February-March-April 2014 Newsletter
February-March-April 2014 Newsletter
February, March, April 2014 A Message from Superintendent Steve Mohr Dear Wynford Community Members, Wynford community newsletter WYNFORD LOCAL SCHOOLS The second half of the school years is upon us, despite Mother Nature doing everything she can to delay the start of the second semester. Our seniors are now seriously contemplating their post high school plans whether those plans include going to college, joining the workforce or joining the armed services. Our winter sports teams are in the final month of their season, and it won’t be too long before junior and senior girls begin purchasing prom dresses, if they haven’t done so already! The Ohio School Boards Association years ago established January as School Board Recognition Month. Brian Glowaski, Jeff Schiefer, Rhonda Rowland, Debbi Gifford, and Steve Crall served the Wynford community during the 2013 calendar year. We were fortunate to have such a dedicated group of individuals serve our community during the last year. Brian Glowaski retired from the board in December after ably and conscientiously serving for 8 years. Fred Hendricks was elected to fill the vacant position and began his term at the January 2014 meeting. As part of the Golden Anniversary celebration of Wynford, anniversary performances of the Royal Follies will be held on Saturday, February 22nd at 7:00 pm and Sunday, February 23rd at 2:00 pm. In today’s hyper-politicized climate, very little in regards to public policy appears to escape intense debate and such is the case with the implementation of the Common Core Standards which are to be implemented by Ohio schools in the 2014-15 school year. Unfortunately, both sides in the debate have been guilty of playing loose with the facts and of intemperate, inflammatory remarks that are disrespectful of legitimate concerns. I would like to address this issue briefly so that our community is confident and comfortable with what will be taught in our school beginning with the 2014-15 school year. The development of the Common Core Standards was a state led effort, initiated by the National Governors Association in 2009. Designed to address college and workforce readiness in students, it was also meant to meet the needs of an ever changing world where our students are now competing on a global basis. Fifty one states and territories were involved in the initial writing of the standards with Continued on page 2… Inside this issue: Special points of interest: Jr. Hi./High School News Pg. 3 Junior High Guidance Pg. 4 Elementary News Pg. 5 • Dates to remember — page 4 High School Guidance Pg. 6 • Wynford Foundation — page 9 Yearbook order form Pg. 7 • Recycling Schedule — page 10 Calendar of Events Pages 8-9 Academic Boosters Pg. 11 • Board Appreciation — page 2 • Community Luncheon — page 3 • Music Department present Calamity Jane—pg. 10 • Wynford 50 year celebration — page 11 ...Continued from page 1 educators (both active and retired and from all levels of education) being the authors of these standards. Once written, the standards went through a public validation process where over 10,000 public comments were received at the state and local level. It is important to understand that a standard is not a curriculum. A standard simply identifies what a student should know. Curriculums are established by local boards of education. Thus, local boards of education, reflecting local values, establish the course of study for how a standard should be taught. That will continue to be the practice at Wynford under this administration and Board of Education. Legitimate concerns have been raised in the public debate on the Common Core about material that is presented in textbooks that are advertised as being Common Core compliant. Like curriculums, which are written at the local level, the purchase of textbooks is also approved at the local level and that practice will continue. Local control exists in the writing of the course of study and in the purchase of resources (textbooks) to teach standards, showing that local control and local values have not been surrendered in implementing the Common Core Standards. As always, I welcome any questions, comments or concerns you may have about our school district. Respectfully, Superintendent Board Appreciation Month The Wynford Local Schools decorated the library in recognition of and thanks to our board members at their board meeting on Monday, January 13th, 2014. Board members were presented with cards, tokens of appreciation and served refreshments. Board members present: L-R: Fred Hendricks, Steve Crall, Jeff Schiefer, Debbi Gifford, and Rhonda Rowland Special thanks to Crystal Jennings and high school student council for their contribution to this event. Page 2 W Y NF O R D C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R Junior High/High School News Jeff Holbrook, Principal Please join us!Our exams are over and we are moving forward with the third quarter. We are prepar- ing for various tests from the ACT Explore to the OGT. Preparations are being made for a unique graduation ceremony this year. The 2014 graduating class with have an outdoor graduation ceremony. In my career at Wynford this is the first time that an outdoor ceremony has been attempted. Obviously, we will have a rainy weather alternate plan with ceremonies taking place in the high school gym at the same time. Graduation has been moved to Saturday, May 24, 2014 at 8:00 pm at the Wynford Athletic Complex (football field). The female graduates voted unanimously to change their gown color to gray for the 2014 graduation with the top 10% academic females designated by a royal blue sash. Finally, I have made changes to this year’s diploma. We will have a color 8” x 6” diploma that will be viewed from a “free standing” cover compared to our traditional diploma which was a 4.5” x 6.5” standard black and white. We will be in session for school on February 17 as one of our make-up dates and as of January 15, 2014 we still have two remaining “Blizzard Bag” elesson days. The Crawford County Spelling Bee will be held on February 18, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Wynford high school auditorium. Area schools will be sending their best and brightest young spellers to compete for the Crawford County spelling champ. The champion and the top five will advance to a tri-county spelling beet. Best wishes to all the participants. COMMUNITY LUNCHEON SUNDAY APRIL 13, 2014 11:30 AM — 1:30 PM HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 3 Page 3 Junior High Guidance Tiffany Campbell Winter is here and boy oh boy is it cold out! I hope all of you enjoyed the holidays and the very long Christmas break! It is that time of year again; time to think about registering for classes for the 2014-2015 school year! In January, I met with all parents of the current 8th grade students to help them choose classes for their freshman year. If you as a parent did not meet with me and your son/daughter, please contact me as soon as possible. Below you will find important information for all 7-9 students. Current 6th graders • In April, you will get a guided tour of the junior high/high school by the junior high student council. The students will tell you about Junior High life, show you around the school, and be available for any questions you may have. 7th and 8th graders • • Classroom guidance lessons will continue and take place during study hall once a month. During the next three months, we will cover topics such as conflict revolution, drug abuse, and goal setting. Starting 3rd quarter, I will be running a study group with students who need extra academic help. This group is intended to ensure homework is being turned in, they are mentally prepared for testing, and any questions they may have are answered. • EXPLORE testing for ALL 7th grade students will take place February 19th, 2014. I will be sending information home regarding this type of test and how to adequately help your student prepare. • OAAs (Ohio Achievement Assessment) will take place at the end of April and beginning of May. The 7th and 8th grade students will be taking this test. Freshman • I will be meeting with all freshman during the month of February to move onto step two of their college and career exploration. In December, the students were able to explore college websites, collegeboard.com, and matched ideas to reality of living. In February, the students will continue their college possibilities by finding what matches to their interest. We will also talk about what type of classes they might want to continue to take while a student here at Wynford to help them prepare for college admissions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 419-562-7828 ex. 211 or campbell.tiffany@wynford.k12.oh.us DATES TO REMEMBER February 14 — Teacher In-service — NO SCHOOL February 17 — Presidents Day — MAKE UP DAY-Students/teachers in session March 4 — 1 hour early dismissal — Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences March 11 — 1 hour early dismissal — Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences March 14 — End of 3rd nine weeks April 17 — NO SCHOOL April 18 — Easter Break — NO SCHOOL May 22 — Last day for students (barring calamity days) May 24 — Graduation - 8:00 pm Page 4 W Y NF O R D C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R Elementary News KINDERGARTEN SCREENING Wynford School District is announcing its kindergarten registration/screening for next school year 2014-2015. Residents of Wynford District with a child entering kindergarten next fall can call the Wynford Elementary Building to register their child. The cut-off age for kindergarten is 5 years old on/by August 1st. Screening dates are Tuesday, April 8, and Wednesday, April 9, 2014. Please call the school at 419-562-4619, extension 301 to register your Wynford student for a screening appointment. Kindergarten requirements include immunizations, physical exam, dental exam, government issued birth certificate (not mother’s certificate or hospital certificate), social security number, custody papers (if applicable), and proof of residency. Immunizations include 5 doses—DPT; 4 doses—Polio; 2 doses—MMR; 3 doses-Hepatitis B; and 2 doseschickenpox. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR The book fair at WES Library will be March 10-14, 2014. Becky Barr, Librarian ELEMENTARY FAMILY MATH NIGHT GET REAL! MATH IS EVERYWHERE! TUESDAY,FEBRUARY4TH WYNFORDELEMENTARY6:00-7:30 STUDENTS–BRINGYOURFAVORITEADULTS! Participateinanightoffunmathactivities,raf0leprizes, andsnacks. Attend Family Math Night and enjoy our hands-on math activities. We hope to see you the 4th! CRAWFORD COUNTY 2013 SPELLING BEE THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 2014 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: Wynford High School Auditorium W Y NF O R D C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R Page 5 High School Guidance Beth Heinlen Classof2014 • • • • College-bound seniors should have begun or submitted the FAFSA (www.fafsa.ed.gov) by this point! Please watch and meet your college’s deadlines to receive maximum aid available for you. Crawford College Connection is offering their Focus on the FAFSA Sunday, February 2, 2014 from 2:00-5:00 at the Bucyrus Public Library- call the library (419-562-7327) to schedule an appointment if you need help filing your FAFSA. Many scholarship opportunities are available. I post scholarships on the Wynford website as they come to my attention & as time permits, but feel free to stop in my office WEEKLY to check for new opportunities. Crawford College Connection’s website is also a great place to be checking! Also there may be scholarship opportunities from your parents’ place of employment. Any senior that has not passed one or more portions of the OGT will be tested the week of March 10, 2014. If you are planning to attend college this fall, you should have submitted your application! Please notify me so that I can send your transcript to complete your application. Classof2015 • • • • College-bound juniors should take the ACT at least once before the fall of their senior year. The test dates and deadlines are posted on our website. Please note that you need to upload a picture to complete your registration. Please see me if you have any questions or need help. Schedules for your senior year are due February 21st. Colleges want to see rigor in your senior schedule, so be sure to sign up for the hard classes! If you have not begun college visits you need to do so SOON! Contact the Admission Office of the college/ university and schedule a visit to meet with professors, financial aid personnel, and coaches and definitely tour the campus. When you begin your senior year, you should have your list narrowed to 2-3 schools. Any junior that has not passed one or more parts of the OGT will be tested the week of March 10, 2014. Classof2016 • • • The OGT will be given the week of March 10, 2014. If you are interested in attending PCTC, applications are due February 14, 2014. You can apply on-line at http://www.pctc.k12.oh.us/ click on the “register for high school” link and fill in the application. Turn in the student and parent signed paper to me. Please be aware that you should apply even if you are not 100% certain you want to attend. PCTC has maximum enrollment and it is difficult to get into some programs if you wait until later this spring or fall to apply. If you are staying here for the remainder of high school, your signed schedule is due to me by February 21st. Importantdates: • • February 21, 2014 ALL parent signed schedules must be turned into Mrs. Heinlen. February 24, 2014 at 7:00~ PSEO information night- this is open to all high school students and their parents. This meeting is designed to inform you about the pros and cons of taking college courses while in high school. All course descriptions can be found on the Wynford website. Hover over High School and Guidance and then click on the course description link. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, (419-562-7828 ext. 212) or email me heinlen.beth@wynford.k12.oh.us. Page 6 W Y NF O R D C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R DEADLINE FOR ALL ORDERS IS MAY 16, 2014 REMEMBER — YEARBOOK PRICES HAVE INCREASED TO $60.00 F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 4 Page 7 Calendar of Events February ... 1-28 1 4 6 7 8 11 13 14 15 17 18 21-28 21 25 April….. OTELA Vars. Girls Basketball w/Col. Crawford 6:00 pm Jr. Hi. Girls Basketball w/Riverdale—6:00 pm Jr. Hi. Boys Basketball @Riverdale — 5:00 pm 9th Boys Basketball w/St. Peters—5:30 pm Vars. Girls Basketball @ Madison Comprehensive — 6:00 pm 9th Boys Basketball @ Riverdale — 5:30 pm Interim Reports Vars. Girls Basketball w/Crestline—6:00 pm FFA Farmers Breakfast @ the High School Boys Vars. Basketball @ Galion—6:00 pm Recycling — 3:45—5:45 pm Vars. Girls Basketball @ Riverdale—6:00 pm Var. Girls Basketball w/Willard—6:00 pm Teacher In-service — NO SCHOOL Boys Vars. Basketball w/Col. Crawford— 6:00 pm Vars. Boys Basketball w/Crestline--6:00 pm Presidents Day — MAKE UP DAY! School Will be in session Vars. Boys Basketball w/River Valley — 6:00 pm OAA Vars. Boys Basketball @ Riverdale—6:00 pm Recycling — 8:00 am—12:00 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-12 11 12 March……. 3 4 9 10-23 11 14 22 23 29 HS/JH Band Concert — 7:30 pm 1 hour early dismissal — Parent/Teacher evening conferences Daylight Saving Time Begins OGT 1 hour early dismissal — Parent/Teacher evening conferences Recycling — 3:45—5:45 pm End of third nine weeks Recycling — 8:00 am—12:00 noon Alumni Royal Follies—Golden Anniversary Show — 7:00 pm Alumni Royal Follies—Golden Anniversary Show — 2:00 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Ridgedale (DH) 11:00 am JV Baseball/Softball w/Ridgedale (DH) 11:00 am 13 13-17 14 15 16 17 18 22-30 22 23 25 Page 8 Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Plymouth—4:30 pm JV Baseball/Softball w/Plymouth—4:30 pm Vars. Track w/Ridgedale — 4:30 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Shelby—4:30 pm JV Baseball/Softball w/Shelby—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Mohawk—4:30 pm JV Baseball/Softball w/Mohawk—4:30 pm Musical Vars. Track @ Elks Invitational—9:00 am Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Carey (DH) 11:00 am JV Softball @ Carey (DH) - 11:00 am Musical Musical High School Spring Pictures Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Buckeye Central 4:30 pm Recycling — 4:00 pm—7:00 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Tiffin Calvert 4:30 pm Vars. Track @ Riverdale — 4:30 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Buckeye Central 4:30 pm Vars. Baseball w/Hillsdale—4:30 pm Wynford Hall of Fame Vars. Baseball/Softball @ St. Peters—4:30 pm JV Baseball/Softball w/St. Peters—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Seneca East (DH) 11:00 am JV Baseball/Softball w/Seneca East (DH) 11:00 am Vars. Track @ Shelby Invitational—11:30 am COMMUNITY LUNCHEON Choir leaves in New York City Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Bucyrus—4:30 pm Vars. Track @ Buckeye Central—4:30 pm Interim reports Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Bucyrus—4:30 pm Conference Day — NO STAFF/STUDENTS Vars. Track @ Northern 10 Invitational 4:00 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball @ River Valley 5:00 pm Easter Break — NO SCHOOL OAA Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Upper Sandusky 4:30 pm Vars. Track w/Colonel Crawford—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Upper Sandusky 4:30 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Galion—4:30 pm W Y NF O R D C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R Calendar of Events continued 26 28 29 30 Recycling — 8:00 am—12:00 noon High School PROM Lykens Alumni at the Elementary Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Galion—4:30 pm Vars. Track w/Galion—4:30 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Colonel Crawford 4:30 pm May….. 2 3 5 6 7 8 Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Colonel Crawford 4:30 pm Holmes Liberty Alumni @ the High School Vars. Baseball/Softball @ Crestline—4:30 pm Vars. Track w/Upper Sandusky—4:30 pm HS/5th grade program— 7:30 pm Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Crestline—4:30 pm 4th/6th grade program — 7:00 pm 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 22 24 Vars. Baseball/Softball w/Riverdale—4:30 pm Jr. High Track (home) - NCC—10:00 am Mt. Zion Alumni @ the High School Vars. Baseball Softball @ Riverdale—4:30 pm JH/6th Grade Band Concert—7:30 pm Recycling — 4:00—7:00 pm High School Honors — 7:00 pm Choir Concert @ Elementary Vars. Track @ NCC (Crawford) - 4:30 pm Nevada Alumni @ the High School Last Day for Students Baccalaureate Service—6:00 pm Recycling 8:00 am—12:00 noon Wynford Graduation — 8:00 pm Wynford Foundation Susan Kent A big thank you to the Wynford Community for supporting Match Day. Because many organizations were successful in asking for donations, matching funds from the Bucyrus Area community Foundation were capped at $0.50 per $1.00. We received donations of $4,400. With the $2,200 match from the BACF, we were able to add $6,600 to our permanent endowment fund. This fund is invested, and each year a portion of the earnings is made available for grant allocations. Please join the Wynford Education, Inc. in congratulating the following 2013 grant recipients (approximately $9,000): Name Grant Description George Barbuto/Lee Rowlinson Set of Skulls Todd Enders Camera—Wynford Royal Times Tracy Frombaugh Ipad and Cover Lesley Hayman Website—”Quia” / Headphones for Computer Labs Mark Heydinger Drums & Xylophone Michelle Howard Educational Videos Matthew O’Brien Classroom bookset Tuesdays with Morrie Scott Rabun Teacher Demonstration-Laboratory Equipment Krista Richmond Classroom bookset Maus I: A Survivor’s Tale Lee Rowlinson Groundwater Simulation System Lee Rowlinson On-Ear Headphones/Video Camera Sally Ruth Magnets Cathy Schafer E-Readers Dawn Schaaf Ipad and Cover Mike Smith/Susan Bodnyk Science Lab/Life Science Amy Taylor-Sheldon Direct Reading Program—Library Kelly Wheeler Functional Knee Joint—Science Class W Y NF O R D C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R Page 9 WYNFORD RECYCLING PROGRAM *****Your continued support is greatly appreciated.***** Recycle tips and emphasis (please note minor additions) The recycling truck and trailer will continue to be located in the parking lot behind the elementary building. On Tuesdays beware of buses and traffic from parents picking up students after school from 3:30 to 3:45 around the elementary building. Also be aware of after school activities when entering the school parking lots. Reminders are usually announced in the Bucyrus Telegraph Forum, Daily Chief Union, as well as WQEL/WBCO radio station along with the Wynford Schools website at http://www.wynford.k12.oh.us We greatly appreciate that you sort your items as detailed below at home in boxes or bags to help expedite the process of handling your items at the collection site. Please remove all items from bags as you place the items in the appropriate containers/bins. Please refrain from leaving recyclables on the ground before or after hours. Make sure all lids are removed and “thrown away.” Crush bottles if possible (of course not glass) and flatten your cardboard boxes. Please do not use the school’s recycling areas at each building at your convenience. These areas are meant to handle the materials that come out of each building. On occasion individuals drop off unsorted (even bags of trash) materials that significantly impede the handling of the large volumes of materials. Please plan on utilizing the collection dates listed above and plan accordingly. RECYCLING SCHEDULE (through May 2014) Athletic Boosters 2nd Tuesdays 4-7 pm (winter hours will change) Science Club 4th Saturdays 8 am to noon February 11—3:45 to 5:45 pm March 11—3:45 to 5:45 pm April 8 May 13 February 22 March 22 April 26 May 24 Thank you to all who participate and make this a worthwhile activity for our students, staff, and community while allowing Wynford to be a leader in being environmentally “smart”. The Wynford Music Department Presents Calamity Jane April 4, 5, & 6, 2014 Page 10 W Y NF O R D C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R Academic Boosters Dana Rausch The Wynford Academic Boosters have been quite busy these last several months fulfilling many new requests from funds provided by our membership drive throughout Wynford Schools. Thank you, Wynford Community for your continued support of these projects. Last year many school-supported organizations were informed by the State of Ohio that we must begin filing yearly activity reports. With those requirements came many updates and changes necessary for the Academic Boosters. With the help of Roger Miller and Terry Gernert we were able to make those changes. Thank you to Roger and Terry for all your time and services during this time of transition. We greatly appreciate your help and kindness. Each school year, materials are purchased for student incentives, awards, rewards, etc. Thank you to Dean Williams for his donation of products towards these events throughout the year. We appreciate your generousness. The boosters continually look forward to support all academics here at Wynford. Go Royals! The graduating class of 2013 was the 50th graduating class of Wynford and to celebrate the Golden Anniversary of the district, a wide range of activities and events WERE scheduled for the 2013-14 school year. Additional information and updates can be obtained at the Wynford Golden Anniversary website at: https://sites.google.com/site/whs50thcelebration/home The Golden Anniversary Committee hopes that all Wynford graduates will take advantage of the remaining opportunities below to celebrate the past traditions and successes of the Wynford Local Schools! Home Basketball Games 2/14/14 – (Boys) Colonel Crawford - Honoring past and present faculty/staff 2/15/14 – (Boys) Crestline - Honoring past and present pep band members and baseball teams* 2/22/14, 2/23/14 Royal Follies *Coaches will be honored with their respective teams. Past valedictorians will be honored at 2014 graduation. front and back of shirt Also available a limited number of hats for $15.00 (shirts are royal blue with grey letter An alumni t-shirt has been created for all alumni to wear throughout the year at these events. We currently have available t-shirts. If you are interested in purchasing one of these shirts, please fill out this order form and return it with $10.00 to AJ Reichard at the elementary office or Leesa Smith at the High School Office. Orders will be taken at different times throughout the year. Let’s pull together and show our Royal Spirit!! (Please fill out the following information and indicate how many of each size shirt your need) $10.00 each Name_______________________________ 1sst Period/Homeroom Teacher or phone#____________________ Adult Small________ Adult Medium______ Adult Large_________ Adult XL_________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE____________________ F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A PR I L 20 1 4 (Checks can be made out to Wynford) Page 11 Wynford Board of Education 3288 Holmes Center Road Bucyrus, Ohio 44820-9463 SCHOOL DELAYS AND CLOSINGS. . . The following radio and TV stations are notified when the Wynford schools are delayed or closed because of the weather. Please listen to these stations for school announcements and do not call the school. WQEL Bucyrus (92.7 FM) WXML Upper Sandusky (90.1 FM) WMAN Mansfield (1400 AM) WMFD—Mansfield WBCO Bucyrus (1540 AM) WMRN Marion (106.9 FM) “ “ (1490 AM) WVNO Mansfield (106.1 FM) WYNT (Upper Sandusky (95.9 FM) WTOL 11 (Toledo, Ohio) TV WYXZ Mansfield (98.7 FM) WYNFORD SCHOOLS TELEPHONE NUMBERS. . . Wynford Board of Education - 419-562-7828 Wynford Elementary - 419-562-4619 Wynford High School - 419-562-7828 Wynford Bus Garage - 419-562-5222 WYNFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION. . . Jeffrey Schiefer, President 900 Nevada Wynford Road Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 419-563-0448 Debbi Gifford, Member 5190 Marion Melmore Road Sycamore, Ohio 44882 419-569-4748 Steve Crall, Vice President 2114 Quaker Road Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 419-562-4420 Fred Hendricks, Member 4505 Holmes Center Road Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 419-569-3050 Rhonda Rowland, Member 4571 Holmes Center Ro Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 419-562-2977