9:00 AM Registration 10:00 AM Call to Order 12:00 Noon Lunch


9:00 AM Registration 10:00 AM Call to Order 12:00 Noon Lunch
April 2014
Executive Committee
Christine Flynn
Cell 714-309-5552
1st VICE PRESIDENT (Program)
Claire Plotner Cell 760-484-8325
Joy Bliss
Cell 310-844-2340
(Campaign & Precinct)
Charlotte Johnson 951-780-2350
Cell 951-990-4878
Hilton Garden Inn, Wave Crest Room
6450 Carlsbad Boulevard
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 Noon
Call to Order
(Ways & Means)
Norma Gallo
Cell 805-610-0526
Daryl Reynolds
Cell 805-906-9308
Dawn Wetzel
Cell 805-276-3254
Ann Grivich
Pat Shuff
Victoria Wilson
Mary Helen Kelly 760-340-1010
Cell 760-902-1442
Jill A. McCauley
Notice of deadlines will be emailed.
Clubs and counties are encouraged to
reprint Southern Division articles in
their club or county newsletters, giving
credit to Southern Division and the
Candidate for Governor of California
Candidate for Lt. Governor of California
CFRW President
Pre-paid reservations by March 26
Reservation form in this newsletter.
Call hotel directly, 1-760-476-0800, ask for in-house reservations,
This hotel has a complimentary shuttle to distances within 5 miles.
Amtrak Station is close-by.
April 2014
Page 2
Christine Flynn
Republican Women Making a Difference!
Evidence that Republican Women DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Victory electing Republican Kevin Faulconer Mayor
of San Diego, Republican Mayor Carey Davis and City Councilman Henry Nickel elected in San Bernardino. Ladies, keep it
up as we move full steam ahead to a November victory!
I am excited and proud of our members who helped produce these election results! When you registered new citizens at
the swearing-in ceremonies, walked precincts distributing literature, made phone calls on behalf of these candidates, educated
the public with candidate forums, prepared snacks for campaign volunteers, devoted hours in the campaign headquarters answering phone calls and stuffing envelopes, worked election day GOTV Getting Out The Vote efforts, or worked at the polling locations in one of many capacities, EVERY SINGLE EFFORT made a difference. Congratulations, ladies!
These two races are the warm-up for our 2014 campaign season. Working in your precinct organizations is crucial to
keeping our platform strong and ensuring our values are reflected. Just like in baseball, it takes an entire team to produce a
win. And before the big game, spring training primary campaigning is the practice before the big leagues. We need wins in
both! That is why it is so imperative we work together - the Federation, the Party and our Republican candidates to ensure
successful election results.
Our purpose is to promote quality candidates for office, educate the public on vital issues and promote the Republican
platform. Our only hope is the Republican Party. First, we must stop fighting within our own party. We must get behind Republican candidates and officeholders who are opposed to the liberal agenda. If there is more than one Republican candidate
for a seat, refer to CFRW and Southern Division bylaws regarding endorsements. Do not let yourself become swayed by the
other party in bashing Republican candidates. Even if they are not your first choice, a Republican candidate is still a better
choice than one from the other party. Find common ground, mutual values, and work with respect for that.
Our Federation’s goals are to increase membership and spread the word about our organization. Being strong in numbers
goes a long way toward getting politicians to take notice of you and your views, make your club more noticeable by recruiting
new members. Your club will be where the candidates want to be. They realize the strength and clout the Federation has;
smart candidates know they need us. Candidates need you working alongside them as they inform and educate the voters
about themselves and the election.
As you are meeting Republicans while campaigning and gathering signatures for Guard My Vote petitions, view each
woman as a prospective member. If she is committed to Republican candidates and feels the need for voter ID, she will likely
enjoy being invited to join a national organization with like-minded commonsense women like us.
So me ar tic l es i n t his
newsletter are the opinions of
the writers and should not be
construed as those of
Southern Division.
A one-year subscription for the Southern
Division newsletter is $15.00.
To subscribe or renew your subscription
contact jill_mccauley@sbcglobal.net.
Expiration date is on the mail label.
CFRW Southern Division
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Hilton Garden Inn
Wave Crest Room
6450 Carlsbad Boulevard
9:00 am Doors Open ~ 10:00 am Call to Order ~ 12:00 Luncheon
Cost: $25 per person.
# of Tickets:_______ Amount Enclosed: _______________________
Name: _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Club Name: _________________________________________
Name of Guest(s): _________________
Menu: Choose (____) Mediterranean Chicken Entree or (____) Vegetarian Entrée
If no choice is selected, chicken entrée will be served.
Both choices include salad, dessert, coffee or tea
~ received by ~
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Checks Payable to CFRW Southern Division
Mail checks to: Sue Kinsling
5182 Kingsgrove Drive
Somis CA 93066
To contact Sue: call 805-386-8112 or email ; sue_kin@hotmail.com
Directions from the north:
Take 5 Freeway South.
Exit Cannon Road [Exit #48] and turn right. Proceed to the dead end at Carlsbad Boulevard and turn left.
Go to the 2nd signal and turn left into the hotel driveway at Solamar.
Directions from the south:
Follow signs to I-5 North. Take I-5 North 27.3 miles and exit and turn left on Poinsettia Lane [Exit #45].
Proceed to the dead end at Carlsbad Boulevard and turn right. Go to the 3rd signal and turn right in the hotel
driveway at Solamar.
For those members that are not staying at the hotel, and are attending the meeting only: for parking nearest the
banquet meeting room, enter the hotel parking lot, drive straight to the back, then turn left and follow parking around
the hotel perimeter to the left all the way to the back. This will give you the closest parking to the meeting room.
Signs are posted on the property.
April 2014
Page 3
March 26
April 2
April 25-27
May 15
May 19
June 3
June 4
September 3
October 20
November 4
November 8
Be aware of these dates when scheduling county & club events.
DEADLINE: Reservations for April 2 Southern Division meeting in Carlsbad.
Southern Division meeting and lunch. Carlsbad Hilton. See page 1.
County presidents meet to determine Charlotte Mousel Scholarship First and Second
Place recipients.
CFRW Spring Conference and Advocacy. Orange County. Details below.
DEADLINE: NFRW Pathfinder Scholarship application received by CFRW Scholarship
Chairman Rosalia Zamora. See January-February newsletter for details.
DEADLINE: Betty Rendell Scholarship application received by CFRW Scholarship
Chairman Rosalia. See January-February newsletter for details.
Last day to register to vote in the June Primary Election
Primary Election.
Southern Division meeting and lunch. Pomona Valley Mining Co. Charlotte Mousel
Scholarship awards presented.
CFRW Southern Division Board of Directors meeting. Ventura County
Last day to register to vote in the November General Election.
General Election
CFRW Southern Division Board of Directors meeting in Los Angeles or Orange County
APRIL 25 - 27, 2014
Doubletree Hotel Anaheim/Orange
100 City Drive, Orange
Michelle Steel
Dinesh D’Souza
Public Relations
See page 7 for student information
If you have never attended a CFRW Advocacy Workshop this your opportunity to
network with CFRW members from throughout the State.
Details in packet sent to club presidents.
April 2014
Page 4
Ann Grivich, Membership Secretary
akgrivich@earthlink.net (626) 919-5206
Mary Helen Kelly, Parliamentarian
760-340-1010 Cell 760-902-1442
Great news, ladies! Southern Division is well on its
way to having a banner year!
February per capita reports totals: 2122 for the south
counties of Southern Division (Imperial, Orange, Riverside,
San Bernardino and San Diego) and 1484 for the north
counties of Southern Division (Los Angeles, Santa Barbara
and Ventura)= 3606, which is 314 more members over last
We are 41% over 2013’s membership . The south
counties bested the north counties 43% to 40%.
Our star counties are Ventura in the north at 61% and
San Bernardino in the south at 49%. Among our clubs,
South Pasadena already has reached over 100% of its 2013
members. Congrats to all for your hard work.
Keep them coming, ladies! If you have any questions
about membership reporting, feel free to contact either
myself or you county membership secretary. We are always
here to help.
Norma Gallo, Vice President-Ways and Means
2013 was a very successful year for CFRW Southern
Division clubs. Our profitable fundraiser “Last Woman
Standing” enabled us to utilize radio marketing. Southern
Division clubs benefited by recruiting new members who
heard our advertisement.
The Ways and Means chairman has the responsibility of
raising additional funds, in excess of dues, to fund you’re
your club’s activities. How much money the club raises
depends in part on its size and also on the activities the
clubs feels it must support.
Regardless of the size of your club, remember that the
Federation is NOT the fundraising arm of the Party. The
club’s first obligation is to support the club’s educational
programs, increase membership, and encourage the
broadest possible participation by the members in active
political work. The financial obligation beyond this is to
provide the necessary financial help to insure that the club
is represented at all county, Division and CFRW seminars,
workshops, and by its rightful number of delegates at the
Federation conventions.”
Southern Division Guide for Republican Women
There are many ways to help your treasury. If you need
ideas or help I will be happy to help. Contact me via email
giving me a brief description of your club and your needs.
Please provide me with a phone number and email address.
Report your club’s successful fundraisers to me. I will
share with other clubs via this newsletter.
Basic parliamentary practices assist an organization
conduct business in an orderly and fair manner; whether the
deliberative group is small or large. Regardless of size,
every deliberative group requires a leader {Presiding Officer
or Chair} and voting members. Only voting members (as
defined in the bylaws) may make motions, speak in debate
and vote. A knowledgeable person may be called in to
explain technicalities or answer questions, but not be
involved in the debate or vote.
The Presiding Officer or Chair does not refer to herself in
the first person, but as the Chair or the President. She does
not enter into the debate. If she wishes to express her
opinion she must relinquish the Chair to a Vice President
and not resume the Chair until the vote is taken. It is her
responsibility to ensure that all members have the
opportunity to speak and not allow any one or two members
to dominate the discussion; and that the question is decided
by majority or two-thirds vote which ever is applicable.
It is the presiding officer’s responsibility to see that an
agenda is prepared. Before the meeting she should contact
officers and committee chairmen to confirm if they have
items requiring a vote for adoption to include on the agenda
and confirm any reports that she wants them to prepare and
present to the meeting. When a program is involved, she
should confirm with the program chairman that everything
has been arranged.
At the announced time of the meeting, the Presiding
Officer should call the meeting to order on time. It is her
responsibility to also follow the agenda except for
unforeseen circumstances that require adjustment. She
should also be attentive to time even in small committee
meetings. Limit discussions on questions to a reasonable
time. Have a standing rule for length of speeches and total
time for discussion on any one topic.
Members respect the Chair. Pay attention to the agenda and
business being considered.
1. Wait to be recognized
2. Do not speak the second time until all others have had
the opportunity to speak
3. Honor the privilege to vote and after the vote is taken,
support the majority decision
Every president and/or parliamentarian should have a copy
of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition.
Other suggestions:
1. Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief
2. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Parliamentary Procedure
Fast Track
Available at www.amazon.com
April 2014
Charlotte Johnson, 3rd Vice President-Campaign & Precinct
951-780-2350 – Cell 951-990-4878
Governor Jerry Brown has announced that he will seek
another term as governor of California. This was no surprise
to many of us. It’s actually a benefit to candidates who are
considering a run for that office to know with whom they’ll
be sparring!
I am aware of three Republican who have announced
they will be seeking that office. Each announced before the
the Governor made his announcement.
Below are short bios and some info that I was able to
garner from the announced candidates websites. There
appears to be several strengths in the candidates AND in
each there is some undesirable behavior and history that
could be a hindrance to a candidate that is seeking to unseat
the incumbent Governor.
Tim Donnelly was born in Georgia in 1966. The family
moved to Virginia, then Michigan where Tim attended the
University of Michigan on a scholarship. He completed his
degree at the University of California, Irvine. He is married
and he and his wife, Rowena, have five sons and one
In 2010, after successfully waging a grass roots
campaign against ten other prospective candidates, Tim won
the election and was sworn in as a member of the Assembly.
On his website he states
his platform provides a genuine alternative to the
choices offered to voters in the past.
he has steadfast principles, widespread name
recognition among conservative activists, and the ability
to communicate with the prime candidate for governor.
Neel Tushar Kashkari was born in 1973 in Akron,
Ohio. His parents emigrated to the U.S. from Kashmir in the
1960s. He earned his bachelor and master degrees in
mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. Neel is divorced and has no children.
After college he moved to Redondo Beach, California
working as an engineer for TRW, a contractor for NASA. In
2006, Kashkari entered the political scene when Henry
Paulson, the former head of Goldman Sachs, was appointed
Secretary of the Treasury, and he brought Kashkari with him
as his assistant.
Kashkari left government in 2009 and worked for
Pimco, leading that company’s push into the equities market.
He resigned from there in 2013 to explore his run for public
office. In January 2014, he announced his candidacy for
Governor. He has cited jobs and education as his top
priorities. He has no previous runs for an elected office. He
Page 5
has raised nearly $1 million in campaign donations within
two weeks of his announced candidacy.
His website declares:
he has been a Republican his entire life…but describes
himself as a ‘free market Republican’.
he voted for Barack Obama.
Glenn Champ is a small contractor businessman. Born
in Clovis, California, Glenn Champ lives in Tollhouse, CA.
Champ 48, is proud of his American Christian heritage.
Champ’s political philosophy is a T.E.A. (Tax Enough
Already) partier. He believes in Biblical rights, constitution
of our founding fathers state rights, liberty and justice to use
your gun rights! Feeling that it was time to bring a fighter to
the Republican Party and move away from lawyer
Champ’s website states he:
favors large tax cuts for business and individual
supports the development of small businesses.
would remove “job-killing legislation”.
would “immediately turn the Central Valley farmers’
water supply back on with my own wrench”; build
water reserves, clean up our mismanaged forests and
utilize all our natural resources.
is opposed to what he calls “job-killing legislation
drafted by environmental terrorist extremists”.
This will be an uphill battle for any Republican.
Whoever is chosen we must support him. We need strong,
conservative-centered candidates that can bring our great
country back to what was conceived by our founding fathers.
For more information about Tim Donnelly, Neel Tushar
Kashkari and Glenn Champ go to their websites:
Neel Kashkari.com
Become familiar with CFRW and Southern Division
Bylaws regarding Ethics - Candidate Endorsements.
Read Elaine Klock’s report in this newsletter, CFRW
Bylaw Changes, pages 6 and 7.
If you do not have copies of the NFRW, CFRW, and
Southern Division. Always have these bylaws at your
fingertips to avoid conflict and confusion.
Passover April 14
Easter April 20
April 2014
Elaine Klock, CFRW Bylaws Chairman
626-797-2228 felklock@sbcglobal,net
Several of the CFRW Bylaw amendments, made at
CFRW’s Convention last fall, changed how clubs and
members will be able to support candidates this election
year. It is imperative that our members become informed of
these changes. Please take a few minutes to become familiar
with the changes, There were amendments and corrections
of a housekeeping nature, but Article V - Ethics was
amended in a major way. The amendments dealt with
the change in California Election Law as it relates to the
“Top Two Vote Getters.”
(Listed as CFRW Amendment #3)
These changes were presented as a result of actual
problems that clubs in the Federation struggled with during
the 2012 election because of the new election law which
places the “top two vote getters” on the ballot. Party
affiliation is no longer a consideration for a candidate to be
listed on the ballot in the General Election.
For example, there may be more than one Republican
running for an office in a special election, the Primary or
the General Election. The new election law places only the
“top two vote getters” on the General Election ballot no
matter their Party designation.
Remember, individual members of the Federation may
personally support and endorse any Republican they choose.
They just can’t use their club’s name. CFRW Standing
Rules (Roman Numeral 5) - Endorsements … actually lists
what is considered an endorsement. Look at it if any
member in your club needs that kind of clarification.
CFRW Bylaws in place during the last election cycle
did not permit a club to endorse when more than one
Republican was running. However, when there was more
than one Republican running, some club members wanted
their club to endorse one of the candidates. Maybe there
were three Republicans and two Democrats running in the
primary - the Republican vote would be split three ways, and
the Democrat vote split two ways - with the registration, it
could mean that the top two vote getters would both be
Democrats. There would probably not be a Republican in
the race.
They wanted to elevate the chances of their chosen
Republican candidate by encouraging voters to support a
specific candidate. Whatever the reason - there was no
procedure in place, and it was a major problem for several of
our clubs.
After all the struggles during the 2012 election cycle,
the Bylaws Committee was asked to recommend a solution.
We proposed a new subsection (d) which was added to
Section 1 in ARTICLE V - Ethics in the CFRW Bylaws.
It was accepted at the Convention, and it put in place a
procedure which permits a local club to endorse a
Page 6
Republican candidate if more than one Republican is
running for the office.
This new bylaw states: All club members must receive
10 days notice of the meeting, all Republican candidates
involved must be given the opportunity to speak, and the
vote must be by ballot. A quorum must be present and it
would require a ¾ vote of those members present to endorse.
(Listed as CFRW Amendment #4) - Another change was
added to CFRW ARTICLE V - Ethics, Section2.
You will recall that we could not able invite anyone to
speak at our meetings who are not registered as a
Republican. Some clubs struggled with the desire to invite a
speaker who might not be a citizen, or a student who is not
yet eligible to register.
A procedure now permits this to happen.
A sentence was added to this section which states
“People not yet eligible to vote may speak if the topic has
been approved by the club executive committee.” Again
(Listed as CFRW Amendment #5)
It is considered a breach of ethics to speak disparagingly
of Republican candidates, or promote a member of another
party in speech or in print.
With the advent of the new technology, some members
did not think of it as a violation to make disparaging remarks
when using these electronic communications. There were
some rather serious electronic communications that went
public causing major problems for the individuals and the
This restriction will now include all electronic
communication and social media.
A new second paragraph was added to restrict a member
or associate member from using her club’s name when using
electronic communications to include email, social media,
instant messaging.
Listed as CFRW Amendment # 20)
Because of the seriousness of some of the electronic
offenses during the last election period, a new section,
Roman Numeral 5, was added to the CFRW Bylaws, Policy
Section clarifying the action and inferring consequences for
the action.
All correspondence initiated or forwarded by a member
becomes public record. The member then has ownership
and shall be held accountable for all messages affecting
the Federation under the guidelines of CFRW Ethics.
Continued on following page.)
April 2014
Page 7
(Continued from previous page)
All of these amendments are now a part of the CFRW
Bylaws. When such a major change is made at an upper
Federation level, it automatically changes that portion of the
bylaws at the lower levels. Therefore, these changes are
automatically a part of the three Divisions’ Bylaws, and in
Southern Division, the Counties’ Bylaws have been altered
to include this procedure.
If your individual club bylaws has an Ethics section
(some bylaws call this section “Policies”), you need to alter
them as well. It’s an automatic change and there is no need
for Division approval for the change. In all cases, the upper
level bylaws always supersede the lower level bylaws.
Anytime you have a problem that your club bylaws do not
cover, you would always automatically refer to upper level
Changes made in NFRW’s bylaws, that affect CFRW’s
bylaws, automatically change CFRW’s as CFRW must be in
compliance with NFRW Bylaws.
If questions arise, please feel free to contact me for
clarification: feklock@sbcglobal.net.
Join the fun on November 9 when the CFRW Southern
Division “Camaraderie Cruise” sets sail on the Carnival
Embarking from Long Beach, the four-night cruise
includes one day in Catalina, another day in Ensenada,
Mexico and a full day at sea. There will also be special
events just for CFRW members and their guests.
Cabins start at $279 (inside) and $319 (outside) double
occupancy; however, rates are subject to change. So it’s
best to deposit early and lock in your rate. Most everything
is included: meals, entertainment, lodging, fitness center,
Cruising is a wonderful way to vacation – it’ll be even
more fun when the ship is filled with Republicans!
For information about how to book your cruise, contact
Rossmoor-Los Alamitos RWF Publicity Chairwoman Robin
Itzler at RMarlena@aol.com.
Bon voyage!
Ann Grivich, Speakers Bureau Chairman
Here’s a recommended speaker to add to your Speakers
Bureau list!
As an Immigration Expert, Susan Tully Can Address All
the Issues Surrounding the Immigration Debate at the
Federal and State Levels
Tully, Susan stully@FAIRus.org
(202) 328-7004 http://fairus.org
Fee: 0
Other info: I am a Republican Women, even though my
organization is non-political, I was a Republican
Congressional Candidate in 2000, I have worked for FAIR
for more than 12 years, and previous law enforcement
officer in California.
Check out the entire list in the Member Center on the
Southern Division website, www.cfrwsoutherndivision.org.
There are nearly 60 pages of interesting and dynamic
speakers for your meetings and events. You can use the
“search” function to help find a speaker on just the right
topic for your club.
Please make sure that your newsletter distribution chair
adds SDSpeakers@cfrw.org to your newsletter email
distribution list, so we can find even more fantastic new
Email your newsletter to::
1. CFRW President Roseann Slonsky-Breault roseann.slonsky.b@gmail.com
2. CFRW Southern Division President Christine Flynn christineflynnrwf@gmail.com
3. Your county president
4. CFRW Southern Division Speakers’ Roster Chairman
Ann Grivich - SDsspeakers@cfrw.org
5. Southern Division Editor Jill A. McCauley jill_mccauley@sbcglobal.net
Saturday Banquet $33
Sunday Breakfast: $24
April 2014
Page 8
Dear Club Presidents:
I have had several inquiries regarding club donations to
candidates, nominees and about ballot initiatives (Guard My
Vote). It has always been the position of CFRW that clubs
DO NOT donate club funds to candidates or nominees. The
bylaws indicate:
Article V – Ethics page cfrw-5, specifically
(d). Where there is more than one Republican candidate
for nomination or election in a special election, a top
two primary election, or a top two general election, if
a local club wishes to vote to endorse one of the
Republican candidates, they may do so provided that
all other Republican candidates for that position have
been given the opportunity to be heard. Such a vote
shall require that all regular members receive ten
days previous notice, including date, time and place of
the meeting, and the vote to endorse the candidate is
by ballot. Providing a quorum is present, a threefourth (3/4) vote of those members present is required
to endorse.
Although this speaks to endorsement, giving money
would be considered an endorsement if given to a candidate.
Donations also fall into another category, the responsibility
of clubs reporting of monetary donations if it spends more
than $1,000 in a calendar year (see below). Monetary
donations from the clubs to candidates is not addressed in
the CFRW bylaws but in the Policy Section (cfrw-20) I.
Federation Fundraising Policy indicates that CFRW local
clubs are NOT the fundraising arm of the Party.
1. CFRW Local clubs are NOT the fund raising
arm of the Party.
Funds are raised and
expended at the discretion of each local club. The
only monetary statewide obligation is the payment
of per capita dues as directed in CFRW Bylaws,
Article VI.
Funds are raised and expended at the discretion of each
local club.
If you donate club money to a candidate, nominee or a
ballot initiative (Guard My Vote). Your club will have to fill
out campaign reports to the FPPC if the total is $1,000 or
more in any calendar year. Your club treasurer would have
to all out a number of complicated forms for reporting and
possibly leave you club open to other problems.
If candidates, nominees or ballot initiative campaigns
such as Guard My Vote receives or spends $1000 or more
for "political purposes" in any calendar year, it must file as a
Recipient Committee and file periodic disclosure reports.
Political purposes is defined to include for the purpose
of supporting or opposing the qualification or passage of a
clearly identified ballot measure.
We all want to be sure that Guard My Vote gets on the
ballot and the best way to do that is to order the petitions,
collect signatures for the petitions and help educate the
voters about this important initiative. This is what we do
best as Federated Women. We are not the fundraising arm of
the party; there are other organization whose job it is to be
the fundraisers.
Thank you for all you do.
Roseann Slonsky-Breault
CFRW President
Guard My Vote, Inc.
Is it worth it? Guard My Vote's and your sacrifices of time,
money and energies are worth the effort when a California
photo voter ID on the November ballot becomes the law of
Thank You! We appreciate all your help, donations, and
your requests for petitions to date. To qualify a ballot
proposition is difficult and expensive. To be clear, though,
we must have funding in order to get the 700,000+
Individual Giving. As an independent citizen, you can give
an unlimited amount of money as a donation. Your
donations to an IRS §501 [c] [4] (pending) organization are
allowed under the protection of the 1st Amendment,
freedom of political speech. Donations are not taxdeductible.
The passage of this initiative will bring back election
integrity in California:
One person! One vote! One Time!
To avoid IRS scrutiny,
clubs are strongly cautioned:
April 2014
Lucinda Halley, Legislation-California
562-884-0767 lucindahalley@gmail.com
I was fortunate to be invited to the panel discussion,
"Drought Emergency Declared: What's Next for Water in
California". Presented by the Athenian Society (the premier
philanthropic organization for USC's School of Public
Policy) at the headquarters of the Metropolitan Water
District. This panel discussion was well worth attending.
The panelists were Jeffrey Kightlinger, General
Manager of MWD; Rich Atwater, Executive Director,
Southern California Water Committee; and Felipe Fuentes,
Los Angeles City Councilmember (District 7). All were
highly articulate, very knowledgeable and did their best to
answer the challenging questions of the moderator, Ron
Gastelum, Chair of the Energy, Water & Environment
Council, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.
I was concerned when all three panelists grumbled about
Propositions 13 and 218. There was only a hint about letting
users pay for the true cost of the water they use. This was
immediately batted down by telling us that the water
companies are only allowed to charge what it costs them to
deliver. As a financial cost analyst who represented Flying
Tigers before the Military Airlift Command, I can tell you
that "true cost" is a term that should include allocated capital
costs and fully-burdened operating costs, so I am puzzled by
their insistence that the water rates don't allow for capital
projects which will instead require bond financing.
Apparently, the water utilities are not allowed to include
capital costs? Yikes!
Further confusion when it is revealed that some
agricultural production in the central valley does not even
have a water meter, and that we are in effect exporting water
to the world as Southern California faces "dislocation."
What a gentle word for what could very well be riots in the
street, housing prices plummeting, and an untidy migration
out of the area.
Interesting points:
This is a "shocking drought". In over (approx..) 150
years of recordkeeping, 1977 was the worst year on
record...until now. These recent storms brought us up to
the level of 1977. Without continued rain, this year will
be the worst in history.
Previously the State Water Project's minimum delivery
was 20% in 1977. This year, SWP is delivering ZERO
to our area.
Southern California has done a better job of preparing
for drought than Northern California. But this has
resulted in Southern California being forced to bail out
Northern California.
Southern California is a victim of its success. There is
no urgency in residents and there is no understanding of
Page 9
the criticality of our water situation.
We can rely on neither State nor Federal funding. We
are on our own to conserve, recycle and produce water.
Short-term, we can push conservation and fast-track
groundwater recycling and cleanup. This clean-up must
target the San Fernando Valley specifically, because it
has the potential to be one of the best underground
storage areas in Southern California but it is severely
compromised by groundwater contamination.
The MWD is pushing the Bay Delta Conservation
Plan. Too much to explain here...Perhaps we could
have a speaker come to one of our luncheons.
For all the years I have lived here (55 years), I've
watched as the ocean rolls over Southern California in the
form of fog (AKA marine layer). I think it is time to get
those metal chains out and hang them from our eaves and
allow them to drip into a barrel. IT'S BAD, folks.
Reprinted from CFRW Capitol Update, March 7, 2014
As mentioned in CFRW Capitol Update, the referendum to
repeal AB 1266 failed the signature validation phase to
qualify for the ballot. Although proponents of the
referendum gathered and turned in over 600,000 signatures,
the Secretary of State’s office threw out 131,000 of those
signatures, claiming they were invalid for one reason or
another. That is approximately 1 out of 5 signatures the
Secretary of State deemed unacceptable. But the proponents,
Privacy for All Students, are not giving up the fight! They
are beginning the long process of reviewing invalid
signatures in all 58 counties, even though they are met with
hostility and red tape. As you will recall, AB 1266
(Ammiano, D) will allow students, Kindergarten through
12th grade, to use school facilities such as bathrooms, locker
rooms, and showers, with the gender they currently identify
with, not the gender on their official school records. This is
dangerous for all students! You can support Privacy for All
Students by visiting their website privacyforallstudents.com
September 10 - 13, 2015
JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort
Phoenix, Arizona
Plan Ahead. Budget half anticipated expenses to send
your president to this convention. Budget the other half in
your 2015 budget.
April 2014
Mary Baker, Policy Issues Agenda 21
Blog: www.exurbiachronicles.com
The topic of Sustainable Development is extensive. It
covers natural resources, energy, depopulation, economics,
taxation, immigration and borders, health care, property
rights, education, and even Judeo-Christian values. This
report exposes its impacts on American governance.
In order for Sustainable Development to be entrenched
in the society of any nation state, ideas and laws that support
decentralized government and local governance must
fundamentally transform.
Socialist Progressives are in the process of changing our
American system of governance. Shrewdly, to manage this
changing governance without a rebellion, they are quietly
governing the change.
CHANGE are causing anger, confusion, chaos, and
distrust. Why? Simply, local jurisdictional control at the
county and city level is being subordinated by regional
"...'new regionalism' proposes an institutional shift from
government to governance, and emphasizes public and
private-sector partnerships and joint ventures...The
emergence of multilevel governance may provide a
framework for governing mega regions..."
- DOT Mega Regions Report 2011
"New regionalism is a form of new governance that
enhances regional re-distributive justice. It is a response to
failed government." - University of Wisconsin Law School
“…new regionalism is a holistic planning approach
based on the interconnectedness of economic,
environmental, and social systems.”
- CA Center for Regional Leadership, 2001
Government, businesses, and NGOS are now focused on
working together to form public private partnerships. By law
the public is supposed to be included but generally gets
squeezed out of the early process of decision making. This
‘participatory democracy’ is causing what are called ‘wicked
problems.’ Wicked problems occur when top-down agendas
force people to make choices that they did not ask to make
or worse that take away their freedom; choices that are in
conflict with traditional American values like the right to
private property.
To help with this transition, practitioners of a trend
called the Deliberative Democracy Movement are forging
new pathways in how stakeholders with competing positive
values can engage in civil discourse during public visioning
meetings, issues meetings or community forums.
Page 10
“In a diverse democracy, public problems inherently
involve competing positive values. Addressing these
problems requires making tough choices—decisions defined
by the trade-offs inherent in situations where multiple
legitimate values point reasonable people in conflicting
- Martín Carcasson, Professor at Colorado University
Top-down autocratic change as opposed to the natural
evolution of grassroots change, comes with actors who
impose their agenda and their experts on the public. This
approach generally leads to flaring emotions and false
consensus rather than to reasoned judgment and solutions.
Fortunately, the implementation of ‘new regionalism’ is
frustrated by the very system of governance that they are
trying to change.
“Fundamental political difficulties work against the
creation and success of new regional governments,
including strong opposition from local, state, and provincial
governments unwilling to give up power…” “In the US, the
established political notions of decentralization and
federalism also work against the creation of new regional
- APA Journal, 2002
Conservatives must engage and insert their voice. ‘We
the People’ must not only hold our public servants
accountable to their oath of office, but we must support them
when their local decision making power is trumped by
unelected, appointed regional boards and regulatory
agencies. We are the main ingredient to their failure!
"We either restore local government or we submit to
bureaucratic governance. “
Mimi Steele, President of San Francisco Bay, CAPR
In Remembrance
We are saddened by the passing of Jack Simonson,
Jack attended many meetings with his wife Lynette
Simonson, President of San Gorgonio Pass RWF.
Please keep Lynette in your thoughts and prayers.
The Trunk Line, Redlands RWF
April 2014
Page 11
Sheila Bryan, Opposition Research
Poliana@dc.rr.com 951-845-4708
Rosalía Zamora, Chairman
(760) 489-1407 rosalia1947@att.net
For the first time since Ronald Reagan left the White
House, conservatives are exerting REAL influence on
Capitol Hill. This is a critical development and a turning
point. Republicans have been running on Ronald Reagan’s
coattails to get elected -- but caved in to establishment and
their special interest allies. How, can you wonder, that
caving in gave Barack Obama his victory over a good man,
Mitt Romney? As a result we have an incompetent, closet
Socialist in the White House. This liberal administration
wants to overthrow our free enterprise system and replace it
with socialism. Far too many corporations are willing to
replace it with a risk free system of "Heads I win. Tails the
government bails me out." Both regard Obama as a "bridge
president" who will lay the foundations for global
government. A new world order will benefit both their
interests -- and in this they see eye-to-eye.
It is important to understand how much destruction
Obama has created in America. He has, in his six years in
Spent the country into bankruptcy - adding SIX
TRILLION dollars to the national debt and now
demands TRILLIONS more;
Funneled TRILLIONS of dollars to cronies and
political supporters - calling it "stimulus";
Redefined the First Amendment - speech;
Attacked the Second Amendment - arms;
Gutted the Fourth Amendment - privacy;
Given his self power to override the three (equal)
branches of government;
Used the IRS to harass political opponents preventing
qualified conservative organizations like the TEA Party
from obtaining tax-exempt status;
Allowed four brave Americans to be slaughtered in
Refused to enforce our immigration laws - and even his
own policies toward illegal immigration;
Closed the Veterans’ Memorial to vets and opened it
for illegal aliens demanding amnesty!
Our status is been bungled all over the world stage and
completely blew the Syrian crisis, thereby permitting the
Russians to regain their foothold in the Eastern
Mediterranean they lost in 1975 and placing NATO’s
southern flank at risk. Putin is using Obama's weakness to
invade the Ukraine - a power-grab, so in America's face.
Obama has been pushed to humiliation. Our President’s
RED LINE has become a joke.
OFFENSES! What has the GOP establishment done about
any of this? Very little until the TEA PARTY held their
feet to the fire!
Sources: The Center for Intelligence Studies
Tom Deweese: “In Defense of the Tea Party”
Why Do (We Think) They Hate Us:
Anti-Americanism, Patriotic Messages
And Attributions of Blame
I recently came across this article in the University of
Communication. With all the conflict going on in the world,
this article opened my eyes and made me realize that I
needed to learn more about this subject. For example, in his
best-selling 2010 book No Apology: The Case for American
Greatness, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney
laid fault at the feet of President Barack Obama:
“Never before in American history has its president gone
before so many foreign audiences to apologize for so many
American misdeeds, both real and imagined. . . . There are
anti-American fires burning all across the globe; President
Obama’s words are like kindling to them.” (Romney, 2010,
p. 25)
Conflicts between the United States and countries in the
Middle East and Southeast Asia ensure that the United
States’ image will remain controversial for some time.
Unfortunately, little research has examined how news
coverage of anti-Americanism may influence the ways that
Americans understand themselves in relation to the rest of
the world and the resulting political implications. With this
in mind, the authors of this paper decided to write about a
research project they had conducted. Now that I’ve given
you a “teaser,” I encourage you to go to the following link
for the interesting, yet challenging, information you’re about
to read and learn.
International Journal of Communication 7 (2013)
Why Do (We Think) They Hate Us 703:
CPAC, March 8, 2014
“ Barack Obama draws a red line
with a pink crayon.”
April 2014
Page 12
Claire Beamer, Chairman
38081 Stone Meadow Drive , Murrieta CA 92562
We should all share the expense of
our Charlotte Mousel Scholarship
Program. If each club and county
donated $25, this would about cover our
$2500 expense. Please make your
check out to CFRW – Southern
Division and send to me (address
The deadline for applications for
the Charlotte Mousel Scholarship has
Clubs are evaluating
applications and choosing winners. Their winners will be
passed on to the county level, and county winners passed on
to the division level. County presidents will meet at our
April meeting to choose recipients of the $1500 and $1000
The CFRW and NFRW both have scholarships and
internships available for college women. Details are on the
CFRW website:
Or you can contact me.
Scholarships are important in many ways. Some are the
obvious. They serve as publicity for our organization. They
are a good way to get the attention of the Millennials and
hopefully to influence their votes. It typically takes three
election cycles for a person’s party identification to solidify.
Some trivia about the Millennial Generation:
Born between 1982 – 2004
80 million in the millennial generation
17 million more than baby boomers
27 million more than Generation X
(39 – 45 years old)
Born between the beginning of the Reagan Era
(Thus, this group will not automatically respond to
Reagan’s name) and the end of the Clinton
Presidency (nor will they respond to the “blue
Independents: 38% (this is a lot of Independents
to influence)
Democrats: 37%
Republicans: 22%
Least traditional generation in America:
40% non-white
Highest number of single parent
Least affiliated with organized religion
Only demographic group in which a majority
support same sex marriage
The bottom line, we need these voters, who don’t
necessarily resemble what is thought of as the “typical”
Brittany Holmes,Outreach-College Republicans and Young Republicans
805-205-4319 brittany@venturagop.org
The start of the 2014 election and campaign cycle also
marked the beginning of what has proven to be a busy year
for California
Republicans (CCR)
in Southern Division. Republican students based on
campuses such as San Diego State, Point Loma Nazarene,
University of San Diego, Pepperdine University, CSU
Channel Islands, and UC Santa Barbara are already engaged
and hard at work in an effort to get Republicans elected
throughout the state.
The most recent effort came in the form of a great deal
of Southern Division California College Republicans
working on the San Diego mayoral race. Students from
Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego State, and
University of San Diego were active on the campaign as
both staff and volunteers. A number of these students were
recognized for their efforts, and were elated when their hard
work paid off and Republican candidate, Kevin Faulconer,
was elected.
While students based out of San Diego were active in
their region, Pepperdine and CSU Channel Islands students
began volunteering on the Pete Peterson for Secretary of
State campaign as well as familiarizing themselves with
their Congressional and Assembly candidates. These are all
very important races for Republicans in California, and the
College Republicans are willing and excited to lend a
helping hand.
(Continued on next page)
April 2014
(Continued from following page)
In addition to volunteering and working on campaigns
for the 2014 cycle, the students often have Republican
candidates attend their meetings in an effort to familiarize
their members with potential elected officials. The College
Republicans at UC Santa Barbara recently hosted a number
of speakers and candidates on their campus.
This year is one of monumental importance for the
future of the Republican Party in California. California
College Republicans in Southern Division and throughout
the state are committed and dedicated to getting more
Republicans elected, and protecting and promoting
Republican ideals in the process.
For more information about California College
Republicans (CCR) visit their website: collegegop.org or
like them on Facebook at facebook.com/collegegop.
Page 13
* I don’t care
*I am not interested
* I’m too busy
We have a very important election in 2014. We already
see too many voters committing the Seven National Crimes.
Republican women, it is up to us to inform and educate the
voters about the issues, stay positive and stay on message!
We need to support our Republican candidates throughout
the primary and when we vote in November we vote for our
Republican candidates. Remember the future of our great
country is at stake and we want to be sure we pass on the
American Dream to our children and future generations.
Boetcker said “Never mind what others do. Do better
than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and
you are a success.” No one is more passionate than
Republican women. The future is in our hands!
Working Together to Make a Difference
God Bless You & God Bless America
Reprinted from CFRW Capitol Update, February 28, 2014.
Roseann Slonsky-Breault
I would like to share with you an article that a friend
sent to me. It was written by William John Henry Boetcker
(1873-1962), an ordained Presbyterian minister. Reverend
Boetcker authored a pamphlet entitled The Ten Cannots
that emphasized freedom and responsibility of the
individual on themselves.
* You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging
* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the
* You cannot help the little man by tearing down the big
* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the
wage payer.
* You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting
class hatred.
* You cannot build character & courage buy destroying
initiative& independence.
* You cannot help men permanently by doing for them
what they can and should do for themselves.
These were written in 1916 but they speak exactly
about what we see happening in America today! The
current president and Democrats are taking our country in a
direction totally against what our Founding Fathers stood
for and our Constitution.
Reverend Boetcker also developed a list entitled Seven
National Crimes that if committed would eventually lead to
the end of everything America was built on.
* I don’t think
* I leave well enough alone
* I don’t know
* I have no time to read and find out
Woodrow Wilson - 1913-1917 was a Progressive,
beginning the swing to the Left...
The Left has been successful in diluting and nearly
destroying Pride in America. Think back to the Mercury
Program and the accomplishments and adulation of the
Apollo Program, landing a man on the moon. The Space
Shuttle is nothing more than a museum artifact now.
The Mercury/Apollo, or a similar achievement-oriented
program could not happen today. That pride in American
achievements is gone. The Left has made being on food
stamps, on welfare, etc., not just acceptable, but the
norm...erasing the ideal of self-sufficiency...reducing the
military and putting spies in media outlets tells the story of
where this totalitarian profile of government is right
now...not in the distant future.
California is releasing murderers from prisons for no
good reason, Criminals/illegals are the toast of the town
while US citizens are abused and foot the bill for their
stolen lifestyles.
When American students are denied their civil rights
by a US court, to wear American flag shirts, in favor of
unruly students celebrating a Mexican holiday in a public
school, we've lost our way...more and more Americans are
being politically oppressed to submit to foreigners in the
US who demand their own ways..
The Ten Cannots written by Rev. John Henry Boetcher
written in 1916 speaks exactly about what we see
happening in America today! The current President and
Democrats are taking our country in a direction totally
against what our Founding Fathers stood for and our
April 2014
Robin Itzler, Rossmoor Los Alamitos RWF Editor
If I had $10 for every American who voted for Barack
Obama because they wanted to elect America’s first black
president, I’d be a wealthy woman. There are many women
voters who would turn the lever for Hillary Clinton only
because they are anxious to see America elect its first
woman president.
Seriously, is it good for our country to elect candidates
based on their being the first __________ (fill in the blank)?
Hillary Versus Who?
The challenge for Republicans in the 2016 presidential
election starts with the Electoral College. Winner-take-all
states, California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and
New Jersey go in the Democrat column. Even when you
factor Republican winner-take-all states such as Texas, the
Democrats are still ahead.
The Grand Old Party should fight for the presidency.
But it might be more realistic to fight harder for the House,
Senate, governor mansions and even the mayoral races in
big cities. This year, let’s start with winning the senate.
First, America Needs a Leader
Without debate, the United States is a wondrous nation
that offers opportunity and freedom to its citizens – those
born here and those who legally arrived. But there are many
areas where we are lack a convincing message. One of them
is the liberal addiction to spending money we don’t have on
entitlement programs we don’t need.
According to brillig.com, a website that updates our
national debt on a daily basis, as of March 1, the national
debt was $17,430,264,737,459. With an estimated
population of 317,734,721, each citizen’s share of the debt
$54,858. Since September 30, 2012, the national debt has
continued to increase an average of $2.64 billion per day.
Americans entrusted the country to Barack Obama, a
man whose primary selling point was that he would be the
country’s first black president. Once elected, it became
obvious to many people that he was in way over his
community organizer head.
Then how did he get re-elected?
By lying to the American people about Obamacare.
PolitiFact and its partner news organizations examine
statements made by politicians and rate them. Their website
has 37 instances in which President Obama or top
administration officials lied to the American people about
the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
"Under the reform we seek, if you like your doctor, you
can keep your doctor. If you like your private health
insurance plan, you can keep your plan. Period."
Barack Obama, August 22, 2009
President Obama doesn’t just lie about Obamacare.
Page 14
When campaigning in 2008 he said:
“biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to
do with George Bush trying to bring more and more
power into the executive branch and not go through
Congress at all.”
In January 2014 he said:
“We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in
order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the
kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a
phone. And I can use that pen to sign executive orders
and take executive actions and administrative actions
that move the ball forward ”
GOP Wins By Focusing On The Issues
It now appears Democrats want to nominate Hillary so
she could be the first woman president. In other races,
liberals will be marketing more candidates based on
“X” (race, gender, religion, sexuality, etc.) and not the
person’s ability to do the job.
Republicans should keep the focus on the issues. Two
recent examples:
Republican city councilman Kevin Faulconer was
elected mayor of San Diego with 55 percent of the vote
against his Democratic opponent David Alvarez who
only garnered 45 percent. President Obama endorsed
Alvarez and national and local labor unions gave more
than $4 million to his campaign, but Faulconer won by
continually focusing on San Diego issues.
Last summer in the central valley, Democrat Leticia
Perez should have easily won in a district that is heavily
Democratic and Hispanic. Instead Fresno cherry farmer
and cattle rancher Andy Vidak (who speaks fluent
Spanish) captured the Senate seat because he focused on
district issues.
Is Being The First Important?
Democrats seem mostly interested in nominating
presidential candidates who will be the first ____ (fill in the
blank). That way, if someone challenges the nominee, they
can be labeled an “ist.” With Barack Obama, everyone who
protests his socialist agenda is called racist.
If Hillary Clinton is the nominee, everyone who
challenges her positions will be called a misogynist. It’s
already happening. When discussing how many Republicans
view Hillary Clinton as a hypocrite since she shouts “war on
women” although she was personally involved with trying to
destroy the reputation of women who accused Bill Clinton
of sexually harassment, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski said:
“Any Republican who is dredging this up is a
misogynistic sexist hypocrite.”
There’s still time to stop the lunacy and it starts with
Republicans nominating fiscal conservative Senate
candidates in 2014 to win the senate. Then we can put our
efforts on winning the White House in 2016.
If the GOP does not win the Senate in this year’s midterm elections, conservative Republicans should ask, “What
difference – at this point - what difference does it make?”
April 2014
Page 15
Betty Hendricks
held an excellent candidates’ forum.
Candidates for
Governor, Secretary of State, and four Congressional
candidates spoke to a sell-crowd. You can see it on
www.KADYTV.com. This is the seventh candidates’ forum
for this experienced group.
CAMARILLO RWF: Pete Petersen, Republican
candidate for Secretary of State will speak at their March
meeting and Pastor Rob McCoy who is running for 44 th
Assembly District.
Two Assembly candidates spoke to CHANNEL
ISLAND RWF members and guests.
WESTLAKE VILLAGE RWF held their annual
mixer. It was very successful. The member who recruited
the most new members was awarded $100.
All of the our clubs are working on securing signatures
for our Voter ID Petition; on voter registration; and having
candidates speak at their meetings.
Patti Adair
Cell 310-924-1846 malibustudio@aol.com
March 5, 2014 has to be a rather significant day.
Did you hear that the main stream media, specifically,
NBC’s Today Show had a clip from the 2012 debate
between Governor Romney and President Obama. This clip
was pertaining to Governor Romney’s accurate assessment
of Putin. In a rather mocking manner, President Obama
stated that the Cold War had been over for more than twenty
years. Then we had the DOJ vote where seven Democrats
defected. It has been a rather amazing day.
The important fact is that we have a rather serious job to
do. We must keep our country focused on what are essential
- jobs and the economy, Obamacare, and education. At least
we have some small victories to keep us inspired!
The Los Angeles County FRW March 15 meeting at the
Doubletree in Torrance featured Michael Alexander as our
guest speaker. Two judicial candidates, Donna Armstrong
& Dayan Mathai introduced themselves to our group.
Congressional candidate, Christopher David, also spoke.
We hope all Southern California Republican women are
working on the two nonpartisan initiatives, “Guard My
Vote” and “Electoral Votes”. If every CFRW member steps
up, we could make the 750,000 signatures needed to put the
initiatives on the ballot.. It is not an easy task! Please
remember to collect donations to cover the costs of these
initiatives. Every dollar is appreciated.
We want to send get well wishes to two county
executive committee members who have had complicated
surgeries. Pepper Parkinson and Elaine Klock. We are
thankful that both are on the road to recovery.
Save the date. For our April 23 county meeting we are
heading to the Bistro Garden in Studio City. It is a special
location. You won’t want to miss the meeting. The owner
happens to be a Republican!
United for Victory 2014
Pasadena RWF
‘Day at the Races’
Malibu BelAir RWF
Troop Packing Party
We are proud to announce that it is
official! Y ucca Va l l ey R W F is now
M or on go B a s i n RW F . Many thanks
go to our members for suggesting the
This gives us the best of both worlds,
an updated name to reflect the entire
Morongo Basin (and our members) and the
support and backing of the largest
volunteer political organization in the country. And the 50year history of our club is still part of us.
L. Hilary Slotta, MBRWF President
The rose was designated the
official flower and floral
emblem of the United States of
America in 1986.
The rose has been around for
about 25 million years and
grows naturally throughout
North America. The petals and
rose hips are edible and have
been used in medicine since
ancient times.
Reprinted from Antelope Valley RWF Newsletter,
Elephant Wise, March 2014.
April 2014
Waskah Whelan, President
waskahwhelan@aol.com 619-222-4426
San Diego County Federation of Republican Women is
proud of Kevin Faulconer's big election win as the
Republican mayor of San Diego. This was accomplished
with a 13% Democrat registration advantage and $4 million
of union money going to the Democratic candidate. We won
because of a lot of hard work, a well-run campaign and a
good candidate. Extremely important to this election victory
was the effective teamwork between the San Diego County
Republican Party and the San Diego County Federation of
Republican Women. When you work as a team, you can
accomplish a lot.
In order for this victory to have meaning, we need to
secure a Republican victory in two upcoming city council
races in June. Winning these two seats will give the new
mayor the power to override the Democrat majority with a
veto. Our clubs will be working hard during the upcoming
months to help elect as many Republicans as possible to
local, state and national offices.
SDCFRW has adopted as this year's Caring for America
project to raise money to purchase an all-terrain track chair
for a wounded warrior. These chairs, as seen on Bill
O'Reilly, truly can turn a disabled veteran's life around. The
cost is approximately $16,000 each, but with all of our clubs
helping, we think we will be able to achieve our goal. It will
be a wonderful thing to give one of these unique chairs to a
wounded warrior and a good thing for Republican women to
be a part of it. Perhaps each county in Southern Division
could sponsor the purchase of one of these chairs. Wouldn't
that be something?
SDCFRW is excited to welcome Southern Division to
San Diego for their April meeting. The Hilton Garden Inn is
in Carlsbad and right on the ocean. There is a lot to see and
do in the vicinity and the train station is less than a mile
away. If you call the hotel when you arrive they will send a
shuttle to pick you up or you can take a cab to the hotel. You
might want to bring an empty suitcase because there is a
great outlet mall nearby! I'm sure you will really enjoy your
visit to San Diego. Please join us.
Escondido RWF has launched a Spanish language
version of their newsletter, The Trumpet.
Cajon Valley RWF initiated a novel fund-raiser: Bunko
Night! Guests pay a $20 entrance fee and enjoy food and
beverages while they play. Because of the rotation of tables
it's a great way for new members to meet people and feel part
of the group. During the break, there are opportunity
drawings and shopping with vendors. Prizes are awarded at
the end of the event.
Several clubs are following their lead and report raising
$2,000 and more from one afternoon party.
Page 16
Valley Center RWF is bringing out Miss Liberty, their
club's very own parade float, to help celebrate Valley Center
Western Days. Yes, ladies, we still have cowgirls in San
Diego County!
San Diego County
members register
new “Republican’
NFRW Armed Services Committee Community
Service Project
NFRW's Armed Services
Committee accepted donations to
be give to the USO Honor Guard
Lounge at Arlington National
The USO Honor Guard
Lounge hosts more than 2,000
guests every month as they attend
the funerals being conducted at
the cemetery.
Thank you to the clubs who are sending their
newsletters to me. I utilize club newsletters
to ‘fill the holes’ in the Southern Division
Want to see your club recognized in the
Southern Division newsletter? Email or snail
mail your newsletter to me. See page 7 for
the names and email addresses of those you
who should be receiving your newsletter.
Your Editor