l -- URL shotener, a la TinyURL, but it adds a Twitter client to make things handy.
TweetAhead -- Schedule tweets to be posted in the future
Twit2RSS - Read and reply to Twitter posts from your RSS reader. With this enhanced
RSS feed, you may not need a separate Twitter reader.
Twitter Quotient - Humorous way to look at your Twitter stats (# friends, #updates) and
calculate your Twitter profile! Are you a Twitter hero or zero? Keywords: twitter,
quotient, statistics, metrics, index, profile, popularity
Twitcash -- "get paid per follower per post".
TwitKu -- A place to monitor your Twitter and Jaiku friends' posts in one place. Post to
both with one click. "Refuse to choose!"
Twappi -- Daily Twitter mood. Cheer up a random sad twit.
Tweetdreams -- a Twitter dream journal.
Twerms -- Your latest 200 twits analyzed by Yahoo! Term Extractor.
Brabblr -- A metatool similar to twitku but with support for Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce and
10+ microblogging services. Post to one, several or all services at once and read your and
your friends messages in one place.
Twitteria -- Answer questions beyond "What are you doing now?" , 100% Twitter based.
TwitThis -- add a "TwitThis" button to your website, or blog. Wordpress plugin included.
TwitterBuzz -- shows what sites people are linking to in Twitter posts, with relative
popularity of sites.
TwitterChat An AJAX Twitter-Shoutbox for your blog or community.
twitterfeed.com -- "feed your blog to twitter". submit your blog's feed, and get your new
blog posts twittered automatically.
Twitterholic - keeps track of followers/friends/favorites stats and sorts them.
Twitter Is Weird Displays random tweets as a conversation between two cartoon
Twitter Zone -- Track URL and Words used on Twitter - List popular users and services.
What are people twittering about? Tracks the most common things/nouns found in the
public timeline.
Yahoo! Pipe optimizes your Twitter RSS feed for posting to http://Tumblr.net. (still to
PingTwitter Ping your Twitter account from your blog so it auto updates when you make
a new blog post.
Twitter on Foodry Restaurant review site has a "Send to Twitter" button to make
twittering about a particular restaurant easy.
Twitget - A Twitter gadget -- a Windows Live gadget that shows your tweets on your
Windows Live Space or the tweets of your peeps on Windows Live.
Inner Twitter - Inner Twitter asks what is in front of you? In answering you reconnect to
your original happiness because to answer you must stop during your ordinary activities
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
and turn your attention to immediate reality. A chime message is sent at selected time
intervals. When you receive the chime stop. Listen. Briefly meditate. And then write
about your experience.
TwitterWhere Makes it easy to post your location so that it's picked up by Twittervision.
LoudTwitter - Daily post your tweets on your blog. This is the exact contrary of
twitterfeed. supports openid.
rss2twitter - rss2twitter is a freeware perl script that allow to post on Twitter every rss so
also rss from Blogger!
TwitterNotes - Take notes anyywhere using Twitter, tag and read them whenever you
want to.
Twitterest - Silverlight applet to show the ranking of your friends message count and
other interesting stats.
Tweet'l - URL Shortener for Twitter.
Twype -- Automatically post your latest Tweet to your Skype Mood. Also track your
Winamp listening and post that to the mood. Windows only.
SyncMood - Automatically updates your Tweet with Skype Mood.
@eventtrack - Tracking people in the moment, an extended topic, event, project, moment
tracking system using Twitter as an interface but extending to multiple other services as
Joomla! Extensions - Add Twitter to your Joomla! web site. Joomla! is an open source
content management system.
Twitter Packs - Find new people to add on Twitter using Twitter Packs!
Twitter SPY - Twitter SPY displays the Twitter public timeline in a fancy and addictive
CheckYesOrNo.info - Create simple yes or no polls and use the 'send to twitter' feature to
easily share with your twitter buddies. It's like those notes you used to get from girls back
in junior high.
Twitter.PollDaddy.com - Create Polldaddy polls and post them directly to your Twitter
Twanslate (Twitter Translator) - Translate into multiple languages all through Twitter.
Great for on the go translation when you just have your mobile phone. Just follow
@twanslate and send a direct message like "d twanslate fr Where is the bathroom?". By
@checkdomain - Check for domain availability right from Twitter! Just follow
@checkdomain, then send a direct message like "d checkdomain somedomain.com". By
Dislikr will create a bar graph based on @ messages/references for a provided user.
Usage: http://dislikr.com/user_name
Clickbank Mall plugin for Twitter - Provides ecommerce capability
Twuzzer Twitter/GoogleMaps mashup, also featuring the Fail-Whale massacre.
KnolMe A URL shortener for Twitter users. Use your twitter username as part of the
short url. (example: http://knol.me/al3x/1)
Sad Statements Sad Tweets are automagically illustrated via flickr.
Twiffid fetches the headlines of the websites listed in the profiles of your Twitter friends
and shows them to you in a Twitter-like format. RSS feed and most clicked headlines
available too.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
FriendFeed Finder Find out if who you follow is on FriendFeed too. By @mdjensen
Dwigger Threaded conversations and voting for Twitter
Tweetwants You want stuff. Stuff is cool. You want it so much, you tweet about it. This
is a collection of stuff you want.
Tweetfails Sometimes people get these big fancy ideas and attempt to pull something off.
Sometimes it works, but that is boring. It's much more awesome when it fails. And when
it fails, people tweet about it. This is a collection of stuff that fails.
Modelfolios online community that sends alerts of public site activity to
twopular - most popular trends on twitter aggregator
Twoogie, M.D. - Update your Twitter feed, Doogie Howser-style!
GTalkTwit - Update Twitter from your Google Talk (gTalk) status message
LastTweet - Put your recent Twitter updates in Last.fm's sidebar using one of the four
available styles
TweetValue - How much is your twitter profile worth? By @jonasl
vttwitter - Twitter module for vtiger CRM
@myflightinfo - Get your flight status by sending a direct message with your flight info
sadakmap.com/twitter (with OAuth support) - 03/2009 - Post updates on a map. Updates
can be longer than the 140 chars that Twitter allows. Your followers will see a link in
your update that will display the location on the map you twitter'ed from. Also search for
messages on Twitter by clicking on the map.
TwTip - Lovely tip tweets around the world
Writer's Database - Submission tracking app for writers, features Twitter integration. Let
your followers know when you've sent out a new story (or batch of poems) for
Viral Tweet Generator - A twitter application that has been designed to give you the
possibility of creating a viral wave of tweets through your followers as well as your
followers followers.
Twurfer - Twurfer combines the power of Twitter and you as a surfer. Now you can get
and send surf reports with your cell phone! Plus you get your own surf report web site for
showing off your surf reports, surfing photos, and links to your favorite surf sites. Launch
your own surf report web site now!
vBTwitter - A Twitter integration with vBulletin that allows, as of v1.0, "Tweet This"
functionality for posts and threads. Planned expansions are to occur to expand the product
to support most of Twitter's features.
TweetIRC - A IRC style Twitter interface (in early stages)
ThinkClimbing - find and connect with climbers on Twitter
What The Hashtag?! - A user-editable encyclopedia for hashtags found on Twitter
TweetBackup.com - Backup all your tweets and friends. By @jonasl
YiqYaq - Online community radio turns twitter feeds into audio channels, so you can
hear tweets via text-to-speech, blended with news, music, and other social audio. How-to
here and here.
TwitteReader - gives Twitter a Google Reader look, with the ability to mark tweets as
Greenknob SWIG - SWIG is an acronym for 'Some Ways I Green'. Send a tweet to
@greenknob SWIG: <ur green msg or tip> ,(i.e send a reply to greenknob followed by
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
the letters 'S','W','I','G',':') and you will see it displayed at
http://www.greenknob.com/swig/. See how different people in various parts of the world
do their bit to conserve.
BettingTwits -Tweet on about sports and sports betting including the NFL, NCAA, NBA
, MLB, tennis, golf and more.
Ramamia – Ramamia helps you keep in touch with your family through simple and
private family sharing, connects to Twitter.
Mobile apps •
QuaseFree - é a primeira aplicação brasileira que permite a atualização do twitter pelo
celular. Além disso possibilita o envio de mensagens diretas entre usuários do twitter.
Simple Tweet - a simple iPhone application from rhinoapps.com. It allows you to
explore, post, remove friends and add friends from your iPhone.
FlyingBird's mobile - a collection of personal productivuty applications for Symbian
smartphones, e.g. Money Manager, Car Expense Manager
Twit Tuner - a small and free utility app for the iPhone to browse the current top ten
twitter trends.
Book Price Check - a simple way to check book prices via reply and direct message to
your mobile device.
twe2.com - is a Free mobile service that allows you to receive your Twitter Alerts via
SMS worldwide to any mobile device.
Statuso - An iPhone application which allows you to update toggle on/off posting your
status updates to twitter, facebook, friendfeed & yammer
TwitterMobile - A simple to use mobile application that gives the user a portal or
gateway into the Twitter world of blogging and instant messaging.
Twittelator Pro - A best of breed twitter client for the iPhone and iPod touch, Twittelator
Pro features myriad features sure to satisfy even the most seasoned of tweeters.
Snaptu is a free mobile service that offers you a selection of fun and userful mobile
applications, including Twitter, Facebook, Sports and much more. Works on most Java
Twootball iPhone - iPhone application that tracks the scores of the NFL games and the
twitter messages about those games. It also functions as client to send out tweets.
Twti2go - A fast and clean Twitter client for Android powered devices. It has search,
photos, URL shortener, etc.
Dabr - The best Mobile Web App for Twitter to date. Described as 'm.twitter on steroids',
dabr is ad-free and provisioned for S60, Android, the iPhone and Blackberry...
http://dabr.co.uk from your mobile browser
Twitroid is the first full-featured twitter client for Android mobile phones, including
search & photo posting.
GPS Twit is an application for the iPhone and Windows Mobile that you can run on your
phone to make it easy for your friends to find you. GPS Twit answers the question,
"Where are you and what are you doing?"
Quakk is a very small, fully-featured and very attractive Windows Mobile Twitter
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Tiny Twitter is a free and full featured Twitter mobile client that runs on Windows
Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone devices (a native Windows Mobile client) and Java
enabled devices (a J2ME client).
TwitToday is a free Windows Mobile 5+ Pocket PC/Professional Twitter widget for
posting Twitter updates from the Today screen
Twobile is a free Windows Mobile 5+ Pocket PC/Professional Twitter client that allows
users to use nearly all the features of the desktop web-based version of Twitter!
ceTwit is a free windows mobile 6 native twitter client for windows mobile phones and
smart phones
Locify with Twitter service - free. Locify adds gps location to your Twitter update from
your phone and more - see public, user and friend timelines, profiles, ... Location
Matters! Locify your Twitter.
twitter on Mobio widget FREE DOWNLOAD GetMobio lifestyle portalhas several
mobile widgets including twitter on Mobio! Supports 100+ mobile phones [Java +
BlackBerry + Windows Mobile phones]. twitter on Mobio widget allows you to update
your twitter timeline, view the public timeline, and get updates on your friends timeline
all from within a fast and easy to use widget interface. You've got to check this out!
twitter on Mobio + Cricket widget FREE DOWNLOAD The definitive portal for the
global Indian has several mobile widgets including twitter on Mobio plus Cricket (IPL,
test, ODI), Economic Times, Times of India and more! Supports 100+ mobile phones
[Java + BlackBerry + Windows Mobile phones]. twitter on Mobio.in widget is the same
as the one in the US GetMobio portal (see above).
Cricket action on twitter Check out the cod at
[http://www.theyagar.com/2007/12/02/twitter-action-code/]follow all the indian team's
cricket scores from your mobile with plusmo cricket feeds
psychzzz - An easy 1 STEP Twitter Updater for your mobile phone. Supports most major
mobile phone browser. XHTML-MP verified and able to support Japanese and Chinese
characters as well.
SQIJ -- Sqij is a Windows Mobile application that supports mobile web applets. The
Twitter applet makes using Twitter easy, and you can even get alerts of timeline changes
and direct messages.
Abiro Jitter supports most features available via the Twitter API with easy access to all
features, and works on most mobile phones on the market that at all support Java. It uses
your data connection instead of SMS for a lower cost and more functionality, and
communicates directly with Twitter for better performance and reliability.
Twitteresce allows Java-Enabled phones (there is a list on the web site) to receive and
post tweets. Much more convienent than SMS alerts!
Twitter2Go provides a WAP or xHTML-MP interface that works on Palm, Pocket PC,
BlackBerry, and almost any other mobile phone or PDA device. No software to install!
Twitter deBolsillo tested on a Windows Mobile PocketPC. No software to install! In
Twapper from 30 Boxes is a WAP browser for Twitter with image support, so you can
keep up with Twitter on your mobile without the constant barrage of SMS interruptions.
The 30 Boxes blog provides details of Twapper v1.0 and Twapper v2.0b. v2.0b now lets
you post Twitter updates.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Twittai is designed for Java phones, which supports most of the twitter functions like
Reading Tweets (no 20 tweets limit), Update, Reply, View Archive, View Replies, View
Direct Messages, View Friends' Updates and Profiles, Adding Favorites, Delete Tweets,
and etc. And Twittai is now compatible with more than 200 mainstream phones and
Windows mobile phones.
jibjib is a small and fast open source twitter client for any Java-enabled phones which
requires only CLDC 1.0/MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.1/MIDP 2.0 in recent versions.
Twitter Answers enables you to Tweet answers and get responses. Like Yahoo Answers
for Twitter, powered by Mosio.
Mobile Tweete is a lightweight mobile website. It features user timelines, replies, direct
messages, users, favorites. It focuses on being a super-lightweight client.
m.slandr.net is an enhanced mobile site for Twitter, with: replies, direct messaging, users
overview, search and geo.
twnkl.org is, like DABR and slandr, a mobile-enhanced front-end to Twitter. Features
replies, messaging, conversation view, searching (with saved searches), blacklisting
(remove people you don't want to see from search results etc) and other new features.
Inspired by DABR, written from scratch in Python. Under active development!
moblf is a platform that enable access to FriendFeed via Twitter. Users can perform the
following: Post direct messages on FriendFeed, Get updates from people they are
following on FriendFeed, Get updates for a particular user they are interested in.
Twitterpation is an iPhone application that lets you record mixed voice-and-text Tweets.
Hahlo is a mobile application for using Twitter, great for the iPhone too.
HelloTxt is a mobile version of HelloTxt Status Manager.
uTweetMe is a J2ME mobile application for posting Twitter updates.
iTwtr is an open source Twitter client for iPhones. The main thing that sets iTwtr apart
from other iPhone Twitter clients is its capacity to download content in the background
and save it for future viewing.
Blackbird, a Twitter client for BlackBerry smartphones.
TwitterGPS, a location-aware Twitter client which runs on smartphones which support
Global Positioning Satellite (GPS). Users can exchange messages containing location
links and then view these as maps - either on the phone or using a PC browser.
PockeTwit A twitter client for Windows Mobile devices. Features a unique UI, GPS
integration, Capture photos and send to twitpic, and lots more by Ricky Deez.
TwitterText (powered by SmartTouch) TwitterText allows Windows Mobile 6 users a
web-like rich interactive Twitter experience through SMS. SmartTouch is a mobile
widget-platform that provides an exceptional SMS 2.0 experience for users to enjoy
seamless access to branded content and services such as Facebook and Google w/out the
need for a data plan!
Twibble mobile is a twitter client for Java enabled devices. It supports all important
twitter functions, uploading of photos via twitpic, GPS, and much more!
Twitter Reader is a Web Runtime widget for smartphones built on the S60/Symbian
platform (like these from Nokia). Read basic tweet feed, post tweets and @replies. Can
also set a custom prefix for your tweets.
Synble is an mobile/web hybrid application for Nokia Symbian/S60 devices. Among
other things, Synble can send your @replies and DM's as a text messages to your phone
for free. More info...
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
Map My Tracks shares your outdoor activities in real-time and updates your location on
SimplyTweet - An iPhone Twitter client focus on conversations.
Touch Poet an Iphone/iPod Touch app which let's you make poetry and publish it to
twitstar is a Twitter app currently under development for Windows Mobile 6 devices, and
could do with some testers!
Coffee Buzz is the Coffee Social on your iPhone - Displays nearby Coffee Locations +
All the nearby and everywhere coffee talk from Twitter. Features @replies, Twitter
location updates (e.g. 'Starbucks, Boulder County.' not just "iPhone: 51.2342423,
112.01230123"). Automatically composes a 'Having Coffee' tweet using your location
and favorite drink.
YiqYaq iPhone is a mobile version of YiqYaq community radio, allowing twitter
channels to be listened-to via text-to-speech audio blended with news, music, and other
social audio streams.
Gravity is a Symbian S60v3 and S60v5 (touch-screen) client with support for multiple
accounts, Identi.ca, TwitPic, and intuitive search features that recognize @replies and
#tags in posts, as well as tweet queueing in the event of disconnection from the network.
Twittix is another Symbian S60v3 and S60v5 client with search, auto-update, and support
for portrait and landscape mode, and the use of the accelerometer.
Zen Jar is an iPhone app that facilitates anonymous conversation between iPhone users
by way of deep, interesting or otherwise meaningful thoughts. Thoughts posted to Zen
Jar are cross posted to Twitter.
Other Interfaces •
any.io Finger and DNS Gateways - provides an interface to reading statuses via both the
finger and DNS protocols.
Jobs •
JobMotel - Discovering and posting tech jobs to twitter.
Copyright 2009 – Twitter Can Pay Your Mortgage
The net is changing on a daily basis and so is Twitter. Hundreds of new applications are being
developed to take advantage of the Twitter Phenomenon. We sort through these mountains of
applications and speak to hundreds of experts to keep ourselves on the edge of this ever changing
technological platform.
It’s not only Twitter that is changing. Google Adwords, Affiliate Programs, CPA Offers,
Autoresponder Applications, Membership Softwares… all these are evolving and we need to
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